Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, October 29, 1872, Image 1

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ilw Aoiintor.,
tq1.1.1.11 1 1 ,E\ Era TlinQ6d.l.kl7
I - 11Ni 7cie
t 47 I , , tr ellllll/11 j/1 titiVOLICe...OO)
44; , Ili V LiellktirS (4
....0. i9. i 4 in. -
, 7 in: 'l2 it 1 ,25-in.
.-- , ,J.-- - ,........-...
T i ~ , i'l ~0:.7 7 30i,i1.0•4;:1t;00.5.1i0,) $l4OO
1 , : 4 b) 1 ,- 1 L J. 5 00; - I tia.ii 01 46 00,
H 3 0 ti'.l 001 - il - 00; 8 00i18 00 18 00
1 4 OJ9 I'. tIJ, 7 tiu 9 0415 111 ,20100%
1., 9' l : 0 1 00'110 03 12 00120 00i 28 00
~,); g c 1 12 , 0.1i13 0 , 115 4uj25 00 , , 35 Ott
1 ' , ,„ 112 qt4•l,S D oifq.,lsiz.2 01,1351)0i '. ) lio1 1 ..
N ~,,113 A),l.s.ittiA di,/;i:i 04,p'gpt),I, Ipo,
ire .•111I'llilatA by the 111'41 ill
v-,9 SjJei, us a falliuclf
a tents 1111.0.4. Le paid for bet,
, •,t, c.vilc ..tontrat ts, when half-yearly
„ a ~,, e \‘ tll be requited.
I, tit F. to rue! CUIIIIIIIUJ,qu the
, • , 1 - Oat? , pe!r thiertioa.
, Utah 1.
, I Fe. lle S. a' , olttmu, W.:etas per hue if
.11'104 Old ail zeti fora notjets of ISve
..:14.1.tbnIAGE$ and Drerstitaiertea
y to,tive4 will be e.barged 10-ceiatn
0 Noll, e roper veut Above regular rates
!, lines or !es, .5.3,06 per gear.
Business Cards.
. i kr , riilbEF. r. A. Joussozf.
Batchelder*,t Johnson,
or Monuments, 'tombstones, , TRW
.la. Call and see. Shop. }Salo
i ~sodry, Wellsburo. la —July 3, 1572.,
- - -
A. Redfield
01.1" AND CULTNELLOR AT LAW.—Collect :
• pl•nitptly attended to. °dire over the Postotifice,
OC.J. \. 2g., Apr. 1,
C. H. Seymour,
Ll' AT I.S.W, Two Pa, All bitalut.bei
tr Ilia 4... e lull pica:lila atteutiou. —
, 1, lo;2.
LAW.—_office E ow en 4k. c one .,
across Lall irout AgitatOr 01Llax, L 1 11001 r,
JlO, Pa.—Jau. 1. les72.
Mitchell it; *anxeron, • -
nr.SEIS AT LAW, Clain.' . lusurauce Ageuts;
Couver ,, e S iillliams brick block. over
„. •,6 • Os.rooLl'ts store , Welliftioro, Po.—Jau. 1,
William A. Stone,
AT LAW, over C. K. Kelley's Dry Good
DailPy's mock ou Maio street
Jan. 1, 1672.
Josiah Emery, I
:;Nr.:Y AT LAW.—Offico opposite Court House,
I P irdy 's Block, \VilllamMport, P. AU business
; , ..10 attended to.—Jan. 1.1b72
J. C. Striur ,
. li. N iLee, t sq.. Wellsboro,
C. N. Dartt,
zo,t h made with the viCw turnovtairrr.
b,tter F,Ltistactiou thau nuy thiug else
thqz, 1,1 Wright 6r. 'Salley's Bieck. 'a ells
p.l.Yl 15, P.. 472. „
J. B. Niles,
eSEY AT ,LAW.—NVIII attend promptly to bus
tru•go.f•to his cure in - the -coturti.2.o of TiOga
vince on the A.venue.—Wellaboro,
• 1,1;,72.
tin°. W. Adatias,
T.NEY Al. LAW, Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa.
poaripty attended to.--Jau. 1, 1872.
C. L. Pebk
:SET AT LAW. All - claims promptly collectea
1.. W. U. with, linuYvikle, 'flop Co.; Yu.
C. B. Kelly.
iraiiety, China and Glaass ware, Table Cut.
awl Plated Wave. Also Table and ;louse Fur
'3oods —Welleboru, Pa., Sept. 17, 1872.
Juo. W. Guernsey,
I.NIS 1....1.W.—M1 business entrusted to him
promptly attended to.—ollace Ist door south
likkham a l'art's store, 'Bop, flop comity, Pa.
I, 1131'2.
Armstrong 8; Linn,
RNEYS AT LAW, XVllllamgport, Pa.
I 11. Alt5NI - RON(4.
WIII. 13. Smith,
;1,..N lORNEY, Bounty and Insurance Agent.
atfonl sent-to the above address Will re
p,aupt attention. Telma inoderate.—Knox
•, La Jan. 1, 1872.
13. C. Wheeler
ahead to the colleetiou of all claims hi
u,:ut utLre tout Brut}' Sherwood S Sole,
. Ut b(Illart:, 'NOLA/dr% Pa.
Barnes Sc. Roy,
,E;rE.iN —AA kinds of Job Printing done On
ut the best manner. °thee in 13-ow
-2d lloor:-41.9. I, 18'12.
W. D. Torben fiz. Co.,
- -;LL bIiUGGIST, and dzalere in Wall Paper,
Lampe, Wauluu , Glass, Perfumery, Paints,
num, N. V. Jay. 1, 11372.
D. Bacon, M. D.,
lIN AND suI2GEoN- 7 -MAy bo found at his
the public soar°, on Main street.
.1 \\ JUL nd pioniptly to all calls
M. Ingham, M. D.,
, 6rIIII.IST, Wilco at his residence on the
• Jan. 1, 1872:
Seeley, Coats & Co.,
Co., Pa.—Receive money
Ana macs, and cell drafts on New
41, ellolls tirOlll),AV male.
zit t.Li 1, cgceola. VINE CILANDLI.L.
DA.vso Cogrs, Kitoxvillt
Parkhurst & Co.,
e t 33 .l.t.er:Rl, Elkfand, Tioga Co., Pa.
Yale House,
" 1 11.1.1:, PA. A. Yale, Proprietor.-11118
c. , ; , : , .mlitless to accomin.klate the travel
:s manner.—Jai. 1, 1872.
Pctrolit>< p tu house,
(110ee. Protirietor.--Good
t'r I) ,, th luau and beast. 'Clbarges ma
aLd attt , uttou g„ivell to gitests.
I 472.
Welkkbc►i•o Hotel,
Wellsboro, Pa.
"..", L p.rli!ar Ilt , tel lately kart by D. B. holiday.
, spare no paips to make, it, a fling,
the stages arrive and depart from this
Ivistler hi attendance. air LttierY at.
LATELY known as the Townsend house and
& I.loe tx - cupled by D. D. holiday, has been
r w , rtra,:;lay reticied and reptioed by
\l. R. O'CONNOR.; -•_
c . hlppy to necommodati: tho' old frletids of
• :It very reasonable rates.
1, 1 37 _
:i•nt‘wldurg at my mr_nufactory, iu Lawrence
t , .tsesic 5.4 111 r following advantages over aLI other
• -
4" ‘tlarstese,!.l.,,.v.kle, r-e j fro , m
outwhea ra totter,t and foul seed, and
, •tus 2ax Seed, takes out yellow seed, and all
• k ta..s totiothy seed.lt • .
tic,,,s all ether s.eparitinig required:of a mill.
a.Ol le btult Of the beet and rioinit durable titre
4iitod style, and is sold cheap for cash, or pro-
111 M
. .
f‘: • ~,.(r frrt
Wells boro La*reneerille' it:
- '' iii)l4llo'
Takes Etfeet Mouday Julia 33, 1872,
• - 601.991408rn. • - nozim savvi.
2 " 4 Bt.ttiona. 1 is I
p.m. ,p.m. a.in. ' A.M. 1).1:13. a.m.
140 5.4 820 Ar. Corning, Dep. 730 7 35' 500
12 18 440 722 _ 825 840 618
12 03 4 89 7/4 Dep Donifiing 831 8 40 028
11 68 4^.9 10'' /..aihrop •• • 8 f 8 311 33
(1,44 418 6 52
_kivar,t7ivek , .48 4 . 9.01 05 47
11 ;.c..3 415 656 Tioga 849 9 01' d 6
11 13,, 402 642 Ilamumn,j, 903 918 716
11 03 363 033 , Hill's Creek, 912 927 727
10 57 360 , 6 90`' 11/.oliday 915 •-9 30 731
1 { 1 47 4 L 14; 29 Alidillebury 923 939 742
3.1 117 /tiles Valley 024 943 7so
lb no 5'29 'tl us ‘, Stokesdalt, 936 951 RO3
2015 120 6. 0 De. Wensboro, Arr. 9 .15 10 00 813
A. H. -GORTON, Snp't.
Blossburgez Corning & Tioga LLB
Time: Table. iNO.,. et? , ;,„ ; -I, f : ri
11.... *.. , A - A
a due 5 a'...Laell Avao/4‘..1.Y!./ 4141 j, 3 4 e, Pl 2 ': i i 11
No. 1 , 730 a. In. No. 1 10 00 a. an
4 , 3 735 p. ru. ! 1 , lO 20 p. M
N 0 • ... 3 0511. In. No. 2..... •.. 6 35p.m
, 145 p, in " 4....... ... 8 4 20 a. m
A. H. , GORTON, Snp't B. A; (1. R. R.
L. H. SHATTUCK, Supt Tioaralt. R.
Depc4,.Fo-A of Pine Street, Williamsport, Pa.
Hail dep. Williamsport 9.00 a. in.
Accommodation dep. ~ _5.00 p. in.
Mail arrive at Williamsport p. m.
Ac . cointuodation arrive at Willitunsport:.....9.26 a 14
adilitional train leaves Depot at Herdic Hous f e,
Nrruiport; at 9.05 a. m.—for Milton, Philadelphia, N.
York, Boston and intermediate points. Returning,
direct connection is rgitcles' %yip+ tflaßg:
for the west.
No change of cars hptweeu Philadelphia, New York
and GEO, WEBB, Supt.
New and Improved Drawing Room - and Shipplog
Coaches, coznWding all mode'rn traintutementa, ata
rim through on all trainalietwaen New VOrk, Roeheti
ter, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, Chise
l:ma and•Cincinuati.
N. York, Lye
13ing'tn, "
Elmira, "
Ped Post, "
Rocheat'r. AIT
Buffalo, /, •
Nia - g." Falls -..
- 6 a. In., except Sundays, from Owego for liornells
vale and -Way. „.
5 15 a. rd., except Sundays, from Susquehauna for
11 ,, ruelleville awl Way.
- - .
6 09 a. m., daily fidm StraciViebanna for 1194teliavillo
and Way.
2 245 p. m., except Sundays, frdm Elmira for Avon,
to Buffalo and Way.
2 3O p. m., except Sundays, from ; Binghamton for
llornellsville and %Vv.
. STATIONS. I 12.ic l'td. 4. 1 No:l3f 1 No. 2.
Dunkirk, Lvo I°,l'lo p m . 1
Niag.l:l-46 " 545 p m 1 10.1211 pm 1-7 pit
Dunaio. "I 2 30 1 020 " 11'23' a SOO
Liornlavo, " 1"515 Sup. /0 opmp Jll QO "
liochester, " 14.00 p 4 1 31:1p,•:1 8 , 00 "
Corning, " r 7 25 " 11 39 •• 432 " 1 1213 pm
" .1,8 03 • 112 154141.613 " 1247 -"
alog'ruto, " I_lo - 10 " 42 lb 7 " 1 238
New lurk, "= 1 700 mlll 00 " 1 3 00pm 1 940 "
, • -
. lIL pn, ,
.4.lixra Fda tyAnDJ
5 00a. zn.; eidept Santiago, from Hornellavillo for
Owego and Way.
