A- h 1, • 4 •ltr . & . • • tP i tilfto l / I / os, CV. ;01 11 , • CULL sll YU:: „ Epco l .72 06 -c 2 - 1 , per E:.1:-: 1d Vance', F ,i'DYERIT:SOC:i. 0. 2 In. ;4trll. 41e.. 7in. 25 11 .11 f,-'l.OO $660 32 1111, ;3:14 0 ....Y. , 4"), 4 33, 5 601 7 02.11 , 601 16 0: H,r t.ot, 00, 6 IIOL 8 00.13 001 18 IS , 1,1 V uJ T 0 1.16• 15 •3.1 0I Vl+3 6!x(1930,12 "LI 20 60 20 CI ,31 0.1 12. 30'13 0.3 15‘0,32.5 30. 35 1 - 3( 3it 12 0.3 13' 1 .3'23 ira 240:35 (13. 60 0( 0.3 1 :13 .0.45 0.):2,3 0 35 30 1 ,50 00,100 0( to, are - ear..l:4toil by the uaefvfli Itoit3l tuy iotou o'ffi:l inch. • t.eieweLtlr taubt be 14:1,Afer her 'roil, yec.rly „puutakta, a•ll6u v• ut will 143 ra•lutred; rfor.n Li Life calubaus, ati tlo Ene basw:tioa. .Sothi 4:11. FA 111 L a i a coldpfu. ouute la•r •1,11.0. Mad: .159 , 043,1 ts lor uuti,t) fie,. • TS Dk:ATHS L-15ClitA• W.ll IA) ullargml /0 1:t• rrtS i class Cask to u 414 Gaiter. Beat nct Bal 7 I Gaiters, had:raiz/8 isses. - Morocco, and Oxfprd, 'll,ber-t5 BOOTS CUSTOI% at 40 lqwellt Wet ) te gotal. FOR BUYERS Who wh t make Money I roosivine daily largo stooks of Winter Goods! sect LOW Prick's. Donalat at p EMliii els, laths, RES, SS GOODS, ;SHAWLS, lACK SILKS, -tic CASS t Of PAISLEY , BL Dome Cottons . , (Vail destrable makes liszsor, TzooB CO.. PA. miti -r.• ER .12. - - TIOGA I i Uhf :14 A"tV " p.. u 1111/ IleYootstepilot, eo. . - " • " " - • rt%" . • -. Uitl let the soul its siuraVra brealt-L-' • it g rollse senses aed &welt% •••,•• - - hoW semi , - "•;•' 3,ife in fts.glorfes glidCe - stvaY. - 4 ' Alid.the,stekli.fouteteps uf_fleetty ': • : ,•;;.-""T Cptnesteallegcel. f • , •-•1. the ' - Volga - which flowing uliuti*i glide , , '• Alrfly_soe feet,' - , ," • -.-'' • tet ue the present employs- r , • • " Wad deem - el:tett future c . ireaul fifer` ..itLef.:":l; ME i.et no vain hope deb&ive the - lio happierlet trs'ante to find •• • • , ' - The coming day.._ Our golden dreams of yore were Like them the present alifdl delight- . • • -7 them decay. • - . • - ,Our lives like hilat'nine '%freszias /Rust be, • .", That into ono t augnliing sea .- .Are doomed to jAll- ThQsea of death whose %yeses rnS on• ' • • o'er king end kingdom, crown and throng • Arida ,FttliONV all. , , • • Alike' tAilier's lordly mfr.-, • - - • 1 " - Alike-the-huroblerivulets'iiiider- • t „•-• To that Sad WTI. • • ••• I - '• p i: 0 414)110?-0e poverty- and, 'pride, , • • • • Or 6160/7011 biy 3,14.9 - • t•.; •- within grarita• '•• - • •• • • • • th•it 004, '*' • • inithritittlayisanatiONl4i, • Per Pat ante 11 /17 1 Leginglit - • • /3 fona4 af all. - ' - Sea, Quin. hoer lioor aid blies csrari/i 7 • - - Are all these 411 tinting toyeet . ' < • _The% lu*liiiherei • - • ziax4tiiioi • - Alas before is b/3 ns avho • We d!isalipiet. „ Long ere- th p damp of . eartk two httibt o , - • • ';,111e obee*e. pure glbul pad white Etai passed am‘y.- , - , • •Youth =lied, and all was'heavenly Age came and laid hialnlitee Wes* And whe-4 re arotheo Where is the otreogth thatlrtroad decd l'he step that roved an Ilcht and W. • • - Ntbis tone? The strength is gat a:the step to BIM luid.joy grows wearisome; and wo - ,W4,ageootaea on. - Th - e Present Pope fuld Vat An occosional corre.vendeilt of the New Torit Timor pep tilt an interesting letter from Rome, from which we extract the following 'relating to, the condition of the present Pope, Pius IX., and ipeCulating as , to Lis probable successor: .. It is well known at Ronie that ,the daydol poor Plus IX..arelitimbeted, and every 31in ister has - king Attlee begun to. send dairy but letins to his master at - home: -The bent shouider6; the dti•tiping lietal,- . the feeble. gait, and, 'above all, the falling trietiihry' 01 thegood. old man speak -birt• too eloquentlV Of the approach of-thedaY oh-which' he fa to he freed of Ids ~den.- _ Nor- dogs he 'flatter himself-;.as be u bar &1.1 to do till-41411e re cently-any longer with visions of long years of life; of-great deeds'yet to be.le•be f ,and Of thorough changes to be accomplished.— ills brother's recent death has made 4 deep impression upon his• mind, end-the .spirit that once held up and - strengthened the '.de caying fratue is nolongee there: He knows his end is co m ing, and he shares with all his faithful saes "the great anxiety to know 'Who i s to be his successor on the throne of ' St.. Teter. It is even s =sald that the diead of;the last hour is weighinglieavily oaf :his mind. He Will not be:blamed for-this terror; by those Whci know theriatbre of Ihe rat scene which is enacted at 'the 'Vatican:Cyber' a Pepe leaves - this world. _ - A,S 'aeon as all inape is •giten up bylay -the atteridingpliyateian--4hd good care is taken to riaeettahr,flie -precise mbinent-'-all - tieS Of - respect IA affeetion.`are broken - 1n an - blatant, and the lowest Pf l 44 . ons afe'unthained Nith`ollt Shithie - dr - re,str*— Prehitcs and priests ril6ll, awayto - lather around '''theit,patrone, :arid th - worship', the rising'SUn. Oilitera - of, the' Noble'.Guitrd, State officials -o,l•=9:very.. rciatt,-,1024'01.4-a4ua ployees,of - the palace tciltect lir liaa're' their property. 1,0 secure it against rieW comers, and carry - away many a coStly.Souvenir from the deserted apartments.