Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, October 22, 1872, Image 1

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    VOL XIX .
ije ,c,4;:iteitot:
sle3 ,
- 11,1 aiiiiti in iu advative.
r I
1Z tTE4 - 01? .:IVVIT.TISING
.t.. 7 tit. 121/L: 2 in
t ,t, tr; ;., I .1 ' .1 , 2 RI €..;110 •i 4, I 4r, igi i. , j 0). :44 111
2 ~,.• :,:' I 1 50' :1 13i) . 4 (LI . 5 ott 7t 01 11 lid 15 t , , 1
, ‘'..,• _'. , .., 1,01 ;i1 1,0! 71 00'. 6 110. A WI 13 0,1 14 111
1 , 1 , • ~ , I 2 ~,I 1 ~,, 1 , 0 , 7 0 I ~ i , O l ::', 10 •,‘I , 1111
1 ',1.00(.0 , , i 0411 ,1 o'l. ‘.l it I', 10 ill 1 '2.. 00, .1.,1 110 , . 2.8 141
3 •100(1,•5 I • :1 , 411 1( 80 12., o.;11V1 ii,) I i 8(;'1:i 481 f 11i' 88
i; ‘.l. , •,18-; 1 `.; 0 ; 1 : l'.l o'l'lB ; I!•'i kr' '..r.! tdis,'3s til l l 1,0 trii
V. art 11: 151!1 7 It,) :3 0ttr, 4 4 :111 . 3r, »ojC.l)(to,'loi - 1 I'll
—-•— -
1 1., 10, .111,-titt, It; ..31.tit'atctl by lit , Pwit i» !..tnt. tit
/ ...I.:MU. %.011 1!1 pii
t tl 4.• 1. t• .. tale l It") .t tut., 111 , 1 , e,
~ v. II 44 , i 1,0'1,01,11R 101,11 be pa‘..l for before fn.
• 1-ttt, •• <... pt . "» v , at lt .1».111».., \,at 11 hall-Y l '3l-4 -
s t..,.... ,, tit a lystit,t• 0 WI, IL.itilit.,l.
.; '.‘,... N”ric.v,iii the I:;ilt.t.rtul coltmlw., .11110
. ..11 a „1 , ,, , 15. •411. , per lit». t A It tiott•ili•tti. Nttllz•
~ I t t-tAte,l fol tet , r; Ilia» irtl.
It,t.it.•Nttt z r.... I» 1,, a‘ ,o 111111». 111»eills per line it
t. r, ig..,:. it • ... lir», : etta i‘tt•:t.tti. , till' s 011til t . ui 11‘ t, '
a.a; II 7.4 I ; .1131
1„t tos,lttaly will t,c c!“.rged 10. cent=
7,1 pet :,t regular rates
5 till, s or $5,110 pLr year.
~~csin.ess Cards
J. 11 3i rifi El ItFit
tsr & Johnson,
t r, of ".11,,1ivaia.et , ..13, Toktio.A.,ue3, Table
oi „ cf,to,t, r 3, t ail mod see. Shop, Witlu st ,
ti F , uvdry, IVtiktLoro, 4-July 3, 1572.
A. Redfield,
, pi ptly attiuded to. 0111 i, u, ct th,
At. Jam.. \\- ellsboro. . Apr. 1,
C. IL Seymour,
r 1T 1.0,', v.,. All Lucille:is en
ti,~_icU l. , Lu , acC aul c
W. Merrick,
1 WICN.L.V Lkmeu i Cone's
oloch, net,. h..L to nu AL,ltatur orthe, Yd notyr,
1l ~ilobvro, I.l.—Jan. 1. 1672.
3liteliell Cameron,
Trop,NEys AT I.Aw, ID9nrance dents
t,,lice w Cl/11% or y., ‘,llllanl. 111101 bloek.,
otc,L Welloboro, Pa —Jan. 1,
. _
William A. Stone,
r - roLNEY AT I.A.W, over C. 13. Kelley's Dry Good
:Iture. Wright & Bailey's 1.:1 , c1, eet.
1.1,461.'0r°, Jan. 1, 16;2.
Josiah Emery, • n
"1 - 1 ORNEY AT LAW.—Ot t , orp,,sit, C._n t Ilomle,
N. , . 1 P.inly . :4 block, N‘illia i.polt, Pa. All brv , inesh
i rouiptl) att,mtle.l to,—Jan. 1. In - . 2
J. C. Strang,
r,: NEAT LAW & 4 ,, T ParT AT FORNEY
)lll.'t uLd.B Nilc ?, • , i , P.l —LID 1,'72,
C'. N. Dart-t,
E'll t i 1 t v. ail
,11 gist. I).2tte.• s-it.si ti holt t l .au any tititig.
1- 0.11 .. 1' 1110. h. V. ell,
.1. B. iles,
l'‘)11'.I:V fI. kV , . - ii,t p t - t huz
t orit.t. I 1.. Lt 4 111 11, 1 I
. ()Xi t• (.11 0, I.N lOW - NV , 11-1...r0, Pa ,
Juts. I, 1-72.
\ <llll l . IV.
i• L.l\V, 'f,o„a (,11:ity,
ti n.a I,rt! , lllpt:, 1.1t.:1,1“1 to —Jun 1,
\\Y., Peek,
to 1,N,, .1 rI. kW.. Ali p:oinptly colleenai
. It, Pa.
CI Lt. 1L3,11% - . •
•• 1.• iv, t Was and 3 'e..ac,!Tal , le Cut
., 3 , ,i,d eL,,de,t .I'o,l .3 41.10,3111 d litalSC /W.
13,3.111 —\\i 17, 1.47.2.
Juo. \V. Guvrnsey;
k 1 lot' s ': .\ I L.\ ti,tut
p: .otentlul ---‘ ).11 , • 1-1
A. 1 air's zt•TP,
th:l. I 1-72.
Arnt.strong Linn,
Al 1 t•PNPIi AT LM, it, Pa
H A km , I LoN
:I.oll'l L
\Vin. B. Small,
LN: . ,IuN A'l it )ItNE) , Li .Linty awl limitrante AF•Ait
t -fliintiniLatton. ~t_nt to tile llinore adkill,33 tt 1/1 re
ZLlpt . r, 1 lini 11/vactalf• —I.IIUX
Lae, Pa. Jun. 1, 1,172.
B. C. Wheelei
V. .11 la tooptly attctid to the collecttou ut all Llaitaa 11
000ty tinier etch 1.1,1.1) Ston wood j
uol hhAt2 of the public bqual e , v 161301 0. Ph. c
Biteneti & Roy,
Ul3 PRINTERS.—AII kinds of Job Printing done on
short notice, and to the Lust manner. 0111iie to Bow•
en S conoFs Block, 2d iloor.—Jan 1, 1372.
W. D. Tcrbell & Co.,
VROLESAJ.E 1./P,,U001:4T, and dealers in Wall raper,
ll:erode:me Larnpa, Window Wass, l'erfutuery, Valuta,
ke.—Corning, N. Y. Jan. 1, Jolt.
P. Bacon, M. I).,
?fINSICLAN AND SUROEO:4—May be found at his
uuke. opposite the public square, nu Mum street,
Antrim. Wall attend promptly to all calls.
Antrim, Sept 4, 1512.
A. M. Ingham, M. D.,
EIO)ItEOPAII7I3T, Office at his residence on the Ac
euue.—Wellsboro, Yu., Jun. 1, 181'2.
Seetoy, Coats Co.,
BANKERS, Knoxville, Tioga Co., Pa.—Receive inone3
on deposit,ths,ount notes, and 5,41 (traits on Now
orti City. Collections promptly made.
lioituA6 SEE LEY, Osceola. Vinr. cr..vc:DAT e r..,
Jai/. 1, 1672. DAVID C9Ll4,'Kuoivildi
J. Parkhurst Fic Co.,
.73 a l ,- 1315_40-z- EXklaud, Tioga Co., Pa.
JOEL. PARKllonwr,
JOHN PARKlransi,
C. L. PiTiisol4.
Jai). 1, 1572
Yale House,
BABINSVILLE, PA. A. Yale, Proprietor. —.Tbla
House is in good condition to accommodate the travel•
Lug public in a superior manuer.—Jan. 1, 14'2.
Petrolinni House,
WESIPIELD, PA., Geo. Close, Proprietor.—Good ac
.... , nnnodation for both luau and beast. Charges rea
sutiable, and goo&attention given to guests.
Jan. 1, ltr,'2.
Wellsboro Motel,
WeMoro, Pa,
This is a popular Hotel lately kept by B. D. Holiday.
The Proprietor will spare no pains to , incite it a first
class house. All the statics arrive anilSepart from this
house. A good hostler in attendance. /Or Livery at-
Jan, 1, 187'!P
EIiLATELY known as the Townsend House and
for a time occupied by D. D. Holiday, has been
thoronehly refitted and repaloed by
who will be happy to accommodate the old friends of
the house at very reasonable rates.
