Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, September 04, 1872, Image 1
‘ , • ..., . .- - . ...-„ ....,., .. ---...._. 1 , . LC • . . .. A ‘r . VOL. X 1 , • , I' ;i_ 't :i t ; Ai l it t ii i ii r (C111.1:11:D 1:Villa WRIMEESDAV tylr .. , v o 01,311111;11, & BARNES ,L ~ c. VAN OELDIat. 1 A. v. Lumina. _ . 1 --.V.!,00 per annum in advance. '"Vti ; T r( r. kl . - - ----------- (---- . „ n I'EES OF A IVVERTISING .t: ..: . 1111 12111. sin. 41n. 7 in; ' ..._ 131n125'1u. ..--I- ---- .•, ~ , 1 ,,, 1 1.t! no $3OO $4OO $6OO $9OO $)400 t`'. i'l -Al 3 (41 4 00 6 00 7 00 11 00 •16 00 1.. 'eel 1 60, 6 (10 GOO 8001300 18 00 .• 4 0) . ,' ' , ,1 b 9 th • 400. 600 700 0 04/ 15 00 20 00 4• 4 • -- - ) 00 10 00 12 00 20 00 28 00 , os s 9on la 0034 00 26 00 35 NI • 00 1. 4 mil , e 0 18 00 20 00 22 00 30 . 00 to 00 '.,:. i v , 1 ,,, , 14 no 25 00 28 00 as Q 0 60 00 1.00 00; . • . ...., q t •:- , ..- ,t 1 Ilk are calculated by the inch In length " • '. , u' l IMIV less apace lit rated as it full inch. . ' ' ". : T, , • A 1.1.1( Ment li 111118 t CO paid for before In ' I 01 )earl y contracts, When hnlf•ycarly ,„- 1, PP• ' - ~ will b e require& . _„,- J ,.. ', H ,..; '1 ,;( '1 , 1 • ‘ , ' .... ' in the Editorial columns, on tho - " ; e •nt ' s per line each it:016111a'; Nothi " !I'':''. ' v tl iZI , ,I, gl li II 11,, I/1 I • ~ N-s .111 Local eOll.OllO, 10 cents per line if ;-,1_,, ritic'hilcs ; and 54) cents for a notice of Live • ) (r;•:(s (4 'MARRIAtIFS and Inwrils inserted r dlO cents ~ di „1,,t nary notices will be elm ge , von , i s In per cent aboveregular rates. , ...0(•('I'20.1(s 6 lima or less, $5,00 per year. - ---- --------7--------------- - - :17 .---- • iiii Stn ('SS CardS. • , ,u 4.1.11:- I'. A. JOHNSON. Itatchelder & 1p Joason, ' ;, j 1 ,,„,, a mominieutH, Tombstones, l'al\ile ...eau.) •(, .c.c. Call and see. Shop. Wahl ht., ~ , ; I „1111,1 r) , Wellsbortt, tu -July 3, 1832. - it. S. Bailey & Son, - ,:11.1 , 1,0nt.7..v. , l'olillillBSlON MEP-CHANTS. , . Hatter a apecialts. Our hotel and family .1,,04, .-, us to 4 11110:11 the highest market prices A MAI Blallt,lltilllllrieS. No. an South Water •,I , ,,i,•ipina, -Apt 11 10, 1872--314.*; ,-, , ' - . A. itedlield, ;.I'S AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.-Collect ,r mildly attended to. Olbee over the Poste/lice, ' .. W. Merrick Esq.-Wellsboro, I'll., Apr. 1, - . - C. If. Seymour, ~ry ,1 r LANS, ')'toga Pa. All business en- : .( hi 111 , ...Mr 0 111 receive prompt attention:-- . GCO. W. Merrick, AtA Al LA W. -0111.11 tr; flowen A: Cone's : , ..r. ,,, lull it•out Agttator Ulllee, 2(1 iloctr, ~ •,., 1. 4 Ito. 1. 1:.i71, -----. Mitchell & Cameron, .d ., LT 1, \W, Clam) atabluenrancejt.gents. •., ~, i'.511,•;•••(. ~.. 0. Illia i ttis brick block, over .., . ~...,,,,,cs 1-ba, , t 1 Olshoro, I'a.--Jan.•l, NViiiiam A. Stone, -, •NfY It' LltH, OWN' C. 11. ICelley'a MT' )load , 1'.,41„ 's Mork ou Main Slreet. ..• , lei I, 1,7'.1.. - . .1 (ltilaill Ellketry, . 1 •, ~ , 1 I \\O' -t )11I; e Opposite Cl/1111 !LOOM - . • 4 I,:. t , :.IVilLuititsport. Pa. ” All IMlSillf,till L „ , ,',t , t,t, kt (.1 4ati. 1, 1872. - - . -". J. C. Strang, ' , LI I.IW .' I.OSI.ItICI' A TTOHNEY.- • ; I l'• MR., 1.,q., W.14..b0z•0, Pa.-Jan. /,'72, • -• " . . :,•.` .1. B. Niles, 11 . I.IW - Win anima promptly to bus (% 1,, .1, ,s, I , 1,-. care in tho ...unities of Tioga ' . : -. i +el , II (Iv A V 1MM11 . .--WIL it.Lor , .1.'11., __ .1 110. \V. Adams, - ~ .1 - II I d:,, )I;u)glit.l,l, Tioga County, Pa . • 1 I• 11,41 alleteled to.-Jatt. I, 1872. C. 1.,, Peck, -‘,., • 1 T. \ tl. All e1,,i1,15 promptly collected .ll. I' 11,11,1,, II 111 oth..ts. Nets. an, 'Dogs CO., Pa ---- - - .1110. AV. (iruernsey, • .vp. ~ .1 1, t IV. -All lue , htees eht.llitetl I, 11ilIl I , lIIVI I) ,`‘.1 to.--011ive let dom. south . t:„1:1 :: I'M CA pil.lfe, Ti411:1, ' 11.42:1 i utility, l'u. ~: . -- - , Armstrong S. Linn, ..\EVs AT LAW, Williamspott, I'.t. II \ withittoNo.t . . , - I. 1-INN . . Jan. 1, 1372. 1 ' - %VIII. B. Smith, •. ~ A Il01:NEY, I:molly and Insurance Agent. :, Atfort. ~ ent - to the above whir. Pi 0111 it - 1 1 ' 40 1 4 atlontion Thins innalerute.-EnoX- I , hal 1, I 57.2 -- . Van Gelder ..K; Barnes, ..•\l2F.t:s -.HA Irlinla of Jul Printing .lone on 1 ..,.. n o d 121 the Licht manner, Office in Bow: ; • • , . C 1 . ,,!.. 2 , 1 )lace.-Jan. 1, IF-.7.1. - - --------- AV. 1). Terbell & Co., ,! - ...‘11'. DitiT,GIST, and dealers in Wall Paper, •,,-. Latap4, 11'10110tv Glass, Perfumery, Paints, ;--t'ortotirl, N. Y. Jan. 1, 1872. I). 13acon, M. D., • :IN ;ND Si' iICIEON, lit. door east of Laugh , -Maul sweet_ Will attend promptly to all -4•11,1,,,re, Jan. 1, 1872. • ' --- , A. M. Ingham, Ail. D., .. ,, t tTlIthT, ofttee. at his resfilenee on the Av ••--.4•E-4,1.,,, l'a., Jan. 1, 1872. _ — W. W. Webb, M. D., I IN AND Nl.' It/ ;EON.- °Mee-Opening out of ..-:. • k.4hs•4 Drug Store.-IVellsborn, Pa.,. Jan. - - ; seeley, Coats & Voo Tioga Co., Pa.—lteeLive money t''.i.. , lPconnt notes, and Roll &alb; on New n pr...niptly made. A I'l.lll, n e•eroht. \ 15E Co OZVAT.7., '.1 , 72 I Oxvm COATR, I. Pjti• :horst at - Co., Tu3So2 t 3. 11,t, Ti, ; ,:: Co., Pa. .1 PAU/111111MT. ;JOHN PAM:HURST, C. L. PtTTIVN. " 111 % 1 Islo, Proprietor. This • • • iiconsiu.'siste the travel ' w , isanuer.—Jan. 1, 1872. •, Petrt>li I - louse, • CI LD. i.k.. cimm, Proprietor.—Cmod Re, In , tit man and beast. Chnrges Tea - dtmdami glven to gatelits. 1. Coi()11 Hotel. 1N 111)1t\, Pn.pri, tnr. We'labor''. Pa.—Thin and has all the COIIVCII ; h. -at. Charges naoderate.—.-.Tan. IVelishoro Hotel, (t,:: lin :VI;NITE, - Wellsboro, Pa. SO L. 'FUNNEL, Prop'r. 11 , 4,1 lately kept by B. L. litiliday, 'All 'pace 11(11.111ns to to.ik , . it a 1115 t: tle et t ei artfv7 , and clep,lrt mom this 1 . 1 r attuthiance. LiVerY atr 1.7± THE 0E1) ? ENDISIItV.iISIA HOUSE" I;ATF.Ly :le the Totrogend. Home and r ma., t , c , m,itd 1 1). D. liebday,, has been retatt ,1 and repaioed by I . R. O'CONNOH, happy to accommodate the old friends of • 1,11% Tr+ ttasonable ram 3t, o,opN4pli. ME TO TIIE FARMERS OF TlOO.l COUNTY lAplfttug at. Ir y anuf4etor.V. in Lawrence trq.erior PANNING MILL, the following advantages over all other , ryr, oats. rat litter, and foul seed, and twin ulfeat. flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and till `. I, fleetly. ..," .1.4-1 1 11 461.1.1y seed. ). , 2 L 3 ll l (4 r separatlug required of a mill. milt of the besti and most durable 0111- ' QM la Ciltllp for cash, 'or pro- r W • • Patent sieve, for separating oats from -I:4)ar mills, nn reasoriablO terms. 'idle, Jan. 1.1879. Jl3 VAT agR . . . . , . . • • . , . . . . . . , . . . . ' ' . , . . 11 - ... . . - -- . . .•• . . .. -.' . „ - ... . , ~ — 4, —....,„,.... ... • .. .. . .. . • , , ..• .. . ‘‘‘ , 1 , , ' ,, - : : : : : :1 ' ' k - ' 7 l:,;:t ' ',; : , , 1 '• 4 - Y . ',• trii..-i , , 1 , - ' , , ''- '-, '' ' '' ' ' •' x _L.. j ---; . 1:;:- , .k. c •'' ~. , , „,,, ~ , - ~. ~J '...--';',.`''., , .., :, :'.,, . 0 . .- .... , .. . , .. . , .• ~, ... . '- ' • '- ' - ." - - -, ).:.;.:,.. :".; %.:/ 1, - ',( 1 - '.i. , tir.- .;',. / ..,:1:.:1 1, - ..-1 , ..:,:,,-..:- . .•-,i;; - -..4-ci. , ...,,ki-,1 . _ , . ...-.------- ...........- - . •.•/ ••• ,„ •SS V • MEER „ THE o,i PicriPN 111 Sitting to tight In y chamber, A bachelor frigid and lonely, - • I kiss ;the end of my 'pipe-stem— That and that only. , • m- • • iliri - es rise with the smoke wreaths ; Memories tender surround me; Girls that aro married, and burled, • Gather around me. ESE Q s f. °. • School girla in pantalets seraph:lg; Girls that have irown tg, be misses; Carla that. liked tabs kissed, and Liked to give kisses. Y ' re . ;member ihein These in the corner.were fleetest; _Sweet were those "on the sir," In the Dark were the sweetest. Anna is gone on a mission Off to the South sea sinners; Nell in a WillOW, keeps boarders, and Cooks her own dinners. • ' • " Charlotte, and Bustin and Hatt4.oe • Maryl Janni Lney and-Ma,ggie; Fire are married'and - plurnp:—two - • Maiden and scraggy. IMI Carrie is dead - Blowout sweetly, • Ye miguonettes over her rest! Her r love dearly'and truly, - the latest mutt best, Thus I sit smoking and thinking, • A bachelor frigid and lonely, I kiss the dnd 'of my pipe -stem-- That and that only. - Dorema'S Twins. "Those? 