Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, May 15, 1872, Image 3

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    NOTICES. -
To suit.ofloonis'oveoAtis. 80 - -
field's Millinery store. Inquire of Mrs. So
Go to Thornits lie:aokt's ityott cytitt to tee'-
• 4 .
4 .
vi)ei oraneNV goods, a large variety, mud at lori
LosT.--Somewhete,mt - Atywn n round gold
sie ,„ b utton , tvith''..,:bl4,ck, figure on the
top. The tinder mtillAdatinii leave the same
a t titiA eftlee. . ,
The Athenanim Society of, tho Mansfield
Stk , Normal SChonl •,itithiertJAr
',lca at Union nail Mitn . stleld, 'Friday
evening,* May 17th, "consisting of dramas,
o r:aim), music, etc. Seey.
1 ; on SAT,v.-A good building lot on Queen
'iAvort, Also a house and lot: Inquire of
March ti, 1812-tf. , H. H. Wool).
Collins & Co.'s Cast: Cast Steel Plows
„ Il ls $5 each. For information how to ob
tain them address Commit & Co., 212 Water
st., N. T.—Feb. 28, 3m.
I.Nn Norrec.- , -All persons indebted to
11,, caber by note or book Recount, must set
tle at once. INBIGUT & BAILF.Y. .
loVellaboro, May 1,-3w
The all-gone feeling Villa' people •some
time, speak of, is'ettused by want of -proper
aelion of the liver and heart. These may be
„=si=ted, and the)unyell regulated, by
Par . gatire dOses:
\V are authorized to receive subscriptions
to Zoli'lz EncyclorKedia at this office. This
work iAnvalus.ble, and should be in every
I,a , moks man's library.-May 1&-4t.
C,rn and flour are staple articles: but not
m ore so than Johnson's Anodyne Liniment,
known. It is good for chilldren or
I,kialt ,, , for any internal soreness of the chest
howel , , and the best Pain Killer prepared,
ndvr whatever name.
1)1tv Goons—Mr. Wm. Wilson is now re
, (.I.t in t!: a Ad) .as.4ortment of goods direct
tt,,tn New Yorict and invites his friend, and
pittolls to call and examine his stock. Tito
irclaconients offered to his patrons and ens
command a lathe trade. 1.)voi)
• -
(AcEnT—Treinain Brothers will give a
.na4 vrt in Bowen Cone's Hall on the
, nn.tning.of the 28th,inst., for the purpw.o of
:1-4-iing the Odd Pellows of' this Village` iu
in,nrchasing an organ for their hall. This
t r ,,nv needs no recommend from us, as their
n-meet t< aril of the first water.
\la . 7lltin .1. Schissler, from Corning,•
fl• to the Conn liou , ;e, in this villa ;e, on
Wedne-day, May Btli, with a large stock of
1i 11:n SUI }lair, Switches, andk long Water
Cell, Old hair worked over in the latest
•-t leand ncate , t ina tier. _Madam J. Schiris
un,etprs,ed as en artist in hair. Re
anquher, 11letines:day, May 81,11.
3tay 8, -2w
tine stock now ready for de
li;ery. 'Verbena , . Lillies, Salving, Roses,
I; l , ll ,.lo4,Lantanas, Geraniums,
'Seandens, Thumbergia,
Tu1)er0 ,,,,, , mei tlrst. rate lot of 'named.
Gfat C:t ft laqlad by calling on M. B.
Pritiro ()Eder- by wail promptly Micmac()
!;trg.e ,tik of Vegetat)le plants ready as
ai a- the season will pekiit out door plan-
Hag Comp and see M. B. PRINCE.
)lac 15. 1872-Iw. Well.sboro Pa.
T , )03: AN VISE ilonA;worth i ,
s,-lin.groce, Pit., while exploding per‘-
ca , -i“n cap.", fltlevn year:, ago, had a portion
II) into hi, left t‘ye, compiptely OS
hi. eisiun. lie ha> had oc,;asional
• •Le h (It inflammation and pain in the woun
iir,l er incc, which i•erioth.ly airected
in tin , sound eye, and it was therefore
wlri-oa to remove the offending eye. Yes-
If Hay Dr tip DeG rail periUrined the opera
ih,n of extirpation, removing the entire eye
,,lll. from itc; cmcitet.—Ehoira t
URGICAL. - Dr. UpDeGraff operated
t ye,terday for the removal of Otaract
sad once for artificial pupil. Onit of the ft?r
met. CAW.; was that of an old lady from Port
Bryon. The surgical fame - of Dr. UpDe
grail extends to remote sections. lie has be
come eminent for his success in some of the
most difficult and unpromising surgical op
erations. There is no professional man in
western New York who has so brilliant a
reputation as a sagaciong, skillful and suc
cessful surgeon as our fellow-citizen. As a
matter of local pride it pleasant to note
thi , , and dpi to 0110 who,e rare t'lli'llrY
and marked ability have ON en him a large
mid profitable practice, we talc pleasure in .
gis i rig Id In due credit.—Elm;ra rertiser.
Gl,on INI:Wq 'to THE SOLDIER , . —To Illy
numuro us cwitom en: and patron 4, I would
•rc,portfully nfinotince that evA•ry oluntom
n-11-eolniiii.—ionell officer, private, imisician,
r * artificer, who enlisted in the military service
ot the United States prior to July 2.2 d, 1,911,
un,li.r the proclamation of tit Prefrnient of
Mny 18(11, and wore inwitcri - A bef o re
.I,t:rn.t 18 1 11, into any P,,gini ,, nt
•ut Are to 1111.Ve tin full brAllay
havo not airciady recoived it. rrh, 1111-
,ILT-154MA prepar,d with a full ~t- of
L, appiovr,l by the (ion r t ninent. All
L to avail
t%i'l all and see No at lily Aloe, or tublro. ,
lit" Their will rei'eivi' 1' 11 ) 111 1 4 "I
IV. 1;
ely ,A.eitattir.
WEDNESDA Y, MAY 15, 187'2
I - orn e 11 fl i s
-"rho :-trc•et.,,prinkler tuu , ide, iL appeal-alive
1:1.4 TtioAdtlx
Iteiniool,r the Railroad celebintion ne\t
the 22d
---'Cnt• hew Depot, been painted, and
Aiont leadv for ti-ts.
th L. B.
It a I— t 'fi, t la la 4. ...attcrkiay.
—(' ('. )I:,thr.r. ha- gotif• to .).Vew York
t 1 .Z C . Z/ I fOr 3
a--.3ltiliellt, la a IoW
Bum - . 11, of the Crooked
Church, lonptizeil
i'n 2.qtli tilt.
11 - I ,, ldard*, kill entertain it
tn.._!(2 , ,urt Boast; on Friday even
1, to I no cottrze of lecture, in
: n \Vilitt•l" The ..Oftrrhittel• haVe
' l,, P . . - ”t . 5175 on
t profit of the lecture,
lag Wittaq• Th"re \ 1 •" s
"1 slio on Gough and $37 On Chapin.
Utah ha:, been bonded to aid
th',e teili-oad front that point to
V(' wi-h our local correcTomients to re
nu that wt, are always thankful for
I . nt ('N, although We )nay' not always
print thew.
—We would again remind every body
FPnrling matter fur publication that the
flatly. Inttst be given, not for publi
claim:, but as; nn evidence of good faith.
..t. - Ward, the railroad conduct
or, brought upaliont 40 Sweedg last Saturday
to work on the road between here and An
-We are requested to state that a netting
Neill in• held in the Engine House this
\i'i,rin. , 4l 4) - evening, for the purpose of er
ff.uw.itsv a hie company. Let there be a
turn 4 1,1 t. -
--Tice Mansfield flrit'erprid.7 puff:4 a young
11dy of that village who ''rntertainq com
pany in a very pleasant Planner." The lady
hocellle is thus paraded before the pub
lic nmq be highly All lighted, we suppose.
