ant TIN 81SIAIWT He that Will uo" „ .11.0 . n I had not thought of love and Rose; Rose walked among t he woods { Atli me;ral QATllNWPrtivatita fill seemed en cold is steno; And null With boyish, listlees atop. kvebt;,. I spoke of trees, flowers-OMA rBtilvill, Her sweet eyes wondered what I nieent The dew had gifts to gip of„,p99ris 4 , , Ma) ojelniXiddi haft leirywealsil liatoned Utile mooting merles, EOOB listened to tho nightingale+. tZtxteen wail I, with millet/ air; The es ade gongs of her— Of.meMatairerlea made mockeries:' ixt ' oe'tiaqittd•td4 etialght wag she. I Ho f4.4,Arine Ankrated in thought, .Icielcinig a blossom from the tree; I did 'the eaver 'vet) , althe, A litilee4ain thientch vAot moss A ablatiOsilver Made; Nature and n9ontida amowae. - • ; We* aideintia , the talent shade. Wee took her candid off, and eat— I see her innoecat, eh) , air— Her fair feat mid tinkmoata - 4 wet;. I VI not mark her pp,t I bad no liotd to may hll4,while I folload through itto wands, bat I Noted her lips a moment a1;.. \ 1:. A moment open ton sigh. • wq loft s tfiatiniet , 1 cii•ThoVantailbat ehe was uereet; -we7l.think`ba More of ft," ehe osy4 - A 1 !n0 « i 2 . 1 5 1 .'4 1/ 044,A• • PEPAONAL: • • a• , It. is statat . " bla:l4l[l l .'dlitirlee D icken s , jr., will visit- thin . e . otititfy next Spring. \ A German•ruitiiritliStnitmed Dr. Dehin is ccinstructing. , :unarnmoth aquarium at pies. , SergeantSleigh . Fill defend the Tichborno claiment, - 14 aivorbachina trial for per - - jury. -•. , . • in the next ;lowa Legislature there will be a Lyon, a nouock, two "Foxes, and three Ducks. • ).tr. Torn Taylor,..:,the. - drnoiatist,.retires from the civil service - 6? England'on a pen sion of $11,250 m,year. " Beecher.. thpt niore, .11e3 have. been tool abouoklFl;fiXo'yylyerir ; pliblio life, tlOlihrflhirigie etitliCtired. Father 13e:indict Hyncinthe's new riper; to be published at Bruisel3, will ho caih i. we bear, ./.I , loiifibli'que. Evailgetiqic:?. Mr. Fronde i 9 ageredited with this re mark : "I have not made much mention of irish Saints, my lectufe b,:ing simply hil turical." Mr. Joll - n14401M purchased from. the Royal Academy .Exibition, at Milan, a flue statue, representing l ßaphael4 work. • The -Government has granted amnesty, to 'the Polish - poet Michael Czay kowski, chief commander of the Ottoman Cossacks. Mule. Ottilleyou lgoettle 4" dead, at Wei Char, at a great ago. k )filhevat the 'widow Goethe'S only son, and was a clever writer The mother of the late Qen.: . .l►leade was not a Spanish lady, as has been stated, but was, before marriage, a Miss Butler of Phil adelphia. - We read of the dtgovery,•near Plymouth 3lass., of "the skeleton of King Philip."— "How long will a man lie i' the earth era he rot I" -' ' ": A bust of Sir Walter Scott has been pre eented to the Mercantile Library Associa tion of St. Louis, by the Caledonian So elety of that city., The grave of Gen. .Loomis of Michigan has finally been made, at Detroit. Hia re mains have been rusting, for some time, in Washington ctmeterv: Louis Carusi, who has taught dancing in 'Washington Qity TO; about, forty years, has done with botchig , ised,viithAteraping;having died there, , aged '73. ' , fir Humphrey Dav has his 9filtue at Pen . -za'aco, where ilexag. l orct (IA 1778). , :It cos , '1,18,00p. It reprieents iimholilliag the miners safety lamp h his right haul. . , Brig.-Gen. Cook,commanding the depart ment,of the Lakes, will, it is said, hortly retire frorn.survice.— Fie - is 62 years old, and has been 45 years in military harness. The Hon. Caleb Cushing , while in-Paris, Last Max', devoted tht'ee hours.daily. to the_ study of French, under guidati6 of an emi nent te.ticher l -with a view "to acquire a greater facility of expression." Mr. Cush ing has spoken French for more than 40 years, and i 72 years old—butinot too old to learn. An example to be cordially com mended, ALL SORTS. The men whdpleked. up a double.tailed wasp hat' /oat hiq,intoyeat in entomology; he ettitlies eibemitltry,tulftehrgaly; , A cull" inch 9;• t 1 ort' is worth $lOO. million doll4tB4ngolui,l,ftecording to the lig urea at the mint, Weighlaithent two 'tons. • ~ A blacksmith in Essex, Pa., informs his patrons in a notice that "No orses will bo shod on Sunday except sickness and deatiLy One thousand'obildren %° , ere confirmed by Bishop Bacon during his second visit to the French settlements of Maine in Northern Aroostook. It is no claimed that e architect of the great "Chinese wall" was a woman, but a woman wouldn't do anythi to keep men out in that. way. \ , plb The railway from Constantinhp, to Ad rianople has been opened to the ph , lic fora distance of forty-five miles from thc ormer city. The rest of the line is hi co e' of construction, A Chicago man has invented - a- me o by which real thunder and lightning ca be produced on the stage se , and the new inven tion is soon to be ud in env of the the aters in that city. In one of his recent letters to the work men of England Tilrjtuskin says, .in. rela tion to answering Inters, "I was good na tured once, but I beg to state in the most positive terms that I am now old, tired, and very ill-natured." The Princess Teck used, to lay the foun dation stone of the New Church School at Kingston, the same mallet which, in the hands of Sir Christopher Wren, performed a similar service for St. Paul's Cathedral two hundred years ago. A paper recently alluded to a man as a "battle-scared veteran. The compositor, was so agitated when the • editor made him correct it, that