Don!t_Olop Over. ..Don:t Sin) .- - - 71s hold:we:1 I,tle hand on the yen inan : 'a head; .` ()nit by all nadtati, itlaat,: 'Cio it white leather and horsr-shoes last; ao it while bide and hair on halve Wilt Witt together. 0, go it, of course— Go it as fast as aget.Fott• owls% - • , —•— 11lIVilten't glop oter, my. dear '3 - cing roan., ovei'. 'You'll dint aotoo - day That keeping an eye to windu ard will pay. -V horse way tun a Itttle too long, cn.-preaelt , prgaeti JlACir.traellizi:EO6 - iitr - r7ort 17 1 ''' ; Tc i try - tfi r P egrut it to atLer ur 1.115111" Keep the 413.14 i of the Lffort ill‘k ay a in view. And delft plop over, i:fialever you do. • " o l't alop over. Tho wisest, men e hound to alup over now :aid t. 1101; .1 N the wlseet, at-v. - oil; a; least.' • ouwithattlituder tholeest 'I ;coo ''iho.t'or apilt min: do not wail A e the onto, who curry the ot , adiest pall, herevor you go, go iii for the fat; But don't atop over--atlfreeze to tltat. 1 . Dolet:Map 101ita - watst &little - tit'', far v. - 1t1x1.7.1a tun ,Lows ;. , .;3 4 ,01euti, co wo , • twee on Mai In Alexic , ); , Ijorace-0,4 anti Jolibraoil D., ~111(1 kitutcralkcillk.r.agd 1,0 'LIS., 4 .Poluison; the [*,. eat. I Tv6n't,' 94+ act .1 , / c Dbill;t*tlorctii:•o2. - Aits ern . if ' z;ox. o l3.7.ivys rvadi-to tut t• ? , r.t•t;', • ' - ahts tr€ , ftl 26 the 11:;;Iii•rit trill ceneuar.:, - do, ...Autiattawur the tu'lett v. rt..; It ' C.; con: HI, but r. tt A•• 6 • •R • v, (.1 e Attll ro you w:11 rt,as/ tt . t.• 1,1 •••::::,•!,,t. rj'y r,r). IU. Tel!. f' , ...3,1`11111 , J;11C t NM i Ile !::_r:l9 .- : _'n•.-. Z.:* , ct! I; .; f.! 71110 J a 1 111 t c,.. ii-t air t• vain. -, • pe f a • L c o [1,1•1,' 110 " . 7131t111 .tan be tlelt•fnilty itCh.7.:(iV..?(17 , 4 • • - • A Nv,11,1 ...puhtat is eca3o:l is the tactlier. tit ages.— CAlf-1,,/,',4. :4vjexai, cut tiL I.; ; ,ireatt priTatcly; • A; bat the foatvs:ei, .111 e :tog._ er Pa,t4l. _ inuocu . eialien inliill4.l armor, it alorbt - • , ~..,.'joylez life is ...-..)...., to bear t.izio one t. LC( Vie grlet —..17.:Jr. , l'lled i• 3 Et fQul ' lair'ics.Wia'flio'i..3•ziin . of the sage.' • Voite.i,t.: Lielines.the happy, mail n: the one wh., con3iders himself so: - • ' pa.ver, even the dLLTtitic, ppiu • ::1 all 1.14Am0 themselves only'for the re:-,ti ui bola pr.thet.l . —/?o:Alfaur..aul. Unitise intejlectu.Al..lutuilattries shiAobriglii6st litti!rAnky .If-thon art=t tiligier; de sonietibaes blind • if a Lk ervaiit, tornetimesdeaf. A secret is,too little for one, enough fm two, and too, much. for.three.—Rotral, to oue ever knew what . friends were worth until they had lived without them. No fountain so sug_all pkit,titat Iteav(; tuay he imaged Ltr,its basoitr.:—Hoctliorne. When Goethe was asked the secret of sue co; ...3 he defined it as "a'wt.4tr limitation." tly silently the injuries Chat yott receivc upon the ultarottnlivion Heuer make penile its by gentlent•Fs, thin hypocrites by severity, -Bc. F/ untie do Burs.