NOTICES. . 1 , - •—v.761,y1i,x1 ~,,,in n v.', 1,, , ,,,h. tiop„ t i ta he btlitcat 'Loll: Itztvrni It will be., itKI by 7.1 tee( with it platfOrtn„,tw`L'lttYr fe,ol in widtb.ftronntl it., 31 - r. Kona, or Eric; who builrthe Willicancyort tlerot, ic,•,tbo contrnet- II LOCAL ~-.,---- ' Beautiful Furs -for children ,at Mr;. St;- „. . 11,21,14. - Young t t Co'.; stock of fancy t;tationery just received. -=-The Corning Democrat says that anion FuneY good variety, at 3 tr 4 . Sti• named Williank last • Tue Fatly, 1001 - ti aid . :: • "zzitooze” in the round licei=e at Hornell , - th the tatezt, publication= on the -.helve, ville, leaving his leg on the track., A, loco. ourtv Co'.4. book • ' fn. - 4M. backing in erii=hed leg, rendering ' amputation neeessorv. .1114 t the little Furs for the little f..ttits, at Mrs. Sotield --The horse..diseti=6 has prevailed 4o ex , I tensively throughout the county that it in - A new lot of frame= anti moulding, just terfered materially with business at the late tcceivcd at Yoting &Co - 1 term of Court. Marty jurors were exethied • twin attendance because of their inability to reach the county-seat. --last Saturday - week, on the at-rival of I train 12 - at Hornellsville, N. Y._ a man ..wa found dead in the clotiet of one Of the. puss- ''enger coaches, The body proved to . betthat of Lucius Carr. of Binghamton, who had committed suicide - byshcotinu. The act is_ lei insanity 11"Oyd, Sheritf of ',..3telit,ell CfAiLty, had. hisliore plot by some_i:fiknown party or patiies on 'the. 2itth of August'. last. by order "of the . Board 'of Supervisors of that county, he now r.tfert a reword of $1"0 information that will lead to the arrest anti convietion ofhlie offender or rdfehder4. —On the morning of the instant It mewl natned Patrick ,Flynn was fou n d d ea d in the street at Elmira. The Coroner's - Jury t'ound, , that -Flynn 'came to his denthfrom'a wonfainflicted by one mar,„„l„y with a premeditated design to kill. Macon ley the o arrested anti held far the murder. --The. Coudersport :Journal announces that next week that paper and ,the /ton, of the , RITIC place . .-are •to ha consolidated and published under a new Mime, in an enlarged form, and at an advanced prier. The new paper will 'he controlled by' Hon. John S. Mann and published by S, Hamilton. F“ney goods in greet v:ariet3i for the 1011 , at Mrs. SofieLVE full lineof Diarie3 for 187 at Young ;lt-' ENE fuh a few raore of thosc bert dollar 'steam erliiir:es VC Young be Co'4. - =1 - ihtfre will be a Literary Sociable nt the of.ptiitt Hall this (Tuesday) evening. ,Ex ere c 2 to commence at,half here will be a meeting of the Herintiie at their Hall, on Saturday evening rik 14th Readings by members, We will send the AOITITOR - tfl _he W t, :..:*ribt:r , from this date to the Ist of dtintlary, 1;:4, for two (1.'11111.4 each in 'advance. Ad- Jte:4 THE AGITATOR, We%born, Pa. Ytert, 77 -T s herp Olt DOA pot, visit given for -the', benefit of Rev. P. l ieynold , t at hip hotise, in Stony .Foilc, iV:tiliedny Montour' and,evening - , Dee. 28.