0 'LOCAL_ NOTICES.' - A good first class open ono's , iorsk b uggy for sale, gooOks now, cl)ap,'tuid tin time.. ug. 21, 1872-Bt. ;W.A. NOTICE,—AII persons indebted tars. j. Sofield aro earAcstly. iequestcd to :'puke immediate pa; O. Wellsboro, GREF.X Co: - • is market, an_ .mould pr o t hemselves with it bottle \ Boy's - Cholera p ro ps to bp used in case of , colic Diarittert; pain in the bowels, 4,te, PAT Ur:—Persons indebte to this alto for die AGITATOR; Job work s andadviirtising are cordially invited to pay , up. \\ We" - want_ mo ney and must bavo it. Let every" plan indebted be prompt to respond.:-atilt ` ' 28, k't. . , \ ~' , A great ninny people have aske d us\ oi OM, "110 W (lo yill keep your horse look l, mg, so seek and glossy?" We tell them it'i, the eijest thing in the world; give Slieridim'a Czcidry Condition Powders two or the times a weak. , -- - . - :• Acctor:Nr.—Elias Snell, Esq., who resides three and one-half miles up the .plank road, broke his leg badly, below the knee and at the ankle, while working a stump machine, yesterday afternoon. UpDeGraff attend ed the wounded man.-7Adrorlistr, Aug.:2ll. The.undersigned having got done sawing for the season, request their customers . to call at the office of J. R.. Bowen, .in Bowen & Cones block, and settle up their saw bills at once, Thum.,arr &, BOWEN. Wellsboro, August 7,1872.-4 w A gentleman in the eastern part of the State, who was about having his leg amputated ou account of its being bent at right angles sad stiff at the knee, heard of Johnson's An odyne Liniment. After using it a short time his leg became straight; and is now as ser viceable as the- other. School cominences Sept. 9th. With a tried faculty and enlarged . experience, wo are better prepared to do thorough, work than ever befere. The present year offers unusual advantages to students preparing .to enter college. .For pfirtieularg address the Princi pal. The September number Of G-odey's 'Maga zine is a beauty. Its presence gladdens the hearts of hundreds of thousands of families monthly. It is edited by the best talent in the country, and has attained a 'reputation second to none published. Long may itlive. Send 'for a copy. Address L. A. Godey, Philadelphia. . We present to our readers this week the advertisement of Preston & *ermans, man ufacturers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Circu lar Saw Mills &c., who established their bus iness in Corning, N. Y., in the year 1868. They are well and favorably known to manyl of the citizens of our county, who have pat ronized them, and they have the reputation of doing good work. Their Engines. and Boilers especially give universal satisfaction. We solicit for them a continuance of the ptrial:.ge so,liberally bestowed during the past six years. Among the advertisements to; Which we attention is a notice of the exhibition' of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society t. - + beheld at Eric on the 17th, n+th, 19th and .20th of September. These exhibitions are al. ways of great interest. •The preiniums (moon a ,eale of great liberality in money, in med- Os, diplomas or other marks of merit. Ev vry lacer of the society does his best to Re, osam+ +date the exhibitor, whether his dis play be a fine animal or a bunch of grapes. The entries are all FREE—so that the ex hibitor is at 11.) cost beyond complying with" tiiii rah); down in respect to entries. Eptron AGITATOR.-1 learn that reports, tto, been put in circulation to the etrect that I have made promises. to different persons place or reward, in vase of my nomination hal•lection as County Treasurer_ ( .111,1 I desire in this way to say, that such u—emikms Aro Avholly unfounded; that never made nor authorized anybody to make for use any promises, or offer of any phieo or reward of any character whatever for their aid or assistance. And while I thank any friends for their support, I know but one who has been unworthily or irn. properly influenced; and had their decision been adverse to me, Inhould cheerfully have acquiesced in that decision. I may be per mitted to add also, that I have asked the Alec chiefly because of pecuniary Jibed, and, if elected, expect to perform personally thp duties which it imposes. Timmy ROWLAND. Wellsboro, Aug. 28, 1872. elits AottatriF, \VEDNESDAY, AIJOUST 28, 1872 Home Affairs. Driers. —Remember the donation at the . is. E. 'beech Wednesday evening. —The Fair House is already up, and is wing poAed to completion as rapidly as tioveml communiontlons were received bite for thins issue. They will appear rrnftPt. —We lvill send the AOITAROR to any it& drez: during the campaign, for twenty-five Send'on the names the motley. —Court convened lastltiondity in this vil lage, with a largo attendance of interested -Judv Wilson returned home last Thurs lay. 11i, now at his rooms at the Cone 'low., and is recovering as rapidly as can le expected. —There x.lll he a Grant and Wilson pole ni.ing Tear Farmington Hill Post Office r'xt sat Irday afternoon, the 31st instant. 11iire ;rill be gond speakers in attendance. tierylAy is invited CO come. . —The Potter county Republican onven hon IVIV , held last Thursday. We understand A Olmstead was named for Assistant Law sohieski Ross for ,Congress, ,and J.llll l S. Mann for Delegate to the Constittis t,Aal Convention, , o+6oret announces that it is to be tr:oi•ferreil to other hands about the 30th of i.ext-I-that is, its inside is to be. -necking "nnti-rehter" in nnibush ` l " 4 "ne of the horses of Sheriff Boyd, of 50u14 , 11 couttty, while the Sheriff was pass- IP; through a piece of woods in the town of limrfirti, a few Jays since. —W e were not pre:zeta tit Mr. V. A. E lliott meeting et the Court "louse in this Village a few evenings I.,ince. 