The Way of the World. I leant from out my two-pair The afterttOott wag ' A cab pissed by, and on its track &Lyle dirty• , • • ; da through the slueb, •:. WI all nnoonsoiond mind, The dirty child comes with a rush, clambers upbollind. —Hie rnahni,hael so iroil,l 101 h c , : tire Asi ego Orfalllats.e , -. • , - But n ow"heit lande da d high and dry They burn with envious pain. The &POI! Irmaanyl plleinhq The chikindbilo the 'lilt. , • - And In a puddle rolls ker-splash— I think he must be hurt I , He turns away—that ragged bey, Anything but gay; fiio little friends they jump for Joy And' gn on, Fiat tbeirplay.l -.- shookluiy head despondingly— " Ah. such to life, I guess A num meata little oympathy While struggling for 01.10C311.4. And when the haelt,of. Fortune's Can lld'rthatched+-yon'llalways duct ' How ready. Wilds beoa~t, Mends ate To teller.; "Whlplehind I" - .. . Tbs#, • Atoral fipdou Fapul . . . . Billy Boleyn jiimped out of bed. - Rao to lair stator'und cut off her held; . This gave hi' dear mother 6 , ot t r , ain— Wo hope Sear Billy won't so it again! Thp 4.1).1 eat ou the window sent, puabed hint into the etteot: The baby's brei.n were daehod out in the airy Mrmma hold uphertorefingor to diary, 'I/rugs:et, where is brother, tell r ...Mother, T pushed him Into tho wt. 11." Why, / thought you lovod your brother dearly— L' 7r very wrong of yptt, 51.argar,,t, really. ". o.amm'y lightte& a lucifor match, - rh.rnat It tlio farmer's Match; The fannet'i bOrtio iOthO grotth4 waa brought " motheri:".you,tiadu.l ought AIL SORTS A 13outon street car Lae been natne.l for Ida Lewis. , O'Conor gtiva the teraertinve candidate a close run. „ , • bpossuurfeasts, In churekinterosve, ma a let tore of Georgia lIIe. Boston's - bread cast upon the witlers ii t ,tv returning to it like mercy_ doubly blest Thu Second Adventists of San Frarielie° LuN e arranged for u tine combustion, with let vent heat, in " • 1y a recent ;art in .Nco, Ilampahire, h oman divorced from her husband can ruin ftE6lllll4 her, tn uiden , name, 1 , , , Drank 3100 . re, put returned front Pari, aid lecture this winter ou the "Comic Side ~t Diplomacy in Europe," The public liighwais and fields for a doz en miles eoutheast of Boston are covered with remnants of burnt paper and cloth. William Barber, of Ceresco, Mich,. took %I " parade xisit'! - prithi double-barreled shot gun. His ilea arm le now loaded with buckshot. kind hearted sheritin aitcramento,Oal.-; allowed &prisoner on trlarfor murder to leave the court-room unattended, and he has not troubled the nificer since. e 1 well-known Californian, who made • a princely fortune Out offhe 'Central Pacific railroad, has 'purchased in Paris a tiara of diamonds for his wife costing 176,000,francs The great cry of the supporters l of\ Gree ley during the campaign was,-"Let bYgonea be bygones." They are now more anxious upon that point than - they were before.. An American journal is to be published in the Eternal elm under. the editorial man agement of Mr. Daniels,' brother of the for mer United States "Milister Resident of Turin. _ Rev. RObelt , 'Oollyer wishes "every gin mill chained inthe bottomless pit of hell." Coßyer does wrong- to wish anything hich would encourage emigration in that d rection. Father Thomai Burke says that when he 9 %i i 99 an Irishman reeling drunk in the street in feels AA a - priest lie could die for him,but ..t La Irishman hi feels as if he could wring the fellow's nook. Mrs. Moore, an industrious woman of To peka, Xansas, earned 'money enough to sup port a good-for-nothing husband and bring a niece to live with them. The husband eloped with the niece, and she is now nicely rid of both. A mat in Atlanta who inclosed the requi site fifty cents is answer to an advertise ment, "How to keep a house warm and save fuel," Was advised to tell his wife that she couldn't have a new autumn bynnet. He tried it, and said it made his house too of to hold him, but thinks that it might do in a northern locality. Mr. Sothern made a farewell speech at the Walnut-street Theater, Philadelphia,the Other evenina., in which he said: The j greatest possible compliment I can pay ou -_-.-and I-honestly mean it—is that I to re my ten, Lytton Sothern, to commence hhhhhhis profession in this city:. I leave him in the hands of tlie kindest and most sympathetic people I ever knsw." , A ten-year-old Socrates lately atatod the situation as follows In a Detroit police sta tion: "Oh, it's the old folks again, pounding and mauling each other, and smashing up the dishes. I've talked to 'em an' reasoned with 'em, but they keep right 'dn. It's get ting dreary up there and I guess you'd bet ter bring 'em both in and giro 'em three " - ..montha each." . A Louisville man who had only been ac qnsinted with his girl two nights attempted to kiss her at the gate. In his dying depo sitinn he told the doctors that just as he "kissed her the earth slid out from under his feet and 111-: soul went out of his mouth 'while his head touched the stars." Later dispatches show that what ailed him ‘70.9 the old man's boot. The Lawton Tribune looks afterthe bust- \ nem transactions of