Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, July 10, 1872, Image 2

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The followitit waned perilous offer illienseives yB
Candidates for the, °tikes named below—loaded to
the decision of tile ftcpublicau County thinveutiou'i
JOHN T. MITCHELL, Wellh,boro.g
. F. )0N.%.LD30N, Wellaboro
" Gen. A. C. CO.X./Abolly.*
HENRY D. CARD, Sullivan.
.ISA it /US 1. DNANE, WeUaburo
EALPU(BII4=Ys 'Elle/x . OIIC
JAS. H. BOSARD, Wellsboto.
C. F. MILLER, Ttoga.
V. PliltPLII, 4 Deerfield.*
R. a ROSE, Sullivan.
JfIIES M. WILKINSON, Cluirlcdtuu.*
IL BORLAND, WelTabora*
H. 11. HOLLANDS, Blossburg.*•
J. W. TUBBS. Lawrenceville..
vx . a . ctELpEtt,.-waiko:_ro;
C. W. LOVELESS, Tinga.*
EPtlll ATM ALS.BT, Cpa;leat.u.
IUNNEIL Jackman., ,
vaix TVA NVELCHTipiingtou-*
Fun Cowry Attprror„
, Wellsboro ? July
YAS & 13, 1 / 4 nnki—Genitemcn—rleaseatinutule.e
tat I ama candidate for Delegate to the State Consti
t itioual Convention, subject to the decision of the
Republican Conreiition, awl respectfully solicit the
supi.crt of my Republican friends.
I ida a candidate for Delegate to the Convent'on to
amend. the l Constitution. - JOHN W. OUERNSEY.
I Wish to be elected a delegate to the approtteltbag
Constitutional Convention. I solicit the support of
my friends.
Kane, April, 8, 1872
tCe are J. qtkeßtLid to anuounee the uaule of
r:a a candidale for Additional Law Judge for
this Judteial District, foil bubject to the deciric u of
the Ile pubi4 au Convention. Jelly 4,1872.
Mr. F. E Smith thiderstandiug that we 1 ave
to ,u t druu• one as additional Law Judge tor this ii.s
tiiet at the next election, and that you ale a candidate
for that position. no beg leave to address you this
note. 'there arc a lingo nuniber of the 'citizens cf the
dtsu R t who believe the lace unnecessary, and who
has.. taN need and now favor the repeal of the act cre
ating it. If. therefore, you should be elected, and the
should be repealed at the request of a respectable
number of your constituents., would you resign, so
that the law might become effective? Yuur early -re
ply, and your consent to Its publication, it des:red,
would oblige us. We aro truly yours.
0. G. GEnout.D.
A. M. IlfzwETT,
H S Joint:amt.
C. H. 5E1,ND.,1311,
Jul.S' .5, 1872.
'Mysore. V. B. Lowell, C. R. 'Mather, S. S. Pileltard,'
and . - ahei 9 men' Yours of th6:1.1 inst. is
I Ill.At• UO hesitation in paying that I (10 not
Aunt• any ultlt e In the Wit ot the People against thou•
it tiuu of it] tiretiquity. 1 sin !Mare alp.. 14 the
re- ii"Pektllit!, the e , ttice ite fiett•litiote, and that lbe
wat t h e ',Lot& was sliametully defeated last whiter
111 It ,Lit t t.. its abolishment. Hilt as the ullice will be
' , Mee...Mß:at Ulu . next uleytiott, / utTrr tuyeell ,
a candidate for uutuination by thq 'Republican idtr
t••, ¶ l l l ,l al, itid I,be noutituttea and elected. and the
art 11.01110er the office be sebeeilityutlyyepealed al the
•1 of a Coorlifells,bre• nillpther 4.4t0y you.stiiiiente,
1 AvAll Owet I oily t vaign, that the act bectune
rite. Ute. You are at libel, ty to use this as you think.
I am yOUlrti truly,
Republican Nominations.
UY liAl-3A( "WEL irts.
r- '--.2., i
• VOlt (10VEIANtrli,
r 1 Montgomery County
FOll 31.31)(11,
f Bradtora County
Wa - r2n County
FOR C0N0R1.;../Ifili AT LA.I:OE,
HARRY WHITE, INErros.x . ;
WILLIAM U. ARMSTRONG, f,;:cours , " ;
W. IL JAMEY, LEutoti ;
Meeting of the Republican County Committee,
la pursuance of notice the Republican County Com
mittee Ina at the office of John W, Guernsey, Esq., in
Tioga, and appointed the following Committee of
Vigilance for the several Townships and Boroughs in
the County of Tloga. who shall compose the Boards of
CAection for the several districts in which they reside :
/1/,.ss Toivntlap—reter Cameron, fit. E. Rowland,
henry Laudrus.
linro—lf. T. Shattuck, J. C. 4prion, A.T. James.
Brookfidd—L. D. Seeley, ElarVeY Plank, A. Simmons
Charlerbn—Gillis Dartt, Evan Lowis, Thos. Elliott.
Chatham—W. Beach. J. S. Mowry, D. 11. Lee.
f'whigten TAT—John Haverly, U. Walker, E. Klock
• ...,ngton Nora—\. Al. Lleunitt, 0. 'Herontd, I. Hart
—C C. Ackley; H. 000, Ge ,
—M. W. Wetherbee, E. Jeffers, H. Slulkle
11,1.1—A Lee, H. H. Ingham, C. F.
- it itarrance, A. Culver, D. BueLlee.
, S. 4 --I. I:4 John Maynard, Loren Wetmore.
.4:flee—A. ight, It. B. Close, W. Van Dusen
Broof —ll. W. Knight, AI. Stratton, J. l'ollock.
...fillet —O. A. Sulab—lessee. I.oeke, W. Vermilyea.
41 ,
am, Dawes, Jr., IloWeu, D. W. Walker
St' Joe. Sodingcr, F. Spencer
ch., crab--1,. tiitufs Reheats, Joel Johuson.
4tlt . , IIerVIIIC I. I'. brunch; ilualliag, C.
I la•eell.'e —Remy Colegrove. L. Smith, Jos. (ludo.
ty 13. Sheffer, C. r. Veil, J. Fl. I.evergood.
Aaa J. Ross. libfiry'Aitell, IVin.
ti.j.llebary—C. H ammonddit. C. Potter. B. C. II yineu.
llcaue, R. Custard, 11. Blackwell. /
Maine, lfgoght, Sttplien f dere.