Jan. 1,1871- ly, M. R. O'CONNOR.
T AM now building at my manufactory, In Lawrence
-1 'dile, a superior
which possesses the following advantages over all other
1. It separates iye, oats, rat Utter, and foul Seed, and
chess, end cockle, from wheat.
2. It cleans flax send, takes out yellow seed, and all
ether seeds, perfectly.
3. It cleans timothy seed. '
4. It does all other separating required. of a mill.
This mill Is built of the best and most durable UM
her, to good style, and Is sold cheap for cash, or pro
I will fits patent sieve, for separating oats from
wheat, to other milli, on reasonable terms. • •
1. 1873: J. H.
_ Ef . ; 'ff.PlV-MEM I 3M4MI
WOlsboro & lawrene6vllle U.' R.
PLlrel 11)/i.;1:1)1 Joile r ll. 1872.
t 0.1 ., NORTH. 301,111,
Id I
it 111. p 111. A.. 11. A 111. 11.111. .3.111.
1,1 5 4'lll AC. •7 ;41 i 35 5 (xi
11 ILI I 411 /1 14 .11) t 1:1
1%) 1)3 431 14 kir:7 1/1.11111.1, ::1 8313 t;
I:%+ ft:r - 714 - 1.,,tc.,-, :1.0 8 :3) 63,1
144 4 Is+ c. ..J 13..0 .-1•:-.-1.. ..i 46 l) ill. 6.37
l: .$ 4 I'. 6 :16 'l . l , 3s;rs V.11.y,2 s;=l II 01 656
113 4412 6 -Vs 1 /amity - 11).i 9 (..s Uls 7 Ii;
10; Ivi 6 1.1 Hal'. i 'r , •l4 , 911 947 7`27
0 , - ,7 .1 3.1 6:,41 1i011t.1. , y 9 1.5 930 734
114; 3 i I 6 P./ Mlillilebili"r Ii `23 .3 38 749
0'3:1 :.: 3; t.. 17 Ntl...4 l iithry 9•.1 4 94.1 7513
IL .Ic. :1'.;) ~ 03 :isal - , ,, d,1.11e i 936 951 803
013 , 3 91) ...DD.?. Vw . s . il , l...ro,OArr. 945 10 00 813
A. 31. (IQI7. VON, slll,t,
. ,
Nu. I ' 730 h. in. 1.....
~ '1 p. zit. 3... .
EIFPA.ItT rolum DLOSitiVitati.
Depot, Fait of Prue Street. Williartiraport", Pa,
%Jail dep. Williamsport,
Aeadatiaalatifin dep. WillianitTott,....
" t...
Accommodation arrive at Willtutuaport,
F. A. Jr,LIS,OI.;
An additional tratu leaves Depot at Herdic Rouse,
W'insport, at-9.0.5 a. m.—tor Milton„ Philadelphia, N.
York. Roston cud luternMaiate pointa. Returning.
direct connection i 3 made at Williamsport with trains
eue the ••••- •t.
c.f.:ars lictwcim Philadelphia. New York
awl NCilliein3port. GEO. WEBB, Supt.
Ar,ca - trd) 18T2
New and imptoved Drawing . Room and Sleeping,
CuaeLeq, combining all moan' Improvemeuta, are
thrninal ou ail trains between New York, Roams
ter, Niagat a Falls, tiuspermou Bridge, Cleve
'dna and Cinz.innttcl.
N. I.ve
!rc•d Pint,
ilache9rr, Art
Niag. Falls
S a. in , exci.
ville anti Nyay
5 15 a. tit., except Sundays. from :3 - aequelkanna for
rnellsville and Way
600 a. in daiiy Iran So i.:01 . 7 - ::liahlia tot lictnelisrille
and Way.
1 11 p. In., c rept Solna' ) a, trout Elnura tor .icon,
to linnalo and Way.
•2 dll p in.. ev•L p 1 Pinda.•.-3, from lial r ;hand,dl for
Hoinell.i, Oh , and Way.
anh I
irk. Lye I 110 p m . I lUUUptu 1 ..
Niag. 1 " 313 p l ya lu 12 pm '; :Main
I '2. " I 6•2(1 ' 11'25 - I Sob "
15 Sap. 110 •• 305 a m 11 '• r, •I 4 p i;34) ‘. 1... . I 8
00 "
"7 25 . " 11 •' 432"112 13 pm
Mum 0,0, • 8 0 11215am1 5 13 '• I 1 2 47 "
" 11010 " 15' " 711 " I '2 38
Sew 1'014.,•' I 700 a in I 11 00 •• 1330p1t1 0111
G 00a_ in., except Sumitlya, from limmontwilic fui
.oct .
sa, a , did) tt ,, ta :•.; ti
111 p 64:Apiquellana
7 ots a la., x. -pt Snn la:.
tilts7lv9tnt ,, n and %%as
7 mp It "In ()4t.go , for
ani,l NV.t‘ .
1 5' p. to , t,. opt '3.1 !nil :4, it'. hi F a !Med Yost fnt
Lltnirn atpl Way.
1 .7.5 p. c cpt liran 1"r
ikcscint.h.tzlha anci Way.
t.11,n(1a , ,,-; ex.., ph ;I, br rv,: en Su .rinclianLa and Fe: I
Throurh Ticket; tJ [..11 W..tst 'rit&Ls vPry Low-
Tat ,7:11C In the Conarignys ,dice at the Corn-
Lo I>rp(
Thie lx Ow zlhthort 3L7,:t.c: - of the Erte Rail
)av Ct,rnpany 10l the sal, of Weso.(n. Tickets in Corn
-I..a,s;iage u - ,111.1.2 .21iec1.,1 only on Tiukcts I,arellau,d
it tliu Lowin..n3 's uth.u._
„(o, itln
Northern Central Railway.
Trains Lrri re aid depart at Troy, slue° Juue 9 .0 4.11, 1872.,
as fellows :.
\ N.lll. II II Ala , . bOUTHWARD.
S I agti s t 4 1:,(1,tc91 , 1, 407 p nl Tlallo. Exploaa, 915 p
dal], . 15 pto Plulada Lxpreas, ul5 p
I..xp 10 20 ain Mail -652 a in
11. FISKE, Gaul Sup't.
Jan. 1, 1b72
I ft
r ill M
D. -- S 9
l i -
Foreign and , Do - site Liquors
e \i
\NINES, $c.,5,e.
Agent for Fine Old Wli Ades,
Jan. 1, 1672. ; , CORNING. .Y.
Houghton, Orr Orr & Co., ,
, ,
Buggies, Sulkies
We are prepared to do anything in our line on short
notice and in the beat manner. Satisfaaton 'guaran
teed. HOUGHTON; ORR'& CO. '
HASTINGS At COLES, Agents Wellaborg.
Stony Fork, July 1, 1872.
E. B. Y0tr....a3
Booksellers and Statiopers,
Wall Paper,
. Window Shadee,-
„ WindOw Fixtures,
i'lasical Instrumento,
Yankee Notions,
PiCtrire - Frames and Glass, •
--- Pictures, all eorts,
-- ---__Picturo Cord,
Law Blanks.
Justice Blanks,
Blank Books, all sizes,
Newspapers. Magazines,
Writing Deal s, •
Artist's Goods,
Law Books,
Medical Books,
Religious Books.
and every article in our line of Glide
—New York Dailies at One Dollar a month.
—Elmira Dailies at 75 Cents a month.
—Subscriptions for a week, or month, or year.
—Orders for Books not In stock promptly attended to
—And Express `package received from Now York ev,
(try day.
—We aro Agents of the Anchor Line' and the Onion
Line of U. S. Shill Ocean Steamers. Passage tickets to
and from any point in Europe at the lowest Yates. ' '
—Sight Drafts sold on any Bank. in Europe at cur
rent rates of Eschinge, .
Jan. :IC 1872-14
Mrs, C, P, SMITH ,
now recoil-114f new and elegant designs in.
1"..43/OT4CrSr CA-COCO/JOS,
'invitts the pubila to call and examine goods and
S.—No trouble.to sbow goods.
.b. 28, 1872. . Mrs. 0. P. SMITH.
. . -._
CARRIAGES . &- WAG - 6ft l'--
,llE•undersi g to4iis prepared to tarnish Carriages;
'Wagons, Sulkies, .he., on short notice, and Onrea
-1 le terms. H. H. Borden ,of Tiog:_,_ and B.
t e
ler of • Latk - reiteerille , entS, rir ,at . . at ,
I o places, or my shop in . W ag edsboto; iintreitantllle'
4 beforlinixtbaidzi k elstiwhare
i ..„— I - - -. ,- •
, 714 unit. --- • . --, ~.- 7-- 1 1% . fi: '
WiapitEii • '
. .
I _. • ,
. ..
. .
