USEF L AND SUGGESTIVE. Feeding Turkeys. The POOI4 World, in an-'article on turk eys, has this in relation to feeding: The practice of most farmers who raise turkeys is nut to feed thein at all ,after: the young birds are slk ofeiglit weeks old. They arc driven WI:to the pasture or wood earlyr ,the morning, and get -their living, where they ean, iind Their chief food is grass hoppers anil other insects, and they do tit" pastures and mi./Wows a great service it keeping under these destructive Cre s s Lures.' This may be well , enongh where ituttetts nott mast are plenty, bat upon wary farms the range of woodland is exceedingly limited, and the growth / of- the birds !!vill not be sat isfactory: wit how - lona from the corn . crib. They should ciAme to the roost every Atilt, 'with full crops, and lion - examination' 'this is not found to be the case; they should be regularly fed once a day at least - . 1 (There is - no, danger at fattening a young turkey orb rc good range in six mow he. t 1 ith first clasp stock, full feed will make' a Oilterenee of tour o r poulub tlie - tsVeight of the birds alThanksgiving. Turkeys like a va riety of food, though they d 6 very 'well up on corn, which they never refuse - while in health. ,They'arti very fond of a - mash of boiled potatoes and Indian meal, and thrive admirably - upon it. Whatever the proven der, it shookl be' fed - regularly, and the birds kept thriving from.the shell to the butcher's block. • - (tom- nos.—:l correspondent of L b . !lode .Therhal thus writes on t owls: "'I hc unlilie has yet to learn the full ad v,inta,,e 01 keeping poultry. Few seem to ap reciate what Fhey may do among trees in orchArdl. Let any bile try them in an or- 1 , chard ot a quifrter of en acre, where they ntay he kept b• a picket fence four or five it et high; pm in say '0.5 fowls, and observe the ie,uit, 'lll,ey will, avoid annoyance in the gat lets, oil which so many , complain, while grey work among the trees, doing just v hat: is needed,- and destroylng — eYerything that con injure the fruit trees in :the shape of Inir-:, worms or other insects, and lay a ~ large number of eggs, which:are a cash ar ticle, to aqy nothing of the chickens, which pay well for raising at the present time. r have about one hundred fowls, which have worke,l ailtnirab:y among my trees, keeping the ground in good condition, keeping otl me insects, and promoting the growth of the orchard. •I am satisfied that we have yet to learn the full benefit may he . - . derived from the proper: management' of fowls;' and it: is quite possible that the meth oalliat I have suggested may otlbrAhe= best way of getting out apple orchards in good bearing condition." PuitEjlitEn AvitsutnEs.'---The following are the cliaracteristies of a purebred Ayr • shire: An Ayrshire calf is small, having_ a clean muzile and small. head; thin fore quarterst with broad lain and l hind-quarters, which renders parturition easy for even two year old heifers. Their cold should be red, with white spots, sometimes flecked with red, or else with red - spots; usually the dark prevails on the legs. Roan, pure white, white chine, or line back or white face, are inadmissible. The red may be dark, even to a brown, but never black, although the original Scotch kine were black and white. They are extremely, nervous, requiring the most gentle treatment; intelligent and shy of strangers , and brook no insult. They are easily kept, thrive upon short pasturage, and will \produce more milk, butter and cheese, upon the same quantity of food con sumed, than any other distinct breed. THE APPLICATION OF BONE DLIST.-My is it nee( Ifill that , bone dust should, in 'some Furst or Alter, be added to our soil, in order to keep t up to its,full work in producing raps? The obvious answer is, that we must replace what we have removed in the crops, or animals pastured on the products of that soil. That much is thr earned entirely off the farm may be thus own: Every cow whose milk is sent oil the farm, should give about two thousand five hundred quarts of milk, ', hich will contain about sixteen pounds of ohoSphate, which is equivalent to thirty p. muds of bone dust. Each will produce a alf, which, going off the farm, will take iNith it twenty pounds of bone. From' this we see that, independent of the loss from the imperfect preservation of the manure and urine we take from the land at least fifty pounds Of bone material to each cow, which in some form or other, must be re placed, or laud will lose some of its is this fact which has given rise to the idea that a milk dairy is very hard on the land. Such is, undoubtedly, the case. It more exhausting than a butter dairy, where the milk all remains on the farm, and only the butter is removed to the. city.' here are othqr forms in which this loss may be replaced, except the direct applica tion of bone dust, but that an equivalent must be given for all that _is actually re moved, no one will deny for a moment. VEAL LOAF.—Three pounds of veal cut lets, a quarter of a pound of salt pork, chop ped very fine. Three Boston crackers, roll ed fine; three well beaten eggs, one wine glass of claret or currant wine, half a cup of tomato catsup, five ripe tomatoes, if in sea son, or a teacup of canned tomatoes; ono onion chopped fineOf not disagreeable; juice and chopped peal of one orange, or lemon, a s is the most palatable; one small tea spoonful each of pepper, cloves, sweet mar joram, sage and salt. ' Mix these all very thoroughly with meat, and mould into a loaf. Place in a dripping-pan, cover the top with cra,cker crurribs, and bake three hours. While bhking keep some butter and water hot on the side of the range, and baste the loaf with it, often and very thoroughly.