- The very servants, from the Pope's "own man" to the scullion in; the' kitchen; - join -the general sauce-rff Prat; 'hot only after 'having leaded. them selves 8111110 - money, jewels;',osr Other valuable things' on Which. they,, can lay hands. Such - was the.case hi 1846, when Gregory XVL was abandoned Wall this friends and followers. - ...k. , pdOr tinder-gar,: dener, who_had_often rettived a kind Word or a modest gift-frotri tiro Pope" When walk ing-in bis garden, heard of 'Lis. illness., anti felt prompted in' hits` limit to See Mut 'once mere in'life. He found the- - outer,. door of the palace open; not a - peraou In the halls, on the stairs, In the passages. Ile knoclied ht'acloor. and as no one übswered, opeaed it; the - ro-om v as empty; btt ventured' halo a second and third; trot a soul wait to be wen. At lubt he enters 'a dimly-lightod„ .. ,iiiiigulii , cent apartment, and tolls - Min ze..inent toos there 4 bed, on avlikh aliugeidle of pillirwis and ht•lsters is raised oh ()it: end, while The- Piipahimself - ..lie' on one - side Of , it,l4o;e!td . bunging * down andlookiug'dep purple. , The poor gardener.rusbes tip t4i his bettered> . tort - with lender, trembling hishcialie Pitici:4o him on Waled, and, then: .sizilta ,inverent,ll- on'hia knees,' asking' Ilia rros•Kutwe,olt r 'Mg. ":its he reeditha no tleawef,llit stertattp : in ; terror,.• touches the; Wady, - _arid.. fliiffti,rt, 'colq . l: 'Onott,ninie be kifeeld dthvti..SOingli - Di ,Pr e,undie .for-the "de,tafid;.: and is thus"f dud by ,a servant' arli.o enters 'Nrith a pile of ;garments, and. goWhs on • 146 ,aim. , and • threatens' 'him - , wit h ',dire.pulslituiat if ever 6. - ward eEcaTigh blur as to' What - he has seen. , ' *l4'4 even „When - death has thas - lalien pity 'on the abandoned -Sufferer, is "rest - 11. lance. grantedthe poorbh4. The Cardinalthatn:. berialii, having been officially ihforilled:Ot dap deats of the Pope, appears' With 'other. .prelates at, the, bedside and calla the'deceSs: ed thretc„titne4 by name; reeeirtlng; no 44 swer, he'lakes..from a 'silver „salter, Uttered him by,a-high;oftleltd, a'sav,er - lidinmer with an ivory handle, and _with,:thla Instrument iknbelts three times itgainSt the forehead, Of the deceased. Only then-Is .the:Pope °Ili ! daily dead. ; The Senate __of itotrie takes formal laciatlesilen, of the' palace, the fiaber'S ring is solemnly broken, - and the bell set iingihg , which - is - only heard- at the death of the Pope, Land--•=the beginning. of carnival! - Then - begins - that most - exciting of all scenes' wiaiCh„Claristendorn knows ',upon the earth—tire - conclate.of ,the,C•irclinals for the purpose aff• electing' a. new - 'Pope. ' What fearfulpessiona,"What..stilitle - , intrigues, aud what cunning devices those narrow Cells haVe r witneseecl, L in' which' the' - electorS are 'held prisoners . until the clioiCe has been ac complished! There,are the so - -eillied Crown Cardinals, whe belong, by race; by family conneetion, to-one of'.the refrains% houses of - Eurcips, and naturelly!favor 'the „election of 'one of their own race,' or at, least of a •man pledged - to the interests' of their Coun try.- among these the German Buipire will, atter a long interval, appear ,otice mere at the approaching - cpnclave, and, like Brea-, aus, 'throw the • victorions , 'sword into the scales.- - Opposed tr'i these aie-the -Zotanti, who refiresent . the Italian - eletnenta deicirous of having a native - am the Papal throne; who will take good care of friends and follow ers and faithfully adhere to the tradiQns of former Popes. -- , . , 1 The approaching eldction . - will DO 'doubt be one of -the roost exciting hi the annals of the church. -Although the Pope is no long er a' secular Prince, he has,' M. 'the'. estima tion of-many- sound thinkers'. mid experi enced statesmen, the cilance 'Off becomiog all the more powerful ig his capacity as a purely spiritual master millions of soma. $ lle will no longer be litipercd by political , embarrassments, his go. ernment will not be open, as heretofore, to •Ittriet criticism. and loud condemnation on the se6re of feeblS nese or partiality; eveti , hlsfluances will be bettered, - and his phsithin.beintinitely high er and safer than it was ever - before. But the interest of the continental powers lies mainly-ha havirin-Popelo-deal with in tile s' delicate nueetionof State and Church whe shall be liberal and enlightened. Oerinany, "and perhaps Frtuiec, - Will do till in its - pnwer tO ninutince tile election. in this spirit; Italy and•Opain c perhaps- also sortie foreign coun tries, will as eagerly press the choice. of a man pledged - to continue the policy of Pius .I.L...,_Whilet_die tappet - or of Gel many will try to ultimatum tne Louclave, -,1 , ranee will nu uoubt again have a cunning diploutar on Intim uhulnaY rival his pieueuessor i , and, '!rtes Mtn, feetuVe /rt4ll the v• ittiktuinalipeo pie ttie tlip; Sit 2 Ambgni of the holy bilioal„' ' in tftj , 011tati011 to the . WWI 1 44 Web Uteibrus I the t.,oist•is,4-rio'be oi,uerthe three!' "cinitrul 4... i. the *lwo spun 'd he -literal i,oivitie of as Fall =3 son • 1 . '''E ' thr- 9 .l s .kill,ceitaltily see to It that the tiara 7:liitt:not. placed bpnit.theliettiff of , a = man:like. -Leo_.Xll:7 (1824,) who built another- wall arouitd dirt/butte, the prison of the* Jews, deposed a Ronian magistrate because- he had permitted vaccination, and canonized a .Spanish mook , Wiise special proof of sane. `tity:'coosistetrin• the frequent mir:lcle of titrittping lialf:roaited-birds from the spit and ordering them to flyaway rdie... . llenee it le thin all Rome is busy bt.ilding .castles la theati.,:,.. There is not a mail-from' the higbest Monaignore to the humbh+4-me nial servant whd has not his favorite candi- date for the tltr'ne, from Whom lie hopes preferment or al is. ' Patriotic Italias ~ rea gain on the sid ' of those who . Wish' for a l a truly enlightens head of .the-Chureli,:er.or getic enough to dght the great battle of the Church against he State, and yet , wise .en ough Apt to risk an titter; downfall Of Papa cy. . All their speett ations, however, may come to naught yet b . y . - otie"Of two rirobabditids. Either a man maybe chosen, like Pius IX,: himself, whom even thebitter Romans - oily called the Good-.