/lon —d. ti. Batter: Alark lieerey:Hhiwu Men
uhf—A. K. Dosar.l, C. 1,. Hoyt, C. • Tubby.
it., imum,l-IS. 11. Haight, F.. L. Sperry, S. Whittaker.
itutiond-0. Crippen, F.... Sacker, J. Argetaihiter.
W. Seymour, M. Palmer, Clutsaamtloh.
t;.',,,,pen— S. Scranton, J. A. Darling, 11. Itionglatun.
Twp. -C. W. Loveless, H. Niles, Gen. Hazlett.
thoo—C. 13. Farr, 0. B. Lowell, F. H. Adams.
Cu mu—A. A. tlriiwold, \V. Itathbone,J. M. W temnb
ll'Ai.shoro—d. D. Potter, W. Stone, 1 , 1,T. Chandler.
Ward—Wallace ChMe, S, Seager„d. W. Kiuch,
tturlburt,A. K. thtyles, C. Thompson
Westfirhe C. Sander% It, Kruaeu, G. Mile.
Tea Committee pinged the following resolutions:
' Tit It voters I.(l,)ping to the Item/bin:an party In
each township heroin-al hall meet on the T/TII
DAN oF t nt the several places • of hold
ing el....tions , smt proceed to vote
[ toou. person • congo.sshum, h.,c pershu for As
lusttot Law one porn 111 . 0 t 7tt•pll'l4eLitatAvv, one
peraaii for Prom-114;Mo, one pern.m for Tri•aniner,
one porsoll fur pelson•lor
toner, ono wiltor, twoDelitgarli' to
tuc C.nimtitntionni Convention to this ilensiorlul
tnet. That the 1,3.114 13 (vetted at ttyt, (3'0.441 p. tn.,
unit r toned tit
The %mica/ shall bay by vritten or printed‘
and the name of encl. person noting shall be written
on a het at the tone of voting. and no person shall be
snowed to vote more than ( - wee fur each race.
That ono of the board of each district
_villa shall be
elated by a ma j ordy ofi nail board, shall meet at the
Curt Bowie in Well,boro on Frichty.tthe 9.3.1 day of
ani,ouit next, at 0 . 111 , : . o'clock p. m.. having the certatted
returns and a Eat of the voters together with the rotes
cast for each candidate. and the parson who shall hive
the hit/heist nut/abet. of (Ace for any.olllce eluall be de
clared the regular notoine43,ol the ltepublicas patty. ,
Any two or more persowilaxiDg au minal uutnher of
- .4 owe for the mho Wile% the:return judges shall pro
eyed to ballot for a choice; tho pereott having the
Inglicat number at votes to be the nominee.
The return judges shall he competent to reject, by a
majority vote, the returns of any district whore there
is evidence , of fraud, either in the Petunia or otherwise.'
And the return judges shall have power to appoint
colliroee-Congroisional and Judieial, or either, as the
into. may regnire—who shall beinatrubled to support
the pereen who shall have received the highest num-
Inn of rotes cast for that office to the county. And the
1, torn judges may at their meeting change the Mode
of selecting candidate*, if they are satisfied that a
chatige is necessary. And the return judges shall ap
point a Standing Committee fur the county for the en-
suing year.
In case of :aeaney 10 any beard at the time fixed
for opening the the i/Osney shall be' eilPplied
by any member qr indinbefa of the iigilince commit
tee who shall bo present or in attendance.
• - Sec'}
Jal :3, 1672
The work of getting out the ore Yrokn the
Austinville• iron mine is progressing, the
opening having begun low down so that there
would be no trouble in drainage. The vein
is it little over six feet in thickness, and the
finality of the ore about the same as that of
the Man: -, field mines.. The drift has been
worked'about thirty feet, and-the line" QfVp':',
ports has been begun. About flftec:rimen are
now employed, and. four teams ar rtjrendy
hauling ore to ColorniiitiX Itbad's; are
ment to Elmira, special rates having been
made with itho -Northern Central. - Itnilroad
Company.'filt isin eontemplatiOW - -'put.
railroad - from the - X - Rctifds to Austinville, to
transport ore. If this should be done; it is
probably that it would be extended to the
irich coal mines near Afainsburg.—Troy Ga
lette, . •
Juts 3, IK2,
0. 13. LOWELL,
13. L. Asst N,
L. BeiDwm,
C. S. MAlsr.it,
J. P. Rustil:(;,
:3'411 the AGO' : AFeli ii44lkiB
Intil the of the ealrititr!'% • oveneeie:
3th,) id tieu rubscri lets, fdi FIFTY CENTS
The paper will, iluri4 that thrte be
devoted to the discussion of the political
questions of the dav, atttl unyiClding
support of the Republican principles and
Repnbliean nopinecia3 ; Relieving , it ;Vial
prove aq ern ient.werher in the good cause,
we ask i:kur iriends to assist Us'in extending
its influence by inbrelisini its iiitulatfon
during tie l campaign.
Ae Me price at, Which it is oflercd barey
covers, cost 'OCwidee 'Oilier, printing find
mailing; the cash must accompany all OP
ders. „
Gold f.losed last Saturday in New York at
The llibor, strikes in New York for the
eight•Hur systeni are dying out, most of the
men hailing gone - to work on the old (Oats._
The RI ble cutters are the only ones :who
Mill de :i
dedly stand out.
1 , Ther- was another of those mining disas
ters las wpek,Whicia tai-fretnientlY• thrill Ike
countr . with horror. A coal mine near Li
=vine'? Ohio, took fire Wednesday after
noon, and nine nw.n and a boy were smotk
ered to death.
Judgi.l Wetlllll, 019 „1,9 4 recniktly con
victed Of malfeastinee in office by the unitn-
Anion§ Vote of the New, York. Senate, died
suddenly last Saturday' morning. • Now we
shall piobably see plenty of obituary notices
setting forth what u vatic, , gifxid'nititilicilVaq:
Death is the beat cosmetic.
It is reported from New York that the
NOY, fork Central, and the, ,E,rie Railway
Companies have beensonsolidated, and that
Commodore Vaudeibllt • has been elected
Oresident of the new monster corporation.