he changed it to a bottle scarred veteran,and'atill the veteran in;ques• tion was not satisfied. The baby oyster is not bigger than a fair -sized pin's head at the end of a fortnight, and at three months only of the size of a Split rea. In a year he will becoine as large is an ordinary half-penny, and at the end of four years' grovth he is fit for market. "My dearest uncle," says' a humorous writer,w,as the moat polite man in the world. He was making a voyage to the Dauube,and the boat sank; my uncle 'was just on the point of drowning. He got his head above water/ just once, took oil his hat and said, 'Ladids and gentlemen, will you please ex. case me?' and down he went." The Philadelphians are awakened to the tact that upon their. city, at last: will rest much of the burden df the great Centenni al Celebraticin of Af#7B. ' After other, cities and States have done their best, there will doubtless be a large ballance of the Cen tennial stock yet untaken. For this eentin gency the active men of the project are pre paring themselves. Hhiladelphia, after all, li will be the great game byte great expo ' aition , yet it is so much of a national enter prise that no American sho ild hesitate to help according to his ability. The Indiana Legislature has elected Hon. Oliver P. Morton to represent the State for six years more in the national senate. His anajority on joint ballot was nineteen. Gov. ernor Morton is and Of the': marked. men. of the Senate,' and probably exef . ' more Per sonal influence than any other ember. His re-election is therefore accep able to the Republicans of the whole country. Somebody says there should be a woman in every firm of architects, to look after the closets. When you build a house you may tell the contractor, until you are black in the face, "We will have a closet there." He will not put one there until he has first seen madam, and' ten to one when he has seen her the closet will go elsewhere. A. new sect has been discoVered in Bus:4a, founded by a monk named A seraphim, who ran away with, a large suM,ofmoney longing to the order._ He imetteled that • one could enter heaven without sin, ai d soon had a large number of converts. one of the practices of the new sect is to cut the back hair of the women very short and theft , arrange it in the form of a star. Seraphim has been arrested. Agassiz has figured. Up, and he says hat Lake Erie will dry _up In about 18, t 600 itars. EM , - . • • • - , • ,T,l`l4fl M BROMEIIB, ProprietorsJ the above Mills, &11l ipsumfacture as penal to order, to suit customers. aAss ar OU te ß d, Particularatte ll ati E o!given to Aoli ; Carding-(siblo . th Dressing We manufacture to order, and do all kinds of Rog- Carding and Cloth Dressing, and defy conmeHtion. We have as good an assortment of - Ftt,ll,Cloths,,Cd ssimeres, and givis t More for Wool In exchange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy yourselves. - We wholesale and retail at the Cowanosque miles below Enoadlie Jan. 1, 1b72, J. 14; Griswold's - Water . . Wheel: ITME undersigned, are agents 'for: the Shove Water J. Wheel, and can eheerfuli recommend it as etlpe; tier toil! others in use. Persons wishing to put chase should see this wheel in operation hetore buy. , to g other wheels. ,\• MG/lA.II BROS. Deerileld, May 18, 1872. IZZI Iliad the following : WrATFICIAL AriZIL 24. 1872. We the undersigned, purchased on J. a, Gris• wows GO inch Water Wheels using 88 Riches of water to run - three run of stone' under a 20 foot head, and are well pleased with the wheel. We have ground sixty bushels per hour with the three run and can average that amount per hour all day. E. D. PHILLIPS. CHARLTON PHILLIPS. od Livery! NrAN VALEFSBURG tz CO, would say to their V friend ; that they have n good Livery eAtividished In Wellebo o for the a,;coreniodation of their frieuds, Horses and Cartiages - G always on hand at moderate rates Stable on Water Steet opposite Geo. Derby's rent deuce. C. G. VAN VALRE! , .IEVIIII4I. June 20, 1912. C. W. 11091 ER. • WALKER & LATHROP. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STP_EL, NAILS, STOVES, TIN-WARE, BELTING, HAWS, CUTLERY, WATER EL ME, AGRICULTURAL ' L'AIPLEMENTS, • Collage and itarnoßs s " SARNI:49FR, HADDLEU, ,S;e. . , • Corning, N. 1., Ruh 1, 1872. • LIVERY STABLP,, • ,-.--• , • r" 3 411. ' " Tr ETCHASI 4, COLEI.3 REOPEOI% • ~ ,, aitt•- • -1 . lA. frilly innrin the public that they ...1 - t ,, -...: 3 .' 7 :* have ostabliohed a "ettlemile.t? Livery for'iltire, At their Stable on Pearl Et. ,oppcalte Vitheeler'a wagon shop. Single or double riga furnished to order- They aim to keep good borae and wagons, and intend to pleaao. Prices rettaonable. SETCHAM & COLE/3. Aug. 21, 1872. New Jewelry fAtiare. T i gn u is u ctiv 4 o l egro w : u n l a d =rtit l ie r il i a ° B o th pan e eda itToOtrelry Statrit - in the building Lecently occupied by O. L. 7illoox:, His stock c9mprlse s a fall assortment of I Cloelo, atches. Jewelry, Silver and Plated-Ware. t 3, WARRINER, one of the best v:00(2 - flan in Nor th orn enneylven 1, will attend to the _Repairing of Watches, CloCks, For the skilful doing of which tile soventeett years pree tics I experl ant% is sufficient guarntee. S. 11. WARRLNE It. Wel!sboro, log, 23, 1871-tf. GENERAL lIITURANPE AGENCY 13;NOXITILLE, TIOGA CO., PA Life,; Fire, and Accidental. Ins. Co., of ;forth America, Pn , • t 3,050,536 SO Franklin Fire Ins. Co. of Phila, Ps ' 2,007,452 25 Republic Ins, Co. of N. Y,, Capital. ' $750,000 Andes Ina. Co. of Cincinnati, " • • ... $1,000,000, Niagara Fire Ins. Co. df N/Y 1000,00 P Fanner° hint. Fire Ins. Co. York Ps _909,889 15 Pin:anis. Mut.; Life Ins. Co i iof Murton' Ct. , 5,081,970 60 Penn'a Cattle Ins. Co. of ottaville ...... ...... 