• . • , • ' ' f , . ! ‘ l Ol_,X./.. - 1.X l • ' l''. ! t • . .. „„...-------------. -- --- a ill e CA 0 txatot4 i.„....... ,E.:,...,,,, wE D er . eim.„ BY • VAN, (ELDER it BARNES, j . ii. VAN GELDLR. 1 A. r. BARNES. 4, 5., -, -Trltti - --42.001lerrautitt.0 1 in adv-vice: 0 it A'i' ES OP A:DVERTISING : ~.„„ , 1 ill 1 in. 3 in. .4 in. I in. 151 n 23 in'. ~ , ,t , ;100 I 2 0 0 33 0 0 $l,OO 3000 5800 $l4OO ~,,, ‘, , 150 'i 00 4.00 6;04 770t1 11 00 10 90 -„,, ..; 00 3 011 .6 00 6 , ',.04 400 13. 0 1 3 18 90 , tli '1 tab 4 00 0, 00 i , 001 90015 00 20 00 •(.,,,t., 4 Ott . 1 6 00 0' 00 10 00 1 0 00 20 00 .20 011 , f, , ,,t,,4 sOd '8 00112 00 13 00 15 00 25 00 33 00 •I ,liti., 800 12 001 4 13 00 20 00 22 00 35 00 SO 00 c,- - 0 - 12 00 13 0025 DO 38 GO 35 00 eo oo lop op 4),eltimneN , ts are calculated by the inch in length nun t, and any lees space is rated 6 0.,fu1l !nob! - - ,,eigu ail •• cltcAnci•nta uoast Le paid for betryir, In. I,kii, excrpt mi )rally contracts, when half-yearly •••,•ateta in advance a ill Ica required. . F t .:1.:U.:4 NOTICE.., in the I:litorial colurune; bil tlie ,tl i Mt*, 15 cents per bus each insertion. froth in-ei b d for ices than $l. L,.., f, Nvricus in Local column, 10 cents per line If 0) thin five lii:es ; and 50 vents for a uotke Of five r,i0r1 ,,, .. 4 \ .,,,p... EMESTS of 111Annrscirs and DEATLis insert:3d to all obituary satires will be charge(( 10 cents r ,x , I r. NOTICFS GO per cent above regular rates. i ,„1, .y. , C tens 5 lines or less, T 5,00 per year. • , , 1311 S ill ess Cards. - MEM Batcheldq . & - Johnson, d Alwiumenti, Traubbtuues, 'ruble &L Call and cue. :limp, \Vain at., Wellsborl Pa —July 3, 2&72. • ^ R. S. Bailey VEROTI ANTS. olte. Our hotel and family na i, 4 1,1 t ,Ibtant the higlieA, market pi ices m a Pa aillortl Dairies. No. 36 'Boutli Waifa• ij I —.Veil 10, Itll2-3111.',` .. A. Redfield, ... 'i' 1.:•,t , AI& ( o.:iris - Fa:Lou AT ..W.—Collett ,l ~,,1 , t, , „ttolded to : Office ON e. the PusLotlice. V. A r rick P41.--Nellsbo •,,),. Pa., Apr. ,1,. •iv U. 4'. 11. Sesinolt ~ r . / 1.1), '.) . ),„. f . P... .A.) I buaix,E 4 .s t za -,. i i ~,- , :/, ',lb rerltlVO 14'011 4 ttiteitthll). . 1 1 , ' .4 “et). W. iSterrack, j,t / )11i..k. Ira Ecrivou Sc t„ ti I,,c•IAL Agitator ()Lilco, 2/1-1100r, 31 iteltal S Cameron, • AT 1, kW, Claim and it ranco Agetaft. , brtek block, 01"0 e, Wellsboro, -1, tVilliant A. Stone, t I.ON, “ve1 . ... , C 13. Kolley',±. Dry Good OD Main street. Jan 1.19'2. fo:.ialt Emery & C. D. Emery, PSI vi AT I. to —Office opposite. Court triai)sP. iii• s Williamsport, Pa. Act Lu.ineas :„ I th iccuilcJ to —Jan. 1. 1571.. xN., -C-- J . gtrang, c LAw ,s, 111:_ 4 .TI1ICT ATTOILNI'. , 1 i , kks, L'A-, WelltboKo, 1 . 8,--Jan. 1; '7J, i.ti j., I. Niles, . 1,, I I.IIV —Will :mend plotriptly to bu • , 1,1 i,, ht. , •Ir. tt, the c u'alfth 01 lioga ) 1,. r AN', 1113 C — . V,11.1 liorr), Pit , ,1" neo. W. Adams, I I L ilLiiiBfli rfl,y , t c. unit, i'a •t•yotpty .tttotdca to —Jun 1, 1:,,7*2. C. L. Peck, Y LAW. An Claitnfl prnmptly collected . 11,1G12.1p1A 113, °there, churl, a A:TA .20., Pa ,1 1 110. W. Glieri/SeY, , I.`;r; . 1 / 4 1' —All 1 1 / 4 fisirl , 44 Int.rnc,to,l to 1.31, 1 / 4 ' i'^l , , c3t l / 4 1 , 117 mtentica , l o ur p.outh kt.tta j'axt'sllo.o7l, Timm. Tio u,uutt , Pa. Arnistrpilfs & i:1-9 AT L.llO, WilliLmspoit.. r if .11:31." , Tru3a. JAI, I. 1572. 1,11411. .13. Smith, via(rENEv. 13:,11Lty ana litsraanet Agent. ht 70))%f` ilakktvnt, will le , , Li It Ittloil ,\ I ui. Il 1572 Van (Felder & Barnes, iau.ls of Job I..eintilig doue uu and tliPlhpbt licianbi.r. (Alice iii Bow . il,or..