LOCAL NOTICES. New Goods nt Horton Btu's. L ook ta Youfig tt Co's. Albums Clirktnitvi prients nt, Young &lows 3pakling's Glue tneOs furniture, toyt,.Bce u y yuur wii tsr clothing of Wilson Elegont Stationery at Young & Co's I=l ~.tha w ls in great variety at Horton Bro's job•lut of boot 3, cheap for cash, at Wil abias and Felt Skirts, at Horton Bro'•s I=l New books, just received at Young & Co's Icstoitier tratitie3b Kid Glove6at Hortoi Ewthct , .111 v periodical furnished by Young & ire' meutown Wool and Zeph,yrs at Horton brotliere, - k;h h cds (bought since the great _break iu .11 New York) at 'Wiliam Wils.on's. Beal/ laska, at Morton Naotlivr , l. ilson's for one shilling per '3Leetin lo t l at \ fad Endl,s(variety of Dresa Go Brothere.. Doo't pass along Main street without giv ,ng Wih.on a cup. Ho wants to show you I o ilew goOd9 an 4 Blankets, cheap, at Horto tii..thc•r'. F.la B,ll.lg—A yoke of matched red Cattle years old, suitable for farm work. In .pore of L. Gardner.--N0v.19. William Wilson has,\ just returned from New York with a large assortment of Dress „„ Cdssimeres, Ready-made Clothing &e. New Stye of Hats and Caps nt Horton 1.11(4110113. =EI The lathes of tho 13optist church will give un Oyster Supper on thursday evening, Dee. 5, at the rooms of M. M. Sears. Sup per served from L to 16. Men's Cloth Boots and Rubbers at 11"t°n Brother t. - 7 -0 The best calicos aro, now • selling at Wil lis, from 10 to 12 cetits per yard. The new Methodist Church at Tioga, will 1.0 dedicated December 11, 1872, at 10 o'- ( toes: a. m. RAM Bishop Peck will officiate 0u the occasion. 4 4 cordial invitation is ex tended to all.-2w.' IVanted--.lome one' to assist in doing the g eneral house-work of a small family. Ap ply at this office. No one need to fear the epizootic if they provide themselves with one of those nice VtliTM overcoats at Wilson's. Teeth like orient pearls set in cushions of rose,-- A breath like the perfume the toilet bestows ; These are charms to win hearts when all oth. er charms fade, But they can't be preserved without Sozo- DON'T'S aid. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. - 1000 barrel hoop poles, from seven to eight feet in length, ot' white oak or hickory, for which the highest market price will be paid. J. Milliken's Cooperage, corner Water and Crafton streets.—Nov. 23-2 w. • —o— Moses Yale, late of Le spy, N. Y a new corner in our village. He has gone into luusihess in Warriner's Jewelry Store on Main street, where he proposes to keep fur sale at low rates the best tobacco, cigars, and everything pertaining to that line of trailo We know his cigars are excellent.— If you want anything of the kind, give him a call = l = The renovated Presbyterian, Church of Wellsboro will be dedicated this week on Thursday, Dec. 6, lt - 372. Services to com mence at o'clock, a. in Sermon by ißev. 'Wolcott Calkins, of Buffalo. Clergymen and congregations of other neighboring churches and citizens generally,are cordially m-rited to attend. No collection. By order of the session. J. P. CALKINS., Pastor The children of the Soldiers' Orphan ;, , (noi.l at - Mansfield, will give an entertain ment on Fridayt- evening, Dec. 6. 1872, at Bowen & Cone's Hall, consisting of Recita tions, Dialogues, Vocal and ,Instrumental Mune, Ake. A full Brass Band, comprising the boys of the school, will be attendance. The object of the entertainment is for the purchasing of a library for!the orphan ‘l,ll(lren. Admission 26 cents. \I Horton Brothers have recently filled up their store with- one of the largest and best elected stock of goods ever brought into Qui county: And they offer them at prices who-h cannot fail to induce purehasers:to ivine again. lit will do your - eyes good just to eo in and look around their Well arranged zt.,re But it' you go' with money in your p ,, vio:l; you will most certainly be tempted to inve4t it in sonic of the great bargains they Afire in the line of dry goods. IIEE=1:1 We Pall attention to the advertisement or Hugh Young's Insurance Agency in another e ,, lam» Every company represented by I,k Agoney, comes through the Great Boston Fire ith tlying colors, as may be seen by th fAiowing table: Gross.A.esets .5,050,000. 4,500,000: A:UM, OE 3,600,000 Franklin ri; Co. N. Ain' ft 8,600,000 Phenix 2,032,000. 450,000 Lyeoming 8,730,000. 10,000 Mr Young has added to hiu insurance business, that of buying and selling Real E,..tate on commission. He has now on his books some desirable village property for tole and for rent. Parties wishing to purch lie, or sell, or rent' real estate, will consult their interests by giving him a call at his office, No. 8 Bowen's Block. Nov 19,-3 w-. ' -0- REAL ESTATE 1 A l& story frame dwelling, on a one x.rC lot ; never failing spring, good garden, good barn, and some fruit trees, situate on Nichols street. Farm of 75 acres-30 acres cleared— on Middle Ridge. Good doubje log house, frame barn and'small orchard. 3 Frame dwelling on Main street. 4. Frame store buildings on Main street, centrally located and suitable for any ness. , ,Frame Boarding' House on Main-et, below Wain ; lot 60x250 feet. 7 Farm of 106 acres in Delmar-40 acres cleared, only one mile from the Court flou.se. Timber valuable. No buildings. t 4. Town lots - on the Bache ,Extension, lying North and South of East Avenue. Parties desiring to rent dwellings, stores or offices, or totpurehase or seflreal estate, will do well to give me a call. Prices and terms of salp for any of the above lots made mown on ailiplicatioa. HUGH YOUNG, Insurance end Real Estate Agency Dec., 8 1872. HURT BY `A. H.IIBKia---Charles Robyler, a resident attic, town of Big Flats met with a sad accident on Thanksgiving- day. 