- v -USEFUL AND SUGGESTIVE Chemistry of a Hen's Egg. Within the shell the animal portion of the egg is found, which consists of a viscous, colorless liquid called albumen, or the white anti a yellow, globul fIV mass called t he v ite My ,or,yak. The white of the egg consists Of two parts, each of which is curelopoll inch's find. metubranes. The outer bag of :Abu \ men, next the shell, is quite a thin, watery body, while the nest, which invests the yblk, is heavy and thick. gut few hdlisekeepers who break eggs ever distinguish betiveen the fire whites, oi know i llf their existence even. Each has its apliropriate office to fulfill during-the progress' of. incubation or 'hatching, and one e i acts, in the mysteriOus process, as unpiirtant a part: as the other. If we remove this glairy fluid fronrthe shell and place it in a glass and plunge into it a stripe of redden ed litmus paper, a Idue tinge is immediately produced which indicates the presence of an alkali. The alkali is soda in a free condi tion, and its presence is of ,the highest con sequence, for NVltiiotit - it. the'liquid would be inmluble. , A portion of the white of egg when dilu ted with water, and a few drops of vinegar or acetic acid added to it, undergoes a rap id change. The liquid becomes clond- mid flocculent, and small hits of shreddy matter fall to the button of the vessel. This is pure albumen, made su by removing the so Iht held in combination by the use of tlic acid. A rpinch of soda added to the solid precipitate redi9solves it, and it is liyalLi liqUid. : ... • . . 'I here is finother way by which the allm• men is rendered solid,, and that is 4 the application of heat. Eggs plated in boiling water pass from the soluble to the insoluble state quite rapidly, or, in other words, tin' albumen both of the white and-theyolk la.- «nnes "coagulated." . . No contrast can he greater than that bc tween a boiled and unbolted egg. Not onl t is it changed physically, but there is a change ' in chemical properties, and yet no chemist can tell in what the change consists. At i true that water extracts a little alkali, and a trace of sulphide of sodium, but the ab• straction of these boi'lles is hardly sufficient to account for the Change in, question.— Rre, , iele &knee. _ Barn Architecture. ~ t. There are'few department:,., regard to which we have more frequent in quiries titan the construction of farm build especially barns. No . one can travel over the State and observe the gradual im provements which are taking place in the tarn building uitlibut ft feeling of gratified pride in thig indiration'' of enterprise and protperity. Who does not remember the old Puritan barn, oblong in shape, of a size adapted to the extent of the farm, without ft in ndation, witlyait cellar, Ni ith an under pinning that allowed a free On ulaliun „t air atound the of cattle and liui es, the Ade: 1101110 d, boari, hto, had :lirnnli.o a: to admit the wint,l anti light and allord f (tuundance of vetdihition che.. i ,e old settler. art cict:eiiiunally lnet with ;it the piezieut day, and they serve to e:oind us of ;he du s of our fattier.;, and to .tierea,e our 'confidence in the poweN of en .foranee of our doinebtie animals. It is gratifying to know that the march ut hamovement has begun.' The farmers 01 the preseu day, many of than at least, have opened their eyes to the necessity of illl lolo% C1111:11f, and most barns that are now built arc furnished with. a cellar, which is considered indiepensittle ill the economy .tml management of a farm. An enterpris ing farmer would as soon think of buildina, a home 1N- idiom a cellar as a barn, nor is It thought important to leave the wide cracks that formerly existed to let in the cold winds upon the stock and mound the hay mow.— It has been-found by .experience that hay keeps better in a tight barn and close mow, than where it is exposed to sifting winds Warmth saves food. Besides the details of construction arc more carefully studied so tts to have every thing arranged conveniently, while neatio,gt., and outside appearance are seldom over looked. There are certain general prinei pies which may be considered as of nuiver • .t t application in the construction of a barn. :'ome of them are alluded to in a very semi I.le and practical report on the subject sub mitt ed to the lieekshire Agricultural Society; I.y tlrren Benedict, who after enumerating and descrilting the many at:NV barns AN hiCil base been httilJ in llerkshire et'atlity during the least season and recomntending them a$ modcls to, those who intend to build, says: . .. _ . "The four principal purposes to be, ac complished in barn arebiteetaire are : com modious storage for the crops, comfortable quarters for the stock, convenient pet fOrnk amp of labor, and the econonmfal 4a‘she2 of manure Many of our farms Itac too nizinY outlmit4lings, a barn here, a barn there, a !r:t nary in one place, and. 4, hennery in still unit ter AS a general nth it is more evo mint cal and convenient to have all -the otb ; ces of ihe barn toiler one root*. 1 'tiff rot “Ili ?iin --Wi>o f:rmer to us once, 'many m o jolt to more shingles than tin y can ~iipport.' The s:tine roof will cover a lwascinent and two stories as well as one story, awl the less -atling you expose to the weather the better. We f leAre particularly to commend let.te ments to barns. They give .1 solid fountla lion on which the sup( .:?at teture can he t4.areti without fear of be.wiling lopsided or traveling Off with the winn er's w iml or frost. They furnish warm stabl ng for stock, safe housing for roots, and shelter for manure. There is a possibility, howevt.,r, of securing w armth in basement stables at the expense of light and air, and consequently of the health of the stock. V a have been in some basement stables where the air is so foul that w e were conscious of breathing poion. ', 1 animal can thrive where there is not a ; . ~1 circulation of fresh air. This can be • ..,1 red by having ventilating tubes run from l-ezen3ent to the roof of the barn. With t.,,,, should be connecting tubes bringing I. -It air from'some I ‘ , \ , .ia• elevation. Next to air and '.Lod, we place sunlight, ,-,-entlal to the l,.„111 of the stoek. The turior animals as well as al Li! delight in a ,on kith..\ cow basking a dm sun and ;hewing her cud demurely with her eyes' half shut, seems to be in the paradi:-e of cows. l'reciqely what is the subtile influence which •,unlight exerts on both vegetables and ani mals, ehownsts have beep unable fully to ex plain, but that there is an influence, and a .powerful and salutary one, all must have observed, The plant growing in the shade i:, pale and watery, deficient in woody fibre and mineral elements which give it strength. To the animal the stmliglu is still more im port:to, as its orr - anization is more delicate. It thy one m ishes to know hOw congenial to man - 1.4 the light of heaven, let hint he shut np in a dark room or dungeon for a few days. The fanner who confines his ..tack in dark stables day after day, is not only depriving them of much enjoyment, hot of one of the greatest essentials to health and thrift. The stabl6 should there. hay be on the south side of the barn and he ell glazed." We - ztre glad this subject is attracting in ?, p m i.ea , c4.l attenih , ,w I, and we shalj, hoe fro mut to time to iiresclit 4 more I) • less minute .icseliptions and dctail of improved barns, ~ .,,oie oi which may serve as. 11 guble for (host' who arc rebuilding-or building - anc , .v. --.1/ .•• ,. • ,,.. 7'tqqatv iloi!-/itait . The Pi rcheron Hors'. A correspondent of :1 N. 'Y. paper hat: heea veatio:r a herd of recently impottedl'erche r, MS, writei: This horse has a b e autiful head, a t TUC Arab eye and ear, fold is as gen tie as a two year old filly. As an evidence of their great: kindness of disposition, ten of them stood on three sides of a :Anon stable, and there was not-the least sign of kicking or hit or any sort of roughness, and with • oleic exception they all allowed them- Helves to be approached and petted by total strangers, without an expression of dislike, ant rat her the emu ro ry. We believe the im - port ation of such animals is of very great t-ervice to the country. Our large cities ore iksatiable in their demand for heavy, fast walking, - powerful, tough, draft horses, for the express and railroad freight business. r ---- ktur agriculture is demanding heavier tenths and deeper plowing, and the spirit of our people is too fast for the ox. We want the power of the ox with the speed of the horse. Nothing should give • a greater impetus to the plow than the, tact onnouncedk and de montarotetl, as we believe, by the Commit tee of the N. Y. State Agricultural Society, who made the aWards upon plows at the gteat - Auburn Show, and subsequent trials. This fact alluded to, is that a great • increase of speed in the motion of a plow buttilightly increases the power required to pull it.— Hence, powerful, quick-moving teams are a vast economy of force. The Verclicrows mire bred for Leavy, quick draft, and differ from the Norman horses, in having a more recent infusion of Arabian blood, and in being somewhat lighter, cleaner limbed and lima quicker in their motions. The Normans, now bred, are improving in these respec , while they are not allowed to lose weigh t. Either nick well, with large, "roomy," coarse Mares, which should be sound, good milkers, and lifavy feeders. A CAMPAIGN SONG. , • A,, 7 _ —, _ ; • , - '-' ' ' . NOthing Re Leather - 7 t.- •, In early days our fathers wore Their home-made bucksklrthreeches, . . Cut out by guess-work measurement, _ With leather whangs for stitches. And now their sous are celled again . . TO rally 'neath the Monter . . Borne by those men of leather craft., The Cobbler and the Tanner. ; The Nor,th and South, the East and West, . : Will Work and sing together. Aud march to &rime' vietoryr. ~. - .I.*Or noihieg vas:walla leather 1 ', ~ ; , 1.. l ! ',- • • .:, i We have rome jobs on ruciajttel pelts, '. = And have the hands to do them; Our Grant will neatly- curry tins', Anti Wilson wiz It to them! . . The chopper up at Chappapia ' play go on with his planning; We'll let him furnish all the Hai k, . But Grant will do the tanning-I The thln-Ained .-begs wilt uppers 'hake, The tough old bides the nether; • The bolting, tne-haul crowd will do, 1.,-.; E'er nothing but split leather! - The ''later Franklin," statesuiau.•sage. Philo:oo6r and farmer,. Retired in eool and ruts! sit.tile..?. AS days grow long and uarmer, - ('an milk the gentle. butternut. That grazes tound with belt on. And pail out butter snett. to: To spread Lis watermelon! Jr he may seize his rt... 143 gem - In :.tunny, iatl y weather, i--!I the world how shoe-is .zq 1.1 - 4.4+; ue itp,ties of smelting lepther I To spoil so hue a husbandman, tt Ito, perched. up tu rho ri , Writ( qtlitt.l3 What' hr• to - er It slimly were a pity. No, b4 - liint laced the 13/A.lt-i,101.11 dad'. And Poland-Cl:hut gobbler— We'll burden with the A.:ilea of dtilu , The Tauuev and (i.e Cobbler! • The grand array of Coinmohwealths They'll bind, an with a tether, Phut uo'ur again slunll Woken Ist,- Fur pothinglnhla liGo lcallict , d • 7- 4 'Thd'virtitit; - and hoz.ealy - Of lloratie they poke at its. As If the tliateinuatt frit°. ?aisle bite a l'invintiatna I And while ho Heels a Beason 6/lE4'l of rural peace and gniet, Ilk, wand' is Ids only drunk, Vine dut his only diet! firs old white Ltd and old white coat • • linve served all lunda of weather;., Ent they ale his priuriples— 'l hey ttIII not trear like leather) 'i Lo squad that songht u.d Chappacpm, 'Co marshal 'heath hhi petition, -Will he slime:hied toineet.oirr flag, -• • - And find there is Al en. on I That flag is bone by gallant bands, Voin• million votes behind'il Alas I where is the mongrel hope? ••eio West"—they caunnt hint it • Like Grant, when in the Wilderness. We'll - in spilt, 01 weather;" And ••;:i this line we'll fight it mit"— . Thmn bothing is like I,:ither•l Then, Freedom's temple, rear it Light and II we need a can-stone, key to thud a 'woken aech, Tali( Healy Wilson's lap-stem) I guard it we must. hav, a wan Who ue,, r halts or I.;;M,S; vl . /11•1113 - soldwrzi fr.ed and true— None belwr than Idl3 sees I ' I he Tulin( r and the Cobbler are The men to ' e l b together, 'NH 3'll 'taut tin /10.1, and Imp it, too -1..411111g a iki t 1Ib• lesth. r 1-, 1,5,,,,1a,11 1' PERSONAL .Sllxe G. F, TT_ is at Long Branch. i;eneral Burogicte is at Saratoga. Nilsson, will be ntarried,9n,thk;9l.lt, Madame Leutner touch iligh'Creasilj7 I:;tokes is said to have spent $7;500 on'Alis • A son of Rachel i cazhier in iiAftir - sic Iles bank. General Freniont and u ife ale sit Mount Desert. Franz Alit and Janinniehek have rsailed for Europe: I Eunice Greeley has been done in sugar by a Kansas confectioner. The Rothsehild9 will have, :a family re union at Frankfort next month. Dion Boneieault and his wife will spend the summer in this country. The Russian Crown Prince and his con sort will visit London next month. • • • Mi:o.sqci6son's troussenn will be one of tlielni)st, elegant even made in Paris. Chief Jusl ice Chase has been visiting the llon li. Lawrence, at Newport. lakey Hall sings Greeley campaign songs, and Llth Teihrtne — lets up" on Gilkey. A New York paper compliment;► Mrs. Ilarry as "the sweet-faced sing,e - r of Boston." That once superb but now slntttc•red tenor, poor old Brignoli, is singing in London.• For the information:of the Democracy-- C;ratz Brown is not a relation of old John Brown. Mr Edwin Booth will begin a this teen ' 4 4.).'N S I :ming- tour in Neu England on the ISt h of September. Vice Pro-talent Colfax has t , l'o-u tip his house at IVtethington, and rear w 4 house hold god s t o South Bend. "li G. stands for 'Honest Government."' —Goltl,l, .lyi. ".11 G. stands for 'Hate . 3, 41.,,.......1 Grant '" -Republicans genefia'. ,I.is.-, Ida Greeley is ‘tlescribet. a. n ex ceedingly accmnidished, graceful, well-re. d, and sensible young lady. . Mis‘ , 'Kale Field has• been engaged to write for the Paris Amerieun, Register, ajour nal of vceial interest to-Americans abroad. Tin- tirst . appointment of a colored man to a Federal office in Connecticut is that of Lieutenant H. - Layne-to be a letter carrier. at New Haven. )1 :Oa me RodersilorttsPeahs six languages, and writes English peons which are tuna sought after by composers.. She is now at Springfield. Mrs. Lincoln, widow of the•P , , •~ident, has presented to the, State of Illinois tt very val uable oil portrait of the late Col. E. D. Baker, a favorite son of Illinois., Joseph Barnes, of Evansville, Md., lately deceased, left $400,000 to found a sphitual education institution, and now people want to know what that is. - 'c The friends of Mr. Forrest will be glad to learn that he is rapidly gaining his health, and will probably be able to resume his pro-,, fessional eugagt.ments in the fall. I'o 019 various, footmen and pages, who have been in . her service not less,than'tven ty years, Queen Victoria has presented sib vermeils's Nvhich will be worn by the recip ients. Miss Matilda Phillips; a younger sister of Miss Adelaide, the well-,known Ancert Can contralto singer, was to have made her debut in opera at Milan, Europe, on the 22d of June. It is rumored that Commodore .Tudkins, weary of the bore of doing nothing on land, is about, to reAime the position of principal old salt of time (3unard line, and taken emu neind of the Scotia. James Recionth says that he knows that Gratz Brown labored and fought for the election of .James Buchanan, and that he once heard him say, "I like slavery as a so cial institution myself." - • Bishop Benjamin Bosworth Smith, of Kentucky. presiding bishop of the Ephico pal Church in the United States, has ceased from active duty, and is about to remoVe to Philadelphia. He was consecrated just forty years ago. Bishop Mellvaine, of Ohio, was consecrated in the same year, but "the laying on of hands" wa r s first performed on Bishop-Smith. • J. C. Cover, United States counsel at Fayal, Portugal, died recently on the bark Fredonia while en route to Boston. 3lr. Cover resided at Lancaster, Wisconsin, and had published the Grant County Heratd at that place for over twenty years. He was formerly an ardent, Abolitionist, and had bei.n au influential Republican since the or g4ization of the-party. Thomas Crabbe, Rear Admiral in the United States Navy, with which hehad been connected over GO years, • died at ' Ida,- resi dence in Princeton, N. J. recently, laged 44. He as borne in Maryland in 178.§, and afterwaid removed to Pennsylvania, 'from which State be entered the Naval Actiderny in 1800. lle was mado Captain in 18411, and from 1850 to 1855 had charge of vitious foreign squadrons. In 1862 he was Made Commodore, and in 1866 Rear Admiral. The story of a.Toledo blade is told as fol lows in a Toledo paper: "Gen. Joseph W. Brotin, formerly of Toledo and now of Cleveland, has received the sword wprn by his brother, Gen. Jacob Brawn, at the battle of Sackett's Harbor, in 1813. Immediately after the- A battle, Gen. Brown took off his sword and presented it to Capt. •ittnutel McNitt, in compliment to the bravery of the Captain and his men in the det:peratte en gagement. Capt. McNitt, at his death, left the sword for the first son who should re ceive a commission in the military . service, who proved to be Samuel, who m 1870, thinking the sword should be with the fam ily of its distinguished bearer, forwarded it to Gen. Joseph W. Brown. The sword is au old-fashioned one, having a leather.fteab bard, brass mounted, an ordinary military sword of that da7 for a general officer. It was made in Lngland, and procured by Geri. Jacob Brown before the war at Montreal. It is the intentio of Gen. Brown, to present the sword to the Histmr lad Society of the State ofliew York." J. It, • AIIiDERSON, v s 41 °1 / 4 4 t AGENT, Dealer in HARDWARE faF ~. 'V • , all kluda, TIN ; icolnas tram, . t Parlor, Cook and Moo _Stove - s for wood or coal, Table and Pocket dutlery, C ( 1111RIAGE TRIMMINGS, iTO I bLS af all kinds, GUNS AND AMMUNITION, 't Petroleum Fluid, (the best light in the world) and every article connected . with the Hardware Trade. It 's south side of Main street, next door to C. C. ➢Esthete J. n. SIAIDELDALCIV, AGENT A.pril 8, 1878. CASSIUS M. CLAY. 111111 IS celebrated Stallion will stand this season the j_ following places, viz Will be at Vermilyea's on Mondays 2 o'clock p. until Tuesday morning; Westfield. Tuesdays 1 o'clock p. In., until Wednesday' mot - nips; Wednes days 9 o'clock in.. leave 1 o'clock p. in.; Osceola 2 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays till Thursday morning Beectiefe Island, 10 a. in. till 12 in. 'Phut adayis; "Law renceville, :Thursdays 2 o'clock p. tn., till Friday morning; TlOga, 10 o'clock a. In., till 2p. In. Friday, Wellsboro, Friday 0 o'clock p. lu., till Monday morn ing. This horse was recently owned by L. B. Smith, ant' has a Pedigree, second to no Stallion in Northern Pennsylvania; tieing a half brother to the famous Prot ter George hl, Pa/chin and Lady Thorn; a blood bay 16 hands high, and weighs 1050 pounds. TEBDlS—Twenty•ftve dollars to Insure single mare or forty dollars per spati. Ten dollars for single leap. Owners who part wltb . their mares before foaling will beheld rtsponsibletkr eervlce of horse. - - • T' 7 J. WHEELER. Wellaboro, Slay 15, 1872-3 m. I a l"i‘rd; INTL:LABIA:rpm 01,"‘ LoV. • CONEII. , :vIHz BOLE vmoxr, 1111,1,u•ci.T , I , ALNTATioN Op 1H: IIYIiTERICS, CROUP, 1/IPII I'll L.1:1 - CATAIt 11 0 1, 1 , 4 HEADACHE, TOCrf11A(11I I.' NEURAffif.', V.CI , • COL 1) CHILLS, ACHE CHILI:- The rippbc•it ion of the nerov parts where the /ruin or r•lfilk • Witt crntifort. Twenty. Limo In hal't'-a turabl, „ core CRAMPS, h1'. 1 ,;;;,1,,, •.! IIEARTIWIRst, hICK EA 11.\1 . fp . DYSENTERY, COLIC, IV,I,ND 'l l!!, :ld an INTERNAL l'AIN:;„ 1 ' Travelog -4 tthould. cal,: Ready Itellef with Mio. A f, preveut flokneAs or pa 11 1 ,4 froto !Alter Riau French 'Aral/ay rr . ,„ , ?EVER t,;; FEVER, AND AGUE Cm, ti r.o .not a realedol agent in thl. , wood pr,,, n nod Ague, and all other ,, „ Dhold, Yellow, and (Aker (.1.•1• so gold: as ICA (MA Fifty coifs per bunk.. Sold I.y , r-- HEALTH BEAUTY'' §TRONO AND PUNE 'Mull 111,4 )01) , OF FLESH AND WED 111 T-cl, : 1313AUTLF C0511.14EX lON I: I; Li, D R R A DViA • s. SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVEic lIAS .MADE TILE MO,iT AST‘kNI ;Ii I •,e,, ~; tau QUICK,„ 1 , 0 liAl'lll ARE '1 ill, THF; itopy UNDECCoEs, I :,14.1: F'LUENCE OF"111 '1 It Li 1., ‘i ts MEDICINE, TIIAT Every Day an Increase io Fic' and Weight is Seen and pelz., THE GREAT BLOOD PURIF)Ei Every drop of the SA it;4A I•A ELI A ., 10. ENT communicate, throne!, the t a I and other tittid3 and Jule, Bof the vs •t•!li, „ • for It repairs the ora't'e of the a i4t •„ material, Scrofula, t:t1,1,11,:, Ct•it disease, Ulcers In the 'fl,fo.,t, Mouth, 'lva.., the Glands and other putt of the vs , Struinotis Pipthargt foes the forma of filao 111Se:tic:I, El 111.1311, Row Worn., Sail WI( nal, Its . tip. , te, Worm. tio• I'l, 11 ornb, and all a eak, tiled h er ., fisveats, Sperio, :old all , a pie, are %Nail') the I t urall , lt. la, , era Chemistry, and a_ f, l / 4 ., Oney t tit person using for ettitr thel fotn,, potent power to cure the` If the potted, doily I.+on - 111 a-, T. neat 1 I a, Oral. comiteod , -, ceeds In arresting tec , ,e. :., mot ter, „ pew matt:dal „ :DAESA t'A EILLI A N and CI. 7 Not only tinti the FAL...0..11111,1,1kt: I.r • , - Old! known rented i ❑ agtm th , C u , lOUs, COIVAIIII6I3IIIiI, MOIL p 1.1,. t I 4; 1503itiVe ewe for 'lalifer ,iftinary, and Wrollth ills: i n. o', :1 litOpteme of Water, Im:wit Ito „_ ease, Albunsinurt.t, and in dust deposits, or the wider 18 •li. • Rib:dance:3 tike the whit. ()tan t; talk, or there Is a daik• .1., white bone•dmit, ale! ah. At.. r t• horning BenFatioll when pa' t -taa alt r blnall of the Bach and alb, the • tor ItOrpts—ko, 'Tape, tic. Tumor or Cured by ifitadway ' s . 't\, RI A' On. nAnn-AY • — I lIIN, IA 0, +n bowel.. All th e Da tars ; tVOry thing (1131, `I . . M: your Rottol‘eat;nrol la. t tt !t• la It, be.atuth I hurl la t of the Itte,olt eat, and one of It ttl at, . o tie, of Nomr ,tat .13 11.9 u f • • . , t [Von sod ft.! t“lar; ~..tilt, oi „ for twelve ye'', he NI c , ri. illll,{ q • - Al • bon'ef , , beer 'the roma I aVitt i t other ! . You LLIk.:II I: It 1),,,1 DR. RADWAYT. PERFECT MGATIVE PILL; peff%Ttly t.i-tel , s, 'O.:7:111.111, 1y r.at- I 1 a, lrg , e., rig, I.tte, 1•111•11,', r.e ~.1 I I-• I. ‘N .1. :: roit 11, t 1 .0 rtir ..,1•:.1 ill, NI. I l' Idler, 13 , . do, 1 - ,11,1..., In : 061, r, t ilemitte,he, Con-tlieitnoll. 1 .. 0 -1,.• 11 -- Dr-tio,el t, P,11i01,11( .... nil:1'111 1. th,l - Prvtle., Pile ":/.1.111, Derw.,... 0.• , .A.1....r Wm', 10(0(1 to 1.11...tt a la. 1.• • ._ hie, colitzuning un.nierewl - ,11.h...r..!.. , Lir Obier:e the tulh.e.v.i.i. +004. 1 Disuiders or the Di;:e.:.i \ e De,..te., ('..mt1p1t1ee,1,.. ,-- ul Ll,, F0i1... , Aeldity t'l the. Ft N.. ..A., N......., 11. .-;.. 1-011.. e, or NV/ te:lit in the Et1011,..1., 1- ':: I:: : Flotters4;r at It.'PAol .th. himo•ob, .- 1, • ilurrle.l.l - 11.1 Daleoll l',olhia . 1101...1'.• VSaiTe;allng :en 'at,: Wl.• :a i.a ~ 1 ,.,,,, VI 1.1/I, nl.• a:i 0% do h..f...• II ..'.ht 1.. th. 11,1, D.G......:, el th r i0......0 , i•i • e11..1 I or:, [ .. . au/ to the Fa!, t'a'i, I.„. te, 0.. ii•tti. 11.11 , 11,(1 at the He h. \A 1 - 01' dine:[ of P..VLIWAV'S rill: ~ tentfiett. all the. a1....ve-lewle.l .h.0r1.. I i„I h.", ;..0411 IA D1:0". , 7:.1' DEAD " PA I.IF. A Ni) 'FRI' I ' . .qatn , ,, ta R&M% AV & CO.. N.... IQ' L. I.hforintiti..l, it'..,th th..a. The high Ft . eti 11::-(11:_..it: E=MM IMIE '' 'il'ii? , VI: ,I, I% ', , t it .. 11 . 1/1 ICI_ I/ / ' • Vol\ I/ I ord•I tr,rirr rr I rl r . ' i al:I I i 91, , , nu}~.ai• IMIIMIN 1 , 2 : imp qt. • •, •,, •• kNI),k I.• 1 ::1.. 4 ..-411 ra:“ .1 ill N.,. I. t• tl Yll 11,1( w.l ,r 1 o 11 . 11,: At 1 1 , 4,11,1 1111 1 t/ -.lltl I,lllr 111 11011 , 1,11 i. 1_01.1( 11, 7 . 11 , t . In hi -It .. \ 41 1 . 1111 1 h ,l l - t• 11:.: thaw our 011 SLIA I (.Y"P.VdtI ..(11/ 1 1), 1 alttl the , 1111,1 , .....it Ida p.,mts, alit; Lay, Land:, 3 1114.10 tiii %ad in July. lie is ono of the to a 1, .111.111liali, 1111 1 3 country has produeuti.' lit. 1., 1 of (twat LA.r., , m;th, and actutu 1 iy itt dos. , proximity to two of tiw mus nm Utt Natitun : //ambletuniomm anti I,t and tb, the st re mt trotters, these Wogs , at far abode an competition in this or any pa, tL - t, , A hettt r infusion of 1d,,0d not in than in ToW W.'s a b.rlithab bid,, fair for a brilliant future,i-Mall re=p , , 11 Kneet:,o, and true hid it will 1,, lie appre,Lth ud Jadons n. have arrived at, a g mcre`tdAlted gabble about the horse IF, count, and anything of value In inn. COSS. labor, long reseavel,,thiumht •"flie American Trotting llegigter," 111(11 that lit known of the pedigree id Trottin , , 110, - ancetora and descendants, aRh a tecord of , lisped perfurimincen in a Inch a nule aa-, ti paced in I. IO or less, from the torli. .t (dos,. of 1808, and roll record of the l!rtert,,a ,, 1800 and 1810, giving complete summit;. - thumsand cult t. , . an 'larva t,,Q true origin of this Anietean Trotti-r lir: thing.lbl Fae la algrec are quite t work impositign in a Nl,%lnage, the compiler oftlie HIV! I, an l'rottitig Register," t;IVCB a iii.ttt ti,..1 1 .t„. tlie Mali:ill:, " 114 WAN RA" will hi , shown in hail.— that think of patronizing lion L, tt, tli - 1, , live arid eight k, a. in plea ant \ t. liis Stije antl lino trotting JI tin 1:4 It• Sardg Make ter. 'I lII` t 't brunt . 4 the Li ii to Inti NW. 161411 , (1111. Trio dolt() o.- a 1 ,14,11,': at fig, : of t• 11,,. •, 4, Nvl4:4 - 14 114:1 4,4 t I . . in ffi vv,_nt, an,:l 5 , .•. ant -lii,_ .1. , 1'..1 , "I. '- I 1101. 13,st car. 3 t:11, ,, 1t “i in in -1 1,4 1, , ~, 1, . , All :le 1(111i:4311a (2L-L:treq al 04`.1. r , : . I, must 'i,, , 1441.4 4,r 141 . 4 , 14;1:1 14, {1, 4 4 ,„t O, •.• 1. I: :. 111nrw, Dot pr.,vett L 1 foal rate 1. free of -I'lrot Ipl.l J,113 1 f . ..! I First ( , If;•ptembor t I nth; 1. n; 4.)1E1 a'om:111,1:1, l'a:. Af. , :, S, li:•5"•.: PEE °TOGA/IPR A LI. 1:'1u,13, 17. I Ili. , I. .E cscrutcd IXI I/ VII I i•• .AI D II I. • \l, o• Portr,aits ozl Porcelain Plat Nothing•finer ran beloirer,i than 01 , eeltun Polures in a yel , , ,:oe n.Ain • lin nraa and delicacy arc superior to at.l . l , wg - i' on iron or Met.. 1i you IN Intl a Good Picture • Of, 3 oin,elf, go to • ! . ..aranint It on want lIIC` \ (-I'y 1/1.251 that. ,If pt \Van ‘its7llo.l'r ,1111,7, 'tint :001V." - F.1 old Amin otype,-Or (Alit l',etwelt ,q;:, .1 .h 11111 Cad do tbrit. a, rea ' ;•Aulable Zi . 3 ~t Will be lin kelt 111 1.111, NV.o.. 4 tlesire4l . Persons wiitlntiq ptc;nl, - .1 of n - will t, CTIVP V:Te.ll3/. t , 'ld W.) A 1.14.;(: :15:10iti4;4 nt t I 1 4 11111 4 : ; cothituntly n» hand. I .110, "lie I ree rti`l 4 :4 'mac 41 40 4D r: cnt A r Deutal-Itueniti. Apra 21, 1672:41 BERTRANP, YOUNG URNS null l:nown StoFk fllttto ; i:1111t1 ' I (hiring the 61`3H011 at tht) 811bsei iL, r s Wellaboro. Ms stock is so. well kilos n then r- r c6oilty of remarks. It is sutheicot to ea), I , r liters they arelnot surpassed, or for r auto. This Horso is a coal blaek, neighs luul It Bound, and Mud in harness, his foals prate serviceable of any horli - e itt this section for all I' see. At the request of numerous patrons, l hat termined to stand him where he can he fouwt Wales by those that wish for his service. E. A. TISII, Plots. Wellaboro, May 1, 1872:-3w. Bo7'o ,OP(linance. BE it ordained by the Burgess and Connell oil _ll3Boro, and it is hereby authorised by the s that the Burgess shall be uuthorfT;e'd to import! et not exceeding the RUM of ten dollars upon all pee who permit any nuisance to go unabated for earl after belle° has boa giveM L. )lABRISO INV Cl,O 1072-31 v. Cie ~~: al = 111E1 EMMEII!! I /If ill; I; I 1 r= 1111 `,l d MEE D. 11