Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, May 15, 1872, Image 2

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The following named persons offer Ili, nwelveti
for the dikes named brlow--subjert to
0 decision of tlio Republican Comity Convention :
It. 11. IIOLLANDS, IllosAurg.s
W. TUBBS, Lawreucovillo.n r
I'. O. VAN Wellsboro.'
I W kit to he elect, i 1 a delegate to tlin approaidditg
onatitutiopal C o nvention. 1 I,olivit the titippoi t
)y friendß. 'ruomAs L. K.N.N E.
Nano , . Mall. a. 1 Si '2.
(e4c Nito,py.-
WEDI'IESD: Y; MAY lri, Pi 72
Republican Nominations.
.tiolitgomt County
f Itrad s t.,rd Com. t;
r,r Wo, reo lo4y
\IPS AT Ltn..) . ,
IL% nity trim INDI \NA ,
1.1 'fora), 1-1111t1.1.0:1.
1.11,1 I NI I.Aitor 'To 'fill: l't.:4•11 I 11914 , I
toNN I.
vEitEurni, PnILAI»'I.PIII.I ,
J. (lILLINGEfAIif FF:I,1„ Pit Al* I.l'Ml
L 1.1.111. LILLY. e ItTION
LINN 1: kr:r1101.()1IEAV, s, 1,11
i; Ct.:\
\. 11.IJA 1 1 11. AItNISTTION4I,
" Ad " ( T, ) A
;..t . 1411,:k . ,1f H
I ,EO. V. 11.11WItLIWE. ,
\V 11. AINEY, Li inon ;
.I . I I ITN 11. W'ALKEIZ, Einr.
(1 ,,,, N1 last tiatuiday iu NI•v; Vitt
'Flu' Bcpubrican:: held
tie , ir State UonyeritOal I ist IVetinesday, at:
I. : Jeti dc legate, to Philadelphia, and de
hired in fay or t f rant's re-nomination.--
This i., nol very oiNoling to 'Horace, to say
the le:Nt
),tint in, zintaiivr columa mime
t I acts from a criticism of Mi. c:rceley
• •Ludid Lvd he :;:)13(1. :Hid :4 1 :Lid (Li c k i r;
k` I) , : tINC Nt ,)110 01 1 1114j1)
1-11 i,,VW( 11 1 " 1.0111':11 " 1110VC13
Xl,intitlwr,Calawell of Elmira is': one o
the„leading Urilelek " raforme:r i % of tlm
Tho-e who teinembel . this to4n's
01 C
t,ttions in the All my lobs fdtc yeart4
igo—operatiuns so corrupt and disgrtc
that they compelled hikt retirement f foil) the
Adr,, jthtigine the hind of
lefoKin lie v, ill favor. lioneAllor
ace must be proud of his support!
Clu I)enuteratie National Exycnt ivy Cu
mit tee met last Wednesday at the t•csiilytt
of August Belmont ill New York. Twen
ty eight Mates iveie represented After a
lour hour,' session it was dechled to call the
Natiottal Conyeniton to meet at Baltimore
July nth This is a victory of the F,astern
Min al(' illif'lll nn .ffiwnirmling n
pnvt y ticket , (11. c r the progres6ive
i)rmncrateof this \V e=tt, 1‘,11() are inclined t()
(;101,..1, is reported to parr said if the
oeterat't are wise tifey \VIII give hint their
votes 'Flipro a!'(' two opinions on that
print I:111 MI lr,l'loy ought 1.5 1:11‘)' lit
tt ,, ll), , nineral:4 are to)? Le•
though they weri , brayetl in a• norta r, their
t,)lly wtmid not th•pait from llo,!ni They
have already -11(•ceeded iu .tlkt meting their
party, tutd no elznibt they Itin end by
inz, it
It i t.% ident that the nail \\ ho are least
It mibled by the Cineflinatitieket far are
tho loy:d UepuldicAl, While the Demo
(t A. ;ire di\ idetl and tlitraelpil over the
tine-lion "t:wallowinf , tlreeley with all his
.1 , f11:-., Mir I rile etrurse plain to every eye•
II i to !J o st ..111 forward, nominate a good
lo.t at Pidlatt l elpltio, place it upon a sound
It( publican platform, and leave the bolters
and the IlomLons to trade and dicker to
Iheir /warts' rottietth This course twill pre
