LOCAL_ NOTICES: • • 'Buggy, cutter, harness, &c, for sale cheap Apply at the Episcopal Rectory. June 17, 1872-tf.,'[!x Mrs. Sofieldra Emporium of Fashion is c onstantly throngad with ladies. The late arrival of ladies' 'dresses are a, little' ahead of anything yet received. Drop in n, we. Farmers and " Horse Men" are continual-, ly inquiring what we know of the utility of .‘,l,lyidan's Cavalry condition Powders, and iu 1 we would say, through the columns of the Aonwroit, that we have heard from hundreds who have used them with gratify ing results ; that is also our experience. All persons indebted. to' the undersigned are requested to.call at his residence at Little 31.arzlt on or before the 10th day of July, 1812, and settle up. By doing so they wilt save costs for themselves and trouble to the subscriber. . S. Go ILD. Little Marsh,'June 26, 1872-2nro. if Johns t on's Anodyne Liniment is half as valuable as pedphs say ifis, no family should be without it. Certainly no person, be he lawyer, doctor, minister, or of any other pro testion, should start on a journey without, it. No sailor, fisherman, or woodsman should be without it. In fact, it is needed wherever there is an ache, sprain, cut, bruir, cough, or cold. Charles Holiant,who works for Merwin & Thekinson, had his right 'eye injured • - ,,seyen years ago from the blow of a stone, entirely destroying the vision. About one weel ngo the eye again began paining him; whi be came so severe as to threaten the loss of his remaining eye. He applied ,to Dr. I.TpDe- Graff yesterday, who placed him under the influence of chloroform and extirpated the offending eye.—Elmira Advertiser. TILE TM:O-WHEEL the only looker with a jointed Finger-bar, t ktit allows fr(e ploy of the cutter-bar in ,any pAtion. It is the only mower that gives tit 4 driver control over the cutting: dj)paratus by the sole use of the lever. It lIHS NO SIDE DRAFT, and bears NO w EIGHT on the horses' necks. [t has worked perfectly everywhere the h:•t harvest. CARD TO THE Punme.—My a tention has buen called,t) handbills said to be in circu lation in this county, to which my name is attached as a Director and Treasurer of the ‘• Farmers' Firo Insurance Company of Mid dlebury." This is to notify the public that I have never given any one permission to are niy name for said purpose, and that I have never had any - connection with said Company. J. L. ROBINSON.• Wellsboro, June 26, 1872 ity Agitator. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1872 Home _Affairs. Briefs'. —Knoxville is to celebrate the 'Fourth •of July in good —fudge 'Williams was bolding court in Mc- Kcan county last Week. —The Tiogn County Medical qciety met w thisvillage last Wednesday aft rnoon. --Judge Wilson returned last Saturday night from_ holding Court in Cameron eoun- —There have been no more cases of small pox at Antrim, and it is probably all danger 1, past there_ —qeveial of our citizens were seen upon Main , ireet let Thursday and Friday 'With ont their overcoats. --Rev. N. L. Reynolds and wife left on Munijoy afternoon for a tour through the far a. , t to be absent about four weeks. —The rain Friday afternoon raised Pine Urcek to the rafting pitch. The same storm tubed the Tiogn river abont five feet. —The Onkikantion witlia c.f thu new Iniek 111001; of Wilcox & Kress, corner Main and Wain streets, are 'rapidly rising. --If anybody wants to find hotter weather than we had toward the hind end of last lot him go to Havana. —A. party of Wellsboro excursionists letive this morning at six o'clo6k for the Watkins Glen. They expect to get back'tosnight. ofthe people of Wollsboro don't get up until about nine, o'clock in the morn ing,—if the to i ngue of the,town clock tells the truth. —The street(sprinkler made its appearance two days last yea:, but the heavy showers of Friday afternoon put its nose out of jomt again. —We utnlierstand a man named .Jonathan Evans wao.truck by lightning and killed, in Covingtoni]township, during last Friday's stol —The tiuntigers of the Addison Trotting Pal k offer $287 in premiums at the rfleff— troting and running—to take place there on thr 1 )urth of .July. —M F. Elliott, Geo. W. :Merrick, .T. B. Nll,- ; and F. E. Smith, of this region, were an,mlance at the United States Courts at. W.lliamsport last week. C. Tuber, bite local editor of the El num .1 Icolisee, has accepted' the office of rctary and - Af.s - istarit Treasurer of the Re il,matory Prison Commission. - i eorgo W. Al errielc, Esq., of this village admitted to the bar of the D. S. District reel Circuit Courts, at Willianirport, last \\ .1.. on motion of Hon. F. E. Smith. —The Old Fellows of Mainsborg are mak ,xten4ive preparations to celebrate the illy. Their new Hall is to be ,)ted on that day. -The mPetitT of the County" Committee, announced to be held last Thurs. d:`:: 1 - 11(‘ ,, tp(,ned until next Thursday, the . .:7th unit, on Recount of the absence front •;everal members. —I nkl,r the appropriate head will be founil . 11).41,r ~Ithe death of Mr. Peter Cameron :or two, , yca;s tc,idont of Covington luwll -h:p 110 waq a native of Scotland, and died I,l l‘vi ali re , pected by all NVIIO I.netiv Lim. p,aton ha , a Sunday new:.paper just • ho t,d with a lung name— The Sunday Morn- A few years ago Scranton littl,• c, , untry, hamlet. No Western tav fa, aekde a more rapid growth. So rh.• IVrtt.l says the Alpha Beta So that 'lingo have engngell for the. 100t,,t0 , 187"-3, Mrs.' Livermore, 11i, Anna DirkinAm, John B Congh, and Dongla , •=, and are negotiating fin. _ flu •inw: up the whole story : ••a mall I{llll a white hat named Circeley ote al ili t the South go out freely; auml.m: she siful, 'mil his name It was tit ant, A 411,, 11 be deet.d, not Greeley." -.lt I.l..eting of the Vestry - of St. Au ii h reh , Tioga, la,:t week, the follow , I"Y were elected as building corn- I htlte... and authorized to ,cominence the t t,“11.1 a "church • The Rector, T. 11. Cul len. II II Borden, :I. W. Guernsey, and D Baldwin: —The fourth spring meeting of the Corn urieultural society was held last Fri 'l'v}' and `3iitui day at ViQeher's Driving Park. ~1 !, prolam in; offered for different elasseri of I, )r-o- amounted to s9f3i; those for trotting to . Tint one built penny-wortb of bread tni- intolerable deal of sack 1- EME --- Ur.(ier the proper head will be found thh v - eek the announeement that a rising youag• :utconey of this village, lately one of Th,hle army of bachelors, has deserted t c hrotherhood and gone over to the enemy. W 4•11, in spite of the treason, we wish him oal hi, lif`W partner long life, happiness and prnwrity• —The Euston Sentind says that .3fesrs. . 