500,000 00 Total ......:a Ineurance promptly effected by mail or otherwleo, on all kinds of Property. All losses promptly adjusted and paid. Live stock insured against &inn, the or theft. I am also avid for the Andes Piro Insurance Co. of Cincinnati. Capital, 8)i 500,000, . All communications promptly attended to—Oilico - on Mill fißreet 2d door from Main at., Rnox - villo Pa. WM. B. SMITH Jan. 1. 1872-tf. JEWELRY STORE: WELLSBORO, 'PA. With moat all other articles usually kept in finch ea abllehmente, which ere sold low for Repairing done neatly, and promptly, and on ,ahoy xoTi❑F., JAIL i, 1873-17 Vlts. j C. P.. STIIITH, no'sv +Mug new and elegant Aeaigna,th i n'ssPi c, - sr , aas- et:p 4c) and Invitee the p pricee. P. B.—No trouh' Feb. 28, 1872. .:,..,:.. ,- 5; - -, A .'TAN I I liVik'i 'ITICE3I9V. ' Opposite Cone extracted without pain. Artificial )1 . notice, at reduced prices. Preaeryation or the natural a epeciality. Call and see /Tech:none. Wellaboro, Sept, 17, 1872-tr. `Or Bale or Relit. IT 0141 E AND LOT corner of Pearl street and Av. Jlit. a.. Also for sale, seven village lots near the Acade y. ELLIOTT & BOSABD, Wellabor°, Pa. 29.1872-tt D3LINISLRATOIIS' NOTlCE.—Letters of Admin istration on the estate, of Wm, Ladd, late of West iiely township, Tioes County, Pa., doomed. having been granted to the undersigned, all/poisons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to call for settlement on, and persons owing the itame,_to _Tusher immediate payment to ELIZABETH 8. LADD; We Meld. Pa., NOT. 12. 18 7 2 -6 w; Administer. • AGENTS WANTED roil “INSF4OI 4 S 4 AT r- mionig.” 700imieft; tliPWardsof7oocuta ;21 fun page engravings "Just the Book for Intelligent rural homes."..The drawings are faithful representations of /naect s nooze , 124 Send for Circular. Address cimeaos snooze. 124 North Seventh St. Ditittlelpblll.—Nov. 12 /17247 ld Woitleitii s-1 . , DEBB,FIFID, PA. • ' .IXOHAM b1;11'01.11,ER-t3: ASSETS OVER 123,000,000 .... , Ell3 OF CONSI'AZiIEN in A S- H. and / - anal:ulna goods and Iltne. 0. P. SM:ITB. ' WHOLESAL,E DRUG STORE. OORNING DRUGS Slip ME,DICINEe, - PAINTS AND OIL L. TIIAD DEI3 DA IDS' IN, 113, KELTIVS CONC 4 I;NU:A•i't-,1) 3IEDIGINF.B, ILLDELL'S EXTIi ItllltNE I'S INCOAINE; FL4_,VOUNG LX. • - - EROSE'NE LAMPS, PATENT "AIEDWINES, •ROcHESTER PERPU - AMEN AND 'FLAVORING- EX TRACTS, WALL PAPER, WIN , DOW GLASS, .WRITEWAS.Ii - LYME & DRY COLORS. . AGENTS TOR 'MARVIN • • & CO'S REPLXED OIL. ,\ wnoiranio Prietin, !livers aro l'OcateAtecl entranil get quotations betoro going further Ea....1t,. Jan:L.18.72, J. B. • ANDERSON. HARDWARE TIN AiTi COPPER WARE, Parlor, Cook and.Oflice Stoves I ifor wood or coal. Table and Pocket Cutlery, CAitatIAGEiTIRINIMINGS, GUNS AND AMMUNITION, $24,229,847 e Petkolam Fluid, Agent (thlbeet light irt. the *l i ald every art] clo connected Roy's Block, south stile of Main street, next door to C. Ca lathers. April 3, 1572. J. B, ANDER6ON. AGENT Farnitgre nnd UntlertalOng, Van Horn A Chandler, IETAPE new on exhibition and - sale at the old place, _la the largest and most complete stook of FINE ANT) iAEIDION FURNITURE' to bo - found in Nortborri Pennsylvania, consisting of FINE PARLOR AND CIa i IALBER SUITS, SOFA'S, COUCHES, TETE-A-TETEB, 11ARBLE AND WOOD 'TOP CENTER TABLES, \ HAT RACKS, I'ANCY CHAIRB, , MIRRORS. \ OVAL AND SQUARE FRAIIES,CII- - .ETS, PURE No. 1' HAIR MAT L SS ES. HUSK & EXCELEKOR-MAT TEASSES, an d a foil eto •of the common goods ueually found in a first-clan ea lishment. The above 'goods are large.. their own anufacturei, and setiefaction 19 guar anteed both ae to • &Illy and price. They sell the If Ma,i - trass sold; aleo the Tucker r -1 for 17 years and giv. • ket. a new ith other epee -r. COB A. FOLEY. / TV oven, tho most populnr spring bee, Spring Bed that hea been on trl en Universal satisfaction. Our 19 Nlll,plied with all BiZ*9 of the EXCelfilOr C. and beautiful style. of burial esiie, together ,kinds of foreign'. and home mauutactume, evil minga to match. They will make undertaking iality in their bunlnces, and any needing their Win be attended to promptly, and at satisfactory el gee. Odd pieces of Furniture made, and Turning all kind 4 clone with neetneee and diapatch. Jan: . 10, IK-;11. VAN HORN 4:1 - `11ANDtElt To wnov it AAr CONCE.I%N.--ilaving couclu ed that lam entitled to a little rest after nearly 40 yearn close application to business. I hive passed over the fturnl. ture business to ~ t he Boys" us per above advertise ment,and take .this metb,or. ( ~ f asking for them the same liberal patronage as Imo been extended 'My books may be found Et the eld place for settement Jan. 30, 1801 B, T. CAS 1101tN. 1 0 - .SutterinLY .Humanity. DR. TIPPLE'S P:Li..; ;4PF.4.‘11T10 is voi.:I6.AM to cure every cue° of Cotofflpatiwi nod Pilvs, or Imoney refunded. Sold by John It, Pierce. Virllthoro, Pa. 0,1, I, mos. JUNI RECEIVED, AIVERY LA.IIOII STOW OF BEAVER, 11ROAD CLOTH, CAS!pNIERE. VESTINGS, AND TItIM. ILLNOS, which I will sell very cheap FOR CASH. Iu fact, the best assortment of Gonda' ever broimht to We'labor°, of v arious styles. Plisse call aol tool them over. Making Suits, Overcoats, and &Fairing ilumt with dispatch and at cheep as the cheapest. • GEORGE WA.GNETI. Oration Sheet, yiellsboro, Fa. Zan. 11872-1 y D - -1 .