the citizens with com l i ;laudable fidelity. It tells of a man who re. (wired 25 cents to boot in a horse trade, and squandered five cents on peanuts, three canto on cider, and two cents on pop corn, leaving a balance of only fifteen cents for future emergencies, Senator Trumbull, despite the earnest so licitation of friends, will not be a candidate before the Illinois Legislature for re-election. Withilorace White and his zealous coadju tors he will hereafter turn hts attention to popularizing civil•servlce reform preparatory to the campaign of 1876. The success that has thus far attended his effortein this di rection ought to be considered encouraging. —Chicago rose. sensational story comes from Schefileld, tugland, to the effect that a lady there has just met, in the person if a minister of the (4ospel, a burglar whot she several years ago discovered under her bed one night tts she was about to retire. She Sure nu alarm, but knelt and prayed so fervently fur the recjamation *A) sinners with stilly h - eurts that the turzler left her unmolested„ and trom that night dated his reformation, Nothing is better established in theldo- Main of vital statistics than this, viz: a tery long body with short legs, under ordinary circumstances, indicates a longer len‘4e of life than when the lower limbs are long and the body short. In a large, long body the. vital organs within are perfectly developed and act more freely and regularly. In a narrow chest and short trunk the functions of respiration and digestion are less perfect h: accomplisheil. A. New York reporter rhapsodizes over the Young Ladies'Collego nt Poughkeepsie in this wise: "Vassar is a wonderful - seat of learning; in fact, all the learning worth cent is stored up there, and it is shoveled into these delicate young ladies in immense quantities, to fatten,them up intellectually for the market. Mentally they are perfect ly obese; in truth, one Vassar, girl has enough learning to sbaro with &Fifth av enue,girl and then enough left to start twenty academies of the common order, and still enough to.spare to run a religious inewspa per." Quebec is to day the most quaint-looking city on the North American continent, with its ancient cathedrals, churches, convents, monasteries, and market-places ; its little 'old-fashioned and dilapidated dwellings, lOW one and twd'-story houses, plastered and painted in beth white and dingy colors, win.), bright green shutters and high and steep red tile or bright unpainted tin roofs, with queer little dormer windows peeping out of them, and tall chimneys topping high - over the gable ends. The business thoroughfares have some solid stone buildings fronting on them,but few of which are of modern de sign. The most gallant man that we know of is one who refrained from kicking a dog that had bitten him; because it was a female dog. "Confound you 1" said he; "if was not for your sea l'd kb* your head of The elnonao Gaye that Jupiter is in Oan , cer noW. Re is Wised to use eikrukurengo. to e.s4)(Jolt USIOUG IN D t,..tur. Spa • ggaEt'A 'a• Er R., oa 4 ( Z 1 4 e . •-g ; '; j• ; g E. ' 07 C". 4 .4 La ot p c ' (- ! F. t , -8 ' 0 Decyffield Woollen DEEIIIIE.L.I), Yl. T.: WHAM BROTHERS, Proprietuis of the 1,1, , ,e MIAs j will Tfitufacture as usual to order, to 9111 t cu ton:erB OUR CASSI3IERES az - e . l'ArticuLir at tetatou cu t. Roll Carding & Cloth Dressing We menufsoture to order. Atp.l do at Mindy of Ron- Carding arid Cloth. 17:0.9a:rig, mid defy competition Lave We Lave . g ood an ttgaortment ot 4 lizt,ll - lo t 12,44,, Cassi772,eres, 6'-c,., .....1,1,,, more it, -,v,,, tu e , ....lanzge than Lilly other eatabllslutient. Try them and Stabil . y you' tiolvem. ire %Ahab:lade and rttall td t:,O t..!,..m Ili:0.41ln Lud'.6. 2 titles Lelow lin., v.-Al9 Inn 1, 1:+72 J. H. Griswold's Water Wheel. 11111 E unclersignod. rile scento f‘e. tbr, aboVe Water L Wheel, and cut, cheerfully it: commend it a. 9 supe rior t,a all others In nee. Persons wishing te: pur chase shoultl see this wheel to operation haters buy• lug other who*ll. tmArfiela, y ti, 1V.",1 ItPaCl the ta.owiug WEII.F.ILLI , rnir 24. 282 . 2. We the undersigned. purchased on&I 11 4 Lifie svold'e 39 Inch Weter:Whtels tieing e 4 iie..nee c i treier to run three run of etcue uud.: and well pleased with the ajtuol. N - I,c Lar, f , 11..! bukh,le. per 'hour Nrlth 016 thl,r I 601 i`t4 rtnponto. ter h- - “r ca its). LiD. 1.111.1 CUATILTf‘N Good, Laver -d ; V:AN" VALI:I:N titlitt.i ...: Cu , )1110. ~-...' t .:L,!l. 1 1 ft tends that they Lava aau •1 lAvary tt.t.ittatEateti i in Wellsboro for the teccutuutodttr.,.a of theft trliatdo. Good Horses and Carriages alwayo 0/1 tatud at moderato rater! stable on Water titeet opp)site Geo. Derby's resi dence. C. G. 'VAN VAI..II.E.NIirIiG. RlllO 23, 19,2. C. Sp, :1104.11.a. WALKER & LATHROP, ' DEALERS IN RA.I3,DWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, TI .WARE, BEL/TKO, SAWS, CI.M.ERY, WATER T TILE, Aiamotairtfner. rmermrm,- . 