Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, December 24, 1872, Image 1

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    VOL ,XIX.
- Agitator.
n I)t'
ruaLiagrt) Evrnir TtiZtiTUT ttY-
.: 172 0,,„ 0 ,„: 5Ft: prr a csit ra.crse,
‘4EAT'rERVA.:=42,OO per allot= in 4vauro..i74.
..,, ._ • .
. •
H.A.T.EB iil 4 ' Apr:BRIOINa. _.
Via. .
‘ • ._ .
hind. oin 191 n. 131 n," 41n; )11;01.N ea I col,
----.-,---'----' -•----
r 1, $ lOO $3 0 0 $3 0 0 $4 CA $OO O $9OO %)t
1 :"."qc 750 a 001,4 00 'OD7OO / 1 00 • /0 . 0 0
2 ..rzi 'El4> •
3 Wee.kis 2. 00 300 300 000 80013 00 18110'
1 Uoutta 2'3o L 4 00 600 700 3 (k3' LS, O 0 .2i7 00
2 M 0nt1.03 400 6 00 3.-,0 00 10 00 1200j20 00 28 03
:, Nlanttta 500 8 0013 00 13 00 15 004 23 00 35 10)
a Intitlie, i. 800 12.00 f 18 00 20 00 22 001 35 00 et) 01
I Year. 112 00 13 00,25 00 28 00 35 00160 00,100 09
.., , r
''''Alltii Iti
. ,
Advertisements are calculated by the inch iu length
column, and any less space 1c rated as a full inch.
ei gn ativertiaemen4 must be paid for before in
! ; ri biu, except on yearly GOntracts, when lialflearly
~.%y :clouts in advance will be required.
nJaiunes Norioxsltl the, Editorial columns, ou the
e e.!outt page, laceuts per line each luierilon.
g Inserted for Visa than tkl.
i..oeAr. 'NOTICES u LCk'ta column, cents per flue If
more than tire lines ; and 50 cents for a notice of dve
Ilona or lean.
As:oUNCF.IIENTS of MAIMIACIES and l)v....rna ins erted
free 'out all obituary notices h Fharged 10 mute
per line.
SrECIAL NOTICES r.O per cent aboveregular ret
lit - revives thumb 5 lines or less, $5,00 per year. s.
Business Cards.
Batchelder & Johnson,
- ,
~iu:rniwh:rere Tombatoura, Table
Topl. Cuautera, 14e. Call aud sae. 81. top,
~NValti at.,
uppimito Fonudry, Wallaboro, .13t."—July 3, 1672.
A. Redfield,
ions pcomptlyattundol to.—Blosiburg, 7 inga corn
ty, .Yeau'a., Apr. 1, 11:172-9m.
C. H. Seymour,
ATTOIINk.II7 AT LAM, Tioga Pa. AU baslues.4 r.u•
trusted to We caw recatt'e ptingpt attentiou.—
Jai,. 1, IV.I.
Geo. 'W. - Merrick,
A WV LAW.— (Alice In-Bon - en Couo's
Moab, across tall from Agitator Unice, 2d floor,
Welosboro, Pa.—Jan. 1. 1612.
Mitchell a Cameron,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Claim and Insurance Agenta.
Office in Converse & Williams brick block, over
Converao 8;7 Oegood's Store, Wellsboro, Pa.---Tan. 1,
William A. Stone,
ATTO :1 4 N - .±`l. AT LAW, over C. B;Delley's Dry Goll d
Store, Wright & Bailey's Block on Main street.
Wellaboro, Jan. 1,1872. -
L. D. Taylor,
PURE WINES, LIQUOW3 tail) szokes at 'Wholesale
'and B clone House block, Wellabor°, Pa.
Dec, 3. 1872 ;
Josiah Emery,
6.TTORN".E3. AT LAW.—Office opposite Court Route,
N0..4 Purdy% Vock, Williamsport, Pi. All business
promptly attended to.--,Tan. 1, 1872. .
J. C. Strang,
0 Mel trithJ. %Niles, Esq., We'il2boro, Pa Jan. I,' 72,
C. I. Dartt, .
DENTIST.—Teeth =Lade with the t v ziapitotzlmir.
Viateli give better eats faction thou an thing else;
iu use. Odic° in Wright & Bailey's /flock. \Vena
l:2er% Oct. 15, 1072.
• 3, B. Niles,
aTTORZTEY I T LANT.—WiII attend promptly hue
inceo en'trea'ted to his rare in the countios of Tioga
and Putter. Oelto on the"Aveune.-.=NYaolmro;Pa. ,
Jan. 1,1874.
Jno. W. Adams,
4. 1:1011:SEI Ilur.gield. nog% eotinty,_Ya
pflirrtirlf attatitlett tZ;.:---Jan, 1, 187.1:
C, L, Peck,
arioNiZZY AT Law,'. Allolaimsyromptly collected'
t.)l3lce with W. D. *nab, linoxyl3lo,noga Co., ku,
U. 13. Kelly.
Dealer in Crpc.kery. China and Glasse were, Table Cut
Eery and 'Plated Ware. Also Table and Houses Fur
lug 1 / 4 .l,:•This —Wellebuco, Pa., Sept. 17, 1572..
Jno. W. Guernsey,
earoligEY AT baldness entrusted to him
will be promptly attend sa to.—Office 11t door south
‘>l Wickham Varr's store, Tloga, Tiogs county, ka.
Jan. 1,1872.
Armstrong & Linn,
ATTORI4E.Y.6 AT LAW, Williamsport, Pa,
Wst. 11. imuntoso.
811113 IL LIVX.
Wm. Bi Smith,
WEN3ION ATIORICES, Bounty and Insurance Agent
C'ommunicatfons eent to the above, address will re
ears prompt attention. Terms moderate.—Knox
vine, i's. Jan. 1, 1972.
- B. C. Wheelet -
Will promptly attend to the collection of all claims in
Tioga county. (Slice with Henry Sherwood S Sou,
east side of the public square, WellsbOro, Pa.
Uoi. i 5. iBl2.
Barnes & Roy,
JOB PRINTERS.—AN Was of Job Printing done on
short notice, and in the beat manner. Office in Bow
en d Cone's Block, 2d floor.—Jau. 1, 1872.
W. D. Trbell. & Co.,
WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, and dealers in Wall Paper,
Kerosene Lsmps, Window Giaee, Perfumery, Paints,
Oils, 4 - .e.—Corning, N. Y. JAIL 1 102.
D. Bacon, au. D.,
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON—May be ' fouud at his
ofileo Ist door East of Miss 'fold's,—Main
Will attcucl promptly to all ealls.—Wellsboro,
Jan. 1, 1872. _
A. M. Ingham, M. D.,
tioNuEopATHisT. Ottleo at his residence on the Av
enas.---Wellshoro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1872.
Seeley, Coats &
11.A.:ind:t13, lino:1111e, rioga Co., Pa.—Receive money
.111 L p.fstt, discount mates, and sell drafts .n New
. Culle.;tl..ne promptly made.
NionitaN HeFix.y. Osceola. Vinn CRANDALL,
lan 1a72. 1.) v nCu.lra,hnoxvllle
J. Parkhurst .c• Co.,
Mit1.)0131.7,tr_,0 Tr,,Gt Cu 4 .P.s.
Pairfutras - f,
C: L. PAT-m-rs.
Jan. 1,172
Yak }Tome,
tkABIII.S','ILT,T.:. ?A A. `it".l^.c.prktto Tbis
iio aiio is in ccod cohditiari t accs rai - podat e the travel.
tug ;a a skiperi or manner.--Tan. 1, 1872.,
Petrolium House,
WI: - Tiir1411):1`.',..; nu). Closn,
for both man and bast. CharFs , ..s
acc:1;:•. rr,3 attention t;l'.en to g::est?.
1, 1c7;.,.
iii s. Mary E Lamb..
Mi'LLlNEtili.'—'l7;el.l.7.a iiaJrin her irieadc and. tha
pWalle generally ttazt i h Las enlagod in the
Cry and rancyllacas basil:Jana in this boro, an(l that
aha 'ethe,r to .ht, :Az) , k
Convetsof:-711;ilnas.-34=-1. F.E. , up.t.t.
ch.arge Of the making and trinnalitur department and
w:4l give her attention e - relusively . tc it.-.N0r..12.,V2.41.
elisboro Hotel,
Wellsboro, Fa
sOL. BUNNEL, Rropt.r.