. „A, e 01 1 4 , ?,
ii; , . • • dc• 24 ' s• , i
.0.•0_,z, •
.....,..:,,......litp. ,• y,
- s' l ,4; :NrAf-16, • #.-...-,,-- '' . •'.; , ,,..,, -, ' - --ii.:14','1' 9, -,40- - 01 -'s
: '
.-.. ,
. ,11 1111
IN.: tit
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p.. 0 .
i A -
0 1., - t , ,p-- - -
, .
, ~.
% rfA ---
, --- 1 .---- ,, Q.,• ,,, , , Nzap / ..,...---
, ...,
.„ . ~..„ it, 0 , r...•
-- :ft - . '-' i• 7 V -. " 4'••': ' ' ` -•/ •••-•"•- :i- ' ' ' ': •4 i0. 1 , q.t. , I '0 .•
I 0 •• •r0 7 " :•4.* ..'
4 ''llt: k6a ‘' Zlti - LigrA -)
' ' - . ' . .,• •1 1 t
' .
A ' .
1- , .
. •
. .
I ,
" '
'rime Table Na. 4
Time 'Table No. 3'
Monciay June 3
1 05 p. ni. Emil
. j.), ILI 4....
;. u. GORTON, Supt
Erie Railway.
iTc;twa. d
1100 am
9 li. pm
11 00
12.55 am
12 ^ ,9 ..
Nu. 1.
4 31 rm
ti'2i '
10 30 " 10 20 " 10 20 "
Sl5 Sup 203 " 705 Bit. 720 Dft
11 50pin 620 rim 11 20a m 1120 am
12 45aul 60 "12 10pm 12 Itlpm
143" I 7 22 I
12 30 " 12 50 "
nt Sunday', frnm 04, - ego ftr iiornetia
I: tst~ arl
Pas'r Ag't
1 Dlanufacturera ofj
E. B. Young & Co.,
(Successors of Hugb Young .t. Co.)
aul Dealers lu
E. B. YOUNG 'Ac -,CO
(4EO. 0. DERBY
TT At . E in t ii,au oty with the largest
T st.N. k. 4
htolight ihto Welleburo,
Lad les' Aid and Cloth,- Bal
Ladies, Misses, Children
• and Baby's Shpes.
Geivff - Cloth Boots 4. Shoes'
Prince Albert ,Calf Boots,
Boys' Call c.• Kip Boots
Youths' Boots: - •
10g.4 R. R.
.... 10 00 u.
. _lO 20 p. m
US p.m
1.. .. .8 20 a. m
In f let, all Muds of ?dens' and Women's 'wear kept
n a ti.'st-rbfs= Shoe Store. The best. sewed Women's
Slides E%:::.' oilif. i ell is ttii UL.lftiiCt. We dety the worlil
J . , .
Ttojet It. It.
kdi •
If you dou't believe uz. try us. We buy only the best
stock, and bare us good Cordwato.‘rs as money con
.. 9.00 n. m
..a.ou p.
/ C. 1,0 p. 3u
_9.'25 a au
LEPAIRING done ncztiy, and with cii3patch
co: all kind; censtsutly on Land.
I.)aSil paid for rfide.3, Deacon-S.l;lw';
our silt ivcs with a ch,:ice
per-)cmally seh', Led tor th).; market, •se respectfully
solmit a fur shale of tra,le. Small profits and quid:
return ," we believe to be a g0(14 business maxim
and h hold the best ,goods, i , so M.) the ehoapest. W
keep a ) shoddy. Our Colortment is sufficient to nice
all,sizt and tastes We in - ate our patrons and the
prehhc %floridly to call and oar stock.. No
trouble to show g.ood.i. Always to be found, one door
nth fC. L. Kelley's Store, Main Street, Wellaboro,
May . 1572. riEELY !c FISIILEIi.
N. 7.1 . 1 ,70. 3.*
JO pin 700 p m
252 am 225 a in
305 " 523 "
t r; 42 " 6 "
irtxA - ticiitore4Alv4vr4 ---- 4,A
A. LL I.llids stylcs and sissy of Pictures taken and
I 1 executed in artistic manner at D. H. Narmincre'.3
G - attery. cppositt: Coue 'logic, Wellsboro.
Portraits on Porcelain Plates.
liotliing finer can be offered than these beautiful Por
celain Pictures in a velvet case or frame. Their soft
ness ant delicacy are superior to anything produced.
011 ;fOll paper 111. cal •.vaut a
of vtoire.:ll, go to Nalttauorr'. , •
Ti you a aut for vt.l3 Le-t tLat Lad, p,(.4 to
If you , A'allt 50171cf.t.17t.7 that Itle you, go to Nii.
.:Ira,rotype.ol (,tl,(r oined aim enlarged, lie
C.lll d.. to it ut leusonuhle dri any otri:r man. They
n.ll be laiii , hed in Indiaha:,Uri or Wa crt.'“hirs AN II
I'efsunsv,i.hingp;cturcd aha rhiltiren,
A 1 . 111.111cb nut Ftatuiog Almeria
cciuntuntl ,- vu hit - Ilk ' , All Lityls. ut
Pictures Franked to Order
N. B - D. n't ini.tak6 IIP plaf oN..e A. B. Easthinn's
iltal itk3,1.114.
Aiall ?.1, 1•:72. t;
New Boot, Shoe, Leather
G. ,W. Sienctrls
New Shop,' New Stock,. and Erg-
, YTHING from a Ruud Cark t,; a Kid Gaiter. Leaf
./I_,Ame ~ t
Ladies' Rid - and Cloth Dal-
Gents' Cloth, Morocco, Ktnd
Ca Gaiters. Oxford
A good line of OVERSHOES, and a full line of
\\\g ' FINE BOOTS,
1 n price from $4,00 to $7,00, pegged and sewed
at the lowest rate ,as usual:
The undersigned towing spentAwenty, years of his
life in Wellsboro—mach of the tun on the ,stool.pt
penitence, drawing the cord of affliction for the,goo4
of soles, believes rather in hammering than blowing-
Wherefore, Le will only remark to his old \ tc ,l4. istorners
and as many new ones as choose to give h a call,
that he may be found at hie new shop, next.door,tO lf r .
T, Van Horn's ware rooms, with the,best and ch. te,„
eat stock In Tinge county. • - C. W. SEARS ; .
" VI . ellsbpro, A . pii ?.i, 1872 „ •
• • •
from $5,00 to $l5
W73.r. WE-;(3
T' undersigned, experiencad, piactical cooper
le mantifactraing a first-ciao* article of work, con,
sistirq of I . ,
Butter Firkins, Butter• Tubi, :Barrels,
Owing to the influx of firkins and tubs into this_vil•
lege, creating a monopoly and combination which will,
•unlese 1 act speedily', overthrow rue in this branch of
busitiess, therefore I shall sell direct to the farmers,
from my- shim, from the let of August, and continue
through the 'season,
Cooperage corner of Water and Criafton streets
Wellcboro, Pa.
July 31, 1872-3 m.
, •
-;-_. ...".. . ..- lIELsON,
-Tuna Co. ,yi. ! ,
~,... _ . ...,
.- 1 - - : 7, S: 'HI.BcI. D.amptiell"
i' . r
. ~
RE priepared to Issue Policies In first iburi Coln
klwiles on all kb:l4Bot lusurable Property. against
Fire suelLightning at reasonable Welk' , We travel end
marlins all risks . personally In. the cotintleibt Tioga
auliPotter_. ._, • . -; :.- . ,-. J. U. VANICIP2
' lielson. Trob.:l4 . lrre-17 ' ' ' sT; D. D4W/lINTAD:- ,
c: - .l,aiging of
li i i
Leather and findings
Pelts. and Fara
Clood Picture
/i )• - ai 1111 Old flagi4( ri-ot pr,
class Work I
morals and Gaiters,
Ditto Children's
and Misses.
and Prince Albert
and worth the money every time
nd Fiiidinga
Churns, Waßh Tuba&c.
qener4l .Insurance Agerici;:'
. ... ..
Whey onrAeti 71; with et itel cureP•i.
They nulledoe ii lllLtielvt,t. tonne,
ILI hid in th, ,, Weird city - : -.'
My burden o 1 Ain and eklitv 7. '
.1 1
Rut yet in any drief and madness, •-.
Through the Ming di my wild unrest;
How I turned With , ti. et- fond yearning
To the Lute upon my beeinit I
And oft as 1 toe ed in torture
(in my bed ot erime and care,
Lire a smite from the tar-oil Iteare.
Lay my blessed baby there;
Till I thought as I lay and watzhed tier.
Wheli / smiled anal are.wered me
her pouting lip- , ro4elonia,
What her futiire late migld be, „. •
Ahillodt how I, :it eit aarliutt
How I kissed her tiny tei tt,
Till the burden lof b giew lighter, '
The sinnud the shank gr ew sweri;
But with storms 01 linrning - lasses
And a rain or !blinding tiara
anielded my own Mart's treasure
From the shame and the scorn ot ye ea
Row I sat in my chihliees sotl nw
AAA. wept in any empty robin
With a curl andia ai ; stained
That told nf o) = h:untitled biotan
ficw I blessed, how - r (wised itiiu yonder,
With my jealetui heart ire striie.