- . . It is easy to look down on ofliers ; to look c . dWA I),un_our..el yes is - the diffleulry ;--Eq://tior. Ii Tripqitnce is corporal pithy ;it is the preseic l itioifof . divine order in the body.— T. li-taer: Enlarge not ths , 'destiny, sahli,the (4clu of old ; endeavor not to do inure than is given thee to clo• • Otter 01) tfof truth to love. No love gen uine whose altarrisk.s the sacrifice. It is utoru tlitilcult And calls for ltighcr energiei (if..sinti to live a martyr than to die one. --Eirtn , vici Minn. No wan ever did a designed injury to-an other, wititotWdoing• a greater to —Ci nrU: Hoarse. The master of superstition is the people, and in all superstition wise men folkm fouls.—Bacon. Better than fame Is_stillthe.wish for fame, the eMittitait tfainingsfor tt glorious strife —Bulwer. - Every, real thought, on every real subject, knocks i the wind out of sotnetiotly or other. --flobnes. The religion of Christ is peace and good religion-of Christendom is war and Nature sometimos male - a fool ; hut a ooxcomb is always of man's own making. • ALL SM The city of :Mexico law statue of ()alumnus I• Ti'e New York paper-• r. .e full of tlcelnentsof Q.:sten far :114 The popitlatic)n of Bo Intlict is no „ es.tiinnted at a little le:* than 20? 000.00✓0 A New 'Yorker n dr,g svh.cir'he mlam - eclPe:tnulz 03 LICC33II: t;f th 2. tl?2,nneg , of L:, In EZ.C.CI p T)01 . 7:12. pnl;ili tllo ;it! '.c,-.eezv I; the nec r no of ('"uttly, I 'f'de oily of Jedao, Ins nu arca of G:,l3:gaw sh ipl,u rs are colstruct ing iro:1 ccrew s.iennwliz for IT:111Ce. T',112 Mall'Crllltile marine of the l •solli: nulnl•ori, ovcr Cl-000 versels. (ine.hulf the silt; weavors of Pat, te: s.r. J. ure uo stritio to pruvvnt 1 . 1:d:.:don of w,iges. 2i series of meLning:.; is to bo held in the nottili of Ireland in favor of tiro grate pur ,chase of Ir!sb rtil ways. Tile Pre.,:iilent has ri . e,c;nizeci Willon7111):, Nertirrt Stuart Vice Con of lice Bratol l:11c 3lnjusty ut Boston. liceep:ionl; at the Ilus , im E Wash ingtori s wilt eorivneuee ill about, weeks on d graud scale. Three of the leading petiodicals of Great Brdain,are engaged in a controversy as to the conditions of certainly. A private telegram from San D1,?7 , 1. C.ll - says R B. M.Tormiclz has bun re leeted Dulegate from Arizona without op t ,osition. ' Recent experience on .EngliAl railroads oes not cuntirm the popular theory that the safest railways are those upon which on oc cident has just happened. Zr , .;.itpii' Lamb. of Elinldris county. TeL died a few days: , ago at the age of 110, fourteen ',ears older than the Amerie:m C;h:olea :Lamb on'''. slid of bimaelf, " old i::low.;11 4 " ) ) "..e a eheep." Ira Et;zabeth Cady 5 / ;tanton, who was cited by. Woodnull as, atithorit7 for some of her vicar es t Hetily Ward., Beecher, on haring her •ctteliti•on to; the matter, emphatically deniettthe t• tort, and declarel her c• - mvictiou that . 