- 141ciing'• clue, handy, mend.; everythin(? . . There will bzl a:Christmas Tree at the Rut i..rLd M. F. Church, Christmas eve.. the 24th A cordial invitation is extended to all 'end new Methodist Church at Tioga, will . 14 dedicated" December 17. 1812; 'at 10 u - rn. Rev. Bishop Peek will otliciati ,4,thc oecivsion. A cordial invitation,i34ex anded to ii11 7 ,--'2w. - IME ' , /tlorc or Tilt Mourn. —Odorifeimt4 o'oo'cr renders the mouth enchanting., Com - wed of rate antiseptic herbs, it impart, ,thiter,ess t. the teeth, a delicious flower•like 1.414)111t1 It) the 'breath, and Preserves .intact tr'oro youth to ttge, the. teeth„ .1 t; ir R.—k:ii:r.—lNli ,,, :r 4 . 3. 11.. 3. 1). (*amp h-11, or ..ie1...:911, wilt it known that all the C,a. -. .lealle:i they re.pri , :lit art; sound; All pity tr.e. - :r Bos:titt lose z with lei 4 than 1-ii their ..:11.plw 1fe , 3r.5. J. H. 4`.%; J. 1 - ) are live m In .•:li i r' en, and worthy or ali erttl pat c .mage, .whielt we are glad they ree ive. To nE,. DEnrci.TßD.—The new Chri‘Aiari Chapel situated 1.1 mile; east of homer..' Lane station on the Corning and Blossburg Itadroad, Lawrence township, Tioga county, t'a , will be dedicated Dec: 19th,.1872. Ser ..,ceA to commence at 11 O'clock a. .S or won by Elder E. R. Wade, of McLean, N. 'I. - general attendance of Ministers and it ends clezircd. , C. D. lati-Nr.Y, REAL ESTATE FOR BALE - 1. I,l,story frame dwelling, ;in a one lot ; neyer failing spring-, good garden, barn, - alnd some fruit trees, situate on Nichols street. 2. Farm of 76 acres-0O acres cleared -.'ll.iddle Ridge. GOO 3 double log 'bonze, same barn and small orchard. Frame dwelling on Main street 4. Frnme store, buildings on Slain street, centrally loented and suitable for any busi- EBM C. Frame Boarding House on Mainst, color Waln lot 60x250 feet. Farm cf 106 acres in Delmar-40 acres cleared, only one mile from the Court House. Tanber Valuable. No buildings. 'S. Town lots on the Bache Extension, ~ ying North and South of East Avenue. Parties desiring to rent ,dwellings, storF3 r °face's; or — to purchase or sell real estate; will do well to give me a call. Prices and terms of ale fdr any of thc , ab0...-e, lots maLle 'Frown on applipatior. HUGH Yot - :,7G, InEzr.rEncn, Bead Dec.. 31",?..1"2- tio. Aeitattly. ttESDAY, DECEMBER 10. 137:2 Hothe Affairs. Vew :D aver t isement ir.yarance— I. Ecl is J. 1). Campbell. rpraiY3 Coult Ro2'. List of Lettere—G. W. Merrick., P: I. tioctlon—E.ll. Robinson. Plaiste,l , 4rMaic Lectare Course. sitorts Nlerti4:. SRI 7io . • r,t. this °flee—local iteltil —We had some very thir, sleighing hera creel: little more snow wouid make business verly lively for the holiday.t holth court at Couder aprt thin -Reek. . • --The "..3 much himtet.i : arid streez.a are resumir.7 the;r vonted ap- i-E,t,rance , track cf the Cos.vanesque Valicy r.v.ll;oita lain for , nt five milttt• from Epiecopalian.3 have ifilsoß Hall. which 1"..; to be fitted up tile. holding of service. 