For I knew that the rich 1414 n loved Ler,
The light of his
There's a palacel of peerless splen4ur
. In u great broad street bard , -
And at, night wh.,en, the darkness deiri.ens
Longing, I linger nigh,
While I look through the lighted windows,
With my torn hearktiirobbitn; dlow,
Just to-see her, my sweet, my darling,
And to - bless
Ler—sobidng to .-
Last night they Sad guerts up yonder,
And ho stood 'Death the chandelier
/n bl 'ze of queenly beauty,
While I hirkeel in the gaslight here ;
lioti I longed with a mighty longing
To stand with 'ray saint apart,
And to strain hei, with - eager kisses,
Clogs, close to' my bursting heart I
' a I
4 I *
. I
Would God that thia.i . .) . .e .Lat torr..rza • -
- Could yeah me mid 1,111. c /sae dear "
From the soil at r ia the siaiu ‘ - :,t siimin'7.
Like the love of the 3legeialeue I
But. perchance, in the happy 1/raven,
When she ainyia by the jasper i Ch, ...
She may hear how this iced heat luved-rer--- ,
And her prays a may' picad for me. 't
---Wit.7/..,1:5t , r. Ci.•v , m.:! .
sat in Dr. Tobie's office. He had been
reading a letter Ivhen 1 entered, and beyond
'a simple salutati?n nothing was said until
he folded the missive and had it, aside. His
eyes were moist as belinished , the.. perusal,
and he wiped them with his handkerchief.
Then he got up and shook hie warmly by
the hand, and after a few passages of friend
ly banter he said to me: -
" Sit down, old - fellow: I've got a story
for you." And he laid his hand upon the
letter which he had been reading.
bore you; it's a film* , sketch, -- and the eol
oring you can put in for yourself."
I seated myself, and the doctor told
a 9 follows:
"Twelve years ago f was called to, the
Poliee k eourt to give my testimony c oncern
ing the result of la post ni;?, tc ot the body
of a marl who had been killed in a.street
brawl. This cage having been disposed- of,
I took a seat' within the bar to watch the
Ni'beesl of justice, revolve upon, other cases.
They came up from tke.prisoners' dock,
by one—the old, the middle-ti:icd, and the
young—representatiVes of all degrees of
crime and degradation; and 1 wondered, as
I saw 'them passed off to purckhinent, how
many of the potir creatures bad teen abso
lutely born to a !life of shame; how ninny
had been led thereby surrounding., circum
stances and influences over which they
no control; - and boW many had fallen from
a better state Bir - utgb.erhuino ch o i ce ; At
all events I could not put away' Elie convie;
tion that tan was al field for Missionary ef
fort. But neverinund tux moralizing. ,On-ly sutler me to stiy that utter 1 had mentally
tired a shot-at what I conceived to be mis
directed missionary effort,' the (bought
forced itself upon me—' IN hat have I done
in the way Of redemption?' And I conelu
dCd I had betterwairuntil I laid 7iedeCifie l l
myself from ih4tion before' I blamed 'oth
ers for misdirection of action.
" I had just passed this reproof upon in . )
self,, when a prisoner stepped up from the
dock who partichlarly attracted my atten
tion. It was a b,oy, not mole than lourteen
years of age, and rather small, at that. Ile
was light of flame, and, I thought, slightly
under-sized; but every inch of him was
finely strung and firmly set, and his form
was beauty itself. Ills fa( e NI, it. thin and
pale, and his features of a clei4i Grecian
cut. 1 saw himit t irst in profile, and his wa
vy hair, of a sail y hue, straggling into ring
lets here and these, swept back lions his full
brow. I thong 't 1 had never seen a more
tempting study. When he turned his 'face
toward me 1 iaw a pair of blue eyes, land
found that the view, thus obtained of his
features was cc:tinnily interesting with, the
other.- His clothes were sagged; but not
dirty, and there Was no dirt upon his hands
nor upon hid face. This struck - me fisrci
bly, because most of those who, had smile
up from the prison cell had come bleared
and giirumed. J
" He answered to the name of
,Dick Prin
tle, and Was up for•petty laraenyraud the
officers who presented him said this vi - A the
third time he had been up tor like offend
ing. The judge nodded grimly, tor heliim
self recognized the lad as one who hal.l b 6.-
fore passed under his sentence. Thej buy
could not plead innocence, for he bad \ I eeu
caught in the very act of pilferrug, at id he
acknowledged. Lis guilt. The judge's brow
was black with judicial thunder, but he did
not deem. it worth while to veut much of it
upon so ingignificaut an object. I
` `Su this is the third tinsel' he said., The
boy started and jtrembled, and • I thought he
tried to speak; but the awful voice: of power
sounded •again` You'll conic to the gallows,
sir! dtk you Iwo f that? You ale incoiTigi
hie! Haven't y u got enough et, pistil lite
'The boy's trembling ceased, and he
looked defiant. I He stood_ ero t, his , blue
eyes flashed,,an his finely-cut nosttilslwcie
taistended. - t
P.y this time I had called to mind -% hen
and I& here, on a. former occasion, I had seen
that sit e boy.-,I I had been culled iii his
mother's, deatlilbed three years before I.
rernernbere thp xtrune—arid]—and 'I re
membered ib Curly=lieaded buy who bad.
held her faithshand; and I 1 onendieled
thatl had then It erd the d.) ing woman's
story..' Hei bu band`hattouce been captain
of a ship i and.accounted a seaman trf the
very first classi- but runs had broken him
down„,find Mgt him, a cOmplete wreck, Upon•
a dark shore. She had, antlered more than
she could tell—had sunk to the son mini
feirel where Iliad found her—and was only
too glad to die. And, dying, she had lett
her boy the inmate of .a. den of criminals;
and, in her obliviousness rut' spirit, Conse
quent upon a 'long suffering wherein only
these children of night hadbeen her ft lends,
she looked thankfully upon the keeper ut
the den When he promised to be a ttiend •to
the buy. j . 1
" I thought of all this when the in ;goner
stood at the bar, and before the seutiqice
had been pronounced I stepped crc : er and
touched the• clerk of the, court upon the
arm, and told him I would like to !MN e the
boy placed in Ply charge for a inonili. • The
clerk whispered to the judge, and the budge
beckoned to me, I went to hi, anti he
told is* he baited m
it would lie of nu Use..----
fhe little riniza'ls 'utterly incorrigible,'
said he. ' VIA islhe third time within the
eaethist he hls been up for stealing.' •
~ -o• I look"ed n the little fellow, and as' I
narked the finely-eut-lines of tilt handsome
Tate, so•defiantly set, I thought to myself
that if _lie wes:iputlered to grow up into a
'manhood of crime be_ would gist- suciet)
trouble; he would play no second part - ni
,the dram ' a Of life, were it to be' fair (4.'1(4
And I whispered to, the judge my thoughts
He had been al classmate of 'mine in college,
and Was willing to please me;.und the sen
tence, Which A few mbthents before had
waited upon his lips,• was suspended, and
theboy wai placed under bond in, the'aunt
of fifty dollars--which bond ienti - Otl Mit
-lie_phould - appear again in
- court at the apt;
rikticili Tone month. - It * wad nue, my
potte Id bail hfin . out at that' tiftinZlint the
little .teliow seemed sbghtly, - liewirde4
when the officer sent. LIM h'act to.the dodt;
acrd lie may have been morebewildel;ed stbil
when he fonnd - hiniself consigned to the
jail' instead Of .being tlent to the peniten
tiary: - ! ' .
`On thb folloWing - day, I -wept down, to
the-jail with tin order.from the shyrig t and•
was admitted-fto- the -hors cell; Uls fakt,
OrliPanot wbeitta low is* 1414 1 10, that ta
J, gzi,Tirr.n
CO., PA., TUESDAY. OCTOBER ?,2, 1872.
stint I saw, as by inspiration, the latent
goodners of the poor waif. I sat down,
exiled him by name, and 'asked' him if he
remembered me.
" lie remeinbered me Very .weal as the
doctor Ivlio had been callt:d to his mother's
'lying bed. . .„
" ' 1i lA' said 1, ' I ivipld have helped
your mother then had it been in env power,
and I have come now to help you, - if you
will let me.'
" twill I, will Viv help nw?'
" Ile looked at me again in the sante-won
dering way.
IN91) von help me to_ help yovo'
" Ife eauoa,alS- incoming Oh !'• he vii tt l,
sill you give,lne a chance!'
fiimi that was what I had come
" • I have never had a chance,' he said.—
' Ever <zince I can remember I have been
down in the mud and dirt, and those that
Wear tine eloi lies have shunned me, the offi
cers have kicked me, laid only thieves and
piApoekets have been good to tae. 0, if I
coulki only bare b. chance
" You have been punished for doing
v%v nolo' I inquired.
