Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, June 19, 1872, Image 1

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    IDEA. XIX.
he Aeitator.,
(10 /DER , 05:1 BARNES ,
Tray _i2,Gdper annum in advance.
iin 2 in. 3 in. 44n. 7 in. 12 In 25 in.
I- - -- 7 --- - - -
'----- $2OO x3OO $4OO $6OO 59400 $l4OO
3 t 4) 4 00 ¢OO 7 00 11 - .00 10 00
300 500 6 00 8 00 13'00 18 00
4 no 6 60 t 00 0 00 15 00 20 00
6no o 00 lb 00 12,00 20'00 28 00
s tui 12 611 13 00 15 00 '25 00 35 00
12 00 18 60 20 00 22 00 35 00 60 00
, 13 04 25 no 28 00 85 00 GO 00 100 00
1 1 ".11 f1
Ift 2
t )
310 calculated by . the inch in length
d i i y IN:3 Bpflef: is rated as a full inch.
i t..crillenti - must be paid for before in-.
„ 1 , y, contracts, when half-yeatl
01 be required.
14 in the Editorial columns, on the
. , ids per hoc each insertion.
-1'1..1 than
~.„.11,1,- 111 al column, 10 cents por lino if
too s ; and 60 cents for anotito of IWO,
tot Atsurtimira aud DEATHS inkerted
,I,ttuar) nutteca will be charged 10 cents
t;;,.TIC r, 7,0 per cent above regular rates.T
c us 5 lines or less, SS,KO per year:
Bit sines? Cards
it, -s. Bailey &, Son,
A. a, :4awialty. Our hotel and - tunny
t.:ehtattt the hig.tiest market-Frio:a
1 4101 ):r,:tllertl Davies. No. Ile, Soul& Water
if ,bl4l
- •
A. Redfield, -
il ,No c•o1/11.91ILLOR AT LAW.—Colleet
mpth .at stied t'l. Office orer Wm. Roberts
m„r, -- Wdlslioro,.Ps., Apr. 1, lb7l-911).
C. 11. Seymour,
v A \V, Tioim Pa. All imaimiss
will receive prompt atterition.-:-
i:co. AV. 'Merrick,
AT LAW.—ollico iu Bowen & Cone's
hail from Agitator office, 1,1 fluor,
r —Jan. I. 1n72.
3litehell Calneron,
LAW, Claim and Insurance Agents.
tArr run ()nines 1141110 r tatore,
a, i -- Jan 1.1:17.2.
Willi:tot A. Stone,
1 , )
I Al LAW, IA I r C. 11. Kelley'a Dr • Good
izglit N. 1.1.i11e2,'s 'Awl. oil Alain fitret t.
,I, Jan 1, 14;2.
alt Emery C. D. Emery,
hs VC LAW —Olll, d opposite Court Huuse,
rdvsluisaport, Pa. AR b us i ness
att, !tad to —Jan. 1, 1871
.1. C. Strang,,
. . •
;L t n Weflaboi n, Pa.-Jan. 1, "12,
- .
J. B. 13 - les,„
, II L‘‘‘• —Willa tentl Inouiptly to bug
-1,,,,i..1'1 , hl4 ‘'.llo it lie counties of 'riOga
c r ..111,... ~t, tlie A . eloic.—Wellsboro, Ps.,
,Ino. W. Alan
Malislield, TioLta caittt4y, Pa.
t, attentl,l 1, 1672.
t' i,. Peek,
1 Llll. claims promptly collected
,'l;dph, 11 Ilk I timt s, Nulson, 1.1 0 :;t1 Co, I'a
,liio. W. Guernsey,
131151111. , 59 entrusted 'to him
yal•, aln aeled to.—Oiliee Ist daAnt sontli
at a . a; store, Tioga, Tiop county,
Armstrong & Lim',
Ai 1..111', Williamsport, Pa,
Win. B. Smith,
11 11 tt(NLY, Bounty and liihunmce Agent
•ttt et., .vent ttt the above attaret-ta wilt rt..
t.•I I att. ttnon.
1411 I, •
an Gelder & Barnes,
VitS.—Ml kinds of doh PritAing done of
and in the hest manner, Lace in Bow
1110e1:, 241 thier.—Jan. 1, 1572.
D. Terbell
LIII:uouINT, and tlealen+ In Wall Ptivcr,
I 3, WIII.IOW Verfuinviy, Paints,
Y Jan. 1, 1k47'2.
D. Bacon, M.
\ 811111117.01 , 1, Ist: door eamt of Laugh
,' un titan. t. \VIII attend promptly to all
ild.,,rd„lau. 1, 1:172.
1. M. Ingham, M. D.,
rut, r, e at his residence on the AY
, Jun. 1, 1472.
\V. W. Webb, 111. D.,
1N StltilEON.-LOlllee--Openiug out of
A' , tit ug Jau.
Seeley, Coats & Co.;
lu l
t sell Litaft.4 ou Now
Promptly made: -!
1 • '.,
,I i , 0,,•01a. S INS (ALAN DALL S
I. Parkhurst & Co.,
31.164 I 11,1aini, Tioga Co., Pa.
C. L. PA'rUsuN.
Vale House,
P ) , 1 1. Yale, Provrktor. ThiS
•1 aultil i ti accommodate the travel
,lii“ clot. matitivr.— dau. I.
Pet house;
I Prorrletor.—(Good
f‘o 1” , t1, 111311 and heart. Cbarges reit
itA giV.ll 1" gtwslA.
iters' Temper:Alec Hotel.
MONI101.:, ha% in g inirelia.e.l thin house
fistutv in the past, strictly tql tear
fairy ommodation for mar
I Icagra ria-oonithle.—Wellstrolo, Pa.,
+‘.. Il ,RN, Welliboro,
1 , 4,,,nt1y 1,, sled, and has all the conven
e Si)A% a.,d b, Charges moderate.--Jau.
ISbOro Ot;el9
("It MIN -;1" A' THE AVENUE,
Wellsboro, Pa,
SOL. BiINiEL, Prop'r.
, 1 , 11!tr 11,4.1 lattly ittpt by /3. 11. holiday.
t ,t tit Ito IxitLa to uttii.tt it a iltrit,
, AII tI ' , Le, 3al %Iv, and tit:part front this
'-11/ , -11,r it alieudanee. tkiy - Livery at.
TRH E\ 0 I,D
kio , vr t the TownEend noose and
ri e.Topittl by D. D. Holiday, has been
tr titbit and lepi s oed by
It. o 'oo N N 011,
1"1 , , , y to accommodate the old friends of
•,,ry rva:i:maide rates.
'welder 84 Johnson,
313011,0 MARBLE WORKS,.
Opposite Found,
114 l 1 le work executed neatly, and at reas
A We also furnish to ordt,r, Marble and
Grates, renders, tee.
Farm for Sale.
tbet often for sale Isla farzif of sires,
situated in Catlin Hollow, Charlest, on,
Pa-: within about four miles of Wells
ipilett of Niles Valley depot. School
st, mills, shops, Sc., within a mile. Terms
Prezdates, of ,-
~~: , _
. ,
Airy budding ash-tree, •
• ' You hays made a throne.
• And the sweetest , thrush in all the world
Is sitting there alone; •
Drown in tints of tender I3Town •
Against keen blue sty;.
ne sings np and he sings down,
• Who can pass him
Through pie Thin leayea thrilling
Goes each Oillazpering note,
Hearts of all happy trees are drawn •
Into this ono bird throat;
And alpha growing blooms of moru
(ibis music Is fltiStiald)
Arn.reticled and blended lmd UpbOrlie
And niter'4.l into'song. • '
liow he asks a question,, - , ,
11 The answer who can gue - sa--
'While sparrows chirp their pettish 'No,'
- And daps 4qpiteprmuring..Yesio„:l
'Oh i will 'the znOntbil bo kind and ci&ir,
IJuvex'd by needlese rain ;
And will the sun tiler last this year
Till Spring comes back again?' •
The lawyers are a picked lot, "first rate
scholars," and the like, but their business is
as unsympathetic as Jack Ketch's. There
is pothiti . g,;humaniiitig
with their fellow creatures. They go for
the side that retains them. They defend
the man they know to be a rogue, and not
very rarely throw suspicion on the man
they. know to he Innocent, Itlindaou, ani
'not finding fitilli:witlithettrveVery side of a
case has a right to the best statement it ad
mits of; but I say it does riot tend to make
them sympathetic. Suppose in a case ,of
Fever vs. Patient the doctor should side
with either party according to whether the
old miser or his expectant heir was his em
'ployer: SUppose the minister should side I
with the Lord or the Devil:according to the
salary offered and other-incidental advanta
ges, where the soul of a sifinec,was in quei
lion. You can see what a piece' of work it
would make of their sympathies. But the
lawyers are quicker witted than either of
I the other professions, and abler men gene
] rally. They are good-natured, or, if they
quarrel, their quarrels are above board. I
I don't think they sire as accomplished as the
ministers, but they have . a way of cramming
with. special' knowledge for •a case which
leaves a certain Shallow sediment of - intern
genee in their memories about a good many
thing They are apt to talk law 'in mixed
comp ,4, and they have a way of looking
aroceird when they make a point, as if they
were addressing a jury, that is mighty ag
gravating, as once had occasion to see
when "Cfd ' CPI; and a pretty famous one,
put me on the witness stand at a dinner par
ty once.
