USEFUL, AND . SUGGF.S7IyE. Packing and Transporting Eggs. . . ~ We have be - en asked ;.he question, tittles tliout number, as to the,feasibilitypf the tebsportation of eggs for hatching purPosed, and their tendency to incubation: We have not a doubt that if eggs are properly packed and shipped, a largo percentage of them will hatch. We do not believe, however, in packing eggs in sawdust, having had more than one case practically demonstrated that rli eggs so packed will noatch• over 20 id t'o - cent., we care not w dry-or how much pains may be had with 'the sasydUst. We have experienced i4almnst,qirery conceiva ble way with' this packing forthe past eight or ten years, and fund the result to be near ly the slime in every instance. We were inform(l, years ago, by a breed erl of large: experie ce, that the fumes aris ing from sawdust - ere, in nine cases out of ten, almost sure to kill the vitality of the gg ; and after repeated expel invents we have found thia 1 heory prote'tue. Bran fur 1 asking eggs is much better than sawdust,. :Aid far less liable to destroy the vitality of the egg;- though in long vOYages this is c ven liable to absorb moisture, and hence, injure the incubating qualities of the egg. ' Div rotten is the best thing that can he i ied in packing eggs. If this cannot reach -1 • he obtained, lac good dry hay, and cut i• - with the cutting box about an inch in longth, and use it instead ; -no deleterious ili:ets will arise from its use. Iki\ Packing : , wrap each egg separately in a piece of tea, or other soft paper, find place - it' in a bok--= after covering the bottom thereof tin inch or more - '4 - vitli rowed or cut hay- t with the b,rgt, end downwards, in this way fill out the first layer; after which place an inch or more of the filling over them, and then proceed as before until the box is full; topping offwith, at least, an inch thickness of the tilling be fore placing oh the cover. Be sure and till in rowen or cut hay around the sides and be tween the eggs, so that they will not touch each other, or the sides of the box. When the box is full, place the cover on, and fast en it down with a few small-screws instead of nails, as the jar in driving the-nails may damage the eggs, We have known . eggs transported from England packed in tins manner and more awn eighty per cent, of them hatch. . There, is no necessity for dealers, or Wh ets, to be at the expense of procuring the so-called premium boxes for the transporta tionl ( f eggs, if they will follow the above di reetic ns, as we believe they will find that eggs . o packed will hatch successfully, if they are "all right," and fresh when put up. 'this is a matter of treat importance to those purchasing eggs as .well as those selling; therefore we should be glad to have the experiences of others that we may print them for the benefit. 4 all concerned.—Am. Mimi Hume. A cheap Cellar Bottom In sections of the county- wherit there is an abundance of cobble-stones, collect a few 1 mds of thine about four or five inches in di ameter, grade the bottom of the cellar, lay the cobbles in rows", told ram them down 1)11e - third their thickness into the ground, so that they will not be,sunk below the line of the rows by any heavy superincumbent pres sure, such as the weight of a hogshead of molasses or tierce of vinegar. The bottom of the cellar -should be ,graded so that the outside will be at least two inches lower than thetmiddle. A mistake` sometimes oc curs by grading the cellar bottom in such a manner that the centre will be two or three inches lower than the outside. When,this e. the case, should water enter from the out side, it will flow directly towards the mid dle - A straight-edged board should be placed frequently on cacti row of stones as they arc being rammed, so that the upper t ales' may be in line xt it it each other. Af ter the stones are ittol and well rammed ' down, place a few board,- on the pavement to walk on ; then make a grouting of clean sand and water lime, or Rosendale cement, and pour it on the , tones until all the inter stices are filled A:- .t.ou as the grouting 11 is set, spread a layer of good cement mor tt r one inch thick over the top of the pave ment, and trowel the snrface off smoothly. In order to spread the mortar true :aid-even oa the surface, tat an inch board one foot It. m the wall, on i the surface of the pave ,: - ni, •;tand on the board, and fill the space li nh mortar even with the top of the board; a`ter which, move -the board one foot, till the space with n .irtar, and trowel it off sly toothly. .Such a floor will cost less titan a board floor, and vill endure as long as the •I:1 - ter,troctine is kept in repair. .1 num mad,: Ite furegvhig manner on the ground. In th basement of a barn, a p ggery, or a stable, would be rat proof, a td would he found cheaper and more per -1 iceable than a plank floor. The work s'tould be done in the former part of the ,t rowing season,. so that the cement may It tve sufficient time to become dry and hard before cold weather.—.Ththoitrial Mo;,tlll.7l. I - I What is High Farming? It is a system of tillage and farm manag inent that is self-sustaining ; a system that, t. Ices nothing but the-lure land, the domes tic animals, the farm implements and ma c idnery, and cultivates the soil, sustains the f Amity and the animals, pays the annual tax deft ays the expenses incident to the im provements that must be made on the farm, .mcels the annual interest on the money in vet,ted in the land, eventually pays for the land, all from the product of the soil culti vated ; and after one, two and three decades of years, leaves every acre in a far better ate of fertility than the soil was at the be inning. This is high farming. There are untold numbers of quiet, unobtrusive tillers of the soil in many of our States who have eonimenced precisely as we have indicated, i hoot one dollar of cash capital ; who have evenue whatever besides the natural re -, ices of their cultivated fields, and who tard work and judicious management their families, paid for their laud, •••ed all their buildings, paid for all their N:tl , l,,ble improvements, and at the same tire , have brought their land up to that state t oductiveness, by their judicious man ant 1:11411, that every acre now yields from t to three tons of hay where only one was ori:_inally gathered, and they harvest nearly tv 0 bushels—in many instancy more than two—of cereal grain, where the product was but one bushel. That is high fanning.— Yet such a system of husbandry is usually sneered at simply because the proprietor knew how to save his money to defray the expenses of imp] ovements, rather than spend three times more than he made —A. Y. Oti s reci• tir.h.rm.sti CitnAxt.- 7 -‘ Next in importance to having' milk perfully pure and sweet, and free from all anima l odors, comes the matter of keeping the crt ttn after it is taken off tbe milk. In 4he first place, the lesS milk there is with the cream' t the time it is set in the cream jar, the better. A great deal of care- Ics:-ness is shown in this matter, for be it ktioWtt that milk makes cheese, while the cienui only makes butter, null the more milk there is in the cream at churning lime, the more cheesy-flavored will be the Mittel, and therefore the more likely to spoil after ward‘, ittilcssewessively salted. Really pure, irtiod 'butter requires very little salt, while Lotter as ordinarily matte will soon spoil un less NI ell salted, or kept covered in brind. Secondly, the cream jar must be of, the very best quality of slone ware; thick glass would be still better; and it must have a cover that will exclude :ill insects. Thirdly, the cream jar should be kept iu a place where no noxiou- od u rs or ga ,, es van be absorbed when thy jar is opened to add more cream, and also w here the temperature an be kept cool and equable, say at CO de revs; end lastly, the cream as to be made i Ito butter as soon as it just begins to sour, and when the jar is emptied it is to be thor oughly cleaned and scalded in boiling water before beingitgain used. —Jou r nal of (Meta l:6'2,i. Yaltiable information to those putting up fruit and desiring fruit jars of any kind: • Boil Moderately. Cherries Raspberries.. Itlackbenies Plums Strawberries.... . . . . Whortleberrie4 Pine Apples. sliced... ..... Pears, small sour Pears. Bartlett in ha1ve5........ Peaches in halves Peat hcs , whole Pine Apples sliced X inch thick S.berian Crab apple, whole S ,, nr Apple?, quartered......... tope Currants .. lilta Grapes Tomatoes Quinces, sliced Gooseberries.......... They have a new waY of treating the bre, ken legs of horses, which ought to be gener ally known. A valuable horse in Hartford, k Conn., had its leg broken a short-time since, \ The leg was carefully set by an experienced. surgeon, and was covered thickly with plas ter. When the plaster "set," or hardened, it kept the limb as immovable as if it had been made of iro Thus treated, a broken leg will knit together in a brief time and be.. come as good as c ,cr. "we atrliillffrAitr rl ' Baclit4Pen I,._ht, P4l. . "We have this day substantially turned our backs upon the pest; we now stand In the present and look forward to the great future. The past la gone."— Moms 8. ricadricks, at the Democratic Mate convention of Indiana. Yes; turn your backs upon the past, Fitted with the record of your shame; ,And, if you can,.,bot frop..your minds I I ;Cour tongicdsl74rtikpiti4rirtalinti t I A - 11 Turn quick awa lallapret 1' 3 ; A thing yqn ink pcl vi k tatUa4 . l?ng,-- A monestur , fed rid burned - Till its devout-big jaws were strong. Turn from the c!oNvard's part you played When traitors struck at SnuAter's nag. And sought the Stara and Stripes of old In slavery's mire and filth to (hag. 1 , Tee, turn your backs on 1 you did While patriots struggl ' for the right, • And treetop WI cku r eVerY side In frec4orteirglorions ht. , ' "—" - Thank Godt the noble rti ii who fought To save their heritage flame, Can lace the record they have wade Without a single blush ashame... / . ‘ —Crawfordsville Journal POLITICAL. NOTES , • Soldiers'! ` Whom do theßeb e ls want for President _Then don't vote for him Forney, in the Pro of the hth of Ju - ne r . says: "General Hartrauft was a prays dier, and, we believejs .c*lidnest mau.-":' • A signifidnnt fact—that the religious press of the country is, almost without exception, against the Cincinnati nominations. - ' • One of the mottoes of the campaign' will be the statement of Horace Greeley, that "Gen. Grant has never been beaten, and he t be..3 _ 1 3 -";-', 'IC. 7; "Wi 4 41-Croide toqie next ' November', " said tin honest delegate in the Wisconsin Democratic Conception, "we shall wish we had not abandoned the path ot,vl4llp.f,t•-, Wendell Phillips says: "i would prefer Grant to either Greeley or Adams. Greeley is licit a bit better than Andrew Johnson. lie is of about the same stripe; and his ad ministration would not be a hittetter." Very many of the bold gentlemen who Announced at' Cincinnati; that they had 'lnirneti.the-bridges behind-thea.', are in q u ring anxiously for materials for pontoons. We await their return with a shudder. , The Toledo Blade says: "Horace Greeley turns in horror from the corrupt Lcet and the more corrupt Stocking, to find sweet comfort in the arms of the Blitirs. Gentle Liorace t Guileless Greeley !" Let all laboring men make a note of these words of President Grant: - The tine pros- writy greatness of a inilion b) be mind in the elevation and cducaiiou of its laborers." Tea is down fifteen cents a pound, and coffee is lower than before. . This is the con sequence of the action of a Republican Con grchs, which removed the duties from both ailieles. Andrew Jol i o,on proposes to be a candi date for the tlovernutship of Tennessee on the (reeley plattorm. 'Tis veil. lle will come just about as near to an election as reeky. For ( ttraing all Dentoeraht hVI ly, No mortal co o fd ever heat (it eeley, 80 tO Nt1)1) hhealmse, , . ••, . , And make him•Of use, • ' ' Fhey ha) c made him them ebief—this same prepley. General Butler, ,in a speech : at- 'FanCtiii- Hall, Boston, said, in reference to the in dorsement of Greeley at Baltimore: "so far as 1 haVQ any understanding of political ac tion, the only fear I have under haven is that he will nut be nominated at Bal imore." The New York Timex, after carefully canvassing the political probabilitie's, pub lishes tables to show that two hundred - and thirty-nine electoral votes *ill probably be cast for Grant_and Wilson, sixty-nine for the opposition, and fifty-eight doubtful. An exchange says: Andrew Jack Son has been officially withdrawn from the Presi dential candidacy, and consequently many Democratic voters in Berks and Bucks eoun l tie.; have announced their intention of tak ing no part in the coming campaign. ~.. Dr. Greeley once remarked, "if there was not a newspaper nor common school in tle country, the Democratic party would he far stronger than it is." Ilow the venerable ruralist must now regret the friendly• efforts he has made in the interests of education. A Democrat who was present at the Bal timore Convention, tells us that he heard no National airs played during the sitting of the Convention. It was " a llizeploncl, - ; say Mitrylaml," or "Dixie." Nothing more, nothing less. He came home a Grant man. —Doylestown I n lellio n eer.l • u. At the Virginia Democratic State Conven tion, ex-Gov. - Extra • Billy Smith gave the most pithy statement of the Democratic platform yet. 'Said he: "Give two Jew of Gentile, dog or devil, I care not which, so We beat Grant." This sort of thing mast make Dr. Greeley happy. We have reason to believe that inGreene county not more than fifty' Republicans will vote for Greeley, while four 'times that number of Democrats cannot be dragooned into swallowing the pill, though it he—dis guised in -"a power o' sass. z=aitskiti Re coniffr. , - _ , - ' Cue of the funniest pretenses about tbil, Greeley movement is that' it is one, of the people, and not of thd Politielans.. - ; , :This in the face of the fact that the Men - W . lief -con cocted it, run it, and tare now ..inflating it with wind, are Gratz Brown, ' M'Clure, Cochrane, Fenton and that sertot -trading; huckstering place-seekets., - - , - ~... Speaking of the proposition that the Democracy should -swallow" Greeley, the New York World said, "The World will contribute no slime to give the animal a slip- I pery passage down the throat of the devour er." Well, the whale has swallowed Jonah, and we shall soon see which will get the worst of it. When the mews of Greeley's 'nemination was received in New York a salute of 100 guns was fired by the Deineeratie leaders, and a banner hoisted, bearing ethe words— ".7linmet tny r .ponds to the nomination of the Baltimore Cud tention." Here lie the weak nessand the danger of the whole Jiang, Tammany has adopted Greeley, AD di - will take charge of the campaign in his behalf, A good many of our Bucks county Dem ocrats have lost their interest in polites.— With two Reptiblicans in the field fo ii. Pre sident, and with no Democratic email( ate to vote for, they don't care which whips. In fact, if there is to be a Republican Presi dent anyhow, they rather prefer a certainty with Grant to an uncertainty with Gree ley.—lutelligeneer. In case of his eleetion Tammany will de mand and attain a controlling voice in the Government. Within. the last year the country has seen enough of the effects of Tammany rule in New York, under the leadership of Tweed, Hall and Barnard.— Tammany herself now proclaims that she "responds" to Greeley's nomination ; it is the duty of all good.add honest citizens to see that she gets no further. The Buffalo Expre;ts , says: "The surpris ing feats executed thi.. summer-by Prof. H. Greeley and his small but select troupe of po litical acrobats are not surpassed even by that accomplished anaconda mentioned, in the old song, who could "Swallow hunst'lt, crawl thrciugh himself, Como out with great facility; Tie himself in a bow-knot, snap Ma to 1. And wink with great agilify." The Cleveland Lcadar says: "John Morrissey, the gambler and prize-tighter, has come out strongly in favor of Greeley's candidature , : Straws show which *ay the wind blows. I It will be remembered that during the "Young DemOcracy" tight in New York, Greeley intrigued with MOrrissey fur the nomination for Governor. It is ;umetinies charged that President Grant's friends are not all that could be desired. L - would 'President' Greeley's be ?" Everybody knows that while theltruggle for national life was going on Judge Thonip, son was not regarded as a very ardent Suppor ter of the Government and its measures. On the other band, Judge Mercur, whose name is on the Republican ticket, was'an unflinch ing and effective friend of- the Union, and there was never a doubt as to what his opin ions might be. 'lf devotion to the .fie try and its preservation .are to be counted-71n making a comparison between the two can didates for the supreme Bench of the State, the record of Judge Mercer is certainly much to be preferred. 1 1 The Toledo Blcide says: "A man is known by the company he keeps: Horace Gree ley is now the associate and tool of the Tweeds and Halls ot the. Tammany Ring; - and of the Gilmores and Yergers of the South. For the bribe of the Presidency he consents to betray the cause of freedom and justice into the hands of its bitterest foes. Let no man be deceived. A man's chosen associates prove his character beyond all ' dispute. The ex-rebels associate - with Gree ley only that they may use hint to break down the g iart3r and the cause Which have so ably r led their murderous assaults on the Feder Union. - When ho shall have served - their use they will cast himAigide as contemptuously-as ever a betrayer flung from the 'embrace of miscreants he 'had basely consented to serve. Tizno Sugar to Minutes. qt. jar. 6 0 oz. 6 4 10 8 8 8 4 10 20 6 8 15 4 u 15 -- 8 25 8" .10 6 " 8 10 8 8 20 none. 15 10 8 8 " Mil A Jt3ilo 4N#Egt+PA)i .1 LUZItT, pealer -',.,RA,:R . ,D WARE dl kinds : V .f) ''l• TIN AND dOPPER Viii 4; Ss. 1,4 • Parlor, Cook and Office , Stove ----- for wood. or caw Table and Pocket Cutlery, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, FARM' NG TOOLS EMI of all kinds, GUNS AND ;AMMUNITION, Petroleum Fluid, he beet light is the world' and every article connected with tho Hardware Trade, licryls Block, south skle'otillatu stasat, hex; ductx,to C. C. Mathers. J. ft. ANDERSON, AOENT April 8, 1872 CASSIUS M. 4itt.Y. rpll.lB celebrated Stallion will stand tbi following places, via Will be at Vernailyea's on liondays 2 '.;lock p. m.. until Tucaday 14.rning; Westfield, Tue ays 1 o'clock p. m., Until Wednesday morning; Rua:. e, Wednes days D o'clock a. in., leave 1 o'clock p. td.; OaCeola, 2 o'clock p. in. Wednesdays till Thursday morning ; Itecchers Island, 10 a. m. tini . 12 in. Thursdays; Law renceville, Thursdays 2 o'clock p. in., till Friday morning; Tioga, 10 o'clock a..m., till 3p. in. • Friday; Weilaboro, Friday 6 ecloaCti, in., till Monday morn ing. ' This horse was recently, owned by L. 13. Smith. and has a Pedigree second MAW Stallion in Northern Pennsylvania; beings balthr4her to the famous trot ,ter George 31.Pitclibiand 3i4dy blood bay 10 hands higktlnti Weighs 14d s. .TERMS—Tatenty-fttStitilliint Ablipre Single mare, 'O. forty dollars:pet Tertiglists fOr abigle leap. Owners who part with their taints Wore' foaling Will be held responsible for service of hor*O.- Welleborci; "day 16,1872-3 m g - 8 ea Id 2. 2 . P 6.1 u . n:s 5 , 0' , E g 2 g L' • W - ''' re g g p g, ry VI 0 • OEO. 0. DERBY DERBY & FISHLER, HAVE just returned from the city with the largest stock of 4,,800TS AND SHOES over brought luto Wolleboro, consisting of Ladies' Kid and Cloth Bal morals and Gaiters, Ladies, Misses, Children and Baby's Shoes. . • -1 Gents' Clot& Boots it. J Shoes Prince Albert Calrß oots, Boys' Calf 4. Kip Boots Youth' Boots. Iu fact. all kinds of Mena* and Woinen's weir, kept n a ilrst-class Shoe Store. qTtie beat sewed Warps Shoes ever offered to this market. We defy the world in USTPM! yWOR4, It you don't believe ike, try us. WO buy only the beet took, and have eB gOod Cordwaineit as money can REPAIRIIip_ done; neatly 4 and wan dialiAten Leather and Findings of all kinds Eonstsidly,on Likud Cask paid, for, I,l.ida, Deacon- Pelts- and:Film: • Having just filled up our shelves With e eholes . stock, personally selected for this ... market:we , resPectfillp . solleit a fair share of trade: 4, Small profits and, quick returns." We believe to be a good baldness marlin : and we hold the beat goods, to be the cheaper% We keep nashoday., aseererit anit=t-t9Pilect all sized state:dm A Wet - instte *Ur- tie - Attd!the ptiblie generally to call and aw . urdne`oru• stock. No trouble to show goods.' Always to be found. one door north of O. B. Kelley's Store, Main Street, Malabar°. PA •-• May 1, 1812.. " DEBBY- h FISHLEft. HARNESS SHOP W. NAVLE. would say to biz Itientla that Ur Haman Shay :z coaatazttlx ittockattatO i Heavy and Light Harnessei; made is a attlartanttal manner, and teamed at pricer that cannot tail to suit. • - - 1- - The best workmen-einplwed, and none but the beat material used. ner. Can and 'Repairing don e on short notice, and in tlikbeSt Jan. 1, 1872-Iy. ' GEO.:W, MIME. El t- , ..:: fi 7: .4 Y , .• , L ..;*' ir' ; :. _SO i , ::::: i: _a .-:- :0 ' 1 4.5,. ,':. . , . Suited to the SSAINeiIti.DE, and 'additions made almost daily, to which we ;Amite the attention of all 'in want of DRY GOODS of any kind or N:ariety: We make a apecial of , ‘'tto 40.i1.1:13P • ' • I sad La both or ether df tlieett dtpaitiuetitii, we are not tlicelted id this tiection. Our 0, order it desired by the moot - ' ~ , We take pride t o our CARPET DEPARTMENT as one of tits tustitutioui of the tow, about 100 roils of all prices from AS cumin* so $2.5Q we can omit almost any customer -1 and none need lass our village to find a litszlety. Almost 140 entire stock, was purchnsi and %re 041041 aitliog 40 Ay 1140e11 - 41111P041010.- Mate laPii&wAlt to buy oktulper, as — ll4lvadcd4 in 41,4itet. ~ • . , - . Cotnizio March, 1872. - . . The Cheap One-Ptice-iCath: No. 2 Union Block, Wellsboio. !J-• WiISC: 4 4V • has just received lots of \ ‘: AND , . stailmkß . such tut -1 DRY GOODS,-' LADIES' DRESS GOODS,' AL I APACA WOOL DELAINES, LAWNS, MOHAIRS, DERIES Fancy . Cassinieros Roady , iado Clothing, Boots aud, Shoes. t I ifir I have marked them down to very LOW prices for cash. Nciw is the time to s Olothing cnt and made to order, and a perfiot fit guaranteed. Jun, . - . ' • .:Fi :- f' '1 ; ..• ' ~1 ''' ' ' :. t. teaatal at the JOHN FISHLER The Largest Establishment in No ~i - • „ • • • • itAPING facilitLeg for baying and handling large quantities of Goods enables !owes! Jobbing prloea. In mu' retail department Goods are sold at a s. A large stock of Transfer Ornaments, Strip I= Jan. 1, 187 New Spring Goods in Cor We now have a fun and Vary, carapleta`ak)ck Staple ail Fancy Dry Goods, ',,) -, , - BA'ILLED:' .WORAVII!'_gy. 11 , MEE ‘, oltizenanf ,Tioga County ere cordially invited to call and see us Iff- 7 3- ITierritoint gea Bret Ne - 7v spring. Go ES EIBI MU that thy haven't time to write I A new , rtisetnent. CALL' ' AT No: I, BOWEN & CONE'S MEE :wcoraw LoRTIGrO-IS STONN, MDR WS U IND MT &Asa Au. SIZES., AND DOUBLE PAINTS 'A.I.4I.II*.VDS AND COLONS. AND VAIMNISEt•DaUBNEB, A TOLL gamic' s 1 and Brushes *b Carrhkge.,, Cutter .ffinimenting. - - - :Aral lino of all clones of Oooct opptalianing to oar SIMI • , I_ - ARE 80 BUSY GETIING Di and waiting on oustomera, WELLSBORO, PA. I:=3 . ``-,'io.p- ..:q.k it- `' 11 r.) , * al WHOINAALN AND EtETAIL ing =I arts, °the will be wade to MO ! „mid Its tt comprises a quality and prices; d lbeforo tho advance,! they are continually; Tli & WAITE tore, ODDS, S, , POPLINS, BROI- ats, Caps, 4L 'cure go .1 bargeine LLIAM ii ILSON. Cr ds, LOCK, hero Pa. Cinil em to offer them at the advance, over wholesale II LIU, P,eneils lid t. Y ~~ la dock. joini IL MEWS. 'MS Cwt 11011465* 418,111141'0f USN cv.wec jojeete) :Wilismil • nia instrument la medially dealgiata t x the put. [rat. applividitin of DR. SACIE'S CATARRH itEaVtEDY. It la tho only form of instrument yot i»reoted with ts hith field can toy can Ral 1., j 1. up, and porfectill e_pplicit to all paste or the affected 0.0..1 pas. aagria, and the chambora or cavities common:-. flag therewith, i u which sores and elect a froquwal exist, andlroat hich the catarrhal generally .reeeeds. The wautor infoccfla In treattug catarrh .eretolure hue album largely from the impossibility of applying fumeillee to there cavities and chambers by any of the oidinitry methods. This obstacle in the way of effecting cures is entirely oveicomo by the invention of the Dietician lu using this instru ment, the Fluid Is carried by Its own weight (no snuffing, 'forcing o pumping being required,' up due tiastill in a full gently fl owing outwit to the highest poi tie* of the nasal passages, passes into and that oughly cleanses all the tunrit nod chimbore connected there with, and flows out of the oppbsite nostril Its nee is pleabant and so simple that a child could understand it. 1r uli awl *spilt:lt directions accompany each infitintuent. When used With this lust' azuent_Dr. Elago's Catarth Remedy! ouren recent attacks of **Cold to the 'Rend 'f by a few applications op:uvula* of Cedars h. Fropo ut loam acne,. discharge failing into thrum cam..thin s piton,, watery, thick mucus, purulent. e, &c. In Others a dryness, dry, watery, weak ut iiiiiamcd ores, stopping up or obsti damn of nasal passages, ring.. Ina in ears, deatness, hawking and coughing, to clear throat, uleeratlons, aradis from ulcers, voice altered, Dna twang, offenolve &ninth, impaited or plvation of Bantle of siTlOlllO4 tat , tel, ,It nese Mew tat depression, lose at appetite, inaligestiou, enlarged tonsils, tickling:corigh Ae. Only ti few of these Symptoms are llkoly to . , be present in any case at one thee. • llyt. angers Crottasia iteniedy, ulteu used with Dr. :Pierces rkhaal Dom ilie; and accompanied With the oenstitutional treatment win. h 13i Metaled in the pamphlet that wraps It bottle of the Remedy, is a perfect specific fur this loathsome disease, and the proprietor otters, in good faith, $l3OO reward for a case ho cannot cute, The Remedy is mild and pleasant to -e., containing no strong_ or canstlo drugs or pOlfloiDi. itio Vela, rh Remedy is Bold at 50 cents.- Douche at E.) c cola, by nit Ihruggisls, or either will ho fr.ait l ed by priquie tor on receipt of tO cents. R. V. PYliattlif. , I. , Sale Pro a toe, 11U14 AIL), N. Y. =I Jiate 26, 1872, Rot—iy • Dentistry. tatiaaa oA- ' AYING returned from a visit East, I ant now pre' pared, with a now stock at goods and instruments, offer superior inducements to thos e , in tt ant ut any thing in my line. ' Artitlerel teeth lieeet ted on a flow And superior Mute, at low.rates. Teeth extracted with out pidn. Preservation of the natural Lath it speciality. Work warranted. 'retina reasonable. Jau. /, 1872-tf Change, of Base. -- Stock of Goods AT CENTER, PA. DOUGLIT for mail, and to be nolkl for cludt:iteaelt_ prime.- Credit exstedu vlayed ant. `• Pay as you go." hi a trite oh]. //lall/11, and, when lived up to, the true doctrine tor both seller and buyer •I Intend to soil goods at ,Matt profits, fur cosh, and respet•tfully solicit a trial troll, old patrons, and from all others who wish to buy grocerles andstaplo goods at close figures. January 3, 1872. tt MERCHANT TAILORING I rIEORGE WAGNER, luta 'oat IlTeht..l a superb 'as ,eortment of all hinds of COARSE Sr., FI NE CLOT I ING and prepared to anuuntuclure in the BEST STYLE, Ind ou the ihurteet notial. Persons wsuttug Clothing will please drop in and see my stock. Good Firs and the beet of work guaranteed. Jan. 1. 1872.-/y. GEO WAGNER. General insurance Agency, J. H. & J. D. Campbell, ARE prepared to Jaime Policies in first class Corn pantee on all kinds of Insmabh. I.r.:peity against Fire and Lightning at reasonable rates. We travel and examine ell risks personally in the eounties'of Tioga and P6Ber., J. H. CAMPBELL. Nelson, Feb. 7, 1872-Iy. J. D. CAMPBELL. •Tioga rtlarble WOrks, Tnu undersigned is now prepared to execute all or ders for Tomb Stones and Monuments of either 4 - IteStiadt , Rat/and Marble ) of thelatest style and ajfpreved workmanship and with dispatch.' • Re keeps constantly on hand both kinds of Marble llaxet will be able to suit all who may favor him with their Orders, on as reasonable tents as can be obtained in the country, Jan, 1.11372. AND_ Ladies' Furnishing Goods ! TO SUIT EVERYBODY, AT 'uN•IW A. B. GRAVES' EMPORIUM OF FASHION j.,U„ in tha Cone House Store. A largo stock of Goods just received and will be sold cheap. . Mrs. E. E. KIMBALL will have charge of the Millin ery department, and will be glad to see her old friends and new ones at all times. Drop in and see our now store. Deo. 13, MRS. A. B. GRAVES. *B. B. A. lIIM 's BOLD would& inform his friend that be has moved his carding machine from ellsboro to his place of residence, one-half mile west from the red school house near Brewster's. All work in the line of carding will be done promptly and well. Bring On your wool. S. A. lIILTI3OLD, Prop'r. dune 12, 1872-2 m 1 TOLES, ROBINSON & CO. Dry CHOICE GROCERIES The publia is cordially invited to calFand look through our large stook, as we are selling at low figures for ready pay, Wo alkali receive - I GOODS NEW GOODS constantly from the city to keep our assortment full and complete. _ 1 July /0, .1872 Good 'Avert's! VAN TALKENBUItG & CO, would say to their friends that they have a good Livery established in Wellaboro for the accommodation of their Eriendi. Good Horses and Carriages always on hand at moderate rates. Stable on Water Sleet oat:tette Geo. Derby' deuce. 0. G. VAN VALKENBURG. June 28, 1872. 0. W. MOSIER. 4, Man i Zstrayed. . ON the 28th of June hist, a bare belonging to the subscilberjatteped out of the pasture on Babb's Creek arid illtrir 'way- She . MS a large mare, weigh ing abotrtll sorrel. with both hind feet white. a mall strip inter face; one aide other mane cut off, and about '7 years pi& Whoever, may find her is re quested to ,take cote of her, and sena me weld, and I will remove her and pay all charges. Address HENRY GREEN. duly 10, '72-3we Cedar Run, Lycoroing Co., Pa, A. B. EASTMAN, Mentika, WelbsDoro, Pa. BRAND-NEW A. IN. POTTER psi i 41141 fur gentlemen's WELBOII, TIOGA CO., PA. FRANK ADAMS, WOOL CARDING! (Successors to J. IL Ita Dealers in of every description lu abundance, all lauds and freeli TOLES, ROBINSON & CO rm. Of iv niskey, ;pima _ Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened, to please the taste ? :called " Tonics," " Appetizers,' 'r Restorers," &C., teat lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but a e a true Medicine, made 'from the native roots 'and heii hs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They arc the Great Blood Purifier and s Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of-the System, carrying off all poisonotts matter :lid restoring the blood to a healthy cond:tion, enriching t, refreshing and invigorating both mind and body.. x hey are easy of administration, prompt in their action, ccrtam in their results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease. No Person can take these Hitters aecoid fog to directions , - and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Cong.' Tightness'of the CliesttrDiz iciness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad aste in the Mouth, Biliotth Attacks, Palpitation o the Heart, Inflammation orthe Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guar antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For Femolo Complaints, in young or old, - married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display to decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon percep tible. _ For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu matism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused -by Vitiated Blood,, which is generally produced by derange ment of the Digestive Organs. They are a Gentle Purgative as well as a Tonle, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Cmigestion or Inflam mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilious Diseases. • I ' - For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salta Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles' Rifig-worms, Scald - Head , Sore Eyes, Ery sipelas,ltch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name -or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a , short time by the use of these Biters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effeets. II Cleanse the: Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples; Eruption!, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it oh-, strutted and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Grateful thousands , proclaim VINEGAR BIT MRS the most Wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. , Pin,. Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually de: stro_yed and removed. Says a distinguished physiol ogilt: There is scarcely an individual upon the face dale, earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms., It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No, system of Medicine,' no vermifuges, no anthelmin itics, will free the tystein from worms like these Bit ters. Mechanical Disortaca. Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters„ and Miners, as they advance in I:fe, will be subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this take a dose OL WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTRRS t ORCO Or twice a week, as a Preventive. Intione, Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of. our great tivers throughout the United , States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roan oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa ries, throughout our entire country Turing the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of manual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera, There are alway s more or less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon 1 -these v nous-organs, is essentially necessary. There is rift Carl a rts for the purpose equal to DR. J. WALKER'S NINEG R BUYERS, as they Will speedily remove the dark-c lored viscid matter - with_which the bowels are loaded at the same time stimulaiithe_seeretions of the lit' , r, and generally restoring the healthy Iririctious of the igestive organs. 1 ' Scrofula, or MORN ;::Vii, NiliilC Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled eck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations„lndolent Inflammations, Mercurial Af fections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these , .as in all Jollier conifitutional Dis eases, WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS have shown their great curative powers in the , rriest obitivatit: and intract able cases. . Dr. Walker's California Vitteg - ar Bitters act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying, the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the affected parts receive health, and a permanent cute is effected. _ The promertleg of DR. WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-46- tant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. *.r/130 .111113ricisr ann ....a Laxative properties ot DR- \VALIUM'S VINEGAR BITTERS are the best safe guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect the humors of the faeces. Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from intlamtnation, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Their Counter-Irritant influence extends throughout the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Anti-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, iii the secie tion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts, and are superior to all reaedial agents, for the cure Of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc. Fortify the body against (listens° by pari- Ling all its fluids with VINHGAR 111 - truus. No em. uc can take hold of a sp.tem thus forearmed. The liver,. the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great inrig orant. Directions.—Take of the Bitters on going to hed at night from a half toinur and one-half wme•glacsfull. Eat good nourishing food, such as beefsteak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely veget able ingredients, and contain no spirit. J.WALKER, Prop'r. R. H. ItIetIONAILD & CO., Druggists and Can. Agts., San 'Francisco, Cal., andcor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., New York. SOLD ,BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. May 29, 102—ttm. Pianos-! . Organs ! I v you scant a first-class ' Piano or Organ - - I call on 81. F. DOWD at pr. A. B. Eastn'ian's office.— Ile has tho „ .EStey Organ, i'v cover (5. BrOS, , ,Pia72 , o<§, Sheet Music, 'lnstruction Books, Piano and Organ Spr.eads, and anything in the, line of first-class musical Goods; J. F. Stratton S Co's Band Instruments. Also the Domestic Sowing Machine. Call in and see me. B. F. DOWD. Wellsboro, April 24, 1872.-tf ZrALES VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER. Every year increases tile popularity of this - valuable, Hair Preparation; which is due to merit. alone. We can assure our old patrons_ that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it as the only reliable and perfected prep aration.for restoring Gual; on FADED flAm-to its youthful color, making it soft., lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic propet:ties, prevents the hair front filling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows 'thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to. their normal vigor, and will create a new f4rowth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hun DRESSING ever used, t:s it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy- ap pearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts; says, "The constituents are pure, and' carefullyi Selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the BEST I PREPARATION for its intended purposes." • .NUM \' Vit3 \ It t 1 r mtv-Ms‘. Z'old by all Druggists, nil(' Dealers in Aft;dicine; Prioo Ono Dollni. nuckingham's Dye FOR THE 'WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases re . - quires too long Ohne, and too much. care, to restore gray or hided Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in one .preparation; which will qUickly and effectually accomplish this result. It, 'is easily applied, and produces kcolor will neither rub nor wash off. Sold; by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. ' Manufactured by IL P. HALL & CO., NASlttr.a, N.H. Jan. 1, 1872 For Sale in Knoxville. /AA now two story frame hcruiei Clood terms of. Juno 12. 1872 fered, Can t My offlce. . R R HADWAY'S 'READY RELIEF CUREI3 THE WORST PA IN!.; In from Ono to Twenty Minutes, NOT-ONE HOUR after re.ttlinglll6:t4vertketlient been :thy PUFFER IVITIi PAIN. IMMIII4MMiIi=IIIII , It wag(lnt tsitd.:43 ont lrataMly etopa the r,#(.[ pxoticiatilti; Inflamrliatlonft,:4lol (me.' C'onge.thm uh , 110, • Lunen, Stomach, towel% or Gthcr our poi kat lon. IN FROM ONE To TWENTY MIN iTTI:`, an mallet kiv, Violent or ex. ritdatitur. 16e1, 0 . 1 , RHEUMATIC% Bed•riddr - n, halm], eni , plt,t, . !Neu ptuslrattat rclibea,,, May ruth,, RADWAY'S ReADY RELIE: - ) WILL, AFFORD INSTANT E.l>l , '. INFLAMMATION 01 , ' 'OW K-H)NEr:i INFLA NIMATION ON INFLAMMATION OF TII O . ELs. (TINOFS . IIO3 01 , 1 HE I Si/P. F. THEO.% T, B)lFFicol.4' PA LPITAIioN 1.:1:0131% DIPHTHERIA. CA'LI.R.RII, I NFLI - i. II I EADAOIIE, TOO fIiAMIE. Ell 1tA1.411 . A, 1211.1ThLy1 COLD CHILLS, Aimu: npi.h . lo, lamb,' Belief 1., 1 , 11 It whvie tl,o 11:41f1 or dittimlity :,11.i cornf.ut . dulpq in half a tninl,kr of Tat, , .„. ananentleilre CRAMP.% z- , PASM:;s, WI: :111'1 y. IIEARADRN, SWF; 11F.A . DAvIIi , j, MAIN I ill I oiSEN l'ol,lo, \VINO IN; Ile. 411.1 All INTERNAL PAINS., Tr:vv.:46.n st4,reold always wxiiy niirtll% Itertd/( - It444er With 1,00 A. f, wdr", i ill 1.1 . 1 Cll-1 . rie. 4 3 or fermi trr.pi clr.invu ef u ,t, Onnt Ft ,'.el, Dcway /It FEVED AND A Ca:E. FEVER AS I) AGUE turcl for pi; , not a rolied3l agcnt flit v, • and Agap, and all c•thpr Dial .tie. , : , , phoid. 1:t,lloyi, and cdbra-' E,v4.-14 }'ILLS) :0 (wick ICADWAV6 10E.\ ii Fifty _5 per bottle. :lola by Drug,gia HEALTH BEA u T yi l sTR,.)NG Arfi PURE RICH Oh FLESH AND"WF:IO.IIT—CLEM: • BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED 10 D R.: R A W4113 1 ` ) 8 SARSAPARILLIAN RESO, LVENT HAS MADE TTIF; MOST ri; -, art QUICE.,,_ :30 RAH D ARE TUE THE BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER 'I r I MEDICINE, Tir.lT Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Fen-. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFICR. • Ever; drfp of the ItlLl.l.t I:f.'.“, ENT communicates .Ib.mtigh the 7314 . ,.t, Sw. at, 1 ~ Mal Mimi' fluids and juir,-; r.f th, sr3tent the VI ", for it repairs the Wrl-tk - r or the body with inaterlat.' Scrofula. St 01'1112, Comutopti , m, ,t, disease, lfleers In the Thro,a, T.11116r , , the Glands and other prat, of the ay t , Strumotis Ir4eilarg4 s roan ti... :0”I 01; forms of Skin tliqu.szes, Et opt Freer heed, Ring Wuriu, Saltßh . Snots, Worms In tine. 1 , 1,,h, Turoed in It Womb, and all weakening smt ', Sweats, Lost of Sperm, and :ill ws , tei of the pr - n„• pie, are within the 011'3117t: lang, ny 11,11 t. vudi r ern Chemistry, and a few ria)q`v.lll ploy( t , , j.eisMt ,using for CitiUrr 111Cf.V.`folLILI of ctis,.a.,i potent power In rare theta. If the patient, daily becoming rrihiceil Ly tie' v.,,.; and decomporition coeds in arresting these ws.qc,,, and repmrs the • rms.' material ramie flora he ,Itl y mot t EARSA.PARILLIAN will Not puly does the SAM rArma lan it N.A... all known remedial agents it, Cl,'. Ulf C 01( . 1,19111,. Conatitational, Fold edism b.., It to positive cure fur kidney & Bladder COmplailit., Urinary, and Womb disetoe9, Grard, „, Stoppage of Water, Ineontioenre ci U r ;,,, case, Albuminwla and In ail %%lore duet devAta, or the a afar cloudy, to, SlltOtancev - jtke the white of at, Q.:, 01 t hr, talk, or then 14 a morbid, dark, bilkola 0 white bon-dtrit dr , pozitq, and when there r. burning sain , atiou when pl z •in,r xau r , an,,f ...‘iii/an 01 . the Back and along the Loin,. - WORMS.—'The only imoa nijaad for Worms—Pin, Tape, tie. 'rumor of 12 Vearm' Gna Cured by ifindway's co:di-eat. Dv. have 6ut Ovarian Tomer in the o ,rir /newels. All the Donlon 1,1,1 •• there tve - no in b, f, tt ' I , every tieing, that wan , lot ntrni. , fate your Itea.ilvent,nlll-tlinti4l.t I tiould IT) it , 1...1 In tl. t o n ntein I Intl cuff red for tw, lie tie. 11, t of tbe nn,l one Lox vi 4v • i, lbra of your Itfli, 1, viii tht it r. not I lyn I er fern or felt, aid 1 feel Lett, r, tiointee, and Lalq.o r tli oi I f o r tiVi e lve yeare. The ii'ort tczni, tt u it iLr l• ft bowel., over the Froin I Tito• thin to ).et th. o..,eau' You t . .1111•111,1I.I1 it if y !ono, lIANNAti 1!. RA WAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly lasteles., cler;untly Nr 101 purge, regulate, purify, aeon. 0, an , t,, hrthen Aray'a for the ell!: (1 oil flu, r-t Bowela, 'Kidney 1:1,1,141, r, Ito !iced:why; Constipati ~o n I to -1, • 1 1 4 1,1K0t, 1 tiunm theisoweht,,iltle_,. , ' and alt h e h i t., cert. \Van - anted. to (Aka ittt o cure. i \, ., ble,_conizitning no nieroir, - , mil. rat., ,ir kit Iris the; ~,• tho follo%oing tuptoms it Dis Orders of oresne Inn ant I.f the Pt. , ALl,llty of (ho tit0m0,11,51,00, 11..11 um. 1.. I Fulltie,, or Weivjltin the StUirmch, Dour Eruct 01,0 Fluttering it the ht or the Stotts:v-li, F 011,0111,, , Ilurried ni,d lti nothing, at 0, 11. or Surro,tirh4 SAl , ations. whru m n 14,1,,g tot • I V. 0%, IN,LS or IVO., ,of. r Ow :-eht, 14. N.; sot 01,11 the' I Derie,eney c,r Pettpuatioti, th • and Ater, P.llll In the Side, Cho. 1, I.lllltc, ra.,,1:17,14,1, t 1,. I tent, burning ih the .K few alose,[of 11A.I/WANZ'A ,11 ell lent front ill 11,e ahtlitr lutf,Wit tt, I - Par bon. DE,U11(11:-,TS READ .• FALSE A\D TRI.E." n.i , FtamP to ItAD \VA'S( , N. ;,.• e I Yolk. Information worth May '.49 •In -I The High Bred ..Hrtilthietoniao -9[ l 3' ca. t ti Lig 1 vi 11 i t -- Ig‘ 'l'o IN A ND A t,`' 4 11 ill stio (I lt)i. ru Li ;Ji itril 117(?), , I. I f 1 ppro7 •e( I ellli i ("S (11 11/1' Bif ) i;' , of the slb. , ;eriber ii i 10 ,t.tic A. ' 5 .1 r. t: , - • I n irs old lef•'li, • • imported II mill ‘ui, li. 11, , //V I" 14,4 1,1 P - 1:h.,/itt., dam by 0.'.1 ur,amt i hi' men i. d Wit .11.1 a ti 01.i111 Ili I 0 , 1 j ,• lay EP•Ut,d' 1 • • • TOW NJ dam, 'Ate ,Irr I,y Hilt's mom' mot,' a,/ fOal, it in 3-a l, and he by tiheranot's dive prn , hr 3 •l.t:e. raisin n New Brunswick, and represented as a i lia 1 Itri-d 1 n•Msh mare, ltred by \V mgah- Tit mob', , D ll , zOl,l to LA m . Thuiston, Los oil, Ma- e., 15 thl, :oat I • Daval 11111, Br:l4,volt, Vt., 1511, in inh po-ses ,, ,net . 1 . _ quircd great taro,' This 11 Ir.(' got more hull pr colt:, than any Muse of Ins day. He deed Nov., 13--;. , 3 He was the sire of "Elfra» _lnce." and gland Lite the dam td "TOWANDA," Our white past , r black points, dark hay-, lc, hands 3t inches high, 10, years old m July. He is one of the most ieto.ohlt animals this country has produwed. lie is I.cauttio3 blood-like, of great strength, and. action pi feet_ 11 is in close proximity to to 0 of the most nothbl, , in this Nation • fin ?able/ ore ia rz and and as the sire of trotters, these two great borseh t far abhvC all competition in this orany past generate A better illittsuin of blood is not in the Ante: ican I. - than in "TOWANDA." Ile is a fortunate cross 11 , bids faar for a brilliant future in - tall respects. lie success, and true anti it will be appreciated by ep. h 1, judicious men. We have arrived at a period mito: mere stilted gabble about the horse is of but lull, 03- count, and anything of a slut; history er lug, cost, labor, Jong research, thought and mole, - "The American Trotting Register," which coma all that is known 01 the lie:digit:l' 01 Trotting llorsesi then ancestors and descendants, with a - record -01 01 1 el fished perlormancta in mlnch a mile ti/Is trtati if paced in 2:10 or less, front the earliest /km Li/ close of ISCS, and full record of the, perk,rn,an.;.. , .1169 and MO, gi‘iug complete snunnaries r.f ov, 'thousand contests, with an introductory tree origin of the American Trotter. This is a • thing. False pedigt ees are quite too e,munion work shuts out imposition to a great degy, 3 II Wallace, the compiler of the "American gtn,l a I Trotting Register," fovea a better r' • ! the Horse than toy rather. "130 WAN DA" m ill be drown 111 harnt,s t • 11, • that think of patronizing him bt twr-n the hwir, five and eight o'clock, a. m„ ou pleasant 'INV( k dt. - His style and flue trotting action, when traim v I surely make his own eharact,-r. the elo,eo brings the man to his feu- mime 50 it is ',• of ear Pi. ' TER) S—One hundred dollars to instil r- hk, ni‘ a. ' dollars'. t time of sereke, which will flOt ilc li IWi in any recut, and seventy-file dollars 1 1 / 4•\ li I. foal. Best care taken of mare; on rese , onahle II f" , All acciilciitn and escapes at on - iur's rah All a , .• , I must ba left or brought tolhe stable elivii de,ir.,l - Mares lof proven in foal can be rtturn«l lie‘i ~ ., . 1 :I• free of .harite. :4 ) I ScAstix.--Firht of Al .- Ird t.l July first. l'.lll ~ i- First of September ; to 1).N...el fiber first. JblIN D. - .)[()NI1N 11 Towanda, Pa., May 8. 18111,..!--3ra. II PHOTOGRA A LI, kinds, styli a and 9.1 ::CS of fl executed in rnanlipr at P. P. N 3, Clallety, imiposits Cone blouse, ‘vellsisicii Portraits on Porcelain Plates; Nothing finer can be offered than files. , beautind eelain Pictures in a vebiet ease or 'rainy. Thi lICS4 and delicacy are superior to anythin,: I on iron or paper. If you want a .. of yourself, go to liar:anon: l s. ~ If you want tho very best that _nn 13!. hal, :-.• 1 Naramtko's. If you cant something that looks like ~ti, g.. 1, .` 1 amore's:. It you want an old Daguerreotype. Arnbrotype, or other Pietnres copied and onlarveil.liE can do that as reasonable as any other 111311. will be finished In India Ink, Oil or Wat,..r tlkh ired !Persons wishing pictures of groups and ,bikihn Will receive especial attention. i t. large _Aassortment of Fratnes and Frantue‘ constantly on bawl. All tinily of Mst.l a tinily Pictures Framed to Order N. D.—Dnit't mlatahr Ulu over A. 13. E.i•.tur'n ' ' Dental Itoomg. April '24, 1872.-tr YOUNG BERTRAND. THISWeII known Stock Horse will stand toi ntr , 'R during the season at the subeeriber's Stahl., in Wellsboro. Ills stock is so well known Melo is n.. eessity of remarks. It is sufficient to iiny, for +s :a stars they are lot surpassed, or for power of auco. This Hors() is a coal black, weighs 1000 10.. '' Rotted, end kind in harness, his foals prove the n+."- tierviceable of any horse in this section for all Purl"' sea. Ai, the request of numerous patrons, I ha,. , termitied to Stand him where ho can be fount' at ail times by.thoso that wish for his service. E. A. FISH, opricio' Wellsboro, May 1,1879-3 w. , . a ,House nd Lot for Sale. RE undersigned offers for Hale his !louse and 1,, t ti on - Main street, in Elkland, Ps., at a 'very lo" ; - plici eacd lot contains one-half acre, and is wider good eu!. tivation. For terms. &•3. sooty to the subscriber. Ad, FD.. /0. itlaiblati -O. P. Bacaos, J. P. BarA CF VF.PII. )11 Good Picture D. 11 NARAMOTZE IB OEM ME MEI OME