1-s, Carriage and Harness Trim - IF/lugs, • HARNESSES, SADDLES, &c. Corning, N. Y., Jam. 1, 1872. LIVERY STABLE. , . ETOELAII a COLES RESPECT .IIS, fully inform tho public that they • •▪ —•• have established a Livery for 011 ire, At their Stable on Peari St. ,o Wheeler's wagon shop. Single or double rigs fttrnished ti t order. Thay horses cnd wagons, d Intend to aim to keep good ho please. Pr4ces reasocable. RETCHAS & COLES. Aug. 71. 1E72. New Jewelry Store,. riz E en t s' n olrelfiroro wo an l 4: € l l =, that l e ie a ta to s °n th :node: ja-weirir Stara occupied en b t y o . L. Willcox,. . e Clocks, P; , ' aches. J_ewelryi i Silver and Plated- Ware. S. D. WABRUCC.R, one of the best worirmen in North ern Pennsylvania, wi l attend to the • liepairing of Watbites, Clocks, 40., Iroi the ellen' doing of which his seventeen years p tactical oxpeii °nee anSicllnAnma n A it Wolleboro, Aug. 29. 1871-tf. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY aNasvriax, 710041 CO., PA. 1 .3 , ., Life, Fire; and Aceidiantat .499£11£1 - OVER $24,000,000. ASHES'S or CO.ItPANT23I Ins. Co., of North America, Pa c. 5,060,655 60 Franklin Fire Ina. Co. of Phi's, Pa. ... .2,057,452 25 Republic Ina. Co. of N. Y., Capital.... . $750,000 Andes Ina. Co. of Cincinnati, " .. $1,000,000 Niagara Fire Ins. Co. of N.Y! arm ~...1,000,00P ere Mut. Fire Ina. Co. York Pa 909,889 16 hcenia Mut. Lilt Ina. Co. of Rarflord ct.. 5,081,970 50 sun's Cattle Lai. co. of Potter ue 600,000 00 Total \ .... ... 624,229,847 64 Insurance promptV effected by mail or otherwise. n all kinds of Property. All losses promptly adjusted and paid. Live stook insured against death, fire or theft. I iiin also tent for the Andee fire "newel:lee Co. of Cincinnetl. Capital. $1.600.000. , , All commtmleationa promptly attended to—Office , on , Mill Street 11 firer from Main et.. Knoxville Pa. ,i Jan. 1. 1872-ti J .WELDI V ST WELLSBORO, !PA, k'.- ANDREW FOLEY .. -.i , :. 'i. , ... who has long been established • ...\ (:(7.„ir-s .0 In the Jewelry buslneee it 14) ' C. ke t y/ jr :-is: Wellabor°, bait always for sale. _._‘:2 _ , T, "j:.:7. various kinds and prices of IMERICAN WATCHES, Ovid or Silver„Clocka, Jewelry, Gold Cliolue, Fief a, Binge, Pine, Pencils, Cases, Gold and , titeel Pane , Thimbles, Spoons, Razors, Plated Ware, .141 WING 14ACHINEf;, dc., &c., &c With most all other articles usually knpt in such es tiibl I i hmenta. which are sold low for C A S I • ',R6psiring done necdlyomd promptly, and sboi NOSICZ t\ A. FOLEY. Jan. 1,187271 Y. ' Ifoase and Lot for Sale.' 113 E undersigned often for sale hie Hones and Lo on Ustin street.. in Elkiandi Pa.. eta very low price id lot contains one•haif acre, and is under good oul t vatlon. For terms. &c., apply to the subscriber. 1,. Elk.innd. Pa, Feb. 21, 18724 f. 0. P. 8.3.150008. Xrs, C, P, SMITH, I S now receiving now Ind oi•gint designa in Mir 11,11.2i.45X 1 77 378 .11.1VC:ria" (SVCS , cox:Hs, asa ignites tb spubli* to call and eciody unit B. peak*. trouble to air gootts. ' Psla. MI*IT: 03101. Iszmt %NfOsitoTlll:lts INGFIAM Bili-,:=, WM. B. surra Agent awl WHOLESALE DRUG STORE. CORNING 'N. Y. _ . DRUQS AND MEDICINES, PAP.ZT OD OILS, ;DAD. I . Df.`,DS DAMS' INES. ramrtrs CONCENTRATED j • AfEDICTNES, 'maga EXTRAOTS, I BURNETT'S COCOLLNE., FiAvortn4l Ex. TrucTe KEROSENE LAMPS, .VA.I.7EIiT Mr...DWI:SI-S. ot 'lt L*Ti:l: :4 - DRY _l\D FLA VORITU Ex- TRACTd, WALL Y.A.PER, WIN i3OW GLASS, WAITEWASII LLIIE & DRY CW.OES, ..GENTS FOR & CO'S ALTESEI) OIL ut wbule'ulu 11av3. linyeir l aro rogue de' rail and Oat quotationl.f•Con. vout'o Sorter Fe 4t. Sen. 1, Is-2 'J. illgtfilpftSlN, EMI Defiler ii, iIA-RDWARE DU ktras TIN AND COPPER *WARE) Parlor, Cook and Moe to es for v;ocd or 0c.r.1 Tab]e and Pocket Cutlery, CARBffAGE TRIIMintiNGS, FARMING TOOLS or GUNS AND A3,IIMUNITION, Petroleum Fluids. (the best light in .the wiki) and every article connected h tho Hardware 'ilxada Hod's Block, south side of Main street;, neat dOr , r to C. C.•.:tfathers. AN' 3,1972. 3. R. ANDERSON, AGENT ruirniture ant Undertaking. Van Horn & Chandler, (Succoiscra to B. T. Van Horns Ht. largest nosy ni b o„ itt c n om an p d uln a e at . th o e; old place, FINE AND COMMON FURNITURE to bo found in Northern Pennsylvams, , con sladng of FINE PARLOR AND CELAMBER SUITS, SOFAS, cOUCIIES, TE'TE.A-TDITS, MARBLE AND WOOD TOP CENTER TABLES, RAT RACKS FANCY CHAIRS, miancyas, OVAL A:I94ISQUARE FRAVF-51,10.A.OK ETS, PE No. 1 HAIR 2kIATTRASS. LS, RUSK & EXCELSIOR MAT TRABSES. and a full stook of the common goods usually found lu a tirst-chtss establishment. The above goods are large. ly of their own, and satisfaction is g-sar anteed bothsts to quality and price. They sell the Woven Wire ✓kfattrass the rucn aprlng bed sold: also the Tucker let that hu.:, been on trial for 17 years and ev en nui‘erral e4ti.s6.ftetion. Our Coffin, Room, is supplie with ell e.zea of the Excelsior Casket, a now and bean id etyle of burial case, together with other kinds of f eign and home manufacture, with trim. mings to match. They v.lll male undertaking a spec iality iu their business, and any needing their services will be attended to promptly, and at t , atisfsotory char. gee. Odd pieces of Furniture made, and Turning all i kind a done with i.eltneas and d,epatch., - . - - VA'S HORN c eJIANDLEI Jan. 10, 18Vz. To \vr I am cm applicst tare bus ment, tun same lib' My boo? Jan. 10, 180. To Sutierintr Humanity. DR. TIPPLE'f; PILL V , WI to cure every caso of Donatipellcm n,i Pilea. or money refunded. Gold by Jobn It. Wel:it:bow, Pa. • Oct 1, 2•11 . 