'He wont, to Johrk Burn's on the Horseheads road to see a Om husker operate„ it being a machine in which he 'was very much inter-_ eaed. In attempting to feed the machine }pis attention was called to - some other portion,lof the instrument and while looking. his hand was caught 'between the Tiers, and the thumb and forefinger Ihereo with the cords and muscle tern aWay.... Dr.. A.:H. 'Flood of this city was called to attend upon the un-. 1 fortunate maroin amputated the fingers at the hand. It is.4o bill-reefed Oat the whole hand will have to' e cut oiEs—Elmira Ailver titer. ely Agitator. TUESDAY, Da:EMBER 3, 1872 Home Affairs. 4. crest Bargains—J. A. Parsons d: Co. Now Goods—Wm. Wilson. ,# Administrators Notice—Estate of List of Letters—G. W. Merrick.i Business Card—L. D. 'psylor.•./ Ponce—Sperry Richmond. Saw Mill—D. A. Stowelß. —School be u yesterday. --13aCk ni.nhers—those she wears —Last / Sunday was the fir t in Advent— ,. to I)eginning of the Christia I ear. r The Towanda Post Office, as been des.i4 tided as a Foreign Money Order Office. 1-1 —Pall Creak Coal Company in Barclay,_ is developing a valuable vein or ' hematite iron Ore. —Corking is to be bonded $lOO,OOO in aid Of ~he Utica, Horsehesds, and Corning Rail road. -- - —Rev. Dr. Nile9,of Ltornelesville,is,giving Sunday evening le,etnres on the evidences , of Christianity., , • —A lady iii Owego Jost her hat recently, and did not find it till she combed her hair the - next weelr. • —The autumnal leaves have fallen, the grasshopper has ceased•his 'chirrup, and the voice of the stump orator is no more heard in the land. a at Horton p-1T Anybody wants any eubler oiveather this winter then last Friday and Saturday, we hope they will be disappuinted.• —Senator Harrower has gone to Northern Wisconsin, into the lumber region, on busi nesß, expecting to be absent fbr some weeks. —Recently, near Bath, N: Y., a family came near being suffocated by coal gas, the BtOVO not being properly put up, or the dam per being out of place ; ' —Explorations made at Columbia X Roads have resulted in the discos-cry of a rein of iron ore about eight inches thick, of good quality, but not; thick enough to pay for working, -7A. man named Edward Harrington, while intoxicated, fell from a load of hay, near Lawoenceville, last Saturday, cutting his he so badly that he has since died of his injuries. We understand Harrington was bout '35 years of age. One more temperance lecture 1 —The superintendent of the schools of Ly coming county finds it difficult to put all of the schools in successful operation for the number of teachers. The want of a sufficient Standard says that there are vacancies 61r about thirty teachers, that ought to be filled as early as possible. —Our readers will notice by referring to the column of business (cards that A. Red field, Esq., has recently removed from Om village to Bl \ ossburg. Mr. Redfield proposes to deyote hiinself strictly to the practictiof his profession, and will be found in every respect worthy the Onfidenee of thapeople of that region as a man and a lawyer. We commend him to their regards. • —Mr. Joseph Guile, of Lawrenceville, has left ,at office a couple of ears of corn known as SanfoTd's Premium. It is a fine looking variety, of a light amber color.— Mr. Guile says that on one acre and fifty eight rods of land ho raised, during the past season, 138 bushels of these ears, besides 651 bushels of flat field turnips, 61 bushels of potatoes, 8 loads of pumpkins, • and five loads of corn stalks. Ile thinks -that yield would be hard to beat, and so do we. - -The Troy Gazette says: "Gosper Web ; bier, of Armenia, now 94 years old, is lying low With paralysis, and though ho came out at the State election and:voted for Gen. Hart rank was not able to vote for Gen. Grant. He has voted at-ail the other Presidential elections,' since the election of John Adams. His father was a German soldier in the Brit ish army and was captured by Gen. Wash ington at the battle of Trenton. It is under stood:that he was born in camp. His fatherdied some:years ago in the State of New York, at the ego of one hundred and three years, and his mother at the age of one hundred and live. Mr. Webbier has been a land owner in Ar menia about forty years." DISPOSITION MADE OF THE REOUGH CASE.—Quite a number of criminal cases of general interest were tried or otherwise disposed of by the Court last week. The most important was that of the Common wealth vs. Bough. The defendant was in dicted for the murder of his daughter Mar garet. Only the witnesses for the prosecution were sworn, as it beettme_evident from their• testimony that a conviction - was impossible, and the Commonwealth abandoned the case. ft is hinted that th)e 'testimony of some of the witnesses as given at the trial differed materially from that given before the Grand Jury. The story as detailed in Court last Week was.substantially as follows: Keough came home drunk and went up stairs where he slept, his wife and two daughters sleeping below. About eleven o'clock he came clown stairs, and asked for a light which hal ob tained, claiming he wanted to go out to shoot hawk. He then started back up stairs, when his daughter Margaret followed him. His second daughter, Anna, also went up stairs. Keough's son was in bed in an upper room and was called up by Margaret. When the son got up he found his father with the gun in his hands and Margaret trying to get it away from hint. The young man at once took hold of the gun.grasping it near the butt while his father had hold of the barrel. In the scuffle for The vissession of the gun it was discharged, and Margaret was wounded. The young man says he did a.t know that his sister was hit until he had gone back to bed and was called up again, and none of the family knew she was wounded anywhere