'We pre in for)n however, that he reminded his hear ^f labnri and sufferings during the lit, war ; and some of his audience, who are udi acquainted with his army life, think ex tri ipr retieenee en that point Will " hereafter very becoming and discreet in this Vic tor. — Tlu. Wilke,barroD c (Dem, ) bas found S i new recruit for Greek . Just rend this : The ether night, a young nun propounded t ,\. the ivual question to the idol of his heart. bile laid her soft hand in his, put her head. 4 Pqn lii manly shoulder, hove a sweet l'gh of resignation, and itr dulcet accents that sounded like sweet music upon the Ater. whispered, "Yes, dear; anything to lw:at Grant." • - \ IleprY C. 311113 has sold out la' 4.,,'iferpr4c litnnsfleld to the Democratic 4iberals, and the paper appeared last week With the Democratic nominations nt mast head, and the announcement that Mr. V. A. Piot! will hereafter act as editor. Mr. Mills takes leave of his readers in a neat "Good Bye," but does not inform them as t° big future movements. *Whatever ho Boss into, We wish him abuudant success. We welcome Mr. Victor A. VAliot -to the A csoraide field Of Journalism—a field in Which persistent industry and unflagging to e.willoafter massy days, win confidence ittl esteem. • THE PETIT LARCENY PARTY.—Mr. Hor :nee`9l'fft. gen-LL.D.,-agentleman whom sem,. oral of On?Deineeratie journals" and: speak. ere have iti',4rsed as a mutt -eminently saga! , .01C‘Iis fratitpotittgl,stptiV that the P,Orkioratio'party o r all that is degraded and diiradingtolintniti lia Lure; -bufla ihe felons and thicklegs of,Thigh2in4l,,O,W;• - flifftrlet: which ho has said qcompoi,ei , thi- Jnirger,tpo:rt 7 tion of that we deitit:!retitetnber that' he includes the sneak-thinieEtine , pii, tie villains" who agAre` to t nothing higher, than . petit _larceny". This tt omieion n Doctor's part, no donbt„ is -due to thaiVet that he 'has „bad - no tyery tance wtth the' Detnecrat as developed in • Wellsboro. If he bad beeti here duritig thc past week, he .would . I .r course halie added petit larceny to his long list„ , of Deinecritie virtues. .now. ;He wouldhave learribd, duiing that time; that it Was at Democratic practice , to steal club book from the room where it had been left, and then to attempt to escape the, odium of the Offense by 'impudently' asserting that sem° Republican had - done it. The•Doetor wouldn't have been . - surprised by this asser tion. for he has often told us that 'lying was \a common ,Democratic preCtice-'--a irractit'e Which Mr.-Horatio Seymour,' for instance, was wont to engage,in once in a Whire;: aftr all, the • Doctor • would -not have been • muqr estonished that a - Party whieb is at this very•tirue engaged, in,Arying_ to secure the control of the Governreent n dirtY • tratlif and diker with its old 'enemies,• and by a pretended conversion, to decent should include within itirmiks pjew sneak thieves, The 'greater always includes the less. - As forthe sneaks who ilianaked thisslittle •we assu4 there they .needn't; strati+ their elastic Constliences any further in the matter. It is well known whostole the book. and who penned thO'ntionyteoui noteln re: lation to it, and if those Parties are proud ot • their exploit, Republicani- . hai , e no cause to feel dissatisfied with the result. • • Republican County Convention. Pursuant to the notice of the County Com niittee, the , return judges ihtho caticuS tion held on the 17th instant assembled: at the Cdurt'llouse in this village, last Friday, , August MI; .to count the votes and declare the nominees of the party. The convention_ was,called to order by iron. 4ohn W. Guernsey, Chairman of the Committee, in a few remarks wherein he re 7 ferred 'to the great impertanee'of,the • coming election, and the need of hainiony and s good feeling in the Convention and'at the polls, On motion son, C. p. Veil, r ot*f. Lilopity, was elected Chairman, apd UOpry .4.llelV‘of Mansfield; and Linden Case, •of ...Knoxville,, , Secretaries, Mr. Veil, in taking the cbair, thanked the Convention for the honor con ferred. , • , • It was proposed to I)roceed,to 'call, the list of towtiships and boros for,therettirns, when Mr. 0.-B. Lowell, of•Tiogii, moved.. that -a committee be appointed to the' returns made frOm Blossbitrg; • Wellsbeio, and Charleston. Tho motion was not : sec onded,- and. -the • Chairniaii sugOtell-that it would be better to _receive the' returns rand' get the names of the return judges before proecedipg to consider the - sufficiency of any returns objected to. The call wns then intuit• return judge appearing•from . eaelt to unship and boro Of the county, with tha certified returns and poll list of his precinct. Mr. Lowell then renewed his previous mo-, tion. Mr. .T. B. Potter, of Welisboro, asked what the objeCtions was to tbose returns: Mr. Lowell said ho understood Democrats had voted in the places named Without being pledged to vote for the ticket. His motion was then seconded. After some, further debate, Mr. Lowell said the' Blossburg and WellsbOto Boaids 'were all here, and it was better to have the matter investigated and Axed up nosy. , - Mr. Potter thought such en investigation by a committee would load to interminable coitfusiOn. If nitre were frauds, he Would favor 'investigation. So far as •Wellsboro was'concerned, there was not one Democrat who voted ther,e, so far as he knew, and ho was well acquainted with the voters of that boro. Those whom the Board did not-know were asked if they were Republicans, and would support .the ticket norninated,''lind: they invariably answered Yes. • Mr. J. C. Horton, of Illo§sburg, thought it was impossible forthe coriventiputif go 11(4: of the return of the Vigilance .Committees. How can tho Convention say that - the com mittee have all lied ? The Boards have •no right to swear a man as to his politics. The "question all rests in the discretion tinr,l holior la Men ,would Board. - Me,wo'uld come up nod - they would vote for the ticket nominated. Mr. Thomas Elliott, of Charleiten,7,said no Democrats Voted in that place. Mon had been named here as voting in Charleston, but those who made those assertions bad not seen the poll list which wns rattuned to _the. Convention hero. The -fact was that they had not voted, perhad j (ipy tt'oir'rocrqts voted there. After some fl4rther. debate it was moved that Mr. Lowe motion be laid upon the , table, which motion was carried. , , It was moved that the Convention proceed to count lie votes. Before the motion *as voted up n, Mr. .Fi . Smith, of Tioga, re quested t o privilege of saying a few- words. He was surprised at the action of the_ Con vention. The Bail gave them poiv_erto lures.