— Let it st4tnd in a cool place till the second day befOre cutting. Excellent as a relish for breakfaltor,tea. ' , AARtatEsurso BENTatACIFI—Dr. Walter Lewjx, in describing the precautions against cholera adopted at the . General Post-Office in I;neon, says: "The men employed in t i sorti ~e'letters and newspapers suffer much trout thirst, especially in hot weather, and conwquently drink- much water while en raged in their duties. Although the Post-. Office is supplied with excellent water, much diarrlaea was, nevertheless, the result of this practice. To remedy this the officers, clerks and men of all classes have of late been supplied from the medical department .% itlt a most agreeable drink, which not on ly assuages•the thirst, but has, moreover, strong antiseptic and anti diarrho proper ties. It is called orangeade, and is thus composed: Take of dilute sulphuric acid, concentrated infusion of orange peel, each twelve drachms; syrup of orange peel, five . fluid ounces. This quantity is added to two gallons of water. A large wineglassful is taken for a draught, mixed with Millte - or t•-s water according to taste. The officera .„ aids this wilt pleasure. It is being con-, tinned in large quantities daily, and I Mil oavineed it will he the means of warding (.tt a great deal of sickness." ' Colo: Fount:AL—Mr. Alexander Reed, qif Lock Haven, Clinton county, Pennsylvania, reports that his practice is to cut up his corn us late as he can and avoid frost. After husking, the stall s are bound and carefully shocked till cured, then stowed in the barn. They are prepared for fee das follows: Each morning and evening the! quantity needed for one feeding is cut with a " power ctk ter," put in a tight box with a mixture of mealkbran sprinkled in; boiling water is then pouredon, and the box closed with a light lid, so as to shut in both the heat and That steamed at night is warm iu the morning, and that in the morning when fed in the afternoon. Mr. Reed states that, ' prepared in this way, the cows eat all the butts, a ton will produce more and much better milk for butter than atom of the best hay prepared in the same way. Win' BUTTER WON'T COVE.—``,IJ. M. 8.," Quasqueton, lowa says his experience is, that if cows go l .too long without salt, the churning takes them twice as long, and when this happens-with him, the boys are scolded and sent for the salt-box,..and next time the butter coMes hi reasonable time. One pound of green copperas costing sev en cents, dissolved in one quart of water, and poured down a water-closet, will effect ually concentrate and destroy the foulest smells. On board ships and steamboats, •thout hotels and other places, there is noth ing so nice to purify the air. Simplegreen copperas, dissolved under the bed in any thing that will hold water, will replier a hos pital, or other place for the sick, free from unpleasant smells. For butcher's stalls, tiah-markets, slaughterhouses, sinks, Jand wherever there are offensive putrid gases dissolve copperas and sprinkle it about, and In a few days the smell will pass away. If a cat, rat, or mouse, dies about the house. and sends forth an offensive gas, place some' dissolved copperas in an open vessel near the place where the nuisance is, and it will soon purify the atmosphere. Tomato plants are said to reach the hei;lit ofleighteen feet in California. THE VETERAN . EXPLAINS, ' . 1 Yon ailiallitle too much, Cap: - I don't see how we'll agree. For the thing looks mighty different _.!..'" To you than It doe* td - tri,V4 41...4 ►P:e 4 ''l l , f,, - - ‘l. Those Yolumles lothllhOtartilem s 'l t; V . ; I know that-4161d 'tint ;I-' , - 1 , And shook their hands when they stacked their arms At WO trout, seien years ago. ,I • , i'll shake the Laud of a soldier Who fights as be thinks is right: • . And when the war is over . le wilting to give up the tight; But this ~ shake over the hloodyAssur" , , , 1 - Pill" 9:4e,rezit NW. XtnkkAosv, t 1 ... ) 1 colat anaku* h i adds with kr: --apM ~ reb",..; ?..1 tile Ott geieti yeirstausal 61 ',., / # i t i viz; 14% i- - I ; 1 : 1 4 e.. 11-1 l i ~.i V . l t\Pe, let. ,ett Ottt, .o.faey..t;ap, ,',. i . ~4.,,f 'ln this 1 think you'll agree, That MOUIC of 'ern should have Bald their prayers At the foot'of a gallows tree; For we pardoned the whole caboodle, The leaders as well as the me And now I see they arelryiug a l i tanie _ To get Into power agaht4",..:,,' , ?.....,),,L They led the Democrats before the war, And they want to dc4it again; 1 Clod help the North with offices filled By Davis and that soft of meat You can't win the gaffe without the 'South, You know very well you can't, And must count the Lost pt Southern votes To help you iu beating Grant. I feud Do fault with the times, Cap. For money is easy and tree. tinl plenty of odd jobs going For a played•out "vet" like me; And the country oeinnTrosper , t7 The tleilfiiitutt igiii;s !di I don't thttir cluoigS f r Drifter • - Could very well be =tile. I know they llnd fault with Grant, Cap, :they say ne loves hnrees, and amuses; But then, an angel from heaven ' Wouldn't suit that suit ut folks. have looked it the matter eareiult Auti fin 4 th4t,tho0 1 4114 0 gr,o*•: , Front-the fact that those lobby fellows Can't lead hiniby. the wan; I never liked flortice Greeley,. And /Jell you fairadd *quote,' ; God never made such a than as he To 1111 the President's chair; For he failed iu the hour of trouble, When the things looked a little dark. And such a captain as that ain't dt To handle the Union barque. And now it sounds u)igbty, susPiciou B L , .l 1 - 0.