• i) POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. Arthrrtolial. LAW Jo lieviug that was the choice by a large majority of the Republican Voters in the late Republican caucus for the office of 'Additional Law Judge, I ,now offer ntyselt a.s a Candidate tar that position. subject to the approval of the peo and will give. my reasons therefor hext week. "flop, Aug, 23;1137E ". - E.-;trairim 1 Hereby annoulto 4.4:10(0414,*0rking tuan's can tlidate for ReprcSontAte6`, to the decision ot 'the free and independent voters of ffloga couuty, uu the second Tutstlay - of October treArfre'e:fronrait - par. ties, rings. cliques and monopolies of whatever nature, manlier or hind; tayotiraries)sg.m-,oiltorviail*Xt and a law to secure loliihdriteptty frcin ttible'ststb , upon u Lich the labor is performed. These are my views, based upon an equal distribution of teat eetate, as against a landed aristocracy, "stitch time with the preeent system will bulld4o Delmar, Auguet 21, 1872. tAsi 1 4 =EMI WEDNESD,A.y, SEPTE* I TgI,A, 41.4- ...Ltr - -. • .."; =.1:" lican 'Noinina ions Repu ;_.FOR nufamrtiT. ut,itsg JF iut,rzo I „J -7'7 , -Cs • }OR VICE PRESLD.PiT t HENRY- "WILSON' OF 7,IAfIRACIMSETTg. '4 , •;:' ,4 .1 1 - 0 oovititiort, JOHN . F. HARTRANPT,i •" of Mont gurif try . (bunt. • .VOIS 59811E1113 JUDGE. , ' ULYSSES IVIERCUR; of Bradford FOR AITIATOR GENEUAL, tiAFIRISON ALLE:N, - '• 'of Wairrenly; , • VOIC CONOREMMEN AT TAIVISt., OVENNT. W. SCOFIELD. otwAititrv, oDARI.ES ALAIII(3IIT, of Wiivirrtiv LEMUEL TODD. or CvaiszttLANP. VELEGATEe AT LABG£•TO TUE. CONISITIIITIO.'SAL voNyENTroN, WIL M. 11IE'REDITH, PLILIALTELI./11 - A•; J. (ind.ixgiskst FELL, PItILADELPHIA ; HARRY WRITE, INDIANA ; WILLIAII LILLY, CAILIWN ; Ncncsepirip.,;, 11. N. AFALLNTER, CE crnE; WILLIAM 11. ,ARMSTITONO, LT,,DmiNu . WII,LI AM DAVIS. MoN NOE ; .1. 1 31 F-S L. REYNOLDS, LANekwrvn ; ;i:otur.r, F,. nimmacg, LAwnENcE, DAVIT) N. WILITE, ILLLuuE GY ; W. Ir. AIN EY, LP:11101i ; °F UN H. WALKER, Mar.. Fon MI'llbETI OF o.oNlifirtiA, JACOB D. MITCHELL, Subject to derieion of Dietrict Conference. FOR DELEGATE 'ICI CO:Liirrunm:AL JEROME B. NILES, la9cet to de,ldion of District"Coufereoc.. FOR AnDMOIW. LAW JUDOV, STEPHEN F. WILSON, - Subjevt t,, decision of DiEtriiq Conforcuo Fon REPRESENTATIVE, JOHN I. MITCHELL. FOR PROTLIONOTAIIt, ROBERT C. COX. FOll TIVE:AI 4 VIESI, HENRY ROWLAND. Fou Ittnl^TEll AND RECOlinkil, DARIUS L DEANE., Fon ,COAMISIONF.II, EPHRAIM HART Fon AUDITOR, ISRAEL-STONE. Cafitpaign •_Ed'ition. We will send the' AGITATOR from this date until the close of the campaign, (November 13th,) to new subscriberN, for 25 CF_Trrs IN ADVANCE. The paper will, ibiting. Rua limb% e mainly devoted to the discussion of the political questions of the day, Laid the unyielding supp4t of Republican principles and the Republican nominees. Believing it will prove an efficient worker in the good cause, we ask our friends to assist us in extending its influence by ineTict.ling' „its Vireulfitihmt during 'the campaign. As the price at which it is tittered barely covers the cost of white paper, printing and mailing, the cash mug, accompany a DM! In this week's AorrATon will be fo • card by F. E. Smith, Esq., announcin; self as an independent candidate for J ant Law Judge. It should.he no surpri anybody, for "it is understood by all men moderately well posted in local political af fairs that Mr. Smith has, since the late Re publican County Convention, been actively engaged with the Democratic and "Liberal' leaders in laying Pipe with a view to this very movement. Ilia attendance at the Pot er County DOnocrAtio Coiivontionl?etrity§d Ilia intent ; the movement of the "Liberals' showed which way the wind was blowing and the action of the Democratic Convori tion here last week Tuesday let the cat com pletely out of the bag. The Democrats of the District are to nominate no candidate for that (ace ; Mr. Smith is to run as an in dependent candidate, and is to receive their support. The game is not a new one, nor a deep one, and it will not wiu.• Mr. Smith has tried his luck as a bolter'' once before, and he knows how it is himself. Dissolution. ►VIIE firm of Van Gelder Sr. Barni. the publics. •1 Ron of the AorrAxon and gen ral Jobbing boat nese, was dissolved by mutual convent on the first of September inst. All indebted to the late firm are re• quested to settle without delay. P. C. VAN GELDER. A. F. BARNES. Sept. 4,1972-9 w After connection - Of nearly seven years with this paper, my interest in the establish meat ceases with the present number. I have labored beyond my constitutional strength to build up the t oncern to_ a tirs.t clans otlice,l and to make the paper one that would be acceptable to the readers. Ilow tar this has been accomplished,. I leave the readers and business men to judge, =j have endeavored to print an impartial lithier'; believe I have A—at all events, it has been my nip to be netuatea by the 'right. 'ln retiring, :I wish the new firm , success and a • I)rosperous career, and the readers and pa trons tv hearty "good.bye." In making this announcement, it would perhaps be just to myself to state,, that I bhall not cease my efforts for the election of the Republican ticket. A Word OrGreetin#. As will be seen, by the announcement above, the AorrAgon establishment has pass \ ed into the bands of a new , firm. There, will be no change in the character of the journal, the editorial department remaining under the same management that has di retted it fdr the past eight months. The jobbing .deptuirnent berkoked after by the junior partner, who is already well kntkn to many citizens of the county. He has had years of experience in that line, and the new firnrbelieve themselves com. l petent to do good work. cheap. • Particular attention will be paid to fine job work.— The orders of our friends everywhere will be thankfully received' and 'promptly exe cuted_ 11On. litoatv WILSON and Gen. A. E. 11%th:it:soy: wilt v . ak. pe at ..WlLLt.sitono, Mon- ... iti3:,*7.01. - 23, 1111 . 1 T iit TOW.rit4il%, SePt. - 23: lion. G. W. SCOFIELD and Gen. Cu tiHr.Es / I.liltiCiff will speak . at - .NiAIisPtELD, Sept - 11fIrtW.:;, - Kifif. - "TtErbt7firitiiiieiiii-,:134;1;- - i iv; WV ET 4 r° ll T, Set)ttinalkiNA.l4l44l4VW 2 ). 1 Hon. J4 l lll' 4)tlia it.E;';i. , idittie VAR spealt at I.4tVirEENCESTI.LE, October 1; WELLSBO O . , :. ,ci, ,9; Pr"9ctor.l.