—.)an 1, W. D. Terbell & I I. IYRUGGIST, and acllers in Wall Vaper, I in,pQ, Waylow Wass, Perfinneiy, Paints, nine, N. I" Jan_ 1, 1872. D. Bacon, M. D., 5.1712(1E0N, Igt. door cast a Laugh -- )11) 'ma IVA) attend promptly to all - ,T.m. 1, 1:11'.?.. )1. Ingham, M. D., i• T , Oillco at hie reMden.e on the A Jan. I, 1572, Webb,` M. P., , 1) 5'.111r.1,; ~ tork• —ll ells1;41m, Pa., Jan. 14.3, ('oats << Co., 'Pa —I{(C , IN 1110110 Y • 11111 • 1111.1 :WU 1 / 1 :11t.1 ott New ILL 11 pt , Atti.tly tr 0.41.?„ .1a IN e b.: Kllo%Ville e•visi, CR lai J, ' gi C., , Pa. ,101.1„. YAIMIMICKT, PA11101U1031", C. 1,. P ~iiisox. I';tic• [louse, I I I l'rovi t., ',late the travel ,tipt ra 1 --.1911 1, 1:17'). 'etrolinin House, Ili I.l+ l'x . Plopriet++r.—(h)oli LIC• t' Itt itt mai La met. Charges rt a ,: I.tlol/ I.rtVg./i ttl Farmers' Teintwrance, `f"Nri , )F 14 vl111(! p»r,•Ls•ued t 11, Ntzu, 11 tit UAL , punt, E4tikt,ly ou 't , :i' omtiktc“Liti.lti rot 01111) tt; IlAueo, ( - Him' hotel. Pa.-11118 a, and hug all the, convert. trip :tt.‘t bra=t C.lbargel 1111I3ci 1 v / 4 A. INT Cs -1 2 - Gi- Co 0-.1:1 ki, the public. to call and examine goods and trouble to show goods. 1E173. lira. 0. P. sun* 'le •, Fk :--z-- o. ' .!; ' I . ..i*ft IVI 'fit ill 0 :9! .11-H1 to_l IV .1: WHILE SHE' S t Tried ot Jest. sacd to rest, lied Im o to bird 120 my breas(!i', • " sleep and rest • -=;z8411-6 Sadly greeted. gentle"eLci ME •i'ThereAyss , oßeeAtiny:girl toilfully going tfitough - her . Sundtesehool lesson, and it was noticed that as she studied the small face - grew more and snore - clouded; until at last she lifted up her voice and wept loud mu t t longi. Nylipre at •tb ere ,:%‘: as, goat eon s t er nation;' Mita it occwred to 'somebody to ask what nos the matter. E. , . 30111i501i; " Betause—because--" sobbed poor little '' the verse says, ' Add to your god liness brotherly Ike,' and if that's kindness like Toncsl don't like it at, W h did-site Mean? , Well,4suSPect she meant that Toni was just such a brother to her as a great many of you. are to your:little Pollies at home. I suspe.ct she knew what it was to have her dolls hung Up in the tip ple trees, and her kittens!-tailplied together, and :to' be leaped - at Irdta'beln nd -- doors and growled at in dark corners. I imagine she had been tickled and pinched and locked into the closet; she was used to being called a pickle, and a cry-baby, and a little pug, and to trotting with patient feet upstairs, dovnstalts, opt , tolheprehard, into the tool itnn,-bitlier and yon, on errands, for the doing of which Shir - receivell only a tweak of the ear, or a carclesii - jesti-in "pia& Of thanks. Yet .1 also suspect that Tom was a gene roue lad; Who despised ti - 'k ` arreak," and who, if he had seen another boy abuse or torment Polly,-would have promptly offered to be !Aim on that individual a black eye. I have no doubt that in the playground or at the school Ini•was good - natured' and honorable, disclaiuint a.' mean" action, and emulous to be manly. He would open wide eyes of astonishment at any suggestion of cruelty in his conduct toward his sister, and reply with honest ,eattdor: lIIIIE "Mhyilt's onlY . don't _mina." All,!boysl " only Polly" has a-tender' lit tle heart, and it aches many a time, when you don't know 11, with the sting of : your careless' teasing. The words you utter so lightl3l and forget in len minutes are arrows to heesetisitive soul, and: the tricks which seem to you so tridiug arc weighty trials to her. - "..11',e11, but," says Tom, " it's so silly of