'No, they ain't my children," said - Widow, Blatchford, peering through, her spectacles at the picture of two chubby, staring babies which I held ml for her in spection. " Those are,Dormy's twins." " Dorman?" repeated 1 - ;• inquiringly, as I knew by the italics in which the word was spoken that a story lurked behind it. "Doremy Pletcher; her mother was 'cou sin to my first hOSband. You've seen Dore my, stirely.' - So I had, if my memory was correct in et - miter:tin:- with the name a vision-: of ,a hard-featnied spinster whose angular figure was in queer contrast with Widow Blateh ford's fat proportions. - ".I thought—" Ibegan, when the old lady snipped the thread of my hesitating speebh. " They wasn't her own, really, you know; she took 'em. I declare! so you never heard about Doreiny's twins? It's kind of a curi ous story." I situuld like to-hear it," said I; and my kind old hostess settled her glasses with gen uine satisfaction at my request. - " Well, the babies belongCd to Roxyllap goed. She was alwaxs. weakly, and when her husband was drowned it seemed to beat her right out. She neyerlield up her head again, and died - when' the babies were a fortnight old. Doremy went and took care of her for a month before that; and when she saw the poor mother's tears on them lit tle pink faces that was never going to look up knowingly into their mother's eyes, she just up and said: ' 'There, there, Roxy, I'll take care of 'cm. Don't you fret.' So, with that comic» t in her cars, Roxy went to sleep a smiling—and woke up i» a better world than this, I dO suppose." "Were • there no relatives to' ilire for them?" I asked. "No; EbooMood Came from the West a year beforo Q he married nOxy; no body kni4 anything about him, 'She was a n orphan, evil (lout soflinell as a el/Will:19 her name - „ - either: - AN foe prope f lity, - notie everslack to Ebel) Hapgood'a ihgers ; if there had he'd have matte mit to let 80111 e 0110 else eat it off. . . , , " Well, after the funeral, folks Megan to alk of.: the poorhouse for the-If:this s. Then Dorenly'spoke right out; says she 1 lam go ng to take those children,' If that didn't •:iise h breeze! ' Have you inherited a fore t ine, Denemy??' says Josephine Frye. Jo ...eplaine's one of the folks that speak real suit and- smiiing, but always etmtrive to carry a nett le hid' in' their words. Fact wns, Doremy and bei'mutter hadn't hardly paid oft' the mortgage on Iliti little place, and pinched themselves to do it, to . )ea con Quimby held up both hands when 4; heard ft. " 'A.elooally, I call that flying in the face" of Providence!' says the deacon. there \V3IS plollerty tiOw, and a gutu•deeri wanted to he responsible for the interests of them babes, should feel a dooly rested—' But Doremy took him up pretty short. If you could make money out of it you'd take 'em (Itl:•self,' said she; but, I'm a golug' to make something " "The poorhouse does seem a dreadful cold place for sueh little dears,' says Mrs. Quimby. • Our Hezekiah was just as help less once.' " You see the' deacon's wife was just as so t as he was hatd, and she'd hae taken d creation 'into her heart' if the deacon w mild have let her. " sins of•thc fathers shall ho visited on the childrcn,',.says the deacon real sol- Ebeu Hapgood was,—' But Doremy never gave him a chance to tell what he was. 'lf that's so,' says she, `I think, deacon, you'd better go home and look out what portion Heickinlell have, and leave me to tend these of plums.' That'sthe way it went. The neighbors buzzed like a swarm of bees, but Doremy just held to her own way as steady as a clock." `' Did her mother agree with her?" I ask ed. " Well, fact is, Susan Fletcher ntver-had no more decision than a pink-eyed rabbit; she always pinned her faith on Doremy; and where Doremy got her will I can't see,' answered Mrs. Blatchford, reflectively, rub bing her nose. " However, she- always did rule at home, and so she lisept the bablet. I must say I was ono that thought 'twas a foolish thing. One' baby fills a house clear to the roof but .twd•-t'! Vrs..Blatchford completed her sentence by a sniff more exprepsiVe than words, •and rocked thoughtfully-a few moments before' continuing. `At last people got settled - down .that there wasn't much use in opposing Dore my. 3lrs. Quimby kissed her kind of sly, and says she, ' The IJord'll keep his eye on you, dearie.' She gave lief a ' lof of baby. clothes that used to be Hezekiales, the deacon didn't know it. Some folks do get mated so, and go 'round piecing out each other's shortcomings. I rather think that was all the help anyhody gave Dprpgiy, for all the talking. "But thin it did heat all bow cheerful she was over them little helpless, squirmingencanines; rock this one, trot Vother—cat nip for this, saffron for that—up and down and all over—and she just laughing and say ing, It's well they're boys, mother, 'cause I can make their clothes ' clear up - tq their freedom suits. Girls would puzzle me.'-- Doremy was a tailorcs by trade, you know. I will say I never knew babies to.tinive bet ter." 'What :were they named?". I queried, mindful of the anxious discussions over a dainty morsel of humanity lita pertain bap py• home not long before. " Well, there was n fuss about that, too. Deacon Quimby be wanted 'em califfi l'aill anti Titeolby; Idleittda Burnes—she's the school teacher—she, Nvanted 'em named Da mon and Pythagoras, or some such heathen nonsense. humid:twits always high-flying in her ideals!" raid Mrs. Blatchford, explcOve ly. ""Squire Luce said they,: ought - to lax George Washington and Pail-1414,nm Put when everybody got through tailling poremy spoke: - Their names-shah be,John and James.' And somehow t never struck anybody at the time that one vas the name of her father and the other or Doremy's in tended, James Judson, Who Oil -'fl nlnpyor B before, just, when 1101 got his new home done, and the wedding,day was set." • '.-, • 1 ' "Tt Must haVe been - Lard lOW to - Nice care of them and suppOrt herself, too," I said. . q It wasi she slavO bard, yen might say; but she scented to do pretty well. I have an idea the Lord kind of prospered her af ter she took them orphans. When her mother went blind, folks said she'd have to give 'em up, but she didn't," ' "Blinds how die:1(1411P with a musings' of sympathy. "Yes; it was a nerve trouble, and - came suddenly: - Deacon Quimby' Went over to reason with her. Says he, 'l'm afraid vou have been still-necked in this mutter, Dore my. Now you'll be made to see them twins as a burden, and have, to put 'em where they belong.' Doremy answered just us quiet. • I look at it different,' say 4 she; 'if thAord took mother's'sight, He's•aent her two pair-of young eyes to grow up in her use while mine have to be tied to-the nee dle. The boys!are her best comfort. Step in and read mother a palm, dpeon i 4140 . do her good s morel! talking,' MI MillllllloMl i t f The deacou,did read leatisan 'Vjetcyer,, it 1 , is cel l and eameeway 'Cring 'ids Oroat,- . as if lie had edreildfut.'Co'kP IfoOditiliiii Sent her up alttaltet-Ori;applat,:tii i rolltejakid' it was the itirerpreSent'lle,: eyer,inttaCNt: that isn't hardly likely," 'Bald litiii.-Bletelk ford, mildly." _. ••Deicany'rias!right fr itlitittgl4 her mother itailsolid uoMfOrt in,thosedroys. She taught !itAn t 4 •eiml, tO9r ) ' . i z ..,.., "; i r •li " To read!" I eicelaimed, ~ ~ "It's a fabt;" replied Mril.'2latehfoo;:eti eiying my i liurprWe.; .. e`• She. :knew ;pretty.: lunch of the.flible hy,lert,'.