-Td, K:A I NE ydi • 's4' •:11 , .; ' ' . 4} 7l i 1 - . , -:5:::::;:r- ~, , •-f. , - ilr• :: ..--.' nett it be a nieelitrg otiiie"Ohinfindit Wiksim c . l bat LA.NsenEscronu.r. next Tliurs --,mi C 7 ill dafi'venitig; the siiiiiiitiatOdtivhifteh44t' . I .li4nnicii..anii i'r4 Lieut. WSt A. STONE , 4 1, 411 r 4 • • ••••• • • t" • - There) &Ilan ii'iiieeting of the Grant auct moils n Club in tiisiehtantri, 4t• I ciak' evening, at the Catitilibilsb. ertr• .rybody at)entl. ' • -''- - `Lei us Undersind 44h Other. , I !46144 11.1 a fl,xii Otgil Atifli ' 2 The.A.ArrATou is a epueuicanK pewspaper. ii.s propri'mor# are liepti44cane,, and Attaz he, liti.4.e the fdfety and. - pri l spFetty -of . : I Itercoult - - , - try tirpv,uid upon the success Or ilieltePilb liCan:littitty,iJThiey sititi'esdivettler del ituth:s big knowingly, f ho_soljeurd to disintegranl, . disorganie, or defeat that party. They will i ItereattellretitilAk4itfie deitititiW(WtheiAlA :iMiltl'til" heir journal, arid . libtiilld*ltitem io, , bullet , to, ktijnyt. flit; fattse,iti *)Ml l ,iltp.V-, iiiiiieuiliy'• believe , and 'for•. w (deli , t hey in- 10 1 4 #l)4bor. TheMillteitWr#lB) tii k .4 f.fore, At oboe return. to.tho .only, true policy.- -that of its-e t tglier—elly4--Viat Ocilniki •• ..- . ~,:- ' .4i,.4.4..• i 1 ...,•,...i.,..c.0....t ....44..4 .• furittsu atnnumuton to tne enemy, to ue - u at in ' , defeating - regubt;"....lltpublienix.,nowinu-, 'ttiyis„';',„tc,to bolters - or disotganizenictueltere-, 'after, "S:echie-.,l,lte:t4eplatickt. , ,cf:ilt,eir: arif,tiA tuentathi.ough its columns :. they,,tentat take them to some Othel'''Shob.' 'All Isuett"4rill 1 1 • please take untie( THE TRUTH ABOUT BEN. HARTRANFT. Hon. Henry` tierwciod - Arvitiveii - d." At the Democratise Convention-last week Tuesday, lion. Henry. Sherwood.. nbolg,- Speech , in which he atlneked General Hai . - tranft for his alleged connection with the Evanstfraud, and said it wits not true, as had been stated, that the committee of in vestigation lied exonerated him in their, re pot t. Bills Were posted Wednesday morn , ing calling a meeting, at the' Court-House that evening to he Addresseil by Hon. B. B. Strang. Tt being understood that the Sena tor would reply to the - staietuents,- Mr: Sherwood, the Court Room wits packed with people by eight o'clock, when the Meeting was called to order by Mr: R. C. Simpson, the F'residentW the Grant Club, who. briefly. explained the object of the meeting and introduced the speaker of the evening. Mr. Strang said' lie was., hereto-night tei kmdertake to Vindicate thecbaracter o£ fiat 'gallant soldier and ptypeitlzen now the candidate Of' the Repittlierui party for Governor of this' Commonwealth: the repeated assurance of other gentlemen that it was p ioper 'and neeessarYlOr Rini to, :do so induced him to make a sp eeel occasion. He purposed to leave to others the general questlonnijnyedvgl in. thitp.caßti paign, and confine uVs - ject indicated. - • ' The other evening, when he addressed an audience in that %tint, 116 said ;that nfter full - investigatiori : of the ehafges' against Gen. .Hartranft by a' comialtfee - A. wliich William A. Wallace, a Democratic leader, was a prominent : men - 14er, that ecAlnittee. a report completely exonerating him from any guilty participation in the Evans frauds Ale was here to repeat, that, asser tion to-night, and to state the further fact, which was unknor : n to bun at tbat i time„ that the report so exonerating flartrankWas written by William A. Wallace's own hand. He recognized the obligation resting upon every public and every, private citizen ail . ways, everywhere totelj:tiletxttt)i, tote 7D9lle i . frutt, - and nothing but the truth. He had us profound tiii "nppreilatiOn:of Hi - flbllial Lion ii l 3 any gentleman could have; and be believed his conduct in private ; prOfessiontd; and public life had been such that a public 1 lecture on that subject !maim) force, forhim, . • 10 'nd a , hint ' ssist- se to because it bail ni»ipplication to him. • In 1881; and-afterwards, rennsylvanta in curred large expenses it *raisitig "and ' eituip- .ping tioop - s to, putAlevir,Ohe Itcheywm ; was supposed' !it thaetheile exped ses would subsequently he ,reimbursed by Congress, and an account was .kept yof the • , ninounts expended. In September„ ,1801, that account was adjusted at $608;660. The General Government had assessed a direct tax of $1,900,1;100 upon` the Stab- 3 . The law imposing that tax provided that fifteen ,per cent. of it should-be remitted if it was paid within a certain time. The State Legisla ture therefore gave Gov. Curtin authorityto release the claim, of the State against the General Government, and to pay the bal ance of the tax. The State was allowed credit for the war claims, less $150,000, un der that arrangement No formal settle nient was made of those claim's, and this was not regarded as a final settlement of f diem, but as au allowance of so much of the amount assessed on the State. - In 1867 the Legislature authorized the Gevernor to appoint an agent to settle the claims, and he very soon• appointed. one George O. Evans of l'hiladelpitia, who was' strongly ,recOM mended by Jobn W. Forney and others,' as special agent to 'eolleo: those claims_ The' resolution authorizing ihu appointment vkded that the ceMinission ,Of the agent should not exceed (Cu per Lent. of the amount. collected. It is but just to theGov enter and to Evans to say.that of the appointnit - ntl eollectien l of the r°i lflttnin. was regarded as very doubtful. was a matter .of great : doubt whether ; ,tha- Government would feel able to pay them, As was natural, the accounts had been loosv ly and inaccurately kept by`officers ui used. to such matters. But , Evana went to work, and, countin4 the altowanettireadymade E by the Governgtjrklie stiecOedeil meth; ering the whole amount of; the ./ _then ,claimed tch per , cent. ,on the wfulle timount, ineltiding 'the suns 'Hecion43;•.al- , lowed. and retained that =dent .fbr •his cpintnission. A controversy arose about the allow anee,of the claim by the State of and the matter was in liti,gation-in Dauphin , county, an filially it became ti subject of in-. vestigat444 the Legislature. Last,yitar' a'committee . was , appointed on the part of the Senate to investigate the matter, con sisting of James L.,Graham, Wm. A. Wals lace and .11'60 White". was allowed uritraininele&latitude in-the In vestigation. .observe, this- Investigation , was ordered by- a Repablicimibenate;;thi3, committee wits appointed by I.ti6 can . Speaker :of that Senate; two of that committee were Republicans of hotter and ntegrity i'4 niacin; 3 the third , reelobet%was the.att3ye,..bilter. tisan, the keep. 