ex cept in the arm until the doctor came. Up on tits daughters going down stairs, after the fracas, it was found that Margaret was shot, and a neighbor was sent for,who immediatv ly went for Dr. Colwell. The Doctor came at once, and found the girl's arm btidly shattered. He at first thought it would be necessary to_ amputate . it, but he soon dis covered that she was badly, wounded in the side, and abandoned all idea of amputation. Keough, xvho was evidently intoxicated, asked the Doctor what he thought of the case, and on being told that his daughter was dangerously hurt he said if she died it would be his (Keough's) fault. The girl moon died of her wound. This is the rather incoherent story told by the family, and it is certainly not enough to convict the father of murder. It will probably never be known just how the shooting took place ; ; but it is • safe to say that Margaret Keough V,as one of the "legion of innocent victims of the demon of intemperance. -As willbe seen e'sewhere, Keough was afterward indicted for invol untary manslaughter. L l pso In Boston. 1,600,0.00 •• • 800,000 420,000 900 000 COURT PROCEEDINGS. - The November term;of Court convened ;last week Monday, Hon. Henry W. Williams presiding, with Hons. L. B. Smith and D. McNaughton as Associate Judges. We give below an ab stract of the minutes of most general inter est: Commonwealth vs. Canfield. The defend ant was discharged, no person appearing .to prosecute. Commonwealth vs. Ralph Gillett. Nolte prosequi entered by leave of Court. Commonwealth vs. Anna Rosins Holm. The Court granted leave to District Attorney to enter ?vale prosequi in this case. On mo tion the defendant was discharged by the Court. Commonwealth VS- Edwin 'Whitehead. Nolle prosegui entered by . kettv'e of the Court Commonwealth vs. Edward Sough. Tried fol. murder. Jury fuunddeft. not guil6-. De fendant was afterwards bailed - in sum of $BOO for his appearance at next Session. Commonwealth ; - vs. m. -R. S. March. _Tried for assault and battery.._.Jury found defenddrit' guilty; and- the Couir-sentwiced hilt,: to Pay 1 1 ,A40.0f $2O and costs of Suit. Comnio.imealth vs. Henri — Emmy. Curtis Erway, George,Erway and Arthur Ern - ay. Tried for nitwit and battery. The `'ors New A.dvortisementtis. found henry yond of an assany id the o guilty. Th defendants terieed tcypay a line of .""' of prpdeeittion e which plid'Avith and deferdai 'ommonwealth a. Tried for bigamy. Tb . e 'fendant guilty. Cenunonweulth V 9. Le for purjury. The jury not guilty, but that he p the complainauNne-fou eeution. SIM Commonwealth vs. Jo for ttetzault with intent t jury - found the defendall pay the coils of proz,ecul ConanonNyealth J Attorney entered nolle tho Couit. , The 271.1 i day.of .I.)tkJ na the time for at 11 o'clock n. in. INDICITNIENTS 11Y Tn Grand Jury illSi NV eel:. indictments: Th'orna' s Hall, lnreea J. S. Rusling, embez David 111.dstier, eeilic MEM Wasley Brink, lame Miles O'Connor, 14111 day. , • Edward Cole, cense. Martliti.McKinney, JOilTl Viderin Ana DI PitYid PA - Tinley, s license Edward Kougb, in\ ter. Stephen Viinqu , ,en, IL M. Buck, iv:quilt Miles O'Connor, Bel, OscHoLA ITEms.--P ical Academy i.. nv!eti cess. Pupils from MAL other parts of the Stu The course of study tu that LI Bust° elricie niuoc contel the n , distan' numb good Some•fiiw week, in Osceola for the ; clocks and watche:. ing fellow, and won ti! the townspeople I•,y and pleasant mannoil citizens took the him hoard and lodgii as to draw the lmarai purpose of erecting t him. The German co watches that needed "French leave." \\ when he will return i among us in A silent was deeply regretted I 'watches in his possess R. Hammond & C chased a good tire' en building for its ace seription has been sta buying hose. The aware of the fact that a suitable fire apparat LA Wit.XNCEVILLE 1. copal Church in Law festival 4ratd fair a fu the lead Of p the Rectd ler, aidedrby the tw( Darling, h., and A. looked very eneoura; the congregation upo tended their festival. credit of Mr. Taylor present a lueraliye c This is the right spiri will have his reward ness of building up providence teach LB only good in the we The Graded Sehot a festival a few days an organ.. It sue guidance of Prof. - ":11 cipal. Rev. Mr. Bake, of preached the serrn churches on Thank,: - _ Thi weekly chart: ville have all opene THAN GSG EYING 71T3t11. I of this village publishes last Thursday the folloxsi HYMN FOR 1 God guards his Let us, with th , WELLBBORO. N A Boous Mn ra Advertiser of of counterfeiters F.,Atwill on Th • Mill, about five n were all brothers uel, Gilbert and brother, who eon promising quart time of the erre Unadilla, Otsego the whole family and where Pete man, an offence in the State Pris. no property in.,C teriously and We suspicion. For • has been convii there, which nee. shrewdly worke. fully bagged his deers was entire were in cuAody before they wer. their uninvited f attempt.was ma her husbanda k an apron over I shall Atwill saw cious of it spran• off when the wo hand . turned up Piekerin hand. The km nielitAbput a fu and'sburptined' both edges. th* Qrtirtis Erway Minty her defendants not onnvicted were sen ' eiich and-the costs Sentence was com as were discharged. Allan) Hollenback. jury found the de- Iltoy Cochran. Tried ound the defendant y three-fourths and, ti, the co6ts of •in W. .C.into.i. Tried commit a rape. The t riot guilty, but to IBM Diitriet r,,.scipti by leave of wtts ttstigned an ndjonined Court, GRAND JURY.--l'he found the fullowing MEM A -I;c i ttor wittitatt ' g liquor without Ii- nroi,ny. rid Elulliutt lliug liquor whlwia +itttttnry , ;zattit. and battory Intl bat b.! y, liqum 1. G. 1.1031.'s ig with ilint•rvedlle 'l l uul 1 . 