1) '"Igo & Co. have 104 in the vicinity of obyhauna, Monroe county, by the recent (West fires the following property : 1G camps and houses, 10 barns, 800 cords of wood, 200 cords of bark and 3,000,000 feet of logs in the Woods cut and skidded. The fire run over 16,000 acres of land in Monroe and; Wayne counties, , , belonging !,:to Mr, E. Dodge, of Nett/ York:, 'His loss is nnortuous. All the thither WaS - deStroyed - Gov erneti of.&ew Yet 'tins tee ently 'aPpoinfed n commissionln•soviaclhe State Constitution,- made tip - eifonrgentletnen from each judicial: Two of ..those from the Seventh distriefarellon. David Rummy, of Bath, and George B.- liradloyal Corning. 'When it-is remembered that the district con-, sistsof eight largo and populous - counties, and includedcities like Bochaster,' and Au burn, the compliment which giVeithe' Steu ben bar half the Commissioners. will be more fully - appreciated. , —The Democrat is inclined to - thir ds Gree ley ;is an " old granny{," because; Weep, "he iS the mother of the Grant party." We have heard many wonderful things about that party, but we never heard before that it had a The" for a mother. The story is pretty rough on Horace, but we suppose it - only means that he is a, political hermaphrodite, and-that's true enough,. though our neigh bor should be ti little more careful of these left-handed Compliment's, for in a few:_ days he will be supporting him—or her—or IT as a candidate for -President. —The Fourth of July is, to be -celebrated n grand style nt'Covington that region-propose to. have "a good old fashioned thine" on• that occasion, and we hope their aiiticipations may all be realized. The Blossburg Fire Company and Covin ton Military;Company, headed by th= d Covington Brass Band, will form th = street parade. The oration is to be delivered by Mr. Thomas H. Edwards, and • Mr. 'J. C. Horton is 6 - read the Declartition. of Inde pendence. .Gen. R. C. Cox and Staff are to act as Marshals, and that insures the success of the out-door arrangementi. —The Corning Toui•naltells this good story on the Dethocratic fathers of that village: One of the citizens of Corning, who always votes the Democratic ticket, and from his nationality is likely to have considerable in fluence among the foreign voters, has been anxious to have :a - cross-walk built by the village. He urged repeatedly that it sliculd be done, and finally lie thought of a plan that would lend the corporation authorities to do thework. He sent word to ono of the highest °Web& that if' the cross-walk was not built soon he would never vote the Dem ocratic ticket again. The nest day the cross walk was laid. —Here is the same old story repeated .last Thursday, with a new name for the victim. The Elmira Gazette tells it: "Dennis Crow ley, a laborer aged about forty years, was re turning from getting a drink of water, when he observed a train coming east, and step ped on the other track to avoid 'the train, when, at the same moment, a train going west struck him, breaking his back bone and ploughing a deep and long lump of flesh from his side." If this wasn't a free country where every man has a right to do as ho pleases, we 'would say the statute shoUlp make walking on a railroad track a misde meanor. —The recent copious rains and the warm weather have brought everything that grows rapidly forward, awl our village and the surrounding country never looked. better.— The foliage of our magnificent shade trees is as clean and bright as it is possible to be; there is hardly any dust to be kicked up by the most active operations,' and as for the genial, pure air, it is simply a luxuryto breath it. In fact, it is a constant pleasure simply to live in our beautiful up-land valley these days, and every 'living thing frim the small est blade of grass to the; proudest "lord of creation" seems to find it so. These bright and balmy days will soon pass. Before long the•blistcring summer sun and thicli - dust will scorch and half stifle us; so let us en joy and make the most of this glorious weath er while we may. A CORRECTION.—In the AGITATOR of the 6th instant, in our report of the proceedings of the May term of Cotirt, we stated that Ed win Benedict was imliet.a tor an aggravated m.ault and battery. This was a mistake in to which we were lead by the fact that Mr. rrart Joined in the Minute 3 with two others' who were indicted: Bdt in' Mr. Benedicf.s cage the jury did not find a true bill. We regret that such a blunder should'have been made, and arq glad to correct it. It is due to `,`the truth of history" and especially to Mr. Benedict that those journals which copied our mistake should .also publish th correction. It is evident that the good people of Wells boro don't intend to celebrate the approach-. ing Fourth of July ; but for all that, the.day won't be entirely unrecognized in our village. The young folks,—and the old ones, too, who enjoy dancing,—will celebrate the anni versary by a dance at Bowen 3s Cone's Hall in the evening. It is enough to say that the affair will be managed by Miles O'Connor, Of the Pennsylvania House, to assure our. readers that the party will be first class in every respect. There will he good music; the supper will include all the delicacies of the season, and the bill will be reasonable.— The occasion will be highly enjoyed and happily remembered by all who attend. THE TIOGA COUNTY MEDICAL' SOCIETY ' held its annual meeting in this place last WedfiesOny, - the 10th instant. The princi pal business of the meeting was the election of officers for the ensuing year. The follow-, leg officers were duly elected: President, Dr. Webb, Wellsboro; Vial President, Dr.--; Secretary, Dr. Brown, "Man-field ; Corresponding S ecre ta r y, D r. Phillip:, Knoxville; Treasurer, Dr: Borden - , Tioga. Reports were received from Drs. Maston, llroti n and Bacon, delegates to the State So ciety recently held at Franklin. A report wa.; also received from Dr. Webb, delegate to the American Medical Association, held at Philadelphia in May last. Dr. Maston; the retiring President, read a paper on the history and progress of medical science.— The society adjourned to meet at Kmxville, September ll3th. The members of the soci, elf partookpf ice cream refreshments at Sol Bunnel's after the adjourtiment. FATAL. ACC/WEI:T.