~ ~i - 1 • Nl',*l3. TETIBELL & CO ISEMI Denier S n d 4 kinds, .F:A.RAILNG- TOOLS lof ell kinds, Hardware Trade, ISucceesors to B. T. Van torn) Co'Pt Roo PAS I BT9N; PRESTONT:,,A.,,ifiEERIYtAtIS:-,,, I 110fi Ta 11 ni n ,J- I= 4Ccorm.l3a,w, STEAIyI ENGINES AND BOILERS, Circular, Gang and Maley Saw Mills, Machinery for ,iGaTunneries, iShaft - ing,:,Gearing and Castings of. - every descriptidrb . in Iron acid Brass. .vorAte.otanery of it JATlCilrfOpstr4B protni , tly !aid tit llelliC.l7o3lb Corning, August 28, )872.-]y • I,III,IO,IIARTEIS-':-.:' FOR"VALL . ANDAV.INTEII st-,;001). 4 4. THOMAS; lirARDEN begs leave to cell attention to bie NOW and Extensive Siook of merobaedise, taught since the recent • • GREAT ,DECLINE 'IN PRICES -7 Which enables . htm to offer greeter braritirtithan ever heretofore offered in this market. An immense stook of _ Ottoman Thibet, Brodie and Paisley Shawls, „ .• , Flrels of all descriptions, Woolen Scarfs; Nubble. Blankets. eta. The Dregs; Geods Deptlrtment is complete with latest styles and fabric's, embracing Cashmere D'Eccoase. Empreea Sires, French Satins, Plaide,-Alaptioas; Bilks, etc.', also, a full line of Trimmings, Fringes, Laces, and Ribbons of every variety, , . . TIOITSEKEEPERS' DEPARTMENT will be found very attractive, as It includes many nose and desirable styles of Carpets, Mattinge, Oil Cloths in all widths, fable Linens. Napkins, eta. • . BEM GENT'S DEPARTIVIENT ,ontalne an immense stock of Mon'o, Youtba* and Royeg Clothing. .A.-1. 14 a) CA3PI:4 S Boots and Sloes at greatly reduced prices. 'IIIISNKS, VALISES, lIIIHES all nisei, and prices. The la It selected end cheapest stock 01 ' GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS IN WELLI3I3ORO. • The public we reepeotfully invite to call and examine. 2 , F0 trouble to show goods. Out. 29, 1117.1-tr- THOMAS HARDEN.' A. Card to the Public. WE HAVE LAID IN .A STOCK OF Goods for thq Winter Trade with the firm .DOING- TUE LEADING BUSINESS IN And propose to offer to our c i ustorners a ek,ock that cannot be bent in any respect by any other firm in our line_ 11 1.33, all we ask, before you make your ruralizes', is to give us a call, str.C. 7h will Lynn c , ..nvince you where it is policy to leave your money. Q .J. Horton ar WELLSBORO, rkArrornen and Child yen. PEOPLE'S STO 'E lin IIaiIIPACTIIEERB OF INTENTION OF OUR LENTE T/119 , 9.ECT10N OF COUNTRY, • 1 0 0,0 Men, at thy ~ i ~ . e, MEI Goads ales will be exclasuged fur it ENTB espe.aially in 8, 11 , ods, in the New York Markets warty we bespeak a contia- otion a ßr i l iarz; =BEIM OEM TIESAMANS ' PENAT'A. ONE ;-': •- 1 .;'' ;.A ~ t i ', - r.mi15 1, ,, ,, q; -, le i , i, , ,,t ~ .,.,1ti..“,i1 ~ 1 - -.II' '' ', 11 •.. Ali ~,-, ... • .. i , ,- - .: , ,-... - • - - ..k -.N.);A!..v,P„'t i.?, 2 , _:„. ~,_'.4iy i ,, 'i t, : •,..'_. -- -'- %.,'• ,' -.-:- '' ' • :-. ~ : )1,,, 4 t i'; 4 l.'.. '14 4 I. ' `,..‘ i'lii4l.; Ai-j,- • Nelg•ak-,-i;Lit , Ir.,.:,•P i '• .•,:pu, , ~ z. •,.. :.:, ••:',..,- - --' - .. 1 , -.- .''' ,- ;, -' . - - , - ',. 1 ..i..!.:14 `.. '• *. ... . , , ._ :, , ~ •P_..t. -.. .', --- - ' .`. . ":" 1 : . --•- - -` 'l': -'' II This itistrumOni ire eapeeially doSlgnedlor the per, feet ttpplicAttott of . -- OR., • . . SACE'S CiATARRI4 REMEDY. It la th'e only former iar,trittoont yet in ri.liTtni which fluid tnedicine can he curried high un nod polectly applied to all parte of the atlec bet sages, and the chambers or 'cavities colll3llll : rig therewith, in whicheoreitand ulcers argues! Ely exist, aud from - which the catarrhal discharge genet ally pro eds. Tito wont of anecess treating cittarrh heretofore has arisen largely from the impossibility. of applying ren3diee to' th ems cavities and chamber by t i ny of the ordinary methods. This obstacle in Atte Way pf effebting cures to entirely overcome by .the invention of the Douche, In Using this inetru• thetas the Fluid is carried by Its-own weight the snuffing, forcing or pumping being. ranuired,),up Prod nostril in a fall gontl,y flowing strt sin to the highest portioh of the -nasal: passages, posses lute and thoteuchly olertheas all the tahes and chambers connected there. flows out of the opposite nostril_ Its' use is pleasant lout so simple thatu child could understand it. Pull, and expitclitdltsectlona aceompany,each itistruuieht, When used with this in Dr. Su se's Catarrh Remedy cares• recent' at - leeks of ' , Ciotti lit the newt by a few appllcathme.. - tiyiurptonor of (tutor', It. Frequent iteed-aolte, disohargo falling into throe Sometimes pi unasa, watery, thick mucus,' purulent .offensi;:e, &e. In others a dryness,dry. watery, weaker in liwne4 e,y_c stepplogitip Or ObStrnOtioll of nasal paaisages;ring.: leg in ears; deafness, hawking anti coughing to cl+ ar. throat,,uiceratione, neube front uleera, voice altered, nasal twang, o ff ensive brenth, impaired or total de pivation of sense of smell a taete, itIZZIIIOS3, men• tat depreSsiou t loss I'4 11 111,1'1 i i aniargeti tonsils; tickling C lot h;lt ' Oaly a few of these symptorrta are likely to be present in any case at one titne.l , taDei .ll .n. s d • pi . e : o n ixtte ge tie t .: B 4o C ed n i t o U a rlta iN ll. o, t t a i n m e o rl . y a , n w d in c u oi s a r;l n u u . i l o tl i i , with 01'0 1 .43°,1,4i talon tti (rout molt, which is recant. pamphlet that inane raelt bottle el the Remedy, is a perfect specitiolur tills loathsome disease, and , the proprietor offers, in good faith, $5OO rownra fur a case he caenot mac. ~ Remedy is mild and pleasha t to use, cunt:lcing no. - strong. or caustic drugsr or poisons. 