1 :ire in attend:l)er. opted ig ;identical With vtl Couserviituries the best .Atte,l and New Yell . A, a thorough` kind oal and instrdnivipd but few equal;. suitable building lin• f re.•idiui at a .ets 4,f an inereas.ed n• the next year •are It teacher in - ri Prof. Hoyt ha whites erecting commodation e. The proqp er of student.; 1 Gerinfin rtOpped Allllo,io Of repairing Ic Wa: 4 an hOlieSt look o heart.; of !is soft-Aokea ways, Ono of our worthy 1-er \ in, and furnished 'g, iu fact, went so far a!nl shingles Air the temporary shop fur ilected some live or six eopairing, and took here he has gone (a. uncertain. He came ay, and his departure y those who left their ~ have recently pur ee and have erected a nmodation. A sub ted fur the purpose of people are becoming o town is safe without C,E5l5.—St. John's Epis reneeville, Pa., held a v days einee. - Under , the Rev. B. F. Tay efficient wardens, Dr. Ryon, Esq., matters ing. We congratulate the :‘tleel!,:i which at- We mention it to the that he declined for the 111 to an ,thole. t, and we trilst that he in the deep con-xions a weak Parish. Daily that money is nut the ld. I o' Lawrenceville held tgo, for the purchase of eeded well under th.l Clure it , . popular Prin- the Presbyterian church before the united 'tying day L z•Oei:lbleZ w Lttwrolice for the winter. -Infv. Dz. John D. Min: bell, u th. Elmira .aele,‘arer of 1 1,1 1 ' 1ANK•4: - )IvING National, ) (State a 1 tto Ct u.1,1-wtsn, gs of tbh year; untlorin 1132 - ienucati'Et ear; sv , %vtih bulttiteotii t, MI tile Int:4l. (Ave thanks For Mosel Let one glue To (treat lie crownetl the y LU thtteis Le giv", Ire' Lie null Ita• rcpt twld pour, the harveM .s of autture'ti Who bloisi tl the field hu,le the' Yield too Hu smiled And made For ritrueretlbtor tilve tliankts to tio 1.5.. pain and duath hare and there.; al/ bit tl heath •• • our land his rare; it taw swept, I, for health thua kept While nielm HaVe, was. .. Who givet Ma ;nude No pestilence o'er titre thanks to Go \\Welt threat'oect war past year I.‘aa-new, ' off--afar-- hodthe dew, ho Prince of Novo, of flatfofof retool. The elomb, When thel Hare floats And rant: (Ure thank% xtuto Who Nth; the tta . tuilitly'd by state, erea iu our linni; • to "Goble.. Ginn." es, open, stand; • , by v.linse deem,., .1, in u.s ship, fire. The. CLAIM If as pros MEWS /Tor t; lye thanks to Citi thir 'elturelleg sW Art have gri4ii es Itnirriiig ethule; g's light Lath shunt) leas, reigned erewlilla ids, let all unit,. fur giowitig He ience an Beneath And learns Where With gratilitl ; In thanks to ticid, od t.,e Flehool ke, are free; with equal gulp, um sea to ighte of man, I we lead the can The ballot To all, a Law be. re Ou all, f iu battle for the Thanks be to Go If noble siren, r ehovah'a c 1 the ultir•tiree thto' the laud; who, slowly, taught sires but thought. gg chains era found; from glare-eyes fall; m'a hallowed ground righta for all; I upon this day, d, thdukaglving pay. The 73 one Led br HaVe spre: l Of freed' Give thanks to The eone..to do • No clanici No tear: For freed Has eq Let free men al I To freedom's G ins of the year, and Church and Home, with thanks sincere, I he welkin dome;'hurch, our llomes, the State, nkB, before him, wait. !.v. 1872. For bless In Stat. Let prais: Rise to li a OUR EXCHAlittb. i A BRQKEN UP.—ThetElmi taturd4 says that.?;,' gang as captured byMall J. / r nksgiving day at Owen's ilea from a e un& \,They and their name are Sam- I iram goger3. A A , fourth pletes the tans I* andi . the r i Nia tte, is Peter, , ho, at' the .t was visiting friends in county, from which village carne some few years since, , a few years ago, shot a j r which he served 'a term In. The family cultivated emung, lived rather mys e generally regarded with r ,ome time, Marshall Atwill I ced that there was a nest ed a smoking out and has up the case and success- I/ irds. The visit of the Of y unexpected, the culprits Ind securely ironed almost ITEMS FRO aware or the presence of end unwelcome guests. An e by Gil-bert's wife to give Fife and to do tlo she threw er manacled hands. Mar the movement anti mispi !.: forward to pull the apron lan with the knife,iti her n him. In diiarnitng her, received-a- wound in •the e is an ugly looking". instru tjong in the blade, pointed o a nizet-like keenness on ere were nn about the 3remises,bitt a large arriottrit Odle coin itself was found on the =Personii;Ofille brothers hieli they vainly attempted to got rid of in al manner of ways,but inwh lob they were inva iably detected. There was found about .the I muse, however, a great variety of goods, Under the floors of the dwellings of Peter ad Gilbert was found an assort mentl of a tides, such as make up the con tents of a ountry store, and many of these had on th m the private Mark' of Owen & Co., the b ruing of whose,store in - July last there ,Is - %tatty strong. evidence was - occa sioned b them. Clothes of the neighbors, such as s its tied light undergarments were also founfl, and bags that had at various times myineriously disappeared from the mill. , In • eter's house there were found five loaded gu s, and in both the houses numer ous lenive: of all sizes and shapes, and it is a curious ireumstance that under the floors, where the stolen goods were, a number of steel trap:, ready set, were found. They would ha e been uncomfortable for one, who, searching for lost property had put his foot into them There were, besides, three trunk's found...full. of jewelry and knick-knacks of every doieription. The prisoners were brought to this city and lodged in jail. They are a bad , ooking lot, and in ages range from thirty yers to nineteen. One of them, Sam uel, has een a sort of a preacher, but ap pears to be a person of only a medium amount o sense, and one not realizing at all the situat on of affairs, , either as to the do ing of hi brothers or the cause of the arrest. s Yesterda,the prisoners were arraigned. be fore Unit d States Commissioner James L. Woods, , d the examination of Hiram near ly. comps ted . It will be finished. next week. a l l The evid nee is very strong against them, counterfeit coin having been passed by them at the Chmung postoffiee t at the grist mill, at the railrood ticket office and at Owen's store. They manufactured twenty-five cent, live cent ' and three cent pieces. Some of them arevery good and likely to deceive, a few, h i vever, obtained by the officers were very poor indeed. Among other things de veloped :by the evidence, was the fact that they tire the store of Jesso Owen & Co.