•' ' Yos, sir,' he said; ' I went to the. peni
" 'lSut it didn't seem to do you any good.'
" How - could it?' he asked, with utter
simplicity. ' was. treated like a little
wretch while I wai there, and Shen I came
Out I.w - it? kicked back into the old path.—
What chance vat there for-nae to do.better?
Give me a chance and see.'
"After talking with the boy a while, and
satisfying myself that his very soul, yearned
for a better life, i told him to make himself
comfortable and contented where he was
until he saw me again. I made him under
stand that if he came out he must come on
my responsibility, and that I. only • - wanted
time to find a suitable starting point for him
in the new sphere. There was no wild burst
of thanks—no gashing of sentiment or of
promise. He took both my hands, and
looked up with a ,solenan, earnest look, and
with a tear starting from either eye, he said:
Give me a chance, Doctor—a chance
where I can hold my own with honest peo
ple—and if I fail you, I will never ask help
promiaed that I would try. and then I
eft him.
" I had a dear friend living away in the
country—a true Christian man, who had a
true Christian wife—a couple who preached
their Christianity by tieing it. and who
prayed with strong hands and tender hearts.
wrote to my friend and told him the whole
story, and he wrote hack for me to send the
boy to him. Then I went to the jail, and
when Dick looked up into my face he clasp
ed his hands over his eyes and, broke out
into sobbing:and weeping.. My first thought
was to comforthim with assurances of good,
but he stopped nie.
`" I know' I know!' he cried; I see it in
your face. I saw yon smile. Oh! I never,
never saw that smile before.!
" lin that (lay I took Dick Piiotle• from
the jail and carried him to my own house,
where I gave him new clothes, and w here
my wife told daughters Were kind to him.—
On the day following, as I needed recrea
tion, I went with hint into the country, and
introduced hint to my friend, where he was
at once taken to a «anfortable home, and
to tender, loving hearts.
"That was twelve years ago: day the
waif which I requited fain the maelstrom
vice—the brand whidt I plucked Irom
hie burning—is an ornfat t ent to the society
n \\ Itieh he IIIONT:3, anti' that 5 ovicty is of
the very beat. He says it was from reve
rence to me that the idea came to him cif
being a physician; but no matter whent e
came theAlionglit, the tnedival profession
gained a grand accession when he rts dived
his diploma, and sulrering humanity gained
a true and able helper. Ile found a wife in
the daughter of the •man to hose cat e
cOnsigned ldm, dtml he has found friends
everywhere. In this-letter he tells me that
second child has been Imin to hint--the
tir:3l was a rill, this boy--and he in..1„:3
ne if he in ay give it my name, anti asks
urther that 1 will bring him my ans\Vu in
" • Come,' he wtites, and take a peep
into the heaven ;se owe to you. Come and
make our heaven brighter still by the prev
euce of one whom . we love so du2ply and so
devotedly! Come—'
But never mind the rest, it ;;as only
meant for my eye." -
" And you will go?" said I.
" Yes," said the doctor. "It always does
me wood to.see that man. My heart 'a arms
beneath his cheerful smile, and say faith in
humanity gains dew strength front the gran
deur of his later life."—Ltter.
' William Henry Seward', who - died not un
epeetedly the .10th inst.-0,116 home in Au
burn, Nev York, Wits born in Orange coati-,
ty in that btate May'lo, 1801. He was of
Welsh and Dish descent, and his lather was
a physician, merchant, and county judge.
The sou - was edutated ut Union. College,
where he graduated - in 1820, and after spend
ing some months as - , a teacher in .Georgia,
he read law, was adMitted to the Bar in 18-
22, married, and comnienced practice at
Auburn' in 1823. The saMe year he signal
ized himself- by commencing war -against
the famous " Albany Regency," and contin
nd a sharp Rtpublican opposition to 'the
Democracy until the latter was defeated in
18.25., He took' high ground in behalf of
freedom-as early as 1822.
Mr. liewald's political career really began
with his election'as Picsideht of. a conven-
t r ion to urge •the renomination of John
quincy "lawns. in 1S•28. follcming
year be:declined a uou.inution for Congress,
Gilt in Nlas elei ted to the ,stati.., henate
auti..l4l4tal. lie ticlvw well • inje.tt tiul
imprtveinent6, edileation,
implibonment for debt,
and t oninienvi.d w rit in:Ai/Ist corpurate mo
nopubes. , ku 1. - id3 . he traveled in Europe;
was defeated by. Goverhur •Marey, running
tor Abe- t.4,.4ernprallip op the NV ing,Lichet in
defeated Murry for the same of
tire in. 1.638...
ML bewaid'..* Gubernatorial term, contin
ued by re-election in 1840, was exceedingly
itoinly., Pis patty had not been in power
beloig. 4: nutnber of serious questions ag.
hated the counnunity,. and the - .contest.over
each was sharp.-...He adVocate`d removing
the disabilities of -foreigners, en] ging the
"Erie eatakund assisting pub -- e.workS,
and the-dividipg of the public sc 00l funds
among religious. 4 denowinations ; ,but cotn
pelling,education, as was done in, 1847.
- •'flie siruplificatiOn' of legal. procedures,
achieved by. the. - constitutional er iendrnent
of 1646,-was also.his handiwork; and he is
:o he credited.with encouraging the build.
lig of a lunatic haylum; the geological sur.
•vey of the State,: and the enactment of a
leneral.liankitig law; the abolition of im
prisonment fordebt,.tptelling the:anti-rent
rebellion, and clearing • the statutes of pro
slavery legislation. ,
From 1842 to IF:t44 Mr. Sewaid was out of
office, iind z engaged it. 1., ofessioual pa/suits.
Ile actively aided. the canvass- for Henry
Clay in 1844, and Gen. Taylor in .1848, and
wtn elected to succeed Geu, I)ix. iu the U.
S. Senate in 1849, -und•i•e-elected in 1845.-.-:
itere • lie A‘as•the ...I.dministration leader in
the 'upper house; .and his opposition .to..the
admissiiip of (•'alifornia Upon,"
, grounds, his iii . guments on the compstftialse
of 185 - (1,-iin the adthissiimi of Kansas, pith
lancts,--coninferce,'• all _attracted at
tention:. .As.-he:coritribilted the familiar
Phrase "11101 law" to domesfic.politics in
1850 - , so ••he*- furnished the ",irrepfessible
oontlict" • Mr,. Seward - rsitatained the
nomillaition-Of Gen. - Sccitt in
. 1852, though
workcllA7igilrOuslt - in ' behalf of Gen. 'Fre
tu"ont; "NlicirceiKe7dlhe nomination he con
. 840.01. W e -to hint Self.: lu:1859 he visited
Ste% urd'S boudiv-tvixe very . _earnest
.that hey.ghtiiild-tk-nornitiated in le60 ; and
Jha',.struggle'll'efore• Mr; .Lincoln -received
174.1to`,.titicVlii 4 s":103 Votes cut the first ballnt r
feiittl,t •:111C -by-`
Arlitir . o,li.eiititiiitiatitin was made, Mr. sew
-ard'eariiessed: N'lleaterir:State,s; and . was'
aPispintedBCOretary State4ter eleb 2
'tide ;' retaiming t
hat poiltion uninterruptedly
'llntil-lite . clOse of Johnson'Er4dmini . stratiort
tOligto:,:tertn.than quay nt,:his'predjes- -
"u 5 the Welt Bridglibfot-'44.'
li)A4 bigkeltpcilutr-•vuti
found in his manng6inent of 1 he'ease grow
ing out of the seizpre of Mason and Slidell
on the 'British steamer Trent hy,
Wilkes of the Jacinto; in the fall of ISfil.
The circumstances of the ease 'are familiar
to all. -The prisoners were removed to Fort.
Warren idler their arrival in New York, by
Mr. Seward's order.; Earl Iths , ell demand
ed their release oni the primed that th , sy
' were improperly taken while uniler'llle Brit
ish ifw; and Mr... Seward, •APPi w.f that the
demand would be insisted noill tt ith the
cordial support of the Betti l L people and
probable aid of other Europcani- pout
while our own, hands were tied Inkicape-tie
war, conceded the demand motet:the Aver
ment that Captain Wilkes lieTeti IN it WO or
ders. 'The fact wastis stated; but the
tire was so thormilly appriltrd all the
people of the count . y, that the 10,1: , 1 cap;
tives would nothatT been , :ut :yodeled lad
to avoid a foreign war.