her to wind; because she--huows we don't mean anything_" That is tine view of, it. ; I suppose It she was a:boy, or grown up, or wise, she would not mind; but being just Polly, little, weak, and silly—if that is what you call it—she can't help it. You know if you squeeze a rubber hall tightly in your hand Tit will ex psnd again into as round -tt ball as ever, and Vol) cannot even see the place Imre it was eumpteszed ; but if you try the same exper iment 'on a handful of roseieaves the result will be diftetent. nd rose leaves are not much more catily crushed fiat than Polly's feelings. ft seems absurd to Tom; but then it a tact;, and fact 3, you know, .even if they arc aver so leech in the way, cannot be disregarded. IlVouldn't Tom he the truer gentleman if he accepted facts and spared Polly's ft clings even at the loss of a little fun? After all, is the fun so amusing it can't be replaced IA ith something better? Then, too, Polly loves Tvith so 'dearly; she is so ready tq believe in ,the extort of his strength and wisdom and nbility, if lie will but leave her faith undisturbed by teasing praUlts.— Tom has a warm heart under his jacket, anti I think he privately enjoys Polly's love and admiration; but I also think it is a pity he covers up his feelings so carefully, and rather snubs Pplly's kisses For the day will•come when the little sister's love will be valued at its worth, and, it may be, wished for in vain. • Once we were going on a grand fishing excursion frorn - Cherrywold, and word was brought that ascertain famous traveler wo'd like fo join us. He was a man that had rid den elephants in India, and polar bears at the north pole, for all I know!, He had hunted lions, been lost in jungles, frizzled in bot countries, stiffened in Arctic regions, and been alL'iiver the world; he had been a sold er, too; and everybody who knew about him'knew what courage and patience and nobility . made up the man. You can imag ine how the boys shouted at the prospect of having ;writ a fishing companion, who could , tell stories:of everything, they wantedqo know, and answer all their questions, and Who liked boys, tbot - : e just Well, the reality was delightful as we all expected, which is saying a great deal, as every one knows who has ever belonged to a debating club and discussed the ques tion about the pleasures of anticipation.— fter we came home .1 said to the famous IxtVder: " Which of the boys did you like best?" And he - answered, ".Jack." Bo I asko why, because 1 had thought he would say Tour, or Dick, or Harry, and this is what lie . Sa : " Because he went back after we were started to kiss his little sister, and NtaSn't tlBlllllllO - of it, either." Then this brave, wise man—the bravest num I ever knew—fold me a secret. Said " Dear me!" thought 1, " what a lovely time your little sistera must have had!" But 1 didn't say that. I only wondered how man.9l of the Toms I knew • would he willing :to) have the hope futui iz nian I i nem measured by their treatment of their little Potties. • , . , , • - . . , . . - , ... . .• . . , . „ , , ' • '' ' ' . .. . , • — ,) , .,-'' e' . , . . . . . . .. .. - . . - . i,- -.. -, •-, ' ''''',---- '''''. ' .-!'.-- - ---, ':. - ' --- . 1 - 7 - : - ` , : — 77 -- , - = --- ''— - , - :‘ - ' - '"',t -------- ",, --- ) --- _ - -1 ' ‘-- ------ ----- 7. --- .'' ' - ‘4:olg ),. . 1‘ 'i'r*:"7.•. - : - 7 .— t - — 7 - : -- ":".'''"' 7 - "'" - ';".' - , -- " ; ''' - 1 — '-'-'''-.' . - 7 - 7 , -- -- '-.-:,,--,+ - _, -- 7 — ! , !!' - :^7! — 7'7. ----- ~--•,------- '''---, , . I L _ vi , r, 71 ..