•in July las. It seems, too, that they did a lively bu iness with their coin during State 1 1 4 i. Fair wee . It seems pretty certain that the operatic, s of a dangerous gang of men have been tho ()uglily put an end to. - rtford Churchman lugs the follow- Ile article on, `_'The Humbug . ..and. of Advertising:" The M I , ing sens.i the Sens nilig advertising, tliere is a great ositive humbug. We say " hum anse the word ";fraud" does not ful the case. Advertising is unques one-great secret of success. -But it advertising: Some men buy advertising as the vulgar buy looking to ; the quantity, not the Conce deal of bugs' be , ly covor tionably must be want to pictures, Of course, vhat is \ called. "large ng" pays, hi t, only, however, when , i good judg nent. For instance,it tool judgmthit, except in very rare idvertiseLo, any price in cheap is haritable miblications that are given hey are seldom read. Next in ness as a vehicle comes' the ordina e; These are manufactured to a >rising extent, and the investment ti sely profitable to apothecaries and lm. The man of paper, co-opera the man of pills, makes the whole busineSs.one Of mutual profit. One on the Hudson, to our positive quality. ad vertisi done wit is not g eases, to sues, or away. worthies ry alma most sur is imme paper de: ting with almanac collect° knowledge, , has,:bought, during the fast, few weeks, no less ' than ten tons of almanacs, i c i which w l re'sent out to country apothecaries for distr bution. There is also one wholesale druggist in New York city who sells these things y the ton, instead of sending them out to e stomers. This is only one, of the ( sv ways in hich injudicious advertisers aste their m ney. Advertisers should remember that a ci culation of ten or fifteen thousand -in an unexceptionable medium is worth vast ly more( than a hundree thousand through the medium of a questionable agent. Print ! . ing is nOt advertising. OURNA.LS Alsn:s 'SHE RAILROADS.— IiaMSVOTt Epitomist closes an article native and judicial dead heads with owing sensible words: • - of editorial dead heads? We ens it, for more than twenty years of•ed ife we have never known an editor :d a free ticket on a railroad. This thought-a wild or a strange statement, , nevertheless, a true one. We mean this: The railroad companies send ne tables to be printed in the adver dumns,.agreeing to give a pass over .ad for its publication. u sua lly t h e ement would cost the company live much es the few trips the editot eke, would cost him; but he print:. se his readers want the intormatio: he running of the ear, and occasion 1 wants the pass. fl is !liven. for a vat ptoideration and not fur favors agree Dr expected. It is nut a free pas -, :, al 1 the companies insult every editor b • free pass conditions to the ticke. ''the editor absolutely pays for- Thi- Vfference between legislative and j . - .ead heads" and holders of editor: 1 •. One is given with a hope to' filth - egislative and judicial decisions, the for absolute value received, and not , lly,on regularwritten Or printed afire - which make the words P free pass" a diction of the facts in the case. KING AeeiDENT.—Thanlisgil, ingda eston Conklin, of West Hill, in dri team with a heavy load of stone doa 'n the rear of his residence, lost co RHO Mr. P' ing hi, ft hill trol o them by the tongue dropping out the lickyoke. The horses became at on intrac able, while he in courageous efforts . restra•no them, did not regard his own per A few plunges planted the tongue in an a jacent bank, bi caking it otf and detaching t fore \ heels. At this point he jumped, Inc the 1 ad, but the momentum of the Lea stones carried them over him, crushing bi. legs b low the knees. His injuries are v seriou , both legs having suffered•compou comminuted fractures. Dr. P. 11. Ilia• who l'as promptly called gave stp•ii surgi *aid Rs the circumstances required and pressed the opinion that both logs might saved] Mr. Conklin is 0-oung man of cellent habits and of remarkable indust He w• 11 have the sympathy of a largo eh of friends.—Elniira Advertiser._ ' —EOWEN.— In Wellthoro, Nln•. 4, by 111.1 molds, Mr. llaulel Rose ancj. i.s Alary By Cliftr.leston. 1109' L. lies, both u 1 PECI.—REYNOLDS.—In Tioga, at the resi.lene the bri les parents, Nov. 27, by jte\v, N. L. Rey n Id Mr. 8. 8. Peek, of Elmira, nod Mete Fannie Heyu. Id -ALLEN-:—TAYLOR.--In Westfield,by Francis St au Esq., ut the Gravait Hotel, Mr. Ehner Allen‘ain. E titer A Taylor, both 01 Chatham. RErIMPSON.-- At the M. E al:I E. palatnv , Math ton, Nov. 10, 1072„ by Rev. G. S. Teat so Mr..l. CI. Reese and Mots Amatnla huipson, 1)0 h Charlekton. UD ; 11l ltiolamoud, Pa,, Nov. 13, ItriA. - A fo of M. L. Ballard. Of num.:Leads. nod yu r angest dangter of R. M. andli. r. Vedder, age 23 yea l l's, 7 months cilia 7 dare._ _ , , oily daughter of Nov. Dr. Chalks Week. Charleston, on the luth., of Oct. 1872, •iue Neal, widow of J. Neal, Sr., aged 8s ye. rs. deceased emigrated from England with he hus• Lnd family forty years ago, and settled in mad• in Charleston, thus enduring all the ha:. shipt timer life: She was a member of the ' ghat 'Etn Methodist Church at the time of her cane gratio , and died in Christian hope. NE. Cattle The baud lately of pi• Weal WELLSBORO MARKET. CORRECTED 'WEEKLY HT E. R. KIMBALL, Retail Grocer WELl:sisatio, DEcEuxtErt 2, Ibl2 DEALERS, PAY, FOR $E L A , per WA 9 @ $ 1 CO ~held dour, per cwt. ...... 