Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, December 06, 1872, Image 2
II II 9,arselvei. islow that the campaign is over we sh I devote more apace than for the past ew months to litrature, news, and' matt rs of general interest\The literary selections will be carefully made,from the p4hest and ablest periodicals and books 91 , the day, and will conWtnothing- ofrensike to,pure mot.- .als or gdodt.aste, A porlion of the paper ) / . will be devoted ench x •week . to information useful on,the fantty4d in the'household,— klpeeial liteenyti*Will - be paid to the caw- tion of local , 9.6v5. The proceedings' of the courts and dunty officers will be promptly reporter}./ The produce market reports - will be care idly corrected each week. The eil : itorial c7oltmuis will contain comments upon such totiiesof the ady as may seem of most interestto the general reader. In short, we aim to make the AGITATOR a thorough po litical, literary and business veafpaper. We hope to `make it a journal that shall intertst every citizen of Tioga county,' and be a wel come . Visitor at- every fireside. In doing this, \VI'• tespeetfuliy ash the aid of our friends ,tuid , well•wishers in extending our circulation and sending us prompt intelli gence or Whatever of interest may transpire in their t respective neighborhoods: The retstilar circulation -of' the AourATon is alrendy larger, than that' of most journals of the, Northern Tier; but we desire to ex tend-it 'still ft3rther, and witlethat object in view i'!ce.will send the paper from the date of subseripten until :the first of January, •187-1, to all new subscribers who send ust \ N - 0:- dollars in -•advance, thus giving all those who subscribe at once the paper for the re maiiuder Of -this year for nothing. But let it be fully understo4 that to secure it at I this rate the rash must accompany all or • ders. - Agitator. A. F. BAILIII:S, 'EDITOR TUESDAY, DECEMBF,II. 3, 1872. Everybody sbOuld be glad to hear that the people of, Philadelphia have quietly con tributed sinnething over ilOO,OOO as a fund for the support of the :family of the late General Meade. Gne B,.Grati, Brown is Governor of 'Mis souri; and for some reason he has found so littl to be thankful for this (year that he failed to second the• President's proclama- tion last week. It 'was just as well; hut what do, you suppose ailed Benjamin Gratz? The nation against Mr. George ,O. Evans to recover the State funds withheld by him tvas called up at Harrisburg 'last Tuesday, and was again continued on affidavits of Evans and his New Yprk .physicians that he was too sick to ascend without endan gering his life. The counsel for the Com monwealth strenuousl opposed the post ponement, but the Cod •t allowed the case to go over with the understanding that it sho'd not be again continued for the same cause on the part of the defendant, but, is to be peremptorily tried when again on the est. Meanwhile, it is reported that all but one of Evans's sureties have become insolvent. Under this action of the Court, the pros pect of ever recovering ty money seems to move rapidly toward the 'vanishing point. I= in the science of physiognomy. He writes , a letter to the public prints concerning Jay Gould, in which he handles that distinguish ed )bull of the Stock Exchange without gloves. He i Says he has nothing to do with him himself, and has always advised his friends " to have nothing to do with him in any business transaction. I came to this conclusilin," adds the wise Commodote, " after taking particular notice of his coun tenance." This must tie highly interesting reading for the gentleman of the forbid dine countenance. In the days of old the knights who had no special admiration for each" other Were wont to come together in the lists wit lances in rest and 'torsos at full gleed. Now, the field is a newspaper column, the lance is a steel pen, and the, wounds are hardly less dangerous, and mote irritating, 'Man always has been and is still a fighting animal; the mode Oanges—the spirit is the same. The Constitutional Convention held three vessiona last week, and adjourned from Wednesday until the Tth day of January next, when It is to convene.at Philadelphia. The standing committees were announced on Monday.. Mr. Niles is on the commit tees LegHation, and on Bevenue, Tax ation and Finance; Mr. Elliott on those on Suffrage, Election and RepreSentation, and County, Township and Borough Officers; Mr. Mann on those on Legislation, and Religious and Charitable Institutions. So far the Convention has done nothing except to ) eflect an organization, appoint the com mittees, and draw part. of their pay from the) State Treasury. We are glad to see that Mr. Mann, our member from Potter county, made a vigorous opposition to this long adjournment; for, as he said, the peo ple are rapidly , groWing dissatisfied with the action of the Convention. It is to be hoped that on re-assembling the members will at tend more diligently to the work for which they have been selected. Senator Sumner returned home last week, having been absent something more than two months The New York Herald reports him as looking the personifidation .of good health, a fact, which hardly agrees with the stories just itieeeding his ar4al. Of course the Senator as " iutefviewed," and equally 1 ) of course he Lxpressed very decided opin- ions upon the \ polities and the politicians of the Old World and the New. He is a firm believer in Thiers, the President of the French Republic. He thinks, too, that the people of France are becoming more serious and capable of self-government, and ha's great confidence in the brilliant future o' thut unhappy ',country. As o home politics he was ratbei• more reticent, dismissing the late campaign,with the rem rk that it was a struggle between two It Publicans, and he preferred Greeley,—a ren t ark which does ittle credit to his sagacity dr his l'e candor.