The mi isters come nest in point of tal
ent. Th y are far more curious i mid widely
interested outside of their own calling than
either of the other professions. I like to
talk with 'em. They are interesting men,
full of good feelings, hard workers, always
foremost in good deeds, and on the whole
the Most efficient civilizing class, working
downwards from knowledge to ignorance,
that is—now and then upwards, also—that
we have. The trouble is that so many of
them work in harness, and it is pretty sure
to chafe somewhere. They too often as
stunt principles which would cripple our
instincts and reason and give us a crutch of
doctrine. I have talked with a great many
of 'em of all sorts of belief,. and I don't
think they have fixed everything in their
own minds, or are as dogmatic ill their hab
its of thought as one would think to hear
Jan.A, IS7I.
'ern lay down the law in the pulpit. They
used to lead the
_intelligence. of their parish
es' now they d(i i Pretty, well if thdy ; kep up
With it, and they tire yery 4t to lagpebind
it. !1' hen they 311460140 h eollengtieJ • Vie'
old Minister thinks he. can hold to his Old'
course, sailing right into the wind's eye of
human nature, as straight as that famous
old skipper John Bunyan; the young minis
ter, falls off three or four points and catches.
the breeze that left the .old man's sails all
shivering. By and by the congregation will
get ahead of lo u t, and then it must have an
other new skipper.
The 2»•icrit holds his own pretty well; the
'mina:ger is coming down every generation
nearer and nearer to ,the common level of
the useful citizen—no oracle at all, but a
man otomore than average moral instipem,
who, knows anything, knows hoW lit
tle he knows. The ministers are good talk
[era, only the
. struggle between nature and
[grace makes some of 'em a little awkward
[occasionally. The women do their best to
spoil 'em, as they do the poets. You find it
very pleasant to be spoiled, .no doubt; so do
they. Now and then one of them goes over
the dam; no wonder, they're always in the
rapids ,g'• e'i;
!!By: this time our 't hreecladtei ?had? their
faces all turnedtoward the speaker, like the
weathercocks in a northeaster, and I tho't
it best to switch off the talk on to another
" How about the doctors?" I said.
Theirs is the least learned of the profes
sions, in thiS country at least. They have
not the general culture of. the lawyers, nor
a quarter of that of the ministers. I rather
think, though, they are, more agreeable to
the commoni, run of plople : .titan ilia; nun
with black coats or the - Men with green
bags. 'People can swear before 'em if they
want to, and they can't very tell before
ministers. 1 don't care whethel• they want:
- to swear or not, they don't want to be. on
their good behavior.. Besides, the minister
'has a tittle smack of the scxtcut_about him;
he comes when people:are in but
they , don't send for" , him every thm t tlut ,
make a slight MOO jaf:
stance, or snuggle a silk. dress through the
custom house; but they cell in the doctor
when a child is cutting a tooth or gets a
splinter in its finger. do it doesn't mean
much to send for him, only a pleasant chat
about the news of the day, for putting the
'baby to rights doesn't take long. Besides,
everybody doesn't like to talk about the
next world; people are modest in their. de
sires, and find this world as good as they de
serve; but everybody likes to talk:physic.
Everybody loves to hear. of strange cases;
people are eager to tell the doctor of the
wonderful cures they have heard 'of; they
want to know what is the matter with some
body or other who is said to be suffering
' , from COLUOICIttipIi r , gf ,dis4ases,''. and
above all to get a hard name, Greek or Lam
in' for some complaint which sounds alto-,
•gether too common-place in plain WWI.
If yPtt will only call a headache a cep/ a'al
pie \ acquireS dignity at, once, and p:Aieut
becomes rather proud of it. So I. think
doctors hye generally welcome in most com
panies. \ „ „,
In' 'old `times, when people Were --'mOie
afraid of tlAr devil and of witches than they
are now, - "theyiked tohavo a priest or a min
ister somewhere near to scare 'em off; but
ucefipmlays, if y could an 010.1RoUtalk
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Zipw states a dogr4l . =
Ills vies Of dify and night;
Proclaiming volubly and loud
No other bird is right.,
Put halfway' through his creed lie check
At some sweet chance of sound,
And, catching that, no longerireeks °-
If heaven - or earth i gd. routA-
Noit he labs gravely,
Each moment pays itself. "
No ringer ever worked so hard
For 1414pr,,faTue or,rielfk.
Ava 'taw the fief
And scatters it like rain,
With quick ~ihkespes' oKself-praise,
Till the tree rings again.
lie pleads, lie laughs, he armies,
Be.phouts to skrand-earth“,
The wild notes trip'each other up
In eestacies of mirth;
He drinks the azure of the air;
Tie tosses song about,
. a girl's tangle of gold-hair,
Spray-wet and shaken mit.
0 woi Id I when spfing is shining
And dark winds stand aside,
Let Men think of you as they may,
The birds are satisfied:,
Their dauntless hymns of hopb arise
\nth such a wean
Though every yeai the summer dies,
They trust her premise etilL
Airy budding ash-tree,
'fry to show your power, _
Make,a . tettf fur.aelt, gay rtote:- .
110 mukes hour !
Wild dowers in the grass, be taught
The music) of yoUr,parts:
Make e butt for each bright thought
Ho gives to passing hearts I
Lawyers, Ministers, and Doctors..
1 ' i.
lint would! ride the roam - ,ota a, 'invamatickl
Barnum would build, tut.ambitlieatert. ex;;
hihic b 'et iti.AkAr•tif 4te could come- -aer-Ott% 04
young impissitlifixciefti,_ budding,.
horns, Unocal deseendapt - Of••one - .0f,:tltre,
ditoolielwhielt the good people -Of
'sierfli r eittit,untiw craft red_ritiby I, !loritbef.
best part of -,a month together.",:
-1092, the great showman,would haveliau at
any cost for..his• museum', or ;menagerie,
lett are cdivartle, sir, and are driven by feat.
as the. sovereign motive. Men are idolaters
and want,something-to look at-and kiss and
hug . , pi tlitow themsell'es., down before; they •
alWays (lid s ._ they :always, will; and if you:
deifearinhe it;ot ‘ wood,; you. must Make tit
of wtfrds, which Aye• just as much. used ; for
Weis as promissory notes are used for val..,
nes. The Ministers have. a hard. time of ,it
without bell acid book and holy water; they
are dismottnted nten,in armor .since-Luther,!
cut their 'saddle. girths, ,and you : can see
they arc quietly taking ofi:,one piece of ,iron:
after another, until some, of the best of .'em
arc fighting Ite.,devilt (not,. the, zoological.
devil with , tbe hig ;p),with,the sword of;.the
Spirit, and precious little eise.io the wity.-of
weapons of „offense or defense, But
ane j
couldn't Ot on without the spiritual broth-.j
erhood, Vfbmever • became, of , our special,
creeds. Thereja a genius,for religion, just.
an there issfor painting : or; , sculpture.- tlt is
half-sister the genius for muste e , and! Lass;
some of the„ features Which, remind, us ofj
earthly loge;; . ,Put it lifts, us all by
presence. t Tojar-e f a goaLum, audlear leis
_voice,. once a,week would .be . reason enou,'
for buildidg churches and pulpits.-0. gh
Holmes in Atlantic .41fonl.hly.
. ,
The Boy Organist.
Mozart's first experienee'el fi lardebigan
was in the', monastery tr little -town on the.
banks of Arid Datitthe:' Ile *as! Then only'
six years old, f iind in ctiminmY withildilath
er had left his hinifniii Sitl7.lsnrg Mid - Started'
upon'a long cotirse‘Cie travel. - Alf li3tig
they had been. doWn 'that majestic
river, pasternmblitig ruins; froivning cas
tles, cloisters' hidden away miiting.the - erags-'
towering ellifiViluiet calla e s nestled in inn
ny valleys; and here and t iere' a deep gotd
that opened buck from the gliding river, its
hollow distance blue with fathomless' shad=.
ow,hind its loneliness and stillness- stirring'
the boy'-8 heart like some dint • and vast ca
ttie!. '
• T he company of monks with Whom they
bad been Mar 4ing.that day were at supper
in-the refect 3r of the Cloister, when father
Mozart tok olfgang into'thechapel to see'
the organ. '
And now ' the boy gazed with something
of awe upon the-great instrument twining
un in the shadoivs of the emPtYchurch,his•
face lit up, with serene satisfaction, 'and -ev
ery- motion rind attitude of the little Bg
tire cxpre4sed awondering reverence.' What
tones must even now be slumberingitiihose ,
mighty pipes! ::Tones Which, if once awa
kened, could give utterance to all that :Voice
less beauty which the day's scenes had-pre
sented him—life and death; present and
past; the peaceful rive and the'deserted ru
in; the sunshine unfailin & - the tinfailin,
shadow at its side. . • • , • • -.