—The Corning Journit/ it again in lint \
t•'r with, the preacher. It lately criti
ci"c•d the length of Rev. 3lr. Staoy's sermon,
mid immediately therp was a terrible bua.-
Fing about the editor's ears. At lenA we
Judge so from the public defense the latter
sontiortaan makes.
time t!xige _takes effect,qp_tho Eriegond
daYl-- The.' eipresir:fitiins'ins'i-16' ( riin' upon
faster time, and' a' number of now trains are
Theamnialirnecting of the Hermaic(Soei-
ety. was heldlast week Monday, wbel• the
following gentlemen were elected mar, alters
forlthe ensuing year: C-. W. Merrick, OA'
Young, W. W. Webb, and 'H. B. Packer.„
—The Rt. Bev. M. A. De Wolfe Howe,
D. D., Bishop of this Diocese, has selected
Reading as his place of residence, an will
remove, at pace from Philadelphia to GO fori.'
mer city. •
—The bulletin boarderectcd by Mr. X. R.,
O'Connor on the Avenue opposite the,pub
lie square'ia big tbirig of its kind, Mid 44,
good thing, too, for showmen. t
' School I.n.stituq) for
the county- I bl rilriga la meat at Mansfield
Tnesday•and Wednesday, the 4th and SW of
: June next. Eminent Sunday School !men
from abroad are expected to participate in
the exercises. Everybody iri the count, in
terested in the pause is invited to birprcsent.
—Come yourself and bring your wife and
all the babies to the celebration here oh the .
22d. Not only Wellsboro, but all the. coun
try 'round_ about ballet:Wed py they new
Railroad_ Turn out; and let us give the good
thing a right royal welcome! • '
-:-We 'have received - the first- number of
the Epitomise, the new paper just started at
)17-illiaresppAt. Itjs ;:laTge", yell printed
sheet, evidently backed by plenty of capital
and % strong determination to make things
apviiied),y_lively.for Peter 'Herdic, the pro
prig or,4lbe Gazette and Bulletin, The ed
itor;o-tiiii*Ditomist is Mr. E. 'W. Capron,
gentleman Of meaty years' eiperience in the
newspaper , bugii6s.l3 promises that the
r_ioi , ppwiournaltr&leitictilitnji
principle, and that it shall do nothing to dis
tract or weaken the party in Lycoming.—
With" theoe assurances we weleemvit as a
co-laborer in the Republican vineyard:
—We are pleased to note the prosperity of
the Painted Post 7 1 k12e.5. It oomO6 to ns on_
larged by the addition of a column to each
page, and otherwi§e improved. We judge
from this; evidence of ,enterprise that sleepy
'old Painted ro•It must be 'waking up some
what. By the way: will the 'Pious tell us
what the first.sentenee—or rather the llrstsix
inches ---ofits leader on "The Cincinnati Can- I
' dhlates" means. - We read it and re-read it,
and give it up in despair.
—Last week Tuesay, just after dinner, as
Mr. A. P. Cone was engaged in plowing
with a span of spirited horses they
fright and ran- away. Their eourbel was,
down Widn street and up Main to the pub
lic square, where theywere brought to nhaft
by running into a tree. One of -the"borses
we uuderstes severly injured' in the
shoulder. Mr. Con mdung to the 'lines, and
was dragged some dibtanee, but we are glad
to-learn was not much hurt.
• —The first part of last week a farmer lir'-
, inf.; just this side of the Mardi north of the
village set fire to a. lot of stumps which he
had plowed out. The flames soon spread t`o
the neighboring woods, and by Tuesdai
night there was a brilliant illumination Or
all that region plainly visible from the vil
lage. As the fire extended fears were felt
for the safety of the new Tannery of Bailey,
Lowell & Co., and most of the hands were
employed in beating back the invader. Af
ter a good deal of hard work the flames were
got under control by Thursday. The pres
ent season is so dry that the woods and un
derbrush i- in a state to burn most readily,-,
and there cannot be too much care exercised
in setting out-door fires fir any purpose.
—The Potter County Tarasays of the re
cent death of Robert Looney, of Looney ville,
near Buffalo, N. Y., that it is a great calam
ity to that county, and especially to the
southweAern section and the vicinity Of the
"Forrest house.'' Ile had invested I:rgely
in Timber lands in that region, and noConly
dczigned erecting large manufacturing es
tablishments, but to locate near them him
self. 1t is feared that the estate be so
hound up in minor children and other par
tie,. as to render the postponement -of th es e
,project.i necessary for a long time..-
--Pursuant to public notice the school direc
tors of Tioga county assembled at the Court
House in this village last week Tuesday, at
1 p. to., for the purpoc.c of electing a County
Superintendent of public schools for the en
suing three yrars. There was a pretty full
attendance of directors, though some few dis
tricts were not represented.
The meeting was organized by the elect ion
of F. E. Smith as President, and A. M. Ben
nett and D. A. C-lark Seeretaiies. After re
cording the names of the directors present
from the several township-, the Chairman
-tated that the first busine - s in order was fix
in the salary to be paid the Superintendent.
A motion Wft , made and seconded chat the
yearly salary he 52,000. Don. John I. Mitch
ell made a few remarks in favor of haying
decent amount. He said the salary is not
paid by the county but from thrj general
fund of the State. To properly discharge
'the duties of the office a 1111111 must be away
froni,lioine three-fourths of his time. Ev
erybody who traveled at all knew what the
expen.,o of traveling wni. Ile compared
the em»pen-ation received by the Superin
tendent, who must incur all these expenses,
with that ofotber county officers who live at
home and are subject to no , uoli tax. Tel
the °thee of Superintendent is the most im
portant one in the county, rind should be
tilled only by a man fully competent to dis
charge its duties. Ile thought the- salary
-hohlil be fixed at a sum which would attract
such men.
The "resident here sogge:ted‘that other
gentlemen name the sums at W h ich they
would lix it, and that, the meeting could
than 111'00041y , 1 / 1 40 1111 the ditlerentlttlitowits,
I,vgitiniug with the highest.
Motion , . were then made by different di-
teeters to fix the Sinn at $5OO, at $l,BOO, at
$1,20n, $11,500, at $1.91 . at $1,75 0 , find at
$1,2:) 0 , a , it then stood.
Mr. 11. llollands of 111t)ssluirg then ad -
drc-sed the meeting ~n view
of the question. Ile said there 1.64 e only
folic counties. in the State with' n,ure :401:0 t'•
mile , thou Tioga; that twelx e pay' morcHtl
:try than this cOunfy, while fifty haVeasmall
er ininther of :eltools. Many of the counties
ands ''l 11, lid 1111110/1a l' , i/11111111 . 1 1 2. 1 i 11 . 11 r. -
AVith :11i11 , 1 , t 1111 •eetiffil".. tthile in ' l ' ingathete
‘v,•ro 1:1:11ty 11• ! _ , 11 , ils 01111 could be reached
oui,; by the public high-way,. Whoever w,:ls
Superintendent mustlay out ht least $5OO,
which he could loan at 10 per vent. interest
any day. rm• an equipage to carry him about
the county! AVith more sqintre miles of' tcr
ritory and more schools than inoq of the
counties in the State, Tioga is to-day pitying
les , than her.proportion Of salary's.