311-. I IVoodhull's statements ar© untrue in every pArtieular. Sammy Was ft little boy nt school in a vil• loge far groin his lump:- One day his fath or came to sea him, intd they took a walk together. •Meeting the principal of the school, Sammy performed the ceremony of introduction. "Mr. 5.," said he, "this is a father of mine." A gentleman in Baltimore had been np pointed to a third-class clerkship at $l6OO salary, but \ failed to pass the examination,— His wife applied for it, and, more success. ful Than he, received the appointment, and ,performed the duties required. This item is -for the benefit of the woman :suffragists. Another splendid estate called Trios Park, !n Eng., cOmprising 13048 acres with doer, parks and a nphle mansion, which to the time of Charlel 11. was, royal property,, has" been 'prekehased by Dar on Li onel Ruthschild for ..C.130,000. - "Is this seat oocupiedV . " asked en el-quis fte, of nu elderly lady of rustic design in the ears nt Norfolk, Conn., a few days 6;000, "I don't know," she slid running her hand with a bleat deal of feeling over tie surface; "it feels tuostly like plush, but )i , Ju can't always tell." James Oliphant, minister of Dunbarton, bad a curious habit of inAking Aunning annments in a low tine of v6ico, nti 3 O lead the Scriptures. Rea , .ling of the swine rusi Ing into the setae mutteied that cite devil had been choked, too 1" Ro.ullag Pc. ter's remark, "We have left all and fuilu‘sed thee," he said quietly, "Aye buLutin' Peter, aye bra d ggiag' ; what - `had you to leave but an old, crazy_ boat, and suay be two or three rotten nutet" ___ .., . - _ ....... . Itft P.: P... ... t .... 4 •f:s., .. . •.S 2 '6 %V .4 (....-..-..‘--- ...___ i 8 H. B ....::; ~.,t'4 ' ' F - 7„.....,,*'-:' - ~: __-, g o ....7„,'" !..•_., ~ 7,.., -,-.., , c , c l .. .•-• 41... v t--..... ,4, •-.... 4,14,_ - - - ..7-0,, ....9 o ;_r; »Z --, 4., a, F . `„,-: .F- . - ~..,`", - do .., ,i. r: ~,, ,-. 7 ., , ,. • ' - ‘t• '4. E 3 ` - c-, ').. . r ., , -:. 1.4 c.l :7 ti 2 ' , %-:: `',.';',,,, , i.f=___ f . . .. _ . ..- ....: 2 '4 , 3 e ;,..,...:_.- -. , ‘ - i :p-,.' - . 2 ? ,4 ' , 'Z' 1 4 \ ~.. A:i •-; \ ~ C' . 4 3 if ; .''''''': : ll'; : :';' - ‘ii 1 ' -• f! ' •••,' i ~:';'''''- I• . \./. v . :4„ , ::.a\ ' : 4 3 " L''' ';'..,‘ 1,4 , 4 1'f . ' * 2 - . ..x. ..Z.,' 61."' :, .... - '.. ...' li-r'' ,- - - , ' • ,t , At . .. 1 g.. c ... , ' i ' s .Q . • './ D •-• :- -Q ,-',;:.: •,.. , 3 1 -...- c•- , t...,....-, - . .. ~..„ •--- k ,..... k =.. c. ... ~., -& .. F . F e 4 • _ .„ .:-..4 5 ... ; :z, , 3.4 v.,..,,...,...,;) -.., . tr r'''. P'''' A , 7 i t 4, . '.....' i,. :' i" '2' .4,, t `..'::i e ~ •-•- -1- .. • -,-# _ . , --: te lE.-' • - 1. ; ,C: , , - -f , ‘j 4 ,1,0. !--->e- ' • >-..- e - =.4 " t* - •• - .4 - . :i• - ~:- Y - ",:Y,,,- - .i. - r."