, ~:y? Anuottucenienty. ~~= Tito following unwed portions offer themselves Ili audtdalaa for the otrieon rolneti below—subJect to deciaton of 00 liepobikan County ConveLtion : Fon ItruneeryrAirrE , 301113 1. I,II7CifELL.. V :Ulieau Re nt. r and !toe° I tbjet to t 1 Coouty Convevitieu. w L •ust,ofo, May 20:1812. DARIUS L. DRAKE. 1 Vi WI to bo elected A dalegato to the'svprnarhing consinntenial o , i,v - Plition. I Nadi am BM:Putt ('I my friends. ',IIIONIAIi L. RANI", Hata., April, R, 1:372. !. . . the Aeitator. \V EDN .ItNE 1572 Republican Nominations, rtn: novr.nNon. )014N F. HARTRANFt; Coc(nty FOIL I,UrlO.:Un JO/KM, ULYSSES INIERC4ft; nrApra 1:01i AUDITOR Or:URAL, • HARRISON ''ALLEN, of WC:7701 MOO. FOR C01V11M11401727 "Al' 1.J.`1160X: HARRY WHITE. or Isom:4 /MURIA TOAD, or Otaibmownn).. , PVI,EoATEs s.I , LAR(IE 3O I•ITE'f.tiNOTTTEKTOVAL COKVINTroII. • WM. M. NIEIIEOI'III, Yummou.riniA ; J. GILLINCMOI YELL, ADF.Lnah; "INIAANA.;' WILLIAM LILLY. CARTON; LINN HA.I2THOLOMEW, tiI'HUTLXH-1.; N. M'ALLISTER, C.R7q2lt WILLIAM IL ARMSTRONG, ; W (.I,IAM DAVIS, Ikl4.Yrlwln ; JA3IE.4 L. REYNOLDS, I 4:TC..tuTTU; OIMMICK, 15..V I cr. ; EO. V. LAWRENDE, purNoi - LN ; DAVID N. WRITE, ALLEGto.for ; \V. H. AINEY, LEHIGH; JOHN IL WALtER, Fels. Gold closed last Saturday in New York at 114}. : lames Uordon Bennett, the founder and propvittor of the 'Piew York fityald, s4e4 Last Saturday in the 77th year of-Us :age. 'clic public debt statement slinws a reduc tion during the past month of $4,220,000 R. The total reduction during the presen't Administration is $331,045,881 07. • • OUT . Democratic friends,dodged the Gree ley question at their Stat 4 Conv9tition last week. They were as mum as OySierS on the subject. But they have got meet it at Baltimore. - " - 'Senator Sumner made a loak and very bitter personal speech against G. Grant last Friday. 1 - t seems hardl4 proper for the Senator to bring his personal quarrels into the Senate chamber. That is a n very public place in which to wash dirty linen. Last week Tuesday Congress rescinded the resotution to adjourn on Wednesday, antl re,olved to continue the session until the :1d instant ; But on Saturday this last re . totution was reconsidered, and both 'hou ses voted to postpone the adjournment to Momlay„lnqe 10. hope tho _ hies the general feeling of the country up. On the rece»t management of our foreign atiltit., The State Department is now anti has been for a long tiinr the, vtalneintile point of the Administration. Under Itir Fish run• foreign policy has been went:, var. arm a disgrace• to the u 1 firm sooner he is retired anti a live Anterican put \in his place the better it urn he for all eon- ee nu 11 The Pennsylvania Democratic Conven tion met at Reading last Thursday, and af ter t‘‘:o days' labor brought forth the fol lowing ticket • Por Governor, t'. n. :dew, of eolumbla county; Auditor Gene ral, William Hartley, of Bedford; Judge of the Supreme Court, James Thompson, th 6 present incumbent; Congressmen at Large, .lames 11. Hopkins of Pittsburg, Richard Vmix of Philadelphia, and 11. B. Wright of tacic'rne. The delegates at largo- tq . tlta ituary Convention are George W. Cass, S. A. Randall, - William A. Wallace and Philip A. Collinq. We sincerely trust that 'the' ftwing-nui ebine monopoly is near its Ng days. The ablest mechanical authority in the country informs us that the average cost of the ma ehines manuflictured ,is about twelve dol lars; and yet every poor sewing-wonian Ivll6 buys one ..fthem must pay out of lierscan-: ty earnings from forty to seventy-five dol lars. No wonder the ring- of nronopoifsts are able to command a'small army of ageiiis anti middle-men, and no wOnder these agents are able to utter the insulting - boast that the :-ewing , nutehine men have money enough, to buy the extension of the patents thrOugh 'ongress. "Perhaps they have; we shall see. We clip the following item from a }ate W asiiington Chronicle: "The rieli,anti Well-to-do li&ipin who' area able to pay froth sixty to two hundred dot , lars tut sewing: machines are nearly all sup plied. Let the monopolists slaml back and .6Ve the poor a•elnutee. The business will. be open free to the public in a year, if .Con rest 4; ants no more extensions." s l a w ial _Coin mittee appctinteflAu. in •:esticite the alleged'frauds in'the of ?• h(4list Book Concern , made a'reptirt Thursday eakich considered and ...cepted by the General Clonfcr`ewe the day. They / report that t lie • I liperintendek L lt of the bindery, for a se ies of years carried on a system of frand.v •iivolving very Considerable losses to the '.mecca; Butt -in former years there was a ivat tae*4 system in the business trans- ittions, and a great deal of careless hook. keeping; that ) the losses sustained are not of magnitude as to endanger the financial sArength of the Concern, nor materially Ito pair its capital; that there ate nn reasonable grounds to believe any agent or ailidstalib agent implicated in the frondsoo have . been practiced; that the presult• method of conducting the business insures reasonable ;.rotectiim against frauds and irregularities, et it altogether,Perfeet;fbat thet\u5- - ; base of paper through 3lr. J. F. Porter ind the transaction of the Coneerp With, - fessro. Brown Brothert &,.veo, were decided improprieties. The Committee expres no .pinion as to the truAtverthizies:s thal're pi rt for PM made by the agents tp the (len end Conference, hut say there is no evidenet tending to show that it iff itteorneet since we last referred to the Alabama Treaty the Senate has agreed to the article proposed by Great Britain in it sot - 90101W modified form," and the article as atticaded has been telegraphed to the 'Enkligtx . cald 7 net. Just what the modifications made by tliu genaW cotrmst, iti we do not kniii`v'y tot' the work -was done in executive session, and the secret has, , for a wonder, been - remarlut-: bly well kept thisi time, so that the most'en: terprising New Torts. papers Barre not been; able to give us the text of the'rametaTtici title. 'Ve were assured, buccuver, iu semi official way, that the changes introduced rw'e rhaterihl, - fiid related tnlatp'tcr phraseology, and That no doubt was felt that England would at once accept the article as rei;eiriped:- But these rose-colored—hopes harp been iff*Veil to thp, grop ; Rug} n has nut accepted the,raiiiii'deaikinS; altlionW a week has now"iiiissed spice they Were sent to London, and it is now (Saturday)asserted, that she will, not acc - ePt ibern, hue'eonsiders_ the treat 'den end, and IsM-tlecline,lo go on.withsthe: 1.12 - hltrttion. • let* us i to that the inoditleqipns proprsed b} . the 'Senate were material iines‘liaithotiialt they Might istVe . rellitedliterelv to iltirwoidi ipg, of the Wic e. we are glatlto hurto ven this sliOtt assurance that thefiertrite: ihtufpatriotist», spirit, /MX g'priA se:n43ol-. ,tiogli to reftirelo i follow Mr. FislOnn his dis graceful stii.rehder to it, liritisli ~ Ministrys Who its to back ont of our riglim after reeeiving,'icpi•iited insults. We fisitieril; the Senßtor9 w mild not be able to wi .t.tstand bcith• the -it tlitical preaSAN•Strattll4 Mdfe% i powerful e'omnicreild _pressure that was brought to hc , tirti'llOide :tirtidej ihtough, we are therefore all the inure retyly tdapillautl them for tliose amendments thitt have rentle*lttie'ttrii4l4o'd4tisi.efill to. Mr. Glattone. As for thei lom for the treaty.:•-if ,Englantlinsists nn breaking it, Nye ) 1 !W! no, ;Teri" IrinriFrJ•fiP' Iflov-, n'il . inst and pay- the claims of our vitizank situi then ilaeVpipatiently-un tif the bP-Pat44ait - d. "'nit dhy will coiite&on enough. It is a long, lane that has ; no turn; and w,e ) ; 4nr ) s oii.4.4tita utkii • i Of Ihnittitio'n against nations. IMII Last Thittsday was very generally ob served till over thespantrys as. " Decorntietat many places all business houses .-weie closed, nags lowered to half-mast; and , • the people joined heartily in keeping green th 4 public incintiry of, the great sacrifices . brhich our national life was pin:chased. A• part of the • exercises of the day, of course, addresses3kre dellyered, wherever the day was commemorated, and no d o ubt many of then) were instructive, pathetic, and eloquelit. In fact Weheard!t3ome here in. Wellshoro that posgessed all those' good qualities: But we duidn' that; wincing the multitude of - speeehis 'en 'that day, one could be found which w9uld,_equal jn sim ple pathos, in!: elevatimiJoilsentimeVit,-Ad in porit,,y of diction, a brief one delivered nearly nine years ago at the Gettysburg Cemetery by that 'great leader who there' dedicated himself anew to the cause.for which he was so soon to lay down his own That address is worthy of being read 'every Decoration Day wherever a Union soldier lies buried. But it is good for every day and for all, rime, and. we here quote a paragraph of it which has excited the ad miration of some of the ablest eritp.'of English letters: "We cannot dedicate, we cannot conse crate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living arid dead, who struggled here, hue consecrated it far above our pow er 6i.) tir . detract. The World will little note nor I°4; remember what we say here, it it can never forget what they did here. t is for us, the livin*, rather to. he dedica ted here to the unfinished work that they have thins far so nobly carried on, ' It is ra ther for us to he here dedicated to the great task remaining before us,—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to the cause for which they here gave the last full immure of devotion,—that we here highly resolve that the dead anti not - have died in vain, that the nation shall, under Uod, hnvQ a new birth of freedom, and-that the government of the people, by the pen q l l l lO utri, l he ilts ) 1 111. • not beriA Phillips on Greeley. The original Abolitionists don't seem to. be highly pleased 'y lkit Dr. 'Greeley it can didate t ierrlt Smith is heartily' in' ftivorof Grant, and it now appears that Wendell Phillips is as heartily opliosed tic: , Greelejr.' We make the following extracts from a late letter Of the. eloquent AV'tisital; Plallips does hot miltce matters. Thep, is what he Pays: " You know I mu neither a Repiiblican nor a Grant: man. Whom,l shall vote fot,_ or - whether I shall Ente'ritalt n lllo notAcril;w—. But certainty as against Greeley I am for (Irani. W 9 lave had one Andy Johnson; , tirill not rain the risk of getting mother in Horace greeley. Lwant a !pan with,, Sofia ' decide 41 principles; Greelernever had any. Ilesidetk, I consider Greeley a secession can didate. I Believe the plot to tnitivitiate him was latent , / by Southern white rebels more than a year Ago, and has been mainly nursed by them. I advise any one who , meant; 4,0 vide for him to find- out first what agree- ments have been made by Mr.. Greeley's, friends with Jeff. Davis and his staff as to office and patronage. I am perfeetly,cer thin that there is a distinct mutual under standing, if snot a positive contract, between them. If Horace Greelq' enterti the White House, Jefili Davis will be as truly part of the Administration as Seward was in _Lint cola's days. II No negro can vote for Greeley Who values his life or property, or cares for his race If, by a frown ofProvidence he is elected, I shall advise eVer# Seutberaidy= alist to load' the revolvers that grant's ar rest of North Carolina Kuklux has allowed to he laid aside. If, he is. elected, let the negroes live in squads' of fifty, whom no coward will,dare shoot down, and show no property encl. - sunset. Lonely men will be shot, end to black wilLown untie for,fW ty eight hours, if any rebel knows the fact. , s , For a loyal ; Adminqtration to protect the cegio, ewe the rebel, anti give the wOrk ingnum a chance, Grant's r ittle finger, is t, worth a baker's dozen of eleys.'" ''• Nittittnnl Contention. The delegates of the Union Reptiblietin party-of tho United States meet in the city of ilttradeilgdtl - 10-dity. To thousands of A ViteriParts ttentectin: find the dc6tsiotf of It tt ascot) 0 - ito enough, and hardly worthy ttrfeond thought, But to the reflective cit- ho sees in polities s , jtneihing wore th•w a vulgtm scramble for o i llaces, and Joe= )guize3 the moulding inflhence oftliese I;o.4sing days upoti.the l future:of' the nation; s t will be a subject of most serious import. fe wilt see in it altody absolutelruntrnown o the Constitution of the land wielding a more powerful scepter than many a tribu nal invested, With 'all the - stgctions and arm ed with all the terrors of the law. He will see in it a mere voluntary tlieeting of plain, peaceful citizens withouLltigal authority to enforce one rule of =tiaa or establish one articl e ofpolitical faith; but counuamling for fts work an interest, hardly less keen .than cline bestowed upon the divisions of Congrss. when MUT or war hangs trenv /ding on a single vote. Without legal pow er as it.is, he will see, iuit a bo4 to which minlifilar/ook for the hale' of - their' political *elfi), and front which they win accelit the formula of their political, faith; • :In short, he willrec t ognize in it apolitkal body pecu liar to' this age, and . possible -,?tily in tbii i couotry—a convention •tnet,ito' select the ~ 414 f magistrate of the land, and to eh tbit . ' Out the general phut of his administratittn ,„ National! political Itroilve»tiorts, ';itubiiiiir ,has now seem tons, were- unkitharti in' the recollection . of some still . iiving. ; They are ajlegitintate,ptitgrowth a the PrilitiCal: nee la of the nation. • Whenttif•Cqnstitli- W tion was fra ed, and the eleetien - ef Presi dent indiree y thxough X`lector j a ;was:, provi -4.1-e'cLf4r, Out ifatheis np doubt hoped, and: Pothapsionte fit them expected that the -----,,,_ choice of tyi chief tuagistrate,would.tieieft iu prat:4,o4'a the.ors 14 the ykked hotly of FActors— _OM that it 1 4 ,0 ‘va*gitielic ' iy and rudely di , Apel‘ed,,forAtie very first Executive -Xtis utkiit' !elf keithA pe.*itenck and venolrethat,llo:iteveriihien in more modern days, and that must have., convinced every thoughtful observer that U== the peopte2-v4uld=broOk.....no. interference with their unfettered choice and critichun of the President :But it became necessary to• designate the leaders ,ground , whom the parties then Taw hMg ts‘kifl , g form . causal. rally. And this. work natuitlly fell•ter: the,Congressinewuf those dilYs: *re than dne can - de l tendpd:to threAv this great poWer,4nattii4the ji4s• idential candidates: intotheirPhands,• some pOlitteal s feriteL,cographical ni4thyst:,l cal. the counirYgi g c info that aYsVM n E ifikfrusif,hievitably.,but,,it,soonnutgrew , „ it, led to' intriguefoklii.e.9l ll P* l,l !,!ft Congress, altar t'"" &nibd thav-ifit thd leaf ails and combinations, there, t' rnied by members far from the ,intineuee of .'tit'eir the U'elkite - ti4lttite ple.:Were' too often sacrificed to the more eta tide interestS of their riipresentati ve.s. ml the Amp:l:es:4'omA cattena beeame fin ni)nlliltilti°ll, and tli'6'e grew up in its Sti , "ld 'the national ,party convention us t we have it to-day. It is certainly a Vii.4J - improventOnt -AerilitiAii ,\V lty of naming candidates, and as much ns haii been Said' iti,eoade'Utillition of the 'stem, it is do less certain that no Iret, ter Method of arriving at the average sense 'fif its yet •hgelr i sugges ' iW That a national convention maybe - swayed -by corrupt influences is of course true, as it is true of any body of men; for human na 'lure I.ly.ery lumen ' AIM we believe it is likely to yield as billet° the ' Vindishmen'ts of political power us arty, tta rseinblage that can bo a , name : ,pylected,di- i rectly, from the 14 - of 'the pg.' form this articular work and no other; :chosen front all branches Of business and from all ranks of litg,sarejlicyml !efl'et3. l sl ' going fresh from their constituents to the . cotirention, 'and remaining there at most but ttilited daya,-dt is impossible that tbe - aleleiales shipidd be IgnOrant of the feel ings, the wishes and the aspirations of their pp m, and almost impOssible that ,they shOtild'iail to faithfully represent thein.— . Indeed, if we may fairly judge the, hatnre th es e c il •votions front their recent`` his- . tory, • they seenLmore s'exiatiyck to:pepithir• influence than to personal management, however shrewd. Chicago in 1860 and New York in 1,86$ taught us something of the ef teetioi outside wasn't:a - atlitich times; and we find the wily DernocratS'llds year tend ing their convention to Baltimore purposely to avoid the Western clamor in favor of Grf - eley which might swamp the delegates in any Western city!" ~ •• • • That paity is fortituate' when . sat onal delegates go up front the people to the, con vention with well-defined ideas of what they are expected to do. Fora political conven tion is not and cannot be a deliberative body. It is the mere instrutnent and representative of 'tiro general sense of the party; and the More settled and undisputed that general sense upon , any subject, thC• simpler the work of the convention: The Convention which gathers in Philadelphia to-day can be in no doubt as to what is expected of It has been stigmatiied as " the Renomination Convention." We accept the name; it is proper enough. It is a Ilenorninatipn Con .ventie;o. ' But what has made- it so? The office-holders, we are told. , On, the ottice holders wert.in favor of Andrew Johnson,' and we well remember how zealously they worked to further his fortunes. And Ahoy were aided, too, by some powerful Repub: V.can presses,.and by the active sympathies of 1 bp. Tt recall the run/quoits result of that " unholy alliance." And so it has been all through our political history ,} offic - 'e-holder'S have alwitS , 4 favored te powet•s that be; and for seasons sufficiently obriotts; , but they have tierce yet miceeeded in imposing upon the country eite President whom the popu lar will did not indorse_ And it is certain that they have never been able to foist upon thc-ItePublican partya, clinslidate „ for , that ofirce,:•.' We are sometinta BMlisedstd4)l6- times a little disgusted by the prevailing cant. about oill9.44c!hiefp and ttpivinfluelme. 4 Aa'Agzen9, 'yie4ifklbSe cifffee-Anilders 'a right to express their political preferences and to work t for their political far . o.rifes•-r- As for their'itifluence, it is mainly a minus quantity—one to be little counted upon when in our 'favor, andlittfe iettreilleki' o 4) l34l4 ;d to us. But we are told that to-day'h Convention is tO' be 11. convention of, office-holders.- In deed! We ask our readers to consider a mo ment who it 10104:lave , gone delegates' to Philadelphia. Anti we refer _now ,not simply to the leading men who make up the' Delegates at•Litrge, but to those sent Itorn the several districts—the rank and file of the-Convention. Are the men sent from this iliatriet: or from those nearest us, likely to, be swayed 133; It& lshest of ihl cordda 'hinders? Are'they men unacquainted with the will of the party, or unmindful of it? We can answer personally fofsoln orthose, in this region, and 'we know that no better or abler representatives, of the Republican , *Asses could have, beerL,chcisen.: : , We that the party interests will be safe in their hands, and that the• party wishes will be faithfully iefleeted by their votes. We know that they will not be _open to the peculiar in *fluences that marked that "disgraced_ and disgrfiefur' l , taOntb;_that'theysro in no ,datige,r ,of being bought or schd•by political old-clo'-men' like :the Biafra and.theßrowns. - We know they Will execute the Will l of the ctiemiesitioW it;-' tee; ina right here lies the icret of their. Joys i _oyer-the-:`oflice-. holders'" COnventlati,!., o „ No man who info - one irain t of common sense and common honesty can fail to see and admit the sure-result; of , thlffday'4 Work at Philadelphia. The Convention will 're nominate Gen' Grant; and,will thereby'car , ry out the will of nine-tenths of the true Republicans. of the hula. It will name a good Una I'l* Yik . ePieildent. : , :Indeed,, it canzett name a poi one, unless it "goes out- I side , the list of can&dates already mention ed. But if it shaligive:Ps the: old ticket, of sotnech the better. It will frame a sound Republican platform, upon which ev ery, man worthy of _the name can stand. It .we h opeo told belleye, •holdourtip dross few misguided. Republicans who; are 13611 Wandering in the wilderness of "liberal ism" and liable to fall'into Democratic, pits fair arid hon4prahle indireetuents to return to thu party ctunp i rte , Wiles vy Ith the eneity, And trtatte - te traria or'tiriti: ciplea for vo*S. It'svittleave - alt that dirty :work to the f lieriest" man who seems inrre'gone Into it,eoit antore: • And so, withiistrAfght,lfe,pnbilcala . and n sharpy defined' Ileinthhealf phufertniy t • hi.Atity go. into thia;Tight . it has gone into so rnariii - OliWiticsi!'g in its faith,- in the plaid people, strong in its . principieN 'ain.l:strOng in its past record alitiliWesbt • ,position; :hive 'f_ten‘ 'darker. days than !thse l .'• and they will once more , tanke And 'we - keine thy' shook' l ,; tif;xtup posSible cOrulifnation that may be titAelt - ed up against them. •-A-fC fittrAk;loo 4 ol 1 II a e e Ist. by the Borges') and Colwell of the Bola of Ustareburtt, and tt is twrrby ortialtred.. ' iattltority of t.4,llYßatile, that Frew and after Ms wer rto y pthute, 1/I•lti c ov boraea, 44ttla , bogs, vialjeo shall e inn at large in the streets oplitu the llihits of Ohl Born. - os /- jai ISO, 4 ; 24. That the poised fees shall be tvrenty.trif-teq -- ti Sdr`rsery afikrealratpouritied, to be paid to the pound muster for re serticv 13y order of the Burgess ant Coinseti, G. D. hfAin, Clerk. Btatusinirginn,Y V , 1672-4 5r 41 - = , r •,' £0 I?ea.go7bs why the Farnzer =I SHOUP> liVi 2i OXl.Ellibir&D Dodge Reaper and Rowed Tbey are etre/7014ml Aura 0,. ea not May to get out of order: ' - 2a. They' ar e *rate of the beet tieleeted'n2niterial, ,id.,They are 'simple in toastructiou—iess loYeiii, wittgo, trips slid cotepticatlona ..itterali r y,_ to 0f p.,..0., of order than any other filachitlei: ' 4th: Tliel , beve no Cog Ocaiing in the Drive Wheele .16:1111uPvilt-iiilistand mud in passing,4solo-4oftwOngd. , , up toring Is all in the centre of the Machine, up ' , out of il,e w of ‘Obetrurtofni,.atict •prepertic kW- ~ '.ntieeii hater en the two Da:mW, ltsels.,‘, , ~ ~,,. ~,,,,,, Ol e The river, is conteprtaisly lc/L:4'4l irti.the,CO2l - r; 04! i ill. • ectilice, betlifti ihetai:e,aziti We ititUtiinl' not placed or on the re..fr earl 401110 4iabhlW.toblaut upon the t goo, in order to.bita i ng,s it),,,-...,,, ~ ,.i i, ~ ' " 7th. The cutter Bar is On .a )the',wlt to tier i th e r./iir mid i of the Afachtue—dilly iew4 hi irg a on . (frole Table fin x,eaping—tualiing it very easy , t•, , aiilltrat-ilte, slater leuttrely 'Oiled the tear, , of team And I%,teichinti,ertithe next roand, without disturb/494 it.. •.,..1 t.. nth. 'ilia tielt.ltalieis .I; , ..:atesi on the ' pittam; and being in the rear ef-Ihe'Orlii.'l,Ylit4elk'it la: i•i t ti r etj. awny,•aud [tee trout 'etiy•-datig r ofi tilt), „B a h e ,li ea d e , strafing the team hi, thii,lx: rtaighttigua—ne, In not the case in front cut ftii.c,hibeil -rthey, iteinii,,_cOlupelled to' plus: , the team at titreat'dlisttnen foim tho -M j aelano;' thereby increasing. ile,drafti , > , i ~ • ; ~ ~' ~ -,- t „,, , ' iith. The NeUltake, Dwelt, hi the /Net t i p toe ,. T i e tightest, most, sPuplii }D. construct:ou t , leapt ; note , t 0 •1 ge t C u t or order] ( rifiCite'llo adjtillifog., Wbon onso . fmt 1 on properly, It 124'Watli ffir altiiinds• Of 'grate; lorig bi-; r i v al. tbiator *l4 eternal:fn. or Ithitto(l'anti tangled. . ' • Nth. it M 'entirely : under ,the•citutrof of the Lytyp,r; malting' (Meta arge or sinall,,:at• liti Pliasuro; Very (hirable. and do fig nil gip:Ws/deg thesechdo and third y411.11 1 / 1 ,0 the firs .t....i„.,' i /-••fccJilc i !:•,.--• i : ,. .?...it .] /AMY:. hey R tk' f(LaPte/t• 1•4 , oll•Akhide: Of itrouna i I 1 rotign - or smoot., leay/ng, c a t wilferitt, lif)lentff 511 the -, lily on uneven obrilVe. , ' -' - • -' t •.: •••>'l 12th. They bets , it iltitibleibtinilitt than e:thrrelnaly; / conform to ulirvi4 litifitice.', thailtii the, tam b s to which, when the Machine to ,ou .4 brick I $ . 110C.W . , or ' haw% pe out (lid ut the Dar etle aup nearly or quaff 1 ti:.;tlitikeltai ,thb leads. Oiire drafts Inwn and atrial a ttl i ssr at-oti 'Ast4d pa Abe other: i ‘ ' •••• -• . _‘. i -i - i,,: • • ' , efif. The 0 5, tilti;levice„by,,which the,att-, 1 .14 - iiit`efin:W ' "1 opera, • ge Mei height 4. ciat to: ' ;en tO4dek up I 'eil Spas Wi Mit fitepting.• '' 14th. They r We luau estimate. thorn in Pe. EA Ira? any ottor. l .,,,Wlikuoilll Rtoi.WA 41 telkAlitea t'T: suo ' de who nee &nem. llith. They htiv4ll"eDlid aitoright` tronthiird, Pitied with steel, rondo/Inuit the atrotigetit 'muse,: . ... 16th. They have ,ft send Wrought. Wolk knife befit), instead'of a malleable iron. vrtiliat itaablo, to break at any time, , . : llltli.±:They cab;be drlveillirainid'the i•orners' with. out backfug and f i Wieffrig the rearn'a necks until they are sqrc. , /aft.hey Call bo etarOd in inciwilig ? to ,the heavi est grass, withontlacki4g up: • ' 19th..thelf Up -hot so, fight as to.: break corona/414 they are not sp heavy es tube objectionable. , • ~ , wiii„ They erg 4 perfect llospei• and Self - lo bar , and a perfect illovfot Corohined ha ene'.,` , 1, - .Tk BEAM, • •• ••• '• ' ' Agent Little klarehl Pa. , Alao,,apost for S. B. Williams .k..., Co 's makeOi Carl sieges, aug.desi Platform awing, and the Utica Lut her Wagon. Theta Wagons arb of the bent Mate and warranted, ', .. • L. O. ldtftoU. Little lasreb,luno 5, is72-3es. ' 3.- B• NI EMI HARDW ARE TIN. Ate COPPER WARE, Parlor, Cook and Office Stoves . ; J. 4• i , Vatile and tPonkiA'C utlery, • ' AYKA I ? I !,/B TRIMMINGS" FA4 P UING. , ,TOO,LS GUNS , PetrOliti 11111 - • . ..• - r • ; (the beet ItglitiLl the worill4attil.e4.iri'arfleleconli.e4t'ea Triide hop's Zook, tiouth side of hlattr ptreet„peit doom to hAthees. _ April 8: 1872 E. B. YOUZSV.I E. B. Young` &To., isuccesiors of twin Yott ig & co.) 40 - 011et;'., , .4 - 01-_:st,it,o464 . - ' , WitilAPeW . , . • ERiade4o,, Yankee 3Cotlonq Picture parace Bud I * Pictureah 811 /Ate; • ^>: 1 • • :Picture C oro: , - .. • 3tletiCo BULDIUI, , • j: Muir. gooks, fyizes, 'llellaPaPert4.• Idriagli zinti4„oro7d4' Law Books, ' ' AfiptLica; Books, . e, 't: , r Belfgtolits Books„s siidei F ty Artftle otit late' tistle,, _YewXprk Daillea at 044 OWN) , *Anne Dailies at 15 Cantata zaguath,, , _subgeziptiotta tot; a iseak, or.wiltli„ 'o r , yew., —Orders for Books noilviatock . prlA 4 o jy a tt fus i e d 6 1. Exp r eaa• package retakiea- bolo 'New York sr %ideal:its of the Anchor/Niue - tkiia Liao ot U. S. Mail Ocaa4 Statuatax_ • Paagage tteketti to /ad, trora Tan?, pokit itatnie 14.0 .a loweat rates: • z --sight Draft sold AO] Biklar r e ptxtoyd , 0x , .. rant rate, Of Exclaitigei ' • • ' Jan. 24, 1872-'7.'g, B. YOUNG & CO. AII I OEIIBO I I4 dOZNI, Ileatier to ull kinds for wood o: eval, ME = i . t Mil :I' 'of 'all kbldi, 4 J. 4 I 41:, t. MEM » a ~: ~:~: iti : Mil •( ••. J; .11.•ANDEASOA, Uuoa Yeirso. wtndow nouns,. ' • '•, • Ittutipal Instrunteute; =II OW.v` , 3Z;M. , a;Zrio46%lM, IEZT4 : 17,,,5, loteMal Rovpritte• Taxi xi -omi itl ' *ol - 13 6 Y triveu, igitt- he annual ISA . of A Way fer 11172 two now dna. 'Ail persona owing , tli* Ilitited States for 'Pima In: Tiogt. county, aro re. ; qlieate&to call at itty care WRnalli it: Willianufiltn/W. InAtanallelkn n Or before the ISt4 s tiey of Juno nox ki unfl,par , thalif tAdaistothiese. or co will bo nada.— i , ' 'Owing in tint *4n - dim of tha i taxes, I shall not be` Ait different 'plaeetrin the.ecntnii,to recelvo taxes, as . barotefoto;na the sanountAo caller: is DMA ; AU persons sendlug inn:Soy by 'm Si, must iveloao a three la Pnablge MW V. O ann) for retur receipt. ,-- -. ' I. &DW, Dianaold, Jane 6,1872.4 t ' t epuiy Collector. fiN le Kil okm Ttoo.A., FL :;`i ,Sl'..; , • _ Wrt) recaveil and are lapy tAefi latest fityles of • Lid t • .0 0 ) ; iiittl ., Ai? pip air e rt 4 ill a aci TapuSiriatitutdfat IttibV'tfatc Vmlutixtra,',Puro Mx) ' • Thitiee. indlletikititta 12 ; ioth i , tin 'l,, •.• 1 054114 a Attiiied o, . - rovaiss*-4" Scriped Wash • Yopll times, Yurtd.Cut brtc, Ora • 'dies, Lawn*. StittraOla ',BOA 'Patter*. .11.1quee, khavre tliaanl French 4• scotei tsepther w l lth a tine i : , Cloths .and ' •C rctitkee Notio ancti Doinesties": tour *took af ;idles' Shawlo a , , celled Either as regard. Hats an UM _Boots an the finest and coarsest, the e' the best and most aervice• market. , . If anybody wants a suit o portant duty fa to look throu Ready-J lad, buy as mitts and Ca - rpets, Oil Mat on baud to be nold at the Next corne4 A full lifie of Groceries, C Woode7 . . _ Just come and eve mtiera goods are eold.righ Tioga, My 15. 107 d. 1111RCANTILE Of Tiva l'otn'ty j rfl: vz.ort ;BIM°. Mgrs. Tax J. 'F. Hater, , 14 $7 lleirech, Pay & Cu, 'l4 7 Fuller silettou, 13 10 J., L, Bohlen, 13 10 .1: P. Taylof, 14 7 A.• 11 Nancy, . 14 7 Patrick Coatm.l.l6, `l4 Jacob Red/ith, , 18 'IQ Isaac 'Smith, ' ~14 B. D. if orton„ la 1 William Gilmote,Jr, 14 Brake. sr.Jamesi 7 T. S. Mitchell, !, 14 S. W. Bergin 44 co. 11 11 Hurray Az IiPP/ild, 13 11 James Trayhey, 14 1 L. B. Smith, • • 14 .: 7 W. L. 11 - da:gle„ 13 _,,111 Jacob Miler, , 0 25 jilurley .i..lJaye;s. ' ' Li 7 Morrie Tuck, j la ,10 S. E. Cad*oll, (' 14 Y. W. 'Bolden, : 14 : . , 1110 ea mov{sontp. AlmOr.Dunruore, 18 •14 tae. Patiereon,le. h., 8 t. Belsi.et 1(01y, 6. h., 8 . E. AL e. Scully,hi, - 11 -' 5 O. B. Whited, 2 Wilt., ' 0 lamer, Cox, , , 14. • 7 Seeley do °sancta% 13 10 VllLliaro Short, - 14 7A. J. Howell ': •. .14 ••7 Janne Kelly, ' 13 ,10J. H. Baxter: •, ; 1 4•1 '7 Blosa 0. - k lit. to, ' 480 Parks 134401:fere, ' ' l9 10 ! mores, Ruts 0. 'Co, • 4 '4O IL Went] LE Co; ' 13 10 0. B6Viell & CoI 13 9E. B. Campbell . ••13 . 10 , 1; 0 74n Boaabb4l y II 3,b' 8 , otaosota. • , . -t • ocivyrotrom SCIROVIIFt, 11. .t. F. if. 'Crandall ?, 19 '-io fistrtioon a Everts." 14 7 Oraild4ll:llrb's 11.,C0. 13 1E) 0.8: Ihetayl, 1 .:.13 • 114 Martin, .1i tioawith, •13 10 ,1.V.• , 1r A.' 3r. H04n0t,12 lig Taylor As Seeley, 1S .10, S. M.'Barber, 1 14 I 7 S. Strait,. , IS 1.0 E. Dyer, • • ', 'l9 .0 1 1. P.Natialle, ' 14 7 .140447 Y Brown, ! E . 14 7 Clark Kimball, iii "1 • 00y14trin 0160 O. 16 '1 Fr4lol OVAL' „1,41 E. 7 caartzt*vorr. . , . IBULLIVANi ~ i D . F., Stone, ; i ' 'l4 17 Albert Itlebasono. 14 7 K. -*or g an, - i - '44' • I 7 • 'IIO6A TOWNiilii'. ' L L'llurailey, ! , 10 !.7 P. •.1.•Ilitaliell, -• ! ',. a . 7 W. M: BiOwn, • „ 14 ,I 7 Baia6r,i t Kobler.: i!,14, , , 7: E: X. Smith, 1•,14 1 7 oat ,n ,ot/orrOu. t , , • . mall at. , ' ' ,••R. B. orettai rt Sor4/1 4• ' '7' Join ' Short, ,' 14 7 Van Coated* Salltb.'l4 '- 7 .Y. 61.1 filler, - 1 .14 •7 C. B'. SweallsolL. ': , .74 • .7 S.-1341e, •• • 1 , t ; .14 70. . , • I 1e.,, . , E ~.14 , 7 OLVarirr.; • • ' Si 'rt:Parr, ', 9 ''2s ' Bon A Bashidons, 14 • •7 P.'ETu44lO/•••="• ' • It 'l6 B. IT. Stebbliie*Broal4 52, L. Baldwin.; •: : E ..9 • ,25 • -- • • •14,tit,t44. . • IL E. Smith /4 Soo, 16 7 . ,Eke0..11419:413414,t '' 14 '7 3".'Sehhillettu;,,34•, 13„ ~ 10 pl. a; Virillcox, , ' 'f 14 , • 5 Philo Tollei, '•• •, 'lt- el 7youata 1L...,04.,, .. 14 ', .7 (L.:P.ll9kt, ,••• . , l'a - .; 30. -- - ' taidfai4:44l4to; -, E.,Borfavii.tr.„; ,•. E• • J. B. Payne. i' ,' 'l4 7 li.ll,,Stralt, , ,„ 131,19 C. a Rowland,/ '- 14 7 F., It: lloker;:••••' 4 ”` 13 ", 10 Al:P.1)1.0p/e. : .: 24 ' 7 0: IDElrlori t w 2 ' - fi , . 14" , - 7.• . AL 2,11I13.: , • . li 1 i o,lPotataN7). , _ •i C.'.l 111pley,. • ' ' l4. ':7 ' 7(•Floiver 'soo, ' ""-. 1.4•< , oe • 7 I'. J. fella; ' . 14 .' 7 50, WARD. Co, , „ Fart Brook teal o, 4 too 7 Irsaypnrui nonevoir s - 7 pW. Q. Drintel, • , • l'a 10 id Harlin Bastian'', ,1„14,_ • 4 Ambrose 'Close., 14 • 7 • 7S. o:llfurdoet, ' 13 ' 10' 7IL Omen, - 1 21254" S. Plank.. 13. 10 5,4 8. D. Phiflikin, ~ 13 10 LO Bligallialit, 14 - 7 ' 10 D. ArNaviglitort,. - 14 7 1 IL Hunter; . , . .J , 34 ~7 7 Clabtirn a Obriaty.Wile, 40 in umarilrLD Tot - view:E.. 7R. K. akbunlr. • 13 3,0 LO 1. M. RelgeOrOO, '• 14 7 7 NE1.10130110. 1 Seeley Sr Co, ...* 7R. C. Bailey, " 13' . 10 ' Roberta & 00, ' 2 3 10 E. B. Totnni 4 Co: 11' 7: ~,,,D earvion, , 13 10 Pierce & Rreee, 12 12% W. Vail, 1 b'd table, 80 W. J..rlorton, 'll r LAIVIMIICE. thiliall p gB A - Culen. 12 1 ' „,, , Joeepb Glle, ' ' lit- , 7 Derby & Figlaior. - - ' 7,4 • LAAntrt4CEPLAUX. U. B. Kelley; • *4 7 , George ilrLean, 14 i7B. R. Hirabo.lll, ~. - 1% I*, C. S. Blather , 10 20 11. Id. Beata, - -,!' .1 ° P ,, .1:14. 1 3,0 . qh„ , ,' 14 7 Willlen2,W,' ' '. "' i i . ' 1 O. P. tr./a/Ant, - Vi 31 ' Phippen A Parithnoitl-k It: U. iy),• , 011 111 0.1.1..T; IS 12 2: 3lerebantliweatland,t4 IM. NW „_,• 84 / 4 g B •., 13 ' 10 William Politick, 14 7 4.0 't5211134 Co,' tt -'i 7 7 ' . Wheeler & C • 13. , 10 IL Thornton, o. h'e", 'B, ' NO ' , , - ~W. Sears, ' • .14 :, 7 S. yaimati . LI/44 7 7T ' , . , 14 Vanhoin Obandler,l3 -10 i ~ 'I .0, }lathers, 'l6 Itr' ;Y:. i .,, t : e W hil vl l ll. 2 ° l '.. ) _i ' 7 :G. Anagram; -13 10" David "'"_,"„:",,,... '-, . 1 4, .. 7 4-VOlelr.' - . • it .• ,1 N' t , - 1 ;'-''"''' , ' . -mi I 7 LoA. Quaint .14 4l ~1 .46r..k "Aotw . 1.2 1,2% isst .l 3,tlat 40ii!137, 0 10 i .r.'l4.9batitn: ' • H 7 13.11.' brine?, ‘" 14 , ' , 7 4 8. F. Werlinr,, •''lf• '7 k. MK , ,• 5 ,:' 1 3 ,A 0 Sebring & Ytiller, , 1215 Winces 4r, Vt3ntiu,. , I A. 3 X Jl,Beledirdi: „.,-14 . 7 Cmyersek , o ll (l o od. 1 1 2 5i - .' • Vallextbas Hiller,: " 14 ' 7 Converge &Dagood;',l3', 10 5c Thonlaii„, 7 7 Z.B. •Barhei , _, -• '= 12 12X • • , it.irkesuzio. , 1 J. W. ParneU,..•,•• . ..34. , . ,7, R. Pt-Dint& , ,1 ' 10 VanVißonburd,l3,c;.44l ~ 7 I 4- 74- ciao, ' ' 1 . 10 3,1 i. boas; . ' 13 - 10' , 41 12 0 n DO'dle. 541'11. -• a Tbmitaitariiiiiiii NlO - '2.0 . 'O. D. hlaitt, 1 7 JoaepliNedcari kar-n,'• I , - "O. Of Parkhurst, 1 10 J. H. Ellie - It 2 bird t, 40 Sohn Bilrgetl: dal'h; ' a' 5 1 , , .. •. • i ~.. .. ~ ,P. 8e1ia80r k .b941111,...,141, _5, NetioeWhereby, 41, go 4bat an aplatttrill , b4; kld Si. the Ceniudegionere' qilloo in Wcliaboro qns i1itt,t044 2 47 ill 7tine;/972, bet when the 'town of 10 is. in: In , 10 3) . .wrd., at %Web time:and 'plate ' YU racing aggliona n . , 1 4,11 , 0 foregoing appOitsemea wlll 14904.•aud.such skbalernenta .or ext)noxiitingme 4414„10, made, au 40, 'ehein prepe'r and Jco4l; atkd 0 v 0141014 failinh", to up: 4ilearatitie,tinie alivepla. 41,'• eiteet ' to 'Day the , amount charge() ille said splaralisenient. May 15, 1872. 4w e. L. ATHBRTON, App'r. .liarD. itletrj. Dtirracce, 14 o.ParlctinistaCoo.27 Rittman &Wok: -'l4 = J. J. 'W to, • , 14 ' f.l4lol3aTt a ot, 1 wo s " : • • Jr3aed Load. - - • Di Diartith,,l 14 O. X. 2)llllirga,. s. , /3 ,2 JAcr.so D. 11. Exit: "14 Lyzasoa lloagland. .14 • -4 - 2 , roxrux.s. Wood 1212; Case & Ouckley, 13 I J. /Rod aril, 13 1 Truman, Gilbot, .14 Markham & Rood. 14 lota Good4pood, 13 1 ' 14, Justus Dearman, ' 13 11 itt, ONE =II Mathias Idarla I==2S:II=MMM=SEMI= tA.itu. ig fur -;1 et C) . 0. .. 4, 3311 cy , 4)oti -Ip,irt3,•cirountlinswi ' Aipiseaa; Lyon `platu, ' ' 11 : : pa.ressit MED BeerioleWts, t Of O a hlorotz, fivitinsl.' uitiugs, DNB; I 1 ' and, kay, MIMI GimghaYns, LC: r • ••/ asortmtut of • .1 • - ~•,. ssimer'eN," ME ES Hosiery d kleesfe eaunot, be ex quality or prliN:. Gaps MEI to endless Shoes, .eapest anti most stytiab, ble to be found in' thb clotboa, their ,most im gh ottr stock of E Clorlittig; aye their looney Cloths and pet reaeonablo prices =I •ocicery,` and Ware • ob of,ttswim,vighziur WIQH.IIAIa fIPPRAISTIIIENT 142, at J4diviva Mat. Mx Job Doane, Wan. Blackwell, MAVSFIEII.23. Wesley Pitts, 1.4 .. J. B. Webster, la 10 INDley Cut With, 1212)4 11: N. Bolden, 13 10 N. Kingsley.. I* 7 J. W. Jagn,lith, 13 10 Wllltnrn 'Adams. 12124 U. M. Bohol', 13 10 R. E. Olney, ' 14 • T J. W. 'Wilhelm, 12 12.3 Pitts 13rotherty • • 11 , 15 C. V. "Ellioll, 13 10 O. y. 'Elliott, • .14 7 hut tt; Kohler, . 32 E. . 'Phelps, t, 60 kinntnsont•. • R. M. Keeney, " 14 7 8. Staples At 861:1,• .• 14 . 7 M. Q. Potter. 7 A. W. Potter. 14 7 M. G. White, i 14 7 John Btarkoy, 14 7 Bonnet, Dimon& Oci, 13 . 10. John Purvt.s, • 13 . 10 _ • _ 14-tqol*.' " Mil 13ALDWIW3 0".-31ANTY• ME It you wont a woo aae ,, utraiult ui , oi'•;_t.i k L. - : -.Fi11...A.N0.--,WIN'EIt . GOODS, 1 Si= I 1 MEI - tAL.v..4 -t 1.11 MIEN .10 :) t $ ;14 ~. i ~:- { • ' "•-• • t•' • - • •• - '•• ritwo wiatiTY 1 , , IRE BE %1 SIM =1 lIE . t . If yeill miiit a C-19 (11)11.1 ur illt itttins, r,.. , • - , 1 ••! . 1 ~. •!; , A/Lunt ItAl.nt%'lNl3 filin34y ) • I /14 , 0 , ,, want UCH Adoca, calf b. , r l Orithol DIIi,CIIIS4 0 - 14"114.11LIVViN . }3 RbatltY. , tall'ist .1.).4:1 4 1.)1V1N'9 .s ,;•• =I If ydu smut li4ies• & , ware.' • ••• • ' MAIa ALVltra'efribliPtY yoq wsut notions end' `" • , •1: .•. . • , cap. IF r.::a Avant Pat s, • le. • ~ • •'' • ea ) 'e3 - • IN•: .; • E liyou w an t kuit Goofit, lef you'k'•nt liabs . and at 1311.1)\1414'3 Shanty . if pla waht Boots and sttoilal • can at lA.LDwics Mal" EMI If you iyaut a aaeof Dishes, -I it at pALDWIN'S Shanty. • If you want geed teas and Cirooerksis ((esti, call at 8.11.309i11i1i Slainty. , if you want a ready made gait of glotheg, • 4111 tit BALDWIN'S Sbauty. Ityoriwant a „ suit of Clothed leave yam' measure. • .I.piAla>vriN . 73 inmaty. /1 Sou Acatit Over Coats, ; . If you m i nt Buffalo Stobus,!. 'call at BILDWITiII Shanty I 1 , If you want prices that cant nu beat, lean at SAIDWV'S Shanty • ge That's whats the Natter. We are auxfoud to sell the geode before we twit) th• T. L. BALDWIN & CO. THE KIR INX 7- TWO-WHEEL MOWER, MI ril'iat COMIXTE ' 51.,CCV..9:4 or the Kirby Two .l heel /Quiver Ilan' hcver been equalleLr in the hie tori'W of 'mowing and: reaPing ittnebitte:4- From every part Of the'country there comes united tertireouy in wregard_tc Its perfoetly vtitiergetory perfOrlllitt.teo in Oli , ery possible kind of wait. • Its extensive use for the past season bps DIM Illy than over :betake demon 'grated theper/ieityn of' rinciple upon which, not on ly it, but all of Cho Kirby machines ate built. It ban thetlextbility tad independent motion of frame and Anger-bag Peoeliart to all Kirby inttebines, milting close and clenn'Orct; all variations of ground. 1,10114 ,Eck co* 144E1011NC ROD. • 'With the :utmost kisaiiicit a y and streatith, there aro' cote:blued in the Xtrlay a fwinltimel nower many excel! i?Acie9,rie>t t;itit(j MI * y I,ther machine; and 'clziof among thent•Will be noticed the. Jointed Connecting Roridor pitra4i) AU ittrpritiol i of lite.' Kirby'n, nint a realm? In:longing eXelu.iively to Ws oiotePr. The joint in the Connecting Rod ior pitman) -works unnultane, *tally With" the joint f I, the finger : bar, keeping the Copuedting BO „.. . . - - . • - AILWA"'S iNIA.PERFECT LINE .. ' ' I 'With tiie cutting apparatua. glieming the knife to ran peifectlyfrti, without bintlma„, at "whatever ariglo the bar may ha Tallied or fdlifed . ; thuo'ctecrrasok9 the fric. 49 7 1. ttisdeclun *lneptly adding to the already powerful tutting ecipacit , del:fel:Laing the already very light draft, and adding la gely to the durability, by .relieving Ale j connecting r bbd knip-lttead from liability to break-. : a.,, ,, e consequent upon" that binding and ti-ktlon of Merge paritfi, inchilent to all ooLor two.wheel machines. • lty a tonVendept ievq-r, tbo bar-is raised to pass an, obstruction, o ovens r. orfolded completely across d the utobineirk front ft trairsileitatien, without-throw ing out of gear; stoppisn a kihs &cow 'or the driver leaving .heirseat. "' i i , { , • Instantly tlitowit oat or into gear. without stopping, when desired,ilV eitivb' font or band. " ` .. A IF , , , tve ei,rtgid•tbziguo, us' , desired; without stop 'ping, .r ' - " ' • , , •Tctsbow^ abizotutely, iu, citio4r4t,t(or weight on hcrsei . wecla,lemoatrlc pttko 'atitliely otr rtrul‘put machine to' work *Ai t tk,tit.tritonEue' '" , ' ' • • • , T)o,l2autts, ofttot 1 gtt rchi eau :be "raised or lowered : adibput t It9pplug, •They are especially shaped, to pre- OM'slogging; they kayo steel platen, easily replaced vamp wersztart). and at e not ribeted, 'but bolted to the ea,r„ ~,, ~ ~ •:.: 7:1 , ~+:; -:' , . ,: •• .. . "Dah' Ilize`tV,lrAfi iidirectou gutting apparatus where tt cnighttdttO.t; and there ,is no ,Eira,rt.. of machine by .draft through =a to - :tint, and'bracts, • • • Driver's seat, is , behind, 'dor/10601N- out of danger, but in full ' , levy 9(Outting anParatUD... .. ' , ,' At adinStable spriog matter nip*e-y, both shoes. '• The leader-wheel Ise, ctiSter-whew[ and turns perfect square corners; even on' soft Wound, without 'raising end lowering the her, r ic , tl t 't , " ' .. Madtdad ahbayron tra, With and never tips up.: Cuts 414 feet wide. iiiitairs. rang", a's well. ye,'mod% ground. andis thel, 4 4,lsett 'ittiniini) aim) tient pe.,tfect working taro-wheel nairrer ever madh.• ' a • -, •- , . r mor., • , 93.00 too., izmu Aa.v.ltrai rti flaw. co , , NISI, PA 'L, B. Balw••z‘ rtErlskul . . . „ .s., W. lio lea,V. Well' i b oro , ”. ' ' I34. I 3 °3IS T I Air4 I7ID* 4 11 ,e' e e tll °‘ e l l i k. "". ' • A. S. RE-V,ltctur J. Tioga. , . ISmAttlited qittMoAuPis , ad circulate will be hupplled OA IkIiVIA 4 A IIIOII to VII lorso of wail agehta. Ityett really d.P4-__ .o pay the bent -mower— , sisi e ,' g 16, le n- 7 ,.(1w. • . DC the Kirby. ( In Bankruptcy. . . . . T. 13 THE 3/ISTRICT COURT 'Of the United Btatee, i_ • for the 'Western Ulairlet of 'Pennsylvania : Justus 'l4,.`Bailey'n Etankrript under the Act of Congrens of Maxelt.'id, 13417, having applied for a discharge from all ids debts,, and otheti-elahns provable. under said Act, by order of the Court, notice in herebygiven. to all Peitotnivha, have proved. theirdebts, owl other per sona' ititoredted, to appear on the lath day of June, -1872,,at 10 ofeTeels, i. Tn.', before F.R. Smith, Esq., Register; et his Mee in 'toga. Pa., to show canto, if . any they have, -why a dischilrge should not be granted tolle.tiatd:liatekrut4: And' further, notice is hereby given, , that , the 13eqondastil Third Meetings of Credit ors of the said 13iinkrupt,legnired by the 27th and 28tb sectlOns of stiltt,MA,ioll be hedd before, t - said Reg , tater; at thelarnoiillan and Diego. .. _ . •: 1 , .1 ' •" ' . 13: C: 'Mee A.I4I)LTSR, i, May-22, f872.-21v.' •,J•.•• : • - • . , i Cleric. . THE' iCLAY:- HORSE... T." „„ii,,,„ati,a; hesihloofied, stallion ever' krid In - tide/Mop:lit) , 'least/hitt this' sensbi ' only, at the stable of ItilleWO'Conter iti • . lt. ' VV . 63-ilifliCO2.`tsfy .1:".431. ' , •"1"1114. Mors© la rit'eptior Piotif, but to Improve the breed of Muses in ffogti county:" Els stock combines speed, strength .and.tmdursuce. Re la halt brother to ,f , ..Pata0,"Wa11,1444.i1l tho State of New Jersey. tajOi bauds higb, dark boy, wsirgle'Lluo potouhl, and toetted 14 12 0 , 4 „Yeali 91.14501110' lb 2:90,' , -,. - ssielet'os bereto*lre.,tiottorinly have en $3O : $4O byl tft4 , peason, ons 140 0: to .Insure: .21 a season his 1 le •tifsirice,will be $lO ercacti mare, Capli n advance or ' apprayga oltti.." ' ,- • - - • , • ,1•1,13.-:g3lay , will o Wended by the-polite and g(311- tlankszircivil - eligl ctek'lmoirn professionallyas ... , iiker. bunker,"alias April 24, 111,72.4 . CHARLES YENTON. = , El IN =MEM ~ •~ ~. MEM P.tsi EIII TICIGA", " ISM lar ti;, t,...1 a . f' =Mei (.111 at 214/.1)1V W 8 Shanty , :ail I 'pill at BALDWIN'S Shanty MM=M=====M= ' J gkilliG4 l \l OF ST01:11 New 4Sales' =I 14 I,i. =I PAISLEY st stlls lower ' , Tice!) than last stattou 'lave. full pieco;at $1,124,:, $1,26, $1,61/, $1,75, f '2,(10 $2,16 per Surd. Mil •' • - We tibial keel) a eUU larger Btu& this year than ever before, as we now have ample room to , le.tv their New Goods in this department reeeiyed almost daily, w o B ull k ee p i n our new kl u ies Room a Very two stock of Woolona for mon and boys' /Mite, a ten. n larger stock than we havo over kept. We Lava alsdliiol7ed Our itoop Skirt stock up into our new aka roow, and shalt Letw a very nn& stock' of new styles at low pt ices. NOttingbani Lace Curtains in great variety, 2,?‘ to 4 yards tong, at from $2,25 to $8 per pair AA 1:420,9 new Block of Snprilig VW,Cite. Thin Glove is warrauted to bo equal to any (Hem: in the Mi l ted States either as to fit or quality. Our stork is'very large thdeed. our regular make, equal in color and quality to any in market•, anti still cold by ns•withemt any ad Vance in price/3, makarg them the cheapest goods in snarl Pt- - Ono of tho main advantages to us, in opening the .I.IEIY FiXLES - ROOM, is the increased room it gives I for our Boot and Shoe mock. We are now situated po that we can-keep a stall LARGER STOCK. in this he and we shall add new lines of Goods in most desirable makes as our trade calls for them. We shall kell work VERY CHEAX and give every one that calls on us good pay for their time In looking at oar voerts Corning. 3iay.l, 1/172-tr. J. A. PARSONS IEIII iF GOODS ! SPID,G. DRY GOODS, Notions, Fancy Goods, & All the People Ist Tiogs County yriBl.l to tpalto purchtum to tilts Ciao arc . , The closest' buyers *ill be eouv4l.ed that this is II out money beelkoknietilly. Corning, April, 1872. Wail M i g1 1E R7 1 . 257 • - 11•1 TLa Eubsaibars Law, ;if! euttro uew Stock of - $1 0 , 1 6 1 , 14.05, ilB, no, i,25. $2B, $28., New Spring Shawl In all pin veal ileati:abl6fitylea at the JOWCH& Coat and prku.n. Also Black - , lk Jaisartese 111 great variety., Plaids, Stripes, and 80)id Co)ora, in (atm qualittalt Sprig Dress Goods. Cloths and Caslsimeres. Hoop Shirts. Lace ' Curtains. Nottingham Lace by the yard at 37!-:;e, 41c, 60e,, 52y;C, 'l6c Josephine Kid Gloves. New Prints, New Ginghamsp Black Pure IVlohairp Boots and Shoes The Regulator, CORNING, V„ IMO Toe assoriment is cointacto in. cvei:y (16partwent Boots . & Sho 11l r , Look Eut 'l4ty- '''4 . ( : ..)?c:,r:rsi Ala) :1 MI ■ wiu stock in the}r 'l/2 SHAWLS ; Silks choice 'styles MEM GROCERIES, I wid eoluparo prices Akli:„, i Itoont, ,r C I 01 CiEll El 1 ., &ca !MIMI place pati• NEWELL. MI B M