— l.i. I said hehould return to Congress with the 'Tt intention - to try and do his duty there, . he had always tried to do it. ,lie thinks so milling should be done for civil „ service'ref •In Is are - not very definite on he trouble, we suspect, is tl reform did not originate wii It is report tngton that the Commission( revenue will sub mit to Cong , . _Tat of ft bill, a plan for reducing to expeses of collect ing the internal revenue by pr ;;Ii ding that all the duties' heretofore performo by as sessors and assistant assessors Vial)in the future devolve upon the collectors and heir assistants. lie will also recommend t ', hereafter all special taxes, including the tax\ on stills and worms, shall be paid by stamps denoting the tax. This, it is said, will re lieve of their duties about two hundred and thirty assessors hildiribout thirteen hundred assistant assessors, and render it necessary to appoint about twenty-five special agents. . t is estimated this change will save to the Government from one and a half to two million dollars. It is understood that the. President and Secretary Boutwell both ap prove this proposal of Commissioner Doug lass, but in some quarters the ery is raised that it will place too much pouvr. in the hands o the Commissioner: - The fdree .14 this obj .etion * is not Gaily seen, and the people will gladly take any risks of that sort 7i Of course the measure will encounter I the strong opposition of the friends of the 9tileers threatened with (b.f.-missal. The Close of a Busy-Life Horace Greeley is dead! The great jour nalist is at rest after a life which has been to hint indeed a " fitful fever"—a life of cheerful toil and weitry ing vale, of br illiant success followed by bitter disappointme»t and heart-breaking alllietion. 'rho an nouncement brings to millions of hearts it feeling of personal loss. - name h for many years been a " household word' al Over this broad land, anl the great new : ipa per he has built op 1 ism been regarded, stone what erroneously, by a tunititude•of read ers mainly as the vehicle of his persona opinions. The loss of such a coati would lie :.everely felt atj any time, but, Mr. Greeley's death will be especially regretted at this period. lie dies just at the clue of an .exclting po. littera Canvass in N\ hich he had a direct per sonal interest, and in 'which his fondest hopes were blighted. \ "rite country is 6ne, the Tribe he is gone, and I am gone," ryas the despairing cry of a great heart breaking under its weight of woo, of a great mind tottermg to its ruin, It is indeed sad that a man so thoroughly unselfish, who had 'Spent, his life in lab Ors for the elevati o n of one common humanity, shonld thus go down to the grave with the gloomy fancy that he was unavreciated and condemned by his fellow Men. Alas! that our gain'' , should be so often Vitt fruit of other-' 1 , We have not space to-day to 1, . story of Mr. GreeleyAlife; nor 1041 sary. That story is already %N ell I every person Nvlto knows aught of mr) can politics. humble birth; hi- , met 0 clous childhood; his early) love for hoops and thirst fur knowledge; the hartishitis of his youth; his life as a printer's apprentice; his filial afrection and self•sacrifice; his struggles in the great city; his first journal istic ventures and failures; his indomitable energy and industry; his rise as a political writer; the establishment of the Tribune; his eccentricities mid hobbies; his brief offi cial life; his labors for the Abolition of sla very; his political ambition, and, saddest of all, his recent candidacy and crushing de feat,—all this has been mitten .'by a-hun dred pens and detailed from countless plat forms but a lew weeks since. It is indeed an interesting story, that of the great edi tor's life, and it will never lose its charm while Americans admire genius and unsel fish heroism and pluck/and perseverance. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. W ASHINGT ON, Nov. 24), 1872 COMPETITIVE KIiCAMINATIONS. full explanation of the method adopted in the examin4on cif applicants for .. ap pointment and promotion in the Treasury Department will satisfy any one that it is perfectly fair and equitable. The labor of getting lip lists'of questions, computing the tite r :l4kt. A competitive examination is however necessarily confined to proficiency in inttillectual drill, and cannot embrace ori ginality of ideas or experience in actual business, nor can it apply to charaeter.