3to 400 t, white, per bushel t, red, t, spring, •heet, shelled, Flo . Buck Whes Whet' Wheil i Buc - Corn Oats, Earl Rye, Cloy r seed, Tim thy eeed, " Beaus, Cora meal, per cwt 'Fee/ m per ewt" Pots e, per bush Appl s, green, pet bush Onions, per bush' Tur an t 'ps, per bush Por , per lb II s, per lb Sho d ors, per lb 1 Bu r,per lb Che se, per lb Lar , Per lb Tall w, per lb So ey, per lb -- Bce wax, per lb Vin gar, per gal Egg per dozen Dri a apples, per lb Dri d peachee„ \ per 1b... Dri cherries, per 1b..., Dri blackberries, per lb.. De d raspberries, black, per lb Dri d raspberries, red, per lb. Cra berries per qt Fla, per ton Wo d, 18 inches, per cord • We di 3 feet, per cord , C , hard, per ton Co l, soft Or and plaster, per bin Su , "a" coffee, per lb $u ar, yellow, per lb Sugar, brown, per lb Tet s, green, per lb • Tema, black, per lb lie vsoue,por gal., 'Wool. per lb :cf.:' [RE WINES, LIQUORS AND SEGARS : t Wh. ud Retail. No. 0 Cone House Block, ollebo Pix.10.147q. _. ___..~_~.A+~ MARRIAGES. DEATHS 70 'Jr) 10 00 .... 81.1 MI 1 50 1 GU OE MEE= 0 oikt, 3 1 btkui , • ioe Kt. , Mos t..v fast and honorably, $l2 60 per day Aar Vaok, q at on co applying for territorial rights/ .11 ;ire. git en free to agents.) to Bell the best, strong !uoot miafa I awl rapid selling Sewlng,t)laehine, and nt Buttiai Mules Worker, ever used or recommend y famines, or buy one for your own use; It la only Sent free everywhere by express. address for teulate)'4klttuak ii. dups.:lli& t3o , flor. UreanAdon I(Joni - nand sts. N. 14,,, , t. 15. 1812-tap, ... ' , $7.. (r6l, wt. Putsl A.VOID QUAC3KS: vie* of tarty, indiscretion, causing nervous de 3.,-priLtature decay, kc., having tried in vain every rtisi , d remedy., has discovered a simple means of cure, which He w,ll send free to his feliow-auffer. J. H. ttELN ES, 78 Nassau at., New York. biti ads self ere n. i, 1872,, A FAMILY ARTICLE. gente Make $l2 60 per day, $76 per week. , AN ENTIRILY NEW EWING MACHINE FOR DOMEf3TIC CBE, NLY FIVE DOLLARS. the New Patent Button Hole .Worker. Patented June 27th, 1871. most Wonderful and elegantly constructed Szw .t. I aLiCrILNE. tor Family "Voile Complete in all its 1. ' , rta, Uses the Straight Lye Pointed Needle, SEza' READING, (Urea upright. POSITIVU MOTION, New .naion, Sell Feed and cloth Oehler. Operates re .IEL IIII(I on a Tainx Light /tanning, Smooth auu iseloas like all good high priced machines. Has 1 11 nt Ckel, to prevent the wheel beln turned the Thu cog nay. s th e tbeesd direct fro i the spool. Les the Eutaw Locx firrren, ( fluent a strongest „ tell known;) firm, durable, close road rapid. Will `` , all kinds of work, fi ne and course, fro i CAMIIIIIO to Avy Cloth or ',lumen, and uses all d serlptious of reed. This Machine is 11161AVZLY COX TWOOTED to Ye it STNENOTII; all the ports of each thine being ode alike by machinery, and beautlfull) nished and namented It Is Wiry easy to barn, /taper, Smooth id Sat Tit in operation. 'Reliable at all times, and a iI.,‘CTIC&L, SOILInIt IL, MECHANICAL INN/14.10N, lit natty Reduced Prier . 11A Good, Cheap, Family Sewing Machine at last.— Ihe Mat and only success in producing a valuable, bstantlal and reliable low priced Sewing Machine extreme low mice reaches all conditions.lts sun ; eity and strength adapts it to all capacities, while many Intuits make It a universal favorite wherever sell, and creates a rapid demand. IT IS ALL IT IS RECOMMENDED. " I can cheerfully and confidently recommend its „se to those who are wanting a really good Sewing Ma tithe, at a low price." Mrs. J. P. W/Lsori,ltutherford 1 k, Bergen Co., N. J. I Price of each Machine, "Class A." "Ono," (war. utod for five years by special certificate.) with all e fixtures, and euerythtng complete belonging to it, ne. I tiding Stmr-Tunr-vmuo NPEDLE, packed in a strong ooden box, and delivered to any part of the country, y express, tam' of further cbargi N, on receipt of price, NIA' FIVE Com.viis Pafe delivery loci Machine we will send, on receipt ci $ 1 .rotra. Si , . law patent ( BUTTON HOLE WORKER, no of the most important and useful inVentions of lilt. ago. - 8u simple and certain, that a child can work he ihrkst button hole pith regularity and easo. Strong rid beautiful. 'Bet4ar. , TErimai mut Rxtra Inducements to Matti nd FiatAix Agoits, store Keepers, &c., Ulio will ea- Iblistilagrincies through tho country ,and keep our ENV MActioN:cs on Athibleion and Sale. ' COUNTY rarrrtigflon to smart agents rm.:E. Agent's contpfrte ittyi.ts furnished without any EXTRA Siunplcs seiviap, descriptive circulars containing Terms, estimonialsi Engravings,- &c., &c., sexy 'FILM We /SO supply IIIIPLEMESTS. Latest Patents and Improvements for the 'Farm and e arden Mowers, Reapers, Cultivatbrs, Feed Cutters. arrows, Pmts . :stills. Planters, Irarvesters, Titreshere ud all articles needed for Farm work. Rare Seeds in rge variety. Norway Oats. The wonderful - mu/N• I • lying EGYPTIAN Coss $1 per hundred, &c., &e. AU oney sent in Pont Office Money Orders, Registered ,Letter's, Drafts or by Express, will be at our risk, and Is perfectly secure. Safe del/very of all our goods guaranteed. An old and responsible dm that sell the best goods at the lowest price, and can be relied upon by our readers2"—Farmer't Journal, ~Taw York. Address orders, JEROME B. HUDSON & CO., Coruar Greenwioh and Court/end sta., New York. 11)9*-41m, THE NEW SE.WING MACHINE ""V1 DC C:2)3E1.." Latest Improved, hence. DIE REST HAS NO SPIRAL SPRINGS. ZO'r.yEity AtuTiox PostrrivE..,m IlaaSelf Setting Needle and Improved SHUTTLE THE VICTOR 111 T ILT. be put but on trial for parties wishing, an sold on easy, monthly payments. purehaaing, cull laid examine the VIC WI at L. P. Truman's itur. , in WOlsboro, Pa. E., JENNINGS, Agent. Alarhinc Silk, 'F\ t. Cottl/0 and Neolleß of all hinds coUstatitly on hand. I.l.'