Another important art o l
Secretaryship was the negilOtion of Ittt
shin America by pbrebase. lie
dated uaturalizatiori treatie..- uiih Germanv
'and'-other Fr:roper countries.atal , 2•tve
such countenance tb The,ident Anivez,
when Mexico was invaded I , y France and
Spain, as materially assiste , l the deli at of
The claims against England for the der, :
redations of the Alabama and otikr priva-
teera, just'settled at, Geneva, FiVieried
by Mr. Seward While those la --tile act , : WLlse
being oommitted. tie adherisd to Joliu.::(»C. ,
Adminidtration, not,Witlistarteling
rupture with the Re publican party, and w az;
credited with suggesting many z.c.:ts, and
particularly those affecting the icztnratien
of the South, that Were mitp.)...l by ilcfaib
limns. •
When Lincoln wO assassinated, in 1865,
Mr. Seward was attacked by one of the con}
spirafors, - and so badly injured brat ther6
were doubts of MS recover. - fie refired
wholly'from public life with the inauvirq
tiort,of Grant, whose election he approved.
Soon after, in 1869, he made a visit to San
Francisco, then to the cities of Mexico and
Havana. After retnrning, he made a more
extended tour around the world, vi itina the
courts of Japan and China, various portions
of India, Egypt, Tt rkey, ami 'Western Eu
rope. He was rece veil with sper , h.l honors
at each.
At the time of hi, death fir. i:Tewarti was
as completely removed from the aft ive poli
tics of the country as any of tilt': gt eat men,
depeased, with whom he had a iscidated in
the Senate and Cabinet. He lived i tn.!: en
ough to review his own. career and - -cc its
end. It was an eventful career, achl( ye t i
rather by tact than original fdrce
(inked ability. Trained in the Albany
school of politics, sharpened by interconl •
with the schemers of Nest Yorit city, c.nd
intimate with the ,deli,berationa of \Vasil
ton, Mr. Seward was undoubtedly as shrewd
a partisan as any man in this country at any
'ime. He added to; this a more comprehen
-c view of the science of politics than:
those who were hi.rt inO3t intinihte friendq,
without atif aLytime manifeminglllll , ll•Erdiiii
of the great prim iple,4 lyilw Leltinci and
shaping, to He consulted 'expediency
rather than principle, and ini',,l7:ed principle
to hid What seemed expedient Ent I,k gii
gacity IN Its great. fit raised hai r Irma the
rock in which those were buried who -tat t
ed at Albany with • ! adv , l
antaes than he
po ,, ,f.e. , :qed:, held hitt on the cro , t of the was c
that swept ;loaf former politic:it c‘,l,,lition•.,
as and orgalii/ut=11=11:
is co operation wi It joimson nii eha ted the
-puler r:ontiilencel needed for tinr I and
crowning, 5tep..1 . 04-wailed hint at an eurl.
day to fore ;41:0 the " ,
(mint t,'
poajoineil 1111,Wilat PVI 13 inn
son for con , sideting honest principle. t en
list upon the citie of fivelimit :will Ow 1 n
inn. Anil it MtizA br• len:V/10491M I.' 111 4
ertqlit thilt. he NVII-1 011 i e Of thc In tut co.c
lincli-r- to talsi? , 111:11
( . 01111(C11711We ftlld uilnra. Jun Mut (.11
materially to formulate ,;0141
was rather qcntiment than L,n act - 17. e lq in(
previously. flz 1.,h1,
ink Mill. in the l iteatne , 4 country,
and the important e r.f it, ILiturc
essential put of tile polith al ot
7 ation, and w&,, :crvie,c)hate in maint.rdnin , .r.
his belief in all foreign intercourse. lin
error LK, - in suppo:tint; that tier doctrine "f
means and expcdionfs :Lat sufficed for 1.:,r
-.,..0nal conduct in the earlier. 5ta , ..7c:4 -`," , -14 as
competent when that conduct-aiketecl :Id
was affected by the-, liighe , ,t consi , lerutio Is.
In common with the greet ,men giro w ‘ru
his associates—De Witt - Clinton, Clay,' Nlar
cy, Wehater,-Erctett, Calhoun, Lent( n—he
missed-the tueht end of ations.—
His name h.l not registered on tilt , Plesiden
tint bedc roll. And yet, in virtue c,f his able
advocacy 4.4 freedom and his influential vart
in tht‘ administration of the country in its
greatest . crisis, he NVill be honorably remem
bered when his failures and many of his co-
The Governor of Missouri has recently
pardoned an inmate of the penitentiary un
der circumstances which furnish a remarka
ble and touching instance of what a devo
ted, trusting and energetic wife can do for
an unfortunate husband. The latter used
to live in To edo; Ohio, and the facts of his
case are vo ched -for by respectable
nals of t tat place. Some time. ago he Ire
moved I._ MiPsouri with his wife, and early
in - 11310 t ie events fell out that proved; so
disastrou to him.. It appears that he '‘'itS
not very prosperous, and had occasion to
sell—as nearly the last of his possessions—
a pair of fine horses. For these he received
$5OO in clean, new national currency: The,
stock dealer nho bought the horses atter-
ward di: , appcared. On the next day after
the sale the ;vendor paid out two hills of $lO,
each. It was discovered that they were
counterfeit, and the utterer was promptly
arrested and lodged iu prison. lle of course
directly protested his innocence, and told.
how he got tfee money; and the remaining'
s,4§o was found on his person. The hortie!
dealer was; tractd and brought forward,
- when, to the horror and amazement of the
accused man, lit stoutly denied all know
ledge of the bad bills, and swore the moneY l
he had paid for the horses was in bills - on
an Illinois bank. No confirmatoryevidence
of the prisoner's tale could be got, and as
much' counterfeit money, lied been lately
circulated in-that region, public feeling ran H
strongly against him. e was tried, and
-despite his earnest protestations and his
Wife's -determined struggles in. his behalf,
he was fahnd guilty and sentenced to five
-years' imprisonment in the penitentiary.
But the wife nevei for a_ moment believed
him guilty; and - with astonishing resolution
and pertinacity she now bent' herself to-the
task of- proving his innocence and effecting
his- release. 'to he latter end she first
sought and obtained interviews with the
:Governor of Missouri. To hint she stated
her case as she saw and. believed it. But
the Governor, although kind, was firm.—
The-prisoner had been shown to be guilty.
Counterfeiting was greatly on the increase.
,It, watt necessary to make examples, and
there was every just reason why her hus
band should be .one of them. Ile could
hold out no hope sus* in the condemned's
restoration to his family after live years.
''' - *The.wife went home, converted all she
had into cash, and.theneeforward devoted
her whole.time and brain to following the
horse dealer who had • given her husband
the spurious notes, with the hope of con
victing the reality guilty person of that
fense. Pursuid him like 'a shadow, but
keeping out of his 'sight, she soon found
that when he. e,rat to a. place counterfeit
money was said - to be in circulation there
soon after. This happened at Freeport, Il
linois, and afterward at Fort Wayne, lndi-
am: -: At the-latter place she caused his ar
but nothing - cculd be proved against
him, and be was set - free. - -
- She-then dogged him to Clanton, Ohio, to
Pittsbnrg, Altoona,. Lancaster, Chambers
burg, Philadelphia, Goshen, . Binghamton,
t go Elmira, and ' ther towns in' New
ork, sometimes str,yi .in apiece two or
' tree moutha -The •rm was so gbarde'd'
md ingenious however always to manage
1 to nover.his tiaeks; in fa t, -be never passed
fline , .‘ paper" himself _ai all, and.hisinipia
eable - pursuer was unable to bring him. to
acco lA. • :At- last s however, he fell ill at
Neiv on, Sussex-county, N.',1., and she be-.
lieved and prdved that her golden opportu-,
nity ea at laSt at hand.' .-
1 ' -W en thedierse dealerfell ill, the wife. of
, his etirit Wttfl:at the.stune hotel . She found
-out - t e4ihysiclan att,etKliuehilo, , - Ailtt told
iiitia 14eik'WillgEt stony,: - _ slo3"deavilled how
she had tracked it e cause of her husband's
misfortunes, land hegged the doctor, for the i
sake of righ' hmljiistice,,,to lielp her. 'Ebel
physician W:lit 'tarred by her tale, and a9Teed
lo' 14) m h a t lie :iql , ed, which Nl'ili to it'll e his
patient 14 , 1'wdept.( ssing, but safe medicine,
aid adroitly to lead him to think he \Var. in'
a 'very critical condition. This WitSitCeorit
iiigly inane, and corked to a clown. The
patient begged 11 011C1 for a clergyman.