— These points arc infinitely of ft cater im• portance to the efficiency of, our civil ser vice than is the mere drill in hook learning. It is asserted that the present coMpetitive system in England is about to be declared a failure, though it is specially adapted to the use,of countries m here, as in England, primogeniture is the law of the realm, and expensively educated younger 'sons require a sort of 13 Mg-in asylum n- a means of avoiding the pool house and prPon. • Some of our V. iscst thinker:3 have lately asserted that a fair and legitimate competi tive system carried out in the United States for a do7eu years would render our clerical force quite inadequate, by selecting the most narrow and incapahle men for the du ties that the whole country could produce. Coming, as they must in youth, trout the drill of schools and colleges, crowding out age and ripe experience, they cannot, under the contracted and imprisoned life they lead, expand into full grown American citi zens. Without accessions from time to time of vigorous, practical experience in the ordinary husiness“lf this busy world, they have no opportunity to bring to the practi cal workings of the Departments anything thus gained by contact with individual en terprise. Regularly following established precedent and musty old opinions that be long to a period which the country has pass ed in its healthy growth, the moldy formu las and dead-wood excrescerites into which they will naturally grow will gradually eat out the litand strength of the serNiCe. PESIDENTIAL RESIDENCE. . It is currently reported that a bill will be presented in the approaching session of Congress for the erection of a new family and social residence in -the northern sub urbs of the city, leaving the present White House for the exclusive uses of an Execu tive office. The present mixing up of fam ily matters with the important affhirs of state certainly hardly comports with this pro gressive age‘and country. When the White House was built, the business of the Presi dential (*ice was in its infancy, It now needs to be placed on a footing of business, and to be furnished with the appliances of business, to be used legitimately during bu siness hours, while the society duties and social repose of the President should be separated from the business, us they are in all well regulated American establishment& APPOINTMENTS TO DE cosmnAtEn. Since the adjournment .Of Congress the President has made 187 appointments. FOr the Interior Department 58, chiefly Indian agents and public land officers; for the De- partutett of Justice, 15 U. S. Marshals and District Attorneys; Navy Departmlt five; PotAtntsters, 44; State Department, 21, of whieh 11 are Consuls; Treasury Depart ment, 34, of which 10 are Supervisors of Internal Revenue. 81211PRI6EI TO A OALLA . -NT TAR JaS. Gibb, mate of the...ship Three Bells, has just been agreeably surprised in receiv ing a Treasury Warrant for\ $5OO as a re ward for his efforts in rescuigtolliccrs and men from the wrecked steamer San Fran cisco in 1855. Mr. Gibb was in Australia when the act was passed authorizing the re-. ward, and . he had'never heard of it. REsPrrE, Scc The murderer Barney Wood, now await ing execution here, has been • respited until December 6th. ' This gives him ten days more in which to prepare to meet his death. His wakefulness and want of fortitude promise no very quiet submission to the mandate of the law on the part of this oth erwise hardened culprit.l Edmund Ti tes will Mini. his celebrated lecture, on "3 odern Society" Tuesday eve ng at Lincoln Hall. His is the first of th i star ourse of lectures this winter, and will •ro e a success without doubt. A t2miter of Congressmen are already here, preSring for the session which com mences nextkiondl. C, 111., -.. DEikTH i! OF HORACE GREELEY.- I Full Portiontars of his last Sickness., The founder of the New York Tribune, Hon. Horace Greeley, died last Friday eve ning, at ten minutes before_ seven o'clock, at Tarrytownlon the Hudson. The foll O wing dispatehe4 giving the, particulars of his sickness and death will be found highly in: teresting: NNSOUNCtINIENT OF MS DEATH. Ntw YORK, Nov. 29—Evening — . Horace Greeley died at 6:50 p at. Ire WIlf.A con scious at the time of his tlecease, and his ,death was peaceful. MORNINti DRIpATcli, NCW YORK, Nov._ 29.—Mr. Greeley's death is expected montelliarily. Lath t'v hi relatives and the physiciar attending him. e ; Yesterday fah , reports mere current in many quarters that dise l e.e had termina• tea tidally, and mmiliet-t eallt.d at the ollit•t• to itqt.ei tain the true tit ate of af fairs Mr. Greeley is at Tarrytown. but his I, , ,heteationtS ZIYC kept Ilrem the public and many of his triends. YeNterday evenimz at a medical comult a-- tion it t`tas said that it was doubtful if he , cottlil live more than a lets days. Dr. Hammond, oae of the physicians said: " 1 doubt if he mill live forty-eight hours longer, and I should not hi' :...urprked to hear of his th - Anth " While 1 was at his bedside," added the doetor, " Mr. Weed, an old friend of lire's ley's, came up, and wishing to test Greeley, I said, Grettley, do. you know Weed?' Mr. Greeley starts) vacantly, and amtm urea that he had neyer met him in his before, and said farther, ' t never heard- , the name of Weed before.'" Mr. Greeley is :tithing incoherently all the time, anti is ((trite obstinate. Ile does not know his oivn daughter. Between eight and ten o'elock last night his pmilition was less av'ettilile than during the dny: .. y lip-icions dill not anticipate any important changt nithin t vivo bimls. AFTERNooN pf, NEW , YolcK, Nte,. 2•t, t iti.•--Mr. Iree ley Itit'3 /Wen ill it ;NM' tit ent unconseiotts nes.; since eight eisloe I. tliit iiitaning. His pulse at the v i.-t is intperceptitilt , Hffil his strengthic - ste.•alily failing. Ile appears to ttlii'tvet • little. vulsTinitt'NE'r , _trcotUN•c (Iv lILs Dv:.vrit AND k nih,o<4.,. account ( ilir vtl,l do:oh or lionte?