5 65 a. in., Millyfrorr, HornellavillefOrtuoqueininni
and Way. -
7 00 a. in., ciaopt Strinlayiti - fren4 rilinitollsville for
Binghamton a5ll- Way. - -
' 7 uu a. m., uxcopt Sundays, front Owego .fox Susque
hanna and Way; •
16S p. tu. except Sundays, Pglnted Pout for
Elmira and "Way.
1 65p. in:; except Sundays, from, Efornelluville for
Susquehanna and • ' ' - •
t)fondays excepted * hetween Susquehanna and Port
Jervis. .
Through Tickets to altpcants Weal at the very Low
est Rates, for salo in the Company's Office atihe Corn
lug Depot.
This itl the only authorized Agency of the Erie Rail
way Company for the sale of Western Tickets in Corn-
Bnggaga~tsill be thechcd only on Tickets purchased
at the Company's office.
Northern Central Railway.
Trains arrive and depart at Troy. acne i Juno (atli, 1572,
nowntwAnD. 6017/17117ARD.
'Niagara Express, 407 p m l Salto. Express, 315 p
Mall, 915 p m PhMada Express, 916 p m
Cineiutiatt Exp. 10 20 a m ..... 52 a m
A. R. FISKE, Gang Supt.
Cyrus D. Sill,
Foreign and Domestic Liquors
WIRES, &c., &c.
Agent for Fine Old Whiskies,
.Jan. 1, 1872. CORNING. N. Y.
ITQUghtOl), : &
• - Y' ;- 4
"It 7 rrattufactiutral :or
' 4 - 41- " - Buggies, Sulkies,
- cur.L.Ens,
We are prepared to do anything in our line on abort
notice and in the best manner. SaVefaction guaran
k corn, Agents Wellsboro, .
Stony Fork., July 1, 1872.
Booksellers and Stationers,
and Dealers in'
Cali Paper, ..•
r Window 1811.adcap-r ---r
Viddirairixturelii ,
Yankee Notions,
Picture Frames and Glass,
Pictures, all sorts,
Picture Cord,
Justice Blanks,
Blank BOoks, all sizes,
Newspapers. Magazines,
Writing Deska.
• Artiste Goode,
Law Books,
Medical Books,
and every article, in our Vie
1, •
.= 4-
• 4. 4 1 7 5
—New York Dailies at One Dollar a Moit.til4
—Elmira Dallies:at 7L Centirminone. 1, 3
—:-Bni;scriptions fOr a week, or month, isr
—Orders for Books net in stock promptly attended to.
—An Express package received from New York ev
ery day. •
—We are Agents of the Anchor Line and the Onion
Line of U. S. Mail Ocean Steamers. Passage tickets to
and from any point in Europe at the lowest rates.
L--Sight bran? sold on auy Bank in Europe at cur
rent rates of Exchange.
Jan. 24, 1872-Iy. E. B. YOUNG k. CO. '
i s now receiving new and elegant designs in
1 75 affe. "Ikt CrSe - crapic)irasi,, ,
and tnvitee the public to call and examine gopde and
ptices. ,
S.—NoiroubleiOehoWpeofle. -
Feb. 28.1872. Mrs. C. P. SMITH,
titiloti . Ogypd e io prepared to pude]. r
iagbria, Btw ea, kc. , Ou short flotice, autoa rat.-
conable terms. IH.. H. Borden. Of Tika,-and,
agents. Call at, the
top in Wellsboro, and ef endue
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'CO ----- PA:- . - "IT "DAY '=c-OCTIII4I RI- 121 .E-„.., ; ,,„-Liflt,:it T I ::. ; 4 ' e :.; • ~, !. , •h: 1 -c: -•:,-;:-.;), :', - - -
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;:t I
Erie Railway.
No. 1.
9 ( 0 am
484 pm
q 25 -
1' 02"
NO. 5. 1 No. 74
1100 am 6 30pm
9 15ipm 252 am
1150 " 5 05 "
1286 am 642 "
12 38 " 22 ..
ibi I
6 20 am
700; "7 ' '
7 82. "
10 80 "
815 Sup
1150 put
114$ "
E. B. Young & Co.,
OuCcessora of 113 - igh Ypiing & Ca) "'
700 pm
325 am
5 26 "
6 01. .r
10 20 "
7208 E
11 gO
ig /AP
12 60 "
10 20 "
7 05 Aft.
11 20a m
12 10pna t
12 50 " {
Gon'l Paster Ag't
vlsf. rt'=nr. c
Law Maas
C. J. M3y1,38,
• 4, r-a. ; -
GEO. O. DPRBY.- - • ~4001N-RIBIE7.EIt.;
y Al fi h 1
pr. F ned. fiom theC!. • 416 •
ever brought lnto Wellsbcro;
consisiiteof " tti4‘ •
morabs and-Oaiters-
Ladle Jifi;wesi: -Children
and Ba,bil'a
Gents' ;''lath; Bapts 67toe$ 1
Prinee'vilberfreqf Bootsy. ,
43015" .Cca t 'e drip Bodt:s. ,;
"outits' Boots, ,
In fset, Of sferis' and WoltiA* *sat ,. kipt
a a p,t.via.l4 ?7,1114) Store:;', ?the 'ile.itiete t
Shoes ever o'rered Int.llll).tillrfiet. We defy the world
• _ _
If ycnt don't belleve.ns..tq ink We inky Oulithe,hest
stoa, and h4re as g-nid Cortlivelyera,, as haiktioy cap
, •
REPAIREi 131 dotle.nealiy, Ana witkdispi g tet i ,,, ;
all kinds' cc istautYy ion hand.
Viko asides, Deacon s 814ne,
dP ".
aA, • ,urs.
Hiving just filled.up our shelves, with a choice stock,
personally selected tor :this. market,. we „respeothllly
solicit it fair skuult e uf trade. "Small profits and: qt‘ick .
returns," we believe to be a good .business maxim :
libld the best goods, to be the cheapest, We
keep o shoddy Our assortment is sufficient ,to meet
all el es and tastes. We invite Our patrons and the
public generally to call and examine our- stock. No
trouble to show goods. Always to be found, one door
north of C. 13. Selley's htdre, Main .St reet; 'Welltibotto,
• • -,. .
• May 1, 1872. *DERBY •St nenLEs.
. .
A , U - ' 4 ,i g e o ll'mBl:tsarceitail l eciateanuetr* . fat:PiDc.tulr. Ifiram takeP or a e l l
- 427; ofveslte Cone Homo, Nirellaboro. - --- -- •
...,-, , . 7. 4
Portralts, on Podelaan Plateg.
Nothing finer ;tani . .ibilleriet tlian ttieee littaittritt Port.;
celain Motu ee,lFi - 4,vels - tif s'elie'd or I . ,!tine r .u!rtielr eatj•
mess dint' d tOoy i ergii, iipepior io' - tipyrtltiiigm'odeedifii
on iron or p ler,: IT-toiiorya4 AV 2 :: ::. 3 ,
f Cromi , Pietuire _ , , ,
of youiSelf, 'go I t9,,lsjaiurnories. . - . -
If yen want
_Auk very Lest thaC
can be had, go to
liaraniore'si-, ~,..; p
If yotiVautoOnttilttugipatlooks lilt° you, g ' ol.o ,ar.. -
an:tort's..- '
. • $.„ • ... If you want. an old Daguerreotype; ..., i ~
Anthrofipe,:,or other Vitt urea' topied and enlarged, Ito:
eat" WS' - that as reasonable as any other wan. They
'will be Swished iu India Ink; Oil or water Ctilirra whew
desired • ' , ~.. . . . -
- I.PersOngrlsbing pictures
ot , roupsa .c
"6 -- tici ' hfiareu,
win re s ati v t,e v e.,,at f uglition . , , , ,:-, ,• , . •
A lute halo:nit:neat of Filmes and Framing Material
constantly clu .kana. , :AU *ludo ,qt
-PAlL44ll l 4e4 l .Franit'd - , tor, - 4)rdejr
NJ i l3.,-Ilittroistdcellte -place, over A. ILEasttottn!a
lleti ahltrpul -;‘" i S..
April 2.1 ' . j D ii,:SIItA➢ZQA,E:
ow" 13oat, Shoe, Leal ler
~ ~i ~ p i
NAT. 4itest3rei
& - 1 1 I}op, Nev Stock; and first-
class' Work!
A NaTHING from a Rand Cack to a Kid (*liter: ties!'
13'. e o -
Ladis' Kid an,dClothßal-
morals and Gaiters,
Ditto Children'S •
and MisSes.
Gents? Cloth, .117proCco, and
Calf Gaiters. Oxford -
and Prince Albert
.4 Ties.
;3 A. line of OVERSHOES, and a Hill ine of ,
Sr . ~ •
r. 21 FINE BOOTS, -
rangrineln Vice from $4,00 to s7,oo,regged and sewed
from $5,00 to $15,90, ; and Worth the money every time
Leittkr;:attd l'inatnge
; at the lowest rates, as usual.
The undersigned_having spent twenty •years of his'
life in Wellsboro—much Pr ,ths,time,,on tho' Stoat of
penitence, drawing the .ord Gf affliction for the gOOd
of soles, believes ratherdn hammering thsnialowilig:
Whereforcthqvitl only „remark to hitt. old customers
and as y new ones as choose; to4riVe him a call;
that he may found new shop, next- do i. 0 .151.
'r. Van Horn's ware rooms, with:the:hest and cheap.
est stock in 'Xiogn-.comits.,. • •St
Wellshorcy • „
rpur s itnclea.Aigned..an experienced. Tractiest cooper
'.p Is Inatmactitring firBt-vlsts, article of work;
pistil* of
• ,
Butter Firking' Ilatter-.Tubs, Barr.?ls
phpris, TiLbs&a.`""
, . .
...., .. .
.-,—;" t,, - • . , . , .
• ;.I '
' .„
4 t;Ohitci the itifl.lls of firkins and titbit into this til
ting. a monopolyand combinEttlem whichwill.
..0.44 plot speedily, overthrow Inc firthl'AP branch: of
buintiesd. therefore I shall sell direct - to. filipfarmers,
from my shop„from the.lat of August-and ' ,sontlidli
through tlic.scasom. .: . . ' , -. :- - -:.!
- -
Tirll2, 4: - . wovrtEl. et
1 •_lip
-FOli - cAsn ONLY,
Vuoperaje rerier of 'Water - told - Craft - on 'street*
TAJelleboro, l Pa. -
July 131, 1872-Bra. •• '
Gen ei4ii;lii#nian ee :.-Ageit.ei;
t, t i!.. 3 —IL 11(.1j.. D.t.,qmpbeli; .
lA.ll.ll:p orati tas: o uttlictett e f4
. I; ,, L . A :i ctte i sxt li i,
lire and LightlittiOialiiitondble rate.' ' : WS tcat , tll and
examine all , ilAa ; jarlopa ll y,,..lli.the coin egrof Tip .
and Potter. • ... T_ i - " 1.41: . ,
_ Nalion t Feb. I ;(#-?,„7, ' ~: - , -, , , h ~D. •'t
..11.-7Ui 4' ; " ' ..... .
itt4,? k A
.. , i.. ---77 7 7, 7 7""-- ,: -. 7 - 7 . ..
-: ', l -TL.,,, i dri; a ll4 ;1:-k . liiiiir ' rit . ... - 4- :14T it, y,; , 31'.! , ,.