—The Elmira Adver tiler says that. last Thursday morning it three o'clock at Corning, A. W. H. Bennett, a brakeman in the employ of the Vail Brook Cmnpany, was killed by being run over by an empty gondola car, while making a "fly ingi switch.' One leg was broken twice, the wheel pass.ed, over the body and bruised the head. I e was dead when discovered a few ininnier after. Mr. Bennett, was about twenty yed . old. He was a son of Abraham 41 . . Bennett, deceased, ofthe town of Corning, on the Big Mats road. The deceased was generally known as "Harrison" Bennett. He leaves a wife (the daughter of the lat4i Jame ;11. Hawikty, of Corning) and one child. Be had been till recently engaged in farm ing near the old homestead, but had re— moved to Corning, and took the position of a brakeman only a week ago. His sudden and shocking death has saddened the hearts of a large circle of relations. i Laws OF GENERAL INTEREST.-'-The • fol lowing nets passed nt•the last session of the Legislature of this State will be I found of general interest: Au Act enabling married women to purchase cc jug machines. Sic. 1. Be it enacted, etc., That - from and after the p.t..-age of this act all eontiactt made by mai tied women, in the purehre... of sewing machines for their own use, shall•he valid.and binding, without the necessity of the husband joining in the same. • An Act seeming to Married women their separate . earnings. SEC. 1. Be it enacted, ctc. That the reps= rate earnings of any , married women of the state of Pennsylvania, whether said earning.: shall be as wages for labor, salary, property, bwiness or otherwise, shall accuro to and in ure to the separate benefit end use of said married woman, and be under the control of such married woman independently, of her husband, and so as not to be subject to any' legal churn of such husband, or to the chums of any creditor or creditors of such husband, the same as if such married moman were a, few: sole Provided, That in any suit at' law or in equity, in which the ownership of such proparty,,ahall:be in dispute,..the person' - claiming such, property,_ under. this act, shall he compelled, in the first instance, to show t4tle end ownershi-i in the ~Eirefe2f preyookny..ATlKohilent practikaittridZy? i 4 thdb illefb*,:a A .1 - dined. woman shall:he inlidatef ifk•- rl. l t9l- she shettlirstiprosentSer Petftiori t bjc-osth filErnintioh;to:thOtili# 0t.4441.4 64 PPka9 Of the city orpmnitt iiih?fre site-At•ften(e.k.dtating her intention.ofthaeganer elisitnimellie, ben efits (+tans act - i*herettpoW : the aiidf' court shall aireet -her 41..ctilion;4iforesnid7:„.to be marked, hieo . ,./ind tit be - rgifitdod;in-thgpillee for recording death foi• stla cotintyl arid such : re,qord ,shall canplp,sq„o,ey,4dpiace of the right of snail „married. to the lietiCht the first' accei9l?AlthflA9,t ; , „ AlOllLAVr4 . l4",tictiiiox. 2 44 few weeks there has been ; quite an, excitemeiiit-in Railioad 'Matters: therefore'. ie . , was necessary, to bold:what is tormed railroad meetings. Nuw tlle .. ioute; surveyed, "and' the prospect - fair for the opening of a road from Elniipt,to Tioga by the way of. 3rkeic son ; so the excitement has died Away: And then conies the opposition railroad.. On the evening of- the lith,, there was a meeting called, and a general.nitendance of the citi zens of course. • • At elev s eh o'clock p; in. the meeting ,was called to order s , and Oscar 13race elected President . ; and as such offieeis are generally honored very laighlir,` sr this - was . the .ctise with President, Brace, and that of the evening was taen up for that purpose. , :As the gentleman had not made his, appearance, he had to be, ,hunted ' This was easily ne. 114 lam sorry to say for such h man of honors;, he was taken (rota the slunibet;ing embrace of a very - prepossessing young !him sof, and_eicoiled tti„a .handlikue laWri, „find there put on his dress of honor, lifter laying off his funnel. snit. This ? cdnAistid,Pf - '3re 4 rY. nnice, soft, black suit;, 'a. most, splendid cusp of geese 'feathers, autt'alitour-saek! hat (latest style). . He 'Was- then in full 4unifofm: And the. famous steed called was, brought forward, and the President plaCed upOn hini, 'and" after salutes, of gun 73 horns was escorted from house to house. The people of His suit wa's greatly envied by the ; ladies, and they thought he was the handsomeit bird they ever saw in -America: Barnum' and his wooly horse stand nowhoro.t,,.l think if this gentleznan emildhavelideli s'edu infull unikorm before the Cincinnati Conven tion, that Horace-Greeley , would' trot have stood any chance of a nomination: Aizille evening was far ,adVanced, and_ - his heirSe, for the want of oats, became fatigued, it was thought best to adjohrn.. 'With a few salutes, he was permitted to depart with the help of a couple of bariel staves to help him along. Talk about Greeley running! Why when, Brace was last seen he was ahead of his.tyc et. This Oscar Brace hails from Mill Creek, and there leaves a respectable wife with sev eral small children, and comes here and takes up his abode in one of the very lowest dens of humanity. This is the second time that bo has been taken out of this den - this year. If the third time comes, I think he will_ wi - want his friend Horace Greeley to go his bail.. LOOKE,II, 04( 1 Jackson, June 19th, 1872. Much interest has been awakened, during, the past few weeks, concerning contotoplated improvements and additions to this Normal School. At the recent annual n4etinebf Stockholders it was resolved to'-ask fott r- ft: change in the law touching the length - 4if time that Trustees hold their office. As'itf now stands, the whole body of Trustees may, be changed annually. As a result of this, no: board has felt safe in introducing any mein- . ure, or advocating any . plan, that in pits de velopment would require more time than the one year that they. hold their offee. .Fre quent changes have been made, and not un frequently ,considerable feeling has been manifested. It was to prevent future.difficul- ' ties and render more. efficient and stabhi the 'plans and policies that might and isisgiht to be adopted, that this change is asked far, Believing that this change would be made, the newly elected board of Trustees have re solved to take hold of the matter ofitne ments with a new zeal and a heartygeod-Will, relying upon the good sense of an apprecia ting public, to sustain their action. They have resolved, first to do all