Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, July 24, 1872, Image 3

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tioute, To R FlNT.—lnquireo(Wriltor Sher-
Boggy, cutter, harness, ttc, for sale cheap
~t i dy at 'the Episcopal Rectory. •
11110 17; 18724 f.
Married ladies, under all' circumstances ;
lied Par Bon's Purgative Pills cafe ; ad,
doses, a mild cathartic. They cause
1 „-, iminy or cramp.
rho tires annual meeting of the place
ii tuns; Association wilt take place at
\ - ,..c.her Trotting Park, Cornihg, N. Y., on
the 21(1, 24th and 25th days of July, 1872.
ni i (nip, to the amount of s3,oooare offered.
11.1.11 t AGENCY.-Wm. Dunham of this
1 ,11;i0 has the agency for a book entitled
-Roughing It,".and written by Mark Twain.
I't ice from $3,50 to $5 according to binding.
A fact worth remembering—Five cents
of Sheridan' s Cavalry Condition Pow
di, given to a horse twice a week, will saVe
iiahie that amount in grain, end the horse
ain bo fatter, sleeker, and every way worth
rufqe 'money than though he did not have
All persons indebtifil to the undersigned
:.re requested to call at his house on the
avenue and settle np at once. Having sold
out and entirely retired from business, it is
accessary that all accounts be arranged as
t ttpidly as possible. ROBERTS.
ellsboro, July 24. 1872-3 w.
PETERSON'S MAGAZINE for August is re
ceived, and seems to grow better with each
tweeedingnumber. The engraving, fashion
plate, &c., arc excellent. It is full of just
h stories as all classes should read, and
n,tudes stories, essays, poems, witty and
layings. Send for a copy. Price
lu r year. ''Aderess C. J. Peterson, 300
Ow-tont street, Philatra.
1,111 terra will commence Wednesday,
1 187'2. Already quite a large number
engaged rooms, and every pi - ospeet
m , favorable for n largo term. The build
be put in a good. state of repairs,
every facility given to those wishing : to
-11, a course of study, or to spendone or
terms in the institution. Fifty-five
u. Toga county have graduated from the
h.. , 1 Those wishing to enter should ap
!,, the principal.
i‘ , of\Vlklter Sher-
etic Aoitatot.
Home Affairs.
T 1,.• I bunq gas wt.ll has been,
I. twwt -t•6attl house i 5 to he built in
in Elinita about fifty
~~ ~,~•~~ t„n
-IZ,(l,),,trie, and AV hort)ebt.rrios are
- wn , recently born On an express
101, near Hornelkville .
Jar i irnieN had rather "catching time"
Lac 11 - 14 \Vea.
Of Wilt:4lX Krei'S'S
are g,Nni; up rapidly.
Ilan t to attend the meeting at the
11,11 , 0 next .; , Ltuiait s evening.
.1 1 , filw , ; II Miler, an old 501clier.
1, nt "is tho Grant Club at Addison.
I. t the tir-t meeting of the campaign at
t Howe next Saturday be it rowizer.
There lire now about two hundred per
- I,Tioyed in the Corning, Gi f u,: Fork=.
: rh o wa t er :0 low in Cronkeil Lake
,• il,r -t , ainerccannot land at come of the
rAtir4iiake four feet long %l 1 , 15 . killed in
0-tPr eplinr, Covington, a few
—Nearly twelve hundred narne-; Were
~ n ed to a call fur a Grant -ratification
Elmira on the 17th.
Cvrning . larbcr.= have ctarteti a hit of
•1 rikc. They clor-e the !,hop , at F; p.
ery night except Islaturday.
—The Good Templity4 inive It inenit . ;,.. in
Trove, Tue-clay, Atigit=t rah, 1572,
id c•irdially invite their friend , .
-The Coudor , port stage now rutty.; tree
weeK, arriving. here and leaving
1-nday. WedneAny 1 111( 1 Friday.
- floury Thompson of Blossburg shot
thrutigh the leg last Sunday week. while
handling a loaded revolver.
-The Bath Ccoo•irr and Corning Journal
1..1 o great deal of ihk over "110n.',; S.
I.llwr he.t week. A short horse should
0 “11 col tied. neighbors.
11.0.!Vk‘ ills Las bounded f , Or $70,000
1..1 of :1 Railroad from Rochester to Pine
The route is through CnniAeo,
,00d and West Union.
;'Lo Elmira ..:1(//., ,dew say-, tluit the
Sohn Ilrook.F., of Bath, ivv.; found
1.0!1.• Lal. la,lThai;i,day moyning, and
'l, , ri• F,u.pi( , ion9 flint he vr, - ...n3 foully
111 Blanche 11zw.elturi, of Banton, waS
i-t Thursday I,y her clothes catching
11„• of her father's mill. She
ddy and died about two
i 1 r the accident.
\t laking of a barn on the_ farm of
I: l',oldoirA in Sullivan, on Saturday,
• 1 •,;, Mr .I,, , yrhu: Fuller foll bark:ward
• .1 brooking ono arlll and jinjur
-1-.ol) hhont I,oad and rib:,
inanagor.; of tho Hormaie
' otvaniAo , l col thy ny'si LE;t4tIVC
L. tlu tlecti,m, of the. following
• \\ Merrick, Progident ;
I I:. +' , l , Young, Treas-
n !IL; friclid int. aria
" Bat 1), and .1 l?...iiinson
F. I till, village, :ire ttp-Pine
I , l•tleat t Week. WO tiler"
1.0, • --LN tic flout , 1101 the +lhtP
W a att.l Lathrop's 11111'611g_ mill al
r about E 7 2FtXX.) wort!
' I ol , l‘ol 11111 the Oroman's 11ou , 31.!, 'wits des
i 1.. Fr- , 71r1 . ‘ lust Stitiir.l9.3 ; morning.
1, pit It ci inqurfthe(
-I 111
—lf , .1 W House, of Waverly, N. Y.,
I 1,.n death in a singular manner
t v Tae-day. She fell down the cellar
‘ti, er , , , ekery in her hand. 'The
hreken, and one of the pieces
'l , ilit,. her nrtel: and severed the
, I ~ nd itigular vein,-enuring ire,tant
\I: I) ,N,.1 Wooth, of New York died VI:Ay
I ° l. mothers flesidenee in Bath,
ning. She had arisen
• , ;el:ently iu o:Roellent health, bid (lid
d-wri t breakfast, and when sent
dend---the result, no doubt
1V00(1 , was the
L of the late Ifon. Reuben Robie.-
1 - a hu , band, and, two eons and a
Ives to mourn her loss
' 4 lo)rtly after 6 p. in., while the
7 01101 were at supper, the steam FlllVlin
t .t..trnn t , uk tire and waz; entirely cot i g
, 1 This will somewhat retard the bust
• It that place, but the energy of the Fall
C , mpany will soon make good the
The mill cost $20,000. Fully insured.
A B,,,usiNG MEETING AT 8 . 1.0.:131i1t0.
azt Wpdnesday evening a meeting teas
Id at Blossburg to raise a Grant and
nag. The banner was a very handsome
•,. consisting of a regulation U. S. flag
1 , aNufactureci in New YOrk, and inscribed
it. the names of . the national candidates.
was us.pendetl across the street from Farr's
1 t -t,l t o Horton 's store. Judge L. B. Smith
`..u:' l a, Chairman of the mallng. About
f •• hundred people were in attendance, all
1 he most enthusiastic spirits. Hon. J. B.
I .