2. :611106. JUST. itECKIVEII, AVERY LABAir STOCK OF BEAVER, lIRIJ MOTH. OASSIMERE, VESTINGO, AND TRIM-,TRIM-,OS. which I will sell very cheap FOR CASH. In fact, the beet assortment or Oooda over brotpht to Wellaboro, of various styles. Please call and look them over. =king Sults. Overcoats. and Repadinfyr 'done with dispatch and as cheap as the cheapest. GEORGE WAGNER. Calton 8 Jan. 11872 r -I y. cc - Wallibern,h. ell w CO N.—ilaviugsuDcludect that after nearly 40 years close eve passed Over the as per above advertiae of asking for them the been extended to me.... old place for settlement T: VAN 1101 IN. PRESTON PRESTON IMMIE U 'r` .1 STEAII ENGIN blar, Gang and ..41z Taniteries, Shaltin,A every descripti riffA or ell 11r.:16 rep g, Angust 2d, 1572 -ly BEE! iIEAB FOP- FALL Arol) WINTI;31: 4.:001in TIE ora begs leave to zellattentiou to his No GREAT DE Mak erAblas him to offer groates ba ttoman, Thibet B Flinualu.ot ull desoriptio 1 The - bress $ eoutylets iiittt Latest styles and fabri [dirge, Prahala Satins, Plates, Ala Ft Inges, Laces, THE HOUSEKE • I be found rery attractive, es it 1 _:.. HE GENT Mattlngs, 011 Cloth; contains an immense 'to TUKS, V La best GBlsatitt end ohey.peat stock o GROCERIES Me public wa reopectrally invite out. 1673-ti he 'Cheap 0 FALL AND OODS, LADIES' DR DRY WOOL DELAINES, ly Cassimeres, Ite,a 1. Ea ace marked them down to very LOW cut awl made to order, and a varlet EE ii, 1812 June 100 omen a EOPL Lmunanse That the may have room to show the bMenoe. mall amount of cash. Our stool! is V ; im A ion n . m jea = l ai jW. _ Staple and Fl Anti is . GratsfUl 1. • oat otaikr replAninhing with the var • ittl i tilif t =t l Ca 111 vacs 04 HEERMANS S a,' 74, 'V% } Cat ROES liA'i Ti F. ES AND 13011 E R!.3, ley ,s'azr.4lil is, Machine/7, , Gearin.4;cintl; easiiiip ' n in _lron and Brass.. prJulptly %La 1$ IIAR lEftS :SiitARDEN jand ELteualve Stock uf ljerohancitee, boughtulnae Ithe Iscent ' LINE INPRICES, no than ever heretofore offered le-ttito market. sane stock of . oche and Paisley Shawls Woolen Scarfs, Ntilnes, Blankets, eta. moods D46partniant I ,embracing Cashmare L'Eocouse, Empress Popitr. .aoas, Silks, eta.; ,also, a full line of Trimmings, and Ribbons of every variety. II PERS' DEPARTMENT eludee many new and desirable styles of Carpets; ,u all widths, fable Linens, Napkins, etc. of 3f N.l) en's, Youths' anddAJP Boys' Clothing. i .A... {S, Frc,Vl ea at groatly reauce4lpecea lio,tii cad 6h IJSIB, RUM &C., stzli and prlce6 ND PROVISIONS WiLLSBORO, I o oall end examine. No trouble to bow goods e-Priee Cash Store SO. 2 Unlo Block, Wellaboro Will ,r Nilson lEEE st r9ge:rNi Uof WINTER GOODS, MEMO BS GOODS, ALAPACAS, POPLINS, AWN k 9, AIOHAIRS, _EMBROI- RIES, &c. l y-llado Clothing, Hats, Caps, apd Shoes. Boote , ,ca 3 for cash. Now to the erns to SCOUI goal bargains, t gliumteed. d Children mutel at the ' S STORE', 1 in CORNING o ferry away part of their took of fa Oda- 14101 rarther notice large bundles will be exchanged for a RY Jaa.ltikE. In all DEPART3IMTTB eapecially in , Hoy Dry Goods, !II novelties - as they happen in the Now Twig Markets ho good cittistana Qs TtOgs county we I,44pitat 4 001:04. 1.. faqir dealt with and astimottananmtia, Glio. HEERMANti IME3 THON99 HARDEN WILLIAM WILBII`.I, Alen, . 1114,0041611111110.: . _ . :.,---1 , -1 ..A , . ! ....zza ; :rm., , i . 'IIS pd s 1 .8 1 1 -1: ::4 0 11 11, 17 -1 7H. , N II*I .. P5V 4 91;. 11 1 ,1 ', 4. l V\gm . . r,O ~ ',,,,,‘• ..1„, l. I ' ..; 1 i r , ,,, f.... i r 0 qi , ,,,,.-, , tv ,, ,ty viz * .1 ju' , „'i; . W,.Vj:g.r'-'i':,Tf':'',Nt, Vf1..1 Ix 1 :;1MA,),...rNi'.:,1,1-..../..kvi444=kisi.'l , ' ~ o p.. 4 ‘,l 4 ,,,,,,'l;ofitVii;+Pl i • Li -" - '1. 1 ',:i4:‘„,, ' ' - 7 .i'71.:1 4 ' , it' -'''' ;',. ''.:',: f A fff/ifV,i' . liV. , ‘ - ',f 4 t .'i- • i :.11:`41;;I : : -4 - 1 ,„ 4":4 '‘.. 1 - '.7. ': ? 4.4Ppli .1 1 , , t ,'; : • 'e,ii , k.''. .4 Is -;.'4.- , i-i , ,4 . .t.t, .= -4, .. A.,. 7ivl. . t i...N-fI A. -tn.: :..,::'-,1*4'0 ~e0„;.,,...41 v i .c,, ~,,it.t,l,,>;latnoi,.) ~.rt i — K i. • f I % i . i.' 4w ,, , , , ,,5` • . - 4 ,. - • • ~..- ~,, , 04:3 0, ~. 14 P4 .1 4 4 5T1. -, ' ' ..,.3.- .^,,'. '''.l44 la S" 4 . 'ie 2 1. ~, V.lpt . t..K ',..,),.}.' ,314 , , ,, p... ,9:45' 4., '',LeT4g4‘i:, ..5,1; .Z, h7tlysgi.': 1 \ Ak`qi-tz,.Ze li - `1_4 , ,,,40. \\.• t i : , 15..-O r . •' l ,:e;:f.‘ , .; - :;. , ') . -4 ., - -4:Z‘L.:2 4 .- .; 5„.. r :.,,,,,, Ah - rr , ~ • , '.., , k , `, ', c.,,, 1 , -- e,i N , 1' • - 11 4 3 -7, ' A ; 4 ; . . -' ?., • 44 1.. 4111 .-,, , 4 4 ,2 .;4. 4 '' . ::_e ” - '_:•' .41 !0::: f 4:4 ' -' 1 ' , ''' . 4 ; • ` 2 ‘; ;.. '''' ' . ...--- 7- •' ""'" ....- C:tRES DISEASES OF TUE - ''''''--... 1111 .4r:11 4 1- 1 WIGS LtvER et E. sIOD In 1......0 ••••oirtelful meilictne 'to w Jell the atilt red t.-il io.ove- pii;iltramfor. Teller, the (li t. covets r ii,iloci a lie luis Coil ii.. to Joann< i.p row o 4. , e ..