. ,
TO" is a popular Hotel lately kept by B. B Holiday.
The Propi fetus will spare no pains to maim it a first
dons house. An the etages tsars and deport from this
house. .. good hostler in attendance. .45:1`Ltrery at
JEUI. 1. 1E172'.
THE - OLD - ' •
LATELY known as the Townsenl House and
firifor a tive occupied by D. D. y, has been
thoronthly refitted and repaioody
-,PONN. R. •
Rho will be happy to accommodate tit" d friends of
the house et very reasonable ratee.
Jan. 1, 1812- ly, M. . I 'OOIINDR.
A. 11, RASTA/AA,
• alamovwxgaris.
Opposite Cone Ronne. Teeth extracted cdtnout
'Pan?. Art - motel inserted on short. notice, at reduced
Prices. Pz*sgrvatiOxi 6t the naturil a speciality: Cali
riud s ehelitictilten44,- Sept, 17, 1872-tf.
~_ •
•Cireall iee the "Altiet'of Sewing Irer.bines
en extbittote at A. B. Eastman's and.hear the celebrat•
14 'll:ity Off." Wellaboro, Sept. 17, 12-tf.
161 • * 4
IA • - ' •
Wellsboro - &-lav
_Tinittj Ta.
Tat:ea EguetiMni
tiovio _mann!.
p.m. p.m. BAD.. 14-11 i. p.m. B.ln,
150 ti 35 10 Da - .t..7. Coming, Ilep. 400 735 500
13 2'i 480 855 L'ville 900 840 .13 18
12 13 11 23 841 Dep. Dnuniuw9 11 040 828
11.1.. a.
12 08 419. 840 - 14113rcp 915 `8 50 833
11 40 496 495 l'icyge. V%11:1g.3 929' 9 94 953
11 28 .-3 52 812 - 11.0turnoul1 • 943 1J 15 713
11 13. - 3 43 803 11111's Creel:, 8 IS3 927 729
11 07 340 500 116111,14 y 9r4 930 720
10 57 a 32 769 i Middlebury - 10 03 ;138 7 113
10 49 827 '7 47 NlleBVrilley 10 03 910 717
10 30 .3 10 739 81.°3888111;• 10 16 961 7 51.
10 25 310 731 D. Wellsboro, Arr. 10 25 10 00 010
43 . Oltnrlestou, 10 52
03 Summit, 11 12
' -
110 Antrim, 11 45 •
1 A. H. (101 . 3.T0N, Snpl.ri
illossburg & Coining It reiogn M. It.
Time Till)le No: 82. -
. Takeil Elrect Monday June 341, 1872.
tiI.E.PAIIT F 11021( 0111....11NC1., 111 ARRIVE AT IILOEISTMUCt.
O. 1 8 (8J a. m. :to. 1 - 10 93 a. In.
~ q . 7 :15 p. m. • • :1 ' 10 56 p.`ni.
4 * 15....... ..... ,2. 20 p. tn. "16 625 p. tit.
DEPAIIT rolim nI.Oi3HVISfI., ATI111 , ;11 AT Coin u;.
No .... .. 24& p. In. :in. 2....... ...... 566 p.m.
••. ...... .... 705 p, rn " 4...... ...1n 00 a. in.
So 8 7 20 a. ni. i No. 8.,. 11 15 a. in.
A. H. (10HTON, iinpl 13:.0 C, 11. it.
1.. 11. iiLtATTUCK, Sup't Tinge B. It.
Msil dr.r. Williiittruport ' 9,00 rt. tir.
Aceuninoclation dep. Nfillianieport ' p. ni.
Mull seri ve at Williamsport 6 Di p. tn.
Aceornmodstion :relive at Williamsport,— —.9.'25 a Ili.
Au additional train leaves Depot et Horan. House,
W'rn,,port, at 9.65 a. in.•—for Philadelphia,
,Yrtfk, Doston and triteridediate points. Iteturniug,
direetonuection'iq 11,1 flt h ) WilllUIIIII;Oit with trains
for the west:
No eliattgq of eats between Philadelphia. New Vorli
and Williamsport. WEE% Sire/.
Erie Hallway.
TIME TABLE. AnotrizD JUNE 3D, 1872.
Nev.' and improyed -Drawing Room and Steepiug
eilieliert, cottliztittug all- modern Iraprutnneniv, ar.•
run through ot - sll txran`at , b,rwrpil New rorh, Boctil•t,-
tttr, Buffalo, IN.:lattara Paha, Susponsion Bridge, Cleve•
laud and einottutald.',
WV.II ward.
N. york, Lye.
Elmira, "
Corning, "
Pt.'d Post, g.
Roeliestgr. Arr
Buffalo, gr
Niag,. Falls
5 a. m. ' except Sundays, from Orrego for Horne
rills and Way.
6 16 a. m., except Sundaya, from gesqueh'ar.r..a for
Hnrnellayille and Way.
, 5 50 a. tn., daily frau t.-tualuebanna for liornellsville
'and Way.
110 p. m., except Sundays, from -- xarams for &ron.
to Buffalo and Way.- '
220 g. m., except Sundays, from .11rughamton for
licrnellsville and W.
, 6TATIONS- I - :it,. 17. AT NC. 4. I No. 3- t
Durairk. live f 1225 p m . ..... .. I 1006 pm ,
Slag. Falls," 145 " I 050 p m I 1012 pm I 7 13am
Bugal,o, . - 230 " I 6'25 " I 1135 •' I 745
Horn'lsve, " 605 Sup. 10 30 " i 315 am lO 00 "
Rochester, " 4 o.lp in 530 " I - .8 00 "
Cornlag, "17 25 " 12 01.. 1437 " I 1202 pm
Elmira, --.! I 8 ca- .; 12 40 am 1013 " 11248 - "
Eixig'rrart. " I i l lO 10 I-2 35 •'I 712 " i 235
New 7-01:," I 700 am.l 11 10 " I 3 30pm I „9 55 !'•
• )6e.. M.,. except Sundays, from 1.10-nellaxial•f%::
Owego and Way. ,
5 (g) a.- na., daily from Ifornelleville for P.u.elnehaune.
and Way.
.. 7 20 a. m..„. except Sundays, from Hornelisevill-,t fox
Binghamton and Way.
7 00 0. m., except Sundaya, from Owego for er,eque
henna ind Way.
2 3.0 p. xrk- except Sunde.ye, from . Painted Pest .6i.•
Elmira and Way.
tap: m.:;;•..e.xcept..Snndaye, frani.llbtnl3llaVille for
flusqnehe.nne. and Way.
_ *Daily.
?Mondays excepted, between Susquehanna and Port
Through Tickets to all points West,at the very Low
est Bales, for sale in the Companyonlce at the Corn
ing Depot. •
This is the only authorized Agency of the Erie Rail
way Company for the sale of Western Tickets in Corn* ,
Baggage will be checked only on Ticket's . purchased
'at the Company's' °f ace.
Northern Central - Railway.
Trains Arrive and depart at Troy, :Once June Stb, 1;172
Niagara Express., 4.07 pto Balril. Express, it IS pin
Mill, ...... 9 pnt Fla!aria Expreas, 916 p in
Cincinnati Exp. 10 20 ain Mail, t. 62 aLa
A. It. FISKE, Gcn'l Sup't.
Jan. 1, 1871
E. B. Yt,USty
Booksellers and Stationer,
Wall Paper, -
Window F,hadcs
Ynnks Notions,
Picture Traraes and Glr..7s.
Pictures, alrtcrts,
Pic; re Cord, -
I,•rw nlenks
Justice Blanks,
Blank Books, all sires,
lieTiSpaper3, MagaZirin,
Writing Bette, -
. ArtiEtlq:::-cts,
Law Bonl:s,
Mental Byots,
Religious Be•Au3
and ever:* article In cntr tine of trade
—New York Dailies at One Dollar a month.
—Elmira Dailies at 75 Cents a month.
—Subecriptions for v. week, or month, or year,
—Ord , rs for Books not in stock promptly attend ed to
—An Express rickage received from Now York ev
try day.