in their powetto iiie demandsof the "Mgt AtreqiriairW put a new roof upon and-suitably repair the present building, and then to put up a , new building, costing not less than fifteen-41W ,rind dollars. l and this is not a mere paper resolsie, aswe understand it, but the work is to commence at 'once: The legislature at its last session appropriated ten thouloncl dollars to g*j to wards a new building. The Trusteee,; we learn, mean to raige by subscription to ithe capital stock, or by small loans of,' say -'one hundred dollars, from the farmers end 'bus iness men of the surrounding- country some ten or fifteen thonsand dollars more: This will enable them to put up buildings that will meet, what the old one never has, the full requirements of the law. It becomes it ne cessity now to look to this. For swim 'of the neighboring counties are looking forward to the time when they can successfully, demand removal of the school to 'another 'locality. Can we atibrd to let it go? Think df-it,-:far mers and business men, and, be ready "when called upo to take shares of stock,'or„gfarit a loan forla few years on sood security 011ie legal rates of interest. 7 his can 'easily be done without crippling at all the working re sources of hundreds of our ,citizerts. And what Would bp the result? 'Who can mess , are the goo& that 'would accrue in many ways? The increase' in valuation of every, dollar of property for \miles around • would render a sufficient equivalent for this outlay. 'We hope to see the good work prosper s and see many willing hearts and hands Joining in this enterprise. Success to 'our new Board of Trustees.—Enterprise. \, MARRIAGES. 1 - NIIALLS—OITLVEII--it entice Camp„ done 20, 1872, I,y 1 ev. 1. !Veneer, Mr. Joshua Igalls and Mies Alice Culvcr, butli of West Covington, Pk: -1301ARD IULENI2II—On Tuesday, the lltli, nat., at Waterford, county, Pa., by Hey. T. H. Tielama ter. Jan,..s 11. 11,0.-ard, F,41 , of 'wollsboro, and Misa IlehEeea m. Falanet, I.tim SMITH—In Taitlni (1, Jiwe 16, 1872, Matiltle C., wife . of Ttlaaricet . lll:ol, 1.1 Rpthiil, • Pa., of 4.l.l4eirimption, aged 6'7 S'erue. = . . CAMERON—In C.Aingt(,n towt..B hip, Jima 16, 1872, Peter Camertift, aged 63 years., . , Lk:ALEMS Flour, per bbl Buckwheat flour, pot (act Wheat, %%hoe, per bushel Wheat, led, Wheat, spring, " Buell% ht at, -Corn, shelled, Cabs, ..• •. • Barley, Eye, Clover seed, Timothy seed, ‘• Beans. - Cain weal, pet sift reed, per end Potato,-,', per Apples, tit eri i i per 1111611 Omobs, par bush Turnips, Per bush Pork, per lb flaws, per lb • Shouldins, per lb Butter, lb Cheese, per lb Bald, per lb p.st Honey, t cr lb He.-anll., per lb Vinegar, per gal Eggs, per dozen Hided apples, per lb Dried peaches, per lb Dried cherries, per lb Dried blackberries, per lb Dried raspberries, black, per lb Dried raspberries, red, per lb. Cranberries per qt Hay, per ton Wood, lit incites, per card 3 feet, por cord Coal, harilhter ton coal, soft Oronnil pl it•ter, per ton Sugar. "‘" folk( , pc: lb Sugar, yellow, per.lli • Sugar, brown. per 11, - Teas. green, per in Tetia, block, - per lb Kerosene. per gal Wool. Fri: lb COMIECTF.I3 WELLY Mr 1 If A lIIIING. HAYDEN k.ci:/.• • protheo fitninnisslon BrbieLantd, an Waiazington St. Nrw You; dour 23, 1872. Butter per lb 10 t., 22 Ols Cheese • ~....... /1 to 12 •' Lard •.• ^ ' - ' ttli to 9 " Tallow " 8,.‘, to 9 Dried Apples 9 to 10 " Hops per lb . 20 toBo " Eggs per dos —lB to 17 " The State Normal Scheel. DEATHS WEEISEtOIIO 'MARKET CORRECTED WEEKLY LIY E. B. KIMBALL, ReiQil al'OCel% WELLSBORO, JUNE 25, 1872. PAY FOR SELL A.T . , 19 50 B@sl2 00 4 60 New York City Market. Special . „ ' . Testimony 'of a' Prooilfieot . Ph - yalolau. , t: as AtiliStears I r Atkire half ,opportn. littliplitiWttitftikuj thelliNat:ot . limas 13 n e on pei:otra soffetilig nom D i spepala,„ tcraa - of 'Nervous Energy, Soroat Wmaimusa di ~140.50, tic. i Lave known .it to hove rinceesefudin may , rmies, where Allopathic., ittoolicputhiti arid Ffidroviith::, is treatment had failed. i still cot:tame to we '1 t lit, such complaints with unit win sucerss, and Lave uo hesitancy to pronounce n the naafi cithuidous rtauedy yet discovered for ditreasc.i - aris'anc front a disordes ea Stomach, Laver, Rich/eye to l.k.tvat. OA,— r . 4 ...,* .: . Yount, very truly. J. T. 13dIC.Elt, If. D.. P. it ilex it ti, I-sucas.er, Pa. Juno 5-Im.l A victim of early indiseietion. causing nervous do Witty, premature decay, Ac., having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has'diseovered a - simple *twins of self-cure,-whichte will send free' to iiis-felichr,ssffef era. J. H. lIEENEEI, Naesatt st., Ift w Tot • Jan. 1, 1872. (AN thslTtitiditini4lait-18711 took ukrirlightioa 9 - rafting 'lleitor, the mono baring strayed on to his premises about a tulle and a hail from Holltdaytourn. Ite owner is requested to cal and get the Ram, 81119.1)4w Lharges E.XXIM .1t Iltdd/ebury, June 26, 1e372-4iw. Orphans' Co - wit` Sict4 kl - OTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of au or ill der of the Orphatur Collt tin and for 1 toga coun ty, Pa., I shall expose to puldle sale on the piemisca, On Tuesday, the tth day of i ugust next, at one o'clock p. M., the equal undivided on:slut)f part of. 4414 e,:,r tain lot or tract of land in Mtddlebutt township, Tlb , T'A county, Pat bounded and described as follows, to Wit: on the north by late Nathaniel Dicktheati, east by E. R. Briggs, south by Jaso t I r &eaten, and, we, 4 b e War ter Briggs, containing sixty three aues or thereabouts more or less. The pm cl.inec 3/whey to be secured on thAlandand the interest payable' annually`, until the minors begrime of age respectively. at which' time' the principle to becorto due and payable.' • - " • • - •‘• - PANN iM. B N, ••• ' i Guardian at Henry liyiucs and Verdi td. rues: Middlebury, June 20, lifi2.-4w. a Rail ROad Notice. 1 PStockholder* of the 'Oewauesque Vall ita. rlid y will please tyke that an aosesittneht at ten per cent. has been made on each share of the said railroad stock, to be due on the Math (oth) dadi ot 'July next, and payable at the office of the Treasurer. This notice is intended for a tow stockholders in Brookfield who subscribed for stock some weeks after the other subscriptions were made, and is for rho last assessment on their stock. All other stock was due in full June SW, and.mustin paid befOrejult Ist,- ot it will be placed in as Attorney's hands for collection. JOEL PA It KHillinT, Preset,, - , ,it O. L. lifl/tiir'c'tYkeit4 Eikhnid i .7 1 4:15,1 4 0 . 