'the (:.,r as rh Itemedyls field at 50 cents. Douche at in ..t s, by alt Drugglsta, or either will he mailed by' ,:1 r id. tor On receipt of GO cents.. _ R. V. Pallfterti, tl. 1.).. • sole Proprietot , , • I.3L'IP.AI 0, June .tdt, ISTT, Itot4y 1 • TOLES ROBINSON & - _ 'tuccessors to J. 1t Barker,; Dealers in • 3C)rwr 6:77, to) • of every description. 1 CHOICE -GROCERIES iu abundance, all kitx.le and fresh. The public!is cordially invited to calland look through our large stock, sa we are selling et low ftgures for reedy pay. We shall receive NEW GOODS • constantly from the city to keep our afoot tment full and complete. TOT,,ES, ROISINIION At CO. July 10, 102. HARNESS 1 -1 W. NAVLI, w‘mid Fia.; to his friends that Harness Shop is consta.tly stooked with ' :Heavy and_ Light. Harnesses, made in a substantial manner, and oflered at. prices that cannot fall to suit, The beet workmen employed, and non e'but the boa material used. Repairing dune on short notice, and in thobeat narn ner. Call and see Jan. 1,1875-1 y Nem Cabinet Store! r,f::TdeVsuelhaaop n od a i uthe hase;ofsez;inetbuitg,on street op posite Dartt's Wagon shop, for the :ale of Itlabinett Ware a all 'Ands, such so Bed Sets, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chair's, Loitnges, Extension and ; other- Tables, What .moots, Hat Racks,' and ninny other things, vadat will be acid lower then the lowest.: He invitee all to take a look at his goods before pureheslng elsewhere. Remember e t mhe n T e ep r 2 aee—ooeite Dartt's Wagon Shop, Neat L. frriciziall, Agent. Aug. 14, 1E1,2. • - (F 7 7" : InvalideDonit Despair. Thousands hava found relief, and; thonsands Will turn to this . • medicine, aftei exhlitistim; their nurses and. patienoe in search of health. Giddiness of the head, dullness of the mind, foetid breath, coated tongue,' less of appetite, pains and weakness In the stomach, enlargement of the ]firer, yellowness of The skin, constant lever andtlairst, with a total diarelish for business, pleasuro, or any kind of employment. PAGRNEY'S PANACEA, if taken and persevered in for a; few dim will remove this whole class of symptorne. The &lids of the body become pure, the mind clear, the stomach strengthened, the tongue clean, the appetite improved, and the whole eystem an benefitted that disease, in bad weather, is We liable to afflict you. i DR. P. FAHRNEY'S g . Celebrated Blood Cleartnei or Pratated As a medicine for children, the panacea ie, in every way, calculated. to take the place of the endless variety of drugs which are annually told for that purpose, and which are Often very it:jut - lona. A medicine which possesses the qualities of a cathartic as well as a mild alterative, and which to capable of arresting disease without the least in pry to the child, is of incalculable valise to every mother. Al a cathartic It la very effec. tine, yet - it does not, if given in proper quantities, cause nausea or distress In the stomach or bowels.— It is very - Pleasant to the taste, which is a very impor tant feature as 0. medicinc'for children. As a pretipni. ire of disease it is unprecedented. as it sets directly upon the digestive organs I: CI the blood. In all scrof ulous (Becalms it is the ineat effective medicine ever pffered to the public:, and if given regulariy and per seVeringly thous eruptive diseases so common to chit- Areu may be entirely eradicated. Prepared by P. Fahrney'a Itcos.6 Co., Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, and Dr. P. PAHRNLY, North Dearborn , street, Chicago. Price $1 2 pet -- ~, bottle, for sale by wholesale and retail dealers, and by Ilastinge & R-; • Coles, Wellabbro, Pa. I Jix‘y 24, 1272,-41m. If you tie latest styles 'of HATS If you wish a pair of good BOOTS or SHOES, Clo to R. M. GLABBMIRE'S If you wi6h to buy . ycnr, Uroceries . and DRY GrOyDS (.46 - 1.3 N. T. If 171)11 wieh r the highest prices for YOUR PRODUCE, 00 to N. M. 'fiLASSIIIRE' 9, ROUND TOP, TIOGA, CO, PA. ~ ~~Y MEE OFAL W. NAVLE cio to N. 31. OLAMILRE'S at Round Top I Oct. 22, 1872-Im. NORM i2tl===a2l====a M!!!BMINZWE made of i 7 r;pr."` , .t.te, P.r (jactored,:•• taste, caildit &e.;:that leld the tip) .Ir.ll err Opt rirc a tree Nter,trAliqp,?de • fi,m , and lr- rr - ,Sm el , Alt TheY , are the Grett Mood Purifier :t Ltt • Principle, :1 Pet], et Reteleator S?:51 , 4111: cartvinf. ref 311 .;..I the blood to At Lealthvto burr.etr;ddd., it, ti.i.r.ti.titg and inwittorating 1.11.01 11.01.1 cutd.)..ody 3.1:1•.; of administration, their “.:{;‘,.t,, 0 ,1.6 ;1 . 1 , t h e i r results, vete and if) :All lotto, of Tin , Person ran 1111tet. i ..1.4 - tccoril• ing -, to ihtle.roi;.,• :ut rism3;., Int,4 {MAUI, pr...tri,s3 their boor , ate not tie,trt red poi.Aon or whet' nmaits, and the A taLr.,eit: t.a •Isa of rePTL'' Dytifilltmirt Ate. liti,ltt•ei.llo.l3. I PAM in Aite.ShOnlrh - qrk, TtOttne , ;.; te • I). a. ziuess,. Sour Ertictittemit of I.l'ie. Sion,-.:'11,. tattle, in the Mouth, ttitclo, Pale t.h.ou gf ilie Heartjothintnettioil of the IMile,--;-,l , :dt;it, MHI a hundred oti)ee , ,pailiML Atu F41;1'11%4 of ..I.)frmiersteA In theestonp;esnti it if.t j a /,47 . eitta. and 'ooe i bmhe sva ror,lct za.te antre 0f1rM01,619 than it ienf!,tity --1441 male Uotp)plolites. married 'or , ingle, at ille:tilA.,-n• L of ivom.l..h.i 1, tiotlie 111‘.n of life. Al,..te T,,ttie- Bittern- Alist,,, A sr au -influent, 0, i, .t to,Arlte.l Imprtoielierot to 11.11. F..- - I IV -ICb.?ttr .'or lon tttttt note ry rtiol.chr.oish• Bunt at.,,t Own, Dppepsia dr I udigest idn, Itilnnts, Renth ah•lhternritent Fevewe l)i.jet , :e4 'of] the L ), ", K:fillc, :MEI ttlasider, vare been 'lllO,l ‘Mlll.ll';•.