•,- ' ';',.- ,'.• -- 1•!, ?tel.' ;1:
- #.g . 4 t.telt••• ,, ii i '4 .`f . t .1-I'l t
'riot ',* turnia;ufl#•?,.....vOic-'nliessAktiottbli/
' • -'
741 ‘Liti 1 1:6,..1 ' , li . •3i. ilLi
In darkened gown, Inlng.e ,,, i,thiln?9•l4 6 llgli f- ' - jib
'Sce,'lffollsit4 _WitlePtlhuYs : 'the t Yottng zne er livf , _
.'llel brtenslitelkinet...../be h e t ete t t ii, t a. :. ,) , 4
Wtt re,in ber.'o., titexe,naiirbreaulanprillyine..,,, ,
Ttil".lllghtig4S-,Bends • nice .hec , ; yormg. ~,ngopt:t
- '' ' '''' thingo , . - I. , .f ' . . . :•
. Thou, too;".44 o thilci)eiterf tie ih-fsoPiti*; '
'' ' • •'" While bright; 'withal i the aluing". anal Milk rare
1 -
hhlitgl•.,,..‘lie, 1 . ;,c.t - ,, , ;•_: ~:k; J: ;;, .+ :Jiff
But round ee OA thy i pttie ctites nuk.T.4B•' ; ,i' l
The nurseth l e'Ciarial tedii wet; litionll4ti. lips •" . 1 I i if •
'• - EferWarfOg linker tuutionsly.sles Pisces: ; • il. ,: , --:;t ,I,
The e 6 c 4 WlArArlit,tiqr: 1 V9 1 07,411 t4l:- - .4.1
grate ..,e' et' lansll iir: , ..* -he tilillea• - ~'
In be Whiterband Id troilfilow'oth"friete '-`+ -'•-•‘ ,
" The cup to hold,' and_ seems to driuk,With.•_plefsbul
."- • ' " - nr,p:, .;j•,, t i ti 1n.,1; •,-,•in• 'a tilnni • , I/;:to *-1. , '
''' . '11117.0111,,h0 Ares lu - , little; treacute':?' ,•\
"'ite , :ileepli." hie Steers": tillh'iverte4 eyeli:'
-•- '' C ", / .' , ,i4/,'l' t iii,-/Wi }) ;'. , 1 • -I, !l 4 cP j • ii i I
" IloiodWelbSy,Must hAtheilpootitttle, thing 1'.!,-,....i 1 7...it!'
-;" ' And t°*u r rbe,eittlialdiolgt lAieNjArws, 004;1; ;/ -,- i
" That WS' pon'his ca f e - t •.`
• ' `A•hich 'eV last bitivi• tiliiSt'iiahletrUtio badly ? • , ti•••.'
' yisv icsarisistt evert; • !twat neatly tnetnned: d'aitto A •
--: The lvf.pien.sli, ithey. lorutly,psileed the, seyAng k
'— ' 'Yon tetnoct, saw fhe yine
,upou t,,groctng. .
'"'What ch4tlibtie cilltreh.bPlls 'meat' Bllchheil ?"' " '
-' •-•"'', 1 --at0t.". , ,1i tt•li itan::11;,c)I :I -I•Jfil'ir ,
'"Feeli-edY-day : Of% gilig.: fit PSf4Ktiti •Yful_,_3/ ct1q..4l ..;,!
• ' 'al poatith . lat' Slep , s, she ? , or, la she',witsing / I ~. ,„
The‘tuoutte ao old'? ' Wet. with ii 6 ziOt - 'yel chide. ' " t '
' ,Nowebil from,out the bedclothes she is taking .-.
"' ' AlittleetilAilitid,to•the lfght , dnihiriatch,q, ,
_ , •.-1 I 1.1 ti - e
''N ono
oe, Abrelicilygilitb a ttlir cl i-m na M l Y - 4 I
,• " 'llo ninst know, IA :gbh bavelt r e a d .. .
, , So, softly, Softly,' drilis Sill/ aiiich oulthal": , -,4, f . '
' ,-- '-- , N . o• - •:‘,•, lliui. 10;.1 ,1".:',,1 tilt ii
Now, lightly eqiiklOffiloPt 3 AkliVilbellitc"4/ lat., ,
• And cauticies to twe f‘'pe { lie carpe srreping.,, ;
"I'm not asleePl i titne Bete: dear,l'implerel " -•••
• _ Ilow long f rom me my boy will they be kespieg ?•.!- •, t
' Th`taala lutd.captioutoleu;glauee %WIN,
~,,ThAtie mall, hot handl* witligentle , hiss carcls. ,
, •., rt?
. ," Uhl wait in patience, 'ante/ILP.Si: the. 0,1-i•sp
in' ? ..i'4141..1.iil tit" niadi , J Vl' , Lii .
Thou arc ' too weak aud suiretiug yet tayl9yel",. ,
•, :,:1:
..! Thou agted'atottucetu3eAti-AtlaichurebtuivetTekli
Sleeii• CWid•'!.:t+ 4 /*44 0 ,44 fielii ?II? YilnaPbPr'-'4e*,
.; ,
ihoPtilli3ew . oah; c i loti4Y , vi,lfolif eflert'', l . • • 1 -"/ • / '•-• /•-
Around heir pliyA4. giovet.',. dowptit, Ineads , reyealtug.,
Ab. when yon green mead thou again (lost see,
- See'st 7er, yon littipmound the tirti.)btryli4g. i i
its tOdvittittuisslbi'a`eutU 1101¢St ' letlaltig.
• .Thou r"ydung ivite; iti4V-hesecu tit, h tiosiatiAti
-:, . Übe!. :•• •• ~ I i. a e,, .. • ,'-i-ElsTciewicub.C, ;
'', - Where's 'Jamie?: asked -Madge, timidly ;
coming into the roomebeery Willl:its/pretty
crimson coal lirti , fl4ld bright. xleiluW,Jelts: of ,
gas light. 1,, ,:, , . ,;,:, ~ ,;„,, ~ 1 i 3 11, ',
Her cousin looked up coldly at the;,ques.i
[ dor), ~I.llcle 99111tiffrowned ominouldy,.over.
his PalteT,ittnd Attlit 40ould just ;,alisid,-Yery,
drily, ' tbittrOptei7its 44i . .1, :: ', V;101 . IA J I
- if/ l ige. ' 04ed: mitee . qizictretn ,oxtelto, the
Vtiteii,Lat no single pair of eyes .ittirned prof
on her wi • syuipalby fox :explanation; and
after lei .momeopsotirresolutimitheasidi
e / h
down her schpollpoks Itudt;etole„.frotn.lhe'
room. I the hallosbo•met-ibe,bousetnniti. L.
" Ohlßetty,. fpleaae,tell,mei,has ,anything,
happened And vhy_slidult. Jmnie coz,u,e. 'IQ.
*11991 ft4il3-Pfteroqenr! ;:tal I,if J i...:, , ..; f
~ . Betty 1..8h04 ,bert , t)Wad 1 3. W9ll.4,4ifir ' Spllll.
-don't likci AO g,rieve, i yotu hOtlour,brotberi
lia4'dond 6 shocking thing, a ndif he was.oi,
poor bby
~I ..suppeae.! be:di bol looking
through I ,roolAntraato-night '..in-ibest_county
jail!" '•" I „ r j,l :„- J . , , ro ...-` , •-ti,l
," 4b, ,/ 3 Pti.l',_ iwitat sit?/ yott itae.tin ; ', , .n..asid
lkindge, tt,rning pni_M wile. -. , ,;: .:: -', i:.
• "Well,' Zitkili!..:Bol4,-..Bettyo-raielting,ix7er,
'voice toll Wittiperiu!t.you'd blivoto.knowit;
some tiine,eteupposei.and the ,I eet!is he's
just,been. stealire' moneyiont tof.ltuaster!a
drawer(—n hundred dollars, (more or least!!!
"It isn'. : sod" Cried Madge. in: a ilowi,
sharp, ton'!„ , whiett.almOst startled_herSolf,--f
-,"lYhat4 . - amie steal! It's,a.! wicked liel"-41
And sbe burst ;into tears,„; ~ •„,L.L.c .li. ~ s. , 1
' ''''YerY ' we.ll..?.;usaidl thedoirendeill!Betty;-
" yOn'll li, , find ,WileAter•laelltailie...of lan.
I - belleilt (roxont) UV gfehli lotottre: , at tbixtfl,
tier Ytt',` eilher,,, , , , witittlytittr.!antneingasittl)
w as.' ~ , • ../.., • .. , ii . •"‘ :H;.1.1"::1- ,•;twsli
ut ' lliapge-tiras out of .hattring4twoitepst;
at a time, op the broad stairs, tillabe reached
'a little ;mem ..alt, Quit aillierienito:af the - Afar&
story collider,. , Eihe burst, In,,without.opy,
ceremony, -but ;191_,Nyas iji.o l 4l.4.l3,..pgld . 'xisiat
ter tilight_Oreep „114f,c1MO,IllAtial_ti,t4?-4
; Meet tigainsktlitiv q i ilcitlPPP99a,•'`, filnt,e,g.,
she eapeif A- 57 p54. ? - ' 4. 4 . - -- . 7:- , ,,, , ..A,F.
• AV fi*t i there Was no reply, ilid: then rp,
little moirement
,behind, the diOgy„brown,
curtains' ktYaYed'hinl, , and" .Ahitlgn was .at
hia'side;wityl)9l. - nrna's,goak 4Kynnd . Japllo).
neck: -!- -, ,
~ . ,
~ -. , . , i
" I kwiw,yOu lin ..iaerial 4 all "tlie •'tnitite ;
you caned ',Me," 'fa fereq,,,4*, ,
,tiyog . .t9
smile., 'I I, bearAt e4tevirs, to, your A volee c „
.you khoW; but you.dOn'f'believe,it?, ~ zi, ..
" Never!" cried Trladge,„, veheMently,—, ,
"NOw tell me all , shOt it , P)APiX 9.9.4 11 19yi .
one dare go, ,ssy,,' sb?" . 1,, ,:, , ~, ~ ). ) - 1
.J.I• p ar i dly ir., ? ,, , , .NOi g re. t o begid,,,‘Gssfil,..t4.',
mie, Wit h itgreat effort A self icslnral:..i'lA'lll
have to tell yo d smnellung,l.',ve:l,beert,;l4l4;"
ing secret ever, since, last , stlminer r! • i lett',
see, *hen pousiii33ell,,,lipd'herbir i thiday p4i, ,
ty last June, and allthe iilrl,4,:Awept around ! ,
in such prettY' shiningiilks, or else dresses
half, clods, and half ~Sehwehs, iletlYou-uell,
had that pinkc4lieo,. it :ilii'art ', Aite,4,1.1i4.1 ; i t;
know wl y, 'ton lOoked jest ; es ,sy , 'P.etritr ,
any,th prettiest 'of all, I' . thought ;;but.., ,
when Flitter Knight said, 11 - ttailoyJc.al: zw,
sister! Isn't sheiPretty,?,. fuiti 499fVf 1), , x
dress look as if alie'albbuglit t tli:ep...Orf font' r
yards of ifiuniet, and had the moon up 'ill'
night sewingster? on it?' then the,..boy : s ,all f
laughed,' arid I,,sa d; ' Isn't_ my, siste r prr4iS:,
too?' for yon . didloo- as sweet as a ,r,05e,;,1:
thotaght; lant'' th t._ proud Fisher"' "Knight '
laughed just liked knife -1. mean,it, seem,ed,
to' cut right",intd , ' c 7 -aod, he mid: 'c.,`Vii 4 . ,q'4;,
. i. 1,
dress.';li Be the w ‘ ap ;f t. yALniir. khat:
Beine.iii i 1)411, san, - , 'T"o'obaq It
but that 4 only hurt me ,anbre ti ,arae,...'o,Clit
away pretty socin and ley Sellinai the thiek
snowball bushes podl,opked : op',lll to rtlie
great • Still, Sky.,*, and. NS'al#l -' ( - ti(iCIAVII ' . , G(i4i
couldn't ha've taken-Y-0n aud. nit ` it Zau„'xp ben,
fattier and mother 'diksi l iimd pot.leit„t tO
ceme :to thts pioud;,lte t ik,ttucli:t v‘ I .O O PP4 I
love ns, and iylio . ' treittq l , 'us , like.: little 1)!g-
. 1
gars-"''' ';
''.,-- --- •:,:i 4 1.; 1 ..'"; 1 , ) ,-,,,' 4.:
',',Qh 'l',Un:l:Siirm,, t iftnite i ,
~s said,' iyut'dg4,l,
.sobthingly; ';.l.'lit stake ; he a
~ 15:1.t:''t,;, , .. ; e/..)! 1 :4; 1 , 1 ' , 1:;
to üb , setiictimes."' , • ;.. ~
.', on t remember many time just now,",
-• ' I d '
sighed Jamie. " War,_lß,,lll l lop3o/14.:81141
'tittit^,l.: heard I. 4 utie„,say •tittd_Att 1)1111104y
came - in the I , viateri,tin,W,she,Nefut`l. t!'s,,i,bi!,l2-_,
a grand tinakt,.aisid , ms;tite evi.lry,ivay ,antt , F,lfc
she inid ever'Seeti...: Tho. J ',lllOpi3lit i ,to , my: 7
iself` , l4ow - they.'Will'whbf , 4o; dret , S - Madge
in some !ugly hrOwli nierino,` ii hnt - y,lip, aster
mined she . shall,hloif. tlfe, Iwotlea:,.ol'All'ein,"
all' - lio Lbegan ,t - W'ork toK i; actlithl, 4 - 40=
iiiiiili kinds otlittle jobs fiir,tmShy ,t - 'IIO
would hire me, and I, neyer sjfen,C.Anythitig'
for spur lees or condy;.'ybe 1- . ..n4',,5i.), thif lilt,
the boy if began. .*,9111, - Ale ,:,itliser:, i 'lga t .l
didn't. mint[' that ? ' beeittise,),;l-liett'ght; P.IY;
pleasure was coomg hy an V.., •Tlie,raula:,
et Came verv' , SlOW).)r, - ,;:MStige,,, * AtP,d;lePeh„-1
thought?r,d iiever Itil.vd.fpcmo tt „or- w hen'.
mint gaveine,nforreylo - ,44 JAll. r ir.ll:, , i, - 4 - .4tist,
~`.Atent wit4out - and, itio,..: up', , jian 4 U.m., l l l l„)",'
poi:lsets, ''.flies::4,,' got sotn,X‘4.lolble,Clarr,a,=,
mita,- yob Uoty; ittiq'l - stild i 'l4._ti'li ,`i,ll 4'44!
tic gave'nte;, qd,;4l - t(igetler, i y eit.ylity.4
found I lutdmat ',ebbe&
. b . ?