-4 1 ;e ars Agents of the Anchor Line and the tildfni
Line of U. S. Mail Ocean, Stcernere. Passage tickets to
end from any point in Europe at the locst rats s,
—Sight Drafts ['old on any Bank iu Europe z..1 - cnr.
rent rates of Exchange:
Jan.:24, 18724 y
ya M now building at my manufactory, in e
a superior
which possesses the following advantages over all other
mills :
1. It separates rye, oats, rat litter, and foul seed, and
chess, and cockle, from wheat. •
2. It l eletunrilax seed, takes out yellow seed, and all
other seedq,perfectly.
3- It clectis timothy need. •
4. It does all other-separating required of a tirj)
• This DIM is built of the beet and Most aurar , te tau.
:her, in good style;•and is hold cheaplor cash, r•r pro
duce. ,
will lit 'a patent sieve, for e r eparatitig oats from
wheat, to other mills, on reasonable terms. •
Lawracirrille, L 1102. J. a JirATHX/I.
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11. it.
rie' No. 4.
Iline :
0(.47.4 rocps. I
C 4 9
Catawissa Ra
newt, Foal of Nue HUM, Nillliamport, Pa
No. 7.t
1 0 Dam 530 pm
9 35 pm 300 am
12 10 ". 520 "
1 20am5 59
1 25 "
No. 1.
00 a m
444 p
fi 35 "
7 D 7 "
'lO 33 "
.99-o:3up• v 0 "
12 0i33.81 810 am
125 - 6 am 960 •' 1r.,0 " I 803 "
Ea hard
tion'l Pa 'f AO
as follows
E. B. Young & Cam ,
(Suceeseors of Hugh young F; Co.)
"end Dealers. in
WITatON7 Fixturtz,
Musical Instrurntitt3,
.E. 13. YOUNG CO
DERBY 4:!6 - '
lAV ju.t rtAtiFtked from %,Ith the largest
stock et ,
ever brouglit into Wellatro,
ccrusidttripot! '
Eadt,6' Rid and cloth Bal.-
morals and Gcai
:Misses, Childrem
and Babris shoe.s.
Gelitp' Cloth, BoolS ,S-Shoes l
.Prince ..41b e7't Calf Boots,
Calf Boots
• Youths' Boots
In fact all lands An' 'Ali-114' and IVotw- r ;:ept
a itrzt•citists Shia ky,,,,tpwit
Shoes eviT ()tiered in tiiim t: e• titly world
If von don't try mi. W buy only - the I,.ent,
stuck, and bave, se good iln:,hvainero La huiLwy n
REPAIRING dont. neat , a divat , ll.,
Leather andi Fiat - lags
c of all tholf;
Cash. paid for lidos, I_)ent.9li Skins,
iraviigjw.‘t fdllad up ogi .I,Al'a eliptc, Mock,
selected ivr tt ds , lizeirkel.,Wq:l,etipt , 4fizny
Solidi a fair share of trade. 4mnll protitr, +out quick.
returns," We betielt• god be,dtese Megan
and we hold the be,t ie ; the e h t
keep no shoddy. ttt,e 11148011.11”.1:1 f. si.“ll.:;e:ii. iv levet
all sizes and taatee. We imitA ~er pet tons and the
public generally to 31111 eX:lllliDt, 4.0 r at , . a. Nu
trouble to Alu' geetis , to d.h.r
no r th 016, }). Kellf•y•A Main tittted Wtdihtivro,
May 1, MI . I:tritiN .' I'l:if-Mill.
1 - ,
Aall.LL hinds: atylca - 1.1:(1 a1;:,..a ~ f .P:ctii:ee tei,, , n and
executed in , artigtic charmer at 1). H. Nutainorea
'ery, opposite Cone House, Wellaboto.
Portraits oil Porcelain Plates,
Nothing finer eau be ‘ , ll,trAti than thr.;e Lc ant, fol Pcr
celain Plaines in a veil et ease or Lame-. Their eoft,
news and delicacy are sayer:ex to aaything produced
on iron or paper. If you want a
7 03 p vn
340 am
5 35
fi 17
7 20 lift
12 4Epm
4'5 pm
115 "
10 32
7 25 Elf,
11 sam
12 30pm
115 "
cf7oureelf, go to 1-ZereJ..Lore.'e
If you. want the very best tr.P..t cam g.f , to
. .N4rarnores.
iou want a ornetbini - ALatlocin you, go to .t:ar
Ambrotyjpe, or other rf,cenrcs ccpier and 'merged, he
can do that .as rcasotiallo as any ether
will be linisheti in Oil or Water Cniors when
'Persons tyishing pir'Mres cf chili
will receive especial atteutxu.
A large assortment Fran,ca ar4 Emiting Mcteria)
constantly on hand. All Linos o:
Pictiuree PrArii.v<l Vag 4e3
N. 13.—Dor.'t inists...kr the pla•^e. nce. A. D. Eastman's
Dental Hcomv.
April 24, 1872.-tf
New Boot, Seri!, Leather
New Shop, New Stock, and fira
elas:i 1.-Work!
NYTISINO front a Stand Caa. to Kid 9.ltcr :;car
lino 01
Ladies' Kid and Cloth Bal
lnOralS and Gaiters,
Ditto Children's
Gents' Cloth,. chloroeco, and
Calf Gaiters. Oxford
and Prince Albert
A good Hue of OVF.ltfcriOlf 4 , enri ti full line of
ranging; in price from s4,u) to 4'7 vo.ptTged wild sewed
from *5,00 to $15,00, and m or th the 111011 l y every t;nm
The undernigitmel rpcht t. - ..venty 'years of his
life in Welleboro—much of the time cu rue %tool ,t
penitence, drawing the cord ci affliction tor thy; gocd
of soles, believes rather in haiumering than blowing.
Itherefure, he will wily remark to his ohd customers
and as many new ones as i•lu , i,se to else 11,111 a call,
that he may be found at his new shop, nett door to B,
T. Van Horn's ware roor.is, with the herr sea ellevr•
eat stock in Tioga county,
Wellsboio, April 24, -
Wm. NY
Ltaest impro - (2, tronce `.71-i.i.;: FiI7J3T,
IlasSelf 36ttiAg ap.o. improl-ed
ILIT put cut cc crt,tl pat tio2r.*.v.a. , Llng ti
V V sold on easy, monthly rAytn
Before purchasing, call and nltainine
at L. F. Truman's store In imp! o,
Machine Silk, TWASt, Cotton and Nee 31e‘: of all kinds
constantly on band.
N. B.—Machines of_all kinds reralra.tt on ressonaLls
Nov. 9, 11372-e tn.
Tioga Marl& Work;,
lIE undersigned le now prepared to et:fit::W. , 4 1 1 )r
-IE, dors for Tomb Stones and .q...numnets of rit),,t
Italian or'-Rutland jfarble
id the latest style and approveqf wort:tufa:ship erect a ith
Re keeps constantly on. hand both kinds of Marble
end will be able to suit all who way favor him with
their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained
in the country
UST:I) 3il Tax o It:.
Pelts LU Furs
Good Pielure
If yourant 2.,74 ;type,
NARA - 1,1.011E
Leather and Findings
at the lowept lat4:t3, ni usual
6Os r ."-re ,
C, l "
E. jENNINGS, Agt at
nY AXFIuM 170S.fAM.TT.
It was the Cahn hnii - anent night!
Eleven hundred yearn and ility.thren
Bad. tome been groving,np to might. ,
'And now ivaA liner n of land and sea.
No sound was h.-ard of clashing wars—.
Peace brooded o'er - the hushed dorasinj'
Apollo, Pal>ao, Jove and Mare - '
Bold undistuited their ancient coign, •
In the solemn. midnight_
Centuries ago. '
'Twos in the calm and silent nlgl4
The senator of haughty Rome,
Impatient, urged his chSriot's flight, -
FroM lordly revel rolling home;
Triumphal arches, gleaming, swell
Ilia breast with thoughts of boundless sway;
'What recited the Roman what befell
A paltry province far sway, - -
tho nolonan midnight,
Centuries agb?
Within that province far an
. Went plodding borne a weary boor;
A streak of light before him /ay.
Fallen through a half shut stable-deo/.
Across his path. ' no,passed—for uautbt
Told what was going on within; ,
Bow keen the stars, his only thought--
The air how calm, and cold, And thin,
In,the solenui midnight,
Centuries ago !