Iles and Hon. John I. Mitchell, of this vil
gc, made excellent speeches, eliciting the
heartiest. apphlitse. _ . There, WAS abundant
and most excellent: rimsic furnished by the
Arnot Band of twenty pieces.. Taken td-liti
all the meeting was, a I nosbinspiriting,oloP':
and "auguera . :well Ter tbe"Cante .:of bone4;`
straight-forward Itepublicanie - M 3n B,l4skilit#
and vicinity. •-•
OUR COURTY Agricultural.
SOciety mill -hold a = Fair this fall-on ih s e
groin - 111411a were useAl,for that purpose last
year. Pr4arations are now being made to
Put up the needed:building. The .
already on the ground for the erection of 'a
Floral Hallll2hy 2fl feet r so thnt all aitielek
offered for exhibition, may be= properly and
securely , housed. The Fair will be , beld,
probably sometime in September, but :the
precisb date h 1, not yet been It= '
soon be - announced, however, together= with;
the premium list, and it will bo well for the'
citizens of the county to make early arrange
ments for an exhibition of the products of
the' farm, the 'dairy and the shop which
wilt at once do credit to the county and ad
'Vallee their own industrial interests,. •
Saturday evening in Lawrenceville, atßenn's
took place the opening meeting of the
campaign for this section of Tioga county:
It was one of the most earnest and enthusiastic
of gatherings. The meeting was called to
order, and it was announced that the object
of the gathering was the formation ofa Grant
and Wilson club. James Stewart being
called to the chair the following officers
were elected:
J. H. Mather; Preiident; - F. Smith, J.
C. Demon, Henry Colgrove, J. A. Rodgers,
Vice Presidents; Wm. Pollock, Secretary .
C. S. Mather, Corresponding Secretary; D.
P. Ferrenbaugh, Treasurer; J. W. Stew
art, H. T. Caton, C. S. Mather, Charles
Duel, Joseph Guiles, Executive Committee.
The =seer-roll was then'signedby.nearly
one hundred voters, pledging ;themselves to
support Grant - and Wilson at the aiming
election. Among-the number, were Aeveral
influel Democrats. Besides these a great
many m re say they prefer Grant and
son to Horace Greeley, and Ithink - foi every
Republican in this town and born that may
be induced to vote for Greeley and Brown
we can count on at least three recruits from
the Democratic ranks.
On Saturday afternoon, August third, we
intend to raise a Gfant and Wilson Pole,
when some able speakers willbepresent, and
a general good time may be expected. •
-MINING IN ell A TITASI. —Mr. Win. Sp-GA(I
ing, of Chatham, has for some time past given
his attention to mining in the mountain near
his residence, and with a good deal of en
couragement. Ile has sent specimens of the
ore to Nc4 York to a practical assayer, and
received a certificate as follows: Gold per
ton, $10.73; silver per ton $3.35. No doubt,
there is much urnieveloped mineral wealth
in the mountain where this ore exists, but
whether it couldi be procured in paying
quantities is yet tube determined. We un
derstand, however, that Mr. S. will soon make
further explorations as be feels confident that
he will yet find a fortune in the "hidden
treattre." Success to the undertaking
TERRIBLE ACCIDEN T.—An accident ivhich
can hardly fail to be fatal in its results, oe
en rred on Friday afternoon, J ulyl2th, at the
railroad crossing in the borough of Canton,
A freight train from the south had passed on
to the switch, and divided so - that a portion
of the train was on the south side of the
crossing, while the other portion ran up and
.-topped above the crossing. At this junc
ture Arr. Frederick Williams and son at
tempted to drive across the track, when the •
Niagara Express going south and running
very rapidly, struck the wagon, crushing it
into a diarpless mas , of debris, and throw
ing up a cloud ()Faust. Frederick Williams
Wll , thrown to agreat. height , into the air,
and way.. l o severß.ly injured that up to the
time of writing tirlB he had not come to his
Ilk skull was criyhed and his limbs
brol:en in several place. Q The younger man
had his limbs al-o broken. The horses . were
killed and the wagon, which was anew plat-
Ftorltl wagon, wac broken into fragments. It
is , opposed that the roar of escaping steam
from the freight train prevented the signal
of the apuroaching train from being heard.
But some persons who were standing near at
the time deny that any signal was given.-
7 -kfctve,,,,n (.I=stvra -4-- cynt.t -
ARM.— Troy Gazdte.
A WORK WORTII HAVING.—In that wittiest
of modern works, the Autocrat ofthe Break
faq Table, Dr. Holmes tells of a certain
heavy gentleman who one day electrified
the whole table by the sudden unwonted
brilliancy of his talk and the extent and ac
curacy of hi= learning upon the most diverse
topics. Before that day his most partial
friends had regarded him as a man of :Ong
gist' *intellect and shallow knowledge,( and,
hero he suddenly blossomed forth as voluble
and as learned as Macaulay and as incisive
mu Sydney Smith. What could account for
it? In reflecting upon this problem, thi:
Autocrat remarked that the gentleman's•
themes all began .with A. He discoursed
upon Abbottsford, Abelard and Abyssinia,
upon the Achasan League and acids, upon
acro.-tio and Adam, upon neti»ism aiad
I sop, upon the Appian - Way and the Ara
bian,Night:, upon John Andre and Araguay,
and there he halted. Nothing could induce
him to talk of Eugene Aram or ()larches, and
he was rather reticent and shaky on the
subject of Benedict Arnold. A _happy
thought 611Mhed through the Antocrat's
brain, and the wonder was, solved. The
first volume of the New American Cyele
piedia load just been is-ued, and this dull
gentleman had read it through- front cover
to cc.' Or ; and here he was a living mcaumient
of lrau uatag—frotia A to`Araguay.
Whether the gentleman has continued to
read the other volumes of that work as they
have appeared we t know; but if he has,
be is by this time either dead from mental
dyspepsia or he is the most learned Theban
of them all. For since that time,' the work
has been eompleted, and the searcher for
knowledge may now roam from A to Izzard
at hi , own ..meet. will. It is a magnificent
monument alike to Amyl iean scholarship
and American enterprise. In preparing its
text very many of the ablest pens of the
coutitu have been• employed; it is thor
oughly e dit e d ; and as t'or its mechanical
it is only neee.l , ary to say that it Is
published by the A pplelons of New 'York.
eotnun these rixteen beautiful Octavo
volume; to every person wishing Fuel' a
work elocially for their fullness in Anne
lean subjects,. The foundation 'of evert' , li
brary, public or private. large or small,
should be laid in standard works of reference,
:ml; after a good dictionary, we k'now of no
better corner-stone than this "New Amer- .
iean Cyclovedia."