\ -_-, • .07.4: t k - ,:" 1 , f - :. 1 Nl a, '.l Deerfield VoTooiest; • . l l l l l. A n M antriVaTt l u ll ro 3: :l l- : : :;4 P ilfac " ) OUR IASSI.3IERES R o il o a ,rding ,:, T , (: 1011.11.)ressing ,a v.y.3 MI • , - MEI _:,~ ---; BEM •-• -,7 q-tor • 7 c,:,. ' ng aL.:J : \\ -- : - .;;r;. - 11. - .1..n, 21, /672. u:4r.t.p . ; .1•.,:1' a ..;‘,! 1:.:c C. 3 I.ll_ . l:f_f3 or r. - .,tcr Ift 111,1'..:4:.` V. L:J Wad List! , 1.) 1 , 11,; W. 1.1- 1 t - . 1. V; a 1,17'a g. 417...t.7 per t i - ata a:.:(.1 car' nyorairo D. PD-17...1.1 - V.5. CHARLTON YIUT.T."72. ;TAN VAL:: 5r.1)13 r. 41 c2)1.),13r..3 Dsriay's rest t... Juzo 21, 1..: , 1"3. .. C. s.V. IATALKEB. &r, LA.Tz.IROP, DEALERS IN TrARDIvAnE, - • TIN-WARE,,i3E,LTIICi, - SAWS, CUTLERY. WATER AGRICULTURAL imPLE.III:NTS; Carriago and I.Earnfgs'Trizranin. P crs SADDLES, Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1372. LIVERY STABLE. - LTCLIVIE .cz. CULLS lii3PECT % full} Inform the pubic that thol na‘, o established a • Liver y ibr• At their Stable on Pearl St. ,opposite Wheelcr'a .shop. 5,n,;10 or double rica turpished to order. urn to keep good horses and w,%gons, and intend ti ,ilease. Prices reasonable. IiETCRAV k COLEB. Aug. 21, 1872. N‹..Vir Jewel - v. - itore. ... r } i } z E e. r s ti ol e Zi sr i2o d ro wo ttu ul d d v r icli p li e t c y tf th ull a y tL i e ft la tc e l o th re e no t A t i; R.Telairelry Stole: :n the building recently ()coupled by C. L. Willcox His atachccruprisee a full acsortment of ' Clocks, Watches. Jewelry, Silver and Plated- Ware. S. D. 7.".t..fi1tr.`71:11, one of the bpat -roirlm..^so in North ern Dz.:Trey - . - .3: - ...1a, - .yid attend to the • Repairt7z,l of Watches ; r: 10c. 7 J9, c';'o., ( - 'e. il. , •-:-. : 1.1 :c'. - '7 r , ' -- .:2.1 , 2:1 1113 T. , :r7crat , an C en t , pr^.(tle , ,le:-I•:crienee ..7. ottnleiont zutrntee. 11. CAF. DI:. Wr .: , btr. - c•, A. , ... - .. 41. lfrl-tf. zd t erod a 540,000 !21 :.'t ' av r7.1"0 , tnc. Co., of North Arnorler., ft . .$3,00,633 C ( ' ' Ills. Co. of Phila. Pu. ^ 087 47'2 7" rpablit Ins. Co. of N. Y., Cap:tell,— $75,4 , 10 tittics Tog. Co. of Cilicinrati. " ...... 2 , :.?.;0ra Fro I2s. Co. of N. Y 1000,00+ Ins. Co. York Pa ...... Mot. Ir.s. Co. of Ifarfirrci Ct.. 5,091.070 r,r Paittl'a Catt.lo Pas. Co. of POtturalO COO.OOO Of Insurance promptly effettod by mall or othomr;se. , 1-1 all lauds ut Properts. losses promptly adjustse .11,1 I,atd. Lso tasaros asulust death, fire 0 1 alert. All ecznmuu. 7 .4Lona prompUy attenclecl of \MI Street 2d doo from M.r.m Et., Knoxville Pa. WM. B. SMITH ., 1, 1872—tf. ~vent. ta TO 0 R E tabUellments, which are sold low for SOTICT, Jan. 1. 1872-ly House and-Lot for Sale. rEFIE underiigned osiers for sale Ills House 'andLo „L on Maln street, iu Elkland, Pa.. at a very low price tiald lct contains one-half acre, and is under good cal l , trrat:on. For Lerms, apply to the cub3erlber. rtklAcel. Ps.. Peb. 21. 