•(;rePley: = "ly I,i 111,.:1:.4111 . intv.i knew. till•Cky NV:IS in nihilist as gout . ' health uqual when on the% day niter election be wrote the card anttotmeim.., his wsumption of the editorial eliaq!e ot the TeA,Hie. his sleeplessness :k4 known to have bevome greatly worse; but for years he had su ff ered .more or leas from the same difficulty, as now dear, a sullieieul allowance had not been made for the immense strain upon him throthy,hout the sumtner, and especially' timing the last month of his wife's illness. "But it Strength was which he ha( or four car eft a column hi 1 haps, waS wherein he s ni,metl up his views of the, can' vass. hil he wrote three and a half col umns after his return, contributing to only four issues of the paper. , Two or three times he handed his assistant short articles, sayliig, "There's an idea worth using, but I hard not felt able to work it out properly. Yotf had better pot it'in shape.' "At last on Tuesday, the 12th instant, he abandoned the eflolt to visit the office regu larly, and sent for the family physician of Mr. rl. J. Johnson, a friend with whom he wasa guest, and in whose house his wife had,:died. Every effort was made to induce sleep, but he grew steadily worse, until it became evident that his ease was critical.— Dr.:George C. S. Choate and others were ealre.d in consultation, and finally it was de eidea_to taky him to Dr. Choate's residence, t,W - t5 Or three miles diStant from, Mr. Gree ley's:own country home at Chappaqua.— Here he received unintermitting attention from J W r. Choate,: ands here t Dr. Sequdid, Are PAMORWRYniNai I -"n511 1 - "St times he was delirious, and at other times as (dear headed as ever. tie 16st flesh and strength \\ ith startlinz rapidity, and in a few days the possibility of his speedy death ferced itself into unwilling recogni tion. It was not, however, until Thursday last that his associates and family brought themselves to admit it, and even then they still clung to his faith in the vigor' of his constitution. " On Wednesday. night he - failed very rap idly. On •l'iatrsday afternoon and eVening he seemed somewhat easier. During the night he slept very uneasily, muttering cc• casionally, and frequently raising his right hand. Toward morning he was more luiet, and between eight and nine o'ciciek'fell into a nearly unconscious condition, which con tinned, with some interval -4, through the Clay. ' Ile made occasional exclamations, but many-of them, in consequence of bisextreme weakness and apparent inability to finish what he began, were unintelligible. About noon, however, he said quite distinctly and with some force, k.I know that my Redeem er livethr During the day he recognized various people, biS daughter many . times, and the Members of his household .at Chap paqua, ;qr. John ,R. Stuart and Mr. Reid.— On the whole lie suffered little, and seemed to have - ho restlessness which accompanici the last stage of disease. " During the day his extremities were cold, and there was no pulse at the m"ist.— The action of the heart was very int -,rmit i tent, and was constantly diminish lig in force. • Ile had not asked for water m. r been willing to drink it since his stay at, (*ate's, but during Friday he asked for it frequent ly. Up to half tin hour of his end he man ifested in various : ways his consciousness of what was going on around him, ,-itnd even answered in monosyllables and intelligently questions addressed to him. About halt' past three he said very distinctly, ' It is done;' and beyond the briefest answers to questions this was his last utterance. " His youngest daughter, Miss Gabrielle, was with him through Thursday evening.— Throughout Friday his eldest daughter, Miss Ida, was in constant attendance, as she had been duringthe Whole of his illness and of Mrs. Greeley's before him. The other members of his Chappaqua household were present, with Mr. and Mrs. John R. Stuart and a few other friends. Nothing; that sci ence or affection could suggest was wanting to ease his last hours. The wintery night had fairly set in when the inevitable_ hour came. " Without, the sleighs were running to and fro bearing Chappaqua (the nearest tel egraph station) the latest bulletins, which the thousands of anxious hearts in the great city near by kept demanding. Within, the "daughter and a few others stood near the dying man, wlko remained conscious and seemingly rational and free from pain, tho' now too weak to speak.in the adjoining room sat one or two more Priends and the physician. At ten minutes before seven o'clock the watchers drew back in reverent stillness from the bedside._ The great editor was gone in peace, after so many struggles; in honor, after ..s4) much obloquy. A Novel Device for Making , Buildings Can a totally fireproof building be made? To believe that this is impossible would be greatly to depreciate the, mechanical and sCientitic resources of the age. ' Nothing can burn till heated to the temperature at which it combines with oxygen; the• prob lem of fireproofing will then be solved when we discover the means lry which the tem perature of combustibles can be 'kept 'from reaching the temperature of combustion.