- tigaie.. There was feeling in the =rna,tt.e,r.:_jf he was fairly beaten by , Republidaii votes., it wris all right. He-badflettera'from all parts' of the county urging birn&D_run,- finil stating' that Democrats had voted at-thoeauciis.--• Democrats 'who never voted a Republican ticket had been invited to vote. lie had disk couraged the idea of Iris rrnning; but he now withdrew his name from the Convention as a candidate, and'if his friends-'wished to vete' fer•him they might so. Mr. Potter in reply to a remark of Mr. Smith as to the vote of Wellsboro, said there were on the Grant Club book the names of 283 menf pledged to vote for Grant; 'and not one of them, so flr as we knew, but was a legal voter. Resides that, there were others whom we hall not seen, and be believed we have at least 325 legal Republican voters in Wellsboro. • The motion to proceed to tho count was ,• then carried. Mr. Potter moved that a committee of five be 'appointed to draft resolutiond svhihi the count was proceeding. Carried. The Ciiir man appointbi J. B.:Totter, A. M.Speneer, R. B. Howland, 0. (erould, and 0. B. Low ell a 3 such committee. Mr. Lowell declined to serve, nod C. S. Mather was named io ilk place. During the count tho return from Jackson W 11.9 laid aside as informal, it not being - signed V the Board. A portion of the return from Mainahurg was nisolaid aside, ,being separated ,from the rest of the return and not signed the Board. Itlwas moved that the vow of Jackson be received. Some debate renewed, during which it was stated that the man' bringing the return had gone home, but. that he was one of the Vigilance Committee and of the Board of'Election. The yeas and nays were call4d'for,.and on caning the roll, the vote stood Yeas 19, NaYs 11. - Su the return. was received and counted. It'was then moyed and carried that the portion of the rettirn from Mainsburg that had been omitted, consisting of the vote for 'Treasurer, be counted. . It was moved and carried that; the candi-. date.k i'etiniring conferees be each a t titborized to select his own. • The following resolution was adopted : ' ' Resolved—That thin Convention claims the right to be representedln the respective con ferences in proportion to the relative Repub lican voters in this county with she other court ties'eninposing,tile ,Serv,eial coiifttrenoles.'„ Mi. Potter, from the C r ottimittee on Reso- . lutions, reported the following, which were c\ l receive with applause and unanimously adopted : -, ' A .1. he it The Republican party.of Tioga noun 5.,. in eo'nve tion assembled, proud of its ac hie e ments in he past twelve years, during which it has brought the nation safely through a ; devastating war tO ti Satirepetted, .on a' bisia of equal rights and freedom for an, with the Constitution and Um regenerated and re spected, with plenty and prosperity through ,,out the land, labor and industry proteeled . and rewarded, andllietilki iii - Do - eliVntly known and hgnored among all nations FR nilltni•the Rrlifciples declared inthe p ~.,,,, .4 adopted by,':.,..,. .r , ~,,,,,,..„,,, m i . ,. `delghikitr:3olo litAti, - gtft ",' ' 3 ' 1 1 tcitheifsiapArt,*:',:,: - :-' t ~,, 4 7: .., ,;, , ,i',4 . . ':• - •2: With.tlift,-,Uttncost,cOnj epeoi :0 -- . dtlto, - • esty, Pstricitlitefdfd‘isibilif*XT,t ', .' ;'' Wilson, and*Oninist,netbiji?ltleit ' A' ' - to the c‘ountryzinithiritnitc,weball•th :so i ! l'o --:' ination for I,he hisb offleissAilltide4.l : ..4 ) ,, Vice Presidebtlasit wineol,olto' be.:'': •., , and we earnistlt &lir* dorielcies.,k - ! o • election, in the belief that ttittgk, , .. ~t' • i t', 4 - common cenntry,,,,demands it,: ..,,, •. -- "., ' 3. In . this stronghold ' ' 6 f AOIO6IIOEI IB II I I ' wherein the'lieW Tor niNtr,67 hai'btkvio long end 'sd' ,- gencrallY - read s wilirtinontit! /lorace Greele,y' COY vierthy Alf , conderado4.3 tiori at the hands of his former friends, and' brand him as a•politlealanpostatet-Wh%.-SPn - , sistently with Insf rector& of lfiteillatlon And 1 Weakness during the ,War for the Ilmon,. huts , made a truce with oirt:.peliticid'- - eillnilet?'„fn 1 the face of assured 'victory • not•Yetlolly '4E - 4, einnplished, theteby intending- to . Ain,t; the* again in the supremacy= s 4 trith Tower n their ; hands, 6y Talk er -4s:ver,:fitrn; . , to rettirP.if lon to totally. undo, tne,great: work.- Or , the,"bro, party of :progress •.in thisjeonntri. ..Troga,!.. the llanner , ltepublican county ourcin.tteyl7' .- Vanis, spurns Horace' Greeley, •-the- Demon, eratic 'candidate of 1877, es sho did hid ',Pres'? ent friend - and sUPporter s •floratio ',.seyntout . ; • - • . • 4. We recognize in Gen. F en. • Johro-..116.11;• - .• Teat; otii,codidatO . tot' .ooVertior,wa •brave'. and efficient - soldier ; ' who' Wei lighting; wh ,' the Union ~while his opponent,- .Vb t arlea' "-- Buckalew,•was op_pdsing ~ till „'the - ,siali)tgliti War meaattres of tiaaAdministrattonofPP*.• ident,' Lincoln by his- votes - und , voice as a„ Peace Democrat,in tbellitite,datateaSenatt... - 6. We ,weleonte to, .. int. ' rankfr/all tbonest Democrata *to are :wil I • .16','atippOrt,Gett..'„ , ,Grant for Presidentug ~., 3aorteqlittioutP ~ 6. -We 'pledge ourselves'-td;aupportake nomineee:tor:the - 'Eaptiblican: :Patty; writhe, best meana;ief:seedring . The', trivaph'pt the`, 'principlawbie,X ma beliiitr O shotild.' 'control the poticrof -the country vend .vie lealhipotk; all goodffien Ofiltilipitttr telayuside all &if, fererieci3 .and``unite - ler;:thehttecesslej,.;thaf t , party at the ballot bef. Ail the:p,paidtt:pkitl4; cid contest. - , -.. •. , ! 4., 4 ,-1. 1 ~. .. , j . friends--in; -- 7. Tothiacmkw4 call ulsou err' ..