‘,...tow's inoqt sovvo < mii enrictre pr qi erties, w it.. li (ion.). 11,s it•atilled into he vege table lang.lote .G.r healing the sick, t an were over clu.witied la ono w ad! o 0. , The evidence of ale idi t is found in Ito groat carroty' of most coostmato dioe.iece whi . .11 it bas" boon , Timed to rot. In the cure f Mon c tons, n.....i , . re < 0rv,4,/t9,. and ,the oar y -stages of Colisititiptiini, it 1145 astonished ho rood! I cal 'fileirits., and eminent pbysioiana proimance it the griat-it teoilicol diecovory of the ag ~. While' it coney the sevi rest Coughs, it strong hens the system :and pui Ili: 4 ill: litooth By its great 1 . stud ttioroiii!; blood pot ifying proportle , it cures all littuto ro ra In% tiia v. otat Serofu a to a common Ittosesi. Pintplo orrruptto a. Met , earful dlootiso, Minolta Poisons and th it effect! ire eradicated, and vigorous htlaltit and a sound con. Attrition established. Erxeliirlits, Balt 'Littman, irt•V•er • !cures, Mealy or Rough kin, Id shot t, all the numerous dineueo cause by bad blood, are conquered by this powerfu , purify , big and invigorating medicine. 'it you fool dull, drowsy, dobilita callow color of akin, or yellowish . lila en face or body, frequent headache neaq, bad taste in month, internal heat alteT Gated with hot flashes, low api gloomy forobodings, irregular appetite, at coated, you ale saileilag from 'I orplil ii lilliottarkeeo." In many cases of 'Complaint" only part of thoso Fruit experienced. As a remedy for all to Dr., Pierce's Golden Medical Disco‘mr , , ,equal, as' it etinots perfect curer, Zeit liver strengtloomd and healthy. For 'of 11l bituol toosispatton of the BON a never failing remedy, and those w used it for this purpose aro land in V. ' Tho -proprietor offers (11,000 reward to ichm that 'will equal It for the cure 0.1 diseases for which it le recolutnended. Sold by druggists at el per bottlo.• ' by R. V. Fier.7-e, M. 1)., Solo Propriote Chomical Laboratory, 133 Seneca hirer IMI 1 ES N. Y. - Bow; your addroes for a pamplavt Juu 1672, Itoi-ly TOLES, ROBINSON & (Successors to J It. Barker,) -174 " of o , : ory 328C :Sj YlO7. tL ahuude.uo, L I srode rib public is cordlally to:cbll and our largo stock, as bra abihug at ;:,r: ready pay. We chall receive NEW GOODS conztautl3 trom the city ts) ircep our vst, , c , rtuiertt fill nntt complex. July 10 1t:72 Ei . ~,,,,A 1, E til`.\ 'l' 1!, - 1 . i:, I :', 1/4-. A 1 LE. r r HE slbscriber ofrem for sale las real •, , st , tie in the 1 southwestern part of the borough, to suit purcha sers, A portion of the premises is nicely situated to Ncut Up into village lots, and pasture end timber lots. The portion covered with timber is well wooded with hard-wood and hemlock. The 'lige lot on Which ho resides will he sold 911 . in 5111 ago lois,. Including hia residence. ROBERT I.IELSt.T. June 12, 1573-4ino • New Cabiam Sto rt :l ,„ ttmlaral t sl4,,3 has opent , -A a rt. , oirt IA the hese meat of 111,, cabinet buittlimr,, 071 Mato ..f.reet, op pceite Dartt' Wagon chop. for the , ea!:, of ©Ta.l.e l 'Bed Sets, Bureaus, Beddeads, Jhairs, Lou,nffes, Extension and other• Tables, Wha,t Xots, Hal Racks, and many other things, which bill be i sold lower than the lowest. Ho inclks all to take' a lock at his goods before purehastng eleewhere. Remember the place—Lin:me:to Dertt's Wagon Shop, West Main Street Aug. 14, 11372 Invalids Dan't Despair. ;3 Thousands have found relief ;: and thousands will turn to this medicine., after exiiatisting their purses and patience' in search of health. Giddiness of the head, dullness of the mind, foetid breath, coated tongue, loss of appetite, pains and weakness in the stomach, enlargement of the liver, yellowness of the skin, constant fever and thirst, with a total disrelieh for business, pleasure, or any kind of employment. FARRNEY'S PANICEA, if tubet'. and persevered in for a few clays, will remove this whole class of symptoms. The fluids of the body become pure, the mind clear, the stomach strengthened, the tongue clean, the appetite improved, cud the whole system so benelitted that disease. in bad weather,' is lees liable to afflict you. DR. P. FAHRIEY'S Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea. As a medicine for children, the panacea is, in every way, calculated to take the place of the endless variety of drugs which are annually sold fqr that purpose, and which are often very injurious.. medicine which possesses the qualities of a cathartic as well as a mild alterative, and which is capable of arterting disease without the least injury to the child, tip of incalculable value to every mother. As a cathartic it is very effec tive, yet it does not, if given in proper quantities, cause nausea or distress in the stomach or bowels.— It is very pleasant to the te3te, which is a very' impor tent feature as a medicine for children; As a prevent ire of disease it is unprecedented. ea it acts directly u e, non the digestive organs and the bleci' . In all scrof ulous diseases it is the most effective medicine ever offered to the public, and if given regularly and per severingly those eruptive diseases so common to chil dren may be entirely eradioated. Prepared by P. Fahrney's Bros. & Co Pen .sylvania, and Dr. P. FAMTNET, :NI z .. ..,—,-. street, Chicago. Price Si 26 .4,.,. _bottle, for sale by wholesale ,r. . retail dealers, and by 'Bastin( t,... -.: Coles. Wellaboro, Pa. July 2-1. 