- ,- To here those telToWs rant,'- ~ Call hun honest Uncle Horace , , And all that sort of cant; .5, Why, it ain't bard to remember How Greeley used to bll.o'w, _ And called them thieves and traitors, -Not a dozen years atio. - •,- -...-..-..:„.:—. There's oliir one 1 lug more, Cap. That I have got to say. NY_Qie,t help intiroifice !xne/ealiera Vim :linty - the gray;''' For the graves are in between us, Of the boys who wore the blue, And died in lighting those rebels voting along with you. , And •• across .the bloody chasm" -*- The North will uever shake o'er, Till the crirusou hands of the leader's Are dean on the other shorp. You may will', the agbtin Novetuhpr— I hope aud,truistyotregtetH) I But the soldier'? voth yeu!llneVerlot Tu h - .4p you 4n.6eatineGraut: • 7-44nyilerouriir.• (' , ALL SOR FS. . 1 .1' i Al Ong his old chums, Offenbach is 4nown as " Yawcob Bien." A dead musician at.Sehauenstein, in Ger many, had set. his Will to music. Coekerili,; [ of • -the • Cinch - pail • - .Bruirtriier, agrees to eat a crockodile if Halstead will. The " Underbrush Exterminator" is what the Chicago Post calls Uncle Horry. Miss Spray, of Saline, 'Kansas, feels easier since the doctor got a lizard out of her stom ach. A. mine of `antimony has been disco;tered in California. What is wanted in Chicago is a mine of alimony. ' Degrees of comparison in the latitude of Cincinnati: Food s sow; rum,. sour; iyind,- sow-west.—New ork World. ' General Hancock and party, during their late hunt in the vicinity of Madelta, Allan., bagged four hundred chickens. The San Francisco papers state that the vintage of 1871 is the best ever produced by the State, and that the one of the Present year will probablye,tcel even that.- A young female medium of Council Bluffs has lately cured a cancer on a Mr. Clover's tongue by spiritual application. -Shp prob ably talked the cancer to death. - Farmer Greeley bas recently been inter viewed ,by the dairymen, and, in resptinse to an inquiry, said : "The beat butter is „un doubtedly the old ram." What is the differenee between a hill and a pill? One is hard to get up - and the other is hard-to get down.. Will brother Oreeley's medicine takers please N. B.? The Harrisonburg (Va.) Council stood five to live on a proposition to sell ardent spirits. The mayor put the " liquorites" in ecstacies by casting the deciding vote in their favor. George Sala has issued a new book en titled " Under the Sun." The public have learned all of that they wish to the last sea son; so it lie wants to succeed let him ad vertise something from the other side Finding Stanley's *stery dotibted the New York Heraid has'employed the Sun to pro nounce Stanley a fraud. It is having its ef fect, and that gentleman will be warmly received on his return to this country. Professor Knowlton says that girls grow into just such women as men like. If; he says, we want them sponger and nobler, we must appreciate and encourage all who • try to give themselves the old-fashioned, simple,. healthful training. - Sealed proposals willbe received at this office for letting the contract to explain the following joke, from the New Albany Ledger: " A practice of which a vain young physi cian is too apt to boast: I cauterize.' Ike ought to rise and explain.—Missouri Democrat. • Don Gong, of China, embraced the Chris tian religion in California, 'and when he re turnt;.d td his native land his pagan father stripped and whipped him• and threw him into the nearest pond. Then some women held the old man while some men fished out the unhappy Don Gong. A volume hiEJ just appeared in England entitled "A Voice from the Back Pews to the Pulpit and Front Seats, &c., by a Back- Pewman." The book is written in a very reverential spirit. The object is, in the au thor's own words, "to put Moses above Milton, and Jesus Chilist above Paul." The New York TOune is disposed to glor ify itself over the achivement of Julius chambers, one of its reporters, who succeed ed in breaking into the Bloomingdale Insane Hospital. If the - yoting inan--liad made an attack on,the Idiot Asylum he could have succeede4 - LWlth less trouble. - 1 ---3El:4riuri ilein °era?. On Tuesday last, at St. Louis, Miss Mc: Pike, a maiden of eighty•sii 'summers, -- Was married to a vivdized Indian aged sixty-sev en. During the ceremony the lady looked pale and anxious, and finally fell - weeping upon the breast of her bridesmaid, exclaim ing at the same time that she didn't see how in theworld she could do it. When her Majesty Queen Victoria. was takeri•to task by a right reverend, years ago, for having Channing's works on her table, and her Majesty asked "why not?" the ec• closiastic unsuspectingly replied that they contained very objectionable passages.— AL !" retorted the gracious sovereign, "1" perceive you Are before me in having 'read them." • The Chicago Trilnnic nriakesthis anxious In quiry. "What does Mr. 