‘‘ho, an iving, pointed nut the nece , J':!..i.ty of
Nil yetientalloo, , mid at 11114 j u ncture the
wife' entered the room, ;rod implcired the
ilupposeirdy info min to repair the emit
wrong he liod done her Aill'• mild. The to
stilt wag that the t.itttrerer male in itepoi,hloll
ibefore a niatrihtrzite, confessi qr.: that he liaki
liaised the (lye ha bdtta) dollar:, an, descriliu),
and flirt hermore that he Wa 1 ti member of
an extemsive gang k)t counter feiteri, higilie-,
vial lav•iness being, tint to utter had money,
I s
but to spread it m tong confederates in dif
ferent parts ot th country, He also said
that on the occasi in of making the trade in
question he happilned to ha\ c no'other me
my, and greatly N. - toited the hot ses
A.rtned....with this: document, the now hap
py womuti hivitciresi hack to Missouri, laid
li , • eFidet cc bef4e the Governor, and had
lb sildisfaetion tit! currying a full pardon to
he • bhsbatid almost immediately after. The
ti tare now living joyfully together on a
fyrit in Southern iillinoi6, and their ca , e is'
na urplly itarroNing. aliundant commeipt and
ett iffilathlation.--J;C: Y. T:',..5.-
The I,vonan a-asc,tio-n,
' , 1
The condition, aspirations and er ploy
meats of - women, in relationloth to Olitics
and to business, tlre being as rigorously—
perhaps moue viginottz. , ly—disi•msed in Env
land than in this country. In , it trioditied
form, Is oimm sulirage liths Leen rceognizal
amuinr. our English eou,ins; for they . : may
nor. - vote for tiariph oiliciaL:, who are politi
cal, and not, a , : theif desirznation ‘‘ maid im
ply, cccle.:;ia.,tical ofiliinfzi. They have a
c nice, too, in thelchoke of the newly con:
:tituted schiv)l itcla.d, and the question of
their admi,,ion tni, •lit: national mtiversitie,
as regu'.ar under4aduatei. is L . ,idently Ca - 11:i
one of time. Tif iratgliith post oflice ,11-
tlioritieG have tal:0
u lin
a st"p which. indirectly
at least, encora , .*:l V. tds brt,adly know 11
in than country la - .3 the " woman's mot e
nem," by appoinling foi ty yoting• women to
poAtions in the s4ings Bank office which i-z
attached to that deptut*ai. , and thi:,is an
nounced to be only intrOduc t,ry to bintil,.r.
appointmettht Wu oniEluall all the hranche , or
'public service undcr the t.,ntirl of the
Post 111:1Eler 6ene i rai.
In this country t; omen la:: fol :ante tun s
received position as clerks in the 11, - ashim:-
ton Departmcrlit; an,l a t postmi,ttdc-el to,ll
t.o , t oli - tee (.111,1h, , . I and as they continu,: , to
milt he contifince of their sup( 1 iur , , it
m..•: be taken to: granted that the, criairi
. p tl StiCer'... 111 lad' 1:110.111a r.: - al
A lail lilt there' is certainly it lanic ch, , - of
women \\ ho,i while they noy:t suppoi t th,..,,n
-<;elt c , ,, ate untit i ted tor the manual \\ " 11 ;...
and drud.2erj ‘,l tat tor•.c: „old ilia.-•. MAI : ,
of these I i 1 ,, 101: , Ilia•i•- • f ill lica,Llceplicl -.
ac: 01.1111tallt 4 ,!:,11,i I ~ 1 0 , ;-;'; I Olt OW tat t • nil
remains that 11, 0 ~i , iii.atiiiiri ~,iii-t i hill :i
very ii.itnall plifitHi, ,if the ',l,llviiiil t , ir i el
tilii,i,;ment I.3.i‘iting :mime, - inlet ii•ebt, v: ll
cilut.tited, lint ihiput upi,ite. , it iirieii ft ik•
Pri-ittons fi - iti Ns Ishii ,ii. h \voiitili mu. ht .I
titled are dpuhtlle , ::3llto , i• -;\ hi it hint th,•
hint lieavily - hpiin the physii .11 liti,‘ er-, qiid
this is the t titie \\ l illl liitiq
,L. , :tivi iiiiiii id • Ili
ei...4. In En'alailiOlie action of the 1,,,... • ',-
lite eltit . l 4 i-i: :t iii i ivelty, anti :1 , , , t1Hi li.e.i I i Ii
bitterly dinititinev,l, t•-mi.ieialli - by the ii , -0,:
dirt. , , ivlit, i are lie. inii,t iiiiri,,i, - ,1 in iliy
ea y
-,; , t that th i rir iit - ,lit•v I • \tell etini.itter
ctl, i, v‘itient loth tient tlit• qui i ~,, •,:t .11. e
(..peritnelit bei.elitiitt trout the , -liiii.ily ‘2t. it,
It el thi-ery ! iiiiii i i, hid II") ( . 1,116111 , n nn,Orif .
the clth, ,liiill lint leit.toviiit - .I itit a i•I I:i
pt.; 1:6.11111 ;-; a It . llll • ;IL „ILI,
frightews Tally :1 1 'n nl,' man "II
into *loom IA lift lotp2, nfal - ., • ltiftin—
well edn,. , hed d•inghtt-r of .1 Ott
\AV) ha"'
frail the cArcer 4,f a s,-ainAtt.--,
eatt Wad; for a tr.oment ,it 1111
loon, cotton mill or the ~1
London .‘,.hhp ,it, • fle - pcl:-
tability l Lhou.:•e; , ,ime clutt 111;d
genteel employthent. It may lie ...aid Ilt;Ilt
virthally a bi-g.trar, has no 1111,i
nes: to heed the voice' of thi4 t -•
rant; the more ; practical and
(Alec says that h will tlo its share to co l
eech: to the nation; 1 prdialice• Lich aft •r
all is not ~ without i s Ind point. 4, and ll
supply the needed !zrade of ‘N oil; as Jar
itz eme:encies will allow
Thu woman clue: tion, or rat her tile pf.,i
tion of women in the world, intlz:t he Ctutei
mined, as m0. , ,t, tiutstion , , are, by practical
exi el - intent, and it ii aril that the c-,:peri
went :-. , k40u1d he fairly tried.-- 1,t,5,31
The lihmodest 'Fashions
There are-sotfe features in the dress of
the present day which every modest wife
shollid shrink fiiorn showing upon herselt,
every careful mt,ther'should prohibit in heti
daughters—thins that 'instead of pleasing
the pure senses tire a direct or,covert appeal
to sensuality, and can have no 'other 1 , 111 . 1
pose—ornament that are arranged so te; to
aurae t the eye ) to - portion.; of the p,-r,ii,,)
titat should be passod over by the modest
erte; a style t.ln.t . - gives 'a character lb the
walk like that of the laseiN ions dances of
the East; distortions of limb and tiaure
that are injurious to health, and NN hick can
have no other recommendation than that
they suggrst,certain ideas as to the female
form that are agreeable to the animal culled
man, looking asian animal on woman: The
second French 4mpire, appealing as it did
systematically to everything• that was Mt
pure and base, in man, has infected th. fash
ion of dress to on unusual degree; and vi ry
many follow the fashions without .thinking
anything about', their. But it should be,.
b rne in mind that. ornamental dress is al
ways desigked to be effective in some three
ti . It IlroduCes some, effect upon the
s cc ators, it has some appreciable influence
upon he wearers. Women cannot wear an
impurt 50e of dress, especially one that
has in it \an element of coarse sensuality,
-without tintinpiry to their own perfect put i
ty and - refitement, which every mother must
watch °veil m her daughters, and every wife
guatd religii:Msly in herself.-0..1.me/ Mcsse,i-
W- \ i ._.
Why We should wear Beards.
1 \
There are more inducements 'for wearing
the beard than the Mere improvement of a
man's persohal appearance and the cultiva
tion of such an itid to every-day diplomacy
of life. The hair of the, moustache not only
abstbs the moisture and miasma, of the
fog. , but it strains the air from dusrand the
soot of ourgreat, smoky cities. It acts also
in the most'scientitic.manner, by taking the
heat from the warm breath .asi it leaves the
chest, and supplying it to the - cold air taken
in. It is not only a respirator, but with the
beard entire we are supplied with a coin - -
ter as well, and it is never left ut home 1 ke
an umbrella and' all such appliances when
they are wanted;, Moffitt t and Livinirstone,
the'explorers, mid many other travelers, say
that at 'night no wrapper can equal the
heard. A remarkabit fact is, too, that the
beard, like the hair of the head, protects
against the heat ,of the sun; it ^acts as the
thatch does to the ice house; hut, more than
this, it becomes moist- <with perspiration,
and then, by evaporation, cools the skin.--
A man who accepts this protection 'of 'na
ture may face the rnilest storm and the
•hardest winter.; Fle may go from' the hot
test room to,the coldest air withouti dread,
and we verily believe that he might sleep in
a morass with ittipunit ; at least, his phance
of escaping the terribl fever would 'be bet
ter than that ofj his b ardless companions.
—Ain r. Artizan.
I •
A beggar aiked for a. piece of bread and
btitter.at a house the other day, and on a
couple of slices!being brought. to him, im
mediately refused it. What's the matter?'
asked the donor,. `;isn't this good bread?'—
' Yes,,the bread's good enough,' said the
beggar. ' Well, isn't the butter good, too?'
Yes; i've no fault to find with the butter.'
' Welt, then, what is the matter?' I don't
like the way it's spread on.'