^ent. Satli ar, eut.rsi hi' 1:.‘,0 I, 0.11-cli i getieraliy vuatice. , (.; ‘l, cfniio . - in4-nt of th. 3 Ltnl4%tive 'sans. • l'hor are n gentle Purgative ng syslll Its till'ositc,:pd,,es:singia!so the prom tin , it ne as, no•nti npent. An elieteing Cone,tion,ur follam tmition of the ault ViAceral Oigau4„ti,d 134ninars. • • • I Vas' Stetts• filse i osdsi T , tt••r. iSalt- Rheum, Wrin.ln.,s, Stinta, Potpies, Piwtolre, lio, - ;;; Car hnncles; Wng-Wortn%k Scald-Head, S•e - e Eye. , :; - : Err llncqlorations of the Skin, Mmorst and Disease,of thc Skin, of whatever nant t. or nature, are hter.llly (WO on and carried ont 'nl the 111 a stunt time hr the ur. , of tlte,si Bitters. 0 0e , t,0 , t,1e in such taus, c"nv, Ice Ito most heir curativ., effect , the Vlttatetl Moot' nhenever Von fnul 1:n 1 buistiitg Om - MO the Erm-ti,eli, or Sorest cleanse it when yon find' it, nb stracte.l Ind shigKioi in the veins; cleanse it when it is Inn' • oat feelings anti tell you when: Keep the blood pure. the he:did:Lot - the system will • Grateful thors:ands proclaim MT. •raas the most won:lb:10 Invigorant that ever sitt,tained the sinlting system. Pita, Taps, tuna other Wortn.4, lurking in the System df so OtanY thoussiis, are erfcctually de stroyed and removed. .Says, a distinguished 'phystol= ogist: There is scarcely All 111divid.lal upon the 'h,ce'otithe earth whose body is 'exempt from the presence br, , YO/1119. It is not uPon thel healthy elements ofthe I.knii that , worms exist, but tition the diseased humors nd slimy deposits that breed those hvitt monstars f,disease. No system of Medicine; no verntifloges, 170 - Oltlthelmin ilics, will 'hex tbalsystem front ItiOrnl3 14 . C.T. these Bit- Mechanical 'Microsoft. Persons engaged Paints and Miners'', such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miner's, as they advance in !lie, will - be abb l iect to paralysis of the Bowels. o_guard against this take a dose of wALKER's yiNEGAR 13tTrax.,once -or twlte i - week:win PrerentiVe: Bilious, Remittent, and Intertiatf tint Pevera, NNII:C11 art s'n prevalent in tlte va-let's Of otti great rivers throughout the Milted States, especially. those of the :tlississmoi Ohio, Missouri, 'Who -3, Ten nessee, Cutnbet land, Ar kansas; Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grdude,yearl, Aiabw'ia, Mobile ' Sitvaonah, Roan oke, James, audimaay others, with their vast trtbuta nes. throughout our entire country during the Summer ,and Autumn, and temarkably so during seasons pt .ttanstil heat and dryness, are' invariably by extensive derangements oftlteStonvielt and liver, and other abdomurtivlseera. Tliere are aitva , s more or less obstructions of the :o'er, a weakness and irrAible state of the stomacfi, and tortor of the bowels, being clogged up with limited accurOlatious. la their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a poWetfal influence upon these vatlous organs, is essentially necessary. There isi no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da; J: NV/mimes VINEGAR BrITAAS. as they wilt speedily remove the, darlo-coloted viscid matter with which the bowels 'are loaded, at the same time stimulating the.sectetiens of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functi,ona of the digestive organs. Scrofula, or Kilip)s Evil, White SWellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas Swehed Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Af fections, O'd Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc , etc. In these, a; in all other constitutional Din- WarAcen's VINIIGiR BITTERS hard their great curative puwets in the most obstinate and intract able Lases. Dr. W►Valker'e Callforntra "Vinegar Miters act un,all these cases in a similar. rn:tnner, By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolvtng away the effetls of the inflammation (the tubercutar'deposits) the affected parts receive health, and a plimanent cure is effected. The propertleg efr-DR. WALKER'S VIWIGAR BITTERS are Aperient, Diaplinrette' and Ca,nthiative, Nutritious, Ltzative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irri tant, Sudorittc, Alterative, anti _ The A perient and mild LaNstive properties of flit. WALKttit':: VnlftGAß BITTE:R3 are the best safe guard in ail cases of eruptions acid malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing., and soothing , properties protect the humors of the faucet. 'flizir Sedative properties allay i.ain in the nervous system ; stomach, and bthvels, eWi..n front inflammation, wind, colic, ci.Amp, etc. Their Couriter-Initant influence extends throughout the s} stem. Their Dniretic properties act on the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Anti-Itiiimis properties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its discharges through the bihary ducts, and are , hiperior to rill remedial agents, for the citro , ot L..liou; 'Peter, Fel'ti and Ague, etc. I Fortify the body agabiat diciertian 12,i , puri fying ,a'.l its fluids a W A I VINSGn At-Tint No ern.. 1 dem.c can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, he howe.s, the kidneys, and the nerves era rendered disease-proof by this great invig orant.l - . . . Directions.—Take of the liltters on going to bed at night from a half to one and one-half wine•glassfull. Eat good nourighing food, such as beef steak, mutton Ktnicon, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-Juoi exercise. They am Composed of purely veget able ingre,iienti, and contain no spirit. IWA ER, Prop'r. K. ItIoDONALO CO., Drogpsis and Gen. Asta, San Francisco, Cal., and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts,, New York. SOLD DV :ILI. DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Nov. 26, 1137:?