— We can apply the most intense heat to steam boilers without burning them. Why? Be , cause each atom of water they contain is a swift vehicle to seize upon and carry away heat. Let us mho up the partition walls of buildings in a manner analogous to sec tional steam hollers, and no tire would he communicated from one building to anoth er. A thing so evident should have attract ed the attention of architects long before this. in this way iron, which by itself is not a fireproofing material, can, by the most economical use of water, be made to with stand theseverest ordeal. The trod-inclosed water spaces need not be more than one inch in thickness, and need never be subjected toa hydraulic press ure of more than three or tour feet head.— These walls Can tins efore be made of thin metal. They can be supplied with water from thel common water service, or front tanks pla6ed on the tops Infilditer.s. Iu case of fir 6, the turning of a singl ecork would supply them with water, and the temperature of the partitions could never rise above 212 degrees Fahrenheit till the water had all boiled away. In this wnv not a tithe of the water now vainly used to ex• tingtd,sh such fixes as those of Chicago and .a. • e — • IN!! MIMI= oon became evident that his unequal to the hard task to set himself. Ile wrote three 1 arti;cles, no one of them half ngth. The most notable, per that entitled ' Conclusions,' Fireproof. ME Boston - wont(' be needed to preservt Rwli city. We feel certain that no solid mater known to the arts is capable withsta lug the heat geuerated,) in these great tit, We must. find something that heat will melt, Or warp, or crack, and otherwist impervious to air that lire cannot comnu rule with combustibles stored or we must expend the force of the heat something we tam afford to waste emu° This ',Attnething is water, ti hi k• N% 117 M! pOillted t )111 the way to us l theriett it A )11..it Stories of the Sta. ft k n4,l ontHliat tier 11,0 he>t of me grow pii wi'llry of Ilte. Invftniles; the Shanieh , s 4 titshonesty that tire e‘ ‘vhere vkible, tk to temporarily lose fai their fellow IlIV11;" ll)1:11WV Ilea the HOW drCIIS are 0 vf!r, au i ticit heroic I li*Vlo itM 1I S 111.4•11 Wllllll' perseth: ;:ttddetil3 there the ;-toty c t some ar.t. llntve, and that, like the 61:1-.1 of tt bro.sze mve thiotigh :And (hi- ii . nwitolf stri pt "f lii.( llt .rt it 11 iSI)e it cyni , :tot divirtim, and one net% itride in . 11 . e4 wenitirrAiip of that ran yol fi r ultkh teat.l). to lac , ;usti claP. ntly tiatic(•l' efiliße numity. sit,ries'uf .41iipwreck hare coilw ti, 11l doling the week charavtor; :Mil no pan raft read mit a than gor aaaiiVatlifft the ieeorci gun:wiry of Ili• own ail• the Batavia a f3:tllit. null thi. unflinching . entlura 11w ert , w of I liv Carolina The letter of Mr. Clemens, whit: published in the 7 eileB or 'Tuesday la, scribes the heroism ffi of the ocers an' of the steamer Batavia, IA ho, in the of a wild tempest, manned a lifebo rescued the erew of a waterlog,,g,ed The tempest was o n e of unteitini Villeti(r. The wrecked hark was ( umpletely ht Iplets, the men having sought shelter in th e to w n rigt;ilig froth ihe sea which constantly swvpi the deck. If was late in the afternooll when the' a leek was discovered, end to the fright ful hazard of launching a bout in I,lle he ol menths sea that was 'lumina, was! ackINI the risk that the boat, even if it sh(4lld Clot h e swamped, would he lost in the thickrnss of the coming night. '['here was lot the slightest hesitation, however, am ng the brave sailors of the Batavia. f r o uutel's came forward as soon as they were call9d, the boat was launched, and the terr ble toil of rowing a mile agaimt the full oreoof the tempest was unhesitatingly ace inp1;11- ed. The wreck was reached and tie sirs rescued, amt though the crew of t le but awl their benumbed passengers su seeded in rest lting the steamer, it was mill mssilde to S4IVP this iik.1)11:It that hail render -a ;such good service. A more gallant act, More gallantly performed, cannot he lolld in the long record of ilimMer and bravery at 'sea. ' , Not. less noble was the conduct of the t men of the steamer Baltic. On tl e same day on which the Batavia saved the crew of the bark Charles 'Wald the Balti . fell in with the wreck of the ship Assyria, the crew of which had been two days c:linglng t o the rigging. Two, boats were at once called away, the second and third officers assuming charge of them: respectively, and the steward, who was under no obligation to peril his life in assuming a dutfr which seamen alone could have been expected to undertake, nobly volunteered his id at the oar. The. Sinking vessel was safelY gained, but one of the !oats became disabled, and the other was coMpelled to make two trips in order to save the seventeen men of the Assyria as well as their own comrades of the injured boat. The storm was the S:11110 as that which the Batavia encountered, and the heroes of the Baltic furnished fresh evi dence that the traditional gallantry of the sailor has not vanished, although !the pro saic stoker' has to so greet an extent super seded the able se.unan. The Ayreck of the Carolina, al bound from 13altimore to Queenst 0 unaccompanied by the unseltis which rescued Lilo crews of the C and the 11..} . tia, nevertheless fu shining insulate of bravery in the in; discharge of duty, and eudi the fait of frightful hardships. 