The motion to raise the salary to $2,, - )00
w ;) , then voted on rich rove, and it wits du,
A vote was then taken in the same
way on the $2,000 proposition, and the Pres
ident declared it lost. The ayes and ones
being called for, the roll was called, and the
motion M:18 10-t by it volt.. of 17 to Kt
Mr. Holland, here arose and said that the
Superintendent received no mileage; that
Alp salary was 111-: only compensation.
A. vote was then taken rirn voce on sl,loo.
and tine motion wui lobt. On voting (..11
5. 4 1,600 in the same mannertheehuirman
cided the motion carried. A risinksvote War ,
ordered, when the motion was lost by
count of GS ID 72.
'clic motion to fix the ,Mary at sl,7fit) was
decided by the Chairman to be prried on
this rim voce vote. The ayes and noes were
called for, and on calling the roll the vote
stood 70 for to 66 against she SO
the salary waq iixyd at $1,750, an increase
of s'soo per annum over the last term.
The meeting then proceeded to vote rir a
eUre fill' Superintendent. Elias Horton, .Ir.",
'l'lo lf. Edwards and C. 11. Verrill wsl're
nominated, but Mr. Mitchell said that. Vrof.
Verrill was not a candidate. 'On calling the
r.:11 Horton received SO votes and Edwards
on the annoiniceineui. of the result \l r.
llorton:steppea forward and request( d
directors helore they left town to call ,at
office and get the blanks for their - reports.7-
Ile else requested them ttrretnru their re
ports to Midas early us possible, so that he
could report to the State Superinten.dept,.
,Ily e
,110opartytqut atp"llrisliattr.4l#,Visped by
Asuiink fdli aVtlieTr etbilW ould
be paid, an announeement that elicited : =at
triplau4s. i
.91bb,incit4b4 tHeittigiiurnef .
-,--,-, I "`'''' , l c 1 . .. .
.1 . 0,1 5 .6AM :'• ::
R , - , AtietTfuNtdatV, .. ait , i ';2:.24.46-,C.,,,'Pay.)
000D:01V4111114` ill itrilll',.. P141.-.4i I ,
, A. #OOD.
;-,-- .
: - : ‘,-. • - TICKS- ) .`t . P:' , ; '. - I 1 .:!., :-. :4'i: ' ' '
ii , stoietiAti", .V.Szio: ,
,_ I.dir7` '' • '
' t/ VilOge-iiitle°ll)Vtl`t°' 44.kilivitt, the' lima
comp.ettono, ate - new Radroad, to Welliboro
on WednesOrty t tim,n4l ii 1 ..t•., 3 '1 . . ? -un N*4ara
tions have meet} anta:fley#,,W,:a'FoyttAik ai:4 U -
044'144 a r ai4ls4that'vecaaion, an
~ „
~ „ ,1 , ,,t )
a ,
..., ...
ti . ~, „ . . pr,.,
etY 0 Y ail V e it . IEI littatly are invtt ato
i participate in the geneial Public rejoictiag.
iimi... William A.. 3)049 of New, York will
deliica Mei jaddresa,' Alla I.lt , :tr#lll without
doubt be an able, eloquent and interesting
one. Mr. Dodge's well known personal in
terest and acquaintance - with our counti, will
:add. weight to his . opinions as to our :local
growth and. prospect.- 4 ~t , ,., ,..4
The following is the programme of exierei-,
ses adoitted lty the eommittoo :
On the arrival of the train a salute o i 100
guns will Jae fired. 1
A. short address or welcome .to the invited
guests will be delivered at the depot,. after
which the Hon. Wm. E. -Dodge of Y.,
will deliver an address, - • .- • .
petwill,be ser i yed tit° hotels at 2P. m.
tlov".ll4ihr,Y Of l'eimifithniii, Gov. Hoff
man and ex-Gov. Sept Oils of N. Y. arft
peeted to be present.
Several brass bands ivi t , in attendini4l'
and.olivett . the,ex.orel3 patriotic a i rs.
The excursion train Will rink as follows e
day orate celebration'! ,
Leave Corninri.at Itt:n:
Reach m
LeavnTl7,killab,oto at 4 4% 5 4 3 - in-
Heifer-to- the Generous
; Editors Agitator 51R; 77 1 feel,sen
sitiveVe'dtinsO yo i 441 4f,f3A.yo-.trioro prprni:
nenuo last week to the goriofoilii gift of Itlajor
F D. Burnie], Into proprietor of
who oxcellod all other mibstiribt•nt to the hail
t•oa;d eplebration by prpseitt.ing;" theni with a
• • •
.?,•11'2) 1S s
i4= 4 7As.
iltilq; •
` This is her pbOiOgitWli t4eiti4ltii'';ie4lllor
ning at milking time. Sho is full Vociled,
and woith $lOO. "Honor to - Wilottilionor is
due." Let uS do ourselves proud ky iiing
her to some poor widow inindeti atm
, stancei, and :IllinstratOquii if c ti1,.41; kilt, of
IV ellOorn, i ri:; nil s ItimilkiirOk *Jen:Oily re
hpC.t....a u 4 ill'Atio .k a, 4iii V ktrii.i.rriiikli° rn;
posterity of Wellsboro will rise up andlealli
us—Messed are ye when you leudte,Ahe 000 7
for it, w ill co MO back to you aftet miuty.,ditys.
Respectfully„ Vpid.
.:.:., .
Alt A. Mit OAD 1L 117.T - Loit, —Th c'-'- - To wan da
-leg us of, last week, ; , ay,s : ``,9)it Monday
night Ilist, 'some inaliclobs persicWloG fire to
two freight cars on the 5..&'.E.'11,;.4. 4 which
wove tilled with dry lMtrk; andAtfilett, them
from Rouse's switch, about think miles ;this,
:title of Dushore. The down grade frOin
there to Munroeton .is ouch that- the bars
came •M•hing along, for several mites, at the,
rate ( f fifty pities per-hour. 11 . 1A 4 , flames,
faiinq hy,the extra, draught,/.iask•it
i.leani of light. Aor ti. euitsfac'hitiiie'imuine CI
elill I S? ii e of thetraek, and people.werekytised
from their slumbers to 'see thdfier3Vdragon
rushing ahing over the'road like a sti,eak of
lightning. Two empty coal 'ears fejlowed
in the rear. The cart run , off the-Ainak; on
reaehiog the switch at Monroeton, and wero,
found .nearly cansumeiL___There.,:was eer-
Aainly light onough artitinAthat4tak." !
MAlNsivuuct taus in of
2qovada, 'who has been upending the - Winter
with his friends here, returned home, -)day 1.
He goes accompanied by his wife, he
married while out here, and bylii4, broth
er Joseph B. Austin, of thisi p4ice.
The fire which find been btiriitne in the
mountain south of here Anti doing much
damage, t - ks stopped by a gentieiliower, on
the tst instant.
lienard Bdnjamin, Who, liltg Nimrod,
is n "mighty hunter," brought ....11Aigke from
the South Mountain Ina week the hide of
young wolf which he killed on A. recent ex
pedition -of Ins. one of exeSipt the
!'oldest inhabitants" could recogniie pegnn-
DESTRUCTION 1117 FinF..—Tho dwelling,
house and outbuildings of \Vm. S. Gr.:MR, in
Delmar, were destroyed by lire ou Monday
Qf last week.,
_together with all the contents.
Ss'abnut ono thousand 'dolltir's:
ranee. The fire caught from fires raging in
the :vood(i and fields ; n early the whole neigh
borhood was burned over ; miles of fences
were burned, and hundredi of acre of valu
abletimber were destroyed. ' The 'Aiibles of
Elias Kennedy and Kennedy were
burned; and but for the great exertion.; of
the eitizen- , , every building in the neighbor
hood would ha(. o been biu7io
All this damage :111(1 loss or property were
(at sed by 0.(11111 unprineipled wretch setting
the wood:, on fire the Sunday previous near
Pine meek.