- Aug poretny, Would set ',erii at, some chapter and tell her what it wiiii;"so she could correct.' - 'ein 'MI they read.; It used tole kind , ot-like epic turn to sec the old latly , sitting: ; in , :her.cimir with the tWo chubby roguealeantil against her and sPelling but' the_ gbod'siiifif sf'aii'do-' her as ministers, and poremy sew 't away lialtitit and Smiling to herself. Doremywas 116 ' 6 it hanils4ine, but 1 aiwayallsAghEfshe fromF better favored after She . had . the Care. of them little ' ' ones :' ' - Somehow tlieie Is' something teat beautifying in laving and do lug i 'ilsn't A : ship-deep prettiness,„X.meap, but a kind O f a look folks has to a dmire." - MI "If they:havi3'the eyes toted it;" gested, lisjhe good woman grazedli . metlitti6) tively ovo) . her speetneteg,aajt_lnloging up the .vision , of SeineJpim SO," " - heautklted, l ' " Polls' mostly' hiti'the ifayea; 2 -ttincslinttitie 'em up is What hinderatheirseeing *eplled she, briskly:: ," Bitt - tiMyhe you're; tired, never knOw-wheu to stopitalking, 'specially if it's abotit , Doremy _and - " Theref'a rotninee abblitllgt*Oit'bitt seems to me it tells considerable ferone,wo; - man's patience and courage, 'and smartness,. too. There's a sayingabtatteldinidds" - ehill: d ren t an d fist:say : l rather e*peeted 'Dare in); would rtring 'em upeither-tobaire their own way In everything or never - to -'have it. teL all. lint they're Justri*ltti ;healthy; Well mannered; tend - loving their-Ana litory,.-as they call her, just as much.asiheY oughtAo love, her. ; And .that's sa) ing.considerable,7 added Mis..Blatehford -with 'emplinsis;qts she listlo out. Of -the ,reoritObedientlylo the old •wheegy."siktial 'Of the, tea hour, wllch, like•thehAveof the Medettyld Persians, altered not in this primitive region all the year round. • - Three summers went by before quiet tie Cherrywooit again. held. me as seeker after rest and , refreshment among its• hills and hospitable 'rustle *KO. "PpOP mere] Widow Blatchford 'opened her door, tame and installed me monarch of her " keeping room" and the breezy ehamberitboxelt, was not to her displeastire tehiy first inquiries - should relate•to Miss. Dottema Fletcher and her ad - opted children.' - '" " Theref - I knew you would nqy f ergot about them?"' said, she, delightedly. I thought you-would lilte 10 hear of it. Wbell things liainwoncl its' they did. "Yeti remain ber told you itowweii,Doretny trained the bOys, Well, 'twits" the - tall after you left that 'Squire Luce's wife died, and along the fall after he §poku,tOfDoremy;,ssidhe'd hoc tieed how well she brought up4Olinny apd Aittunr, and h . /OA • .htlyg llftd ,girls tteeding to la! taken In liattcl. 41141.—you,...Alie upshot wOB, pommy, maid be Mrs. Luce for saying Nil.r*,4P don't said. she, kind A - 4-. bill eady •spo ken ;, .`.?thitiVrfkxattlylurldea of marriage to make jn'sCireon;eenienee of it. A tat I can't sittYlliat I feel it calling to. IV2II d your children o§ I did, to 'toy .boya.' 7 , r ' says the 'stprfre, "isan't you' take it as a Nina or a duty? litAttea, , l 01,46111110, toy wife Millie considerably resPeetett 'and have as good as the ts...t.a.' , " How ahout.liturny and Johnny?' 9 says sl,t'. " Well, Aar; the %quire. lttrtl}lt a a tll nu the tio,%pii colettlatolo DIY ;Wm. of eour,e. Alight hind out one, and Itlt, the other help nit the farm, I guess. ..'l"hey're 11)(1 oiling!) to. work of inslderable.' He:talk ed a 9%ed longer, awl , Doretny ligtened as quiet 115 ever. ' Then says she,- that* you kindly;. 'squire r.oca, bill. I (inol, %ft to, any holka }lull ;mot open to my boys too. Do t* at think I've loved 'em and worked for 'em all tbese,,years totorn;'eni for : .peyen, stranger Sir make it easy.' - Furnieririore,' 'site says, ain't 'very young now, but I do hold to love 'tieing the on lyground for folks to marry and that's mit of, the treating fur you and ' • The 'squire. was real Kovoted, but ROI his feel ings w6 , 300 - 01,hirfg to - the fetAingl of oilier folks when they found out about It:;••-- Singular how interested everybody is In the settlement of what doh't concern but two people, iSn't it?" said Mrs. Blatehford, tak ing breath after her eagerly-told story. "So she and the boysilve as they did?" I said. • " That's the best of it„" ~said. my smiling hostess. "Along ha* IWo Months' or so, when everybody had got. tired of berating Doretny for throwing away her bread and butter, and sacrificing herself and herblind mother to them boys; ft' stranger emp - to town. EC was a Iliep appearing {pile, from the Wicst.tiPti hi%goo to illilotrO all around for any family by the mime of Hapgood.--- Come to cipher it all.aut, why, he ' , was t."',b-, en Ibmgood's brotherl and own uncle to Do- retny's twins, 'He'd worked along until he was tolerably rich, and concluded -to come eastward mid Mint .up his brother,.never di peeling not to find 'him alive, you see. " Well, ,he was jnst delighted with the boys; seemed as if he cotildnit make enough, of 'ern. `iHis mind was set Oli taking 'em --...„ home with him, land who could gainsay it? He was rich, had no children, and was their nest of Iki n. Doremy's heart 1 a lilict, to, break, hut she fo64ll.htt iy!ril.: t pggV to y feel it a Provitlenep,' said she, i StippOse. They are' getting to need better stlvantages than I can give 'etn; mother's failing, and I cats % oven ilo us muck as I have. I must „try to be willing another should - take What I - ain't' equal to carrying, and not stand in 'glob. light, But, my boys, I'd keep you if Iliad a right, and nothing 'should part us this side of Heaven.', " With that Dorpmy broke down and hid her eye 4. Butliinuty ;hugged het ,Ittettid the neck, and. said, as - blear tie a bell, 'T won't go, Aunt Dory. Not a step away from you. It's getting my turn to work for I you, soon,' " Then Silas Ilapgood spoke. t P . 41 YOU: take nip fura eicnip 2' sapste, P, o, yfie slposp I'd part* mothpr and lie}' Addren? It anybp'dy ha s 'ii right to these hays, it's her t hat' hits toiled fit them since they were horn, It ins Doremy you've been lending to. the Lord for nigh fourteen .years, and His pay is pretty certain, but I want. you to let me have a hand in settling, too. If you and yonr mother will conic with ilia I.3aff, I'll take them;.not-witim . nt. jive enough and to spate for us aIT; stay wife asks it of yeil t to crime and be our dear sister and the boys' mother- I ask it of you; and if. you'll say. yes you'll make glad .hearts. There is ne obligation hilt, fOr we owe yqu more than money trap pay fo i ,saying ovir neph: w es fiom tlie I)oo,r:house and Winging them up to he NVItIll they are• ccime,, miss Pare ; fly, say Ys, ; 4 ; 1 4 5 1 9 11 4,1'41. MD and my only his; tut I..Wilill ilifte CM without you, and I want cm as only it man' can - whose own baby wept, back to -Heaven before it could speak his name. Let's make' ono family and be happy, as the Lord meant we slioAd when lie sent mo here tii. tiad you. "pf ipnfso DoreinY made objections, but my I shie ennui to see it was the only sensible thing for her to do. So she's going nest week, and her toiling days are over. Polka don't generally get. paid oil here below, and I'do say'lloremy has a big treamrp Milting alleatt Bilt WO 1911t1 of a s,mr§factien to, }§tlP'Y §l4 l '§ qi,iwitlz . to Tunt) wino. l'Pwsrd perp, before it a time forbor to hear the f yojcp a . alfing her up higher and saying, ! \''c_. didlit tinto . ge.'" - WtLlSßOßG.i.:',"itdcAt -,• A SPEOiMEN OF THE "REFORMERS." A Greeleyite as Painted by Himself. SENATOR, 'DOOLITTLE EX:ACTI3 MONEY FOR HIS INFLUENCE—Tny. FACT PInYF I T3 FROM Aoo - GliggLEy.B M.1410:07.: AB A atone', or lIONEsTirmrD itEronst—WHAT MAT BE EXPECTED FROM. TILE LIBERAL PARTY, [From the New York Times.] .Janesjt. Doolittle, of Wisconsin, is per ambulating the country making speenviLlii the interest of Greeley intA Reform. e denounces Geu. Granr fort receiving pres pw, unit for the corruptness of his Admin istration: The documents which we pub lish beloW Will bow - chtunpion of Re. form in his true light. After. these docu ments are well considered by the public, we venture to say that he will add anot/Aer the" soinewitiAt ;wiper:l§ " refstrinprir Nv4o l in Nig campaign o f a34ty gays, Iwo ettilipelle4 P 4 go :44t4 fV.t l TelpePt 4 car. SEM 7 :f ., - r.:' - 1,, , t . ".!.7; `. -- i -,,, , ' -:' • .'