=of whom 4-Satirical Cardi nal szee•rtngly se id that irt h 1 -family .I.:uti the cats ‘t ere .1 inerals—and :who4el:- win:" forceito break 4-Very pronitse and;itbandon every pprpuso hp had fe , raneCwliezt ho waa: chp,,ca. . Or th eQpe aniLlits.iiiivisers'qiniy..'' avail' thetuselik4 , 4/1 the -last-4*n left I) 1 ' Dual CA.SI24--a A , ti . et•tglUUCl/,OliY IN' 'Ceilloti ttigeWkr.blll4,lX.-., - and,4 -e:itieesaor; 2 -tnay bx• £hvi>e* by Weal in anticipation of his death: ' The mea:-,ure is warranted .by dog- • ma alai precedent alike, and Can - Only triliki, Carry by tile. dci`F;iiiiination of foreign POW-- era not to acirWlede , the eholee --thus wade, because Ite . ancient right 1.4, exclu sion, widehlitilo4ge:to them,..baa not -- been• adruitted—.Even....aa_these lints a.rti being written, the runiorialeard In -many ii...pill , -aeok-thitt -stick a Ineetitig bus taken' placei: and thetiCe.rdinal Paneblano Liss bean Oa). sett. . INN OM -::: - , The loirora Borealis. , L ._. - ilo phenomena ts More' beautiful,,_arid none, in many_ frespects, more 121) . 81.4101S than the Aurora liorealla. To tell what-bee een conjectureekabout Lt.would; fill a book; th tell what - we - lilliabw "for' ttire," - as dill arellt Liwr, will 1 tint require much time, en , space. In th 6 first place, then, the Aurora is in, or-on, ouratinosphere; it is a teries• trial,,noi!!ani„aitrOntanleel phelfoinenon.- - rms Is eildent froth many considerations which need notthe dwelt upon litre. It is enough to say that, in many cases, the posi tion of an auroral, streamer can ‘'be pretty acttrately del - N . 7'11100; by observations from two or three - stations' on the earth, some fifty miles er more- apart,, and we usually find the base - of ' the ; streamer to be at an eleva tion rangingfrom-thlrty to fifty miles, while its summit attains a bight of .froth 150 to 1 even 600 miles, At has been claimed: by eome that they have seen aurorelzsireamera descend between them and a ,huilding. hill.. This however is sozinsprobable f in view of many Other circumstances"; -that.t semis more. likel,y. nip/Observers .Were vie , tims of sonic illusicin At.any•rate, we wait for further evidence before accepting the feet. Seine:times the aurora - Matter: drifts through theAky _in bands and-arches of light. More commonly, when there is any great activity, it, , , collects itself,_ had, stream ears,,as they are called, etilunins of It'eht, which stand parallel to each other -like so nanny forest:treer. But Ahey •de - not stand , verticallY; each places itself ei.if it were an enorinons compass-needle.floatingfrce in iliV. hence,; when the display :i& perfect, and the obseiveristands direetly,underneatli, these pillunrof the converge by perspective tO 7 one point in time sky, and there form the eye or crown of he Aurora. This le shoa l . WO at that point', in_ the sky to which the dipping-needle iS - directed—a point about fifteen degrees s uth of the zenith in =our latitudes. This. 'act 'Of itself proves a Con nection betWTen, he Aurora and the earth's Magnetism.,. Aloreover, every important-au tam! di:eft:4.ll felt%tit aft Int Vs.t.t m s,ut tie. L ib. ac glories as it t ' llia, - . a etic ' - kortifj" which puts all the,beedles of the different instru nlenta in) a stitte of tremor and excite ilfent. . .. . . .An auror \ a‘in New York disturbs - the in stroutents at'imle, and does it -instantly-. The - English obseqatories.feel thd effects of Aestralian auroMst the Very. botir and .Minute of their occurrence. Generally,-the -magnetic disturbaucelare too smitil to be noticed with 'imir - ordlnabr compass; but write - times write - times anloinst - to" several degrees, vastly to-_the disconcertment ut any unluel4-sUrvevor who splay - happen 10 •ntrrutlnirgAlurna - lharitti the. timO;;•-tor auk rot - 88'0cent. Si often hj day - e.i by uleit. IVbenjiieluOrt:, itit,c:ihe cause und -na ture 'Of fle 'enntioctlini between magnetic: storms and aurorae, we get. no Certain en. ewer yet; nor is lit even settled which is cause and which effect, ur whether both .. ties of phenoroe ea, the magnetic end the luminous, may not be the ellnultatiis, of -feet of bottle tar-eft' action. - here - e ques tions squarely propoi , ed by science, • a the pthbehtlity is that before the centut is ha lm eisite;(l.4l)o: ylli . ii,iive,:tortu,red hawse auto eoine rePIY. , , L•, - • . . As 10 . th43 - 4,au'ae - of tinelight. : the most_ :,,pr - ohable,varw'd the oue a:most-um% yr ';sially; ad.,Opteti, I and that it ts pro.ducedby some ffnelif pie eleci fie tlischarge.throu4h the rare. - tiect:spes whicli - lorri..tha- ; egeaulera. This stipposlilOu..agieea ~ y 4,11 with. -thelaCis oh 'served .e as the Hashing end dancing of •,' • • the Ugh .. thu_reageetio directkin of the I-streatnere, uetl, eptelally the ell:tete upon ihe telegrqibliacs, though which, during ' nth gurorit,- poke" - fun eurreets pass and re / pails In the moat capricious manner. But 1 thiiseppositien I nut - withont. its_ Clifficul• ties... - .....e..e.'.lecti C diseheige Ahiplies two ' altiged , ' , l:teLits;i', t‘iOr a riiviAiUna );tween them. : Thu eurtit is ; one of the "bodies; the :atretiihpis feria the ne.diun - ,of ci.p,remunica t-itineela , eithlhatl .:Ibe queetion„ is by Ira ,ir4u,s`. utiat'il I. eracfte . ,lit ,Ft alie teeny Unsivers yetpruposed do one is wholly: sutis faeor,y; . It may he npteit, in • ibis canine , tititi, c ilitit .W - _~e: .:egarti : the auroral stream ' "ezq pIL:relY- tt:i . •bt ge linignecs -- ,c3.ritting, . over the -country, all, Lie teregrepliiii effects . wo'd be. accounted for, .;:• , : ': •• .. Ai.to the uatnre of the inteini)rfs Matter we ere as yet -ignoraut, but' not I.6pelesely , _ELL._ The spectiogeopylias ; dove its best ; it' laic:run :Is tent - the 111r.ti4 , 4* -is gttSt;ol4),; nand . _.. ..., . , trivetus', ~c; t 9 sped its .a.ig!l f 4nfty but - as yet "Chemistscan ot decipher and read it.