O, strange indifference! low and high ,
Drowsed over common Joys and cams;
The earth was still—hut knew not why
The world was listening, unawares.
Flow calm a moment may precede
boo that shall thrill the world for ever! •
To that still moment, none would heed,
Man's doom was linked no ntore to sever—
, In the solemn midnight,.
Centuries ago,!
It is the calm and solemn night,
A thousand bells ring nut; and throw
Their joyous peals abroad, and smite
Tho darkness—charmed and holy now I .
The night that erst no name had worn,'
To it a happy name Is given; -
For in that stablo lay, new-born, , r
The peaceful Prince of earth and heaven, I
In the solemn midnight,
Centuries ago I
" So you've determined not to- come and,
spend the. Christmas Vsl6. with us?"
"My dear old boy, if I do good-bye
to my chance of a first,i and therefore a long
farewell to my hope of 'a felloWship."
The first speaker was Walter Carew, heir
to one of the richest baronetcies in wealthy
Beeveshire, and gentleman commoner of St.
Guthlac's College, Oxford, on which fine
old foundation his friend Charlie Brandreth
was a scholar.
"'Well, then; at all events you'll come and'
stay somewhere handy, so that you can
spend yonr Christmas and New Year's Day
with us?".
" To have you come and chewy me off my
work every day?" said Brandreth.
" NO; 'pon honor I won't. There's a farm
of the governor's at Bishop's Climstolte, five
miles from the nearest station, and that's an
hour and a half from us; They're excellent
people, and will put you up capitally, and
for a moderate screw. Say yes, and I'll
write to old Dimsdale about it by this eve;
ning's post." '
"It is a tempting idea. Areyou sure
there is nothing about the r eality to keep a,
fellow from reading?"
" Not more than any other place on this ,
jolly sphere. You know I'm no judge. As
my old coach used to say, the only place
where I shouldhe likely to stick to reading„
would be Eddystone Lighthouse, and then l •
I should have to promise not to fish."
"Well, I confesk with all my anxiety forl
a class, I don't quit the notion of:
'Christmas Day in 0i ord and solitude,- so I
I'll say yes."
The upshot of thisieonversation was that'
the beginning of thel - Jhristmas• Vac.' found ,"-
Brandreth comfortaby settled at DoVecote-i
Farm, in the retired little village' of 'Bich-.;
op's Cliiiistoke. He found the Dimsdalee
very agreeable people, and rather superior
to his notion of farmer life. The family; l
consisted of old Dimsdale, an honest and'
energetic man, his wife, 'a very homely and:
easy-going body,:and Rose, their daughter,- f
a girl of about eighteen, and pretty enough-S
to deserve to be, what Brandretli sOon"dis
covered she was, the, belle Of Bishop's Ohm
Brandreth had been thrown on the world
an orphan at an early age, with no kith or
kin, save an old bachelor uncle, who was
his guardian until he became of age—an
event which had taken place a 'couple of
years before the date of this story. lie had
therefore never known womanly kindness
or attention; and the care and thought
which Rose bestowed on him as their visitor
came upon him with no less novelty than
'enjoyment. She, on the other hand, having
been accustomed only to the awkWard horn :
age of rustic admirers, Nras. charnied with
the relined and respectful attention .which
Brandreth natufally.paid to a woman.
It was hardly likely' that such a state of
feeling should remain at a fixed point,, and
it was scarcely-probable WO it would suffer
diminution. It naturally deepened and
strengthened. Brandretli, with a man's in
stinct of rivalry,-could not bear to see a girl
like Rose surrounded by such clowns ft 4 her
village suitors, and taking advantage of his
position as a visitor at her father's house, he
contrived on - all occasions tol monopolize
her, much to the chagrin of her rustic
swains, but greatly tb her satisfaction.
Poor, Rose! her guileless and unsophisti
cated nature saw no wrong, no danger, no
inequality in their love. How couldAe fail
to believe and return what she supposed to
be an honest and honorable passion? What
else could his attentions 'meta?
And now it was Christmas Eve, -and he
was about to start for Sir Ranulph Carew's.
to spend his Christmas. Poor girl, thobgh
the separation would only be for a day, it
seemed as if it was to be for ages. It wa.
her first experience of the bitters of love.
She stood in the hall, waiting to see him ,
ofr o ' with a sad heart, which sorely hindered
her in her appointed task—the decoration of
the old farm house with evergreens. _ '
At last Brandreth came down stairs fully
equipped , for the journey, which was likely
to prove h cold one, as the winter had be
gun to set in severely.
" Good-bye, Rosic! A merry Christmas
to you," said he cheerfully.
"And to yoti, too," said she, but in no
very merrytone.
"So you're doing the decorations, ch? 3
shall take the privilege of the season."
He caught up a bit of mistletoe,' and hold
ing it over her head bent down and kissed
It was the first time he had ever kissed
her, and it should have been pleasant, there
fore; but it was not. As he clrove'away to
ward the station he •*.called it again and
again, but with an uncomfortable feeling. a
self-reproachful dread.
Shall I tell you why? Because, when he
stooped down to kiss her, she had not turn
ed her head away, or tried to escape. She
had raised her face calmly and, innocently,
and met his" lips with hers. It was so sim
ply and trustfully done that there was noth
ing unmaidenly in the action. It shocked
him because it was a revelation. in that
kiss she had given him her heart. lie felt
he was a villain. He had won the poor
child's affection by false pretense; he had
blighted her happiness merely to gratify his
vanity; for, of course, as he kept repeating
to himself, there could be nothing between
them, their stations in life were so very dif
The line between the station at which he
entered the train and that near Sir Ra
nulph's seat ran close to the village of Bish
op's Climstoke, and as he was whirled rap•
idly by it and recognized many a familiar
spot, his heart grew sad to think what ,ecil
he had wrought in that quiet. hamlet, and
to the poor trusting girl who had given him
her heart,
" Before long, however, he found himself
at Sir Ranulph's hospitable mansion, where,
in the pleasure of meeting Walter and' in
the jollity of the season, , he soon forgot his
remorse, and dismissed the subject of his
cruelty from his mind.
It was, a thoroughly old-fashioned Christ
mas,' kept up in the regular old-fashioned
,style. When the Yule log, that was drawn
in by, n party of mummers, was laid on the
capacious hearth, and began to blaze, it was
not only the sap that'hissed. There were
big flakes of snow coming clown the wide
chimney, and they sputtered and steamed
as they fell on the hot log.
A week passed pleasantly enough, and
perhaps only too quickly. It required all
lirandreth's resolution to make up his mind
to tear himself away and get back to his
bCl9k6: - digou4t7. in doing so was not
raAN.E. Airtim
A Christmas Hymn.
A Tale of Two Christmases.
'.,;:. TOES:DAY,-PECEMT3E4 , 24, : : jS7:2.
decrease by the fact that his, friend's -only
{sister, Showed a decided partiality
for him;, which Walter - waaonlyltoo delight
ed ,to 'fogtOr, and Upon; Which Brandreth
could not help fancyingneither 'her father
!loot mother looked with any displeasure.
1 - =, 'However, ,by' a strong effort, he resisted
;:spell; ,arid'Oli,the',day after New Year's
!Day foundlimself in the train' on the re
turn jciertieY - to Bishop'S .Clim stoke. ~she
!passed the village, the reecillection of 'what
had happened when he left it came back to
!hint again vividly.,He co Ild not help re
Iproaching himself or his at 'entiOna to Edith
!as, a treason to Rose. A:n I yet, aftler all,
thOw could that be Rose Ind he Were so
{dine - ratify situated, is was absurd, to-think
ref atiything serious between them!
Rut when be arrived at the'farm he found
the Dimsdqles in sore distress and tribula
4tion. Base had gone that morning early to
!visit her grandmother in. the next 'village,
which lay, four miles off across the moot..—
.At midday—though Brandreth had been too
!much occupied with his thoughts to notice
:it—there had been a blinding snow storm of
long duration, andßese had not yet return
ed. They bad waited and hoped until the
lateness of the hour had driven them to tic
:knowledge the fear that they- had pot ven
tured to hint to each other—she must have
lost her way in the snow!
The whole village :WAS out iu search of
Per, but the moor was a wide one, full of
- gullies and water courses, and the peril was
extrente, the Dimsdales said.