- -..., '-',-, '..r -,-. -7. A.l :, . .1 , ,..%-tit 0:02V ". , i . :4';71.7.71. , 1.1. , .:.5. ng-,with-,thelii? the:iiovot ,eonadotowes ~ E 34 /1 1 .4; Op- .;,. 1 ( a hileaey i- 4 ~, . 0 7, ,it. -,1/,- - p:fr t R., ~.,. , 'that' the - Y.-!bfte.putet caliklilttstrated blithe ; ,c 1 . 1 441: 10 -7 4 ` 0 ' ,. 4 - 44.),,b 0 iii_iii i i ii l i ti ati )kf l'coldl OOP '-'kl .. et th?EioNelly# ittif=atrlviimlstfteijkigwitii«isoia!woloki. p il , itlf ,, e4.loe' ,' .t‘ 1 vi 4 Y : 4 •Wite - f it 4 7 7 - 477.. - .777 7114 :a ll ! 4.41114 --.. - .. **F .. , r;'.." . - - - 14 - 111- . 414- I : -4 4 .1110 P, 6 4 6 llf , PI ... 4 , . 1 .4 iirk , ectaili•ainaililepirlitt;telfr ge co MAO edf', l = e'lfristrit 4 l6 l :lrdd - Brat e - : ,4 , t': f-:,''' 1, , ri.V014 4 itmettskitmo ti t ',ss - p r ted-heloW.hav-e-heen ,- ntristrate9 , ialitaier...,_,,o' . -4 ,5,,,,,...- , tal-f-. - ....._,Nr5i5i55"....,„ 4 0,....1.4 , 0 1 0 , ..... full examined, and thatilierampotot *lit Z a ci ft o r s r irp-17,""mr;TZ,kr%-ral4-y-iVii ±" sh owOf doUbt as to over" word' :heiniklay ywo ppytt - tiolibkOQ - prielsiitldiVreallat the andsviittrig - Of 144. Voollitie:* ,;-',..-' - -." be 'a' '. trasselOttetuatt,thstatiinesublaia*l4o. 'The , afadkilf`Ndore'' - eXtilidiur`Alirt otAttit', ba : ' iir :liilf; :' RC "!. la ittlifilltt= t i l t Which is: thc,r`,Onlj , :inlitifluetiowitietied lo nr ,- ', :iiti •,, , ;.'l sci rl i i 6 . 7; 46o L ift - 0 4. thii , the let 03111; ; ,'..'• , - .; -1 : 1 - • ,r• .-:l,q it ~: - !, , 1;;,,•! - ositoglirsigi.l . 44, la t 6 o atimad , „ o f h i g h .i milv , caut. , StatO of ; Now York,,,Olty ~t,toli ;County ,of ,t444;14,4i,'" LI, ', kft) l .,,4_,TDlfyr tv4ttbitatallst . ner., New York asp -, Thomas J. Ceautty . ,-,beinit ,Zlligu iw ar, t aa=°*gr i rAf it ypir:J7; duly eworfi,',:leziosca to Aitylii I reaccifi 11W 8441 amt. , •• a itairetaelliau , fit , the oreet sub l iaa .11414 e resided shientbe 'lett of 41865 'IA 'New aerates irf toy-Mitt:l4o tea regsm ap r , Ec i s , 4, 4vd ,,, A. , ;York eity ' 1 'lO - art iappointetilto ti , eletkshilw in 441 =h1 4 17.0Wi`4! - ii."-i - . ii-ea'407;=4" ,, , mei:Abe fillip Secretary of the !rremtur,v itw si a s a, - a~thiMxpeat. `4-Mly tiittala 1"..5: I,:ei ltr•Writitil Month ,of imettry 1 resigned My pratition. --;; „ :",,s ,„; ' I '"" '''', l , a l,7l - ,: .44 : 41 - ,'. , w.) l- 4 '!• " i t ctou there, in 1 4 1:794 :1 *F5. t0 11 4;N)4,,1 'e . Ptliil 1)1 1.102 ''' .l, tiakka 7 11 :24,itkirr--i sia , ltlitiiSiXlAt elial `ing liefilth,' '- '',-'• •-'• ' -" • ' '" 7 ',, -;', ''' t '''''' i:)ea'rg tile remarry about ttiii Ihit, of intAkti.,- . 4J:A '-'iti.4'l,CciYarin'i4UNriis Wait 'Citirliaiiiiii s '‘ ri. Th B vile aktvoqut 1144 P- . 041 - 41/4 1 14 - litlwiol , WS ‘ ' 1 1 ' ;iiii --' i . '' 4 ' - ' ii iiil- -br . Tree ItteY,llthoptted i soui ateraticael. ' Ibiariie abotit hip . e ilia -- ttemrge .• •'w equi I sto a t 'Utica 418 attlibrtiibli ! tifillietilitt tibtaittediteitidtslibM4olo Iris 44 ..,:cr, y 4 r, •tgrainfa 4 1 4 1 .1. I " l ",,jr, now a' Went -, to: trade_ in Cotton , in -. the , Boutin:43 ,b i sa *ul . 41. t i jaley , lama • r.:;,.. • „ ~r .; *Edo); :b 6 l l 6vinilt•Viss :: 1 4:::10Y-Or.010.9PIltkr . :-. - LoPppia*if.f .. . ;1•-•,, - ; - '4:it.: l . , 'trinity - tor a t large..busioe?ls operntion k typ 7. , itt,iyiu ko #01144•,t1e, ' ' to"or tat- tit ..."tlM'atievei : lilled7lll.fretigh itiflitenthil Mena (iv mine: - . 1 6 i tt 6 ins • tl i t . 14 1 7. u , 4 a ir, H.. 1 , 1 ;ttui,.. :4/ t,, , 1, 140 ~ , .g_piint'g Whom Iraq Bon: J. R. Poolitati, then 1 '' '-, "t• 1 1 .,,. , ,1 14 .....,..k a , dik ~ 5 , y.,. ~ United States Senator :from Wiiseonsin,, , , to -,,, -,,,,- the Presictent..or, awe!, .0. 'permit:. 1 subse, I..3e4T.the istoiti,aileNteit;'oiit Pittairidliabwii'tfi l .:, , , ,,- p er mit wer e mouthavel..lou_aevmuelcri.4ll64. IL: h. • quentlyohteined,thelermit i to, trAde, In coy- (4 4 ,1 4 -, ...440(htoutpariatsr.tearentuei,tckr,R4a , Cluitud! WA' io:tlierfitities of -' 'ta Willa ,'; ' bliisitihipPl; ' states pimturtif - of Stsiteii. auteitta to Itonirritattoll," i/oorgia,; !fee& ;and " Lint Wrenn t tierfi', , el.li :amine eautred!ifits 4 P„,j)fisore; ti . 1 . - Coli4to tad. 066/1 Bee ntOr tintilittit , l4 twe tie three weeks 4 : 1 1 4 4- t e t i tly . 16 .1 1 ilitt l a r te141 1 4r a rtt * , ( 4f ,144, tf;'- the' :epee obtaining- it I 4. , . nester triedi4ted :tusk:. , uutfuti.Statettl4ooo bales_er:oOttori. " product a, no int Sehittert Roolittle.ao,y : !iitietpr.coutridera• titatcs of Arkt4tuk'tti*, Wm' itutel -14 1 uarddltit' t° A. 3 °. Lion for Any service ltri: ilifiy Aliilie ' dotifie hie - trin. 4 1. 01 ' 34 14th e '* 0- o' ll46 ',atissYstiPtri , 44314,, _tau tits startup; and idativelist to f- au mentor weara77- before or allot.'" tsbittlitbil it, - bikunsul'llard 'erfaucat'illyee„ f er„setyl, te ,Revt.leritraraaka toe e Xiltail 'in 00111611'0 'his e. haractor,lttor utoi- poi' 1 Plue.afejt.' oxieffoiotti, -- Of Vit.itOceodli . hati , Lanyildeit he eipeeted.any , recoinpense. rTiitll,lc 4:14t:=11,112414-,-traiTifeerey. 1r0 . „ ; ? ;; LT. 1 ,... 0 41k-lty 09 • lilliV.l4o,,ifillOWlng. tap. f r t. 412 C tx " ' bet coin cident ee n g r., Wa le,.-- JIQW SENATOR , , 130,0L1T5,141 ~ poi! = .1} A. qt.wrftlt, ~„1„,„, a i l..,, a n k ib u t, of Atlas Use fullowltigte a copy:, :4 -- - ... : , , ~. . rurrarvitn, T . „ ti !•lippcol77lvE 14214110 N, NoV. U, ~,1 , : , • ...•*,,, .' , , 'i'-:•., •1 . •':;-;'1 'o,i , t t i' a ilif k lifiet. spilt of t h e , lair Tie west ' Solati!ti , o or: three' weeks after 11. obtained latrilaig ) w i tarro#* • • ' 4 2 ' 444 a 'Al' e c otto n a trosb.oce, ad tliVRO*4 T met tiff! , 1 3 0flujor 4ceicitflitnily ip Z i r,i4 ti n tiaoint i, 3 6 44l , tohell, . dewriir th . sanzie a street car in Iffashington, Rod iold him I to such agent- , .),i;•.;....;-- - ;. li , ,1., -,'_ 1 , '.., 1 . had obtained it. He cougrittillittetl line , bn -It to ororita,tbitteoome 3:apv,teig. inj com.pl . laiy* 'th'S successful •terraination of the' matter,L'• win! Brl te r i kje i Vr i rk l 94_-% a . c i a i LM, ill;k 0 :11. Ele:7reflOpted :a little, :and said , not king, fur-, obit tran CS freeffratitAtitfAtifil au i t elare' by Ital 144' - thOr CS.Cept .to ask me.to.eall it, 114 commit- . of , apt citlYttititWl OM VAlRitkAdiottt. of milnary.de tee room ;the Jaen. moroink , .1.. i!iiiia tiin i ti lLitritni. 4:l2lt o gint , ltr ii. Atao w ir . g u t B ,4:ll next 'writing in ' aecottlitnee 'With' his Os' f m plaVttierereii-.4init 4 eiyr'itts sitia moors; conartrik Miest: ' On' thet.tieeteilini he said subteen-- co . thete . ionititoild tratlvorts, Iles and anobittrucb, 'titillir,' Yote , havi a:good- thing - and wilt inake ea paqmattol P . 4 71 1 4' i t'f. ItettkrlX 6 sr it r o ttLtr . " .4'4":16 (if "Well ' fa"."l4 'llll°l'd Cu ' IN3 ' ' 4 ' 414i14; 44 jatITTI - e - :'% u ieCiA l 4 l 4 4 icl it. ti u' tines Ue 110PrOlia, r l2, 1M,n91 /rot A s ioliffl Pe .3pimo,• ,-, aril" ttel le ir La aompuiuee *.tb regniatiothvot lie then.. to Alp ,m subi L t g a rf t " 19.04...qm0, hi Rqtv. 4 ofdiai.XrPoury, soefulatiment at I tam ai -,6 oRifxre,'"cind' 4 iiii; 310 Oltit: ftßgii4o,tl' " ' 43ll. trilY l4l : l o l - 141 1", I) 4. ru ° ',;:=6'...l' . 0 816 .Tfi,.. 41 ‘ 4 be00 liilmblif s W O . . 4- think 3,1 0 i1 ''4''-1.''' ,. . 4 '!.