— ita spectruM is ellariteteklied by: h . I tright• line in the grien eh_ yellow,_ which eau be licentirider ad chieunistauees whey the - least ,Aurbral light,of i.ey_ . kind is visible. 'llls line ie . ipc,-aS hai been - often stated of late, i 0 4 •iiillie with the bright line which charae 'teritts -lie ipatraiii Lf . the. sun's Icorona.--.e., l'i'lies . 14 . aurbi:a is very bright bull strongly colOred,:then several other lines and bands, Mostly rely fain!,"appearin its speetruln.e--, It is one of the faintest . yr. three faint lines, NN IliCil seemsti. Tcoincide v, ith the corona line, and. the Observations of this aurora line hafe - i beett ad feet cud so difficult that n.Ogreal....cobtfance. is to be placed in the result. ~..-1a regards theiatter of which the streamere Is colitp6;g:.-, we Lutist then for the preSent. limit , :.;.,elves to easerting that it is gaseull, and is not probably the ; Sefhe. as 11.1cFniu - ri. air. I'liiliably, berm e ma-, by year's" elap , w, we:AtialknowiniOie about , , like retuarktibie • and suggegtive facere! Mains for notice,`: lielnoth as is the sun, it. is eertain'tharaaforal manife.Stations are to a ceitaiir,enteutleMinected' With disturban ces of Ihe 01ersurface. A numerous array. - QT facto p - Ointdit'iMisieurinits; direct, la-. thhate;•and as et: inexpliditlilit - ,relatitin be t Ween the Stale,of - atiairs ati the sun and the. magifetie = eoutlitioti of the earth.' Proles.sot Leuun's isistlothere. 'lave SlaiwifAllitt, Stlet when. yip; -,k,ihr i sulfitCh has been inost.bro li.eieupl-I.s.y;spets, thei'l;i : _i)reeiielk,: auroras. ,itaiiebeal plost'hunnious and brilliancand '2/ater'sa.' Thi4re is a regular ii - eribd i.! the, number Mid .. frequency.:.of - the . truts„ : and thig_same 'Period is 'obser. - eel by the aurora ;1186. - Theft,•ot late, easesliityt?beeal - fecorde.d in Willett remarkable outbreaks On time situ bard Ikea huniedietely folio,weel by bright aukoraslenalie:eartin end tliliwilia., Os have"lice4lne'sb .huuteraus' anti. of ouch: ti - eliarti6ter - Asko qiiiteideiJude the idea - of accideutul" eteneitience. To aseertain the 'cause ithil nullare of this eoinciileuee ib Cue of the /110st:it:tete:A leg problems ueiv-pru iiusalle-Acietice:—..l. .I'. 4"inari._ 2 Prime wintiar•apples - mu selling in /Cent; Cuum t -tor 143-Wats u usrrel and ewer ut 01E44 A Pivt•ldj,44 puller zillpvt—`huairna led lrlikitilekits rialLibirlYb." 711 e mrittr u,eune lueUes. • 1872 • , . - - Kr: Seward' Thy religious. 31 quite a.topie of di: thitt.conneelion it 1 'llertrld readers the Juost- intimate. ele) that Governor Sew doctrine of immorta and its ultimate :Yew innaortalizcd hody aration e_alletl treat] •niation in the, fifteei li i iist Epistle. to the manner tif_ex_press ; sUbject to say thai death ; that the lift I.Piingis investd,tit lion friint the Deii; the first clay body ii . „ Religiot Vievw - • ws'of Mr._ se - ward are •cu,ssion just Row, and in: lay he proper to give the experience of one of his ricfil triends, - who says •ard firmly believed the lily of the soul or mirit. mien vit.li some forte of alttr the interval of sep• h, ;,ecording to_ the intl. itirchapter of _Et. Paul's 2oriothians., It was his .ng his ideas !upon the there is . not any real with which, .a human is birth ii .an emana• and is ininfortal ; that hie LI it is taliernacled wears ouLatel...p_erLhes ; that the' spiritual life ;;till continues to exist henceforward in a cilsetnbodied state - until - the occurrence of the- greatest of -arc he , nn,rvels, Hie - great' consummation, 7. , i2.' the - resurrectiOn and re -lit, bi t tit ion • of the :body, - -11.11, union • agate !A' 5.,1,51• twin with the•lite - anti ,the". crl.mtitpi - qt: U -wyir.vpyiV.l :Ind a new Vartlr,^ when wan aseends.to,tt higher - sphere of eV tete/We.. lit:et:v.4 Wnsliis 'habit to speak a -wii,4 : _ybg ciin.tiwpi;oo - 1.1. temptirary sleep of the . . l lod.Y.T.eu.d Awl he; future t , .. tete, so called . 0 --- ,i 1 3 1 W 0 5.1 0 X.WiltitifluotitttWo.futufe'st - tita 'Nrt .:0431414c,0 , a4`f 1 be1i ray time tia3 '.Oblit,TIVA: elltie 1 aAfleatlrliewe v at length uponjhis sub. Sect Was at the burial onit ort jail' of Judge Allier. ; 7:11 ' liis dust merely sleeps there temporarily.' be .remarked ; •..'hut the Judge , blinselt is •still elive.'!_. Then in atmeasured and, very impressive Manner, he •epent.ed a few lines . from the - hyum to Death. liuch,',,lte continue4.."ls the docOine, the _faith and the hope-of the Christian relizniu. it is the appointed &sting of .man." In the month 'of 1.tme,.:1. 5 213b, when the 808t011- . Was preparing the grave on Fort 11111 fey_ lria4 - Bewarti,"; the Gevernor went there, • in compartylvith. arca Btoeliel;Gen. Han cock" "and Dr,. lgoriii, to giveithe'requlr:d -directions, ; Mel sat,„ fur ; tr-w,liile "1 - Vith them upon a rustic' seat oft the ,- .EYounili v hen the Baron remarkectthat he N I S , as unable to rest , ize the fact t'at 3lrs.ißeward" was dead. "Bite is no " replied the Governor; "she 3 still livee Sii lives in tlfe condition which the Church tyles ,the 'phice Of departed spirits.' There Is rioauch thing as death of the soul or life.. 'lris the body alone which sleeps, and that only_for' 4 limited but un revealed season. Bo we read and so ~ ,t, be lieve." • ".,I heat," returned ..the• Baron, "is a yery comfortable retleetion." "It is not only; tt comfortable reflection," continued the tinvegtor, "but it is the con= solation afforded by an enlightened view 01 . .. the Christian religion." The Same idea WWI _ ad*aneeti'by the Gov eknor at the !Attie o f the bitriarby the side of her tuotlfefothis daughter Frances.