4f this story proves ti,ne, we think it will be
a bad step in the line'of corporate'' growth,
so far as the Empire State is concerned.—
The evils resulting from it will be both po•
litical ik' commercial. sinne telegrani
announces the eonsolidatiOn says the
freight, and passenger are to be raised.
It. is'repot tell t luw,DAti. - .lToothees thinks
"it will never do to give it. up so, Mr.
BroWD,' and Lai piereforn prepared , a rgcelt t
speech' against the, inch:a:a:lllNa of' the -Cin
cinnati nominees at Baltimore, which he in
tendsto delil!er during the Convention there
this week. •As he is - .not a •'delegate, • his
friends are in someway to call him out and
give him a chance to speak before the nom
ination is made. Baltimore must be a deci
dedly lively place- just now.
The Tribune ,reports a, leading religious
weekly Lis nobody has licenied
Mr. Greeley of immorality, of any
This i 4 pretty tieb; considering Dr. GOele?s,
welt established reputation for profane
swearing. But perhaps this "religious"
journal doesn't include profanity among the
immoralities; or it may set Horaee's bad
habit down as only one of the eccentricities'
of genius.
We desire to call atteution to the act of
Aril 11, 1872, entitled j" An act to provide
tor‘cailing a Convention to amend the Con
stitution." By that" net the qualified voters
of this Senatorial district, composed of the
counties of Tioga, Potter, M'Kean and Cam
eron, elect thrfe Delegates to the Constitu
tional Convention, and each voter can vote
for but, TN). This \ will give the Democrats
one Delegate and the Republicans two ,in
t k this Senat rial district. By a fair diyision
Tioga colt ty wi.Mkt lie entitled to one Re
publican Delegate, and the ' western part of
the district to one; and in order to get the
proper sense of this county in relation to
the per Son preferred, it would seem reason
able that but one person from Tioga county
be voted for by'each elector at the caucus.
This is all our county can claim in the Sen
atorial conference with any show. of fair
ness, and no Mote than one should,getoied
for at the delegate meetings. In this way
the choice of the county would be more
fairly indicated than by voting for a greater
number than we are entitled, to. : ' e" -
There is an item going the founds which
is rather funny, and not a little significant
of 'the slip-shod manner -in Which/we think
and talk about things 'serious. The obstrep
erous Peace Jubilee at Bosion waa opened
with prayer by the Rev. Plnilip Brooks.—
But the gentleman's lungs/were not of the
true jubilee strength; and, in the language
of a Boston paper, ",,the prayer was made
in dumb show, to ahno.st evetybody i " But
New York journalism is not to be'outtl4fie
in any way, and we find one of the newiiia
pers.of that city repertingthat the Coliseum
was so large that the prayer could not pos-
sibly be heard by those to whom it 'was nd-,
dresied. No doubt it is rather late in the ,
day to question the propriety of addressing
prayers to Bost9pians,,for several, years_ ago
the papers solethnly repOrted that it leading
preacher had the titly before at' a 'public
meeting delivered " the most eloquent pray
er ever addressed to a Boston audience.'.C--
We only suggest if there is-aininiere'pray
ing of that sort to be done in the Coliseum,;
that the gentleman performing be supplied
with a speaking trumpet.
It may 1w that there is nothing new under
the sun, but here is something without a
precedent so far as we know, An ardent
'admirer of the Niels, residing at Reggio,
writes letter to Verdi, the eminent eampo:
ser, to tell him how lie recently traveled all
;he way to Parma to witness the perform
. ,
ance of the hitter's new Work, -`‘ A ids ;"
he was disappointed, in it, and how, after it
„was, over, he listened 'on his way home to
'the criticisms of, those around him, •and
found them - rill fdvorable. ilerenPiin 'he
solved to hear the opera again, and went to
Parma - another evening for, that - express P ,
pat.; With the greatest inclination to be
pleased, he found himself unable to approie
the piece, and lie tells the author that in the
u hole opera " there is not one part, which
takeS one by storm or inspires enthusiasm;"
thatlno one would be able to sit it out to the
end, and that after a run of two or three sta
ges it will be consigned to the dust of book
shelyes. After this unmerciful criticism,
he tells "my dear Verdi" how vexed'he is
With, himself that lie has spent thirty-two
francs in these expeditions, and that the ill
sperit cash is haunting him and disturbing
'his rest. Therefore he requests the unlucky
composer to assist in recovering his t wioney ? -
" as it is his duty lo do," and he appends an
itemized statement of the account. The
humiliated 'Verdi immediately sent orders to
his publishers to pay the amount claimed,
after deducting two francs charged for sup
per, " for he might surely have supped at.
home," But he made it a condition of this
payment that his critic should never go. to
see any new , opera . pf l his . .,, jn i meordance
With Aids direction the money was,paid, and
the receiPtigiven,in dile form; This:iovbat
we shotild call practical christianity
. -JuSt
linaglne yourself. flayed alive; as it were, by'
111 e scalpel of some unmerciful critic, . - anit•
then coolli asked to pay foftbe instrument
of torture. The mqn wib . does pay withoutao murmur, as Verdildid,i-must have"plenty
'r. , 9'
1 / 4
Ot linfifthly i# : 1& kit& 3:.y weittyer Oe
troselit opeffe-la I . l_ l 07, Itk wire,
till . o wll4l .* lky l i. vett4 . , oitgt4l44
work he the conderuited ''' Aklir" ' l -V 'V
By the time this paper reaches its iuore le-
Mote readers, no doubt the bargato - x lU, ltv:44;
been entered into ut Baltimore whereby the
Democriitic leader' agree to 'sot reader the
snpliejst +f those political dogitnits for:
ta.vcbeen straggling for a dozen years,
in consideration Or the votes of a feWititii- ,
-ed and tlbappoint.efd,i -141111b)icatit..7, r rpF t
ablest. Democratic paper, yf tire.cluntry
weeks, ago characterized the eta - Ablation as
a miariage prompted 'by the tuost mercenary
motives.' It is the old Democratic:ire:lde, beo
ken in h:?rt tine, 'ruined in charatter, apd spi
tto writ corinption, taking to bin: arins , an
' - unblushing bride whode only recorainenda-
Lion' is alpretended dowry of " liberal" evi- -
, tal. It ujust beeonfessed there is no hypocrit
Ica! prett:nee of reg,ard on either side. The
iin.s not heretofore been spacing ill her
denunciations of her new-found lard as the
superlative of all that is wrong-headed, ig
norant And corrupt;' and on the very eve of
the wedding cereruontes,sho announces that
if he, dOes not flaw , her he 4111'da' her' hest:
to`aeitrly him and his hopes together. An
title gropm has returned these leftliandecl
comOin)ents with interest.