Father,'! said the boy, "explain to - •
those pedals at the organ's feet, and ' , let me
• `- • •
Well pleased;;the father complied, Then
Wolfgang puilted•aside the Moot, and when
father Mozart bad-tilled the -great bellows,-
the elfin Organist stood upon the pedals•and
trod theta as though lie had never needed
to have tlibir management explained..
'How the deep tones. awoke the- somber
stillness of .the old. church! The 'organ'
seemed some.grent, uncouth creature, roar
lug for very joy at the, caresses of the mar
venoms child. - . . •-,
The monks, eating their supper in_.the-rc•
rectory, hearth he tones and' dropped Ulf
and fork in astonishment. The organist of
the brotherhood:was among them, hut never:
had he played with such power and free
dom. They listened; sonic grew pale, 'oth
ers crossed themselves,. till the prior rose up;
stunuoned all his courage, and hastened in
to the chapel., -The , oters followed; but
when they looked up into the organ loft, 10l
there was
seen, though the deep tones still massed
themselves in ne' harmonies, and made the
none arches thrill with their power: -"It IS
the devil himself," cried the last one of the
monks, drawing closer to one of his com
panions and giving a seared look over his
shoulder to the darkness of the aisle.
"Tt is - a miracle!" said another. But
when the - oldest of their number mounted
the stairs to the organ front, he stood as if
)etrified with amazement.
There stood the tiny tigurc, treading from
pedal to pedal, and at the same time clutch
ing the keys above with his little hands,
gathering handsftik (4, those, woyderful
chords as if -they Veit viOlets,' and flinging
them out into the solemn gloom behind
him. Ile heard nothing, saw nothing, be
sides; hiS eski beamed like tars, and his
whole face lighted with impaSsioned joy.—
Louder and fuller rose the hatlmonies, pour
ing tortk in swelling billows, till at last they
seemed tp reach a sunny shore, on which
they hr4e; and then a whisPering ripple of
faintest Melody lingered a moment in the
air, like the last murmur of a wind harp,
and , all Was 'still.
tlf tttete be anything of which the human
trice W
,fond, it is kissing. No doubt our
ail hiaders will be shocked, and toss their
piteityli/ads disdainfully at this assertion,
but we maintain it nevertheless, and what
ever they may say to others, to themselves
they will be compelled to confess its truth.
11rc don't mean that they like to kiss every:
body, only some-particularly lucky—or
lucky—fellow. *•Philosophers an& learned
men may ttineationi The ni tractions-of grav
itation and ephesioq, but there is no Aurae-.
thus in nature as powerful and irresistible as
that winch lies in a pair of ripe, rosy lips.
In all ages it has been potent to draw r the
strongest Man front his ditty or his pre judi
ces.4ren philosophers, with all their
boasted ;coolness, have been powerless to
rcsiht the force of this strange ,attractien,
which even the mostl abstruse science can
not account for. •
Who invented kissing is not known, but
we shrewdly „suspect. that if, Mother Efe
was hall so fair as Mr. John Milton has
painted her, it must have.beeu theArst, thing
Father Adam did - when he awoke to find so
i o,„
.„,creature by him. Certainly-, if he
Ni ,Kalde to_ resist the attraction, he must
'll ellegn a very icicle. The Hebrews had
a deeidefl weakness for the institution; and
if we Or judge from the songs of Solo
mon, the, wisest man that ever lived was not
proof against •it. The old Greeks, who
w ere as cold as their faultless marble, seem
-to have had no knowledge of the attraction,
fur tlo.irl pocts,,until the days of Thcocritus,
say nothing about it. Theocritus was a
traveled. man, had seen Egyptian women ;
and kissed them` too, we sttppose; but for
all Ilya lie was exceedingly moderate in his
doings, ;or Ate tells us of his sweetheart— '
1G rather think'we should have been very
discontented with such a small allowance.
The Romans were a long time in learning
the att. At first they used it vetylermally.
Virgil makes Jupiter 1t63 Venus, to encour
age her-T-a lesson, by the way, upon, which
Madame; Venus improved' in an amazingly
short tune. Even Horace, who was a 'broth
of a boy,' and who
.tvas , much of -a , lady's
man, sais 'nothing about '!rising, if we re-
members might. „Mit
_patinas, though a
predeee‘or,of,liornce, was a wiser man,
and a fellow after our own heart. Hear
what lie;says to his sweetheart, when she
asks him how rnany kisses he wants:
"Do you ask, Lesbia, bow many kisses of
thine tan be enough? As many us are the
sands of the African desert, or as many as
the stars that behold the secret lovenof mor
tails witeA the night is still."
That Was a sensible fellow, and very, nat:-
urally he was popular with the ladies his
At present one musthe very proper in the
practim'or the art. If he 'is Wipe, will
never try to kiss a girl against her will, nor
to make much fuss in doing so: A quiet,
easy, gentlemanly way of going 'about it, is
almost sure to,witivityl many albright„-eyed,,
demure lass, tvlio Wouldn't for the World be
hiss.d in the presence of a thirdparty, will
riot have the heart to say "no" ;to A good
looking fellow, "when there's nobody near
to see."; A wise,,mart, will
,also .limit "the
number:of those*, tries to kiss, for ptict•
taiSeuotts Verse than none at all—
. , .
4 .• ;;),. 1. 0
.• I should have been contented
With a kiss of your sweet mother."
i;c:t.,t',flow , -, -•' ---,:,'>,,
sn't i itiNtdPst ~,lo go abont -tlic -butii
4eas fa sontethl4oliitt: - o_aelt OtOixostAle'o.o
.for himself: '-: - Al'aetriAhlti fellOvo; whil l'a ribr‘
4,puppy,:oll'ittielyftril to Lierceire the row
,mpment; and if helehaves himself, the will
f it
glue ; ally ya prui,ltia lair Ono retidy!o sop.
ply; thedeficiencies of - leis education in this:
, respeccio th' art comes naturally ,to u-D
-men., .. .::i" ' ' ' .: • ' '— ' -' '
1 The Allston i Domotrot, , speaking of , Gen. ,
Grant= as acsoldier and a, civilianitisays! :iT.• .!
-'. `f We $l4lO titan since the days of Wash
ington hesldoiie so much for his country tks
Gen. "Grant. ~ Ile - garb . .i4 t he"' , iiatiini its
greatekt •Vito4 , ,' , and 41 it letbryJaverting 'oda
'tlintal - raini ~, o.linu the , countrr (Ayes ; its:
existence: I His ftrP? saved, t, l , l 9,l l :!=PPliiic , . Illi
his 'case it IS ira true as in:the case of •Wirli-,
ington , that theeiiintiitinilinkiiititirn Ain an'
ed.= the . meinisl &id. i i Ina , ~o ther- licad 4 SI one •
thesglory: 1 blether respectatilecomparistin
magnifies Grata. „ 'File wet, found ;:11.ittir.oli:
actin?. ''-Alter 1 many
,rhieftains. had
failed;'hiltioroweis attracte a d the, confidence
that 'put Aho ,"linpeS"of:'tlic `cottritiY 'firliiii
-hands: v - Washington ; had : no; precedeiile id* .
Allure: , ' 40:vias the country's :first choice
a& COlinneddfill'irl-eliief, ill(1 Was re* flirted.* lii
- seven-tong, years of : darkness, and disaster,
achieved - (tin pli ever an enemy beyondAe
. tietti'-` The )3 61
- and Abe laiiklnt Grain Were'
rnigliticr.t i t In bin silent , and stubborn devil=
7 1
! , tionto hisipurpose in the: teeth of KO many
:signal iitiltireisj ;in the presence. „of the- mast ;
diticalo Old'. eicaCting . politic opinion s; l and.
'against ''innst'!forraidable' 'iths - tialeq,, there,
ishOne a mbiall heroism id WhiCh hiatorY Will'
Mr Intalee . " :;Its inbi •erisia-of that idreailftir
struggle Iliattlie.assaults Aif tahmes per:sonal.
enemies divert - , ,hitn . ,front r, hiP s ,iIAYi:.II) MS.