-trienda a' eath'ejeetion districti.ttr'orgal ' ieVkttba , ?taut begin the work otthe Canignigp..iit'eikel, , '-'2 V)gilance and action - are the pry.e, tit t0,044 - f iota suceoip.. " ..:,;',. .r - ',..,', , ' -:,.- :- 'N,:,'-r: • -11 f otiouEl were 'rrfailethet 0;311 .- t-2-,asiptx: Onvetitio* held tit tlossbnigi Iti4td; ; • and Wellibhro '..i4olltrtirelYi7, l 4.e!, ~ tip 11/:•ty# called,- and it was.rusolviA tcilleidaatAW : burg! F.lr' ieiatti of IQ ;, to:10,.. ..‘i ~1i k .',, , , -, , 1i . ; ~,.- The ,ChalEmati iintihiiie r edjbentitiiiecittYief Counti:tionttnitteitUts;foikowti:t.A?r;::Okit ,diers h iVeitahQiii;` - ' Ph airlyypi 1 . ließrY 'Altar; Mansfield; :Elnier Backer, ,Thititiad;':B;;,',o . , - ; Thill , ips;'!:Westtielf3.; ~John. , Martin, Bless; Ephraim Jeffers, Delmar; and A . ..ndriivz Van plisen, Farmington. . • . , , After considerable debate on the merits of the Crawford and,delegete . artpkofhollOr . Cony . entihit,'ltr. 4i:V.- liiitioti - 'ilibved,tl4 in the future the, convention be comp'ose'd' of Itepreseotativeis, - and WO 60re be 0 4 1 ) . .f0i 'every town or eleption precinct and-'one for every fifty Notes, and one for eiery fractforial part thereof. After further debate, on trio. Lion of Mr. J, ; E. Potter; the `motion *as amended so as to read as follows : • Resq/ved—That the question, of abolishing the'Cravitiira Sistiin duction of a proportionate representation of delegates, at flfty.Republioatt voters. or: part thereof for ono delegate, and each additional fifty Republican vOtersAo'htt entitled , '±o an Additional delegate, lie 'inbrnittaitto ihe Re- publican voters of Tioga county at the pri mary, idection ortext year. The resolation was adopted. As tbe Secretaries had not completed the . footing of the returns, it was moved and-car ried that the Convention adjourn until 8 On re-assembling ;in eFening, Chairman read the names of the candidates end the number.of, votes each had , received, declaring the one having 'the highest num ber in each case the nominee of the Repub . - Henn party of the county fertile office named: The 'vote was as follows: 't • ?'old MRIBIP-8 OF OONO.Vtesill Mitchell received 2087; Majority 2082. A. • b-FOR . ADDITIONA VI:AW S. F. 'Wilson received . 1897; Majority - _ 11. F„.. , E. Smith - " 1886. FOR DELROILTF. TO TIIF qONSTITUTIONAV CONVENTION, , , J. 13', Niles received 25651 Idaiority.l66,'s. J. W. Guernsey." W. • .. lig.vgpozigfer.iy.r t , Mitchell raaeivad 2051; Majority 2053 A: H. Landis l. PROTHOWOTART,. . , B. -C. Cox received _ 2363; Majority 967: '3', F. Donaldson ".• 1396. • ••• =, FOR COUNTY TREASURER, H. •Rovilalid , xooived : .1188; ;11#1Ality.17,4.- M; Purplo " Itted, ' V . Healy tioltands " '• 448; - - R: B. Rose 434, 'l 3 v CI Van Gelder "• ' -% • •-•869, •-• , . . Wilkinson " '346,4' • C. B. Miller " 256, " J. W: Tubbs " • • ' 72. FOR REGISTER A 2 RECORDER, D. L. Wane repolve4 ?9_117 cOollty2/160, Rniph Bulkily `: - - p,Q7, 7 141 PP I in T WIET9Q4.4ISPIAMMI . EPhimint!gat V g ti r iV P tc % " 6 " 728, W. e 65) A. H. Westbrook " ' 5?2, C. W. Loveless " 'B6O, Simeon Bacon 252, FOR COUNTY .11.17IINCIR, Israel Stone Teppive3l.. l: , 30 km opppsitiom On motiop 'the Coni;entiOn ed'Beul e dic. *Since the-Doi:11' 0 11W% WS pad iieoeived a eertiii aignea by A. .1. Doan and .7.• E. Peters. stating - that in Farmington there were 119 votes cast for B. O. Cox ana as for 3, F, Ronal/401i , They - were ne, 14 1. 7 *eluded in the orAilbiatietum COVINOTON IsTme.—Dear Agitatorf, As I promised to write you a letter this week, I will pow do so. tovA.cgtot!s..N:i that can be Said.of our winter wheat is that :it was nearly a total failiire. W but field 4 were not ruined by the winter and spring weather4tkilfiiStrqd'Ap clnk r eV rust that veri - fevi fed& 'escaped: 4 ' 'Wife t that was sown on wettish ground has done the hest: 'So far as I Italie learned spring wheat is generally a good crop, although'lltr; trier:l;4lre having very bad weather to harvest it in,' Or atlythittg'illse".• Hay is probably not quito so heavy as it was last year. - Oati would have,turned out a good "crop had they,, not rodged iiobadry;; ; lnArlWie flitdsatitim s'een this;year,'T have not-seen one.whemthe oasts stood 'up so they :could -,be; eradlett. a *titter of course, wlictOoats • are - mimed there is a.greatlos si;i tbe t y.ba.v..?, t9,1? - 04.rfat it ed hi `and this process 'malteethiin shell" badly. Buckwheat ts : •aw.uncer tan crop , that . t 'cannot say, much about What I have seen looka,-'well, Potatoes : 413,a general thing arc considered a poor. crop, One‘gentleinan who goes rotjle,r ?..ort9sivgly for *eau tibtgat half ti Corn will undoubtedly* be the ”star"-,r op this year. : larmeri'have ableof it, and all that I.havn.seeri premiies a big return to the planter. I'AY-DAY AMONO, THE SOLDIERS Early on the morning of the 17th, men wearing, blue uniforms were seen traversing . our streets i 'andhyjk iiiitabar• of Company A ..was on .hancle— A fter • thCiwere Maiohad up through Our yillago 'as ,fai as Gerould"s lane, and turning inttithe lanenutielied' up it to a Suit ablei place for squad drilling. The company was then Cut up into squads,: alld'each squad spat through tithirtie dk-iipicititi,' (I Menu , drill) Until dinner time. At the proper time in the afternoon they assetnhied,..and march ed apross the rivor eind;up roadias fur as Patehe'n's Meadow, which: lit- fordCd 1 n good,place,l,or. th e_rmitteny ging pr.. trvops. After sumo fatiguing exercises, the aikcers allow ed them a short rest. Nearly- the I ebuter Of the Jel;) a , swamp hole Igurrounded by willows, and while thp inetPl4o.B 'llorcf•-064iPtc-q‘P4l"64-: congregated mound it., Onelmembet, "wish ing to gerti'Jekel Off On' , anether,4analfMir tiajed towards, the hole„ intending„to r run against one of the men aretiAdlt afid`:thrtm him in ;- but:when-he had.'gotmearlSr lafehira. the intended victim stePPedaiiidt; . 44,04 14 . fellew wns, going pretty fast ho co u p 'no t save-yimsolf, so he plunged - 'ilit6" , thil hole heal over head. After floundering for seine`time, , he'itarthiged to . let out, Amid as lsoehias ho was. in sight was greeted' twill' deafcining outburst of, lau titer . IneA -A crops the 0 1' „. . 