. buy
~ %•1,.,at,,; 1 i
wanted.i IScs 1ir..94. - viv rv4 0, A , AWoys:so
kind to iniii excused me, ..crb;ii.,,,4iiy ,h,;,..4. - 4j,
WS - morning; iirfd, 1. - wp.lleed ull" 'tiffs `yay,t.6
B-4,-, btfeatirse I' thtiught I t , ould ger nicer,,
things t here;. • and, A i ladge,,ll.Apept.you the y (
sweetest &ten silk! At ,makt... , 5,,0w.!,;40ik,01 1 ,
tile woods ail Spring:: and: I , i lieuglat o W h' at,
you had it'on, with simr Swell, 'm hits "In`cti;
you would look just-like a- t lily,,..otni lig out,
of n lied of moss."
•'-' Dear little Jamie!" -- eriecrittiiirt, T,' dill
you do all that foie? 2. 4.-rinVo litir-y4'ijri.ai:
.111105 . , , , ,
,I neVer eltre.what,l . , ; wear.",; l , ; -• ~ . i ,:
' •!..Yes, 1' kiitiw ,it,''; said 'Janne; ; . '"iled
you're alwayialoiely . tein&." I ''salpposelCia'
because; as Mr. Green says, you always
wear the JOWele Whichitite , ut Ai'estillricn-4.
the sight of - GQO. • Ibayon't a dotibt, Mitdge,- ;
but the an.gekittilielk, To.Letetthe .PtettiP.§i ,gal ; .
in the,Woritl; -but Isutne.;w4Yr7_li;ii:li,9":4 ~
foolishi---Lwanted to have l tbe oitys,tinti 4 ,-15,t,
too:, ', ' -.-- ;",r . ,-) it,31 1 ,..,i ,, , - 1 .- i u ~ , , ,f‘,
[:, ,"Weii,.,When-Lcautebacils, 4 jii*t. : 11 Ntagut•
I to the hall ,door,witb - my bundle, fccling,sci
proud that 1 had, -earned it ~all: , otypeli f , (ILA
came uncle, lucking v.ery,,re,d i und i storming :
I about, Berne money—atkant.twenty ; d011ar5,,,4
think-1401e silaid herbed teft ) ita:his, desi.` i ,
anti. forgot .tq dock :hp last night..: ,I.obiady ,
knew, enythi.Ogitbetttit,.#74 .twttl, ,it , 1314(1
- itigtirt tiptoe nPlo,4llYire9l3l,-tV3?cnriAe-.oall-"
ett - vetY auddettly, - . l 4'haP , Ittixe rtiW) e,9t,ju
that titiridle,,sirn I.`. A .dress,fee- AbliOge- , 7-7--
* .A. dres9' for i( l ll4 l .4gerottid , ..-AcetlP,44):::so ;
, let me see _itilt,‘'.(.l ,1..! , 1 1'...1-: ~ . , - ,1
' (*) . lopeneti,it,:trying trinelidairn that I
earned the Money alllmyseiti, butiqssoon tiSt
lie saw the pretty silk-he caught bold of any.;
arm WibUt I almost screamed; -and said—
T eapaamostey tii_bu,in iittcliat 'Areas as!
~.: i
.14 j,, , i WV. • . . •• .. . ...La ; • h.. it.ii .•
• ' 11... Lit
ktiP - 5-y111 1 : 77 7 1 icr , • 1 " , .,..: , , ,,.,,,,,,,
4 , _ . te ng tile - a lalseboodi—'
I „Pit'sie _ ' pit lintifookixoti mitne c t .?,; I.
,' ,-',' TO - g f iVAAURI 0P1114, - .;101 ~ /1e).1 ?
ianill4 ~ ,y.nd., they :light up:their ands,
ilidA=foit j litociteti,;imr*iijdii'firetieire - ,
We' V'tt) ' ;I :.;)!theti uheleseenied 46*
. c't liePtidi:andlint& Me than; if -A confessed; "
~"'a t t*kifi l lili'llitidC4. i 7,. bliNvlll4l4Jry i;to -. fort,
, gi e31),0!' ,
_4l, 1 1 , ,
.c . onld, - not l iell, ti lie,,,airl i.
r, , V)_ , Flni: ; i44lover and .Oier, that t' didd t, '
'cotirbijf 6 i ch a thipg, , till' be called 'ine k a -
E fliiiiir ef1,,0 stintife'boy, and Ordered 'the titi- -
'ein 'l.4o:oiiitidAlS,lcir ibe.ciresS;2d.u.dgeil
';Hatt. V ' 0 0 - 'lliainglabilut• MOXV, thi3ilt,k-*
inOntliat - I is lei coughed vlojently.,3 I heard.
"Anni'ptlar &say ; 4 12 vriaildn's be quitello`si,'
r'fli,r•Witli' aiyard or two More it wouldqiiiike
A idies.4 fpflittle?l'• "I , r. f ' 4 ,, , I: , ~ . : :,,,„.-,
' th llattg, tried - 46 , !cotuftirt ,bitrt,; buil brake
'flt.tiVri.- :' 4 • 1:.:11. .'.) . I . . _ , ~ %- , ,
11 ,..' - ' 44 l4e'Vi Mind," said he, at ..101,` " i3iltifiik '
, iiiviaPi hied cheek, ',. "4, am delermlneti.
TA' 'AA itik.e tioniethitiOneel, 'after 6:i 1'.4 1 '
V4s4miiiii t 1.4 Mi.: skid ilk mateli;:yiitt krstiw,-'
''iiiii.l . l'll4l: Poi' , suro 'of J,, , theiseeoad prize; at
.IPiisiV ilea, Whatever I get sliali:tie , ,gtv_eni,to ,
'okitill'irragetnc , ),/ ;.:-fii. , ,-;:. oi , t,ii .e - . d -, ::1‘;1. , ,t.
; l '`,T, .' .11111 i soma get it, , V".l.4fiedbledge,
Itliy,lo sinifiatliy..o "i iYou'veskatedever
lPg'Sbn 'mild , ;Ai alle:lr, And;abe;retnem-1
erettUi l , a glow of pride that no one ever
l'Yercaa latiiiiilifilriee,, . aud Often; atitett,
is.4-'tii t i, iiiiltinii on tylplaylitg, ', he'd be , wri• ‘,
' t ingT, is la tiMe, i w it Lords , rat heti clumsy steel.
Ifigi?;`,:ia l tliegtbatiwitife , Page Ait: ice, asinine
'es - tpVi'ailba:lifibififwriting.,book. - ,, - , t It i..-1 -,di i,
‘ "l lViVioutll be isureOf the prize; Jandeill ,
'slie„sWd, exidtibglyv. ',land , I , know • it will
ali s iihne iiibli-Avith4unCle,,Amni rmigeting.)
iti)- tell hi tt tt4linb<ttitatnOw2l i•; .1 t -I, .1 :1,
B4t, to itegreattgrief i angry.llncle,Gould,
I ! wou Id not bear a , •worchs .i : t' NO,,i -child4 l l he
.said,!!'f'S h4to onii,
~ C ould)ranke me ibelleve.thnt ,
tailictiymodldivil with Out marbles anti lean
i diets half 'ytidt+stmbttyr - dresat-,,,
'Ala if, !h . did? he' never'could, bare saved,
euough 4 i gueb:u4lindsome , silk: • 'Besides)
-a-iiiiitt se dielthe ratitterßetty.siw him in
ikatiaibritt 3 / 4 kkiirny desk Nary_ early:this:morn
ingllbetdi litny - eoner I vas' up.. 1. Iv. seems, tt,
treryte , ltitli cakelltiksugh it: grieves trie to say , .
stilt .„; . :714 1:11.11; il icyt .1 ~. i.. _., 11 ,...: j!
D;frilib:lapze.),ltOrnitirg . na after sleepless -
night. Jar ie',Catolei I dOwn :stairs ; with .. is
• skates,• WS unelemetibini in the hall— :
•t! -You i catillOt •skate to-day, James," an d
lie; almost kiioly, 4r.s; he looked, at theb !it .
'flushed ftice:, ), -, 1" Lied) ithut right that .y u;
1 should hit -some punishment for ;slick •tt..
g iest i faul
„'",4.1, ;,.. Ida. ,1.11.',,-1.1.-- ~...- k• ..• .1.. 11' ~. ..t,
it i; ~t?But A ditt ndt,tltl it, - sik,? 7 , said , Jarnie, iinn
ploningly. - ..0 cJ;:.,... 141 , ..i1d ~.„: I' ~;. , ;,. , 1 -
6 tit 6164 otilitgrorqu iterstern.-- ,f).Retnem.•
belt that Betty:sate: , yotii,i " My; child:. zither
kdonfess 'dad tilkip , tirdtms of go. back ,to -your
rOttin.” ia I- t 414&;..,.,, i , " tai 1 , ,- - t ~•,,,; c..: ,:i • • s ,
uilnles,f Satilie,"i said Atha Gould, itappear
ili# fribu . liaparleil `‘t you love Madge dear,
I,y, imtlin ziluubt , ..,.the'..teuiptat.fouimta9 vary.
igreatt;' , l , eltavehtitqi talking.iit over,: and;
tvkAilah4 / 40 ia kindttiavy oar ;Ownlitatber
41111.4iitith ricutOsafessiayOur_fault,lando.n.,lt:
itilieffirst tithe, Wtiltire , all; iteady to ;forgive.
yodi and I.l4'se•Ynti. oldie More:. And inticell s l
-:siticeit.W o ,3l4 Make yortLeo..ivery!..liappy,. I
, WilFtiviliii prtlin We.; t o.4give' tbe,dressto.your ;
:.vi,if e i.3 . 6, L g i c '.z. , , ~.: • ix ..4 , : - ...,1...,., ;-..' ..t,:. 1. , :;,7,<.)...
:::I'y, ROO t, be a prig, Jim,'! whispered I:mile;
' l t listtsaylyntt'did , it,'itifdi - cou'll. , hae it dune
4 jittlit I ~.,.1...Lw.t... i-J, . i . i ,i
, riiVliatitil tent/00,01f uggle I ivAlit.ti4 l .4 , i4.l4go.r ,
&hide's-breast. If he toldallim th_Cr . e . N' .. {114,
'Mtilatici forOir.etiese; the skailitgAiriee, and
' the prelty , dresii;l if lie:told,: the truth : , noth
ing: but COldness• &ma PPM empt, goik spikt 6 d e.