Almost before they had finished speaking,
lirandreth bad seized his hat and stick . and -
httrried out% He 'did not know the moor at
fill, but he,fclt that he mould find her, -fie
MuSt find her or die, he said to himself, and
then wondered what - this violent feeling
Meant. ;
He could see lanterns moving about on all
sides, anti heard at intervals one body of
searchers Woofing to another. He strode
on in "darkness and in silence.
His ignorance of the moor did what - the
villagers' intimate acquaintance with it fail
ed, to do; they searched on -and about the
different paths;, he went blindly on, now
plunging inginto holes, now fa ling over ridges.
At last the ground seemed to open under
him—he felt himself falling into He
'could scarcely smother a cry. But the sen
sation had been', deceptive-he had merely
plunged into a water course. ,Rut as he
turned to scramble out tain, he l saw a
shred of gray cloth in the snow. He knew
it—it was Rose's cloak. - He threw himself
on his knees, and began madly • tearing the
snow away with 'his hands.
Yes, - it was she! , But was she, asleep—or
dead! He raised her from her cold couch,
and taking oft' his cloakand coat wrapped
them around , As he was to ing off the
latter he felt soniething in its poc et; thank
•Godl it 'as the brandy. flask '
ez w"
alter had
'pres.e on him when he st rted ' He con
triye •to pour a little betwe n h pale, mo
tionless lips; then catching ter p, with a
strength which surprised h m ven at the
time, he strode back along h scl arty-mark
ed track, covering her poor cold face with
.showers of
,warm kisses, and addressing her
in tne fondest terms of endearment.
It would be vain to attempt to picture the
joy andthe gratitude of the Dimsdales at
recovering their daughter, who, , thanks to
her warm wrappings and the, brandy, bad
already begun to show signs •of returning
consciousness when lirandreth, almost wea
ried out with his exertions, came staggering
into the farm house with her in his arms.
' '.But wearied as he was, that •night he did
.nOt sleep a wink; he lay awake trying, as
he had tried on the moor, to make out the
-road before him. Did he lore Rose? could
he make her his wife? And the spiritsof
pride was strong in him, and early in the
'morning be packed up his things, bade
'good-bye to Iktr. and Mrs. Dimsda.,e, left •ti.
*farewell for Rose, and went back to
: When he'had recovered from the fever by
Which he was proStrated immediately on his
xeturn to Oxford, Charles Brundreth set to
-work,with unabated zeal at his studies.
list came
examination arrived; and .when the
'list came out, the name of " Brandretk
Carolus, e. , Coll., Sti. Guth." was in
First Class. He took his degree, and in fin
other term had arrived at the bight of ,his
ambition—a fellowship. Btit somehow; all
his success failed to make him happy, 'He
had lost his pleasant old smile, as his friend
Walter complained; and thed wondered
whether.his old chum Chancy was wreiclied
to think he had'not proposed to Edith, to
whom the young Earl of Marston was now
paying suit with apparently every chance of
t 4 o—the year having now come nearly to
an end—W. , alter determined to ask Bran
&oh dow,n once again for the Christmas.—
" Who knows," said he to himself, " but he
may cut the Earl out? Be shall have my
assistance, anyhow"
He could not prevail for some time upon
his friend to accept the invitation; and- it
was not until he declared that he should.
terpret his refusal as a desire to, bring their
friendship to a close, that he got Brandreth
to promise to come. But even then he wo'd
not come an hour earlier than Christmas
Bo Brandreth made his arrangements for
the Journey. And then the recollection of
the same time lust year, and of the Dims
dales and dear old Bishop's Climstoke, came
bacli to him fresh and bright. In a gracious
mood he sat himself down and wrote to old
Dhnsdale, wishing hiM and his family the
compliments of the season. And then, just
as he was closing his letter, something came
over him, and he added
" I shall be able to utter the wish almost
within your hearing. for I am going down
by the evening mail on Christmas Eve to
spend - a short time at Sir Rantilph Carew's."
I oti May he sure t he letter was a pleasant
snrpri&e at _Dovecote Farm; for the simple.
minded old people never connected Charles
Brandreth w ith the sadness and gloom that
had come over Rose, that lied stolen the
color from her cheeks and the light irons,
her eyea, and that made her sigh and go
heavily like one weary of life. They only
thought of him as the preserver 'of Their
darling.; and they fancied the change in her
wiis due to the shock she had received when
she was lost in the snow.
" Why, dame!" said the farmer, brighten
ing, "'tis a letter front our 11 r. Brandrethl"
A cursed jackanapes:" came in a growl
from a dark corer. '
The former turned. It . Waß only- Black
Dick, as he was called in the viilhge, on:ill
favored lad, nut many degrees removed
from an idiot or a brute. He used to hang
about poor Rose, much to her horror, mak
ing a display of slavish admiration for her
that was almost revolting. -
" SVhat's wrong with thee, Dick?" said
the farmer.
A thrashed oh onst—on'y for eirr'in' a
bit mistletoein ma pocket to catch Rosie
" served you right, too!" said Mrs. Dims
dale, who shared Rose's )(wiling for the
creature. "lAnd what says Mr. Brandreth;
H e 's coming do-';n 'bore to stay 'long of
thesCarews, Jonri 'll v.-ish us a Merry Christ.
was as he passes along the line o' Christmas
Eve by the' mail train. Here's a Merry
Christmas to him, eh.' dame?"
Mrs. Dimsdale hehrtily joined in the wish:
and then - they began to talk of his stay at
the farm, and about Rose's rescue; - and they
did not notice the malicious grin with which
Black Dick stole out of the 'kitcben after
hearing the news contained in the postscript
of Charles Brandreth's letter.
" Cursed' jackanapes!" he muttered to
himself, us 1 - 1 e went pounding across the
frosty meadbws in the direction of the rail
v,,ay ; who: but 'e , broke Rosie's heart?
who but 'e 'as took the maid away from bos
honest village 'mates? . An"e, thrashed oi,
too! But I'll be even un!"
There V;tiZ no moon on Christmas Eve,
bu4,the stare we - e. bright in the frosty sky,
and the reflection from the thin sheet of
, snow that had firden in the morning reflect
ed what little light there was,
The throb - and rattle of the train that
rushed so rapidly along, bearing him toward
Bishop's Climetoke, seemed to ftill into reg
ular rhp,hm, and his imagination, heated
by remorseful memories, seemed to supply
it with words-
.4uthless. traitor! ruthless traitor!"
The words rang continually in his ears.—
He could not shut them out by reading;
they wore like the sounds that repeat theta-
WI/ea with: such maddening monotony to
man,in delirium, ' He was .positively grate
fui when he'recog...nized by certain familiar
landmarks that he 'vas approaching . Blab
.op's Climstolte.' He -opened'- the window
and leaned out. Still the train hurried on.
Now he could see the tower of the church.;
he was -getting near,. the:.rillage; he would
,:jee the farm in a minute. -
•Ah! what was that? Some black object
moving down the side of the embankment
a little way ahead,.. The engine - driver must
have seen it, for hark! there is 'a warning
till of. a sudden the tone of the whistle is
changed; it becomes a shriek, as of, terror.
There follows a tremendous grinding of the
brakes hurriedly applied till the sparks - rush
from them in a stream. Then arise cries of
alarm; and then, over all, a crash—the train
heaves like x. - wounded snake; the carriages
seem to fall into :splinters:. A grinding,
Crushing • roar—the . bellowing of escaping
steatn—the hissing of water dung upon live
coals! All this compressed into a minute's
space; and this the , last thing of which
Charles Bran dretli-is conscious!
Those of the guards who are uninjured
set to work to learn how the accident arose,
and to-extricate the passengers. - They,find
the line has been blocked with several sleep
ers and uptorn rails, which-have thrown the
engine off the track:: - It has been overturn
ed in its fall. Stoker and driver have both
been thrown some distance, and lie dead or
insensible—it cannot be ascertained 'clearly
which just yet.
- But there's Some one under the engine,
for all that! They can hear faint moan
ing. Whoever it is, he's as good as dead—
*what with beihg crushed, and' burnt, and
Scalded, all at the sane time. They extri
cate him.
It is a young fellow, apparently a farm
laborer. It is promptly conjectured that he
is the - person who placed the obstruction on
the line; and when the question is put to
him hedoes not deny it, Just at that mo
ment they arc carrying past the' apparently
lifeless body of one whose dress seems to
indicate that heis a clergyman. A ghastly
red cut across the face lightens its pallor.
