, USEFUL A D SUGGESTIVE. —Mace ed Milk.— • The question of diseased milk is of very great importance, whether considered , in a sanitary point of view, or in respect -to the influence which such milk :hills in injuring. the quality and flavor ofjhe products, man ufalured from it. Dittrymen, generally, WO think,' are not fully aware,: of the harm NtiliCh is likely to follow; trent! rising the iuil Of diseased or unhealthx . cows. .1n a recent number of the British .ilredii4 . Journal an accounVis given' of an infant .al: , fected with a bad' eruption, Whlelitiiiide: its I appearance on his face, body nrnl, extremi tics-in large, circular patches of a bright rose color; his handsi' Saco, and. Atoilotnen, ' swelled, and altogether he had the appear ance of one poisoned by mussels or otherlish. The eruption afterwarttextended to Lie scalp, nd became almost livid; ttatinksay_cytitla s jts: Now in this case, it was stated,. the infant had been brought up prineipally;:oil: . c4, urine and the mirsernakt had' 'always been' eht to see the milk drawn, and Owe% s from the same cow. The Aysielaii,' tink l iSeeto account for the tIJSO:the, went tolt6cow4aira and fouml that the cow—althougli in every 01 her respect a fine animal ealough-:-A , :witssut7 tt.rllll.; most untnl§tAkithlf - fromtheloot-fintl: mouth di.eaSe. Another child of the same age, fed w ititt he same tun, 'hadalso t , ,i front a puttular eruption on the head and The milkman took the matter very coolly, II:col - tiling the phy siciitri that, the dirkase WAN largely prevailing in other cow-harm, and she Jonr)vort calls attention ' and ,ays it is right that these places are officiall,l iiimaxted and milkmen prohibited from sell'. ile_r the mill: of diseased cogs. . ' Air. ,1 . Muller .pf, 'Wadding-Veen, :; ) oitt li, 1 .-- Holland, in a comindhcation to the London' .tii7- Journal gives an account of the spoil in:* of a vat of milk tthe day's yield - from'' eighty c ows) siinply On necount,Of mingling, lath it the milk of one Cow.k The -- milk vi ould not coagulate properly and eon - kinetic-- , ii emitting a_very noxious smell, .and , for ii•tir of spoiling the good milk standing mar' in the other vats the chute was, opened.' alid the a hole contents of vat discharged into the ditch. In this, the milk of the eighty COWS came from one, patron and Wni,put twat te,it by itself, so that the cause of the tronWe %\ :IN ell,ily traced in the dairy to the, part ic !ilitr vow. :Numerous cases similar to the itbove could he given showing the bad inilti cued of diseased milk, and we are convinced the trouble is much more frequent, than' is commonly supposed. Dairymen who have " foot-i - ot" prevailing in their herds, or who hat 4' :tiling cotes; - not unfrequently Mingle 'the had and goodmillt'of the herd together tt ithout thinkilm that; any harm is to collie twin it. ' At the, teprics i,t• is; often quite; qtliticiilt to trace had milk to its source, be -1 ( atst: the milk of a neighborhood pr i.Cst..itt oral - patron., tieing inwitied' together; titd there ia•ing. Hich a great variety of ,ctithes iihely to affect it injuriously; it - is not cosy 10 I rare t•Nisiiny; troubles to the true, eqittsc_ , So willi sieltnc.,..i and dis-etise, 'the cense is lit unfrequently attributed to- the wrong •-•ource, and the fact that milk. is alien/11y_ cons id o Ked one of the most healthy articles of food is very likely to lead ohe to pass neer any influence that might come from it, when Possibly the trouble originated therefrom - We arc now in the midst of hot weather, MITI diseased milk, from its rapid, decom position, accumulates its power, wonderful ly, for doing harm. Dairymen, therefore, cannot he too careful in keeping bad or dis- . elf:wit milk front the good, aria on no ac count to allow such diseased milk to go to the factory or into consumption. The milk Irian a bruised udder often works - g,rent, lids , t hief when carders or thoughtless milkers Ihinp it into the eau along with that which is good. Some people wonder tit-the , difll-• (lilt ies of cheese making, and think that ex mrieneed cheese makers should be able to overcome all troubles in the hamiling• of milk; but if we could know of all the bad milk received at the factory—had milk rt., suiting from diseased cows, from bruised and broken nildets, front -sere tents, from cows - kdrering w4th "fon( in the foot," or from sai"s and ulcers on-various parts of the 4 body—we . wild then begin to realize how 4,.... dillieult it. is I kelv nomfecture a uni form' "fan cy" product from4lnilic which is-often poi• ~wed, more or less, in this manner.—Rure/ . - t..c. Yietkir. ' Shall Women still use the SidelSaddle ? We admit that woman looks graceful in the side-saddle, but it is plain that-In silting sideways. on a horse she Is placed to a great ' disadvantage. It is ditlieult for her to con- I rol a vieiotis animal. and in a hard run or a hold leap, her :.eat must be unsteady. The I,,,ilitm is constrained anti fatiguing, and in c„-.n of keying. het It:dance, she is - in dung& of heihe. eaug-ht and dragged by the horse. skirt i., ah,v,tys in the Way, and it taloni%rw. n noose of death. The side adtlle represents one of the oldest traditions of ceitv.:trizinship, and therefore it will not I. e surrendered without t stubborn ligld.-, We can Scarcely exPerit women to form so .I.eautiful a picture With each foot in a stir -1:11v; but then if the change ever does take 1-lace, we will grow accustomed to it as we I: the grown familiar with other innovations. pannier and the waterfall detract from it fair proportions of the female form; still eow that they have come into general use, - ,hvy- no longer seem octal to us. That to loch the majority subscribe is not conspic• Lolls. The thing may have been novel - at v , rst, anti possibly its introduction created a - , •usat ion hut when expanded into -a cus tom, sensation ends, and atm we marvel how it ever could have secuted,lstrange, and gave excited ridicule and opposition. Old ;aid (tear as are the tradition4of the side-sad -die, we can part with them, and in time will learn .not to stand and gape when ,a woman sweeps past us mounted on horse and ri ding- astraddle. lot the innovation become a custom, and n if we wonder at all, it will be at the thought that the barbarous practice should have lived through so many centuries. T O T eive up the side-saddle is to blur eat in lines of grace, and to slightly mar a beauti; fel picture, but we can afford to sacrifice unfelt on the score of safety and comfort.— 'The side-saddle, generally speaking, is an' instrument of torture to the horse; it is the cause of many serious accidents, and the fair • rider carries her life in her hand as it were. A sudden plunge, or a stumble, and the woman, wrapped in her long skirt, goes to the earth. it is unmanly to insist .that the fair partners of our bosoms should always be kept at a disadvantage. We men should not compel them to constantly face a clan tier that are shrink front ourselves. The use of the side-saddle is long/estith lishn,l. The custom is deep-rooted( and to aicolish it will require both tact and nerve. I , ;eforin must commence in tl c pighest ranks tit' society, tied when a WOlll first ventures to ride with each foot, in 4 a, stirrup;she mast` not advertise the fact in adVancc: To make such announcement as will call out gaping r evds, is a sure way/ to overwhelm the moveineut with ridieo Even.the courte san e onld not haveythe f.we to ride boldly, er I In: rude sarcasm of the mob. How' ;hen. can we exytict a relined and shrinkin Oln'Ul to go torn! and defy the rabble;' eetral Parti f s nut the place to inaugurate ic ee t tigain'st the sidesaddle. The tilst venttde must he made in a more seclude , , „ aiy, ruff (OM ) ems for the family scrap . Book. RIIPROOF Dltt'.l , :qNt; FDlii : 111101‘13 AND j , f‘itN --One of the most important means pr,•,ervinglbealth, espeeially at 'this .ea ' son, is to keep the feet dry and warm. Far mers and others v ho are exposed to wet and 4)1,1 ‘i .aild find the following composition cty Attable as a inoteetion.and a preser at ive for their boots. It is also extSellent a dressing for harness. Neat's foot oil 14- I,inta ; I lieeswax, 1 oz ; spirits turpentine, 1 ,z ; pine tar, 1 oz. Melt and mix together, ut ;40 untilicoki.—Sprcad and rub this conpoAtion over the leather while -it Is damp ;, leather will absorb oil or grease I , et n damp titan when dry. For the take pine tar, and rub it in before a tire until the soles will absorb no m01 . e.--;-• — Mee or four applications will be, needed. The durability of the 9oIIIS will be much in creased. • Pfci;m:n CUcumuuns.—Mrs. Peter Lo- levre‘of Chatham, furnishes the iyarniene 7a5 with the following reccipt,for pickling c•lclimbers; As soon as the cucumbers arc picked, wash them; then put the large in one vessel, the smaller in another. Boil hood vinvgar and pour on hot.• Tte next inorniug pour the vinegar of, and boil it; tiwn pour it on them hot. Continue this f tett dayt,—During this time the pickles ill become pale and afterwards-will be re: ..orcd to their natural color, At the end ~ 1 litc toi days put the pickles in jars, dis c .-.rtlin!: the Old vinegar. Now boil fresh and put on hot, and the pickles are ula.ted to keep one yetir or three, solid and highly colbred. Any one trying this eceipt - will not want logo back to the old ay, of salting down cucumbers and having p , r soft pickles. We have eat4n them treated thus, and, ever found them a luxury. • . To make. a thin man look fat, call aft9r him, and he will then look round. THE ORIGIN OF SCANDAL. Haidllts. In qiitte. a confidential way. "It seems to,ui That /gra. JaVes too Inneli.l.attmetlitng—iu her tea." And Mrs. J. To Airs K.,, That tight was overheat to Nly She grieved to Winch Upon tt muck. taut "NI, H. V. took—such and onefit" They Min. K. went straight away And told a Mewl, the self•sarue nay. . 'Twits sad t think"— Kere canto a \NAO..— •• • ,0 111 tt MIS. I%as (unapt itctulf _ , • fib'e Nis • • • c l. 4 , 1 1‘ 1 1) jpi,,,rme a tt• 4. „, U 11. 4, .• , hal - t Was that far gone she ill,ll , lu't zee ." This lady we ' have mentioned, she .j Gate needle work to biro. 11 -, • ' Ana at such news : • Could scarcely choo3r. • But Dut hat:tiler needle work retuse. • ' Then Mrs. It, As yon'lt agree, Quite tiroperly--ehe sail, said the, • That aho would track The scautial hack To those it. ho made her loot so b Through dirs. E. • She ;:ot at last to Mrs. A.. :vat' asto-i h.r why, • - WLIh erktel he. She ROnted he: to, aril . . a dye Said Mrs. A.. , • In t; vre dismay, 'r ub such that); vottla eyerser,„, „ I said t. i Milder itreW. , •;a t . tin too,mach sugar—which yon - an i ' POLITICAL NOTES. Th6fe is: oae thing that can always be . . Iputid—aril that's Inuit. . • - . EM " G iftnt's htsjorltytitt Illindis,lift4l36fi 51450. This year it will bi - einuelt larger, it the signs Of the tines Itte;noCAllkirinigi c,i•Vx • It is a very curious thing in inprnalisni now to Watch the new York' Worl i d.leifehiifg the New 1(ofli Triba lit how to edit a Demo : vritlie, iietvivaper.— Si. J. Herald. ',The - Buffalo authorities have squelched the sale of indecent publications. As thi§ shuts oft Frank Leblies Day's Doings, it is a direct blow at Grceleyism. —Mato Blade. - :Columbus has a regiment of Grant tan ners, numbering over 1,700. A large num ber of the members ate Democrats, who, for the,tl4-st,tiine, will vote the Republican tick- Jerry Mack, who now minions uto ot of lag nonapOor i yt - cw'rit Ni t his wor4d'amlAlo IWO adjaeOrtil _you. can not have - fofind n nrirC ttntit man to be Presitit•ni. - ' A Greeley p:1 ua ety feet high, with a •bi&witite hat tart, lots . been raised in Mot , row, Ohio;" It is noticed its - it 'remarkable coincidence that the crows of the neighbor hood all roost on it. .. , , The Greeleyites ascert :that,f3hina) Vam-,' erott proposes to give I,p,ooo,QOp' - jo earty : Pennsylvania. Nonsense, - -.SymniP 'i-eul/1 buy the entire 'reeky funly',for enteilf`th be that amount.— ( a d o ivad , . „"Generai Ilan MAI, as \we • have before said, is a good s idler anti a worthy man, whotn;we - shall, if course, support, 'should he he selected by our State Convention."— Philadelphia Presq, April, 1872. . A I)emocratie correspondent, speatting_of two Greeley ItcpubliCinia;:, innocently adds that they were postmasters under Lincoln. The trouble with these men is, they aro not postmasters under Grant. —Toledo Plaie. Gratz Ilrown's biographers record that he'once "stood high at the bar." We nev er heard of his standing high at the bar, but there are well authenticated, instances of his getting "high" ai it itixluta Deihoorut. Colonel Blanton -_ Finnean the Moses of pure Democracy, is about ti establish a daft ly paper i nt Louisville, and rrb looking about for such newspaper talent as may -)v lying around loose. The new paper will, of course, support the noMinees of the Louisville Con vention. ' • t, The New York Trilmne has discovered a man who supports Greeley, "Not because he wilt defe a t chant, but because of his eminent fitness." It is Henry A. Foote otTennessee —he whom the, Thininv was "xont , to call "Hangman" Poole. • ' The last. act of tyranny by the unsurping despot at Washington was allowing his bru tal tninions to prevent the prize tight be tween Professors Mace and O'Baldwin which N.vati expected to eventuate from Bal timore last week—Hitriforg amnia Sean these words from the mouth of a Greeley follower: "Our only hope is, as a party,-to agree with everybody, to promise everything demanded _until after the aloe lion—and he must be a fool who supposes we inenn what We; Say." Too true. They have a healthy sheriff in Reynolds county. Ile is under'ii . ,3, MO bonds to answer a charge of being concerned in the lynching of Callahan, and is I\ Libera)Denmeratie del egate to the Congressional convention in his district. Ile is strongly opposed to the tyr doily exercised by the General Government Over the Southern States.—Mismart Dario cmt, , Hr. Greeley is opposed to nepotism. lie got hiOrOther-in law, John F. Cleveland, appointed to two lucrative revenue offices, and the New York Times has a copy of it letter written by the Philosopher requesting the appointment of his nephew to a place in that wicked New York custom-house. ' ./, Horace Greeley repeated pointedly out in the campaign of 1808 that however de,ctnt a man Horatio Seymour might be he ,Could not, as President, be better than his "panty, This is as true of Greeley now us it/was of Seymour then. Yet Mr.. Greeley's own friends acknowledge that ihe weirst‘ Men in the,country compose liii imeuediate party.— Nem York Times, / , ,The Connellsville Moniior (Dem.) says : "May the Supreme Being direct otherwise, 'for Greeley is not our/choice, .nor do we wish to pollute the column 4 of the Monitor with his name nor piOlishi anything in his defense. To support an Abolitionist for any office, „would be degrading to ourselves and the cause weespouse." John BroWn, Jr., son of the ianti-slavery martyr, who is now residing on Put-in-Bay Island writes to the Sandusky , Register de nying • ft emphatic terms, the report that he issupporter of Greeley. His ea Grant ani ei Vilson man from head to foot, and says 11'. love of the glorious name and principles the Republican party would not permit him to be anything else politically. On the morniug of the State Convention, Forney published the following in his Phil adelphia Press: 'For General Hartranft we have nothing but praise. He was a gal lans soldier, A.No JL BEEN A FAITHFUL' Ofi- FICLAI.. He is a radicalettepublican, and would make a good Governor." What has Avrought thisgreat_ ,ehange P. t3hriply this ;" 'llitirtudi followed up the Evans fraud until it came out that Joha 11'. Forney shut-rd in the plunder. • The next is S. U. McKee, Alliance; O. anti editor of the Telegraph. After twenty four years' consistent Detinteracy—``wedded and bound to the parts- through principle-- 1' have nothing to bind me to that organiza tion any longer, and shall east my vote for General Grant." The hiberal papers arti'So mueh'eugaged in having their readers im pressed with the accession of Messrs. -Sam iier, Schurz and Trumbull, that' they over-, look these lesser movements. But each one -carries .iv vote and something more; and more Democrats have already come into the Republican ranks than were necessary, to keep them good. And still they eome,---=' Philadelphia North American., • ,IP The Carlisle Varenteer thinks that' "Bock alew, Ilartley and Thompson are magnetic names. Whenever they ,are mentioned in 'Oil ical circles they creakka feeling.", ,The otienion is sound. Judge Thompson 'Made" the draft, that wits necessary to fill up the army and save the country; unconstitutional, mind said the greenbacks, needed to sustain the soldiers, were illegal. Butlkalew would- not vote for these illegal and unconstitu tional measures, whatever beaded the conu ty, and Hartley was whipped or kicked mid arrested for the strength of his southern love—then called treason. Such names, ought to arouse feelitigonght to be magnet ic. • But magnetism-ts of.two kinds,' aurae- - lion and repulsion, and the Volunteer, if' it does not disband to soon, Will have a chance of learning alie kind these - names arouse before many more moonshavorown old-- Philadelphia SorthAnzeriron. -• •- _ 4 The Press has adtledto Its Oth - erlitHe pee.: cadilloes an irregularity which isAisually, ; kilowatts forgery., 'Aletterwritten by Gen-; oral IlAaranft, on a matter ofithrely priyitte, business, to hie broker; 'near7yArioeyears'avo;' was obtained in some surreptitious manner by a member of the Evans gang., It had not the slightest connection .with General ' Hartranfes official duty or business; but it was thought that it could be distorted to his injury. Aceordingly the Press parades it - in its editorial column, but tcith' the litrte'aitered two fairs. • The note was written in '1869,' and the /bras dates it in 1871, evidently with' the desjgn of connecting it with the - period °Me hlarcer-Yerkes affair. Different petp ple-ivill - call this mean trick Jiy; tufremik names ; but nobody will' Call lt - honest.* Vuladdphia,itulletitt, J. R. ANDER/301C t. .iK~.xw«~.w ' r Pea* in R D AR E .e3p Fi ' z , ^4 ' " •ri in kinds, ANA - RiPZIP , WARE Pii - iof,teok tit bride— Stove for wood or mat, ',lfs' f ~ m,, _a tte i Table and Pockertileutlery, rf ": TRISISIttV, Of t)il 11. ; yl FARMING :TOOLS or all kinds, GUNS AND AMMUNITION, =I Petroleum Fluid, "; s MEM (the hest light In the World) Ana every article connected with the iitu - dware -Trade.' ~: Roy's Ithick, south side of Main West, text dtior to C. C. ?Bathers. A.pril 9, 1879. J. R. ANDERS ON, AGENT. 1%. g- , ti t ; 8 • 4. g 5 P ••••I 13 et 5- Ri ge a C: / / g ~/t , it z / 0 / S' g• P a, et C" , 4 "s • B ;1. • r 4 5. . 11 3 V WEI 1 ;0 111 i) " ; DEBBY FEELER, HAVE justreturned from the city with the latest r‘W_k of -BOOTS_ AND SHOES ever brought into Wellaboro. consisting of Ladies' Kid and Cloth Bal morals and Gaiter.s, Lqtdies, Misses, Children I and Baby's "Shoes. 1 Golds' Cloth Boots 4. Sltoes since.filbert Calf Boots, -Boys' Calf it Kw:Boots • • FEE In fact, aU binds of Mena' and lirerneiVe wear kept n s brat-class Shoe Store. The, beat sewed Woraolf a Shoes ever 'offered hi dna snarkev- We defy the world CUSTOM WORK. 'Tryon don't believe us, try do. 'We buy only the bast stela, a 0 have as good Cordwaluers as moue, can hire. itgPAlttiNG done neatly, ano with dispatch '‘4O_ ether and:Findbiga .f ' • of all kinds consts.ntly onion& Clisli'rrnd for ilides,iDtssenn. Skins, • Pelts -and:Vii4; /laving just tilled up our shelves viitit 4tdes personslly selected for 'this market; ere rlMie solicit a fair share of tnul4 ;Ihrialkprollt. cit returiatii"vre believe to bo a id busliteits -Ina E 1 and we hold the best iv** to be the ebeepset. .L We • keep no shoddy Our sisorttnnotts sudden! to keel all elteil sad tastes. We Invite our pumas' itn4relis public generally to "Oen and ,essinine our' Mock, lito i ironble to shoat goods. Always to be found, one door north of 0. B. Kelley's Store. )taint Street, Wellsborer,, I Pa. May 1,1872 HARNESS SHOP • 4 71 _ W. ?WAVLE, would say to Ids tßeudis that kJ". Harness Shop is constantly stockid with' -Heavy and light:Harnesses,. made in a substantial mariner, and offered at prices that cannot dill to snit. v She best workman emPloyeff, nod tiOoe tus3 the hold materi a l need z z - I , • Repairing dead o il '6%4 antic!), Mad WHO beat IMM ' nee. CaHand see. - • Jap..100 , 4-11r. , neo, W. - 14,k I.V. clOr..LOSX.—About tin days ago a cow or the sub ,scrfberftftayeil away.. Elbe is: a•re42. - three-years al* . "chivorfth brass knobs on her born*. —Tier born* areati e ra)4l4 and well specs& anyterson anding bar notify - t-H. IL - O'CONNOR.. ' - Iluly.41;11$111-11 , -. , - Vellshots. , lta. • 4A r Otiee; • ,t Coat and Vest made forrrauk Longbotbaw. which: be can have by paying charges on thee:One, and the aspens° of +Overfilling. by applying to John -B. Illuticapcare. Canton. Bradford Co.. Pa. ~It.lhat above gatinanti tire not paid for in 94 Cale • groin the. Aattut A ithitr lA's they wilt - sOLL. J. EL AX $ I Aug. 14%; 1872-3 w. ., - • • tiviliim==A. light 64 max . tOurtien hand., I high, with dark mime and tali. broke into UK , eioatire of the sutaeriber. in Idainabarg: The ,owner Ai requested to prom property gay charges and take fier nwa.Y.- 4117822214. Await 28, 2872-31 re '• . , • • - • - •- • - - • • ; 2a4 it ...A #l5l Etl' tv# ft. MEE , .. .r ;• s lc ~ , I, : ~.; I': ; ;- ••• , i.a, . -1 ..)4"...AV5.,..... - rri; . ...",11 4'. 5. , ... 1,-- , s-, . , - ...y0. , ... :• : , - 1.-......4 ~,,.. , • . • 1 ''•i. -I , -. i . - ..41,,.; !-- I N• 1 ,: • , f. ,• i CAII . ' • ' `Stapic awl' .. iiry uootisc,L , --' , l-- i -,:tii , „. ~ ,:.• :, . ,-j il 1 • 4 0).17$ 4.- . .. ',. ' 4. ; . : 4” :4 -- - . li,tr . ' t-4' 64 - C.' fg '''/-1 ii..,.' tv I -.. i,,,,-. %. , i . ,-..ti1:1 , 1,,',.1 kt , ,ZZL..I6i;•, ~ - 41:=', . kgv V-4 - • IH. ; - - - - ' : . - .":.,,,-.;•• f'; , . , . . , • :., :re *Ord io The tiiilma Tlial.gt aid itilliAlorui treftecogi Qin:, to which w. ;ltivitalleeititetition of le treat et 13Fit !AAA* of opt itor variety.. We snakes apedialifilf:', . 1 1 . 1• • • - •4 i4;'.. - d1 -41., i•." ---.. Ate:.. - 7,.....,;.= 7 ,,, f. ,,, ,,;•••. , ~:}••••••31.1- ' ~,r.,:.. ~ .41, -• • 4 ,•••'-”• .1 ; . • . . - f dt;;::k ;.•-, 4 . , i i awl in beta or ti.tnecni Hausa ueip t quitlntetyLii exiijiquusilek—it• tins eeetiou.• Oilidetlie wl3l be math - :epics 4 iiir bylin) meet -.. ~..,. , ....,.. - a - , , • . , , i ' We tato Yytdu to our (I,AItIPET IIL ed,UTMENT 'us one of the Institutions of the two, i1i 5 ,4" tot comotisea 1 4 0 00 1.'W ilag of all v i i . mt fidta im-wale tol l tdiVvve' can SUU thint soy coatornet - iii quality aud prt.e, Slut bald 144 d yew oar Valig lit to duds thilitly. dlortat the entire st o ok was pun:based before th e adyaw, and we Audi sett lit MAC to old Wet* ailperlige. limo need list% to buy (tees*. aiittkoY No contin ua i :' akanam in Wad. .i A, ,'i , .. o . !- . . i ~ :-.4 • .'.l 1 'r.,i D ,. .. ai , .4 .•;., ,t 4 - k-• ii.-: - .,v• .v.•?.g.;;••;11 r:, ~ • , i • . this Litizelle of -Tinge bounty are cordially !united to'cillna'' d see , 40. . if= , . r:, NA Fancy. ~,inieres,,lteady-Made Clothing, lints, Cps, . - . . , . ~. ~ . , 4 4- : _ dk . t vcr tirqf -I.lotit 33,-- , Brothor f • J. , . ... . ~ .4 1 1 ?,, + '4 ,' t i,.3 ' - '-- • `'ii . . ' -. ' i ~,, . ~. , . New,Spring Good s, • . • , . . . 5 ~.,... ~..,, • ,••••,,-,..,--:',.., ~ ':::-_,,.,,,, , and waiting on customers, ; !,;( . 1 -,, ....i `,..{. . r • . . that thy haven't time to write a new I i ~'.:;'- : f.-- i t":7 ; ';•: -,, . -:.. -,, ;.---,:. ,:, t . ,;=;:`,C;il,-, :. . , ~,,,;;.,.. ~„ . • ,'' : , ',, , -.. 1 -.9,..k ,:- • '.• . ' ' '. ' ' ' Adieitisemeni. . ) • , . . . ! CALL AT. NO. L . - BOWEN & CONE'S BLOCK, ,', - ~. - , • • ,- . - k . , .1 - , : • __ , _•,. ,_'' ct .. ;;;;. ' -• • • • WELLSBORO, PA. , 1 . . . WEE DERBY . It IFINEtLEIL WING' facilities tor buying and handling large quantities oiGoode eSehles them to offer them at the lowes tlarge Jobblng cos.pa In our reiaa department Goods are sold at smell advance over wholesale 41 shock of - a - Transfer Ornaments, striPing Pellet's • T t•: ito. *..187 I Mil grz.f EOM c:ox.acriviEttei idb s '4lfag r;• - • ./..*cp: • , c.n.c - VA-11 , , P. ' Er ! SKILLED W0111441 - EAr. • iluraftf. Itarcb, , 1412 The Cheap One-Price Cash Store, , !,110. • `!?,, Wpilaboro. v - • . .._ , . / DRY 61() 0 S, LA DI. ES' ' DRESS GOODS,. AL A PACA a, POPLINS, iViA.M., I)IO4LISASii , J4WIIB,:-. lIIWIAIRS, EN14,01:” k , i I tia4o merited thein down to 'seri:LOW prices for cash. Nov to the time to secure good bargains Oath/Tag 4nt end made to order, and a ;Sited ISt sitiatantecid. Juno 1,1.874. The Laegetts . Establishment:l:n Northern . _ aTC:O3E3CI I %T . ej;:,:.rf'4l.l . t • r4;.51,15+5 fIRUGGIST ,~;?~;, _ - STONH, HON ISLINDAIND ERE EMEI GLAfts, ,ALL FOXES ;1 e • XN",I "P. ar: • • ii I: IIIZ DCOLOB 9, V, : 41 V : . 111 P11.7i1.65. 3• A.: - d i I= 'and Briudies . for Varela-tie-And. e~ .s, IMI full line otall air, of flood Silartliabitt to our trusluesi;.kiPt - ba god!. We now Lave a ( 1 111 end very complete stock or ES SSE . s •t; ;r MINE William WitsOn has Jul resetved lots of SUMMER GOODS, rs, JAMES, &e. Booth atO Shoes. =1 3rZIEI ' WDOLESAIX AND sir • aux, , • ' t_. "Cutter . Orilla**Usti 1./ .. - ,~`.~ - :4 r tf , ..)ll'.' i:-.,---,iej , -. •.a ;.n•% ..T. c),4%.xtvoinwes, 1` ' Mara 4111 1 4 , "•;;: i :3 3 lIISEI NM El 1 MEM =OE hp; Iniittniarsh) feet opplit4limo ' 40E 1 S IP *TAR RH, .REMED y., It to the onlffeiff} . of inarnment yet iitveztte‘t with which:fluid medicine 'coo he carried , hi,th 1 , and Perietair applied to all vats otitis airflow," low,. i pas. BAlOlti'oll4 the clambers. or ..ctly i ties, emu lag thedrowitiNti tvtsll4lßAFea alla TACO re frequen t Iy-es t, 004d , frout whlkli :We catarrhal dischatge geovrally de: Too In• treating catarrh t r errefore has attoen largely from the impossibility of, applying remedies to these cavities and ohms/beta by any of the ordinary methods. • This olnitucle in • thoway oPerfeeting curdss'la entirely overeonierby the invention of the "Dintedie. - In using this Matrix.' walk the 'Field Is tarried by Its own weight Inc snuffing, Arcing -Or Vamping being required,' ne on. nostril In a foughotky Solvidg strewn to the highest portion of the diasa passages, passes into and thoroughly 'Owns* all the tabSsondeliaintioracoottectetl there. flints out or the oPilto nostril, use Is posaanoti and so eluspio - that fi ght a *maid understand nu • Walt and explicitsitteglosts accorupany each inotramenti - !Whoa-Mod Tr! this Mattoon:lit, Dr. Soge'k.Catairb lternedy, cuts recent Wachs of 'w vow tu tiselrid b y aew applications. • tbriosiploass Of eltittirin. Frequent head ache, tisoblidge &WO Into h t ..—rea • • sornethoco proluoe, watery, thick Vnuomi, purulent .01.1:motive, sec. . others a dry riess,dry. watery, week or t utlitpitql oyes, stopping op or obstruct:4n of nasal passages, ring. Ingin ears, dMfuose,'hawkingandcoughing to clear throat; itteeratimili, , euito from, %dome, voice altered, Lust oll'onsivehrisith,,inipaircil or total dee pisatiotiefeenee of emelt and Mato,dbitioeso, men tal depression, lose oj retire, iudigeetion,entorged tonsils; tioklitig roilglF sc. Duly a foss of those eptiptbran aro' Likely t ho present In any case at ouelinie.. • f ' L EW catarrh Remedy, wliOn used with Dr. Plume, Vasa' Deurtio;' and accompanied with the otmatitittionat treatment which is rerun). Mended in the pamphlet that wraps such Louth, 01 the Remedy, led perfect specific for this loathsome 4 1 / l Oase, and 'the proprietor offers, in good faith, fteillreword for a case he cannot cure. -The e i g l y to mild sint•plensant to use, - containing F ro Wend. us thostin drug, or', &mimes. The ,Catorrh Homed si z i i i ssold at 50 cents. Douche at Co routs, by ma Isle. or either will he mailed by proprlm tor Ma rot e pt pt of Go cents. /4;:"V; - Sole Proprietor, BUITALQ, N. Y. MEI ME BIM WILLIAM :WILSON. r Pa.! JOIN R. *MK& ' duuo 26. 1842, Itot=ly • Dentistry. (.. • •prITNG returned (rem a visit East, lam now pre' V&A With anew stick of goods and in atruments offer superior tinflucementa to thote in want of any thing in my Übe.. 'Artificial teeth inserted on a new and superior bee°, at low rates. Teeth extracted with out pan. , Preservation of the natural is eth a speciality. Work warranted. Terms ressonshie. • A. B. EASTMAN, Dentist, San. I, MAX Welleboro, Pa. MERCHANT TAILORING! fi tintoE iirAGNER, bas just received a Iluporb as sortment or all kinds of ' • • • CLOTHS • N .• = • - 1 • ; - for geuilorimp's - • „ ,„ CO.AUSEI,FINRCLOTIIING end tillorePerOd to ;Manufacture to the EMT STYLE, VW on the shortest Itotioe. Persons wanting Clothing will please drop in . and see my stock. Good Fire and the best of work guaranteed. Jan. r, 1872-Iy. GEO. 'WAGNER. Oenerfll l lnsarance Agency, T/OGA CO., PA. J. H. & J. D. Campbell, AI RE prepared to , limn's Policies ill first class Com panies on all kinds of Insurable Property against Ilre and LiiNritiag ut reasonable rates. We travel arid •Olattninel all Xbilis POrsonally in the counties of Tioga awl Potter. • . J. IL CAMPBELL. Nelsop, Feb. 7, 1873-I,r. J. D. CAMPBELL. -Mega, Marble Works, - - • MS widereigned is now preparedute all ,T dere for Toufb Stones and bforittin t e " n e tsof either " ' Italian, or Rutland Marble, of the latent style and approved workmanship and with dispatch. " He beeps constantly on hand both kinds of Marble and will be able to snit all who may favor him with limb' ardent, on tut reasoriable terms as can be obtained In the confitry. FRANK ADAMS. • Jan. 1.1879. MICII.s.T-aXl\7lPVt.'"Sr AND Ladles' Furnishing Goods-I TO SUIT EVERYOODY, AT wr. A. B. ORAVEP EMPORIUM OF FASHION . M the Cone Rowe Wore. A large litovk of Goods just received end will be ,old diem). ' Mrs; E. E. KIMBALL will have charge of the Millin ery department, and will be glad to see hbr old friends and new ones at all times. brop in and see our new store. - Dec. 13, 1.41-Iy.- TOLES, ROBINSON' & CO., (succe...fi. to J. B. Barker,) . • Dealers In X::biewr CA-clicbcfiLtaii of every description., 'CHOICE GROCERIES Iskaboadauce, ail kinds and fresh. The public is cordially invited to call and look through our am° stook, as wo are selliug at low figures for ready pay. We shall receive NEW GOODS constantly from the city to keep our assertmont full • and complete. TOLES, ROBINSON et CO, July /0, 1872. Good - Li*ery I v - r V t t L ENIaU e t ACO,lvdß % ti z e liensityrengool.ger,balhe in Wellaboro for the steomodNro of their friends, - Good Horses an Caniages always on hand at moderate rates. Stable on Water Start opposite Geo. Derby's resi dence. C. G. VAN VALSENBUSG. Awe 28.1872. C. W. ?OSIER. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. rNtliacriber Were for sale his real waste in the attfilveetern part of the borough, to suit purcha sers, A portion of the premises is nicely situated to cut up into village lots, and 'pastime and timber iota. The portion covered with timber is well wooded with hard wood end liemlocic. Thu large lot on which ho 'resides Will besold off in village lots, including his residence. ROBERT RuLsty. ;nue 12, 1872-fon .11"oua and Lot for Sale. quiz undtrolgned offers tor sale his Rouse and Lo j.on libtla street, in Masud, Pa., eta very low price Elida lot contains ono-banters, and la under good cal Ideation. For Urals, surly to the subecriber. litlidattd, Pa.. Feb. 21, 187241. 0. P. BABCOCK. New Cabinet Store ! Wundersigned has opened a room in the base ant of hia cabinet building, on Main Street, op politte partr# Wagon shop, for the sale of Cabinet iiirare of all kinds, ouch as • Bed Sets, Bureaus, Bedstead, s, "Chairs,: Lounges, ExtensiOn, and other Table t s, What •. . Not - s, Hat Racks, thi ..1...y0 i-things, which will be sold lower than the lowest. HeiliviVeirall-t take a look at his goods before waning elsewhere. , . Itatuamber the place—oppoalte Dartt's Wagon ho We!it littat.rg _Street. ~ JA001,3 wriomni, Agent. Au 1.14, Priticiple,a Pertect'Renovator and Invi orator of the System, carryin4J off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy cond,:tion,enrichin it, refreshing and invjgoratinglboth mind and body. hey are easy of administration, prompt in their action, °dentin their results, safe and reliable m all forms of di case. . No Person can take these Bi tors accord leg 'to directiorii, and remain long' un ell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral oison or Other means, and the yital organs wasted bey rut the point of -repair. Dyspepsia lam:lndigestion., II attache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tte Chest, Diz ziness, Sour Eructations of the Stoma 1,, had Taste in the Motithdltilions Attacks, , Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other pailful symptoms,- are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In t i esc complaints it has no equal, rind one bottle will prova better guar antee of its merits than a lengthy advert cement. ** For entail° Cocapittints, in young or old, advert married or sing % at the dawn otwom Omer), or the turn of lire, these, Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that a /marked improvement i soon percep tible. For Infirmmatory and Chr mn as us and ut, Dyspepsia or Inds Remittent and, ntermittent Fevers, Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, the been most successful. Such Diseases Vitiated Blood, Which it generally produ went of the Digestive Organs. ' They are aGeqtle Purgativ a Tonle, ems/ sing also the peculiar as a powerful a; tin relieving Congc oration of the lay r am) Visceral Organ Diseases. For Skin, isertees, Eruptions _Rheum, Blotches Spots, Pimples, Pust buneles, Iting.w rms, Scald-Read, St sipelas i Itch, Scur s, Discolorations of tit' and Diseases oft to Skin, of whatever are literally dug and carried out of short time by the use of these Bitters such cakes will convince the most inert curative effects. I , Cleanse the Vitiated. flee find its impurities ttirstitig through the! Eruptions, or Sur 3: cleanse it when structed and shiggish in the veins; cle.; foul; your feelingsluill tell you when. I pure, and the health of the system will , - Grateful thciusands proclaim TRRS the, most wonderful Invigorant tl r the sinking system:, Pin. Tape, and other Wor the system of so many thousands, ar stroved and removed. Says a listing ogltt: There is scarcely an individual tipt earth whose body is exempt from the pre It is riot upon the healthy elements worms exist, but u,pon the diseased lit deposits that breed 'these living mo lt• No system of Medicine, no vermifuge itics, will free the system from worth tars. MIO4. A. B. GRAVES IKLSS H. W. TODD has removed .11j the late residence of Laner DI Horn's Hotel. Steinway and oth LESSONS given on the Piano, I Mg. An opportunity for preetie who may &Aire it, Jan. L 1.812 1-3E•azior *MK.. Dry Goods, €lO of which I propoee hereaftei• to . 1 pleto assortnie' MO* , it Mechanical Disenseq. Per Paints_and Minerals, such as PlurriW Goltlibeaters, and Miners, ns they ad i be subject,to paralysis of the Bowels. I this take a dose of WALican's Vrugc or twice a week, as a Preventive. MMus, • lEtenstttent, and ntermittent ; Feveirs, which are so , prevalent in be valleys of our great rivers throughout the United tates especially those of the - Mississippi, Ohio, Missuri, Il li nois, Ten nessee, Cuinberland, Arkansas. Red B ; -olorado, raros,• 1 ., Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roan oke, James, and many others, with c reir vast tributa ries, throughout our entire country cltiring the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably . so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stoniach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the btisels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these varlorA organs, is essentially necessary. There is TO cathartic for the pb - rpose equal to bit. J. WAT.K.Ra's \runt:An Brrrmas, as they will sptedily remove the dark-colored viscid Matter with win h the bowels are loaded, at the satue time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring, th healthy functions of the digestive organs. Scrofula. or IC.ingls 'Evil, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Inflamtnations„ Indolent Intlarninaii fectious, Old Sores, Ei uptions of iii etc., etc. In these, as -us all other eases, WA LMIR'S V INIIG sir BITTER great curative powers in the moat oh able cases. Dr. Walker's Californin V negar Bitters act on all these cases in a similar maSncr. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, an hyresolving away the effects of the inflammation ithe'tuliercular deposits) the affected parts receive health, and a pemianerit cure is Effected. The properties of DR. WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS are Aperient. Diaphoretic and Carminative, . Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irri tant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti Bilious. • ' The Aperient and mild Laxtive properties of . DR. %VALERA'S VINFIGAR BITTRIL are the best s fe guard in all cases of eruptions an malignant few s, 3 ii their balsamic, healing, und soculriegprogertles prof ct the humors of the faeces. Their sedative propert 09 allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bow Is, either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, tc. Their Counter-Irritant influence extends throng out the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Anti-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in die secre tion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary duct; and are superior to all rem dial agents, for the cure of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc. .- Fortify the bodyngninst disease by pud fdying all its fluids with VINEGAR HITTERS. NO.CIV, mile can taki hold of a system thus forearmed- 'The liver, the stomach, the bowels, th 4 kidneys, and the nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great invig- Grant. • 1 - Dlroctions.