I'll / • - ;y111001 - , P;ILM
6,ll,lwing i. an to I pik,t•il by the, hat I.egi3-
'attire relating to th4.igiblia :
I. Ji't it iiirtrica• That the
well live shall he in-erted in the. phtro of
the word four in section twi;nt.v-eight: net of
May ono thousand eight'itundrod and
1 . 1411, and school dircet,ors, shall hereafter
hoop thp,schdols;,Oftlitiir,-,rtpective districts
in operation fly.: months in the year :
That the length orterin may remain
as at preent, iii districts wltcti the tuivti um
n11'1(41114 ”I tax :Mowed br
for SCiIIS inirpo,es,hall 160 rot ad in•nitticii2nt
to keep the -zeiloolA open n gre ter length of
ti ow.
tor;/ tell, of
'ono. nvw dtlveloiment.: iu n tural
n- f lluev :
A strange soceimen rat OA was catunt in
the Conococheague, eland. a mileabove town
one day last wick. It is a small, perfectly
formed minnow, with a bill like ti- - I)ird.
can ho seen atMiller's drilg store. This
bird-fish should b e sent:to Prof. Ag'assiz, as
we doubt if be has anything like it in his'
Mr. 'Henry 31yers, near Welsh Run, while
walking along West C,'enocoeheague, near
hie hou , e, saw a wild anlroal lying op Ole
rocky bank which retreated into the 'rocks
on his approach. lie set a trap liefora the
hole, which remained there untnolepted.some
two weeks until last Tuesday morairig when
he di , eovered that lie had caught the ani
mal in question. lts , neeies is unknown to
thoze who' have seen it. - Itstortir is described
as that of a gray L-iinirrel, and it has a black
hn.:hy tail abot4 six inches long. it is the
size of a large Oat, wrilsb3 , even pounds ' and
is very savage. Mi.. I}yers cjiptuced It
alive and has it at his house. This eau har
dly be the fanious "*rhat is it," with eyes
as large as dinner plates, and varying in size
from that of a dog to that atm
PorrElt—IiiITCHELL.—At the 11. E. Parsonage. in
Clialleaion, May Ist, 1871, by Hey. Cl. S. Travalie, Mr.
1:. f. poffpr in , ( 1 Mifft Acla ball ordharloston.
Ix/VOL; SS—DEIf SIIIOIIE.--At Cherry Flats, March
26th, 1872, by IL CL hlattin. E4g . Ad9lbort Douglass, of
Pa., and Flizaboth Moult:ore, of 131"ss
FROST—nILTIERT.—ny the'eume. Apt 11150". 1872,
M tic 11.'i°Iinev or 1-3 3 1‘....t,r,Kt.114, at, Cherry Irlth,
F, )4'0 , 4, CovinittOn; and Allee"ollberk, Uf
jilelunona l . Tiofta- county, 21).; - 1,April
2:)111, Ift72. of Dropsy of the Heat t, Vim) D. l'qtchiu,
fig, (1 yea; e.
For Sale.
10 HEAL of fat Catt , P—averKge, weight from - son to
e_ ) 1803 pouocia. un ale subazriber
hull, i miles from osceon. vcat L. IVILDICEI=
)lay 15;1872-3w*
f 11
-- 9
afirr d a
• •• .• 11. m to g
-tan eitilvertleing will eventtutlly Ittnote ß#i to
then pc& If you have *milling which yfut totem to
be good, advert/Ss it thert4wAly, on itenilows to
Jractitoal ; Wit In soool*, Aluset praise .11, toy, prolk will
soon dispels* you We Wise.
Birch is the policy of the Tivut.nsozon ItooTE. which
runs tollu , ee great regions to the west: Tat. Totylpo
ha. coopeottok with the grunt Yudito 1t054212.- *To
I.tucolu, the capital of It abbot:tn. Inl4 all thit besettful
region south of the Platte, AIDA with R. IL how* sod
hcauestes4s. &I, To St. losvplr. lituisas City. Sod all
Battelle points.
rheas #milll44:*4l9olJVy buE,l4vo 11:410
ea, Shinnit Suns; WMOLI,Latfi
Rif! safety ajr rravg (to kreveut Woo or llte that he
every wham onsa haPPeoluni. Pullman's aluepets.
Pullman dining cam tame u powerful englnea(to
maim g g timo and goal immeotioni), aud &MEM a
904:41 1 r0fa s tAg t ,##)
You &sit% anlnalVerPkiwnPruSt ounacultr,
ably to any point to Bonthem
or on the Pada.° Roads. be sum you so "lly %Fey et
All who wish paritoular inforatailopand a large
tat trout connections, ant el,talu them, and any other
knowledge, by addressing Mural Vatnengar Agent.
33.* HO: 11. Ult., lenlingtou. I.lws. •
00111troTra, wraatiA UY
E. R. RULBALL, Regal? Grocer.
WEI-L*llloRa, 31.5."1 It, 1b72.
~ A . . miXVII:?% itku ,
Flour, per bbl a ea 4 Id 1143, 1 . 0 t)
Buckwheat hour, per cwt.. ..... 4 00
Wheat, white, per buahel..
Wheat, red,
Wheat, spring, "
Xtneywhettt v , ” . ,,, , , i , ... . ; .... . . Isl., . ~,=....,
'Ca : tilioj4 7,' 7' '"' ''.o_, " " ... 94
i z
L.V.lsirijel" , 7 4 l 3
X' 1 .4 4 a ga. iatiza: w±otti4,i ~, „..1.1- 6.,... ..--- 1
. e ra tt , vete , *., , - .... ', 1.4.0., i:,l ~,
'i 56
Timothy seed, ,••
Beans, . "
Corn meal, per ewt 2 25
Feed, per owt ... 2 00
Potatot.s, per bust", , f,,... • .I* i i i.ii
m a
Ag,'. g retri:4oil mouth ''''' .:' ... . i.-' .1., "
tv-• 1 .-2 lA'
Quionii, per bush 1 50 i 75
Turnips, por bush • • 20
Pork, per lb4‘ 10
Haw, per lbt„ 1' 7 .i lo
'8.60zi1t1ET4424 ,0 1b .10 121,t
Butter, per lb 25 SS
Cheese _per1b....,.,
~ ... „ ~,.. . , __11.., Ats
Tallow, per lb I; 10
Honey, per lb : 20 10
Beeswax, per lb
Vinegar, per gal
Eggs, per dozen
Dried apples, per lb..
Dried peaches, per lb
Dried cherries, per lb.. —
... 40
Dried b1it0.14 , 00100, peN)l4. .... ........ ... :4 #
I) ri OdaUptkl6ls4,3bl4, Veilidi . . `; '.,103 t:1 i!: TO c.. 0
Dried raspberries, red, par lb 3 2,1 '45
Cranberries per qt Is
Hay, por ton -- - 15 Oti
W09(1, 18 inches, per cord -- 2 00
Wood, 3 foot, per cord
Coal, bard, pin• ton ! • .-I- llf7s(tV/ , 25 ~
Coal, soft
Orouutl plaster, per ton.
Sugar, "A" coffee, per lb
Sugar, yellow, per 1b....
Sugar, brown, per 1b....
Teas, green, per lb
Teas, black, per lb
Kerosene, per gal
Maple sugar
Special N - (;),t7f.'oH6 '; •'
Is a question frequently asked by a plitialdt, - wlfbi:
though perhaps not sick enough 4u bu euullatia 10 Ili
room or bed, nevertheless feels himself physlestlyl6,'
able to attend to hie usual avocations.