-4•I the iy ur,aniratiult intact, «impel
the t. 111 I I of all hottest melt, anti , I‘e be ,
Het 0 ; w,ltte ith+ri< iel(try tever the
ct,intitt•rt gentlettten who are su actively
:11111111g prillelph`ti VIACS
While a large and influential minority of
the " Liberal.," :Ire disgusted and disheart
ned by the upshot at Cincinnati, Greeley's
nominalSeelllS to illtVe pbleell the 7elllo
- r:tl in t•Vt n a worse strait. l‘fany of the
I 4 . I ,lo_ or2;:tt“ of that party have been egg
iu ze ' ' als" on. so earn e stly and
them '‘ilh so little reserve tha
the\ ho\v dial it allaw4 ifnpossible to draw
h.icb limn the actual • i'mlor.; , ernent of the
ictsi t,.hcaded as it is hy a than politically
hatct 11 to them. Ihtcnding to use the bolt
as a convenient cat's paw, they find they
1. i\c \ l't letithAl their own lingers
e..tricts from. their leading papers
r. itk tt iiat e been published by the city jour,
nals during the Past week show that the
inoorticy are in imminent damzei of being
rent in t\%ain by the very movement which
they 1 ondly hoped would divide and Join
the Republic:lls. Their organs at the 1.
Icioniude arodey, and cry out fat the nom-
Mal hal of a Democratic ticket, while the
Ich(lers of the West aceupt
I„,,; ,ch imiu:cs, and urge his in-
(101 niont.,l , v the piirly. one of the firs
to- (1 llri. " Liher:ll . min.cnieut is tiri
r'/ 1).,•
I w:t,( t (1,%:;
-" 11 " . : 11 TY ( 1111 1110 111 . 1 v
;1 1) 14 :by r,4/}1,4))/ DOM()
J 41X \\ c:: , 1•, ilttlikiiltit•
Ii . %
1371114)10N , .1
•:1 th( y 410 or not, ii.),
1 , ; :11' 1.1:(,11L.11 11 . 1,01. g( 111 i.414 . 1111 . :1 1 , 1%
•1 .1 1 1 : : •111 . 1~ li ~ i ~ li n g thoir .)i% Ition,o
A., We predicted, the manikatitm el'
144•1;ct .4! ('ho innati proves only the
tioulde for the "Literals." The
,•1/ Vl 1.1 ion bad 'hardly 'adjourned wilco Ft
(ling 61 about half of the Ohio delegm /1 , 11
hell! to tonsider the rtsult The met 14
ykr\i,tornly, nnist of the tit lez,ates
, lug spec', bus, and many of the in,il
r4.ente.i men denouncing and tepudiating
tte talstt, while a few of the mote timid
- ,it it- t tnut'elcd moderat Jfidgc I load
y, a In tt as tine of the (...'cunnT i t tce on lb
elution:, said that Stanley Matthews, the
mpotary President, .lohn John and
orclt had lift the I OM ti disgust
1141.;k• niNt•l hoir aid he would not he
a I it•tim of it choice between two
t it Nien came to the convention flout
N , k and Pennsylvania w ho wt re as
tom h intrudw ; as the devil wits alien he
int I titled himself among the sons of into.
hey cattle and outwitted and outnumbered
m Ile aid nut belong to anybody now
fly wai.; not yet willing to say he wouldn't
%we bit- (Aram, but he dowidn't cote fur rt
Iv!! . Gen. Burnett felt discouraged and dis
heartened. lie didn't think civil i,ervice re
fat In had anything to hope from the hands
of such men. Greeley was honest, pro
greildve and. liberal in Lis views, yet he was
a man of crotchets; he had no jutlgin nt of
men; his political friends and associates in
New York were a clasf.; of men who:4ld-not
enjoy the publie cionfide4,o 4 , Nap werOleart',
ly allied to the TitiunanSi,:i.:orTujitionoCol;:,
Parrott said therd'upver-f - ' s Ofnore
less tradNitade then thailtat Aide
Gratz Brown in the convention, while Mr.