2 —sow is the time to plant adverti..emcnt: 7i6.11 to raise c ,x.l - it iiClll Pi? --The ifornAnq ,‘d; ic Loa' at the t.:iy::ani , Tate' at th;; yard In that village .t •Egi, , .24 75; i,.chor of Woodhull and Ciaftin used t di ;;Sriliiamzport Se v;•a= conpidera - h . , • a';'ll portii:g character there - new rct 1.,<. - ,,rencerill,: are up The building i3to iwwned with a INlarisarkl roof ,‘:::ci , r.deircii;Peipocratic) c.tizett, (1 , 3 13::1161:1:: and L . l.:tc:qiiet the only dailizz in tiii - kt city --f !Jere little civil Litsine.3: tran:ticted. op tt Cc,art-izi,4 the term finally cad ,ctr Wecint-:lay TudgelVilzon pre.tided pat of the --The holiday: ate i4llnoitt at haild, and preer.t3 are in order:" If you would know ; , here to buy them tg, the best advantage, c , '(lk aivertiling column: -i; 11 taea fro,pl ` ll.. e r.,1,1 mcsniii , r 'upon 1:;;;fore• Fre otv At qc dopnil. the ,ccif.s.brfqQj t 4 -4 ier•Liiif3 rtirnita last rri duy evening. but tc apV ar or. account :11 sickness. This gentleman) will lecture in ....cis village this season. —For a long time Potters ybunty has, we teii,:ve 'wen the only county in thc State vi,:ti..ont a railroad. The B. 1; Y. & P. ref:40,14 now - building will pas far thro:.lpll 41tlio cc.zlray. • • zepoir.' , ;:`• the €...'ornmisAicint-:e.''ol:--nl irt.ids?.evenh'2.l.7:o - ;'s Fieqi tp... t he 4.signtectlth nits IlquQfs,l4,s`;9 t 2; from tobacco, `2.o: r `frnm fermer.teii liquors, 510,2i.',0 92. —ire Baptivi, society of F . rt itts 4yitin .tippet bast thurid.u,y evcm:ng Srdoun occasion, :vas a 'very vr,joyabio, eZ23; tho ilttenaance :vas large, sat,a th receipt 4 oorreepndintly yieek len,tencp4Aof9tir_znonths' ;NPriirtrutt - (r, co t tinty. jail The pris _, Aer man, find there ' 7. erD extenuating circtim,qance.i connected the arse. church a-Anine, w hrrly the.prOdu,Cts . of thillelk the i tkehatet t z and garaeh, .test' ~her.~cagivir~g Ihi..6.ittnzitireii in this regioN 3 " a benutititAll'e;:litid - sboaalieseroifir everysitti-e'..\ EMI --The Towanthi Argus PiAlistiel alit of a nr ae.l Q f perzons 'who have' returned their pnpr•i: to Oat office with unsettled balances Thr• tit 1111.. the heat part of a column, and the •uni: due foot up 5771. The ti curt• f4,r oil thiA cheating of the printer is the ete3h-ittf-advtiee , : ; , y:tem. It must come tc tint at lat.t. --The Th:kid.,;% itiv, Hymn published hist viva]: rri the , e columil --- wr: written by Bev. d a v,.l.:D. AfifOiell„The:blutider in print ing the ,author . ,; name Was the tes.ult of grw.:i. can : le.:4)le.; for Mihail there is 1/30 good E'X PUZ,,, for editor , should alwayri have their wit , ithuut theme. oven if Homer may :,03-11e nod, the Soldier Orphan !;ehool, uf Mandield, Nvero rrceted with a full house at Bowen d Cone': Ifall in this village, hut Friday evening, and they deserved it. Their e.idertiiiiitnent was an excellent Vlte, nn l Wa= highly enjoyed by the large audience. The object for which it was given—the purchase of a library—is a most -commendable ono, add we trust the bi3ys were not only