LOCAL NOTICES. FtWND.-A gold dollar ear-ring. Th,,, w in please send us Ili() 'one Ebc hns, or g ill aim] pay ehargea, and take tliis-ohe A want bag been felt and expressed by for a , safe and reliable purgative. :nth a want is now supplied in Par.con' s eqat PitlBl Ti ,.. untlerF,ignetl has nn excellent, new c• , a• whielt he wishes to sell cheap: • wei):-boro, August 7, 1872. J. 13. POrcEtt. U et iry K. Bond, of Jefferson, Maine, was vd of spitting blood, soreness and \yeah ,. 4the. stomach, by the use of Johnson's 11,..dimi Liniment. lA‘!-..r,--Soniewliere about town, a watch haiii•bar, (gold) with about an inch of chain ttliebed to it. The finder will be liberally wtolle'd by leaving the same at this office. The unilersigned having got done sawing ~ (I t o ;:pason, request their customers to call t tlu office of J. R. Bowen, in Bowen & Mock, and fZettle up their saw bill; at two, tRIJ N S 7, Bower. AV ell Atoro, A uguFt 7, .1872.-4w. FAnxtEns' HOTEL.---The under:lin ~ ed fail w; in health, ()ins. for sale or rent tho prop ,ty known as the Farmers' Hotel. Inquire idle subscriber at the premises or' of W. A. BATEMAN IMO ROE. isboro, duly 31, 1872-'2. All persons indebted to the undersigned te voquested to call at his house on the .venue azasettle up at once. Ikving sold Lit and entirely retiked from busiyiess, it is ..f - Ji - sitry that all accounts be arranged as ~idly as possible. WILLI ASI ROBERTS. Wellsboro, July 24. 1872-3 w. INtrowrisaro LADIES.—Airs . . Jacob hi-der, Ladies' Hair Drescer, Washington ! i d? Block,' Corning, N. Y., respectfully an ,uncei to the ladies of this town and vieln r that she will be at the Wel !shore House, ilonday and Tuesday, Augustl2th and 113th, will remain all day to show stun -1,4, and take orders for Hair Weaving of 'I de-eriptions, - Wigs, Toupees, Switches, &c. Ladies whose hair is Timing out god it to their advantage to save that -halt adheres to the comb at each dressing, • they will in a :port time save, enough tO cao:c a switch, at a far less expense than airlt,iag hair to match: Hair exchanged. barge Lock of manufactured Hair Goods, ill be kept constantly on hand. or,lers by mail will receive prompt atten „,e, aad Ftitisfaction guaranteed. Our pri arr reasonable, and fair dealing our n otln Call or addrers MBS. JACOB SCIIISSLEP., Wa.hington Hall Block, Corning, N. Y. Plea le preserve this circular, and whonyou 64 1 your hair atten d to, give men call.) Nitator. WEDIs;U:MiVY, AUGUST 7, 187";?e Hoene. A_ fra,irs. ;di ,•Ilr berore the:l6th of tit k X 1,, a• hotel i to he opened at :I'ninted n. vt itinlitl) -And now thereisto - be a ten-pin alley 1 ,111 Hi 'li Park fit Ticogft. 'Motto during the fruit sowzon Cet, nil kind (:in all y6it got: - \lllt ,u AVarner, an uCtive buiness „i• Towiinkln, died quite suddenly 1114 -.1 ;-It. Petr.r , l,kirg, Pa., druggi , t offers Ids 1.4/ , for , 41$ , : it six; thousand dollars, payaldo .1, 11 (i rant is" re-elreted Presidebt. tint , tlrooloy and Brown fiag, W:l3 f'll:' , - ,11,1.-1 41Vor Mlllll street in this la-t it in•lar -nr.•and attend at thy Cyttrt: House • rdny•ovonitiif. Sow - aut.:ltrant; and 1:1,41 tyittiLan< Will • .11mail who ,trolaq g l A' 4 !ii iilo 4 of the question by reading tli iF •,1 Trrib") , r and last Tear's 2'ribune. ailiourned term of Court hl in this village last Friday and Saturday , r bearing motions and arguments. Orant and Wilson Club was orzanized ist SatUrday evening at Tioga. "rho old toptiblican ranks' . are conning for action. —While excavating in The Park at Tioga, tones '‘vere found that contained large quan- Wes of iron. 1f they had contained copper, wouldn't 10.e . been so surprising. —The Presbyterian society will hereafter old their meeting in BoOn & Cone's Elnll tail further notice, on account of enlarging heir church. --The Corning Dr hwerat of htst week }ins :1!1' a column of good hits pn the new P. 11. it that place. Those laugh best who laugh --Two hundred Denioera6 in the city of have signed the call for a Grant Only seventy-firo Repii`blicans t avo gone over to Grneley —The TQmanda Reporter says it under q•ha,l- that Mr. Harry Ward, recently par nw.l out of prison, ig to take the stump for Bllchalew and Greeley. All right. —no following are the names of new post L , 111..P,. recently established in Bradford coun t, Birney, Evergreen, Powell, and FL tof Plane. • 7 --Thr Cornin g . Democrat ai j s , "The unity friends of A. H. Gorton, Esq., will bit paha , l to learn that he is eery sick. Ho.' is -tiff, rim; from an attach of cerebeo-sirinit/ - The trouble, with the 'strikers_ at Will oulemort i over; the troops have nearly all frone home, and the rioters are out on bail. 11q., ;11g 1194 their dance the next thing in or pa:i' the piper. -At the Republican County Convention i,, , id in I.oCkI IT last Aveek Tuesday, Jain, Chatham of that place Was named for cm:nice in COIIa:Ce:3C. s u bject to, the eh ion the conference. Ile wa., author t,, mune his oIVII conferees. I , arn of Mr. Hosea Kennedy in dr , troyed by tire on Monday July 22t1, together with it, contents. al,,,ut file hundred dollars, partly cox r,Lc- in , uranre ; , _upposed to be the work urnn inr,,nrimry .0.11/1 hs shown iv.: ft letter farm C 1.,11 r, tornJ - 1v of .11a11 , 11.00 - 1 in 11;i: “ah: V froi now in Salim-county, Kftligftg Ut 1 kVaq a 1 r ni(011 and a pric. '" t• :;le s' , o,ith (luring the war; be "goe.. h c we nt, for the eel/As, tine ct• i= n. for Grant and. \Y113,-on. :Nrcrl;scl'e that at oboi l t '.n•t Thur, , Any n.rning, a dweriing , ;1, , ,..-111,1,(1 and underguing ~ ,0 121,. iu ,!. , itaattnl lathe niiin.rvinl r.p:, 1 .11,1,f tt • ;f t etwitif- t y:, w e t vcd."‘‘ne.l 1, I)ennir, Afe'Altinn aural doubtthe Ivor': of nn ~,try Ali "11 print . l ., Z NOM bUyS 110 r arY gt,oas has iiritcrett a pair of fifty cill:a for her wedding. She wrote Co tile it,. tk.h:1111. as Coth - iws: " You may git me and fir,liionablist yott can find. I)arii wciteti , e, fir l'tn going to marry a W 0.4 Rt..kory nil man." E't I S itre occurred th place this morning that redtrced the Starner to 11SIICF. The tire or from some unknown cause.— the promjit action of the railroad bAnd., who were ut work cloFe by, and the (.1 141 . 11., that gathered soon as the alstrn was g , ven, the house and corn house, - that were ? , parated by only a few feet from the burn ing buildings, were saved. The barns were slightly insured.; About 51,1300 worth of V+bala:o was burned on which there _was no inqtrauce. Had the house burped, the loss would not have been less than $O,OOO. The lass twill full very heavily on Mr. ;Starner. The loss on J. Rathbone's barn that was burned a few days since has been promptly settled by J. H. &J. D. Campbell, ngents'for Williamsport Insurance -company. Cox. Nelson, August. 1, 1812, GRANT AND WILSON IN LAWRENCE. A Rousing Out-Door Meeting Thom ' was a lade andentlitishistic.ineeting at Law renceril I e last Saturday afternoon held under-the auspices of 'the Lawrencerant and 'Wibien Club. ,-'Work - that- called togethep the good men :and trite, : et• that townshiv- was the raising -of n -Giant - 'and NiliKui pole. Although in the nil 44 of the busy season for tarruers i .:the true Republi cans efit,liat region ewe forth- by Seems and luindreils to raise ,aloft the banner of that great l&ider who never has been' beaten and never. will' be,-4e have Horace Greeley's word for that,—and by tpeir strong and will ing hands the work was soon done, and the Old Ping was flung to the breeze one hun dred and eleven feet from the earth. An amusing and signideantibature of the iiereise's was the burying of an old copy of the New York Trilnow which \ins crammed full of the protective tariff arguments Mr. Greeley so * delighted in a, shOrt time ago.-L That gentleman having surrendered his, con-, vietions on that point, it wag'thought fitting that the Protective Teibune which died last 'Nifty, should be buried out o ' f sight and smell of honest men.:-.10 that necessary work was done sorrowfully, but decently and in or der, in; befitted the funeral of the dear depar ted: The active work being over, the .meeting was called to order by Mr. J. H. Mather, the President of the Club, and the speeches wore proceeded with. Addresses were made by How. J. B. Niles and .Toll_ll 1.. Mitchell, ,of this village, and P. E.. Smith, Esq., of Tiogn, They were all good, stirring speeches, and Were most enthusiastically received by the p :iembled multitude. 