' Bat for all that, the nuptials will undoubt
edly be ,celebrated with much pomp anti cer
enemy, and hailed . with many.extiressions of
delight by the interested relatives, many of
whom hope obtain some position of more
profit than honor, in the .new household
about to be set uP. Them will be much
noisy congratulation, and there will be not
a little discreet, silence on the occasion.-:
The words " free•trade" and "protection"
will probably be carcfullytabooed,'for lila
ell known that r the bride is peculiarly tle.
rocjous" when those ideas are
No pig-Iron presents, are desired. Nobody,
who hat the least regard for the feelings of
the parties will mention , ihote thifattunate
'apressions of the lady suggeSting the inti•
mate connection (4, the goitionan with pu
.g,amble4 and harlotry, ,with , „ black-
legs, thieves and burglars, with rum and
rowdies. Of course noll lend of either par
ty will say'anything about the vermin in the
Democratic bed when the lady 'is ,about to
share that couch. We, sineet i :ely hope no
body will recall the bride's opinion of 'Mr.
Seymour and Mr. Blair,.twowf the groom's
'wannest. friends. Do let till have decent de
corunt at the Wedding feast, even if the par
ties fall out and get diVoreed before the hon
eymoon has waned.
It. is true the gioOnt's strongest haekers'
look 4owthe union ns an unhallowed one
The 4rld barely a week ,ago cried out in
agony: "We thought it, and still think
a ; nomipationunfit to be made. It is our
firm conviction that the [Demderatic] or
ganization would be altogether more united;
*,efficient,--andyowerful in conducting tePres;
idential canvass for a genuine DeMocrat
than in conducting a canvass for-Mr. Gree-
ley." jNo doubt it would. "The vigor and
energy of the campaign will, doubtless be
impaired by so unsuitable, a candidate."—
Just so. But with the gloomy resignation
of an Indian warrior led to the stake, .the
IVor/dvrapa it s ttittered party blanket around,
itself, 'and prepares for the sacrifice: "We,
submit to the inevitable; with such'grace ea
we may; and decline to take any part 'in )4'
vain attempt to stein the current" which is
sweeping its party to the last fatal plunge:
The -World trusts that it has "Sense enough
to understand the situation." ' Indeed it has,
and to explain it, too, as this article 'indi
cates.. ilt already sees and points out the
blunders Which have,,,in a few short weeks,
led JIM party into its present desperate
straits . )
It fi rs t ene fllr. B Qa tho Cinrinnnti Illnvo
ment So vigorOuslY that 4libii' the Conven
tion, projected in the interest of reform, - was
captured and perverted by the trading poll
ticians=the Fentons, the 3l'Clures, and the
Blairs i of the day—to the nomination of a
vain, vacillating awl credulou candidate,
'displating alike
,the " Ref rmers"' and
emocrats, ih'e:imPetu4 '
the tit difeetioii
was (i. strong as to sweep th, bulk, of tin:
part to the support of a tic t which no
thou htful Democrat 'ootddloo uponwith:
out eeret contempt or loathing. Even ther.
apr 'pt repudiation of the Cincinnati nom-
inee the party - leaderg-Vnight' have saves.
the D, mocracy from the indorsement of -a
nomination almost certain to distract, divide:
and destroy the p!irty._ :But i they ;waitee:.
passi4ely to see how the ticket setupat Cin•
-cinnati would be received by the Repnbli
cans, sand in the mean Aline the small, men of
their own party, hungry for office and anx.-.
Ap44, co find ".aUybody tq ii)o4t dr,ift 7
di-rapidlyinto the Greeley, current, and out
of their control. And' so ley find them
selvca today compelled to 'indorse a man
at° announces that he will not abide by the
result-of thei.:Cdtiviiiitio,et if it is' :Adverse-
his aspirations. They find themselves iidt
only without principles but Without n:party
candidate 7 t indorrs# a meleviunpu h d
contemptible" faction . of their enemies—a
mere tail to the Cincinnatlkite, sent up in
the hope of dissipathaLthe t ßepublican
lightning. •
It is the ' id story over again. Democrat-
Id' blunder . are , Republican opportunities,
lilver;sinee mop, lyelitrye -owed °lir stieths
more to the fatuity of our e,nethies than. to,
. • - I
,the sagacity of our friends, and we may still
'securely depend upon their valuable but in-
'66ltpitayy aid. 'The fact
,is that ,the party
- wbich deposeittber*ar is dootne t n .:death.
The AmOitese peeple:Vll ngver aph?,know
inglY autreNet thi gi*ritnient of the coup=
try into the blinds of that thirty, though dis
gniseill by an old white coat and recommen
ded by , the.blandest smile of Dr: Greeley.
; -
WAMENOTON, July 2, 18'72.
01,41 . ;op i p l e . pur, i pys'lpt,trp ; in
New York jusi,been-cornicilete4,.ituid
pubilslied in the New Yerk•rinies. Ifshows
the political situation there to be very satis
factory to Republicans.. In some counties
there; will be considerable loss of Republi
. .
The Chi Page .71iies, the leading Dein'o-'
can votes, but the aggregate shows a pre The
paper of the West,.still keeps up the
- pondernnce for Grunt .and Wilson sufficient same determined ,opposition to the Greeley
to sweep the State r atid,leave, tette:reserve movement that it has manifested ,froito the
force or margin for incidental errors in the beginning. ItL, a late leading editorial, it
estimates. This report, which appears to says that, the nomination,of , lifr,3Greeley by
the 'Baltimore Convention is a foregone .con,
be made up with unusual care by townships
and counties , will not be relished by the- t e lgs i6 o n t r b pra t c lb e-i l iu t place-bunters
soreheads who fight Grant because he turn- have effeetuallylpaeked the Convention ' fig
ed theni out for good cause, nor by the of- that orpote.._ finch being„the case; WO,
See-seekers who, haves attenciptedl brewsing contended that .the nomination Ofs,Greeley.
and Drown will terminate the organieexist
on the rich pastures of national patronage
enee the.Democratie Dartv.. In-that act
under the manipulation of Tweed and Gree.: the pettrergeetzetten , w in e f e u eete its tulip:,
•le,st—the former of whom has ,shown so tiol2l3 t and of. course .with, such aldioatiop,
snitch brilliancy in thatAjne under the; New the idenof .party allegiance will ease. :The
York city government. • • • nomination ,of Mr.:Orealey at BaltiMere,.4o.!