A dwarf said to a giant, '&We have equal
rights 1" ` l Very true, my good • fellow," re
plied the giant,. •,'yet thou eanst not walk in
my dune "Ditto l n sal4 thc 4vmf,
- Ft Om all mnrces comes a whisper of all
6(AV:tied li - “y by rot this winter of por
tions of the potatoprop. Many on digging
find it to exist alieady to a certain extent;
but for finis we d not anticipate the serious
loss which same of our friends, do. It has
been pretty well demonstrated that the seeds
of the disease is distributed - through the
plant while it is growing; and that j it can
out he propagated' except by the communi
cation ot decaying parts, to healthy ones to
any Fcrions, extent, except in the growing
•:i.:0:0.1. It ie farther known that the potato
tonEtos Nrhicl} bree'di the disease, propagates
it: - elt he,t in moist seasons and very little
in dry ones, -intl, Outing this and that to
t'ettici , as llt knowing people say, we - ;infer
that nor feat' n has not been very favOYable
to a widespread seatino . of ,the disease. For •
oar(:‘:i,-:en was dry, and though of late we
have, had' copious rains and heat enough to
mahet hings "muggy" enough to breed the
worst of fung - use3, the .potato had made its •
growth before the unfavorable time had
come it is quite likely
,that ,the late kinds
may EUE - f•r front this cause t/ some extent; 'j
hat for all this we think there will not be j
the loss anticipated.
I `•till it v, ill do no harin to take the best
precautions fwainst any. injury that may
lot ,c; for if the rot does not follow after
, torn potatoes Will be scarcer in the spring
thin many anticipate, and it will pay well
for those who read the Tctegraph to have a
good stock on hand to Supply the market,
which those who do not tead it may not
To :tole pc,taines properly !Nye have. to
:ttard a rainst heating; for although . the po
tato evil not nhwintely ferment by heat as
SO much vegetable matter will, a heap be-
vines warm enough to excite any germ fun
go.. time may be In the tubei., and' this ex
haitition ma l y be cuffielent to cause a decay,
v ii ch can be, Fominunicate 1 to roots in'
V. hid' 110 S.} mptom of rot exists. Moisture!
is f.ivoralile to heating, and. hence it is best I
to lokve the potato thoroughly dry befoel
shaing, if any cowiiderable quantity sik,,..to
be put away into at bulk. Titus, if 4.14 tire!
tpic,nd en /he barn•floor or other cool Place
before puttiqg in the root-cellar, they yvill
be sale agaiwt rotting. When potatoes area
pcilectlyheAthy, there is not so much ne-,
ce...sity .101 this care in Llr Mg. Hundreds!
.1' bushels: ale often taken at (MCC from the,'
In id 'to the cellar without any damage what-,
c; 0' lit' .1111;11:: and it is only in view of their,
pos,ill.ility (t 1:,1 ti !at we think it advisable'
to take the dttra pr i...,tition inl drying thel
rool . J. ft hi well to ! note that a cool shed is,
the best to-dry then in, as the tubers will
othe.vise abst:t b it: ie heat thal, \rhea they
te4,1110 out 01. the gi. :mi: and ••i:1 i'l IS what'
We 111* 10 aVgii(l. 1 ,
Tijne i, one disadvantal,re in drying pota
t../(-1 in thi,z \IIIV. 1 . .111(.11 is ttlwuy luOre or,
e.mm-etc,„l uith nattaely,'the
.Litt-at 1.. film age•which redults.
in :t• t) dry thew i often as much
:et a tit ut tier cent. in bulk- from ]
, - , -litinl„ige Thu.., ,!Ine hundred bushels,
in L. e itke titis in winter,
iil '.2c. , hu: i. - 1 4 tv v. !lea tal.en out fur stile
•: , ,u k (tt ten lii much, and
-111,111 the tidy:met: in sprinv
I 1.,11 an argument often
I') imin. v•to , Aer, to ~ .cll their erofiar,'
np, it:::teft,i. of keeping- them
Ih.' itut this Ins.s can he
vf1t ,0 •1,.0...t.1..ql 'ml the roots kept in excel 7
~t. it tht. outfit
•k (I:klij.n‘•
til• "., tint ,tway„and the po.
Low cat in 'lomy: tuffrow ridges, SR3,
I , t'l' It ;L:l,.iid as the:quail'
I tlemand-_. Allot the
Ch Itogether,thin
of 't h: thicl. enough ttPkeep
the cultic nom aninii. the .1 . 0 isot
'O , the stde , s ii‘er the luVerz,
And a thin Nycy- i i f“ -, 11, just enough to keef)
in luau e, thrown ()Yen It n
lie I mit t 1111,0. V lr re cavil itrAn,this ovel
!he natui.,l heat of the potatoeli
~:,) v,hile it. is the object to let
ntpil ac there iii,
at frt . . I tilt it the potatoes should 4.
cti,eie,i it'll 3oil. as the frost is cer
laitOy I i , ent:trate. In this way the
root 3 vao at a temperature but lit
tle a;,ove the Ifee:imt - poitit, and thus guar-
L:t oy - ainz-t he, - ,titur rauch, - and at the same
theli2 from evaporation;
~ • ;
17,.rwct point Lca:m-c I who'sit the bushel ns.easure
I.i I•rekesitt e-It in the sprim - r. d 1
Th.. , :lt at objection to this old-faAsioncti
.end w:Leellerct. plan is that :ye Cannot, get cjc;t
ticun V, til hi the w inter season; but we are
only re.conneending it - c; here they: are re
quited tec bu Lela over till .spring. •When
these .Lie 11Cili.d before that time, a cellar is
almost intli,peb,abl.2. Another objection is.
the e:.:tra labor 1‘ Melt ovin air • banking_
‘ takez. Peril:up; the saving, of tenor twenty
!per Lent. may be a fair set oil tu'tliis; but at
any rate,_those mho have good root-cellars
\\ ill generally run the risk in preference tti
the labor of the open around.. But we hav
reit.; red to the excellence of the plan. be
cause some have no good root-cellars, and
others mho imp; may yet fear rot and bb
glad to take rte best' precautions tlo guard
against aceidew.
Only thoce, however, whiehjire apparent
ly-sound, should be chosen for the out-door'
practice, for those which are:certainly di--
eased-will he better preserved; by an occa
shmal sorting over during the Winter season.
—Uciv;ietidolTeitylapit. - 1
Facts in Science.
There are nearly :250 bones i
hod y.
Eight t tag for work, eh ht
zind ei g ht for ANA).
The heart heat. 7•3 tunes i
adult indn.
=lie blood circulates throug'l
le S 3 than three minutes. .
healthy mau breathe,s abo i
rely of air per day.
half of :All eho live die\ 1.)
Only tine person in a thuusa,
one hundred yeal . s old.
The married live longer ithal
The sum is 'distant from tl l l
ninety millions of iniles.• A
moving at the rate of 30 miles
require 300 years to travel the
The nearest fixed star is twer
miles from pe earth.
The size kf the moon is abo
that of the earth.
A single drop of water cunt
000 little animals.
The tun revolves around- lan - unknown
centre at the rate of 8 miles pqr second, per
forming its revolution in 18,209,000 years,
Some of mu' reader p who ha
years may tie glad to know v;•11
aecomplialied in that time. /
Ftenelt statistiean, the averug
that age, slept ',six thousand j
six thousand live hundred day,,
hundred days, lan - luso(' himsl
sand dap,.spent fifteen hund
and been sick live hundred dr
eaten seventeen, thousand po
sixteen thousand pounds of - m
sand six hundred pounds of I,#
&c.; .and drank seven - thous,
liquids. There are eighteen
hundred •and, fifty days in'
and from the übove statement
that a man slept just one-thirc
a rule droppings of cattle in p
spread. They fertilize a very
and the grass glows so rankly
the will not touch it until they
hunger. These little green b,
ticed in every cow pasture.
Of food for at least two year;
leot. If the manure was spr:
and spring, us it
.is in meat
cover a very large space and
.available. At least
much surf ace would feel the
manure, and the grass woul
ped and returned again to the
immediately available:
En - gland for wealth,—
Germany for scholarship,
Franc& for manners,—
Italy for art,-
- The United States for over
Tlio.crop of a Nudelin ) :D
iriskeyurtlf-40•MMIA twx41,14
NO: 43,
Storing Potatoes.
1 1 1 the hutuaLt
ur recreatio4
I It minute in
the body iik
ut sixty ba-
fore the aie
;id lives to be.
iv the single.
'e earth over
railroad car
n hour would
ithstanes. I
my billions of
t oue•fiftieth
ins 600,000 i
ive lived fifty
lat they have
leoording to 'a
1 . man has, at
(days, worked
walked eight
ilf four thon
ed in eating,
pys. He has
Inds of bread,
at, four thou
getables, tish,
nd gallons of
housand two
ialf a century,
it would seem
of the time.
astures are net
. small space,
that the cat
are forced hy
otches are no.
here is a loss
. by this Deg
•ad every fell
ows, it would
ecome imme
ten times as
effects of the
I all be (Top
soil, and made
thing. 1
I tchess edutt y
1 00 x,