-' . ' - . • . . . , i , 1 _ Ai .:,1 if ,i ~,,, ,•••,.,-,, . „.1 , ;, '-_,,,.., . s., .4 , ...4 1, ,0 0.1 • 07. z„ ,,,,,10, ~ ..,,..,,,,,, f• - ,..',;..;:,_ ,,,,,•44,-, , l -...1:-,;,1 I , 1 „r ..,,, ~?‘ ~:c :‘ , l .-....,..,,, ;' --••! , $ , '..i, .;., - -.01 - ','',!,:. ,ii 4,:i„.-, .11 •.: , - ~ ~= ,t_ . , . . ..,, ~,.. ~.; .i . ,;' .(-) -s '-/({ l' ,, i'••• t -i- -t/ ' ' 4 l,. Ittl: ' '• • ~.. ,' . 0,r,- , ii 1 r ~ t ; ~,,,, -, ,, , , ,t , 3 t ,, lit I.i - i- 'Vv. '''' t . '4. •••,,/ . i ' ••••• ';',', 'h. - •' • 1 ' A A 4-0 .. - _ - ..• - r .,..„, . , ._,!„.*,.•,,, :...i!r V •ti..-i.., ct ,*•.,. . : , , • , • Z.lit; . , r ! , 2.1 ii'4') 2 0 .. •4 • ~ .`,..--,..' , ' , , - 0-1-4 't . - , '-!,•' 1 lit - -47. ~.. .... i -A e ~,, ,4 ,''-,.:. „,,,,,,,„4,,„. A '''', • lit • t- . , 5,, , f l t) - - - tl ► lrec ar--\ : :, ~... ~ ,-,_ . .. _ . - ,,1 , 4 —:'....4:,?'% • . Oil• ,, : 1:-,. , : -):0 -- ..-'• 1 11 "-7 1 ,,,, - ' , -Lk? -_,. - rot I.' , I" , ' ...i.f., ...,D: ~'',, , - - - ;,,ti'. '2,- gfil 'e,.2,i4;; 4 :-.:.: Sk,ittl_. ~, ,fts4l- 2 ,,t,_t o . "‘ - ~; 1.! ;,, - ~... 'Pt j ' ' '; -'"4 - -7-Z74 il, ' )1 11- 1' -re 6144881.19 try, - '46 9 64. 762 .3.f 9 tf 17 `I4IG-9 1 1421,4,, •24 43 `7 ' 6o tAI' L /3 320 u 05 , - . • . dtokuisdal , ; 9 3d. OAI „ayes 14 13 123 u . 1/ 0 , Wallialbolo,) Arr. -16 10 00 813 A. g: funceing, ilap't Bliisuburg& Corning & 111i-f;: r 4a illi c: C :-AE VII4b O-dit le Ir!J: 1) ; 17 3 0.11072(.. , i 1. • Ixala ( li:u.‘l34.Foxulpto. Auctorq..ey.at .08 •0141[0 m . . :lb 1 1 . J3: ' .14u. 00 a. 1 4,.- 3'.'.°i'. ,• ' 7 , 3.1 . Q. iil.- :-.:•••J-.-3 ' - - • 40 00p. in. r4,.ziiKie.iltex 3ii.9. 3B bulu.P#• 'A Ritu v S aT. - '' a z i t s w i '4' . NZ,,.• ~• •), Ar. • . 3 cis p. Lu. 11.3:2..,....... ? :5 ay. /11. ~:•-:. ! ) S . :-1.4 - 41 ihait j 1 ,i.,,-,A, H. GORTON, Wave B. & 4 B. IL , , ,, ,i _ _ T.'g. SIIAZZIcr.,IBIIP'r tidga IL R. ' Pepot, Patent Vine Street, Williamsport; . ' i• - _;fffricY,4,l9 3 :,•• , 1 , ;, klait_dap, Williazpaport„, a. .tn. Aecoinntodation .5.001 p. in, ititiVarriva at Williainspos t., ~5.10 p. m. ,decorarapdation arrive' at ..... 9.25 am. AU additional train lcaveaVepot at Wlntrpoit; at 9.0 S is.'td.-4Cir Philadtilphia; imstort duct intarissai4t, ItiOrnblfj, direct 'conheCtiOn Made et Williamsport With trains lor tit° West,.,s ; ,i • ,•• ; , ; , ,I • 110 ebange or 'ears between Philatielphis, New York and • ' ~• • 13E0. WEBB, Supt. Erie Railway. - • A r DiAzir iiirr ? Su, 181 ' i." " `Staproveit !Alms , * Worn , snit Sliseifng Coati/es.. eqabluivid till, =paella, lniprovenleuts, aro tom tbrough on all trials between Nevi 'Milt, 'Booties tar; Suftalo, IllagarLlTalli, I Suspension Sr ifg,e, Closze laud sal (linclututtl. • •-• •t -• ; ' Than's:re • J3TAT/9218. , 11`.'1Cosir, Etuttta - •Coraingo Pt'd Dust, " liocliont'r, AY: xforri•vAn. • Dunkirk, I apprricura.r. LOCAL Tiekr.v.is WEeTvrari.D, ' sa. M 4 i)reard Sundays'; frOu Oaregd' for Ifornall - • , 5 ; 16 a. na., except Swains. (cora Busquebanna fo finrbelltirdito and Way ,. . • . - . • ' 4100 81 /„. 2 4-. dap)! haul SuNuollauna for Uoruayakkina nd'Wai. 135 . 0. axcept Sunday e, trortll3lllll4l. for AN O 4. to Anffalo,llllil 930 vim.. aroart Sundays. from .iting4amton for gortmdavitto and Way. „ , . ' 'l' " ', . Easiviard.t ' , ;,,........L..............f.„,i_.;.........,,_., STATIOtr. I No/ 18.' 0 1 No. it 1 butalsX, N. el 110 pta .f..- !.. 2.1 1 Mag. VAX ,‘,.„ 1.1 45 , 0 -14:1), zu . ilultalo, 'i " 2 110 " •- t; 'JO . ... ' 1 titan o, ",: 0 Of) '.f3up. 1U 18 ;" . Ruclipst.ti ' 3 4r. Vsu SUS .., Cor6tug; to 7 26' . " 1 11 88 " Elmira, ~ ; " 8 oJi " /2,16 am BlOg'intri,... 