Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, June 05, 1872, Image 3

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Bo your luik and bonnet, if you wish to
VP )ImcN at A. B. Heim 's, Corning,
\ f„- ; ,, 1.-k1 gloves nt our store, than nt• ono
others combined, Mine's, Corning.
DeinoreA's . branch .- at
or „i ncf Send for catalogues or patterns
c direct
arid ebildren'slinen and lawn suits,'
a a,fal fashions and made eheitp at A. B.
i I in, Corning.
f „„ ;:.A LE. —One open buggy (nearly new),
cutter, and buffalo robe.—
; core at this office. June 5,1872-6 w.
]:,.:11 guipure and thread_ laces, and - lama
point lace collars in large and
as .. E (,rtments at A. B. Heine's, Cor
. _
I, :t i removed to 2 doors westpf the
„!fi, Ind Now occupy the most. rung
t,,,,. between Rochester and New
\ B. Heine, Corning.
The house and TM
estead, situated on
of J. 0.- Kress, at
1,1, the
k 1 rnur 111941 in
0, lx
I 1((1 rine
,inimen/ will give
i,•it , l ill ea , t`A of Chronic Rheumatism,
,nct :-evivre, than any other article
t, , urdira teen.
I' has ,iwt received lob; of now
out for his advertisement next
„ tool meanwhile take a look at his ex
, , lionner stock.
, ar e autliotized t') receive subScriptions
/, I E n cyclopedia at this office. This
, invaluable, and should be in every
pan' , library.-May 25-4 t.
S 11. V. OR RENT'.—The house and 16t
, 0\ a a- the Whetmore house. situated on
.1 ~ a t.. Inquire of W. 'Sherwood,-,=--
i„. F..arth of July is; coining, ' and it !is
that quite a number rof young mien
,11,..a -tint= of clothes in order to duly
r the National Holiday. All such
„ ) ,Inember thai H. C. Perry, Mer
..,!:: T:ulor, Corning, has an•extensive as
-h., nt ~f - elegant Clothe,-and that Joseph
, t Ow cutter .at this establishment.—
r pirouptly•
, „0, 1 , remarked by strangers visiting
that we show a larger proportion
11. , r-pis than any other State in the
Thi-, we tell them, is owing to two
in the firstplace, we breed
, \lry best stock ; and in the second
po)ple use Sheridan's Cavalry
Powders., which in our judgment
twalculable advantage.
hi:“ . ler, from Corning, Will
a the NVell-I,oro Hotel in this village on
.lane 110), 1872, with a large stock
r Human Ilair, Switr.heq, and long Water
,„ _. old hair ,orkod over in the latest
ci It t‘,l peat,• , t. r. Mrs. SehisAer is
a, an artizt in hair. ltemem
-1 th.. 11 tie and the place—Tuesday June
I , h woL , boro hotel.
H (moron, Attorneys & Conn
- 1,,v„ !rave removed to Converse &
W brick bl oc k.
for several first-class
• ,h,
'01). N. Y.,.....Capita1.....$ 1,000,000
• 10,000,000
h.l innati, 1,000,000
\ 1,00 0 ,000
. 7
• ••••
\\ if I, T\lav 2 1 1, 1872-lAI
CI) e Nitator.
IT cri n e _Affairs.
wit , n liravy 11(A
S uffi l, t v, ;1 ... it goo,l .I.ly to 1 ,,
woatlwr porfeet
hotel; \veie• htetally t•Vel 1 1111 with
- Vet) your 1)4.11.4 , insurtA m
\Vorl, Jot th..llew hotel itt Tioga wit, to
thi , week.
\ new time tnhle, went into etrept- last
C I,v en the Evie
Ii Gad our ag,rieultural Ii ienda do feel
11. e hap • I lit.wi•r , •—they .o vkqy
I le Tc....a stays there is to be a new
, - th• •• egabli-hod at Hammond'. On the
A .q I. It
Bunnell ha , added a new dining
,, • his hotel‘ and otherwise "let ont"
.; • .t..i;11-lutient, but he had all he could
t, • .1 the hungry multitude last heel:.
nt thi, time the landlords and' farm
. ••• ••;; the: broad grin. The late rains
; • • 11••• ;ow class, and court week keeps
' • 111,•r L•,O/1-natured.
\I; I ill.'tt , s school will give the last
• • I;tertninment of the term in the
' ;,' H-u on Friday evening, .Tune 7th.
t ;;; - ; eminence at 8 o'clock.
0,,,,tte - says, "Mrs. E. 0.
' n, h ha , been appointed member of the
'• ; ,;f l;; an State Central Committee" for
••• •Intv !How's that?
T;;111•111;;; Brothers' and Pierson's con-
,•t 11,eek Tuesday for the benefit of the
. N 1 a great success. The mid
" '• large and highly entertained.
-,; .• N.,0 . 1ir.; friend C. L. Peek, who was
'l'; , l I , the bar last week, is about to
- •;;it -hingle at - Nelson. IVe wish
; herds and fat fees. He deserves
Ihe pronil jury 19 , ,t week ignored
illegal liquor selling against some
hooll,r,l‘ n vote of eleven for to
a true bill. "'Twits
1 1
r •id event was the death of ft
taken sick - apparently.
Hoiday afternoon, was thought
n I I.ezter, but died very suddenly
,1 Of the Senior
I! , •`!ate Normal Sehool, at Mans-
I "' and Friday, June
" 1 7th t:andidates for the ',Second de
""' ' their papers . sent to on or be-
F' , Ann, 7th.
U: I ) /I Nararllcirc upon our
". •n l 1, i f photographic vie W -4 taken
I 1 1"1 tho day of the volebration
..r. , (lttable to ltr. Narainore
' :n.l avo 1-ouve•nif, of iL day
in(qlll,4 - 1 1 ..41 in 1`'1,..11: , 1)(vro. The
1.„. th, I wo Con ,?ale, kit
Ow renewing v,ise, l in the
),:ri(if,ut headed "Tiltoit s
1 ird » iie , t) of Tll/20, and li/ink; ( _
that Tilton lnve.9 toting,.
oar, ached that doubly tilreed Mate
1,1 , n their cotes and wives may cumulate,
p L , a Ahtli n lo•s\ilderca Till , At ' , I vote,
1, 5 lilt or Wondhull pritleolit ?
iI • .V , -111ncr, house of Mr. Win. Down - -
upper end of the - corporation lVtl9
'I ti'uyed by firelastTbursday morn
thought to have caught front the
, I , a,a,•v. Which was not yet finished. Part
"hiture wait saved. The house was
"II" and was not insured. The loss
L'Il• 1, , on Mr. Downer.
A m:v, time table Went into operation
I ' l l"' &L. R. R. last iktonday. There
t:%,) first class and one record class
favli wily daily. running time
I. , ave Corning. Ilcacb. Welleboro
7:30 a. m. 9:45 a. in.
7.115 p. In. • 10 p. ni.
b a. In. 8.35 a. in.
I.( (We Wellaboro. Reach Corning•
:3'.29 p. In. . 6:3•i p. in.
6 a. m. -8:20 a. m.