1672,0 m =I ICI MI If -you wish the latest It 3 HATS & CAPS, INI I 1 , f If you wish a pair of good BOOTS or SHOVS,' I If you visb, to buy your Groceries and DRY GOODS Cheap, If you wish the highest prices for , YOUR '\, PRODUCE, r Rovsa TOP, TIOGA Co, 1 1 , 1 -4" . ' ' Deal Airs in MMEIMINEEMMI of 1411 hiud,±, M. L. sTrcE.Ln: , Waynesboro, [ rt.l Dearborn • q^l K , j'• ;',7 • TrA) 'les of Go to N. M. GLA SIIIRE'B °rind Top Go to ti. M. GLASSMIRE'9 Go to N. M. GLASSMIRE'S Go to N. X. GLASS 11111E13, ClAis Zip 81A11. - - ii — , ---.. . g:REll'lrlilz•-• - ,- - '', A‘r 1 : '•.l • . . I. l , [si kt tsqh• _ , , , . d oot pxsl,.." . t . ..,, \,. ',./ .; 4, z i a ,. .. - \ \\ • Vrokl" ..i. : l t. *'•,....--"-• ' l 4p. - : ' . A fp , - s••'&,- g r ? '4E. '''''. .. - -! ; ;c,.. .. •." I . r. l'A -. r;,....!t;',-s'; - --"*“ •''l tp :`OO 1 1 ,,,%;-S •.. :4' yob e '' - ‘ A'' i I' ''f.: A ' 4- CZ ;",',. _. ~,,,;,,,,...,. a,,..,„, „..,,,., „,.,, „..„•:!::•,„,.., ~,.,..., t, „....,... 1: , ,„, ~ ... _ • ItUrtEl ,,,, ! I N— '4 - ''tx ' .-. • ft' --... •. " ',," 4 - --- -- Ite •t 4 - .45- C : ' L I I 10 1 •=: :ii ; • -.,--=,' '''. 'ti, * . ' / 7 - ;•• * l' ) A ""'; - - , ,'• ;'''•''-r- - : •• , 4, , ~i : gro- , A-P- -,. ...:< 4 :•:.7.7.-r1 - -.:t,51- , C.,..--ge-,. - ; i - i". ri":::). - i'..".;'C'.. "; ,:", , , ....; - ,-.1 t o. .:, • ,f Al .‘, ..t" -- ',. ~• : - . ' • , 41. i - ':r:ter....'....2 t- ...t...7..y_.,........: ... _ ..' ..,.. , _._. .. . _ ,_.,_ ~No PersO3t can talc° Mono Dittera accord directions, and remain long unwell; provided their bones are not destroyed by thineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Intlifontion. headache, Pala in the Shoulders, Coughs, rightnes4 of the Chest, Diz ziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in rite regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, arc the offsprings of Dyspepsia; In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a Letter guar antee of its merit' than a lengthy advertisement. , For Female Complititut a, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn :of womanhood, or the turn pf life, these Tonic 13itters i clispla y so, decided an influence that a !narked improvement 13 soon perceT tible. For In fl.aronttitory and Chronic ithen mathim and Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is, generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. • They are a Gentle Pargative as well as a Tonic, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in reiieving Congestion 0Y• Inflam mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilious Diseases. For Skits DlScneca, EtuptionS, Tatter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pusttiles, Boils Car•. bunches, Riug-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes 'Ery sipelas, Itch; Scarfs, Discolor:l6 mm of the Skin, Humors nud Diseases of the. Skin; of whatever, name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by tire use of these Bitters Grateful Thous - folds proclaim VINEOMI BtT- Tßßsdhe most wonderful Invigorant'that ever sustained the sinking system. ' . • AVALKER, Prop'r. U. U. ItIeDONALD ds CO.. Druggists and Gen. Agts., San - Francisco, Cal.. and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts,, New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUOGISTS AND DEALERS. Miguel I 'N.413.11. ed, hare cu spate or dizzi • or chills ,ilta 'and id tongue r or t. I Wei. terns are Gime has no viztj the Inv) cure els it Le 'ho have 13 praise. .r a rued• all the :••• '), Tonic 'Prepared ( a ...11.a halo, JOO 1 Cottle, ut+littng of inf.l. - anrnatton the i.1111;j3, C tL.ITII, Lackn chats, Croup. 7,:hr,oping IBlns In liteast: or Side, I.)e.poptia. Jrual• L'itzinera, • Ag)te. , Tudifkgelien. Liver Cotzip!pint, Dian.- I:e3en. , E.ed rat Dieense.i.4, 4.1 the, Lisi4,e,l ar.elLiTer. 74 eirragg 00 'Wholesale Dpit . gp„l.Bls, E-Ignirn; N.- - . Ageilt,i, and to 111.1.caa a 1 ordei a alaoußl btl t , 4,:tlcBti -z-421-You ti zrFirz9c.£EN7el;4l.. ,,, to, Pa PRICE, ,tun: 1:. 5 ']5"~1-1~ 1 ' through ,t axes for , JF , ftcs:ic 1. 5 ellusie 10188 H. W. TODD has removed ht.r Music Store to iIL the lath residence of Lauer Baohe, oppos:te Vs.!) orn'e Hotel. Ste:away 1. •.1 other r•l4 ." - 4.1 „mkt fDr ss‘lt c2ltlti , Also, 11..kEi):`; CPATINFT ORCIAN-S TAKEN LN EXCHANGE' A large stxl: ol NEW SET'SII:', ju9t re..ceived LEesoNB gtlau on the Plano, Organ, and In Sing ing. An opportunity for practice arTord , ,a to those NNIto nny tlestrfs 11. H. W. '10111) Jan. 1. 