The bystanders acknowledge with a ,shud
derthe presence of death.
The wretched author of, the calamity,
grins a terrible grin, half of agony, half of'
"I be done for—but I ha' killed 'un! I
ha' killed 'un, for surel",
And with that he falls to writhing, and
dies like a - crushed- viper.
And just then a big, burly figure coines
pushing through the crowd.
" Mr.- Brandreth! Mr. Brandreth!' are you
hurt? 'Where are you. - sir? Have ye any
o' yee seen a clergy—"
And then . he catches sight of the dead
body, and all he can find breath to say is,
"Oh, my God! he is dead!"
But Charles Brandreth was not dead.—
" Better he had been," be thinks when, af
ter a long, lingering recovery froth the
worst, be learns from the doctor that he is
hopelessly disfigured, and that he will be a
deformed cripple for life!-
.r He shudders and turns away from a gen=
te hand that is laid on his shoulder—oh, so
softly! It does not put him to physical
pain, but it racks him with mental Aorture.
For there is the ghost Of poor Rose—the
specter now of the pretty girl he - knew—
waiting on him, tending him, nursing him,
patiently, devotedly, unwearyingly. Ipto
somehow be feels there is a barrier between
them. Not the cruel old barrier of pride
that he had built up. In his humiliation,
in the silent hours of waking, in the con
stant school of pain, he has learnt to see
clearly now. The barrier is none of his
raising. It is interposed between them b'
Rose. If he were the merest stranger, she
could not keep him more coldly at a dis
tance with her face emotionless as a mask,
and her demure " Yes ' sir," and "No, sir!"
He prays for death; but be feels that be
will live. And - .the thought of what life
means to him now is unendrable.
One day when he is, as heinpposes, alone,
he complains aloud, reproaching himself for
the past.
"I blighted her life, and mine is darken
ed! I killed the prettiness in her face, and
mine is made a horror. . I deserve it=and
yet it is sad to think of the doom the doc=
tor passes—a disfigured,, deformed cripple
for life!"
And then suddenly he feels two arms
around his neck, and a shower of kisses on
his forehead, and he hears Posies voice sob
bing: "My darling!—my darling! yes, I
dare to call you so now—my own! my own!
Dearer to me now than ever!—doubly dear,
for they will 71(it steal you from me now!"
"Merciful Heaven! what have I done to
deserve this?" he gasps.
And from that day he begins to - niend
There is little more to ndd, but that little
is. good.
Ranulph, disantisfied with the opinion
of the local surgeon, sends to town for the
first surgeon of the day, .who comes down
with his cheerful face and his noble gray
head—grown gray in the F service of Titter
ing humanity—and lie takes a brighter view
of the case, and a more correct one, which
is better still.
For, by the time. Clu Brandreth is
well enough to move abont again, and goes
to take the tat - college living for whibh, he
exchanges his fellowship, you would never
guess from hi straight, well-proportioned
figure, that he had ever been such a shat
tered wreck as he has been. There's JAst
the shadow of ft limp in his walk, and'there
is the white seam of a long scar on his'brow
—but you can only see it when you are very
near him.
But Rose, his. beloved wife, Aviv) is: nearer
and dearer to him than any one else in the
world, vowa - she cannot see anything of E a ,
disfigurement, or any fault or imperfection
at all in her ,husband —London4-s:odd?,
Estimatez of Horace Greeley
Below we print portions of interesting
and able articles on lir. GrWey. The first,
from the Philadelphia _Yarn American, is,-
we believe, by a pen withwhich our read
ers have long:been familiar; the second,
from the New Fork Sun, was written by
Mr. Dana. who *as for many years an inti
mate friend of ..31r. Greeley and a co-worker
with him on the TiOune :
" Since 1854 no man has exercised so
great an influence in shaping and modifying
public Sentiment, as mgards political quo:
tions, as Horace Greeley. It -has been usual
to attribute this intiuence,to a 'commanding
intellect. This we believe to have been ,a
mistake. His intellect was - remarkable, ra
ther than commanding; verSalile, rather
than subtle- or profound: In resources it
seemed inexhaustible; but when the works
to which he bent all his energies are candid
ly examined, their Philosophy will be found
to he rather theoretical than experimental,
and their deductions rather from what he
felt and believed, than from what he saw
and knew. Ile saw the beginning and the
conclusion of things, but the intermediate
was to hira a sealed 'book. 'Thus Horace
Greeley was not a logician in any important
meaning of the term. The elaborate reas
oning processes observable in the Writings
and speeches 0 such men as Seward and
Calhoun were trotemployed by Mr. Greeley.
He Carried conviction by his terrible earn
estness, and thus, while he swayed the mass
es, he only commended himself to intellec
tual peers and superiors through his remark•
able power over his miscellaneous audience.
" Horace Greeley was a man of sensitive
conscience- It was his misfortune to think
better of; some men and -worse of others
than they deserved. But that be was - ever
guilty of willful wrong in dealing with men
v: ill never be counted against him by any
candid man His perception of right and
wrong, -in the abstract, was remarkably
clear, and few men of so much ability have
ever been truer to their ideal than-he. But
when called to deal with the concrete he
stumbled and fell continually. -It was' this
inability to trace anything, front its premiss
through the intermediate to its conclusion
that gained him his reputation for inconsis
tency.. When the war broke -out no , man
sooner recognized the fact that the only ro4
to peace lay in subjugation. He passed to
the objective point with ease and certainty.
Hence, his cry—" On to Riclunond"—whiCih
recoiled upon him with such fearful force
and injustice after the Bull Run disnater;—
Re Imo LuctilAblo ecomplaentling the
. .
'.recesses Of conflict between positive pow'.
e •. He a et* the nucleus of rebellion at
RI tniond. With all his terrible 'earnest
ness • e bridged the intertnediate; and urged
the b .w at the, heart of the evil." 'And
when, th • disaster came; it found • hirn,nvera
.whelmed t th remorse. -It way .a Peetillar
ity of the in /4 that lie daily tank ail there
anon/41)1110 upon his own ahotd era. He
magnified his office, net without show of
reason; for to his — twiessive warf re upon
the Slave Power ' the, precipitatio ,of -war
was charged by the Demoeratinp as of the
country. It was part and pared Of Widw:
acter to accept the i responeibilit .; Even,
Mien events proved thet lilt ' Gre le was
but one among many instrumentalitie em
ployed to, rid the nation of a 'giant' e 1; he
never ceased to bear the burden. It as a
characteristic mistake of the man to gard
himself as a cause, - whereita he was n lyam
instrument of a cause. But insti:tin tall
ties pertain to intermediate processes, of
which he was utterly ignorant. lil.is' theory
of resumption proceeded from this inability
to comprehend the intermediate. In this.
respect the character of Horace Greeley is
in strong contrast to that of Abraham Lin
coln. The latter was an ekperlmental phi-'
losopher. Mr. Greeley was a, theoretical
philosopher. Mr. Lincoln never, brany ac
cident,, moved in advance of the ,people.—
Mr. Greeley naturally, by mental character.
istic and temperament, kept in ' advance of
public sentiment, and sometimes maintain
ed a position 4a) fer in adVande that CommU-
Mention ceased between him and the'masses
he attempted to control. * * ; *
"In many respects he was an intellectual
marvel: As a journalist heliad no equal in
either hemisphere. - . Many 'of his 'botem-po
raries wrote with greater :profundity, but
none possessed his intuitive knowledge of ,
almost every known subject: There are
lawyers who become noted shitply because
of their intuitive perception of the true ap
plication of the principles of law. , They
are even superior to books in many respects.
Such are lawyers by nature., They aro "to
the manor born." It may be said of Mr.
Greeley that he was born an editor. He
had the journalistic temperament, aril this,
with a tenacious memory and remarkable
intuition, gave him such power as fekv men
have• enjoyed. Outside of• journalfsmi he
made a poor figure' indeed. His strong pOint
lay in pointing out the road to retort( in a
general way, and his function ended tthere.