1 When , the drill was-,,over the,,eonipttilY Annyhedtack in front e l f Dyer's store'vliste I an eliteiterCd ' otce , up¢n Jacob Rviu a. tei 7 4 " : fit* - fterthif „ L ' l 44 - _ l 4 ) °,Yi'Pliet?Weli.. /4"hebeinpany stand inireat'n4tl - of:. .iiblejarinery.f.The,rtiom used"forAhat, pitt pipe nqW hi utterly foi_. th 4 416 1 ,4 rpSt, 16:sinick1i in it. 11714 '.: • - • .4he'politics of the iiiikieritY of our citizens Anaiihiskist - fis it haS for, years buck.;-zstanch. Very few,' think "arekithe-Alei, Thblienn - a* who: will support, Horace Greeley, .11444ta for the-.,Deinocrata the 'inajuritY de- Ati'ethattliey cannot conspientiouslYvotnfor 7 ,and they Hat: y_ol4iphntiew,, , t 4. tihopyorriinent Deineerat ,tlelcgfor„ , Years declared the other day.. In, . 'would prefer. voting for deli: Davis. to Wee :l44: qoArg:±-tyci,huv „ :enough to •Se.rvefits Anunplex..:oil. hi* - zit is a standingloke among the ".far inerkthat if nominating Horace . for the Pres kilepsy. will cause So•tuuch rainy weather, 'what would ail is ' gentleman in ibis section v. 10" 11 11 swampy - piece of ground is geing' to vote for -tlkeeley, because he thinks that if heis,inade , lireildent he will underdroin his land for 'hitif:lat Government , expense: If ihings.ido :nor:change matCrially, I think Covingien' up a bigger majority for - Grant than before„ :;',ACrilliam Farrar had a large dog st i ittag-V, 444th by a alarm of bees lha,othisirdAW Patehen and pen. Harding haya Jcifiied'our military company. (3askiil will ,open the BlessliUrg - tibigU 61 0030 ;',lfhtrt Barber will :returit h& um thie;ween,j,, o , _ , Citirehnerniikore, aro id driyen - ith ' voth , Xlityilipereen is obliged to get his foot tneali: l tiro , q yeat ahead. yours truly, CHAS. G. GlfiT., IF '~ _ ~ ~ 'svt e_.. k NV AT COAlegtitTg - VALit - 4t.-eilito2 , - . tai~ Apia for: Our little village, known .by )totiy :as Edgeoombe Town, was last night "visited by Minos* destiltetive. fire. The first likWm:was given about two o'clock, end in a , --.4iii %NV figazients....tlin -*I I C/''' 1 1)4 01 AU': ItiiedlY proportion of the female, force oftlni 'wn Vas 01111)19)1,04. A Fyin IKRasilfonk , ' ti:Pb'iiie origintifed !APIA stoiMrefit,r4Edkot, COsiii; but it had gained such headway iliallit was impossible to save tbeb . uilding or pt;ot its contents except his desk, - , which febilained some valuable books .and quit/gill/ The adjoining store, occupied by D. W. Reyniilds ' was only a few feet distant, and aben caught. It was hopeless to try to save itiand. the united efforts of the citizens were jilOttstrying.to save adjacent hilifilfilifiV'lif 'alinort. saperlinTiliiii oiertion the Josidences Of 'Win. Hurlbut, A.. 111. Thompson, and the 'lffes`iirs Tremaine, were kept from buining i . bitt'they all.received a good scorching. es pecially the former one. The losses are as follows: I. M. Edge eombe botlp isratififs4s ock off i n drugs and I'vfri,f v t ' Idat fr 1, 4*: r ieyen the st ii id pp ro itistie 4104 ' i aiinenntofs4; , tifr?i gli- ha ageheytot W ! B. l SMith ofatioXVille. t ine safe containing - chili and paper representing several thous and more has not yet' been opened. It is one of Marvin's and we think the contents are all right. The front part of the second storywas occupied by Miss Anna Ackley si. n millinery establishment-. She sustains a total loss ofstodk,Yivntdeobei., c. '4l Of $6OO lq no insurance. In the rear of the second floor was,the harness shop of My, Jesse Loelte ; total loss T,A1(); ripi, i rof ippa i g ri 1it54 , 11 , 10 succeeded in getting out nearly every thing of value. His stock was dry goods and groce ries. The second story he used as aresidence.. 'Allots" loss is not so heavy, but it break's' him Op in his business for a time. He de sires to express his thanks to all, those, o.yho assisted :him,iii,sav,ing. ilys stoelt ; jilt lifiii-, tune. f --- 1- - ' ' ' '* • --'''' -' - - PrOvidentially, owing , to the recent copi -otierafas, the thwrt was supplied with water,. afut hardly a breath of air was stirring. IT it Were not for those two circumstances,'' should have to record a more terrible confla gration than we would cars to witness. The two acmes wore all we had, but dimbtless Ir. Edgecombe will • soon: rebuild" on "thel 61d - sites liner buildings than were the oth-l: era, and it-will not belongrbefore our thrifty torn will regaitl it3 . 4l4(hrtil APpetiraaee, - CoWanesepte galley, August 20,1812, Tllig is an inquiry which every unel should have truthfigly answered before he starts on tile journey, abd a little care taken in examination of Itoutes - ininany caries mace much trouble, time pad money. Tho? , C., B. & Q. R. 11 : ". miming from Chicago, through GalAttnArg to Burlington, and Bice "I.r, B. #-AF: liiiute," running from Indianapolis, dkrough Bloom. lngton to Burlington, have itchteved a splendid repu tation:in the last two years as the leading Passenger Routes to the West. At Burlington they connect with 4 40111 ft & M. R. R. and or the great Burlington `Bente; which runs direct through Southiwn lowa to Nebraska and Kansas, wifil Of ay. ilia Wilco to W ink* and tlai 3 TM* ea; 81:d passe:Wm starling too from toga corinFATßa `6ll44eirvy - lfai4watrueo) t dkifetter than fb, " 'BtalintiwTO Bi4tnase pi:o%! ' Zni line has linlblished a pamphlet tilled "ttoW' fo 4 .fiagifailit" which contains much valuable information, correct map orthe Great West, which can be ob. 1 tain r el free of charge by addressing the . Gencral Fast. engorfAgent B. &. M. B, Burlington, lowa. E LESTEU—KIISIDALIereIn this village, Atiri.:22atriV by 11,p D. D. Buck, D. D., Nr.flier Streeter and Maas Deo L. ffimbilll, both of Weltaboro. VA Virden; RAO generously remembered. SMITHKEENEY —At the realdeace of G. D. Keeuey. Esq. ! in Keeneille, oiv-the 20th inet., by Rev. F Wm. Manning, of Newark, N. Y., Prof. F. M. Smith, of the Manatield Normal School, and Miss Flor en=ey, of Keeneyville. r DENniss TaitTra- , 81 the 001111ty Your house, Aug. 95th, 1872, Mr. Luke Ttelyee; - age4 /57 years. McVEY—At the County Pone Mouee Aug. 20, 1872, Me, - Itantel McVey, of Morrie tovreelttg - age4 79 years. New York City Market. CORRECTED, WEEKLY BY ' HARDING, HAYDEN & CO. Prodeica Commission Merchants, .1/5 Wilitlatogtoo at. . NEW 'hag, Jota 20. 