181"2-tf. IZARDWARIt 1 - ,10i11,F,1t: opened a first-class Hardware Store us ~a t Mlansfield, opposite Pitts Brea., on Main Steet, respectfully invite their friends and the public - in gen eral to give them a cell. They guarantee satisfaction in all cases. Their stock consists of Agent E:E/TLES, STOVES, T/N-WABE, IRON, BENT 'WORE, SPORES, mins, AORIGELTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CliußN POWERS, &e. ER genese.l line of 3cods, second to none in, the y, e.t the lowest cttsh prices. sra also ege,nts f6r tIo ,t..1/LHY- MOWER, ITH ACA tatEEL RARE, mmotp I , OIIK, AND HAY CA RIT.R la. Kurz, me HOHLER. j IE O 4I, Jan. 1, 1672 .f L ------ , • 1 1 /ARNESt4 SHOP , W, -,1.V.T.,E, would eay to his frienta that Mr:len Shop is constantly stocked with Heavy and Light Harnesses, aae in a 6 übstantial rummer, and offered at ai s t at cannot fail to euit. The best workmen. employed, and none but the t material used. Repairing done on short notice, and in the best xnrn ner. Call and Fee. Jan. 1, 187:1-ly . ono. W. NAVLF, • EZE CARRIAGES & WAGONS ! YTTHE undersigned is prepared to furnish Carriages, 'Wagons, Sulkies, &e., on short notice, and on rea, amiable terms. H. H. Borden of Tinga. and U. Wheeler of Lawrenceville, agents. , Call at the above places, or my shop in Wellihoro, and examine eVork before purchasing elsewhere. Jan. 1, 1572. C. J. watELER. Something New in Keeneyville AJ. SMlTHhavlog sotto into the tnercantlle bus. . inees at licen4ville, Pa., would inform the public that he hai a tine stack of Dry Goode, Groceries, boots and Shoes, Drugs and Medicines. Thoy were bOught ,heap and wilt be sold cheap. Reeneyville, Pa., Sept. 10, 1672-3m* New grocery and Restaurant 1 rrHE undersigned has opened a new GROCERY and JL, EATEN . ° HOUSE in the store Lately occupied by George Hastings, the first door below Hunnel's hotel. Ho has n run and fresh stock of flno Groceries & Confectioneries, which will be sold cheap for cash. Particular attention will be paid to the wants of the "inner man." WARM MEALS -will be furnished at all hours. Every delicacy wiU bo supplied in ail Sea. eon. Fresh Oysters, Clams, Lobitcrs, Freeh Fish, dc., ac., will be furnished for :the table in the beet Style and on the shortqat notice; call in and see. We'labor°, Aug. 7,1572-6 m... B. F. ROBERTS., Notice to Bridge Builders, A COUXTY BRIDGE across the Tiogn XX the Grist Mill of John Brink, in Covington town ghlP,nill bo let by the Commissioners of Tioga county, for the building of the same, to the lowest and best bidder, on the promises (Re by plan to be exhibited,) on Thursday, the sth day of December next, at 10 o'clock D. m. 3013 Erxrcill77, • T. O. HOLLIS; E. HART, . Weibboro, Nov. 12, 18724 w. uorcere, A 1144441, ,111415, Sze ,_ Y - ti:: • F t r-ft).l_ll:talt'S 4 ,":2;;;:.1?. TAB BITTERS CLRC i~!I HARDWARE E. , DHLER ----- :,DADWAY'4_ ;BEADY4 piEtri t4 l.-- ~ c.,,,1t.E.S trlir, WO it:' , 'P 'PA I ;' , .-i .- , ...-- --,), ',ln from Ono to 7 wohiy JW;3ll.r.,:if!:-. NOT ONE • HOJR . Otter rcatil,:s 4, , luariati ,- 441.,:ca , , efl •,,, f•, . . 1 BUFFER WITH , PAI,..' RADWA'i'S I EI:A 1 1)Y HEW hr lt , A Cr ill: l',,tt \ t I.EVERA 1.••.:113., ! I • 'let:AM!: fil>4. talc{ J !rll6 4;7tilly Vial. nn 114..inett N , Mit. InELontl} !rstoir! t!.f! !on ~1 fc‘roulaiioo (,•;,... , i ILI talt,lllllf lane, isr•cl 4 , Iry { I 't - 4,4 r11..', - i 4 . N.:141 I 1,.•/ •., ?,, Lltlig3 S t 0(1 , :leil, liu - ,,e1 , ,, or 01,111 ; .n ,!, ~y „; ..:.,, .. one ul4.llentlfut,- ! . ... • /. ritom ONT: TO T‘t LN'ry ` I\, - i 1• ~ .7216 matter f or: . hi t : To ,•' , Nviraiglc, . ,y f... - RADWAI" . B READY • - WILL AFFORD I.NSTANT EA. ... riNFLA.3IAATIOti (4"PILC INFLANIMATION ( - )1 ; L#FLAIIIIATAQ,S of TII E.. IsOV. ! 14R Soul: Titno.tal, ricrrt, oi:E.l l'ioN HYSTERICS, H A EADCHE, TOO l'frAr H R. , _ SCU'ItAi COLD C/IILLS.IJ.AOCE -i)l.r.e , C , ;l l of LL Rituals' it 010' t, - part, v• iiere C.:LT 1011 ti er , asiett.4.; faun comfort. Ttvotty trtrotn It r V• 7110111c , ,Dt , oIre'CRAMP:i •i HEARTBUR4,j K DYSEN'rEI.n., JC01:14.,. F.. and a!! 1NTE . ,p..11,41, PAIN Traveterti should a Ready Itelier watt th , m. A topreven ekkne...s3 er_pnini 1,-111 o • ter City, Fre44 FEVER. AND AC CE net nreTdad ak ether tb, t ,, It! 1,, ,t -F(. , ; and Aro ; and nil phold and /xp.: y FILL!;) en gntet an P.A.DIVA I'• 4 43:.11.6 Fifty cents ycr Pottle. Said Ly HEALTH ! BEAUTY ; sTp.oNG A.Yrt ITU; LICH OF FLESH ,A2a..35 , _; R,R AD ••S -SARSAP,ARILLIAN-RESOLVEN lIAS MADE THE 210.11ATITINI:' 4 111 - .%, hu cancy.,.. so Alt,f; Tan no ti_Nnts ir•cr,EJ: • FLTJ_ECE . OF THIS 'AULT ' MEWOINE,ITIIAT Every IDPay ran increase in Fl, - ..51 t and Weight is Se,en anti Pc;;, . THE GREAT BLOOD PURlPti,ft Every drop cf the x/tILLIAN - , ENT communicates thruue,..h Nona, and other fluids and Juices GI the syslopi the }or CCM/11/the %IA-stes t het hviy l , . 