Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, June 05, 1872, Image 4

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Some of our best farmers, including such
mehas John Johnson, have ascertained from
thorough experiment, that corn planted in
drills will yield about twenty•five per cent.
more than in hills in the common way. The
More even distributionof the plants in drills
admits a larger number of fully - developed
stalks; and a greater product of grain, and
one-half more of - fodder, nifty be grown
upon an . acre' of land. The objection to
drills is the increased labor of hand hoeing.
In weedy soils this objection may be a strong
one; but on the grounds 'ofg ood farmers,
who keep their land clear? by good cultiva
tion and good rotation, it is if small mag
nitude. Our own repeated experiments
prove that on land which will give forty
bushels per acre by common bilFculture,
we may rely' on fifty•five bushels from well
cultivated drills, or an Increase of fifteen
bushels—enough to pay for seven- days'
labor in hoeing, which , ! is' three - .times as
great as the actual difference between hills
and drills on clean land, to say nothing of
. the increase in the - amount of stalks for
fodder. There are some farrits, we ' adroit,
which are so poor and so full of weeds, that
the extra labor of hoeing drills would ex
ceed the increase we have mentioned,. and
OD these farms the old mode will lie con
tinued. .
After testing different modes of applying
immure, we find the greatest return - from
its application by spreading it on sod in
fall or winter, and inverting this sod by
!Outflow plowing just before planting. There
may be soils where early plowing and sub
sequent working of the sod may answer
best, but the practice of planting immedi
ately after plowing and harrowing the fresh
and moist surface, answera .the purpose
Lest on any friable loam.' This practice
CAD be adopted pn/y with drills, which. /tie
planted as fast as the field is plowed, while
the whole field must be first finished before
the land call he marked out fOr hills rowing
both ways. The plowing, harrowing and
planting may all go on together. The ad
vantages of this practice are-1. The earth
is fresh, moist had mellow for the reception"
of the_seed; There is ❑o danger of the
corn failing to grow• in Qonsequetate of dried
lumps; 3. The taint is planted as fast as
plowe,l, without any delays resulting tenni
mieri•ening storms; and •l. The young
plants come up and keep ahead of the weeds,
it'lliep; :Loy in lite soil, and these do riof
have lime (it make any headway before' the
In planting according to this mode, it
will nave labor in dressing to tat a machine
for tuf t . purpose, bueause the rows Way 1):
this Iptde evenei knd straighter, or if there
he eurve4, they will be long, and will not
interfere with env eultivation.—Nu 'dry
(h fillriatin. !!i>
W hen a cargo 0 wheat arrives_ at the
limi t ing mill it is first raised by the elevator
to the top of the building and. stored in the
large bins, which have a capacity ofloo,ooo
bushels. ,
Front the bins the wheat is drawn as
wanted to the cleaning room, where it is
delivered up to the tender mercies of a col
lection of the latest and most perfect "stout
machines," "eleaneis," "blowers," and.
utl.e: devices, which entirely separate the
wheat front every foreign substance, and re
ject imperfect grains, besides - thoroughly
cleaning the sound kernels from whatever
would injure the flour.
A feature of this cleaning roont is the ap
paratus which is called the "sucker," 1411(1
which keeps the.atmosphere fre4 from the
dust which is given out „from the cleaners,
and wliiel is 50 deleterious to the workman.
This such, r is simply a large modern flue
opening near the floor and passing through
the foot A strong current ttf air is forced
through this, and the result isj a most per
I et ventil Th m
im of the air in e roo •
After hein cleaned the wheat goes to the
ti illstones, and from them the coarse flour
is carried to the bolts, where the different
grades of bran, "shorts," &c., are separated
~ from it, and the heated flour is curled to
the top of the building, where it is cooled
by being carried through a series of shallow
troughs by means of Arehimidean screws.
:'ome idea of the extent of the machinery
required in a large mill may be gathered
Crum the fact that thirty miles of cloth are
required to cover the reels in the bolting
After being cooled the flour is ready for
packing, which is also done by machinery.
The flour falls down a tube, which is tunnel
shaped at its lower end and of a size to ex
actly fit into a barrel. The barrel is wheeled
under the spout, the tube lowered to the
bottom (or the barrel raised), and a piston,
worked by.steana, packs the flour in the
barrel, which is gradually lowered until it
is tilled, when it makes way for the next.
Partners should, if possible, keep their
horses hi good condition, summer and win
- ter. It is wretched.policy to allow working
horses t) become weak and thin through
the winter, for want of proper feed. They
should have good hay and some grain or
at feed daily, turd then when spring opens,
they will be able to perform their part in
-the spring work.
The ylgric?tUttri:4 for May says, "when
horses have been fed grain all winter, and
have not worked regularly, it not unfrequen
tly happens that they have little appetite as
warm weather approaches, and when put to
hard work on the farm lose flesh rapidly.
They need a change of food. If it he pos
• give them a few carrots, or, iei tile
absence of these, a bran mash sufficient to
relax the bowels If oats have been fed in
the winter, give a little corn in the ear
by way of change,-varied with "ent-feed,"
con , :isting of chaffed hay and Corn-meal, or
tini..bran, or better. still, oat-meal. As a
rule, nothing is so good as oats, and this
)car oats are nearly as cheap as cOrti.-
Itaricy is also cheap, and by way, of a
change there is nothing better for farm
horses than boiled barley, Boil 4Vontil it
bursts open, and then add n little salt and
mix it with chaffed hay. There is nothing
"ill fatten a horse so soon as boiled barley.
writ er in the Germantown ,T e i ctira ph
, :ty
[ fed my hens plenty' corn and . p!ot amt
.tew egv. I reasoned upon the matter, :Intl
happened to think that the e<mstititetit part
of milk and the white of. eggs were UlllOl
alike. Now, it has long been known to
milkmen that wheat middlings and bran are
about the hest of any feed to make a vow
give milk; why not, then, the best ti) , make
tit hens fay eggs I tried it, and since
illen have had no trouble.
My mode of preparing the food is to
ails abont five parts of the bran With one of
middlings. In the morning I mix up with
o t •, .) 1 14 pa four wittrts of the mixture in ft
_t 11 pan, taking pains to have it rather
, though all damp. This I set in t - warm,
,inn} ,pot south of .their shed, it ul they
,•alk up, take a few dips, don' : .'eent to
. tory it like corn, and start otr of a short
int for something better, but always
, )ming round in Ntiliorf time for a few dips
„tut the dish of bran. There is but little
'ow during the whole day but what mute or
l'iort are standing by the pan and freely
elping themselvos. At night, just before
w repair to roost, I usually throw them
lout it pint of shelled corn, well scattered,
that each one can get a few kernels. If
(you hens don't incline to cat the bran :at
first, sprinkle some Indian meal on it. T
would like all who complain of not getting
eggs to tty my plan, and I tltittic they will
never be sorry.
PRONINQ Youxo TRRlCB.—Every young
tree when planted out should have its
branches as closely cut away as are the
roots find rootlets. Young trees even when
carefully taken up are always deprilved of
many rootlets that bring nourishment to
Elie growing plant—now it the branches re
main the tree will make an effort, so to
-peak, to support the whole and will sig
nally fail in the end. Young trees should
be carefully taketr up and as carefully placed
in the ground again—retaining as many
of the roots and rootlets as possible; but
many of them will, necessarily be broken,
acrd itis ,qafe to cut away from one-half to
t'... o-thirds of the top. The young trees 1
tlmuld' be mulched the first and second
yvars,in order that the moisture may be re-
',tined around the roots, and thus to corn
la•osrlt . for the `many months which they
titre lost in transplanting. Attention in
the early stage of the growth of young trees
wdl make years of ditterenee in their bear-
TO CUT (ILA, -.a Steel tooj kill
cut glass with facility - when kept freely wet
with champhor dissolved in turpentjne.--:
The ragged edge of glass may also ,bd thus
smoothed with a flat file.