—"AlnvlLif f all lladsrepurea on icumomlle terms. Nov. 9, 1:472-C in. • HUGH YOUNG'S Insurance,Real EstatriSteamship C 4-30. "Sr No 3. Bravo's Murk Mr Drat ts sold In any eit or town in Europe. .BTeUttbin, Second Cabin. or Steerage Passage tickets to or from any Pion in Europe from or to Wellaboro, by tbeAneber Llt e, or thy Williams and Union, U. S Mail Line of Oetaa Sten/lola. ,crelteal EstatY Nought and sold on 041111111ii,S1011. it7fl &Sire to call particular attention to the IIISItr• ante fornitif anfiorded by the old and sten known Wellsboro Insurance Agency. --EsTABLISLILII ": 1 1860. EIRE, I,IFE cr ACCIDENT. Capital Represeutd $i0,000,009. /ETNA, of Hartford, Conn.• - -- HOPE, of New York. FRANKLIN, of Philadelphia INS. CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, of Phil'a. PE.NNSYLVANIA, at Philadelphia. NORTH BRITISH& MERCANTILE,Edinburg PHENIX, of Brooklyn, N Y. LYCOMING INS. CO., Muney. Pa. TRAVELERS LIFE & ACCIDENT, Hartford, lbolicles written in any of the ahove leading com panies at standard rates. Losses promptly paid at my (Ace, No, 3 Bowen's Block. HUGH YOUNG. Not'. 19;'1872. E:e'..R.A.i'faVEfiTl-o—ntAbbsoolitwow eeka ago came to my pr a c h nns. 63. Is a red calf with white legs and spots on its body. The owner can get the same by proving property, and paying chargeri. J. W. LENT. Nov. 19, 1b711,-91. Gtuageston, Pa. SIRAYED OR STOLEN.—A. bay yearling colt stray ed or was stolen from my pasture on the' fith of November. There was a scar on her left fore foot, nn der,the fetlock, caused by a .eut froth a mowing ma chine. She has a very heavy black mane and tail.— Any information leading to her recovery wilt be liber ally rewarded. Address J. t. WESTI3ROOII, 1 Nov. 19: 72..-St* Tioga,Pa. 0 ! ' 4.) STRAYED OR STOLEN.-, Three or four months ago a two ,year-old heifer strayed or was stolen ,5 from my pasture. She was red with white spots; 1 was with calf. Any information leading to her reoov .o cry will be liberally rewarded. Address , J. H. WRSTDROOR. Tlngs, Rs. Mov. 19. '72-3u,.• 10 / 7 A. B. EASTIVIA N 8O lin 16 Opposite Cone HoUse. Teeth extracted witnou 15 pain. Artificial inserted on Rho r notice, at reduce 10 p r ices, preservation of the natural a s peciality. Cal 'and see specimens. NVellaboro, Sept,l7, 1872-tt Il i For Sale or Rent. /5 OUSE AND LOT corner of Pearl street and Av l 4 ° enue. Also for sale, set'en lots near th . 20 " Academy. Apply to Fzuorr is BOSAIID, Wellsboro, 25 1 dot. 99, 1872-tf. Al ; tub D.MINISfRATORS' NuTlCE.—Letters of Admin. .t3t. ',Oration on the estate of Win. Ladd, late of West -5 tidy township, 'llogu County, l'a., deoraard, having uo been grunted to the undersigned, all persons luvri 5 0 claims against said estate are hereby notified to call f r settlement on. and per,oua owing the same. to e 1 2)2 immediate payment to ELIZABETH ii. LADD, 12 - Westrield;Pa., Nur, 15, 1872-Gw. . I ..doirntste . So _ 1 40 T I! N DANKT,`XPTCY.—Western_ District of, Ponnail vaunt, es: The Undersigned gives, notioe..if its appointment as sastqUes of.tlfay Smythe , of Blosebusg, in the'doutity.of toga d State of Pennsylvania, within said diatild, ivbo b been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition y tlie District Court ot said district. ;10y.19-3w. JrzsEu.soli 114.1:1400/1, Aide' e• IMEI A Card to the Public. WE HAVE LAID IN A STOCK OF Goods for the Winter Trade with the firm DoiNG Tim LEADING BUSINESS IN I . nil propose 'to offer to our customers a stock that cannot' be beat in respect by any other firm in our line. Ho, all we aek, before you make your purelymes, iv t give na a cell, arid we will Boon eonvi ficO you where it Is irony) , to leave your motley. W. J. norton &: Bro., WIrILLSB4)RO, ' Has jn4 chimed from the eity,with a large and well selected stock of - B R lt i na/ &NM WZMUMEti ZIT 50021 1 0 Mg t) , ItEADY-MADE CLOTHING. Boots & Shoes , Shawls bought since the break in prices IkANCY CASSISIERES, &C., &C. . . . CLOTHING CUT AND ITADE TO ORDER and a perfect fit guaranteed Bi..V•Gooda all markedt ,NV for Cash. Now Is the time It; secure good bargains. Wellsboro, Dec. 3. 1872. 1, WILDIAM WILSON. . ~ Corning 'Foundry larc Machine Shop: ESTABLISHED 1840. ino . y4l • ,_ , •,g ~„.„_,.!.........v.„,.., __. _, .:,.1 , 4 , 71 ,, tir . ": 1 - _____ 1...,! 1 , v , • i [. l c5 . . 1 ,:,i q r . , I . ~ , .e, 1 i ,' 1 ' : 1 1 / 4 , 4 `• IV' ' - p -- . - - -- • 'co 1 ... 4 .4•P''Y ,• „.,.. ,1.4, *47 4 , . : i.... 4 - : :_4,7.. 1 , __1.,„,.., V ; 4 ic . „l" •.I ! , i l'i . •q, --- •; -., ...._ 4 "T 7 "Ff ri r i -----). -- •,i) ; - ,, - : t .: " ''. 7 i tVii - .il iil 0&Ii . i d - 11 . F1: 1 t . -- . . 4 - :Cl' , ' , : l ''''''''' : .:1 1 'Z' , 1^-1 ,. . • ,', s';':,l I ' I i ..' 7l l llll l I " ":' i 9 t '. . —' • - •_ - ' - " 4 "—.. — e, 44 , :', 11l i t c y . 4 4/444 IL-- ~, 1. 3:3. W. IE-DgaqTra..e..,l ci iSielo•iats, auufadurere of Stationary and Portable Engines and Boilers Gearing, Shafting and Machinery, required Co Saw Mills, Grist Mills and Tanneries, Ovens and Grates, for aurning Tau. Screws for moving Unleashed a. , leachcclibark, Castings, Boni; Ilailmad Frogs, Chairs, and impairing done at short notice. Wet have fa cil tics for aiipping by Canal or Ilailroeds to all points, and oa .ornish Machinery cheaper than Eruitern or W stern builders of the best quality. 