• ‘-.'. : ','' , R . '.,"',- ;t•
There is a failing or general breaking dd*Oi %cit.:46o'
syStent, but no symptoms suillemully roatked , i.o. 14
cludsod as a disease, yet peculiarly tryithlti t.lict . is iirf
orer. The feelings cannot be uspreesed—po4orti ,
don't understand it; they may presorihe ,l , ilpef Iy,
yet blindly, and without result. "iiiii;trt.in v e ir '
nirry.ns is the best Remedy for bli!a`h±tid‘elL:as la:,
orders. Tllll 1T AND BR CONVINC111) IT ';
MAIS1)) 1 , A
.DrUggista„ Pxico ono : Qoiler por .bottio.
May 1,1872-1 m
-J lJ F.. u3r`.~.3~ ,•.
A victim of early indiscretion, causing ' nertroua do
Wily, premature decay, dto.,,beving tried in Yaln every
Advertised remedy, )AA discovered a simple meattal of
yell-core, which be will aoud free in hl4 fellow-suffer
ers., 3. IL RHEIMS, 78 Napalm at., New York.
Jan. 1, 1872.
A Triumphant Success
rpuE COMPLETE SUCCESS of the Kirby Two-
Wheel Mower has never been equalled to the
tory of mowing and reaping machines. Fredn every
part of the country there cornea united teidlniony in
regard to its perfectly satisfactory pertormance
ery possible kind of work. nit extonaive tow for the
past season has more fully than ever before &main
atrated the perfection of principle upon %hick, uot 'on
ly it, but all of the Kirby maehine a are built. It has
the flexibility cud independent niet on 01 frame and
finger-bar peculiar toall Kirby nnieliblim, cutting o'oBo
and ulean over all variations of ground.
With the utmost simplicity and, di en9(l., there- are
combinoil l in they Kirby Tro-AVlieePAliisre; army deck"
feneut:t not fourifl iii''pny" other /1:1.41410; mud allot'
among them vidl be noticed the Joinhlt Corms. trey
anßod, (or pitman) A invention of Mr, Eiihr',4, an l
feature belonging reclusively to this mou'e,, The J
in the Connecting lied (or pitman) works aiming ne
onaly with the joint in the linger-bar, keeping the
Connecting Rod
with the cutting apparatuii, allowing the knife to on
perActly free, wiljout binding, at whatever angle the
bar inn he rallied or folded: UM, AttrdWingo the, rici
lieuj and consequently adding to the ahcudy pair'
cattino taint( ity, decreming the already'rcry light d,
and siliting largely to the durability, by
connecting rod and knife-tuadfroni habil.ll to br.
age consequent upon the I?indiug and friction or U
parts, Incident to all other two-wheel teas nines.
By a convenient lever, the bar is iaiecil to visa
obstruction, or even a tree, or folded completely act
the machine it. front for transportation, wiloinut llit
ing 0141 ,ftl, Lir, dipping the team, or the drior, lea
1,1.1 Aeal.
Instantly thrown out or 1140 gear, s‘itlhatt gopv
whe it desired, by either foot or hand.
A loose or rigid tongue, as cb atted,
To show :tbsoltittily nn side draft v, weight on
'treks, li :ere iit elt ;Nuke entirely on' •pot
work with tongue.
The points of the guard.' aau ba raineW or- ,101%
wit:bout stopping. 'l"hriy ate especially filial,. a Io
vent elogging: they have steel plat, s. n a..tly repl
when worn out, and arc nut riveted, lint brill,/ 1,
The lino of draft is Wiwi on cutting' appal...U.l,h w
it °light to Ile; and there la no shoo, o/ hou.4out
draft throogli axel, Mame slid braves,
'et goat IN eotupletely out of duo
but 111 full view of eubtlug.appsratus.
Ati adjuillnlAe mirjug mitivo tutad
'rho h‘hZtor-wbeo is a castor-wheel and lin us ye l l
squara core , rs, oven on 4.a grouu , l, %%Mond r•ii ,
and loworiliff thu bar.
Machine always on its wheels and net or ilpa nu.
Cuts I feet wide, follows rough an well as sue
groillid. and In tila /10hfrAL 'mini :iv and /ilea pi
working tw(rwikei.l mower ever made.
10.111117 AtiI:NTP.I.I4 LINeA ColY/N/'Y, I'4
L. B. linowl4, .Llklautl.
(nrg•G. Cothl b tou..
• BAumN Wentfleld.
.1. 114.1,4,04,44,, ioga.
Illustrated catalogues autlyArculare ulll bo earki
&MINA ,v.kiiiteitbl4l,lerittd,o4laldlribm
If you really-AC . 4IWe rolcarylho best merrier- 4 t..t
soy the
111. q• 15, 1670-10 w.
•,- .
tf a.• i t .-4,t-7.;, `-.} - c, - 4- -- -:i: - -,,,,:-:.!.- ..1 .
b Ca ~ IV g..,..--, ©`
,It • \ _ ,5,....- VS.I. ." -
CZ, NI ... . , S.
ri ..-.0 ~,, s;-„,- 'A \ ' .\,'
-.7-, F I: , N,
IN . 0 ,s , :,
, 'Vsp,
-' t ' t
. 0, ' ; .' . l . ~' ' . 1:• \ ' ''' N ' • -
9 . a ~,., ‘' '•••"r*, , ' '
m 6 •••
~, . t . „ ..
.. -., ‘
g;•:. a . l , ai e,7:-,.. .k N
. * t - .' F.' c•.,, / • ~,.
• n i:.- = Zr,' c? . ' '' ' ::-;7:.::Tc• - ' I
\ '
" .1 a 8 ••:4 - 4 41 1 . •‘,-"" '''• ti.f 1 . \I: I
:4•: a ~,,g ,_.iy. -P-,.. -. . :PI 1. ,
a. LI , c'' - f .-..,
..-zr-3 - --; l': 3 , e1 •
F.: El' ,ff,.. i.'''' .- - •.: te
••.; f - ?; c• 1
i " r e Z sl - '
. c, GI, : • . A,
Ta• ,• 4 ~, ,,•,--?r.g,
p. P. - t z,, 47,.., , -•••••-
~: - • ~--„, , /
r ;..,;,,„., *it% .
""". , .8 ,, `:4 ..';‘.-4.1 , - 'II . '
tt ...... 7... , . t ':... \‘,.. ,..L .... \-
• a. ° ,•' rn
s- :;,- r, „
.0 .c 1 ' ''' , l 4 . , ' ?? : 2;°4--' ' ;
&; k' ' ‘' . . .
Gran Op rar
rvo be given at WIOKHAVO HALL, IN '11(X4 1
on Wednesday evening, May 29d, 1872.
self and Lady aro respectfully invitpl to attend.
roniwary Coinmitfee,—g.l.. - Aiken, .0.4 Lowe
S. Bush, H. S. Johnston,'. A:Wfellisun, E. M. Si
F. Smith. T. L. Baldwin, C. D. Farr.
Committ-, Arrartivnient..—Sol 11. F.
tuck. C. Tceaukip, B. Pallor Ck. W. Hazelett. R. M.
TM! etrapPtti‘e.—KgnetoitA INiegtc_. l , gi
Pl4,loll4rOlit Banti.
Hall, $1.40 Supper at limith's note'.
Tloga, May 8,1,872,3 yr
An Ordinance.
"Irit ordained by the Burgess and Connell ~•f td is
boro, and it is hereby tyNatued .
wt,0.,,,,f Mid after gol t h.l4Tu - ,4
the ieel be 'note'
I•ve.y anion! Ipapptided..cmi'-cuncid to lii Pi.tl
lioronkh 'Pressure! to ho use.i n qpatra
and three-fourths to the pound master.