1:171.-tr. 0. P. 11.1.11C0C7 • I S tor? L'o' lld eleritat ti.:•,:ignl iL . • Sto..ELIV 03:1/13, and invites the public to call and ozarair.e goods stfid prices. - , p. S.—No trouble to allow goods. ?ob. 28. 1872. trs. C. P. sAirrn. tFLELD, PA. • • - - ' =MIME . .t 4'..1; . +C•• . i•• 11/.1112; 111 13.12 • I`~y`.' . 1~ `vii ~✓~t3 ” -,'',s oI$f„„ gq , ' P.,,....1. , i'Al . --1 -; , - 2 1 :llfittal.:l : ''t:.o.s4l Injettor t 4%, ~ I'l g ~,;:„,,,,,), t 4, :on - , - _ , - ' 4 t-V1: : ::i DO3 C I Pi I: 441.,..., :'• - ~ ' -. - 110. a , q 2l -. - :` ••;"*.N 4 . • )4 _ ./) , ~ _ , ' ----•/,‘ a . F.4. 1 7 , ‘ ii_ , . 2--.-- AE A } ' 1 .\,,,,..etr-, - -\, ~i., ..- , -r• ~ : -- , c..fai •w , -,,, i s. , „..,,.i :, _ / - 4 :, . . AL , i . . •AA ipi. ,, ! , ~ , . , - 4 - I ft• • --4,1 , ''' ~-,, 1 • 4-'2' • \'''•••••`1••• • •• - This instrument is orpscially,tiesh:ned for the por • fe . ct awl:A:anonoP - L. SA...I'E t S CATARRH REt,qEDY, It is tiro only form of inr,trunient y.t in vett t whieh fluid medicine can Ito curl :ea ih.uft perfectly applied wall parte a the atlec red posy sages, and tliech miners or cavities CU1“1111111, tang therewith, Su w file 1.1 sores stud ulcers ere uev tly.oxint, and limn which the catarthal dischatge getwrally pi °credit. Tao - mentor eitecess in treating catarr lieu:tote:es has atiSen largely fikiin the impossibility of applyin,,-• nano - dies to 1,1100 , I,`,...MtiesS SSW. 0/MIIIIIOI3 by tu,y of tlie ordinary inetlit3As. This obstacle the way of ofibial: a cures is entirely 'over...mune by the invention ott eDenclei. In using thisfitistra. :mut, the fluid laic triad by its own weight (no, linpffin, forcing:f it raping .011 g required,) Up (Me Tioetrii full gna t gown, stir a to the highest portion of the ti paseau 0, pissee into cud thoroughly cleanses all t he tu..sef; and chambers connected there. with, and flows out of the opposite posh-H..1.U; use la pleasant azol so simple that a child could understand it, ke.lll•{lti f 7..-pAuit directions accompany each instrument., Viracn used vrlth this inittume, Dr. sage's Cutarih nt remedy cures rea'ist, attack - , of Cole in tineos Mind by a fOl9 appLea.tlonl. byroptotna of Cotarot. asoliarge renting Leto theca stvan.thoce watery, thin!: tenons, punidont esti. In other; a dryness. drv. tn, tOTy, nook or intiatoodc.yes, - fitoßpLug up or ohsfi to I,!0:-Iagt . S, ring. lug iu eats, dvatitriis. 111Iti NnILIIIVIng, to char thrort. tc.seratt(q., (Ave isitoritti., nesii twans% h.-;s• inittalicd pivation o> ,, -4, and ts i-rr; vie^ ;.on taid.pruF. lailgEtit.l,::.zzli-;:_•i4 tonsils. ttoltlit. . Oa of symptoms aro 1,11.4 y to I,e I , :cauti In nay as:- e. ; '77.1".... , ..11 .1'2 , ;, i ts rh, ri,rtos y: with the ocia.titetic;,-i-i •. Mewled in thn• •, - the 1041-7;d31 n. dth:(lo3, and the pruz,ilet . .er oilors, • ea;-4 , lLu Remaly 1.3 n strong or ca r-it ,atio - t .tt Remedy le a',i t of f-C tat4*Cfr-.F.1;: 3.. Cr C 461 r - Cr= ca reveipt cf amts. _ . WILI,TAI'd WILSON -,lnue 2i, 13:".), not-1T TALE" POBTNg'O'T CO (z:use..lrs --, 'in frOrn'Onci_to Tworlfy Ettiiii . 