gran -61/4ed; but reaped a rich harvest by their visit to the capital of Tioga.county. Ye who level in the hot bucks\ heat cakes for breakfast read this: In a; published in the twelfth cemory, entitled ''_Ye De lightes of ye Breakfast Table," the ,follow itig occurs. "le eortm. implied Buck wheat, ypon whych ye Deere dotho much love to fade, ys demand tlto fortune cakes of myglity° gudeness.. Ye bOylell Sape of ye Lynden (maple) Tree dofh much ymprove them. Bade stomaked ones sayc that to eat of these dcth cause them muche scratch ynge, but this fayles to stop the catyncre theme. Pastor —The Corning JOUrnaj says that a lady of that village recently stopped at one of the leading hotels in New - York, and on calling for her 'bill was surprised to find an item of six shillings for "barjbill." She demurred to that charge, and it was corrected. The previous occupant, it seems, had been pat ronizing the bar, and left that amount unsat isfied. The lady's husband now has the re -coipted bill with the erased item, and intends to keep it as a defensive argument, in ease any discussion arisc3 as to the propriety of patronizing a hotel bar. —The train going north last Friday after nucn met with an accident when about two mil south of Corning. While running at :cry rapid rate some part of the running, r.f on of the coal dumps is believed to av he broken, throwing six or eight dumps and ti express and baggage ears from 118 track. Fortunatelyihe two passenger coach es did not leave the rails. The cars leaving the track were down the bank into the Loge river, and pretty badly . smashed up Four persons were in the express ear. and all were snmewhat bruised--; but nobody was seriously hurt except Conductor John Way, whose - arm was broken , His many friends will wish him a speedy recovery and feel thankful r as no doubt he does, that his fearful tumble resulted in no more danger ous injury. The train south - Friday night was so delayed by the accident that it did not reach Wellsboro until 2 - o,clock iii the morning --The Troy Gazette- ut 11,-2t week ha 3 a ver'y warm article on - Journalistic Brutal ity in which it says " the Is;ew York T.:9neo since Mr. Greeley s defeat, has abounded in the most villainyu3 articles, instinct with a brutal sav airy that has no parallel." We like strong writing„-but it seems to us this is a good deal too strong. At any rate tfe have failed, to disco-:et the ' - villainous articles" or the '•brutal savagery ; '' and we venture to 3av that if Mr. Greeley had not died the 13-.l:e:tc wciuld never ha'. - -t- - -detected either. It i.lgeneri - .lly well to follow precept and speak nothing but good of the dead,-hut it i. , much more imp - )rtaLt to deal jlistly the livir,g Let u -, L temetnber that the editor of the tat mortal; l will die one of tLeae day , and 'ben some fr; of his Tllttv turn xt,und r.nd charge the Gazette with writing and treating the dead e , 111 , 1r with htutAl ta‘.aziry. And then the C.'azr,!te tcr:l quite a.: 1 rally IL: f r.7..:CS TIOW: tiatt be' It F-P2:l- 1 1C-VTION 01' Till' P111::_1:1 - ii:fil.0; (')it - ncit or WELT !.. , 7DOIIO.