10;14 a. in. 11a0 p. m•
wora's,varal mOre inceiViltuejt fifes
at Bath last BataCasty ritorning.. Bushnell's
shoo shop, Purdy's.mitsic 'store; Mrs. Ifes'•
millinery storeandliardenlwOOk' A vaiehou'se
were all burned. Mrs. Mitchell and sister,.
formerly of this county, 'OCslupied part of,tho
Bushnell building tis a resi' ende and millin
ers' shop. The buildings 'ere -all of wood
and most of them 61d. • Ths placed at
DEVELOPMG OUR, Mxtutnai. ItzSwamis:,
—Our readers in this county, and eSpeciallYs
those in the Pine Creek region, willbepleiS
ed to learn that the fret steps have already
been taken to explore and develop the min
eral wealth of that large tract of land belong
ing to Phelps,l Dodge &. Co. We suppose
we may set it down as one of the immediate
good results ofnur late railroad celebration,
that during William B. Do ge's visit to ns
on that occasion he 'made arrangements 'to
have that work: begun an 'thoroughly'
During that visit r: edge met Mr. Jas.
Cameron, and engaged hi 1. to Make ex=
amination of the 'lands entioned with a
view to opening mines and bringing their
products into market_ at an early day, if
profitable veins shall be disco'areff. -
Cameronhas been intimately connectedwith
the coal interests of this eciuniy air many
years. He is an educated and-la practical \
man, having been , engaged in, opening and .
developing the at - Morris Run, and.
later still at Arnot. It is, safe to say' that' he,
knows at least as much about the mineral
resources of the' county, and has as practical
notions as to how they can hest be fievoloped,,
as any other'-man. No bettor man could
have been selected-for the work upon which
he is about to Inter,.
Mr. painero n . exPresses the opinion that
there are valifabliecoal beds upon the land
in question. We trust he will soon discover
an 4 test them, and that before -a very great
while there will be-new nines openedin that
region, and a new, railroad from - ,Wellsboro
to Pine Creek inactive operation, All these
possibilities lie in the immediate future.—
What their realisation implies for the coun- .
tY and for Wellshoro is evident. But we
have no space to enlarge upon the theme to
COURT LAST WEER. - Court convened
last week Monday, It W. 'Williams
presiding, with W. B. Smith and D. Me
naughton, Esqrs., as associate judges.• The
week was mainly devoted to Criminal busiL
ness, though a few rules and orders wore
granted on motion in some civil cases. The
grand jury had considerable business
pose of, and did not get through until Friday
noon. They foimd indictments against Chas.
Hulslander, Peter Hulslander, • and Edwin
Benedict for aggravated assault and battery,
and ignored a bill against Leonard J. Brad
ford, charged with the same offense, direct
ing that the prosecutor, Chas. Hulslander,
should pay the costs.
In the case 'of Jno. J. Bergen, charged
wish the intlrdcr of Lewis Culver, the grand
juiry found a true bill. The Court ordered
attachments to issue for several witnesses
for each party in this case. It will probably
be tried at the next term.
The grand jury also found true billsagamst
Daniel P. Hurley for assault And battery,
.Michael McCollum for aggravated nsstant
and battery, : IL S. inscho for forcible entry
and detainer, A. J. Phelps for forgery, Win.
Mitchell for assault and batte'ry, Charles F.
Cochran for seduction, Thomas Sullivan for
assault and battery (two indictments), and
M. G. - Bowman, for fraudulently removing
and secreting his property. They also ig
nored several charges forassault and battery,
and for selling liquor without license. These
last cases excited considerable comment not
at all complimentary to the grand jury.
On Monday several persons charged with
onm:offenses were discharged on payment
rte, UOO
In the ease of CI. H. Seyinpur vs. The
Town:hip of Tioga on of plaintiff a
rule was grantedto show criusii - vihy a :•pecial
tax shall not he levied to pay this and other
debt , . of the township; and, in the ease of
George Dorranee vs. The
,9'ownship of Os
ceola a similar rule was made absolute, and
Court ordered an additional cash tax of
one per cent. to he levied upon last adjusted
valuation of properly taxable foi road pur
po,es in said township to pay this and other
debts of said township.
rri,„ trial ut 0. D. Perry, indicted fetrarson
charged to hare been committed in Lib
erty township laA October, was begun on
Titer day and In ted until We(fnesday night.
The ea,-,e excited much interest, and was
: qui)handy contested, able attorneys being
%gai_ . :;Jl on each side. It was purely a case
of eircnni.•tantial evidence, and when it went
to the jury Wednesday night the general
opinion , ieemed to be decidedly agpinst the
defendant. The jury did not share that
opinion, however, for after remaining out nll
night they brought in a verdict of not guilty.
The ctise the Commonwealth vs. Gilbert'
Vincent was
not tried. The 'idefendni4 wits
indictod for rape, the offense having been
committed upon the person of his sister. He
pleaded not guilty, was tried, convicted and
remanded to jail to await sentence this weok.
The Commonwealth vs. MatthiasMarlatt
came on fir trial on Thursday. A jury was
empanelled and two witnesses sworn that
afternoon. The nett morning it was found
that one of the jurors was sick - , -and after
looking up the law it was derided to empan
el a new jury and begin again. The eleven
original jurors were drawn and une new one
who had been in court and heard all the evi 7
denc,o whereupon the parties waived the re
exaqiination of the first two witnesses. The
trial then proceeded until. Saturday noon,
when Court adjourned to Monday noon, it
being evident that the case would occupy
two or tide() days of this week. This case,
in which he defendant is charged with arson
in burnin 14s own property to defraud the
insuranqe companies, excites great interest,
not only d Knoxville, where the offense is
alleged to have been committed, but in other
parts of the county. It has been tried once
before, but the jury failed to agree. There
is a great array of wjtnesses and Ade counsel
on each side, and the fight promises to be a
lung and a bitter One. ,
HON. R. G. WAITE.—Ii is known to many
of our citizens that the venerable and excel=
lent Judge White suffered a severe injury t i n
his left hip a few months since, by reason ,t , t
iv - 11kb he has been totally unable to wall:,
,Acept. by the Aid of crutches, and tq el/ then
with great difficulty. A few weeks since it
occurred to a few of the friends of the Judge
that some kind of locomotive chair might be
at great rqlief and convenience to him. Af
ter suitable inquiry it was aceertained that
'such a ellidr could be procured by sending
to New fork ; and on proposing the matter
to some l; rt e, influential gentlemen of thi:.
place, it wits instantly and heartily approved.
and in a very short time enough "was sub
seribed to purchase an Invalid's Locomotive
Chair of this best quality.
Monday evening of last week, the chair
laving been procured, a pleasant company
met at the Judge's residenee, and after being
handsomely served with ice cream and rake
irocet ded to the business of the evening,
which was. to pr: gent the chair to the ,Tudgo.
On heing placed in the chair : it wn. 4 ii)und to
answer thi. , purpose most admirably. The
Judge could travel about the house fryni
l'oolll to loom with almost no, exertion, and
all seetned to he delighted with the in-gen
iou, and bemttiCul contrivance. Dr. Hoek
then delivered the following address, : ,, to
which the Judge replied most appropridely
and leelitigly. and heartily expressed his
gratitude to the friends who had done him so
great a kindness:
, ~ .
Dear Sir:—A few of your malty, friends;
have availed themselves of this pleasent, oc
casion to call Upon you, and to express their;
high esteem for you personally, as well, as
their unfeigned sympathy in your present
physical disability. And we beg to be id- 7
lowed the pleasure of leaving with you this}
not inappropriate souvenir, that may be to.
you a useful - and familiar memento of pleas/
ant memories for cOming years.
'ence we do ourselves the pleasure to
-leave with you this ingeniously devised- end
beautifully constructed aid to pel•sonal'lOett
inotion, Which will give you ability to move
about the house, or the yard, orthe side walk
even, if there should be occasion, without tlo
necessity of using the disabled limb.