`, P , ' , :V r ., i': , !!"1:3 i.,,., .- „: : • ~, Can ; . ajinu:ro or 140-soarl 1'444; Novas, and. -. i. ,„:.. t. .•!r:1: -,- -.7--t • .-:.7.717 7 77:77,L.. , : , -.::_i ~.,.. si i .,-, 6a wane MO pivrpr.'' : --Ancl,,yyioi ri4 he hand- .. ,"!;, ..,ti I*: Greeley's-Intrigue; ~ - • .3 , ed me the letter, hereto,,eitac;lfed l . marked. .;;k few4E l / 4 411Sliti;e i ' eiWing'fit thtiel's . letterNo.l, which he said he haul, seribbled .f ,, m p ted f 4. 4110 . t o h anitot . c. ai r i t ok eal o = l4 oft, wishing inn to copy and send to'hitir as 4 g .' er ' is e g i ,,, , ,i4i , si tg ,o n T:lt r. = f3 Q uv - 1 6-I t b d '-eny,oWn. 1 At the same time ins, llantieft me effect t i ka l y le .' had, hefore, the' Cincinnati lettei Ico. , 2 l ..herQto illtilV.lititt ,tlitlycl . Ilia fah • Outivoutiefi:. Wild eplatlllary,ettriespMidence Imviog day, which *I ,s aid 4 Vfilliti IT 11 . 6 vt'' whit t leaditii,t 011 ieeratk-baTgAliPg: fbi ! t h ‘ q apopse to my geriermis otkr in letter 'No: 1 ,Ilresidentlariontritatien; and 'rnoreovia: tliat. l 4,3v - fia teo r;ritrell 'surprised' to . .evilz`e, =tiny' t'C. "ii,, ;Ler;o4e --- o'fis', - .ll3 . ,„pelsltion- - to, iienve ' the ,spateai. - I tOak 111600 -1-Wtr' Wit ev - A - . from' jilt.; : , , I l iiirf ,,i ) - . i„ 0 1004 A:11w j ir i t od f ,ntii rmi t o i i.., pilicre - wit( ma to':',4l3althriore-Whcre'i'then i.:'l,:t'ilieifealjlit;:s:',llV?--o:ol4ui.o,V,y4PcresW:wea,'. ;realded.• 'Nexk4ai4 poßitkt; t.;.t;e.i:, Piltrki4 , not c AT:ri - eantilerAdAPl/edopi - vo 'tog blw . 6' `No: 1, Changing the obruseOleo of one : .s. st s „ii e s,,,s 6 l.:4l(a, , edatjewis• Ow -;kattioe-tfOra le the sentences referring'l6 lily, t•i t, riti f ir 1‘44: %%hat, wo iaiik for „it'ii,thpretieltive"atiti 'l6-.. be indelicate hind they poi +' ant ow. : - is _ w i led - ,1,04- 1 4-0 . ,4 , 5i 0ry . ; Ao;tiohall',.ryf )Ir: ' reply I hail 04004 received, as staled above, G cre l e y. 1 rAetiprittpkly':Nyit'saitti' '' - :' ' '''; ' -4tiviligjPitilllP4. l 4l,l l4 IP ll erS in 144 - ..1 4 4.4., .' . 4 ...ti t weltritMAlrati tiltr SUOMI% charge' of' : Lott • :4 - Tliis, ‘l'lls i14 0 0 6 4 11 1 111 Y .441 1 „ 1 1444 "C."4::41:-... Hitt 15(nel arriton',/lspAltlic - rin that . 144 - r: Greir 2 " -1-4'144 "I " 4 " Si° ' L "' '_. ;• ; ": ', : toy blitrillitt.it i li4i;ll)lililiii r C2llll.ln . 4itti, the row. tit: fi IC.NAT9II . 1it , 44 . 4 - 4iA - itte 'e'rt.it, : nveit 'llehasi4arkhprgititilnii for'n-anielnation try - 4 .- - ' - • Alto itneutt.r. ". - -• ' that tartkliiree' h§tii.r.;', tliet•lle,einlintl.,;(lon, 1 -', .po' the ,eoth of DeCeirdiee I left - Itri.shiert- , j6l,sbliriii;'liri.o pektiaps- b aps - hit "Ali,to - toil. for New York city;: athi4ilkeivethArbilo say ' - uss-W (I,i,(A - Alje`''Alistingttistiltsti "'.garitientati at the Astor House, on or a b out . nib Ist of IltMlittilY Utix:tllol.`i ii 9; Atoey , With a eeM-' January, through the post olikih..lillipi; No• lime foal [ t(tHittaitihki, - .,fintradleth,at through - S t hereto attatheri, t}p(iNcistOrievitht . .it hi - . the Iwhoie."'• - ' r :' '''''• ''• • ' -tr.i•Ne. 4. : alAo hereto fittli'cliet .. - iiiiri Witch:a • 'Atol noiliWtrities the'llifigliatuton *ULU-. thp to Gen Bunks, bath in tife, same 1110 - 0. MN *hi' NS,I entering tilanitireddellars to ntryi sure. Gen. Banks was their about: to .pre- charity , tviti, "eafty,deSigtiate, - ton Mu . ,showing eeed to Li:wisher/las rommander of „this fed-,. fruit the I r4tioe,'_ to, ale gaiiiiffiClb),SC4flilf end forces in. the, Departmeet tif - tioi Dim. - courtnittc+,‘CtiOSen'll)-Alo'9ollAvto,o 6 ., TA, -; -anal• - COuld have been of. easential'servl'i'in truth; -Ot 'itflitirt4 • 11 IPPPAI 11 - 1141 44 1 A 1 .- ' ,-- ....: `this ‘cottcin,operatien: ' Y.Wisen:r - ki l its' hf Y P*' . '.. 4 `V - Thep 1V1A4144 itea..AOt 'F'141 6 14' 1 4. York I , learned that" ROO fitartka_Phyd' : :err` eliitelet Asir, ~.alftrittyirciw.:- A titr4PcifM.-hut" ( k Ittiklii j a il tiloiltit fir %Pales-% Nich , vfpror.v.ro- has' PO11104)10 , unit ' tinfairly4 - eoneca , albite : from -.being exelourgeti tor ritoo) , I lieitt.itour its - readers, while professing:to' aud twyete lc! Senate?; Ponlittit!.i“,gvi win .deity, them.- - ;, , . , , , hip Wet Popariment 111'at ill the - prohibit: '" 2. Ttiatin the Oilly article of the 1 1 411.)ae' C 4 attjtiati In response '1 received, while (July 2.8) av,awedly'prliitedNkyAir,„Oreeley'a still in New York, letter Ni. ;I, Iterete- tin- - , atitherity, „tifi Ur, -iii yitAfttliv or bellevef, in nexed. Subsequently, in the carrying out , whicir,see4afthinga were 'denied', ,Mr. Greg of this'enterprise, I proceeded to New Or, hey Hitt not make - . a eimiplete and unquall leans, and in the month of May , ' 1861 pie fled coutradietiiin' of ,ilie Charge that lathed sented this letter of intreclawrilin al - General boon 'in teminunication With the Democrats, Banks in.N . ,p'w Orleans. General Banks re,-And had; agreed, conditionally; 'to ' accept ppitzod me kindly, and after reading the let- I tbeir;noniinittidn'for Preaidel% ' hafore the; tee handed- it back ,tO me, 8 43 1 ng, "Thii Qinclloluli, - .04l1"?PflI104;', .10 - he' falleiflo, Might be of some service to you."; , "I .meet" . (hite 'ehal l e - at,alii WI - 01.0 the greett-'. said it might, and took it. ' " '• • 'o,t nutoh4,4 A c , .', ll l l . l Xino 0004 wo re 11'" . • , - ' . , 7 / 1 04 4 ,' 41s:P.:11'111T41% . '011,..e(11,y . 4144110: 1 - ,troo,',' ',„.-. - Sworn IO 1101441 3 lIIP to , 10 1 (iv , uf Ito , - -- ....'•f1w ApillAktittiert • cl4tion. 'Of the. , :dnto . - fi'e*l On, , , AL m: , 1,113.m,4 0f i i ,.,., i . :tha litramii,, l i4 netio c ins,(oidh, to i ttin beat of , 1 1 '0444,,r3i Pp .14'ei :brine rert .0 . 1y0,- . .,- . - ,our reeoileetton,;ia ~..the- f e snef ' ol *high; *O -1 .. 11A ilfeseitee (It Tll44iCka V . - Stsitru.. - - feupded tith'efetexipea:Otifagrartl4' euttblyilil . ", . us'to, ollryte !le . , - 'chargttand the„denial.4,- . - - inliEß 'mi. I. . , ,'-" • , ' The proposed - co,(hoYittlat will, be, grille uit4, - The letter Which Doolittle himself - -Wrote :nemsrarii r i 'llitelo are ,hut *4l; passages in foi conatty• to send to him-,the origin* iti ihnerighial - tirtielelO.. which this '.Tirlinifti's Doolittle's handwriting; ._ - : - 1 ,; '' . i. t: response OtitOiafe any reference.: The first, 1i ' - WAsrioiort, Dec. 29 ,1911 i. is as ,tondos: '' i ; - 7 ' Flb.R. ,1 1 , B. 'Deo ittle, Deer Sir:-I have ' "lii Oetober, ,Of ilaat : 3 , c* riiiinths birdie been engaged for two years,past,in the Trea- the • Libetar ililitiblieurt Convention - of sury Department, where I have - 'been ' trsi& Misaouri ketuKthe 'Cliteirmati' tathentent, uously at, work, earl y' andlatO, ,Iln. l ll 1, @.O - Vl4: tdr,. 4 :4lvOlDy.Wthi In: bOnteience With a 'D'em-, ously feared my health righl. grey. Nvny. . , ,' ocrat of llits`Staie, whom we know,,on the In conseotictwv: Psi the andtdenee iy Midi subjiiii: of the Presidency; that Demoerat 4u,Nplity there has'itorpl*l-itt the tread of was-Minting for a ebmpromise„ - 0 clifisatia 'he Periftritrient i ' I have , teeeirtal npermit , fied)Repabhean ecuididate whom the lead; to trade and to ptienhinio cotton to the ers i of , 14. - 1)04' would .Indaraof. and W." of fifty thousand bales. ' GreelPY , agreed 0: ' kecont; 'if -nantintited. , This has'been freely gi4en Joe. And now, Mr.' ti rpet (.4 wfio i c y letfels to this Deinoerat, thy dear air, allow me to say that during- all in reply (tritity4cansttfitsieleti to the co nfer mystay here I have witnessed .on - your par. -e..ac i , • tri ; JP.. grtiley'ir..iimitation, 'at oihiM in the high position you oceem tlot. saute 11.- mating- .41r.,:0 re.:ct4 ,co)isente4 to • become As delity, and I May eq(l sue): a 'po;41: ion and 6' i na1474;10: ti,g hoo,ciaatt%ai eno.r loa4o r o Aira.. J course et gruclueethat my heart, has teen -rflic: irsilica',We, lietley'e are the Ropitblioim`t l ' draWii rsut to you; and ris :this Perinif : may at any rde . 'they ,i ru it'‘`it otip t i,i' 1,P 4 ,) iu t ve en a ble me • to. realize,- a great fortune, too „seee,,dr. kiretley'a letict lii which ire; hnve ,great to be properly administered or enjoy- re f erre e,,, mu '.his, 4:0 , 1,a , -. ‘ i ve ji k uu ;v .o l a uid, r k:, ad by any one man, I have dc;ieriiiined that,' rine. 44 ' 1 -', _-.,: , ' ' --. ~_. -, as a present on my part, anti to ihti hellef < :Mit" •Otia , f_taitl, hiiiirqierit Paragraph„aati,: that you could bollef tpla 4 portion should I as. ill Is ` Seen, ,r4trari4 0,161011 e; correspon:: lIP sPPcPssf4,ls than T cciulti i*! All, I will ye- , denee 01l gei her; • ", ' .._s: ..... ' mit to yoy t4P ( 41 - P - To. 4;111 or 41140, pliant I "A pr tithientpetnireret Of. Western .otew , InnY 1'...6P11P AVM , thin Ittioligo till my eltpen- York wrote to a proO}inent, 0 14 6 1 .., hithe4t o BOIL 4au this in the that while Protty. Republican, _one, Of , Ai. „Giveiey'A. chi ef become rich , in this operation, I may secure friends mind Atit'ists,ta in NeW„);.oik city„only to you a competency also, , . - • , _ , ,a, few.:(lttYtiTheforts the f.'ineittnall :Colleen-, licati ',Met; on the; subject of. the. Proposed eanditlitcy''`,Theil)eutocrat was:in favor,af Greeley'l,tiptiiinaoen;, and believed, thst;the Dentocralio-intily-,or, the count ty entild',!be hi -ought to his SupprA in cer t a i n ,00a ti ag , a , elea: 1 TO",-OplyAo Abeletter was, a. reply w Welt' pleageti,and, iliat itled_ him. *.'',* !rue Hattie of _ Abe leading, Democrat we have menthand fa:lforatio 'Seymour:, and of the rtepublieiM'friefid of 1 - lorecii Greeley, Witt diir tliitelitris..'!".; ------; ; - •, To.thiS the _re/4mm replies, On t i au or • • G th ~ . . • , .... ity 0E: Mr., Greeley.; . ''PlasiWilole pit aril educe Ofthei itti,ind.- ..,, - . • :keifii's eitithiuly.,k,vas a charge that t a ourgain tivioavAiiir 1;:dr. w as sort. •of arrangement, had:, twat bad lietWeen Horatio Seymour and some one else,'„Wherehy - ;tiaid;:Seyniour was to jaade:'Beckeiai•Kof ,Slate-in plow Hos.; in:6 - GreeleY,ShOtild ..be ,Cliosen Prlsideni.- 7 We ls' i; yWitited , with ,;Sundt, curiosity Abe •developt tents' tin ids poi n t, being as s u re d by Ali, I:Katy %het uo one ever suggested; the n ags it gototto.Sqiiour, tti.hint as a camit t iot 0 1'6(4 !any , eget: tin - earth,,. - while -he, never wrifina.lhie to Seymour, received one flout hint,,or had any' sort: if; message - from ; him; refi ecting any . ollii4 on earth." -) The ' Binghamton /feptuftlir_art tvidl6 I b 6 , r Moistiar f triton te ',candidly 'kW, when- it looks into the basinesa, - and finds the Trig-: utii has evaded the issue, that this 'Unialr has done intustice VI theitipabh'ean." ' .. . Thiele it 'rem simple, matter.. - It; a s ‘ i o suppose, thc - 4,7W7 une.artiele trout Whielf! ye Have quoted is the reply.' (15,: ; the .Repiigkan `article front, which weir4e.qu'otetl,,,, and, if there ial noother, - it; reepilfett:Aittle 4itelli-: - , = genre, ,or iiitiW ,9 . 1' AM iSit, to .rna,y,-,lluit '' the 25- 001( 1 :444M`gfelh‘l - elk' . is ll 4) An d `Abe • Ufii9,s'loi dole iriluattooldthe /6/>itbilecia.". ,-I}lT,*tireeley hula not . denied the accusations' Out; Paper, 'hod, fio far, a',3 Wo:;latiMr, the, i 2 l"iblinf.lhaa nut Mille*th,e4{• L. : ...1% . :. ' Leer, ,hott - ever,,We'fility - de the ',l•ier,teatiiii ;yeetice,.*egive it, the bettitit.,'Of% iiikt}i may seem' aieneko . 4etiltil 'Of: this nutt RWBlll4lO4' :oceusat ne, in 'the tolloWing *Widow* ex tracted roto.its.grtitie•i - -4 , , . - 2. •• -, _: • , • - - " At tut 4)0_0 tocotkv. ow,odJp.g.i.to• litys, - tits: substance of. - titAY - letters written bylaw,. we= aro Shin iatitlit*eit ' to - lie - cinotine . ,9 their stateraeatal:groeily: untrue . " - .. .. . , .. ' lint , i 0 are compelled to . Odd that the elfleatione which follow,;*a nepttrentik ii-• Jastrate this, pOposition, ar . e:again irrelevant; . -.Chritifan 'Cr/y(ok' - ,'., - ," • .', , ; • .. .. • - , . .. . , [Private 'and confidential.) • • • ' '' • • WABEINGTON, DEC. 80, 1864. - CP. J. ,Cettatty, Esq., ~Idy Dear Sir: Your magnanimona proposition contained in'yOur letter froin Baltimore of yestimlay :tills Iny heart with. feelino .which I cnniutt tuspii*.- ,Sucli instances ofAiAntorested frivndo t !p are 80 roful go few among the aims of men are. endowed ,'with such a high and noble generosity, that I am without %cords to tell you how much It affects you, pne..l I have claims upon you teept thoSe of a ditiinterested friendship Sineerely cher: . ished. As to this permit to trade in. cotton ; you have obtained it without,i any, Aytwd ur influence; or thought otvairic.,even, dhott or indirect; t'cir - ,1,01Wil yOur comniuniCatipti_ to nip; I neverltad•any`kactivledge, oithought even, that you"_ contemplate& such a_thing.i And yet ;this fact alone.whieh, gives rue, no claim 'upon ' you, is, the only possible ground upon' which 1 sceept :Our v;couvutiiik —I will say Llloll3—vmulypliil444gunpigions • OE4 • •; • : _. • • 11 1 4 i I 1 1 i:dud-you in the dipetly,or iuttirectly; in thought, Work tit :deed, I' .94144,ti0t littve st,ccopteci it if I *wild; mid I would TA ' `: • ; 1 hope you may realize your sanguine ex pectations, and h e able to piece_ yont self, without injury to any other, human being,. in a condition of pecuniary indepetidoce., BO that when This fearful war 'la over you may retire to privatit life, again to ,cultivate thm ijt aF3FPUrsulta you so much _ , love, A motend which ate mote precious after All -than gold and silver.: 'And should your success be such that In the munificence OU }tor proposition you can enable, me t0. , d0 same,•yon_will confer a, great begefit woci your suture :friend; • • • • ! 4. /V Doourert.,ta. ; NO. a. UL DOOLITKIrtiI PRAYER L'OB • YOHTNNI - 1.: (Confldeatiel.t •,‘• Wasinnoroht, Deo. 81,.1884., Dear Slr:-I saw Gen. Dank& He will not leave un til congreas meets. wiabes to see Louielana ad mitted or the way sure fOr her adroisalon. Probably you bad better not watt far him ' • You can !kite we fully awl freely Whtil, ytiN eft PM to the ground. I will. if VI - ulO. pporolutp bonds for y9tVierescomittlil all rerlgellgoot i I 1 0.1 3 PP•O you to make pe,rnanent inye etuieu of Intitbutla if lou realize' thelU • I VW) PA a letter: to 1 344* , Wete.. guts .• mot may 4latitM3alibitsii,tut Ikboutihe Oita of Woo 01-ueral. 1.1.! .44y 0 0 4.144100409aVer toluldlitta .tha errs • • MI ME ME , . . _ • .. . . . , - . ..' , - . •., ~... ', ... .... _ V ~.—.. t . „• 1 , . .._ - ''' . • ~ ~.-,,, .. ~' . 4 . , ......... , ..„ ,, .....4.....;..... , .. , : O''' •" ,- i=r "".kl4 ".` l !'"'' , ; • • - '' ".—.."—"* ,:-• .... . ~ ....• . . " . _ ' T,4:- W 4 "A: ' r liii — ' II) - 1,:i41 , 5. i'';' , '„•;,, tj . , ,-,;,, ~ i.t.i'. ' tP4i,i 1.4.411 '.• 1 ' •- 14 •.tI4? il. itl ..11 - . )4' 4 : ; ...,. . • At .4.'1 1 .•I'' ' ' "'..- 1 .1 ,- 'S I ; 1 " 14 ,-'. ' -..- ' .t - r'l,;tlfFit' s',/ii, ' D;''l.' ~' ;ttl'Pf- li'''iti.l ;,--,. 4? ; v.- ~• . 4 _ . ~.A , ..., A t., --, "+" , r ef } : Lig', iIY 17 1 , 1 , - , (r!,•.'itt: I i'.., . " i.E4. ii. 6' ? .F,r,' , . ;-- - tif 1 f- - ....i.):t I ,•• 044. , i,-W.ET . $: ''-•3' €a • ' .• : ,;•4'. 1 , Int -, t 1 ! : of-.l' •re W.. ''.44 . 1 i • • - ... , 4 ' , , • ' • , . ' • "- SEPTEIVII3gRII . , ‘!"" • '",;.";- 4 ' “-• ' 4 's s'oo3o t') , , :Ptk-,41 ff ellaffi rOllkt# 6o 4 4 l l4 . tk% umbrgil • ) ' 4l 4 oiu s' 4l-44 .'" u ° 011 " : - s.'‘!' $ -T110q)8 Stkiet4lto6l. lota tOTo.- '•' l . ?.e ,i4o,ocorco. ,- • . ooroa , • t •111 41:e 1114t'Lti , :, 1141104.(2.1gi r 11,4.;, =IV )21,, T , 11114kk.412.. • .1 SA-AAA ii., /1120' , .11 . :1J1441114, Mgr' 189 's7 ott aso 1 111 1 .. 1 411111 1 01 0"0 4 0 4s riot 'too , 7 14 pap IDulaulug Bat" - 8 to 920 • . • it AU .100 1 19,„ Latbrold •, • 8 . 