- -. - N early twenty nine yeitri. 41-so t'le r,, Presl,yterien Society of Well - 3 , 11, - 1 - NT:cc formed by Rec. 1 F Callims. who has confamed as it: , pastor evor since For about nine year, the sccirty woishinped in the Court Ifei,e until about, twenty years ago, when the first Presbyterian chitrch -,•,-ac'buiit on' flip corner of Main and Norris' streets. About a year ago the Trus tee:: adopted the voluntary :-yrierti of church "sustentation iiistPad of renting hews. as hi te wfore, thus mithing the seats free to 1111.--= This proved -,o be so successfo that: the T;u-s-.. tef-i , decided to C:dar,g,Fl.lie ohlirtih;eilifle,?.-- _Liat siting' the' woil: .vas 'begun and the t society .'v - Orsfillipcd ineantime ink Boworu s _liall, 'The 'fir.A`fiOtir is divided int a roomy e----tilsuce, a ses.sikrt roota . ;ind a hs.r;;;,e (-Iv,irch Jeirie , r, cdl tastficiilly f k irroshintill carpeted; 14 1 ;;Ide a furnacci room in the rear of the Luilding:. On the second floor is the audience loom, which, since its enlargement, has been ,'lltietly -ren-orleled, the ,walls beautifully li'aintid and frescoed. the .oat: painted end 1 grained and upholstered, the floors newly carpeted, and the old windows have -beet; 1 replaced . l Fiainek, - .1 girtcs of abe nirtiful pat. 1,111 e '.,Triastces, CI kiie",, ct 4-)rl.iih: ';'?•1:. .411.1 . R.,: a rieutral -tint, +in "Irrirmon-,• [ took the follcwillg ">•'•'-ki , .4+ . I:+q L - ,,iday in re. ,rilethe 'eolf+ts of ilie'walit. `, ' ''" ' e a -..-4 to tho,-,- c1;-.4;1; or thUr j, , 11 . q - el i - , p., ‘ ,.. - 1 site . :11 - clr'li'filiCitii cji - ....1; O t ip,..: t;ist Ti,, 10 . Looakinitin try cus t"4‘:cElliTil.. Tpi. oziirciiee ; which - i, - Ere E Th 2 Trustees of thr VIII Aze± . - r r ‘ ,„lji. 2 Vvi.'3 , ue i, npressiv, wereparticipatea i n - L ,,,-, i near with unaffected serro... - (of 1.1„-- ,i,,,th if Mr. Baldwin. cf Tioge: Bey ; Mr. :t `=hr - i ' .l- Y r ' 111 " 1 rt'llQw-ti""'"': hut , , •Itl P... 1 Ti " a.otts A. Johnson anti Roy- Mi. Bake, of .1 - Aw; . cricat•ilic.: 'Hey., j ,ledge John. , .-ti iz ct.titlrd :,. , :.,..i.,-;,e,i . 7 4c- r,nuii,ii, of Arxict, and Rev. Mr 1t, , y 1 2- I on. xria the piercer-. •-•:-_:• ',..0,.......)-,is t 'T.113 :I . :- veld:l pr.stor of the Baptist church of iVals- I 1 . .., 4 r1 ,0, ... U'x•v• il,k ;,:. , ..,.t, c cz.e.t. v . i f. , i . .!1 .1 in jratt.- borc', and by the pastor, Bev. -:i F, r'..', - 4 -i-_ : • •L. 1. .c . V. , ,.eV.1 . k.iti11: , .ce by :lit ~ ii:. :r.1,1*. It= Inv, , r- Ile Dedication `:•-•,--"- ----c; v ., "N .-, '',,''',,: ,l'Y t l r •s ".-+ ~.,.`":‘:,G“ht ('t the c•sre.-i,l,,at-i, contr.:- . .• 17, •.. ;tit. • -4 , .i , Ct... , t --.? 1 ti,iticm aa het Mad.: t•. ....- pi e.d_nt rc-pu'.at: ti 7 ' , - - Tmoot 4 4-„li i ik,,,r+ -,- a T,i, t .—,, I t ~.. , .11 ,1 .-.03.4., : a ;;Y:... 0V:I i and prosperity . 1 / 2 .E. t, 11,liz t u 1, ; ,. -,- ; . i i r ,,,i,li c : 1 5 ,4 t , il it . : , , vrt . itoz; i- 4 , ju4 j c ,h l; ii;_27 . ..., , ,, j , i yr .. . spirited and useful ' a: a,,,i,.1 . 