'irVikig dreiry roora,,•l l WhatA strt}gfligl; The
-hot jpitasiDlia migedit "anti-; the. ,terrible ;tine
.bittiled.lthroitgloliisßlicel4 and eYes.,i #e
( 1104itiited.• -Ali tASIte golatto, loyethe praise.
itifunilitki orelbws ithe)'„Praliar,PUP iVi;, 4.4
tilan'efitluippelor sileave,:andhe 1 .14 ft 'R,444.lArti'l
' "V d;id n0t.,001',..) uncht..,,
~ ..I.s. , .cannot i te,ll l a,
' l-' 3l iPlier UN, bad iy 111'; ..V. : . c., , L:L::r
reorjlltae IT/*oAthsY iaitts,r;ni,. lit,,
.rilLtil g e k , ilis ?,faitilf el shadow. 7 ,-;
i tt
, illheyiliea illielLand .ititt, going away ;Act-,
..rilfwitli. heirisimtesp_b.at,:, strung?, to, pay,
they; did t :lea , sg,l very: MisPrtibiei. Akud, ,
, tiVelietuil fl4ll9.llleibieyes met. : , . , ~, .. , 1 . ~..
li .A-Ittit',; trAtteerl tatitt-he-r,./;idil: ,
l'artile.., , 1` if - it. wasn't lor this headache, J.
f shdilld feeblightilw iiiestther:','2_.,.
, . tI!CDo :you :remember . ' that , strange.verse
i thatranot her use:alto .sny Yll asked kAladgerr,
!I; & listitollii;Wliieollat there, happy ,whiph.e . n. 7
dtkit.'• I ibeliever:ll,;Mideratand :it.,,now, .1 . a.,'
: iniesid tin :whatittilo rest, of iitl...• , ` , , Xe : tnive .
seen the li tliit ;Lord, Allat:s the.; Lord is.
et ,
. very piti ularschof ttender mercy,', i L 49) . 3. 89
glad • woo enduretVit,all; , J itinie,t :and. who,
knows ; Niliat? the'ejid t will be? ',I; um quite!
:certain 'itl will ell Leonia right sat )88t:"
)14.irtnie ried to smile hopefully., lad w hen
eveta vi id of
,his,heavy, dia
'appoint ents 'crane' . pref Ml* lie repeated
:softly, to .iirciSelf= l :" , riTirfr 'Pitiful and 'of ten , : ,
„ der . iiietc) ; : p.. , ? .. : ; .l i t. ) ' ' i, , ; , , •ti i o' • 14i
i ,, -.:-
~,,ir; , ti . < ; it - , 1 fie 1115;: :.: ; *o 1 ; it.! o/.
J.. dt,is a y;C'elt: - afief,:,arsil the li tzlit Of' ritilie'ti ,
;birtliday, ildadge=l'-icanlit';:bc L,possibleis
istandingtliV tbevihnit iiithittlitientlealgreen '
silkc:itliongV Wfth'iblif, 'liapns- flush* on -her ,
,Clieeltailllif ititiltg 'More ; like' ei itioSs-rime
ninth' a it ;And jumiel-W
-as 1 there-/everl
I anvil:al' diuntface? What can have ipitk- ,
r periedr,i /31i.itkhere 'is Madge ; , eager' to; tell
yotrtdl: ate , " Aunt Gould foluid the inisS
ingL•roll i of bills , caught, behind ' , t he - II t'ele ,. -
drawerl it, titlll'oiVs,prinid : ,, Ijficle ..Gauldthif&
.actually 1 tiA)ttif Utinile,'s I Parilbri;: 4 arid;sitice
had treatetklii ‘ iiyaliaidSt iik , ' , respectfully as •it
4e - litter,bpenzik'eriiu;n l ' Mali'," ,iiad; f eiiiryhoil3l,
-was so kilid,- - Atid'shik (StadgeOvas:iio'protttil
:Obi she :cooldn't begin 'to' tell - all. she felt!" , '
Ildat_swbaLtilli enireas jamie'ivlitipiiineski"
Alsppiiiess:At • iiiilft hat he Vs ' , again- reapeci,= , .. -
-co L ia,,VlOviiir,;'. flint! 11 , Iiiiigti -14: itektioWledged ,l
:sweater 14i k 'tally; ,- ottl'er , ibtiy-'4 •-%A i s ter; thitti
- 1;71) elel 0 641' Ints-tilrthidy, shit 4 (hi is a ii as.'tvi t h '
thin;tyv je el liat ,very , even ing ;: A'int- there' 41 pr'
deeper:M/ 4 -111e sweet;peate`,.the - eon .iiitia--
,fncss ~iitj victory over great teniplation. • Anti
,i b 1.,, is; ivhat; niakea.:Alittlge4unti tro i: the"
lutrtyy ) , :plirlijiiiiis'et;4 tO , tub litii'eetti ''- -now
~tk,o,,,,j i li,ri;cutzlii., , eikvifi's...te dsk. , ,§;-,iitic•Volilaper
moftiyirr - . - Be liiiltl,-k 4 , ei1i..41t44, , .-' , llietri : liailpy
mlifielift , icruve. , '--:-.T4e.'6l.e;iiiord Piiit‘e . 4, l :iu.A .
1 , ,) • ,,,.,; ..., , ..3, i:F... , ....: 5
~ :',..1.15..0.••:.!14177,1 • ••.;:.'
_••-•!:, : • i; -- - -
... WilWt - CrtgeleSrieni; XCEtlte. .., 7:., ....i.
7 1-.lT44t'st s'ight, , ru . # l O ;t! Jilted .. btates to
• noditiate floritteet!lei'aS a-banilidate'fai
, the kiretielent;i"• - ii, - ,.7:6'-,tile'r Leiii!ktozi - .016. Y,
`. - CUithisicin';:ttirdlit ',iiCktiiiivledgMent - theri.;:iit;
;Al rc. kli;eble,y - rUit: i lie 'etift or '. 'of ' thfiti; Pape*
; a 14~(t, Or - 1064 , S 2 iiii.Vi lie A iiteiest ' lie' • had
nninifesteill r iii,/ifs btiliplf:', .. , Tb t;;•40 facts "Hie;
pl:rii iiency 'O l - i, he , - apPOitlo';difclartitidits'of ;
po tlciplcs; - :*liidli •', I's '-'itt.ifittliiif 'Witliutit,tlie'
,cbtli,, , ot - 'u'*oi . 4:iiiiciiieri'ii,o'm'tlie.eoi) . (it
- ffitiii . sprgan,tir"yliieh".lllr.'i_l‘repleY Spy eitilly:
"belOgs iiiri'gli t ,tif ' iiikoVery:' '-' •••,'" • --'''
~, ~!.buitti SONwritrgty'l-,White 'stiPieitilickiinti =
,Fitic!iiiidtil'Atriii4 ik- iiiioty I t 'Olit_..iiiiiiiiii .
, ~ ixv;c 4 .lcApalV'bt ' i Oil ' l .Uepti,bliii? ." oti i;..fil iitL,'
• 'iirtui,„ Tire tlil'kiftititiir'-'01"18 . 60 ahit the
..-a e -z,i , q , aißsifiwt, 14 a i 31%-., :170 ,-.1.:,. -- r. - L• -,-,
3% * i • N,0.44. ..,( i, ) . -,. . mans'
ll, J ,:,„Qtr,do`Oflpri;:. 'Oils is, a ulnie
, gsrf,4•Fu l tu6rit,',inadii:ljji,-.wliit e'iiii;iti!f or vili lie ,-
. Aiiii,a-,*5.1-''tlied posterity , forayer.- Lloit-ii- .
• . •i • . The Art of Seeing., , 1 .., ~
r*itli thu Pitti.!tlnfli'''Leklainileciiitit'V"Piitill' ' --; ; • ~
.reiiiiilistid'n- tit=tli alit e- motistri Itititte6- - wari --, , n 3, thilig is mdr li 'wind du' reit zc limn
Ire litl-; , , i.' lit& iieettNettl Mit...die:44th loiati'liul: , it ' ''A ' capitalist makes his money-'worth
.tio)„:Acitintilateil ,0_
in I unconstitutional' 'fifty Per; cent. per annumsonictimes, hut
„p 4 91, c,tylilig I(i:eft' d'k diig,fesi,' ill the' firbid.' the miser's buried ;old - ,is.. 4 WOrtit nothing,
~ I ..mit/sr tit:a d iiiiilipt it ifflomil ' ertislare: fur "eit Iter'm Principal or' int iirest . ;'A coatliea
foie, ilex oiiiplishin'edt,'df -'iiii . - utiCtinstitutional,' ver - has jiist as nianylingera -iii a 'watclitna
qiioiliiiri iitlitirpoSe: - 1)0 1 / 4 ‘iti •ktit I i litind liOl'i I: • liar,' liti t tliejr are not WOrtir So much to- hint..
'i•ia iiiio iiiXiitiont` StillOrtlitildidn'tif ilidliiii-' 'rile" Stal,redriv or; in, , ,,the;;mOuntains has as
i . (ary: to; the' ' - reivil l mitrii'iriti'est -'-'!DOWii With' good eyea-,auct as cleat; a . fyision its, ! the art iat
the sutra*. '-'' E4tiiii tiiiirtiOiirifikijilie,'riglit-'- :Wile itiat!,4 - on,. . ; Wie I.)4T„'ll.nif tlii!. artist. sties
tul repri:seijititiOi''of -iill'llii?„Ati l it;S, , " Or. tufo:- more lit tlie - hills in 'Lily hour; then the ilriVet''
tiler yet4;ilitpi!'",• 2 l{6%!illitiiiiii pitlip- be•iitei by" - Idia!ken in 'if lifetithe. The ear's: - of ordinli.i,
floilpter;ati'Olii.tii4if'46/ t e,e l ti.Y:tiickfl'*l( . lWircti` fk:VlVittils till:. AS good in their structure! as
-4 . , ytuld'eAil-,' l Aiittlii`Sitipitildil'''4liiiiiiii ' li'e'' the : •ei i ii.4 ,of , Bettltuyen.in..their, best Idays, •
tive.rt Li i-4,A,'1,1,rif 'ite6As'b' ',-: by-the'liifidi)vtl;l4- 'filit ' iaihe .o:f.,iis pa; heft' all, t hat lie.lmard.-,--
Doti' tiny itti leif';biltlis.? nil irekistitttionsi • - E.S•ei, eatSli i tifi. gogQi \ -1 . ard
,ca Pit at eiiptit-46 - 4(:
VA:e.la 4iTa;ll,ll , 4tii! 'if'd • Pixisidoi ,f 9 l.liirtice ~ inipros. ' etifelit,' 'the irduble is 'tlitit'..ftios.t.
Ai yri.his 3 , df '''.i.ei%" Yillik . ,,, l girtli•A-PftYgil(fie, 'Then' ad tiiitlie'a tlitt' trilglit':- use, (!if- "ey es; ' ' , 6 rt
ti.1 j .,r,t04. fliii.,:ti; - _,Of''.'3liSSOuiii. - '''.'!'' ••''' .- i 'c'tirs,:di• flffig4S/ti'i !!••••• ,-1 !. =;--",.; I ;' '
51; iihes i efdedliii - atioiiyivnie'from an 'o,kielinil '.. 1 ' .?..otne 'yetimagn, ; Mr.... Beecher, mroie . a se,-
; c4elily hitilief.', Tlicjecorifeiii the , tlecluitr- ',tieS ttf "tinopyingtis ,irkticips, " X.;y One I ,YIIO ,
.tigir, pr i prittbiPleti Of JlW'rilliu "Wilt) I saiii,-`11:1 ROO' 11.h,i, • typi ' ana'.'gtiTa", . OpOi.": Tt l .
(41: -. 0A tt y !the pro p& diindid ate for . ?rest dent.% 'NI - ;tl4' a t irue'tleScririoh . ut" - Ilie'lti•out
. oeitolii
IV liv.beliertal that I Horace Greeley would eri for if •iiny Man 'eiPer'ketif Ilia" eve , .4. 'nit iU
.canary , .canary , pAit such princfplo,o. - ; Ali ii_is reconcil , . ;.eArs open , ra ~ weir, it ia-llerary Ward flee:cher::
tatiowyltii;p,Yeag t enuce. , .71'he, first jaipSr to : Put! the wiry .? it le, Wits, h,;:lessoll.,. , j.toy.,fe‘v.
nauw 4Ufacs•arN .14, us.;:a,„cpuiffilute . , Ikas a - people Over keep tlictr,,eyes and, etu's open!