May 8, 1879-syl
:cr•l4:744:l o le ar oil the ensuing
COW Car X 6 4: 1 1 . *1
. 010 tolfulating daya of emit -, ,tek —Monday, Pettey awl
hrtittrdkr. • Tuesdays at Wediets.brys at
Shorts. tile; and Thu% eds) Whltnurvillo.•
111 , `Att .fetes la ,not will/ for Loauty in color
sno so) me. tom muove for I ttttt 'self. LT4121111. re of ' 11 44
false peillmie, mlBlB veiy oltett the cane, '
MORIIAIS -- 22t1E11 Will Le atteed•At ir,r the dell:
gin. -re chosen lioretotere for that tool. se, and - who
will tom pleased to show the hor se At *if,
Wellettere. Slay 1872-41ei. Prop's.. ,
// ilifilB
AVIUP Ms - G I LA Ye • .
4104fthilitaindik will shod th't, at Hewn di the
," following places, vL :
Will be et Verintlyea'a ou Mondays 2
until Tuesday morning; 'Westfield, Tuctirh.ye 1 o duel,
p. mi., until Wednesday morning; K 11011,111...
'dayk I, o'clock ti. nt. leave 1 o'clock p. um.; tkloofn.
L iu, Maxi utsadLya I.tll Thursday unit film;
!Imre Way& id/tout till 12 Thusdays; ,a
ienoetino. That sane 2 o'clock p. till rriday:
morning; Thwa, lit o'clock a. Hi., WI 2 p. ,.' ]'belay;
Weill:Amor% liridsy 8 o'clock p. tn., till /gouda) %Isn't , *
Ing e
hureemas recently owned by 'L. B. Goutit. aud
ManinilucOn - 111V13hiltion In Ne i , them,
elnaqrnsitbrotaet so the tatewis yid•
for George ill. Patelan and Lady Thorn; it W. s trey '
Its Lauds high, and weighs 1030 pounds.
TM/US—Twenty-rive dollars to insure single tam
or forty dollars per span. Ten dollars for Mugu
Owners who part with their mares beton) !oaten;;'
wit) potAelrkteawattale for aorvice of bone:
(XJ.I/{3 Won /gown Stook liars° wlB stand for Maros
‘s l lll ll le, Attif season the subscriber ' s Stablu in
ollsboro. till stock is so woll known there taw) no
cesoity of rosuarka. It to sullitiout to say, for rood
isiolll toy sreitiot surpossod, or forpower of (India.
mare. nurse is a coal black, milieu; 1000 lba.,
strand. sad kiwi Lo bacneaa, his foals prove the most
Atintreablo ofAniy•tionteiEl this station -for all puma
-7,sal L.6At the ranUttAllttiaLUCTOSlßpstrottect , have- do
-3orinit443o idsoctiktramtieret Fla 14111-4 , 0 found' at all
E. A. SlBll, Proprietor.
W4lshoro, Hoy 1,187.2.-3 w. , •
1 al
1 40
1 00
/JUIN colotmitoct, boht blomiuti Molt over MO Ui
i n tirlo4riutully ,, willotatul , this Jaws only,
stabla of MLk j O'Connor In
This horsa is not kept for profit, but to huprovo the
brood of horsos in 'Plots count*. 4,llilestkok cOntblndii
speed. strength font anduntnee. Hs is half brothar to
..Patchlu," wee raiaod In the State of Now Jamey, 4a ttlX
darlrbayrwelabie4;4oo-prninda, and tuted
whom 4 years old a mile in 1:30. ; 0..
1118 lulus liorst'oforo uniformly havo been $3O ; 4.t0
by the sonaon, end $5O to insure. This season Ids
soz vine will be 410 far each mare, cash Iza a/taints or
approved note.
N. B.—Clay will la) attended by thu polite and gun
tlamaidy oivit cmaineer knomu profoaafoually as "akar
imukar, ' dials
„APIA.'” ttyr, 2 la . ottaitLiis vElcrotu
4044 - - - -
The High Bred Hambletonian
r il.re:=Et G 'SS/ tam II isCa3l2.
- ;:t• 176-ilz AND - A
. • t.
s= ta • .' •, • a f
ora Limited
.luprot :Mates
at the Barns --
41 &'` 'dicloctiber at ,
ToWAtltyk, RENIVA.
JWAVlii, l ' y ). !rli-tua-ga Chief. by Riadyk's
• Abdolhoi, ho by Slanibrinsi
by imported Messenger. Ilambletonian dam was by ttib
OhariOls tr.e.ht tOroi.by!imported Dellfuunder, Grand
dent py..041,004 Ilansbretonian, and he by
qtidlitittccd,',l44leiigerl. Milttlie dam of O&1 One Nye was
liyAtiportedelfeitifigeri , ' , TOWANDA," Lima. Ver
184.4.,:iltackhiwitqc.;lie.ilfy Hill's Vermont Bktakhawk,
foaled in 1833, and he by Shernian's Morgan; hicrdam ,
, rained In New .I.lrufkawick, and represented as a -half,
bred'Engliati Mare, ,bted. by Wingato Twombly,;N. 11.,
and sal& ttilicoPThuretou, Lowell. Mass., la% and to
David liiih.litidgepott.tirt., 1844, in hie ponnesnieu ac
guirecrwut Tills horse got more high priced
*tilts HUM atly - butfle of Ida day, lie died Nov., Wag.
He was We sire of 't Mon 4f/cti," and grand site of
tlifi r- ditin 'eV" TOWANDA:" One white pastern behind,
biack-Poibta.derk baYi lt bands 11 inches high, flue
yfaire old He is ono of the moat remarkable
sidriteliCtlits congtrY tote produced. He is beautthil,
bion&like: , Cof'kreat strength, and aotlon perfect. - He
is in close proximity to kwo of the moat notable stall
tottii in llomblelonian and &Mast Allen;
ittatut the,siro Of-trotterti, these two groat horses stand
fan above ,all competitioß in this or any past generation.
lietter, iliftisiOn of blood is not in the American horse
Ittihad "TOWANDA.t'dIe is a fortunate cross. Ho
bids talc fur a, brilliant futitre in *inspects. He 14 a
sucrose, shit true 7.llrrit will De appreolatAo by eaudid,
iddiciOns men; 'We have - arrive, , ,d, at a period, when
Inste'Sditted"gabbl“b'out r thei Wino i 9 h`f tint little sc.
coutit,tind anything of yalna in bin history or limed
log, cog, labor, long research, thought "and" ruouey.—
"'the American Trotting Register," which contitina all
that is known of the pedigree of Trotting Horses, their
ancestors and descendants. with a record of all'pub•
!lobed performances in.whlch a mile was trotted nr
paced in 2:40 or less, from the earliest dates till thci
I close of 1868, mid full record of the performances of
1869 and 1870, giving complete sun marien of over atx
thousand contents, with su introductory enemy on 'the
true origin of the American Trotter. This is a good
thing. False pedigrees aro quite too common. Tibia
work shuts out imposition in a great degree. J.' if.
Wallin's, the compiler of the "American Stud !look and
IYottlittilbetatat;ir diV4ifattlfeflnfailigthit - biatory ut
-tlte Horse than any other. -
" TOWANDA" will bo shown in batman to Wont)
,41404 think of patcrOnleivahlik. --- botwoon the hours of
• Alite'sfili-night o'eltick, pleasant week days.—
Ilia style and fine trotting action when trained, will
surely make his own chatacter. The closest scrutiny
brings the matt to his true nonce : so it in with all Wogs
a)' earth,
TERAft3—Ono hundred deflate to insure; tweittpily4
dollars at Dino of nerviest , whielt will Wit by refunded
in any event, and ue - rooty-flee do)1,4111 white proyep in
food. Haat care taken of mares on reasonable terms.