1 I ' ' ' i .. Jan. 1,1872- 1 y. - (1011hali t NTEUREN COUNTY, N. Y. , , , GREAT, BAR GA.I. ALL OUR DERAI?TMEN TS S 1 7 J. Parsoris & Co., CORNING, N. V. ICI PILEof GOODS for a SMALL PILEofIIONEY xtra Heaving sheetings .... 1' we Bleached Muslin,. c 1 antlsoule Prints t. 0t7,1 Common Print, Deinins, iiingbaiiis, and all other Cotton goothi equally cheap . DRESS GOODS, At the LOWEST PRICES in Steuben County. • . . . . I . ; 4, - ,y-We have an immense stock of now Drrss goods at '25 cts., 31 1-4 Os. and' 37 and 1.2 cts., whichltro II illy 12 , , cents vcr yard under regular prices, - This is au unusual chance for our customers to buy DRESS 001)5 . cheap. , . lack MOHAIRS 7 Black Alpacas, Black Silks. Tlio trade in these goods this tall is larger than m er and warrants us in buyilig them in large lots, and en hlps us to odor them at lower prices than we have ever done before. NW have Black' Silks at $1 12X, $1 25, 1 37 1-5, $1 50, §1 623,, $l. 75,§2 00, $2 25, $2 50, $3 00, $4, CO. and $4 50 per yard, au assortment equal to ,iV stocks. black Moliairs ad 66e, 62 ;,c, ?se, 31e, 1-iil,e, 05e, $1 00, $1 22. Black Alpacas at 31c, 37 c, 440, ad 50c. Eadii of these prieeslare fully 15 per cent. Jess tithe regular prices, 1 1 , • 1 Fel-t kirts, Melton _Skirts. - , We have an immense stock of Single and Doublc,t , olelt Shawls, at the loweat prices of the moon leo ?Easley Shawls tom $lO 007 to $45 00, a stock t:qual to any In the -country. ,Vll' LOW MOIL We have the best bargenns in our Flannel Department ever offered in this town. An immense citock cheap 13 coottii eaaacl. IE;114oagal. We baVe added several new lines of work in this stock and taken more room to keep it, and have now nearly double our regularly large stock and shall sell all styles of ' i Boots and Shoes at the Lowest Prices • n the State. Our trade is very large in this department and we cannot be bilut either in prices or aasortmen We can give better bargains to our customers this fall in every Department than ever before. Our sides being now very large and our assortment much larger than we have ever kept. Particular *Attention Paid to orders. wAsooixo Geo J. Richardson's best quality Men's Tap Sole Rip Boots $ 400, Boy's Boots same qualify, $3 00 to $B5O. Youth's Boots $2 00 to $2 SU. A good 1-2 D Sole Rip Boots, Men's, $3 60. A good 1.2 D Sole Hip Boots; Royce, $2 75 au4;llls3 00 all warranted. Women's Shoes at reduced prices. Children's Shoes at reduced prices. All Wool Casaimeres at $1 00; cheapest goods in the county. Heavy Flannels at 81c-to 50c. No advance in prices on any Flannels wears selling, Best Delaines 22 cents. _ - . - Handsome Dress 'Clohds 25 cts. Cheek at 97 t; amts. . 'Fairs wide French Merinos at $lOO. (:heap atil 25. ' Poplins and Satteens equally cheap. I , . , - i I 700t1 Melton Skirts, stamped, $1 1.0, {north $1 SU. !Meetings and Prints less tbin 1111111. et rates. ' . ' • Stills matte to order as cheap as the +ninon Ready-made suits.' , i We will make to order a rdrit, Coat, Vest and Pants, all Wool Cassimeres, geod trimmings throughout, for $2 00 to $22 00. Extra qualities equall,licheap. _ 0 . , INTEbiI'ION Or MEM E IN rms sEopoN OF COUNTRY; WILLIAM WILSON D(:) %f IES r.UI( cf-,K)(3).1)5, At prices lower• thaii ever before. SHAWLS. Enlargement of Stock in Samples sea by mail when applied fort ARE SELLING J. A. PARSONS &Co, CPRI4INO'. N. Y? WISIIART'S PI STAR CORDIAL'S' NATURE'S.GREAT:DT 'Throat and It is gratifying to us to infOrzu the public hat Dr. L. Q.O. Vitehart's Pine Tree Tar Cloraiel.ter Throat end Lang Diseases, has gained an inviable - reetatten from the Atlantic to the Pacific toast, and from them* to.acme of the first families of Durope, not through the prase atone, but by persona throughout the theta actually beuefitted and oared lathe offios, Wktle.he putlithee leas, BO shy our' reporters, he unable to eupply the demand. It gains anti holds Its repots- tion— First. Not by stopping cough; but by loottettlng and asetating nature to throw off the unhealthy inat -ter collected abouLthe throat and bronchial tul*s, zolt id; cauret - irriistion.' Second. It removes the m l ute of Irritation (Aman , produceS cough) of the muodus membrane and bronchial tubes, EtElnatill the bulge to dot and throw off the unhealthy secretions, and P . uratee the blood. ; Third. It is free from squills, lobeLta, Ipecac and opium, of which .mbst throat and lung remedies are composed, which allay cough only, and CUsorgantse the stomach. It has a soothing effect On the stomach, acts, oil tho liver and kidneys, and lyrepludie and nervous regions, thus reaching to every pest of tits -system, and in its invigorating and purifying Wrests it has gained a reputation which it must bold above all Ohara in the Market . '4° • The Pine Tree Tar Cordial, Great Ameriaan Dispepeia Pflle WORM SUGAR DROPS. Being under my immediate direction. theyskiall not lose their curative qUalities bijr the ueo of .peen and. mpure artioles HENRY R. IVISHART,, .. .. Dr. L. Q. 0. Wishart's Office Parlors 'ere open ost all Mondays, Tuesdays and 'Wednesdays from 9a. st.i to 5 p. m., for consultation bY Dr. Wm. T. Nape. 4... f 'Fiat him are associated two consulting phyldclana acknowledged ability, This opportunity 111 ISA fored by any other institution in the vitt." • • All letters must be addressed L.-Q. C. Wishart, No, 232 N. &mond street, PHILADELPHIA. Noy. l'J, 1872-6 m READ 121-2 eta. per yard 12 1-2 " 10 7 fi ' h I LARG A HIDE UM II roB TnE saw. 1 IVOIX•XCI23I. 1!..f1) ! PROPRIETOR. Free of Charge. DO Ell , Elates y,otivistit to know that WaaIISIELIC alre nuaa Mill 1111 , Bkvo a 411 DY , I 1 ‘ 1 I and lift 11011L08 POO* Sri loulatsilf LB PRXCES. MMEEO3 'Utati t 1144 VT tIVIA Ctltilp4elo4 E TIIREE 9TI Is ill i 1 STOCK, ME ■ • 11 =HE I=