'shrew& lawyer; the ' P. C. VAN 'CiELIDEtt REPUBLICAN MEETITIGy.: , 6 4 Nate the - Time andte PO •tz 1,4 :4t 10'^ ....% t,:' OEM wad ►. tin- evident* hearing on the ::sutdeet. • first conneetion,of 1 3,t,nt.littrtranft" with the _ as fuitucs '•3n iNittreli 1870, gvaii4 o,,ekcikl auditor Clef ttr letter onitlLe., - Gilte i o ' requesting-Jum - topTamtlie.4o. - coneliera - un= ' der his (Elatts'alatrolifstr !sittiliou pargli the I.7•iiited Statte...',Aoilttor.Le,i6ral_etr- -- . ' ir„arttiltif.cd • 1i1*,1,„...,..,..,:,7,yb; c .....' -.,1 ~ ,t 4 vie W4'414.14 inter.., ..Z .11 , eir:V . i ! If: 1.',. f i t• Till Vi: T .-i.; der the ac ofiettagrtomititlV t .) sAll.. ed. ' Ile d linettrtoWillt:fhtt _. 011 a Lesnuntictott - 44 ten - per eetit,ctfate .wfties. eictqlgiWjut - fiek. iii400#01,4.449411i, feKttfreff stijifilibilipAse : • -ut Sere is OeifirsOpoint it wbiclialtsstsurift's ounectioii 'o, l A'tbgth - e",54114eA ::;ttitinew:el,i' awl, at ilii4 lry Vpint t le; . fina(llitt:i::takinfk it)111) pap to protect the Tiiipsnry iitiCe. ' O6lll liinn IlVti l o l .t / .4 .l';')s'll'u.ki:9ostP f tqii R ointoitteefcytiwtalix!!t! pertlifLlrlif i arn 1.1 Wallace himself i , .: t!I • „<.,.,, i.:lf'ii - , ~ " No parlpl 0 - 4 tiiiiney eyce,i'AWed tite State Treasury, bar titiltd l / 3 re4,teiplitimieii urn 111101, by_insty ants, oftiefal sortthi , Gercrtion4 telm Fos'at ti.:finittitell" . ltie facet of .:int land Thli itfafitilittlittoli'tollis commis sions." ; 4, ,, ' A4i3Ot Altel i i s tqleinAliiiali t h i a Alit ' fOrty , eighi hours, in the . ' liact'Of-ibia l ' decbi= rittkon i kiinned . by , Williliiir'T. t Siridiate;llA!' ad johflitivalinit.tireils'i l 's *- Stirto , 46l 4 alik. iVfle'ttlitsifati'ar k• fitree yertia beitiee?iflie- Inntf.gablic i ll44til.irekild , itte Atiallitii.-kfeil email ' ' ' • "' ' ' ' .1 '! i .r , ' ;,.i.iii. '5, ._ Pe nci fug t tali /snort it ; COnimunscation 4 11 1- 'peared'ili ).be New York Triuni , and the Sun iiZ:cuslng Gen. 401114 siiPeiikifiihr , with the funds of •tha ,, Btitlif:: -:The -.original , Ns4l6 . tiollt lippoilitfieg the emiuilliteii , r l eferrgd t , ,bai kalidrarge : against any„penum.7t "Pero ; was-.)Absoliltely:no_tharg,,atpAtriturlpdgt., ',6oio.liirTf3o.9'..a-;o,,Y.OtilitiAryß triiiitie,o,44t, tts-tdnr:YlAtie9 ,ll tik!s 11 :tpptvl , i:, ,„. . ..: , f r, oilyr.tq eointnitt%mitc•this kJecumment ilailkill :2 " • - '- . '' ' ' ' . ' ." We earnestly. retOininerid that the pOw=._ - eis•given by the resolution of 1.861, and _the appointment of Mr. Evait.4;lkiki: diii*.ere scinded, liy the repeal of the'resulutioriendl the.revocaticitr , ortliex,rwers giyetrand that: 1116 - koditorAelierair.tituk,StAtOjtkit,ii,PAPY:, sestet'. rith.th.ef sv ull:poer.likonipliii% couni-, sel(ir agents, in their• discretion, to col/Cut:l the, thanes improperly Ivithkield by Evans, all4llO7Seeitre to the State Jill nioneys re• maining unpaid, by `liereto,figi,iMpici,p'e,rly s , paid by 'the: United - Stuleit ...uPell AltenWtir . claims of 'this State." • * - 1 ":2, ' 4 , i '' • • The committee,, by the' Baud t'Ui Willian 'A:., Wallace, 'have thus,' put on record; the fact that Hartratift was ii 'Careful andJaith ,f4•. guardian . of. ‘iii;',imislio. Trea;siiii , . - t4e. fact that ho was iguorantuf,tiot pAynt,etWet., this money until 1871; and 'they recotnmend that Auditor General ~ I Lartranft „and ; the. Treasurer be given,, f nil discFetion,, tO.'eliOa the transaction. . ' . • On the ;29th 'of' February "the SiniitO LW iblirized the Coiranittee tO - investigate- the truth' of the charges blade - in the r 4tratine and Sun. Those charges were as broad and as malignant a s as anonyinous and irrespon 'Able •newapaper stribbler Fonlifinilke them. ; 4 111ey_ there all referred id, th6'eutuniittep 'along with: Nerke's affidavit: They were the basis of -I.hiS' investigation, ' Now, lead 'some . of the edrichlaiona 'of the' conimittee draw ri - liy the pert of i :Willifliti',4.:Wallace' lihntelfi • . . . "It was made our duty to investigate these charges; and' to ascertain the facts at tending theuttempted„introductien, of the, TAO resolutien and the pnblication of the same. We hava ascertained tha,t. -the:reso. lutions referred to in the colnnuipieetion'ta the Tribune Were 'prepared by &rehab, eel of Evans, Evans himself, or Dr. Wm. Payne, one- of his-bail', and.that theY jointly attempted 1,0 procure, their intriltripp„lnte , and passage by ...the HOW. ; tgesenta-„ tires and Senate; that the fade 4 - awed -in the I resolutiOnTreeitilln - thareciffinittittatfOrdee'Vfi: true;.;;that. iaparsiiinee Orthis'ingUirY, we called be fore us till oLthe w itnesses whose tes timony seemed likely to throw anylight upon :the transactions charged; that several com munications have appeared in the - Npw York Sun and New York. Xriblute reflecting upon ,the officials before' harried airiViithe'f pert 'sons in a private capacity;, that-they :have been based upon data either' firmished by tar ~TViliinm Payne otsome other friend of gleohle;o., Eirtin s„ andliat. tiOn., - krefizil in qur-kg' edidegies under oath,.see fined the. Tiffec c charges, made-in said communication are not true:----------- (Signed) J.,s,sEEis Gitt,Anisat, Cren, HARRY WHITE,' „ •- : Committee ompart'of-Senate:" , . - : ' I submit to T p ßA hethe r r,kc isno t t, true on a full in'ire`Aqiiiion 'oe all hares, a' committee of which William- A. - Wallace was a - proinineril.,,tue t tOerAtivee?tonctkited, Vartranft from all dereliction of duty in., this transaction, I have done just what my 3.4urable friepA P 24aid... l 4 14.) 