572- , , t ,,,;:,,1:i k r . !,:".;4..„44 „1 At • %ISE copartnbrahip known a3liarkbate, Age harness makers, Knoxville, pa., was dhißo mutual consent on the 20th day of April 1872., ' NVI.L ALARM DAN'''. AN Knoxville, June'2o, 1872. J. D. HOOlll The above business is continued under fl name of MAKER kJ* & June 28,1872-Bw.* Ildministrator's JV'otice. T EWERS of Adminhitration on the estate cf E. D: AA Shepherd, late of Rutland, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned. all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to call for set tlement on, and those owing the same to make imam. diate payment to ANONLINE SHEPHERD. N. W. GARRISON, Rutland, Jude .. 243, 1812-6 w. . AitnEt're, ,•„ , , ttai BooK tip I 1 , .1 I.— Nark Twain's New 'Book,L I ROUGHING r a ready for Canvassers. It is a companion vol u me to ABItdAD," of which 100,000 copies have been sold, Don't waste, time on books no one wanta, but tako one people will stop you In the streets to subscribe for. "Thorn is a time to laugh," and all wbo read this, book.aes clearly thatitline luta; topaet—r Apply'af once for terrltory'or tlrculara. Address DUFFIELD ASIIMEAD, Publisher, 711 Sansona Street. Philadelphia. Juno 26,18111-ain.-, ' , Good Livery I , VAN VALKENBURG & CO, would say to their friends that they have a good Livery established in Wellshoro for the, accommodation 'ot • th eir friends, Good Itrses an V' arn • ge '. Stable on Water Meet opposite ,Gea. De. by's rest-' deuce. 0. G. VAN VALHI:NB RG. June 26, 1872. 0. W. MOSIER. HARNESS .SHOP N.tVLE, would say to his friends [Jr. Harness Sbop is constantly stocked with T'J" - CiZiQ'" made in a substantial matincr, &.ud offered a that cannot fail to suit., • • The Lent workmen employed, cittoone but material toted. Repairing done on short notice, and in the bed ncr. Call and ace. Jan. 1, 1872-Iy, Notice. WHEREAS, my wife, belle lieetr:y. loot kft and board without Just calm; or provt all persons are therefore forbid harboring; or her on my account, as I will pay no debts of 1 tmcting atter this hate. WESLEY EEC June 19, .1871-2 w STRAYED—From tho premises of th 3 sill in Delmar, about the 10th of Mar last, flirt hugs, (one steer and two heifers,) all red. Dili heifers is quite brown about the head and nu' the other is a lighter red and lomp.r liniied 1i other two. Any ono giving inforinatitm their recovery ,altalPhe out's* dallo GEO. UILDR INVESTMENT SECURITIES Wo are calling at par and acerue.l interest, Putt after thorough investigation recommend as a safe aul profitable investment, the First 11lottgago 7-:p Gold Bonds of the Northern Pacific Railroad. At the pres ent gold premium they yield per cent. interest-- over one-third more than United States 5-ko's.l • They are at first mortgage on the. Iloa.l. its I Way, Rolling Stock; Telegraph Line, Erinipme' Franchises. They are a first lien upon the Traffic or ul ings of the Road. They are a First and Only Mortgage, tru a. ment Grant of Land, which consitsts of 12,500 each mile of Road through the States of Wiseo' Minnesota, and 25,600 acres per mile through ritortos of Dakota. Montana, Idaho u id \Vasil' , In average fertility of sod healthfulness .rod of climate, dive.stty and e•tetit s of country comp/ isiog This giant is 311.-6 t the binds very valoabiel and insor/r then and etutiv.d.on. Solt et tie LlVCrilg: ,P ^ .l other loud :4, Inv roil este.e the N.ll iLiti II i'lln uic Coldf.ao )I),* ttl-14 ,, i.• of tsn,,is pr; !,11- The uorcipany i 4 new offering for en n to zat colonies Three Million Aeroe of ILc Ih4Jd n and a 1.. rte wee on the Fa.iEc o, eat will ao. r.Ohe market. any ttoneand roared have been sold. The proceeds of hind Haile con BINKING RUN D for tho retirement w the ri gage 13onde, and the boas tire.it 'dine, co at 1110 into the Company's lamb at market p All markelabli , rtorkli rud bonds will he (by express nr otherwise), at euirctit prici change far Northkrii Pacitle 7.30's uithmit .•x the Investor. -Pamphlets and full itilk.rmatiu furnished on application. For sale by First National Bank, Wellster June 19; 4372-Iw* 90 90 55 60 8 50 A 60 PEI '2245 ECU 25 200 2011 150 175 . 20 7; 121; 10 10 16 12 Si Washing Mach Is pronounced the best tjt aitaklet..rhavi Drat Premium aethe-Tiogg Co.Fanct-ditm• la decidedly the emit Washintritechine in only needs a trial to satisfy the most pkeptf sons wishing to purchase, will address LUKE BTFA ; I Jan. 1, 1872. ME 16 12j. Ilhe Tiorough aT ßreid.l non tzeaara. Iligicelebrated Jack will stand for ma ng season, at the farm of the sub,k. nr f. about two miles north of Holtdayt,own, Tiovi PEDIGREE.—Don Juan is 8 years old, au l high. His sire was imported from .Yalta, Kentucky, from there t...) Missouri, at, au three thousand dollars • and was !Fought souri tUpentis.lceuta by-'Nm;ll. - gmith. a thorough bred Jeunet,"both orthe . Atoirc. stock, and he is a sure foal-getter. lie wcii, Owners of mares wishing the scnices of animal shottll not fall to secure the servi fjikift. Ws stvelecati 'he : fOO4 t i t toe frotrFt.dihtiucc con with ketpuig Mr mares at rates, 15 20 23 - 30 20' 25 • 20 , - 15 00 - 200 00 - G 7 . 45 @ •7 - 500 - 8 50 - 13)4 - 1214 11412 Mean 56 130ers1 25 TIZIIIIB.—SI.O fora single mare tot by t s4l.y the blip. , • Any person having a snare insured. and p , her before the time of foaling, will be held blo for the insurame money unless it is the mare was not with foal. .Insured mar rehirmA, regularly to the Jack, or thq p charged the insurance money. 'ltiintrariee - March let, 1813. ME!!!MIiIE Estray Taken Up. OE always on hand at moderate rates nEo. W. NAI The Stannar I ; ,WICIESI tAI & FARR LEE qi-140! v.. - , lbw' - tcuive•A and 'vie Haar wltAlt:.; - J.: s.‘it all the Iktest yhs ut' . i • 3Erreass iGir4caz)cles. -Including Black, Julia l cam acid fancy Bake. Hilk. r 0 1)- Bus, %Ili Velmarea,. Zura Mohair% Gr....a:lit/us, Talala, and ifewletta CLAhs, Aipac-i., Lyon, BtEltings. B.l:intricd. and pftin . ' ~ i M. , ~. v. Poplima, Japanese; Stripoil Ind plaids. Waab Poplin, Beerauckers twines, Paris Cambric, Crape kiorota, Orgam lib B. Lawns. Sattanna Battings, this- Hu Bobo rattan's. Percales, ; . • Ailques,. Striped • ;.,, • Clews Cbambray, Frneh , ScotchGinjhanits, to gather with a Ana aaaorianent of A "11.1. • - le Willi' ;wit vasOnt,,eite- Yankee „Notion's, - Hosiery artitBtibs. Our stock of Ladle' 2haltds and I:karts CRIMIA be _ celled eitbet as regards 4willty or price. , 0. 