• beuttlit til 1),4A14 . 6/: to, OIR I, ,i),4.; ~li.iai i ,ti,ri t *-, *.l, ; '- i Nytt) ter Scott said That the secret" cif the
"tion - sq• Min ,W lt,.i/ iiiS•ci ! st:a.al4l'.,tl4l..b9ll9, ,knciyitt-cV.te of teen shown' n' his '.l.loOks NV as
5 44,j/W,,ttep_uhlic is 1 Riato - , t p,r,..N‘'hy ,ti11yi,:,,119.:(4- 3 tiotti lw,-, al wily if tittlteci: %with. hi is :10110,wj tra v .'.
;449te,4“1144,ni t i.1i thpjteoiihit,;iiii,p i ~,. 1; ~:,- -, -sjecs,..„wbeflier • lie,bad, eyer;:liien,intrucluced.
... ;Ai A.I*(7(IU4P, el '9tel-1,--L4(l...Cli'iCCifiasi; •' wig •91 1 .491-:: 'fle,,liepk•itis e•):_ ( Pt& ett-rs-9PC4 to
,insiat off t i n. Aiki . iiif i !,,ptiiifiiiii. 1-I• ;. qi,'.e,cile"i);,l j,itigiiin, nature. ,'lliere ' - 'iqre, - 'iiiiiii` in t. 4 0.
gvkittw.l,, it, Aiii4,,iii . itlivi . iyiAhicik i it ipiseits iL ,liteno.quiiirie's. 'Wlioid ey=isis'eiV fq , tood; its
litidvA .I,%ll„l:ijkit tut 4, q kimi?) . ,.1,,,, „ 1 ~<,.t , ,,,' ,If iiisk -.,Miller' a;: , 1 but 1 b e I'vt:a4 , an• openjeyed
i;";ll,,atttr the Oti'preissect peoplt. of tins .14 , 451,.„ ; ptid - •suceeticain reading tlie,-;situnes
i i9.414 - 11'S sllttl) . .ll4vd etude l idi f titiftwir power as few leayouctinteni, flyer p.our.,,,thgin.;, : 44.
iin ; prv.,xcht,t,llC ißuleCttuu`yr..l,444,,ol4.-41.uud-, l .eyeA;weie pliers tit , ,,p.te,fact's'of nature., 1 ,. ~ ,
ed, tiribe-414g• i v,illgfti„pfilite i i/Altmll,4e l b,
~.SUit) y a linifter .
.iibtit:li)rilit ljetiiiie .iikl9-.
,14utlifiç 14401, t. , 4,0,44 :Mr 4,991 1 7 AP #ii4 4 ,14.i! - ! . 1491),,,1i11it airlbt'fil 4 antiT ' l 4 o l 44o4l 4l o 4 4y
•‘• , t; ‘ Itn•• i :1,: - .!;-.:4 •..-:::- -i.:
-kit• ve:)1•.! I i! ,-..0 1».1•, ,, ,,111.i.1:$ v377'. .):flit . - falf_ to I li--; -....! i ; ;`''''''-"..- ,
- i - .., ~) ;z e„ ••-:-• i I
;i;; ,cp - ifill i •,- - -.1,f)..;.:!•:x,;: - .;!JA siiik!nl;„frii -_,:ii .:':; ),-,.,-.'..r , ,4tii.;;ii ;11 t ~...., • 1 "- i - • • _ti l t. . ` • • -
, 57,..5t ~, i ,(•.- , ; , ,I , ; tt,,,..r evirt.• .4 , :Au, 1 , .•,(1 I I",` , 11 ft . .:1 , 1 ,', i.." , !t `1 ,1i . .; 4 1Z'11!,•.
'1872 1.4 '4k , ;.1 , 14 1 •
1,41 - ti),F,,tii
relaithel IniSelf larld ills 3 hriiiiiiir Itu'ngfy; - !
Atunpirear . ,egg.tatehing,t.skiller r iic4,ing, icin,
'inAlit,bit g 54 i t p 4 llMl'alstin iviinliV i ttingie p
a, ,stklant iv and unai iist`_ irt--th'e . dr/enter
"ilMoft' ,1* p ' l ,YeivishoHigh } Mies"" Cattiplut4
-expitseed . hat: last- resort 13 1 800 , ,,y,e4irs u&Q: in,
;these' ;betilAifyl,tinci,pattlpi ie. 'Ns ! a* : , ' 711(cAl.
PX Pett ) g a! /OK "PS I..hat , nne intin" , sholid, , ie
i ftg fhtipeopitiand illii'irililre" nAtioiPpeilTh'
ni.h."' , • cia4,17,..t 0!i."..,: -,,s „ 0u0 . ..-{i•ftl‘t •
' ""riv 61tiet vtatieNithi*paprir, ady,ficaling the
relittidn of iQrfelsy,,detuand,S:tbat in case of,
I)ll.,:defett ,' Oe i u.-Utitiit' 'tie' a.4tifi'slinittAtuP
3n efespf p ,"Ille' ‘. party iI IS t ri• f icp it at 1., te • i,ttel
' ebti„and repudiate 110. iituendmeast i even,
'lly`it:sof? o ,y,ipiszage,nntl,forse,i,, pyfeated
th‘i)iirtY s 'to assassinate (fle`Plesidetif,' f ind
pbssitily 'Anti& 'flier - iiiiititrY int craiiiilt'li ,
This eleintitietuhihrthe ttomintitioniof.Zll.r.e
0 1 7c'e.ieY,4, IVRo*inqn.jmq,rprqtf:<liv,t)i,-,tv.ltr
vation nn ,
a prOsper4y, 91. the country trail a
party in *ION illerd I s stf1:10 lin i.letactit,
showing its Stretigthibr hold liildi crithinal,
, deehtfationm :1' .i'n,....( . 0 , ,•,,, , t .,..'" ii,,,
:,;13ut parly„lqadgra.shyilite,te.os ,u,w,.'11 ,4, tc,
repulliatiOn or, conditunntion ot the nidend
onents., -I,l,uW:geltlfehilith'lii."lThi'ek; ) lif Venn!:
sylvanin i in' biivletteki atinouniqnvl4,inpur->
.pose -to supporuliortice:Oreeley,,,spenlo of
the Reconstruction net SR a ,rw..) fipoikvujt ,
bilit,of -at tiOnder.,. Qfthe flituleengt,pnd
tfifteenth'itraniiidnienta'ile*: "qrlie4 . Witisel
fratidtr uPpnqbe let tee add' , Sphiii -of ,, ilth , ihe
Istrtunem, I inasmuch% ,ftsl they, , efiectodh4the
iwexat auttage, which it,:ffirr iirulft,APlPlA - •
iventiP,i it . , . .
. . . .
' i , lir - ,•. -- , :, , - ~ ,--to
h- , -Thisia a it acid riota; fd4' Aloied- then
ico,nsider. '2l!4ecoglifiedleittiei lb' the-1314w
pakeslisuch ~as dechwation.tc Holding euplii
opinions, is, sy ch,a,paNty,to be trubted - W,1,t4,
,the.intereSts bf me n w Ito' after a' log st rut:
gle have just' bdrr 'made Citizens'? Colored
men and their friends' wilt answer no:: i ~ -:
',[ We areiteld,:byppeakensfy‘fhp are,. fishing;for.ttepuhliean,
ifor.ftepuhlicart, Totes that Oreeley is ai good
a.Republicare 0 aitY;olte; arid 'that lie \ill!
, earr)r. out Reliabliteriprinci pies. 0 iMleyntalk
chit way, when talkingitoi /knot/NI:Ws,. , 4 1
the Southernitates.titey talk differently.—
, Ex-Goverhoe fawn', Of' Teiiiies'See; &Heat
:Naskyille; " I do not care what Greeley-bite
Itsiti lathe past against the Sop it and itsrin
.stitutional • Itilb 'lttitlitlftirtniit t -tii- krictui ,
%that now ite is in favor • of restoring her to
her pristine rights. Greeley, if elected,
Will pay:tile'losseS cif n tlie SOUtir." ' ' ''
ii.lit the titurre.meeting I .E: Ji , Gollodnyt, -M. , .
C. lor NaShiille,4saidt •:. ] ~; , -p; f-.
~;. "-.Greeley, at.the outset of,„the war, was
I ha .favor of I letting the, ' wayward , sip.a.t era de
._pertin,pace,' i aed afterward *went single:
handed and 'elenti te'filket tiiiti . otninission-
ervin Jeattadit, to 'treat for' pea e. ~ Not i a
iDemoerat in the .North dared . . :with .him
or manifeet ordesire to go,,i , .with
litfavor.Of,payits.the South for her slaves,. ,
and I believe he is still.'
•.1 There is every eVidence'thatthe eiltl`re
,e,aters,vote•lcir Iliorece Gre'eleys under tiara
, itnpresslo n ,that he will.,earry:ont their prin
,eipleri,f anti theylare,eyenvow,Artangu'veririg ,
aibritig;about coutbinaVons that, will ,conk
i t
pet him , t do,their biddnigoilid' be 'in "fttet .
tt. mere to nil theirlittinlB. ,' •-' 1 1 ' ''" •
ILI The, Iv uhir .correspondent' of; the , Ne - w
Yorki2lri ize; -, Grealev's own, organ, writes.
from iNor 4, Garonne: ~ ~. - -.'“ ..;
, ,P .Yen on't and . I:4l''t iinow -these'pemo
.crats of the Seitith lI'S "We' do. . I teliYa,n this'
_wholo,courtV'ivill-lio daleirtiri With Kt klux
within thee do - ntlni after Gieeley's,inaugu
r.AtiOn„,.,;Theny:if; he imdertaltesito suppress,
disorder, 1 there'll .be ~eticll 1 a 11 .9v0 :4E,', .tbA'
couatry never, heard." , . • . •
. . .„ .
;- That. ia4 the' electibri of ',Greeley ' 'mil . c,n
cnurage; uhltiiisiu; and •art" etlbrt 'to siinl
press,disorder will be treated as-ub -interfe.
-,Kence with tlieirrights, ;The correspondent
tof ilite.,TribAns evidently:thinks more of the
ftetlceso,f the..cOuntry , than ; he ,dices Of Pm
fflietiontof Gteeley, find
,being, in the South
, hel,pealiS adVisedly:' ' '' '' ' • • -
•,-:., iThelDdrtlociate,' ivho'eon4fitine the main
strength,,,Orithe Greeley .party,', are:still very,
.oensitiye pu the subject gt,the negre being
free.and a citizen, an intimate that his re, -
easlavemedt would' he "Ii good thing. ' The
Chicago. rt.tbit'vee,' a' Oreeldy 'Organ, says:
_.- ,`,' lieceill t. &en ts 'which: h arC trunspired ;I n
I,ZlortltpardliriO in connection with the State
eampatgu and •clection, are, already begin-,
ning, to suggest. the question, whether the
PiAiti.e4llocicver Uielded by the negro -ele-
Ertent in the South is_ttot, a ,s 2 ,6.l„Zia menace
Ac , ,HePublican•instituttohsP''loVt i ii ,;.:-', ..-,'
I ;r, The New York ./fh.., , ,prt53,• a ,Greeley organ
I .owned..bY Hon. James!Brooks, 41., C., arid a
Supporter of Greeley, - 'says' o til the • sane
fpbtut: ~! : • .:. : . ~..,. . 1 - ' :
.. ,,, ` , ,The power which .a, few whiteFeciers.l_ l
!overseers it; the So,uth, and the terror,w4uich
the negr ( p, 'leagues inspire,. V;ould seem to
controvert' the anti•stavery` averinent 'that
,:the.negrci W as :born IP ibe freely-that •ia, to-be
a free mita? as .white men -are free.. The ,
Den:icier:4l,4, the ; North an d :West Voiv \ rec..