1,.. : ..,,,i ...., . 4 ,.,...., : , 1 . safe and trurttvox thy, u: ~;,„. 1 11 f„ : ..„ , .... -.._. rain _hall be -my witnesF, because teen witii me from the beginnin,e. - Ilis.e. .--;' l .-`, ll l. v .t.. l , u d s ar t ',l,l l v : a ., ll , r ,"'S l ''t ‘• --- =:,l-i'':.' r 4:s 'End it inipos.:+ible to give even a :it:L.-teaA -) - -I --., . - - ":„ I :7 e - ::', 4 " . ± t'',' I lt '''"'"'''''''. ; - ..... ~...,,,,,,„,•,,-, • + arts auwe an oifilli.tint this eery able discour:Je• ...i.t its esl-.;. - ~-,„,i.oiLioitixetexich 'whik.h he .i+ 10r.:.* ' ec.tpc:•l at,d statement wile 1 --„r,; 1 ,,:.:•, ;-,...)- - ,:,:u t ige -- . Irill! t axii;, - a•i : rP - the FouiPty in which fc+i .s.; rn,,r•y yoir: ::e C- . l.resi..ler,t Bi'tfli , :Butie of•Trustecs, 1.3 5 .. t i. • -''lj Tile'C".ed Tru , ti ,_ in th •, iinancial.condition of the Cio ciety. Ti,.. v...-YI: *, . 2 - 4 • ." "'i lia " . t '''`' lY 2 l ''' ll : sincere griet a: ~is •tie,,t,.. ta- , - - 1 ,•-•.m.,--reet of •enlargernent. , repairs .9:c.; oci: , t _Lout :ley xi,path,, , ,, with hi.- Liii‘.l.:+-'l', I'M 1.1:1 ' ;', ;rid tacit _ ~.• :WO. The indebte.dness did not exceo:l :.tits - :1 0 1-1- I ressi‘% l seieset•f the loss which, 1.0: reiti. , ll i liis.departtire, thiscommunityha z-itztatti ilft4 of this -sum, and ':i'v n i‘die no one was urged '. l°l further declare that. 111 rotten of -toreontribate - to the extingitifihßtent e . f„thei iii i it•r i . le ki s e . p_ect and atlection for their fortner • debt, yeti - aiiiitinnittop - ito r illgt euii - ,from 1 folio;•oltiaett awl Mood they will boprosoto : ; , - - =.l -- ;ii '_',---.: . .: - A t T.t: , ;..s: z , -!,.?, 4 3, I- , „ -i ,' v. •- : ! ... . . ..; ..71. 4. . ~ _ .. .'' J '.,~ ~ .~ .s. ~. r .. .. , 1111 Y, A , Hei n 1 . 04 ' O. 411=poi 4 ed bo grate-, folly received .b • the tru-tee:= ,any tinte. No enitee4ioi!,_w is _taken was %C - 46103? - lii L 'elt Jitne htincred eon !stn the wealthy NV el 10)0ii; ward now - anti he p - paY"tip.thiA whieh ha? beon t - olt 1314(41 ~ ip,_ll3ll/011 . ;2 5 ' prtivernents, erect 1416 alikto t)io W oiti WAY We entillot , elo. - this brief notiee.:,witilettt saying a word ot commendation ni;ont, the music furnished by the eloiir ander the , tll.:' rection. of-3Tisq I.'P. Toad. t . PA4 tll ~...•- t iiirtie,ularly th©: ' Zt is understood that. the written fuir the occasion, tiy. seleetecfnMl. opening anthem. h3 - mns,usett were W e have only -room for Rev. Dr. MitQbe the first ATION HYMN DEDI : Gon's uvrn hand tuada and high ; Ifs green carpet lead the a 1 y ; lan lea izr6eu aisles troi, abiP,St for GCa . For rinfers man A temple, brt.a For floor, he e ,l For roof, be sp And joyous n A place of w But fallen man, Hie house or Where, on his IVitit mingling Seeking, 'nee place of am citi ,tinted reara ; faker's name., he- calla, , 1, oy and fears ; fl roof of uarrOW for rta•••,. • It/ • hum we dedic:as prayel , n bero opncrerate, repair ; :is house of worehti, bh