23 842 1M 11114 v ,4 14:9 &a" • " Isdrieereali'r' ' B'4o l 01 ' 47 ' lO4 ' 416 1 92. i..114675,vi11ik0-l i ate ,994 43 80 41-14- tot , ta d 9os 9:2 It 6 %It WI ,'?"2 Cola, 912 0 2.‘ 711, lU p 7 ,a4o. o so. 916 980 PM 1047 22' 4 11114410baiy • 999' 928' 42' 011.1" 1127 ) 911 111124/411er ' 9 9 - 9 1 8 460 L 029 '4 29 , 498 , 8t0te.432141,—, " _l/ 80 9218 92 12 :10 ':'% 6 IT9 , We49.,ififeA4FC1,1°,,4,9iP,91) I?"4PN sa#4. Blissbui't & corolus 4 11 1 09 ei C 4 9- I r: • r ,j' /% I "' S 1 4 4 144 , 4 ` ) P d . a r, 4 9;1e > 8 4 1, Y 187 , 4 ' ' 74 piwOrrriant POWC4I4O, ASSIINg wrisLOasaital. ' 0. 1, _ 24'0: 1... . 1 .c...40001m lat. 3 ... P.AI. /.• ~ .. asSAMAI So4llnos.lstatott. lava AI comsat°. Ma?. 116 p. Mi. , No. . 88p. ttir " •k: 515 p, m " 820 6. in. , • Lwirrozz, A n R. al it 1%. A. U. t Sulet Tiogis a. ti =II - Foot linteot, WillflofolPoft kn, < malt dep. " AnoolonlOdittitoll Willixiiurgoff4 - • /SAO , p• NY. 1 10 1 114011Pkt•-•;'. • •'• • • •-•/, • 6 ./ 0 P! ~ N R??tononn on uric!? WittLaniport, ''' ... 9:25 in: i otnAjilildniittildn'lcifidii D 4 4, finvitio• tia4tbat. at 944. au. ,- f!' l ;M44 l ‘,rikgatalPtda, N• 'Tea: Matzen oud intexmoitilito Would. 'turniug: obtoteptidn <is noulla o 1 MiLliordaport , with train* an ig`uturingeg of oars betwoou PhllaJolphlo, Now York s .-< Bu•Pl*.c Tate Tang AMPI44II, JUlni 9E4;044., Bn4 itri s ifl a Drowlog /Wog.. pafili - Ok.o&41, Coaches. 4xan 1.11 racketerp Improvements. Aro nut throUglf tUI all cbetween Now !wt . Roiales t : long atti icuthil. Nagara filasPeildiOn 'MAO Cleve , : op# ct ' - , • • • • Weatniat` • • STATIO/411 N Yea,' Lva ilingnit, I. 4 , Whirs, !. Corning.. " Pt'd Post, 1 Itotbast'r. ,Hottevlle, _" " " Dunkttit," " cub roo.4l,4llArtis WEsTtralin. 5 a. M.. except Sundays, from Owego. for Hornell:l* Mlle and Way. x 61611. lit, except Sundays, front -Stisquebarma for Ei-inellswille and. Way. , 6 OQ a, M.; daily from SUW - Ineltatilla for llornellsville and Way', ' 1 16 p. ta.; except fluticiikye. from Ilmira for Avon. to iltUralo sod' - ' ' 1:10 p, qi., except :Suttlays, from bipp l anitton for walsono aria Wa i t% I - 1 . STATIONS. No. 12. 6 1 770: B:t' ,Dyintdrita,vo p looOpto SYlaq Irtitts." ,145 " ,Ml 2 pm 720iint Iltuatici; 4'4 36- •• ;, ;125 , " 800... Ronfterve, " 015 Sup. ;Manx 1105 " Boobeittar, o 400 p ' . 00 " going„” 723 " • 38 43:1 " 1213 poi %hubs. " SU3 " . 1215m:4 513 " 12 47 11111 i r tutti;'.. 10 10-.• 'A 15 . 4 11 " 995 " I 7QC am, 'llWapui '.III3DIT/0841. LOCAL TILAINfi EASTYARD. a ex c ept liondayii, from U nehevhlefor ' Owego:ad Way. - ~03.5 a. to.. daily from nornellsvllle for Hitsquelioxina Mid Way. , ' , oteepiknuoloya, from ilortiellevilM for PitagtoMitoit and Way. o ,- , . oltOoPtSon.laYe. trbill 0 1 1 otto for ankue [.,„,, • • way: • " • • oteopt tiillkaays; from' Painted Post for !;,-71 WO. , • „ except tiiittilap. from Hornellavillo far , us ikrt ,A VENT .7 . 4,•.1: ' • • • „ axceptc4,-. ll 4weeU . ,Bl).prineloitinaand:Port ? 1 51 41 4 1 inr-f . 116ketarto'itikil'a 14tA'WeAt at the 'very Low ceestitatesaor hate in tha OOmpaurit office at tho ciun Depot , • • , . • "^"7".“1101r.eamll iftwatoar ' retire !Clio Way 113.31 KM , 1 1 4 VW the ludo of Westeco Tickets in Caro -1 • will be checked only on Tieliets pun:lased at the owpaoy'a Northern Cletitial hallway. _ Tritai active and Aepatt at Troy, Educe Jane 9th, 1872, . . an rollowa • - • • Novvravmaix • , .ROUTRWAXID- I lI MAgl, 5 *l4 Ilr'9 ' l ! . . tgt m Flea t4)* aV ed ff: 9 l ' ; I:: 4 1 41µIlli;AI I t Xtig 20 24 AM' mail,. '-' ' 6 52sia • • . ' A. R. FISKE, oaii►'l Supt. Frattil. D.' SIII I . WHOLESALE DEALER , Foreign And Domestic) . liiinors - WM* &Ili, Agent for Fine 'Old Whiskies, • • iconniNo. N. s. • • Houghton, :Orr & Co,, sTONY FOUR. • Itlattufacturgtra oi . . „ . • - " * Buggies, Sulkies, 114TF011* SPHINO. THUOK, AND WAGONS, • l ocrTrAs, . . • . SLEW * AND 808 SLEDS. We are prepared to to anything in our line on abort notice, and in the, beat matinee. Rat etadion guaran teed. HOUGHTON. 011 R & 00 . DASTLIDEI & COLES,AgentO Welhatioro. • , Stony i'ork, 3101, 1812. - • 1,1 AS now in sto,:k; and Will' keep &instantly on Weld, at the lowest market quotations. Wool Twino, 2h 4 ply cotton & juteiwi.oe. Marlin 2, H. ?•. I strand. li.l2oWril patent Step Ladder. train 9to fift. ; ` • , , 1 . . . No. 14 2, extra engine oil. A complete assortment of COMA In snit take a tools get tip damns and see boy! it ta yountolf.'and'oblige "S. BllEti7Ll.lll. lan. 1. telt • New. Book, 44 /Et.011:74311111111p to ready for Casivassera. It is o companion. volume to, "In:mime ammo," of which 100,000 copies have been Hold. Don't waste time on books no one wants, but tainkonepeopte will iktop you, in-the s treets to imbacribe for. "There is A time to laugh,' and oil who read this book Bee clear/y*ILO time has , come.— dimly at once for territorr or circulere. Address Publialter, • , ' 711 Salaam Sheep ;ttao Ste. 1,87k4m, • „. - - , Ittitirciatt, Erie, Itail*aY; No. 5, 11094 M 915 pm 11 50 " 12 35am 12 38 " 6 24 IQ tliU Bit " 40. 2. 9 00 aln 6 31pm 6 26 " 702 " 1080•!, ft 16 Sup 1160 pm 12 45.1rn 1 441 " 4No ,N. ABBOTT. I:k4.frel,Pass'r 1.. . . _ . JACK S*REWS, TACKLE MAXIM, WIRE CLO' 11 AND WIRE GOODS (}EN- ERALLi'. • EMERY WLIEELS ' ' . FOR GUMMING ,SAWS.. ._. . I S "ii tau ituion itiid tfeti:ll ORINDSTONES, CANAL WIIEtL •BAR:- WIWI IN ANY QUANTITY.ttI /4.- , ROPE PROM OICE ' ' ' INCH DOWN.: < ~, Mechanics' Tools, HOUHR.BUIDELIB AND Hans* HOLD HARDWARE OoNEITAN ,„ , TEX ON HAND. DOrroll AVEHIEN ON AORIOULTD; IMPLEHMTs. =I IMO ' i;' S "TO ROOK AGENTEV! .tt. >, , 1r t 2. ' " • , • . •-', asibi ., . ..., . , , . ri ,,. , ,„ 41 ,, v Bli Illt: Factory i 'A=SallitikAtigatt. i i i"' ' l. ,A , !' r 4 16 41 1 'w0r frcaut4arpated to fo i rathb Ares: _Wittis bs now ha ta4 Lumber, at b . bo w f°°' ' • ~ . , ~Ve r, t l,34. - ; ;, sashllr Doors, -• 3114/11:02 1 PECIELMIfegf ; .ANEMORDINGS, on bilind, or t o 0r404 1• * • I. • . - -f„ ague prainpUy, end I ttie beet Manner.. The best workmen, empliiyixt„ and none but the .beet sea s oned tuxnhat l esect. Encourage home industry. - ~ ,'Factory - near the foot of Main • • ' BENJ. AUSTIit. '' , llbeeriieldi ,Woolen, Milli I --- 'I ._ PEPREI.E4., PA.- I • ' 1 • • - - , , • TliffiWilliiioTEC:Eititt tivpiietoin if iti - 41 iii)o'ivttingi. 4: win Initiufactare is.usual to order, to suit cnidomors. , OUB:OASSIMERES - 1 . .. are warranted. , Particular attentklu , idven to . . . Roil circling &,-Cloth Dressing Ws inanutheture to order; Midi do all kinds of foil. Carding awl Cloth Dressing, sad defy competition. ' *CatiiVoas good au assortment of . • • :• ' , i4 qlotio., , ,,Cassini6res, 4'c., titliAe _nicsivi for Wool in • e..-.bange thin:any'' , other tabDsbraent.! Try them and satisfy yourselves. We'vilioleiale and retail at the Cowaneagne mills, 2 Gs below! #ll'o'llll6, Jan 1, 18'4, .lit, J.-.H. Griswold's Water Wheel. ForIE undersigned, are ageuis for the above' Water Wheel, and can cheerfully recounnend'it as supe ,to all others in use. Persons wishing to pur chase should see this wheel lu operation bolero buy ing other wheels, - INOBASI BROS. _Deerneld, May.15.'1872. No ,R,t 110. 8..• 5 3(14)4n 700 p iti 253 )4411 835a1d 505 " 5 35... 4 ., 5 42 6. 41 01 .• Read the following - WESTFIELD, .11`IIIL '24, 18'12. Wo the 11nd...reigned. purchased cue of J. if. Gris- Weld's SO inch Water Wheele aging (i 8 inches of water to run threo run of atone under a tin foot head, and are attal pleased with the wheel. We, have ground sixty bushels per hour with the three run and can. average that amount per hour all day. E. D.' 'rani,' E.B. CHARLTON PHlLurs. 1020' 10 7OS Eft. 1/1 Bit 1124 a m, 1120 am 19 lOpml 12 10 pm 12 it 50 1 • . I , ' i 1 ' I%TeNV tkilli,o - ive • , . ‘,. 