—Cor, Iterdicr The long and affectionate friendship be ts; Ceti Mr, b'eward and Mr. Tliurlow Wed is well known. No statesman had eyer tt more disinterested counselor, and thd tions between theM were never interrupted. flow intimate the - coMpanionshiP was is shown in the following)etter, for a copy of which we are indebted to Mr. Weed: WE.;IFIELD, Chautauqua Cuunty, suliday, Mardi 21,3, 1837. - by Diet,' have your:, of the 19th. It was wriffen in answento Mille of ths. date of - •a fortnight since, " Frederick was very ill, and was much reduced, butLthank - dto the merey of God, is spared to You can have no concep : tion how much my heart Is bound up in the life of that blessed btiy. I have to-day'; nut without - 1 fear and tt bal. trust in sincerity and firm: - news of` pill - pose, discharged a duty unknown before. - For - yeat's past have struggled against prejudices of •etuly education which rendered i6ligion a iastery. and 3 - et carried about - int - tr corivictlon - tharit was in reality a simple and beautiful - tystem, - the profe - ss-` ion and practice of - Wlith Were obvious•du ties. Afterithat, I trust, has a proper self-examination, _presented Myself this morning for btrptism, and wal:recelved into the visible Church, and for the flrsrthne en ! joyed.t_be Communion Supper. I mention tiFis fact ,'which will- - te:inharrnonious with yourdaif_ ii y thoughts and occupations, because it is an important event in. my life, and one w Melt, -therefore; it' is - belt you should know directly froM me,-instead 'of hearing it by. report.- -If, to one of those seasons {which - . 'seldom occur) when }}On are alone and free from the pressure of- it mediate care, you, remember this circumst;ine,e, your Intimate ;knowledge - of my reezni experience of hu "matt events will; I doubt not, enable you to trace the eausei and manner of my becom• ing more 13 , elitiu8 than heretofore In regard to religion. - if that or other course of thought should lead yrai to the -conviction that -what r -have -done is en obvious and proper duty devolved - upon - yourself as well - as me-and nil- othcrs, it would be a tiOlarce6l great hapPintnet to me, - You writ not be likely to fall into the error into which oth ers- wiltin respect to myself. -But I may as well be explicit with-you. I profess not to have experieneed any-miraculous change of heart,, or-to have- sty anY-wargone through that- - clder.l- of deipair -so commonly -sup posed tO:be the'entrance, and the- only en trance, upon - Christina life. -,3-have alwtys been sensible that:.l was-an offender, 'and a grievous; one, against- the- duty I owed to God and my fellow mert• I have endeavor ed now to repent, and - resolve, - with God's -grace, to:live more in the fear of and under the intiu4nee-tif love and-gratitude to God, and to that end to study His -rs.veletion. I do not antleiPttlethat it-Will make any con• ahlerabl4 change in my habits of life, but I humbly trust did' ft will gradually elevate and refine my, ii,otives of action. Com : tnend tnY love to 3lti:Weed and Harriet. " Ever yours, SE,W,A.IID." ITe,c,ag. . . - - At - the Philh"armepie. • - I.wentto hear that music; fn order, It it'teight be,--to !Id tiiy hind' of an absorb ink, irritating, peraanal . annoyLnce, which-I knew It Wan unworthy to ponder over, hay : - luggraver and nobler anxieties, hut coulfi not for the life of • me dismiss froth-my tho'ts for more thaii a - few - moments. The igno ble warry-r-for'it deserved no oilier name— perpetually Team:tented,' more •exaSperitting and mato persistent 'after each enforced ban ishment front iny•mind, and—as the French say- of - le suture!-:very;-time 1 - chased it Ins-ay; it raven:aft at gulop,- • - -•*" it thanced that the piece was a quintette by 3 - tendelSsohn - and ono which s ,- .-us - neW to 'lt'opened ;vith -a long-drawn sotto-voce frovitheviolcm&llo; instantly responded to "by a rapid, irritable, indignant little phrase from'the first violin, which plainly exclaim ad, " God-bless nut soul, hbzo is it possible you don't undetetand - This-rousekr the four other instrtiments,. all of whom i endeavored to soothe and ex- Plain; and matters , appeared to be. getting less agitating, when Alm viola—who, to speak the truth - ,,-had-tnerely been repeating, ‘s !theta much earnestness and in a sort of -mechanical way, the explanationa of the others-suddenly caught up the first violin's -point of viewi and exchzitned : •" - Ood Mess "171Y*56 , 11,11010 'IS it paslible- you don't und,r stand This produced a -general protest: . 4 !,' lint we do understand' Don't you hear we 'Say? why don't you listen:" etc., titc:/; to which the first violin added: "'Why Aliat's precisely What / - say;" rod bless _tilt soul; Jivtt is it possible' yore don't iliuleratand 1" • The was-so 111 CW 1111 confused•at this { and -deelaretht hat • t he- violin • - had no occa- SionAn be atigrn•for4liat; after -ail; she'was Supporting ins view of the case; and the, twv-contintriid for a- short 'time agreeing very timienhlY together,- murmuring; "Mis t -so c '"exactly," ""at-course,'.' ifs quite friend ly fashion, when thetecond violiri burst out indignantly ; _in-his *turn; seutufullfrelnark lug that it was all very-well - go on flatter -hag-one another in that way I."''l`tlest: tilWqs dot" the -doable-bass,)‘ - het the real fact-of the, nuttier was,-; that not a single ono of them-really - understood- - - • I "-VOL understindl"'shonted the first vie lin"and viola ss by we understood from the-very- first that—" so, di d 1;"-said the-double buts, I saw at the be ginning that—" lint here the second grew quite desperate,- and fairly - shrieked etas bless mil und, how in it pa-milYB - you don t underaand./" - -= -To OVberlbe the fury with turn ed upon she second - vielin-litjthis; -wouhi be ituptn*ible, 'kite violoncello In ed l ill to attil'oree dtaluot.l vtlth sown un• verity that mutteys: need never have gone aO - • if, ' instead -of interrupting- him ..atilie: very first word 1 uttered, they' had .only • heard what he had . to • say; I,m - even: made -what seemed to be an attempt to say it,-suffi- OentllY