1912. ' ithtter per lb 25 to 27 eta Otteeo f. 401.7 ti ' 4* • 1 1 3(11 Lard •• . ........ ... . to' 9.14 • ratio* , " 8% to 9 •• Dried'Apples 8 to 9 •• 'ff.opap; lb . 95 toso '• .Egga doz . ....... . 20 to 21 " ;Special' Noticesil AVOID CIUACKS. bilitAprematuradecay, sta., having tried in vain every adverpaed remedy, has disco ered :Ante mans of gelf.94. virdrlite vqf : 1 15 4 1,, oral_ t th e IttitrEttla mt. 11- "Jait 1.1872. iST OF LETTERS Remaining in the P(4 - oSiee at IVelleboro, Aug. 24, 1872: 'ltiagglo Burke, Albert na, Uri Bartle, W. G. Rut ler', 2; Charlotte L. Mr' P I C W CitglbArlto,moa.: Loof . a Rickey. Neddon, L. P7ard, a Pat. Mead, Richard 3PArdlo, C IC Merrt ',rninS,ll. Menge, Anna B. id'Obain, James A. Randall, A>elibih Batterleo, Rate Van Deuzen, Fall M. Nilson; T. - P.l%7oE+ler, 2. Pat. Looby, Ned Noonan, WlJilithe Cleaver, Jay 8. Downing, George W. Stone, Jobu Dru nter, William Greve. In Balling for any , of the above please ray they are advertised, and give date df advertisement. G. W. MERRICK., P. M. • _ - 1 Straz, e, e. • 1 - A BOUT two weeks sluca; a two year Zia a far, .11. light red, spotted on the belly, with rough horns. The tinder will be liberally rewarilea for returning said heifer, or giving information of her whereabouts toC. L. STEINMAN. A . 28. 1872-2 w. 2108r/likl7- 1 -4.;llght battruitintill fetirtgett , ' hands" ltigh, with dark mane and broke into the in ;deems of the al:thee:ibex. in Midnabrirg. The canner is re nested to prove property, pey charges and take her away. • ,R , KUSTipI. An: net 28, 18711;51" • ' , 3 1 i . . •. • 171 • • IrlfAnnual Exhibition of the PENNSYLVANIA t`ALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will be held at ERIE, SEPT. 17 18, 19 and 20 1872. 3 ' , Oppet/Um lege th et,likdltdatiltaiti. tirift th e Provinces, and the cilleefniMatithartlibifihr and t e Dominion are cordially invited to compete -for ofir prizes. No Rarer Fun Is thulium. Racer. Won tickets w ill _ be leaned by all the railroads .and lithek rig ..ri e l i nlrr it HflYi Mttiii slams. nee. See. President. m..4mos Kipeolmart. Oor. See. Aug. yB,-11w. tArotioe to MOPWO0 4113, ‘llllDirectors of t the School District of Wellsboro 411 meet at Um Mee of Jerome 14. Nina on Fri. dar e 90 th ?la of SoPfoulber. 1872 . at '4 p'cliNk P. ut• to re ice min:anon for corm-Bon iN t iM t it • and Building TO** for DM , I no's application will be received. By order of the Board. , - i t D t Nitta, ,Al• 24 4 . 4 87 0. -I fri ptr ,t... iii Vi2 , _li 4 :.) :: l'ii 11181 LITTLE HITS grow - fio ~~~ -~ ~v~:~ ~' mmmtni &;,no4it t ^ WICKHAM & • liana Yi liailliticattediut Era lauly AO ' Ini for - a thi Latest atylol ot , • - I)r.ewils, carEz)adbao I.ticladtittPlatlc; JapOno 4iiincy Eta VOP i 11 "1 -1310 -Vionf it ti i TArtativAtites; 17640t0 It ' 1 ,LYon .- 1 ' it!ti 2, 8 ped,_ 4114311/PLOS .. . . iltelped and plaids; Wash poplins c Seersucker*' Cas t. ~- totinsa; Pula Cambria, M 9 a . els. Orguai i I litques, iniiind and - - - 1 .. ChaVre Chambray, . 2 ?4,l? l ,l,A: ,, Sootch ,, Ginjhanis, to Ober with a fa3e aosortment at M=IMM Cloths and' Candineres, L.: A . . .71 • •.' yi and i)Optestics. Z.: 1.47 Our atock of Ladles' Shawls and Warta caunot .be ex celled either as repetta quality or price. ilq - Oflo Wan ad In enaiL. variety, aoitsu moots. ana Shoes, tiritatlitif`Circnigest sink moat stylish, e est moat serviceable to bo found in the Market. If anybody nimbi a suit' of clothes, their most im portant duty is to look through our atock of =MEI 1 , sad are ovesk l irg s , ri I P 1 IP !tij , If it I I ki4.,1 t e a l 4 i 1 I 0 I ,v, a__ AA buy ad tiadiesave tad silo,tiii}?..; Is "r (...• tearpote, Oil Clothe and . Matting . e Al timid to m ol d lie at tlio' wok' eaeoria ze'przeis.= Neat comes a full Hue of G,l;oef#es, Crockery, and e 3.l.lWooden Ware • Aili s teirtV eiPl4 the'nfosi'tilit*W-iwkaikker.4-1 Juat coma and detirmw much 3 (JO can save by buyih where goods are sold right. flogs, May 15. 1872. 'W/011.11&111 & V&1111. fr; j-qs, The .World's •:t " ' • - , ' iilliairlitottAtLE* ran 'ROM - Atecorox,: • RINIPERIAR-Birrtit . A CERTAIN CURE FOR EleatedCough, Incipient Consmmption, Colds, Spitting of Blood, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Catarrh, Bron chitis,. Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Potfls in Bratist or Side, Dyspepsia, Jaun dice, Dizziness. Loss of Appetite, Fever and Ague. Indigestion. Liver Complaint, Diarr hoea, and all Diseases of the Lungs, Stomach and Live. . . Hit Gregg Gi r g r .7)ritiltats,4 Elmira, N . Y ., Sold Agents, and to whom all orders should be address 941—'0Xt•Fon SeLs Trx Plant & SUES& Wellabora, Pa. PRICE, $l.OO. 'tt ',€.,, alnvEilidsll . 6o Despair. • Thonaanda , have fella , and thoueanda will tarn to . Meilharte. a ft er iighatuiting their purses an patience illaelllrek gthlsath. , I t 1::.1S Oiddluees of tha fount &illness of the mind, fatUd bowth, coated tongue, leas of appetite, pains and wisigneas in the stomach, enlargement of the liver. yellowness of the akin, constant lever and thirst. with a total dierehsh for busluess. pleasure, or any kind of empleyoacett. fr`,4lllßHEXiti RiliaCßA, of Calton and persei owl in (or a few days, will remove this whole clefs of symptoms. The fluid* of the body become pure, the'llanci clear, the stomach streugthlned. the iffrigap, 2olosi Ake appotlte improv..d. and till* whale tiviton riv beeetitted that diseape. la bsd weather, hi lePa liable to :allot you. j DR. P. FAHRNEY'S .