10'10 " 7. ir, .• Net' Vorlir 760ain11 60 " . , A Imurt , ';u.th Doom, ,'.l s uairai h'aartY4n, , -0 00 a. al. ' ex‘. , aut Readapt, teem lie , nail Owego and Way.. , 6 66 tt. ; tu., daily front ileriwituNill/3 to& &Lao. and Way. 700 a.m., exe..mt tiumlaye, fFotn. , Kornell_ Binghamton and Way. f 4116 a.M., mccept thindays, from Owego fur Basque. Mena and Way. ' 1 68 p:ni ' exeept fitindayo, from. Painted Post for Elmira um' Way. 1.65 p.• 111., 0:Ce00 Suutlaye, from Ifornell6ville for Buscptehanna and Way. , .I . *Daily. , , tlfond.tys exe.epted, between litumuchinfia and Poit Jervls. . . 'Throng Tictets to all puiats West at' the very Low est Retie, for sale in the Company ' s office at the Corn ing Dime Thin id, he .only authorized Agency of the Erie rail way Conu au,y,fur the ante of Western 'Palate in COTII- -- Ml,tgag will bu eheen.l - 004 QII - ilekee, 4.....-,—_____ at the Co patty's oillze. L. D. 11 CHER,. 1 .INO N. ABBOTT, Gen't !hip 't., Ocrol P ass'rAg't. Northern Central Railway. Tants arrive and &part at Tray, since annentb, 1872, . as Joi .1 • . ' iiaILTIEWARD., soinntrAnn. Niagara 'Express, 407 in Bolin. Express, 315 p Maul 11 15 pln Thiintia Express, 016 p Cincinnati Esp. 10 20 ain Mail 6,52 a m A, 11. FISKE, Gang Bnp't. Cyrus D. Sitll s WHOLUALE DEALER IN Foreign' ma ,DOmestic_ Liquors , . MINES, ttc. • Agent for Fine Old Whiskies, Jan. L bozmuci.. N. V. Lath' ILIs be fodlid on hand at all Miles the preset IT sewn at tho,ldille of O. - incluilott,'Aiirl . l 1, 1872-IL near dacln3on•Contre. ,itougb.top, ar s &‘ Co.,' Buggie-, Sulkies, LUMBER . %VAGONS, , are prepared to do puything in our lino on short notice and in the beet manner. Satisfaction 'minutia teed, ~ Si CO: , k poLia, Agents Welleboro. ptouy Pork, Jan. 1, 1872. • • • , awl' will keep constantly on I gafO, st the lowest iikatket quotations. • Wool Twine, 244 4 ply cotton &.,Istativine. litarliti 2, 3 tr. 4 sysuct.' lluotre patent Step Ladtkii", frail 3 to fin. No. 1 &,2, extra engtoe oiL eumpleto assortment of Ouiue lu and take a look, get the 11x:ores and @lea how tt to yourself, and oblige - - "I' filletri4:l3l4. Jau. t. • • COMM' WAGONS . ! • glint underaigned is ptepetruti o futraoh,,C4rxiages., . Wagoa* Bu*lest. &c., ou'ehort nntlee; Ind VII reit' ,sonahle teraim . Bfrideav of, Vogl, 40 'Wheeler oftawreheorille. emits. Call $t the *bora plactits, or my shop to trell4trorn, and eramitto work laoro parclw,Los olsowtkora. • Jana, NM •ii.J.161010/. • • 0/glossa , No. I. • ' No. 5. 400 Vila 1100 MA 11:60 7.02 1 2 235 sq 4 us ii 1 0o".* .2 ' • • 815BuR 2.(q. , 1180 put B'2o tchti 12-1418a1 (7 OS; r 148 .1 782 STONY FOkiK,U3 ?kionufaeturer: of VDAITODIA SPIIIN4, TIII3OK AND tuTrizatS, SLEIGHS AND 808 SUM' MEI • I ••" • JAGS TACKLL BLOCKS. WIRE tOLVIII•AND OKN • MULLS- K2SEter FOR 01:11ABIING HAUB, lull aßsortineut of I..a.ke tnrou gild Berea • 4,YNDSTONYS, CANAL; WHEEL 13 Be Rows IN ANy QUANTITY, fiTA. VILLA ROPE FRAW 01in INCH DOVT. ISERE ME Mechanics' Tools, ; KIOUSE DY/LDENS AND ROM& HOLD HARDWARE. CONNTA.N -) TIN ON HAND. '.IIOTTOM /WOES ON eanicniay. .RAL EMYLVSIENTA. % ~_ ...A , ...... Banc! Fortes and Organs t t r ifi itSONSCIPANTING PIANOS OR GROANS uli tip it 9► Us to their iutereet to buy ot ' '4" O.' , - 7 40 Yr #,, C O . I •L- ,- , • IVetira selling the beet Instrutuente at lowest price*. and;o!i the mod favorable tonne. . A. Arst.class Plhllo possesses all tile following maw tlals; via : the tone is divested of all impurities, a per. feet equality of power throughout' the entire sesta, with resonance and Ourathiu of tone. • The touch is elastic. equal. easy sod responsive to every , &maul of the fingers- ' , A defect In any ono of these points. will cause a com plete failure of the instrument. We :rwroll4. every Viauo for the term of five years. .far Tuning promptly-attended to by the host expo 'Meted. Timers.