'While thespeaking.was in progress, a disciple of Gratz ECOWII, being a little too much -- -"elevated,"'undertook to create a disturbance - ; brit ho Was soon squelched, and good feeling again prevailed: Tho meeting concluded with' music by the martial hand, the. firing of -a salute, and hetirty cheers for Grant and Wilson. Our friends inform us that there are Init one or two Greeley Republicans in the Whole' township, while the trUe men of Lenience, worthy that grand name, don't propose to give up the ship of Republicanism, whoever else proves traitorous or cowardly- in this campaign. They are harmonious' rid en thusiastic, rind are rapidly taking the end in the county for vigorous work. They have already put up, two Grant - anti Wilson poles —on last SattiMay week at:Somers' Lane and the one mentioned above—and another of the Samo's - ortis to be raised next Satur day on the premises of William Thomas, a leading Democrat of the (township. Two years ago the Republicans Polled 184 votes,' and now they have about. 200 . iutrrie,s on their Club roll and are taking more every day. The-men who know claim they will give a larger majority for Grant. than they ever gave before,, for any' ticket. And the Way theyare leading off in the campaign shows they mean what they say. The other townships must look well to their laurels if they would not be outstripped at the polls by the true men of Lawrence. . CLASPING HANDS, &C Greeley and Gratz Men in ouneil. The Court ITouso in this village was. well tiled lag Saturday evening , in response to the "Liberal" eall to organize t Greeley and 3risvn Club.. A large part of the spectators i verd Republicans attracted to the meeting by cu r iosity to witness the um departure ( our "Liberal" friends from the Republica camp, and the clasping of hands °ver the chasm which separates Republicanism from the co-called Dtlnoerney of these modern OM After ft tune by the Brass Band, Dr. W. W. Webb called the meeting to order and nominated Mr. Henry ralpbramand of Char le,:ton for Chairman. Mr. Palphramond took the chair, and Dr. Webb waved that Langltor Bache and C. K. Thompson of this ,village, be Vice Presidents, The motion was carried and Dr. Thompson took his place by :d - . side of the Gliairinon. Dr. 'Webb then:nominated A. L. Ellsworth for Seere tory, and he was elected nod sneered on th e duties of See: m. Dr. Web ) or se and said that Mr. Bache ...k... declined o set s• e as Vice President, atuL he nominiii ed W. T., nint,h,,,,,-.f!..t. iliat. },h,5.,, , , and he was eleetcd. The Chairman proceethid to call idc;ml fel' Mr. Mothers, but thatgintle man did not respond. Somebody said he Was not p resent.% I Dr. Webb arose and nominated Bateman - Monroe for Vice President, and he Was elec ted nod took his seat. Then Dr. %Vebb arose and nominated B. .B. Webb for Assistant Secretary. The meeting eoncurred, and Mr. Webb put in an appearance at .the clerk's de%k. The Chairman then said the meeting was celled to organize a Greeley and Brown' Club, and to ratify the Cincinnati nomina tions, lie thanked the audience for their hinditeE,s and, consideration, and called for ,ome music. After the band had played a tune, the Chairman said that his healt was not good, and he felt a little timid; felt its though he wonted to getout of the way. lie was glad to see so many here to-flight, and especially glad to see the ladies. He had never forgotten thot,bis mother was a Wo man I He was an anti-Grant man before he Wdo a Greeley man. At ono time he thought he should have to stand alone, but he then' t of some doggerel poetry and took heart.— And now.he had plenty of company. When he thought, that this was a matter affecting the welfare. of the whole nation ;'when be thought we are to elect to the Presidency a philosopher, a first-class journalist, and al man who will p rove himself hereafter a great' statesman, he felt satisfied with the coo any lie was in. He then introduced Profe p sior Allen of MitllSfield. Pion Allen said it gave him pleasure to meet a body of citizens like this, and confer with theta as to tlit , political condition Of the country .. . It showed they were intelligent beings, and were willing to hear both rides and decide rationally when to act and how to art. He was glad, too, to address a meeting presided over by an old farmer—ono who had the right ring about liim r one of a large class of men who are to de cide these questions. The paper edited by our lead. leg poet, the Evening Pull, has derided that Mr. Gree ley would get Its many votes as there were copier; of the Weekty Triton" issued, and that calmed him to feel emortinged. In