CRAMP Conic.—A correnpohdent says
that two pills of gum camphor swallowed
- Nvil/ give relief in twenty minutes.
It NMI tin night;
And silent, trusty stare their watch flid keep,
Tracing o'er the heaven., with spangled light,
How °Oil doth guard his children while they sleep,
Till shadows flee away, and in/wiring bright -
Chasee the night.
No one euuhl mark__ ~
When bight's be-jewelled - mantis wb.ii viith4i44 A
The traveler saw ttia earth allljushett 0:4111'k,;i
nut soars
&ob hie waiting eyes 'did hsti Ito pip/ 4 tl
.. .
Then i the meadow's daliy!sprtnlcle , pa •,L i
- ,- tip sprang thd, lark, -- .
- - 'Night iu the soul: 1
Faith spread Its star-lit pathway towavi the day,
While outatretcheil hitnas were groping for the goal
No one could tell when darkness passed away,
Or when the peaceful pearl-hued morning stole
Into the soul.
Ail that we knee
Was that it had been dark but Just before;
• Anil !then thS veil mysteriously withdraw,
Till, like n lark, the soul could sing and ajar,
When the glid sunlight opened to its view
The S Isloa tine.
ALL sonTg.
'PrOi t ost Puradol left attioug his literary
remains a defense of suicide.
A natural Spring that Will intoxicate, siti
totted near Kern River, Cat., is delighting
the Indians of that vicinity. -
• The London Teregetiph says that when
Canada ‘vislies to separate from Great Brit
ain the lattefwill make no objection. -
A new sty of china for dinner sets is of
a bright 'crimson .eojor,,Y pith )argo gilt
The I'ari4 Dtbald recently p(thlished a
four•column review of "Robertson's ,Ser-,
mons," Which is rather a "new departure"
in French joarnalism.
George MCDonald says: "1 know• of ,a
man so sensitive that he shuts his ears to his
sister's griefs, because it spoils his digestion
to.think of them."
An exchange says that ".letuvlngelow is
drinkht - in the skies of Italy." N 1 re would
like to linowilioWshe - got there, - end whit
shalluds to drink. •- ,
A queer individual ,ICebliuk;=:
called on an undertakrtapq Mie
for a coffin. lie said he wanted. no meas•
tiring tapes about his remains.
The New York Evening Mid/ says,: "The
most beautifill belle j i lt society at present, is
a Spanish lady, said to be one of the most
beautiful W‘mien in America."
Horace Greeley law received lettem •from
his wife and.daughters in Paris congratula
ting him on his nomination, and annspunp r
ing their realm early next month.
The Danbury Aites says: ''The latest tip
for hats is a Perfect likeness of Mr. Greeley.
:rhe picture is so very natural that it see i ns
149 if It woula almost swear."
A- gentleman from Port Wayne, 19 ,
lately received a magazine from a pronun nt
London Publishing house;uddressed "r rt
Wayne, Philadelphitf, Unifed , Stlites." I , l i • ;
A negro ifi Jacktonville,..vla: , , ihile uric e 1
(the influence of chloroform, . escaped froM
the dentist'slfands, and running through the
streets, juipped into the river.
An old and respected Nevada gentleman
named Swift, who was assaulted by a high
wayman, threw his assailant down and cut
his throat. Vengeance was swift.that time.
An old lady in New „Uampshire, loyal to
agriculture 'and its apostle, has insisted
since the Cincinnati Convention upon
wearing to church an ancient white bat of
her husband's.
-The St. Louis post office has been located
so far woat that the Denwrat congratulates
itself that there .are troops enough at the
arsenal to protect' it from Indian depreda
tions. -
The wholesale, German ' emigration tti
America is attracting great' attention in
Europe, and various theoriesd are given to
account for it, the best of which is that the
people, are poor and want to do bettor.
It.is considered much cheaper for a large
family to spend tare suunnbr in• Europe,
where they can live•at the rate of one dol
lar a piece a day, while at Saratoga or New
port it would cost them five times that
A Welsh paper in beranton actually as
serts that "itip ginlly ll Greeley mlfin drmpl
tamppl nypUnt scrllgg gp Prllntyl of grata
drulitzmt begply'in writt wemuls. dr gun
nozit." This might have been softenesl just
as well as not.
The favorite Parisian toyjust at present
is a teetotum, on the four sides of which
are inscribed tho words Legitimacy, Orlean
ism, Bonapartism, and Republic. The gierie
consists in spinning it and betting on the
side may turn up.
Two strangers from the country discuised
for half an hour in Printing House Square,
New York, the other day, as to whether tlie
bronze statue of the earlier Franklin ,was.a
striking or only a moderately good likeness
of Abraham Lincoln.
Varden" has now taken possession
of the 'envelope manufacturers. Dolly had.
betier cease to exist when ,she
Post ciffice.elerks and others.:have to — aeep
among the vines and flowers to ascertain
the address of a letter, which is a delightful
It is announced' in London'that, Mr. HaW
thorne's posthumous novel, "Septhnius,7
will be in the hands of the public in a • few
days. In editing the book, and in writing
the preface Which introduces It;,Mieg Haw
thorne has been materially assisted by Mr.
Robert Browning. '
The London Standard, of a recent date,
says: "The political campaign just opened
in the United States.has caused hundreds of
street riots, men and women - have been shot
down for their politicalentiment, and a
reign of violence and bl6odsbed has been
inaugurtited'whieh we pray England may
never sec."
Mr. Bergh is stirring nit ti.liett York court;
to decide whether, as merciful treatment,
turtle should be transported lying on its
back and tied by cords' passing through
holes cut iniits fins, or deposited in the nat
ural Way,' 'feet downward, and subject to
jolting and tubing ,4bout. Dealers eon
' tond that tho'first ig the 'humane method.
The catalogue of the students at the "Uni
versity of Deseret," Utah, has thirtir-seven
of the name of Young, twenty-one of Wills,
&c. Fifteen or twenty families cover the
larger proportion of the whole. In Utah,
if anywhere will come the time predicted
by poor deeeased Punchinello, when every
man shall have a University in his back
(Irief has loal a very remarkable effect on
a widow - out in Elmwood, 111. Her husband
died three years ago; aLlc . in all - that„,time
she has not spoken It wore to any" living be=
ing. There be wicked mortals who would
rejoice at sorb tut elloct of affliction on
sonic of their female connections, but it
must, be a terrinte slarritive to pie unhappy
There was -a seene on Temple street, Bos
ton, the other day, which would have de
lighted the benevolent heart of Mr. Bergh.
A horse was on the Way -,up a , steep grade
with i? heavy load, when half a dozen
brawny mechanics working hard by brought
out a atout rope, attached it to the truck,
anti with cheerin4 shouts helped the horse
up the hill with has load.
A. Pennsylvania yOung man-had a young
lady friend, who wits the fOrtunate possessor
of; a half dozen gold fish. He' went angling
-'O day arid caught a pound trout. He
preserved it alive, thinking it would be a
nice companion for a gold fish, •and' con
cluded to surprise the young lady by putting
it in the aquarium while she was away. The
surprise was complete; for the trout swal
lowed all the gold fish, and then calmly
turned over on tts dorsal fin and died of in
It is marvelous that men endowed with
the merest modicum of common sense will
continue to joke with loaded pistols, when
it has been proved so often that these treach
erous implements have a malicious delight
in going offwitbout the, formality of taking
leave. A man named Ayers, at Chenoa,
111., the other day,'playftilly took:tip' tiload;
od revolver, knocked the butt against the
breast of a friend, and joldrigly remarked,
"We will settle this little difflettlty now."