- ' • ,_t ItutterictiOu Books of the most approved methods for the ~,e , a ud Organ constantly on band. - P. DONIIAR, ' ' L ., 0: IiOYT, 7sllYand, Pa. , . 'Osceola, Pa. Dee. 13. 1871.-Af 1 1/ 1 61,1 a: p. 14: CUL 7,10 ad: 4 DO Ba 6 810" 818 AS 31.444 .428 Boors Sash & Blind Factory's 1 4 ENIA*24 AUSTLIi i le prepared to furnish AM ' data work from the best lumber, at kg how feta. lary WItIOIa Is bow In toll operation. , "' • ' EEO I Stisi4 Doors, UNDO', IPECENBIZO D , . ''' 'MG -MOULDINGS,' ISIEEI 1 : consOntly'on balitt os iiimuismi . piea io'order. Planing and' .Itkatehtng done protOptly, and tut o best manner. The best "workmen nnagloyed, and nano but the best seasoned, lumber used. .Eneottrago otne Industry: Pactori near the f l, ot of Main Stria. BENS. /Min ON. MIME Hee No. 6801 m Z 04)Titti 2 62 am ; 3 '25,03n, 605 n ll5 592.,!' 301 4.0 TIVAIIig BROTHERS, Proprietors of the shove ISM,. 1 Rill tzurfactare as mount to order, toCnit customers. OUR OASSIMERES - are warranted.. Particular attention given to • Roll,Oarding & Cloth, Dressing We inartutactirio to order, and :sit lituds'of Bo Carding aid Cloth DroPsing, and defy,competition. We Iza'b as good an assortment of Full Cloths, Cassinteres;' , a , a4vhf akc.f for Wool in exchange than any other -establishrt ent. rtty them and satisfy yourselves. We whelesalt'aud retail at the Cowanastrio irallst 2 miler tiolciw iLnoxv le: Jan. Y. i 872. INtlllAhf BHOTIIEB9, 10 1 20 2 , 0 6 7po Bit 7 IAI YI 2011 m /1 20guii .1510p421 12 to lop 1260 " 1 12 50 " . - riswold's Watoi Wheel. HE undere4ned, aro au to for the above Water T `iVticf#, and can elittertnW recommend ft as supe rior to all , others hi use. Persona 'wishing to put ohne° alioitld coo this 'wheel is operation before buy ing etter;wheels, I INGII,OI BROS. 15, 2872. . Ito. Ito. B .t Ito. 2. 1000 pm 1113... x.. 1012 . 11 m 7 30kun '11.25 .., BNS .. ‘ 3 °am 1;1100• 8 10 1. , 1213 pm /2 47 .. 238 "` 940 't 4 32 613 " 4 7 11 " 3 ;30 pm „ttocni the following Wr..l,TViEts). .teluL 24, 1072„ 'We the undersigned, purchased out, et wold'e 30,Inclt Water 'Wheels using 68 Inches ul water to run three ran or atone under a 20 root head, and are well pleased with the wheel. We have ground atxty bushels per hour with the three run and can average that amount per hour all *lay. =Eli uuhauua MEM INT "V S tt)Vt-2t AT TIOGA, PA., and au 'entire new Stock or BOOTS t4X.I) , SHOES. • tr E. SALIM hhaviug Just completed their DCA new Brick Stora ou Main street, which is one of 4,S.:ltiTitsrtard u re ) ilieg„l o rfaitini? stores in the coml. customers anti the put). generally a better aCIECTCU au"-, - - . • BOOTS AND SHOES, than ever before presented in the borough of Tioga.— Ladies' ware of Burt's male, constantly on hand. Al 'so, Mason Organti,,and a variety of styles to select from. All are' Invited to call and examine prices arid quality. H. E. SMITH At SON. Tioga, Jan. 1, 1872.-ly. Carriage and Hartess T Cornhig, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1872 -LIVERY, STA • 7 IKTATIthiS b KETk,AII4I RESPECT. ir, fully inform the litho that they - :„.. 