Alitcaidents and escapes at owner's risk. All roams
must be left or brought to the stable when desired.—
Mares not proven in foal tau be returned next 461taon,
free of charge.
dinars.—First of April to July find. Full Scason—'
Fart of iiniptoniber to December first.
Towanda, Pa., May 8, 1.373r3m.
I — "vl.)l*l`r o f ,
40! ,
- ,
- 71"- -1-
)1 Se
•1 RYr
1. to
1.1 ..•
I ? f. . t
411111. ,
Wellaloru, May 15,1672-3 w
1217 ci 11 ea 1.3 arcs tea•:
Application for Licene.
NPTILIWIS ItEjIEDY.SIWENitAhat the following
7nimed - persons bavo mlide'applicatlon for Ttivern
Licensee nud Eating House Licenses, and that the
same will ho presented to the Court of Quarter flea-
Moog the 27th day of Shay inst. at 2,o'clook. P. lA.'. when'
all interested may littoud If they thlrilc proper.
Edward Gregory, Liberty.
801 Bunnell, Wellsborn:
J. M. tlibsou,
Eugene 0. Marlin. 0t1e.130111.
Samuel E. If/anellard, Union.
Sage,William Hinesburg.
tiainnel Vanal, Ithuitiburg.
- 11. Gilmore, Iflossbarg.
110bef L Traver, Elk's tnl.
' B. B. Potter, Middlebury._
William Black, 110rris.
W. C. 7 Mager, Wellsburo.
D. W. Hibbard, ltuiland.,
E. 1.. panful. Jackson.
"PAW L. Meelay, Westfield Borough.
L. G. Hill, Wm" Burungh.
Garrett Kinsella. BIOHNIWg.
lturbo Fat+,
It. Thouttlaun.
whited, Fall crook.
Morgan Shaut Boot Held. '
W. L. Reagle, Blossburg.
Jailttni S. Mitchell, Bleseburg
linflay A: Hays, llh.aaburp.
Bernard Murray, 1110s4lng
.11.0Ine t Biggar, lilusgburg.
Stephen How.ll,
'Ala. (Anti hltto /Pus , .
Martfil Scully, illoarthilig.
May 8. 187•1.-3 w. J. F. I.ONALDNON, erk
Ibe buLscriber would littg t , ) cull to his
Which ha Is uow rvcolvlug, and which ho offers for
0101414 -161d . '3 Pay
at lowept alpiicet prices,
llonenkoeperx will do wit to °kaoline 111 J Mock
Cartipts, Tabie
Linen, and Window
erliiela will be foutid worthy of atteuttoo;
TZw t lilies will audit to thpir itttprdat to teott ttitotith
!". ''!: 1 4 ! biti ttpili %
ShaVris, I.tacc's,
-,-..;, L":,:', i 1- , ' , _ :i - .1 , 4f'
Kid Gloves, and
~s .!4;
°sic r
as 1104, csaitain mall} lairawas 1114111 .4 which IlMa
tick bums beturp to umrket The pill{*
itro iirrited fu calf and get for theimiclve4.
Mpyff, 1472, T/19 1 1-tff 8411 P EN,
;-: f -
64: :,,, .. , r,.'.,!' ?!
House .Cleaning •
Weal Pliaape•i•
:rota 30 oasis to $l,OO a tali
for buitisios, olormta mid osizew twuil rooms,
IrAper Shades
:from 40 cents to 75 cants a Ball
Cloth , Shades:.
wh%b-, 10..thicw. 644 Deauttfulli Vl.4§)neil
trout ;1, 611 to 190,00 pair.
, .
Broivn Hollands, Buff Ho)Jamie,
Wipito HoHands, Green ilollande,
Giet3n Painted Cloth
forOurtalas ot any destroa length
Cloth Shades for Stores
any dcalted length sad width mado to 'order
latest and beat paiesos end designs..
Ornament Your Homes!
'ietutes, Cbromos, Oil Paintings,
Engravings, Photographs,
• • -
Colored Prints, Stereoscopic Views,
4 illw WAIF in iiialf4 vittietY
Picture Frameg,
itusties,, ,Otiate,. Square,
n liononood, Gilt, Black Walnut, Velvet & Composite.
Curtain, Cord, Tassels,
Picture Cord,
Picture Croquot Soto,
.Fish Hooks and Linos,
Parlor Games,
Pigeon Twine.
Noro.—Veu revolve, It Sassily Express Pauline
New York, so Mutt shy article uot *mud Lu our
'stock on be aupplled to tares dips, : •
lily 1,11149.94.
/ '
B. Yov"
B. B. Young & Coit
otoc.:eauuro of Hindi Young & Co.)
Booksellers and Stationers,
and Daaleirte fa
Wall raper,
Wiudow .64ithx
Window= a rsa,
Yankee Notions,
Mime Frames and Glass,
Pictures, all sorts,
Picture Goa
Law Blinks,
Justice illoulu3,
Blank Books,
- Newspap
Law Books
Medical Boobs,
gioua Books,
sad 4VE44 Galata in our U
—No* Usk Dailies at One Pollar a month.
.41.1mira:Dallies at 76 Cents a mouth. •
fur a week, or mouth, or year.
—Orders for Books not in stock promptly atteadellM.
—Au TJttprrsa packs tecohei born Now York ur•
osy do/.
—We are Aguute of tho Anchor Linn aud Atte Onion
Lino of IL B. Idel ; Ocoan Etaiuners. Passage tickets to
nod from any point in Europa at the lowest rates. '
—Sight Drafts gold on ally Bank to L'urope at c*
teat 'Vaunt 30solicinge
Jun. 2t,
X-Xlsiarcivcraone 2
At the GLD43TAND on Alittn Street> corner 4 - 7>f Grattan,
r BR UNI)E.It6IUiNL•'f) lulu now on hand a full stock
X bt
arau sarts'inclualug
FEED cumin's,
std all other artlales usually found in a complete as
eastment obbardware.
I iitvito tile public to call and oxarutno for them-
Kul. M.
Job Work
done to order promptly ft I
- 1 id Blinds
Sash, Doors
April 17, 1679
Dealer In I
of vll• kinds,
Parlor, Cook and Office
for Wood or coal,
Table and Pocket Cutlery,
1 of all kinds,
i . I
Petrolium Fluid,
(the beat light In 'the world) and over; artle
with tho
Hardware Trad
norm Blook, south bide of Mato stroat, next door to
0. 0. Mutton,
./Idministratol.'s ,iYo, tice.
LiETTRIIfi of nitifitnittration on the estate of F,eiftrj
Thiattriok, late of Lawreneo township , 'Boot Co.,
~ bating been granted to the undoreigued, allplir•
sone laving plaints against said tatato are hereoy no
tified to eon for eattletneed on, and the parsons owing
Um same, to make immediate regiment to
Lawncats, • • , May 1,, 1872.4 t.
ittioil imam
ug Desks, S
Artists Goods,
0 of &ado
E. n. YOUNG & CO.
ry Pitons
vni.um itonanTs
e cenueoteB
riritt you tried the latest and glade:it u inedical 114.
Jr" covery of the ago?
It cures colds, diphtheria, ei:alire u, ,
eto~h,' indigestion; diarrhea, gyaLutery, sutunlae
gorcp ~ cholera inorbWl, cholera AM, 5 117 metric.
As m external Hipp leaden for frost bites, chilblains,
erraitts, bruises felons, rheumatism, • sick' tiecetecite,
toothache, netrilgia, pains in the side, back an Wes,
to g prectlee of elr years, it bee been found to be sec
caul to no propalslion ever offered to the public.