'Greeley represent?" The answer must depen la good dealon the time to which theinterr gatorria' intended to relate.. By referring . back a few months to its tiles, the Tribtine will find that MfGree ley, at that juncture, represented Lbe,ldea of an "inspired harlequin." 'At - rite:sent it would Etc safe to say that Mr Greeley repre sents tjie idea of a garrulous old politician' who is crazy to get into a big office. —Cill'ea,go" • Timm. The Oberland Ilfo»lhly makes some inter esting statements concerning the chirogriiphy of some well-known meg= msts, writers, and authors of the dtty. Joaquin Millers )land- writing •is &Lid to be the very worst; "his lines resemble dilapidated hedge fences," Bret Harte' prefers violet ink; "he writes a legible, uniform hand; is a slow - producer upon •unruled note paper, and seldom leatitm a page without some erasure • upon U. His best sentett6.4 are laboriously chiOeled, and there is mu waste of ttationery,in the pro- Pess." Mar Twain and T. Ross Browne'tarnish good."copy." ChcrlesiirarreiiStod lard is very weak in his spelling and very eccentric in his chirography. S. B. AMRII: late 'a member of .Congress, has writterin letter to a .conimittee, of zens consenting to address a' giblic meeting in Philadelphia, on Eiaturday,l favoring-the re-election of Grant.' He Says:" rcguldp.ot retain my self-respect if I should remain si lent while he is being cruelly and wantonly assaulted and stabbed in the house :ot his friends." The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has been tined f 2; 51Z15 in Trenton for 'blocking up ANDIOU/S0 v o i , iftu Deaterin e rt;;•yS(,R R E . an kinds. \to 11 • `-1:, - ;1. • , - JO :TIN,AND , COPPER >,-WAREI ME =I 1 Parlor, Cook and Office ' ,1 'Stoves BEE 1:,.i.4' ,- .';3 fiLk-i dor 1 -s - r!,&J • • .'; f, 1,;• ?,- 5 ; .1• ,=';1 . .1, .:•-..,..', -?... - ,-- . i Ta le"acid ;cket C~at~ery, SS C AR BINGE VRIIIIIING 61, !y { , 1 . (SUNS AND AMMUNITION, Petroleum Fluid, (the best light in the world) and every article connected ill th the . „ , Boy's Block, south side of Alain street, nest door to C. 0. ?dalliers. 4 April 3, 2872. 14- Pv e•-• 4 13 8 c. 4 . m aft • 0 a. .4 E, Ra C) _ s.. s. 51. 0. 0 8 SI g. gi . t „. s P E• 11 10. I \f iR gt 4 *I c o - GEO. 0. DERBY. , DERBY & FISMJER, HAVE just returned from the city with the larges stock of 4 . ,,800TS AND SHOES Ladies' Kid and Cloth, Bal morals and Gaiters, Ladies, Misses, Children and Baby's Shoes. Gents' Cloth BoOts 1 . Shoes' Prin,ee-Albert Cal Boots, ..ooys' Calf 4... Kip Boots*:,' , ' Boots." EMI la feet, all Muds of Mena' and Women's . ' wear kept n 8 drat-dais Shoe Store. The beat sewed Women's Shoes ever'ogared la this market. We dely the world. If you dou't believe tn. try tut. We buy only the beet *took, arid have as good Cordwatuers u Looney eau Lire. RERAIRING dotio:neatly, and with difipatch Leather , pd Findings of all idndabianstantly on band. Cash paid forAi'dea, Deacon Skins, Having just filled up our shelved with &choice stock, personally selected fur this market:We .reitpectfully itolleit a fair share of trade. "Small profits and quick returns." we hellfire to be a good bludiuss =dm : and we hold the beat goods, by the cheapest. We keep no shoddy. Our assortment is eMAntegat to meet all sites mni_tasos. • We invite 'ear *KM* and the public generally to call and examine' our stock. No trouble to show goods. Always to be found, one door tiortla of 0.-13: Ridley's Store. Main direst; Wellsboro, Pa. 144 1.1812. ' • •IDYBIIY- PHOTOGRAPHY,. . A LL kinds, styles and sizes_ of Plitiges 2iaraca -, :tiCelogiouted in artiatlcrerianner al-D. • °silent, opposite Cons Eons.. Wellal?oro. , • i;,. - Portraits oa Porcelaiallatasi, liothink Auer can IA offered thin guise heinitiful Por celain Pictures in a velvet case or . Tbetrsoft , ness an 4 delicsey;ine superior to lin g p'rotaclid on iron or paper. If you want a - - 6k)od Pict of yourself, go to tiatamOre's. ' • llff you Want the very best that can fji,a -bad. gala Hammon's. • If you a / a ntilop:tat/dog that loots like ycat ; g U tcr Nat amen's. .• • , - Ifyen want an old kelnierreatyne. : ~, --, ',I, , Ambrotyee,_or other Pictares.coplOd and culergedZke can do tins al reasonable oil may diktat - nian,, ,Zhey. will redbe finished in Indialob.9 ll, or Wats:Colors %ilea desi r , Persons, edabillg Wes of groups entre , will receive eltys lai`attention. • • , A large usiorbinent at *sines atul_ - irssainfoleautk . ' constantly on band. All kinds of 'N,- , , ~ , ../ :, ~. IPletures , Framed to ~Qrdei= . 1 N. B.—lloalipUtikteithi pica, 0r7.41. ti: /?ipp!itei Dental &am& ::::: ~,- • -_-•,::- .-;,.., ~.4 ,t- v ..,- - .I.s _ . _.. , Avis g 4, 187 i-tr. • ' - 1:0: IL - NANAMOitS:; ( Er C. - 11 r CM3IOIIO Mail MEE . FARMING TOOLS jot •il lctnd~, Inn .i{. Hardware Trade. Z. it ♦NDSBSON, AGENT. ru:J JOHN FISFELER ever brought into Wellabor°, consisting of CUSTOM WORK. Pelts and'Furs. Spring Ne w • , -;:ur , . . Stilted co the SPRING TRADE:. tir43 Milldams lisdei m t e gily, to 'twit** Übe in want 44 DAT GOIXDS et any MIA at Maki a GYA4f 14 ,..t7 cot cmcaGket - ii* -- )l4' - wad iu btot,b or ritual or %Lest: dq,46tturits, i'll3 Ate not excelled in oilsFec . tion,, Our Cli..thas will be• made -to - 1- Order ii desired by , I , Vi• take Pale 10 our CALM DEPANLILLIVE ite,eue.4 the #u• one of the hum LOU lice:44Bw It*out 100 roll QtallWows trOali'l 4 teats le sok We can lOUS ablest any enetkauer. th quiXtl • tad 'price. end sumo aced uses o villigo to find ti vattety elniost the entire dock was pureheited bathe the ettuthee; eed wa ehen id ag r• old plea A 6 poemble. None Alma welt to buy otteaper, as they • aro euuttnually , . -- sae teerktit. 