heading the American Neir.spaper Repot
publkhes the address of li. S. Parker, edi
tor of the Geneva Gazette, delivered before
the Editors' and Publishers' Association• of
the State of New York, af Watertown, June
'25. 1872, On subject of Pate n t o u t s id rs
speaker truthfully said :
- What "a lame and important conelusimi - '
it i-. my friends, with so many country, pub
lishers, to resort to O - era/viz/out:fide proces 5
of is,,ning their weekly journal. I never
pick up one of these sheets without reflecting
that the conductor has mistaken his calling
—that he is lacking in some one or all the
element= of industry , judgment, or brains,
so essential for an editor, and is self-conscions
of his incompetency, or he would not result
to this "stale, flat and unprofitable method
o serving his patrons. A fresh, live, read
lc newspaper, cannot be produced in this
Manner. It is not wisely adapted to either
the religious or secular, the political or neu
tral journal. It-oftthnes emirs that every
column, every square of available „space
demanded for fully chronicling general
local events of importance to your readers,
but which are wholly ignored by roar "Pat
ent outside" editor. The demand; of adver
' tiseis may at times trespass largely on
your reading columns. Then , the discrimi
nating editor will first •eneroach upon the
• miscellaneous department. But your pat
ent outsider has but one alternative under,
such a pressure, and that bears directly
upon the most vital part of his' paper, the
instele—it must often prove to his own morti
fication, and to the great dissatisfaction of
it diseerning patrons. The "Chk
cngo tire," is said, caused a, large nuMber
of tetaporary suspensions of 'weekly papers
throughout the West, to the infinite amaze
ment of unsophisticated subscribers. It was
indeed a far-reaching conflagration to have
wiped out With its scorching - hreath so many
`ftrst-class rural journals" • at remote dis-
• •
The estriblistment Whieh grOund out one
hundred AiffereAt • "Gazettte Art& ",(21,eqr s i
iets,V • - 91eineerats" '40141
froni - efelitid the sninepet et, toPust wag Pa"
duced tofrilris: and :IS thiil• tight *went Vitt;
Egyptiatillir_kness as to,eurrent:pews;sprV
like 10tillsii"ov s erlsr , ititers •ittliagbk
eausktke K OUtslites', were 710 i,
Need °liberate further in'depreeation of
this modern funguff,:fplourturpmpt
I ieve It ti he in 111 , repiite,:withi klle
most intelligent anil'inest; sucieess 144 1 •13
profession: • :jt., •
• -
First Rally - ,or.l,4o;taipa ga*
We, the untlersiariktiffieni s eil *41106-
re,' Pa., aud.,,t - itembtti,';Otg4-.Repul)li44ou ,
t 1 o unite in . 64144 it tn4fing z i:lp t .,
in the COnTi" , Ift:dite ve tig'
ne ‘ xt, the 27th instant; ifeA., fife purpose of .or 7 _
gabizing: for the campaign: . ,Jl4ly -4 22; 1072
NV A Stone, A 0 Sturreelc, '
Jno I Ilitebell„ Joseptk B Gates,
J C Strang, -Henry 0 Stiles,
H N Williams, B Seeley, , -
A P Cone,
Gcrt,W Merrick,
Wm Roberts,
Coo 0 Derby,
B. I, Van Horn,
JR Bollard,
ED Young,
Hindi Toting,
W J Horton,
0 B Horton,
Job Wetmore,
J B Niles,
F A Deans,
0 0 rb•good,
0 D Kelley,
Giro W Sears,
J L Robinson,
C: Robinson,
W M Herrington,
A F Barnes, '
E A Kimball,
George Kelley,
C B Kimball, -
P C Van Oelder, •.
John R Bowen,
Joseph wililame,
J B Potter,
GM Hill,
C Jennings,
George Barker,
RC Bailey,
D H Belcher,
E II Robinson,
Thomas Allen,
If Bollard,
/t. F. Niles,
C L Merrick,
L C Bennett,
D P Roberts,
0 IVarriner,
L Stoddard,
0 D ittunsey,
L Pldppeu, •
John Robinson,
L Tlllllrlall,
O F Ellis,
M Spencer,
Francis Smith,
Benjamin Austin,
L Austin;
J H Harman,
E Whitney,
j R Batchelder,
F A Johnson,
E H Manley,
C J Smith,
E Roby,
Wen M Black,
N P Close,
J Milliken,
They Block House.
Our readers will perhaps remember that
we published some time since a "Reminis
cence of Liberty" in which the origin and
early history of the _ Block House was
eSsedly set forth' by a corresPondenl; - The
story was published entirely on the faith of
our correspondent, we knowing nothing of
its accuracy. A writer in the Williamsport
Gazette and Bulletin thinks-our correspon
dea was mistaken! and undertakes to set
hint right in the letter which We copy belOW:
We do not know who this writer is, but
the Williamsport editor vouches for him as
t'ontl who knows whereof he !Arms." He
certainly appears to speak by the curd. And
Pet he makes some -singular mistakes. It
was not Sir William Poultney, but Sir Wil
liam I'ulteney, who purchased the lands
known to this day as "the Pulteney Estate."
That estate comprised almost the whole of
Steuben county, a largo part of Allegany
(ritt „A/legit' fiy) and part of Livingston coun
ties. , 'The, agent of. the. dstuto \Vas Col ,
CD Ades h int Th"()liri '
We believe there are other errors in ,the
article of ctill greater importance, but we
have net the data at hand by which, to cor
rect them , at present. It Would ,be -Well to
h4ve theni all set right, however, so as to
- `:indicate the truth of histo,y,", as well its.
_f,,r the, 'take of those I, rtglit-eyed children at
the Block House settlement. ism wan this
caveat we publish the letter just as it tip . -
pearsin the Williamsport journal:
Some time since, (May 25th, 1872,) an ar
ticle appeared in the Gazette and ButletiU,
copied. trom ii. Tioga paper, , the,doriespon4
dent profc , sedly a resident of the village at
the site of the Block Ifousr) now called Lib
erty, the name of the township, purporting
to give the origin of the name; but as the
whole article is purely fiction, wd don't feel
like letting it, pass unnoticed, knowing the
tendency of the age for fiction and literary
poison. fearcd-some, at least, of those
bright-eyed children that attend the eight
Sunday schools of the Block House settle
ment might addpt the stutement[of the„Lib
erty,correTondent for histOrie facts, So we
make a condensed and brief statement of the
eireitlil stances.
In the month of August, the govern : .
ment of the ConimonwealtWof Pennsylvania:
sent, out commissioners to treat with the
several Indian tribes concerned, for the pur- .
ehtv.e of all the lands' in the Commonwealth
net previously purchased by the Provincial
government, via: 'Beginning at -the line di
viding Pennsylvabia and New York, - then
down the N Branch of the Susquehanna
to the mouth of the Awandae, nowlowanda;
their up the came, and.doWu „the ,Laceinick,
now-Lycoming, to thr;'l Tctt Brant% 'of the
Surquehanna ; then up the same to its upper
forks, now "Cherry 'free,; " thence by a line
totittanning,. a tow on, the , Allegheny";
then dowicthe :;amo and Ohio ,river to the
western' boundary of Pennsylvania, com
pri,ing the north western part of the State.
The commissioners met the representatives
of the several northern tribes concerned—the
Cayugas, Oneidas, Senecas, a al.; at Fort
Stanwix, the present site of Boine, N. Y.,
and subsequently the Shawnees, dingoes,
et all., at Fort Mclntosh, on the Ohio, the
preint bite of the town of Beaver. This
treaty was confirmed by the Oomrrionwealth,
nth :January, 1786, and at the same session of
Ar , sembly, laws were inissed 'regulating the,
bilke and surveys of the lands thus acquired.
The; Surveyor General divided all the ter
ritory acquired by this treaty lying east of
the Allegheny rim' and Cenewangti preek,
tthe outlet of (;hatatiqua lake), into eighteen
survey districts, from the State line to the
south boundary of the purchase. The line
dividing the litit and 18th survey districts_ .j
a, rim and-marked early,.i the year .1785,,
ero.(seil the first ferlt of Pine' k.,"reek • at - thb
present loetith,m of the bridge on the public
road, it boo t six perehes,east or the site of the
Rick llote.e. As surveys commenced in
ntilinan ~f the yeal —in the liith district
- pack loirse path, then called Bridle
road was opened from the small improve
ment ot James Kyle and Win. Weyley,
which %vas the uppermost settlement on Ly
coining (leek, about two and a half miles
below know Trout Run StatiOn); the
road passed up to Trout Bun, then up the
saute about six miles to the base of the moun
tain and upper forks, then up the West
Branch by easy grade, and down the pack
liorze branch to the first fork of Pine creek.