lioth far theta and 'lnt./ (treat Clop! t Thin bumble L When sinful m O. here, thyael Then, shall tl VAT TEMPLre 10-N s A . •- , .iipt•ettt , • rt the te , -itlmtce in cagy tit hint in the ft-ed ttv,:ay it cid:till 11 he .1 ptivLite teuion tehich he till attritof a lotig 11114 d the initelt-riikti , e(l title A GOOD MAss swr, a Jilctiep State or New Y Corning lazt Thu evening. Thus in every public IA was Called upun busy life illuturat "Honorable." THOMAS AT Wi 7ER .1 4.1 burn in INlas9acbusetts in Match, IzAll. Etirly in life he moved to bronnip c N. Y.. and afterwards, during hi. eirly noutlu eame to Steuben county, anti settled at a point now. known a 4 Ct:nterl, flit:, near Coining. Here he resided ,orrie vliptlVA, a one of the firm of Johnson a nd Conon, in the praCtice of i (116 , 4; (curly t....g ;:t:1) 4 1 \'' ;63 .,..c ': l C P... , ... 1) ..) 7"C) 0 --1- M C-C:; . . , . 1, . , . 3. 1-;achrldson's 'next quality ',len', 'lap 'Sole F.ip Bc - ...te $ 400, Ec7' i Youtlia Doots $2 iid to f 2 t,' , ./.\i , ... cd /-2 D Sole nip Bouts, Men's,l 130s', x , :l 75 nualiia Oft ad wl :rat +ed. Won:ie's Shoes at reduced priAs. Children's Shoes at reduced price All Wool Ceasimeres at $1 Oe; ,Fli\ape.t goods in the county. .1 - 1 Heavy Flannels at 81e to 59u. No dvance in prices on any Flannels '5 li Best De:eines n cents . 1 Ilar.dsoine Dress Goods 2t Os. Ch . Extra wide French Marino' at $1 CO. ~ Poplins and Batmen') equally chscp• ' i;ood Melton 81drte, stumped, $1 ,)0, 7, : k-th i-,1 60. meetings and Prints less than tuarket rtt es. o !Julys made to order as cheap as the coin oil Ileally.rnsSa shlir.. 11 \ we will stake to order a snit, Unat, I .Zest tie picht.i, all Vi 001 Ce.esimaeres, g , :patl ttimniinge thokaghout. fox 200 to 1, 2 ,22 V), :Atm traalities equally.i.lit.sq . .. . . . ' , . . _ tgl al Ai, ID to / / , . 41 N. N. N /-,. •:!:'. ...„.* 44 ,1 `... .. N . • fit °.. - $ , i.• 4 tit 'c ' tg r I - 4 7 ' A' Af ./ ,‘ 44 , ..? t. 1, 4 2 4 44 4,2 -.4-, 44 ~. 4 -e 47 j 4, • yam' e"''' ', 4, s'''7 , 4: .0 - '' , 0 ..c : c, 4 • ' , t y-. 4c . -. . e,...„, . ci ., ... b . 4 Ot AV •ca /AY , , 4, V` ,) A,t . Se 4, 4 7 , . $ -5' , sit 4 r , .4,c), ;7 - 4 , .:.:. - 4, , 'L ., ~ , •'-‘. 4 t), - 'C' ) (b. 4 ^, 4 CP ) ,'>. , .., , i F ZP ' C 7 # . 4 1 . ''' 4 7 J -a f ,1 ..• . 4 . lo;' ‘ / cy ° t• sO 4' CS .<, O " -4 , ,,, , :) c §) • c. ■ EITA.B.L . I.IIE - T C) 1840. - _ 1-' fl ---:- - . - -i .-- f :'; , 1 - ----;::--- 1 f i rl- - = - - -FI 1 1 : ':- Pr '• N f C4' .( k ' 1- 1 ' ' . f 2, ., j /7 . 1 . 7.3G " .2.t4rd-' T -s---,- 1-. 70' \ r®G :;.----.-::: 6' .- 1V :1-A , . "—....."..."' - - . 0 , I.,.:"'' ' t ' t r YFfe.^._ - .. --'-''' .` : 7. e - '-' ' , ''' • l l: .-i li . ili l :: : ' ' ' i ' tirV .. l', 'l: ' ,.; '' ii .........•,...,. ' "Et;y".l2lo 0?e, .... NIG, RI. liti% G-0 , 43113 -1 9 DRESS GOODL% • At the LOWEST PRICES in Steuben County Ll\7"l "PJ " 1.4 g .