loud, to be heard aboVe the clamor of the others, but in vaizi; and his voice sank at las into a mo totouous t "grumbling pro teSt; 1 - hichlte ke it up until -the other-four. who,-dth ever-increasing Violence, contin ued alhing each other,.. ill at once, " Oroc bless lliy sovl t I,ozc :.'s •ft po.;:::brc,?,§-o-a' do not- len • xleretanci I" - suddenly- came -to- an abrupt close, evidently from sheer exhaustion and Want of breath. • A moment of silence ensued, and the vi oloneello then repeated his first sigh, mort softiv ar.d still more sadly than before, anc as. none of .the others had energy left t , quarrel with remained Aus.:urnfull; roaster of the situation. Engll.oh, Ivy. Tice used of English ivies for the purpos of„dcookating living. rooms is more exter 4.1%V - every year. - and - cannot - be - too highl entlitnended. .Being very 'strong, they wil live thyoeglnnny treatment: but. titudy thei - peenliaritlea, and manifest a willingtlOSEk to • aratife them, and they will grea s y: stoat, .1.405t• bouseß areloohot grea s y: ivr Own: e indeed. theyzare for tbeir.oWners: Nene' nlautstmr people ahould . have the temperi ture liver sixty five degrees' Fahrenheit.— Take care and not enfeeble tit• ivies b, excessive wgiering or undue' heat, and yo, will 'sce,theyAvill not seem to Whethe the'sun shines onl.hem or not` or in win, position or direction you train them. Ii need, so muctill they do themselves t• render a rwzi churn - ling, thk. we would r. titer have 4m unlimited number of them t , draw mien than anything else in nature o art. Do you with the ugly pluin doe:8 the shut oil your tiny (may from your teenier t he arched •or curved; Ilket hose of the dr10• ing rooms of your rich neighbor? Buy— couple of brackets, 1,11c.11 ass limps far ti. • burning of ketka-ene are nomethnes in, and screw them he tides of the die; •Put eecia a plant of Eas,•!isia ivy. the Ion; er the better; then train Ina idants over :I ref), against the sides, Indeed any way yet fancy dictates.' - You need 'not buy the bete TIN' but dostly pots' the flower dealer •tti advise; common glazed ones will l anstt. every purpose, for by placing in each to or three sprays of coliseum ivy, in a month time no vestige of the pot itself can be di cerned through their thick screen. TI English ivy growing over the walls Of • building, instead of promoting daumnes as most persons would suppose, is said to la a remedy for it, and it is mentioned ale • fact-in the Paper Hanger'sCompzz n«, 27: tbl! in a certain room where damp had prevail ed for a length of time, the inflected per. inside had become dry when ivy had grown Up to. cover the opposite side. The Close overhanging pendant leaves prevent tin rain or moisture from penetrating to tie Benny.- and 'utility - le this case gi Band-in hand.--..Tetti el/ Hort:c,r7fnrc. Bayard Taylor's Revenge. The joke of the innuguration of the Shakespeare GiOttle has jot cone to liel: in the I Ccw Yorkottleepazdenee of tie Cincinnati Cenknercia/.. Chief •Thelice Da ly, commonly exiled Justice Delay, \va tie mantie;F• of the affair. It wit,s i,e 1 , 1:0 ;.01 Bryant to deliver the oration, Booth' is, le cite the poem, and took charge' of thing generally. Ili casting ,about for a pout write anode for the'occasion lie first settle. upon Rimesliussell LoWell, who howevei was soriT he could net underlalat the job Daly then applied to Bayard Taylor for ; poem, anti after some time and correapon dente, .141eve'L to furnish env, to b. reeked bilioesh. Ia due seasern it was for werded to the Chief Justice, v:::uilidn't lik• the peat and_ seat it back to tile ant hot suggesting a great many chitncs and im Provenlents, witle.la If peoperlyln lade would render it acceptebio.- Taylor was of ce,urs. tremendously intlignant,.antl iefukcito hata an thing more to au with the I atilair, an. Duly v. as - then compelled to use aft old poen by Stoddard, writ ten end recited raven vest ago. Taylor was evidently de.teroilued t hare.his revenge on Daly. or Deity. 'day *lien the s s=tatue was inaugurated, loe . poena was published Prominently in the .2li'kine,aind the knotting one found tit. he hail meth: but one change in it, wide. was not by any weans such an Inapt uvemet. as uudgebaly had, em:geoted. - i Ile had fact caricatu red" Daly hi mete f wit h shochir beyerity. In givin , ..f. tee_roll cif Shakespeate' dr,nnatie characters—Shylock, anti bo lot th— he dvserihed the nellapl.. Justice it, theeti cruel lilies: RFILLOW. Wltia Pycßl , , ve: t: and ttniflv. k0..1ui , 1 cut, Opt /3 rltL I•O:t4PAICAIIi , Lena: v to t... 0 6.1 . v bo mouth LPJ Ze.dfat; that :" To those ‘,k ho Daly, or :Delzty', it hie ttpp-eztrariott told tratit6, the lined wt , 'part'ocjiy unclerat4):2cl is all their in ice. novo. haM of. Course been x df_ 4 ;ll of tt.r 41.yout. the tiling tanung the sunil..l who have hutail of - a Etate Ruled by Women. Anumg the Holland possessitms there i a remarkable little State which, io it 6 cor stitutiun. and the original Customs; of its i:. httliitatits, surpasses the boldest. dreams c , AultWon -emanciptition ladies. :Lpon tit, island of Java, hetween the cities of. am. via and 3amarang, lies the little kingdom ct, Bantam. Although tributary to Holland, is an ILLlependentState; politically I%itLun. importance, yet happy, rich, and [duce tin - :t immemorial gdverned Bad clefendt-ti taco: :;iiesaver§ign la indeed- a .man, but all tht lest Of jilt: cliwerinnent Lel,:ngs the fair '-er.. Thuling is cntitely dila nil eat on i l ls Fklute coancli, compn.sc4t of ihrei women. The Li r hesi lithoillies,l Al eta-, officer., CCart. turicLiollariC3,. Inilttily COW -113111 )411 and BOldiulti are without exceptim: of'the temalt set.' 1 he {}ten tare agriculturists and merchants.' ant S.' .11 e body guard of ,t he - king i 3 .formed of f ,the foniale elite. These amazons ride ii, siti thJi maline style, wearing 611arp tiro, pokita lilacs& of si,ers. ' They curry a poin tycl lanr.e, which they swing very eruceful 13i, ,tin(l - al.