'ogriiie' tlk absolute freedom, of ~the,ex-slaver
•ancl hiS equality With them , hefore the hiw,•,`
' en& they Visit nOW - to'See' him their equal,'
quid net the slave-of bthers; hi& when , they
See a' ,?Bole' race all Totitig 'one way; acid
thavniainly,,tbrough terror, they , mast Otter'
lfierthat ,the. negro .himself, loves slavery
"hetidr'tlian he dP,es - Treedoth.. I,N re would
iiisli 'snow" to 'share' mil' freedbin ' 'arid 'our
equality With that 'negro, but • lie . ' won't 'be
'frec;'and', he won't be our equal; • arid hence
ilk. re-ttrisiog of
,iltia old discussion, whether,
,the-negrt was really born to be a slave or
"- BeiltinienlS,'Agrii a, of' DemOtriiti - C i a'nd‘ of
" , !Liberhl".. - -leatiew f Tai's Is-litre %lA-ay they
'fe'el,hittli aelnen feel they genertillr act.,.-1-
That - Sifeh l menintlicate, the sentiment ofi the
Inrtt there, can, b y e little doubt, and ,a , party
• f' elingip Vila, ray - siiiiiild`neve'r - ,"under• any
- c reitins.tantei, , be' ', alloWeil' • to • 'cone into
'Pishviir.',' i'l Liberal!' Republicans' have - their
OWifirOt ipn 0f , ,, what:Greeleyisat Meares:. No
Democrat giveai thelr o definition,, L bOwuyeri
shell they, are,very weak if ;they, agow,tbe,.M.,:
selves to lie &hided. ; . . ~ -
' At'a sPeeelt in LoutOitle, - Aarrnst '2d, Col.
t .'ll: - 1,), Breeltentidge , 'Said : '-'i" `,....' ', '• ,* '
' 011 r 'past onhis barga this- , to: _give the:
I,ifrerat, itcyawcaas!-9arcrotesola .order j to
entliddiken to succeed iv:,jt - e: undertaking.,
Their part. 4 the liaigain
,is to, restore to
- pni•er 'tbb . abar - (141r:reit Ise& - Sons - 60 av
. sialia",,f,t4b drivii bit t.' of : t he: tctriple t hese Iv a n--
clidOlitd . thieves,: ilnd.tb resitoreyou r Deino
• cra s tS',te!their ;positions, ,;They: p,re. to .give
yetri:nien. of , ihe Soptit, th . o . se : places` which
Thepen• of:fille - ,tloniinfilit ,pa rtY fib - W - Bold;
l." dou't • Gare;it pie,liyuite'ftit - II orac e..dreelesl
orfei' - :lyblat: lie-hies-said:"lle - -refireitents'the
daWn'‘of a new•era to us, art,.-.era that.will
. r0." 6 . 1 * u§. tQ:P.9; I STr-*..; Wilitt).9ll.4t.J.!gliie ,
'airy enough for g ets? It may ire,),n the ivtnila
Itif 'a - friend from Ird'odfdr4;:lqr. llieektiurii,
I theit''Orectey is ptirgittory;, lint -'Gflitif‘lg'
'•helf - .." - : !..,..',..._•,. :; .:•_. • ...- ::: , IL.. :•• :,:z2l
'r ,-.
'''h , e
",' Liberals"_ , allow • .themselvectito ~ ..be:
bivi l eed, awity-iu,thisi style. . 'l'hia.ta. 'v 4 al.,
`tleelcylstit means, , as far tai the Liherarg are
contented- 'l4"or 'the' enunirsoie - , lite:An t ' dia- ,
itater,'and.fott.lie- people taisfolkune.i--Toto::
4/013tack c ;,i i ~,, :-,:. „ - i ..„;" -: . ~ :, -. J •i" : 1
! 'then; itfa •voliitfoiliez haunts and lailAto of
, .each. tal re ~ weret nany inert , who , ;WPM;
keen'obse rep; ,cif,i?atiiFfk in t i he,Ennpire f of
Briiiir, s bh the'giiiperer took great piiius'tb
'irririort on Vritlit 'With One' pair 4 , eyed?; CoriV
;StrUcteAl Lall.Priiellenl,spurpoiesi like , any
04e,rkilliiir qf fiy.FiPall , cre. s,, ,i 'A'he:4 l ifetetl'ep
was in I e mail Yr io used theta; , for 'the
Worici'learineil'intire''fforn 'tlid observaticin3
t6f „kgasai . ill) Brazil7 ,, tlrri.from theosight ,
Isgtlingicif, &saber travelerv„, ! , t 1.,,, . 1. ,
The fro il t igr-gtqe,l,l l is .44 eYeMriliu,C ll so.
ii/Aflibilii g a eQnskliy4nee - to hiniinchas'e'
'or ijonrne '-is' iniSsbd. ,, ' We 'hare •known- a
• nexthWeat ine.,wayagelirmlio • could tell,us.
w;hgther, ,i was, fox ,or., wolf that nitide,A,cer-,
fain depref;sion anthegrass, his,onl, 'y, criteri
.,on • being' the' 'Manner in 'Whielithep,ro paivS
lind• been folded.uncler 41in hady..l , And the
• glPrI, oktlie,lostAiimel;.iladca, wrthlrkq,Bt l ,
- the right siflF,an i d honey Rit tpe left w irtme.in
the left f4e Not, ini'd" blind Intim atria eYe,
milk% the dfi-lvi4ll' described without liatoilig.
iaeetbia're4.l•:the. birds who ate the .spillod.
OSP O tliP,llltfi , Wil.ct at Oic Yift'at9ll)Plyi 'Plq,
I;V1 1 14proi )ed,on,tlie left si!.te,,, and. t e trap -
6 f the lln pint fdof,' is a vert old's ory MI
deed , ,. *tic illahvrat ex , the. adrantage Of a -
habit et ilbsertation i ,We asked NOrthrup,l
theguicle,l'iyhat,had be,nt,en,!b,,e t ,gt'qt2p,ds, pa
der a pliiiii tree orCtlie bank Of the ited riv
er of 'the KOrtir,' tend - he •dropp&l •on , hands
land , ktitiel and , studiedthe, appareritly, inex,
plicable..linsiti l of ih f linesi. and then i re-,
lacirkeslitl' at ti tic l,k and her fawn had'
„Stood undc ., ithii Ire We day before'fightv
inViVe.4:* • ,, 11 i )=lli • . , , ~.., ) .1 !: !,!t t ~ !
' 'l l 6'edi CAPiaini rip 94. Of: , AV ,- PA 101 . -li - :
isist.reads,the plants, the chemist isi alive to
the sgkallist 'l4id'iilbh 'titilitle"indieations 'of'
a "trae6'. kifiblnethiligi•or, another in his
analySiSf :1.,.r , t , • , ,
. t , ,', ~,, , • 3 3
' i A prOfei
SS% of natural science once said
to, us that! his greatest diffitillty flit' iri teach'.
iing.,peoPle to us'e't heir eyes. '' • ".Mly siintors,
have . never learned-19, see, , 'll he said. .The.
great niejhrity of people in this, wprld are
iderif - lind - Aind, 'except l'or,purposes related,
in some .a ylo the' getting of their living:
Even edu ' ated•people do riot see. , We teach!
•oi rgirlgt ,read arid talk .with ciarreCt 4c
ce it; we'ltrain our boys to track a =the
m Beale demonstration'; but seeing is' n lost
ar , known to our savage ancestors,? but for
g tten by us. The best. seer. of nature we
live everihad was Thoreau, who knew the
pl tits and tlie, animals, -the tree's, the ferns,
the birds, , ,ari'd the''insects of the town , of
; concord.:Re ,looked them , in the face as
oldacquaintandes. Th f m - Paers found t hat
he )uteri/, their farms better than they. Tho
reau. lilikayS believed that he' Jearned more
in his hermitage , on Walden , Pond than in
Harvardgollege. . i ,
Books •seent very necessary ,to i us, but
A bralianilwas a well educated `gentleman,
tit to; meet the best 'of ifs, and •he had liolli
hrarY. - Abraham *got his education from
the. sky ;,the earth, the men he met. What
an ,opeTheyed, open-eared„ open.solded man
the old Il(tdOtiiti chief, ) Abfahian ' i llie Father
of. the n4th fliloliust). have , been I', He 6 . 11,VV
th 4 planets, but, lie ,never worshlped them.
Re - IVila t4i one man of leis day \yip) could
see•t„ ; ithout-lielpg the 'tlfirc of his senSet.'• l ='
He f It that Man was greater than the earth ,
andj stays; and he worshiped only Him who
nutde, all. .4carrting , , to read, hooks ,is the
door to'all second-hand - knowledge; -learn
ing torn see: and to4hink are the doors to Erst
hand,knowledge.:—Hearth. and Holi j w. - .
' I . • •
- ' i, ' . . • 14di:An Ila.vers.
Allan's tidlaitilirdit itly ' i: -." A'r em ark able
instance of 'the extent t6'which 'lntli . an riv
ers are, apt to change= their their ''cotirseS, %is fur.
nishedby the-Bralmitiputrit ;during the last,
ninety yeitra. In 1.785 that river flowed far
to the eilst of baccajeCtiving in its course
Alie . riVers l Of - Silh'et; which joined its
it to
forin the •Alegrata, at that time the direct,
outlet for f iall,the drainage of-the Assam and
etcher Valleys. Since then, however, the
Brahmaptura litia shifted its 'Main' channel'
nearly 200 miles westward, consigning ma
ny,il an paient city, to ruin, and giiringbirth
to ne eente ---
s of trade and pophlation..
`All th d seems to have t haPpened'inthe spaCe
efltw, nty years, the 'process laVing been
pretty inelirly:completed in 1830. The. Jheels
or swarps of Silhet, deprived of-the vast
supPlj of silt Which the Bralimaputra used
to was i clown from the hills'and higher val.
legs, lost their chance of tin 'early transfor
million into cultivableland. The Ulan xof
the B'rahmaputra into the-. Gangetic river
system tended 'to"
develop the process of
land-making in the Otingeticrdelta, Ib}* fore
ing the Gengetic.rivers , to , spread their silt
over :awideriarea , than before; IWhile So-,
nat:gaeng, the old capital of Bengal, desert
ed by the river to which 'lt osktec its pi.os
erity,isinow a mean village surrounded by
heaps: of!brick and jungle, the goat tra
ding Mart ,of Serajganj, where f sp• much
jute, was idaniaged by, the late 'cy lone„ hcs
sprung up like a gourd on the nei - channel
of the lr.alirnaputra. . The trade of Dacca
itself is'clven now threatened by the' same
cause.. Similar changes appear
to be lining on in the Ganges, 'torte of -which
we.lately' mentioned' Os tending. to under
:Mine a part Of the rallw4y,between Colgong
and'Bliagalpitr. It is not unlikely, as h , the
Englishman suggesfs, that . theSe changes'
maythave something to do with the preva
lence, of. endemic, diseases,
like the Bard.
wan ,fey Or, in,the districts, affected bythem..
