LOCAL'.tiOTICESi':',c' _ ':i , Tre no' s (}rand Art "gatertainn , ion:will exhibited in Bowen & CcinVs Hall ec , !ery, 1 ,i.41u during this week. Ao and See it: - fon SALT; OR RENT.—The house i , arid lot ni the Whetrnore - house situated .on E ir t Avenue. Inquire •of W. Sherwood:— m„ .v 1872-3 w. „ , , H ut s,lT,E.—Benjamin offeis for ,2141, blind :and shingle - factory „in this {lh~g on reasonable terms:. Bttilding 0 ,1 nisch inery all new: Address B. Austin, IV,II:boro. in. • 1 „14,;„,is Jima/pie - Liniment may: be.usea ~.I‘..ntage where any Pain Killer is desi „op Iu case of severe ernn)ps and pains , the it is undoubtedly the best ar t...l‘! that can be used. - i f ...„t to operate, the lightest to run, o w cheapest to. buy, is the -I.)omestie Machine at A. B. Eastman's effiee, l'a. Dt»et fail to s'ee it before I r • • 111 , any other machine, and you will r ti. r t'd that we tell the-truth. N Goops.—Mather.4; 'Holliday & jii-t added a splendid f-tock of seasona g,,,,(l•i; of great variety, to their for- Tio r •t..ek fir groceries, nil' of whieli.theY are I.r, pat ed to dispense to the 01,1 public and to th )) . , w ,tc NN'ellsboro and its.vieinity at the I,ti( block—the "Mozart," Jr. Habitual constipation leads td 'the tollow ,lo4lc,tilts: Inflammation of the kidneys, , tick awl nervous headache, biliousness, dye indigestion, piles, loss of appetite and ,trongth ; all of which may be' avoided by )1.111,g Vl.glliar in your habits, andtaltini, soy of Parsons' Purgatire - riightly, f,rl,llr or .is weal:li: • • tt Welkboro, Pa., Patrick - Golden was i dly pummeled by one of his countrymen, a drunken brawl. He was badly cut jout the face and head, one_ eye knocked tlt and the other badly injured by means of knuckles. He was brought to this' ity vt-h•rdqy and placed. in the City Hospital, ;,her , hi= injuries arc being attended to by p r t`pr/eGrattl—Elmira Advertiser. (won hotel it krz an excellent place to stop , at. The 1„ 11 ;, , hi been thoroughly renovated, and ri2rvtiling put in order for the itecommoda t:in 61 man and beast.. The table fare is.ex -o,lii.nt, and a better and more attentive lot if nniter never graced a dining room. Per ,Bloss should call and take a Led at this house. Face RAILWAY.—One of our editors„,ipst ,t.irned iron the West, states that the Bide 'lathy:Ay afforded the best sleeping ears and 1 . ,‘ hug aecommodationl out of twenty-four ;Dada which he traveled over. The unc ,11 tife Erie .leeping coaches is well de ,reed. f 4 they are euperb in every respect. t o y \AI() wi , ll to go West or come East 11 find he Erie in every way desirable.— , he now:management, with Geabral ):)ix as 'reoident, intend to recover and maintain a ,-, 01 1 mom , for it in every respect.—N: Y. t. Mitehell S: Cameron,- Attorneys ' -- Ootm- 1, , r , qt• law, have removed to Colr., verse & ",iliatil: brick block. TI.. ,t :tie ageitt. flit. several 'first-class In ,r3neur o.nipanies: rtiiiont,ll, N. Y., Capitttl.....s 1,000,000 „il. Ent , , 10,000,000 ,c, . . It 10.000,000 1.,1,•.., Cincinnati, 44 1,000,000 . 111.101)" . LifV, 1.1. 1., 000, 000 'II, ..11, . 