2 TLe citizens of Wioga County are cordially invited to call andlr Carnitg, March: 1872. The Cheap One-Price' ICash Store, SPRING AND RIMER GUS, DRY GOODS, LAP/ES' DRESS GOODS, ALAPACAS, POPLiNS, WOOL DELAINES, LAWNS, 3101IAIRS, EMBROI- Fancy Cassimeres, Ready-Made Clothing, *tg,' aps, MEE sir I have marked thou down to vary LOW prices for cash. Now is the time to secure good bargains Clothing cut and made to order, and a partici At guarant•Ed. June 1,1179 vv. J. Norton dt. Brothor ABB SO UVS OETTUTO ni -\ • • New Spring erood_s • • _ . and'waiting•on eustotnerk . that thy haven't time to write a new • Advertisement. . r . CALL AT NO. 1, BOWEN. & CONE'S BLOCK, WELLSBORO, PA. j • • The Largest Establishment in ?Inkhorn Pal EVING *Mee ear toying mei bAndlllnii lugs quantities of (koods enables them cwntZatiMpriars. Zee mar retail '42imaulcumit 411090 are AM at a reneß aslngo STOpl, MU BLIND IND Willa E • 4514". M= AIN= na b, M Niar inal. 434 CVOS Transfer rnima 0 emits, Striping and Brushes for , Carriage an MEI BEE ; ,/an. 1, Irllll s a 4 . "<:..( 3 ....1...3+ MEM ME EEZEI -„.- ••sv WM have idyll syd Irt -4,o3,Wete at?* MEI MEM Staple awl. Fauoy Dry Goods,. 111 " SZILif4D WORI.III,EX. ' No. 2: Union Block,, W 9 j/ d igjiv., - , •.. - MI William' Wih has Just reciting iota, of Boots and Shoes. .T4DMINT R. I:I:r Rr : y r DRUGGIST • C utter Ornamenting. -• ' - •nal um: of MI Own of Goat matidazir W cur b sfaw kepi to =M=MI M=2l OM I= 1166 _~ , , ~. ~_ RBI II . =I fs^ t ~ ~ $I {'• =I anab as DERIES, &e. = P MMii= ”Alt 111 ricirm k-.;" M r ' 1' • =IWO nUou of aLL =I r ' BM sitrriat ~i k g►e~t Mal NE ~,_ ,_ WiLLILbt WLLSODI. offer them at the ee over wholesale LIM, cOLORK Pencils \ M:19:°;114 =3 M=M t . .. '' • -. ''‘ s ' 1) ' , ", ' ''..,, ' , -,-;:. ~ -,- .- .... . .... ...: ~...., ...„...., n ,s, , . i,:- , ;..x..-7 ', , -----16-111 '7 .• .% lip Q . ,‘":.: - _ .;• ~ : ~-:.' ' . .... ,_.._,, -.....-., •,--- MIZE =5l •;iited 'fY n Or Sitgar o r- once trate p ost and Herbal •' t Juke,. Anti-Diliont ° ' ° Grasittleli...ViE f 4 I;STXLE GIANT , * ctionwrinto,lor- atultum ':in Parve - Playlic. ' • ' '' •- • • The novelty of modern Medical, Chemical and ?bar - , ntical Science. No use of any longer taking the-, • - - .repulsive ,and nauseous pills, composed of thee . exude and bulky ingredients t when, we can by , a care , atication of chemical same, extract all the ca , and Other thedicinal propertiee from the Wiest val . de roots and herbe, and concentrate them into a mina . Granule, scarcely larger than a mustard •ed t that can be readily swallowed by Pease of thew t sensitive stomachs and fastidious tastes. liachlit e Purgative Pellet type:wait , . ' ina tnosteencant ted loan, se much cathartic, power ' as is embodied:in , of the large pills found for Rile lathe deittit Ohops. mm their wonderful cathartic Power, in are t . 'appose thatth Proportil . their size, people who have, net tried them ey are harsh or drastic in effect, tits , his not at all the ease, the different active mallet* , • ciples of which they are, composed being so harmoumodified, one by the others, as to produce a m , et searching dud thorough, yet gently au• kindly opera. Ong cathartic. • • $5OO Reward to iteleby id .by ths +Vie- - tor of these pellets, to any,chemis who, up a an alysis, will Sad in theta. any Cale 0 I .r other forma of utercury or atly °Maclaine:al Fe , , • • t • Doing ontirelY vegetable, a. particular sate Is required while using them. The operate without disturbance to the 'constitution. d or oc- coition': For Jauudieeilleadaeltse. on.. atipationiSmpure Blood, Pain in e • Shoulder Tightness of the the. I n- I t ; sine 'Sour Eructations of the sto aeb, taste in. mouth. Dillon ;attacks, Pain la , region •of Kidneys, Internal Fever, ',loafed feeling about Sto.aach. Du eh of /Blood to lie ad. /11 aft Colored. , • urine , Unsociab ility - and. oioomy Forebodings, take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pargittire P ellets . . In upland- %lon of the re:avail . power of ray Puwative Pellets , over so greats variety of diseases, I wish to say that their action- upon_ the anima orcono. •my SO universal. ilba a gland tissue _ escaping their sanative impress. Age tie , t impair thetqL:their sugai.couting and being y Ol % . en for any length * be{"ee of 'r e me, Berv in e w th eir cli e l t t u e " , sr th tm at . rie 4tre always fresh and reliable, which is net the cad 'with the pills bad he the drug stores, put up in t ee - chit woad or paste-board boxee. ,t , colleet that for all a where a Laxative, Alterative or, PII atitte - is. indicated, these little Toilets will gill) Mod pexceCt, eatishiction than who use them. They are sal& -by -WI enter Prising Druiriglite ASS& cent* &beige. - Wow tidy druggist. •to induce 'you to take an else that - he_ May say Is last as geed as my Pe ts use lie thakes a larger profit on that which ' he recommends: • If your druggist cannot supply tit enclose-25 cen t s and receive them by return , . watt . ~ .- B. i. PZBACOB, 3I D., PrOP'r, ' , . . ! i3M3TALO, N.Y , June 26, Ma llot-ly - MatOriANT TAILORING GEORGE-IVA.OI4If, has just received a superb as sortment of all kinds o . CLOTHS • for gentlemen's COARRE Sr FINE CLOTH LNG and is prepared to manufacture in the BEST STYLE, and on the shortest notice. Persons wanting Clothing will please drop in•and see my stock. Good Fire and the best of work guaranteed. Jan. 1, 11372-Iy. GEO. WAGNER. • General , Insurance Agency, Nsz sox, TIOQA CO., A. J, H. &J. Campbell, • •• ARE prepared to ' Issue PoHoles iu first class Com panies on all kinds of Insurable Property against and Lightning at reasonable rates. We travel and examine all flats personally in the counties of Tioga and Potter. J. CAMPBELL. Nelson, Feb. 7, 7872-Iy. J. D. CAMPBEI,I. Tioga Marble Works. a HS derwas Pore To il int d St is on n e o s w at ir d e ir e ou a ni t° neu e r oltecilleror or Rutland Mitrble, Ft the latest style and approved workmanship and with di =pa constantly ou hand both kinds of bfarble end will be able to snit all who may favor him with their orders, on as reasonable terms as ran be obtained in the country. FRANK ADAMS. /so. A AND Ladies' Furnishing Goods TO SUIT EVERYBODY. AT Ili& A. B. GRAVES' EMPORIUM OF FASHION MIL in the Cone House Store. - A large stock of Goode \ just received and will be sold cheap. \ Mn. E. B. KIMBALL will have charge of the Millin ery:department, and will be glad to see her old friends aid new ones at all times. Drop in and See our new store. Dec.l3. 1.41-Iy.. MRS. A. B. GRAVES. TOLES, ROBINSON & CO., ( Suctissons to J. 11. Barker,) Dealers In 1:11 4 3 7 CVO cscocles every description. • CHOICE GROCERIES • in abundance. all kinds and fresh. • Thtcordiallyinvite sellingd to at low t ralltndlool i e g thro s ue r our large l E:r d a st i oc ready pay. We shall receive NEW GOODS constantly from the city to keel; pur assortment full and complete. TOLES, ROBINSON & July 10, 18:2. : Good Lgiveryt VVANVALKEIiBUBG & CO, would , say to their friends thatthey have a good Livery established in Wellaboro for the accommodation of their friends. Good Horses and Carriages always on band at moderate rates. Stable on Water Steet opposite Geo. Derby's resi dence. C. 0. VAN VALKENBIIIIG. ' Jima 28. 1872. 0. W. 31081 ER. REAL ESTATE- I-OR SALE TE subscriber offers for sale his real estate in the southwesb3ru part of the borough, to suit purclui sera, A. portion of the premises is nicely situated to cut up into villpge lots, and pasture and Weber lots. The portion covered with timber s well wooded with bard-wood and hemlock. The large lot on which 'be resides will be sold off L I - village, lots, including his residence. -110B.ERT KELSEY. June 12, 1822.-dm House and L otlfor Sale. IHE undersignefloffers for sale tits house and Lo on Vain street, in Elkiand, Pa., ate very low price d lot contains oni-balf acre, and is under good cul tivation. For tams, &0., apply to the subscriber. mann, Pa., Feb. 21. 11172-tt 0. P. BABCOCK. New Cabinet- Store! qpnE undersigned has opened a room In the base /. went of hie cabinet building, on Rain Street, op posite Dartt'a Wagon shop, for the sale of Cabinet Ware of all kinds, such as . . Bed Seto, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, Lounges, Extension and other Tables, What . Nots, Hdt Racks, and many other things, which will be sold lower than the lowest. Re Invites all to take a look at his goods ‘ before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the place— ? opposite Darit's Wagon Shop, West Main Street. • • JACOB STICKLIN, Agent. Ang. 14.1872. • BSS, L J. SOFIELD now receiving from New York, , s Axis assortment of 3%dri.!4lickt3ar3r FANCY IGIOODS, whlclishe offers to the public at low rates. Every thing ;tingly foontl in a' • . . Fancy . Store, wul be kept on band let add low for °nab.' The Wit• cos and Gibbs towing inachthes for sale, end to rent. Jan. 2.1879. - htB/3. A. J. 807/T art. AND Ilfo Person can take these Bitters accord ing, to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not 'destroyedby mineral poison or other i means, and. the vital organe• wasted beyond tic point f of repair: , ' , .. , - • Taystpolts or Dullgestion. Headache, Pain 1 in the Should , Coughs, l'ightnOss of the Chest, Diz ziness, Shur ruciations of the 'Stomach,. Bad Taste' in .the Mutt , Bilious , A t tacks, Palpitation isf the Heart, Inflani ation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of . TheKidneys and a hUndred other painful symptoms. are the offspril e. of,Dyspeplia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove . a Letter guar antee of its me its than a lengthy advertisement.' , For Vernal() , Complisalsatar itf young or old; married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, *best Tonic Bitters display so decided an influenee that, a marked improvement is soon percep tible. IPpy Inflammatory and Chronic Uheu— .inatism and Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Inter ,mittent, Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidney; 'lnd Bladder., these Bitters have tub equal. Such Dis- L easea are caused by Vitiated- Blood, generally Ipmduced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. ' They are a (krone Purgative as well as a Tonle, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting asp pOwerful agent in reiieving Congestion or Inflain- Oration of the Liver and Visceral Organf, and in 'Bilious Diseases. ~;,.. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter. Salt 1 rum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car " ndee Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Ery of. las;ltch, pcurfs, Piscoioratioas of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of A hatever name or nature, are literally dog up and carried out of the system in a ..ebort time by the use of these Bitters • ' . Grateful Thousands proilaitri VINIMAR BIT =RS the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. J.WALKER,Proe'r. R.D.IdeDONALD & CO.. Druggists and Gen. Agta., San Francisco, Cal.. and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALEItS. August 2u, 187:-!'iii. . Miiiiiie ! ,11 4' i. , .. e ! • In %RISS 11. W. TODD has removed h'-r Music Store to the late residence of Lauer Bache, t•Tposite Van Horn's Rotel. Steinway and other all="llskric• tia 'for sale very chop• Also, 71t.1.501: HAVLO CABINET ORGANS OLD rNSTRUAIENTS TAKEN IN EXCIIANOE large stock Of 'NEW IMSTe just roc E.ived I Piano; Organ. and in Sing a• pm-five ailotded in those B. W. TODD. LESSONS given nu thc, fug. An opportunity - Wto may cleame it. .. Jam I. 1a72-t.f. A CERTAIN FUR. Seatkd Cough; Incipient Consumption. Colds, Spitting of Blbotl, haiku/mamma in Dad Lungs, Catarrh. bron chitis, Crimp. Whooping Cough, Asthma, Pains fp liiiast or 81.Ie, 1)3 spepsai, Jaun dice. Dizzine , s, Loss of Fever and Ague, Indigestion, Liver Couilluilit,Uh Ir . hoes, and all Diseases of the Lunge, - Sitantieh and Liver. IL 'Gregg al Co." , Wholesale Druggists, Elmira, LW. Y.,, Sole Agrnt;, and to whom all oracle should be addr-ss ed.--120--Fon SALE ITE PLEIivE S KRESs, Welleboro:ln. PRICE, 1.00 June 12, 1672-Iy.) B4I)WpN'S Sll.dNTy• If you want a nice assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, . CALL AT BALDWIN'S SHANTY, TIOGA, PA If you want Dress Good of all kinds, call at BALDWIN'S Slnuitj If you want BTk Alpaca, call for the Grand DutchCes, at BALDWIN'S Shanty If you want au Oitomuu Shawl, .call at BA_LIDIVIN'S Shanty It you want Ladies & Gents' under ware, If you ward notions and Wimmings, call at BALDWIN'S Shanty If you want -Furl, .• you itPa t knit Goods, Xf you vta t Hata and Cape, call at BALDWIN'S Shanty If !Olt want Boots and Shoes, call at BALDWIN'S Shanty If iou want a set of Dlsties, If you want good Teas and Groceries fresh, call at BALDWIN'S Shanty It you wept a ready made suit of clothes, call at BALIJWIN'S Shanty If you want a suit of Clothes leave your measure. • , at 13ALDWIN'S Shautyn If you- want Over rata, call at BALDWIN'S Shanty, • 1 call at 141.? WIN'S Shanty. I d! If you want prices that cant be beat, ti call at 11A Slianty, if yip want Buffalo Ilobe9, That's what's the Matter, • We are 1111210119 to sell these goods batorez cave the ghtuati. ' T. L. BALD r& CO. Nov. 1, 1811, For Sa •A 80178 E AND LOT on Sint , Ald: lA(9Atle of Wellston°, Sept. 4-4 w. e World's Tonic Pm ,13 - vt-rt 1a 1 raid 1:1' FROM ALCOIIOI . P. LORIMER'S UV . lr,lrL;LiI;:% l : 4 AR BITTERS call at BALDWEN'S Shanty call at BALDWIN'S Shanty call at BALDWIX'S Shanty I ' call kit 13ALDWIN'S Shin street. Te CHAS GO 8 CBB DEN. R. R. R. RACIWAY'SLREADY ' , RE!" r, .CIJURS T H E WORST PAIN» In - from One to Twenty lyn ntites. NOT 'ONE HOUR after, reading thle advertisement need any one BUFFER WITH PAIN, HADWAY'S BEADY RadEF. lb A CUBE FOR , EVERY FAIN. • • I was the that and is 'rho On Pain tnat instantly sto me mod excruciatiog psin*, anr-s latiaaanations, cores CongeAlons, wi t , : th er or 1 1 .. Lunge, Stomac eOpikationh, , I owels, or other g lands org.shs. ono .IN FROM 0 E TO TWENTY MI.NDTEs, no matter how olent or excruciating tho th , RHEUMATIC, B .rldden, Inner , Crippled, kietualgtc, or pros ed with disease may sulkr, ' 11 RADWA '8 READY RELIEF , WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFIA I IIMATION OF TILE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE naLASlxteripli OF ljj.k. uolvELs. • BORE THROAT,D ON F C ICULT N I t o nEAT E M o PALVTATIoN Or THE Ili . Aitr. HYSTERICS, CROUP, rnewrrautiA. CATARRH, INFLUENZ,It. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHIE, • NEURALGIA, COLD CHILL% AGUE GRILLS. The application of the Ready Relief the vat „, parts where the pain or difficulty exists Will afford tasr Sind comfort. Twenty drop In half a tumbler of water will lo a fv.., moments cure. RAMPS, SPASMS, SOUR STO ti A(.11 HEARTBURN, SIPK HEADACHE, A, 'DYSENTERY,/ COLIO„ WIND' IN THE I.I4IWELs: and all INTERNAL PAINS. Travelers should always curry a bottle of It ftda ay' d Ready Relief with them. A few drops in ekt, prevent sickness or joins from change of order, p. 4 better than French randy or Bitters as a et/1111,1.k. FEVER AND AGEE. FEVER AND AGUE cured for fifty cod,. 71,,.... y, not & remedial af i ent tide world that wlii cure h„,,,. ; 4 P 1 ?1 Ague h “ :4 8 ...mrerv, h vila ti el io lnai l a t k pn,Ls) ea 'quick na RADWAY'S READY ItELle.l Fifty cents per bottle, Bold by Druggists. . • HEALTH IIEAUTY H STRONG AND PURER if BLOOD—INCEm E.. OF FLESH AND - WEI iT-t.GLEAR SKIN Alib BEAUTIFUL COUPLE lON SECURED TO ALL DR. RAFIWAY , s SARSAPARILLIA t ikI L RESOLVENT A HAS MADE THE MOST AS T ONISHING CUTtEr; • SO QUiCK, SO RAPID ARE TIIE CHANGE; THE ODY UNDERGOES, UNDER 'I HE IN FLUE CE OF THIS yRULY woNDERF hh MEDICINE, THAT ••Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE (MEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every, drop of the SARSAPARTLLIAN R} ouLX ENT communicates through the Blood, Swot. Un r s and other fluids and Juices of the system the vigor of l;.: for It repairs the yrastes of the body:with new and wind material.. Scrottila, Syphilis Consumption , oi indla .r disease, Ulcers In the 'Throat, 'Mouth, 'A ualogs, Node, ui the Glands and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes. Strumous Discharges from the Ears, anti the wort: forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Aene,l3lnt./. Spots, Worms in the Flesh. Tumors, Cancers in th; Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the life print! pie, are within the curative range of this wonder of Mod• em Chemistry, anti a few days' use will prove to on, person using• it for either of these forms of diseme at potent power to cure Item. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the watts and decomposition that Is continually progressing. sh:t ,ceeds In arresting these wastes, and repairs the same n oo new material made from hen thy blood—acd this the EARSAPARILLIAN will an does secure. - Not only does the DAUSAPA ILLIOrt REBOLVE:tir esrti all known remedial agents In to cure of Chronic, Scruf , ions, Constitutional, and Skin Iseases ; but it 13 the et positive cure for 'Kidney rill- Bludd r Complaints, Urinary, and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Inclntinence of Urine, Bright's Bit. case, Albumlnurla, and s In all cases where there are brick dust deposits, or.the water is thick, cloudy, mixed wwhi substances like the white of an egg or threads like whit silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pralisz, burning mutation when passing water, and pia Ia tie Small of the Back end along the Loins. Price, II co. forVYßilp,,—The only known and sure Remedy V9rrns— in, Tape, etc. Tumor of 12 Years' Growth Cured by Radway's Resolvent. Basins, Moe., July id, ILO Da. ar, 1-4 have had Oculan Tumor in the scans, act bowels. AD the Doctors said " there was no help foe it." I !rid orrery thing that was recommended; but nothing belyed Ls I saw year Resolvent, and thought I would try It ; but bad OD hit hi ft, twat eta I had suffered for twelve years. I to o k six tilde, thd Resolvent, and one Lox of Itsidwns 'a Pills, awl toe but ties of year Ready Relief; and there to not a sign of tumor to it seen or felt, and I feel better, smarter, RIM happier than I La, for twelve years. The worst tumor was to the left tide of the bowels, over the groin. I write this to. you for the teueto of others. Yea cm publish It If you choose. HANNAH P. KNXPP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet goo! purge; regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Rol way's rills, for the cure of all dlsoeders of the Stonc,c, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Iherssee, Headache, Constipation. Costiveness, Ind tgestio Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Manamalon ri the Bowels, Pl!mond all Derangements of the Internal V is cera. Warranted to eftect a positive cure. Purely Veretie ble,containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious dingl Oar Observe the following symptoms resulting frou, Disorders of the Digestive Organs Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blesd In the lbs I, chitty of the Stomach, Nausea Heartburn 'most of Food, tallness °el Weight in the Stomach, Sour ErtiAllsol.lf, Sinking .r cluttering a 4R ie4 d t ac P ug g-e t r i tain S rilutrTit u Lli o li h & l o l ki g or nuffooming Sensations when 'in sLi Poston., liminess of Vision, Dots or Webs before she Sight, &ter and bull Pam tar the 8e4,1, 'Deficiency of Perspiration, Yelloomeo of the Skin and Eves, Pain In the Side, Chest, Limbs, and sudden Flushes of Dent, burning in the Flesh. \A few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS µlll free the sys tem frotn'all the above-earned illsordets. Pride, 25 cents per. hux. 'SOLD BY DRUGOISTS. READ "FALSE AND TRUE." Send one letter -8 p RADWAY & an CO., No. 87 Malden Le, New- Y tam orr. Information worth thousands will he sent you. • May 29, 1872-Iy. WICKIiAM & FARR TIOGA, PA Have received avid are now offering for sale all latest styles of ID•rgias3s; 4Groc>cle, Including Black, Japanese and fancy Silks, Silk Pop• Bus, Silk Veloures, Pure Mohairs, Grenadines, Taruise and liitnrietta Cloths, Alpacas, L.) on Suitings, Striped and plain, Poplins, Japanese Striped and plaids, Wash Poplins, Rt-ersuckers, Cre tonnes, Paris Cambric, Crapo Mort tz, Organ d 03, Lawns, Sintanua Suitings, lin Robe Patterns, Percales; Rhine% Striped and Clmyro Chambray, r, vn- „ , Fren en- 0- en4c#lngibants, to gather with a fine assortment of Cloths and Cassimeres, s a Yankee Xotion.s, Hosiery an 4 Domestics. 04 stock of tLadicg' Shan•le and , 4arfa cannot be et 'celled either ail illtards quality of price. Hats and Caps iu endless variety Roots 0114 Nhoes, the finest and coarsest, the cheapest and the best and most serviceable to be bend is tll market.. . , If anybody xrauts a suit of clothes, their _t portautldrity is to look through our qtoel, ot Ready-.?lade Clothingl • buy an outfit and 631'0 their money: Carpets, Oil Cloths and CM baud to be sold at the moat reasonable prices. — Next comes a full line of Grciceries, Crockery, and WOoden, Ware ~ at rates to suit even the most particular purchaser Just come and see how much you can save by buylog where goods are sold right, Tioga, May 15, 1872 ONTARIO FEMALE SEMINARY cenumuctu.i, N. r., BGINS its 48th Annual Session, 4canesday. Si 11th, Superior inducements and advantages of. ferod. Circulars sent on application. B. RPCIIATIZEI, Principal. B 8. RICIURDS, Vice Prijicipal, Aug. 21, 1679-4lv. WICKHAII 'FARR