' t
*ate of, Ohio used to , he faMOus ,for its
camp -meetings and,religious reytrals, but if •
what we , Ilear,from there r now-ioays is true,
it has sadly lost' its prestige inthose partic
idgth."' An Ironton 'paper tells Of -a circuin
stance that lately' occurred - in that: locality
whith is a strortg,indication that there is,
something Wrong either about the preachers
thp people. A revival preaeh'er, who had?
achieve,cl considerable reputation' - as to his •
- poN`%*. in the, pulpit, want to, Ironton : for a
week" to o " start
. a revival.'! Hp • showed
gr eat izeal; preaching 'everfnight during his'
:stay,..goe a double row of "mourners' Iva
dies" i cady;;and• called. Iran t ieally Upon , his
.congregation- to: come forward. :
,iThq last
'idgiTt'Oere was an immense o . Bthering, and
the 7er - fairly - .Outdid t 'lliniself. lie
sli4Uted4 and pleaded,: area waited, hut all-if:
vain, -~, n ot-a soul arose, discouraged
beyond !measure, he sat. down. - At that,
juticture it long faced, .an'xions:looliik than
go up' anti - said' &at the elder' Ihict
vvliiftirig hard and labored - faithfullk_ with
them; •and as a token of their appreciation
hemmed that the congregation hint
three cheers. Tt walithine with a heartiness
that'Ainide the pews tremble, and the people
went home satisfied that iheY.l?ad fully and
-fait liftilly.PerforMed their duty.. The-elder
-has over, sitice•heen wnit in tt 'td see .1 fon to n
r,llslitr9yeA by fire.: —•t r
s'l4'olLtt, IltmEmice.=--:Tliciefias lately ap
.peaindi. j from" ihii pent of Dr.•• Despine s . a
;shor;, ; treni,rse - yon
_contagion,. which,
,n - uy,,be regarded as a valuable contribution
to scelaf-scieneeliteratuid. After rrtliormigh
liltatiaination of the polio& repOrta and other
records of. crime,' the first, conclusion arrived
at is that " erithes, particularly_ those
o f a
gravCr•deseription, ,generally !occur in epi ;
deMit;s2' ''Assuming this to be . established;
and arguing, on JA basis:that 1 moral conta—
gion is simply a natural phenomenon, and
hence owes its existence, , grOWth or decay
to. the operation of smile .nattiral•law,- tile
author defines this Itiw as folkkvs: "Every'
Manifestation ofth instincts of the wino,
of the sentiments tetl,.pasAons of every
.I;itid,'ex licsi;imilar passions and sentiments
in indiv duals who 'aro Capable 'of feeling
:them i a. certain • intensity.'" "'Although
']caving more dire c referenda to,erikl, semi ,
'Manta' tt d' passions, the writer i does not con
fide the raw' to emotions, of 1.10 'Class; but
.extends its 'operations' t o the, gdott'and. tike
,Qvillaillea; thus causing'it-to.act as a promo
,t,er,oftniorals,as, y,ell as Of, (liitrtes. ' ,
Evlt. , —The... eye 'ln the lancelet
And the A9g is iof:.the shnplesi form, censii.t-
P 1,7, of ,a'nerve.tertninationeoated with black,
,pigtrient, and capable - only .cif pefteiving the ,
,presence of :light. • In Doting lampreys,'
' -the -time. they rein alit 'hurled .in..tfiti
sandy,thd Ryes FUT, very, minute and: undevel:
Aped,-put, when they reach the adult period
„these - ere developect• to an' average
size. .Itt.the inajoritY e fishes the eyes are
adrairabfy, adapted to the ,purpqe.,s9lf, vision
tin-water, and it the tour-eyed fish of §ontl,l
so p k merica not'OnlY are the eyes - Very perfect; i:
btit they are als'o' divided. inte an upper -anti,
lqwer i pertiop, 4 giving them the appearance ,
of too pupils, and enabling,the fish co o per,
ito' its prey *hen., tint, :(5f kts L w hen
..under Vie - Water.' tlit citt tishe's
Y.ariety,lifoundiia the size and arrange.;
; ?r,!gpS Of 'the a yihi,igli prgaos, from. tile:large
the sides to 111t0Ute ones, pIitCVA. 011
;Itie , uppe(favtfacc'iit
• -
-di tt o'
~~~ ~ ~"iI
i ' • 7 ' 7: 7 ---- • _, 7 '17 7 7: 777 ~. ,'.- • •-• ' '.'
, USEPtili'Ata ti . stratinTrvt-4 , '''
i• Potato Famine in' Eh land, - ' =
,i Reports. from Eoliland:alr3):.that theqcrta:::...l
,to. crop LS a failure, and Much: suffering Will
rstilt - thetefroio:, The reports-- are of the .
hiriSt4 dolofrons character;, ' For eleven .year,s,
:the, has' not been so kilias.troits- a titne,i - -
DiSee s e,has worked sigitiiing %two° among
;iill - the early season roots. i At_began totnake
!iii tim potatoes first when ithpotatoes begort
to ripen. ; i The first introductions from der
am,and Cornwall, ,arttL,,elYen 'Redford, :were ' .,
unoli) ect tenable; but -the second supplies
- . Were tainted—tainted so much that after the -
,b4kets bad been in' the ;possession of , the. ,
dealer, only a day and a. nxght,n e re tha,a 50' -,
,pt . ir i evnt,. were found to lte bad. This lityi
gone on Manifesting iteelf in the potqloes •
'ierriving 3 frm near and remote districts ever ,
sinco:7. II lice,. izistead - of being_hardiy More ,
thark,ltalf that price, potatoes are now front.
,i£7 to £8 a, ton, Wholesale,l and they are , be-
lii`g re' tailed at a':penity„al i ?ophd.i Very such -.
inlekarehrought in by cleat ors wlio-hare jtta , .
gone round Lincolnshire. There Whole acres
are gone, And the, penple _ who own 'them
When spoken to aliout•sale§ , rePlynith t&ard , , J
Albeit eyes, that they are - ruined.— The
pientil& garden; district of..Frersifote;:is: in ..
!Itao l l l l any better eontlit on. Immense tracts'
larc,; f - it..wnrth the . get i ,g ,_and tbe,divners
are alreadKarranging p,lorit Illeni into
aoilfdr iii Mite.' `ln Ste Ord. fire artd-Shrop- - -
tshiret he arne , IS occur nit il' hot a., f extrJ ea, J
m. - , ,Gro .ing potatoe re being offered
1 i
one abillinn• a rood, but without finding ens
towers,: ' glie . produce should be Worth lOs.
- foce Of
Thella'ae Of the country l where thei p'otatOes
tare, lying is blackened, and in the WOrst,eases
the' stencli plainly- indicates i t:te presence of
the'diseasp before it is`deteetA
If the late -planted potatoes re . tiot. better,
the' calaniitY will l+e ve;T.great.: From.
Oloucestei•shire ltarn the pqople are .
lookin'g tc ) have to give :t . .;3 a' sack for this
, year'Elpotroes. "A notable teption to the
bulk nd in-the cases in , hich the kind
is what is knoWn as the iktuckican 4ed rose.
It is a kind only recently introduced,, and
'they ia're'alnost alionthet:Tree of the disease, '
but they are . tinhappily only in smalisupply,
,Now ton is about $1 a bushel, and :the
price all probability go much -higher
than this, „ , '
Pioteotion to Stratvberriea
The sea'aort is now arriving when the dis
cussions Which take place ennually as to the
merits Of•protecting strawberries ought to
ho- productive of good 'results, if anything
of ,real value has been brought - out by such
discussion. It should be borne in mind that
the strawberry is naturally ps hardy as the
dirndelima, and under Ordinaky circumstances
needs'no more protection on • this account.
If, therefore, any. ; good results have been
found.froln prote tion, it is not so =much',
that' the .plant _n Med' wtifirith; or to 'be'
guarded Igainst tie. chartee'of 'a 'very low
temperature: ,-11 n that. smile other %object ; -
_was attained , irrl
spective of Its needs, in-,
this 'respect. Indeed, ii'll ba+e knoiVn
. of '
disastroul results i t o follow the attempt , at
protection. ' In the spring covered, plants
have beeri found,ni i rldeivecland rotten bzthe
foul air cbgenderet by close covering.
But there is'one may' 'in- which covering
has been : found of use, and it .is this no _
doubt which has induced the extensive prac
tice in covering both those which may be
ben6fit,eil 'purl those which nee.' it not; and,
this is wifen it is used to revent'lle throw=
ins out- of strawberry pla is by the fre6,ings
and thawipgs of early s ring. Some soils
have this heaving tenders yiu a great degree, ,
and 'a very thin coveii tg• which protects '
from the atm:, keeps the il awing from taking •
place till it ,is done mica_ and for all by
Warm spring rain. , i
bt course strawberric's 'ought 'll6t to b
Plimted iir such a soil. 'Only those-which
'contain •water in excess have- this -heaving
tendency ' under the spring thaw, and no.,
such soil should be "-set to" strawberries.
ThiS'plant. likes 'a warm, rich soil; and only :
those soila which have the water- pass rapid
ly away,, imd . thus have none of any account_
left to rraeze and expand, are to be consid
ered as whrm soils. It is not, howlever, ev
ery one who has ground 'cleated expressly,
as one might say,`for . strawberry culture.
Sonic have to do he best they can with
what they have am be thankful. Such will
find a :*bpd 'thing in protection; bUt this -
protection must be very thin,"and only just
enough to prevent the thawing action of the
sun which we, have adverted t 0.,---Ger.er4- •
[ ,
town Telciray.ri.- . .
Tan-Walks, •
Many liersints are , exereised iu deciding of
what material to. make , their garden;-walks,-
Those who have been educated in
,E l ,llWe'
decide fatally on gravel; but when. the hot
suns of summer come they learn — that • thid
country is not Europe, and that what is the
best 'for one country may not ; -be altogether
the thing t'or another. The heat of our cli
mate is so opposed tO gardening enjoyment
that we have always in' the : ifirst place to
study how to modify it before-we can take
-much plOsure in- summer horticulture.—,
Gravel-walks make. that Nvliich ' hot, hotter;
and few of -tte would . ei - er"aapire obe • the
author of ,such a book as ,My Summer in a
Garden,", if we had to'gqt all our experience
under the burning sun reflectectfrom a hard
gravel-walk. • " " • - ;- -
Crass-walks are t.he coolest of all walks;
but they:require, constant mowing and roll
ing if we wish to keep pheni peat 'and trite,
.then -if there be Much 'travel over - the
course, a "-itheep track"- is the unsightly. re
suit:( 'Besides tits there is. dampness front
the ;dews, wet from the l rains and " sog
gings" from tilt, thaws, "until on the whole
there is,very little except the cool sur ace
on 4 hot summei...day to recommend th tn.
A fOr'all prelparations. front tar, the p.is
nothing to recommend. them over gravelter
xepi they doi it tit reqnire 'se much looking
after, while the gloom which they east
around ,harmonizes badly with the plea Sure
'of a garden. '., _ -
_.- , „ .1
:las rnatv of our old Germantown gardens
tau-ha rk •is largely' used, - and alivays giVes' -
satiSfaction when properly butloyed,'• The '
proper way- is to have a hard, Bolid _walk
fiisr and then pot on a very thin layer
thelbark. if there be much of a thickness
it thices tiiilso much water tit the rains•lthat
i 4 worse to walk on a ban the soggyzi•ais--
ground referred to. It is decidedly unpleas
ant to walk on a thick mass of tan in wet •
weather. Of couree it tan-walk can only be
made where the road-bid Is -rather level, as
On•lin inclinb.'it will. easily:Wash away in
heavy rains. No one Who has not exper
ienced it can have any' dea of the 'pleasure •
Of la tan-bark walk through a halfshaded
,round on a warm stimmer's day, while the
*iith brown tint of the fresh bark contrasts
well with the green about it.—Germantozin'
Te!cyrciph. -
When M . Sell Farm. Products,
Al good point was made by the editor of
the American Rum . Idiom when he said that
the man v, ho could dive advice as to the ea--
act time , when it ie . beSt to sell farm prod
ucts had best leave his pen and go into trade,
as his knowledge would enable him to accu-
Initiate millions in the purchash of these
farm priiticts. • In other Words; it is
poSsible for any man to predict -with cer-•
tainty future prices. -
The safest rule
,for the farmer we belieye
to be to 'sell when his farm products are
ready for market, 'especially if -he need
I ,lo< y %11l 11 to 'pay his debts or ;make
purchases or, improvements.. Of two far
mers, one•followieg this plan, and the oth
erJuvariably 'holding for higher prices, we_
believe the first will be the better off at - the'
end of a score of years: -He who .sells ear
ly-' wasteage, shrinkage, storage, risk of, ,
11+1 ic, from fire or other cause, and -has
the use Of his money at an earlier period.
are cases when the prospect for an
impr,ivetnent h price, is, so :good that the
ri4t's in Itoldiaz is - but slight. But if any
- I'.tr,ner feels himself obliged to aet on one.:
,wichatitting rule, we would advise him - to '2
'm'ake it - a rule to sell as soon as the proctuct
can be OA to market in good ,cmiditiort..• . :
iThere are many farmers who futilely en- :-,
deavor to bold ()ler grain and other produce
at :al 'times, and others who will not sell ,
eves when'prices are fair; tri'the hope of a' ;
stilt idither rise: We would seriously im
press the rule as one of ,gold, to seil i ,wlmcc ' i!
,price,s are fairly reninueratlve.
Let our farmers, ponder over 'the' forego
ing ideas.
;To boil a tongue--prlnk 13calclin& cOfree
1 Seciecy chastity of •
i'4lw€ol tipiakihe 'trut4, ' - -
NO, .44,