The pistol went off, and the playful ;gentle
man was settled, and has been gathered to
hia fathers. , •
We may compare the troubles which We
have to undergo in the course of this Bfe to
a great bundle of faggots, far too large for us
to lift. But God . does not require us to
carry the whole at once. He mercifully
unties the bundle, and gives us first ono
stick, whiCh we' are to carry •td-day,- and
then another, which we are tor carry to-mor
row, and so on. This we might easily man
age, if we would only take the burden ap
pointed for us eaoh day, but we choose to
increase our troubles by carrying yesterday's
stick over again today, and adding to-mor
r9sies burden to our load before we aro re
geared to bear it,
- 4 Vel(? . I6r1: Otlervr
- ,
3.lbliact Op,el.lllt ClibLl,Absqtv , pr . iuy late . I, to
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91.1 pa. Camell Eb.cumln bib), tat Mma.rirtiwyr,.ve
•Ltiottte, arfuu.thi:crugh yuoll Tinto, Ivrtrvet , itsugalv,
;Maga,- Ottipebbcut) 011,Ipla
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Cleveland •'
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1..001 Trains ' , Web - Vveitla
5.0(1a. us., oxcupt :4u ud‘ja, awls Owr•gu
us otftily, (sum Suuquvisftuft
6 46 n. at (tatty, trcui duequ•
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pca uzuftpt IS igatty,t, (lulu tiltuini Cit uppl4lt et
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ATIONS. N0.12* N 0.41 i 31f.., .8 .1 I No -,t
...: ;.! - ..?: :- .).`„,,14_ ..,4 • 1 .......,:, •,
- Oinel'ati live 946 p m ' i ... -I 11 49 ato
Olereland " 726 a ni ....
..... i 4'looo p in
WILMA " 125 pm _llOOO p rot
0111 ton .; •'I• .1 40 , .6,40 pin 50 00 " .440 a in
Sump, Sig'a ," .1 44 .." ;.& 46 " 10 05 " 1 446 ..
ti , auara V. ‘ 162 " 658 " [ lOl2 " I 452 "
Buffalo " 246 " 845 " 11l 40 '" } 700 "
Elocaellevle" 615 Sup 10 46 •' i 830 a mllOO6 ..
Rochester " 400 p m 616 " 1 r a ~
Corning " 786 4. 12 204 m 465 " :1180 0,
Blzatrs-: -. 4 ' - '6 12- " 1268 f" , y 6 86, 44 - :1106 Tow
Waverly , I 847 " 137 " i 608 " 12 41 p m
Owego " 982 " 219 " j 646 " 116 p m
Illagbam.To‘.! p 16_ ".. ,18 06 , " i 727 ",', 365 pci
()rent newt" --,.......',.:.. ` , .386 1 .113/0 ,_" l ,. 1117 p.m
Saitiliebtitili'• 11 03 " '4llO 6 .!.1 'B'2** "' '2 47 pla
Port Jervis" 252 am 760 "i ,12 05 p 101 0,18 p in'
Middletown" 353 " 846 "! us 68 "
Boehm " 904 ';P i I
Newburgh," 1210 0 W 8 35m
Patarpou " '660 " 11'60 aMI 248 " 1.840 p
Newark "700 44 '2 06 p m , 616 " ... ..
Jersey Oi l y" 833 " 1188 am/ 828 " 916 pm
New Yolk " 700 " 12 00 62,8 40 . " 926 p m
al Train% Eastward,
41;44.1. 4 erocei
Um uelleville,
.14)e, trusi Owego.
ti It) b. from Elmira.'
daya, from Painted Poet,
Additional Loo
6200 4. az , stand4ki4":-
61)5 n ut„ daily groin
7.00 ahi except Sow
7 ht) M., except tun
1.68 11. x cup t 8 it ri
2,10 p. ta.oixcupt Sem
}Mondayu excepted
Port Jarvis.
, ;;1
> 4.1
e, I
Direct Routo North and South,
On and after Sunday,' Nov 12th, 1821,Traloew141
&Tart from Troy; PA.; as follows :
rt ail A. M. Da Exprees, 10.80 P. 51.
Wtogporl , A ccont. 7,10. NlAgaraltxpress 1.05 P. X.
9,a0 P. M. Skulint Accu).lo 05 A. M
:giagukra Mx pre8401,83 Ll . M. Buitfal.) Expreis .11,27.41 M
General EtiperlAtendent.
J. A. RliDlaltliD.. ;-
Wellaboro .4' Lawrenceville B. B.
Time TOble No. 8.
TA ILTA VIIIRSDAY, Nov. 16.110871
Oalti9 Notyru, „ azoloms =NO Man.
30 poi 110 mu. Corning 900 a m 7 50p rei
426 pm 005 am Lawrencovllle 10 17 a m 860 pm
4 - 14 pm 65 am Dunning 10 27 m 8 69 pm
405 pm 51 am •Lathrop 10 32 m 9 04p m
854 pm 40 am *Bow:Cm& .10 40 a m 10p m
349 pm 93 am „ Tioga Vtilago 10 55 am
. 9 20 pm
831 pm 18 am *Hammond 11 12 ain 936 p m
819 pm 01 am •ILIIIa Creek 11 26 ara to 40,p m
819 pin 00am Holliday 11 81 ato 950 pm
303 pm 6/ am 51Iddlebury /ILI am 959 pLa
254 pm 43 am Niles Valley 11 49 tu 10 05 pm
242 pm 3 Lam •Harsh Creak 1403 pm 10 10,pro
285 pm";. - 05 am Wellabare . 12 09 a m
*Flag Stations. A. 11 tiORTON.Bupt.
Blossborg & Oornin,g & Tioga
11 10 am 580 pm Corral:4r 900 9Z13 7 6Lpm
10 56 am 616 pm .6101bollot 919 am 806 pm
ro 42. am 602 Din Erwin Centro 9 11.1 stm ala pr
10 30 am 460 pm Conk's •945am8 80 pm
10 25 am 445 pm Lindley 0 60am 888 pm
10 16 AM 436 pm Lawrenceville 10 16am 848 pm
10 03 am 421 pm Bower's Lane 10 27 am 8 69pm
963 am 411 pm - . 10 37 am 903 pm
949 am -. 407 pm 011 Station , 10 41 am 912 pin
937 am 867 pm Tioga 10 55 am D 26 pm
925 am 847 pm Mill Creek 11 02 am 932 pm
015 tint 887 pm Lamlee Cicelc 1112ain 049 pm
905 am 827 pm 51ansfield;. 1124 am 9 55pm
Canoe Camp -
ilikam -8 G 9 pm Covington • /1444 m 10 15 pm
25 eft-, 260 pm Bitygelyarg 1296-ma 10 35pm
- p m I:iota:it - WM: 42 25 am
• :225 pm ,V4lllcroblf,
pt B. A. O.R. B; `. Bnpt
•• •
-Depot, Foot of Pine Street, WilidainsPort;•-la:f•;•: - -
Mail dep. Williamsport- • 9.00 'in. ,
Accommodation dot. Williamsport, . . ra.
Mall arrive at .. - ..... - . 4120 p.mt:
Accommodation-arrive at Willisuaspbrt, • 090 amr
An additional train 'leaves Depotitt B'erdio,'flotMe; -
W"msport, at 1.40 a. m.--for 'Milton, Philadelphia; 'l4;
York, Boston and Intermediate Points. Rotunda&
direct connection is made at Williamsport with trains
for the.west.
' • No'change of - Oars heiWeen 'FfeafYOrlt
and Williamsport. wy.sn, Sup' l.
' 4 , Ii ' •; 1 ; t'
:Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
. . ,
Fergie x eller and,
cure of all dererigis ,
meats in theatom
itch, liver, and bow
els. They are a mild
aperient, and an
extellent purgative.
Being putely vega.
table; they contain
no mercury or mine
ral whatever. Much
serious sickness and
suffering is prevent
, ed by their timely
use; and every Mindy shottkl have them on band
lor their protection anti teller, when required.
Lou* experience has proved them to be the saf
est, surest, and best of all die Pills with which
the market abounds. By their occasional use,
the blood is purified, the corruptions of the sys
tem expelled, obstructions . removed, I and- the
whole machinery of Ilre reatilred tolts healthy
activity. internal oripunt which become clogged
and sluggish are cleansed by Ayer's Pills, and
stinittlated into action., Thus incipient disease
is ehenged into health, the value of whichoha7e,
when reckoned on the vas/. multitudes who e n j o y
it, eanduirdly he coinputcd. Their anger con ng
makes theta pleasant to Cake, and preserves their
virtues unimpaired for any length of tint so
that they are ever flesh, nad perfectly rel %le.
Although searching, they are mild and o orate
without disturbance to the clustitution, or let, or
Full directions are given on the' wrapper to
earnta, box, how to use them as a' Paul y; Physic,
lnti for the following complaints, 1 011 these
ift, i apittry cuts:-
I'u, ibylql43Piiil or Indigestion, Listless
tera4, Languor and Loss of Aft i fi t etite t th ey
shoal.% be taken moderately to stim d the stem
ad,, anti easter° its healthy thee An action.
For Laver Complaint and its variotynap
tom-, iililloas headache, Sick Mead
al'ii.t., Jaundice or Civet= Sickness, Bit.
lons Colic and Inhales We,yerepttiei•etteuld
be judiciously to en for ilitioltease,in•oorreek th e'
.Ivietteed at:CW.I or remove the Obatrottions which
cause it.
For Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but one
mild iie it generally required. ;
Pius Ititettotasisrat, %ions, gavel, Pal
ideation of phi. heart, in i$ the
Mile, Hark and Loins' they should hp
tt ueontin
ottAy takon, as required t to change the semed
-.scuba of the system- lis i4i. such chapfle !MSG
Complaints disappear. -
For - Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings,
they should be taken in large and frequent doses
to produce the efreet - of a dra:th: putge.
kor Suppression, a large dose should be
taken, its it produces the •des - 'cd effect by eym- .
pothy. '
As a Atanive Pitt, take one or two Pills to
promote dittestion and relieve the stomach.
An peenstneal dose stipulates the stomachand
beiwels, iestoitis thealit petite, and InVlgorateli the '
system. ' . .ntinCe it Rea advantageous Where
no serious derangeme tt exist?. One who feels
[nimbly well often finds that a dose of these
Tilts makes him faelderldedly bettey, from their
cleansing and renovating effect on thq digestilcb
PnirrAliEri DY ' " •1 '
Dr. O. C. AXES & 60., Proetleat CtietniOilts
Lowor,z, MASS., D. S. .4t.-
ros sham In ALL DIIVOSLSTS KiP/SXWilelli&
Ain. 1, 18CI1
T.srorra :
snowrecelving nevilitiuf ilegatt iltinieni in
. 3 6 s AL;ST4,21r COttliC,3l3,lE,lo;: ,
and invites the pnblia titical and esitalne goods ind
P. S.—M trOUbli 1,0 show go o ds.,, • „
Sob. 28 , 1872 . Mrs. O.'
Nu b. NIA Nub!
1 1.00 bt 6.1311 r lid! IVO ra,
1115 " 645 720
816 l• M 166 as 386 asi
81 6. 2 ••
t.,1,242 116,..“
tuacg 8 16g: . . t
" 605 4, 625 4.
a 6 a. /1 642 001
10,2 - 44 110'40 -. 4
tuft (..416 BL 120 WI
' 11.25 11 24 s 0 1 11.20 s-11
(A *6 tz 1 9 1 11,10 pm
110 •• 12.16 " t/2.16 - t ••
1:16 t :.112,94)'
7' 26 x•'"1244 4 ;1204
666 p>r 666 4' 665
11,0 • IM 900 e x
.. '','l.il~ ~ x
between Uurnellbville and
.1 4
New Spring Goods in Comm
.S„tapt . e:,;: i 4i:itli:,: , :foo . :.; . 4)!'y : Goods, `•
eulted to the •132 1 /L1,1(4:3114b1i4 and ha wade avnoat daily: to which we juNite the a
•iu waut afjohli,l3ooDEl otanykind ar variety. We make a specialty of
. }P• • ;‘; . • •
(:).T.ACiotialf-I€l , gib O.4fLEILVQIO
, .
. . • •
and to both or i.t4.t.er ottlasv %Isis:taus/Its, we ars :tot exoelleil lu this section . put Cloths
, ~.
older it diessired,l4 tkis most '• ' {II ''
. ,
, .
. • t
. , .. •
~ - .
titii, ,,,
~ , ,
~ ' I, r I
~.- A ru , e k .pruul iu our . t.,,altYl l T ILlELkalliklEl4 as one of thit buttittithma of. the town , and
itbuttt WO rotht at at! taill'fiMit .ti','ooatts to 0,14, ,we cLait Batt afMatit auy custoutur tu gnat
and 1 .°L. 0 "utit
as Oar' Vtilog to Ma a variety. *Almoat the antlra stock wag parchasatt bolo
and uu shun .! ati 11,...41,Y lb' pi as as vassal°. " - Hotta uaod wait to buy atoapor, as they •
l '' ''• :' ' - *Smack:4M i
market. ,
, _ ,
Tlie citizens of 'flop County are cordially invited to call and gee
C. C. M4thers's pleap Cash
AU hail I ereatioujar and near ;
Of 'gathers's Store you soon shall hear,;
Let pealing Drums and Cannons' roar
' Proclaim the news from shore to shot's:
Mather6's stock is now complete ; -‘'
He hes' good goods and sells them cheap
He trusts no one, but sells for cash,
And sell so cheep somothlnk hiM rash.
* i , I
Sbme said he would break in a short time
But If ho does then this don't rhyme;
For he sells heaps, and sells them right,
And has his cash for all at . night.
Of Boots and• Shoes so very cheap,
I'll take a mordents time to speak;
Delighted too you caul but be,
With prices and the quality.
He does his business on the square;
That is, he does it right and fair.
He says at outs just what he'll do,
And what he says Is right and true.
1 cenuot stop to enumerate
-1 have bargains both good and great.
My stook is-plentiful, cheap and fine,
Especially in the Dry Goods line.
Matheiak Beet k Shoe. its t („Up, Dry Goods k Grocery Store Is the cleanest
ion& Give it a kid and you Will Vs cotivinoeJ. •
" Charley" hay just returned ft= New Yet with a large stock of Spring Geo.
of We tutauense de, Heil at less profit than before, and which be *as bought
Wellaboro, April /D. 1872,
J. Horton & Br
The Largest Establishment in No
MOMEMerini ifi:3 XiL
AVNG isallitles for btiling adhamilin g / WO Ta sliables them to n - let • m small advaac
11 4
14*sst Jobbtog prices. In our retail departma =lt are a
cies. - A. large stock or
areas, es r, BIZE:S Ai Mg AND DOttilLE PADINAVE3 AN*
V ASD tans, A
: •
Transfer -Ornaments, Striping
and Brushes for Carriage;
& tatLiao ur Wit Gingers of Good appertaining to our buillnorir4'
jati. .1:1872.
We aew have a full and caverlete 1404 of
'', ;; agi . \. l.:'! ~.,.:,`;if_.'4(''._2
ring G
tilting on customers,
that thy haven't time to Write a new'
e ( , -
vnousALrg A,NI)'RETAIL
11110111{ ISLiND AND WITH L
Cutter Ornamenting.
place In TI
,which be
hn Pa.
kept stO:ac.
- '
t... 4440 ek
k i Le I - ' AND EW . FOtrii:
..-,,_ • . 1-117 7 . ; ~ i p wito has lotit; been tislabllsl,.,)
m t \„,, v, • In , the Juw'elry business -In
WFllsboro, has ulrtystot Fattl, ,
.5 , ''')
_ 1
44 various kinds una pticesol .. r •',
. .
j .
SatitlCAN . \V„-I'lol 1 ES: ~
~_ ~,,. ~ i. , ',l: - ~.' ' !•
owd Or, SlPter; C*.ke,,, Jewelry, t) ry,
~y la;Clifos, '
• Keys, Kings,kias, Venetia, essus, • Gold *lntl , __,
~, , Eteel , Pen 4, Tbitablea..!it+6(') l o, 11044411,,
. Elated Mlle.:I
, •
, i .„ _ .
~, . , „ ~.
r, it /tc..,:ke,,,,t... ,• . •.' _!.: ~, '
With inost, alt Otlteitiitteles usually kept la - 'haat es
tablishments, which ate sold low Mr - , „ ,
C , , A , , S. • Ili ,
. . ,
Repairin g don, testt;, , , Ina prontptly.soll On short
1-: - • -.. . : , - 'l' , .. . . , ,
minor.-, -
Jan : "1,'18712Ay.
touti.ou at all
ill bo
The' Stanitnaitl
gx it coinpriOlio
ity uud pica,
ro tho &Imam
aro coutluually
• •
, :k•- ! * - p.:.;i • ,
z • .
4:134-r•-:* • •
• C
- 17 , "; • ,5 '' ;
, :4441 C't
ie prouou.nce4,tbo tist lu Market,! La4iitg tetitrii thn
Swat Promiw.n at the Tiotta CO., will of itt Spa
Ie ofteolitedly the beet washing 1114liii1J Itivouttql. • It
,only needs a trittl to satiety the thilet 4lceptleal. Per
eons wieWg to ptirchaue, Will u(lati,as
"Jan. 1, 1812,s
. •
_________:___. _. - •
'''':;-•'::7'.' , . : Delatilis . try.
s -- S
' i -
, . .
offer superior inducements to those in want of any
thlug In my line:. Artificial teeth inserted on a now
and superter base, at IoW rates. Teeth extracted 'with
qnt pain. Preservation of the natural teeth a speciality.
Work warranted; Terms reasonable.
A. li. EABT24A.N, Dentist,
Jan. 1, . 1879-1 f • • • Wollaboro, I,a,
N)tuity to mg
an ev r.. .
, .
, .
July 19, 18
Change, of Base.
Stock of Goods
Domain for cub. and to be sold for cash, at carat
JO prices. Credit system played rout. '
• "Pay as you Flo," is a trite old inaidui„ and, when
lived up to, thu true doctrine for both seller and buyer
I intend to sell goods at small profits, for cash, and
respectfully solicit a trial from old patrons,: and iron
ail others who wish to buy groceries and staple goods
at close figures. • ' A. W. PO'lvfElt.
January 8, p 372. if . •
ROUGE WAGNER, has just received a superb as
sortmout of alrkinds of
for gentlemen's
iaid is prepared to Minufneturo In. the BEST STYLE,
and on tho 'shortest notice. Persons wanting Clothing
Will pious drop k) and ace my stock. , Good Frrs and
the best of work guaranteed.
Jan. 1,18724 y. • GEO. WAGNER.
Hou,s, arid Lot for Sale.
rHE undersigned offera for sale Me Rouso and Lot
on Main atreot, Elkland, Pa., at a very low price.
god lot contains one-ball acre, sad is under good col
tivatlon. -For isrma, dco., apply to the aubecr/ber.
lilkland. Pa.; Feb,21,1872;if. 0. P. BABCOO}I.
General Instiranee Agency,
Co., PA.
J. H. & J. D. Campbell,
RR prepares to Issue Policies in limitless COM
panics on all kinchi of Insurable Property against
e and Lightning at reasonable rates. We travel and
examine all risks personally in the connues of Tioga
said Potter. J. 71. CAI 4 SPBRLY.,.
Nelson, Feb: 7, 1.872-ly. 3. D. CAMPBELL.
Tioga Marble Works,
undersigned is now prepared to execute all or-
Jt dare for Tomb Wales and Monuments of either
Italian, or Ilatland, Marble ,
OW) latest stile wad approied workmanship and with
Us keeps constantly on Laud both kinds of Marble
and will be able to suit all who may favor him witb
their ordera, on as reasonable terms as can bo obtained
bn country. • FitAIIK ADAM
• „
p. 'them et the
over *holm's&
- -
Lathes' .Ittirm'shing Goods I
M l A S n'tta . B one- G ummi stia ; EMPORIUM A large stock
just received and will be sold cheap.
" 'Mrs. li. E. Itlfd:BADL will have charge of thpAillin
ery department, and will be glad to see her did - Weds
and new gnat at all times. Drop In and see ouenew
.Dee. 13,1511-Iy. • biltS. A. B. GRAVES.
adin,in,i,strator's Notice.-
LBITERS of administration on the 'estate of Frying
iisetartok, late of TAwronce township, Tioga Co.,
Pa baring been granted to the nudersigned, all per.
gone haying olattris against said estate are hereoy no
tilled to call forettlement on, and tho persons owing
the same, to ma ke immediate payment to •
‘, 2 _ ROW= itOET, Adra'r,
Lawrenoe, Pal, May 1; 1872.-Bt.
at IBM
published on every package, there
fore it is not a secret preparatioh,
gosequent ly
is - a certain ,cure for Scrofula,
yphilia In 'all Ha forma, Rheuma
tism. Skin Diseases, Liver Com
plaint And all diseases of the
will do more good than ten bottles
of the Syrup - 4 Of Sarsaparilla.
have used Rosaialis in their practice
for the past thto years and freely
ehdoro it east reliable Alterative
.pn.. T. C. PUCE of Baltiincce.
08. T. J . ts9Y4IN, ' "
DR. ft. W. C ASA. " ,
DR. J. S. SPARKS , of Nicholasville,
, S. Ky.
McCA.RTHA, Columbia,
DR. A, 13: - NOBLES ii EdgecOmb, N. C.
J D. FRENCH & SONS, Pall River,
P. W. SMITH, Jackson, Mich.
A. F. W.IiEELER, Lima, Ohio.
H.AI I I-5 Lima, Olio.
GRAVEN & C. Gordonsville, Va.
SAM'L. G. McF ADDEN, Alurfrees
bore, Tcnn. -
• Our space will not allow of any ex
tended remarks in relation to the
virtues of Rosadalis, Tothe Medical
Profession we guarantee a Fluid Ex
&act superior to any they, have ever
pled in the treatment of diseased
Mood; smite the afflicted we say try
Ilosadatis, and you will be restored
to health.
• Deaadalis is sold by all Druggists,
price 01-a0 per bottle. Address
• lilanufacturieg Chemists,
DMrime/tic, ILD.I
71.11 y.
Vinegar Miters' 'are ‘eot 'a vile Fancy. .Dritdr,
made of Poor Rum s Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse
Liquors, dectoredi spiced, and sweetened to please the
taste, called " TOnic4,"' "Appetizers," '"Restorets,"
&c., that lead the rippler on to drunkenness and ruin,
but are a ,true Medicine, made front the native roots
and herbs of California, free front all Alcoholic Stimulants.
'They are the Great blood Purifier and a Life-giving
Principle, a 'Perfect Renovator and inyigeratqr of the
System; carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring
the blood to allealthy cond.tion, enriching it, refreshing
and invigorating - both mind and body. They are easy
of administration, prompt . in their acti on, certain in their'
results, safe and idiable in all founts of-disease.
No Person can tare these Bitters accord-
Mg to directions, and remain long unwell, provided
their bones are not des T oyed by mineral Poison or other
meansk t
and the vital tgans; wasted beyond the point
of repair.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion. headache, Pain
in the Shoulders„ Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Diz
ziness, Sour Eructations 'of the Stomach, Bad Taste
,itsthe , Mouth, Rilidtis .Attitchs, Palpitation of the
.Heart, leflammatio» of_the Lungs, Pain in the regions of
the Kidneys, and a hundred other 'painful symptoms,
are the olliiptitip' of Dyspepsia. In these complaints
it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guar
antee of its merits than a leng,tlly advertisement. •
For 'Female Complaints t iii young of old,
mat - tied or , single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the
turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an
influence that a marked improvement is soon) percep
' For Inflammatory and Chronic Elton.
mations and Gout, Dyspepaia'or Indig estion,
Remittent cud 'lntermittent Feveis, viseasns of the
Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these. Bitters have
been most - successful. Such Diseases 'are canted by
Vitiated Blood, which is generally product.'d by derange
ment of the Digestive Organs.
They ars s Gentle Purgative lin well as
Tonie t ,posseslingsalso the peculiar rutrir of acting
as a powerful agent in Jelieeing Congestion or Inflain
matiOn of the Liver and Vitceral'Organs, and in Bilidus
For Skin Diseases,' Eruptions, Tdtter, Salt-
Rheum, Blotclts, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car
buncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Ery
sipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors
and Diseases 'of the Skin, of whatever, name or nature,'
are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a
short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in
such cases will convince the most incredulous of their
curative effects.
Cleanse t iso Vitiated Blood whenever you
find its impui hies bursting through the skin in Pimples,
Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it ob
structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is
foul; your feelings will tell you when, , Reep the, blood
pure, and the health of the system will follow.
Grateful thatumnda proclaim VINEGAR BIT
TERS the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained .
the sinking system.
Pin, Tapo, and other . I.Korma, lurking in
the system of so many thousands, ars effectually de
stroyed and removed. Says a distill suished physiol
ogitit : There is scarcely an individual in us the face of the
earth whose body is exempt from the pm tsenceofworms. .
It is not upon "t 1 healthy elements of the body that
worms exist, but npon the diseased humors and slimy
deposits that breed these living monsters of disease.
No system of Medicine, no vermnifuges,mo antlielinin
hies, will free the system from worm like these Bit
Mechanical Diseases. Perms s engaged in
Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters,
Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will
be subject to paralysis of the Rowels. To guard against
this take a dose of WALEEE'S VITIEGAR liITTSRS once
or twice a week, as a Preventive.
Bilious, Remittent, and Intertnittent
Veverto which are so, prevalent in the valleys of our
great rivers throughout the United States, e.Specially
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten
nessee, Cumberland, Atli:ins:is Red, Colorado, Brazos,
Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roan
oke, James, and many-others, with their vast tributa
ries, throughout our entire coonts y rhiSing the Summer .
and Autumn s mid remaikablyNo during seasons of
unusuil heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied
by extensive derangements 9 1 - time stomach and liver, and
other abdominal t iscers. 'I here are always more or less
obstructions of the liver, a - we:11,110:s atid 'irritable state
of the stomach, and great tot por of the bowels, being
clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat
ment, a purgative, exerting a powethil influence upon
these various organs, is essentially tiecettstd p. There is
no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dmr. J. WA ttrait's
)EGAR. lIITTEE, as they will speedily remove the
dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are
loaded, at the same time stimulatiug the secretions of
the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions
of the digestive organs.
Scrofula, or King's :BAD, White Swellings,
Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled. Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous
Inflammations, Indolent Inflanimstioits. Mercurial Af
fections, Old Sores, Et options of the Skin, Sore Eyes,
etc , etc.• In these, as in all other constitutional Dis
eases; Vitra uses's Varac sit BITTERS lave shown their
great curative powers in the most ksumate and intract
able cases. i
IDr. 'Walker's FJaliforni 19 eto r Bit terfi
net on all these cases in a similar manner. Ily purifying
the Blood they remove the cause, ;Ind by resolving away
the effects of the inflammatton (the tubercular deposits)
the affected parts receive health, lnd a P'ermanent cure
is effected.
The properties of DR. WAT.I:IIO,S VINEGAR
BITTINIS are Ap9rient, Diaphoretic and - Carminative,
Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic Sedative, Counter-Irri
tant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious.
Tito Aperient and mild Laxative properties of
Du. Wm-gust's VINEGAR BITTEttS are the best safe
guard in - all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers,
their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect
the humor's of the faucet. Their Sedative properties
anal) , pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bo,elA,
either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc.
Their Counter•lrritant infiuoneei extends throughout
the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid
neys, corteeting and regulating the flow of urine. Their
Ants-Bilious properties stimulate file liver, in the secre
tion of bile, art . !' its discharges tlittnids the biliary ducts,
and are superior to all rem ag iits,• for the cure of
Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc
Fortify the body agnins 'license by puri
fying all its fihids with VINEGAR. urrans. No epi:
demsc can take hold of a system tl us (means - led. The
liver, the stomach, the hostels, th • kidneys, and the
nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great invig-
Direetions.—Take I d the lii tens. on going to bed
at night from a half to ono and of e-half wine-glassful'.
Eat good nourishing food, suds . s beef steak, mutton
chop, venison, roast beef, and •egetables, and take
out-door exercise. They are corn osed of purely veget
able ingredients, and contain no s irit, •
J.WALKER, Prop'r. 8.111. M DONALD &
Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal., •
andsor. of Washington and Ch rlton Sts., New York.
May 2;4 1872-,ui.
Pianos I Organs
I F you waut a firet-class
Piano or Organ:
call on B. F. DOWD at Dr. A. D. Eruitpart's office.—
no has tho
Estey Orgam, !Webber
Haines Bros, Pianos,
Sheet Music, Instruction 130 ks. Piano and Organ
Spreads, and anything in the lile of first-class musical
'Goods. .3. F. Stratton Ar Co's I and Instruments.
Also the Domestic Bowing Id; chine, Call in al el Flee
the. li. F. DO' D.
Wellshoro, April 21., 1872.-1 f
`For Sale.
HEAD of fat Cattle—average \\eight from , in
1800 pounds. Call on the subscriber in 'mi
l:lull, ti mileN from Osceola. Whl. L. \VILDICII.
May 15,1572-3w*
' o* i "
, ,a—Vl3
A xINN ,_
Every year increases the popularity
of this valuable Ilail. Preparation;
which is due to merit alone. We can
assure our old patrons that it is kept
i t
filly up to its high st: ndard; and it
is the. only reliable and )erfected prep-.
aration for restoring "G AS - 0n FADED
Hama to, its yowl - did. col o l', making ,it
soft, lustrous, and silken: The scalp,
by its use, becomes white and clean.
It removes all eruptions and dandruff,
and,"by its tonic properties, prevents
the hair from falling out, as -it stimu
lates and nourishes the hair-glands.
By its use, the hair groWs thicker and
stronger. In baldness, it restores the
capillary glands to their normal vigor,
,will create a new growth, except
in extreme - old age. it is the most
economical HAIR bREASING ever used,
as it requires fewer applications, and
gives the hair a 'splendid, glossy ap-'
pearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State
Assayer of assachuse says, "The
constituents arc pure,' and carefully
selected for excellent quality; and I
consider it the BEST I PEEPAnn±rox
for its intenddd purl)°, es."
Sabi by all Druggists, and D filers in -iftdicines.
Prico Ono D
As our Renewer in
quires too long a tine
care, to restore gray
ers, we have prepared
preparation; which
\ effectually aecomplisl
is lily applied, and
whiekwill neither n
Sold 14 - all Druggis
Cents. %
34-4 V -J
Jll3l. 3,1874.
• 's Dye
I many cases re
and too much
r faded Whisk
! this dye, in one
will quickly and
this result. It
woduces a color
.h oft:
nor wa
s. Price
R •
• R
$ n from Ono to Tworay
after realllnKthlA advc rib; eat heka Lap, I •
It wa4.1.1,4 - awl I.;
Conly Vain
that litatatalYlEttoill I he. roma
lallamMatlont and curva Coove,tioo- 'li' mei ‘ , l
Lump, Stomach, Bowels, or &the; Itta'T
• IN FROM ONE' Ti) TWENTY 13111 'f
tin Matter - lik.vr. vjolcot Or el:um...Mimi th qt,
ItHEUMATIO, Dahm, Ctippl,(l„
Netiotlgle, or Indtlrated with ie.ja...e raly hoq - ,
INFLAmmATiori 11.111ANTA, ,
- 01. - 1114: 10,Abi..,'
ANFLAM NI:VT(ON Till , : Howl ,
HYSTERI('S, CROUP, DI P111111:141.41
coil) criii,tB, AMIE (MILLE:
The ci,pllcetlon of the Illmar
parts where f h e 1):1(11 br eaht."
and comfort.
Twenty drops Ia Ralf a tombh...r 7,r tryt
) 1,0111, 4 1 t 8 Cara CB AM Pf 4, IP
Traveleni should alwa-, A carry a 1 , Ath. l .
li m ay 'gon e r with th,m. A 4 , 1
prevoit Or paLct II i i rL "J!.
7, ter than litcnch Bramly of Pit let 1
FEVIII3I‘ ANIL . 1 3(a:F.,
FEVER. AND AGUE mitt for tlrt ‘ .. le, ht •I •
not a armedial agent In 01.15 lw . ot • ,
mid Ague, and :ill Om ~; 1 0. 1
Pphobl, and ether r/'
ILLS) oa qulelt f.l] W A "Crl 1:1:'
Filly ca,t„, .I;yr bottle. iI by DrurBi-k.
EJLEsif AND W EtrutT--Cl. EA It ^:
COMI'I,I , :XION El: EU , 121: I LL
HAS MADE T 111.7, AlOili'll ASTONP , LIING cl'lt li'.-•.
'l'Hl BODY lINDKILGUES, uNpElt THE 1.% .
FLETF,Nrypy OP l'ffN TRULY , SVONIIf..I: 11.
MEDICINE, TilA'f-- - I
Every Day an increase In Flash
and Weight is Seen and Felt.
Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RE'c',ol.r"
ENT communlades thrimpli the Blood, Sweat, Ilia;
and other fluids and juices of the sparera the vigri, oil 1,M. ,
fi4r It repairs the wastes of the body with tiew and id,i,i, i
material Scrofula, Syphilta gon a riorprmn, -(,1„.„t„,,,,
disease, Ulcers In the 'throat, 'Alowth, humor=, Nr, .. - ~:,
the Glands and other -parts of the syston, Si, l r i
Struinous Discharge a fromtho Plan and th •Vj 4.,
forma of skin diseases, Eruldior.s, Fever Eon., 8. I ,
Read, Ring Worm, Saltritheurn, Erysipela , :, Aia.,-, I h ,-
fr . pots, Worms Jo the Illesb, Turmas, Cancer-, ,a; 0 . ,
Womb, and all Veeikerting rind painful flit , leir,o ~ :,- .. C
Scions, Loss of , Sperm, and all l: inlet Of Ilii• hi i prli .1
pie, are within the curative range of thin Winidi i of ni.,',
ern Chemistry, and a few (lava use will rii-,e tri'any
peoon using It for either of "these forint of du.,4 a>
patint power to c u re them,
If the patient, daily becoming ridtin.o by lb.. ',-;' ii• r
and decomposition that is contain:in) itd..er...., - ... , .„
reeds hkarresting these wastes, amt ret.mrs the ...,,,,,.,„ ,o,
new material made from healthy blood- and Mu t 1...:
SA RSA PA itru.LAN will Ana ,frlel reoit C.
Not only does the SARAAP C 1111.1.1 ret jtu t tOtXt ',l t +• 1
nil km ten remedial agents in the Cure 0" (111 , :,11., S mt ,
1011% C onstgutional, and Skin dhcasts ; but it 13 CV , . I '
perAithe gum for ' I
If-iolllley %; Bladder C Atal)lahuN,
Urinari, and Wornli diseases, Gravel, )Miami, mini
Stopp; ar of Water, Incontinence of Ur no. ltriitliC, I.Y.
ease, huminuria, and in all cases who e there me firwl,
dust I panels, or the water It thick, eli f nilv, riii.,„ll, a
Ellin cos like the whlti. of an egc, or thread-, like 1 . . ! , ,i , •
t i
silk, or there is re morbid, dark, bilious rippimmia.ii, ii .1
white bone-dust deposes, L
, and IN lien tnere is a pri.11.,,,
burning sensation wirer patshig NV,ltel, and pan, iii li._
Small of the Back ttatikdoug the Olus. Trice, St ...,),'
WORMS—Th: milv known and sure It. mtd,.
for Worms—Pin, . Mile; car'. I 1
!rumor of i 1 "rears? Growth
' Cured by Ra &way's Resolvent.
, Davrnt.y, 1 , .14.q , Jnly 14. ~',.' +
' Dn. nsnWaY•--t Love 'LI rim mi., Tutoitr 1;114. ;;: i;te: . I
bowels. All the Doctors said " there was ut>, help for it.'d I it ' , I
every thing that we: recommend. d; 1.. t I, ,, it:me helped 'n.-. I
taw your Resolvent, and thouzb I I w mid inl it ; but Irtd t J latOt
in it, (create I butt sufferrl for t0.,;1r0 yearl. I t00 . .< six Ali,
'of the itelatrent, and ono bur of imitiravq. Pill,, and tt .., t - . 1:•
tins of your Ready, [teller; and there I - , L. 4). tiin.,l mm+ r t• be
'teenor felt, and had Letter, emarter, and blip, than t ham,
'for trvele years. The wont tumor - washi the kit rid d It -
,td,s els, over the v01t... I writ.. this 1.,.tt fur the be tel.( -I
others. Yod can publith it if yore dies,. 1
in:' , . ;Ail P. sN . pp.
per,„„,, ta3te,es:,
pui4e, regulate, purify, elcanie, an 11 iiirovi.lloll4
ways Pilk, for the core of nil ut Srumiiel,,
Liver, Ilowelq. , Dii,n=.2.,
Headache, Cori pat tea. ci , !it iv,
Dyspepsia, Biliousnes.
the Bowels, Plies nnO Derany., tot-utn , •i the rnhl
Cent, IWartltiletitO effect a positive cure. Purt.lv %jet: ,
ble, containing no mercury, rnii,erale, of i:i
if.ls' Observe the following syinptorus retuitin ii u.
Disorders of the Digestive
Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullue, of the hh-0.1 in :04
Aeldity of tho Stornarh, Nawea, lE.:ethers, In ; rest ol
Fullness or Weight in the Stomr.eh, Sour Eihotstiens. Slaw< ..r
Fluttering of the Pit of the Stomach, St, 111n111‘.^ at the'
II timed and Difficult Droathinc,4 luttolinc th:fleart. Ohokle7,
or Suftecating Sensonons when in a Ls tog Fe-Lt.,:e. Dannett et
Vision, Dot, or Webs before the Sioht, F,el uhd Dull Vat, 4:t
the Head, Deficiency of Fel-Th.lth,, Yell...ene.s of the Shin
sod Eves, Pain In the Side, Cheat, Limb, au t sudden
Heat, homing In.lhe Flesh.
`A few doses of BADWAY'S ,PILLS free the sv.•
tear from all the above•nanted diForden. Price, cents
per box. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. ' ?
REAP "FALSE AND TRUE". Send one' lettc,
stamp to RADWAY & CO., No , . e 7 M idea Lane, No,.
York. information worth thou.sarlds wlt be scat you.
The High Bred Hairibletonial
Wi-cot ti ,€all.l
" TOW ANDA 5 5 9
.11711 G l an d fo r , u uumbe
./IpprOvcd .Hares at the Barns
,of the subscriber at
“ruiowANDA,” sire ..D,••••••i-ae (e<), by
Mt sibtet•,,•ni,,, tiv 1.1 , )
by imported Mr.-vary .!)-. ton Mll (1;1111 r. fiS by tl
Charles Keut mat , ' impnited
dam by 0! , ,i ('ii Ey , , be old 11:. 1
imported .11, nip V. and the unit On, lair „
by imported M. , ••• »v -c. "TtilVa:".lsA," dam, F.
mint but 7,1,tm!,. he by Hill..
foaled in 4,-133, and he by Blnd Norgad . rho
raised in Now Brunso - ick, I, I ./ hat
Strad Les,q l ,l 3 id .1 by Viinc lll ' TW ,.. 11 1‘ . , )\ - , ..!‘ tl
and E.1(110 Betlj. T11111%4011, Lowell,' Mass , I.s .3‘ , she •
David 11111,1fridi;cp.et. t.. 111 1,
(PIIITCI great favor. This hole-, cot 111410 111.411 1.1
cello than :lily ln,rs2 it hit day. • lie tin d ,
Ife,was th•- sire of •• Etl••••, ;111,1, s ire .
the dam Of TO \VANItA." ilueiilutgpasttelnbchin,
black points, dark bay, 1. - • Limas Meth- , he r
years old in July. lie in one et the evict r, imiirksh'
animals this country has produced. 1.1.• is boantne
blhbd-like, of great ulrcugth, ant action pert,. t.
cioito proximity to two of thii most notahth
lent; in this Nation :mil 1,,f
and as the sire of trotters, these two great I.o.irrics shit
far above all competition in thin or any past renerano
A better infusion of blood is not intim American hot ,
than in "TOR ANDA," lie is a fortunate cross.
bids fair for a brilliant future in all respects. .11.; . ; is
success, and true merit will be appreciated hy, condi
Judicious men. We have m YIN 11 )111. a period uhi
mere s l atted gabble about the horse is of but little' a
count, and anything of valne in his' history or bi ee
ing, cost, labor, long rencareh, tintight and Money
"The American Trotting Registert which et attains: .
that is known of the pedigree of Trotting IforSits, the
ancestors and descendants, with al recu rd. of all 1444
Haled performances in which a utile wasp trotted 4
paced in 2 , 40 or less, from the earliest dates till tl
close of li '4OB, and full record of the performances
1860 and 1870, giving complete summaries of lover
thousand contests. mint an introdUctory essay on tl
true origin of the Anieriean Trotter. a F...
thing. False pedigtees are quite 'itoo einnnb'qi.
work shuts nut imposition in a great . tlegreh. J. 1
Wallace, the compiler oh the "American StmPlie,,k ar
Trotting Register," giN es ti better mtelligi ut iiistory
the Horse than any other.
"TOWANDA" Arabi , shown in flatness lo ihn
that think of patrenizing bun bidlV,,-1/ 1101118
five and eight o'clock, 0. in., Oil ph•asaut week ita3
nig style and tine-trotting action, nhl n trained.
surely make his own charaeh•r. The um
brings the man to his to, - it is will 11;7 Flu
rEITAIS----Onehntidred. dollars to insure; Brunt}-hr
dollars at time of service, which 1 ill tot tail re hum,
in any event, and seventy-live dollars 0 hen proven
foal. Dist care taken of mares on' reasottaldn tom
All accidents and escape,: at owner's risk. ..‘ll urin
must be left i or brought to the idtible when jdr_uta
Maros not proven in foal can he rutin u..t in! St
free of ch arge.
iluAsoli.—First of April to July tlrat. Fall Seasdn-
First of Sapteintu'r to December first.
,10IfN D. 1 5 / 1 3NTANA1:.
Tem:Matt, Pa., May 8, 1ST?:
11,4 g e-4;a1414 t*ti
ALL kinds, titylts and fIIZCS Piettire.
executed in artif-t manner at P. A. N.trimc
Gallery. oppokito Cone llouge,llsbor”.
Portraits on Porcelain Plates
Nothing tincr, can ho offered than ihrar bca C
cabin Pictnr6s ii a velNct casn'orhainc. cot
neap and delicacy. al c aupeiink an,) t lung
on iron or paper. T 1 you want a
'Good Piei r liarc
of yourself, 63 to N'aramores.
you want tho very bcat t at can b , ;'• I
I •
Xf you want RomOthiug that looks' nice you, IP) to Nal
If you want au old Illa;pierreotyo:,
Ambrotype, or other Pletniea copied and ',lila Ned, 1 ,
Call 40 flint as reasonable as'uny other at.
will be finished in India Ink, Oil or Water
Persons wishing pictures of Grouper au,l childro
will i 'receive athntzon.l
A ,largo assortment of FranMs and Fromm.; Matiro
constautly tat Lana. An Uinta of
I I •
Pictures Flralllllied to OVACI
. ,
.7 1
. ,
N. D.—Don't ill). take the place, over .A. B. LIM man
Dental 'Rooms. 1 1
Apt'4l '24, 181'..,.-44
Railroad cc.
Stockholders of tho Cetrantagiei Valley 1:31
_l' Beall will plettati tabirhotice that an :Ise,.
tclu per cent has been matte oti each alialLe of the :tali
RIM Road acielt, to be due op the tlftli Otli) il,ty 0
JOne,Hest, andipayable at the °Nee et - the Triaserer•
C. L. pArrispN, Seery „t: Troaa.
Elk!and, Pa., May 13, 1872.-irell2.-liw.
../1 cintiiiistratO7.7B, ..71 1 9.1ice. i
iI L 4 John N. Mead late of Chatham, T r
iogit ounlY , 'a-
Oceased having Dion granted to the nutlet Bigni • d• a/
persona having claims against. F1i(l ell I )
111 V 13.21 . 0b3
Ilatifitd to call for settlement bu. ana those owing al ,
thilC,io make inimediate paythents to 1
'6hathiun, May 1,--Eiv. iiiiliftlistratr r.
For Sa
At my'realdauca in Charl;
MI 28 4 ra-tw.
111 r....
.t - :rirv . .r.._ E.. , : i:.‘
r i r.:t. - mAT3 ~..y;
tf,1.1„. I “i",
PIA ftf• U
E ,
of ;Ina 1,:,
p. IL N . IIi.~~IIIRP