14 500,000 500,000 W,•I1 , toro; May 29, 1872-4 w. 11)c Agitator, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1872. Home ...Hairs. Briefs. The Areet sprinkler has been out of a • 11 , 1 •oine day back. - -' NI .4lior Earth' ..; face has, been thoroughl • : I,ed lately, and the old dame is dccidedl ' •pr.ved in looks. -- We take our growl at the town clock all 1, The Court eeitis to have produced , liking change in the old maehine. lior Court vi-itors thinned out very rap , !a,t Wi'i'l, after the Marlatt enso went elf , , Iderdy. Att itetrained four year old colt belong—. te Pi , ll walked one mile in ten o» the Weilsboro track last week. At the last term of C6urt charters were Ito the Baptist Church if Rutland Ito the Union Cemetery Association of, To\y»ship. The Nillage of Mali, N. Y., incited by" • pn .eat incendiary epidejnie, if.: to hate tlir Vrigine and a thousand feet of new th whi de to cost $4,000. . . .)111 piddle square makes an excellent tii pNereiie horses. To be surellie op ,ll .1 , 41 t, impsove the turf any, but it is 1 fiir the horses. We hope they appreci -411,ir privileges. . W.' tidied la.l .week to notice the oxhi • ~ at the Curt House of that department ".•• .11."1 which is under the care of hla to4ldard. The exercises were cred t . dn., to the teacher-and, the scholars, 1,. ,Ived and received •the hearty en-, '.. m, of a large audience. li, Troy Gazette says that on the 2d li,sle . n r , John Allen died in Wysox, 17 , mid thc next day Deacon William 1 -I, ii died in the same , township at the I'l V , :lrz. They were both highly re- I. and among the first settlersf Brad -W let'-, department of tit ! i. school r thin f,i , t exhibition of the term last I,y ^' rin g at the Court House. The '',. v.-1: crowded. * And the audience were r , lkol f.,r their attendance. We were .d . thlv .tb=ent; but understand the en nhatont N‘a• tirst-chos of its kind. -We tunier , tand a petition was tiled at C.irt Just over praying for the erection i ' r ":" . I "iill•hip to be composrd of parts ~ I. , chArle-ton and Morris, and to 'ld , oril . the lands of the Fall Brook ' Gni - 11,111y in the vicinity of Antrim. Tln u, W:l4 .1114q.bor large fire at• Bath, N. ;.;.: W...lned- a y morning, destroying the • . .g Mr.. .laincs Gausevoorth on Mor 'r• t (badly anything was: saved from `v''lWl, and the fatuity barely escaped 1111- ,:- live.. Tile tire was undoubtedly '.,,: k 4 i t an incendiary. • 11 .' new ',Unto table is a great improve : .a tin, 'old one so far, at least, as the ..,-, ~m i erred. The Philadelphia pa ' 'w ri welt us the same day after they l'nrite.l, and the New York mail gets '!. the middle of the forenoon instead 'l,r dinner. This gives our business "hi , • time to answer their correspon- I.:, Ow afternoon mail, which leaves at MEE twqrsing express from (!orningweEt, in-4ter Divi , ion of the Erie road, from the track jiiA. below Savo :,-t \„.21; Tue:olay, by the breaking of, a ~f the engine wheeli: Fr i ank C . impbelltown . and the engineer, 1 Welch, were killed. Mills was rid th,,ngine at the time. A few ; of the wvre bruised, but none seriously S 11 qdrit of enterprise in Tioge " liil 111,1 cease with the completion of brick stores and public: hell'ii that I:111 4e live-story brick hotel is soon ' l. ' l Pd. We learn that the stock' has "" taken, and the work is to be corn 'lliti-; Week. The new bridge' across completed, end the work on the being rapidly done. A. (3. tittiag up a-very tine park near the 41,6 t, which, from its prospective view, 40 1 e, and the minerel- spring on the grounds most be aipinee of great resort. u nderstand a water-cure building is soon erected on these grounds. • , r,t , icssait . r.PIO 1" V ( 1- ' the: `neighboihmkt cif:Xtaggottle:lols,:-`died :en-the ,78' had Been tal.) notieepf'his•deitth per, I thought I *mild' send you tbizi`,.' u thnt his numerous acquaintance throlighmit the county mightbe inforMed of his day's' Vero spent ~i ri, : thii"-'eounty;,ip first laboriugl,as a missiomiry, ina4 hardships in those 'early day's * cor thesake* :teaching the Oospel of Qhrist:. HOOmshiglv % ly esteemed as alliend.and ieighbor,and his death ha's paused sadness in many hearts.L. Tho Church jmslost ; n efn,h_ er,-atvitol.nt9F"; ested in its welfare, , and 011ie always : his place when health permitted: 'LC 7: TUE CONDITIOAf.Oje:,OUII,BTUEETS.—.-Aulid the splendor end beauty Which, at 'this sOh.S.' on of the year, page our village.' 6o charni= ing and delightful, our city Fathers should not overlook the,4lbominlible, filthy condition of, our streets.l: SuMmer. has came.. and the sun will soon let ever .us his hottest, beams. All Ovpr the - Boroi-the' gutters are% reeking . with acCumittated nintland 'stagnant 'water, upon which a i(reenjscup floats, of fensive to , the sense:ancl,smellvell as to the sight' of the: ps 4 Hser-by., It -contains the germs of diseaso7,•,und even „now, poisons the, atmosphere. Have won board of health If not, the saoititry'interests of the' eotnrati-, nitY.at once demand - that there should be.— "An ounce Of pnvention'is: worth 'n'pohnd of care," and upon the healthfulne . ss of. the . place depend the prosperity* and -I,l,4riojo* of our citizens ; : . . SPE.c•rwron., , THE QUESTIO'S * 'Soon afteidin ner-wa,were on thet'ix'llid - figlainj‘tipitto valley t , o - WeStlaeld,-thence to Cathpa . ,d down Long to Pine Creek :" ' We atokied -Walten Honin,:kept by 'that prince "Of 1 ! Verrni)y,ea, everybbdki i-knowa s tbroligliout. Penn - Sylvania ' and- Werk 1 te:l4 torDi York, Whbro ;we and' 'our"beastir '4411 rest, and the inner nine was More than I ;cared' for. -Brook trout undiipigeens disgp•Li e,kredlieforaour,pitity brYdrker's' M s WY,. • • - c - -;qA/lr.vslirow,b, one - , of , the Directors, .and Tillaiiirer 'of the Bath aud CauMidaignaltaill .r444ulifi`a - practical railiotid - mari„iitrot.iAcd us t int the route was short, the grado,,com `P-4ititil6ilk light, and not an ob stacle ' the way,;;The : people along the line were all in for,the read, .and willing toOyeMi-e ? right ot, wa*. - ;:ille found veil quantities of coal, mid ,had it talklifith Mr. Silas Billings, whoowns and iS'irit*esteti in a small tract of lumber ;and col lands which - contains about' fifty thonyand.wora-: •He 'talked favorably, but n could del nothing at present; he , has -made a propOMtlento'the Fall Brook Coal Co. to sell a portiOn of his coal lands; and gave -theta two .or three weeks to :make, up their minds, after which he xlrill c --iirite_to:the Bath 'and Canandaigua Co.; and per h aps make th'em ii,preposition. We' clime back by the way 'of Troupshurg, 'anti through i Woodhull • village—found a feasible'route, ; but - it is a little fartiler around. We think the latter route would - please the inostpeuplo',land pay best in the - long run, but•wenblleost mole on the starL r. lirewn:went home to tonfefrtviitlf He told us that we must not be sur-1 ,p'ilsOd,itlie,plit in an app e arance in a short iii corps of engineers to exiiminb' theie-routes mere closely. The road is a surq thing front the iron mines - on Lake Ontario>, to Hatli,"tind from there.to the - nearest coat' toinea, culd th e above • route is the nearest known, nadiifthe Company Mr. factoryarrankements "with Mr. vegatd to editT,' ; the road will- gQ • tbreugkif and plk the, peOple -along the ishelp,".icilltifttkear shouldera to Afe , 394e9/ • A Lv.asow. VAtei f s - eats.- 7 We • htiv e been. feVoredivith the folloWing 'eemniunicationi: whieh the . - writer justly .styles "Lin analogy betweenthe earth and -nian; r whols made of the dust - offthe oarth." It contains a valuable lOsson for our agricu4raktonflnts:V ` , .1114t: present seison . re iiiinds* of the above subj,'Oet'„Whielf have been Observing for many years. !"Dirring , En - Extreme thy of. • • rs'on the condition of the land is, tested ; so is tOrl4titution 'tested by exposure. A man-with a 'healthy constitution has traveled long marches„ sometimes wlt):1 Or krafiptislr at other tithes with Out 'a drop in the can teen.; at other limes overtaken by a storni and oftentested at times of high water rap* the breaking out of fires-. When the test. is over the rrinu reaches his quarters, whetk-• or it be among comrades inrarms. or the ,hearth, i t lonia, and enjoy as pleasant ,conversation; (Which is 'part; of onr health), 'ndisb 'of ,delicious food, and a night of sweet rest• The, , ...smirld constitution plan the, `next ,thiy:-.peform s ittyoe libqr tt hardly a :peiceptipl4 it ange4hibs4i. 1941ty with a broke4 - cOnstitiftinlnt' perfoirialn• only the same labors, exposed to the same test; hailaid'dOwnto - rise no morn ;.:Itylf ;he; should il'eco v er,'. it takes,hinkthree Inenthslii rti nvereoe it.; So it ;is - with :the land..,' Such , ns is in a' `good state of cultivation -promising:this day, with a few light notwithstandingslrOidel44;- the PRET. tir34 Ql4: 1011. Son: While a portion of the land,sufferiogly, alike by, dry Weather,:b4ying,,a, bralteneon 7 Stitiitiozi by continual' cropping and no izing, appears it present as if-it will not re-; ‘. cover This season. • "Lesson : We should 'aith to • keep our and t all times , in a good• :condition, and • preserve our health by living - a moderate and a temPertite life, tomeek all emergencies. "Rl>stilt. : There would be. more •.. - enjoy,ing life's blessings endless grumbling at , dente. . D. G: EiliwAnns," THE TEACHERS' Associ.A.Turi.—The Tio-, go Qounty Teachers' Association ,Linet :at , yansfield - Friday, - May 30, at one T P.fri: ' Mid was to order in the chapel of the Nor- . inal,by, Professor Verrill, President pf the: Association. After it few well-chosen re niarkp„hr the President, the constitution of the Association waierdired.to mottun'of :Prof;Amerman,.' a coininti -tee of three:Was:appointed to selqct- ques;: tion for 'di:sctission; and. Professors g2'll-of ton, Hoard and ,Amerraith were, Ppointed. The question presented,was, '''Should ladies be eligible to the office , ef school director?" After a'very inter4tirikAiScussien, Hie siali:• Yid, was POstpoliedifer future 'coirsideratiou., Prof. , r..A.,, v ie-ri, § ( the Soldiers' Qrplinp School, entertainctl-:the• Assueitibion ' With class exitininatidn, Writikiiier4se cal Musie.. Mr...J. L. Sexton, of Fall Brook,'" read a very‘instructive paper entitled, "The CoMmori School Teacher, or the Teacher of- Common ol Is. " The -of 'Aft 13oit:oit . w4ciitirised and IlighlY,'Coinplimen lial,hiP.iofS. Allen; 7- Verrill and' Amerman. 1"r4. 1 Hiirton:- was chosen __Treasurer pro A committee was cliosey,,consistinia, J. L. Sexton, rior. 31110131 k ,ilort - tato &art' a programme for the next meeting of the Association. It was ordered that iatd fuz Dla, - MtARAPIre Jan. 1. 1871, 10 la Oi t ertilt . ' ACOUPLE OP (911:6 at my resident* in May 29, 181:).4w. Mores 91111t9 noted horse I season at the Peniks • W 4 1 ,21,01 ,1 the Mowing daps of sock! Haturduy, Tuesday' al 4E ,t4iortsrifle; awl Thurs ul day' Ufa ticuss la not, oru aud stkrlet. but show.' for , false giulligre(haii L irory MO Ail MBA vriu h gluext clown tioritofore I'l will be pleased to show th • 13/LABBUNICEII; Ag't. Wollthoto, May :16. - FM Eta! NSW he Attie:: _._ : ,..-,-... r ,,,.., , , 'i.",- , ,-...,,,,, . . .0...m•..,---..-4'*'-)• ~ .- -"- - ','.: . c -',:' _ • ~. I', Obviirolii4_ og - tilivo to cagitt . u ietdupPßlNG-Op . twititAtv. ::.. ~...u , •1::-.,: -. .4," -1 :-..;:: , "; .' - ' ...-••:-.1' 2 ,... 1 ••::- , N - ,." -7 -:il':.- •-•'',;•-•: 1 : 4 7 1,,,r . : , k t Zt-iitif ' OH : ' 7 :4. :: ; : .; if' ,. . H - i . •.: -;. ''.; - i • - ' .- :-:- T..':l -- ';''-1 - `, ;,' ' :'',l , ; . .. R T ,4-2 ,'''',' "i ' A -. ~ ,4 "-, ;• '';- 't - . ' <.. i......- -' -.-• * : ;''' 4" •.+c' ' ''''. • •S'''-•.• ',,, . 4 _ . , ''. t".."4•'` ' ~.i "! • - . ; .V.g ' - - -' ;T ,-, :, . ',, f ";'," , ,'J''.",:'-' -s- - : 1- .A. . , ..c. - *J. ;, - ,-i.v.- r. .`, '}. ' - '.. -' • ills,:r., • i'.•;`,,s;P .:. •- ',.' '-.' 4 ' •. 4 4. . i 3V.ti , :. '' 4•••• ' ~,t , ,,:/,..2, - -vi z„ ,„„..,- , ,, , ,- '. ',cr's:•:` ..:' - i: - .''', :':' I:- • ' ', ' : 1 „:,: ..„ . ' ' " •-..1 W ' .4, ht ',S i4...4,_„•4.4.-%.4e,,;,.T*:V40 a nti ,*4 4 . • - i ' , - h eto ' tit t to - : vis.T.c , 4itli 3- 1 1,443:4k -', . ' - .•101431" View --, -- , ED insulat fouseliqeptiat will elowoll t p examine hi stack of • - - ....,, , 1, 4 -,-,. r . - - - e -g - lle t.s' .‘,:' .. 't ---- _ _:: 4 ' 1 , . 0 ~4 n'' 4 1r 41 ,I , 0 10t lIS 9 y„, e 8, - ... ~ %''' ' ' 1 ' , 1 fo 0 Drapeq, 1 - t. le Linen, and Windovi - IhrittlaikA4trt eantilid ifitarest to 1°414410 . . . La - e If . 4 , 41410:, it,: 4 C I Esatagi. .lar4la3eor3r, . • , . ; ,',,, ~.,.',.! ;: - :r. ' ••:: -- ' blogittar. , :nukily,of nrb#03.404 not bilen beim), piarod ,in int.'s ' inatket. 212 e , :.1 - • , - pnblie, e intelcivited.tiall And setfor theinsentes. } ; .• ~ - - ) 1 .. , .. ' %.'"i . i , i I , 1 ~, .. L. , ,, , Y/ ' _ if s. t e ~ ~ ~it ~ see the piles of Ne)iv ',G i o - Ods, at 10.,MATWEIRS'StStori and .=G, = 11 ,-- !t.31, , ti LJ ~ sf, t~ r t I =I !MEE ;\ : Foundry & Maigertap ~~ t' grin , r it ~~[ ~~~~; M=WHI Offil ' t. ..• reIIXVIL.II4I; :kl~'sSL . t . s 1 ; 41 -• E „MAYO f ,S l: ± i i IY6[ lIME M=Mll as MEM I I I , DOMEBnO I o, 't• , L,A. • • Si ,0 0 DS, t rl =ME -•,, A =I lIMEEI ft.' i ~~~; DNS; ALL"' HINDS, OD% 1.,•,:,,:n , ...;. :,... h: i, r 6 - irtiritalibtua s . ^ S'uttv Attre,7 Saleratak _Salt, Flab. . Flour. ,t Atitt I L ; I •-• 111.14Piit;10)31 1 661ALWildOn. - " l;:t • =LEI :, ME EEL azt 4 - ri541,1' et ." • 421 , BEAR944'''.l ; NPREIW., a for mates the Ma Stable, elnultag '1'3444,Y) • "'Wed F4d07,111.4 nesday* n if It Whltuerrille. te4 A* Aterbenip lar - OOlor regiuMeoe of ow :ilthe 0130. •V" • = • • attended by the Civil RD r bualmaa. and who horse at any time. ' ' WOONNOR. Wort. ;gas= Of Basis. ME M I I= • r t •I ! 1> i .i; IMEMIEE IRE H EWE EMMMOMU :1111• :1 41;11: .' ''i 1 16E0.7 X): DattlylN - ~, t , :: , JUNK-htigifm. , saa3 ,•. ~; i . r .„. 1 , • 1 , , ~,,...: 1:: - DERI3Y1 ' - FISHIIF:R ",. I I Hett o t r !w i t rfitutt4lrom the city with the larieet - ` , 4 - tivfl . ..o, -;*. :•: it,. , ;: , '..z,'; . : . 17 , 1 ~4, 1 . ) . , . _ l ii :!,;: ," j' ,!;: i l3o1 7 1 11 a „Lmn RunEg 1 1.6-iii ;; ;Jos , ,Yi , :). 1 ”.. 1 41 4 1, .ti 1 .2 ~,_ ~ 2 5.:., ever ,brriglst • I . iito Welletrro, L IBM '..MI I consisting of , 5 , • Zacties. tOit - l-C4fitl* .4fla2 qmora4:47l(l` aiz,ter's Ch H ilclren, Baby's. Shoes.. MEE Gen,te i ‘ Cloth, Boots 'Shoes; , P7inee sitbertiCa,l • ' Boys' C 4,11 =8 Eip dots; , 'Borst' MEM all kinds o f f Merin' and NVoinen'it wear . kept 2 , a arst-dafs Shoe Store. Thy best sowed Women's , ntiOei ever Offered i# this market. 'We defy the world, C USTibM t WORK• 4 Lt you don't believe ha , btiy Only the beet t itgr, and tulva4ll - 04 Cprilwelpoke as - wormy can Leitr o llErG tvith dievalo. Loathe'', Ca,B4,Paict 5,k,!48, curer . Having Just filled iii our shelves with a choice stock. "eriepa.Vl 'elected for Ibis marital, , l.vo. , rdepaetrully &Milt alSat share of inidep,' tAtopp, profit* lard ;quick rdurns.',! bellpf+ (0.3.4 gOo,ct buaitieas tusk.7lrAj , juld;folkold the bleat, 4obita 410 bo' tli t e'aleageat. kaap Olr tiesatnicUlt is Mittielebt to meet: all aim; and talks.; Via Waite.; one initrotia . ppnnd , the., public gouaritllyto call and-.examine our ; spa... No koubla to shour_Aeo4a.; 'Alwaya to 16!0 do or auth o r Malu . -liftree ; vtallaboro.' yantly,*.gioutaße ez r-o" t...c•-.7 . ,:r1,77 , ~ ,r, 4 ,- 1 - . ..1-',., 7 -- • • i - - ,• '• -, ,- 1 u'lr - ItiVTAKIPIIIid - EPY "kir We/Wilde , that - - 'W IN conidatitly stocked with , ..,',.•/ . . ,4;• - • - •);.,•-uw %.„'Sigiiit . lf4hCitorifisse; thi• ~.,,... ...„,.,„......,,,..., .-; . .. I ,) - 1 " • v.inisb e ..Akr,•,.......,,„„:„.....• . ca,,..t.. r „",..,,,, „ ~_ ''bil ' If Winitinal oie i d, It4netie ht \t 111 . . iniio isatorpa . 4loll, z , i . - Ili, .$ '. - --i,.• t. $* Litt . -,s•_. "'nettalklag r adnet OD h9rtNettte:lindirt the beet intre • nuy.......Ca1i awl, : ~ r j : ~;-i i , ~.; , -41.11 1 i. `.. (1 .; t f) , t Y 4 :.!! " ' ) S: Intels - d t,,ki i iii „ , , , ii , -, 1 ., ~, _ . i U.: b'. .i u 4311 e. 71:ax lAivrikm is hereby illikilt,lthatithfr:;itinukl Hit of taxes tor 1812 arricsolgeo, .-.411.-,pgraoe/t ,owing Wu Oiled:Etat& for via .14 Jinipi..conety,‘ are rer queetedio call at my '; ..'n'iii'ltieurk AvIII*B pink,' in'hlansneld, on or i:efuiefuni.lithze,'Y of 'Julie-next; and pay their Indobtiglikeep ersosita will, be irrade;L+, Owing to tile redwing; of the tikes.. l Jiliall not b e it tlifferint risen 111 the Nuttily to reeelve takes, as heretofore, as the antooot to. collect Is small All p..raotts ;lending money, by mall, moat Inclose, a three cent postage Wallin for return receipt. WM' E. ADAMS, ' t , Man *field. Ame, 6,1872.-2 V Deputy OoDectos. ; , I - 111 ' 1 ' =SW =K2 BM =II • f ' 1= MIII Ka fikvvegi =1 • ; THOMAS lidltDEN. Ell lIIM SE ME 11E1 l , sr.j ! MEI 11. I I i tw4dl. o tame fir Raitora or ZE MEMO - 77 - Ott DEltirAtiti4 kV ER CE4i,Sh ' AV * : lotatittonitiroatoit AoVt•ry, ttAtipAype M.• ii,teo)(ls MAGRI rril Y. It vises oolda, dtplttieriO,' otpim Attosoecit. trAppOtiow;diort'his. ilugnier toutplatuto. eboboittoortbt, chobsrli 41tossfortotOOL for boot AVOW, tofdle44 WC& 41140.thatfamt, 1 °0 140103, ti=4 47 400t. ,10d40101.th.01144, b.* • end Logue. flet‘ *OW* *teat UV* osommg to — be also. sVs4tO TqlgketAtgir oflOte4. ItEjtot Flea time or#4lcoolibia• foals witreolof goereatootO4 It to foals 1011 toe - above' ettelosoe Paths frooke4t , - - ' , llestuftotvgi oodittirp 117po. El. Z. 800, iltkeebueg, , Wi1414 141141-41141044•117 Th l o ol l l 4 Ctotobotetroe tioe , If y rett'; w. etbet At co.. cot. Mint,* - ' ' • 1812. En quarters , ,Drup and feti:Odicines, Otteent or otheriviiiel—Abo" for P 0148; Ailitiffetil. Va ns PUTTY. LAMP 41,441/7112 • tie. 240tigioQuAanuis ron-ei choice ;Litiutiiro,„tigarst - - - .- #4o;.itisketio: , - Aisci foi. ' 4:. is _, noigiongthidow.-meanal, ,-, :- Mink' or fichooL li, B. /... amiOrtsaw4; of 4 h ttor. • .Also, op at .q?liteßt tußorttorlut;ir: - .. - • - 1 AMMO, AMM FICTURE MMUS; STATIONIPIY, CORDS - AND I.EASBET.9. . &o:, &c.,. " P. ittr t eVr . iv i t ;t o l 4 6 l3 = o ;4 tdoleases, iticaices, we will Sell choice Teas by the jE olus s olc ugle by I t . h7, Wan% at 'allow dolma the same can be bought at ibis side ot 'New Tork.,, • . . - - ft : ZIT OUR 4 innuma LAMPS, CHANDELIER ,&c., b reak. the neweilt styles, and bung chimneys that. will not • • • Fancy and T9lletArt i iefies. praprimity, Tom= 504115,, POVADEI3, 8RX78,19135, &a ' ft. our- Linti AND JE W LB MEM AND 4Aliara We hold twenty desirable village lots for sale in the central gest of the town ; and will also loan money et reasonable rates: W W. Webb bait his office hi_ our store, where he may be oonaulted for advise or treitnumt. lan. 1, 1872-tf.' EdEMITOIi k COLES.' TINA DRUG STORE HMI 1 • , The subscriber hasps oonstantlY on /I=l-4 • , ,' Pure Crugi' and ldedicines, Chemicals, • • , Rainbrand Oils, Lamps, stationery, 'An , ce. Notions &o. . , P . EMBORIPTiONS OAIIEIT/LLY COiII'HOMiTHED. F-Tioga, Jan. 1.1472. - -•- B. H. BMW. insurance Insurance! liattd Insurance Company, Omer, 8. _4TH ST, iIItrADELPECIA: INC`ORPORATED FEBRUARY 23, 1667 thart'd Oftiott.4l: $200,006. ASSETS OVER 0., . Stock and Mutual; cambial/at/Security • with Profits. Suppose yOu are already Matted In a first-ciass com pany, and from any cause whatever, (say after. ton year ly payments) you do not or cannot pay ionger.and your ineursmce gone and your money wasted. Not so to tho."HAND-IN.PIAND ;," all Policies aro Nos-Fein ' famrant.a.! This company which'ianks' among tlimpst !popular 'and successful Life Lisurance Compani es, grants pol bales on all' desirable plans, both with and without profits., • ;. • ! .. , Traveling trivelegee Ui restricted. policlea are incontestiblo alter ono year from any* slfthe-urdinary causes..,• , „ Look to your Life Insurance . Please examine Atte followingtromparatire Table. It la sametimes alleged by Agents of other.Oompattles that the Company they* represent Is' sail.' than others. While we unhesila *lily assert our Wife in the soundness and 'stab il ity of companies, we desire to present the following for tbo inspection of those desiring to insure : • Of the foildwing rompanies, compare the annual pre miums, charged by each for an Mannino on life at the age erBo -- years, payable at death-: Annual premium 'l'e annual •• , ' for life. yments, Travelers' ' —316,84, 883,21 /Etna,' 22,78 • 42,80 H0me......:- . 50,00 ,Equitao„ ' 22,70 46,91 Vaabligton • • 29,70 48,97 HandtuAbind, 18,50 . 32'60 ' If not.already insured take a policy with the 0 , ') .91AND-IN-HAND.' the best Mania Oompany in the United States. Jan. I, 1872; 0 ' A. M. /NOZIAIf, Agent. Na'Boot, 'Shoe, Leather AND VNDING STORE. C.' ISBe•Eta•as IN lint VELD AGAIN. !PTPw' ll c)p, ..17e . tv' Stock, and firat • . class Work 1 ; • "l i el: t o r et ut Sto a Rand Lack a Kid Gaiter. Bost Al i 0 ladies' Eid o,7id Cloth, Bal-, ! ~, 1 moralsand aiters, ' Ditto Ch,A rev's '' ''cO,d Ali seq. , . ~ aehtS' Cloth, motto, and Calf Gaiters; ,Oxford afid .Prince dllbert ~ - ~ , ~. t,. Ties: - . , - A good line of 0 1 7ERS110b1, and a""nllline of t- • FINE BOOTS, rang,lrig in price from $4.00 to i sri,oo, pegged and dewed CUSTOM I BOOTS from $5,00 to $15,00, and Worth the money ovary time , , Leather and ' Findings at the lowest rates, as usual. The undersigned having sp i snt twenty years of his life in Wollsboro—mnoh,of the time on the stool of penitene.o,'drawing the cord of affliction for the good of solos,' believes , rather In htufimering than blowing. Wherefcrc, ho will only remark to his old customers , and as many now ones as (loos° to give him a call, ; that he'may be found at lits - pew shop, next door to B. : T, Iran Horn's ware rooms, with the beat and cheap ? ', , eat stock in Tioga county. " 0; 'W. &EMS,' Wellaboro, April 21,, IWI2. • • • ;Bono Or(litianctsi y Ito it ordained by the' licirgoiei and Obliucil of Clio Dere ofEfainnbitrg, and :It is•hereby , iirdained by ; authority of . the same , - that frau .aud attov the 20th day of 'lupe. 1812. no horsesi.paillo, hogs, or sheep shall be allowed to run at - large In tho atreote within the said Bore. • • - • A - dd.'-That the pound fees shall be twenty-five cents for ovary animal impounded, to be paid to the pound master for his services. By order of the Burgess and Conuall. • 0. l).-MAINE.. Clerk. Atalusburg. May 2 8 01n-4 5-4 t• L=7 it El GO TO =I = • v.,000,m,00 II 111