4:;,-6,i, ~ NO p T thi ONE MOOR niterre ad BllFFEß v Wl th T em ePAN- I , r) n r . . ntiDwArs'iltinn y WEltY P itzhiny AIN 14 ,t CI. , r, c . I. o f t It wm tho Drat owl ti 'rho On ly-- Va-irs - - 31(.1.1.1t! , (i. :4 , hal 'Wang? CUPS t ,4142; V.Vl:4llo4ting e r .. ;, re . e T ' s „...,, thillinationa, sod eures Car cc -tiao-‘, - .qv :10:e 14 - ~ orig., StootaelL,. Bowe l n: or etacr ' ,C ft::' .. ,,, : 1 ,.; (MC tiPplication, . .. 1 . . : - ,• IN FR.Oli ONIS, Tot) , Ili .trTY .!rusr•TE no matter.. how violent us_ exerucatte..a..• ti.a,' ~ ~ ;„• , .. ' , 0,.. - RHE(l.3lATlV,ltectrridtirn. tufo to, 1.4 - .1.p. '`„' 0 ~ ,liournagle, nr proetrated wan tlk,•ens4: nny r,,,A . ..,. ' • RATIINA READY - RE1.17. - : I _WILL AP Tar IrST.O,IT E. 1.71::. iIirLA.mMATION 1 , T - flif t KO,Nr.r:-. I.33FLAMMATION Or Tip: :.; .J.: , ..: , ... naLiimm..A.T.tos OF THE 110Wt.1.43, - QNCILiTI(JS 01, TILE. LI - N.;:, SORE 21.1t0 - 21.T, SeiFLUI;La DRE.VIUr\;,. ';' PAr.rerlyrioN trriik. 111,),L1 IIYSTEMCSi citOp e l Di pill' ii EWA. ' CAT/IM, LNTLUEIVZ • IrEADACLIE,' TOO'fljArii E. ,' - - - - ~ - Is, Et e riatau, tufi - 7 ,-, . --••' 'COLD CHILLS.. AGUE Utill.l.A. The appltoAttoa If the Iteadj,•ll.elLat 1.1t.' 2 Van 1' ! parts where tl o p4la or abOotlty tx4:o v;V,I Qll,l , an comfort. , . 1 Twenty drops ki half a tumbler of water Irr. I. ~., 7 ~' momenta on ro s, A3LPii,ke.A.SIUS.G.I,..R $lO 1',,,, , • IIEARTBOR 'SICK DELAD.APIX Din:P.P.l'....' DYSEDITEIIi COLIC, wIND /1,--ini; p/.. El t , sad ail 15TER15.6.1, Arbs. TraveleemOd always -omerta-hottle of rzf l i tva ...., Iteadit. uorwrsh tt.m. A zulx ( - I.n; ...:: ~....- - n. - prevent drals•or__Palos Irma chant: ~, w„t . ,, i: k 4 ia.ter than rremah thantlp-or Miters al a zrttm.-'--t. . .. ruirsa A2fris 'A 47 VX... ' r, FETER . A.N.I) 40 EIT. c 41 , 4 tka. t....,11.4...;• T:.„ Mtn reat!= MIA in thlskj.:o.t..l t4,....... , ......p: . : .... - ! gri d A w as, ud zuvoteft ..4.a.c. •,vi..:5 6 i: l _ -. khOidCi {a VW. sta cbzer F-:.ettr“,,,tsi 44) - 4. ...,/),;;'.^-,7:• 1.11.3.. W t c'Qtc% r. 3 RAZ :741.1. 3'A :::./11; - .....::...•...:: Far/ pt.: 1.4.C10..-..t.'zie. 1:y Drac.:l ) , :a.. `WE LIHT BEAUTY i giltr - AND utA rrITE nrcH mc i ok . —r,:isr.t , •••c. LE&T.I' "D V =GA Tr.-CI, ...., . .;41.; ; • - .1 L'TiV COXPLZ.B.IOII 371.; nil: :•., i.-. 1 ®fie RA ritlk7 f% 'V ' SARSAPARILLIAN - 'RESOLVENT 4.A.R5 . 