4th to the Pith of November th with the furl: ho chaee IV:l,k t-t 1 11 !Till ill 4, - -- 271- wartlct and howl, tt hno...t daily extingui lied, and ttc pnrnp3 were choked kith aiu INpt for / moment, however, ‘vere the etrk or z , as - <„ , the ship relaxeN. The firemen -to. - )41 to their pots when tip to their wnistl4' in w: ter The pomp never ce;i4ed their st eddy( langiv so long as they (mild be made avai l - table, and when day broke dawn , the rrew bailed with buckets and casks. Ia t, aft:A - tell days :ttttl nights o toil, the leak could no longer with any po‘:ciltility of sueeeFs, look 14) 1 rigiling anti lashed fa-tt to wait Vilitt.r for succor u Th e y were happily •:tvell by a ' I :bath.; but daring the VI hole peric i dauntless :tittl.;;_rle fur life, we recreant 1.1, he shirhed his duly, a 1111 who prelericd the obliion o ne , ;S to the effort to save her compaii). ' hlle idood of the old Nor-c heats in the vcin ,- ; of Jiritish an sailers. Bravery, :.elf-sacrifice, hesitating discharlA: of duty, characteristic virtues of the sea ticiiins may lie and cheat, and hating thieves may practice the swindles, but nobility and cour: no'means died out of the A ugh , -- F. Tina 1 IST OF LETTERS remainin g in the 0. 0. at %Vena l-41.)re, Nbr. 30, 187'2. . 8111 1 . Aivi'0. Atiame,fainve Coulee W Oil .• 0 - TERM ch.arie. Kuutz, Hob,. L. King - `.l, t jnir i ffin c g' d ,,t ki ti 1 I t i t i l l e . l ,,, t 7 ,i i F. stunt aal 2. John sponeor (colored) Ma- The trial of Young Fewell, 't hiellWB9 hi 111 c ea llf:l- , , i ;te a lona cif wileux. J. Allanwtlett. progress for a week at lrentsvi e, Virginia, saveru se d 1 1'„ a give ll) ,iat f , ott; a e t e . ' l .` t lt e 'i r, e t 6 nY they are for the murder 0f Ja n es F . Cl r k )barged -taieranette.laeltotcarS',lnie",..thiny days they wilt be sent to with abducting and ruining bi 3 gist?, and , : Deo. 3 1872 whom he deliberately Allot dent white help- ' ' less and defenseless t l vititin O.! bars of 10 )u - canc.—I shall / t i t r il2l a read ) i for minutiae, prison, resulted in the renditi+ of a ver-',041 tiltin g Welher aret z :u y diet of not guilty. This its Null in d!sgrace- APronext,l t : am. so.iv,t tov.groli4vet":l; t''ha4tt.lactelinvt-trot. fulness to the acquittal of Lairp Fair. 1 , 3 , , i i i to nit, Dalt. •. - 4,A3 p.lad for /111 1u11:18 of lope; clod ht 41h , timber delotled.. Prleo for cawing three dOl Another strike has taken place among th e tars awl fifty rents per thotteand for Heml ock /mgi/ coal miners in this State, and it will prob a . o . o 'f o t ( ;%:oo l d . , , g tr.t . rxy a •l t o i l h l?tet t, and flay vents for bard bly be general. They demtud ten cents ad- a• 3 anatwiton. Any part a h l . ‘ s 'ee cs t ,a o t i i - li e n awe t d s and sold ditional per ton, they 110 W re•eiVing seventy tut' kaa; staff. Nothilig tarried Umber will please sand 1U their ordt ,g ra :e P i l : l a re ly" t ß ul than they La i j ss e ib r ze t ,, ,, p m are.2ll l -ly cents, which is ten ,cents fore 1 forty feet. ever received before. The operators arc Ifehimr, Dea.2 —lts, 11 A. 3TOWELD determined not to submit to IhiS despotism, '-----• --- - - - - . come what may. It is believed that a trial' • • of a,month without work will bring the de-' '77 ainln, / stratoes .Yotice. luded men to their senses; but it didn't be ETTEllii of administration of the estate of wm. fore; though the longer they, are idle theft) tam Archer, Lite of Middlebury, 'noes. countr, worse it will be_for them. 'r, requestedot iteo a u t t o y , all ma parsons payment, Indebted atld n., deceased, haring been granted to rho undersigned t y the Reuiste . r at e e f Ott the 4th of March, 187:1, the 'terms ofL'', 4 l ( "'.wte sixteen Senaiors will eXPire; I civit:—he ' R e altie s lo "g tlie lu ti ii ti l l=gto t il i s t a t i gild e ri e t will present Spencer (Rep.) of Alabama, Rill (Ihp.) o 9 Audio, urYt Nov. 5 , 1872--Bw, Oelnigill'i:Err. Georgia, Trumbull (Lib.) of Llinois; Pop, eroy (Rep.) of 'Kansas, Kellogg (Rep.) Louisiana, Wilson (Rep.) of Nassachuset Blair (Dem.) of Missouri, Nye (Rep.) of . 3.\ vada, Pool (Rep.) of North Carolim, Sa yer (Rep.) of Sopth Carolina, Howe (Re of Wisconsin, Conkling (Rep.) of New Tor and Cameron '(Rep.) of Pennsylvania. Some of these gentlemen will be re-ectec and in most eas where they ;are not the, will be succeeded by R publicans. ! l' ' Dr. W. H. Did of th United StatesCoa; Survey has been makin explorations of Ist among the Aleutian Isl nds, and has diseov erect various remains of prehistoric natives such as lamps, knives, spoons, arrowheadst hearthstones, and skeletons. Around tht sites of ancient villages he found everai specimens of peculiar ways bf burial. In certain places a sort of caste was formed under overhanging rocks, and here were put the bodies of the dead, preserved and gayly ' dressed. Some of them wet' covered en tirely with wooden armor. Occasionally the cave had a theatrical a pearance; the bOdies of renowned hunters here placed in canoes,. armed, and apparently rowing.— Women were represented engaged in -the labors of their lives, sewing, dressing shills. or holding their children, an old men were , ) seated about the walls, seeming to beafthei drums to whose rough mug their fellows once danced in winter. A black side of Philadell hia life 'is re• , vealed in the confession of 'ugh Mara, tube was lately sentenced to six 'ears and ninc months' imprisonment and t pay a tine - or/ $l,OOO for attempting to kill Alderman M.' Mullin of that city. , He sta es that there i 1 i an organized band -of thor uglily reckles men associated together f r all Rims 0 dime. His first assertion is thaehe was it stigated to the attempted ssassination t , Detective Brooks by this bad,, who agree th pay him $2OO for the fiendish work. 14 gives names, places and particulars, slum lc id , how the victim was dogeeland final l'' / -41 tot ; declares the alibi will h. was fabric te t t Inc his defense to be an act of pedur and that the only pay he ever received Iv - .1. The other 'charges i!ri his atlidas against this gang are that hey started t terrible coal oil tire of Feb nary 8, 1805„ Ninth and Wharton street ; that ~they tempted the - burning of th Union Leagi House, September 6; 1866; that they co tattled the - murder of Pete Maunox, Ou' ber, 1868, -and robbed the penefleial 6ltv' Fund Society, April 4, 18614 ITEMS OF GENERAL 111, • lrendding in the ranks 4 united aces Assestiors mid Assistant. Assessors.