Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, June 12, 1872, Image 4

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~~ --
AVASITINGTON, May 28, 1872.
The New York Her q q, which has been
an advocate of the election of Mr. Greeley,
since his nomination at ,Obseinnati, - in sum
ming uP.,yesterday the points of the politi
cal situation, gives as Be de liberate confOu
sion that Gen. Grant OW be. Piesident of
the United States until March 1677.. 7:
The so-called liberals wliciinet
mitt have been'in4illgini ha '4. '. The .
free-trade wing, lei by , William Cullen Bry
ant, Mr. Atkinson; ",arid :David "h Wells,
have lately completed arrangements for
new cenventien, ' to repudiate Cincinnati and
denounce the Baud and.torroption'brsvhiels
that eenventiOn`waS_ diverted from its origi
nal purposes by a act of unarincipled
traventurers—the Coe es, the IP
glares, the Browns; and tire:Wnentont
This manifestly means the death mill de
struction of liberalism just at the time when
ofiehalf of. the Demosratie - ,:party; through.
.the press and otherWise; l '.hisVe- deel l dred• in'
favor of the liberal eatxlidake, -Mr. Greeley,
who was placed at the head of tbittieliet:bY
the most unblushing fraud and. chicanery. •
On the other hand, the national Wen .of
the Democracy opposea,Graeley to the„bit
ter t:nd, and in MIA ia foll Owed bytliel ('iii
cago - 7'imes and Louisville ,Couricr-Jeurnet
The New York Journal of commerce ) a free
trade Joanna, on Saturatti,
der the head of " lYho Shallhe Preshlentr
forebliadon s the policy' of the anti-Greeley
Liberals and sympathiging Democrats. It
iays, " The Democratic . ' party 'reprpiSetga
to-day, at the least estimate, nearly a full
half of the voting population of the coun
try. But it has tit) leaden) Avliinfilit 'Walk
its assumed guides have. so( led astray,
have been so selfish and wfongdmided, have'
*woe so corrupt, that it grilt - not-nieve•
forward or make any concerted action - nr
their Lidding. the Tsai. strength, of the.
patty I. very likely to-be represented hy .
minority at Baltimore." • '
On the 1011t.instaut the -Progressive Ger
man Associations in sonve.ntioa assembled
at New York nominated grant at pot irtil
of their ticket, and Ong' Shirtvedin he most
determined nimbler - that they witnot be
misled by Carl Schur;' itsl.6 after
unknown gods which they have had no part
in choosing.
The Workingmen have,also had a-nation
al pow-wow in New York, and in vices of
the natural relations which General Grant
bears to their movement, and tat'4 great in
terest he has always taken in all reasonable
movements for the benefit of the 'industrial
classes, they could do no less than put him
forward as their best adherent and friend of
all thist are yet named for the Presidene.y. „
There is much work to in the cam
paign, but at no time in the pate,n years of
the history of the Republican party has it
held a more proud 'a impregnable position
before this nation an the world. Rims net
yet worked out its groat destiny, and 111114
prevail against every shade of ciPpositien
;which has been raised Ps Site sinprinalplcifi
combination of everything riturailyiling fo
beut Grant.
DEUOUILATIO liknkNikiiii
The Educational Bureau has a report from
110. J. C. De Gress, Superintendent of
l'ehlic Instruction for Texas, showing that
since September, 1871, sixteen sehools have
been closed in 'consequence •ilviter
hurtling of the houses by Rebel incendiaries
or the terrors Of the teachers, caused by
Rebel threats of violence. In eighteen exam
tiee this Rebel opposition_toligha has sought
to prevent the organization of ffee,echools
by procuring lajwietione •froth the • conits
agaimt the colleotlen of the small tax lev
led by the State for school purposes,.. e.
, Th
RiThel power is 6,mblued to prevent the Su- ,
preme Court reaching any of these oak§ so
as to give its decision in the injunction, au
In spite of at this Ilemocratie opposition,
the friends,of cdticatiou have been able in
tiftricur countiee to open ichools cuntaln : -
iug 813,295 Echolaie, Wight by; 2;238 teaahr.
crs in 1,481 buildings. - ; •
CONCEDINO .114OUTd TO Lesion. •
littpervising Architect liftillett pit last Ut
urday issued an order to all auperlatendents
of government reork instracting them - that
eight hours will be considered a day's work
on all government buildings under the con
trol of his office, and that tueckanies and
laborers thereon will receive the full' ratti of,
wages ruling in their respectivelocalities,
without regard to the number of hours ex
acted by private employers. 'Case of
over-time being required of any meekanics
or laborers, they will be paid additional in
proportion to the/6;01t-beer day.' .Ihi4 or
der will take effect on June Ist, and it will
haw): great weight in assisting the - difleMat
workingmen's associations to ',secure the
eight-hour rule of cprivate employers, - •satere
they are making efforts-to
tion of the hours of labor and an increase
~f boars for mental improl;eitiont.' nit
1\ lam IlluVe9, and the Adthinistration has
the seamen to move with it in the right di
, • •
Unofficial advices by cablnleavenotioubt
that Granville accepts the *MOO article,
and that the Lnututftratpleatfon wilf be maile
anal before Congress adjoUrid. 1 y 'thia
course the Geneva Arbrilatioh • will *if be
delayed, but can proceed Jane 1501 . 46140 -
t rate the claims for (-Erect damages ;
C. N.
nut taking a good home paper."
Keeping no accountof home aperatlona.
Paying no attention to' tho ivaxim, "A
stitch_ in time saves nine," in regard. :to the
sowing of grain and planting or Eitfritt The
proprr season.
Leaving, reapers, plows, &ally - atom, etc.,.
ors rod I rum the ritin and
.heat pf the sni.
time money is lost in this way Than most
pcuple are willing to believe.
Permitting broken implemeuts to be seat
t,-itekt tower the farm until they are -irrepara
, he. Hy repairing broken implements - at
proper time many dollars maybe saved,
proof of the assertion that time in' money.
Attending the auction sales, purehasmg
tul Lind* of trtimpery because ih the . 'word
he 'vender, the articles are "very cheap.'
-lil wing fences to remain unrepaired un
-I.range cattle are found ,grazing In the
nwadow, grain-fields, or bruising the fruit
Diehelieving the principal of a rotation of
crops before waking a alffgle axpar4utut.
Planting fruit trees with , the'• axEketatiou
or having fruit, witheut giving the trees.
half the attention required tck make them:
i?racticing economy by &riving:stack '4iit
ropcycihelter during the winter, iand_ filvlu.
ea unsound food, 13uch half roma]. aim
mouldy . hay and foddai. ;
Keeping an innumerable trip' An.
the premises, and two or three' lazy 410ge
that eat Nip more in a month than they are
worth in a whole lifetime.
And, lastly, he loses by not_ reading the
advertisements of those who i patronize •the
printer, they being invariably the most' en
terprising and liberal houses to deal with,
when ho goes to town.
• 44
APPLY - 1M; HEN R&M= TO Corot.--5.
Sherman is informed that we should mix
about tan bushels of gypsum; . plasteich
ith thirty bushels of hen manure, and drop
a small quantity of it in the hill, hauling
the eatth slightly over the niatitiree before
dropping the corn, Or, if you „hoe. muck
that has been exposed to frost the past win
ter, mix it in equal quaati -with the hen
manure, and apply in the hill.
Bresee's Peerless Potato planted 4.A. G.
T. Factory till°, Pa., betide Hint of - the'
Efirllea, Early Mohawks, early Rose, Sue'.
slur and liresee's Ppolifiep, 4, yielded (in
1870) 48 pounds tor. *fah Pound planted.'
The most prolific of the other vedette_ ,s (Ex
celsior) yielded but 28 pounds. In 1071 lie
planted 80 pounds of Peerless stnd ti prod.
uct Wad 21 bushels.
WI 11. O.
I dream of at beacitintlinnet ' • —
, When the worldeltall happy be ; ,
When aleptuutte and hyenas • --,
gbafl blossom etii aViiiiittis3 l
~ -s-,-.::. .