, Wo cannot think of any thing else: that
would in likely to add more - to your present
• - 4 : 4 , • " -
personal goinfort4na eii etliefi 4
ee. Ahit-fai*
stumpy:hi:me is that' thid convenient article
town/Who a permanent necessity for you, ,
but that you may in atie3ime"he" ettnbled to;
use yon.Vown feet, and go out and in among
, us,,ns•ditring the many years of your res
ifiene6 in this community. But oven then
You.may find,this invalid locomotive chair
a fr - 60ent eon veniefiCein'Aintes' Of. iiickness,
weariness and infirmity*during the many
Veers that we hope your valuable life - may
be spared to your family and to general so
khow holy scrupulously careful'. goy
hays been during • the long period -of year:
Jsidies,hip, to avoid giving the least (ices-
Jaion for suspicion of selfishness, in all your.
'official' and private procedure; during'
'yoUr Continuance in that elevated official po
sition-we should not have presumed to pre
sent to oven so comparatively insignifi
cant a, memento as this, lest ourprompting in
the Pie - .4entation, or yours in the acceptance,
inightliave been misinterpreted WEL mor
bidly suspicious public.
But,now; since your retirement from your
longlhonored judicial pcisitic4; . }sinOe therif
can be .no . -possible impropriety in your Sic
ceptinga-touvenir of some value from your
friends, ,we feel at liberty to present, to, you
thiasnb - stluitial token ot' our personal esteem
and kindly:wishes; and we hope it May, af r
ford y,ou'eis much satisfaction and comfort in
the' using as it has yielded to us unaffected
plea i
siire ntim giving.
When 'the Patriarch Job' ryas ternporarily
suffering personal affliction, it was one source
'of Consolation to him that during the period
of hisirriakistracy be had delivered the poor
th~it"died, and the fatherless and him that
'had `none to help him; the blessing' of him
that was ready to perish came upon him.;
and he cauSed the widow's heart to sing for
joy; For ho had put on righteousness, and
'if, clothed him; and Bis-judgment vies34„robe . '
and a diadem. And he had beeif . eyes to the
blind, and feet to the lame.
- In respect of being eyes to the blind, and
feet to the lame, what you have so long.been
legally and officially to us, we would itow;
,endeavur to be to you, especially as it relates
-to the feet;- Air in respect of the physical
ttbility' to \Valk you now appear to be more
manifeitly in need of help, and we beg 'the
pleasure of now supplying you with the need: .
ful assistance, and we take the liberty ofput
ting your Honor into the chair.
The gentlemen who associated in this pre=-
s.entatioh, and shared equally the expense
of it, are as Mows: ' -
. Hugtt Young, D. D. Nick, C. RoMmon,
P. C. Van Gelder, J. Gibson, E. A. Fish,
W. T. gathers, J. F. Donaldson, J. B. Niles,
M. F. Elliott, B. F. Wilson, G. W. Merrick,
A.: 'Gardner, 3, B...Ftitter, ...N., P. Clone,
Chandler & Van Horn, It. C. Cos, L. 'l i ra;
man; s J. L. Robinson, W. Sheiwood,
Bosard and H. W. Williams.
flow Iw 4414 Observed in Wellsboro.
The Post of the Grand .Army
,of the Re
pnblie atlas. village had Made extensive ar
rangements to observe last. Thursday—the
day set apart .for decoratinObe graves of the
soldiers slain 'in the lute war ; but the rain
sadly interfered with the prograninie. It
was finally decided, however, to•hold the e3F
ereises the Hall, and to omit the proces-
sion'of citizens to the cemetery, the members
of the Post'reeeiving from the hands of•thc
ladies the towers and wreaths prepared for
the occasion And . going alone to deposit,thk4
on their lade corprOes' :7!' -'
Belo re the hour "p pp oi "t:114 ezereiso
a good sized audience nearly' filled the 'Thai
Court had adjourned for
,the occasion, and
many persons - attendance upon it 'werV
present. •
The exerei..7.,es were opened by ,the tom
biped Knoxville and Wellsboro Bands - play-:,
hug Star-spangled Banner." Capt. ;R.
C. Utility, who acted asChairinati, 7 state:a thd '
object of the meeting,' It wag to visit j)
graves of the soldiers' who had dieo for:l,lie
conntry, ,i(Val; to 'wreath'
with rowers;
In doing this' for those who lie in our cerne- - ,
- tery 'hero, let usnotforget those wh9,,3ie
distant cemeteries. Let 14- this day remeifb - dr,
too, those who have sae . rideed litnbsor Health
for the cause. 4s for f.!ur dead enemies,. we,
can say they were brave ands we for
give them what the dm:
Rev. Dr. Buck, the Chaplain of the POSt,"
then mode a few remarks to explain 46111..
A. II and its objects. Ile said it, n,
cret order on3y so far tri tb protect itself from
imposition, and to sreure thr mama - recog.:'
lition of its members. There were no other
secrets. The society inclOides the highest,
and most bonorsble officers of the Army and
Navy ni well as the, raid: 0101 e. Itswateh='
word., are Fraternity,' Charity, Leyalty. , -‘..
Its work to help the Widow and orphtin.
oar deceased soldiers, and. to lutry—our corn
codes with suitable honors. • It iJlierisht:firand
inculcates the deepest, purest loyalty i , Po _our
country. It-strives to keep alivo the -mem- ,
ories of the military usages, . language' and
habits of finny lifv In' the intalst, ofOtircetjl
mon country. Itt!tthxo Juke tn charge. this
day's work.. T.heY .lake, these wreaths'
front the ladies hands, and 'ln • their 'names,
place them on,,tha. graVeS...l)f Ottilhonnred:
A patriotic song and elorus was then
sung nYa'qUartetto of ' gentlemen, intended
to express the feeling Whieh animated'-the
country 'dining the late war:, This was fol
lowed by an appropriate prayer by Dr. Buck,
the:Chaplain of the Post. Another song. 7 , -
"1 uhnll sleep in the valley," was then sang.
AN. Geo. 'W. Merrick then !int,Ve,r;
(Weed. lie said he liked the conditions un
der which he NVIVi to speak : his remarks were
to be off-hand and not to exceed ten minutes
in length. ' He couldn't cOmmend the selec
tion made, but he had learned at least ono
thing in the iwriny and that was to- Obey Ai..
der. This work for which we have met is
a commemorative service that appeal's to the
best sentiinents of our nature. Words are
indeed a pony tribute telhe infm.g,tie's, of otir
fallen comrades by the side of these'fragrant
and graceful t wrcrtths. 'To-Ylay the dead speak
to us by the lips cf the living, by the .
or ies of their actions, by the. crowning 'sac
rifice of thed. lures. This day all-over •our
broad land in eitycfown and b`amlet alriii
dustry pausoslhat we 'nay bring some tatting
tribute and lny-it on ,the gravea , o , our, dead
soldier. ) Thotigh'otirthenklits andlour spee4
to-day be of battles, marches and sieges this
is no war meeting, but ona in the interest of
peace, in memory of those who sleep:' 3'lN
gather here in memory of thOs - o ivbb fell :in
the great cause of lwrnamtx.
How little} we know our capabilities
. until
we Aire put 101044 Wheii that War Flood'
that lately eivertchadoived the,lana arose men
talked of the degeneracy of the times,-and
predicted ibat*none would he found to breast
the storm. But where were those fears
when, the grent uprising came, and men
mile() 0.,.:1e,rn.- d'efeid the, eiltintry"?.