thin campaign great bitterness of feeling wee shown at its. very -cOnlilleneemeut. Ho was sorry to sec it. lie hadhoped we could discuss the great duei.tions of the day without personalities. lie believed the history of the country and of the" world tdinivedj that no party eonid i i, iii riiii mu g i n p 0,,,,, without be rfoniino c;mitt. it sects to perpetuate ifs owe rule, anirwra:k„ Mr how bard it is to break the Poner of a party to 41nne..,:essful. We remember hou many years we bad in toil te - -brealt the power of the old Democratic party. When we finally succeeded, we attempted to run the Government Inc' ltopublivon way. We contiulted in that way until the great issnee for which ire had Contended were dead. Then the men at the head of the Republican - party said to thene :Avec,. Let us Make unto oulselvcs wags t hat ghat' - keep us here. And so they passed laws authorizing tine's ai,ebtil to go Into the election precincts 10 eent:ol the :nits. Tin 1 e w*, )c men in that party hi wheouThe reople had eonfidr nee mid to -whom they could 10. I. lip. 'IL( y u ere strum.: nom—men of marl:. What , %- el. they said ou soy rplestion was hajlea as a signal set.'. 'Who are these men, and 'there" rue they he clan? Coot, iet the leading Grant tutu with them. Ma pelit,chies, demagegms and wirepuliers control the Chie;nmiti o,m - critical ? There was Ilian it.ii -ruble% who eoull hale foerbdd what that ee t Mention ttc4ad do. Who were there'' Slue:wads, t e papers „,-i . va ifAc , •,,c, c i,., their constituene,es ? Who Rent them foal) to reprcrent the feelont of thernipie li it e. as the ;nohow,: of the people that coon' died that ~,,, tit ~..n. .1 her( no dematlretueS. They say it was tinder the ne,nu 0! 0 ) 11.,. I ; e ine, rats. They put froth a platform Which ,‘- ,•, y j1,1:11131“1111 lila- ort.r.l. W ere Dcrt:oerets' the) t)?-- \that Iten - WeratiC tle.;Ztt.a was thrust upon them 1 ft an; ahno,t ohpossilde in this camp:Owl to determine wh.l the issues illionlit be. The obi issues Were Iliad. ;toil Aouht he 1)=101 o i l o r s i g ht. but w e kan i, ,,, , 5i,,,,, - ,,-,:ii ,, , foitnlit against that; they were foi nob tin,: IL. ,1-1 questions °ter again, 'hut the peepie ItemaNded le ..t It—op-A. it et the ttpritigg ~f the Dv:a:l,s, net the I; thh. r.,... We knew before the Italtimme C6lllt 2:1 , ,,, tliat they must indorse the platform an d thr e t ,a,.. t. . it is ehareed that we who voted for Gratitais! 10 i hie arano,t the Rei obliean party. Wo did voteifor GI itt.t 'Si e 0 ent,ll to ieward him for his great aerrlees, iira 1t... voted for him as a tine-term man. and he Was their a one-term team, Pot when the leaders like 'Dad Murphy toond they solid control hint by pre,et,h-t while they managed things, they detertnineil I o i lin) him again. apd perhaps they wilt want to rim him flu' a third term. For a lung time you have felt thorn wits nemetleing %%roue. As you sat down Saturday, night to read your paper, min ther it was the Aorrierou. my Elmira Adc. , fos,r, or a Now York paper, you have (ono(' thilip,a were not going smoothly—that. there N, as S.ltlatilllg 'a roue down at Washington. When ?titt le). w as recalled ' from England, there was rumbling in the , fonds. When the President tried to annex ;tante) noniittge anti Sumner said there was a scheme 0,1 f of to tiILTITIV3 MS Government, you felt there was snim, thing ominous taking place. When the Chairman of (hi Committee on Foreign Affairs was Mined writ and Simon Cameron put in his place, it looked dart , in deed. Then we felt that these ;ryl Were t, ) it% to perpetuate their own power. I amt very veil post ed in political matters, teal have picked ups few tacks like this: A great part of the papers of the count,y are edited by men who bold Wilco. Do you khow bow ninny Republican editors there are in ware cling: the nue of the Erie road, for instance? The other ni g ht there came it flash of.the telegraph at Corning. and Pratt, the editor there'. was. made Postmaster there and a good man turned out whom the people V, anted kept in. You ought to have been at Corning, as I was that night, to see how the Grant men felt over Pratt's appointment. lot it will not last long. He was put in by a Raab, and he will be putout about as quielr.