When he attempted to conduct the bar he
failed utterly. Like a finger-post On a I di
viding highway, he could only indicate' di
rection. Of the road over which the trav
eler was to pass he knew nothing. • That
was the intermediate and, to him, thp un
known land. -_-
' 1
"In history Mr: Greeley will be recog
nized as the foremost find mostearnestjour
nalist of his time. As a
.politician, -as a
statesman, as a 'practical man, he - will not
be named. His errors will not be suftered
to cloud his admitted excellence as a, roan;
and if his failings 'shall be mentioned, he
will be classed rather with the sinned-against
than with the sinning. In ltis early dtiyn he
longed for nothing so much as that the
world should be the better for his life; and
in this he was eminently successful. Befell'
a victim to the selfishness and greed of men'
who are not - worthy to loOk upon his grave:"
"His attitude as a reformer altolained
for him the reputation of a humanitarian
and a. philanthropist; one'bent chiefly on as
suaging the woes of mankind; This dis
tinction he repeatedly disclaimed:- He was
not a philanthropist, he said; his'purpose
was only to establish justice and equal rights
among men. There was truth -in , this dis
claimer. His sensibilities were un ommon-
IY quick, but mere benevolence, o the pur
pose of simply doing good to of ere, did
not control him. Though he hate to wit
ness any scene of misery, he had o skill in
personally administering to dis ss: Be
sides, his ruling motives were of . 1 he'intel
lect more l than of the heart. He contended
against slavery, not because he cared par
ticularly for the negroes—on the contrary;
he rather disliked them—but because it was
contrary to that democratic , equality Which
was the fundsmental-princiPle of his politi-,
cal creed, and because he understood that
slavery was not only - an ari ocratic hut an'
intolerant element in our p litics; and that•
under its rule neither he no any other Nor
thern man could hope for referment, ex
cept as the reward of, servility and. self
abasement; and for this he was too upright
and too proud. So with his life-long advice
cacy of temperaece; it did not prOceed
from any sympathy with Men governed by
the passion for liqnor. Such men he
eel upon with disgust and contempt; a ' d in
the passibility of their reformdtion b ha
bitually disbelieved. Temperance i his
view was a branch of political economy, a
sort of public hygiene tending to promote
the general happiness find increase the
wealth of the community; and his Views
were similar in respect to every reform and
every philanthropic cause which he 'advo
cated. ' 1 ' I
"As a man Horace Greeley was, first of
all; a sincere, tborough•going demoptat.—
He met every one man equal, and was 'free:
alike from7snobbish deference and, social
presumption. Ho was also ,exceedingly
t n
generous ,and charitable. While - h ,was
still poor, 'we have known him-to-re pond'
to ,a demand for pecuniary assistance, Ude
by some person - to whorir be, was and rAcio
obligations, by sitting up late at - pight and
writing an rarticle for some rialtigatiiie;:'hy
,whialt he could get $25 or $5O to giveaway.
• According to the necessity of •his
ion, big personal frie •
nds were comparatively.
few;, but though he Was too much occupied
with his thoUghts and - his professicing avo
cations to give Much time to , social iinter
course, they could always 'count _upon him
in any time of need. His purse and erediti,
were theirs; he hastened to their. (mei:Ai:ince
often before they asked it ; and lie dieocOtn
paratively a poor 'man; the fact'is chieflydue to his lavish and persistent benefactions,
toward them. But those who cultivated,his
society most were not always such as could
best,appreciate him. He was fond of ad
miration and open to flattery; and flatterers
too often deluded him. He; was eh 'affec
tionate rather than an attentiVe husband and
r father. His feelingS .were:!easilyctiniched;,
but his attachments were not : deep, : In 'his
private relations to his-pill:the, opp,one4ts he
retained none of the I?i,fterriess of ,contro
versy, end Was alwaya'retidYro - Meet them
out of the arena with'gcnial - : Coil:toy and
kindness; and set , he ' Was jealous_.rather
than confiding, and suspicious rather 'than
The finishing touch was put to the monia-
Ment , erected to the memory of Hon:Thad
deus Stevens, December 6th, in .Schreiner'o
graveyard. "Upon the north side of the
monument is the followingOnscription:
'Thaddeus :Rexene,
horn at DemiHie; Caledonia Co., Verisiont,--
' - April 4,1792.
Dien at Washington, D. C.,
• Anglia - U.IBM.
Upon the south side we find:
- I repose In this quiet ;Ind secluded spot,
Not for any natural preference for solitude, •
But snding other cemeteries limited to a race
By charter es,
I have chosen this that I might illuatilte
In my , death
The principle I advocstdd
Through a long life— •
Equality of man before hie Creator.
The' monument is made of Conewingo
granite, the base weighing about eight tons.
The plinth is, of granite; and weight about'
four tons. The panels are' of Italian'
hie. The caps are of granite, and weigh
five tons.. Under the caps, and above the
panels, is. found a , most delidate course of
drapery made of black stone., The entire
structure is eight feet six inches high, eight
feet six'inches long, and four feet nine inch
es wide.
A queer matrimonial muddle has just
been settled in Herkimer ebuntY, N. Y 4 A
certain ex-Sheriff of' that county,' who Pass-,
ed much, of his time, in Philadelphia,
ceived information that his wife. wAs,
faithful to him, and `wale het. - a sharp; let
ter about it. Her reply WAS equallY Sharp,
and stung him into bringing suit againstb
paramour for• destroying the peace of hi
family. 'Before the suit was eli)Uchided the.
paramour'took the worniur to'bdiaria
procured a divorce fox tier,' tOtti . N her , tei Nes
sachosettranci married her, then toiidt ;her
home, and commented' a suit:spat/lit. tite'
Sheriff for clefamtition'of'hiti wife's. - Ohark,
ter. Last week the suits'ivere both decided.,
The Sheriff received a verdict >i2,00 for
his wife; • the other 'man 'a'verdietof s44,fer
his wite'L ipjured /3§th,'pfirpes
-0 7 " 1 10$0"'§ 1 14 , ;04114: 1 4t 04;4,04r.
IMILtiIL A. 14 fiirOOPllTlye `
, ..
HoW Noah Pork Via a Buhl of
' corn M* 4l
onie years ago, , en wile - luta
sting , to farm, I - was ti ... e e'e °Ott"
the best, way vf ,fattistit e : .'hovAittirle I tiii.
termined to tty , the Ma - it”plant. tad 11-
so to ascertain bow mu ah kirko3one/ 'of
corn NrOnlitmake. I tnalle, to frooiett put
and covered it in. Weigifetisdareohogo and
put them in the pen. I also weighed4lttee
of the same size • and uut,themp i e, dry /ot
e lit 1 die d_,_ in '
—average Wig one. i d sev_ty
five pounds. I- fedlelx arie lit'')cotn to
the'six hogs They, w lofty 4 . 8,9 lab&
the corn, with a plenty, ef lilt 140 filter-
Their average gain was ilev4enty-five pounds.
The luigain the lot gatnid, , the tabu. ' Onei
that was fattened in the lot, gained V.
eight pounds. One in the en tielnk'd* tr
four pounds, the' other font' were not ' ao
These begs- were about fauxieen mouths
old when slaughtered. I put them up the
25th of October. • There was a kpod deal of
sleet and snoW din'hig the'rtionth of, Nov',eku
ber, which gave thelhogs In the , pen as ad
vautage they would not, havothed if the
weather had been favorabie -,,t,he raze each,
fed on the same quality „of _grain, , It also
shows that °net tensile' • °remit - will nfake
fifteen pounds of pork, tend thin the six bar
rels of -COM ruade eleven, dolinrs and twen •
ty-five, cents' worth 'of ,pork, , s at -two and
one-half roit.4 pbr pbrittd; abd diet' the far
mer gets - twelve and 4ine hidfloiti , for lib
labor off feeding per bualtel, ottlrueelling at
twenty-five cents per•bushel._ Ibwill•fat
ten in September and "tlctOboc . fader -Man
they will in' adder weather ' ('
Anothervety important' ipestiod or in
quiry auggeats itself from thp fotegoing, and
that is: What la it worth to raise hogs the
average weight , e;ef one-hundred end seventy
five pounds •? It inay be ditfietile JO deter
mine thy exact
_velneof thegrass, clover,
and grain fields that, the hogs reod,on while
growing to a gross Weight Of one hundred
and seventy-five or hi° liiiiidredliounds. but
with -these -assistants I can rehire a hog
weigh one 'hundred and seventy tve pounds
and over, with one .barrel . of corii It tilll
be seen from these ektisnatee tlu4l. two Var
rely a cord, with the idvantage) sin of gries,
clover, and grain fields, will proce about
two hundred pounds net pork, *two hun
dred and fifty pounds gross.
Hogs do best in large •fieds. with plenty
of water, and the farmer ho cuts up eine
corn in the months of Sept ruber dud Otto
I t
ber, and hauls it out on.hix_fields t will- be ,
amply paid for lilA labor, In the traproire
ment of his land, irom the'stalkii and teal ,
nure of hogs. It is a peat savipg of labier
to turn the hogs in the field when thb quan
tity of hoks and the size of the'field litnta,—
Car. Olito .Portner. r ' ,
Experiericei in Rater-taking% '
A. correspondent; 'oi the :eineititiatti 'Ga
zee, in answer - ' 'tO :an- lia ilifY;ligites:" his
views as followsi:: It is ask d.--ditoesrnot.the
washing of butter, cause th 4%4 Of its aro
ma ),
? We are sere--n0.:,,T 'fiennthing:to
do with it. • It airni)lircs:aitt ni
Ira - but more
readily, and - Saves laborin driting%Out 'the
buttermilk witlin ladle. ' t - Jather ; assists
in rete.ining the, aroma and tlii.grslurof the
butter, Thd faith with matiY'llnttennakers
is, that they work the butter ti" tatelf, there
by destroying both the grain in:::itand the
aroma also. For the bereft of : ysltig but-
Act-makers we will 4ive Ooide[Ass. 'prim-
tate and experience in bitte'r-mating t 0111-'
milk house stands with floor eletisted aboht
one foot above the surface of ,tto, , •ground,
10k12 feet, and 9 feet high; with,trp serve
windoWs in the c-enter, on either_,;, - ex ;
tending from the floor upwar4:4-leet, en?).
2-i feet wide.' It has glass" wtndOlterstinsti,
size, hung on hinges, on.the.ineidct . ..,to ahth
out the freezing:att. "WC, 1 1 :'NN',444e 4 Bin
when the 'Weather liiint elicit.: the has
free 'ciihulation all f.dve:r the:milk:: copse:-
quently, the inilk Tema sweet : longer arid
the cream ralegs" - netter t, ati - iit 'in ithdeE
growneellitt or house; •vgi isittait'uted ti#9. -
gallon tiiirmilk_parte, and do the milking in
tin huek.erp., •We churn an oak churn,
the. old .dasherkinti, Nevet let ._the Lac
gaud 'ov'er thirty-six hours* in the' Slimmer,
or-forty-eight hours in thewintet It it6hotatt::
stand longer,in the. former easeAtit:cretual
would get top. sour; In the-'latter, too + bittet;
and of eciOrde • the btitter 14;sitlig ur case,
-would- be 1 - sP oiled; beforan iVift*Aii 1' n ed.
- Wash 'the Witter, beforktlaitinCajtAoon as
churned; salt and eet:assco . wit'isql.4 work- .
t i
'lug, till cooled; Wen' werk:N.oll - bit ran ,p 4.
long. Set away ' ofe.f.:hightl.- ) iiif -:tin lite
morning, work out all ttre , m il koir! %NA 'or
pack, asl desired. If the, above - directioTite
are observed there will be nO complant for t
want of butter the year ioutiii '. It'-twill be
yellow, high ilaVored ' with' cakorda - iiid well
. .
Cost of ' Farm ' Pelle . ' -
'The report of* the Department df -Ifi.gricul
tare for -1671 'dontaint; azi - elaborata4ifsay on
the subject of i ltbe.fatttk:fences of 3I14; coun
try.. '1 llis,ex ibit i makes , tins, Q00:0Z , „fences .
nearly equal' ii the tdtal - ambunt - off }be na
tional' debt'on wliThil-siittlekadt Wtioald, and
abont the, sautenS tjurcatimateill lealtie of all
.the farm ardnials,intlie United 'fzitake n tt, For
every dolliit invested`, uiliver:stOtt., another
'dollii faidtitiliio4lf6rtotiatitietidirbiudefen
ses tozialstt tbti nttacka ;on farm , Ipludiction.
b:Nperiment Us proved % that . at Jaaat one
half this expense .ii unnecessary, :•,Wher
ever it has**beeri' 'tried, -whet/Oval' fithi .ani
'mal.9 art)" -restrained,- and , ' , flielf i'ciWbgni,are
plaCed .undergeneentonda Int:tbb'gdlxi - be
inciF,is.)s,9l.lbairrestle,a.Ji Reddqopthe si t -
- tem is t_.gtirdo tifill ge , •rift:t2.rta
stiti4factionaiiitatl'iiii qvg4troliviinprof
itabbrinvatmenti aNd 4titidellartilltille f&
farm Jalll.rowment, selling i t atealcoArageiX
the nia it nrial,resourois.c4 ,st.4q4,4l ; y4oded,
'and the cs t ay'prepterkf'fi'llargeepottuction
and 'higher lircifir,:, • ' .;'t .•7 :5 : n..1'.:6 .
-.:l'‘, '
Ven Wilf're Alictli. 14W:9rfgome,Aort . ho
not. been'enuotecio.hp tendeney,le strong, as
r*eany 'correSPOrideitts'Yaliert;io*itOU'the re-
uct ion - or. the, frinitaint 1. • Of :fenClngi 4 Ws ' re
airs are nettled, - divisiorrlenves• !are;:laken
OW . ownand the Au4terfal .used , to kesp -outside
nces in repair; fields - aft; - almost every
where • beeornhig • lar'gar;' • in . ..tlie ',Olinger
States, u single: field .i)ften •Itmasvare. all re
q ttirenien 6', and . sornetinict tt , singlo,.enelo.s
-ure etribiaCeswlthin its ii* biat reply faims.
The entire losiii 0 ‘qreelity, - Iti
with its suburb's for :gardens and.adiall-mar
ket fa rnisi i,s:surrOunded NV it h• a singlefence,
the cattle being excluded and kept , .outside
upon the illimitable plains It is possible to
'dispense with fencing to,' the value of one
thotrand million dollars, and the advantage
of the change would greatly overbalance
the inconvenience of it.
and dirty stables impair the - constitutional
strength of the horse, subject "him to dis
ease, and lessen his • chances of „recovery,
In, carrying out proper ventilatibn, care is
to be taken equally againstiltoo much cool
air, especially strong, drafts,:and 'to much
warm air. Prof. Youatt, in his,treatise on
the horse, lays great stress cm. the regulai
ventilation of the stable; and•iiiyalhat "the
return to a hot stable. is quite'as" dangerous
as the change from, heated,., atmosphere to a
cold' and biting air. - gany,a horse that has
traveled - without °vet h bleiik coma
try has been suddenly: sated .ivitliAnitarn
matien and lever whekhfams,tinnnedlataly
at the end of hie . jouraey. bee 4 ded
'with heated' and fold att."l`,4lald it} other
place he adds,-"Ofiziethhig ara'''we 'wore
-certain than that, :int majority- the
maladies of the horse t _those l ipfAhe. 'wow,
and most' fatal charneterAlrOtlyArin rut
ly, are to be attributed to the — ho' f ttlit
' Youltd CArrz..g,"-, 7 4.f ani.' farmer wants . to
stunt his young cattle 'he hag only to tura
them udrift. - exposed • ttr Vintrwitiali and
feed them . 64 dry roughltaddeti = , l3Ut if he
apts them of thrifty , vlggr,Q.V.fl firQNYtbi and
to 'tied out well .igad hearty, in the, oring
he' toustliouse and !feed "thatif'sNith;. ti; fair
supply of good !clod; but' not wiliidelf itS to
Make them moss and faY,aoo..-eotllibeds,
Ototite'ds, good water,,
_chopped 4,. • . plat=
-ea Ihe britki 4 an'thcasitinal 4 - eas Qf
cut r ots, acid awaiting tin .mil Weather;.
will ,keep be Soong, efool:.• ;billowing -con--
ditron and in perfect health.. • '
TL ivdisl~ o4o.otidi,Cliili4iiti:44Bzr
-9?`!t#l/4iii4o. .P. 00; bp,
V, 4 ** *9l- AIWA
• .Nv.- , •••- •