1113 04/19fl public' men to do—told tbo simple, , plain; unvarnished truth. I have PO icier', the-hon orable' gentleman meant in any'Wliat Vas pot 4ro_o , irlie fact is, I was talking aboutsonick., thing that I lines/ talk ring of Ivhat be probably. knew very littke about. My distinguished friend suppesed__that r ,ttr 1541 - 1 -- ptatevel/ : eillg referred to the Auditor ' General and State Treasurer. If be had read and fully di gested the report, c which t eloses vvith, a 'eu logy upon , Gen, he' itfotildlia4e ' • known that the General was not referred to by those words. --I - hafethits established what; set - out to prove; but I propose to carry, the ~war At UP' Africa, and to show from the-record-the dpinionhold-by these Democratic gentlemen' in relation to Gen. Aartranfti... Oitthe 29th of Febrearylnsta r ies - Outi4ii Wes la:conned into the Senate,te;np,pofq,'.4-:cANsuitS 6 investigate treinft. That reAution was - introduced by ' He was at that time a candi , date for the nomination as Governor, ,Some of ris thought the charges Were unworthy of 1 'investigation: A promineßV gentleman of Whom you may have heard, (Mr. Charles IL BuCkaleiy—some people suppose he is run ning for:Governer---Anado (some remarks i on '-that subject. He said, among otter things, -that becinse some neoropaper , correspnitilent bad made certain charges ho did "not tin. • , derstand. that there, .141, ;41,27 4 ckfm 414110 , these public officers appearing beforo \ us in any respectable form—any definite shape— biciced ,by any authority. and , upon-any sponssbmhry whatevii, upcin';ool4ll: WerC(ng.ht' #o vett a committee.” That is irks opinion of Mr. Buckalew on these charges. After repeating that ophlion on different occasions, Vilitin a vpte`esiiiiefo be`faket oil thelitlea- Lion of referring the charges to the commit tee already appointed; 041.‘ 1 1 0.0 1 0elt 8 30: "I vote to refer this in order to get rid o It, andlreat thu charge with the contempt •It'ileserves." Thats-is froyri< tlitiLsgistative • 1 le, , . 14).et 5,41 On - that pOint the DfiribtAti,Syp,ted 4 itqe, Ulan of, them. it that tbe lieve never before occurred , in the history of legislative bodies : luitywheivi-4fie , a 4tidsl=' . :11iii‘party voting unanimouslyto express their v iTfrt?tempt for charges elute evilest . a public o fficer. Yet these little ,fellowu ure ;T:o l '4ff szvau l i r i c l i sa lsrge Pi r T r Ott rasetdi'tuid noe' •Ab be- Oa tect-r t if ni)rt Abe,4utiMeAf APVilti r 4ort"fit ,tll don't stop bete: In - tni‘t - 1. gigt the .p !culter!R,sitpielice:: l 4 l -9enertil) itArtianfeitiecontso 14_4 41, ipt:e gift' The to min *tit* s*n, k egos lEKV Uhl .:. tilt . the eeeeit?vout•Si'"*.t, ~. . . t 'edli „45 47.- thy tit-in k ,. ,•. i' ..,-„ „ , ... - , ' - i • ; w it 1 . q•-• tire, a 111411, tt,'@ HtMlle I. Ifie , . 1. i.: 4 . , 0 4 t ) . , _ G4werinire - p - Ower nod right hx-tip.'f ••r ,s, Dersotijo..,,nt s lie viicaney,,,,,,, A_ pe-,‘,y,p,,0i0n - -,,a-. 4 4114441, - Avbfaiiweiiii.A totient-eVerylio ttittattikitttAnnxiii.ceigT;lkirtrol . On.th ,1d5.114.4.-Mareh- a lcalkupt.t resolittlerLvehle iniebeeimiffered for that eod. There'-was Althigdoubt wheffeer,GoVei‘nor tteeer i ttier . USW' atArli e.boloo l l 4)PoiStte...lt l 4.;,iher, ' , ; age debate clothe resWution.4l.aunsst p.rotal Wet Dem ate udide litaarkiliti it, t‘fbaa i=pifft ' ~At, Akif AsPiOtte,i.Cl chat'it , E - mat toteateett.xwkatkvitheief y ,„ no chargettioiribronvht , lo3)trytt*ftbilt, iv*: h - nt welt udOicftdtatitlellnArentr.tipk 'this-lit . iest - rtaftleonVitilhd' , Xo,,lir Aga, every sangl tuitinstiletekriteif reirro4 teyiveniar f 150Ltr i , :thtTifdri3klll gaid--h . ‘ 1 11 ,Togb0 04 v*PAt i aNkrittrA ll o l • andAV Atmoerat stone.. ar.it,, ~,tf i ibt • mit to,you i t.vetps'Al-Tieetuitr,kwbb are , to'he ecogi o- 6,kA o lo,olilkti`ilkVigle*.t 'this'gtillaht solaier:an%„Putritelintounete l hp',ooVerPor of the canittionweelth,4flavith-, in-• the , - raage,Atito t ., : jiAtegikpc i pgrime . there hair ever, wine .. , tot.' X.Ral',Wnejliedge a ' etiha wh‘fe a man holding for six years an office ithelY to call down upon hi= the mal edictions Of,,the : _pnsyeefui, haelien ect,trit umphantl mdarsed, austainiuttaad;TlAdi. ted as hall q•ahlt-..p: fiertranftt-FI predict tAlksittill CAtithii:'et o,t l o.'..!ttigiiiii.V.-,Otikelt- January, inteltne-• le;tieilit'attGoeerntie,,ot this grand ; old- -Commonwealth, v.thetpeophr. of the- whOle§tateveill re/M . oll% o llllkt tlreit i ismm Wiesr,..4o 04: 0 04 PF,.. OB Mit.R. !OA, be iis'aiire ‘ ii , :tder..tile Nam .es,..ttotreutAL Ale ,they have en under his ..control in a sub- Ordinate,,Apacity. During hicteritt - there will he no vem,swindleaforAnyliOdir tolie mixed up with, or• for anYbhdy to talk about,. Mr. Sty: itg, , taiiii. he'Woeld -he lead- tee-ge,' more at lope-1444'A ai§elisSill'or tr)41047 oral questions of the .4ettavasat , at:in...WSW of ,rite pro etieloliat tabors, in Mille-Who' Was now elide 4 0;s 4,a ctl i :.;i:irk'i c tO i t*:;4. 1 hild P 4 4 tte,doinge icel4;iitgatellcAts-,olteiit,:orlig, tititifence. Whelk. theiightsrowsthick i and .he had- tiete . ,--'oVdt st" 't(ty,Aerange his rttionettte 1 :; -4...Tiiiili, , I ` - .p,,,,1ee-se.d.oo'tiddr. OS, , - ilidni,,tkt use subjects . - 4 - te.bad,zow 'Ogle - ,4401,114.41 t-fti-ttrtl6: 4 yttidlegOt the tat , ii didateAorleittA4riir; rebid till 'efitirgesAitde ligitineviiiiti. ~. . ... 4... i.,. „,,,-, ,- • , SN. JO r.u*wr.auxt4-QNTBF ( 3 ,EN, Ififgag• After trier fer,t.tlikeer,gentletnian,,hade IRO' called.for 'and liati ifit'eased. ilitiiAeivekfrolif aPeaking, Pon. John I. Mitchell was called Out, 'end delivered , a- few .remarkw , HO:baid 1,1,e - ,woeff.l eliy i e'WerdOrtWe''abAt4(ltiti oitt, fie with tlie canvass. ~ Untied:been - iiiipressetli with -the ideay-thas.slander .pra veiled to 4 .ntifeh 'end brad: t,po: mteh effect -git 4 the iSP)p. - „l'lleAitillii,Y 0 .0 1 i0."e)/44, wake° misdirect the , people a s to the moues -of the -canvass, arid lend them to forget the' past.''• - Bat:. the .!Aiterleatt„,:peoPle;:linile (C menkciry, and-are-t ot,,disp_osed. to: blot 'out /the record of the past. . - liowever• ardently some tra y wish - le t forget • - the past; "there, were Men; women, and orphan etildren who Cotild - „PAt ; but remember that record!' They : remember it, not with ;the pufposent oif?, - dressing ex,pypishing• the South , but to save at* garner tip the Ottiti oCtitatterrible con flict, . Thatv,ll,Ch was trtott'befditelsereW 10-day, and Ali i be "tretli' fa. all 'agea. li the - Democracy Were correct . in. ,the princi ples they held such a abort tithe ago, it, is correct to-day for their to stand ts,i , their old record. For lilixieelf, he Wits gledte think that the aid 'Wanes re • 441, ..anti . that ',the clovernment.bed heti jitrougenou'ghtOcint-, re quer the Deriatoi#c attt:'. It *este mO eloquent *peed). diet . ciiiiiet Naiads.' ter say that theßeptilifeens, hag . hee'n,,eble to come out of 'that, Tieree ,conlit4,' titiecisaful., If that party stands'maiffelly by,ile; principles in the leture as it has in pie past, the Kelpie shotdd'repose the ,satne "ctinfideben init.