—' We shall want new Postmasters all around EOM You cannot pick pp a paper that (lota net pervert facts-- There are rings all over—big rings In the nation and' little rings in the county. There bas never been such a eluinco as now for.the _people to break down these rings. Decide what shall be your duty—whether you will purtutao s carmt Maxdaistrattett. NQ' party ever yet corrected ita own corruption. The only hope is in breaking up the old parties and forming uew ones, Dr. Webb arose and raid V. A. Elliott- one trick and unable to attend. He had a letter from him which he 'handed -- to - the -- SecretaiT 10-read:-"That-gelittardeb found the job a difficult one, but finally reached the embof litr.-Elliott's long letter, runeta-4,lgeitieereedef of the Vcader and the audien* ,-, ,, 5i- -g,1 , --:.7 ~..- D r,Oltebitarosts and moyedehri4i Coma:ill/Zit of Ave be A 01064 ter, - ,repitttt a Per grAbentrattr4zation. The motion - Was --; eirrided,,,, - ThbAiainillin eitiggehted that tir-Weyer name the conintittd(i. k- i 11.1,6 ;• . :Dr,'Webil,arnseltlid 4rtaillino wentakegfrrie 'Wm. T. Ihriberit — Brtif. Vint/leg:4d .1, - , 4 ,ll.elhilratieron that cow :Millie.- llaern , after a - prime. 1/.r4Viegtilkieritt he thol 'it world beherittliatthenther two Urea on. the corn natter+ should bet4:hitnioerrita../10: - Yiptc16 Rehr , '" Yea; ,ACinkeild Henry fiberwood," and..lbe-crOwd Pingheil. 'Dr. Welk tiald - he weidditiatroreWiriter;Sfuirstoed and Juectli liretitibenitaifthe,,ollierrileinbilfie ,--- , s''''...' ' The Chairman asked IDr/Webb if there 'was any more business, and Dr. Webb replied by polling on Se it, Elliott; of klansfield, - tospelik. ' Thet' gentlerdah at once 'reaptintied.- Het - avail be ,wia 'net mic"itirt pro. ' grentrue, but didatt want do -- , be left ; Malt Itucertain position, He deprecated the bitter : Weil, Of the can vass. hien filopdaitleue ifs i Wetter tif .Creidelence— of right. They feel keenly the centinreauiVeentunre ly beeped upon them. lie didn't knew how it was Lure, but at kfautrileld the' burden of the talkie c"Cop perhead," "Sorehead," "Jeff. Davit niaii."te. • Ile said he admired the President for his militery tpiall» UL's. fie led us through the deep; 4 04 :if i'4 1 49 0 1 war, to ailleP(43l , l, and achieved fur ter. tegriett'•itle,torY.` lint his mind in a militarY, Olin, and nni-Attedtn,kPikillaad erminp. A President../e.not , cominstaler or me:people, but merely the executive of thepopular• - Willy :pen. Grant has, of necessity almost, dreweithelTuVerninent into the form or a personal government differing but little from a ltingdomor an empire. ,The - iberalselid not like tinteuer's removal, tier, the San 'Mirage sc h e me, but a - deaf oar was turned to all ottr,coree plaints. They naked for civil aervice refers:tenth/But ler told them it was a humbug. These wrirOjettekla for the - split in theßepublitern party„ It -la - the -plan now to deny every charge. If ..we speak ,of frauds, they deny their existence. If Ave tell. them of Dar tranfes connection with the, Evens fralldr,theYentY: Will you believe your eyes ? . If we apeak.of. Murphy, they pay, Will you believe your confouitited old; tsyes ? But they tray Greeley, was neenintited by ,the Dome crate, and that they ere not conveirtekto, Ilkaulalican prieelplea- But when one Democrat joins the Iletrub- Warm they are glad. Was it not right' for Giant to turn Itepublieen 1 , And if it wits right fer - OnOMin, is it net right for three millionnreril The IgaApty to-day are not thoeo of twelve years ago. He bad heretofere belonged tattle party of progress, anti that party is to-Owen the defensive, and,liie new p4ty is llne pre. gressivb one, The speakiti p,roer;eiled tdatandian the defensive end excuse : Greeley for bailing .Teft,balilin— Ho said Grant load 'paroled !R. - eel - ind debriatinWar- - naive, and so had baited thonettuda of rebela,";Ailit ho comtneuded him for it,. t lle Irak! they were r hood of breaking up the Reptabljeipttraity;LbutAii", tietylrad , turned a deaf car to all, their , noniplaintn. - ~, a ehis, e,d by proposing-one more epitaph ..,fet:,thia ',/tezahlie.au party: Died through, the detert e lmetten pf,tilee,,MtM to The Chair then made a ieW WVEligicAlt V l6 iii , ii up with the information that be regarded, lie Eireetey as an Angel of- Peace standing with one foßt,ou Vireixersal suffrage and the-other prn.univeriell emneaty. ~ etZet WI have peace." .• t • . _ :-. ~. ...... , There were then cries for .