• . (WA:lusted Blood' Cleanser or Valted. As a medicine for children the panacea .a, in every way, calculated to take theflacaof the endless variety i ldintriich fro liurinalry, add for,- thikt purpose, Are often VirrY,irjhrlOtts. A Inadicide which possesses the qualities of a cathartic as well as a mild alterative. Mid which is capable of arresting disease without the least Injury to the child. Is of Incalculable value to every mother. As a cathartic it hi very effec tive, yet it does not, if given In proper quantities, muse nausea or distress in the stomach or liowels.= It is very pleasant to the taste, which is a very limper rllottiroMPli medicine for children. As a prevent. e ' isehia-litt la unprecedented, as it acts directly upon the digestive organs and the bleed.. In all scrof ulous diseases it is tho- meat effective medicine ever offered to the public, and it ,gly_sikftigulaziy and per aißrellirgVtlioseirßPiill. Ustwiftlinocerrittffill-f- - - dren may be entirely eradicated. _. Prepared by P. PahrneY's liros.4 Co., Waynesboro, Penns vents. nil Dr.y %I`IUNEY. North Dearborn . P*o- V* -. y lir ~' Vel) • WitteiS 1 ,- retail dealers, and by Has ga .R 0 Coles, Wellsboro, Pa. , ......Ju1y,.2i.../lia-ein• . E. D. Yotnia -IS B. Yt4i*kllltdi.-, (Successors of High Young & Co.) • ifokielitts and Stationers, and Deters iu Wan Paper, . Window Shades, v et tafinatrucuente, tptlto 1; 1. cture rrautea itiu 4._ Pictures, all aorta. Picture Oord, ERE dustice Bunks, - '- Blank Books, ail Wes. ilfliAT., , -;:•:':_..: ~ .4, N T,111.4.04[1, 4 3 1 f le t i l Lur; - t - t . -"....==..1. J , ...;- ., , , , A . •: , 41 - .,......: -;"• mt - . 1 3 t 1 .- - • ' ,-,,•-•-, 1. - ' 4 - ,„• ttiatOoode - Law Books. , Medical Woks, • , - heingious Booke r 1 41 F rtifhle.liflftittll ttre'l4 . New York Wien at One Dollar . a month. —,libuira Rallies at 16 Cents a mouth. —Subscriptions fors week, or mouth, or year. —Orders for Books not in stoat promptly attended to. - t r t 3 l,„_P l is r Pr4,ittirFTWPr 3l .l itI,TV!,I4I - -2yre are Agents of the Anchor tine and the"Guion Line of 11. S. Mail 000111 Messner& News& tickets to an fromso . ...!u. r nint in - at the lamt rates. 1 1 4 , Ma 4 4,1 .. . '., _ _ , On. a, 18124 y; , E. B. YOUNG k Co. 1 • `l3l- 1111 Q -- ree ,- S l berebv 'given tbst .tritivecieffhlurt of Common Piea's , I mfoi 1' *lol4.at the Court lu Wellsboro, commeka 4111C El giVit t ip "day of October Bat, before ' i 4 Additional .Law Judge of the 1 , JodiciaiDistrict, for the trial of all causes testi • fled to slid caw+. Mit WIZ J. P. DOEigoESOE, ' prove, Ale, - .4 - . - 'l,-,...p k..cha , , t. - i - E..ik ii.ss-1.:: oitil 41 , - dl=2llo=2 ~~.,~~t•. ~:~ •Y ~ MEM ' s ;1,5, Emu Yptoso Law Blanks 0 . R ._...,.,..,-_:1-„,-, 7 ,77_",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:::..._,_,-__,2]•,.. „ --;::.7-: , - , , ._ ~• - .-,,,.-___.4.- ----- - ---.--..!-,,,,,,;17:-..f..---,-:t.,...,,,,,,r,::::;.__,_...,„,....., ~ • ,_ ESN - ‘ -, , , it t , „HEED— :_4,_ c:.. •_-_,,-1 • e7'' . 11 — .. ' _ t _ AAdt113 4,0 %-q,„ - -tw - etßilaliV44,ky.;s ,1,1 ME Ziaip ,tk,,lt 1,., 1 ',-, ,•,,, „, . :''' ,'...' .',l,‘; sr.,. , -- , • ',•:- . -e . J. ...,:k•• ',: . " 4 ... . AniaitriACMlßS or s - Alrittaititt' AN i 6 D 7 ~.., , -4-„ , ,,z , ,,- 4 - ' - ' ' • • ' MEE 1. -- FE MEM MEE ME ISE . - Circular, Gang and...Maley Saw Afills,',Machinery for Te . frf , neeitSitriffing, .eearirtg and Castims of every clesoriiition ,: i:re'linlx.piel" Brass. iirliachttiet7 od au ktaills repaired pramptli and' at reasonable Corning. August 29, 1879►1y Cash the true Basis of Businesii • Tito outtocriber would beg leive to e9lattetutionlo:l4o#tro 4N110! . .1101Ei I - - . Cletnii3P Ctica.cl 3FLe•Ea,4I. - 50 - ' maw . . at lowest market prices: Housekeepers tviHdooroll to exatulne.his stock of ~,'• , t' , ...'''- -'ll ir , 0 t' , : i till' -'.:. - I', ';',, =T:li , :- . 1) ,i 3 - ; i ?4 -:.' ? -i: f Carpets, - - oilcloths ; i Fable `l;inn and Window Drftpery, ;• which will be found worthy of attention. The ladles L . lll find it to their interest to look through Lis stock of ' • Dress. Gopds, Shaw Is, Laces, Kid Gloves, • ,• . , t 7,.• ~''•- , . _ . ,i.,•l'a I twthiiyctinttaidany 611ifcalrei4bilitik bfiviliteh' have riot beet before offered in this market. The -• public are ivited to call and see for themselves. • June 1, 1872 ~,`F. Dar and see: the piles of New Goods at MATHEitS'S Store. IN 4,,, 4 ,1 . ::, 4 :.x.-.. _;.4,2, , , :e3 :-- I 7 M==El 71,"";;;""Frl -.01. ..zt.i.i..i.1t.0... 7 IMIEI 1 104- •' t% s t IP : 1 7 1 Ci . 1301 d Itrr iff 1 Shppw' 610 ne • • - , 1$40: - ' 1.. { ~- ~„ i, ? , i. . ;i' a; a at - i t httoZT.l3.o : SC -ig COXiSi ' . • hbumfactureas of iiitationary and riiitade Engines and Boners. Gearing, Eit;afting and Machinery required tadEyrF . : l 4ol, cilist aka riteries,,Ovena and Grates, for barning:Tan. Screws for moving unleaehed —Eamedtarki . Ado to, Itaihead Fir Chaim and Repairing dono at 'short notice. We have Isi dro for chipping by CNIMiI or Railroads to points, and 'rad furnich Machinelycbcaper than FAstern or Wbatern budder* of,theApeat - hipidty, ~;• i , ..• 3. . ~ -, - - -CORNINO, STEUBEN CliliNiV, ii, v.; I Jam 1, 167247. I . . - 14: of Pacariii9o #4ltrmifit*nizo .r lvo , Tast cox-mm.l;73m ay puimnrcvAlcuk. - - • - lie lift:B44k toy the Elamite rind House* ofßeieVien• (4 0 ? yes . conutionwealth of Pennsylvania in Alen . • .100 - snet,..That ell following inzienatelent '_of theiConati3 olAlip Soinn:littwealikrbATProPoled to the people to' 1 theitiia6ptlon orreSemmkjeanniant to the prevholousof the tenth irtic.le thereof,.to wit: , • oa. atrik" "tr-gtas t riattil la renfat art f ic A f fiTt VAall,be cliclien: b i4O 44 1 4/W ele4ora .5 the htete; Unit . ed4. l e, '9 I A, terraof deP4R 8 .2 144 / 4 0e Rt4l!°VWtijireatl f Oir :;' • ~E Pg . 4l 3S eF.C4:lo3 . Pri a eNti g atitte..L;:, Ase*oimzi—The tioniy4coosul d_o2 , of ?larch . - Atino DO61114011011914"410"1 " * . Sreat i lir .514j46444 u O 3 W144 4 i. ;00;0 1 0 7 t!° ifocietairy of the Oomminmealth (Ace E6ratiiiatitte_Cammonwealth. - burg', Juno 26th, 187 JUly -Anueorig , vie—violpv.xtp otioxicc e s benzwie: P 7 '• AffieriatTi 1 0174 . • I 7,t ESSE IMMIE IMI 'li?a`, which he lemon , receiving, and which he offers for 38Ecogligle•V3r, - 1 _ ''~' " ~ .