When bunarinds andrpotraoes _ • . „ 4,,
Ifball cease their dilatant' roar, -
When tuna trees she)) blossom
: ,In the garden for evermore. -, ,- ,
:. .. .1 dream of a greatrepulatc;' '- - r — • , • -
• , Whose people shall all go West, !- .
~'• 'iscrw la,n;h1 11 and reap tomatoes _ .
, :' lln Oat laud they loreUr MI '''' 11 . 1 I''
Where plg-iton and In _ '‘,l 1- "
raso nfouxt
Stealbloom on et/cry t r„t, 1 1 II i
Anitadckens low in the , it, I'. A 1?,
1 WiiltlitreebfrcteS trlf - iltite Ltd:"
t. .
ran weary of seeing the cabbage
_ kiapalethe rake and hoe -; • ',.
.1 .. .
I'm weary et watchdpg and waiting ~---
' Fur'the grushopper buisb to grow, \
I long teethe time when spinach .
. - - Shall elite with bread and milk,
When hells shall 'ay learriktrias;cC , "••" ; ,7 li:',"
And bokett spin raw silk.
, Oh, 6;v - ea t weie the litilildid hoiu-a • ,
-..- ' ' When i." , wittolere.a ailown the glair,
• ' And wreapett my how with touletoe4;
_ s Or plucked the rimmed bee,
• ''''' Then thaidotikey turned up the trace,
" ditcl thy} cucumber ebbped tii id.r.piitstia,:l
t.:,,' awl the ar:?reet p.tttlf. whistled: ,:- , a ..,. ' 4
- '470 Its mate to the mountain pass,
Brit gone ltre the dart of childhood,
And teephood's d: rams are mine, , .
Yet I long_ for the bygone hours -; ,•
Ai I sit Death the turkey sine;
Oh, wreathe your blossoms about me,
',dud sorObo my aching breast,_
-,?i:• - yilailktlitt - gooseberry plaintively warbles
And Mai ma into rest.
A ft,
SterEClGUiao =-1 11W1,4 1 1EICL
• • •
• fiingle-tuindet tople-13seltelors.;-:$
' Always "Hard Pressed"—Bricks. , •
" - A we4t4r,lteport—A clip of tlittuder,-,: , .4
A City iltrit ! Soots People—Pittsburgh.'''''
044 -Penny
Attnirs—l{and organs.-
The First 'iArk=tick Explorers,-Noittes.
!ehe.wealth' per capita of the State of ll
linbis iS 035.0.
. , , s .- - .".i r •
Deposits ThMit' of England amount
to sisafioti; a YEar: - ---- ---------'
ti t )
1 1Xtugal, i ' a hundred years, has not
uharteleA with any power. ,
• - Tim -big drum for tho Boston Jubilee is
twelve feet in diameter and five feet through.
ft: is'being made at Farmington Fallt Me.
Scarcity of ;children at the Shaker settle
ment at:Baileyvilfe, N. Y.,' induced two she
bears nuke the woods to compromise on
I.ltirtiiilVe . ilifep p.
Sir 'Cluirles Lyeir calculates that the en
tird'bcintineui of North America will be
washed away, into the ocean in four and a
half million of years. .
Eve was the only woman who never
threatened to: go and live with mamma.—
Andru e , was the only man who never
.tart et 'wife about "the way mother
nao tilk,nok.'l
Th 04149" pion married and divorced man
of Inaltina; who resides at Warsaw, has just
been divorkadifrom his ninth wife, and yet
he is not happy.
The tunnel! under the Niagara River,.
,Buffoln,,to fily the city with Wltteri)Ms,
been complet e d for 700 feet, and - an exten-
Sion of 300 fe has been ordered. The pier
will be located in the rapids.
Some idea kf the vastness of St. Paul's
Cathedral; London, is had in the fact that
no fewer, titanll4,ooo persons were under its
reef on the occasion of the royal thanks
• i
A Burlington (Iowa) baby is immortaliied
liNhe followihg epitaph :
.S " iv e ggo lu r e cr a t i rno o r ur holt l ! i.
Hs lived juid one-and•tvrenty days,
And cost us forty &Marti.'
• 1 . •
Pr'oottblithe heaviest contract ever un
dertaken by one man is that of Henry
sleiggs with the Peru Government to build
a ray way the Andes for the sum of
1100,000,000.; The highest point to be cross
ed islfooo feet above the water.
The„-.city , rif l ! Rome is said to be honey
combed with' about nine hundred miles of
Subterranean:Passage ways, cut through the
solid, rocirouttl.that these contain the bod
ies of froni-sixi
i to seven millidna of human
beings,entinubed there since the city was
built. .
, ~.
..A South Car inn gentleman has in hispos-
Session:ft 45r1 "nal sword -used by Thadde
tidt3phieiki atithe mat ,itttle of „WemtW.,.
It, _vim: brow li i rtiV thitiMaantrrhY..COtiiii
Sobieski; iir't year 1818, and sold, with
his other re s, in Charleston, where he
aio fa 18 , I (. •- 1 -• -- i
• ' A gentleman t l
recently married in - ohicago
.Presentedlis . bhie at the wedding with tiler
original transcript of one of the first d” , -
patches ever s n$ over the first teleg.ra 1 , 1 .
t i
line from Ralti ore to Washington. It writi ) z
the announcement to the lady's grandmothft
of her,birth, arid read, "Only a girl." ~, ,- ,y41,1,
- "Do ,you ex4cute. this deed withoutatiy
fear , or , conquilsion of yourAlittabitn, 4),tc
, asked a Commissioner of D,edds" of, 8:,W*0 7 ,-
man )vliose acknowledgment :of d deed,liO' ,
was taking_ "Fear pf m_y4hitsband l'i6lik i
claimed the irate lady. "He-ornpel-4iStat-
You're a fooid"1 And she tekept indignant; ':1
ly from tlid:o3missioner's'office.; ,, % ; ;;;,. I
The Cork co c or espondent of gie , Bolo*: I
Pilot says that ore people are nOWeMiglik I
' ing from . Irelan than ever before 4,„„Notlefitt' ,
than 4,000 leav the country every..Weelr.",!
Whole villages I are left with oily-the -41 ,
and decrepid il them, and so* of. tlierisi:
stick o- ,, e Limeri ar e
going to decay." - ; - •:i-- , :
The ancient 4,11-ens usea to engrave upoii '
certain square s icks, about!af6otirtilitigth,
the course of t moon for tbe.w . hole of,t4e
,year ; ,such, ca eVetiolikAhey,,ealled. , ,, al-.
mon-aglit, ' literallyo'Al-moon-deed , --lence
our modern wo himanaci ,- - ; - q ,- .'"' -'' -
The ,house w ich ,Davr I Crookett, built,,
and lit *ldea o' lived for many yeara, la _
still standing, 'fl eitillefioftnifiretlfu'
,exforti Station) i the northern part of ,Gili-
On county, Te neq.u.e. Some of the pr i gs
on whiCh the or stlitiiitidtt4hlSit'enlitibit
k l i
Inke.t3tlil to be se n. t . '" .- • --- - - ' ;-.'-
45n the 24th 41f..Novetnber, - 1874" Mr." T.
‘Pngg, of Pulaski, Tenn., put in the centre
of -a bale ofe‘pitentt, note, ollang $BO to,
Met finder , ea , forWitidiFid it. the Otli 041,
Afay ha leceivedLthe tete f id,' and` for
-warded the $5,0 to, Albert -Chambers, a
- workman at tho Victoria . Mill, Newton
Moor, Chester county, Ragland. -'
An Enflish engineer has inve.uted atok-,
pedo, desi gned do be ejectedlieni a mortar',
sari to take its course wider Water for any
required distance under I,oooyards. It can
be discharged at a: vessel "from a fortress;i.
and so silently will it move undfiethe;waVelf
that the Occupants of the vessel will Pot: be
aware of its approach until they are blown
skyward at thelite p.f , ,ei,kaila a tainuteN Vt•
The schools of Mftsgachuscits.4nitiduce:
some very brilliant eitizens.k 4.1-New4led
for( I youth; settlg out for a pilgrimage to
110 n, the Me tof New England defla
tion, rpttiplutsetll a steamboat ticket the
- othetArtY, quietly seated himself in •a
fiirry,boat. Aftfr sitting" there an 'hatir and
half; and crossing the harbor several times,
he ,Nit iitured ,to inquire how long it would
bo before 'the hoat reached:A .Poston. Be
still startagairranother day.