4 & eo., ved by 111 e firm OD Roots, and Shoes, the fluent and coarsest, the Lkiapeat and most.etyllah, the best and moat serviceable to be ,found in the market. - . If anybody wants a suit of clothes, their 1110/3i iw portant duty la to look through our stock of IP il ? 1 . : s f i l l R 009:t 4141 0 e ) i 0,6.1111#g5 bey an otitilt , and save their money Carpets,. Oil Cloths and .) - Matting on hand to lie sold at . the 'uto'st reasonable prices:— Next comes a full lino of Groceries, Crockery, and Wooden_..:frbfkre . • at ratea to soft even the most partioular purchaser.— Just come and no how much you can save by buying where goods are cold right Tioga, Ma 15,1872 The World's Tonic. ES= , LWOW:PT JUNIPER TAR BITTERS! fr=l t mm• A CERTAIN CURE FOR r•ay bul hon. Seated Cough, Incipient Consumption, Colds, Spitting of Blood, Inflammation of the Lungs, Catarrh, Bron chitis, Croup, -Nthoopirtir Cough, AstUMs, Pains in Breast or Ride, Dyspepsia, Jams dice, biezinces, Loss of Appetite, Yever and Aguo, Indirestion. Liver - Complaint, 'Diarr- - hoes. add all Diseases of the Lungs. ' Stomach and Liver. .Ptillg ?er i ou- NEN. scriber e year • of the tit, and .an the nna te;, linTs arreoggAgo4 trltolesale Dricyffists, EMI Elmira, N. V., Sole AgtrArt, and to whom all orders should be addict's ed.—Va-lim-Sann nr PIERCE & Swots, Wellaboro, Pa fight bf to and June 12, 1872-Iy.l THE 'KIRBY" : TWO-WHEEL MOW 2. MEM Govern cres for aut awl ihr Ter figtou.— uliint•sa ha belt retuter Iy ize.t hy 116:6t of I 6al Ls lardsni 6 placed already titute a et Mort vertlbte IMO I t•eelved S hi ex uel)Pa to ill be TCOMYLETB BUCCEBI3 of the Kirby Two. 1. Wheel Mower has never bean equalled in the his tory of mowing and reaping machines. From every part of the country there conies united testimony regard, to its'perfectly satisfactory performance in ev `erg poesible kind of work. Its extensive use for the past season has more fully than ever before demon anted the per Action of prinaplc upon which, not on ly it, but all of the Kirby inephines are built. It has -the dexibility and iudependecrt - motion—olHkame and finger-bar peculiar to all „Kirby machines, cutting close nd clean over all variations of ground. iO44:fiNTEo coNggoTtlya Rqpi ividtboiitmoit site 4 pl7cifiatitrength, 'there are combined in the Kirby Two-Wheel Mower slang exoet &aides not found in any other inaelilue; and chief • o them will be noticed the Jointed Connecting Rod, (or pitman) an invention of Mr. Kirby's. and • feature belonging euresiveiy to this mower. The joint, in tub Connecting Kod (or pitman) works simultane• onalyyjtil the pint in the huger-bap keeping the- ALWAYS IN A PERFECT LINE with the cutting apparatus, allowing the knife to run perfectly free, witiout binding, at whatever angle the bar may be raised or folded; thus deciecuing Me fric tion, and consequently adding to the already power ful cultury capacity, decreasing the already very light drift, and adding largely to the durability,relieving the connecting rod and knife-head from I ability to break age consequent upon the binding and friction of these parts, incident to all other two-wheel machines. • By a convenient lever, the bar is raised to plias an ost:ruction, or.even a n.o 4 . :e„or Weil completely across.t#e mattbine itt front f toinapprtation, without Mw- - a ii itear,ltop f iA eTeaoar_or the dcits,r his seat. fie. keh airefP, and - atoll. It Instantly thrown out or into gear, without - stopping,, when desired. by either toot or hand. A louse or rigid tongue, as desired, without stop= ping. To show absolutely no side draft or w;ight on horses' necks. leave neck yoke entirely off and pat machine to work withatigtongdo. „ , • $.l The points of the guards east be raised or . lowered without stopping. They aro especially shaped to pre= vent clogging; they have stool plates, easily replaced when worn out; aud are not riveted, but betted to Mt Pile 4,iiYtyfrof *lndus where it Ought to ttof•aud ih Is ha *tPdirr op modal.. by draft through azel, (rime and Ware*, Driver's seat is boh&ud, coinpletely out of danger, but to full view Of cutting 'apparatus. ENS ,Oga, Pa. El 1 .3 the en ..rib.r, in TIM 1 4 14 !Janda •xnfout, ut from ►ief dun is CUs utio 1131‘. Anperior "efi of Don f them .. kin .asonable An adjustable spring runner under both shoes. Ahe,leader-wlAcel is a isuilsr-wheel and turns perfsct IsrePlre ennters:tfven.bu 11011 . -grtedel,'-withoat raising slid lowering , thiVhar. ' 'Machine always on it, loherls anti never tips up. euts'lo,l ft et wide, follows rough as vita as smunth (polled and is the iighlest running and ramt jer,fect ssarkivpro-wite4 Inas er eammatte. -iii 11' 11'."4' -L` - . Hinny Ar;F:NTa T 1 011 A IMUNTT,, PA. L. U. Iliton - : 4, _ r. IV. DT, OVA Ailmn HUNT, W.atlieltl. A. 11. itairnotais, I logs. Illustrated catalogues and circulars will bo supplisd ,nii applicationlig any one of said agt•tits. 0. It youlriially4ll.stre to buy the Lc.st P LIR 3}l rting with accounts roved that must be 1 7F; v 4 1 1 !?eli , ouney duo Buy the Kirby. 447 /Zs 1512-lar. ; RE = SEM in'etidless variety. WICKKA3I & FARR icitEERROld" 24,evuu.L.- PRICE. i'.. 00 ,8.1 41- zi h the true Basis of d 4310 5 ;11 • . , g i llil - Ne - -.4,.- --:, •r. -'' . : ' - 4,:-...,w 4 bich,lia c iti uow rI cciving, am which hc-effera fop, 4 1 fr .- 4,: .; - • -1 '",.. "'kii-e - - - 1 ~..,. Mig L., A91,..1;1, es , • • 4. ' 41 4• •It, -T2r • • ..: 1 Iz l P•'" 411 . -, r,- - •.-v• 4 1 .....4.0 . ; itt.kliketixosirkci lifiesii. — "Bousekeepers will do well to eismalue Lis sleek of •-• •,..,..,• , ; , , z,;, f p-T.... 4 ; , ....: . . 1 ;'.."7,? -:' ? Pt - ''''' , ' ' ',..' l' • - I I. ' , i , ' , . •, . • - ".."'Ol., , 4 e -_,- p a-x-, ts, 0 - ' itoloths', .„... 1i • . =I II =I 4 ancl Window Drapery, . _ `;,i 7'4 FIRE ll Le found worthy of atteutiou• *l . ladles will and it to their interest to look through tock of Goods, Shal;vls, Dros 14 .6. ..,• . . t 1t 1 1.1 1 t`f - ; askixt a. IE-3c c• fillietir*Vr s • - i 11 . , lain many argairet—numy of which have not been before offered in this market. Tlie . olio are ivited to call and Bee for themselves.. as tLey :arm :21 Jane 1, 187 ram IMEI SEENE =I I= ME ing Foundry . & Machine Shop, Cor Maui for Saw awl lesel.— cilitiea for ala c i Western bail Jan. 1, 1 leached crogs, have la pping by Canal or - Railroads to all points, and can furnish Machinery cheaper than Eastern or era of tho l ttest quality. 72-Iy. CORNING, STEUBEN 001311/i, N. T. Avon Yotnra I: .