-3 m. A CERTAIN CURE Fort Seated Cough, Incipient Consumption, Colds, Spitting of Blood, Inflammation of the Lungs, Catarrh, Bron , chitin, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Pains in Breast or Bide, Dyspepsia, Tann diva, Dizziness, Loa3 of Appetite, Fever end Ape, Indigestion, Liver Complain`, 1 Diarr j hcsa, and all Diseases of the', Lungs, fitomach and Liver. Vfl, IL GIP en e% Wholesale Druggists, .111., W., Sole 4gmtz, sma to whom all orderesltordd bo address ed.--W k-Fo SALE BY PIERCE & Wepeboro, Pn PRICE, 1.00 June IJ, 1e.72-Iy.) Willuseo :P 11. w. TODD has removed her Music Store to I.ltl. the late reaidence of Lauer Bache, opposite' Van Horn's Hotel. Steinway and other 7 :22 1.tnat. - 21. tiZOS for flab) very 064: Alao, MASON ez HAMM{ ItABINET ORGANS. v,, OLD INSTRUMENTS TAKEN IN =ORANGE krge. pica. pf NEW lATIBO just rece)sod. LESSONS given on tiro Plano, Organ.. and in Sing lug, An opportunity for practico afforded to Coon') who innyileniro it, „TT. W. TODD, Jan. 1. 1872-tf, New Grocery and Restaurant! THE underoigue.l has opened it new OROOERI and EATING HOUSE in the store lately occupied by George Hastings, the first door below Liman° hotel. He has a full and fresh stook of fine . Grocerie - p & Confeetionerieq, which willwilfbe gold ciirapfar carh. Particular attention will be paid to the wanta of the "inner man." WARM. apaCs will be furnished at all hours. Every, delicacy will be supplied in ite sea eon. Fresh Oysters, Clams, Lobsters, 'Sardines, Fresh Pith, dc., tee., will be furnished for the table in the beat style and on the ahorteat notice. Call in and see. - Wellsboro. Ang. 187243 n. B. F. ROBERTS. IffiZ=l • ;-; e World's Tonic Purely vegetable and BEE FROM ALCOHOL , P, LOPPIER'S UTNETIPMM AR BITTERS --00•etitekwif 4 i str3C` i'l 6 :t . . , ( - ,:: . ili 4 ,1111'-'., ' •r" ', , !:11AltiWAY'S''''READt,RELLEP' - f , ,-, teURES THE WORIIII;f - 4. 1 ..r, 4 ,i .. '•• in-from One to TVVenty_Minyteu. - ." _,_,.• :Ivor 0.:41', sou., - .. . ;.- .. readingthfs ativsement nee d - any one; - l'' . _ . ,- SUFFER'. TR FAIN, , 1.. ' I 'i. .-- " RADWAY'S READI Rk: lEF IS. A CL RE FOR . -I • - 'r It *Met ie first' is :..,-.. .4 ' `_.. ,• ~ •4..m.1,7 , X P al • , XtcXlloictY , - , that Instently - Stops the Most exc `elating palm., silt' latilimmatimai, and cures Verite‘• tone viihisttier 'tit 3 4 , . Lungs, Stomach, Dowels, or mei glands or organs, by . ' n9 W I 'Fits thcp. T. TN 'TY ItliblifTiiit', t tli no matter how violent. or ex clatiegAlte pain the ItEIEUMATIO, Ded.riddeu, Intl , Vripplei.l.'Nereimi, 'Neuralgt or preetrated wlth disease ansY.SUECIV'' ~' '-, '4 A WAVD . READY RELIEff 4" VIM AFFORD INSTANT EASE. , " - INFL Ma.TION OF TILE KIDNEYS. _ ~.., - , 1 1 , INFLAMMATION , OF VIE iILaDDER. .. FNFLA,. MATION OF THE BOWELS _:, • _ CONGESTIOZUOITA'ire Ltit:ol,' BORE ' RttOAT, DIFFICTI,T DAMMING. , • - PALPITATION' OF 'l'liki 11E11E7, , ' IItYS'IE Ice., °WW I ! , m i t'UTIT- 9 4 ‘ - A l t ' IsIEURA CA L TM OIT 1 1 1. ; its l's tI FIZ T ;s xS 7. 4I -1: . READ CBE. TOOTTIA(IIIE,' .1 ; ' .. ' , , - • COLD `RILLS, :AGUE ODILLS. ~ • The almlldltion of the load?' Ranee , to theliart er Farts where Rid WA. (if' , il.licY ! , 1' elltilsNlPrilitord t 4 i- 13 and comfort : - .- '• Twenty drops In hilt izt , tumbler of water will Ilya few , - moments cure CRAMPS, tiPASMs, SOUR wromAe/i, ,. 14F,ARTBURbf, - SICK II EADAAIRE, OW DIARRHE:, ' ; DYSENTERY; COI,IC). WIND, IN Tug -BOW and all INTERNAL' PAINS:" , ' ' , ' - ' Travelers should always carry a bottle of Radwas 'a , Itendy , llelief with them. A few drops to 'outer , ii:1" • prevent tifekties3 or paint [Om change' ,e water. I f V I, better than French Brandy ar Bitters ase-Stlinubmt. : , rimvicre . AND AGEFE., L , • FEVER AND'AGIJE cured tor Shy anti.' The,. i I not a remedial agent ha' this world, thou 'will tom Facer and Ague, and all , other , Malarlotts, Itillouscarlet T , phold„ Yellow. 'and other Fevers_ Oddtal ,_SW by EADAY'd ' - FILL s.): so quick as ItADWAY'S Ar.a..oy BypEr. _Flfty GM:its - 13er bottle. Sold by Druptsts,' - =BIM LHEALTHJ,..BEACITY-1 ski:ONG AND 11.10TU BLOCYD=WCTIES'iI-: OP FLEW( AND WEICJIT...JOLEAIi BIIIN A Xp, NEAUTIPPL COMPLEXION SAX WWI? ;11,1AL1.. , .., - DR- '' ft ADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT' TIAS MADE THE IiIOST ASTONIEITING et:ltrt ' so 141.ucK,_ SO LAPID - A .E THE - VIIANUE , THE 130DY , UNDIlltilli0E/3, -- - tywonft Tfal it. , FLUMWE OP Ifly , -• TRO:Lic: 11 7 ,9NDy.ftFt51. MEDICINE; THAI , . ,- l• .= .::=I . --. ~ ' „-'.-: ~ Every'. 'Day an:lncrease In .Pleah. and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE 'GREAT BLOOD I PURIFIErt. • Every drop of the SARSAPARUZIAN' ItEI3OI.V , ENT coiontunindas through the Blood, - Sweat.