—! *bill of the Commissioner of Internal', evenue ‘ for abolishing . , their offices meets ith the it'pnroval of a considerable numbeti if .01011101)1)er:: Congress, who promisi l it "go fOr" the unfortnnates as soon ni• ongret4s meets. The spect nele of a genera, ect ion followed by - 1 he aholitiokof a grea r timthr eof offices, tlieOlidatitin of oth't, eti, and tilling he renotlinTer by competitive lunlit:Won, esket,sively discouraging. to tt e ordinary politician. •, To think of it! .Toll Bunyat, the tink er, the field preacher, the is9or priso ‘ tter make, is. 1,1 have a coliissal 'oalue 41p of Mitt-elt in isecifurtl, lstgiatitei, ip Ike jail 4if w 1601 town he p.e--ed twelve cod , seentive year.; of lint file. The Liatdo i n \Spciatot 111.1,1%. that, In make the irony Ont r i": - ‘il e te, the A i tt li • % ‘lll he erected In • fr(tat_of fthe evidence 111 4 !I hong ht. NIA an!tvr than jthiges aia well h 3 Whatc% et may be the viceq of our 'age, there i. oat that of let - t - wiwis turd plat-h eat itwlwlt , l'sll4 Wl:aro tilt•Ill!ttil V pi We Will Out inquire tat•t the rat-e ut thi-4 character %M..; tot we ittieht Mel it in a disrepotable iittd tittti inditb.tenet.• u 6ieh cares for none 'of these thing 4. lot e go 1 1 141 WO IS• hiu s tit ,011 ulLle• pitlff time MD OEM ME t n ti hit 11 to of tt ilia f tit( tit ttiv tct-, Here 1,4 sontethin:! vitrimtc about a ohint ney in I.ON\ 01, f7l ,, :jChil‘f.tl4, just comple te:l fur tits LIM I e!! Wilk. it k 20:i feet en t t • an d a t io wey gale have eau,ed this chimney to o,ellect iihotit fifteen inches I ront the pernendienlar, and fear, litkVe - het.ll That it alight fall. These ate :said to be groundlesS ' us the deflection 1.10 e» not confluence till a die atit.t. Of WO feet front the ',toe ha.. been reathett. Reeontse has bi.en had to the pro. cess of :4m inq the unntar lit'iWeen the hrieks, and the deflect hit has been thus re duced racer three inelteg in ;2'l hours. This operation continued wilf r e r.,t o r e the great eninthey to its perpendienhu:. IRE t, (k- V 1 rim it all+l The ' Wzitibifiottill Chr onidt Rap.; that an in teresting deci-tion, :dyr:O eng hotel-keepers, Icts been rendered in the Circuit Court of Mutt city by Judge t 'flutter:, The facts were as follows: Mrs. Ilarlowe, in 1301, boarded at the Metropolitan Hotel, of which Mr. Marshall Brown Wil4 proprietor, and when she left, the bills nut tieing paid; Me. Brown detained her trunks, telling her that when her bills were paid they would be given up. Eight years afterward Mfr. Brown returned the trnnks; notwithstanding the bills were unpaid. Mrs. Harlowe alleged that all her goods wvre not returned, and brought suit to reviwt-r $•.!17, the value of the goods she claims %vete lost. The defendant offered evidence that dining the whole time the tritnits were in his possession he kept them kicked up in a stole room. The defendant asked the Court to instruet the jury that if hey believed the phintiff Omit] have oh taitied her trunks at any time hr paying the bills, and if defendant used ordinary care, the plaintiff was not entitled to recovnr.--- Jatige Ouster refused this prayer, and said the landlord's lien gave him the right to de lain baggage a reasonable time, and at the end,of such time such baggage should_ be sold at public sale, and the hotel bill be paid out of the proceeds. If he detained bag gage beyond such reasonable time, he was responsible for all losses. The defendant noted an exception. The jury returned a verdict for plaintiff of $5O. The Rev. H. W.-Beecher, in a recent lec ture advocating compulsory education, de clred that organized dishonesty is becom ing more and more the law of the time, and that the education provided .by the state should include not only the common school branches but the elements of universal mor ality. The list of new studies proposed by the lecturer—" truth, honor, honesty, tem perance, fidelity, industry and patriotism" —should not tie beyond the capacity of the average teacher, and probably is' not. But the average teacher certainly doesn't con cern himself with all that. Our much praised and very useful school system does sadly lack the vital warmth of ethicalin struction. Neither men nor boys live by mathematics and grammar alone. In the public schools of our villages these studies are carried forward sternly, but what pupil ever learns more of patriotism than he gets front the high-flown speeches in his Reader, or an occasional glance at the country neis .ca of any pains to fix Mat kitupliclty and naturat• ness a sense of the beauty of manly honor •and a good life in a' boy's mind? Honest living and love. of country are not sentimen tal abstractions; they are the practical groundwork of successful financial and po litical life; but as sentimental abstractions, our school system certainly seems to regard them. AB these things are left to home ed ucation and to the Sunday school, whi'cli has less power because less opportunity than the public sellout. If it is not indo lence, it is at least a strange ignorance of human nature whichtotals the teacher to imagine' that n boy's morality is to be en tirely established by home training, when spends nearly all his time and his most ; serious and unselfish thou;;•lits at school.