-Young & Co., E. B. Yorrs ~~ =rl lers and Sk Bookse Wall Paper; Wind • Shades, • • - Wiudow Elx.hues,i ' Mualeal pistrpuehts, EOM et , Prunes and Glass, Ilan es, all ioata, /nature:Cord inati~e ma Law Boas, Medical Bookii. Religious Books, and every article in our line of trade —New York Dailies at One Dollar a month. —Elmira Didlies at 75 Cents a month. —Subscriptions for a week, or month, or year. —Orders for Books not In stock promptly attended to. - -- -An Express package received' from New York ev ery day. We aro nta of the Anchor Line' end the Ouloni Line of U.S. ail Ocean Steamers. Passage tickets to and from any oint In Europe at the lowest rates. =Sightold pn any Bank in Europe at' cur rent rates of kx&airge. 24. 1870. y. , E. B. YOUNG & CO. • 'XXII. S. A. 131 that he Wencher° tc Item the' r the li Bring 01 -.-. it E A rpm 1 .0, Ben, Cut ti) The, hitrilA reeldet resider, June = b re T l e t l i 8 speed .Patehlt hands ii 4. when 4 y ilia ten by the at wervire e approved N. 13..4"1 Omanily cl , bnuker.',' r April 24. T' SOLla Virh - ab • wo ' e aUbecalber would beg leave to call atterdlon'to SPRING maim ~gll K Of lAERCHANDISE, ICII NMI re , • ME MEE Call and see the piles of New Goods at 0. O. MAINERS'S Store. ,\ la i rTI A b Youug 111 anb•Dealere In Law Blanks Bookti i all sizes, iNews pore, j Writing Deidts, Artists Goods, • ; ,• OL CARDING - !• ,TBOID would inform his friends e moved hie carding machine from place of residence, one-hall mile weal rol house near Brewster's. All work ling will ha done prnmptir antl Well, wol. S. A. BILTBINA), I'ATE 1 (1{ A 1 , 11 4 1,. offers for pale his real estate in the part of the borough. to suit percher r the premises is nicely situated to lots. .and pasture and timber. lots. lock. le well wooded with Lock. The latid lot ou which be off in village, lots, includifig his ROBERT KELSEY. CLAY, HORSE. best bloo4o stallion ever kept in will stand this season only, at the 'Connor in 3Pet. not kopt for profit, but to improve the in Tioga.vounty, His stick combines, dud endfirance. is half brother to' toed in the State of New Jersey, 1810 j le.ty, weighs I.liX) pounds; and trotted \Ulla In 2:30. it, am •aie In 4 jir .i t ir t i i t 'il form ly have been $3O ; $4O 11 $ 'This season hie lk di *main; cash in advance or • be-ettentled by the polite earl gen 'neer knoNv ti pro fessiol ally Its ''SkAr 11 CITART,r9 VENTOW S . 81 WAGONS ! ted is prepared to tarnish -Carriages, &c., coi abort notice, and on r 26- H. IL llorden of 'Dogs, and H. tenrevillr, itinnAn.. t.%11 at - the - shop in Wellsboro, and examine sing elsewhere. C. J. WITZEMI. Business. Xteetcl.3r Pay Kid. Gloves, Laces, f 20 Reasons why the Farmer SHOULD Dix THE CSLF.BRATED [lodgeßeaper, and Mower! Ist. Tber a re strong and durable, and nut likely to ,get out of order. s.. 2d. They are wade of the beat selected material. Sd. They ate simple lu cousti uctiou—lees 'mars, springs, t i tpa and coMpliciithada generally, to get nut 'of order titre any other Mitarinut 4th. Thet have no Cog (tearing in the Drive Whet h. !to fill up with dirt and iviiil lii papalng o%vr soft ground. sth. The grating is 11l in the cenue of the Machine, ;up out of the Wfty 01 10ball1CtIOUN, tilld properly ba lanced between the tIiDtiVII Wheele.4 I Gth. The Driver is comfortably ,l ocated located in She cen-i I tre of the Machine, oth in Reaping and Mowing, and Inot placed far en the rear end of the Machine, or out ' upon the tongue, in' order to balance it. ith. The Cutter Bar is on a line with the rear end iof the Machine—only requiring a quarter tittle Table 'in reaping—making it very easy to deliver tbo Gavel l entirely out ol the way of team and Machine On the ;next round, without disturbing it. 1 Bth. The Self-Rake is heated on the platform, and being to the rear of the Drive \Sheets, it is entirely . away, and tree from any danger of the Rake-Heads striking the team in their revidittions—as is not the case iti front cut Machines-1-ey being compelled to place the tea at a great diet ce from the Machine, thereby increasing the draft. 1 l i 11th. The Selt-Rake, itself. , I the hest in use. The lightest, moat simple in c... 0 truetien, least liable -to get oat of order, needs no a mating. When once put on properly. it is ready for I kinds of grain, long or short, thick en thin, structin , or lodged and tangled. 10th. It is eulirely under t e control of the driver, making Gavels large or small. at his pleakure. Very durable. and doing as goottmork the second and third yearn as the first. i • 1 1 . 11th. They a-e adaptett to! all kinds of ground, rough or antoot., leaving ryiniform height of stub ble on uneven eurface. , 1 12th. They have a double hinged bar, and readily conform to wren surfs;ce. ; Unlike the stiff bars whiFli, when t o Machine is on a back furrow, or knoll, the out end of the Bar sticks up nearly or quite to the,top of the heads. Ours drape down and cuts 41.8 low at one end as the other 4 13th. They have a tilting device by which the dri ver can, while in motion, change 'the height of cut so is to pick up lodged spots i without stopping. 14th. They riqquire less exhasito keep them in , re pair than any o ber machine in iio, as is testified by thousands who lse them. 1 - 15th. They havev a solid wrought iron Guard, faced with steel, rendering it the strongastin use. 16th. They have a solid I wrought iron knife head, instead of a malleable iron, which is liable to break at any time. 11th. They can be driven around the corners with out b.iekiug at - twisting the. team's necks until they are ante_ 1/I.h. They be started in mowing, in the heavi est grass, with Out backing up. 12th. They are not so 1141 OS to break constantly; they are not so heavy as to he objectionable. 20th. They area perfect Reaper and Self-Raker, and a perfect Mows combined in ono. L. 0. BEACH, I Agent, Little Marsh, Pa. . Alen. eget, l t tor 5.-S. Williams Sr Co's make of Car riages, Reggie i s t Platform Spring, and the Utica Lunt -1:Ic/' Willlotl• These wagotie are of the host make and warranted, . L. 0, BEACH. ' Little Marsh - Tune 5; 16,72-3 in , Tli4coirg - nik . " - Eiger. i s riMITS noted i 4orme will standlor mares the ensuing I season at the Penn's Hotel Stable, , , .. , . • . 1 TAir4lllserciore:zo, Ott.., HA ,lowing ty. of each week—Monday, Friday and Saturday. 