—Take of the Bit era 00 Ong to bed at night from a half to ono and ont-half wine-glassCulti Eat good nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and v i rtables; arid take out-door exercise. They are. comp sed of purely veget able ingredients, and contain no spirit. .T.WALKER, Prop'r. R. 11. DICOONALD & CO., • 3Plvt,ii. for sato very cheap. Al6O, ETA CABINET OR OLD INSTRUITEIiTS TAKI A largo Mock of NT IV MUSIC) T, am now reed\ ing direct !Pohl and well selected stock of CROCK CHINA AND GL with a Rood assort' Table Cutlery & P Also Table Ltnen, .Na elfin ,'4r My stock of I will sell at greatly reduced pric a full and complete s! Table and Home Fur R,. R. BADWAYI ..READY, RELIEF eintrAl4-iu v - ArtkrA,_ In from no to twenty , Minutes._ • NOT ONE-HOUR'- - s • after icading thlx miVertilentent need any one sIIFFEIt wan nlvniviot's R 1 AIIY = RELIEF IS A CHRE FOR , , EVERY 1?AIN. • , • It was the tlrst andix Tile COrkl.'Sr that hatar i tty steps the most excuteintiog primp, eiloys initiongia.tions, and cures Congestion., Whether of tint Lang $, BOrretS, Or other glaudi or orght, by 4.1/11 nvplic-tttion, IN i1i.014 mitt TO TWENTY MINUTES. on matter. how 'violent. or cxeruclatlng the pain the RHEUMATIC, Ped-rhltlee, Crlpptett, Nervous, kipttralgiC, or prostrated with di6ea.3' c, May sutler, .RAPWAY ' S READY RELIEF • • wit, - I,..ArroTtD INFLivmmAttoN OF Tiro Bowgr,_4‘.. coNGEtatoll . OF THE LI E , ont;.; DIFFICIILT 1312EATHINDINGs., PALPITATION OE THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CHOUP, DIPHTHERIA. CATARRH, .1.`0. 4 1,1/IiNZA. ICI ADAC/IE, To'canAonE; rugultALGIA., RHEUMATISM. CCL,I) CHILLS, ACti..lE, CHILLS, 'he apptfealimof the Itendr Relict to the pert r r an o w m ts c h ere he p ain or ditliculty exists will OfrQl fort. werity thopaln'half a totabler a water will In a few nt4 meattteare CHAMPS, SPASNIK, SOUL: sTmr AI 11 :Awriluir; , . l . , SICK .11EADAMIE t DIARRHEA, Il 'NENTECti COWL'. WIND IN 'IDE li4AVELi, an I all INTERNAL PAINS. ' s ' Travelers Ainal4 - alwaya carry a boltli)a it wa Ite ni wßelict with•tliPm. A. few droi' In - natl.: - ...id pro eat bit:knead er pains from Change of water, It it Le' ter titan French Mandy or Bitters al a btimulnlit. FEVER AND AGEE; vEVEIttANWAGUE eared for fifty eetit..s. Thero not a remedial agebt, to this world that lit !- and roe. and tilt Mho*. Matarious, 11111ou.s, Sum kt, Tl. OHM Yellow, and (,ther Fevers 01110) by nAvirA y• ! ; PILLS) so cittleiF rte BADWAY's ItEAD . Fifty cat; per bOttle, t36ld by Drupx,Ct. HEALTH BEAUTY STR"(I AND Ar tri° ; l F t r i C l 9 lBi -I sTIVii s U Or FL Esti" I, 111:1 . . 13EAUTIFILU CUM 1.1., EL S EU 1T !(EIf To A L RADWAY'S' SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT MS MADE TIM 74(AT ASTONISIIIN(4 cuarq SO QUICK SO RANO ARE THE etiANgLi THE 1.101)Y 1 UNDERtIOES, 1,71N1/1.:1; 'i'ii E. .1% PLUENCE OP THIS TRULY WONDE,ItYCI. MED/CINE,ITIMT - nlo•jthen+ eslion; Bilious, ;senses of the e Bitters have, are caused by cd by derange- Every Day an Increase, in Flesh and Weight is'Seen and Felt. - THE GREAT 131- - 00 D PURIFIER. Every drop of the SAES ArAItiLLIA - N . "ftES4)I.V EliT communicates thrittrh the Mood, Sweat, , and other fluids and Juices of the a,:v.:•tent the riot of for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and , , s;,•t material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption, Ol.thdnl.:. disease, 'Ulcers in .1110. l tiroat, Mouth. '1 umors. Nod. , the Glands and other parts of tha sysle m , Strumous Discharges fist tho Ear,. forms of Skin diseases, El tilts, Fever Far'., :sonl, - 1 Head, Ring Wane, Salt ItheMn 7. l2,l Aerie Snots, 'WOMB IT. the Plerli, moor- cm,cors Os: Womb, and all weakening and painful '.,ii te har g , ,,s, ; Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and ail wastes of th • lit: pie, are within the curative rause of tit., 0 1 ern Chemistry, amt a arVillays' u,u e any. person using it for Other of thr.,:! to: ma of disease its! potent power to cure them. If the patient. daily 1 , 0.'01114:g I educed by the e.ate , i, and decomphsition that 13 cmdinually progressing, ~s. Leeds In arse ttng these wastes, owl repairs tla• ,ttsio new material mule fton, healthy blood—and tht. SA USAPAIIII,LIAN writ and floes rer , 4re. Not only doe, the SAnsnrmuct.hot itt,=olA-gtvr (x..et nil known remedial agents In the cure of chronic, Scrod-. lons, Constitutional, and Skit. diseases t but It is the solo positive cure for ~Zidne & Bladder Complaint '., Triinhrv, and Womb diseases, Gravel, Ithtbac,s, Drops Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine Itright's Dr - ease, Albutalsuirla, fua l In all eases where %Lett are brie dust deposits, or the water Is thick, cloudy, nixed ui !, substances like the white of an egg, or threads like silk, or there lan morbid, dark, bilious appear/Lee, white hone-dust deposits, and when there Is a prier: , burning sensation when p a using aVeto', and pain in t Small of the Back and along the Lotus, Price, e , as well as merit of.actin t , .tion or Inflain.l and in Bilious' , Tetter, Salty des ' Boils, Car 4 're Eyes, Ery. I • Skin, Humors lime or nature, the system in a One bottle in edulous'of;theit whenever you .kid in Pimples, you find it ob , nse it when it is Keep the blood °How. VittliCAß MT t ever sustained 80, lurking in effectually de guished physiol n the face of tha Bence of worms., .c•f the body that mors and slimy stern of disease. s, no anthelmin !, like these Bit- OR Ms.—Tiro Only I,ltootrri and cure RCMP for ll'orms—Pitt, Tape, etc, Tumor of 12 Years' Groi f vllll Cured by Radway , s Resolverii. Ttc.vr,rLv, "Sfix,r+., July 14, , r•:1 1tAT,41.7,--T have b ! ,,t . 91-nrian e or,ros rot 1 ons engaged in re, Typc-setters, ante in life, will 'o guard against BITTRRS once „ toe nv .ries 1)4 . bowel.. All the Doctors said ” there Ive 4 no help for it." 11 ta1.,1 every thing that Wee it , AMlllerah`d; bat nothing hyped tor. t raw your Resolvent, end thought I would try it • but 1,1 le, Nil': In It, because I bed roffere.l for tsar Ise tmll!, of tha Resolvent, and ono tes of lholouy riffs, nod to,. 1.,.. ties of your Ready Relief; alit there IS not a 1.10 of tom, r ! , 11, ?POI or felt, nod I feel hotter. smarter,. and r it.,,, i • fur twelve ,l 'rtis worst tumor nos ia (ho left side ot tt.“ bowels, over too glitin. 1 ',Tau (Lt. 5, )ota f,r the 1000 nt others. You call publiai it If you cheese. lIA NNAII P. KNAPI'2. R A DWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated ',Nall awed gum, purge, regulate, purify, C1P:1119 , ., fill t f roDohou, ways Pilla , for the cure of all (lie:ardor - of the St ornat Liver, 'Bowels, Kidneys, Illathlor, Shlvnua Di.Au , et, 1-Iwulache, Constipation. Crelivenet Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fever, I iiilimincithin ,ir the Dowels, riles,roul all Derangerrrentsiif the lid cruel Vh• Cent. •Warrattted to effect a primitive cure, Yurety Vretv.. Me, cant:Ailing no mercury, minerals, or debit erlot, r" Observe the yellowing symptoms resulting fr. • , Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation, Inward Ink", l'alluets of Olt Li,, si .5, Aridity of tho NaMeM, Ilea. thorn, MO: t tO' Fullness or Weight in , lt i lto Stoinath, Sour Erin tot,ll, ' , J. • • = Fluttering et the Pit f the Ston.ach, Snininnnz th.- IlinTiod and Difficult reathlng, Fl utterlog et th: i. I ••:, or Suffocating Sensations when in a tying P,tnre, I Ybion, Dote or Webs Wore tie Sight, I,vor tot 141 , 1 the Rend, Deficiency of Per.l.lr,don, Yellow n. , ,:tll/ end Eves, Pain In the Side, Chit, 1 to 1.,. Heat, ilurnfor, In VW Flesh. few titttCs of RNDWAY'S PILLS o.il f t, , 1 the tem front all the ulleVe•antned dl-ontero. Fri,. • per tor. SOLD BY DltUtlti ISIS. ItBAD •••FALSS. AND " s,m,t White Swellings, ter Af , Scro rt fulous ns, ercual At- Skin, Sore tyee, onstitational Die. L have shown their .tinate and haunt • btailip 1.; RAD\VAY & CO., MI 87 Mak',Ll' I.l4fotrunticg% Vocth 1.4,m2at ) ,11..} td rs; OGRAPHY. 6;it,1 , , - and ..:Les of Pa.hul.-.4 ta'al,ll 311( ent,:t In al %., tir thannr.r :it 11. 11. nviainc le', (1;;L:t4.1:,, • 1 . :“ 1,0, oi Portraits on Porcelain Plates, Nothing fitur can be offerea than Ow so beaut:fill Pot , eel.itn Pieturt sin a vii %et e..so or frame. 'llvir'soit uess and deli. act a;0 A np,nor to an) thing produced or iron tirripor. It you Want a 1 Good I cture.i of youtmdf, go to Naiiunor,":+. A I If you wtint the. vory best that can 1.43 had, go 11 Naramore'B. 1 , I If you want sono:thix; that looks lite ; ou, go to Nat amore's. If you w.nit an old D,muerreotype, Ambrirdype, or other Pictures copied and enlarged, hi can do that as reasonable as any other man. The: will be finished m India Inh, Oil or Water Colors whit desired • Persons wishing piettlren of groups and children will receiro especial attention. • A large as,loamant of Frames and Framing Matetia constantly on hand. AN kinds of Pictures Framed to tirdet I N. B.—Don't mistake the piney, er .1. B. tastinall'i. Dental Boons. April 21, 1872.41'. I[3 nowreleiving from Nc.w York, n fino rt , Torlmon of lirr Music Store to die, opposite Van which die offers to the public , nt luw rates. Ever: thing usually fouud in a ; ON & lIAMLIN will bo kept on hand slid sold low for cash. The N'Cil cox and Gibbs stAing tuarldnos for sale, and to rent. Jan. 1, 1812, nits. ,SOFIELI). ANS. I= 1i 1 .a.9071,3 why the PCl7'7ll el MEE= 8170U1.1). BUN: TM: CriA:un vrEn Dodge, Reaper and Mower! *pm, Mal iu Sing affOrded to those • 11. W. TODD. ISt. They 11.c'e strung and durable - , and net Lkulc 10 get mit of _order. 2(1. They are niad,: of the beat wheeled material. 11403 r 2 , . . 3d. They are simple hi construction-1m •1 lcvera, springs, trips and compile:lC.lin generally, to gi t ont of order than' any other 4th. They have no Cog ((caring , in the PH), II le, I, to till up willidirt and mud in passing oNer Hofl gi 6th. The gearing is all ht the centre of the Marble, , up out of the way or olo,truetlons, and proper() bal. aimed between the two Price Wheels. • 6th. The Driver is comfortably located In the 0,0-tre tre of the Machine, both in licaptng mut Mov,mg, and not placed tar on the real' end of the Machine, or ,ma upon the tongue, in order to hallunio ith. The Cutter Bar is on a line with the nat• oral of the Machine—only requiring a (main r envie Tabbi in reaping—making it 'very tally to deli er the Gavel entirely out of the way of team and Machine on the next round, without disturbing it. Bth. Tho Self-Itake is looted on the ldiltotm, null being in the rear of the Drive Wheels, is inducts away, and free from any danger of the I:ake-iIITH striking the team in their re% elutions—ag is not the case in front cut Machines—they being compelli 10 Place the team at a great distance from the Machiw., thereby increasing the drait. 9th. The Self-Bake, itself, is the best in tine. The lightest, most simple in construction. least liable to get out of order, needs no adjusting. When once put on properly, it is ready for all kinds] of grain, long or short, thick-or thin, standing, or lodged and tangled. 10th, It is entirely under the control of the driN or, making Gavels large or suiati, at his, pleasure, Very durable. and doing as good work the second nod third years as the fir St. 11th. They tire Adapted to all Ulnas of ground, rough or smooth, leaving a uniform height of stub ble on uneven surface. tito Irnrtors IW, SS WARE, EMI ated Ware; 12th. They have a double hinged bar, and rcaddy conform to_uneven surface'. Unlike the stiff bars which, when thoalachine is on a back furrow, or knoll, the out end of the Bar sticks up nearly or quite t.;the top of the heads. Ours drops down anti cub; low ut one end as the other. 13th. They have a tilting device by which the ari• ver can, while in motion, change th height of cut so as to pia up lodged spots without tonluo". 14th. They require less extras to keep thUu in re. pair than any other machine iu uso. as is tehtined by thousands who use them. kips, T. Ihing l &,e ', 15th. They have a Edict 'wrought 'rota Guard, faced with steel, rendering it the strongest in use. 16th.' They have a solid wrought iron knife head, instead of a malleable iron, which 13 liable to break at any time: 17th. They can be drWeii around the corners with out backing and twisting the team's necl,s until they are sore. H lc maim room for .ck 18th. They can be started in Mowing, in the heavi est gril.B9, without backing up. ltnh.,They are not so light as to break• constantly - , they aro not so heavy as to be objectionable. 20th. They are a perfect Reaper and Self-Baker, awl perfect Mon* combined in one. L. 0. BE IClt, ' Agent, Little MF,rsh, 1%1. ishing Gdbds, -eep a full and' e3lll Also, agent for B. S. IVllliams & Co's mako of Car riages, Buggies, Platform spring, and the Utica Lum• her Wagon. These 'magma Axe of the best make and lilrranted, /MAO/I, (1.8, X111447 $ ° D. 11. NA. IZ IVIRS. A. J. SOFIELD IVlCillitiorw MEI FANCY GOODS, Fancy Store, =EI BEM