11:Avvis, at wit livr and die, but they will
keep alive iii tholicart the 'fl6wers of pfitripf:-
ism and heroism. The men whom wehonor
died to make thii.cMuntry one, to, keep this,
Union one,iand they triumplivd not alone
for this land and for but,, for plan49od :
every a h The cause , was that, or the.
whole world. For eightyyears we had one
Hagan() W4n it was rinflifted'YOu lees d4he
clank Of chitin., You don't
- bear - them, airy
more. [Applause - I. . Those whnin we. :Met. ]
in the field Were brave meth but they fought
in a losing and a: lost causer, because .an •unT
just cause, 4gainst-a-just and goad govern
e.nt. The t,peahier 10jCV,e,
in , Stu nib ng, I'm les,' lin't hi, ilj l believe . tn` thew
array. He knew" that war wns•sornetimeelliti
lady road to peace and tranquillity.' 'When'
our country is iiitjustlyfattackpkwar.;
imh ri:sert of the patriot: It' was in `sifeb
t h
'wa'r that 4 - n1.1.41(41a iini - V'we" - dol , w))11 -2 tri
keep ilit<ciiy in their honer t ,
observed as it national holiday.`: Its iivery
little }nil/At:tare:the graves
'something like then - o ceremonies are' going .
for to-d fly all over this hind. The day
in nolessimpres-sive than - the Fourth ofJitly;
_Gil. it -marks our reseno - frjriitizirtiii?dairigeic
There are many fresh wounds 'W
-day all
over, the land±mtiny in - thip t
henrys ' Certainly Yecolicat;' - iillatlikihlieen
given the received', the tfterifices .
made. Whoever-we be, - iv hertlYer *N79 g 4),
we find the nieniory of those' ;chi . "3," . died for
me—who died . Then atrew,,ffer4 l
on their grrivest 'You can find no fitter, em
blems. , •
After the Knoxville Band'.had played {
Jiulgo-_Williams was called on for sonic
d caine.t,OrW the fird to e -,plittforn4'
that he felt glad that this service
was 'hod,-,atid.glad that Weltre Devipitted - tco,
participate ••There could be :no .more
i6s than thege:: EiterYwbetii - '
&Mtn all ti:ninthe'priCekdirieri.gaoll- an&
great thing.wae labor and iniffering, qtly
*etiittg . . , , k other'iltions aml. u
,remember the!Revoittlie6(4 ittood our
fathers-rthe seven long years of toil and of
. 13ilire'riiig, ankthe glorious result of it. How,
we honored the men who achieved that work
while a few } ofthem still lingered among us,
and in *lir honor and freshness is their
memory n w Pept 1 We remembered how,
eleven,years *o, treason lifted its bloody,
horrid crest, and threatened the very eats—
,of:"the nation. The Government at
:Itist,. ern erged in safety &omit)] at terrific strug
ilk tatt the title() of this national ealvatinn
I vos that hundreds of thousands ofiem ( h4.•
Ivestlaildibest Ini - Ve gone beneath the sod.—
And those whe have laid down their lives
that the nation might ifive were men in the
pride and stre'pgth of youth.
From the holiest. time men , have built
monuments MI commetnorate`thoie 'wlinhavo
toiled and suffered for the nations. The
:greitth - tijes which still stand in the oldest
counties of thi earth are the 4: moen,, ,ts and,
mausoleums of the oldtklng-44t&ltutiP.1 'aid'' ,
conquered fo" their people. And in our
own land, scattered all eve it, in quiet, rural,
scenes and inhe hwy. sire 48 of cities,' rise'
monuments l rerninding us f the neon' who
-have toiled, villie have - stifle ea mid - aio -
their country, But the monument to which
you to-day bring tribute, and which you aid
in handing up is better than all these. The
human heart it the fittest monument for these
m,en,w,hd bare suffered for M. And no :bet;
tel. symbols can be found than these you
bring. Thos' flowers shall wither end fade,
:butVemblemsof immortality, they shall keep
the memory of thofe men green.and fresh in
every loyal American'' heart •,Wltile::al loyal
American liv - esi... ~-,.. . • . . ': ' •
Rev. J: F. fCalkins then made .some re
marks in the bourse of which 'he contrasted
the funeral se'pnea of civil and military life.
He then said that to-day might be consid - -
'sired the fun4al day of-ally those,' who • had
:died that wis might live,
beginning with
those who had suffered et Plymouth Rock
find in the French and Indian wars to lay thei
tlinn,datiens cif societY - hi•O'ed - Mid" firm. The
history of nations is written in blood, and it
must be so wile - man - Conti - nice; trenhirein
creature ho npw is. From Maine to Texas,
all over the lend, and in the hottorn of the
~,tsea.are the upknown graves of those whel
- I:tac'e - Suffei•edito build up the nation. We
'rear a n:ientitnenttothern to-day in our heart
of hearts:. t4e speaker thlrhifkeed“,. to
make an astiOato of the nithiliere whehii
I been saerifleeid in warfare in this country a
follows: 'French and Indian wars, 22,000,
Battles of tile Revolution, 25,400; Prise
ship:4,l2pp Incidental deaths during th
Revoltition, 13,000; War of 1812, 10,000
. '
*ex)ean :wa r , 12,000; Rebellion, 500,000.
We to-day s decorate one dozen graves, whil
the person's kvlio have surrendered their live.
ter the countiy amount in all to more the
one million ;tnen. The speaker said tha
christian Mert everywhere and the church i
tell ages bald that we live the highest life b. '
virtue of the death of one malt, Jesus, an.
they-PeetVeiiodically to celebrate that grea
fact:-.,,t,AriA to-day wo are met to celebrat ,
Ittlede4tlt!o those who died that one civil lif
`l - 141,0,o'Purer and higher. The speaker reL
grettedciat lie could not find the names 0 t
those ,sotlieA who went from this villag
. 'that,he ridght read them here to-day. Ting
copiAy'olyp)3 t to herself mill to the relative
of those ni#ll.vlio went forth from her her
derSteLgather every name and guard it sac!
redly in herounty archives. The speak+
ling cried-to o this when County Buperin
tentiet4i'and xe had also endeavored to gath
erlilinf(to 4reet a monument to keep gree
•in 445.1*t5 4 th0 memories of Oc).se who ha
'died fOr, , uh: the speak - el. then • related AO'
'story Millie 041136100n' Of 'a n ''olilecirs','le -,
cillriarhe ffarfulAght- beforePetershu 1"
whOr tOwasassisting the surgeons at the r
blotOiliihort. He described the, quiet h -
, r6l4tri'aiiept4ient endurance of the sufferer,
•rind elosed,h± saying that the officer referred
to Nv i jil i kS j ot the first speakers hero to-day.
After seq. e VVellsboro Band had played ja
itriAr, Cei :, A 4 E. Niles stated that on al
- inclemency of the weather they
'would not,urge . thweitizens-tri - loiwtheirpro-.
eeSsi*to the cemetery, but that they wou d
go algi to cOnclude the oicereisee4,fte s dit ~
1 1.4)imikdietice then dispeisaiirid Thtvy
:et:at:4,4s4 6. A. R., laden with, wreaths
and flowers, formed in procession h ea d e d 1 y .
.the Bantijam i d marched to the conetery 0
,strew the gtaves of their comrades the y
' ( ghe NII uthich fell at intervals during t ac
ilitYli"flitiiirsl kept the streets muddy, ti4d
rendered theout-door oxereise, of tho day
{any t gig, but agreeable. But at the Hall eV
4 welt off well, and' in spite of the
. weat Fir Deepration Day in Wellsboro in 1872
'nap ,:yet dpwn as a decided success.
4,..:11,ATR1cA1. Huit - -1111r.i , tFl.l.itor ,:* ' e
hake be 4: Berenadeta several titans of in e,
au4..; . tatili;t ike it, and have ventured to
p4: 4 rny*p rience into verse for
t,Q the espe
eiaiiat o the Knoxville Brass Band{—
Let them to the hint and themselves Oil
to. he top otl,"Forks ,Hill" or some otliel
place stifficitly remote from human Ind)i
tatinlf, that t e 81 -- bera of peaceful id .-
.um of peaceful and tr
et citizens ray not nightly be broken ir
upon, as the have been frequently of late.
The "pomo' i runeth thusly -
t9B,S, upon an Livening moony, (when young , intmi l d
'lnbet g(Ow loony,)
,I. in my own eeit bedstead slumbered, ou tho ocean
ato ry film., 1
And just was lasing into dreaming, when unto m
' /I 4eoteal. seeming
Came it'aindail qto caterwauling, sornewLer.: mar ai
a .4ather'door,
'Tie soine hungry cat, I muttered, prowling roun Ith
kitchoti door,
I t '.a V* It is, and uoth!ng more.
/ 1 Abi'dtstinetly remember,; 'twee not in the bleak D.
1 ''' .7 ' - ceinbef,
Mint i 'tviiiiit th; balmy spring -time, sung by Too o
- ~'. , -iberor.e::
As X turnectsioi; softly over, dreamed of but tJrc lips an ,
clover,l ';''., ; 05 „;•,, .),.,
Came again tb beastly waving,man.dbing lo id
) . '' I ) tban-lb tore,
And a dismal ating, tapping, ibis tune nears rto
, door
ly Ms and nothing more
es all around me fur a momeut
Then qtain
Volled rue. 11
el rile with fantastic terrors ac dom
felt bet
So that noW,:t
~; . xieatln,
'Tis any plat ca non entreating ' enti wise at the rft hi
‘. door. I $."..!. !al- 4 . ...*. il i . J O ft A[
'V , eiY' Noon th 4otirgY r -peafibi.l4:::if y - glio.,t at
~,, . Jarredithe door; 7
~ ... g 'Tie no cat, but something more.
Presently.mycart grew stronger; hesitating then,
: • 1- ` - '''lmiger
- 1
Sirs. thought . you villainep„fairly
nlost or. ...fzt... v.......-,F,.....-. ng
~.......--* .e.a..
seized ra l eurling iron; sh I what perils did
- c i • 4
~ ..i iS l ent
n I I seiz
Alaithillg thati t night be prowling , lurking slyly rout
the d r
Then ttintioed, slowly, lightly, eantiewtly along tl
~..:. t , , flOO*; 1
„; I „:,
.., . 1
„Decking) ii.Vi bed I tumbled, with ideas rather Me bit
Soon again I heard that squalling, rather louda
. le
it V
' ' at r tiO tr I said I, botheration lin he Ighttr i ot Y
;, Fitton I ,- .r. -.._—”, ...r -14,-
i Wh t can be the sad occasion of that racket near
A.llnk 1101110 y prayera as usual, and no wiser thtln
1 , fore
. ' I
' . ~, I. Closed my peepers, and began to snarl.
rltt -I .3.l.39'Wher'a n chaluabasli.bound.ine; k.llti e vr-...
argaldtEDOZ - VJ t,A7.:11:.: li:In :41 Li
.khankia * &tea flitting softly about th e . afo said
- • ' t f ,- . J...'efOnr 1 1 '
Ind, 'tliO'dtilt k pia had all the seeming of reality; }could
' ' '''..."" 4 thatilreaming
:.tliErhot aliviSl prove falblEt te r lB - 15 #eb ArtuAlkwica
„. bare , "4 k i '.'.?..... il t r i
lit''ivelimitr'om Pleasant via •: - peit ailee r 'tir nays Itnig
-- ---- -gone tWore, . . .
71return. ah I nevermore. -- .
....I' , -, - •, -.. - 7 .:
In the morning when Aurora rose in sple..dor and it
glory, 1
shopping,.. . .. 4 . 11i4
. ..1 4;, ,
red r'...„ „ *thin to3to shop, , at -a•well Ira ~a ,
t. ” -. " -- '46re, . ,
... 4„1 ,
,There 1 happened to -diskiver" what had canoed 3
i so to shiver;
ifrwas nartght but '..fgoute, Svreet.Aonae." played n
•. j ..a 4,. 4 1•1 1 g! ,. ig',lril ~Igii K ß,
play44by. l auy . , :.. ho p 0 e...th
1 ~ .store, , 1
-, ' -
.„ Only that, and nothing more,
Aid the Iliais taiad still remaining,-ibflaiavot - gac,
'tinntill remaining
Still are potuding, equal li ng, bawling " music! quite
• 4 .enibralling'
sti are bent on "Home" regardless, utterlyi bow
.r.1r.,1,1 •
.:=nervi s are "tore," i, 4:
And the members of that band, when the daY . • 4
, •- 1-, :.)..; ',resale's o'er,
,Stlitssiaitrahling from all quarters at their rendenvons,
, - •. : rthe Sidra.
•ikfakeYatight•Wdecrus with their howlin g . round tr
~: ~ :.• .:: aft9g4id store.
• - --- - - - •;-,• ;Just es lively as before I
attn . ilael36atliiiiitinf . hti4; I la •
Vtermapr ,
.I):Jrnyi WLson who
Kos to 1110 TO
.10t ou --7Won i
illi o rifetpti y Bow
Kett •••. llo* port-NOM Sfatr o ltarbefli
stock of drugs, an intends to enlarge the
business. He has athh.d a sort oftt book-store
and news depot to it.
—3l.rs,-Lleli-Ittelni•yre is building a-neat
little cottage upon bet hit situated on the
east side of the river.
—Geo.,EVarts has the materials for a new
house upon his lot, and will commence Wild
ing Qpistationslioen. . ~... t,, ..
—Judge Dyeett daughters will build a new
house soon, to be used as i‘ ,I%‘ riling by
_...1 ►e membeys f the militiu3, c:.inpany
al4lleed linigtt thillat ult.,,jcspl Slur
pbstt leclan "ti irst ijlehtenalit. There
were three can idates in the field —I mean
armory,—but the first ballot declared Asa
Forrest elected. Tho following is a list of
the commissioned officers; 'Captain, Thomas
'Willoughby ;f: First Lieutenant;, Asa Forrest;
Second-. Lieutenant;. Holland-ilfarvin:-.=As
the members of the company ark anxious to
hold a grand celebration here on the Fourth
of July next, the following gentlemen wore
ap_pointql to
.. muke such . arrangornvite
, ttl ;
4tit-Me "Sib jiLCOpti t tlWXtls4x.
ray, teuts. orrest an . arm, and „...;
. Forrest. A few days since, the officers of
he company expressed their respect and'
esteem for Victor Gray, by presenting him
with a new uniform. May ho ailars live to
Wear tt:'
_:_:‘ 4 :4: •; - - - •.. -:.- -..... •
1 -Tiio - Bapti4itssediation is being held in
Isis place, and as yet the attendance has not
been large. It began Wednesday the 22d of
—Our school is in good running order un
kterdhe ablei,management,cif •Prof.
Quitelitittuirber of Aturrents aid boarding in
town and attending the school. One young
lady walks two miles and a half every morn
ing and night to attend the school.
—Seymour Stratton of Richmond had the
misfortune - to break ;one' bf Ins :nrinsloAl
:)Broidiieidil.k,,jl6 44'4,4406k JiitiA4* fi_oxq
it ling and in -Rotuti: wayAlLfroliCtite wagon
aud - oae.ofAlte'wheels passed oVer ltis arm.
9 , T i ‘ E9 l a ni i ` ir i E ?F r .l 3 4 l '•
E. R. KIMBALt, Rtait 61-rocer.
WaLtaeoko, Ants 4, 1872. 1
Flour, per bbt SU 50 84512'50 '
Buckwheat flour, pet cwt ......... 4 00
Wbesll, l ol494toirkiallel • 1
'Wheat, red; ,
'Wheat, spring: " '— :1
Buckwhea t , •• 70
Corn, ghelled, .. OD 1
90 '
Oats, -..
... .. ' .... 50 5 $
Barley, ~ • 00 I
Clover seed,
, kWTo Tinotb . seed
:;• ~ J
,i •
- 7 , 1, - .. ' - . : .. 8
cage 3ili .4
onttostu,494 :at.. 1 . ..- i .iJ.: t 3. t 4 A I -'- ,5 h '2 , 26
FeeliAler ev.i• 2 00
Potatoes, per _bust' 40 60
Apples, green, per bush 2 00 2 00
Tuiet's, per' bush t. ,- i l6O •1 76
urnips, per bash?: i .'...- 4 -, '" " 20" ." -
Por/Wper lb: .•.P,e ' , ~ ,:t 1. ,'--, I ; ' 4 I.)V. 1 , • 10 I
op, par 1b,..,•. , 4`. :.i., 4V. i ii:, •:•{ .. 3•24 . • •-• 1 15
(glouldere, per ' /h ••, ~ V,: le ; b •,; : / 0 , - , 17%.
11 utter, per lb -- ' ' " t.. : " "?A
Cheese, per lb , 14 , , Its
Lard., per lb' '• ' > • ',, Pi '' ''' 194 I' ' ' 15
Tallow, per:lb. ,
kl ,
*4 ' ,' .;: 10
1-10neT,,per.1b...i.,.,..5”.,..., -
1, .20, : , ! 20
Beeswax, per lb: , ; 30 n -
Vinegar, per•-•tedi‘. , <-• '• - • "' ', ' ? „
a- • ,:> ••• 40
Eggs, per dozen ~ 15 15
, Dried apples per lb: , ~ ...i . ...i. ~i . .... I .
',a:kg i• , - 15
Drted Pege/leu. , , Oct lb': i -...• •i i i, ..7. - I'. 11 , 1- 15
Dried cherries, per lb
.. i.. . 40
Dried blaekberrita; per 11) . ..1,' ... 1 ..- ' !lil a- ' - 20
Dried raenerriaa, blaek, , per 1b.,. ;.' 1 25! i, t , .10
Dried raspberries, red, per lb 20 20
Crauberriee per <1 . . ... , :i•'. , ,, . i-,,? :...) 20
Ilay, per ton.- , -, . 15 00
Wood, 18 luebes, per el:kit''' . '' ''' • " --:' ' . 200
Wood, 3 teot,•per•edrd,.. - . ,' •' • •:- ," '3 00
.. .
Coal, bard, per , t014.1,„4 . . . .7.• . .0.25a7 25
, . ~
Coal, soft 500
Ground plaster peK, 0u...„ , c .J.. , ,,,, , .-- : . 1 t 8 50 1
Sugar, "A"' eup l eo, Ild lb ..': . :.'.... - ' -L'S'' ', `. 13,4
Sugar, 3 7 0/10trr pet ib'..Y..)::/i f.'21.-;t.t , 4 -;zJ -I— . ' /24
ilui.rar, , browit:..per 1b.:, - ..:v., ..... ... ~ .' -•-1.1@12 i
TVIS, greftne per 11/ , ,
r i
, t . ,-, ,75eg.41 50 I
Teas, Mack; per lb ' ' ' '' '-' 80c@ l. 2.5
Kerosene, par gal. '4O ,
lilavle sulker. .. '..'!.!': ..'.''.'.• . :'. l . . ':" .. .. z...---. 76 , .- , 4- '18,g20 1
(441 1 9.tt.,Pictinti:ou ttla4
ing., by Eider 1. R.,;,.Bpallo t ar,
and /Kiwi. Hafi14 1 41f.X.f.11. 2 0014 tigtll_l3(io,olil4.&# ,
ettqtri3n—BitlANT-1-At :11,03'.'sanve 'Arlitenuado, by
the a tine, on thelat inst., Mr. Cletrige liAJaCltniAh of
Sullivan, and Mi Emma A. Bryant of Covington.
Chunk in this village, May lioth, 1872, by D. D. Duck,
D. D., ilr. dames W. Vau Valltenhurg and bliss Harriet
A. Truman, both of tuna plas.e
ROBERTSON-1n Chatham, Pa., April 20, Albert D.
only eon of Calvin L. and kJ, A. llobertaou, aged 9 yea,
1 month and f.t dal a.
-- I[ol3tEttil(CittaiTtiY
of Janice R. and Laura J. Robertson, aged 3 year a. 2
months and 2 i da3A.
Special Notices. 1
Testimony of a. P eminent Physician.
"During the vast eight years 1 have had frequent
opportunities et u ululating rue :rireLt or nant-ar'e
livaent3yr:ipini ! 9.ltou persons suffering trotu ityspepata.
LosiVf liervoui Energy. Sexual IVeahuess.lliarchu4,
itc. 1 - haN c known it to prow stwectoiftil in many
roses, when, Allopathic, Hotnoopathic and Hydrovath
le treatment had tailed. I stilt continue to use it
SUCII complaints with uniform success, and have no
hesitancy to pronounce it the must efficacious remedy
yet discovered tor diseases arising from a dibordered
Stomach, ',hill:, Kidneys or Bowels.
liciury, _very
it eJ BAKEtt;'ht
Jens - PA). Box 1110, Lancaster, Pa
4Vho that lime seen a dangerous-.disease arrested hy
an able physician or a good ruedicine - but.values both/
De it your family physician to whom you owe so-many
eacapes from aches' and ails, or Dr. Ayer'a luimitahlaT
remedies :—his Sarsaparilla that renewed your idled'.
r ty or Cherry Pectoral that cured a painful cough:dor
_ his Ague Cure that expelled the freezing ague and
burning fever from your bkxal. Who that has beau
relieved by tiny of , these agencies but feels grateful for
o show all ? [Bangor Timee.
A victim of early indiscretion, causing nervous do
blltty,r i tromature decay, &e., having tried in vain every ,.
,advertlse] remedy, Lae discovered a simple means lot
'self-cla:iirldoll hi; still load hoe fellow-Gude:-
Ora. J. H. REENES, 78 Nassau at.. New York. /
Jan. 1,7872. / 1
Mime .
frills noted horse will stand for mares the ensuing
I season at the Penn's Hotel Stable,
11 12174611.1iiilacorIci,
the following days of each week—Munday, F day and
Saturday. Tuesdays at Reeneyvtile, Urdu aye at
Shortartlie; and Thursdays Whitneyville.
This horse is not only noted for his beauty in color
and style, but shows for himself; regardlea of any
) t false pedigree, as is very often the cage.
MORaaN TlGElt z witt be attended by the 'nil En
id gtneer chosen heretofore for that bustueas, nd who
it I will he Wease l /Aglow thp horse. at any time. i
kiIIARBUN , Art. M. E. 01.TONN011,",
Wellsboro, May 15, 1872-3 m. Prop'r.
Asorough Ordinance.
LL trees planted on streets less than sixty foot in
AL width shall bo set nine feet tomtit° fence, and
on all other streets twelve feet from the fence.
;By vrder or t surecso and Council.
' " ;I: W. VA VALKENBU Mil,
Wel/diem May
.7,1872-m224w. Clerk.
Missurelmcram• e!
At the OLD STAND on ?Mau Street, corner of Crofton,
TUE_ stud
H Ali D IV A It
t if t
i 0n40,48 0 , 4
Attar;i r ; "
Viau 4w - 161461i Aligtiit'
aortmeni (,)! bardwure.
. _ ..t c ..
I invite the public to call w n ad erAtufnq for their"-
gr-AY,el? . 16) kl aitk , kini: 'f4
Job Work
oittilikthialy and well.
Sash, Doors and filinds
•-••'- .: it FatttaiPricee.,,
April 17. 1872.
*lli Cash .
lc, .1, _ 4 ,„_,. i ,
I '
June, ; l, 142
The i '' , CheOg.::One'Ptioe;,Cash. Store,
8 to 1
1661, DEL;I
Fancy Cassiint solteady-Made Clothing 7 t, flats Caps ,
is and shoes.
L$ I havi marked•tb& aiswii to very" LOW prieua f'or cash. No:tv,le th 3 thu'o to aecut•e good bargains
Clothing chlinadmado girdatfand a ilettlct tit guaranteed
June 1, 181-2,
Corning 'Finindry & 1.11a:oh' Shop.
V,Vhicb`svill ix) HOW veri.cbeap.
1 - `r -
LINEA ootoMar. , g, Sl/4T VIS
taw OM S AND „
t -
t 7
feati ilia for ItUTTV.Ii, or iihllipod on CctirmittdOn.
4 .1 'Pica” call ' in'ilh*:* B Psck 'vip
/TY' and 48 re41Y.. 4 9 . 0 svliffus t4.4lpy 11994".
4. :I I
r [IBIS celebrated llhilihm , Uriii piiiiui iiiifrii e ;ti -1:1 14 Ai
I following places. via ;., --e "3, t I'. :f..4...i %, .5 _: JO , t
Will bo at Termilyea's on biandays 2 o'clock p. in.,
until Tummy moraMeiliVestdeldi Ttitadiiii 4 .rtilncli
11"* , 114 1 41 1 wee t n.siday M0;1018: Hugavills, Wednes-
Ys o'c ock a. m.:)saits•lo'eliick - p. us.; Osceola,
2 o'clock p. m. wadnasaapa till Thursdadv.inorning;—
Beecher* Island, 10 a. In. 41114.2,,ut.„ ItturpOsysi,,Lsw
iencoville. Thursdays 2? eclick, It; # ru. g lillYridei
morning; Tioas, 10 o'clock - a ni. 11 2p. m. Friday;
Wellaboro, Filday a o'clgeli p. m., , till attouapy, mura
-1 lug.
This horse was recently o ed by L.B. SmAth,„, and ,
1 his a Pedigree second., 46 . fltpillvnl in - ;iortbOrxr
e t
Pennsylvania; being a hal rolli4r 10 the famous trot.'
ter George 2f. Pete.hin and y Thorn; w blood bay
18 bands blab , and weighs 1 poufs. ,
Tllß llo —Twenty4Pre,itonarsk, iliotlr4 P ln el e ol or c t•
or forty dollars pa:Lillian: - 914 dollars' fir single leap.
Owners who /part, with, their mares Ir...pAe wing
will be held responsible for service of horse. •
, . a.;. wrowugt : •
Wellabind,litay Ifi, 1.8724 m.
the Arue
I, Yi
.The eubbeelber would. beg letliel to lsil attelardu to hieMPEING ANp Kir
I ;
wkitch Itcts now receiving, and which ho offers for
'Pay,; A • - '
i - , ' •• .Z 't i . :S.
, st lowest mark li prices. Hou s
ekeepers wade well tq l examine ids et of ' • '
! s.:i ..... , ••••••., -1 , -- - . , - ....,..- .1 -.i.,, ,(• .. : -
, .
; ~, - ,-. i :,,,,: ~ .14 ,J; , .• • ;., „. , .... J.,... , -',,
i 44. . 5y:,..0 .,: 1a. -,)1:.i ` .; . 1 .4.1_ , : t. I. ,--
... 1 ,... - 1.- .4 . • ,. , •. - I, .
. ' 7 , 1-
(_:J. l' arPe.tBij i : ' „ 1- ' OlO lIS,
f t l'TabhoLinef, land !Window ' Draper y I 1
. . .•
whivh,kviii by fouuct wooly oiUiteulliUt. The illes will itad it to.thoir lute;est, look through
- - '''"* " • - ~ I?le stock of . " • . 1, •' • ,
. „
as they iontain bisty.bargai,ths 'teeny of whit!" have not been before oitered ,
,t kaa et. !The
•- • '• • • Fin lie nryftvired ta(*) and tee for thenieelyee.
o 1."
Ng. 131cTk, 'Welli3tioeo.
1 i' t; ..1
I ' '
`q t'L k FiSis A!I3ETSFIFIE) 1
has a 11 eesortmen of new goods, s uch as
, •, • . e• •
• ' ,
PRY, • G0,0,135t • <
•' • •!, ".i:
i 1.1
r. ‘ ;
7 ;3,11.
tti.tig.. ,, ;',./"; 51' „ ,
Ci 10100:: .ocort
• 1 ) i tr
Sager. Soap. Tobacco. 8)
Coffee, Tea. it:lnute,ra.,
cit 1.74);
& otaitzt'43rioilti-&`
Jan. 1. 18718 1.,
Laces, Kid Glove
Xic , aler3r,
11 I.
Use justieceivek!ota of
Bitch ns
• • .1
IjEtAVE ji/ht reuviiid,(rmAntii city v . /J.14 . 11e largest
stock of •
; • us- AN D !, s ll ops
• „per brought into lyopeboro,
r • = '' Cotali3titig of '
• ;•
).) •
Ladies' Kid and Cloth Bal
:. ,morats , and.Gaitprs,'
4adies, ) Misses, Children
CM.. b'bbts 4. - Shpes,
Prince' ..dtbeytCa ( .ll'Boots;
Boys' - Cal, It; Eip Boots • .
• s
_Youths' , 800 tf
faa, 011 Sande of Mena' and Women's wear kept
&MA-einem Shoe Store. Ihe hest mewed Wenum's
'hoes (2,y,er off . drat inthymirket. We Oct* the world
`,l ' • '
.L. a
it PA don't Lalibve na; , Cry:u.sl ''AVe, bay.only the Leal
it a nk, and have pa goad Vora pajama, Its: nichey.can
hive,, . ~ .
{, rtgpAraiNG (Iniu bcatty, and" with divatep. i
[ .' • . -L eiti t ers: attd ,'Fitidiiigs . i
, 1 ,i
410E6," ItiIIDPF.P,S;
Ilgvlitg net iktf,4.41)..ii;ittb14.64 with ni . ‘ Lot id k;
keiritoiaally tAlti,lttarkCit. wc , re,ll,l3llfUlly
tiLtil, 14140:k. ii"lttiall 1.11,41 a, ii ; u4 gotok
Fa tu t i. 4 ,.• No t,e11,3v,. t,, 1,4 a gain 'im,41110:3 tiaizlul :
t, b.t the cheap...at.
I*l-11 ,f)tw 11111.irtzlitalit. ElittlinhAvot to.mtalt
all tiiies apd our
,putroptt 1,10
itut4tc,geperal),loto'`c.lll Ana but ..
trouble. to allow godly. Always to be . Maud . : bari door
north C. B. liolleV'Lltsgli. Main; Iftrect. Mellaboro,
ulday 1.1872.. , : ' .2/11311itY Ff9tlLk.l3;
I -~+.. ~~ iki
of. Business.
40. .
• • of,allkrindi cozitilautly ,
111311' paid 1)oucon Shine,
•-•'; POStS
• • • „.e. • 1-
1114 N.Egf.„ ; SHOP. .' .
. ',a4l4YLria .yrop/4 stiy to Ida Wan Harueta 011440,Clolfatauttk,iteci,ciel wlda that
th •
'; heavy . ant! Light H rnessos;
ripk*llkatlibatalitial wauuer, and o ff ered . at pewits
t wino; tail tc• mitt., 7 . ,
Tha beetsvoriattlit ciriptagad; and uoua bat the best Platarial ' 9+it
, Rapidan dailo9 l 4B/teit'ltatcevattd,itt tha.beat
001*.i . eat and .
ttiu. 1. 1812-Ir. w. Ickrix",
100 learliall,eeters.Wanted.
At the Taii Ivey nem;„l,V6l-16borO.
- •: p iowpr,t, c,o
reft Itay 29. 1872 w. • •
2Alf E !
1.. twvni
. L. liAtollli DIA(qO PAIN REIIIIMY.
F itt),
ids, diPlitileria, oraMps antipsina in e
nitigestion, diarrhea, dysentery, summer
, cholera nimbus, cholera &0., as by traa:
1 application for frost bites, ohilb ,
fall% felons, rheumatism , al& Ueda., ,
, to
pains in the aide , beck wad-loins,
Ile Of sir years, it Luse been found to be. glee.
roparation ever offered to the public.
rietor of this medicine feels warranted in
dg it to be the beat remedy for the above
g Abe market. -',
Manure red and put up only by Dr. M. L. Bacon
BlosabF r
It °urea
Aa an exte'
in a pmett
and to no
Woo pro'
ntrig, N.
r= l l
N. B. A.
valiant aa:
! .k,
On Teas, Sugars, Coffee, Syrup, Molasses, Rice, Apices,
t: etc., W.l n be beaten In price or qyzaUty.—
will sell choice T sby the cheat, or sugar by the
barrel, at as low es as the same can be bought at
,Urbi aide of Now Y .
LA:3II'B, C NDBLIERB &c„ &c.
at the newest styles, and lamp ildronoys that will not
• ,
; Fan* and Toilet Articles.
We hold twenty desirable rillaellots for gale in tho
°antral port or the town ;. and will also Wail money at
reasonable rates.
N. B. Dr. W. W. Webb has his office in our store,
where he may be coustiltedlor advice or treatment.
Jan. 1, 1872-tf. HASTINCie & COLES.
Tioga, Jail. 1. 1872.
Chart 7 til Capital $500,000.
Stock and Mhtual , conibining'Security with Prate.
Suppose you are already timed in a iirst-claas com
pany, anit from any cause whatever, (say after ten year
lv payineutS) you do not or cannot pay longer and die—
your insurance gone and your money wasted. Not so
to the "1-IA , ,ND-IN-HAND ;," alt Policies aro Noi-FOn-
laThin con which ranks among the most popular
succentsful Life Insurance Companies, grants pol
ttnies ou all desirable plaus, both with and 4w ithout
Traveling Priveleges Unrestricted.
All policies are incontestible after one year from any
of the Ortlibarycalises.
' Look to your Life Insurance. Please examine the
following,CoMparative Table. It is sometimes alleged
by Agents bit other.Compaules that the Company they
represent is sitar than others. 'While we unhesita
tingly assort mut belife in the soundness and stability
of all companies, we desire to present- the following
for the Inspection of those desiring to insure :
Of the following companies, compare the annual pre
miums charged by each for en insurance on life at the
-age of 30years, payable at death : .
. Annual premium • Ten annual
" ' - for hie. payments. '
Travelers'....., .......$16,84 $83,21
28.ttne,' , 22 73
' 42,80-
Homo . .....23,30 50,00
• Equitable, ' 2'2,70 46,27
Washington," ' 22,70 .46,97
Hand-in-Hand; • 16,00 32,60 -
' If not already Insured take a policy with the
the best Nutria] Company in tho 'United /Hates.
Van. 1, 11172. A. H. INGHAM, Agent.
New; Boot, Shoe, Leather
Savo 1
;torn or
I -
New Shop, Now Stock, and firet-i
class Woric t
IVYl3.l.ll4Gfrom, l a Rand Cack to a Rid Gaiter. Bast-
Bob of '
adies'l - Cid and Cloth, Bail-
. ,... ......,
.1 1 11 S WILL "NETER' CEASE-- - -,i -
roil tried do liftJiitatid greatag uicAlcal die•
• 1 - 4. tho age?
---------- IS ,---- ---
, -- _
[ etdagento—ffallott, Afr-461ii & Burbank, 1 4 9
treat, Now York ; W. D. Urban & Co. Gor
' 1 - ' , Jan. 1,1e72.
lore° Tolixt
Head Quarters
s and Medicines,
(Patent or otheritrioo)—Aliao for
icy . iiquers, Cigars,
and TOBACCO. Mao for -
II =
Metorital. Medical, Lvgal. Blank or BehooL
agaortmant of thar ]attar. Also, an at.
lorixnent of • '
!, . 8, matßons. FiCTUR§,MS.
&c., &c.,
roc terless.
AND Lana
The subscriber keeps constantly on Sand
Pure Druga and Medicines, Ohenxia,ara,
Paints and Oils, Lamps, Stationery, Yan
kee Notions &o.
ranee! Insurance!
Hand in Hand
I 'l Life Ineur4nee Compuiy,
N7t7". Slostries
?morals and Gaiters,
_Ditto Children's
and Misses.
Gents'. ',loth, Morocco, and
1 -Calf Gaiters. Oxford
an; :Prince filbert
A good line of OVERSTIOES, and a ftill lino of
ranging in price from $4, )(Ito $7.00, poggcd and yawed.
. ,
from $5,00 to $15,00, an worth the money every time
Leather and Findings
et the lowest rates, its nasal
The undersigned haring spent twenty years of his
life in Wellaboro—much of the time on tho stool of
penitence, drawing the cord of affliction for the good
of soles, bellows rather in hammering than blowing.
Wherefore, ho will only remark to his old customers
and as many bow ones so choose to glve hi m a ca ll,
that ho maybe found at his now shop, next door to D.
T. Van Horn's ware rooms, with the best and cheap.
eat stock In Tiega. county. C. W. SiARS,
Wellaboro, April 24, 1871
IkjflSS If. M. 'Mani bas removed her Musie Store to
In the late residence of Lauer Beebe, opposite 1 1+44t
itern'a 1I t. liteiuway raid other • • -1-
tor solo very cheap. Also, MASON & lIAMLIN
, . • I
..', - 0 stock of NEW IMMO just roceivoll.
jzoat irg
lifi Wen on aka 'Piano, Organ,, imil in 0
ins. 41 opwrtunityi
for yrnotice siZortlea to th il o
t tilf
wbo in y Qatire it. - . W. TODD..
Jan. , .1872-U.
: 1
'rd. Stock Horse will stand' for Mares
at the subitcriber's Stable in -
Welliiboro. His stock is ito well known there la no no
esssity.of rernarks. It fa antlicient to - say , for road-a
sters hey areanot auntiassed, or i for power of endur
ance." This Horse is a toal black, weighs 1000 lbs., ht
..mia, sal kind in ma. big foals proVe tho most
serviceable of any bora, in this ttctlou for all purpo
ses. 1 At the wiriest of numerous patrons, I have de•
terMlneta to stand him Where ho can be found at all
times by those that wishfor ills service •
E. A. FISH, Proprietor,
Wel:labor°, ?lay 1, 18 2- 1 3w.