Fry will Ihe,,bargain and tale were evident.
GC4.Lat : ne declined to' suPFOirtth'e [k11:
and rt.igned his 12oRition ns a member of
the Stail` Committee, as did Judge Brinker
hoff: JUdge Boadley again' spoke, slitwg
in that Tammany hall: triuuNbed.
said he woUlti defeat Greeley and Brown if
lie had to vote for Grant to„do,.if. Fier efA,,
other. members- f•ipol:.e . fo,r and against OW.
noMination. knit s'r; th'e' " 'Cita - Tar pot be.
gins to boil and bubble.' 'Evidently Horace
will find the road • to the White lionFe
Cincinnati a very Lard one to travel.
We pi int oil (he first page of this week
AUITATOIt a statement relating to our Lela inn;
under the Treaty of Wa,lkiug-ton,
\V (TO \MCC" out. of our lint by the
presstue upon our ad ertising columns.—
The memorandum ieferred to is a carefully
prepared review of the position held by our
Cloverument on the question of indirect
damages since the presentation of our Cahe
under that treaty. It is understood to ema
nate Itiorn the State Depattmetit, and we
suppose it may be regarded as semi-official.
It inutA be admitted, as \ve understand it,
that it partially ontirms the rumors that
have beat apt plenty duriiig the last fort-
light relating to a compromi.:ic of Our claims
or inillreet &image's. ' Those rumors went
the length of alleging a square back-
down by the Administration, on . that point;
and the'nation has been Inn»iliated by the
hypocritical : eoppPrnelts pf the London
press on'our'''pticaliility. "''
We ate glad to litre thi-: denial frmn the
ti t 1 thele has bven any bac
town, or tltnt any, i t,uelt, disgrat,:oftti snrre
6. to Engiisk clataor is contemplated; 1,1
[t is evident from the tune of this tstatemei
and frem subsequent Washirigton dispatch
es, that there have been recent negotiations
which lent color to that IruthOr.' 'The story
told by late telegrams is that on the 4th in
stant an intimation NV4S page to th‘: British
nucbt ih . i'le N•e Weie - willing to 'with
draw our demand fol. compensation for' con
sequeniial damages, if. (ireat Pritian i would
agree in all cases hi the future where, we
might be the uggressord 1& make no com
,plaints or caims against the United States
for any ind rect., remote or consequential in
jtfries to losses I esulting ;f rdm ii !failure to
observo our neutral obligations'.
wad• a new rule xvaq fO'be en , :rrafted on the
code of internati. , uai l‘c,v . 7-0 f , tr'as the two
Goverranents , _ 4 ' 1116, it NyaS
argued, would secure to us all the fiubithm
stial betiefits that could result frOni the con
sideration and decision of our claims by the
Cieneva Arbitrators. At the stone tithe it
was designed to relieve the British . lllinistry
front a pressure at borne -winch threaten6d
its overthrow, and which was rapidly fore:
ing it to thd 'point' of
[rout the arbitration.
But wilate.i.er the meriti of the proposi
tion, and whatever good ihtentions prompt
ed it, it Wits c•\•identll•'a blunder, and it was
quickly found to limo annoying - one. At
was ;it tirgt reporteil that Gen. Sclaenc•k un
derstood Clic. proposed arrangement tone ae•
( - Tilted by the MinistV; but it turns out, of
receipt of the text of the English answer
stanwout •ouoi , buna-sti mem - 11ith 1614 a - edm
plete surrender of our claim, and the virtua
oban(lonment of the position we had as
mimed, without any guarantee that we wen
to receive anything in return for such igno
minions . action on our part. We may thanl.
British obstinacy for thus saving its from
disgraceful compromise of national honor
and the , zurrender of our undoubted righ
to Uree our own side of the Case in our °WI
If we may trust the recent dispatches
from Washington, the Gov,ertnnent has now
determined to adhere to, its original policy
in the matter. At a cabinet meeting held
on the receipt of the British answer, that
course of action was decided upon
would have been better if it had never beet
departed from. The offer to surrender it m
any , terms has_ already complicated matters
and rendered the successful conclusion o
the arbitration more doubtful than ever.