'Ku sdaye at Keenoyvilio, Wednesdays at I 8111415 N ille; an Thursdays at Whitneyville. , This licrint hews for; hie Isnot only noted for his beauty in color ,arid -,tyle, mself, regardless of any false r , etlip, eovas is very often the case. "- Millt,iAN TIGER will ho attended by the Civil En gineer chosen heretofore ',for that business. and trite will bo plesaed to show the horse at any time. BHA O .BIIUN ,tgi ev2,4;ci. t. M. R. O'CONNOR. w44t401.14 1 ?TWA' 11111 Mil THOMAS HAUDEN 1!1 EEO WONDERS WILI t •NEVER ICEA SE E you t,riedblo latest . mid greateit di% t 643 ?: • PR: M. L. ThWON•kS MAI JC PAINEMMY It curescoldu-ifiphthFris Itslryisantipains in the sternum, „maigeadou, diarrhea, dysentery, inar t mor complaints: tholeramorbtel, cholera ha.. EIS by e. 4, an erternalappllcation far. !nut bites, ch lblafya, he, sprains, bruises, felons, rheumatiern e , elok headaehe, .teothac neuralgia, paha; in the Sid, back and /elm, tn,s resole° of six Tears; it has been found to - be sec ond,toi no thin evisr'offeretito the pnbllo. Tee proprietor b 1 this" medicine _feels warranted in =teang,it to be the befit, rem4r for, the above din the market. • • -" hfanufacird and :put hi only hy Dr. 111.' .Bacon itlossbur g Wholesale agents-Hallett, gearar thi.ehatik, 149 Chamber street, lieVrilreth ;I!". D. terbell'& Co:, Cor ning. N. P. ' . ' - gam 1.1874, /171 i-GO TO- Head; Stt Quartes FOR Drugs and Medicines, (Patent or othorw4e) 77 -Also for PAINZB, MO, GrAss. PUTTY. 7 , T1 7 AND /ILL STYLES OF BRUMES, &o. ear 045 TO BEAD QUARTFIIB FOEfeliek I Choic' Liquors,' Cigars, anti Topitobo — . Also for • Bsllgiosis lEgC)C>irliegES ' - •- - . atatijrical, Medical, Legg Blatt/Cot - School. N. B. A. full assortment of, the, lat ter. Also, an et cellent contentment df ALBUMS, MIRRORS,i/OTURR FRAMS, lifrfT/ONDOW, Dclli AND TASSELS, dm., - Gra l !ClCi4akiolsl. On Teas, ougaril, ..10uve, optilp, Molasses, Bice, Spices, Soda, etc:. we will not be beaten in price or quality.— We will sell'cloice Teas bys the chest, or' sugar by the barrel. at as low figures as the same can be bought at this side of New York. P. S. TRY OUR 4 SHILLING TEA LAMPS, CHANDELIERS &c., &c the newest styles, and lamp chimneys that will not break. Fancy and' Toilet Ankles. I PERFUMERY, TOILED BOAPS, POMADES, BRUSHES, &c., AQ., LIERWISE WE - LEAP AND JEWELRY, WHIPS AND LAMES. We hold twenty destrable village bits for sale in the oentrarpart of the town ; and will Ilse loan money et reasonable rates. N. B. Dr. W. W, Webb ban Ids office iri onr store, where ho may be consulted for advioe or treatment. Jan. I. 1872-tf. HASTINGS & COLES. TIOGA, DRUG STORE ! • 11 , The subscriber keops constantly on hand Pure Drugs 1 and, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints and 011 a, Lamps, Stationery, Yen. on : Notions 4or • PRES ONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. Fia, Jai. 1. 1872 Insurance Y, i Insurance Hand in Hand Mutual Life Insurance Company, OFFICE, No. 112 13. ill( BT., PaILADi4PELL INCORPORATED FEBRUARY 23, 1867 Chart 9 d.Capital $500,000. ABEIETB OVER... , Stock and Mutual, combining Security with Profits. Suppose you are already bunted •in a Inn:lt-class com pany, and from any cause whatover, (say after ten year ly payments) roil do not or cannotpayil.orger and die— your insurance gone and your money ( rated. Not so in the "HAND - IN-HAND ;," all Polici s aro Norr-Fon- VESTA]] ,This ompany which ranks among the mos- popular and suc essful Life Insurance Companies, grants pol icies on all desirable plane, both with and without profits. Traveling Priveleges Unrestricted. All policies are incontestible after one year from any of the ordinary causes. Look to your Life Insurance.' Please examine the following Comparative Table. It is sometimes alleged by Agents of other Companies that the Company they represent is safer than others. While we unhesita tingly assert our bell& in the soundness and stability of allt ompanies, we desire icoarcant_guLfollua t izta inium charged by each for an insurance on life at the ago of 90 years, payable at death : Annual premium Ten annual for life. payments. Travelers' $16,94 ' $83,21 /Etna,... 8 2,73 42,80 Home ....,,,.23,3060,00 Equitable. 22.70 ' 40,97 Washiart, on, 70 16,97 Hand-in:Hand, '16,50 92,60 'lf not alreadY insured take a policy with the ' "HAND-IN-HAND." the beat Mutual Company in the United State,. Jan. 1,;1872. - A. M. 'INGHAM, Agent. New Boot, Shoe, Leather AND FINDING STORE., C. W. j !Rip/arts , IIN Trig FlFra) AGAIN. New Sliop, New Stock, and first- class Work ! ANYTHfrom a Rand Cita to a d Gaiter. Best line of ING Ladies' Kid and e oth Bal - ' niorals and Ga ters, .'Di to Children's nd Misses. Gents' Cloth, 4forocco,. and Calf' Gaitei.s., Oxford and Prince Albert Ties. . A good line of OVERSHOES, and a full line of PINE BOOTS, • ranging in price from $4,00 to $7,00, peggc d and sewed. CUSTOM BOOTS from $5,00 to MA, and worth the money every time Leather and Findings at the lowest rates, as •ttaual TIM undersigned having spent twenty years of his life iu WeUsboro—much of the time on the stool 61 penitence, drawing the cord of affliction for the good of soles, - believes rather in hammering than blowing. Wherefore, he will only remark to his old customers and as 'many new ones as choose to give him a tall, that be may ho found stills now shop, next dear to 13. T. Van Horn's ware rooms, with the best and cheap est stock In Tinge county. C. W. SEARS. Wellshoro, April MMI 041:aisle ,allirife MSS H, W. TODD has removed her Must Store to the late residence of Laner Bache, opp. site Van limit's Hotel. Btoirmay mid. other 3Plarkco E 3 ';') for sale very cheap. Also, MASON & ErAsmnr CABINET ORGANS. OLD INSTRUMENTS TAKEN IN EU/RANI:3E. A largo stock of NEW MUSIC just received. LESSORS givon on the Piano, 'Organ, and in Sing. Lug. An opportunity for practice afforded to those who may desire it. H. W. TODD. Jan. 1. 1672-tf. yaluabl a Farm . for Sale. T , gE undersigned, for the first time, offers for sale his valuable farm situated at East Charleston, con. Mining about 150 acres. Said farm has no superior In Charleston township, and is now under .sash 'ent at poo per annum; Is well watered, has a good barn anti a valuable house, over 600 fruit trees which include! a limb and pear orchard of 150 trees. Thirty, cows arc• ket on the farm; a good wood.lot; and within 160 ro of a cheese faCtory, mills, stores, shops, post oft" 0, school and churches. The owner on account of *. 11l ealth cannot wen it, and does not wish to rent. T rras very reasOnable. Inquire at thoipretalaeo. J 0 19, 1i173-21Ti I tu 1 w. 1 RAID]. It H. BORDEN $1,000,000,00