Conniff, Qls,sole IVY 1,0, thent Was a cAiet
porsistene4 hi Itis"*.ork'!- - To - pairleta wtiii
recall' thiise daYiGrant l iti - the White House
is the ides Grant Of the Wilderness!' - 1 - 3
^ '.." lie h4s been precisely : the ;President
prottilsed by his, military, life.,, "COuntion
place' he'seenied' while 'tite'inier SOidiet Of
the ago, solving the tijughest"Droblein ever'
presented tiy war. - Tentutotilplacel ilti is tier
elated ; while under his presidency the great,
warilebt• is iyanibliin i g, , tinr l ip igh IT taxation
diminishing,: thdriational Credit flouriShing,
the gold' Valu'e heldthfut, peace 'witli'foreign
nations ed,: business and--trade' every- ,
!witeielth ving, anti the ,general:-prosperity
increasin ... Americans abroad, removed
frenithe i.*ett,y clamors of enyloui 'polid-'
clans, . andi tar from' the ' inists 'of detraction
raised - by Ole would-W Presidents; hear with'
wonder. any; suggestion• that", the ' patriotic'
masses of ;this country can fail to appreciate.
Grant. Of small men absorbed in selfeon
templation and self-seeking, - arid 'of simple=
tons _who i think , the , quatiqr - of greattietis
r ‘purst, be m i
iquul end imposing, the comitry
,h 4. an ab nfisuo, of whom thoguuktis con :
ceive.theinselveimuch Letter qualified than
i i
Grant I ifori the Presidency. Dui Ainerican
history mill 'Calf this ' cernmonplace' Gene=
ral and-President the true loan of his 'times''
It - will spilak of , hiari as; the= Strong citizen
whose singular . prowess erusite'd._tho rebel
S and _so drew, upon liiiiii,elf ,t h e : ref.
aentinent4 of inidtitudes of ; his' fellOvr-elti
zens, whd, Sought to avengti theineelves liy .
'' clefentlwilen he- was a' second time; 'by
• . neous .voice of the Ilepoldican
d for the Presidency. . ilk
• unapproaclicd" and
'Of this than'
' ? -the
the ~ , sp •
masses,;,nOini ,
tory wilt add that
in the.regards of those masses aro
jealousy of certain Repulnican leaders,
drove theni to plot for own, e ; xaltatisiii,
and his, hinuiliation througha t it alliancew h
,ex-rebels 'the OAS* cif ' Bttt
conclude' by c skyiiig
'that despi),e;the-hattredi , created
littl echiet entente, and despite the:niachinar
lions of :ehvy and, jealsktisy, the taillidsc.
Stincts,lcaPed to ;his vindication, antl:trave:'ii
resh proof that Anieriedns a ere capiible, of
self-government." - •"
Forney on Wilson.
Henry Pilsoni our - candidate for' Vice
President; is-a, fine example of the elfect of
,fre6 institotions upon the struggling youth
of Ameriea andAlsoa,..-3 , ------'-- ' - - 1 -7*-------..-
- ctirronststette3r or the Republican party.' 'I -
have known hint well' for over seventeen'
years. Twelve months younger than Mr.
Sumner, he has alwayS been Isis friend, even
when compelled to differ with hint. ,Wilson
is one of the
,men who wear well.' Time
and trial imprOVe 'and ripen them. ' No dtiy
passes that they do not learn something. ' - I
met him iwitile, I. was, presiding •over•the.
• House of !Representatives,hi the stormy ses-,
sion of 1855-54, and had a chance to study .
his eltaraaer.' I He saw • that the time was
• coming when peineerats like to self' would
be compelled to choose:betweewliberty And
1 slavery, and pis t anxiety In kfecure Stick a.re-,
,inforcem,int 1,0 his party was thown t in his
kindnessti,iinii Confidence,ioilOtt brave and
earnest b dy of iiieri. - And when the storm
broke, i ~1858, and Buchanan sought , t6'
force the '‘, Lecompton Constitution, :Upon
Kansas, Henry Wilson threw ,hiniself, with.
especialf rvor - mitonetlic, 'rev - 01th* FIRM() ;
erats. ;' , consulted With us tind,entioiW'
aged us, e traveled far and netir' to'%-effect
co-operation And ,organization,_ , and when
my name, was presented_ for Clerk or the
House, iql.Bsg, he Insisteddliat 40tould be 1
,elected lithOnt'pledges. ' These''had' bee:a 1
- deinande by some Of the more violent Re-'
publican '
and sternly refueed, ' I did , not.
ask for the place, and would not have touch-,
ed it if ithad, interfered with- my -indepen- '
deuce as !editor of The Press.,,,,Willytt de-,
Glared that I was right; and Wilhite:add cif
Charlesiiinci4 Adonis, - Jelin 'llicittitan;j:`
8.-Ilaski ; !did John fichivartz; - i'C'- organ'- ,
ized the ouo,'ltind 'Won' after tile' ititti-Le'
comptott dieinheriita ConStittife - il a- i'egiO,tles4
Reptibliclui r'eperve. "" ': . ' l
. I f l( ''L H;
' - lien ry o.ll46li'fs ti iii , iii.:rlVt at , iiipi.4. 4 • , lli ,
tcuiperat.e lifeintr ittitti pritiOpliklliViliii'
health . and StrOng'etinviiiiiiins, hiPktiti*:.
ledge ./ d the prektdieeti and zualita lif}}}t};'
made Itim greaCtio.y,Ti'agailiti;t - th e. rebel
lion; us !fell hi-am unlit/la-tit 'thelie . i'Wef
the Confinilteei tin 11111'40 Wfthii.4. :- . .7'1.1'
amount dl_ , Wpik 4e''perfoio, - .4.1" as ',/triiiikl',
gious. lie waa*rear break-4.aq' - tuna= ; -8‘
sleepless,ltiptiring, and - aniiinlifintrifig fitqrl i :
et. *A. little too' impulsive,' lwriiikiss,'Viti . N
one of tile truest of hearts--wartn, gene
rous and XorgiVitig s 'His• fetigid !nitwits ac-•
cord with his Strict' integ,ilt .*He,‘'is‘,` iiii!ii-,
. pensive ih his tastes 'and desires; brio dive's
amongitis hooka 'anti ids-friiinilk- It fe'lil4iis
a great dfal,'lnurreads• 'ankh: ' 'ActiVe find
quick, _regularly in his'aeat 'lit' the
he is often- seen pn the 'LliVeritie, 0-',
ety, though - he tieVe'r Otielitia:-*lne -or
gars. He is a thtirough corninik.aense _
and a natural' inediuna ,het . iVeCit'Anarreling
friends. i IlitthroVhto'for, iliti enemy,-"his
forgiveness ,for -'1114'" aficidote4, -- ' .HiPlaleS
corm pticikaa he,hatedslaVerA , Mid _ lie. 'Will'
go far col - 414141A iiittilailtottie' , , ~' , 1,1,
Such ii oar' andidatO for Ni.O'Prehict .
Is he not, an' argunietit - in' liiinklft 'ESPey
chilly Sti,l ,When - Nvp'-.refleet. tthar'this 'ilitni
wokked for the ,lowest wages its a boy, on. a
fare,,-apt begaterOlearn stineniaking'Witea .
he was twerity-b
neyears'of rage! ' '?.7 :
1 ! atF:ifi'. •-> -,11 . • ~ • , , ~...•.• PlP:kr
, •
•-• "
The Republican State icket.: -
1 ,-
The ettorts of 3,be.Detnocratic‘pressio de,
stray the confidence t of. the L.people : 04g
candidßtes of, l the Republicantatrty-fori - lrA-,
eruireand Auclitor,Geperol ;will; prctve abort,
tire, because ;heir main, reliant:et- is uptin
falsehood, ,and this, no Matter, Irolividexler7"
ou sly "it is t used, the.people have, penetration
enough tit detect., They j haver, showered' a,
good deal of.-dalutnny up en Gen.:•AllpriLtha,
Republidan candidate for Auditor General,.
but, 'Mary antLicivil r xecord,.. with
of which the;RepPle art fettaliqo sithki
which projects hire
of the erictuy. But the chief ellrotit,of
Democratic press,are:direetedi agoiltsf-9.erm
Hartranft,-. the
_Republican' ;candistetft
Governor. , ., They want: toregain Iheir.lost
political;,ascendency: „in -,the, State, . told, littY
-are byho means scruputpus_nato l thu i iireater.
they use to aceßtuPlisir , this : to then; IlvArAl
ble encl. t .Regardless of thet Piet , that_its- a
Military officer, lie reflected the highest creel-;
it upon the. State bY,the tibility , tuni.couttwe.
he displayed irrrivery,POSititrit , 111:_nbletv he
MIS placed duringthe .four years', Struggle
to preser,ve the Uniotl3, and +regardless, also
of the other fact, that as Auditoreeneral of
the State he discharged every duty. tut t *till
tollim faithfully, with an honest and earn
"est desire to_promote • the interests of the,
State; that his whole. official, career is mark,
ed by thg strictest iategrityi that not a blemt,
ish rests upondill character as a man and an ,
officer; ; regardlesit'vel all , these ;loci% :thei
Demomtic;presstaveassalledlind continittr
to "assay htht,Witli ti bitterness . and tot 4 dia.,
re,gart) pi, •illii. itv4.4le9fiey - wl),di, l, q,_sit4.
j . k . ty silinin'effali .ana,,,nekcii , Th e U,„,0,...,:,..„„i 2 , of
, tian4e il)4cl4,ditinlll.4 - , stie)/11 wii i ... - ti , outo
tain anifftdslriltrforr 011.1 5.T141 . 6“:4),..irte1y ; 1
it calumny p4eggst eg4104 ; t0:4 ,lb!u, ~‘v its pp,t,: ,
Netuto by it1ie,r40444: Me . Brim 4 '14601-
kistiirAre , : i:?pMiteedr. ,of - Nitlileh 4 Trinchit--- , .12.
liraltliel4 aLtnAtiltieritAentlek -, of , the;intrty,l
'ivaall'lllekulfer.lihd etk!Athtel4,, ref tiM114 1 4.41 1 .
signature.is a4l/41Acr4,:; - ; ' , ,:::::_, ',. -,-.:. ~ •-
„I jinder,suiii,eliesim4tiMa.ii,'Nilit idea ißife.=
!ly: i ,filistAisi '-fiouv uptlihg iii4t.atte,ntl:tii - so , '
rli6e ipf , intiped !slanders,-awl indeetlAvmll
ly siotle I em,poy,r,spshov tomcltat ilisrnm-,
orable.'sfilf Olie, qpposit,liin are 0'1:n081411 , i
resert(ln. n (lei. 16%461111d IleiiiiblltU a
lliaiii ''!
dli.latea at (il t :. ii,;•)l,. o qpi „ ~ , ,,:l i, tl, - . f,:.
''o%ii.4afratift :Aug _General :Allan will
tnitWatirtei O' tlie:fitif &Wiled! anil.` disietiutit'-'
.111 e sittekk _ made uPob theini and, find simple'
v.:(imp(mEiiit 000;1 3hP aljtllol.Alwy , 111)ffer , :kri
likent,la,, Ili yerillet, of the peoplp_rendered
4t. tne O ail ( tiliVg'ire,creinll6r, eletting '4614
:);',' "all•aiiN)liithe innjiir4l.--41ar: -Tel. .! .:. , I
. 11.. t I; •,
Juokalew's CAnohettrr --- ' -
v ,},... ,:s t ~. ~,„.,, •
' Ilinniluation of `lloekttleikbY tliii'D'Cie
,ocirais' (Al t e. Stat is,: as - their,e,andidate -for
i f
'Gcivernot' 91 11 4 , 4. 1 PY,9 OI RttP4P.#4?Mi%
deplial Jen vnis, raise , an' issue prominent
andve .all theriii'based rriant' his 'pet hobby
Of thintilit liemoting;•l Indeed, it aye sepal ,
f t)
'i• j itellt.' II chalew„fma thl* tiltqw-Trit thc7
ory iiihielt s the calblact of lus evary,thoucht
byllay ''.an eVeri'dretiiii'hy - idgitheti' is
INAJiltlei it it whielf - to' tame{ a• ' rePutation
ti , hich is. s aped in :the p4elartiationi '.',l,lte
13'1.41144 of !biq• pawl"
~4.3 ,fhe , advpc 4 ite of
, Whiit'hi'ffilsely - alibi' Minority' retired:4l.W'
tion`,44•l4kierentediiin-impression thatlaila ,
!public man lie is;_liberat ut,;bis,tviews mid
,l ll 94erge. ha ,M: 4 - D,lll'acill:OU — all in.MYC§I.t?l ,
just about its_faise,es hts hobhy: we have'
casrefay•ttei&l'liis'ilititinet in n''fdrig , tintries
UP.Pitniiiiii chutliets,l and ? while 4alr! and.
lidausiiiteit,esp,mnion„he,has, neirptfititer 7 ,
4.91 in, illy twit:, which, his parpy Teßoired...—=
This is fully 'Atibtioriiii the eelebratettilYn- .
Atill-Dephitrt visit; when in , 1871 theltight of ,
Lyndaill tc ! contest n, scat was ; denied,, ,an d
iiis!rietftibu,,k,ieked out of the Senate, altho'
the fact ;Was pal'ent 'that Decheit' held ilie
spat by i mdre / uribliisliing frauds 'than 'mi' , '
ever perpetrated ,in Philadelphia. , , Then.
linOltnletv t refused:to show s ,the, gerierosity,
which.. Marty llepUblicans shoived in' the M'-
iCittre-Grai coninst Many Ott:demises iniglii
be cited„!ol;showing.that, on , strictly, parti
san'4tiestioas be coma emelt fetter trod
vote iv vie than any man in the State-Sen
ate. '• e'tS eVery Welt a patisan "and'never
though . of' advocating, his! present , hobby
of t eurn thition until, his,party, lost prestige
and - sui into a hopeless minority, so that
the obi yetis apparent. We do not question'
his 'honesty &slit legidator, nor hissahility as
a koala:rut if lbelitato was limited a l l ofek ,
no one (mild be 'seleeted leita- Spited to refii:
resent-genbirie pe - publicau or •DenideratiC
ideas tharghei/ AS Governor he wohltmake
everything beitd td a principle =which is rat
war wt 'lt every Other . principle"updri• which
'Mir syt eni of• gtivernruent--local, Siete rind
„mitiona rris'idundetli, inopenvarinnee tVith
the doei.rineAliii_ycleelitTes the Tight ()pike
' ll2l (Vtie to rille:“ . 'rids' question was, one:of
the'pro nioefitisgues before the late f.egis
' tat ure, ` nditfter full diseitssion„bet Oily all
the_ Re ptilleinis Of the 114Ustif but -I :itottie of
the Dei toerats voted ,ligalivricilindlii - lEill
it was, pposed . hi the ScnatehrsuelviDem , -
octets i s 'Wallace' and Pitrinao..nS ' contrary
to every idea' of Ilema,etiley' r ;:whieltl Means
a mare resr • leSs" thew the ribs Of itheina
'l9 ~, ,Dhe EnekaleW Wee his s reputation
, ts ear '. iindeit t isyeattonableifn 06'4
at "tool I: ::•t:.. ''' if the issue Were
t • , ' hernationiit
4it - a teist,
to- its A rm
Sortie t Mille , Bill 1,
- hot trroWineil in the tirom.._ ,-......_
'onts , :presOitteit 'hi' tlie Presidehtirti.
-,We- NTonld !like' nothing hater.: bias u ter , s,..
Rqs ;Cu 'Aittlatiii.? l bnnibhg, sithmitted to the
careful 'consideratibli ' Of onirpetlple,':aild to'
wititeiN thhir:jtidgipent upon an' attempt, to
change the 'g-i-eatittiadimental Ideri Of =their
govreye • nt:— Iri-tliat. event, -31 r. Buckalew
would le beatewWorSe thaw he will be in
Octether--"put iWeither ease vre hope It - Will
be :IS plain 'to him as kis. satisfaCtory to us.
---!Nadi6i 42/264-lean. '.' • , . .„
7 W D -4 , --..--...it.i-Anaii ma t an thst :Ititklit__':---
• The 'tc l aday Trcinscript, acknowledged as
the-fore l iniist Democrat c paper in Philadel
phia, denounces the R •ading ticket ixi,un
measured Aernis, and c ncludes with the fol
lowing steaightforward expression: „
• "The Moving spirits, indeed the mass of
the tonyeriticia,,conaprped the. ,retiinants cif,
the Buchanan ityna§ty. that swept the nation
into civil War: atidthe partV itself ,from place .
and power. „Their candhlatqftni Gievek i nor,
Illr. Charlee'lL - Buckalew,ls of course 11114 7
•a I iillslll E t / u 1; 661), ',
' i IC . liqspeeri,24 State Seri;
ittor,, a Udited States, Senator, tind,ci'llfluit
ter, to ; ;Equallor. ' ,Had
,lie"iieyer - lived,_he
Could, not; hare made a inore.tlioreinghlx in
igniliettid ItifOry: - in all,liislegislativa life
he never originated,u'ineasin'e, ;that. 'can ,be
remembeied,' or 'deelared . u', Sentiment 'that
can be re4alled frOiii;,t4e 'cltt r y . „ .4 ":rehlrus - ititd,
cobwebs iof - cOfilinoii-place wrapped, lit
'the Mantle "Of'"litieblig riialliy,:tlie approtteli
es•to' the OPenpdar'S a are, not niore,friald'
1 ...
ban the *Venue's:hi hl . "icy,,, Presence: His
tioutioatign,„wiii . cll i as . settled' aped, tivb,'
weeitf&agbi 4.146 Hue tanati'l,ecalgt:s: was t'• , ',
fectcti by;thageriey I the 'representatives
1 pf, the ReddipgrafirOct , e'OMPftnY44 opposed
. to Case,l‘t4o wits the chol,ce;q: the Penesyl : =
, Vapia Central:, .A.#l the's 'We, drid a Demo=
critic CotiVention, looking tki the inessetifdr,
support, ili,'X'PlAttiljift mere y`_ 9f 't" l P: . lng7
uopolies int :, antagontaiii Wit ii: Jahor. ,-, Op- ;
posed to the' e4tensititi
.Of' Suffrag:e, Mille in
C!ongressille'llitietrated'his'apripirtiry (4the,
finlubloiloi,iliii,4glttratlit ilutti ',.py po,iiiiik'
inttifladtqt ltiitx,eti 9f, 4 ,e49nfry ar ycret;
tialaa7...t I..,iiiiiita . c'ixitea,' s on. trill 'f!:britipt,
Vial:di:it i:t' 's' - oiir eli.:etkins:,' ',,The',',litnillnat'
'ilt,ln cit .Z r,,,,).t i ticloileW,',:is: j r,nit:the.:rest,74ll4l
-it:40(1141a :0: - . , eic,k,'..fiittile'. `:Thrpughbut ,the
•fitiitlitgliegiOnSllie f,aet'Aftitt liel4ldetittlied,
twitlii•ltiellytiOnig.itilisl4 itit4' . lt;iioted'ini,
Rae/tiles (Itititp4,itnetAk laiii.'4:4 l ,tteiii4l44ol!tii':
alat , ltlity l itilp4o4 tiist,bf.*tit4: Iv ‘4.'.,:"1,;•, 2 .
._1 ~.',. Tlid 09tikjpiitys0ibrikiiiirli9 003r,fcif
1 1 / 2
= Atiditor Cdioilliy 1'3.1" , alit. I,6:exp tiit,1,.:40,-:,'
' Ty-unif theiftilt i t t. ke'y ', 4-" dost, 'oil.; il'rin9' -
, s 4i l lii i i ii big' ',l)ittit-'` 'll,g,t aft* 4
- ..Wiligi'itill.toAii4'Vkittipt i p!o,ttieliiipti, tpld
flikvr I t4itii4 iimi:llll6lllt4l„tir,e;. - ‘"}ll4 '4:-,
~ a esiiliiim lii_Peptilic,r,atif t . Vpiit't.N lis' taki4
• iirrileAs 4 titq.r.Eyvlid . §6lt; tittd'itOiv,lt'Avill' Ve,
itlialiki ii,Srfiili,.'os4:" wliO,'_,liavOlit:bOted "If(4‘
- Demi iciat ici• piinCipleA ' Wilk li' 'lie '.i.Jpitoc., , tl
rantbne,Ver lent an active hand to carry out,
7w6- ore so xiou 9 it), ascertain: """TO 'TO - Abut end
we eit a I ,kvait u titit iittlubei-. l ki-.=.i'! , -'i '. 1-
lt ,
;L- r:Ii: , -.1 ~- .. : ' , --4--,-1!. ~,,: --, -,:‘,
.0. ,_ Ptospects. ITi
' - ' - .
. , . national .
; ,,The epublican ticket was nom
,intifo, ' lin sq.ntuch enthusiasm i ivutcontl7,
kie,lAeo,o l Wilififforso is so bil*ilifko'itsttoi*t!
jile:gillflthites sOIA9I ) I I b4t."fiPA, Ile l l4Ro. , iI:
,thst:pYfgt tk! 3 i' 2 4 l 4l*,,efulf&VP iliilAi4TO! .
(4,41144 PaytYlPlifirkiltO eollilFigi ehoY4sgran't. •
, s l Pobis idle:. sliqeess ., PY, Mr- 4 1, ,ee1gy.-v, 40.
well li mak.. •,'Cliant is to-,14,41, strongcs,thanA
pygxii wlnla Wary . Ny3: iporc i yoch ,liis tang ;
recortioe consistent to thaitntrAue
Ot:freAhlan, t kijs 4,rvitteslo ,dies Iptik , „` : un4-
.sfloPM,llivAll - ithe - .4bliting eliisseN makes,
t hot gym iaation lormch.de-,f ;;•• .1 .", I , i I:
, ; ,.1 is yO. _tif.jhb4iiiirt)f Act, lt is triOro,tilauv
ffi',eitliV9bable44o , Ore.o4Y *in be tldOPfecti
•at, 43firtititayo u , ini is. fri_en4-", haiTi , ;froth- A7ti:
1 ,ArSkreenknig.e4lbeir : yr ealiness wit liant•liieln:
I ogratiii;aSiis,ttitica, tont nowt. OM , peindcrat,s
Sep, no 'pther out openlto..:ineosSnihri,Plc
tilleTfirPoib:: ~ Mt% Ali.v4.Ylwfli b,e,f4 1 : 01 4)!
inclilflotbyliit t . ;‘,lst!oisaiiki .I:o4nticriiiie Cori
.,vp atm), ) 444 Wi‘li-theif,:tOrce.s . ,uttit'Riii tlie;
opp9si i nRI l be, couitte,d - upp . o to lie sironx
. goOttgb'tp in , € cal.? ;e99 1 .9. TtSF:F•iginS.4° .
he Nil§cl tb,li 4. will, -!!!) .4 1 47). -- -.; - •-•i_t f
V .V.MIR a rtre B :llo4 l .74l;Rlg '40 1 4 ,app. d4 44n,giiiito pQm3 It*.i.4 1 4,9:4 - 4 1 . 4 ,
,vircun stnnees i 41 . 0 j., gv, optneftits watntay: ,
.jallitelte4 tier:F.e9 l 4li of, ie 0'0%4°9),P/ 1 ' 4 4.
anti Wilton s succesti scent's certain: Ilk_
,ma , rip.,rot Alr.,Qiceley;s ntimg 41
.44..y.0 OA
wht!ro simaytt .itself, ~1"4: . frcouisn o ;o9,
%. , eivt ilavc oupwitedl4ll.l,43:4,,accliinlot
,his.ett; W I cliamptonship l 'oc, utiogtiott and,hie;
cot et& friendship
til . nO pi ; their
. race, regnid`,
fli!ii,Piily wltli,o4 .
11141. `,T,I?e pkoneersuktyg,,
anti - alrtYefilisetW.44Tibo.4 4 Ini , ka bl!g'4-
unratile• ssitocistitM; lie
turn born,
Jilin With a feeling pretty.,4o4, Akin:to:dia.-,
, crust, ui , If ilk (Jeep resrei dips be iibliuld
_have eserted thesnanizatiprkwhieh he OA
they h 45.1 built up throtikliagats lit` persecti,
thin At tin sullritig..
.N.p. jute seat4itent . int,hd :
.1 county supports hitu soicit:yr.., I lie freip.ra-
Aefs It le bini,, Wel protecOpnitit's cliariNfiina,
vigil ' idstacy, Democrats disirust. iiim,,a44
"Itapp, 'Heaps are afraid ot liiin„lif t....Greti
,c4i, be, elected, onky, by publican mi i s7_,
-EC , I*ttiii , int
-1/..241/t for Fino,ol
- LAth
VTALL beionnaon Matt 4t
season atl4l.lyiof of
":46.4.i154;v1t0ril 1812-it.. I
,I ;'ll : oughtoti
1;) - se;+10 f
ikT9eNT-k1 . 44
/it "
oA;•;..41&; 7.
I,, ;t;,;PL Pahl BP7itthe.
1"1' :: lltia' a alligli: .'. i
•1. „ _
, ".t.".-=.:.
"Oa ' I: I..:_s : ?.."lal'e g ' .;a4• z
.. . . ,
We ari3 preparad t 0,414 anythin.
notlee - atilinit6e hen ,manner'.
Le - • 41 ^4, J; 1() V41
IYAST - 11194 & Agenta 1
s i3i6nYINA; Jan. 1 4 1 4811. •
• j or - • ,
~ 4 •.!
A 8 nowilu stock, and w
hand,' 4t. the lowest rnar
Wool'i'wlue, 2 & 4 ply cotton
& Knowl's patent Ste
„ii .1
, ,dliO c iirgi r *WS; TACK
• • ; gitALLY. =CB?.
; 1 Ff:!/ll,FfflenNO
A full a49ortment Of Like
.;.. GarripsToitEs,. °ANAL
• ROWS IN .AITY ,Qtr •
ff ‘ • ; NUM.& ROPE Fltl
- • ' • INCH IX)
• :
cVin engine oil.
.A c
;;;;./1 iigus.E nnizEns:
If •
- •ttil t
d take a look, get th
and oblige '
; 'Conte in
if it yotu
,:i~tda'~: ~~
13C • .
•:. ,
lani.now receiving direct fro
and troll riblected stock of
- • .
with t) good a..tpq
..• •
rutiety t
•. di:
11' LI: Moo l
- -
''• t .
stick 0
Dry' . ; doods, 010
aell al greatly reduced prl
' I a arateopplete •
• '
‘ttk"tkie.*•lfiiniii3 Fni , I
'iz iit'et` ; z 1;r01) - (6 1 heriaizei. Id '
. 1 1 ~< , f :
I .
, f,..-.. , 14 : . : 044 IGI , f.i.; , J. op
_f• -,
"•apijl ` isti 72 .-tri!f , ,i
-• • --7---
. It . ~ .. ~igAr , 1 , I Ann I
.1.1.,-.14 , 445:. 4,
-1 - 11 r , 1 1 11 rar, I* PTVIVed to 01 14 1 1 11 ,car#40.
_a_ agorni, $ les. sm., nu slio-t pi ,, neo.,nud on
.tokuni., a. u: • Bordin-of J Tiogs, -And;rll.,
'lv h A t ieF •1 qf LAwAcrigeviite. •il 'Ol, Call; aum
ikbpvp) .-• , , ' oiJr.dratio l i IL We 4bo ci,` and'ottnnine
wilt, ' 4 " . ,, - I n i rc rl ir tf t P 3 / 4 “1 9 9FU 0 'I i ' 'Li '-'' i ,
ran: 1,- i:r 2. - , . a '.7. wirigtEn, _
i Pd..; ' i '
Inel Thortougl . i : red 'Jicki;'
:f , ,,, , , ,t 1 'lcr6ite".7 . 04.. --, , •
1111LIS celebrated leek wiii"sta ' ' et 4: fcir`ntSre ' :ttici : eh'-
ing spawn, ;at Sliejartu,-; o /Alio filitbscriher, in`:.
,_ itairi cidailils):4llX. Wr5..1P 1 .451i.e I_l :
it. r.
aPgult two miles i f#:4 i ,f )f #9 li f is r . P7P , A°OC?! i , '
I^,PEDIOII. .---Don - Just) is 8 yi.s old, and 14 hands
high.'llfis die 4iiiiiiripoited , It• tif Matta,' Spain;-to
11tetucky, tool ;there toldieso ri,, at lan ..expqnsepk.
'three' ft on na ambits , : taut iv a brought' front M
iiiMiri to PentieWitliteh . P. tWm• ; fhilithi/Aftit deot hi;
A thorn iqtbred jentet, both of the Andrew Jaeltsop
.shiek,,su tidliiViottre fo%ll:gette s , -it e4eiglis'9olllb •
~ imams wishing the ervices of a superior
iiiirtifil a o d not (Si to seen e the services of Don -
Jitan.:l:ll.l stockeau - ho,seeu a the. fa in of the sub,
.seriber. t rednBhmitig troth. ' distance 'mane ac.-
'cal:m -0 1e 4 :*ith Ikeetdzig for triers, pd
ritisiL- . .. .
;I' Tsumsl,4lo fir d 'single , Mai .:-; Ss by '. ate season ;
ifiVithq frAp. O
.; . , .is
, A periiiii baiiinia TikaiO i ' ' (9, aiailpartitigiiitiv
MO:4ore y1361. 1 mq,411411,4,1, ' be held • ItOPollitte
ble ter the. niiirange money u . less it 'ls proved that
the WM' 'hot With ViaLli , red, mares .Must be
44424 ired: 'gularly ,to the Jack or the owners will be
e)target lllWUranee 11101114ra insurance money due
th t
hthie *-- 1ty.9 18 31 1 .11 . :. - i 3.-
.1.4 il ' ' - - • - it-
.- is ! •
- 1 . . - .aS, H. BROWN, ,
. 2iiii:4op; ryl Atirilfdi;lB72 l .3 ', .. • 3 . ' :Proprietor.
,Salt 4.
- si -tor
pie:AupTer, vo'
, o ,:tat my realdence in Marie -1
"ever kearthi4;
Ida;le cog re.Ooriner. ••• B°ll f,
1 4
Ca anD, • 1P 1 04.il
l'hia;horse,tft Fif t kstpt„for.pry itt, but to improve' the.
bread d•boraes 'Doge men . itodc' combines
• apeedgetretigth: end 'endurance • Ire is half broth* to
~...VatebAn,l was raieed In the Ste • of New JeTsey,4lll
hat* WO, (lath bay; weighs MO perlnde;and
vtbt , b4 Yews old e mile Jo 2: I. z .
ilia ternia horetertire lingo have been tgo ;
by twpwaon, rand *15 . 0 to. i • - nro. This acuswerhie.
, iitiorcoved eonrrcewiLl o b te e . s . lo , fer . each • cash el? , :tuaeo,
- 11 - .13...4•C1ay will be attended by the poiite, and gen:.
itiezeguttelvil•engineerheovna .rofeastouallyea "air
bunker," Clew 7 • •
'Arrll24,. 11372.-41 m. SARLE.B
.',.l.::)liisinto -Iv
from $4 to $8 per da,y,
homes, pnd le strictly
that will 'enable ,you 4
Adtirebil -
• 104!..5,1318n-41,r1.
CI f„ ,
ass ,
a- ail ;
- •
OOBNmG. s. 9:
.ate i
=it/ries Weivresent
13 :P i jO fi l'i . .aYtP
ear daektri Caurre.,
- s
• , I•ri.t "
• ,x
• .!
, ~0 ,
ti our limb on short,
..C 4 :2 2. 4lPgPi
done promptly, and ,In ,the hest manner.., The beat
workinen employed, and none bait the best seasoned
dumber Tied: Encourage home industry. „ ;
Fietor l tneat the' foot of Kam Street.
Sap. 1,1872- tr. j BiI4J.•AUSTEtt
jutavdne. Marlin 2, I
Ladder, riom3 to eft.' 11/4
keep constantly on
et quotationi:
• erig 'GEN-
~ ,i
nron and Bens
' TY,
11 ONE
mpkefe assortment of
00187 , ,'; : "
,• , ;
AgereS and see Low
" • - I'. t
- .=13..3r
the Importers a full
atod Wat,O;
t. • 11
ping; .1
te'make tOom fOr
Lock of . R f
I •
- .
0. A °_,
eeela Tull c o in'-
C , t • .;••
ir •
CP,W'S.t, Inquire,
al give qmirgetl9 IPSta
aufl women ,
. , •
_ Fortes' and Of'
prasoits tWAIITTNO - :.prittetv oiv ontiors,)ivin
-4 ' 413"kartitlY, their t u t preet, Lq,Duq ur: -
Y,4 7 :1 Co.
' - areriaibi# dna beet Inibilinenter titioarest prices,-
at/st Ma 9°14 pytkr:ablk,t4,4l:44..
Atatiktiues NANO possesses - 4 the following °ewe.
thda, etz• tie} tone ta divested of all urttles, ot per.
feet equality of porrorthifaldhuht , thee hirp htire mil% with
resonance and duration of tone.
• The totieh is elastic; equal, 'olio , awl responsive to
every de:distil of the fingers.
tt defect 14 any One of thego points, wilt cause tccom
i)letiS fame of the instrument.
• tvimant evit7Phitio for the term of tivo Years.
proaMtly,attonded,to by the most • exPe--
riouced Tuiters. ,
' t Ofthci moat apprOvea methate"kft
the paw, auA Organ coueteuPy ou baud. , •
itiked;,p a i , . Oe&ola, Pa,
Deo. 48, IBTI.-tt „
(~ E'keLsl l4) Ro
Doi* sligh - igc Blind Tiiiitcori'
1 ,;; 4 ..it •
1131 , 24 1 A A JrZteili="atrburntfilt:
'tory wbiTh 4 130 **ifull'opetation;' f : • ' :
,• %. • •! '
Sash. D oors`
;•- -;'•:13
I " •1
' - • .:^ .(
3 1 21 0 73 1 : 0. : Iiitialta i rga „
corustantly on hand, or ininulactnrcado order.
Pl tiling : and Matching
?field: :Woolen 'Mills! •
1" DmatFuzui. PA. ' '
7/;i01,1Ald BPOTHERS, Proprietors of the abOYO Mil.
J. will taiumfacture asusual to order, tosnit customers.
- i ,
are ; warranted u eyery respect. PitrUculai• attention
t?' • ' '
Ro r ll, (Carding & Cloth Dressmg
We fitly() a large
,tittich of Casaimeres, Aro, 25 per
vont leas thap any clropetitor, an , d;varrunted as repro.
seated. J f ,
Wei manufacture t , •;. order, aid do all kinds of lion-
Carding and Cloth T sting, and defy competition.
We have as good,assortment of , '
Ftzl'C''Zotir, ,- Cassimeres, §v.,
and giie more fOr Wool in exchange than any other
establishment. Try them and satisfy yourselves. ,
We wholesale and retail at the Cowailesque mills, 2
miles 71city linosvAle. '
Jan. ;1872
J. H , Gr iswold ' s Water Wheel:
TtE naersigned.. are agents .t.ir the „above' Water
Wheel, and can .cheerfully rectanhiend it as supe
rior to all others iii use.— Persons wishing to pur
chases mild see this wheel in operation before buy
ing oth r wheels . , "., ~., . INGHAM PROS.
Dee eta
, illraY 13.'1872.
ril ,
" 111 the following :
ki Wxariszixt, AM 24, 1872.
, •
We the undersigned, 4 pritclistied one of , d. ti . „ Grin-
Weld's BO inch Water; Wheels using 88 incites of water
to runihreo run of stone under a 20 foot head, and are
well picancd with the:wheel:. We hive ground sixty
I:o.nihels per hour ,with the three run and can average
thit amount per hour all day, • ' ' •
. e
' 7 •
, I ' - 7e'vi; - Sil iiaire
i: AT TICK#A, PA.,
and an entire new Stock of
I .
icr . ' SMITH & SON, having just completed their
LLB' ..' ew Bsick'Stere on Main street, Which is one of
*ha be t arranged and most inviting stores In the comi
ty, ar now offering to their old customers and the pub.
liegenersily a better sale ted stock of.
. '' OTl3 ,- SHOE%
. .
Blau ver before presented In' th e berchigh effloga.—
Ladle ' ware of Burt's make, constan tly on band. Al
so. At op, & Ifstialin's Organ's, and a valiety of 'styles",
to sel et frote. Ail _are invited :to • call and examine
price and quality.
' .
Tio Ja4. I, 1872.-Iy.
, ? W.
' • • !DE•is•ERI3 IN .
; •
Chrria'gi and Harness' Tejmniings,
41 • A1iNESSV3, SADDLES,' &c:
ling. V.. Jan. 1, 1872.
i, ~
~: • LIVERY, ,TA)311..,E.
,f•:-.f. 1 ,-! i ..,.,:.„.. , , - .7 7--- .
?... : : l': V Y , -filly intend the public that they
-..%'' - • (I , ;3;, lBe ll ibiL st ie d 4 ,f - •,' 1 '1 - '
) ~ , I , ;,i, 1 . ' . i •
i 'ii . 4.i..). ' ;Hire
Or 5 . ,
At th'4.4 nt;,4 4f ou krio tit. ,oppositu Wheler's wagon
shop s , Sin le orAolitio rigs furnished to order. They
ail& to Welt good helves iuid wagons, , and intend .to
;define. I.IIL'S reastolable. wATKIN's F rTronAm.
, itul 1,, itvl. : ''-' '• ' • - t•
• :1 i' l . ,
, , f
,' • - , I ,
.1, Au Lion uuuding myluauufactury, 14 Lawence.
%Zero Superior
.• t .
which ptra,sesaeti the rodowtig athautages over alt ethhr
ruilla : , •
1, Jtaeperates rye„oata, rat litter f and foul seed, and
chaos, aud froln wheat. 4
2. Itpleauf Lax seed, takes out yellow seed, -and ill
other . seeila, perfectly.
8., 4 - t:+ , tipi tlinetby aced.
decitoll other separating required , of a mill.
'Dili roil( la built of tile beat turd - most durable tiru-,
bar, tu,guod style, and Ts sold cheap for _earth,. or pro
ducel - -
till tit ` patent ,bleve, for 01 04 kola
t, to other mills; on ttasoliable tonne.
tnivrouceville. Sen. I: 11372: IL 'MATHER.
Jewelry' Store
ellE Masklined would respectfully say to the cit
izenit ., of WeHallaro and vicinity, that he like opened a
Willie building jecently_ occupied by U. L. Willcox.
Fits stock nomprises a full asso rtment
, atehes. • Jewelry,
Repairing. of Watches,
Clacks, ttc.,• Ora. •
Ftyr thik
Pra) c t. P* l3 4 3zi
" ellaboio, A
TOO r i
Mire aubscribei alias the village front of his flum
jor sale In qtautlUes to suit purebasets,
r and at
prices to
A u nt Iftor",*4llctil o t t p a r n i c iav it eattu r r 9 L.•
4 - 31 14ei el t
of -be babelliell for a mahafacttiriaig piArpbses:—
oy Ire Immediately on Abel :eaterll ofwerant,
Perl and Walnet streets, and south..of pdvenue
• Thep' isfll be aOlfl in lots - or larger 4 title .-to suit
the ;$1 , 4141 . 0f Plarc4PYtrl.."'
Ng p a llnStrein.
doing of ithlels his soventecEl years
.rice is st4lcient guarntee.
ots for . Sale.
ry -
r: =m
, • I'.
''lran Horn & _Chandler
(Successors to B. T. Vso Homy .
1110.4i# mow exhibitiotratul Aisle at Hie old Dlsce,
'AA the lar4eat smd moot complete stook ot • -
te'lie found f ,in NOrtherti - Penturilvsuli, couaistlniof •
FTNi• !PARLOR lal) .I&VISER Burrs,
' irra PORE 1 aux MATVIASS
4, HUSH a 7r/ OR MAT-
• end a feu stock of the cpmmon godda tusualb , mdatna in
ii;ttriit-clana tatalMatimaut. The alma goods are lama.
Iy, of their owu and satisactieq is guar
anteed biath pa to q Rxt4pica •
, They salt th
- , _ : •
Uu moat popular . bed sold; also the. Tucker
.Spring Bed that has Mart on trtalfor 17 years lid giv
en ittitierear safest:lb n. 4 Our " • -' '
Coffin Roenz
tuotqlvtl , v ..410 .tlieuckbriqcs.o4i
and beautiful style ofhiriailaDtgatliar other
that and haute znanubseture, wtwk
minge tot,n,
They win make'tuidartaking a Oen
sality totheir business, and any needing their ankes
At' be attended terelnlitin and at uutistactuty. °tiar
as. Odd pieces o Furnitaro nude,. and Turning
1611 "Wads doUe with neatness and dl patcL
- J=. 10,16`72
Td vrozat-rr atsx Coracans.Having concluded that
I am entitled to a little rest after nearly 40 yearCeloao
application to thalami. I have passed over that fan&
turittushieo to "the Boys" as per above advertlett
menti and; take this mathed of asking for them the
same liberal patronage as has been extended to me:—
dip books may be found at the old'plsoefor setthnnent
.1 3 n , 3882. - D. 1. 'VAN 1101111.
• s
DEUS DAVEDB' pars - sztrirwo
• DOW GLASS, wakruiVASEl
1 & 00'S REFINED OIL. +-
• • ,
Sold at wholesale Prices, Buyers are' remeted
call and get quotations before gang farther a' , R.
Jan. 0872.
lt. C. Da11037,
(Ei i ccessor to D.P. ROBERTS) DEALER IN
- .
Staiws, Tin, n,d HaisZware
gouerat stook of Builders Materials. LOOKS,
PAPER at maituticturers
• •
Wl"Terms Cub, and p#icee reasonable. Taor
above Cone Reuse. 11
', 0. B
Jan. 1, 1870
- ;
•. . _
• • ._
tr.vniG .sp9ned a first - class Hardware Store In
. Manspeld, opposite Pitts Bros., on Main Street,
pectfull invite their friends and the public in gen
eral to,giyelthem a call. They guarantee satistlioidon
in allcases: 'Their• stock consists of
1 .
and a general line of Goods, second t 'mine in the
country, at the lowest cash prices. •
• ,
ey are also agents tort the KIRBY - MOWER,
W. 0. Kurz, LTTZ & KOHLER.
. Favor Komrs.
Mansfield, Jan. 1, /872.
pre, Fire, and Accidental.
• ASSETS OVER su.ooo,aix).
I, [ slgßa Ai J OF ILD
p .s pw readying from New)York, a fine assortment
• A • `" : 1 1
1 1
• FANCY . Go011iS; ' ,
g ala, s h e otters to the publto at low rates. t vent.
thing usually found in a •
se* Store,
bill, be kept on beafaud . Bold love for cid+. The Wi,
cox and Gibbs sewiag.itusakes fez side.'and nat.
. liet% • ; , , 1. 110123=
NO‘ 25.
' w. B. TEEBELL & 00.
0,050485 60
.2,087A52 25
$1,000, , I I
a : ''''''''''''''''''
000,000 00
$24,299,81T 04
mil or otherwise,
Prow MIA/tea
net_ death, Aro or
Insurance Co. of
/dad to—Office on
aorville Pa.