The ablest Democrats oppose Grce Icy, and adm 9 -is t lY 6 *- 14 re place lie . 110 .1
holding .Democratie:prineiples under °bhp/-
large: numbers of the Democratic masses
I lions' to, crust, hhi vote for.bini, it will be We
will vote for Grant,- d..isfr kkwOY 4 ilioull ting • flisbalidment of -the Parts; and the surrenl,
polls; or get up and support n Democratid der of all its delegated authority totbe tact:4li'
tieket after :the eont9stien ef. : pteelty,4l, A bers •Who delegated it, theirs ..used .bybeack ,
Baltiknore. • Viidiffinitter 1 6f hrtbilltela*Ait t ' d e./1•!li themes 44 - ewn , intifinfleS.
spied thus .lesylpg ~the
efs who have bolted for . °reeler; :with .Be-In'PrcTer'
• • • 4 4 . einclerats wriolly.withoutlin organization„
whom office is politic's, religien,andhle, has , eind _perfectly free to'net as to. eachindivid
appalled the hungry DeMeeracf,'w . ,bo Chu" mil - 4101 -seem fit. The :enemies , of.
not longer lea unioncrake principles, thesw , riter.confinues, 'have -
Already the mcfst demonstrative
jealousy's is
e s ( t i i e c ergo t !? z ti f on h inp o
aroused among among these two interesting classes mocrucy — . The hope for th u e c la lo tt n er o is t i:i tli e O ,
of departurists. The counting of chickens ; formation of a new party that will resurrect
before they are batched is considered fair I Democratic principles. The resurrection of
Bali huore Nup t la's.
by these hopelAir , ,t 1
fad. Tfie rum! tb`ey::*
*elk - ; f : ill he .144,
argtfaist ‘&41 2- sii)Ass fur priUrily-1 144
- -+
juon-purity.'? tt it 3 hard enough, rof
+ ~4~l ~i
to go on their way rejoicing under the
fiviirahhr Of 'stliceillitintstitnces,' but
so lyitiktiav tertainty okcle i fettti)efAck i
eyes, it id thfilight tNifluirentiteicikt
uqittititity etre4 t upon their.iligehttveor
especially during the a hite heat of the,
4 4. t.
ATTACKINO AN 11rPivivi; (4 , 2
.I EAIt2SRi4•,
'The Democratic , Wrushington correspond-,
eritofitlile Baltimore Attu haft tillown - Lan, uu-.
usual degree of 'pitiful spitet orttrd the Bow--'
and University, the tuAlle''wOrk' Of ' , Which in,
just beginning tct , 1 4.fat ;'1 )"itit . , PrOP - P4 6118 4',
because, inniike most,similar•lostitittiois, it,'
ppents )14 'loors to all clime...stand' conditions.
without regard to race says in
to day'S fricli;O'a of the ' 'citnitief
of the Freedmart'S Btkrtm49d _lia§t;ltar
net fail to have an eifeet.upon the revenue'
which- 'has Millen° been •evailable for the.
supped, Of If occtir,..4l University. 'The Unit
versify,' tio4l` ieceivey l'lnte.SuinaTfer,/retit - of
the parts of tho ; llpihitUg.osenpied by' the
13urean and also by tint-hospitaV le., The
whole te'nor of his remarks is to undermine
the usefttlness of the institution, by declar
ingifilnefilciency of support
,end Want of
permanency. fbitn 7
dation i4.fact, and, is ,unworthy of the ef
forts of to political : correspondent; though
an enemy of education' to all chisses; besides
it is sine to fail in its manifest object of in
jury to the institution, which is growing in
popularity and efficiency * despite the many
attack:; it has sustained in the past.
Et.uvEzi;ra ,liouit-:cotiviltsiox
The Dii 1g of ibis F.lty, has held out,
in earnein, opposition. to the; indorsemeat.of
G Feeley ',at Baltintoit until , yesterday, when
the,Tautinany ittlitteuee 'obtained' the' Con
trol Which:it was Obliged to gite np"shortly
after the exposure. of the Tweed ring in
New Yark. It•now advises harniony, as a
necessity of success, and giv6iitp its= labor
of' love for the •
The publie'debt statement for June, issued .
yesterdoy,' shows de6eriSe'et the national
debt during the pitst 4 month 'of $031,035,.`
The in the Treasury is $103,e9,190,9f,
w hich' t 88,149,108 •is im coin: The total
debt of ;the 'United`t§tates -is -taomf' 42,191,-
486,3.13.: • • '‘
, • ,
110111.TWI ()4.S
. Captain Sanmel,-Oartlitzer, electrician at
the capitol, has just closed a- contract for
lighting the new-CentiaV Washington Mar
ket slsP `One 'fOr liglitiso4YVOter's'Ofand'
Opera 'House iiateht •
elecfrtc lightinipapparatus., 'Mr., Mllieker,
is the fitther-in:law of •Edwinßooth, , and his
- opera lidabe is superior to that of Booth's in
NeW,Vorlfi Afe:deeided iq fairer of the Cifir
diner *liter-After coast4oog )49 eon-in-lava,
and e.tareining.thetnerits of other machines
professing to accomplish similar% work by
electricity: ' -
The Raßim* Und'Potrunne,Railroad had'
u grand Opening-411 . 0 iine tn-dit:y., 'lt will
Tun between — Baltimore, :and, this city,
will ,conuect South, North and East, con-.
fleeting with the Alexandria and Fredericks
burg Railroad to RIC domiiiet-•
ing the Pennsylvania Railroad, connection
with the South; 'SW trains Will run between
Baltimore 'and Washington lifter te-day, be
sides thiise . on,theßalti'were and Ohio
;row. , , , - .; •
Seere . tary Boutwell and Commissioner Ba
ker of the 'Pension Office have both return
ed. to their'debbilitini their frips l =theltirin-,
er to Greton, Mass.,, arid . , the latter to
nesnta!on account of . his wife!s health. •
The number of beer stamps:issued from
the internal icvenue hMvati•tiuring the es
,eal, year justolOsed *Ai' 27,595;800; au WI:
,6,060:600 over the issue of the year,
previohs. This would seem to indicate a
flattering increase in the manufacture of
beer for the same period.
Five deaths
day in Washing on.
Buckalew, nominated for Governor by the
Pennsylvania Democrats, (says the Tyrone
Herald ; )was a square, open and undisguised
secessionist duringlne war; and received the
bitterest deniiiiciation' of the' New Yokk
Tribune' in those ,days.. Now the 'same -pa
per thinks him an eminently ilit and proper
man for the place to which he as been riorn
inaied; though 'there is no shadow of evi
dence that he has changed his political opin
ions. !Coalitions make strange .bedfellows.
Buckatew 'and the, Draft:
In 4863 an armed' Democratic organiza
tion, something a good deal worse, than„the
" Heidelberg Brigade'? of , Berlts, ,was form.,
ed in Columbia county to.resist:the draft. =
Its career was knownas the- ,Creek
Rebellion." The misguided men who took:
part in this treasonable. movement were en•
couraged to 4.10 so by the teacbings of Buck
alew, who was the leading Demograt in the,
satub county. They went to.
r the length of
throwing up fortifications to repel the sol
diers Of the United Statee. , lt was suppress
ed fintilly„
. after much trouble and expense,
thy the military authorities. 'A Ward from
Mr. B,uckalew would have terminated it,' but
the *Ord'remaln4d' unspoken, whilelltr.
Buckalew pat lu the .Senate of the 'United
States drearriing Of 'cubnilalive voting and
smiling at the struggid of , the'CloVerntlent
A•. Just Criticism.. ' . _ ~,
The itepUblicart party deserves well of .
'Col. John W. Forney: It les'` d one Intrell'
for him , by giving lb hitn - its ednfidence t lid
offices and , its'patronage; - it',rethains' to ' he
seen wheth'er."lie 'leierits Well of it.,"'lt
publitting - outsik - of 'Penlikylvtinin 'regard
his present Cini red - with 'thyprise and mortal',
cation.' Oen - ..liartianft is .- a'distingitistied'
soldier, '‘if unblennahed ' rboitation; for 4it
cannot:lie'said; - with - justice,"that the Evans'
affair casts any stain upon his abrader ? fhe
legislatiVe investigat ion having fully lexoli-'
erated 'Mtn from 'hlf `blame. Riallorninh: 1
tion wtta'tibarly Vininithana, trnd ho"ii hehr-'1
tily sispported"by,tbe 'great majority of the
RepublicanS'of the State. ' " -•!-
It, will bejlonbfed 'if 'tile Ptirin igt!peqiig in
good, faith'wheri it:'attacks ' a, Republican I
State Convention In' the' langnage.lndually
chosen to express the Most 'hitter Inistility,
and this doubt will Moltollie further dObt.
of the truth of the charges' hfought against ,
that pody. - The'RePubhcans bf the nation
ffaie, a' right to demand that factional oppb
silion, to 'State noruhratiims shall cease in
Pennsylvania. - It' is not likely that General
Hartkfulft ivilfwiihdtair at the dicta on of
two or three , jssurnali , . eapeciall* - wh n the.
demand 'IS offereilyely made .1 Colf °Mb) ,
is a politlepin, ' and therefore 1 kninVti this
fact; hencb-„hia ,violent opputdtlon - i tb' she,
ticket of lii-Vattr itilds' own 'filiSie gives'
" aid and cbthfort - tu* the enemy," find is sus
ceptible of 'ari'interPretatfen very' nninvnr
able to himisettifeagolater!Ocettia: ' ''''
rc r
7T , 1 , ) *banner o •
*416040344:080)10. kitqiemocrats
ii4Avell'OAVitikkfAi ?pithy us the Or , -
IPiirtrialWiliottil*olle is as pron • a
2.0(1 2 14 Okap:tii Oelntletatil: principles as
L. Hod leg 1. : Char Ilitek4tow. ~:: ~ . .
i msburg Rpuldicati, publiShed at
- the bo n'ol. C. Rit, II Okale*" , IrrichOrtitent-,„
ing on is nominationfor Governor, says:
, 'The Democratic . ' omineelor Governor •
is Charlt* R. ; Bucket ,11( of this county,. , Our
readers t,tre" go ',Well Acqualtite'd' With Mtn,.
that4t isyteareely 'necessaiyid'atteMpf a bi- '
bgtaphical Sketkl. ' lie ' hi a' native of this
.toorkty, and' fit eartylife ailepted polities as
'a professiOnt . ' ' He' ls Said td be ti,:good, Ac
countant, titid,lll' cortSbeineiten' of 'the' fact'
iliat-Cohniabla Was Dein - der:We liendeined
the- 4 faitlt,'Althouglt . he aiming from aittock
°Vold She Witig4:, - Mi. airing
is noun
nallya laWyer, but toady an office-seeker by,
ProfessiQn. „1-14 beet* priintitteitt When he
.wo.ae.leeted 'United States - "Senatoeby; the
aid of Jtite Philadelphia ' roughS,' and ',When
.ensconted in his se4t"io the tinted States
Senate btelteld his tongue and seemed toi l er,
get that the tuition Was giappling with tree.
son.• P nnsylvenia, loyal to the RePlAdic;
bore thd, odium of having a . 'sympathit.er. in
one seat , and a treacherous Cowan 'in amith
er. ' Rbw.not to do it' was his Chief stud',
And in accordance with this he busied him
self in tlevel'oping the visionary scheme of
cumulattv ' voting ' when' the nation , was
sfrugglios or life.
" Mr. f - Et ckalew'neVer uttered ,
one Word
for the Vn on during the rebellion; on ,the
other ban 'he at least 'allowed his followers
to establis the trilthing' Creek ;Confedera
cy,' when a hod lrotn'hini WtAildlave saved
his friend and the , county from disgraed,— . ,
History! 111 record' the 'fact that ' soldiers
were take .from the: ' front 'And Sent to Mr.
Ituckalewja county' to arrest 'a rebellion - that
oho' loydl word from hint 'Wight, have speed
fly crashed. Perhaps bever in_ the' history
of the nation had any man such an _oppor
tunity t make a name as had he. ' The rep
resentat ye' of thogreat State of 'Pennsylva
nia, be at in silence or 'dreamed of Cantu
lative. voting while the 'real heroes of the na
tion wete struggling to destroy treason.
" Wit)/ the' spirit . of Vallandigham, he
lecke his courage, and yet• upon one occa
sion on the court house steps his mai self.
vossession deserted 1 hitt when he traduced
'the soldiery , as Linc.oln hirelings, and said,
'Fellow: citizens when .1 lauded in' New
YOrkfrom , South - 'America and found that
Abe.Litcoln, the rail-splitter of Illinois, was
. Er i eside t; and Wm. H. Sewardihis Beereta•
ry; I 'eras humiliated.' Labor , Reformers
' might note - it was the rail-splitter that humil.
kited Mr. Didkalew.
, ~
Hispersonal popularity is not great at
home. is long-continued rule has made a
large niniber of his party redness, 'and this
Itis'grown to such an extent 'as to start a pa.
per with no other object than to fight Buck-
Mew and the ring. • •His extreme 'partisan
ship certainly cannot appeal to. Republicans
for support; and where his !great strength
lies it is hard to determine. ,) On the- other
hand,lthe Republicans have a candidate that
ltaa "never dishonored his State or Nation,
'butnetily upheld its banner amid the storm
• Of 'battle."
•••,, . •
An Item for Reformers.
From an official letter sent births Secre
tary a, the Treasury to a blinking house in
tfirope, we learn that the per cent of loss
est? the Government in the collection of
ternill revenue since March 8,4889, has been
less than one-fiftieth of one per cent ;of the
amount collected, or less than' two dollars in l i
ten thousand dollars. .
" In the collection of the customs for the
Slime time the loss has been $28,000 out of
$503,000,000, or the one twohundredth part
of 'one; per cent, or something less than five.
dollars in every one hundred thousand.
The loss to depositors through our nation
al banking system has Veen the one hundred
and part of one per cent., equiv
alent to five dollars and three-eights of a dol
lar in everx one hundred thousand.
The 'money entries on'the boOks of the U.
B.areaSitier, covering tithe June SO,
-1861,4p.Janua6 9,187 g, , show the. hand;
sonte sum - Of fifty-five thousand inillioßS of
dollars, but of this.va.at amount the loss has
been abOut fiftY4lire thoussnd dollars, pr leSs
than one ten-thotisan'cith pairof one per
. cent., orietis thkin one dollar one . million
of I nose y "tratiseetione. ' .
—Bort Is . ,this for refOivi? '''CoUltl honest
Rogue fritplovo the service ; or Make it more
bersecity ' Cpuld his Irlenoil and qglxt-band
support4, in Tarimany", Bill TWeed; show e
better 'financial exhibit if he had the finger
ing of public funds? Who will give us an
official statement of the Or cent. of losses
in New York under the control of Tweed
& Co. I. Wash. (Aron.
• tiakEali PAC/WM.—The E.
the pcurritht of milk receive.
Factory, Since the 10th of Ju
W. P. Shumway 8559
B.• Claus 3993
J. Et Bliss 6617
B. F: Claus 3072
E. Claus 2637
C. Qlosei 1920
W. /take 8898
H. Kimball 2725
D. Wiruiey 5709
St Mils '8712
G. Shumway 4488
.. Van tiorri ' 4646
•P. Boettais 3889
N. Claus ,2725
G. Babb 608
A. Lainont 4265
Trarglerisigned hiving been appointed an Auditor'
, make pistributicin of the rands arising from the
sale of But, real estate of David Hu/slander /ate of
'Clh.arleaton township, deceased, in the handa•of M. E.
Triastee, attend to the 'duties of said
appointment and hear the parties interested,' at his of
flee in Tioga Boro on Tuesday tlin 6th day of August
next, at 2 o'clock p. in: All persetia interested are re
quired fo present their claims before - the Auditor or
. ha debarred from coming in for &share of said foods.
'Ttogit, July 10, 1872-4 w
Administratrix Notice.
ETTERS of administration' on the estate of Isaac
1, 1 ,i Bush, late of Wellaboro, Pa., having been granted
1G the undersigned, all persons haying claims against
Add estate are hereby notified to call for settlement
wand the persons owing tho same, to make imme
diate payment to , CATHARINE BUSH.
plplo, 187/-Zw*. Adrainistratrix.
~ L 1
, i 4 Mare Estrayed.
' N Hie 28th. of June last;a Mare , belonging to the
. tmOmeriber Jumped out of the pasture on' Rabb's
Land strayed away. She was a large mare, weigh
it a nt 1,1801ba., sorrel, with both hind feet white,
Alintedl strip in her face,' one,side of her mane cut off,
find about 7 years old. Whoever may find her is re
,Aueated to take care of her, and send me word, and I
wilt, remove her and pay all charges. ' Address
. ! 1 , HENRY. GREEN,
July 10, '72-3w*, Cc . , Ruu, 4,ycoming Co ; Pa.
JWilli copartnership • 11l
JU'rlina name of Pierce
Jlll3Bll. UllB dissolved by',
,lost. , 'The busineeel.wl/
'TOO Pierce.
'!•aubt 10, 1872.-3 w.
. -Dealera in • „ •
436` :
• I
4' 1
•ftic, rair , CO CO Cll9
:1••• A • '
of every Aescrittion
in - eburidanee; all leidtreab. •
=1 • •
•, 2 •
The pablie ace ratally irtrited , c
end lei* through
our large stock, as weare hellini tit low figures for
read7.yay: We abet receive
fiCia tt.p City
uiQ 'COMPletO.'
i •
isa. ,
V' Meth* that they
111 Nyellabbrctfpf tho afs9,
food ilordeo,
always on baud'
Stable on.Weter Bteet opposite Geo. Derby's reel.
Bence, G. VAN VALKENI3I7R42.
Attro 20,1872. tt W. MOSIER.
alowing is tho' account of
at the Round Top Che,ese
ne, 1872, (20 days Lu Junel.
S. lifergati ' 1851
H. Palphramond 3252
C. Coolidge 1577
E. Johnston 6804
A. J. Tipple 8466
J. V. Morgan 733
E. Coolidge , • 7355
A. Popo 3189
H. Peaks 1522
J. Willard , 703
C. F. Johnston 498
Arch Walker 470
H. Eckerson' . • ' 2431
Abo Walker .38
P. P. Jones • 827
G. Webster _ 6561
Mon, Proprietor.
• .
retofore_ existing und i d? the
rid Kress in the Drug busi.
mutual consent, on the 6th
1 hereafter , be conducted by
W."' C: KRESS.
I to J. R, Parker,)
tE.I - ; 3 !
o kem otr usortmcnt Lull
ROBI10 . 0:g af 00.,
'06; , • would Amy , Wthoir
pis 40titt01400
uou of their frierids
at moderate rates
Mieritt%)f-tCana to the preutteett' of -the subezriber
XttritArtatout (Eanniugtoli fill), several a cake
atuee, a t'ed'yeariing heifer, with, white spoilt' on the'
belly. WoUld to have the owner Calla her away
...:.after pupil; hoe board, ate.
Juitv IM-3,iv,
U you want a nice aasoktinent of
FAO, wiNTgw9oops,
If you want Drills tli:tofl of all Muds
call 'at BALDWIN'S Shah
If you viankill'k Alpaca; call for the Grand Dutcheaa,
, 011'wdzi au Okt:Onaan Shawl,
If you want Ladies & ents' under wai.o,
If you want notions and trimmings,
call at SA.L.DWIN'S Shan
'lf you want Nun,
791 Wf uit knit 1364:44 ' call at atLDWIN'EI 8
U you want Rag awl Cape,
It you want Boota and Siam
if you want p eat of Manes, • • ••
call at BALDWIN'S 8 • !
' •
If you Nara geed Teas and Groceries fresh, " •
- • can at BALI WIN'S $
t 1 ''''! • •
- If kotywant a rowly.mado suit of clothes, _
call at BALDIV.Lit'S 81ta.
. '
,- r ,
•, , ,
U yon waut a suit of Clothes leave your tumours.
..: at BALDWIN'S Oh
If you want Over Coate,
If you v... 4, 2)...cad0" itobes, . ,
call at BALDWIN'S m
If you want pr ces that cant be beat,
'all at BALI:AVMS S.
That's whats the Matter,
We are hi. thous to sell these goods before we lea
Enuti 2 fYi T. L. BALDWIN & 0
Nov. A, 1871.
• ' • ' . i
. -
T am' now receiving, direct from the Importers
I. andmell selected stock of ' j i
OKZ l l4.lri,
with a goon assortment of
Table Cutlery & Plated W:
Table Linen; :7ritpkins,
eti44; '
Dry Goods, Clothing,
I ll' •
I will sell at greatly reduced prices to makes
. a full and complete,stdek of
Table and HO lee Furnielling 00
of which I propose hereafter to keep a full a. d c
plote assortment.
Apia' . 8, 1.8 . 12. 7 tf.
. t
W E LES E3OR 0, .
. ,
Ile 'who baiiong been ea bits
1 9 •
• in the Jewelry ,bual • ess
- •
Wollaboro, has always or
various kinds and pric • s of
Gold or Silver, Clocks, JeWelry, Gold v. ..
Rep, ,414 es, , Pdnalie, Cases, Gold and
,geel Pens, •Thimbles, Spoons, Razo •
Plated Ware,
- &a. ace. &e.
With moat all other articles upnaily kept In itch
tablishinents, which artisord lowfor.
C. 'A .S H.
Repairing done neatly, and promptly, and o • eh
NOTICX. 1 A. i
at BALpIVIN't3 Hhan
call at BALMIIIi'S Shim
call at BALDWIN'S'Shan g
call fit BALDWIN'S Shan n
call at BALDWIN'S B '
call at BALDlVili'll -112
cull at BALD:W=I4 8 . 1!!
Ity stock of
0. B. : .
New - Sales', Room,
Navy Spring Sitavu
In all the neat desirable styles at the lowest cost and prices. AlsO
at Still lower prices them, /sat . eeasoh : we have full pieces at $1,12;‘, $1,26, $l,OO, $1,75 ; $2,00
$1,26, $2,60, $2,75, per yard.
• ~... • ; .
„ L •
J Japanese ,Silks
in great variety. Plaids, Stripes, and Solid Colors, in extra finalities
Spring DresS Goods.
We shall keep a ettll larger Stock this year than ever before, as we now have ample room to show
their New Goods in this depaittnent received almost daily,
Clatizes and G'astrameres.
We shall keep in our new If ales Room a Very fine stock of Woolens for men and boys' suits, a much
. larger stock than we have ever kept. #4.
We have also moved our Hoop Skirt stotik up into our newsales room, and -shall keep a very fine
.stock of new styles at low prices.
Nottingham Lace Curtains in great variety, 2;i to 4 yards long, at from $2,25 to $8 per pair
Josephine Rid Gloves:
An entice new stock of spring colors. This Glove is warranted to be equal to any Move in the United
• States either as to lit or quality. Our stock is very'largo iudebd.
New Prbin,ts, New. Ginghalins p _
Black Pure ! Mohair.
, ,
:, 1 ~
our regular snake, equal in eoloiand quality to any lu market, and still spld b y us without any ad ,
' vance in prices, making them the cheapest goods in Market.
Shores. ..
One of the mnin advantages to us in opening the NEW SALES ROOM, is the Met eased room it gives no
for our Boot and Shoe stock. We are LOW situated so that we can keep a still LARGER STOCK In this line,
and we shall add new lines.of Goods in most desirable makes as our trade eaUs for them. We shall sell all
"Fork VERY , CHEAP and give evezy one that calls on us good pay for their time in looking at our goods.
I '
Corning, flay 1, 1872-tr.
The Regulator,
, •
Bo?ts 4!k
Notions, Fancy
Alt the peolile In Tioga oounty.who wleh to
, Tho closest . buyers will be convinced .that this is the place to pay
Corning, .April, 1812,
Ez:4.4t .. :ocit)ssi
The subsetlbere have now In stook in tbbir
An cntiro now Stook of
$lO, $ll, $l2, 14, $l6, $lB, l $2O, $22, $24, $25, $25, $2B
Black Silks
Hoop Skirts.
Lace Curtains.
Nottingham Lace
by•the yard i at 373i', : 4.4c, 60c, 523,:.c, 75c.
choice bayles
The assortmLut to complete in ever 3 depatment.
Look a,t
and compl're prices
out money economically.
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is now
Goods, stic., &C.
paraeser In this line oro Invie r d to come find
my ktock.
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