„0 - 11 a faxtel ' k tate. CjUr truly 13 Veiy largP ii t.lii%clopaituient ansk we cannot be beat either in prices or assoitmen • ;lye better bargams to our customers thig fall in every Departmer.t than ever before. Out Bale 9 ~ ( ..r,r'large and our caaurtment inug-I,l . ).arger than we have everlept, , Sou', - iv 'Solo Sir 80 - Jte $ 4 00, Boy's Boots * - ..Anis quality, SS oto 'SSEO- ;:r,c,l 1-2 D Sole Zip Boots, Men's, •S 3 0. A good 1-2 I) Sole Sig BoOtS, IMO _ti MI I= InffMEM CORNING ; 81.EVBEN corny, N. Y. ALL 00(11? .DEPARTME 1572. Mactil Alpacas, Enlargement of Stock in 4RE SELLING Children's Shoes at reduced pikes. gocßis in the county. , k i,,ivtat,:e in prices on any Flannels we are selling. at W? cehll. , Chcap at id SONS ST., Co. _ ~i co., it 12 1-2 cte per yurci 12 1.2 " •' Black Silks. 1 1 111 r: 0 1a 1 149 voRNIN 1 SHARTSTINKTR TAR - COROt4, 1111 AIM'S GREAT MB Oh.rout' wiad ILturagiz is ratifying tc , It's toliefo'kus the slub : iic iuttlpr. t. C. i shar re Ste Tree Tar Cordfal.fti...„ _Lei 1g 'eszaef,l has gainel eta eerflehle rsteatOcii nth Atlantic to the Piattio Oollit;ittiltl etalli thence yAno of tlio first families 91 tiro*, tat tlaiiirea' ~res alOus, but by persons tb l.ol 4 l 4ttt atil 8 ; 14 ' 'ally beuelitts4l add 'cared at kb dace. 1 71 b h.* 4131.. , lase, e s o day our sooner', - 1;10 , ta C4 11 4:11' to/ -,ly t" s detrier.,h ' It settle aUtt: hate !tie rep !JA: .. • Lrst. Not by stopping goirgh, but ;by iOcbteittlft: . anis Lng nature tO throw off thei:Uzireelthy4;- . )Ilec 3 about Ile. - throat end firolichtal ttllme. l e ',41.3 irritation. 1 Effft ~~ tb, , 3 z'oruf rub tt.)LI--.- -- er -o) , eutict It removes the, canoe of irritation (a 1 laces' cough) of a s s mucous membrane tubes, sestets the luilge to act and thri thy secretione, and putties the blood. 1 It is freatrom squall, lobe/SC I, Pednc . I , • or which mi Ets,y et throat and lung remedies comae:'Throk& sl cough only, and disor , it lasss soothing effect on the stomal oti the liver cad kidnets,. and lyragibatio 1 , 4lons, thtie reaching to'::byery pelt Qt_ in its Invigorating and ptirgying vin i gain Ws renntation Allah •it inn4hold atm ;ell i the market. 1 ' 1 , MEE SE MI ol Lulu/ eataposedd the el rierl oui ro system, an it ha tat Th Moe Tree Tar Cordia lima - Lk:an Dispapsia Raiz, - - miff SUGAR. for . iwg Lap Ur under Inunediete directlon they shell sir cu.:live qualities by the use of o:dope. =MU Y IL WISRAWLI / i: I'r .e. in•ir Charge./ L, Q. C. s'lBl:tart's Office Parlors &rd Gre+l G: •thtays., 1 uesdays and Wednesdays from ~ s a . tr. m., for. - onsialtation by Dr. Wm. T. 3F im are societed two consulting physiciansv , legged bility. This opportunity is not el any 0 er institution in the city. , . lEEE/ tta W.1.1.k Li ackl vv,h fered by 11 ifins must tie address . ed to L;Q .C. - ishart, fil,D., 232 N. Second street, ri ' 3., EN \or. 1 , I) N' Fr Iv MA ruless y•u wan. which are y DRESS 4 LA A. 'NIU,, OW, 154 FOB TAE ~u ~:a~~~3ia~8, Ma PROPRIETOR. IMADELPHIA A THIS know 6,a1, l',lll4.N.itz ao T,L114,t1 0 GE S i •SOP.TIELNT. and are selitag pails at e tordsbitigly , • 1 Low Piicris, 11 lill IN II E, Eli