-Steve Itiebards,". and that e,entiernen stepped-forth. iton,,gtenry Sherwood ' saki thie - was the Covington sell-euo, he meant spell. Mr. , Iliclaardevaid that' oaring 'to 'cirenmetancee over which he had no control he was born in Delaware 'comity; N.-Y., in the woods; and never had the, oppe'r- Ginity to ;study a cheap' spelling boolcOttit herbed; learned to frearreterYbody as a gentleman who•wall Ike. , set high.. lie didn ' t bellow c in.a thuton• Waned tow i - Alter with bayonets.. He bad been gendeeed _rather tenons by a county paper, and he knewlie waa Cell i out becausetbe audience wanted mores the'lgnora. Ins. "So here I am, six feet high, 200Votnkla weight, a yard wide, all wool, and for Itorradti GreeleY :every time." Ilferaco Greeley wentto New - yeek with his trowscrs and shirt wrapped up le a harelkejeltief,'and now we are going to elect [bootee President, The , speaker ueyer thought he was higher or holier than. a 1 Democrat I Ile Led beenready to grasp bands with I the South at any time. It had been hisprivllege to bo held up to ridicule.; but if the Demur:vatic party could take him, be would rejoice with exceeding great joy to grasp tiltirlaatide and ;ielp clavate Horisee - pegeley to the Preettlency.- - ---, -• , -'• e 5,,,., - ,.....,„ t - t . The Chairman said he and Richards Werentnong tie mud eills that never bed the spelling book. -i., -,. Hoe. Henry Sherwood wan then ,called for, ant/ made a speech which, we regret to say, OW apace will r,o) al low us to report very fully, Ile sidle he wan en the Cin cinnati fled, palproce 0 platform, and that it was the ' proudest momerit of big life. Some of his friends would like to he. an account of his stewardship at Washington, but pie boor was too late for that. He then proeeptied lo erithes'e the Philadelphia platform, claiming that the , Republicaras in adopting it were not honest and since - c—that such stuff was an Insult to the intelligence o _the people. 40 praisedOen, Grant as a . military mai ,'bilt thought he' wall 14 poor Presi item. Ile attack, d hire for 'spending his summers riway front Wash eaten, anti for reef/v . 4lg presents, 1 theneli he admitted the President had never' made, a didlar dishonestly. '• Tom Murphy ' .it wile said, had given him an interest in a cottage at Tlrtinell, and he 31:1,1 appointed Murphy Collector,t' ke, Do the pro ple wish to have a, public, never receiving presents and payiug for thein with offices? ..11e then' pr&betied to extol Horace Greeley, who hail given him and his ma ny Delete:Cloud blows and ieweletiuwu 8,gtiment4.,..,.. , nut he liked courage, Manhood, pluck and determina-' Men, and a square sharp-tip fight. Ile was going to help elect Burnes, and the Ain:eau stable wprild he ,dearied out and purity rcign epee mere. . • --. M. F. I Mott was loudly celled for. He a: use et the Lack part of the room, and said he was not silly en ough to make a oprech at that late hour. Ito would say nue thing, however.' The gentlemen from Mans. held hed f'` pr, stied tin r surprise at thn bitterness of I the camp den. Perintp,l ii wee surprising to them; tot it they bad known bow tho Democrats felt in .18C:), they would net wonder a bit at the bitter spirit shown now, Wlicti the Democrats saw defeat staring them! et the leas they felt bitter toward limo who were' It :wins them, find el new the Grata Then feel r h bitter to-, ward thoa:J V.llO are desertir g them. - , 'etre De,rtitiCiatiit feel bettt-ow. He - himself was a . .oreeley. num as noon as M.:was nominated ?it einciiiiieli, 13altittiore or' no jf a ttimor l .. 11,0 Vomi t / Democracy had been for yi :ars. cfmo'::ed to the p,arty plattlorres. IleVas opposed to the party management in M 63, when they 'under tea: to roil a war min 011 a peace platform. Ile eas opy,c,sed hi:the management Mi.:4:VMM so erpreased himself our the :dump. This political revolution had ' Leen opposed by tho old Democrats and the leading cigars—by tho New iOlll Wertit Mid Chicege Pelts, and by Den Yeerheth in Compress; laet it him gone on. nevoetitelere Tier oht party leadern wanted to oppoSe tief•ro eliova. l e • lint he .:0111C1tOt stand that tee wankr the naltimere Convention, and hi, knew that the 666 votes cast for Horace Circeley infant /brace Greeky, and nothlrg else. The votes fir Black and the votes for Bayard were the votes of the fossilized, Bourbon Dcitiocutey. He thought it senseless to talk about the past 'FSLIC'S of the war; they are dead, and we went to bore-them cat of.tright. - - , ,:, Dr Webb arose and moved Viet - the :meeting ad journ for owe weeks. The !notion was carried, • . The Clhanman, said ho had a letter from a lady who wanted to take the stirrep 'for Greeley. She wrote him, "I um a Greeley woman; what aro you?" She esked him. " Wouldn't it be nice If me and my red man could go to the polls and vote together this' fall 7" Atter the Chairman got through, Dr. Webb arose anti suggested that - they give three cheera'tor Greeley and Brown. The audience did so, and then'they all went home. By some strange oversight, the miscegenation com mittee on organization forgot to report - i and tiq tie Greeley and Orate. Club is still without boil. But tlicu it's a tench tQ egpget opt: man to attend to every(hi To TII E 11EMBEIW OF TILE EAST - GENESEE CONFERNNCE OF 'ME M. E. Cutr . actt.—Dear Brethren :—AP by the unanticipated action of the recent General Conference, we are not expected to meet again as an ecclesiastical body, - it seems to be necessary and desirable that w should meet in convention, before our fond separation, for the mirpase of Te ndjilsting OW Conference Institutions, and for the transaction of such other business as may be deemed needful or expedient. We, therefore, having had sonic onporth nity for consultation, do hereby take the liberty of inviting and requesting all the members in full connection, and' the -proba tioners of the East G enesee Conference, and the Lay Delegate:3'of the last'session, togeth er Witlithe Lay Delegates elected this year (in expectation of another session,* to :meet in C6nvention at Mount Morris, N; Y. on Ptirediry, the thirteenth day of August, prox imo,_at 2 o'clock p. D." D. Buck, W. It Goodwin, F. Mo rey, P. E. D. W. C. Huntington, p. E., A. Suthcriand, P. E-, IC, P. Jarvis, P. E., and 08 others, • A TERRIBLE A caniwt—Tho Epitomis , of last week give= nn neconnt of an aeciden by which the oldest native of Williamspor wet t•ud(ren and horrible death, as fol lewv: A fatal mvidollt oveurrsql n little lifter six o'clock. last Thursday evening, one which, from the ago and the extensive acquaintance ofthe victim, rent thrill-of horror 'through our whole community. A few minutes be fue the occurrence, _Sirs. Margaret R. Tin ling, the vietnn, and her sister, Mrs. Maj. Chao. Low, who resides on Market street a doors from the railroad crossing, left the house of the latter for the purpose of enlling on 2.otne of their friends. Their direction ia.% N rket street, across the railroad, and a- they approached the track they obseived the 1i:10 passenger train' from Harrisburg, coming -slowly - towards - them. - Mrs. ` Low refined to cross hefot.e the train arrived, surd advised her sister not to attempt it; but lkirs. puling thought there was no danger and I ; ept on in spite of the caution, and would have pa,ised over in safety, but, in some way Hot fay known, tripped and fell 00 the track. The train wastoe close to he stop ped before it reached the unfortunate lady, and she was crushed beneath the engine and almost instantly killed. Her body was man gled in a most frightful manner. Mrs. puling was the oldest person in -Wil liamsport who was born within the limits of the {pre ent city. She was the daughter' of Miehatsl Ross, the t)riginalproprietor of the Wit! where the whole business portion of i the eitA; now stands, was horn on the' 4th ot uguA, 17:r2, a nil would have been eighty yeitrs old on the 24th of next month. Her friends _were already preparing: to give her ala pproi.ri* t•CfjobTadtVal' oit the oecasiou o was Ow mother of Ruling }RI v oral i:ow and daughters well known to,all our ofd citizens. her fife having been spent here, her aectuaintanee - was very ex tensive, and she enjoyed the loVe.and respect Of all who knew her. Sadness to-day pre vades the circle ()Hier large family and: Of nunierous'attached and loving friends. Clicr!'s F .-. lonV.--The the p..‘ttutla 4.. f luillt teceive f'a,toty, afi v.. , the VI of Jul w. I'. Simla way 1'2647 u. I Sala; r, P.P2 9887 41,1 ;3517 '25138 6868 J. b. I.llisn 13. ClattO 1,0.. claw! (.. etoPe. w. Pt alie MEM BM DEEM ESM lESEI S. 11)11s =I I= Horp Y. 13ocr.I.ms! ClauFt • 4.. V. Rabb, A. Lameht. 7:>29 641 170:5 440 E. Peale L.Kimball ! 8. Pratt:eau' Clarke , 88 35001 M= =I D. G. FAwavia Total, POTTIER--St. BARNAIift---At Om M. E. Part;ounge, 111 Charleston, July 28.187.2, by ltev. tl. S. Transno liff:PT'A':'Potternt and of Bt. C,luir, Mich. AIJsTiN—WILB/N8011 ; —At it:smartie phuv and 'Jun,' Py thpPAltlyo,lro Aorta utql Aliso Alakyea, Ai Ilk- Incoq. 10f440--.14211810D4 3r ;:7 e. VAUGiIN—WOODBOI.bir--In Arnot. Jltly 11, 15171, by Tim P. Tilit Itivanit of /1104 di. g Mr. J,y. V nitot and nes Sarah Woodbouco 141101 11p nun. N -_ AI the Ilr:Ar's Art.A, on the everting of July Kw, ;IA w ii.tw- Kendall, Mt. Andrew stek.uootott ntnt Stns raten N.- non, all of Amor. goyag—ln Chatham, July 21, 0172, allr. Iderlow Boyce, aged 59 yearn, 2 Itt. , tiths dull la dap+. New f Yolik , ol* Mardiet.l, 1 1.-,1 , _ ,-,. ! f - _,-- . COrtilr,,CTl:l) WELI3IiII 1/1( . I'' • IZIAnD/NO, IiAIDEN 4 ix), I Produce Comtnlaston Alerobauts, SSA WaaLlutiton tit lisw Yong. Jura , `..10, 1873. Dotter per lb " ' • •" ' ' '2ll - . 1099 - eta' • Cheesy "" '- • .1- ' „ ..... 10 ' 'to 'll C; Lard , " . .... 9 lo 9.54 " . Tallow " 9 4 to 91( Dried Apples 10 toll " Etops per lb . 'is to fib ." victim clearly itidiscrytiou, vaiistug nervous 4e flinty, premature decay, An., baying Wed in yaks every advertised remedy, has discovered a atroplo means of aeitcuro, which ha will seed free, 41 his fullow•: offer• era. J. H HERNE% 78 Haa,saii at ., '. 4 .4tw Yu/ L Jell, /, 1 72. 1 3 i ,‘ - 1.1,: ?5, 11: V,4', ram. '', l t ' Dissolution, IMe pa worship beretogyv exiat'ng under the Bret 1, name f Hoyt and Duubar, Music, !Maier's, at Oace. ola, Ea., as ,dlssolved on the Sd day cdangu'at , rlB`i, .by mutual coriseut. ' . ' ' ..I: (1,HOX11: Osceola; July 7, 1872-301: p. ptimat: _._ Pa 4 Up. ALL perilous tuff ebted to airs • C, P. Smith I untf. linery are requested to pay upiat once o co-t Will be made. ?La C. P. S TEL ~ • OTICE is hereby given that the followiuti applies -1,11 tions for Charter will he made to the Court of Coln mon Pleas of Tlogo, county, on the 2.ath dav of Miguat next Tor allearing In the premises, at which U 641114 applicatiohs will be Granted if ito ottleettou is made petition, qtPetgr ctomoron..:4E,. Mean an 4 others, for citartcr of incorporation of the ' , First Presbyterian Church of arnc.a." Petition of P. D.:Bhaff, #tosea French,. Jolla a and (AAA, for Quarter l a tStip4rpi)ratt6ll,:of h - Disttiet Ctlifnfitary Aaaoc Zion' Ang. 7,1.872-9 w. 3. F. DONAU) ON. 9P3E1C341 .11311:11ailrr 1 Ma ud tll. Washing l a now in use is . • - Colby's Little —Mahe - i 1\ Mwaßb to meanest, they work the West, ast tho Longest, they are the, Light et and most Durable. The agent Is now iu town taking or ders for them. De sure and get one. ',CICCI t,s' r Aug. 7,1872-2 w. 'lf. 0. KELLEY, Ain't. )1 Now i Grocery ancl. -B&slauf atil, a , .., . ..,.4 . " ----14: . 11T($ 11; %1 I. ' r r i aglV S At e U l l 3 l Mlttn e jett Stib l e * A 4ll l l 4 Cleorge Ilantlngs, the Ara (loor 1,01,-,vi it„„ ne r, L 00, 16 Fie has a full awl fresh Block of title Groceries & Confectioneries whieh will be sold cheap for rash. Particular attention will be pelti 10 the wants of the "Inner man." WhitNl MEALS •will bo tnrulahed at all llottre, 'Eery delicacy will bw tatpplistl:ln its tieal son. Fresh Oysters, Clans, Labeters, Flesh Fish, etc., ife., will be itunished for the table lu the hest style and on the shortest iuotist). Cull in pliti aver NVOlsboro: /i72-tial` ; "F: Sheriff's Sales. Y VIItTUE OF sundry writs or Ifieri:Paclaa, Lova. ri Facian, and Venditioni Exponaa, issued out of the Coto t of Coeunion Pleas of Tioga county. and to toe directed, I will expose to public sale, , , to itielhielleat and beat bidder, at' the mutt algDyitifif wcilahoro, on Monday the 2Gth day df Arignat, 1872, at one o'clock P. It., tie following described propel ty, viz: A lot of land in Ilreeldleld tov, ; Isnuldea on the mouth by lot No. 131 contracted 1.0 ,NoWto. Bcp-, jamin George; west, north and .-ant by 14iida t;titiveyetl to P. P. liforris, administrator of the Ertste efjehr, lam deceased, containing 60.7 aorva. With allowance, helm , : lot No 07 of the allotment of the iambi of the Bingham estate in Brookfield township, anti ppmt-'of :warrant No. 1061i14ith about 23 acres improved. To be sold as the property of Douglass 1). Cook,i Suit of the, illnahant TrUsteea. ALSO- A lot of land in Westfield; nomnie