— I. 4 o .PaitT N','",htait 64EP°,qd Oa _, in .068'3:414k, days ought not, ,o t9r9;1 1 .4 3 ; •1 ' l ittPtlV:i 4 SeP . Bible Jean, appoint art, • vent to tr ansept Any husiness when 'that agent'i heart ',WttA not in the wdt-k be ,had, to : de?' Is,it Reasenableto sptinnit'that,the Dembeiai,s ,to -day , believe in: the, rightftlingsd . Of' the‘.l3th r 11th ' 'arid' 15th . ,atRendreienin to the CiMitilution; 'Whin' tlt,y, a : 'wee that ~as,soon as they, camelete ft ;,',„..- ;.f., .." ',Oted: to ' r'escind ; the resolutions di' , 2, : ;. :1: 1' 1" 0/1001 same athettimenta' Were s . c l IZ:: e-_ - - , othey' did that in 'l 6 ow 'Aloft,- cw . l'n Oeivllerse,Y2 Ant foiv, • figs, M ) Pregg:P.lßlairliVetre'a:%Ot•• 1, . - ietemt teeiett were, } ,..uncenitlindlinal- till( 'o4lt* - tie - ,Satilside:, And th€3 , Aretryttlitl _IP: 4 , / , 203 ,,i 4 .4-44. 4 . , ,,,0 r, "NriletildPlK, •t n 4 Ati ..7_ .e_W-,.. people. tof believe hint they elendd be r pga trusted With pewee. - ' I Why should any, Republican oppose Gen. 'Grant? In what has : his ,Adikileistratibn failed to carry out the platform .- upon which lie was elected? ';.The c o untr y :had lately teein Joheseli i ii disgraceful ,squabble :with ' ( Congress. atid'etlianGed: Gr a nt came into oillee he said he 'l3odilltr. hliv!,, ' nO:pPII4Y,to' euforee Against theti:ill il llie*fple. • 'tut lie had-a po li c y ;• be Was in' fqor of 'Ortforeing the laws of thelata, ,fri :bed ' carried Ott, ' that Wise; Obey as seqet4fully ai any Fres 'dent ever did: 3- Wtlialtiebit itr vislt4d; iip ba ihelteklnx - Of thAllenth: "It isitaid .thet,, . I,he.A.dmioietrqtipn la seeking ..to -"enforce a tyrannical :pellet, Were.; init-it is not true.-- Search the higteti of tilt( *M e ld? mid YMt will find no such' inagnitniinity'ashutteeni lli3lYlk tP`thelkelli. 'Wherhietinffered for , , thestillnie Of tri , esork ?'-' WO hifd, i lie feared,' gone furthe r than Net ought `to - go. . Yet Horace ch i ebies , would extend - Well the lead , •erepf the Rebellion' the `Pritilege of Ma : . ing o ffi ce. r After What tee 'Nei() ' flithitifthd to' since 1801, he did not believe that mag-, naeimity. er 'ehrisdanity shiauld Rinke us say 1 •tlen. Jar. Davis should.be reettiVedAiriek'ity the Senate.' 'But that ii'whtt ligr:: . Greeley would have:, tiV ilk' 'GriCO!'eet "hikVf4hee far enough that. direetioe: 'lle had beet, inagnannnone it' every respect s i nce the MP .I,lrlithi doletilheir aims, ' • ' ' !'r .''' :r---, - - The ' ' aker'- ven t on threinerk iptaii,fibi :,. ''' ' adieu as a candidate.' He Odd :its . WEIS the Ott o f 'e.yery thinking parent:Oka scan everybaan asking for an election. If igaq people think atiy trian fe bnwoithy; thtly libtluld not elect lum. Public • office is' a' trust,. not 4 - gift; lie took that opportubity to say that be had hot , coesidered it hieduty diving the canvass for the - tdmilititioti: to ' ' deny or extent:late 'certain chargea as to - the' Judge bill. It le3 bad' tiot .faithfully melte eented his conktituents on that matter or any other, he , would not be the candidate of the Republican party. When - he Wits drat nceb.;• inated he riledgeif hilts& that if the poi,: pie wanted the repeal of that law, would' he work for its repeal. Thht deee - not iwroliie at -all the questithr of the' piney of that liti:' He went to Harrisbtirg to repeat that hi*, fr, the people' Wanted' it" repealed. The peti:.' tions cameliViery alOwly, 'and at the tithe the bill Wait' introduced ; about' the:middle of the seseicin,"heiliid received but xibotip 400 names faVbring'repeal. ''But it Was Weil introduced' end:Went through the.conunitz• tee. illt *nit placed by the Clerk on the taili vale caletidar;'intd When ;It wes, reached' o'h- 2 Jectiontwas raised that it.was not: a private. bill. - - .l l'he Speaker 'sustained the bbjettion' and it was plueed on the piddle ealendtie.;---,-,' It was the Clerk's busineas 'inia Rot hill to: place it .on the proper calendar, and - be' (Mitchell) bad'to ebtltrol '-of it. • Whea it; .was placed on the public, calendar there, were ihout one litilidrred bills before it.-- , After that be 'eaught 'to bring about the pas-, sage of the bill, aid tear the,. clow.eif-1110 session s in the' OM and cOnfuslon alwits ,prevaihnetheri, When every mereteris uz; ing to pass seine bill, 'he' procured thti pal* age of this one: itherethartit thade et that time are quoted hi the ' t keistative Reoair lit' :follows: ' - -'' ' • • " Mr. Mitchell, on leave, ' . stated that: oft' he file was -bill, No, 1172,''entitled An act o repeal all laws creating add extending the office of additioriat feta judge of theaeveral courts in;the Fourth' jedicial ilihtrict, which • IWtvotild like ,thelHotAa' to, tale `tip ind pass. Ifs it•dik it wciniffbale e r 'atli cf icti4 pass the Stihate this sessioni'Vritif not the State would have'an tittnedeiaary'eipenee of fifty thousitid 'dollars' to 'ay diiel, *the alit ten years; for if this bid did *tupt i ii This session, t nekr,ludge liotdd"Webeaete for' ten years, sit thit next 'elOtitee",',o_,o4o•Te; and the press Otitis *ilia - the titer Cottqies conneetea 'WithVale, pada tilatifct denten'-' ded this bill.' And he; ttletefate; as a AP V:. sentative`Of tbet'peopte,'clitinted the 'mini genes of the Hansa to tt4brft 'ilp , ,,antil 10,,e, it sentikthe Senate. ' • • ' ,- ' ' " ?dr. ShrilliVulton) asked Whether ItAld , not legislete`a Win 'cintbf °Mee: ' '' - ' ''- "Mr. Mitchell said it iliffnaelittrPoie: to` , do that, as 'the' :e... • fit'kelithtie.tit .- wakiifri appiantment hy i C' tioliveitttoiluidhl4'4oll - would-ex iftron tha'firiAtf'Deteni -kmoiot.?, L ,- 3- ' 1. J , . .. • '..... , !Ile - IKE 'repeat _46'l-ad The'lo at tha ll' 4 lknit t time 1240 wage forthd 0 000 ivit !Timmydtaaged Semite! a;not passed it 'teCiltbit Of it th'ep ht*! , f s l l . l said E APlel.i.:::: 7 l, l 9r° Whet. e '-' - fiobit*Wito - 41' - ' i t triß- - . -, r , - •, , ii:',, ,t5,-.',, ',, ~ - , i - i f...pikr:' , ;. fr f:.4 , ....., 4 ,,,,,.. H 4 gWtiN r j": , . 