-Z,u rutiskei,.NVhich is discharged nt full gallop. The tiii . ,,ne is inheritable b) •Ile eldest - .sun, and in ilue, the.; king diel without issue, a hundred elected : tan:awn , assemble in order to choose a successor Iron: among their own sons, The chosen one IN thee proclaimed lawful king. The capital city of this little State lies . on one of the recn.-,t picturesque parts of the island, in u 1 . fruitful plain, am is defended by two wellkept fortresses.—GrafuaT, , , ISSEMEMI The Serenity - cf thb Dying. It has em happened .iiat I hake seen many men and women die, Without; design co disposition on my part, I have very -tnan) tunes beer. present when sick persons were. ebbing to eternity. I have seen men and women, young and old, cultivated and igno rant, orthodox anti heterodox, in their last moment • and, as a tole, all Of them passed 21 V,liy, i note without rcgret, at least with entire r sliniathm. None of them shOwed he dread u 't future. Their thoughts were i f , iixf.d on what they went quitting, not on what they were going to. I ol(served that some of ttriln were troubled, perhaps dis tres,led, when,they first thouLtilt 'they could not recover, but that the nearer their- end came the les:s apprehensive and calmer they grew. Having (dice bani Shed hope, Mau* quillitY,Seemed tO Li:see:id Uprni 111W11 05 y., sulvtitute, - and afterward, if .frde from phy sical pain„thereNt tni tuu•Uffled peac•e. If en *couraged to believe they might get 911, or If they bad' a favorable turn; the old anxie ty, with had of 11,e former apps hen-)1 ston,,reappeared—provin , ' that ;their Mentalil . disquietude was born oet heir 1 expectation; of life; not of-thelr feat' of death ;Tints, ,was established a clear ilitalog,y 'bet weep ma-. .terial unit spiritnal nrigutsii under the same arcunistances. As we have seen, thm-e who are badly hurt, or seriously ill. expert enee'lmileritig in going -back to life, w bile . the downwat - d path to death, both for the body end the soul, is paved with i s tuootlteess 1 and eel (1114.= •Tlie sunshine ri of I life are (1 rwit ouo'untlanif, • .., ht s , ,i alliite i It ings it•ran ' -- ft: -eontenied nature; sorrow ft ern file e 11..., .11ngs of - a .netulant rpit itl. Our ci,jo invnt t-tutu our antlei ing?t e citietly it:ont within us, I nut fronta I t c ‘‘or,tl ‘I No 'lnt and bv‘ctol us: A gotal - cout,cit nil: is ITltt.v, Onto a I,c:tutit 9! onie filleiVtintl - itritanavntvil ;‘:: ti IC flu: in c. I- I lion of an, :Intl 's the 1,10 :1 1 tuts, and tociu Ting IttUntuin of haiinuelts. I I • Care of the-Eyes; . . _ . 'lVltet . will . those Working' by lamplight have tlin' iense to 'Understand the use of „shade.; Iriprotect the eyes ? . We see persons b•litting .itilding their - sewing or other work before artd riear to. a lainp, while.the light • is Waling full in their eyes. It is Blain that :'he object. they work upon lc eon& be seen with so great, distinctness while the field of ;theft' remit: is,aireudy occupied by a blaze. 31.4 they_work on for hours and though the , .ext morning their visual organs tell of the . buseyieclneks and inflaumiation,the work.' •r. at - tub dull to learn the lesson of ezper , enc f . ffered icnithera. Circular' puper,shades ' all "ue btained for a few cents, ,erid thin-Le .ut oil y piutei'A the eyes from _tire excess'of ..gift, I tit tervt as a reflector 'behind the. 1,..ze, 4 j riereasiiig th n eillmnination one half. .: - .131,.-1,1,:a the at.u%!e, weblitmetl, there is that ,f the varying qui r intity of light "thrown in-. o the cje.uy its ,being sacrenly directed to. ark! !he' blaze, orjobliquely ii ay titan it, :y which ticri,upil has nut time to i.d:.pt it elf- to the in eft. itzte ' of ehli e; tl . iIerCUS %1 ii is •ue Ure of the - Anide the Illumination tsuilld 01:1 - .:lurtn. Tha iiuniher of Ferbons in the v , uniatuniry 'hitting ispots, light .ur dal k, is weir iteid qf vi.-ion, and ~rising riun) ii jury - .) - 11:e. retina,' by ilii i ;,i Ili - UNilitt - : V , // 1 0 1 Me , nie !;ientiuning, • is - greittet than 1;. -- eoniniunly • :.frAez.t.r It must be "L,3rue lir Mind that ' , .:.et•e spot- are a sertobs.step toward auniur ,' ,13 a:.& Lti:taseiega; such as plunged in —.ll.,:ucss t Le latter 3 ears of Ike gre/Lt 3.Li.10n, ..cl z:a.tey others,iiii):c tethleht tor their _:!en.Ur...2 their caution. 'Luck cceli to the .. , re,..rvL.th.a Of your vision. ' . , ZwM. . ',Terzey Cider tna Vinegar. A. correspoialerit of the ii'ztrat (Eta Yorker Ivs.-..-. ii!J c_ - .'enne in inching Jei3ey nall:p,tgun (...ider. .tnd n..c,tle vi 'e,.i:veitiag c i - .:t - J - , - 1 - ,:egin`. En t-.a3s:: . ' '' 1 ',..,e11,Luy Litlu. ',,Lt;:e, tight fru:lithe puss, 3, ~. i ~..c....e it In ‘.1..e .hu iati, ul. lhu -i.....i•iiii, • ~,...1., lrk..,3ij vl L" ht r. 'lu a 1.1J.11....1 t.l 1. i.- .117, 1.1k..kt tal:', el. pii.L.t . ...3 1.1 - L s C 1714 '41..t.Z 1 . , ier. iUi...LLE, t.thii/ 3 li , Li,tillitii. it: ...lle. to t.. 1 Ve ni. ~ ...,1..6 lAA:it...Q.IY 1111. A. 3.1.. C:, II _alit ' i o ;.'. ,c....... 11...1.1../.1 ...u..al tin (LL ) all 1. ,z,ti LOLL: ,C.ll. .:1, lilt: ...1,.1,11. 111..1 I.l.leilta 1: 11.11‘;:t 'eV i. I it•itt.l , k.,1.1 lAllifi. I..llCt l itt ,) :11.1d _kph e libulit. ix, 0 , ,Lil to ul: illu I alel' tilicA plit In Cie t.,Liaiier JuLtl CI gulatinei ulitl Ita 11, built lls.s) tar ICU. hunts; then I\l al 111 and .Itir it till the ',..i..uinu is all dissuived (L use CoOpel'a.) ,:l. it , ., ay until pe;.i.eetly euld, and mix% uti ;le enact. :,-I.ir it ‘cell, through:Abe bung , oie, ~itli a slick Iluni, enough to reach the •itiuni Lt ilitt barrel; agit..s..i.t.: it thoroughly, anti Livag up ti3i/L; buti.lo to April or LNI.,.y. I it 1.111.::,eleb tile ,t..UlliS toy Luuch, btalid it s :p. 'Ow coa.s IIJ Ll3l lie tied. c ll it -1/.ts clot c. de eitutili,.lay it. (town.' VirtEgur.—.6l , L.'lt; jaws cider Jr too strong to nake.vinegar, au it -Wit/ rtquain in astute ~u ~,ut.r Le tiliull, and nut suur,enough fur -illegal.. In such it ease, add: abont, one iiirct \vaunt water, iu which stir ti.) quarts . tt inulasses to a barrel, and .in . twu orztheee nuiitlis yuu v,ill, have sharp: vinegar—as 'harp zr.3 you want. I cantiut say this is the itickx.-ai-1.1 ay, but I' know it nukes good via- Cat. _ 7.10 l'3 - - .)u and 16t;0 a special appropriation ,f t: ; :10,000 - Nvas expeiided by the Bureau of teritmltuin in inutAucing tea cultute to the deuple of th,e United buttes. - beletaions of ,eu.tt •,\ ere made by 31r. Fortune, of Eng.- dna, z., the - tt_lentiof the trnitetl States, and hes,.! tvete ecktveyerl in IVardnut cases to Ilia CO:lilt:Cy, g,erminaiiag un• the 'voyage. Viten ituther uevelopeO in the Govelnateut yet:it/muses in Ni 7 a..:Liington, they wt.re cliz iitnneci in litiiiiedliUlllLL:rsuiMei the liauLtt .I.' :_\;el,l2eru nr,cl \Yestern b.enaturs and Rep eseatatives, and in very large quaLliLiez;, el - veg., vartu - as litelilib of euLlVe . )alica., tp ilt,; ::+Ol.ll/1. 'they seem to have peitsbet.l un ,t:r the frosts ox tiiu _North, end but low tuva I,cen-heartt from hone bsoutil. At the lute cc their ieeeption "thu busy note of ~e;),.u.cdun" for a civil war pubbez.;:ed all .ALttz. lir. Lunimliy, of 10. 457 11-sue t :l; orth-west yes', erday presented to us a Le:- Me; trout a tree in ins ghluen, At ith its g 102.- j 1i...0.e. nutt greentsn-t%lute, and th'ungt.:- .10i,,, ulosz-0m,.. '11.1.5 : z icCt hub la:vc. - i IC ulveil ;Lay pruiL_lioll lii all ll.e el.‘ Cu %. iii ,•i• it lizs ilt Lit; taiu, thutgli out 1,tr . 4.e, IS iu.*L.ruLis ebt.o.ii to v.l'it:APunists c:liit..il.- .:.til in tilu:L: ii vurablv- i:ucaitaco slidlT “.re. in ~..etn..ed cunivatuis. -- il•laittaLif,4i. R.L..1`.11-f)1112 FOR STAGN3:IT Wzrr.s.—The eP 111 %, iy ,ou 1,'u;,1 It t_ •Z‘) lin a, 4 , / ‘‘..1.121' iron! ~ loft ilit_re is.l 1..1g0 ..... .1 111 , .. 1.., , W.“C 11.%)111 1„14u 41:4.1 I:111ft: „A . ,il ..,id 11, (4. I ft., is ',.lt• tt :U t,, it 111,,y c leu..cl Cu It nut'. tIL • .... i • ',tat .4 tour 1.,1 0- 1.1,1 CC. lest. 13) bu 5 Ilt . 1% i,ll t:,:t; o.Xlgutl ,L,I, 1 ; 161 I, IteS li.ui bat4(.l 1.1014.711 t:.: et 1., Ilse v.;:ll,t L c w..te/ p„l,li,Lit •,;“, 120,11 turt(,o Itl I Lu butions , COI tieci si)une and the ‘N ptic...n.de I hr.: tt CC 1.111 d. eth.,h 14.11,1, et hut, s Ltst fur \t C,!, us it u..hull's. 01.2 v cT evt:y mut: It b How To KIIIILP CIILL'I3:I.—.I c• .1 rsTot.dent .t ..1.:;. , ,, , :''ii 1.:.... a/ Ll\ 1..::-. the 10',Ioxil.:. Ilia-. 'F. tilt; iAnt.lit of 'l:6,:e. ol e,,1 . t.......,,;A:3 •vho .:art - . , evt r z-tlet•t - t . tie:l in 1 , -ct - pi: l '.; cult. ty .a e.tt Wit.; condition. tto t.vgi,out. a ..‘inttr, illiti 1 1111(q, 01 t5e......t.rz.1) I. %‘ tit give a rune by 1 ..vtlich I. it the I,l(2>Ll:ed (...t.k.'l.,‘, ftte itoin zot t,: 1....,.', c.. 3 l u te - us the Ittt of X1:11',.1 1. .. , 1 - ever Wol'k. Lit CeliTy ill any. \\ ily except the plant., be p r .2rtectiy:ttry. Lldl.ll 011 IIeVCI LA.:- line 10 a. m., or alter 4 p. to., at.d then on ly WI Li ',"Cr' dry anal :,...:n-L,ltiliy d.ty. I ' ll lite: tall, i. ' S rto a.-; the greund begins to treezu enough, to make the tiltOtteA craze in the moruntlg, ?select. a 0.1.5. - and 6 au-biliny day t.B near noon ns 11.0E:ilblii, pat it N CUL . cetely 11l buse3,.(l 11 , 0 e :Amp or et-.remit buses,) plating dm: a lat)ei of, eat tit, about one inch cletp; ;nen a layer o: ceit.r. ; placing thu p.I .n:s just rice e,:ougli apait to not 1 ,y against. eacii i.,tliet . ,; and tutu., alicrn.ltint: eactlt t a il cel ery until the boxeti are tined, having the Arai, and lust I:l3ers2 - o: earth. Place tile buxL. , .. I , ltere the celerYt , i,l ILA freeze, (but. nut in a hex e.d room,) and your celery v.iil keen .iplendidly, uud al`g'a) convenient tor use. . A I \` ',Ew WAY To WAS/3 LiNEN.—A r.ew mode of %% a.-,hie linen lit lieeli intrbtluad amt adopted in Germany. 'lite opt:ratio:l eunt..i..,ts 11l clissulenag tA‘t.) pounds ot. Jun p 111 'ilbulll three gailllll6 Of V. atur us LuL z:S the hand Call 1/tilt, and :Killing to ihin title table. simuntui 'of. llirpelililiu apa three of liquict ,Lititilunia; the tills:lure must then be well stiri ell anti the linen etttipett in it. tor t\\ o or three hunt., la—lcing Cale to cover up She veli• bet \\Lich cunt ainb Ilican re, ne,trls .I.lerweti (tally WI PUZ,i We. 1 ill:Ciltlit: are ttf lel ‘‘.l.rd 1. St tUil}.c... Out anti 111.1%. , CLi u the 11:a1;11 V.n . y. Thu .1. p oild. \r awe may 1.)o.1e hutted iwd •übud a tiecoud time, but la Illat case hail 3 1 a 1.:C7p0;31 fLI 1 of t itriAmtitte ami a tttbl e• - qmou. fat (A "tnatunitt inta.: ,be tutlt.L U. "priJ -pro eece, It, t.;:a..liu Latuseh gi LAL U.,.:111.7111y ill 4:1111.s, labor urtil fuel.. , 31raT BALi.a.—Cluip the meat flue, as for satts,lBc,; iitlX L.:111111U. IJI(:“Lt ;lila IL tzu;‘,uilill.:;•QL laaCC, peprxr, CI,VS.IS and bttit, all it 1 1 01111Cit'Ll; I klith_ tun.' nn.lie the mans tutu 1.1..111 11:e wz,t... ItgoLltieet4tt:. 1. - tell thei.o in bre.tt.l - (112u_ Lind eg,':ll.4t.t iry. Laqii tl t.)l ov, Li; o.k: it I \ 1. 1 a 61 %. 0) . vet Ld till/ \N.AIIIIi COLD WATER SrO.niii: CAEE.—Three eggs, beza nontne.,, °Lie :1111 bLiz,n, t.;al rive n.nnu. s; owe'cut) ot hour, ut Li—no; (I tie.a. one Lrnoine; thle-11,t11 cop it it,:oto Wlli r, ne ii.tif spoon:al ueat one minir C. a ctrl lemon the -wa4ll- , -, tincl, fuld rutrUell uver t 1.4 Inurd:rues xvn.z.11112 . ,, lota nut %tipe,t ult fur. nonute:, “a exce'detit. ietoetl• Zifr IL);):',1 II 1 ,1.1 (2.1: it:LQ/11. .:::;..I„tis,v4 iaraCii 017 E. VIA The Tea Tree in America. NO,. 46. 1