A spinster, who can stand tho derogatory
remarks concerning old maids rho longer,
lw,ritea,t6 the Cintinnati Times ; am hap
'to ea that I have for triany_years belong
ed.to that cleat of much•reyiled en i
but many of iny most intlibliteThen • laic
been Married women, and' from them have I
heard :016sfif: mends' and detraction';' more'
_And ritaby, more of the spirit 0-
E41;7, hatred and malice, arid - all uneharitit:
bleneas,' than from any old maid 3I 'ever
lenew.or heard oT."
tleVeir old lady, aPpitrently just • arriVeil
on a train from the country;.enteredone of
the, refreshnkent, rooms et the Springfield
Viless•lTtetlittAkkuitation the other AlaY,. and
said she had left, her parasol on, the settee.—•-
A general search commenced and - lasted for
some time. Finally pianet•theWpitcre asked,
the-old dame when Abe' left it, to which she
answered: after Counting-up on( het fingers,
"Well, it waa just three years ago last 4th
of . There was a•gtqueceigoar, much
. .totthe -Astonishment of' the old lady, who
went - away within very puzzled t upon
her countenance;
It is arcbly Competent, for 4,dfcrAiti)f
divorce to tretroact:*on' Ituabstolieer a
deceased child ; but a woman in , San Franl
disco. recently attempted ,to give it that ef
fect; There bfid 'been 'Win to ref &rink
her Ant Marnege aeon, who wannamed
ter hie father. The child died a# an early
age. Subsequently sliCws.4 — dliierced and
married: another man. ! , Thereupon she at
tempted to have the Atamel3f tier Arie.
band erased from , the 'tombstone -of -the
child and the name of nurnber two substituted
,--- thils'rechristeaing,,the little innocent after
1114 death. umber On`C.lteard of • the ~proc
eeding, and had the ,woman mated itt
time to prevent the desecration. '
14 9111 it
all Wadi,
.71.:-; 7
(I I
A UI uu" ga 'o
Stoves -
'' -4
2' " "'-
":": ' - '-''t,ii - Tio7A - 6i 'ail; '''-''. ''
Tabl© and Pocket Cutlery,
of 01l kinds;
A.t offio
Petroleum Fluid,
(the best light to the world) end every article connected
with the
Hardware Trade.
Roy's Moak, south.side of Main street, next door to
C. C. Mothers.
#.* B ' 1 0/ q•igiAPP , VP?* A61.54i
ikyer's Raopplic pim a '
• . ,
. and
' imago.
to atom-
Id bow
to a mild
and an
ly Vega.
teas and .
Kampala's. •• •:,„ r. , -.,...1, •-: ~1,-.,. Z g1k.; . e.t.:a.,-7:4 - il
, FUll dltectkae Me zgiven.agrthelriVi•
:each box i llow Solute Wen faslkalfaiiiihe ' :
niod. - .forAitepfoltourtogJosinidaint4 *dear ow ,
/Ws rapidly cure:— ..,,j, 1 4.„ 1 - 4? IA-A 4.1 t. to •,
p 4 /.B'ot.Dyapepsia or dation, Listless , . z>,
.liar or and ffis ol l gp l etteAtey
aditodd beWift- -
sch, and restore its heal y fone an action.
.. 1.4" Cia ge i ttr al i tte a ri llit r ar r
toms, Hiltons ' d lik ~,,, le ,
Vatailearstijuulibe or Orson ilieltness, Da
, ifteintsVoW and Hiltons Woven, they. should
be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the
. diseasednetiqtcor remove, the Oksirictkete able"
calm IL •;-.. kr./ , _ 4, 1 V1L 1: IF, ,i .
F r Dysentery:or ionarraucear, but one
, ; pill dose generally required.
l}-i For ulasetimas, Doom,ravel, Pal.
unto olf sho Eirears, ats fie Ilie
t am
4. I Loins, they should be c
-uo Allien, as required, to change the
ac trorthe system. With sorb change,
complaints disappear.' '' - - " •-• * '
For Dropsy . and- Dropsical alwolliars,
- theyehonid.hotaken In large and frequent doses
to_pricslacn the infect of a drank purist.
'• •-.- For Nappreasion, a large dose should be
taken, as It prodOces the &di:et!, enact y, sym
pathy. -ii • tl , .0 -,, 7 .-7. ~'
ASA Di,yicr ill:, take one or •two Pills to
' prienotsi digestion and relieve the stomach.
1:Ali bekosibnal dose stimulates the stomach and
boweli, restores the appetite, and Invigoratee the
sysdern. v ig 3 ii:ofteri adv!Rtto l ii!here
eo perious emeht exista t e Patsy
c _totiffrably-tt 42t Ands. that - Ae these
'c,44,o*.nieltee,hint feel decidedly better, from their
l ifing bud renovating effect on the digestive
iniparattnfs i
'PnEPAllen Dr' 1 -
. ._
- pr. ir. O. AYER .de DO., Prryiploti. IPAWneistai
. . LOWE LL,M498., U. 8. ,A.
. t 1
' St du. 41114 ALL yketicidiews itvzsvwxotsis,
. ,
Jan. 1,1879. .• • ' PlBllOl/ & 811888, a_gi
ti- iur y
; /um
receiving new and elogitut destgos
• " Bitillirmarwr
tridi - 1391 4114
1 0 8 - NCOlir 41341:11400
tti 1 1 419h i lk
and invites the public to call and esszolas goods Ana
tklible i I to show goods.
Fein 48,1874. - Ilts.ll $4.11130/5110,,,
tr M.B CLAY.
inlcelebrated Ellailiga_TßlMlldnAkibot
ithitipliniel, lite - 1 7'i, . .' ,_:' .
Will beat , vennilyea's on Mondays' zn'cloon - yi".' ni.,'
unto Tteaday nlcirding; Wgiittleld, Tuesdays 1 o'clock
p. zowlMtil Wednesday morning; Knoxville, Wednes-
Alpe" - o'ciock iii , mil leave 1 o'clock p. m.; Qaceola,
.g o'clock p. miliredriesdayeLtinUarontw Mrolvro- ,
Beechen Island, 10*. zal bul. 12 tn. Thniiinsi• LW.
renceville, . Mondays 2 o'clock .p. in., till Friday
morning: 11 , 00411Vclock a. m., 1111 2p. in. Friday;
iboweynruxq- - -41A. tikk#34.2%.,zmi-4
11111Vo - ria was
,haa. nitro . --fic
I F - .auon - la 'Nor th ern
?maw ; ii half er.to tho tiunoui trot
nif George - Milaliirrittrit; a blood bay
NatilVogyr it h 6 45 ==e .
F=taVa; 1 . 52 = ( Se
Ibriered - banner,"-' 1 ''' '"
tri l t: ,
:: a ft,i''- 1,8124 6 . , • 2LVIVIhiy&
4,1 ,* - t_o3o
100 Bar•PetrV " anted.
•„, • 0,4. 6. e - - 4 , C
'At tile''Tatinry:tpOrOe l lipti - Oto 4 : -- g
• - • '••• 4
z igaWkiLL CO.'
Wanabora, Mai 29 X lB7 w.
. -
,i , J,i,-,;..4 t')lti.tfl.'
1;,',.:- 1
.I'. 4:kt:4-
4 . r-:.`;!: -_-_-,!•.!:
: ,GIXXLS - ' 111 - '' COrll-1)
••.,,_, --- .
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x: \— - • . ii- , ‘ , ':"
r‘'-11, ,, ,' I CA'i ~ V. 4 - 3 s{ Vk -A, -;; 4 ,1,,t4t - ,k, •-)-,=,
_ , -..
I• . .
33, .