4 1' ? 1-4 _,„i lg .: ;4:4 ka*-41' )11.1,t0fp0111: :;-, W . O.upi CAIIOI4NA,'_ if'l.)kiliidraitelacie,rB - here aro' , eltudi-. - .2-$4 0 4441 , 40 1 744.4 0 )) 1 VA - ..1g4k40p; , .. ship, 05Aolitli Citrolina. , : , Ex.Govenior. Orr, Igek, it4.017‘ 6 r . i!Aik Ctt, Ilrg,._„!o.iok - bilkid) t tiOkiigto ItTobl'iqui . State Convention and. 7el'Oli7ii - iW aratellikeVitli' iiiii6iViiSr7iii; 411 1 1phe that:l,heio atijrl3i4be ,o; cliimoe' . -, i cag" . " at d Tr o y- zlintAidateiettame , * 4l °o '4 i i i t . c. (4 1 116 r 4: 1'• :04- , # ' #4 ll v t 0410e..A rt:,,f4:914t.c.„ . 01, r-pMci,„!: i ,ogouftif,i-.., ,Wqr,94._Vigtni:., ..-.. fit , titge..r" . .• ITO'Oosch. .pseemsti to ivudetpuinfl; , OueliP 404 gi r 4: - : tr. I* a — fl uid itlildistailt4i,but ii!,isi :400 . ilifyi d4 - iii'd icl i i,,i- , - OdiVTJf;:hiill' . l i a l liii ' ir: 4l , l " 14.:42 °1 NC#4 . dflii . 047 - J4OOM Altortlf . ef1ge4.3414, - 0144 4 : 10014,14 to! *ln :tont Frnity with , the views of the Ad- Agigilliqii4dlsvOi 'off-stfikikii InAtioi gO4* 'synment,ot Vii6 - 110,e,T014 ) ,50 liiiibli%oliik'k fr •. i#, P- ' 2 'll).4Vii:OciAiist i.i.iiss,,4ll-7"i`iit,i-,iiii:liq s' , 1 . 0-I(*Chi . eif*) , ,. i ia 41 4 L- -4 a l l . ~ , ... "rill A i, ,, .. 7 f) ‘ t tiorptaStiptiliitalof con_ Wray( 1.:.14^19 4 11 be ATOPz4 thatltiouildYilit the administration' of Smith Infitilithf Whimlot' Untitglineitie to the williOr i liiintlityedlig 'ol,49cliti,i:oo' I;l7vic. PetpOeisey; nnd 'that' th''' eteetiOn Or ih'S belt mbrk to tho, ;ceding StatsollNes„can,, Wtiv 44ll 4kt a PRlghi*O.4cli fltP4, 9 h Vlliv,.9,c!.isct.ittilttilFtit.WPls,Pt.llfActlftft-i, ithii4oll,l there imayhbe i .no, , passibility tot. -thnetie`rnitts ISt :the kOlered 14tee againt MIN: Je.'Wiii--.dtirali4ti4 h'iiiiire'''hO t tierilin4:4ldele• letlek`'''''' I t.,tt , .'1,.• 0. , -,t '=,.. ~,‘). r... ~ roffra t' ARD , 13VSTE* ~post por.:-En.?, •••• Ite postal card builtie'sS 'has `i3tiffered aii.,' • Il i nr.:' .1 .4 ) 0Y I : ti -i.l ii t:edie: llo 44XlVe.* '1,c44. , . , tlitt Aito.T l3 :eY (igii*, I, :4lii;iliPt I ,`lritn i 1.0 - oF,bt,•inion , in :which...lull argues ithatt..it .' .will‘ tionntaWful, for thoT4tmasteri General , ,X0,, - lit',94'ed W iti!' 'OA isifieptii the . t*Aoios , : 1111 ,1 1 1,__ I M ilik4fatq. l ?,:,V44 l r;YPßTs ( ii. i iA . l§fil igeretteg; ttml,,that.44l•7l contract SO oPaY Aor 3 'the, nqessaryeards - prior , to definite action= 147 T.COngr,ess , in , im4ing. tikiroprlatiOil , for th,a ) .#4lpient of the expene, is unauthcr ized by/eV; him that-the, ostmersterGenc4 rathaanol power to enter ito act:attract for At t nftittufelntyruerit Of tato ey to personsion furnishing lie rioAtal •Cardi. ' . : ~.."`i i 3, •-= , / ‘-.. -4 - 1 , ,TNI?Puf,. 4,E 1 19 're. •I i .: ••• ', tc)o Satut.day. Secretaryelano.,xecetind s. 1 1.614i:int: from} Cieti:'. , CoWe . , Assistant See retar44 theltiterlor,ikwh ' is'• no* on the frontier.• arid' 'ttinOhg, the , t'O'n'Sfonlidl•'•' Il e aris;',stathigitiitti;;all tkili .. k 4 44140) 1 c4;h 1 : the paper in,the last•month. labout.thc excl. , tali Sionx.'beitig lui-the Wet path , are 1 else in • every, particular; that on the contrail; he finds the !several tribes Of Sioux, :Indians' yerfpeaceable; and hopes/ to complete his treaties in a short 'time. The bead chiefs of the tribes' ill,' accomriiinS,l'AsSistant Secre tary Cowen to this city',. i*lieinthe ,treaties, LOYfde villils9, i 4 4ifi 4l3 :, = '.,;-.. :"k • ' . ` ~ mr,c,e&*T. Att..iatomay:== , : , .i'= 'r`: I. It is said 'bere'by Mieb!ganders that the' nomination of Austin bleu- Mr, (I . o*ear of Michigan is pleasing • tO • 'botlC,eihiting par ties'. The Republicansaria miotione to bury • ,thiS,l4ter under a majority= of -20,000, and the Democrats tare delighted that tto'Cone of Iheirmen it' ogle to be, gledgliteied in that, for tbeni '•unbealthy politiCalAtate2" ~,„...,,, TAXING OUT •V I OTERS. ~ •,,. It is stated authoritatively, that 'in Yazoo city, Mississippi, a ten!'dollar 'poll' fax` has been laid ; in order to deprive more g than lu the poor negrOea` o'f . the ', privilege of • , ~ ..• . • , ~ , . the,, trancluse.,. This •is Greeleyism in the South, and Liberalism of the approved cora -1 plexion. '''• • - • , •. .• • •.. . l' - '-' 1 ' WEST vritonm - FLECTtOrt ' ' ',, poverupr ,liaCohs,, indePeodent candidate for 4overrior .of, *est,P ha rilitia,tjust; ,- ..been..elected inthat State, chiefly by Repnb-: iidtur votes.l. , ills" inejorit , variously estl liiilitgtilfrolirN 001;!,to, Pi ..' ThiS'ia 4 - great' defeatief the Vernocitiei; i - ijilehbail',Claigi-, ed.4,Qoo,lnkiiirit'ir, :fa I lit'st "irgird4: t',The' most singular : part 4;A rettirii.is , that, the new Constitution is coridered in ioubt, Ali Oughit contains thew st ietrograde bite' fogyism that, bits yet been LitOpOsed by' any of the ex-slava States,----to ballot, no regis ,tration of voters ; no offi e and no schools for colored p'eciple. So' totes - - Greeley De mocracy' ~ • . ' - ` : " f. •: - - • I , ,GREELEYIEZt i PLAYING OUT. It iS'eurrently 'reported - and =believed thai dairies 'Fraloicis Adinnt hite declined the ARthpetion to the Greeley f . " 4 Go7ernort, of blasgstebusgulh andittnnounced Ills intentionYto. support Grant. as the ;best man for the interests of the *ion. Gov. icorn; of Mississippi, Who luid proclivities for Liberalism, ha's diqCoVered' his error, and la;aitid to be about, lor i Grani and Wllsou. Greeleyism, only to mall cm:toward the goal of i( fish'es. The iseuee.of the The largest meeting t WeilsiYam this' year Dfgnciays e)irpiiing vi:rti4; ,(Intrit -and = t 6 !lei • • held ' ciiiliOident. during th spexitlage r .toulit hold attend,- apd preparation it :16 'frcint' of front steps as a speake ,tkie .assemblea, rooms of; the Court, Ho Henry tresided Hon. H.-'-Boardman Smith of Elmira - Was 'the speaker 'Of' the eve log. After. he got Warmed up to, bis work he matle a most tell Jog agtllhentative spee 14.elicitingfrequent lipPlanse, and holding 'a large:audience for nearly two hours. His points Were''ail'fOr f . eihtiAte.ted and heartil ,appreetated,, espe cially those relating to the position of his honorable friend, ,Hen ,' ' Sherwood. 'lt is iint . i*Nepiii,the•erO..w i f*tst.ate. of:QPF 0 1- iliOne, to give anything 114.a:fair abstract - -of Otis' argument, and•it is hardly necessary id?. do se, as it Williii . 1 ifed 'W hy so large 'number of people fro the, various parts • of the county. • • ._ •• _. _ • -To phew the insinceri ty of the Democrats ,athelipretended conVersiettP9'HepubE.ean 'principles, and thu,smell ' imPertance they 'attach — to .party Plitf4ms; lie Tecalled the ctthat their professi t on of faith' in 'lO2 , deprecated in the iriatia* . et ierthithe .far ther eidiAtion of the Sltwery, question, ,el 'ffier:in Calitress•or onteide,i and yet,. atihei very first.session 44 that _election, the Deinoctats in Congress ,repealed the Missou ri Compromise and opened the Territories 104 sle*y.,. He their went olito'rbvie've their record during tie Mit essie.ti, of .CongreSs referringio the questioas Of the elaintslor Cotton eetzed in the Southern, States 'during. heifer, involving $24,600 . ;0015;lo the cot- . 460 tax, ipveh;iog -- :soo' i ixitt* ; ."-Od to'lli . 4 o,l.,alrnetar' l PlO.iislor4nntl supplies used by t,h eiami i i itfifie 'South. 1 , 11 1 -bere.was hanger' that. i it nil thd'nenidetlttip', OrtijeaMilfito potterpotter "A466 - ilabiu, Pleniitprixied-* lakeiews, mmld be piddi ,',The DemocratiT iciikee r althe last tieibti,. iiielUdbilt those I, of.iinrY, SherWded, s diva titaqi4ty-iittl . i i its favor of Sttddlittg , 1. these, rebel claque :!:ion lil Treasury. 1 field..io referred to the 'Kula= 'Ontrages at therSontli k nO theilece*ltirl,l4 protect -.tit, ~, • h - in , the negro. i ere. 'fie reviewed in a I roost .trenchant manners Mr. .tireeley's in . consistent, 'l*9Yl4'brk., l , th l iVOlegislatidrk: -- ':' He said it Wa 'shown • at ' 2%000 _persons .sda - .~, 'O, stump ,/als State Po.rollastlm ball of away.aa' ,ahopes-Aie loaves t i 0 iimpai go. atzlitia beker held in n - veiied i- ' hitt . *eels' y the notninatiorof r e, meeting was ad hri Hall, .:but it be day that •no hall in the, crowd likely to were Inad4 to hold afouse, itaing , the` 'platfore the aad front h l help 'g given hp eti, ( of MariOield EIPIE iiXt -4 : 1 ,1 tleo '; 40' ii C :iii I.: w ilitti -. i'i -4- 1 -e• ... • -..4 0 ,-1 p eft .'• • 7‘ f'..,- e ''' ‘'? i,,yl 1110, ' otititt: -,,N,:en',iv,i461,41t igeti- kiir, enelliiig'llie blitcl4s:-,to:reito: : -A r tryiA . tile' I)enioerktie' ilavVY 4-44 00 1. 1i 4 A- 4 4i4 14 4 , 4 , ,itt* , 54i1i instil that - 4 theri'nere,ito - tk,lii s x, but that rAi . I.f . ,1 ill 4y kx . isi#4l)ligy...kiiittal ' Alivi - ,italigiii it _. _ 10,0;,:iiliAL,I,ite.y.litv.ort4Autuittg.4ixese.lippr, t ieop - ie pi-e tii the . jerideriiterfi,e4ilthe raj 14-gni(li a 4;ilgili fi Cikfi#9 , 4?, l ,l .4,0141c' iikkiglif44,:-P9i , itne. #cliring.l44# , PfPT / 6 ilSiiii - ii+asui: b., -11101',5iiite 4tuilttittitos t ,'Ahd not Tagit i t i v i li pi vroty; t. 4:t - -... t . .1 ; , ~„ ; ),.. ) 40.,, 1 1. 5. s, ,17,5 - Tra -.4 t V 11 , -, ' „ . t - ~ , , : l ~ L,, ' i1i.14 1 i-A , ,. iill 944 elidir,Siß l ,4,Cticibui, 494F:4 1 1 14 ' " 1 9, 41 1 1 teitPaub •iiiii'estniittid 3110;Akreilivia;poi 341 Lit it: - lie asked tiio . tittaiidibeif‘i witou i 3 - v).lF.:;zt,s -,..., --; i. 4 , lYP t e , =,_l ll I i ghSi l F4#9,PiiMie.iliV. Plat ) ()11 4. ihtivd,Jilfft .)ittistamneatted.giti, that liOlgould M;t 1 i 1 :0 10 rft.ttitit l ifieSeyttitO io'itiOth s _hikvs . Artlii:',7 l Tiltiji ' d ici,4,4l:44V . .,lPst ' lcili , l iiiiatieDifyiin ; tbet negati.vd,:the spea ker. woof , ititi ilonikkicidy' t4Pettrayl 1 eortiWs tii4loracci: It t'lWliOh l 'iiii i44iiiid Vei Aliti tin' ' 1 atia ~.,,t , „,. , .. ,,,b., • ,,..., zo“9l4l.ltuotliong,, f,,i.i., i.„ ~,,,,,, , IcAfteritt koonehlShjii of Mr:sEmi i tied -:nd 'iltes,4,/itil . I .NlVVltiliiiiol' 4'id efilled'i3o,' l a - 11).4,it , i qi. i ••• qt.:: ^l . ) ;;;-,y ,, 1 . ; -t A ; • ~• • 1' „ k , a l l , t !, !To t . 411.1 A:F9Y Ag n MA 4 . 94‘ 1 . 1 " Pili(Vg iil'i, ipmt 4 ictlitti afittothinbught; iirgeliizatitiii of [1414..1 ,fYea CPSililiej;i'ros i c,OlT ill! . \ :., i - oun *Oa libi 4 rg,ol Tiai q 40j0 iliV i ,‘} ' iq i ; l 4 l ‘,ti t4l6o . tVidr thoitiheib ~ ~...4 . 0 .,-,,i,..: - 4 -. Llf , iiii. ~,t -a., :',,,t c ,- ~_ •,,, .• ; - , - f , ----- 7i7, • ...,:: ! , • .... „ , - 7- ,T . -Ti r , 7- 17, ' 3 • :. " ' • ' -' 44.f.fi *PAW rator,s , .,a,te < ! , lit , " icitilmat r,41+,04 Ardor of, 04e, pypbaus.t,:oint-a t t. , led Ittilp y!7 , 1872 0 the „utideisitpled; Xtboiitistra- Kr,of i tite #ii ate ,orffiibert 'Bllo,4ldeil, a - ea/186d, • late of , .Tliqls comet , will axpObe at publle - sale." on the pivin. litag id thitio township. ontruetalby, ;tkpt. .24.1672.1 at 1 1.. tealblek.ipl• 4 ,41.te followitly, tletierikli preperty i , , ii4littl° "e Ide4til)Y'lliniAln 'l`..)iTY;:aatit by .441amt.L.Ii atibiirtititid Cf. IV. eiiiellitotita - -bydlohla;. iity ittitilv .10-44iMia'ardr, 4. , Woe And Iht Spa*. , lug f blithealt_tt sumo mpg! Hpid,t9 ; Elfguer, , l'olu° 4 7 by JoronatrALTo4,4 Ufgh Bherffr pl,Tipgii 'oiSfiaty ‘ by, 4 aomovileagtql , sare!. %, egolsitind i‘iite.ead ltv lite' VA Ot dpitattion Plum tif.anirbetbinty too docket PP, ' itlf:t o7 : - WiltiFefiltikiigng:l o , l l l /qtit• mote preye ,1, ~ . - f ietnia; dtial Rh iwzgle,lifatkoil of Pak .-: - ,Attrikitil, B72- ,'lvi',„: - : - ". :1/•;T•.,r,TI:r:ER.'`,",/"..r• :.-". trarkitofore uniler'thci rim vane of: Walk:lna iti , KateballA An Ana rangy'. bus. inega was tllgaglyg4 gn p,Qtb, Anat., by_nallual con. 14, ,T,..,Th0 4°oB orithelaie:nria will bo"Muini at' the !eta gattrecneni. f'' •EIgTII;IVATKVIS, • 21;1012-2.w • • - BA& ..t . . .14prtn istrator's Notic& - Inns cirltichmond totraglaip;' Tioga oqunty, , , 1 fie*e d. bAling. boot>, gtaAted to tha,-ondoraitna, ad,ittiperione having datum against fand oatat 9 .l4'.o, Itop,eby,.ontt ed•td tot,eettlyniOnt on, and Ibq per lonapriag '6' Waine," ttimaktittatnediat6' payinent to Aug•,.2B; 1 7243firi.- or , ' Tt. L TRALIC, Adm's: • •' • • I etf to ......", h . hams, ' tti Ina... _ 72430 N. o , ' l ' ,- Bk. T.:.,/rr ''' ii Tict f rOYAXPAVES . I l i • , . ~ Mil= Brlrgess,an4COnnell trill sneet at Wm, Biehe's -s.l k oillee - bil Wednesday,thp ith,day of th)ptsmber, at .7:co'clockp. in.. to recelye application for correction or abatement of Both - Taxes: 'Afrar rthd . aboro date no andh ap pli cation will tit, considered. By order of the' board. r, -, L. :: ,- , , L. kLtnisit.orr,, (Neck. IWellaboio Aug.. I,3tb 1137221-3 w • iC Q t `- - A,citsTs:VrAtiixtal•‘ . for ourgreat • 0.1&t (ea tampaig hart. . . The moat attractive" and saleable thing oat. It is in .dispensable to men of 1131 parties, furnishing just the facts and thinteiftuietled for , every; day reference by 'every intelligent votert Agents am selling from • . 