` lirir.o, and °Duet fluids' and jukes e n the eyotem the vigor of IT, for it repairs the 'trustee or the bony with new end soup 1 • thaterlal, Totals, Syphilis, Coneumption, , Charh,lo, ' ' disease; Mee ala the trust, Mouth, Tumors, Nonel,ln the Glands d -other pans (-0; the sysinin,. Sore trp, 1 Strumous D sehargss Arent the .s.r.s, and the wor,.. forms of •Sk diseases; Lauotfoue,' "Fever Sores,- Soidl- • Read; Ring orm, Saltitheurn, I_,)Taipeles, Agr4,lll/,..4..1 . sb o ta, WOr fl IS th e Fhtth. fumots, Cike6gri th the ' i Womb, and all weakening and ;sinful dischal i tss,Niehr. ' Sweats,. Loss,of Sperm, and all wadies of the to prlat,i ple, are within the ceratlve range'of this woade or Mod: ' 'era Chemistry. arid a few da3 s' use will proem to ear person toilet it fOr either-of these !Vans of tifitazt its potent powerto Cure them. If. the petleit, daily beeenalrig.' reduced by the tsetse and deeompot ion that f p s contlheir ProgresBl4r, sin coeds in erred Jr these welts , an repture the same wen new reaterlAtEniade from healthy blood—sari this ti-.s sAItSAPAAR , LIA.I. will Old dooe etsurm) . Not only dohs the SiEskralux.trea: rtrAOLVIIXT. Ct ,, ,.. all known remedial agents In the Cots of Chronic, semi:. ions, Constitutionrd, and Sitio Ails-tees ; but it le the o.ay., Positive cure for ,"'-' —' -. . 4 -,, , • , . 'Kidney & Bladder ; Complatzttg,• . ... TYlirguY.,taid_Vonitr diteetei, Gravel.".Dlalsges, Dnir:rf, efoP,Palze of Water, Ir:outface= of Caine, leright.' a Ma ces% Altitimiwarta, and is all teem *here there are brick; tiust deposite.;or the water is thick, cloudy. Waxed with - - aubstances like the *bite or an em pr threads like whirs tilt or-there Di a -morbid,- dark. Wilma appearin^e, _end whits boeMdust dethislts, and lova there lit i Vallig, burning sensation when pastilor/ meter And aha Ilia Small of the Back and along the:l4lm_ Fero, tat o. W O gt tvta. — The on/y taowl 110,fur . s. poyzmy for Wonlil—rin,'l4e, WM. ' . • , Tuttlior 40f: , re. ' Vcars'V-tatirit.' Cur&l by , Rillwaylo-Besiolltott,' •. Ern..., Masa., .1341 y 14 Belt , Da. Itinv.tir ...,—.l here had Onrian Tat= to the 01. r. lel ant 'towels. All the Doctors µld . there was no ta u. OLIN every thing that rya roooanmended L but no helpedow, I raw your Rasolvancand thought X wo uld try it L =had mead Init, bean:Leal had sufferael for image ye.ers. I took ale bilitti - of the Reseal/tit, grid-bee bag of Radwafe Pine, eralwo,lbot ttaa of your Itrady,Ftelial ; Arid there ta not a sign of tumor t o , b mu or felt, and 'l' feel better, =atter, and happier than I' hat for trqra y‘taxi., 4 Thp ',Nona tumor wet la the left side of • hmels over the grOkr.' I colts Ws to you, for tba hotie . .l - - o:byre! Yob on publleb, ft if you chore. _ HANNAH P. fllcAPii DR. RADWAY'S . PERFECT PURGATIVE PILL' hCrfectly tasteless,, elegtuilly coated-, with, sweat pmts, regulate," purify, elettisse:' tr.`t sirtulgthen.• way a Wis., for the cure of, all disordett of phd Stort3 Liver, Bowel , Btadder; Sireue Dist Read,iche,‘ Constipation Costlvune -Indigent! Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fever, n sunnatten the Howeley Pliesoin d all Derangements of he Internal V cern. Warranted, to effect anosititecure. Purely ye ble, containing no mercury, ineraiottr tetertous dnf Oar' Obi:erre the ifollOwinigisynaptere resultmg Ito Disorders of the Digestive'Organs . Constipation, Inward Piles, Pallneu of the oat In ths H Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn Diagust of Fullness or Weight In the SiomachiSone Eruetation., stOing Vltittering at the Pit of the Stomach, Switeffning of thi. • Harried end Duilcult Breathing; Fluttering at the - Hetet, m. or Suffocating Sensations when In a Eying Peettreo Diain Vision, Dots or Webs befetur the Staid, Fever and Dull Palo the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowtails of the S and Eves, Pain In the Limbs , end sudden Sloth Sem, itarnLag in the flesh, lid few doses of RADWAY4 PILLS will flee the then from all the above•named (11..ordete: Nee, 25 es per box. BOLD BY DRUGHISTS. READ "FALSE AND TRUE." Send one' lin stamp to RADWAY & CO., No. 82 Slatden Lane, Ne Tork. Information worth thOUNIIII3 10.11 be sent you. ;day, 20. 20. 1872-2 y. - grg-130 IR ea d Quartern ' Fon Drugs, and Medicines, (Patent or otherwtme)..Also tor PA.LNT.I,' OILS. VARNISHES, CRABS,r. 3 11Y ANII A. 14, BrYLES littUßß'Elf,l&c, ./(4 - GO TO, FIEAD QUARTERS FORI C hOiee Li4lllOlN, sub 'TCAIA6OO. Alen for . , . .. 4;z41 I I Religious, 111,6 c; uricoL Medbial, Le , Blank or lloh N. D. A. full 'aseortraeut of the er. Also; an e ellent anaoriment of ALBUM, 5t1.RE0103, FICTURE FUMES, STATApNEAY, CORDSAND TARS/LLB, Sr.., &0., ca. 43 se r 1 eta 'Oa Teas, Sugars, Coffee, Syrup', Mint:set 111c9,11 - 111 Soda, etc., _we will not be beaten in pige or qua We will eou choice Teat bq the sheet, t b 7 barrel, at as low ligurea as the sgne can be igannati this side or New Torii. • flvr ant 4 saustrnama. I CHANDELIBAS - , of this newest . styles, psid heap • - - brec3c. . . Fang and Toilet Articles, I PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, POMADES, BRUSHES, &c.. LIEE7SE OUT- LENY AND JEWELRY, WHIPS ' AND r•asurs. I ' We hold twenty desirable village lota for eigs 1 3 central part of the town ;. and will alga loin scone reasonable rate i, -; - • - ; - B. N. . Dr. W. . Webb has hie' aloe in our et where he may be consulted fbr advice or treatment Jan.-1, 1872-it l . . HASTINGS & 00 ,v: W,E :ORO I Blasi) Sash & Blind . Facto lIINJAWAN 40.f.terni, la ;mead to furnish el J.) class work from the beat lumber, at Na new :a tory which is now in full operation. Doors, DI3I,INEtZ9 AND MOULDINGS, ronatanpy on band, Or rahnoiaotutod to' 6r3sr Planing and Illatielting done promptly. and in the' beat manner. bait; workmen emplared, and none but the' beat aeasone• lumber usled. Llicourage home baduatty. , Ell Factory, near the foot of, gulp stmt. Jan.1,1872-tt it TC3II 3E3, Ns IVer 3r, G of any description executed with acoura cy cure at ate AGITATOR 01110 E. LI II 1111 G', i BENJ. AUSTIN