4 . ' . . ."..".... •
‘ flf,i7ll
iL., ~
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...;,„. r-,. ,-0 :-.,-,!: ::-..,_„: -,,,,.„..,,y• .„ ts,,-: ~.r r ..,- ---.- ~ * h —l. :,, ~.„ , .
we uoiv., *Ai b„t1,34131A4i/WoDiiio:l4 itock 9f. —, --' I.;
1 Ar-z>,--1k;..• D-11-•y- 0 , ; - *,,, •+-' , ,r.- 0 - k.'k -•.• , •,,: 4 -
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...L-"-" --''''''' - ' --- ' ' ',.- ;•t) ,- „ ti ,• ~, , ~ , ,
p ie ' .','Hild"fancyz-l)ty I Goodi:i .
•- f. •• , 1 4 1 I ' '`L'...- • , t 4' . 1 ,1 - ". . 1"
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t......;.. LW. :, - t , • .-.," .. 1 r " 'O' j ,-...t..“ ~.: , ...%''k + • !.. ~.%
tkqteCt to thd IIiPRDI4I./BADE, atui , itUdiuzl4 etakti ehiteertleilif; id Natoli we t inviiei
y • iIIRVat of Dar ore Dit *pia:Algid 9,irattay., - IVO swags licialtY '
. - ' t, 3 — • • ~ -Li ...i •4 , 1 , 1 4 i. - . 4 .41 i i f. ,, 40-.4. 4.-• •- • ..
. F, 1t ,o_':4 , ' .414 : 4,:ti1. , 1 3 .• ..i -a .t; - ; ,, t 4 i.:1. -- i 4 , , , ,4 ,-, •-.. 4 - ...- ,1 , -11 "l• -,-, '-'-
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#r , vitiAL vi s l, cii; Lie.lialcutsrliciiimitk *itils4,lri Ostweeettou. our pio
. e - „ .- i i, I - , .;',, l
;"teller It de,e4til by l tibe .43l 40 t i
~ , ,„,_ XV : , '', t:k4 4•,.... , ~.._ ~., .4 r • 8• : -: '
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i : ..i . ' '' ' • . B.4CI AT I D .WORK4IIIEVIr.
s 3
sad ix* bull. v
1 1" -
Weitake tall In ahr tfilten'i 1) XX,P4 1 11 01101 4' a4Sateot the instituttonitoX the town, ar,u2 as it comprises
shout WO rolls brill pittasa tivia ad, - e,,eahtto de. wa, alapanet alouist any, customer In Fir and price,
Atol l
osd u4** uara SPAr 5 PAr our rial 3 tO Ma * tit* .".. Untold Os Botha stock was purchased re th e advance;
and wa anal ssu as akar to prices al Vane ;wad wattto bay cheaper, as tb y are continual 4
~ t,.1..,,, 4 ,
. . , ...., atralartNtittluarket, . ,%, '.. f I'l I I
•4 t:/". To -1 .1.' ".: '054 4-,•' - ' ' •
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? i,-,.. ....-.,> 4 t •-•f• i , ::„• ; •,.--:•: ts, ~ . t . , 3 . •
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"St - rt e C Ell4ll ° 4 41M.C.4,''.1.' 4.44t4. - 4 ' '-' , t ' I,i :t' } ti, '4 V. 1. , • !Wink & lyirrie.
V .
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h '--Che*lnli '' MI -
Priee . i I ash ,
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" f ), - Ad .4 0. • nion Block, Vellaborp. '„
i _ - . 1... , ~, ... ~i •-,- ~• 1 , - .
1 1 1
1... • , - .;:••••,, -, "7,1" . ' 1 ,7"
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.;_ 'just received lots of t , ;1
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'''.' - :,r 4i 4".1 - 'al;l4,,,ti'f, -' , •
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z •, • " ,, ty > , „ltig , .7 .7 "gi ,- '-•• .`.A. ii ' • •
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• w, - .7:. i ;‘,4,•t.--,5.4,,_a_.,,..'..r,,,,',..
: . :-• , ,•• 1
Fancy tlassimeres, ,Ready-liade Clothing;
t it
• ' +;F. •
;`'.l ,•
Boots slid Shoal.
.. 1
i : ' • -., ,
i .
to -
or i. have tu4rittil thiutt do :to yidy . rtdo,A of . ' , low it tho'tliait to toot
6 - 41 %li j I ' '
, ........- . . -
Clothing cut apd made to Ordit,ll,049 , i1if, „.
Jima 1:187.21
lit Orton Aiivetittor
vg,it" _sr
-1 • a; tit
la`, ,
• .
.New Spri ng a00(18,''
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S g ~s
and waiting on cust•Lnert4
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i;"-- •P'"
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'444 Z.,
I `~i.
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The LaNest Establishment in Hoithera Pa. !
3P43IUNIAMEEI 413 wrokzeimisit - )
adi) t)R,TicEfo-isrrs
• T 4 ~1 .. .;
• t 11.
Fi s r liin taollUas tor bayrixis acul=liag de ay3 wurg is ait at 04:2 saipis-theatia
c V ft,,t4,112ei :lit
~,A.. X6bl=: r als. In cnir , ,
~. . whottlida ,
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.a, ..a. i. , ..,.... 1.,: - , .1 ..,....-,, -.- : ,-, ~ ,-, '.• ~ - , 1; .:' ~': /‘ 1.r.•-1 , ;.0 . .7,1: ;;- x. - ;J't ;
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I - .
I , .
t-- , oetuultvAti r Br= Nant--- - -
' 1
1 . 4,..+1 1
Translikr Ornaments, striping - Pet/M
I ' . ;:.-. ' 1 . , ;„ •
1. 'i•l .1 1. .1 . , . 1
} 1:: i; il .. '.. '.' e; I ;,. ..1 „ t ,' 7 , V. -, , i -....,-,;•, ~., ,„y; ;, ;
Illenibea.tbr Carriage - and
. .. l -. ..... ,
',IS +,l ~ , ~ - , I , + 'I •
' r * ' 1
, :-?..•t gl FLY - I ,
4 ;(t . i fr ' ,. -1
" 'administrator's ,ItrOtice.
11 L. V. .2Si,, 4% 1 Cutter Orimiinienting.
1 , ~. ~, r, :,.., 4 , „, a i i l iot s
of adrultistratlon on the estate of E
. 1
n ., , 4 , : t ,
r , , ' s: I 'Bostwick, late of Zawreoee Ownehip,,Tioga Co .{ Co
~ itEcL %,1, : . ‘t , I. z J - 7 1
'''' ' ''' ' Li Inkling been gran= the undersigned, all per.
l'adsclei , Ag-rl+ ,,,, tx • 1 \',,, p.. 'LI ;4 . 3;1 , V; t s' ~ t, . ..:*) ~,,,,;,-`l, I. A. 9` >s + 't * r. ; ' ' ' ha; • -1.1......1
, I • i , : „ ~ 4 0.1 st i 3 r i 'o b i ifia .......... ar t said eetatoei t ) heresy sq.
kir tf.R. ~, t ize*lrdA it i a ilia of .1—,.. ' J - '`, ,'i ‘' *WI tra for aottlament on. Alike sops • 'owns
:47,1 4 og ), 1 41„..7,1
'l, 77 9 t l°°l3 l,T rili ..u!l Si rt t° our bUdiletill krilt in °lock. '
'''r '' th 'to plitkolmOlegitto Unit '
I , ..t e -°, ,I ,Attiq 1..... .
f ' ft 11.41.4% .t 'l t '' 't 1 :,,, , r, , ~, t ik,.. , .., ?,, . ~ e t—A l r i ,, e l, tc ~ ,t,
‘Th,lictimoro sou,
ROM 6 .PONIi t `i- 1 4.0 1 .T. 31 ",41*:; / I ,E4lei? /MAIL . • -
i•,l, ,t, ....,L, ,
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cal ler
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ARE $o BtrßY ozrrucci Ili 1
h e ~~++' Y ~. X 1
that :thy haven't time to:write a new.
t_ta /
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wz=l , .vvr7rrl
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i.p:Z..l li 1 a z—i: i. 'ii ir - , .j
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,o attenUou of all
will be wade to.
~, .t
wt~;__ ~ .
.'011.;:i. ifi' ',:.:
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a '' ,~
ats, gaps,
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t tr e i 434
arriliciN! '
1, i
tv,l4 r
:`5 . 1
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't I : i.* ,',;''? 11 tvl ri - i •` I
; : ditittp CO/40Rf4,
— etrv , sbioeveDl*.i.lt*wowl
24L1A;( .?1
7 ).
,/ 'll 4:. ', 3t , " :16
' X$ ll 4 ) , W.•
tC111 !f• 4 91 ) r4e. .". , " 11 .4q 1 q 4 4 4
ctka.:;hvietr,3l,folikeipi is
111iibbro w 114$
.I,,GMILYY ( I , S or
- 3
S‘c•pAp., ?te.
t,'";' • '
Willi, i4or't all g f t44,acti4lcA,ueuupy kcpt buck • co•
tat,liebu n., are . bLiti
• . rte ],/l!r!itl 'l.!ii,lsestly, audytomptly, and ou sittret
Jan, 4 - 1072-ty. • '
I. pronounced the beat tu igarbst, lundpiei ii,ttle
f a
'Mit Premium at t e Tbiyoreo., and other Baits, line
Li' ddottle4l.7 the at washing 11..h•ne, invented. It
IRO needy ! s trial satisfy the most alteptinai. Per
ilous Ileitis top rniiiiie, will address
'Tam I. UHL- , 1 Tioga, Pa, •
~, . .. - 1 i ; ~.- 1- ;" :': -• '-. -------.„
- Dentistry
offer Superior
rd from visit 'Emit, 'I au now pre
, • pared;,*ith a, now !dock of goods and in a tram oute,
• offer Superior lodttetanenti to those in want of any
thing in my-line: Artificial teeth inserted •on new
and superior hase,:at low rates. Teeth extr*ted:vdth
out palm • Maar/Atli:4k of the natural Oath a speciality.
-Work warraptad, 4'orma reasonable: • - "
)p. EASTMAN, ,Dentiat,q, ,
Jan. i. 1812-it • • Wellaboro, Pa..
• -4
11) $
dtotriPOSEL . ' ROBADACI:B • fire, -
ppblished - on every package; there
ore:Ws, apt * c omet , ',preparation,
44 4 ctilly,
It I. i 'attain' care - for lecrorula';'
tiysLills in all Its forms.' Rheuma
tism. Skint Diseases ,Liyer , Com
plaint and all diseases ;of , the,
ONE • sorra or BOSADALIE -
• - I
Oki #o more goodlhau ten bottles
of i the , Syrups 4 Sarsaparilla,. ,
i . .
6.avo used Rtisailalls la their practice
far , the - past three years and freely
endcir,o it: ai a reliable Alterative
and Mood. Purifier:
R. T. 0.i'D011; of Baltimore.
IL . . BSY IV; ,' " • :
R,. tt' W GA, it. "
R. r , GJDAN RLLY, ' 4
R. J. S. SPARKS, of Niehalativille,
DR. ;Tel.i. McCARTHA, Columbia, i
_ N
=3ll. IT.
DR. A. B. OBLES, Edgecorab, N. C.
J. B. FRENCH. Ir. SONS, 'aU Rtver,
F. W. SMYrjf, Jackiien, Mich. • ' '
#. LN IT_HEEL bw ED., Lima, Ohio.
, ,LLL, Ohio:
CRAVEN' .!b' C 0..; Gordonsville,' Va. •
RAWL. O. MCFADDEN, Murfrees.
0 born, Tenn. - .„ ,
-'Out' space will not 'allow of ‘any.e.i:
tended ilmarks in relation to the
virtuoso!'” Rosadelis. Tonle Medical
ProffisSitin we guarantee a Fluid Ds
tract irupisriOr lb any.illoy• have ever
used', in the treatinfint et, diseruied
Mood; and to the afflicted we say try
Rosadalis, and you 'will be restored
to health,. ';. ( :
itotiadalis is , Sold .by all Druggists;
price $l.OO per bottle. , Address
i32,,,OLEitENT4 it CO. r
, -
f '
'!J,' 5;
A :4 al
Manufacturing Chemists,
' Bevrziacilits, *DJ
.~ ,
„ '.Chance , ::ot Base.
- ..,
t , •
#R.AND-PtEir, ” •
, .
',°, 'Stook :of Goodies
41' mlDDinittpr CENTER,
.; • r t • ,1 , .
Meat for caiab, l ,and to' be 'mild for cash, at &eh'
, Credit aratem played:out, . .
,--f,Payna,yon go," la a trllo old, maxlM, and. when
4114f..t1ie truedootrltle for bothlieller and buye:i
goOde lit small profits, for cash, and
rooettleittitnlalt atrial from old patron, and from
ttlikillukriali to buy groceries and staple goods
ad cdOliatifaref 44, 3 . Ak. W. , POTTER.
Ali t tlOtPr il i Ur- t .
0311004,14 L T TAILOAING!
----0..„...., 1
~..5.......,(.. ~-,.._ ...,_, _
ban`... : . ,
I ,IYAGNEB; juet received a superb au
IkriZude of ' ' • . -
f :'' -4',7,;:- 1' •.- ! '-i%iiiir
- .v.. OTHS . , •
-A - 3.,-...4"--f l rgentlemen'it : .
CO ARSE & I I F IN li r ClJO i l l it I NO '
Sind hi: C piepared to ii4in 4 cinro' in the STYLE,
mid on the ahorteet notice.; Persona wilitlug 'Clothing
rriU tdesini'driSp Ifinbd iiee rny stock." Good !:Ita and
the beat of work guarantee& • -,' , •
Jan, L-181-47.... , - - , , , • . OVA. WAGNER,.
House a, d'Lot Pro ale.
HE undszaigzi4 Wars for sale his 11. 99 and Lot
lon Main street, in Radon& VI . , ale v rY low Price.
d lot containnon ; half acre and is un er good cul
tivation., 'Bei' tams iic..., atiiit , to the au scriber. •
Inibutil, Pa:. Feb . ' , 1872- . 0. P. 1l& 000 H.
General Insurance, Agency,
vEutos, Co., Et.
. .
H: &I J. 'I): Caitipb'ell,
t x , : tx, sll let
and LAghtzdnil li t. reasonable rates. We travel and
minim)au 'deka personally -In the eountleaa r lga
RitliteV• • I . IL • J. CAMP
:Belson r . , Feb: ' J. D. CAMPBELL.
man trrulefiltilned to now prepared to execute all or.
4eikttreVcnirito Stones eardidontonenta of either'
Itaieth '' 1 " 547 4 , Igutleog d Marble . '
&wit*. lat es tstyia
• Re keeps conatantik on band,tioth kind& of . Marble
sad wilLbe Ade to suit aiLwho rosy Ifavor, with
,thetrordora, on asiFelspable t erms canpft obtained
Au the sountzi. -
~,„.! • `.`-"- TRANt extetek,' , '
rarhaasni. .• Il` •- • ~!
::::iiii.itstaxwzirtiri" 1 ,
. -
..Furnishing Goodsl
• isizanuirai'ov As mom
zu„l 4 lbaVoite Ito n,O '"A largd atodk of Geode
ieeetrid . e4Wwill ;Ix. sold cheap.
will have a im , of thn:lifillip-!
err dcparimento end will be glad id doe per old friends
aced nintAanniat alk.t s Dmp in And eee our new
. useasiurn4y:# „iota,: A, a, Gams..
• -
bl4l l **,
06414 .
, •
. • 1
.., --. ~. ._ m atter ,,.
carryinfolT all`poitonous and restoring
dto a It althy cond.tion, enriching it, refreshing
goratitigi both mind • and body.. They arc'easy
tstrattod, prompt in their action, colain in their
ifi and reliable fir all - farms of disease.
ertimar,cuu take' thug° tillttora accord
irections, and retnain long unwell, provided
• es are tiordestroyed by Mintral poison or other
lad. the Vaal ,c , rgan* wasted beyond the point
•Sys cm!
Sheibl , .
and ;fly
of admi
results, I C
No i
Lair o
of rePii
Did eitsta het/04'0011o». ifiaclachi; Pain
in the houlder. Coughs,frighttiess of the Chest, Dir.'
shins,. our •Erlictations of the Stomach, Bad Taste
II i
in the Mouth, 'Bilious ttacks, Palpitation of the
Heart, nflamination of di Lungs, Pain in the regionsot
the Kidneyb, and ,a bun red other painful eynaptoins, -
are - the 1 o ff springs -of Dy pepsia. In these complaints.
it has nb equal; and one ottle will &rive a better guar-
smite o its merits than, lengthy advertisement.
per Nem 010 Co plaints, in young or- old,
ramie 'or single, at th dawn of womanhood, or the,
ttini of ife, these Tonic itters display so decided an
influen that a ) . narked 'mprovement is .SOOll percep
tible... L t ‘ : • - 4
For lisflammotsry anal Chronic •Illitintw-
Inuits and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious,
Retnitt nt' and' Interrrintent' Fevers,' Diseases of the
13lood, Aver; - Kidneys itodilladder, these Bitters have
been- invt sutteisful l , Such Diseases are caused by
,Ifitiatedlßlood, which is generally produced by derange
of OteiPrgettive Organs. -
, . • • . 1
. . They ar s e attend- Purgative es well as
a Tositep posiessiht•elsp 11!0 peculiar merit of acting
, —
maul agent h telievini Congestion or Inflarn7,„
f the Liver and Visceral Organs, and is Bilious
Skin , Diseases, . Eruptions, Teter; Salt
i Blotches; Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Cart
; ;Iting-werms; StAldAtead, • Sore Eyes Ery
, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorstioni of the Skin, Humors
eases of the,Skin, of whatever name or nature,
By dug Op and carried ont of the system in : a
e,by the. use of these Bitters. One bottle in
ses will tiinvince the most incredulous of their
effects. I---'' - • ' '- ' , .
so the 'tfitifttetll. Blood whenever you
impUrities, bursting through the skin in Pimples,
as, or Sores; eleattie it, when you find it ob
ant sluggieh . jr) the veins; cleanse it when it is
foid ; y .tir feelings will tell you when. Keep theblood
pure, a d the health of the systemlwill follow: .
fed thenaanda proclaim VINEGAR DIT ,
TER'S t i e most wohdetfel Invisorant that ever sustained.
the sin in systete." - - ' ' ' " *
—P -A , Tape, and other Wormellurking in
•the si - tent _of so, many thousands, are effectually de
strole• and i ennaved. Says a distinguished physiol
ogiit • here is scatcely - Mtin divid nal upon the face of the
earth . 'hose body is exempt froMthe presence of worms.
It is •of upon the healthy elements of the body that
wotma exist, but upon the 'diseased humors and slimy
depos , that breed these living monsters of disease.
No's'tem of Medicine,' no vennifuges, no Anthelmin
itics, ill free the system from worms like these Bit
,l ,
cts. . i _ I -,,
Ile hanleal ; Meenies. Persons engaged in
Paints and Minetals t such as Plumbers,' Type-setters,
Gold- ters., and ; Miners, as they advance in life, will
be !tub ect to paralysis of die Bowels. To guard againit
this to 0 a dose Of WALICER'S VINEGAR BITITIS once
or twi a week, 4 a Preventive. , ,-
' li ous, Remittent, and intermittent
u lla
Pov ra, which 4ro so prevalent in the valleys of our
great ivers thto bout the United States, especially
those f 'the htississippl„.ohlo, Missouri Illinois, Ten
nesse ,•Gumberland; Arkansas, Red, Colorado,Brazos,
Rio rande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah,. Roan- .
• oke; antes, and many others, with their vast tributar,
ries, t =shout our entire country during the Summer
' and utumn, and remarkably
. so during seasons tif
urns I' heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied
by ex ensive derangements of the stomaclt and liver, and
'other .- bdominal viscera. s There are always more as less
obstr ctions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state
:nf di. stomach, and great torpor of the• bowels, being •V
clogg d up with vitiated accumulations. - In their treat
tint, a purgative; exerting n powerful influence upon
- these various worm, is essentially necessary. There is'r
no ca hartic for the purpose equal to DR. J..WALKan's
Visa' AR BITTRRS, as the)swill speedily remove the
dark olored viscid matter with which the bowels are'
bade., at the same time stimulating the secretions oil
the lier, and generally restoring: the healthy, functions,
,'of lb , digestive organs.
Sc orals, -or, King's E. •11, White Swellings,
Ulce s, Erysipelas, Swelled NeCk, Goiter, Scrofulous
, Inds.. orations,, Indolent Inflammations, Mercui ial Al
fecti. s,. Old Sores, Eruptions of the SIMI, Sore Eyes,
etc., tc. In these, as in all other constitutional Dis
'curative posvra in the most obstinate and intract-
Walker's California Vinegarttit t erg
all these cases in R similar manner. 13y purifying
food they remove the cause, and by resolving away
fects'ef the inflammation (the tubercular deposits)
fected parts rpeeive health, and a permanent cure
to prop e rt ied of 'DR; WAI.KIIR's Viand/at
zits are Aperient, Diaphoretic and carminative, •
itious,.Laxative," Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irri-
Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilioui.
e Aperient and mild Laxative properties of
ArAntst's Vorucria. BITTERS are the best safe-
In an cases of eruptions and malignant tevem,
balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect
umora of the latices. Their Sedative properties
pain in the nervous system, 'stomach, and bowels,
r from inflammation, wipd, colic, cramps, etc.
r Counter-Irritant influence extends throughout
tens. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid
correcting and regulating the floss of urine. Their
-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in the secre
of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts,
axe superior to all remedial agents, firr the cure ot
.us Fever, Fever and Ague, etc.
. rtify the body against disease
_by purl
all its fluids,with VINEGAR BITTERS. No lepi.
IC can take hold of a system thus forearmed. the
, the stornachg the 'bowels, -the kidneys, and the
es are rendered disease-proof by this great invig-
the ti
the ei
is e ;r!
Nut if
1 Iroctions.—'fake of the Bitters on going to bed
Ight from a half to ono and one-half vane..glassfulL
good nourishing fdod, sucli as ,beef stealc, mutton
.. venison, roast beef, and• vegetables, and take
door exercise. •They are composed of purely reget
ingredients, and contain no spirit. ..
L' A KER, Prop'r. Et. - 11. BINDO,NA.LD dr., CO.,
A nista and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.,
,-... d cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., New York.
y 29, 18724 in. . , .
Pianos l.‘' ,
Organs !
qou want a Arst-elass
, .
Piano . o,l6.Organi-,
ii., th . fii
, It t. P. DOWD at' r. A. D. ~ s - lan 9 p co.—
as the
• • i •,
, •
stet ,0r ( 1472 , ) , , - fre bber, 4
'Elaine' s.,.Pros," Pialtos' " 1
t lanais, ,Insitlintion , BOoks, Piano and Organ .
ads, and anythipilii tho llns of first-class musica
s. S. F. Stratton 'Sr. Co's Band Inertruments. .
io tho Dontesti4 Sewing 'Machine. ; Call in•and sed l
disbar°, April 24,1872.-tf
. , .
For .ISale.
HEAD of fat Cattle—average weight from 900 to
i 1800 pounds. Call on Die subscriber lu Wood
, 5 miles from Osceola. WM:L. wmpicii.
y 46, 1872-3w*
o g .A . 4111'
Every year increases the popularity
this valuable Hair 'Preparation ;
ich is 'due to 'Merit 'alone. - We can
sure-onr old 'patrons that' it is kept,
Ily up' iei its high Standard; and it
the only reliable and perfected prep
ation for restoring GRAY OR FADED
It to its youthful color, making it
ft, lustrous, and silken. - . Ihe' scalp,
i its. use, becomes - ivkitedAind clean..
i removes all eruptioinkind dandruff,
1 - 4; byits tonic properties, - prevents
ti a hair froni falling out, as it stimu
li-tes 'and notnishes the hair-glands.
y its , irSe, the:hair grows 'thicker and
s ronger. In baldness, it_ restores the
o , pillars glands' to their normal vigor,
a i d, will, create a' new growth, except -
... extreme old age' it is the' most'
0 onomical HAIR I.)RESSII , IG everiiSed, -
n:' - it -I requires feWer applications, and -
- p;vo4„the ,hair, a wiendid, glossy ap
. te#rglice. A. A. Hayes; AI:110k, State
::sayer. of MaSsachusetts, .s a yS, "The
s nstituents. i ate . pure, and _ .carefully
elected for excellent (Luality; and I
:iiiiider it the BEST VILBPAILATION
r its intended purposes. 7 ' - -
'old by air Druggista,ana Dearlart in Medicines.
- - . 4 ' • • ' ' Priett Ono Donal , : ‘
. . . ~ . s , . „ , .. .
:.uckingham's Dye
- As 'our Renewer In, many Oates TO*
• ii,irps,ti , 3o long a time, 'and too much'
are, to restore gray or-faded Whiek
rs, We have, ;prepared this' dye, in one
eparitekia; ,which will quickly and
•ffectually accomplish this re !t. At
: 'clay applied, and pr i fiduCeS color
.hich.Will neither rn - b, nor 'w,
,sh (iti,
=old by;allePruggists." :Price Fifty'
, ,,..,,, .,.
iiirsotured by.m. P. -HAM, 4i (M I
~,, - '- : 31111411144 Iftli• - - -' -,‘' , -..- ,' ,
,b ,
On. 4 10716
.117 A riI7AIS"
, ! mi
' - '--- - -'-'l'. - --
:RADWAY'S - REAllit;ltLitt ... .
~-0 * ,04.44 i,. mousT pm,. . . •
)11 - ,lr,Orn O'ne o.Tworoty, filinmt,op, ,
I'NOT • oNg . HDU S -,_ i
J l,
..0-, ..-: after reading thlit tulysttuitimenrnee ny olio ' ' •
' • . 1 i - Silifio IRWITII PAIN' 777
i .P. EttY FA - IN.. 4
'''' '' j" :. ' I IL* the first and Is
~, . r ; %III& ; 40111 - 11 -3 10.1rk , ' Ileined - y
'that instantly etops e mort. excruciating pates; ausys
Irlanitnattoria; And-,earea'Conitrltions whether of the
~,Luags,Storwirl4lSOWelo, or °tut.? Oaks or Orxins, by
• One application.' - 5, •
, . IN:WI - COM lONE' TO TWENTY Militt l yliiit,
.'no Matti:: howl vtolelit or excriiciatinir trio p4in the .
'HU EllAt - A.TIO, )..l&I-rIddcti. [Minn, Crippled, - Nervous,
~ isitniragre oir prostrated with diseases may surer,
, • -
'wit , i i kfrOitn, INSTANT EASE,
' .IiIIi•LAIMATIJOIN X) F •rfir lillysEys, 1
- 111FLolicierfor OF THE BLADDER.,
~- i _ ; .1 C0N0F.... lON OF THE L 111414.
irrsTittes, 01101.1 r, LIE ['THEMA.
, . .
- • - - ' i t.: TA't4II, /,NFLITENZA.
ITEA.I*CHE, TOOTHACH ..„ , • - . -
'fIK. Application of tho newly Relief to the pitt or
rails where the pain or ditticuity eshits old afro, d ca:;
WM rojttfOrtj
• •"fwctity drop+ fa half a Nimbler of Water will hi a few
• ousllCHiet cure CRAMPS, sPitSms,tioUil sTomAcii,
..ffitzosTlPvy, COLIC, WIND IN THE- 1101VELti I
and :lit lINTE PAINS. NAL PAS. .
TravOtr3 fihouttl always carry a bottle of itatlcvn%',ll
R A . h tie l i c : elier, with
i ther . p. A trivniJr4oil In lcutvr e . . 111
rm r ;r Llir ' ul it iPi L cTig r g ) a ' n n tryi:% ' l l 3ll. ( ter ' u n ia e a o :AL 'a t t ilar r' a. j.. )'
rEVF.II, AND', AIR*: cured Pm tiny toils. Ti, , re ll'
bi 4 A rrquerflat•ageut in this world tifit x All cure fever ,
A „,1,,, e ,w; and an other Istal.ninirs, 4itirpoc, tk.mk t , 'i's. 1
phold, fellow, and other Fevers (aided by CA friVAV'z;
111.1.. ti) en quick us IIADIV,II".a IitEADY IiF,LICI .
l'ilty ceutO per tOttle, - ilnl,l by Dru966,t,
- ,
'MTH/NO , AND :PURE 'Rif.% lithOD-INIIII.IIA' 11 •
. 01c ri.E.:3lt if:ND WEIGHT-CLEAR SKIN AN I/
' 9 ''''A
D'Rei f lt A alAlilt . ,5,.. t
L-141)- OUICK, SO HA PID AILS THE ('ii AP:lll.:is '
• FLUENOE • (HP, T 1 1 .13 *TRUDY WONI ) ElIFIli, 't
' • bIEDIGINE, TifitT . •• 1 . • , 1
Every Day: an IndreaSe - In Flesh
and Weight Is Seen and Felt.
-!: Every drop of, the SAES, APAIt I LLI AIN 13E.f.;01,r
ENT mantraimicates Daum:ll the illood,'Swent, Pim:,
• and other duids and juices of the system Cho vigor id 1 - 0, , ,
fur it repaint the wastes of the body with new ned e•med
liiiikaial, Scrofula, Syphilis Consumption; Glands 11.)
. amine. oicerain •the llinuat, ' ldputh, 'lemma, Nrsi, ie
tne Glands and Other parts' of ,the system, Sere - Ey:,
tifitautuous Discharges...front the Ears, and the :,,,,r-i ------
- forms of Skin diaeases, Eruptions,
.Fever S'oree Sz.:!,l
' Ilea4Hinff Wornt,Salt Rheum, Erybipeles, Aim:, life X
SpOte, Worms id the Flesh, 1 omens, Cancer, in th • ,
'Womb, end all weakening and painful dischargef, Nigel,
• Sweats, -Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the life pin.: i
plo, are within the curative range of this weeder Cl' 11.‘ , 1- i
em t . hemietry, 'and a few days . ..use will prove to :my ,
person using it for either of these feints of dieease it,
potent power to cure thorn. •
,If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wit-l. ,
hnd'deCorripokltion that 13 continually progreislng, vue
. ceeds In arresting these wastes, and repaus the tame ai ills
new material Made from healthy blood-and this the
SARSAPARILLIAZI will and does secure. '
!Not only does the R
• nil knorrn•reniedial Agents In the cure of Chronic, Serene.
1 0 ,..- constit.otional, and Sktq diseases ; but it Li the oLly
i• 1 'i6
positive INC titro for 1 '' -
lilduey:&llludder Complaints, ,
. -
Urinary, and Won* dlima.ms, Gravel. Diabtien, Dropsy,
Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's DI ,
ease, A ibuminurta, and In all cases where there are Oriel: ,
• dust deposits, or the water is t hick,,ciondy, mixed with
_substances like the white of an egg or threads like white
silk, or there is a morbid, dark, biII.OLL4 appearance, met
white borie•dust deposits, and when thero.is a prichn„-,
burning sensatlow when passing water, nnd,_pain in tire
liMall of the Back pad along the Loins, I'rice, Sion,
OR rillS.T - T R
The only known and sure ezimily
for ‘ tognes-Pin, Tape, ett:
Tumor of 12 'Years' Growth
Cured by,fladway's Resolve lii.
er.v...,..v. ides., July IC, I is).
' Dn. Rerevrair t-I have had Ovarian Tamer in the ovaries ai, I
bowels. All the Doctors yid "there was no help for it," I use 1
every thing that -rat recommended; lot nothing helped me. I
saw your Resolvent, T total:
I would try it ; but had no faith
In ft, because f had a treied for twelve yurs• r took air
of the Itersivenf, an ono Lex of RadnayNt Pulls, and two bot
tles of year Ready Relief ; and there is not a sign of tumor to be
seen 'or felt, and I feel better, smarter, nud happier than I hay:
for twelve years. The worst tamer was in the left side of Ma
bowels, over the 'groin:- I sairito this to you for the - benstlt of
others. Yen - CAA publish it If you choose.. 1
,r, , i • , • ii HANNAH p.' uNAPP,
perfectly tasteless; elegantly coated with sweet guru
purge, regulate, purify, cleanse, and el rowdier,. Dad. •
wny's Pills, for the cure of nil disoniers of the stomach,
Liver, newsier Kidneys Bladder, Nervous Disease, , ,
Headache, Constipation . , Costivenee,i, - trill iCelt ICei.
Dyspepsia, Billowines3 ' Bilious Fever; intinkinStii,n of
the Bowels, l'ilea,nrainli Der - angers - wet s uf the Int ernnl Vis
cera.' , Warranted to effect a posit iv e cure. Purely Vogeta
ble,,.containing no mercury, minerals, or debit maim 3 itrtig , ,
ler Obseree the. following symptoms lee Wm it s ..
...i. 1 „ • 1,1
' Disorders of the Dlgmitivo Organ : ;
Constipation, Inward Piles; Fells,- of ilia id•,,,,i In. the Heal,
- Aeldity or the Stomach, Names, I earthierti, Insgtnt ef Fee - el,
Fullness or Wright in the Stomach, . our Eructatiout, Sinking or
Flutterineat the Pit or the Sterns; b Swimming of Ito ii,j,
Hurried and Didleillt fireathing, Flat ring et al-ell:Art, Choking
of Suffocating Sentatious when iii a %log Postutel Dimness ..1
talon, Dots or Wet, before she Sigl t; et VL F 0115 Doll Pain Is
the Med, Made:icy of Perspiratio I, Yellerrnets of the Shin '
and' El - es, nth, in the Si,!,, Chest, Li i ts; sod :milieu Flashes of
Heat, dunning In the Flesh. •• - -- -
"A few doses of RADWAY`S 111.5 will frce the sys•
tem •from all the above•named disordeni. Price, 25 vents
per box . „ SOLD BY DRUGGISTS.
READ " ?ALSE AND TRUE." Send one lette.2-
stamp to ILA DWAY & CO. No. 877 Maiden Lane, New.
York, Info - motion worth tlious.ands will be sent you.
May 29,1 . F/ 1 1:1-1y. , ' ':
the High ,Bred Hambletonian
I'r ot
", TO %V A itiDA,"
will stand for a Limited numnber
4pproved Mares a•t the Barns
of the subscriber at
fir VONVANDA," *lire Chil; Ly
by importi , d 3fetonyer. ea:3 by tbo_
Cltarlee Keut mare; by mmotted Llgtfounder.
dam by Old One Eye, by old Lbinibickuifin, and h, by
iinportz4l ihsecny , r, end the darn nl .01d Om: L'9 ,
by imported ..I/e:viiger'. "TOW ANDA," dam, 1"
mo, Bladdiatok, hr by reemopt ,
foaled in 1833, and he by Sherwin's _ifeethi ; iii dais
raised in New Bermswn lc. and represented ,as a bah - -
,bred English mate, bred by Wingate TeembiN,
and sold to fienj. Thurston, Loa ell, Mass., and 1. ,
David Hill. Beidgepvt, 1843, ill his posses:tog of_
quilled great laver. This horse got more high ntiri l t
colts than any horse of his lie died N, v , lei,
He was the sire of " /Nan Anes," and grand t , irt , of
the'dam TOWANDA." One white .p.ist,:a. be Idiot,
black points, dark bay, 13 hands 3 invites hi: di, five
years old in July. He is one of the most remarkable
anithals this country has produced. •lle is beantifel,
blood-like, of great strength, and action perfect. -id'
Is in close prcethuity to ltwo of the most notable stall
ions ite this Nation : Hintibkienianand Li/m Anti: ,
and as the sire of trotters, these two great horses stand
far above all competition in this or any past generation.
iA better infusion Of blood is not in the American horse
than in "TOWANDA." Ho is a fortunate cross. Ile
bids fair for a brilliant future in all respects.' lie is a
success, and true merit will be appreciated by (whin',
judicious men.. .We have arrived at a period' when
mere stilted gabble about the hot se is of but little ac
count, and anything of value in his history or breed
ing, coat, labor, long research. thought'and money.--
"Thu American Trotting Ttegister,'; which - contains:ill
that is known of thd pedigree of Trotting Hoesea, their
ancestors and descendants, with a record of all pub
lished performances in which a mile ; was trotted or
paced in 2:40 Or 'ke, from the earbeat date's till the
elOse of 18.68, and full record of the performances of
Iso9 and 1570, giving complete summaries of over six
thousand contests, with an introductory essay on Ow
true origin of the American Trotter. This is, a geed
thing. False pedigrees are quite too common. Thli
work shuts out imposition in a great degree. 3. H.
Wallace, the compiler of the " American Stud nook and
Trotting Registerylikives a better intelligent history of
the Horse than anyiither.
"TOWANDA" will bo shown in harness to tho,,,
that think of patronizing him between the hours of
five and eight o'clock, a. in., on pleasant week da) e.—
?1s style and fine trotting action when' traimd, will
surely make his own character. The closest scrutiny
'Brings the'rean to his tritemame : so it ts with all things
of earth.
- TERMS—One hundred dollars to insure t ivouty-fire
doliare at time of service, which will not ho refunded
in any event, and seventy-five dollar when proven in
foal. Best care taken of mares on .reasonable terms.
All 'accidents and escapee at-owner's rich, All mat
=lSt be left' r brought to the stable ,When desire,l.--
Mares not proven in foal can be returned seas , ,s,
free of charge,
SO.AsoN.—First. of April to Job' prat. F all * . eativil—
First of September to December first.
Towatiela, ]?a., May 8. 187f2,-3m.
ALT - kinds, styles and sizes of Pictures taken and
executed in artistic manner at D. H. Naramoi e's
fishery, opposite Cone House, Wellsbore.
Portraits on Porcelain-Plates,
'tiotlting finer can be offered than those beautiful Por
celain Viciiires in a velvet case or frame. Their soft
ness, and delicacy are superior to anything produced
on iron cr paper. Ilsou want a '
Good Picture
of yourself, go to Nararnoro's,
If you want the very hest that can be Lad, co to
liararnore's. ; 1 : ' r
If you.want somethingilahtlooks like you, go to Nal.-
'more's. ;
- If you want an o 1
AtubrOtypo, or other Pictures copied and enlarged, he
can do that , as reasonable es any othor man. They
will bollnished in 'nibs Ink, Oil or Water Colors whcn
Parsons wishing pictures of groups and t o,
will 'receive especial attention. •
A , :large assottnieut of Frames and Fr ning Maici tat
constantly on , habd. All kinds of
Pie pit rf ,
.rra talc d to Order
N. 1L.,-Don'finfetalte t 1.9 place, over Eafit Man's
.441 24, 1872.-if,
- ..4dmi7tistrator's Xotice.
Jobn N. Mead late of Chatham, Tioga county. pa.,
deceased having been granted to the underaigned, all
persons haling claims against said estato are hereby
notified to oall for settlement on and those owing tho
ame to make immediate paymenta , to
1 • • Administrator..
du B ri l\ n t. g °l thes cwn CattoS tock
ta Iltb4or4ain;'*‘bristetiibile;"(St . 4 fo t r i N:r
Vellsboro.. Ills stock is no well known there is uo ne
cessity ttf remarks. It is sufficient to say, for road
sters they arquot surpassed, or for power of endur
iipoo:i- This 'torso is a coal black. weighs 1001) lbs.- is
obund, and kind in harness, hhi foals prove the mist
serviesuble . of any horse in this 'section for all purl c.
sea, --At the request of nutintrotts patrons. I have dc4
ternained to stand him where ho can ho found at al
glues by.thoso that wish for Na'service.
. ZA At =as itOPTUtOr•
WOUOMatal i, 7a7k4Virt
n I:tiOltL
D. IL 'X