4 ma t er icl,_ scrofnilk,- 13iphllle, Cdticemptl4e, Mame, Ulcers in the Thmar, latt.ot3, ti r u / the Glands and otter ' , arts of th- Ay1,113, flevi Strumous Dlsehargts from the .hare. Mid the forms of 1310_ diwases,- uptlon; Fever re..t lieed,Ring worm, Ea% Rheum, Eiyelpelas,ticr.,l . .l,,,k. • ols, Wormedir. the Fifth, Ttlfhpri, CAr,ocr3 jr, et omn, and all tverlelilng r rid I,a'tit:-.1 t*: W Sweats, Lose Of Sparni, end nil "cites cI the our pie, are within the enrols el /1.14 cm Cherntstry and ft few I,ae peapeace_w pereon using I i far either fs.rms poteat power to care them. /f the patient . , daily becomiug ty . x „ t , and decomposition that 13 cohtlrAntily p - cxresii.ted needs in arresting these wastes, and repairi the r L it new material made from healthy Weed—in:ft:2J 6AIiBpP~RIILIA?7 wilt and (lours-cm,. aUe — s — tbo Elexcm.rAiTuLti.trz Atrinowdrerriedliing - i7d - s to the vac CL-c, loos, Constitutional, and Skin dlecases ktt it tr.a, 1, positive cure for Kidney & Bladder ComplFiliV.i, 'erinary, and Weals diseases, Gravel, Dlel..ttea, 1,1 Stoppage of Water, IncontinenceOrrlne, Brigid's r ease, Albundnuria, and In nil caw where there tua Ler duet deposits, or the water Is thick, cloudy, rutted wt y, eubstancee like the white of an ege or threads the snit, eilk, or there Is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, tea white bono-durt depoalta, and when there 13 a triel,ht, burning 'mention when pas: deg water, and path to 0,4 , Email of the Back and along the - Loaa, Price, $l.OO. OR MR.—The only known and mire Banal: - • for ti l i Vorms— n, Tape, era. Tumor of 12 Years', Growth cured by'll.atlway's Resolvent, , BCVIII:LY. Stay li, ;AU. Da. RADWAY bay& bad Overlap Tumor in the °vette, oo i bowels: All the Doctor& said " there was no help for It." I trldi every thing that was recommended; but nothing helped me I nor Tour ResolsAnt, end thought I would try It t but bed no fetch to it, because I hod coffered for twelve years. T took els bottles of the Resolvent, and one box or Redway's Pals, end two bit ties of your Readiltelleft and !hero is tot aslgn of tants- t7I I 3 teen or felt, and I feel better, emarter, and Lapplev then I Lars for twelve lean. The worst tumor RAJ In the loft eldo cs'its towele, coot the groin. I welly this to you for the benn.. - 't other:. ~ YOU can plibllsh It if you cow,a. Ii".:1,11" P." &SAPP: DR., RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS perfectly testel#es, 'elegantly coated With street gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen. - Rai way a Pilia, for, the cure of all disorders of the ..Stc.cmoi, 'Myer, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder,- fliervous .Dtseatvs, Headache, Constipation Cost_l_veneas,, Intl...gestic/a, Dyspepela, Biliousness, 'Bilious Fever; Inflammation or the Bowels, Piles,and all Derangements ufth o Int ernel Vit cern. -'Warranted to effect tt positive cure. Purely - ye vta. hle containing 110 mercury, rnloomis;or deleteriouldrrot. DeObserve the following symptcrr.l rpultlo,g Low - .rdiern of the Digestive Organs: ' Constipation, Inwsrd Piles, ruthless of the Blood in the Heel, Acidity of the Stomach, Nautra, licartburc, Ditratt it Food, Pollneeu or Weight 1n the Stomach, Scar EroctaSons, Sdr..i.irqr cr • Flattering at the Pit of the Stomach, Sntmordeg of ile Had, Hurried and Difflcolt Breathing, Fluttering at thelienrt, Chntle;i or Suffocating Sensations when In a Lying Posnae, Dhnocse 41 Vision, Dots or Webs befora the VOA, Fere, and Dalt Pero to the Head, Deficiency of Pereptratton, V,ltcw.o a' the Skin said Eyes, Pate to the Shay, Cheat, Mints, end sadd:n. Husk,* If Heat, Burning In the Flesh. %A row doses of RADWAr3 PILLS will free the era thin from all the above•named- disorders. Price, 25 bats IFt trit per box. SOLD 13Y DRUMM'S H. READ "FAL E AND TR ." Send one lel , - r- Biarep to RADW Y&CO ~ No. Idablen i•Sales New- York.. Inform:Latta worth thoustu s wl:i be seal. 7, , ,a. Was 29, 1812-17: • ga/910 Head Quarterz Drugs Dili Medieinef3 ; I (Patent p; ettrawise.), f PAINTS, CMS, IVAIMIEMES, GLASS, 1"41 F LLSIE, A2l ALL STYLES OF BRUSHES, ho iar - 00 TO ar AT) QUAIITERS FOR: C,-; Choice Ligu44 Cigar a, end TO)1.4.0LIO , for \ 113C;OC:).1EX.IESi BehaiouaLLtatoriest Medical, Lage.., B4filk or eotioca.. ..N. B. A. Pall assortmout of the latter.) Also, an. QS cellent assortment of I , • .. - C.LB - mus, MIRRORS, FICTURE FRAMES, STATIONERT, CORDS AaND TASSELS, ' &c., ~~~'S~ ~~~~.~i~n On Teas, Sugars, Cceee, eprup, Molasses, Rice, .SPicas, Soda, etc.,we will not bs beaten in price Or qualitra— Wo will sll choice Teas lry the chest, or sugar by the barrel, at as low noses as the same can be bought it this side of New York. P. B. MY - Orli' 4 SRIMING TEA LAXPS, CHANDELIERS &c., &c of 000 noweat styles, and lainip chin:mere tbßill bronk. Fancy and Toilet Articles, PERFUMERY, TOILET' SOAPS, POMADES, DRESHES, ac., &c., LIKEWISE crf• EERY A),ID JEWELRY, WHIPS . AND LASHES. We hold.twanty desirable village lots for sale central part of the town ; and will - also loan money at reasonable rates. N. 13. Dr. W. W. Webb has hie office In our atCcrf..., where he may be oo33sulted for advice or treatment. Jan. 1,'1872-t1; HASTINGS & COLES. WELILSBORO Poor, Sash 81 J3Th factory. B V.:JA.XI AUSTIN, pi-apar.!•,i to- twill:et wprk tioin tile beat lumber, fa: tort' winch to 'flow in inn operation. Doorg, - Mlf_4 1 _1111Z))C; AND MOULDINGS, comatar.t4 oa band, or zter.olactttred snit: Pie/Rai - 4w and Miatehing is r done pi•orupay, and to the beat mauler. workmen etkpldyo44, Lad none bat :the beet 1111111ter , 11801. 3 11100 . 0.714 . 0 home Indhstry.• ' '1 Factory near tha fsiot of Main I titraat. BENJ. AUSTIN. Jan. 1, 187.2,-ti. , jai Eg rt. X W a r N. Of M=ol l llol3 i)teot!ted with apatite A 51242411 on= EMI •~ FOR P Taxe best Egzioned