14F TEE I+l l (rT i 3l32F/74:1X r,t f..; t—y 71,, ,; til v tirmoors.t"N.s.t.?.:it(7;l.,,fv,,,...,:. Elic_ 9e, , TEX.I TB. Li I', ti.N4.4::;:;4, Every .Rptyl . an. Enoreaso In Ficc,,, , and weight•ls Eicon And Fciz, i Trr'46 CREiW 13L0c119 Pur:Mirsi,', i§iP7.4,''``.. drop g ' a ' -4 '.lr_ raI r a", g,, , i 'k - k,'.: oid tithes • • •3 ' julme or theirepttlie v!zcr . cf :',14 for Wm WO the *wen or the t witkpow :..171 e..... •4: 5i litlitiwini Ecraulx, 6].p141,.,1 0z , .11.171,441= Gy tq,.. t t In tto oat, ;',a0:a....7, SAD. 04•1. :Ace.: •is me clul IC S patparte or t_a_eyetcrn, n, , , d r -Eyer, tit ;mtg e.? il Dsp- the - 15, and_ tne warrt map o E&ln asen l ktuptiw , , mr Lv:rea, E:n3l lean, w nz WOT : V. ,ren-u,,,,.!..etwil:l4Y litn B thairultryther,lnz c it.l ',A. ht. , ,1,.', 1 44,1,141 5,,,,, ,at,, lets of operm, pad t,..2 . •,•,ta5t0 er the me•p:iac e ' ple, Are within the sura.tkzr,..ri;;=.o: V• 1 1....,i., ,, t4- 1 ( 7 liG , - ' en; cborrac,t y . ollik n_ iew Opt 73 V. 30 '., i l fro te Fa 7 Arson wing it.loe, C,4ker , u , ' those Tom. 4 • dlzt.ti3 tts , tent power to mare thkra,_ _ . . If the _pr.tlent, 4allfbeootnTitre:rwita h 7 e:3 a,• :e ftwa,,,td.scirgia o.4vo,3,l3tlgonthtntm3nt,ltattooclntorrticzazrelc,...:,l-4:LL,4;ti..11- -tritrfgvitra.4.4l l ig t e. b 4, b „.., ; -" „ot . only does tho Sania , r•Artt.tay i k ztotn- si . ~,,,,ii n'a Itnnwn teroodlr•l ;lens 1 . 11.;:e enre cf caro - .le, 3‹;,.i..> - len!, Con gAtittlonal, i. 52:1n ciscr4e.l• ttt 14 Si V.:.:_ 5 t. 4 :4" p0,t10,70 cors lOC „ •-' Elltiney ‘a. Md' d4cr, C-amtrgEsll , 44, , . r t - rina:7, and 'Womb illsoesee, GrheeK - Du.“ 4 . 1 ., -D, 01 ,.. Stoppage or Water. /110:444 , br.Cr-cf-444:zr...43r,z , ..:Vi 4,•1,3. o-`l O -.4 l .naelnur;:t, and Inn:1 a - yen wh , :ret.r.L.rblr - . tz , 44. dna =meta, 6t , atu whter Is tnlet- clalt:'.7;,:::!:.n:i 7 ::)1 eibettnees aka the white cr_p:, CR:, or tL.:ci.s.,..i 4:1'; 7.! ni euk, or then it a laCrtiti, IltliC. 111.11oui Zra r.pp43r42. •.", • white bone-dust deposits, and.when there ,ts a ;:,:-...1.;, burning_ Gene:ttlon 'whell rt.....eng yint..r.'r.ret T,....•". I - . :14 Lz1:411 ant /3 - IC t ; Ana alons the Loins.' Pr:•.i.•, .12.x: A won iins.T.b.o Tape, o-1 eiC. y 'mown cad sure rvu--ti l for fro:7'4-11u, Tumor of 12 - lirennit -igro vah Cured:brgitudwa3ls Resolvent. Poveru.v Jai.; IS, Ne. 14pr:sr have M I Ocarina Tumor to thicr..t., towels. All the Doctors sale.theterasamo help to It." I 14.1 \emery Alan that, was recommeodt,la tot.osih'ognOptd to jotre &solvent, and thought I wohld try It t . but had no fa* to haulm:tee had starred fort wolc yeas. L. tool; six. hatlea of the Per.olvent ji tted - trao box of Raiway's tan ties of yourftra "Rellef4 oral thee* Is VOra.egia of rum," t, sera cr felt, sad feel better, sznerttr, sad happier than I hre for, twelve years.