This circumstance gave the name "Pack
Horse Braneli.' ,This road , was :afterwards
continued to the .Tioga, ;at Peters tCamp,
uu the opposite side ofthe river, a short dis
tance above Blossburg. Surveys were made
in the Block House alley from 1785 to 1788.
Having now passed through with the main
loathes of the original or opening history of
the Block House country, we will now pro
ceed to the historie.eircumaanee that origi
nated the name.
Ahout the year 1790 Sir William Poultney
purchased 4.1' the State of New York a large
aniount of hinds, comprising . the northwest
part of Steuben , and tlteJeast tier.Atotvpships
of Allegheny eobtify and ticihelelas
a very inailifeSt desire to . einigrate 'and settle
those lands by, very any from Central
Pennsylvania, it became necesary to have
an over-land communication to the waters
of the Cheinung ; consequently in the latter
part of I'm, or early part,of litr2, Col. Thom
as Williainsion, who represented Sir William
Poultney, and perhaps Sir George Homly.,
'comnienced the construction of such roan
up the Lycoining Creek, then up Troutßun ;
he first commenced the work wall a body of,
Germans, but very soon Jotted it -necessary'
to employ Americans. A traditionary story
is related concerning the Germans, that Will
delineate their ideas of road making. It is
said when they came in contact with the
mountain, !' about . . tie` e:rity • perche r s, t iibblre.
Trout Run Station, they worked 'on at the
same grade until it was apparent, if they
persisted,.a tunnel would be necessary ; here,
they were brought to a stand by the return
of the foreman. . However this
,may be, a
large pit or excavation is plainly apparent at.
this time. The road was continued nyer
the mountain by U . Very,heavyltz'fide, , near
ly at, right angles with the slope ofeach:side,
over the highest part What is knownas .
the Laurel Hill (since altered):: Whenilow'
arrived' at the north' side of the mountain,,
in the Valley, the men began tg'leave the
work, and soon refused to primed father
J Ross,
N F Marvin," •
C /4 11 dall.
Walter Bullard,
it L Deane,
Ft 8 Archer, -
Rollin Robinson,
Tunis Bush,
James Forsythe,
David. Sturrock,
H B Packer,
Charles Toles,
E H Wood,
C C blathers.-
Nelson Packer.
F Calkins,
R Lotutsbnry,
Robert Kelsey,
B F Kelsey, .
I D Ivea, -
.W 8 Hoagland, •
Robert 0 Simpson,
:Br Roberts,
B Rosa,
H , • 4
:0 Bullard.
.W T Mathes,.'
B Warriner. • :
James L White, .
W 0 Kress, •
24 M Beare
William Blche,
David Cameron,
F B "Riehards,
John Mathers,
J M Johnson.
H A Van Valkenberg,
E R Black.
David Barr,
B T Van Horn,
Philip Wetmore,
Charles Black,
W.J D Dickinson,
E Fish,
BF Wilson,
D Deraing,',
W T Brown,
B Jeuner,
E A Fish.
J F Donaldson,
V Klock,
W C Burger,
W Langan,
A A Truman,
Ed Waterman,
C Car,
F "Zahn.
L A Gardner,
- M B Warriner.
The Indians westward Were yet hostilr niii
Arftty thistaa perniattem had yitt flee
!binned WI tiltepeactattrgiAvivitivecoll,-
tidn of the vidtisho-*ArldPthe revinfifton 1.. '
nei passed aWay. It became an ab:olute
necessity to have some place )of seem. ty.—
Ticibring this about; it. was decided to eruct
a Block House, that lir ease - - or real o • np-,
korehended danger they 'could haven position
oz defense; the Block Howe was - acrord-•
iii ly erected on the Pitt, of the stunt -past
a t of the building tor many y.ear4 k town
'as he Block House Hotel. The
,)vrilit , was
sett east once in the originalWOO: IroliAn, it'
•w4t constructed nearly in the form o f the
to e rn fortifications of this kind--the walls
lief (hewed timber, ehoely and securely
matched-; in military p ) ii , ll? 'il L'id7 l- 0°
tiierced with loop holeki Maidl toorti to
ut Small arias, through to fire on an api
reaching enemy:, it seemed to havebeen
one story high, without any salient angles.
Modern block houses pro sometimes , erected
'l,wo stories;' 'the ',upper 'story, titriiedtlittlf
'around, the upper stdry ranting it ditintond
with the lower.
The road referred to took the name of
WilliemsOn's road, and was passed with
wagons late in the yak 9 -4.9,214. k - flnity, 143--‘
sided at tbOlock Ilduge icAKeep•tip - "Arpbay
for emigrants and travelers ; many persons
passed this road with their cattle. and 'pther
, f3tOOk, whilst their families with household
goods phssed up the North Brunch of the
Susquehanna, and Qheritiing, in keet;bottts r
Scarcely - any addition of settlement was,
'made near the Block House until 1804, When
some settlers arrived there, and some addi
tional settlers who arrived in 1812, as we are
informed, were induced by gifts of lands by
the! Trustees of the' Episcopal Acadenk 6
who had received a special grant a:
acies in. district No. 17 froin the State. %the
BlOck House waserected on theta land- 8 or
8 ;Arches from their eastern boundary.
',WNW—NELSON—Near Olathe; Nettsaa,tite Ufa
Wit; by Rev. N. L. Reynolds,. Mr. E. 0, Leavett;:'6"
,Platte Co., Miasmal, and Mina A. J. Nelson of Olathe.
. _
. , . I
• RIIMSEY—LENT—At Stokesnalo, July 21, 1872, by
Rey. D. D. Buck, D. D., Mr- Joseph E. Ramsey and
Mut Hearten° Lout.
:K r IGLIVIIAN—BURKELL.-On the evening • of inly
altb, at the brlde'a home, by Rev. J. Ludlow Kendall,
at t. John Wtghtman and thee Jeanette Russell) all of
TsCialC6ll.lstlt--tirthaiieaon; 11111,
r 4 a hn'ilir
Gilbert, youngest son of Jeremiah and F ces
Dockstader, aged 10 years.,-2 months and }VII*
. .iolannie was 5prcez44131030Y41441034 ,
and was beloVid bjf 11l *h6 knest. 1 im! - Ifffa lode
With crushing weight upon the bereaved parenls.
• And though they mourn to give him up,
• With breaking hearts of grief,
They drain at last the bitter cup,
And Heaven gives relief. •
For there they hope to meet again
' With God to dwell on high .
To form inheaven th e parted chain,
As angels in the sky.
This is au inquiry which every one should have
frxqhfuity answered before he starts on hie Journey,
.4 a little care taken In examination of }Wattle will
in many cases save much trouble, time and money.
The "C., B. & Q. R. B." running from Chicago,
thiough Galesburg to Burlington, and the "1., I. & W.
Bouts," running from Indianapolis, thigh ?31Pc"R'il
pigton to littriitigtof, 4volved a etudid'iltpu : !'
tatieu in tholast tw §efuldni, ho lea hig tya3l4 '144
Routes to the 14,ez i t., 01 11# 'ton ti yietialuiStild 12,!,
the B. & M. ` - ft. r. mid 431 , -- , the greatt riiiirtitigtcfre -,
Route, which runs direct through tiouthern lowa ,to
Nebraska and RMIEUIS, with ch se connections to Cal
ifornia and the Territories; and passengers starting
from TYoga county, on their way westward, cannot do
bottei than to take the BtrumnoiroN /WU/ E.
This line has published a pamphlet called . .-11
go West," which contains much valuable iiift4
aiarge correct:4lhp of the Oreht VirEat, wlOlteati
tallied free of charge by addrenahig the. General
engerilig,ent B. Sz. M. It. 8., Burkingion, lowa,
1 <+ • ": '!i: '1 : "n I - i
.E. R. KIMBALL, Retail Grocer.,
, ---i•--:7 . „ !!
~'' . i ;. 1 - 1142.r.inickitt),;TpLy !ei;llB7'2;` : ,•:,•ii
Flour, per bbl * , 0(S'11
Buckt•heat flour, per cwt
Wheat, white, per. bushel
Wheat, red,
Whe4, spring, ..
dhsckWheat, .. 7.1
Oorm'shelled, .. 90
Oats, i..... 50
Rye; ',.
Clover seed, 4. 1
Timothy seed, ' 4 ." ' ...-.' .. . • .... I --
Beane', 1 50
Corn rude, per'cwt: - . . •:'..: .' . ':-::::..
Fa:L . l,4)er cwt.
Potatties, per bush
Atples, groon, per bruh:s , ,-, 4 it. : :i.,:, 1 ; 2 , 0 , 1:,.... - - , _
eniorol_ nor bush -- '
Turnips, per bush E 0
Pork, Ter lb ' 7 - li
Hams; per lb 11 li
Shoulders, per lb 10
Butte*, per lb " 20 •
Cherso, per lb 11,!;
l i ard, ',per lb 12P.
Tallow, per lb 8
linnet, per lb . 20
Beeswax, per lb SO
Vinegar, per gal
Eggs, per dozen 15
.PriedAPPle s, per lb 12
Drled'peaches, per lb
Dried cherries, per lb
Drietrblackberries, per lb . 15
Dried'raspberrie.s, black, per 1b.... 15
Dried •suipberries, red, per lb .10 ,
Cranberries per qt... r ,:, "
Hay, per ton ' i '' •-• i• ,":. 10 Oft,
Wood, 18 incheli, per - cord '
Wood, 3 feet, per cord...
Coal, bard, per ton
Colo, soft
around plaster, per ton:
Sugar, "A" coffee, per lb
engsr, yellow, per 1b....
Sugar, brown, per 1b...
Teas, green; per lb
Teas, black, per lb
Kerosene, per gal
Wool. per lb
Row Potatoes, per bush
' ,t
New York City Market
Produce Commission Merchants, 325 Tttuibtfu
NEW Yowls, JULY 2tV, 1812.
J3utter per lb
Cheese .
'.Pric..d AppleA
Hope per lb..
gggo por cloz
Special Notices
A victim of curly indiscretion. (9 11.81/4; MTNmx do
batty) premature decay, Sm., having' tied in vain ovary
adYertised remedy, has discovered a simple nijaus of
itelktire. which ho will sepd free to h 1 , 1 ,3
ere: J. REENF.B, 78 Raistinat4 'New Verk.
Jan. 1. 1872.
- ut ANTED—Carpenters and common tabu
' whom steady employment will be given.
"July 24, '72-3w. BAILEY; LOWELL dt
1-;---7-- , -
'Proposed Amendnient to the
Constitution of Pennsylvania.
80, it,resolved by thoßeuateland,lioase p 5 fteLreseri,
tatives of the COnuiorntietils,ls 41' sl , llo)lvaphelu atilS'
era Assembly met, That the follnivletz nfoeuilieceel of
the Constitution of thin Commonwealth be poposed
to the people for their adoption or rejection, 1) reliant
to the provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit:
Strike out the sixth section of the sixth artiele cf the
Constitution, and irisortin lieu thiireoftlie I j owing;
"A State Treasureroaliag tie acLOrtAf, , wing 0 Alktd
electors of the State, at such times and for sue term
of service as shall be prescribed by law." 1
Speaker of the House of Represontativ. a.
speaker of the Tate:
AMIOVED—Thu tweuty•second day of v. arch nano
Doming one thousand eight hundred and seventy. two.
Prepared atucertified for publication pars Sant to
the "tenth Article of the Constitution.
i Secrete* , 0
orthrtuWo4o 'Alth. '''
0113418ft:re . t ry of the Common altke '''' .. 4
' i Harrisb trg, June 28th, 187...
July 3; 31u. ! -
in the Matte's of the. Petition of Citizens of Muss,
Ail to change the Lines of the Townshlpt of 4
ton, illoqe, Morris and Liberty. In the Inj
ter Sessions of Tioga 41;oFesay•
Maned, Commissioners appointed by said Cunt
quire into tho propriety of granting the prayer
petitioners in the above ease, hereby give noti
they will meet to attend to thejlotiesef their a:
went, at the efilde•offl* BloggriAktPotailfitly
on the Bth day of AtifoaoBlool.sl9l'clg t A—
. SM
July 3,184-6 w
raßs. & 'T. - SOFIEL D, .
T S now receiving from New York. a flee mow . of
I ,
, ) i v it zt ilAy i l ii k e i ii 14 12A . ;
. . 1
FANCY ' titikilLC;
which she offers to the public at lbw rates
thing usually found in a i
1 -
Z ,i • •,, ' - :i
Fancy Store, ;• I
• 1
jon be kept on hand and sold,ig • w for cash. r
f ort and Gibbs setting autajdatl for sale , and ta
flitht 1872, WM. A. J. $O)
-I UVIVICKTYII - &" lrAlit
tm-3 vpiti
1111Ve received and are now ruffuricii :u *ale all the
lideed elks et
T.:Pre , gois Ciro 4. - >dLis,
lada4ug Black, Japaue4e and Lonny Bilk*. N iK Pul,-
.11.iuk,, f3lik, Velma-en, Pia* !dobah*, Ore. usitue*,
Tahite..ltud iteutiatta Cloths, ,Uwiects,
'c+_gt►!tMss, dttrlied Mid -0.1 V%. ' . .
Pap kTh linth 4,lRaneitto
"; t l{, - a
Sir:pod and platia, Waolk Paphos, ljtd
itawies, Paris Cambric, Crape Ztforeta. Organ.
_Lawns., liumpawa 1111111114 5 ... 0 1 r0 - •
nalie — Pittekus,'
&clues, Striped and
Chevre Chambray, ' '
4 1 .ettelt 4')Seotch, Ginghcan,s,
together 'with& Sae assortment, of
t• *•
firths =and.
I"a : nkee Xetionsi -=Hosiseaw
and Eithnestics.
kettLiatMeinnittrandilicarlireanacit - be 'vx.
celled either as regards quality or price.
T ,..._
Hats and Caps
the finest and coarsest, the cheapest and most stylish,
the best and moat serviceable to be found In the
If anybody scants a suit of clothes, their moat tm
rttl duty is In too i lt through onsidskff
1 1. 1 •
Fi r
; :,! ; ••• 11 - frl ; ;
ow to
be , oir.
Camotis, COL , ClPt4,9 aid
ou baud to be Hold at the moat retesourble lotleen
2hott,coquelka full line of
IGroileri 4,5, Cn0cA.,.,4,74,. aro", 4
i , , :( • •
Woodeli; TrAtire
Ai co
4 ou
itrateleto Bali even the most particular purchaser.—
Just come and title how much yon can save by buying
where goods are sold right.
Tiogq, May 15, 187/. IVICKHAAI k FARR
The W or•ld's Tonic.
IS 50
4 50
2 23-
2 no
1-91 -
Bested Cough, Incipient Consumption, Colds, Spitting of
Blood, Inflammation of the Lungs. Catarrh. Bron
chitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma,
Pains in Breast or Bide, Dyspepsia, Jaun
dice, Dizziness,
Loss of Appetite, Fever and Ag.rie,
Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Diarr
hoea, and all Diseases of the Lungs,
Ppmach and j
, Liver. • f •
' 4 I 0 %: •1. ?
H. Gregg dE Co.,
Wholesale Druggists,
200 ;
3 00
7 25
6 00
8 50
1.3 g
I 2)
-. M.,
Sole Agents, and to whom al} orders should bo address
ed.--to,Foa BALE BY PIERCE S: RItE6S, Wellsboro, Pa
1 CO
Juno 12, 1812-Iy.l
.. ~, .
,( 'lttiralids Don' t . Despair.
Thousands have fou d ruliet,
4 _ and thousands will tun to thit ,
nietticiuv, niter exhau,,tiug their Limeys and pa fence
in sear, h ~f hcalth,
i 4%"
lit to
1. 4 hi
9 to
30 tot
i toC
VI [Ol
of the bead, dulluesa of the Mirka, fetid
breath coat tongun, 1,4,4 of appunto, penis and
weakntas in the sintokih, enlargement of the liver.
yelloyulTs r.t th. ektu, onstai.t fevi-i an with
It:ALM:kr dhit , dl , :i a bite nt• •t 117" kind cf,
ernylopoid. tifttNtZlet. tal•ett and
pert...opted h. to a zew or:ye, mill nintnie thre
class I intu t d •tiis. Th. fluids of the bony ho. owe
pure. the mind char, th., atone/eh streugtheliod. the
tonatt: clean, th- appetite improved, and th, ,Thule
ayetem en breentted flint •tattic. ht him mean.. r, is
lees liable to afflict you.
4 4. DR. P. FARR NI:VS I
Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea
As a medicine for children, the liminices is, in every
way, calculated to take the place of the endless variety
of drugs which are annually sold for that purpose,
and which ate otteu very Injurious. A medicine which
pins:soca the qualities of a tatbaitic us well as a mild
Moretti% stud t wish% is capable of arresting diacas
wittibtit thsileasi Injury to the child, to of hicalculabie
value to every mother. As as athartic It is very effee.
live, yet it dues uul, It given iu proper quantittei,
cause_ nausea or illatte , s in the stomach or bowels.;
imiNtiyploatiant to ths which" hi a - verY lintay
billartestare as a medicine fur children As H. prevent
ive of disease It is unprecedented. as it acts distally
upon the dige, : tive urgings and the blood. In all serer.
oven tiftsitipt t45116 - 4stiblierana if Ote.Thrtrtutelys.issid laird
SevertuitlV those trept.ve diseases 50 Common to chil
dren may he entirely eradicated.
Prepared by P. I:ahrney's Bros. & Cu., Waynesboro,
Penusgh salt. and Dr. P. FAIIRNEY, North Dearborn
it eet, Chicago. Price $1 25 poi
iiottle, for sale by wholesale ata•
retail dealers, stet by Hastloga i
'I les, WelltiLsia ' 1 ? 11
"July 24,
`STATEMENT of the Receipts and Expenditures of
0 Delmar School District „from June 6, 1871, to June
‘ 6, 1673.
Flom R. O. Cox. County Titaaurer..— ... $270 01
Ou Stara draft 266 t 4
Of John Karr, Collector of ichool tax. 1871— 1.768 57
Of John Farr on tax of 1870 .. . 530 14
( Total
't 4;s7,Przorivitxti. • ;,?-,
PalaOiale. tau, tit • •:.4
_ .
ferLalu lesslAsiy. .....
For wad . . . . . .
nepalis eud e"utiugensio, ............. .
Sv.t.retal y ....... . .
PadTrrxeurrt,~ , ca
Paid Job.. Barr, Collsetoes o.d.autsslos
Tow, -
Y-?lvtAl.. y ._
1t )iiili V DAILIViWs.J“. MokeY•
Delmar, Jaho 3, 1872,
nn ier-
t to in
of the
ea that
I.p rp onit-
'f, tAtkditl3,,,et; - ;
I roluake distrMotionot the fonds arising from the
Eels (4E14 mil estate of David llohdander Into of
Cluirieston beviaship. deeeased, in the hands of M. F.
Elliott, Eaq, Trustee, will attend to the duties of said
appolutment and hear the puttee Interested, at his of.
tit, TroAs : Biii.o,ollTidehday,:theitfh 4114 Of -Auk.,tiet
Atlteatta t i).•'-Alf pertiobe interested are,
guhed to present their claims before the Auditor or
be debarred from coming in for a share of said funds.
;WY /0487a4tir , -ASCHVIXI,
1131BbE Tri*Mem vi- State Normal School at liana
ii Beld - areirtinirdf lettair the job of pulling up
brick building on the nomad grounds, 160 by 4
feet, three stories in height, with e basement story for
dining ball add idtehen. Specifications for said build
-Ing may he seta at alie hardware store of Lutz di
Ti,, a wiyii lig P . entia. ttc r the same will send in
8 , 1 ,1,A prop* .14 by ili:. 20(1. 01
le:A. ALLEN,
Et, rir LUTE,
Building CM.
,i, r .
W J.
'rect. - • , •
Itt3) 1 • - Ifiniuttiild,lttlyl4:lB72-3w.
ttoos PA
Su l el:Oleos variety,
buy au outfit and save their money
Elmira, N. Y.,
PRICE, 's.; 00
To Builders.
Castrotthe true Basis of
The subscriber would beg Wave to roll atteutiou'io Dla iiPltlVti WAND lithilllEß
, •
1 • '',
itioN 7 ,reeelving, and wh l ich ho reels ar
• , .
61 40, •. , • , • •
,• f
- .
„ 11142. itmostwr
•• . • ~
I ,
- e•:••-• "
; •,• •11 toWes st4cl
prtzetit.4..4loutzir4ppers will t t io AN eacau uP
C'apets, Oilelo-thg,
-. ta t tle ind Window Diltpery,
. 1
which will be found worthy of attention. The ladles will dud it to their interest to look through
1 lila stock of
, .
Dressy Goods, Shawls, Laces Kid Gloves,
a ,
r. 74141 rx.
.. . ,
' . - ' • ' . -
. ,
as thePeeidala ua&rbargalaa--mat which y l oi have; not been before offered to this market. - The
public are bated to call and Bee forthemaetv,ea, ,
3nne I, 1872
t .
r3_ -
~Corning Foundry & liqachiTie Shop.
Manufacturers of Stationary acid Portable Engines and Boilers. Gearing, Shrilling and Machinery required
for DIN Mills, Grist Mills apd'hnuaries, Ovens and Orates, for burning Tan. Screws for moving unleashed
and leached bark, Castizigc,Bcdbi, Railroad Frogs, Chairs, and Repairing done at short, notice. We .have &-
Wines for shipping by Canal* Railroads to all points, and can furalkh Machinery .heaper *an Eastern or
Western builders of the beat ritually-
Jan. 1, 1812-Iy. • - C I RNINO, tiTEUBEN COUNTY; N. Y.
11. D. YOUNG
E. B.- Young & Co.,
li3accosoore of Hngh Wm:qr . & Co.)
-Booksellers and Stationers,
. . au.a.DFalers lii, : .
W4ll Paper, . , .
- Wiudow ShadeaT .
• - " Wtaktow Piz:lilies;
-Musical instruments,
Yankee Notions, 3 '
. -
Picture Frames and OURS,
Pictures, all sorts,
Picture Cord, ' •
, Law Blanks
Justice Blanks; • i 7.• _
a ... , • •
Blank Beet* ll sizes, i
. ,
Newspapers, Magazines,
Writing Desks,
Artlets Goods,
Law Books, .
1. • :fdF4icel Books„ , .
Itallgleae Beeke,
&nil every article in ciiir line of trade. •_. ' .2..
• ,
4-liew York Dallies at One Dollar a muutb. -..:
1-Elmira Dailies at 75 Colds a month.
—Subscriptions for a week, or month, or year.
4-Orders for Books not in stock promptly attended to
-.—ftti ..itpress package received from New York ev
eri do: .
—We are Agents otitis Anchor Lino OWon
Line of 11. 8. Mail Ocean Steamers. Buane tickets to
and from any point irk iturope at the lo west ratee.
, —Sight Drafts sold on any, Bank in' Idikrope at on ,
rent rates of ketuina•
,iau. 24, 1872-Iy. E. B. YOUNG & CO.
ItEAt .14;6 1 1'AT:14 -4 , n 14).R SA), R.
sulbstxibei ideretor ealebde reaLestato in the
southweatern part of the borongh, to Hutt puicha
aura, A portion or the' jerenatioce is nicely Situated to
eui up into village lota, and pasture and timber lota.
The portion covered with timber is well wooded with
hard-wood and hemlock. The large lot on whieh he
realties will be aold•off in village tote, including his
residence. • ' ROBERT KELSEY.
June 12. 1812-an
$2,940 ZU
$636 00
1.547 62
296 8*)
251 20
61 23
liW 41
TrlC"tt'tir HORSE
rraillCeelebrated, beet blooded etellion ever kept iu
1, thSe vtanity will'attind Wit', season only, ..et, the
stable of Sallee O'Connor 'ln -
Wi311.1511131400rC1 i , Pa.
This horse is not -kept for prom, but,to 133Troifo
breed of horeds'in Tioga comity. etenk combitl '
speed, tdrongth and endurance , . tie is half briAbeS to i
“Patchin," wits raised in the State at Now Jersey, is
hands 111414 dark bay, weighs-1,100 isninds, and trated
when.,4 years old a mile, yip 2:90., , • ;
Hie thrma heretofore uniformly have been $9O I 140
by the season, and SKO to insure. This season his
service will be $lO for each' Mare, testi in advance or
approved note.
N. H.-Clay will be attended by, the polite and gen'
tlanalnlicisitengineor 1310 , 0 grit/mops:tally/0 "Sluts
-14-Anker."alias • . •
13/411?..undetiigned la prepared to furnish Carriages.
Wagons; Sulkies, Sic., on abort notice. and on rea
sonable terms. H. H. Borden of Tlogs, and H.
Wheeler_ of, Lawrenoevale, agents. call at the
above paces, or my *hop, to Wellebero, • and ,oramlne
work before purl4olpil elsewliare: •
Jan. 1, 1972. O. J. WHALES:
jj ETTER/3 , 0t: itiV i ttaatritthv i th r e,aatate'otbahte
li Busb.lite ;if e laLoro. Ira Leen glutted
10 thotwaursigned4 all ipertona having claims *gaited,
said estate are hero y, uotifled to call for settlement
ea. and the persona .owing the same. to make Imme
diate RV ineut.to CATHARINE ECM.
July /.0.1.8/14191N - Adiairdstratqx.
wad MEcsalleorw;
and see the piles of New Goods at
0. O. MATHERS'S Store.
.4 ' , I
vlilloit YOUNG
d: 15iC~11ti,,
--- - --I--
7 I 7
00 Be sons w h y
II tile 1 11 0,7111 1 67'
H OSALD BUY IBS .. 1.14.3111ATZD
Dodge Reaper and Mowed
let. They are, erring trial duritttle, tied ten hkal; to
get out of ender.
2d. They are made of the in'Si tlo l ected mat,
Tha v iiii eimplo ill non--less tevors,
springs, tr:i s met oomph, taunts h.nierull s , to p.t out
of order th t.i any t bet! Mactint'fs.
9th. Tle s bate tatiCog clearing to the drive R ic. k
106116 P wait (lirt met nsual m prelailleg tscrt r•oft to ounti
ettb. TI., c(aa ! ing in nil in MO t nit, c of
,up out of ilea tvay of ultatritacius, end preterit lah
anced between that ten DI is, c 'M u! k.
! .6th. The Litt i rem lin Lady located iu the CCU.
trit of the Machine, both in licapiutrauct Mowing, and
not pieced tar on the rear ou.l elf the Ma.!laute, ur out ,
, upon the tongue, in order to balanoo it.
7th. Tho Cutter Bar 13 on Is line with the rear end
of the Machtne—only requiring a qutu ter circle 'rattler,
in reaping—making it very a tatty to deliver the Gavel
entirely out of the way of team alai Maclaine on the
,neat round,- without disturbing it.
t„eth. 'the lielPllake is located on the platform, and
; being lu I,ilt rear of the Drive Wheels, it is entirely
allay, and live from ttuy danger of the Rake-Heads
striking the team in their revolutions-41H in not the
tease in front cut Muchines—they being compelled to
Iplace the team ut a great distance .from the Machine,
'thereby increasing the draft.' :
.9th.'The tlolf•Rake, itself, is the best in usu. The
lightest, most simple In coustructton, least liable to
get out of order, needs no adjusting. When once put
on properly, it is ready for all kinds of grain, long or
short, thick or thin, standing. or lodged and tangled.
10th. It is entiady under the control of the driver,
making Gavels large or small, at his pleasure. Very
durable. and doing as good work this second and third
years as the first.
• 11th. They ate adapted to ull kinds of srouud,
rough or smooth. leaving a uniform height of stub
14Ie on uneven taupe°. • "
12th. They have a double hinged her, and readily,
conform to uneven surface. Unlike the stiff bars
which, when' the Machine is on a back furrow. or
knoll, the out enti'bf the 13m•, sticks up nearly or gutty
to the top of , the heads. Ours drops down and cuts
as low at one cud as the other.
13th. They have a , ttiting &N ice by which the dri
ver sail, vchilu lu mr Wu. telautgi. the heikait of cut 50
as to pick up to lgo.l apht l t w ittu,ut stoppniv.
14111. They relmra 14 - 14:1•11.4 5 ag keep Mem m rc
palr.than any othor mattlilue in t 4,443, kti 14 1...41L4LA by
tbunoandn ),ho ti se (item.
15th. Thoy have a eolld wrought iron (ivard, faced
with aloe?. rendering it thostroilgeSt }llllBO.
- 10th. They have a solid wrought iron knife head.
instead of a Mani-able Iron, which is LOIN to bicalt at
any time.
' 17th. They au be driven around the comers with
out baC•klng and twietieg the team's tuglia until they
i re. - '
18h. -
They can ho started In mowing, lu the heavi
est pea, without backing up
19th. They are not as to bre,la coubtautly,
they are'not aS Leavy Ita to be. objectionable.
. 20th. They aro a'perfeet Reaper and Self-Raker, and
la perfect Mower Combined in one. 1.. 0. BEACH.
Agdnt. Lelia hiarehi, Pa.
Also. agent for H. 421111 Warns & Co's make of Car
riages, Buggies. Platform Spring, nut the Utica Lum
bar Wagon. These, wagons are of the hest, mike and
warranted, L. 0. BEitCH.
Little Mush, Juno 5,18724 m.
Att)i - -.0.•: um
, ~
rlililtt noted beret! a 11l atund for mares the ensuing
seasonat the Pensi'a Hotel Stable.
; --
1717eill.raIcsoirca, 3E 2 ex.,
the following (Jaya of each week—Monday. Friday and
gaturdity. Tuesdays at lieeneyville, Wednesdays at
Eihditsvillo;,. and Tht walleye 'at Whitneyville,
, This horse ialnet ontp tinted for his beauty in color
and qtyle„ but Showe for Worland. regardless of any
vitae pedigree, as le very often the case.
' 711011GLiN TIGER will be attende:Thy the Mkt
gtneeT chosen heretufers for that business, and who
will bepleasedMkshow the horse at any time. •
.1 Weliabore'ajAy lb, 1879-list. WV%
t Head Quarters
, , I
Drugs and Mediolies,
(Patent or otherrage)—Alao for ".
imP AND mai kfrPLES OP BRUMES, &c.
taro° TO ur.AD quARTFits FOR•tiat
Choice Liquors, Cigars,
• ;
nod TOBAOCO. ,
Also for
Ballalons, Ilietorical.lledicoL Legal, liktuk or EichOOL
N. B. A. AM oseOrtmetkt. Of the latter. 'Also, a 02.
colletit aseortruel4t of
Aillume, MIRRORS; Maintu Fr:10411N,
,1 134-rcockerillems.
Ou eats, Sugars, Coffee, Sprop, Molasses,
"? Rico, Bpi
Rods, etc we will not bo beaten iu price or quallt
We will sell choice Teas by the aunt, or sugar by
barrel, at as low figures 1111 the same cau be bough
this side of New York. . .
of o newest styles, and Imp ()hilarity' that will
brook. ,
Fancy and Toilet Articles.
1• .
&0., LI
We hold twenty des blovtllaojeta for sale in
central part of the taint ; and wIIIISso loan mon ,
reasonable rates.
N.D. Dr. W. W. Web has his office In our a
where he may be eons ted for advice or treatm
Jan. I. 1872-tf. HASTINGS & co D
The subscriber keeps ceonstentiy on- band
' Pure, Drugs and : hiddloines, Chemicals,
Paints and OUR,.Larnpa, Stationery, • Yan
kee Notions &c.
Tl4a, Jam 1. 167'2.
insurance! InsuraUCC
Hand in Hand
Mutual Life Ini:nranee Company,
OFFICE, :co. 112 :3. ST., 1'Inr.11)1,TP111.11
Chinvi'd f;::.“1,44,4)04).
Stock and linhtal, cnu.biuiuq Security with n.ofit,.
Suppose - 701111e already insitial in a Brit-claia com
pany, and front any CAUSd (sa, alter ten year
iy you do not or cannot pay .10.1.1t , t1 and
your insurance gone and your money wasted. tir t
in the "HAND-IN-HAND t," all Policies are lioN-I , on-
This cinapauy which ranks among the most popular
and successful Life Insnranco Companies, grauta pol
icies on all desirable plans, both with and without
profits. I :"
Traieling Priveleges Unrestricted. '
All policies ore incoutestible after ono year from auy
attic ordinary causes
Look to your Life Insurance. Please examine the
following Comparative Table. It is sometimes 'alleged i_
by Agents of other Companies that the Company they
represent is safer than others. While we unhosita•
tingly assert our belifo in the soundness and stability
of all companies, we desire to present the following
for the inspection of those desiring to insure :
Of the following companies, compare the annual pre
miums ela4rged by each for au, insurance on life at the,
age 01 ',lO years, payable at death :
~, Annual premium Ten annual
for life. payments.
Travelers' $16,84 sBfi 21
_Etna; .. '...2 1.1 42,e0
Houle, • • —23,30 60,00
'Equitable, .. ....-.... 22,70 40,97
Washington, 22,70 ' 46,97
Hand-in-liand, . 1 ... .10,60 , 32, 60
If not already insured take a p - ohey with the
the best Mutual Company to the United States.
Jan. 1, 1F+72.. A. M. INC+IIAIII, Agent.
New Boot, Shoe ; Leather
C. W. .14E,EtrEit
New Shop, New Stock, and first-
class Work !
A N n YTH I NG from a Rand Cack to a Kid Gaiter. Best
..cdadies' Rid and Cloth ljal
morals and Gaiters,
Ditto Children's
and Misses.
Gents' Cloth, Morocco, and
Calf Gaiters. Oxford
and Prince Albert
A go r o ' d line of OVERSHOES, and apt' line of
ranging in puce, from $4,00 to $7,00, pugged and sowocl
from $15:60, Rita w‘.11.1.1 the. i,i,mi ) c, ery tinlo
Leather and Finding,:i
bt rho. iiniini
'1 h.. itl,*lnigit , havii, ; _. Nvcsi)ty )01 - .F5 nl lot)
jvk \‘'.,11 , 1• , %1,/ Ito till., I'll IL. t,t , .0) of
or,t'm uo ilitt .•I
'lf •tt. = !JEW% I r . •. 111••• Il• 111 ll' I
tV).• , 11, VIII jr, 1 ,, ,11.
(WO t.
`". v • I:
11";11 . " Itil lit. 111 , 4 :,I%J 01,.1'p
Ai,,t itt I 11
.1“;r - -.1Ct• e.
t4-,...:,,.--, ---,,,, - 4 ~-, .r.,,--,
, , ~- " -•-•f'. , ---. ~...;.--,. ~ , ,,,: ir ...:,.
, Q4 , ...-:-.---• 47:- . 4 , - , -...c. 1 ,,,-- -.-,'4. , '--.:: A :
L e..
f' .. 'w.~.-irre
t....- , -; , .7-24-: ',4 ,- 1 - 4-7 .- --. .
- 4 .- ",.,-- 11 -' 2 : - --; ntkil.e;ll3?, %,-.....;-..?'-.
.2 ,-. ' - -7-:::-,. - rx--. - 1 1 , -,.. q.' ,
k ir .
IMISS 11. W. TOW) has removed her Music Store to
BEL the lute resltivitek! of Lauer Ilaciw, cppos;te Van
liotu'a "Huta St,umuy toad other
for vale \ cry cheap. Mao, MASON & Hamar
A largifotoktk of NIM MINI° just received
LESSONS ghTn ou tim Piano. Organ, and in Sing
ink. An opportunity for practice uttordod to those
who lolly desiro it. IL W. TODD.
Jail. 1. 102 a.
.i4(111b7:717 . StratOr'S .1V of
LETTERS of Athilinistration nn the estate of R. D.
Shepherd, late of Rutland, deceased, having tool
granted to the midt:rsimird, all persona balling claims
against said estate are hereby notified to call for set
tlement on, and those owing the slime to- make mime
flatland, .1 ime 1872-Cw
The Stannard
Virashing Machine
pronounced the beet in Market,. hating taken tne
drat Premium at the Tioga Co., and other Fairs, and
fp decidedly the beat washing Machine, invented. It
only neede a trial to Satiety tho moat skeptical. Dar
eons wishing to purchase, will address
Tiorstßil r
On, 3, 1812.
11. 11. BORDEN
c 1 , f.» C 4;: ~,~7
t -