3.631 WC" Ito 31:0ALIr. Tribe IlbiAtllerins.` fiend "far descriptive drat 'Aildrees.'• DUFFIELD ASAITAD, Publisher, , , 711 Sansom Street • Aug. 21, 3w. - " , PtiIIAtieELPHIA. ; In .7 c~~cicruptcg. ME rpHIS is' to give Notice, , That on the 2d day of An .l,. gust A. L. 1872 a warrantin Bankruptcy was is,sucd against the Riede of lienrp G. Smythe of Blossburg. in the county of 'Bogs and State of Pennsylvania.. who has been e4itid.Bo3 a Bankrupt, on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt to him or for his utio. and the transfer of any property by him are for hidden by law; theta meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose ono or more assignees of his estate, willbe held at a court of BiinkruPto,ii to be holden at' the of of P. E. Smith.' Eeq , in: Tioga 13oro', Tenn, before 'P. E. Smith. 'Esq., liegistai, op ,the 33th day of : September, "A„13.;3832, et.lo o'clock a. m. Aug 41; 187144 C New Grocery and Restaurant ! HE undersigned has opened a new aIiCiOERY and VATniti ROUSgin the store lately occupied by Georgellastings, the first door below Runnel's hotel. Ile bas a full and fresh stock of tine 'Groceries it, Confectioneries, - which will be sold cheap r br earl'. - Particular attention will be puid to the wants of the ',tuner wan." MEALS will be furnished at all liatirk. Every delicaerwiltbo supplied in' its sea son.- Frell‘ Oysters ' Clams, Lataters, - .Sardines, Fresh Fish, itg. , cfc., will be furnished 'for the table. in the best style and on the shortest notice. Call in and see. Weflaboro, Aug. 7,1872-6 m. 'R. P. ROBERTS. '''• HARNESS SHOP _,..-w. , -NATxx, would .say td his Mende that N..)1 liarneEP shop is constantly stocked with Htialry . :and -. Light Harnesses, made In a stlbetintialMstmer, and offered at prices that cannot tail to' snit. ' - The' best Workmen employed, and noun but the beat material used. Repairing done on iliortuotiee, and in thebest mss nor, ; r Vail end see. 111721 t, - ' ORO. W. NAVLE. • -I,AID 7 i4'IN'Si . B.II,:VNIT. At you waut,i nice amortmeut of ICALL AND WINTER GOODS, BAIIDWINS SHANTY, MEM If you waut•Dreaa Good of all kin& • - call at Big-L,DVITN'II-Shanty 'lf yell want Bl'k .alpaca, call for the Grata Britches% \ at BAIDWIB'II ant: Pititiani in'Otta , :an Shawl, call at ItALPIVIS'S Shanty l~ • • . If yon want Lailite, 1 tc Genie' under ware, call at BILL.DICTN'S Shanty , • . , , If you lona notions and tikiataitiga, call at BALDWIN'S Shanty. MI Itypu want rnrs. If yon want knit Go,oas, If you want Hain and Caps, I.tpu wsiaS todis snd Shoes. Ityou'vrant.a atitia'Stat4Bl ' - r; call it BALDWIN'S Shanty • J:e YYdtt.wsut good Teas and Groceries fresh, = cad at BALDWIN'S Shanty 070 1 1 emit a.rellety toads snit of clothes.. t.: . • , at BAT t ptVll.ll3 Shanty you 4414 4Mat your measure. • at 1 1 J.kt4AfiriVe shisnty • It you want Over Coate, - - • , call at B WIN'S Shanty If you want' BUtfa to Robes., . , - • call at B AWN'S BberitY It you want, prices that cant be beat, • . ; : - . F • 'call at BII,I)NirIIiPS Shanty. , • , - • .11,•‘-`,••• A.'IKORDOOII, .• II: S. Marshal CAL.r. I AT TIOGA. PA MEI , 'call at lIALIY,WrEti'S Mannty I I call at I:I4LDWIN'S Shanty call at BALDWIN'S Shinty call at BAIADWRII3 Shanty, ..:::4 ''': t.,:,A : VAL'i r !:4" , ' V';' j Y • t Ell ; ..4 t.ir . -..._.-,,.,,.... ,- .. : - A , --,, , r -. .i: .i. 40. 440110.40g7 401-C:0C:103DIS1 ~,1 -,, 41 ,-- ~ , ....„4, i.',- - ......, . ~ .1.., , ,1 4, . .„ 44,-, ,1.-• ,-, . , . Z==il ENLItIifiEItIENT OF STORE • 1 ■ ,s ;The subscribers have now in stock in their ew • y aleBl A cutire now• Stock Lf . . • PAISLEY SHAWLS; , , $lO, $ll, $l2, 14, $l5, 18, $2O, $22, $2 , 4, $25, $2B, $2B, Nruti: Sp ing Shawl , r ' )' In all llie neat desirable sty aat itl4 . 3olVe3t cost and prices. A Black Silks -' , . . , at stl lower,lo,•es Wail last season : we have full pieces at A. 1234, sl,ul, $ $2,25, $2,50, $2,75 per yard. :.Japanese Silks iu great variety. Fields, Stripes, and f.3olid Colors', in extra qu4. • Goo& Spring Dress We shall keep still larger Stock this year than ever before, as we now have their New Ode in tine department received almost daily, Cloths t and a Cassini° _ . . , . I , We sball Aee,E, In our now flalea Itoo/n a rely fine stock of Woolens for inert and larger stock Than we. have ever kept. , We b.ave also, moved cor Hoop Skirt stock up into our new sales room, and s I . . , stock of new styles et low prices. . . Nottingham Lace Curtains in great variety, 2;i' to 41, yards long, at from £2 ' fliosephine Kid Gl®v 1 . - . Ail entiee'new stock of spring colors. This Wove is warranted to be eqOta to a States either as to fit or quality. Our stock le very large i New Prints, New ping our regular make, equal in color and quality to any in market, and still sold vence hi prices, niaking them'the cheapest goods in mar One of the main advantages to us in opening the NEW SALES ROOM. is the for Our Boot and Shoe stock. We air, now situated so that we can keep a still LAY and we shall add new lines of Goods in mast desirable makes as our trade calls f., Ivork vErty CHEAP and give every one that calls on us good pay for their time i I Corning, 31tiy 1, 1872-tf:, The Regniat I i FULL OF GOODS SP INtl DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, C Boots `& She Notions, Fancy. Goods, =I , 1 AU the pegple iu TN§ Colluty who 100? to make! puroliisoil In Oita lino a, Loot- Oct my 4,A -toe IN 123113 Hoop Skirts: laa.ea Curtains. Nottingham Lace by tbc yard at 37;i'c, 44c, 50c, 52;:c, 75c. choir,e styles Black Pure Mohai Boots and Shoes CORNING, N. V., . \ ]]OW The assortment is complete in every department =I ittid, Compare grices El ROOM, i =I I= I II 111 II 150," $1,75, i•im MLE=III ple room to allow [ sr.l bops' suits. a much • I to $8 per pair la y.Glove in the.dfinted deed. ants, U e y /bt at auS a 4 .oreastid room it l ; ic~s us GER STOCK in this r them. Wo that! sell all looking at our J. A. PAMONS & Co r 9 TRAP, OCKERY, es; i Ct &CO II BEI IMI 1 c iu l vited i to come and \ r ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers