NOTIttS. 'Remember the concert of Treinnine Broth .rs to-eight (Tue'dny) for the- 1 eneflt, of the )41k1 Fellows. lie sure and go to Bowen &None's Hall los evening, (rnesday,) and hear Troll/tine 3,.)11.s and Pierson sing for the benefit .of 03.1 Fellows. Co.'s Cast: Ciisti Steel Plows Szs each. For information how to ob tilt them address Co 1.41 , 18 & Co., 212 Water t Y.—Feb. 28, 3 W . t! are authorized h subscriptions , Zell's Encyclopcedia at; this office. This I: is invaluable, and should be in every ,tines man's library.-May 16-4 t. . . Don't fail to hear Tremnine Brothers and 'icT•iln this evening (Tuesday) at Bowen & 'ont.!' Hall. how are you to-day ? I'm not feeling well, nnous and sick headache, have been look na around fora box of Pa;-sons' . Purgative 9,1(., hut our traders are all sapid out.—COUll- ,• 'WM'''. Mr , . Sofield has a few very fine Point Lace :011tors at her store, which she cordially in ,•itei the ladies to call and examine. They sill be there for inspection and sale for a oc days only. you go to the concert to-night, Clues h) v , i you will get the full worth of your 11 ..ncy, and aid a worthy cause. Fria SALE OR RENT.—The house and lot flown as the Kress homestead, situated on E a :t Avenue. Inquire of J. C. Kress, at Pi , rce Drug Store.—lt. Fax SALE olt RENT.—The house and lot ;nown as the AlThetmore house situated on E.:11.4 Avenue. Inquire of W. Sherwood.— Ma) 29,1872-3 w. Forso.—A portmonnie was fo'qnd a few since at 11. 11. Wood's Photograph ;rallory. The owner can have it by calling ni Mr. Wood, and paying charges If ny '29, 1872*. A gentleman from Bi 11, Me., say's hat MeArs. Allen Bros Aors of Ph 9lip Allen's Print Works, zero down to Itsyant's Pond recentlwlle9, 'one' ,t them was attacked ,c rheumatism • uthlenly, that he h . carried I from ie‘ pond to his hotel ; a bottle of Johnson's Liniment was resorted to, and he but next day. .\ - n adjourned meeting of the Executive mittee of the Tioga county Agricultural tety will be held at the Court House in NVi•llsirero, on Tuesday evening of the sec keel: of Court, June 4th. All persons iiit0•c. , 14.41 in County Fairs nro requested to :mond, a, important business concerning I,4waltural matters will ho considered. J. B. POTTER, See'y. Slr4 .11teol) Schissler, from Corning, will L. at the Well4orn Hotel in this village on TueFilay, June I lth, 1872, with a large stock Boman Hair, Switches, and long Water c„ 1 14. old hair fforked over in the latest •.tyle an.l nentest wanner. Mrs. Schissler is on..nrpsc , edwaist in hair. Remem her Ow ,late ant ' the place—Tuesday June Ilse ut Snl. Bunners Welliboro Hotel. Msv Tioo TEACIITRS ASSOCIATION. The Q,)//rie-rly Meeting - of the Association will be avid at the Normal Chapel, Friday and Sat •da. :May 31st and June Ist. The exereise3 will commence Friday a. tn., at Itt o'clock and continue till Saturday p. m. PapeN. discussions, and an nddreAs Fri titiv evening will make up the programme. Ft-wilds of education are cordially invited to t. tend and take pat t in the exerei,es. Per order of Pt esident. Man field, May 29, 1872. Mitehell-& Cameron, Attorney. & Cot n zel.e. at law, have removed to Converse & brick ['hey :Agent , for vt•t;tl tint-el:,- •,-;,,ti, c C.,mpanif• C ~,tolotthil, N. )..„ ...Capital. ..S 1,000,000 1, tat, Eng., ..... .., .10,000,000 .i (2.14.411, " 10,000,000 A•1(11. , , Cincinnuti. ".... ;.,, ‘,.CI ••• Triumph, ".... Mny 29, 1472-4 w GOOO Nrws 'to THE SioLppuz-.—T, , toy numerous customers mid patrons, Iwould respectfully announce that every volunteer, non-commissioned otliCer, private, musician, artificer, who enlisted in the military service of the United States prior to July 22d, 189, under the proclamation of the President May 3d, 1861, anti were mustered before Aut;ust‘6, 1861, into any Regiment or Com pany which was accepted by the war depart loent, are to have Cho full l)6unty of $lOO, ho have not already received it. The no der.ogned is prepared with a full sets of hianl.s approved by the Government. All v. L fish to avail themselves of said Act and sen me at my ottice, or address ale Their tiwine::s will receive prompt at 11'. B. SMITH, Knoxville, Pa. tt itt;..ll S, 18:2 -4‘‘ tt?,i ) c Aeitator. WFDNESDAY MAY 2u, 1872 4 Home Affairs. Briefs. i ,, •lL't all..hd the Ceremonies on - Decoration v.l'llilirsdny. 1;)a/,,,p Howe of thin dwell& held service at St. I,mA 1. lioga, last Thursday evening. It, the time this paper is printed the telegraph wiU Le completed up to the new Depot. W, arc ininiderably indebted to the Elmira Ad • for mgr report of the ripeeche6 nt the celebration Ll - . 1 Oh. an happy 1 ,, say that we haven't a single ultlit l n cord ing WiAleboro en Ce1e h1.11,,,11 Day pi& 1118 faith in tho striking part of mir I. • k sill find t insril most egregiously sold.— R. aye Nier striking indeed. hod old wooden awning on the west side of \k m .d lt et N‘a, trn Friday morning. Nobody =1:1 - ion t ni; the celebration last Wednesday* three ). asp Innen front Arnot delivered fervid religious , thit •,t—t, the Avenue in front of the public =I iLr r o hrs,on train last Wednesday brought up • r a tll..n,and people. The' transpoitation• of such n sd t,,tlm9t the slightett accident or delay is to odd .1 all concerned. ( haa been a law-sindent in the L I.lhott sEuEard of this village, was admitted T " II " 15 ' , " 1 .1.14 5-t3 county last Monday. We ender -13 an I that Mr re , h passed a brilliant t lamination. h INe ht_aid the crowd here at the eelehrati,n 1 ‘..111. sday intimated at hem llvc to seven thou- II" •5t , ..• The smaller number is 8 grt at stony in Willsbero, and people who are net used -• 1 , larg. crowds arc easily deceived in such mat t•'- I'm .1 e.ntrin thi re at a a cry lart,e erowd th it - . Taber, thy late popular ',mak ditor of t ehirr, has tiAlteil from that paper.- 114 ilynlir,iand this step to rendeteil neezt•sary by , erne la ttt local polities iiith Mr. Fair /La: dtt,r. Mr. Taler's lively pen trill be I it or ttUot it ill soon be at leink avail' in Ihet e , .liens of the ~tilrertci. Ho is reported to 1‘..(0) of the stock of that cowern, being - one heie cie have never before been able to 7 ..‘11 tho nlulr C with Gov. Seymour, but we do nor( heartily see .l be. adviee that we 41110Uld mend our NI ays."- 1 44 4 . 1 , 1111111'1 1 d 111 R sentiment to the lot-holders on Main "re' tw Partlenlar. That is the street which overy f•thawer wt.o Comes to the village sots the most of, .I , lt it %I ry (ilium that when he flails portions of , 41ks in a rickety, shabby couditiou that would Argra, e a country four•corners, he can't form a very I.wi t 4 stueete of the thrift and enterprise of our oil ot the prospefity of our business men. -- AS \ye bad very little to do with the inception or 111 .” 1 4:C/Tialt of the late celebration we suppose we t“ai u•iiirout impropriety echo the geLeral sentiment that it uhs happily conceived and admirably carried Every °Meer audcommittee man seemed to know* ," 'Oral to do, atol did it. The speaking at the De v• al good, plain, C4/1111i011-B(iSe talk; the collation :WA enough for a 'king, to ray liotlilng of hun tii American sovereigns; the atter-dinner speech a vi , ic as lively and sparkling as the champagne, which \Nag of Pleasant Valley's best brands.,. and everybody aria pleued with the day, with himself, and the rent W.,4111d, fogethlit•. wss t, day pf r o; rejoicing over a good work aecompliebell—a day to ho marked vvi‘h a white stone by the people of Wellaboro. I —The Corning peniocrat closes an appreciative re port of our liallr4ind Celebration in the following com plimentary strut " \Cle moat add:that all the arrangenients were capi; tally planned and executed. The committee were un tiring in their effOtts to make everything pleastud.— The exeursionlidg were ex t: mini)* well Pleased With their ride, with their reception and entertainment.-- It is seldom that au occasion of this character is ac companied with equally meritorious intellectual en, ' tertaiument, in which particular it surpassed illiy we ever participated in. • .•Iu behalf cram citizens of Corning lee tender their warmest thanks to the committee and citizens of wellaboro for their generous hospitality and number less courtesies extended to us, their guests." • —An unusual musical treat watcenjoyed by the peo ple lining in the neighborhood of the Welch church, four miles from this village, lust Thursday evening. Mr. John Parry, a true Vielehman and a graduate of the Royal Academy of Music, London, assisted by his niece, Miss James, gave a vocal concert on that occa sion consisting mainly of classical music. A couple of our music-loving citizens attended;-and me of their; inforres'uti that the singing of both Mr. Parry and Miss James was very fine. Ile spoke in thO highest terme of their execution of anltallan duett. Mr. l'am has a rich baritone voice, while Miss James's is a pure soprano of great cultivation and compass. During the evening the choir of the church sang two or three pieces iu pure Welch. When it came to that, our friend didn't pretend to "understand the lingo," bu he fully appreciated the music. —The enterpilse displayed by the Elmira Advert ser in reporting the railroad celebration at this phice is worthy of more than a passing notice. When it is re membered that Wellsboro is nearly sixty miles from Elmira; that Mr. Fairmaxi, who made the report, left here near five o'clock p. in., and could not&e reached hiiiollice until nearlyhaltpast eight; tha j t e then wrote out his notes in time for the compare, proof-reader and pressmen to do their abase of the work, and lad , d upon the breakfast tables of half a oxen counties the next morning a most creditable d readable . report covering a column and a half o x i t the Advertiser, some thing of the labor and unllarg energy necessary in running a daily paper will e appreciated. The Ad vertiser, so far at least as its news columns aro con cerned, is an honor to c94ntry journalism, and while it continues to show tiro enterprise in obtaining and. reporting local intelligence exhibited on thisnecasion• it need fear no fit7fg off in its widely-extended local circulation. , D ecoration Day. The citizens of Wellsboro and vicinity aro hereby/ordially invited to observe the day set apart for decorating the graves of the sol diers'of the late war. Patriotism, humanity and i religion prompt the honors that we show tc(the memory of the patriotic dead. Thursday, the 30th, is the day observed throughout the country for this purpose.. If that day should bo stormy, tho ceremonies will ho postponed until the first pleasant week-day. - At 2 o'clock p. in. Public services will be hold in Bowen Cone's Hall, after which a procession will be formed t 9 march to the cemetery where the graves will be decorated in due form. It is earnestly desired that the Court may adjourn fir this occasion, and that all shops. offices and stores may be closed in time for the services at the hall, and that all will take their places in the procession. The public schools are invited to unite with the procession at balfpast three o'clock. By order of Wellsboro Post G. A. It. ' A. E. Nity.s, , D. D. BUCK, HUGH. YOUNG, R. C. ,BAILEY, R. C. COX, E. JEFFRIES, W. BOATMAN. The Railroad Celebration. A Great Day for Wellsboro. A Large Crowd and a Good Timo. For several months past the people of our village had been looking forward with the liveliest interest to the day when the Wells bore and Lawrenceville Railroad should be so far completed that the cars could 'run into the boro, and connect us directly with the outside world. It was felt that the day which ,:t w that important event in our local history would mark a "new departure" of_enter prise, public spirit and growth thatiwOuld eventually place Wellsboro in the position among her sister villages that should of right belong to the capita] cif the large 'and weal thy county of Tii)ga. And so, when it was proposed to celebrate the arrival of the first t ratp, there was a prompt and generou re hpon-,0 trout ail our bu,itze,i, irtpti. And now that it is all over, we congratulate our fellow townsmen and especially the Committee of Arrangtenents on the fact that the work so begun was' . carried through to the end without a hitch or the slightest accident. If last Wednesday morning had been made to order, it could nothave dawned more pro pitiously. Itwas a bright morningtempered with just clouds and breeze enough to ren der outdoor life a simple luxury. Every body within the corporation was reminded by an early morning salute that the day wits an exceptional one in the life of the boro.— As the morning wore away our streets grad ually grew lively with the throngs of people from the townships neare;t us, who came in with their teams. About noon an irregular iyrocession of citizens was formed, headed by the Wellshoro Band, add marched to the Depot where the reception of the invited guests was to take place. A stand had been erected near the track, facing the sloping hill which rises a few rods north of the De pot. This hill was-plentifully dotted with people and presented a Vary pleasing picture, the gay colors of the ladies' dresses relieving the sombre black and gray of their escorts. Soon the Lifinorton the brow of the bill to the west of us anmitiffcbd_the approach of the train, and in -another minute the first passenger train that ever entered Wellsboro" swept 111 Mind the curve, puffed up the grade, and halted when the engine reached the De pot. While the people were thronging out of the coaches toward the stand the "iron horse" returned the salute of cannon and hand by u screech sufficiently unearthly anti . prolonged to remind one of "tha banner cry of hell." I,(X10,(XX) 1,(011,11i , 600,000 While the speakers and principal invited guests were being seated upon the stand La France's Band of Elmira, which accom panied the exeurtinnists, discours6d some ex eellent music. Finally, order having been secured, the Chairman, Hon. S. F. - Wilson, introduced Rev. J. F. Calkins of this village, A'ho opened the exei•eisesswith prayer. • Hon. H. W. Williams then welcomed the guests in the name of the people of Wells bore in a few eloquent remarks. r Address ing himself in turn to the representatives of the various corporations present—the Bloss burg and Corning, the Wellsboro and Law renceville, the Tinge, the Cowan sque Val ley Railroads, and the Trustees °Me Estate of the late John Magee—he assured them that the people were glad to meet and wel come them. The people of Wellsboro re joiced in the sight before them., • This was, indeed, a great day for our village. Hereto fore our position had been one of isolation-- cut off from communication with the outside wot hi, and however the re:t of the world Lad felt about it, it was certain that Wellsboro had felt the deprivation deeply. But thrill. now at an end. A brighter day has dawnrl upon 'Wellsborn. W6are now in th, 11 14-usbusu. WO 8,1872.-3 w: J. F. DONALDSON. Crk. YOUNG ~BERTRiND. I IHLS wen known Stock Horse will stand for Mares during the season at the subscriber's Stable in ellen& . His stock Is so well known there is no ne e salty o remarks. It is allftICIR/It to say, for road ,l : the areittet• surpassed, or for power of eudttr a Le. 'l is Horns d is a coal black, woluba 1000 lbs.. is ii.uud, and kind in liarlICAR, his foals prove the moat 4 , rvi..s.h a of any horse In this section for all purpo- A s Atpie request of numerous parets. I have du i, t mine to stand Win where ha can be found at ftil times by those th t wish far his service E. A. FISH, Proprietot. Wellabopo, liq t 1, 3.812 SW. i • N. Q $1,000,000,00 Ten annual [ payments. $83.21 42,80 50,60 46,97 46,97 32,60 NM