~ Ein -,. " .ii • ~ 4 ~ ME ,•ten "_;= w <r lII= 1 ~•T • - REM IBM ;'• -- GEO. W. REIZRISANB • 'I%T. E3I!! lIE ■ BOILERS ; U PRESTON & El IMIIM POLITICAL CAMPAIGN - '41:1030 1 1A78: GRANT 4, WILSON. >GRECLEY: & ;BROWN CAMPAIGN 'CsiiiiVitpea and r 'r ' Torches, i'lfitif3PARENcIES AISD • no/skits. . derleo for all partics, ' 011111t,AnntIng.and ?Swain, iflags of all sizes on band Obilde'tO cirdedy. Chinese Lanterns of. all sizes and styles Pap eellalloons. *l.re 'Works, - ebe., *o. cam. pep Club ono: oat at Air lowest ratO at • Wit 1. - ileifEißLE I S; CAMPA,l6lsbiVeor,"' ' c aiildufh Third Street, rhadaeutii. ' • . . s*lto I'ol cincoLeit. au)y '2llnr." ,Strapedi wrath; raittg:, tu-hi4eaba ' theatild% ' Larne in tho' Oar h d leg. 'mei kerne her brehot—the Orals of a collar, tog wan wing intbrantion of heer whereabouts or ritertokagy her to the eutetornm. kesuitAlLE44. 444110§724t, Gr f ch,W. - ALtie, - " ' Mies Valley, Pt. • MB ME penrre. •omit, *A.Vsigmrs. °Loa • MU% 'ANDALISTYLES OF BRUM cialo nigt QtrA;unat" B ra , uheico Liq uors, : Ci rip Tovecco.: AllO fur. 1 I JESCPC:IO3Eir..6S. . awh0i0.......n0u. WWII. Legal, Blank r School. B. B. A. full &Daedalus:int of the tette: an al. calloateasortinent of , • Malik 81188011/1, , MUMMY, COBEG. • • ' Cla . COClerle • Ou,Texe. kingpin, Coffee. 0 4 1:7,1140.132t0e5, Bode, etc.. *e will not be wawa in or quaw7.— We will sell choice Tess by the ox by the barrel, at se low Oswalt se the ewe OM be eat at this aide of New Volk. fI."TBY ova 4 amLuxa TEA ME .11 I. =I LA1 1 413, COANDE:IOIRI3 %c., br I or the newest styles, and lamp chimneys tba eak. auey_ and Toilet Aille,eo. Piltrtialin * TOILET kicovit:AA . .113; 73107811E8, &0.'./X+l &o. 1,17 St , m ' A Z rut . ' ar . We hold twenty decrable Allagete for sale In the, dant:lel part of the toWn ; and o loan !money at resecautbWratee. • . B. Dr. W. W. Webb has his office In• one store, where he Playtaf conilelted for advice or tritmati • agui.1.1872-tr. Safirrtialil THOMAS HA • 1 ' - - Drugs and Medisin (ftlent otberwiseAbio for TIOG STORE • Vuresubscriber keeps constantl 4 Drugs std Litters, Station( kee Notions ho. PiiESOUIPTIoNg O.4IIEFITLLY cOitiPOt 'flogs, 1.157 1 . , •H.U. V insurances Insuran' Hand in Hand Mutual Life Insurance Comp OFFICE, No. 112 S. 4= ST., FBILAD INOORPORATED FEBRUARY 28, 18 Cirri,4l Capital $5OO ASS 'S OVER .... I .... Rock and Mutual, combining Security with Profits. Suppose you are already Mimed in a iiiirat-crasa cora. pany,tand from any chaise whatever, (say after'ten year ly payments) you do not or cannot pay longersuul Wei your insurance gone and your money wasted Not so in the "H.:IND-IN-NAN - pi," all Policies arc troN--Fon r.s.riwimr. This company which ranks among the most popular and successful Life Insurttlico Companies, grains poir isles on all desirable plats, both with audi without profits. '. . ->' . . Traveling Privele - ges Unrestri?ted. All Policies are e inconlestible after ono year from an of the ordinary causes. . 1 • Look to your Life leaurrince:lPleaso ci7;a ins . the following.Compamtive Table. I is sometime allege by Agents of other Compantesth t the Com y the represent is safer than. others. While we inhcaita• tingly assert our lxdife in the soundness and stability of all companies, wii desire to present the ollowing fotthe inspection of those desiring to insure •i t f the following inpaules, compare the au tuil pro. mimes charged by each for an insurance on life at the age of 30 years, payable at death : - • , 1 . Annual premium •Ten Luta . • for life. ' pay)nents. Travelers' ...$16,84 - - ' $83.2/ ' 2Etua, ' .... :. ' ..22,73 142,80 Rome —23,30 .510,00 Equitable, - 22,70 • 110,97 Washington, ........ —.22,70 8,97 Eand.hi.Hand„ ..... 16,50 1 2,50 If Inot already insured take a polfeY with the .SAND-111-11AND.' , 1 ibestMutual Company in the !hilted 81 1, 1872. A. M. 1NG14151, .1 A th Jan. , Ne ; Boot, Shoe, L'e AND -FINDING STOR Clef Wie IN THE FIELD AGAIN, New Shop, New Stock, and I'l class Work AlTe of from a Rand Cack to a Kid Gat lin Ladies' Kid and Cloth morals and Gaiter Ditto Children's and Misses. • Gents' Cloth, Morocco, Calf Gaiters. Oxfori and Prince ./filbert Ties.- - A good line of OVERSHOES, and a full PINE BOOTS, ranging in price from $ COO to - 17,00, pegged 4n CUSTOM BOOTS froth 46,00 to $15,00, and worth ths money every time • Finding at arid FindingEl at the loerestrates, as usual. ' • • The'undersigned 'having spent tivinity yo2s of his life in Wellebt2krci—much of the time on thel stool of penitence, drawing the cord of affliction for the good of soles, believes rather in hammering than blowing. Wherefore, he will only remark to his o/d customer, and as many tiew ones as choose to give bun a call, that he may be fond st hts now shop. next d'oor to H. T. Van Horn's ware rooms, with the best and cheap. est'stpck in Tioga:tounty. C, W. SEARS, • Weih3horo,'April 24, 1822. I MPORTANi TO FARM llFtindersigtled, experienced, pudic ill manufacturing a first-class article of Meting of Butter Firkins, Butter Tubs, I , Churns, 11,sh Tubs, &C. t I• - : Owing to the Influx of lirkittg end tuba into this vil lage. creating a monopoly and combin ion which will, artless 1 act speedily, overthrourhio in this branch of business, therefore I shall sell direct 1 the farmers, from my shop, from the Ist of Altos auctheouttntto khrtiugh the season. . , . • _ ~, 1 ... . _ FIRKINS at 'SITES /ND 00VERS at El CASH ONLY. J, MILL r of Water and Craft Cooperage corn > Wellcbcco, Pa. July 31,1872-3ra , l ONTAEIO FEMALE SEMINARY, 'CANANDAIGUA. N. T., . . _„ BEGINS it ' s 48th Annual 'Session, Wednesday, Sept. llth. Superior inducements and adcalitages of. faxed.. • Circulars sent on application. : • ' , •• B. Bloname. Principal. B. B. RICtLiIIDS t Vice Principal, • Aug. 21, 1 1874-iiv. r • &c. on hand L . Leratcalo oy, Tan NDIED. BDEN, El 3 02 000* 1,000,00 tee. 1 . gent. Cher trot- 21:2M EEI !and. !El d sewed. EMI coopor ork, con, arrels, MEI 110, .... 1.., Kr* a streets
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers