Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, June 26, 1872, Image 4

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Potash for Potatoes.
In a recent address, Dr. •N3el9li; - .of the
• Journal of Chemistry, alluded to the "de
'reiteration in -our' potato crop 'during the
pat twenty yews,". and /mule the !olio:wing
explanation regarding the causes of this fall
ing off: I have a field of potatoes upon My
fnsln which I expect will yield 200 bushels
to the acre,: which may he regarded Wan
old-fashioned crop. I know. that - -this-crop
zdill remove from the soil, in tubers and tops,
at least 400 pounds of pettiali.•- . 1.. ant also
certain it will remove 150 pounds of phos
phoric acid. - NOw these amounts are very
large, and serve to show that the potato
plant is a great ,ctinsutriet 1 . the two sub
stances; and also, it shows drat in order - to
restore our potato fields to their former pro
ductive condition, we must supply piths
phatie conipottuds toni:Jsubstatioes , holding
potash in large quantities. For six or eight
generations in New 'England; our fathers
have.been exhausting the soil, by removing
these agents in their potato and other crops,
and we have reached a time when the veg
etables are starving in out fields for want of
their proper food. Our farmers have found
that new land gives the best crops, and this
is due to the fact that such fields atlord the
most potash. But co long as wo crop oat
pastures So Unreasonably, we- cannot resort
to new land; as land is not new that has had
its potash anti phosphatic•elements removed
by grazing animals. Remember that a' po
• tato field which gives but 100 bushels to the
acre requires at least 160 pounds,of potash,
hut•hy allowing the tops to decay upon the
field, CO pounds of this is restored to the soil
again, as that amount is contained in them.
A meditini 'crop of Potatoes requires twice
as much phosphoric acid as a medium crop
of wheat, so that,in two years with wheat,
the land is deprived of no more of the agent
than it loses in one year with potatoes. ,
Pruning in June
In your hisue of February 14th I noticed
\ two correspondents asking for information
as to the best time for pruning trees,' and
W. D. N., of Cedar 114, N. J. asserting
that spring was the hearTime l as he has al
ways practiced if at that time, - arid his trees
had done well. I have been engaged in el>
tivating" fruit trees for the past twenty year. ,
and have primed apple and pear trees in
every month of the year. 'lf I could always
have the time to spare i would profer to
prune in the month of June - , for the follow
ing reasons: FAA, the Nti mid Mate by the
removal of a brandr at this - season will heal
sooner than one made at any other season of
the year. second, very few water' sprouts
will grow after pinning, and,thc fruit which
remains will he much larger in consequence.
Any person who is at all acquainted with
the management of fruit trees, knows that if
a tree is barked in ,June the wound will Ikea
in 'a, very short time. To pfune in J,pilo,
persOng should wear rubber or °thee:soft
hces, to prevent breaking tic brancWs.—
reasoliki for not pruning, inn° spring arc,
we generally have-high winds and copious
Akiver:4, the winds dry and crack the new
wound, and the rain enters and Wakens it,
which it does not do in June. Water sptouts
will a'lso grow, which will have to be
ttimmed off ct cry .4eason. You suggest
covering the woluid with paint or Wax; but
every farmer does not alts ays have these
materials at hand, and in June he does not,
need them.—.N. ,inn.
Early and Late Tomatoes
Many persons arc disheartened from year
to year because of failures in getting toma
toes early. The cause is, they do not give
the plant proper conditions. The tomato is
one of a class that, after being fairly estate-
fished, requires lint little moisture,, and- will
he at home in the ariest soil; therefore—ec
peeiay if the soil is fiat and cold—a high
bill should be raised to set the plant on; end
this should be the practice on all soils, even
dry, sandy ones. If the hills•are broad at
the base, they may be on ordinary soils not
less than twelve inches high,' and on Hat,
cold soils, even'higher. It will advance the
fruit from two to four weeks, and the great
er the heat, the plant once being established,
the more favorable are the conditions for
Ntany persons commit the mistak.e . of
unil,ing the soil too rich. No manure la ne
cessliry if the land is naturally fertile, but
the lest results are reached on thin, sandy
soils / with a little well-rotted manure in each
hill, to assist the young growth. Wo have
11P vor inn 411 apv ppod La trellises or stakes.
or • better, lay omen unuer them, to run up
on. This gives them the benefit of what
ever, radiation there may bo from the soil.
The tomato comes from a hot, dry climate,
and is iinpatient of moisture. The sun's
rays striking directly upon high, broad hills,
they gathcr and hold: more heat than flat
surfaces. Set your plants at the proper
depth, and if long or spindling, lay them
down ju under the surface of the ground,
leaving oily two to' four inches of the top
exposed to the air, covering the stem so laid
down, about two inches deep. Water at
the root when set, in a basin left for the
purpose, and draw dry earth over the basin,
when the water has settled away. By this
means the plant will grow readily, and not
suffer for want of moisture.
It-is a good plan to dust a little land plas
ter. (gypsum) over the hills once or twice, to
attract the dew and fix. the gases. If this
plan,is followed, Ito person need fail in the
cultivation of tomatoes. In ordinary sea
sons, from the 25th (if May to theist of June
"is early enough to plant tomatoes outside, in
the latitude of Chioago. More failures are
made from planting earlier than later, and
for a late crop, for canning and preserving,
any time during the month of June, or even
to the first week in July, will give a good
cop.— Iraitern Rural.
ular view• of the number of gallons con e
tained in the clear between the brick w6rk
for each ten inches of depth:
2 feet diameter equals 19 gallons
-14 "
94 "
10 "
12 "
13 "
15 ~
Milk Experiments
'IL 1' .1. Clarke, of Butte county, Cal.,
instituted a course of *experiments to guide
hint itt managing dairy, and his results
tally very well withlthe views of.tho.A: who
have given the subject the most study.--1
They are as follows: 1. The quality of the
milk differs altmost if not quite as much ns
It (in:tinily given by different COWS.. 26in
htlyinc' get, sample of the calea'milli if
Itossilile. A•itow gives richer milk -when
at than when poor. - 4. A cow gives poor
or milk with the first calf than afterward,
other comittions, being equal. S. The older
a cow is, the &her her milk, until her
stitution begins to fail. 0. -The longer tbe
period which has elapsed since calving, the
richer the milk. 7. The richness of ,the
milk varies with the quality of the feed. , -
8. The tidiness of cream. varies—that from
the richest mak making the, most flutter.-
11 A cow should he in first-rate condition
when she calves; all the fat goes into the
pail. 10. The strippings or heit milk is five
to nine times richer than the first milk drawn.
A cow must be in good health to give
',lt, wholesome milk. 12. Milk should be
mimed . when forty-eight hours old and
TAP Ine A Ponnwo.—Three tablespoonfuls,
of tapioca, or manioea; soak over night in
a pint of cold water; take a pint of milk and
stir in the tapioca and let it boil; add tt lit
tle salt; beat the yolk of three eggs whit a
Ctip of sugar, then put it into the tapioca
and let it'boil; flavor with lemon and va
nilla; then heat the whites and stir quickly
while on the stove. To be eaten cold,
PRENCII LOAF CAKE. Beat four eggs
with three cups of sugar, one of butter, and
one of milk. Sift one teaspoonful of soda
and two of cream tartar in five cups of flour,
odd one lemon with the peel grated and two
cups of. grated cocoanut. Bake In round
loavei of bread, add slice it.
Dr. Livingstone the African cxplote-, is
Scotehman by birth, and, If still alive, is
just sixty years of age,
If we _would have powerful ming, we
and think,
A good medicine after too mu 11 duck is
a quack pill we are told.
It is said that pork-screws hav, sunk more
than cork jackets have ever'sav l.
At t possesses a flutguage whid t n ienks to
all eyes and is understood by all nations.
Tile poorest education that teaches self
control is better than the best that neglects
Boston is to have aline of steamers direct
0 Havana
Australian elections cost $475,000 a caneli
Tint belle of New Yoik socictj is a Span=
ish lad 4
The spotted fever ib premailing nn:
wonted severity in spno portions of Penn
. -
The "oldest inhabitant" has never seen
•zo inuch bloom on the New Jersey orchards
as this year. •
English papers are counseling the impor
tation of Chinese to Ireland to counterbal
ance the emigration fim there.
T wet ty-t wo will at Muskegan, Mich.,
produce 2,000,000 feet of lumber daily, be
sides trimmings.
A Minnesota divine, who has been preach
ing the end of the world this year with
great earnestness, has just put in 100 news
of grain.
Agapius llancerenko, editor of the Alas
ka Herald, has appeared in
. a spring suit. of
clothes made entirely front white bear skin.
A young man ,in Augusta, Wis., recently
killed a companion while intoxicated, and
the father lies sued the saloon keeper for
$lO,OOO. -
Natchez, Miss., is the only city in, the
world which has nearly 10P0 inhabitants
and not a single hotel.
Xtrue. friend easesiminy troubles, where-.
as one that is not so multiplies and increases
He will find himself in a great mistalt . e,
that either seeks for a friend in
. a palace, or
tries him at a feast. •
78 •
122 "
170 "
207 "
240 "
275 • •
313 •
353 •
390 "
592 "
827 "
159 •'
1101 "
19.18 "
:1059 • •
A. sea lion on exhibition at Oliiier's
den in Cincinnati, bit a mau's hand:last
week, hurting it so badly that the member
had lo be cut 011:
The daughters of Monsieur de , Paris, the
late• Preach guillotinist, is left with a for
time of 4.00,000 francs. Silo is "opposed to
the almlitionof."head money."
The 'United States Agricultural society,
lois organized by the election of William G.
iterkwith of Michican for President, with a
vice president from each State.
'l•he new wean cable will be landed at
floekway, L. I. It will then - continue by
lain' to l[untel•'s Polo% crossing the - East
ltivef at the front of Liberty'-street, .New
Profanity never did any Man the least
good. No man is richer, or happier,, or
wiser for it. It commends no one to soci
ety • it is disgusting to the refined, and shorn
inside to the gaod.
A holy in London got the idea into her
head that the devil was in her, and hung
herself. If Women are going to hang them
selves for a little thing like that, they're
going to be scarce, that's all.
Crawford; Vai;iderbilt's
'ho shot 'dtective Henderson, is tall, this,
bald•headed, about fifty years old,rind mem•
pies a responsible position in the New York
Central office.
Au enterprising gang of burglars lately
despoiled the premises of the Memphis
Chief of Pollee, carrying off a l mum of
money, a quantity of tools useful in their
business, and the entire rooes ) ,takiery.
New York papers speakof the uncommon
activity of budding operations in that city.
Whole blocks are going up in the new streets
Very far up town, while many of the old
buildings in the lower part of the ..city are
being replaced by more imposing structures.
'Contrary to an old theory, a popular:
writer gives the following on how to, man
age a cold; Eat nothing but a piece of toast
drink freely of cold water, walk twit a day
till you are in a gentle perspiration, and go
to boi early. •
Carl Schatz Eat down one eyinimi late
.To rest his weary head.
When hie 'on cams into the nom,
lAnd loOking it him • , •
"Who Is this noraee Greslay. ps. - ' '
4 ,,,
That eoplaalLeg.wese?...l i i .ei i i•
/a itt 10 tlytt li gh ; I 'ol c ti 1 1
' 4l ayii if f
arrk I 1 d tt W
.1:, , f t,„l
' Ol 4 A isIYO4I,(V Brown ; ti4lliygli
, ita lor Goveinor 1
"DA as nut his stature wade tam great, -
--- Or won him his renown.
.-Hut he St 1a who nobly Laiied
Jiff Davia from his cell,
And now we want for Pieeddent
The man who did ISO wen."
No, was 'hoed' Jett. •
A traitor to the Atlas?
Yuct need to tun him down lola say
That hanging eras hislate.
"And wouldtet Horace dratloY• 1 ,11
It he were President,
Bail out skull p4nlon eery rogue
to - priso4 eeny
no, my child, Set: Davi* va*
An enemy in 'war;
But be who bail* a common rogue
Elm neighbors aljabbnrr • '
';Then pa, if I should steal a horse,
I'd steal a hundred more;
I Would ba great and get bailed out,
Lite Davis did before
‘.Oll, no, my child; the Gospel says
That you slmuld always , do
To every perVm as you
That they shatild do to-you."
"But pc, did Horace Greeley think
That in soma intitre day
He'd want bail when he alionid
His country to betray?"
The. Senator could k-ny no more— - = -
So, tinning. quickly,
••It's nine o'clock, my little buy;
'T - :s time you were in bed:"
Ode to the printer-42
llaiijJinesZ is internal not external
China and Japan have signed a treaty of
4" m_nntarpit f a 4sv wan is like a tallow
whbn he is put Out.
Many lose the opportunity' of saying a
kind thing by waiting to weigh the matter
too long.
More than half the evils we . endure are
imaginary. So with our pleasure; most of
our enjoyment consists in anticipation.
Many a man censures andiilraises so very
faintly that he has no enemies' except his
The ,timid man is alarmed -before - the
danger,,the coward during it, 4044 brave
man after it..
Great powers and natural, gifts do not
bring privileges to their, posSessors so - rattph
as they bring duties.
As daylight can be seen through very
small holes, so' little things will illustrate a
person's character. --
Happy arc families when the government
of parents is the reign of affection, and the
obedience of children (he submission of
love. .) • Li
No man 'deserves to be. praised for his
goodness tinless he has strength of character
to be wicked: -
Leave nothing that is necessary in ,any
matter undone—we rate ability in men by
what they finish, not by what they attempt.
Kindness is the music of good will to men;
and on that harp, the smallest fingers . may
plathealienie irwCet tunics on earth.
Real happiness is cheap enough; yet how
clearly are we in the habit of paying for its
counterfeit. '''
Eight of the United States Senators were
born in the Empire State, and twenty-two
are natives of New England. -
A young girlfourteen years of age, living
nearßockbridge Va., can' repeat nearly the
whole of the New Testament. -
Some of the young ladies at Vassar Col
lege keep their own pony, phaetons, - which
they aro allowed to use once or twice a week.
Butter was first made for a cosmetic pur
pose. It vas not known as an assistant in
dispatching bread mucb, if any, before the
christian era, • • .
If misfortune comes into your Louse, be
patient and smile pledantly, and it will
stalk (int again, fOr it cannot hear cheerful
Troops are concentrating .in and around
PariS l as a precaution againsi trouble on the
eight nth anniversary ,of the COnununist
insurrection. . ;
. 211:11i
i '
It'AR D W Aft EL
i:ii' r
',5 ;`,
siZ.s qtr ;
as , `
• Tllt =`,` _APIR COPPER WARE,
1 - .4
Parloc Cook tuid Office
atild Pocket Cutlery,
(the beat Light in the world) and every article connected
with the
Roy's Block; south isklii-alroAn-straet;ll-ext "clOor
C. C. Ilathei 5.
April 8, 1872. J. B. ANDERSON. AGENT
f Lulls celebrated Stallion will stand tins seasonal the
„1„ following laces, viz :
Will be at 't errollyea'a on Mondays 2 o'clock p.
until Tuesday morning; Weatteld, Tuesdays 1 o'clock
p. m., until Wednesday morning; Knoxville, Wednes
days 9 o'clock a. in., leave 1 o'clock p. m.; Osceola,
2 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays till Thursday morning;--
Beechen; Island, /Oa. m. till 42 m. Thursdays; Law
renceville, Thursdays 2 o'clock p. in., till Friday
morning; Tioga, lcivelock a. m., till 2 p. In. Friday;
Wellaboro, p. m., till Monday morn
ing. , •
Tbia horso Rae recently °tried bY L. B. Smith, and
has a:Pedigree seeonirtsa ,n6 - 13falllon in Northern
Pennsylvania; being a tielf brother to the famous trot- ,
ter George 31. Patchin stud Laity Thorn' a blood bay
18 bands 1 and ivelgha 1850 petindfa;
ty-livelionars tO ins** single mare,
or forty do re per span:, 'Vekta 401lare for single leap.
Owners who part with their Mares before foaling
will-be held responsible for servicebf 3. horse
ar .
0. wrin,
• Wellaboro, May 13, 1872-3 m. '
.. . :Wanted - a. -
t .
Afire t•C18 WI WiIIIIIIIII . ,
kr/10 tinders iiiiiii lals ims3ness
thoroughly and can take charge Of a - shop, old
whp also has a knowledge of Plumbing. Re mast
hate a prauttoal-knoWiedge of botti,_ Cko94 Wages apd
steady employment given. , . .
' .
May 22, 1972.
! w
,I g a
$8 ig, A ,
4 ,,a1Z)
c .„. 1 .
st BC Z
to nkt
130 1 c r P. 4
an Co
F r a ge t t fro# :orit,tte lar#4st
ever brought ilito-Wellaboro„ ;
, $-
Ladies' . :Kid 'and Cloth Bal
niOals and Gaiters,
Ladies, .llfisses, -Children
and Baby's
Gents' Cloth, Boats 4. ShOes,
Prince Albert 'Calf Boots,
Boys' .Call Kip Boots
Youths' Boots.. - .
In heti idiklinatot Ileifa'. and liti>intni's wear kept
n a lint-ell& Elko° StOra. The beet mewed Womezei.
Shoes even bffeteifi in Ma InntinA.- - yre defy-the world
. .
U you don't - believe ui, try us. "We buy only the beat
stock, and have an good Cordwalners as 'money can
hire. ,
~ . ... _
REPAIRING don's neatly, end with diepsdf:ll
Leather l'i4;:l'i.ll"ldinge
Cash:paid for ilides, Deacon Skins,
Ilavingjost ailed up our shelves with a choice stock,'
mersonally selected for this market, wo respeetbally
solicit a fair share of trade. "Smell profits alai quick
tretilircta," we behove to be a good business, maxim :
Are hold the best goods, to be tho cheapest. We
- teats no shoddy. Ourvisortment is sulAcient to meet
Fires and tastes. We invite our patrons and the
lib generally to call and examine mit. stock. No
üble to show goods. Always a r l be found, cote door
north of O. B. Ze ll ers Store, ki Street, Wellsboro,
Mai 2, 1872. DEBBY & EEL=
Dealer in
all kinds,
for wood or cad,
of all kinds,
Hardware Trade.
consisting of
of all kipap con,tint# on be4l4:
Pk)lts and Furs.
12 1.1. ..i' '-0' - .....-f:z. .01- - OM
New Spring
)e. 4. ;tie-L.14
, -
flatted. to the titling& Tit.- 1 / 4 /4:. cud udifttouto Dia&l)loSi daily, to, which ste
. iu rant a DRY 170uf/ of uny,ktud or vartrty. We wilte a e
fi„„ "
- - •
'A 1;• - ' 1
; c
4 1 ::= 1 1-4 4 c: 30.13 Esr7are$ _
and fu bath or et slier of these defut: a:lents, we are Oat excelled In this sect!ou
order if desired by the most
. •
. We take pride to our tahPUT DEPA.EtTIIIENT as'eue of the iustitothius of th
,of au pfiei,ut 4 , 43.4 .15 ..
vat" :4t4 to $4,50,. we cau Suit almost any euist9
and ,
d iiimdrieed paid trds vii thu d ii ety. Almodt tile entire stock: wasp
and we Wall sell as near tv old juices us Do stale. None ueed wait to bill? elms ,
advancimi in . Market
- .
• '
Corate, Marcie, 1572.
„ : ,T):!0„, : :,,c1!..ap-,..,,,,...4.pe•Price ca 4
~ ~
Fancy Cimitnefes, Ready-liade Clothit
,a 64. - I have marked them dowu to very LOW price.) for cash. .Now iS tie t
,autlinag"cut and made tr order, and a partlet guarantee d .
4 -
t'• „
„ ,that,,tbl7, haven't time mirite a
.' , - 4 ''' -- 2-.- - - -;,•*" ''. -'. --_--''''.- ::; --;•;';,:''-',.-:, `,- - ' f': • '
i'43."* . :- -, '-,,--,',' - ', - :-..-'• .
"" - ''-- ' ---' ' . 1
- - ; - Advertisement.
...-.7;.-4.7 , i1=:—. :--- --',:.. ,-,,, - -... -
BO: &
CALL AT rta 1, BO:
I 1 •1 f
The Largest Establishment inn
Et. , faoWttea for buying and large qnantitlea of Goods er
lowest Jobbing prices. • In our retail departure It Goals are 'wilt 'al
. • A large stook of
Transfer Ornaments, Still
D. a 1.7 1
Wu now bait) 'a full and very complete .tick of
f ;
'floga County ar o>icliti4y invt;e4 ca
Tile olcizen4 of '
No. 2 Union :Block, Wollsbor43.
Willtum Wiisoix.
ilartim "B
Nev-- Spring
i FeDY~ ?.Y.i ii
OLISi.), ALLurea, =au AND toms. =OK, PAINTS
1 1011413= AND YARN= BRUMES, 11.!
. - .
and Brushes for
A. fa line of alt duxes of Good appertainisg to our brain
.H •~ ~i'. .✓~
Goods in-
_ .~. ~
.. _..~A..~!-F Y .. ~ rA.~st~
Fancy . Dry, , 6,00
•11 just received lots of
such as
Boots and Shoes
and waiting on customers,
db MIL.
Cutter Ormiantentln
vita tba atteatiou of all
.. ,
... k •i
ur t;leths will bo um4o to
tvwu, emt AU( 4coulter7efee
er in guallty
'chased before the ativouce,'
r, as they are continually.
~-''! ...
I and se:e.lzp.
g, Bats, Caps,
e to sieuto'good bargains.°
-3VirJ • M
4 •
Northern Pa. !
blea thew to offer thew at the
advance over 'wholesale
•H. •
I ; lug Pencils
ge and
etre kept la stock.
yc,i:reiTS 4:11+7.1
Sligar•Cionted, Concentrated, fleet
• and ' • illet,ball Jul.ce, Anti-Blllouli
Granules. ' THE "LITTLE GIANT"
CATHARTIC, or Haitian in Parvo
' Physic.
• 'l l ite n oveltyoof modern Medical, Chemical and Pharr
taaceutical &Waco. No use of any longer taking the
large, repulsive and nauseous pills, compoSvil Of
cheap, crude, and bulky ingredients, when no can by
4 carcrut application of chemical EHCIIC(I, eXtrti( t all
the cathartic and, Other medicinal proper lit'N,ll'oll, the
Vinegar' Ilittera' ate not a vile Fancy Drink,
made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, 140°14h - its and Refuse
t o st a y n a l l i t n ut i b i
t i c ?
o rtr a t o tt u a le n , ( B l
e h a er r b e s o , a i l y i d i e :l o a n; i t li s t . t l it i t i e vi t I t t i vi a lt .
, Liquors doctored, spiced,,and sweetened of please the
taste, c lied " follies," " 'Appetizers," "Restorers,'
mustard seed, that can be teat - 111y enaßoaed by
&c., that lead die tippler on Id drunkenness and ruin,
those of the moat e.ensitivo stOlllllCllB and lliptidions
tastes. Each little Paigative Pellet iepr..eont A,
Ma mostconeentrated, forimus much cutinnite power but AL a Medicine, made front the antive root
as is embodied to au of the
i s
pills (mind for siqit and her so use f ealifornia, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants.
la the drug shops. • Vilna their wrinkle' tul claim tie They a e the Great Blood Purifier .and a Life-givin
power, in proportion to their size people who have Principe, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorator, of th
not tiled them are apt to suppose Matt hey ale ha i:-Li System carryiit off all poisonous matter and reetorin
or drastic in effect, but such is not ut alt the , are, the the blo dto a healthy condition, enriching it, refreshin
different active Medicinal principles of which th'ey ills and itiv . igoratiug, both mind and body. They are,easy
•:ornposed being so harmonized and modified, one by of administration, prompt in their action, certain in thei
results, safe anti reliable in all forms of disr,ase.
la others, as' to Produce a most eearrhing am
thoroupth, yet gently 'cld kindly opera . No Person can take these .Elitteeti aectirdT
ting cathartic. lug to directions, and remain long unw 11, provideci
. their bones are not destroyed by mineral, p iison or other
for of these. Pellets, to any chemist wO,
ssoo'lleward is heleby offered by the proprie
u p on an ' means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point
alysts, wilt find in them any Calomel or other f orm of repair
Dyspepsia or Indigestion.' lie dacha, Pain
of mercury or any Other mineral poison. in the Shoulders, Conghs, Tightness of th Chest, Diz
- Being entirely .vegetable, no particula ziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste
f li s f f r a i m it t , at ß to i n lio o u r s tit A e
L et t a l c it k g s s , ,
P P m a .n ip it i l ta th ti c on regi c o t ns tl a ie t
care is required while using them. They operat ~
Without disturbance to the constitution, diet, or oc He
the Kidneys, and a liun yb d sop r l e et d Fas o i.va t 4 h il e i r painful symptoms,
' Ciapation. . For afattllllloo7 litendnic la 0 2 Con
sttpation, lititpure Biood, Pain in ant are the offsprings of
Shoulderti, 'lrWhtuess of the Chest, Diz lnprove th
a s e bet complaintse
gua r .
ante ofmerits than a lengthy advertisement.
it has no tts
ziness;llour Eructations of the Stem
p da la w i n n o t i. s ,, ,
*. ia ma y n o i t: o n o g d
, cir or' o t l i d io ,
itch, Bad taste in month, union
attacks, Pain in region 'oil Kidney , m a l l r d P o
r e single, n uiie
at C tits o l
Internal Fever, Bloated• feeling abou turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decides an
- Etto.naclit, gush of BlOod to Illeod, nig
*Trine, Unsociabil ity an intluence.that a marked improvetnent is soon percep-
G m
looy 'Forebodings, take Dr. Pierce,. Fo r .Inin anunatory and Chronic Rhea-
Pleasant Purgative pellets, In ex.vian.-
• am tism and Gout, Dyspepsia 4 Indigestion, Bilious,
Remittent and r
lion of the retitedial' power of my Purgative 1 elle a
over BO great a Variety of din/let's, I wish to say th: t
been roost 611 C Kidneys . and Bladder, these Bitters have
their gown - xi pon ,The •Pissinsisi cessis .. "
m utated ( Illnod, c x, f t is gSeuecelitaDll;=cdaucaerde44due7adngbey
.,)lll7' 14 - ristrita4 not a gland or thisU &
e „, rit .. c• the Digestive Organs.
()Soaping - Biel* sanative impress. A.O
_ Ton c, f po L s . s gi e l
re. s4 t i n ai g n, ,
d a r l ve s i o ii:c t ve l i i ran e g t:i co ec or i g i n l ag ia ne r ss: m iao e nn r d i t oir o n f ißiL acting
enclosed in glass bottles preicrve.their virtues unit -
paired for any lengtht;if time. in any climate, so th t "
they aro.always fresh and. reliable, which ie not tl e m as ;o p ir of die
Case with the pills found in the drug stores, put up a Diseases.r
Cheap wood or paste-board boxes. - Recollect that i r
For Skin Dlsionisea, Eruptions,
all diseases where a Laxative, Alterative 'r
iinc ßh etinn,es, .Blotches, Ring-worm Sps, otsPimPles,Ptistu Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Teller, Salt
les, Boils, Car
Purgative is indicated, these little Pellets w 11
give the moat perfect satiefactiOn to all who use the.. sipelas, Itch, Sculls, Discoloration& of the Skin, Ery
They are sold by all entorpriel g and Diseases of the Skin,,of whatever name or nature,
Druggists ;0 26 cents a bottle. are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a
Do not allow any druggist to induce you to to 'o short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in
anything else that he may say is just as good as is y such cases will convince the most incredulous of their
Pellets because ho makes a larger profit on that wht h curative effects.
he recommends. If your drnggist cannot sup .ly Cleanse the Vitiated Blo)od whenever you
them, enclose 25 cents and receive them by re t l find its impurities bursting through the slim in Pimples;
mall from . Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you dud it ob
it. V. PIERCE, .11". D., Prop' 4". structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it'when it is
Bu F F ALO, N. . foul; your feelings will tekyou when. Keep the blood
. ,•,s pule, and the health of the system will folloW. '
tilrateleall thousands proclaim VINEGAR BIT
TERS the most wonderful invigoraut that ever sustained
, ''', .
51:,.. 1 , the sinking system.
;pr -- '
Pin, Tape, and other Wornis, lurking in
. ,
I A Dentistlry. the
s ystem of so many thousands, ate effectually de
isaa• , , st'e'ed and removed. Says a .distinguished physic)].
HAXING returned from II visit Last, I ant II(»V I re" °gist: There is scarcely an individual upon the face of the
pared, with a new stock c f goods and that liMel tei earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms.
to offer superior-Inducements to those in want ..1 ay. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that
thing in my hoe. At ttficii.l hall illbelicti ou a 1 ts‘v .worms exist, but upon die diseased humors And slimy
ma superior base, at low lutes. Teeth extra led w th- deposits , that
these living monsters of disease.
out pain. Preservation of the natal al ti eth a speetal ty. No system of Medicine, no verniifuges, no antlielinin-
Work warranted. Terms rail: unable. - itics, will, fiee the system from worms like these Bit-
A. B. EAS t If.lS, Dentist, ters. .
JED. 1, 1.87.2-tf Welktirdo, P . Mechanical Diseases. Persons engaged in
Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters,
Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will
be subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against
this take a dose 0 WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS once
or twice a week, as a PreVentive. • . ,-.
Bilious, Remittent, and Intermittent
- Fusers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our
great rivers throughout the United States, especially
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten
nessee, Cuinberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos,
Rio Grande, Pearl; Alabama; Mobile, Savannah, Roan
oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa
ries, throughout our entire country during the Summer
and Autumn, and remarkably
_so during seasons of
unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied
by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and
other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less
obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state
of the stomach. and great torpor of the bowels, being
clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In theiritreat
, mem, a , purgative, exerting a powerful influence l upon
° these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is
no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da.' J. WALKER'S
VINEGAR BITTERS, as they will speedily aemove the
dark-colored viscid matter with which slue bowels are
loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions.ot
the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions
of the digestive organs.
Scrofula, or IClngts Evil, White Swellings,
Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous
Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Af
fections, Old Sores, Emotions of the Skin, Sore Eyes,
etc , efc. In these, as in all other constitutional Dis
eases, WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS have, shown their
great curative pdivets in the most obstinate' and intract
able cases. -
Dr. Walker's California Vinegar !Utters
act on all these cases in a similaf manlier. By purifying
the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away
, the effects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits)
she affected par e ts r r t e i c c e . ive ,
jc lie D alt:i . , a l% ri , d ,,, a ... l.7 s ua y ne i n n t ir c a u A r iz e
pT e pro
BITTERS are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Caiminative,
Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irri
tant Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Biliou '
Th. Apeas.ssit ...I . .i.l C n ," S
'Dry. WALK/112'S VINEGAR iir rrEtis' are' Ri r eNgftr i c?! -
guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers;
their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect
the humors of the faeces. Their Sedative properties
allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, 1
st C ers oente T r. h l e r t r r it ro an tu t re in t il c u p ei r l op ce p ex e t s en a cis a
o t n lir ti:w o h n e g p h u o r t i ii
either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc.
t T ht e s ir y
neys, correcting and regulating th flow of urine. Their
Anti-Bilious properties stimulate he liver, in the secre
pdn n aroo o ur f ft b is tlei - andits discharges through the binary ducts,
y Fever,etr l o vi r oe to‘itiic
I da i syd n remedial lggatt agents, eestct
disease time
tying all its fluids with VINEGAR BITTERS. o epi
demic can take hold of,a system thus forearmed- The
live , the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys,' and the
ne es are rendered disease-proof by this great invig
f b u e l
i d . , 1
ora t.
L g re t e fr t o l m on a rt- h — al T f a t k o e o o n f s
the an d Uit
one-half tc rs on
w i goingne -gl a t ss o
at n b
Eat good nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton
chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, 'and take
out-door exercise. They are composed of purely veget- '
able ingredients, and contain no spirit.
J . -WALKER, Prop'r. U.. 11. BeDONALD & CO.,
Druggists and Gen. Ages., San Francisco, Cal.. ' -
andeor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., New York.
May 29, 1572-Sm. ..
Jaue 36:117.1:Eat-ly
Change of Basel
Stook of Goo I n
BOUGHT itifi:asli, and to be sold tor yak', ii ,
prices. Credit system played out.
"Pay as you ge," is a trite old inasim, b aud,
lived up to, the true dechine for boil 4 Bullet and
I intend to sell goods at (+mull profits, for ens] ,ar
respectfully solicit a trifil from old patrons, cud irol
allothers who wish to buy groceries and staplo 00,
at close figures. A. W. POTTS. •
January 3, 1872. tf
(' . E.ORGE WAGNIER, kaa Just received a supe
11.3 - aortmeut of all kinds of
=die prepared to toitottot ntro tu the RCS S" 'I
and on the eherttest tottico. Pentane Al
will please drop in and eeo my ate k. tiood Ft i
the best at work pout aqtet.l
Jan. 1, 1872 ly.
General Insurance Age►►c
J. 11. & J. D. Camps—i.,
A"preparecl to 'cane Yolit:•ier tit hitt etas
patties wt all Mu& et 'namable ity a
Fire and Ltghtningattwa uuaLlot at,a Me trav
eXaMina all risks 1;u - tonally lit the coutitha et
and Totter. .1 H. °AMTS.!.
Nelson, Feb. 7, 1b7.1-Iy. J. L. CAMPS
Tiogaillar le Works,
THE undersigned is now 1 repared to exeLute 1 c
deis for Total" Stones aid l'ifor.lll/Itnte of elt . er
Italian, or Rut and
of the latest style and appro ed wuibinansblpen t wi
He keeps constantly on baud both khaki of art
and will be able to suit all who may hi\ or bin wi
their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be ob atu
in the country ,
Jan 1.1872
Ladies' Furnishing Goo a
in the Cone Houao Store. A large stock of roo
just received and will be sold cheap.
Mrs. E. E. KIMBALL will have charge of the
sty department, and will be glad to see her old ' ten
and now Ones at all times. Drop In and see o rn:
Dec.l9, 1:01-1y. MRS. A. B. ORA ' S.
r now receiving new and elegant designs in
.1 4 47 7ir GI- CA C 1073 =•,
ant invites the public to call and examine good= a
P. B.—No trouble to show goods.
Pab. 28,1872. Mrs. 0. P. : ..1 : ,
a tvie
published on every package, th a
fore it is not a secret prep.tratio ,
It is a certain cure for Scrofu a,
Syphilis in all its forms,Rheu a
tism, Skin Diseases, L iver Co -
plaint and all diseases of he
wiII do more good than ten bot les
of the Syrups of Sarsapari la.
havo'used itosadalis in their prat ice
for the past three years and fro , ly
eridotse it as a reliable Alterat ye
and Blood Purifief.
DR. T. C. PIIGH, of Baltimore.
T. "
DR. J. S. SPARKS, of Nicho6av
DLt. S f
DR. A. B. NOBLES, Edgccomb, rir
J. B. FRENCH & SONS, Fall Ri•
F. W. SMITH, Jackson, - Mich.
A. F. WIIEELER, Lima, Ohio.
B. HALL, Linla, Olio.
CRAVEN & Ca., Gordonsville, '
born, Tenn.
Our space will not allow of any
tended remarks in relation to
virtues of Rosadalis. Tothe Me•
Profession we guarantee a Fluid"!
tract superior to any they have
aped in thq, treatment of disc:
Blood; and t'o the afflicted we se •
Bosadalis, and you will be rest. •
to health.
Resadalis is sold by all Dm.
price $1.50 per bottle. Address
Manufacturing Chemists,
for gutilletuen's
lira uv, TIOHA 4•n,
3W.XT-sZaXWM3EI."X'' 2
Mrs. C. P. SMITH.,
Pianos! Organs
I F you want a first-clues
Piano or Organ,.
call on B. F. DOWD at Dr. A. D. Eastman's office
He has the
Este) Org.coi, Ifibber
Haines Bros, Planos,
1 Sheet Music, Instruction Books, Piano and Organ
Spreads, and anything in the line of 'first-class musical
Ooode. J. F. Stratton & Co's Band Instruments.
Alen the DtAneatic Sen•ing Machine,
id me.
Wellsboro,\ April 21, 1872.-if •
,i d v- vi z— ltzt • VEGETABLE SICILIAN
- twoaAi. Itt) ITMR
, 1.. z. • s -
• " sr, rill! VVI
Every year increases the popuiarit,
of this valuable flair Preparation;
which due to merit alone. We ca
w-sure our ultl pat rolls that it is kept
billy tip tv it:; t•tandar4l; and it
"" is the only relial,k and perfected prep
aration tbr restolinv- OR FADED
IlAiu to its youthful color, making, it
soft, lustrous, aud cilken. The scalp,
b y its Iwe, boeoni - es white and clean.
It removes all eruptions and dandruff,
and, by its tonic properties, prevents
the hair ti•om falling out, as• it stimu
rs-a hates and nourishes the hair-glands.
. By its u.e, the hair grows thicker and
• stronger In baldness, it restores the
capillaryDglands to their nornial vigor;
and will create a new growth, except
in extrei to old ao•e,. It is the, most
economical Itt IR DR EASING ever used,
as it requirekqinver applications, and
) gives the hair a - , splendid, v,lossy
pear ap
peance. A. A. Hayes, .111.1):, State
Ito Assayer of 'Massachusetts, says, "The
Rh constituents are pure, and carefully
selected for 'xcellent quality; and I
consider it 'he BEST PitEPARATioN
for its intem ed purpo s es."
Bold ty all Drif /1813,and Dkilere in Medi : dines.
Pico Ono Dollar.
Bucki ighath. s Dye , \
As our Renewer in (many elides re
quires too long a time, and too much
cart}, to restore gray Or faded Whisk
ers, we have.prepared• this dye, in one
preparation; which will quickly and
effectually- accomplish this result. It
is easily applied, and produces a color
which will neither rub nor wash off.
Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty
Cents. •
Manufactured byCR. P. HALL & CO.,
Jan. 1, 1873
• For Sale in Knoxville.
oNE new two story frame house. Good terms of
fared.. 0;1,111M-121y office.
June 12, 1872 BTUS..
In.frOirs On e to Tvtibrity Milit s t ou ,
• after resullnKthis tolvettlaement neon any on ,
tittlerElt WlTtt PAIN,
ItADIVArti ltk/Al/Y REI,IISP IS A eijli Foit
It. Vtl3 the flat and 13
2'lltC3 ()Illy • Vain. - itetnetty
that. Instantly ntop» the niOA. exerttelating ilf i . s
indiarliq 3 / 4 111(na, mat cures Congiatloni; whalk r or
Lunge, Sttonstch, Ignite:a, or other Valeta or wont,
no ;natter how violent or t.xtruelating thel,„„
Bed-rhiden, Infirm, firiplare,
Neuralgic, or proarnted with Itiatute 1134 y boner.
I . llnil3l3lnol'lON Di , "PDF KION.F.:Vi
,Mil/A'110 . 14 OF I'ISE .14FIVM,t;
CONOE:YrION tri!"l k 11: 1.:1!: ,',••
TIIIIOAT, DIV'FIVUL'II . nievLA'ia l l::„ -
PALPITATION OF 'Mkt 1 . 112.. tit ,,
lITTa r tIRICS, CP,OUP, DIPB Tif/tit A, '
IfD.:A AC.lll , :i TocyrilAilin.
v iNklittALGIA, tt1tiw,, , J . , ; Ti,., 1.
cpi.D criti,l,B; AUUR uniLL-t, ,
l'he iiptic-amt a the Ready .11eID:c tr. , 11). r „ t .,,
',oats trend the Van Or altnellity Cis Waft un,r,l “,,• •
..,n4 to nfott.
'lv,. dy hit op; in hail a tomtki of vsitor Viii ill a 1.,, 1
.11.0611:1 t.s cure CRAM FS, :IPABMS, Po Litt :it (k iA .,- :f,
Ite.AlPPl3llllint, fIICK. 111_:A - 1./A011E lit It hol t ; .i
Tra:T.los eliGlild ;Away!: carry a battle a Tirtattas'.
Read y Relief with liicin. A. fov nini.f, ;a 1,,,t• r ,, 1 , I
prever4t, riekne?3 Cr padre irr , lTl Cilatirk. .1 wr.tc,, I. ~
t,acz than Frelich Brani)y - sr MI rvrs a, a A;a,,, , ,,,. ! '
FEVER, AND AGITE cured for filly CC141.4. 7; ' •
.., 1 ,
not a remedial agent in Oda, waria timt. , ill co l - ..,, ~_
and Aipo, and all other Idalanmis, isil;o4,, *.t , l , i i :'
'amid, YC.•llotv, and other Fevers (aided 1. , , - It •1 I. , WA 1 , ;
~1.11..4.1.3, :r) so quick It ADWAT'S BEADY iti.L:i..l 7
I EtltY .:ita per bottle. Eivia Fy Drugght.,.
r.bit m
I Eit) , QUICK, : 4 0 RAPID ARE I'llE cil A ::(;:.:
I , LbIENCE OF TIM TR1.71.1" W02.:D1.i::: Li
Every Day an i ilCreaso .in Mesh
and Weight is Seen and Lair.
Decry drop of the fmit:4APARILLIAN J:E = • )3,,
ENT- communicates Monet, the naafi, Sweat, 1:... .
and other Auld% OA titlces Of, the .system the vigor .d .•..
for it repairs therastes of the body with new coil ... ;,. I
material._ Scrof da, Svphills, Com,umption, Gin. 1..,
disease, Ulcers in the Throat, Month, Tumors. Nom.. 1 .
the Glands and oilier Oils of the tiVA(III, hen. l. }, ..
Struntous I ilehargt 3 Long the. kali, aml the ~ .r.;
forms of Sk n diseases, EttiptiOn4, Fever Bnrc.±, Sca'. I
Bead, Ring Vorrn, SalPßlnknn, ErysipaG, Amne, 8,.„ .
Spots, Wo iln the Flesh. Titinotri, Cabecrs Pi thr.
'Womb, and all trtaktning and painful.discharg, , , Ni t ..i. • .
13weata, Lo 301 Sperm, and all ot"r•Art3 at the tile intuit
pie, site wit) In the curative range of this wonder -ai Mc'-
ern Clietul. ry, and a few day' use will prove to ,• .
person nal -,, it fur either of thoefuttas of dliea, ...1
potent pow i to cure them. -
i 13: the-pa lent, dally be:st arm. rckluectl by R.-, w.,m ,
and decomposition that IS eCtiltitnialig prOilre,t‘ftt,r. , _.
reeds In arre-Aing these wastes, and r,pnirs the satm :.
new material trade from healthy Llbod—amt 11. , ,
:.iARSAPARILLIAN' will and dots recurs,.
Nut only does th•. SAlis‘rArt i LLlAl , l BrktitA - 1,-, - ; c.•,.
all known remedial agent, it, 1.1 e tune of CLrr,,,,i, , ..,,,,;,_
lolls, Constitptional, and Skin di,tattc3 ; M:t it is t'.:. , -.
positive curd far
tildnei dc - Bladder Coinializans,
Urinary, and Womb tliie:m‹, Gravel, Diala.m+ D: ~.
stoppage of i Water, Incontinence of 11, ii,p, Bch , i.r. v ~---
ea4e, Albundmitia, and in tilt Cil‘e3 lOU N th,t, ~,, I , , ...
dust deposits, ur the water i'l [lint, (1,4;4, hii,,,l ,•, ~
substanera like the white of an e , r, w thr,...11 like 3. .t
silk, or Unite la a morbid, dafir,..blimui app,ar., ,
white hunmditst deposits, and when there is a 1•0, •
burning Eelitt-itlOn When 1e,, , in,.•• 13 Ayr, nob p,i , . ;;
Small of the Back and along the L.Alt, Pr,.,, Bn ~
wORMS.—The only known and en, e I:. .u,
for trorma.,./ - 'O2, Tupe, etc.
'rumor of le Years' Gros;
Cured by 11tuhvay's Resolvent,
liavvittr, \l.=+., July 1., 1-,.
Da. RATIPTAt have Ind Oval - tan Tumor In it... Iv- I
towels. All;the 13octois Laid " there an: ne nip tor It I
sect y thing that oat reroatutt tnl. ; lut u.d Glnp hell 444-
saw your liniolvnut„:and at:no:sat I n wad try It ; tut boa 0 , i. t
In it, heeau^G I had suffered f.lr I to , t 'totg.lt
of the Reiolvent, and on.: Lox on Itado ts Ptllt, at 41 in, I : ,
ilea of your Ready Relief ,• anti there to not a top. of too.. 4 z .
teen or felt,' and I feel Letter, 1.111A1t,, .1.11,114..1r tL iu 111,
far to slue yLars. The wornt 4turour't,... t:t the 101 l LLL ., I 4.
bowels, over the groin. I a rite thla to )ont for am,
othars. Yanrcens vuldials It if you awn.,
perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with vor.,
purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and Ltrour t h.;
way's Piles, for the cure of all d i:iced...la of th ,
Liver, Rowels, hildnec:e, Bladdot, Nei‘oes .•
Headache; ColBtipatlihr, CostivenerA halidr
Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fe‘, or, Iletunra.a.
Bowels, Pilecouut Lierangeluent,ol
cern, ',Warranted to effect a pail iceeute. Purdy
bltl containing no mercury, tninerale, or thl , tot it,o,
Intr . Observe the following itymptorus
Disorders of the Digestive Olgans:
Cunstiroi.imi, Inward Piles, runner, of the ISIoo 1 1.1 ti.-
Acidity uD the Stomach, Nou:va, fleattiorn,
Weight In the Stutu,ch, Sot, Eru.tation, rot—.
Fluttering or Weight
the Pit of the Stoinath, niunnie et the tt
Hurried and Didienit theatlaing, Flatlet leg at the lied
or , Sulfu•atioit Sontatluus when in a 14 mg l'"•Lair. I Pmt - :'o
flits ur Webs before the Shpt, Fever Doll
the Head, Deficiency of Per tpirltiun, o to
amt Eve,s, Pain in the Side, Chrit, Und!, ao-1 11,14,
Ileat, Burning a the FleAt.
'A few dosea of RAD WAY'S rILLS v iii trio 11,•
tcm`from all the above named disorde.s. _-
• stathp to RADWAY & CO., No.fir
York. Information worth thouscr da
'May 29. I', 72-13
The High Bred Hambietoniati
aol Tow AAI D "
4tan,rl for. a Limited
.4pAra - uect Mares at tie Barfa:
of the subscriber at
Tor, - AND A. FENN. -
- . -
G •rpOWANDA," 1 . .1 .
by wpm I Ilainbleton inn dam nes by
Kent inure,miportod
dot by Qbi 0 : ., Eu.•, by ~1,1 /Pt qa:rd,,,J4 CM. anti he
imported hi, amjt . the .I.no of 0
by imp:fried . " TOWANDA," V. ,
mon! ;' y
lliil' 1" ,, t
foaled in and he by Siwrinan's..llGrpto ; his des
raised in New Brunswick, and reps esenctid 1„i!t.
bred English none. bred by Wingate Twombly,
and sold tti llcni. Thurston, Lowell, :Mass., au-I
David Hill, Itraigeport, t.. 1841, in his bovvessien
quired great favor. This iv , r4o got more lin;11
colts than any horse of his day. - He died I<ov.,
He was the sire of "Ethan Altrn," and gkand sire of
the dam of "TOWANDA." One white pastern I,lan!
black Points,' dark bay, 11 blinds, 3 inches tea.
years old in July. lie is-one of the most rent:lib-IN,.
animals this country has produced. lie is beraitnil,
blood-like, of great sgitngth, and action .pericci. lk
is in close proximity to two of the most notabl e
ions in this Nation : Hambkfonitui and Ettie.i
and as the sire of trotters, these two great horse: atlici
flar above all competition in this or any past genfrataa
A better infusion of blood is not in the Ameri..m Ice-.
than in "TOWANDA." lie is a fortunate cc 0-..5. Hi
bide fair for a brilliant future in all respect... lie 1:
success, and true merit will be appreciated by , ic,ii 1
judicious men. We have arrived at a perial wh
mere tilted gabble about the horse is of'brit little 1.-
count, and anything of value in his history or 1r,..1-
ing, cost, labor, long research, thought and raohi:. -
"The ; American Trotting Register," which fonted,%..:l
that is known of the pedigree of Trotting Hem: e, 11•.1,7
ancestors and deeccudants, with a te....urd at all v idt
lished performances in which a mile was ti, th,l ..i.
Paced in '2:40 or less, from the earliest dates till i 1.,.
close 'cl'llB6B, and full record of the pertin 01.11,t . , f
'LSO and 1870, git ing complete sunimarn a f f ON t : 3:-
ihousand contests, with an attroductoiy essay i a ii-_.
rue origin of the Animican Trotter. 11113 1-1 ~ g. 31
hing.. False pedigrees are quite too i ieunion 'if.•
Work,shuts out imposition in a groat ilipti c .1 H
Wallace, the compiler id the " Aim i kali St ti 1! i aai
Trotting Register," pit CH a Letter intelligent Mal 1) -t .
the 'Horse than any other.
"TOWANDA" will bo shown in lanocaa t . 0,,, ,
that think of patronizing him- betwece t 11,! 13.10 i ,!
live and eight o'clock, a in., on pleasant weet it* ,. -
His style and hue trotting action wee n trallicil, w. , -
aufely make his own character. 'The clea,:at a. refl. ,
brings the luau tenets trite 'mete 130 11. 1, \\ all Of ' r,.
r!I ea i al. .
TERMS—Ono hunth eil dollars to himre, ti, , fle.
dollars at tune of service, which till not t,e it :mid ,
in any erent,"and seventy-lire dollars whim laio,_ii a:
11ea1.1 Best (-are taken of mares ou riaaonabl • on: •
All accidents and eseapeedit iiwu,,c, ~..L., , AII ),, r, ,
1111114. be let t ordsrought to the btable iris a d 0 , 1 -
Mares not proveu in Mal candle Atm Ill'rl 11, 'l. , ' -
tree of charge. _ ,
tic:asiis.—First of A.pril to July tut. 101 : .1, ..-
Firet. ,, fSOPttilli)Cr 1,/ ileCel.lll.4 r theil
Towanda, Pa., May a, 3872-3)n.
Call in and 80. c
/3. F. DOWD.
PHOT - OGRAP: i giV ,
AA I,L lands, :1•1( and 1.17 es of s
'executed in arlintn• at H 11 \
011Pwit , i Corn: Hons.!, Wi11,1.. , ;
Portraits on Torcelaili Plates,
Nothw g finer ran be offered than th , ro.
celitin rietnres in a velvet Base of uamc iu. u
Ires 4 and di:lie:icy Lae snpviior to
ou iron or viper. H you ur.uit a
of ypurself, go to N. - Armor:', .
111 you w.t.tit the very bent that can Le ! ,, L 1 •
If you must soulethingthatlossEs Ithu t , •
aut<it o's.
you want an old Dagllf, rt l'•
ArilLrOtSPe t Or other Pictures 'ogled aria t d. im
can do that as reasonable a. idly other 00 L,O
will be fiIe:AAA in India Ink, Cl[ or Wat, , t I , "b"
litnsous wishing pietur,s groups aihi
will receivu espenal attollthou
A large assoitment. of Vz 411) a a fla 1 t.:11.111g
1:• 1
Coll•3iitlltlY on lltrail All Liu.. sat
Pictures' 4? rained to order
N. 13.—Don't mistake the plac;e, over.. C Ea,tl„nn
Dental Itooms.
AD!ril 21, 1872.-tf.
rrliis well known Stock Horse will stand f,r 1 , 1 . . 11- t?
Jj . during the season at the subs:
Wellsboro. His stock is so well known tilt to 1 , IS -
cektsity of remarks. It is suttleient 1. - ) Nay, t. ;
store they arc net surpassed, or for powt r of mall , '
aticc This Horse is a coal black. w•.ighs Pt.. e.
sound, and kind in harness, his feats rlo%e the tle ` t
ser(tiiNable of any horse in this section for all Wl.'
ses. At the request of numerous patron:, 1 h t)l‘
termined to stand him whero he can be coutla et
times by those that wish for lits service.
S.A. FISU, nolir.tt , r
Wellsboro, May I, ,
Hou,se and Lot for Sale. •
r IIE undersigned offe i r for sulu his House and 1
it on Main street, in E hland, Fa., at. a very low Price'
Said lot contains one-half acre) and is under pick( cul
tivation. - For terms, kc., apply to the subscriber.
railnUt ia., Fob. 22 /e7.14f. 0. r, Bacocx.
cud 01,e Ikt:.-
ft.lden Lige, N'2,-
Good Pietulre
1). H. NAlt.1:11(1111'.