Too proprie of medicine feels warranted in
=teeing it to be the best remedy for the above
a In the market.•
ecratuithetured and put up only by Dr. 1.1. L. bacon
.burg, Pa.
Wholesale agents—Hallett, Bore* ii Burbank, 149
Member street, New York ; W. 1). Terbell & Co., 420r
rand, N. Y. Jan, 1. 1872.
=re() TO-154
Read Quarters
I - ,
Drugs and Medicines,
Mout or other Iv isock)--rAltio for
P rigrATD IS, VAMloll°Amilriz:Y.
1:4 - 00 TO tlf:411 QUARTERS 1 1 , 011-:;„0
Choice Liquors,' Cigars,
and, TOBACCO. Alai> fGr
3ESCDItC:O3ECARk • l l '
pellglons. historical, Afedloal, Legal. Bittravr ,Loof.
N. B. A. full cumortutent -of tin + latter. A k in, ll el
f:81161ot tuaeortment of
&c., ke.r,
4i:193 ri e
Ott Tull, litigant. Calte,f+prup. laolAE.l(4ol.leti.
Each", ete., we will not be beaten in I:riec, or quail
We will sell choice Toss by' the olwat, or mow by
barrel, at FR low tlanrts As the hall la can bo bougl
this aids of rilny York.
of tbe newest styles, and lamp ebinaneys that will
Fancy and Toilet Articles.
LlE.EctLial (an-
LEItY AND ..lEWAILIiV, wfitPa,
Wu hold twenty dealra).)le village Ids for sale in the
neutral part of the town , and will plan loan money at
reasonable rains.
N. 0. Dr. W. W. Went, La. Ltß ofitco in our store,
whoro ho may ho cooatilted for advice or troatmont.
Jau. 1, 19n-td. nwriNciu COLE.H.
' t The nulmor.ll36')lo4lB urttaut 4 Y "n ki 3 t l
Pure Dri.lipi • and trim wis..es, tThrs
eiep 4,
Paints; aud Yan
'as • hpe Notion,, kc.
ruziloun7x . nts OARESI3%.aiT comrot.w)mo
'Dom, Jan. 1. ifrin
.4d - ministrat 07' s , .Notice.
granted to the subseribers on the estate of Rich
er Childs, late of Morris township, deceased, all per
sona indebted to said estate and those having claims
against It will irerasdiatoly settle with
Adin'rs, at Frattcoo.
April 17, 12-6 w
insurance! inburimeel
Hand In Hand
Mutual Life Insurance Company,
Cliart'd Capital $500,000.
Stock and Mutual, combining bccurity n ith Profits.
Supposo you aro alreaity issued in a first-class com
pany, and from any causo whataver,;(say after ten year.
ly payments) you do not or cannot pay longer and die—
your insurance gono andt your mOncy wasted. _Not ,g,o
In Um "HAND-IN-11MM 4," all Pfllivicro rt nit 3111EW*ZULA
This company wl.•ich ranks ammo t am moat popular
and succcssfu Lite Insurance onnanics, grants poi
icios on all dasiiablo plans, both with and without
Traveling Privelegetnreetrieted.
All policies ere insoutcetible after one year from any
'the orflicary (AMU:P.
Look to your Life Irl9lrranee. Please eNalliil/0 the
following Comparative Table. It is riinietimes
by Agents of other Companies that the Company they
represent in eater than' others. While we unhesita
tingly assert out• belit.l in the soundness and stability
of all companies, we desiiii to present the (all •tying
for the inspeetJou of those desiring to loser.,
FOf the followinG companies, compare avi,wll pr'-
tnitane charged by each nn• an insurance on lilt: at the
age of lit Years. Payable at death
Annual premium
for life.
Travelers' 41(1.at
Etna, ........ in,73
- Equitable
Washington 2. 70
• • • • lf".(0
if not already Inoui•od Ir.ilto a
the beat - ..Nlutual Column) in tl
Jaii. 1, 1872. A. M
NOTICE ifl hereby pion that. the Exeentms, Ad
lr And Onardians l named below 111. , ,0
tiled their aeenunti; in tit? Registry's ()thee 'Pluga
Counfy, l'enn'a., and that the said aremlnts «111 lid
presented to the Orphans' Conti for said Comity at a
session of said collet to he held at Wellahow , , on Mon.
day, the 'ilth day of May, .1871, at o'eloelc p. ul , tee
allowance and confirmation.
final account of Zylpha Sent!, Adininistrald I': of Ilto
estate of 'Lysander Scull, I..te of Cliarkston. dee'd.
Final account of Daniel D. Doan admaristr.‘toc, ,, C 11,0
t Rtatte of Janos Doau, late 01 deceased.
Final account of P. lhmulux. tluardian of Al
Porter ti at.. minor cpildri.n (4 , AM.) 1 1 01trr, ha t . ui
Clualcuton, cleetnin.d.
th?tioral account of It Wiloswo. Citttid,4ll
Charlotte E. Lunn it al., minor ehddr. u 111!,1.•••
1. - tto of %Ward township, .
FLtal aLcuttitt of 11. N. Williams. Guardt.tti
Laic E fdtuit, minor child ol d..
Final aceount of 11. N. William; .1 t
Lunn. Illitll,l . 0111t1 t
aceninit .n W. \V. 11011, ), Ist • ilu•n . dt:tn of
Flor.nr, , am] „faun . ), T. Boo'. told,
/Bali W. ,
Pal hill ZLCCOI:Iit Of It :Ow ,
.01 stt.( of Watt, Areilityl Ltt•• •
foonadop, tiocolungl.
Float account of don), li. N1ilM01).:111.1.) F! 0 41
adrn o iniutratorm of Ow
Account of Enutior Lov,on, adnuniA..ator of tli (--
tato of John liowlaud, Imo of lloorlold oator,
Fival it. 4.ount. of Zitort Albin, folloini , tratoe of the
cntate of !Album Alba, lato of Itivilmond tow ll,lll l'.
Pioal account of isrent kit ue, y,F5....1,1,.). a (1, 0
last H4l and testament of Bent. netylvitt, late of
alebury towitslt4p, deceased. . •
Final account or Robert t!sntitts..ll, atimmistrator
the estate et D. V. Miller, ~,L 4,eltuar
born, Alny 1, IH-Pllw
New Boot, Shoe, Leather
W. A3eiaris
IN Till,.
Now Shop, Now Stc ! 'ek, zula first )
class Work !
AN YTHINU fanki a Itwid Cat k to a lad Guilty. lit it
line of
Ladies' Kid and Cloth Bal-
morals and Gaiters,
Ditto Children's
and ,✓lTisscs.
Gents' Cloth, 'Morocco, and
Calf Gaiters. Oxford
and Prince Albert
A good li Ir. of OVERBHOES, and iu l line of
tonging In price from $4,00 to $7,00, peggcQ and prmod.
CUSTOM Boorr:'.4
from $3,00 to $13,00, and,worth klio money ovary Limo
Leather ,and Findhig-;
at the lowest rates, as usual.
The nntlemigned baying spent twenty pars of his
life in Wellsittno—notclmd the - ti n on the gtoel'of
portibmee. artta it% 1114.cut•t1 of anent - tit for the.'go'od
of soles. Itelierett tat hrt m hammering than bloW,ing.
Wherefore, he will only irark ltis enbtotar,,
and es many now ones ac: choose to give him a call,
that he may be found at bts low shop, noxt door to 11..
T. Van Horn's wart% reem.t, 'with the best awl cheap
est stock in °minty. k tI . W. REAMS,
Weliaboxo. April 24, UM.
it. If. BORDRN
Ten auntial
, ohty vkith tho
nitlITA:ll, Agent