1 • AT TIOGA, PA., . . • 1 - .auel an entire new Stock of . , "" 800 - T/1S .X 1) 'SHOES. . , Az E.. _SMITH !Si SON, having just completed their ila new trick Store on Main street, which is ono of the.heatarranged and most inviting sleros in the coun ty, aro now offering to their old customers and Alm pub lic generally a bel ter selected stork of ' • . BOOSTS AND SHOES, than ever before presented in the borough of Tioga.—. Ladle's' ware of Duct's make, constantly on hand. Al so, Meson ay Hatulia'ff Organs, and a variety of 'styles to select from. Alt aro Invited to call and examine prlcea and flualltv. H. E NITITEI &' SON. _ Tloga, Jan. 1, 1872.-4. FMEI , WALKER it LATHROP. DEALERS IN , . • SAMAR.% IRON, STEEL, RAIDS, ~ STOVES, TIN-3VAUE, BELTING, ~ • SAWS,_CITI7,ERY, 'WATER LIME, AritucuLTuuaL IMPLEMENTS, ~ - • Carriage. and Harness Trimmings, lIAIINESSES; SADDLES, &c. ' Co 'N. Y., Jan. 1;1872. L VERY STABLE. TrETCHAId & COLES RESPECT • IV fully info rni the public that they have fetabllshed a Livery ibr Hire, At their Siable on Pearl St. ,opposito‘Vheeler's vagina shop. Single or double rigs furnished to order. The! aim to keep good horses and wagons, and intend f6 'please. Prices reasonable. HETCILADI & COLES. Aug. 21,1872. El NeW Jewelry Store . IrrtUE Undersigned would respectfully shy to the eit izer.s of Wellsboro and vicinity,,th at he has oponed a • _ jelarcelr3r Store • In Ow building 4ecently occupied by 0. L. Willcox. 818 stock •lomprises a fullassortment of C/90k8; JP atohes. Jewelry, •• Silver and Plated-Wa,re. • • . S. D. WARRINES, one of the best workmen in North ern Pennsylvania / will attend to the • I• ' Repat.rt,n4 of Watches, Clocks,' 1.c., 6.(,1 Per the skilful doing orwhich lAA swirenteen years practical axpericuce is sullicieut gilarntqc• 8. (1. WARRINEII.i Wellsboro, Aug. 23. /871-tf. ---- TOwn 1 'of& for • Sale. , . TrE subscriber *flora the village front of his farm for safe in quantities to suit purchasers; and at prices to make it an object for investment. The'se lands lie finely ter village lots, and a portion of them cannot bo excelled for manufacturing purposes.— They Up immediately on the extension of Grant, Pearl and Waltiqt streets, and south of Second Avenue. They will he sold in lots or larger quantities to suit the wants purchasers., i5ay,22,1872.-6m. D.: F. RELfiElt - I S now rec,•lving now awl elegant designs in - 1.3r3.451.33r. t'INT Crlr Ct- C:0 Cio 7a _ land tuvitelithe public to call and exandua goods and pekes., - P. trouble to abow Feb. 28,1872. Mrs. C. P. SMITH. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Ina. Co., of North Ainorlea, Pa . $3,060,535 80 Franklin The Ina. Co. of Phila, Pa. 2,087 452 6 Republics Inc. Co. of N. Y., Capital,— $760,000 Andes Ina. ) Co. of Cincinnati, " .. ..... $1,005,000_ Niagara Fie Ina. Co. of N. Y 1 000,00 r .. Farmora Mut. Fire Ina. Co. York Pa. ..909,889 15 Phowls Mat. Life Itta. Co. of Ilarfford Ct.. 5,081,970 60 Pewee Cattle Ina. Co. of Pottsville 000,000 .00 Insurance promptly effected by mall or otherwise, on all kinds of Property. MI losses promptly Airlifted and paid. Live Mock insured agilust, death, fire or theft.. , -- lam also agent fortho Andes Fire Insurance CO. of Cincinnati Capital, $1.500,000. • All Canmtunicatlons promptly attended to--Ofttee on Mill Street 2d door from Nam at., Knoxville Pa. WM B. slam' Agent. Jan. 1, 18751-tt. CARRIAGES Gt. *AGONS ! Tunderei red to prepared to furnish Carriages, Wagons, 8 a, acc., on short notice, and on' res. sonablo terms. H. H. Borden, of Tiogs„ •and H. Wheeler nf Lawrenceville, . , agonts. Call at; the above places, or ray shop in Wellahoro. , and exainine work before purebassig elsewhere. -4w Aa1X14.: , , • • O 4. WattitUiß, +T., • = ' ME EIII wisimi`Atio - ito INGHAM BROTILER' S. Mrs. C. P. SIIII7'H,I IMI KNOXVILLE. TIOdA CO., PA., Life, Fire, and AceidentaL A 8517114 OVER $24,000,000. AAPHTIi or COUPANIES. Total =I ir.. -;2a.-:4i4 ' 1 1 H 111111 _ Furniture and Undertaking. t . ' =Van Horn & thandier, trAYE now on exhibition and sale at the 'old plus, .I.L the largest and most complete otoch of FINE AND COMMON - ITENITURS to bo found fn Northern PonMlyivonla, ainsiatlng of FINE PAIVI AND CIiARBER SEWS. giOVAS, UCHES, TETE.A.-TETES, MARBLE ANR WOOD TOP CENTER TAI3LRB. NAT WEB, FANCY O_24ALIMI. OVAL AND SQUARE BEAM MTS, PURE No. 1 HAIR MATT/ WS. ES. 1111S8'8c EXOELSION MAY TEASSES and a fall stock of the common goods ninnily found in a first-chas establishment.. Thesboye geode are large ly of their own naanufaCtUro; +Ad - Iwitiajacilo l l Isilibir-, anteed both as to quality and price. They, lel:tithe Woven, Wire difattrisis - , the moat popular spring bed' sold; also he S Tacker that has been on trial for 17 y and 0v • elt u niversal satisfaction. • Our i ' Coffin BO om, 16 supplied with all sizes ofthe perolid Casket, anew and bvpittita style of burial caso,, tog titer' with other 'dada of foreign and home manufzet , with trim mings to match. They will make nud Mg a spec ifiLity in their business, and ark in Obeli. services Illit be attended to promptly, is(td at sfictory char. ges. Odd pieces of Furniture made, d , piin g ti ll kinds done with neatness arid dispa ch.' J=lo, 1872. 4 VAN 1101 IN A: CH 'IDLE& ri I• I I 1_ I • To WHOM IT MAY goxinnic—liaving concluded that I aMbrintled to a little rest after,nearly 401 yam's close application to busineas. I hale passed over the furni ture business to "the Boys" as per above advertise mentiluid tako this method lof asking for them the same liberal patronage as has'been extended to me.— tly books may be found at the old place for isettlemeut , Jan. 10, 1862. B. T. VAl'il HORN. : WHOLESALE DRUG • DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND I DEUS DAVIDS' INKS. REIM'S CONC MLIACIRE,S. IREDELL'S FLUID. E. BURNETT'S COCOAIND, FLAVOR! TRACTS. KEROSENE LA PATENT MEDlcrir.s. ROOELF-STER MERY AND FLAVORING FNI I TRACTS, WALL PAPER, WW I - DOW GLASS, 'WHITEWASH LIME A: DRY COWES, AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S REFINED OLD. • 801, 1 4 at wholesalo•Prices. Buyers are requesied call sind got quotations before goitig further l'Att. lan. 1, 1872, J W. B. TEEBELL CO Stoves, Tin and Har • IRON, NAILS, CARRIAGE 80% , HOR AND HORSE N .8, A general at mk of 'Builders Hater! BUTS; LATCHES. HINGES. kc.; Also. PAPER at manufacturers prices. . JOBBING PROEPTLY ATTENDEDI : air-Torms Calb, and above Cone use. • Jan. 1, 1872 HAVINti opened a first-class Ilardw Atanolold, opposite Pitts Eros.. on respectfully incite their friends and the pt Oral to give them a call. They guarantee in all eas , a. Their stock consists of and a ge country, They I ACA V 1 HAY C.A JE W MARV ST . 2 i 4 ' ! ANDS ), ...,- ; c - e-....-, 1 . who has long bee ' X in the Jeweiryl /1 1 E , 44e . , 1 „ vi • IN ellsboro, has a 016,-P-414 4 'various kinds an 1i......., .• • 5 24 •220, 04 7 04 tabli4Aunonti, which are sold low for r NOTION. 411 a. 4,18154,7. atuccoamrs-to B. T. iron Horn) CORNING N. R. O. Bails (Successor to D. P. ROBERTS) DEAL 1 , CARP NTERS' TOOL I= , ricea reasonable. B. 0 HARDWA LUTZ & KOIILER HARDWARE , 11.1'., STOVES, TIN-WARE, , UN. RKNT WORK. SPOKES, I AGRICULTURAL nrpr.umms; CHURN WAVERS, .k.e- eral lino of Oooda, second to at the lOweat cash prices. 1 e also for Ilio KIRBY Itt RAKE, A1Ri01.1) BORSK . 11UTZ, I LUTZ rt koithraj. Id, Jan. 1, 1872. lEEE FAA ?damn W ELLS 8041.0,,' AMEI.ICAN WATCH Gold or Sih• r, Clocks, Jewelry, Keys, Bin s, Pins, Pencils, Cases, Steel P Thimbles, Spoons, d ated Ware, SEWING MACHI k. 0., &c., ,to With most all other articles usually kel C A S Ropelrlng done neatly, and promptly, II 1 II II • t . 1 1 • . Na 3 6 MI Ira THAD. NTIIATED TRACTS, EX- PS, I:ItTG- 1 ,lware .E SHOES, LOCKS, bitAPPNG First door BAILEY. ' 11 'ro Store In Lein Street, 'bile in gen satisfaction 'MS. UltB, )one in the Amt. rru- FORK AND MGM RE: PA. FOLEY establialied buninese in Ways for sale, I paces or tiES, Id Chains,' t ult and • Razors, LE tin. ouch , as and on •bor A. 'coa l . 1,••