1 6,g, have established a Livery for Hire, 'At their : Stable Cal Pearl st. ,oppOelta 'Wheeler's Wagon shop., Sumh , or donble riga furnished to order. Tneg elm to keep good horses and wagons, and intend to please. tikes reaaonable.. WATRINS &ICETOII'Ard. Jan. . . rir tat now building, at Joy tuanufactobr, iu Lawrence ' ride ; a superior ... , t f , • ,• F.4I I IIaNG ". MILL, ' wnirli nbakesses ilie following adviiiitages °icor all °tiler mills : 1 .,.i . 1 . / 1 110 1 ,4 ;%rniod 13%4 oat-, rat litter, suit foul seed, and , cheak.apd cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans Pax aced, takes out relloW seed. and all other acieds, pt.rfectly: 3. It cleans tbnothy'aced. -, 4. It Moue all other separating required, of a milt / This 1:eill la built of the best and moat durable tim ber, lb •,(ii:d style, and Is sold cheap for cash, or pro duce., I w Hilt a patent sieve, for sePaiatlug oats from ii wheal' to other mills, on reasonable terms. Lai unceville. Joe. I. 1.5 . .i2. J. H. MATIIER. all Lawrk. NO:ir Jewelry Staye, T ie ons uu o d A r v i l i ca l o v an u"l d de em e t c y tl la ly tll a e y bas to o t p li e o ne t. tl t ; • • Jewelry Store to the building recently ovciinied by O. L. WIHo*. His stock eeniprlueu a full tiesortnn•lit of IVatehes. Jewelry, Silver and Plated-Ware. ft D. kcAltltlNEir, ou t ul the best workmen in North ern Yenzolvauta; mill alteatii to the Repairing of -Watches, clocks, 4.e., 4.c. For the Skilful doing of whidi hie seventeen years practical experience to sufficient guarntoe. WA.IIItINEIt. N ' Vellsboxo, Aug. 13. lull. =ME 111111 TIIE sulTeerlber elle/ s the vlllagd front of Ida funn for tialo iu quanta:et to suit pureliuserti; and ut intect to"rnato Wan object for investment. These Imutle lie Sooty for village lots, and a portion of them etnnot'bo excelled for to aunfsetus lug purposes.-- They Ho brariodtately' Ou tbo estouttoti. of Grant, Pearl andWabaut ritreetitzund taunt of Second Avenue. They will be sold in tote or larger quantities to'auft the stauta Of plirOiatiera, ' play 22, 1872.-Gui. 1 DiSBO/411/oit. reaE eepartnerthip heretofore etioHnit• under the Sinn name of Pierce and gross in the Drug busi ness, Watt di4ml.yea.,by mutual consent, on the 6th Imat. , The - bpainesei tvlll hereafter be cO CE. nducted 44A4n. Pima. • JOUR PLER 'avaq la, twr4,4*.- -• o.- stssas, WELLSHIORO acid 'Wooten, t • Mills ! brEnktui, E. 1). PIIILLIPO. CII4RLTON PHILLIPS WALKER & LATHROP, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STE NAILS, STOVES, TIN-WARE, .1311L - Trtio. SAW, CUTLERY,.WATER LINE, AGRIODLTDRAL IMPLEMENTS, vltmlttga, FLUMESSES, SADDLES, lit(i THE FARMERS OF °TIOGA COUNTY Town Lots for Sale. =TM MEE ENE 1 . ',41Lr,..1.;. - ;' , , ,-- ,„ ; , ;? - 1; INIEN BM Fuipitnre and Undertaking. ,irAn tha‘ (Suatlesoni to Z 1; T, Van ilon3i ,1110 r AVE'on n anti sale at the oh% place ..33. the hlreat most exhibitio n stook of • " FINE !AND 00M110 . 11 to be found in - Northern . Pennenvania. Oozialating of MARBLE AND WOOD TOP CiENTIDI TARLEB, RAT' RACES, FANG T offl, Id:MOB* OVAL AND SQUARE , c,B, BEACH PURE No. I UM DIATTBASS ' Es, RUSE di EXCEILNIOR MAT- Volga& an/11unit stock of tho'cosnotOtt goods 'usually sit:dill a Mitch um oatabliahutent. Tho abOta goods Eft large ly of theft own manufacture, and latholotioa Var" =too& both as 1.0 TAM, astAlcrice. They silt the 'OM?, Wire Mattrass um.i.., the moat,liZitar, spring bad cold; oleo the !Tucker B tha t been oh trial for 17 years and gtv en nntve;eal satiefrotion. Our Coffin, Room is supplied wtth all sires of the Excelsior Casket, anew and beautiful eigle of brand case; together wild other Idnels or foreigit aetand home nituanfaoture, with trim. filings to 'match. . They will Mate undertaking=ec trtellatMd to prm sll ' ptlyTuf. it=ory char! ,ges. Odd pieces wStmcgtae made, and Turning 1011cInds dons with nearness a,d disPeteh. &M. 10' 1812. VAN HORN & 013.611D1E1e To VOW brAT Colemata—Hatitit y conoludod that lam entitled to a little rest after near 40 years close eintiestien to Madness. I hays passed o'er the feria. biro bnaMess to "the Boys" as per shove advertise ment, and take this method of sating for them the moue liberal patronage an lass been extended to me.— Aly books may be found at the old place for settlement ,Tan.. 10i 1862. • = B. T. VAN HOES. taws AND ramoncEs. PAINTS AND otca, MAD DEMI DAMS' INKS, MUM'S CONCENTRA.TED =DIMES, /BEDELL'S FLUID, =MIAMI, BEITLNETTI3 CpOO.6.INE„ ZIAVORENG - TRAOTB, Bold at wholesale Prices, Blunt% are reqswated nail and ,get quotations before going nuttier Mg. 1,181 Stoves, Tin and Hardware 1 RON, Sens. CARRIAGE BOLTS, HORSE mom, AND HORSE NAILS, A general stock Of s. LOGE% Kyr% TATCHtS, Builders Alateri ke.; Also. al MAPES% P.44 3 8R at manufacturena prices. JOBBMG PROEPTLY ATTENDED QiT con . o pricea reasonap i t . e. o. 1 , 3 rot (tor LE. TTAVING opened a first-class Hardware Store Id JIIOI., Wasik.ld, opposite Pitts Bros., on HAW litreet, paectfnlly invite their friends and the public in imp: to give them a call. They guarantee satlattiotinn il cases. Their stock conalets of Wad a (general line or (Role, 'second , to note in the country, at tho lowest cash prices: B- F. KELSO MIMI ~~ FINE nitwit ANA MUMMER OUTTS, fiOVAI3. COMMIS, THTS4-VATES, WHOLESALE ORIN STORE: Mil CORNING- N. Y. KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT AIEDIMIES, ROOLIESTER PEIOII7- , MEET FLAVORING NR.- , • TRAM, WALL PAPER, WIN- • DOW OTABB, Nati'xis.WASS , LIME At DRY COLORS, /ARM( POE fitARVIN CO'B REIM= W. B. TERBELL Is 00 as Baileys (Bttocesttor to D.P. ROBERTO) DEALER EN 1 c ARPENTE RS' TOOLS, Jan. 1, 1872 HARDWARE LUTZ & KOHLER, t : i , j 1 : 1 KETT/XS, BTOVEB, TrtioiVAßE. MILS, IKON, BENT WORK. SPORES, rams, t tGRICULTIIBAL ThEPLIMENTS, CHURN POWERR, They aro also agents for the KIRRF MOWER; MI AOA WHEEL RAKE, ARNOLD HOUR FORK, AND FLAY CARRIER. AV, G. Ir.upz, t LUTZ & KOHLER FRANK Routt - B. f hlansflold, Jau. I, 1872. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, KNOXVILLE, TlOO4. ' , 1 Life, Fire, and ccidental *1 1 ASSETS OVER $2 .000,000. ABl3E* OP OtAllirilVe. In,. Co., of Novth America, PA.. $3,030,635 60 Franklin Piro Lae. Co. of 1 0 ,hilo. a 201,1163 g 5 Republic hue. Co. of N. Y.Xepital,... $760,000 Marie Ins. Co. of (linesman, •• - .....$1,000,000 Niagara Fire Ina. Co. of .1%4 ) 1,000,0 pr Fanners Mut. Fire Ins. CO. York ...... —909,83916 Phoenix Milt. Life Dm Co. of litallord Ct., .6,081,910 60 Pecirea Cattla Ins. Co. of Fonslone . 000,1300 00 OM Insurattee,promptly effected ,by mall or otherwise, on all kinds 'of Property. AU losses promptly - adjusted and pad. Livo stock insured' against death, area or theft. I am also agent for the Andea Fire Insurance CO. of Cluendiuti. capital, *1,600,141ft. All conununleatioua promptly attended to.-0111co ou Mill Street 2d doer from Main at., Ettordile Fa.-- EVE/T2l Agent. Jau. 1, 1872- tr. lIIRS. A, J, SOFIL'IID I B u f ow receiving from New Y.ork - , a fine aseortrao IV/11.11xierV OE FANCY: GOODS, which she vi are to the public et low rates. Every thing I:timidly found in I i`aney More, • wUlto keeork heed anti. sold tow for cash- The Wil tat and Gibbs sewing machines for sale, and to rant. Jas. 1, UM • UM. A. J. 13011XLIN ME NO. 29. • $24,629,644 64