-ate worst toner was. in , the left, elde el tie , bowels, pres,the rola. I write Mail to - 7Nas , for the !mat others. You canlohligt It if icra choose. " itsN!fAH P. icapr; • ,113R0 , RA-DWAY'S PERFEO)TPIIROATIVE ILLS, perfectly taste ess, ele,Tatiffiy coated . svith 4soartes, streligh Ea, 'ways e ll s , for th_e cure o f all r i deoitso of the Stotouth, tiver, Dowels. Ktdneysf Bladder, Nervous' DlseSsfs, tridache, -Consttpatlon, Costiveness, Ind:gest:en, ispe sltt, DWettomet, lilies Fever, Inflammation tl theßowelff, rlles,riudttll Dente gernents ofifluterucl . cern. Warranted to effect a positlye cure. ureiFCegeta ble containing uo mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. Or Observe e fullowitt,3 synapyms rel u itiog from th Disorders of the Digestive - - coomtipatios, Fallastu of the Blood la the Ras, Acidity of the Stomach, aCenrea, Heartburn, Dl rust . of Foes% he Pullouts!, Weaht Is the Stomach. Sour fiructetloa sinkir,ser Pletterthe at the Pit of th e Stomach, Sail:mutat Hurled !ad Difficult EtresthWt, flottortheat the/lean. 04114 or Satforathqr Sertastloce when be a Lytle Pratt,,, Monad tur Dots or Webs.batre th e Stein, Fever Lad Dull Pain to the Head, Deficeeney of Pesphatloo, Yellowing.. of the skin and Ern, Nis to the t, mad emtdes Fleabite sit 14.stt, turning Is the Flesh. few doses of nAmvApri PILLS will free the tier,. teas from all the abovo.nro til.orders. Rita, eh Ceuta per box. SOLD BY DR OGISTS, READ - FALSK .4ND TRUE." Send one letter. lump t AY a wor &O tii =3 Malden Lane, N York. I.=rinatkla will be am: you,. Allay 29, .aroo TO'Ul• Bead Qugrterg, . 1 rop. Drugs and 'Medicines, (Patent &I." sr:t isel—Al67," fo: PALNTS. ons . . - CAIMITMECit. GL SS . /Tx: 1,1:147, „ 4.1:1.61, - .3 Qr. ZBUSRES, 477.0''00 TO JEMAD D Choice iil.quore ; Cigarz; ar A d TOrki:Cr.):). klso ~~r~~: 7,-"Jate_licei, Mc:STA, ant or Slze.l, N. 2. A. ^.ilcrt=orat ce the tr..tar.. Ivr^. far , . mraPiarts3, Ficittz coat sx.) 4.=7.7,..*. • 31 ode, .4 - 1;1 act 12 beater. - cr Ter-stht" - c. 1 ...,. - - at, cr sag b: tt4 .an-,21, z ra .fitcarE4 rame cr..m be bct.3l.!. ui lit? OU:r , 4 8111.1.3...ni5..1 TEA. LAVPS; CIIA_NDELLERS S:ct. of thu rso , ive's eylts, =4. I=l/+ chimney ;I' t wrd Filney and Toilet itrtletea. PERFC:ViERY, TOILET 80-113, romAnrs, BRuglas, LIE; WltiE cia- LILRY ,17::p JEWELRY, %MEM AND LABILE& Wc• L-2LI t - .) , 2”ty• dr:ell-1114v vfliftge 7 e fcrr 0:•• ce , ttrul I , crt Wir.l ; cud w lens at 5. ,t2 P.. Pr. r: W. IV),1:t, r wl.elo Le r.,5.:; be tx - nielilted it r adV trebtnlN slau. & co Li: Vt - 1 , 34 L S BC? kte.o = • -Door7 ' _Sariii 11 -Bli. . Factory, ...,,, . • , 1- . , . !•,, 1 - . . • • H pc I) ENJAIIIN AUS z Tri, 19 prepared to tun t reli first u, Oilss work from the beat lumber. at Lin uo4i rac ton, which is now In full operation. /. s.. • Sash, Doors; 3 1 / 4 :INU2p EIMM/Mg 0 AND MOULDINGS, 0111AbatV an UM, ozlrranatzoparea:to =43z lElaning and lUalihl • , ! I , deno pro=psl7, and in the beet usepher. 7113 hest vicek:_nc•-.... pr27e't.ed, sad none but the brat rzelar..s4 Lambe: used. thocusT.6 - a home Ludustry. . . N. •••., Factory near the foot of Min Stzeet. Jan. 1. 1872-tf 3E 2 141. X MrkTri t X IV rktt'nexeonteanitsoour th ei - - MaTierail OM& 13 ; of may de "94 SL! J. A1713T12f.