— Ihe desire that there should be careful tui tion of the fundamental ideas of political economy . and of our civil institutions is most priuseworthy. At present it is only the newspaper that gives any sort of 'famil iar and constant instruction In these things. It semis scarcely reasonable that our young sovereigns should study the, institutions of several centimes ago to the 'utter exclusion of the modern institutions of their owd realm.—E.C. stfltuner 1110' 1 daring as., Ward . rushed a la ch ranee in rom the Carolina f the cle• ires ire wtirt- 'What at ince,sant faight the crew thernolvv6 tleth.— icorwgian (dtheir hear .1 no cow • ,f tlrtiken e shi. and tl Ki,g,;yet Aretitan land he 4n• tie sill iHe nan. Pili t ocklie hi • •ir ge hop 19 aCf • aud sec the "ElNO'''o:f St wing Mactitaes ou exibition at A. B. Eastman's and Mar the oelebrat• ett ...E4ity Organ." Walleb4o, Sept. 17. 72-1:L , ---- 1 t's TO $720 ',:'".'tiajoci",tit'r ung Or o.ld, rnakg more 'none • eir spare inoraente; or ull the tti te l: Particulate tieki. Adcheaa taw]; Maine, 1 \Mrs. A. '.lr. ,s_ , \fl N_ Li te au r,ze a tfully anuouptl 11-iREBI.-1 STOI pinery and Fan ery description, for the Lau, Dounets, Caps, Gloves, Hosier Merino and Muslin Undm. Zephyrs and Funs. Thank trouago of the past, she hope! co of the same. RAY TAKEN UP.—A dark r y premises on tho 3d of Nov. easo prove property, pay clutrg AEI _l9, 18711-43 w AGENTS WAN FOR 4 111 SECTS AT H upwards of 700 cuts ; 41 Nil the Book for intelligent gB are faithful repreaentatio Solid for Circular. Adareaa vitt SoYeath St., Philadelphia. .121:19 my wife Jam Iliclimond .u.l board without plat cause o, r. hereby give notice to all poi trn,l her on my coconut, as I N ~. tarticting anorthic date. .wt, ru•r. 2,1872. SPERRY mosTrivronfi. NOTICE -Lett, •:Itibu of ttio eBtate of Frank 1100 county, Pa., &came; it t o the umler,igned by the Re! , ait persona indebted said ea I flake payment, and those havinl atom ill present the same to the eld, Pa. kfleld, Dee 9 , 1872--6 w EN 3EO. W. MERRICK, P. Id ‘rantad 1 All class eople, of either sex, at work for us in e, than at anything G. Stinson Az co., Sept. 2.1, 18751-4 v. FIELD to the public tha I K OF y Goods ea, couelaUng of • , Nubiaa, Slutwle, k ear. Germantown' 1 for the gener • to merit a con- Jan. /, 1872. (1 Cow cum() to 1 872; the owner ea, atui: take her • RAM RAW?. .Cluudeutan,..Pa ED IN IN.,' ). age engravings :1 homes."“Tbe Ta of Insect and ' I F noway Bann/ca. Nov. 11.11'11-ly !hasten my bed provocation, I ons not to bar ill pay ncrdeuta ICIIMOND. 1, n' s of actroitda. ' rker; late of havitig' been ,later of Tina to are reques• claims against 1. ntleraigned in GEOR }IIILD E A. HOLT, : PARRER, INSI LOOK :OUT FOR THE IVAAM% ifersrstm.7s • -I Just arrived with an immense a•ruux OF MI LES LFITRUMAN, DERV (MODS, 46i-' AC.) - ( C' Et I E 1:11Ju tiltoLd !Ready-Made Clothing, HATS & GAPS Y,',4417Z1ZZ . rcr4 'l' Je br,vt mid the eheat,est lut of !rl_7 1- A S evek brpu2lit tnto WeUbboru LADIES" FUR and Gents' Fur Collars. ==l Stores lu Wilcox Krcus's hew Erluk 'Block, I pro .0g to sell my attire ut reclucea rates for the next . +t-43.1.t. -...orWataIICOIONCD •e, us I do ist,t. %VIA tC. , move au SLIMY : coda EME Anil it to their tutor-at t ttivo toe a call bPfora dealing viREMIFININII Oct. 29, 1972 ti We have Shed the Shanty TL3ALOWIN&CO And uuw• have but time to say to our ttlenda and oustomera that we haii good BARGAINS Pint THEM Our Elegant New More le filled full of IJHESIRABLE GOODS at tbn lowest prtoea to be foun Call and you will lino r ow It Is yo T. L. BALDW4s . & CO EMI EMI Cuustattuts of r, TRUMAN TIQUA, PA . . tuo 121217,N8Z BtcOk . with prices not to be beaten. Do money it you Corning, Oot. 22, 1872. IA \\, ",-- \\\\ \\ ~_ ~ _. `~~ a ~ . may , ~. ~, I 41 rj',) El E 0 © - P. , C.r,,, ' Ori • *P i IN.J e=i g: 0 0 01 Thei Largest Establishment in Northern Pa.! 1 1 441" :Ott. 1)IITJ.0 4 001Sr - 1 1 1 AVINO facilities fur buying and handling Large; quantitiel of Gonda enables then, to offer thew at the lowest 'lobbing prices. In our retell dayartrnont Goode ate sold 4 a small advatice over wholesale tfrioee. A large stack uL STONIi, GLASS, ALL 'SUES, SINGLE AND DuUDLE TRICE, i , AINMSALL RLNDA A.ND 00Lintl, V I UINIBRES AND VARNISH BRUMES, A FULL STOCK. Transfer Ornaments, Striping .Pencils I= I • A Nil of all alassoe of Oood aPPartaluing to our bualuesa iept %took er - U_EATiOR FALL .411111 WINTER GOODS, Gri - 001)8 , znrilartsis or nal sportis etaaa GROCERIES IN ABUNDANCE, CllO7ll SMASHED, , 1 3 4 DC)"1"1111 act 1114C0.113115; T.LIZIu3III 110'220110 av Paw coulz. ALL AND • se N. gas , ,„. ■ ria • 'NOT r - i =fi WibiLL.-NALE AND ICETALI. ISIAIND itiloou and Brushes t i or Carriage' and - C utter Ornamenting-. .A.rr THE IN CORNING- _'; le the ylneo to buy your too numerous- to weatloti, Su good repair and styles, Offal' to come before buyiatt foci = ~? 0 c = Cr, \`\ \s‘, 1F1'1M7E4,1331 tifflat Llll4, I S !+: E =CI a to 0 E (j i JOHN R. PLERCF I can wive y K. NEWELL,