But whatever may be the result at Geneva;
we trust wt Bake seen the end of all at
tempts to conellii*e British public opinion,
or to save the Ciladstone Ministry tfroni the
popular storm which 'threatens its speedy
Because there has been little exeitemen
this side the water oior , this qttition, it
hardly safe for the-Government to assume
that the country cares little about it. It is
true that we have never expected to receive .
large pecuniary damages for these indireet
claims, but it is no less true that Americans
of every party expect the arbitrators to pass
upon the question of England's liability in
that regard, and upon that ground they will
back the Government to the end. ' Let us
bay e no more blowing hot and cold on this
queNdon, but a manly, straightforward, dig
nified nuihu enanee of our right tb argue our
own case in our own way, regardless of En-
English bluster. This is ,
the old) honorable, the'only,soo so4n,e.
Pefill:Ny 4ilHia La!:or Itufo,:m Con Vela
Dorr `...-:tnic Labor Reform
Convention nwets here to-day nt 10 o'clock,
impos4l.le I'4) tell n lint it u ill do, though
h.o. t no doubt things me timol up 1;y more
tliatOutering. The pnriy i t manifestly in
th , bands of 'ninth N:my of the del
it( came in yesterday, among them law
judges, doctors, &e:, lad few or-no
men. Among the most prominimt
"bore is :Tulin W. Ryon, Esq , for,
ou•tly of yourcounty. lie informs nie he
14 110 It delegate, hut further says not. For
of the Supreme Court the probability
i, ',vy ‘‘ ill nominate Chief :Justice Thomp
,n the Republican Senato
ft,,in Lancaster, may be nominated for Au
ditor General. The disappointed of th
p,u•ty, I. think, arc operating-I
II numination for Governor of M'Clella
, mog Democratic Congres.iquan from
thy I.:Lk\ mice district, in anticipation of his
'imam:llkm the Democratic party. Judge
'ahnimt, of Vcnango county, is also SpO-
Lt ii of for the Goverborship.
7; /, u'd(ele.—The Convention is called to
„ R i c' . by Mr.' John Siney, of Schuylkill
could), who is Chairman of the State Ex
itt Comm4ee.
of Luzerne, Republican
member of the Legislature, is made tempo-,
ry Chairman, and James Kelly, of Schuyl
kill, temporary Secretary. Committee on
emlentials appointed. Motion to proceed
to the, appointment of other committees op.
tio-ed on the ground that all the delegates
have? 'not ,arrived. Motion to adjourn op
posed by Mr. Kilgore, a lawyer-delegate
front Philadelphia. These delegates of the
great Commonwealth had assembled in the
Intel est of the working men, and he should
oppose an adjournment to allow political in
trigue. Recess for half -an hour.
Tirdee o'clock—Convention called to order.
Committee on credentials report. Motion
The Alnimma Muddle.
May 7, 1872
to coronae co) nnittee w . iih, liberiy 'lit report
from tinut to (ints us delugales ithouhl ern , .
rive durimkthe billing I 11 . the Convel4o;'l
,Opposellttgol. WDowell, of Dattpig, •as
:11Ni4m111 gt . i.tm oiiiiiders en' -opportuftily to
inatiufaeltrp del '(tgatem.t.i;3lo fl4timtettitrfOlitj
•,ideritend li,liirk •; btl - ,1 Ill • ! ' cateNirikliere ilia an
:ClLat r 144 lima to -- ,69.r0.1,110C - 01Vel
''.,,,, '• • ' •••,;-•
Linn, 111nr for the pas"tjk.tt eekaslntrigtat
had been at work for Itilt - pi,rp,.... Air.
IC - ilgore. i bought the „eommil,tm S.,ery.. he tt
est - and whittle incorramptible. C o mmittee
continued. -, -i - ; . (-' , :,.
ilfa-ra a l 7 ,
be ,•:Nion.—Joltim Sidney was, elm(
sell - li - emu - went President, and Dr. Burditi c.
Secretary, witivtwo - ekistmmts. Chair .sut -
ported by four Vice Presidents. Recess.
4,:2o:—Called to order. _Additional dele
gat es admitted. Committee on platform re-.
poet the Columbus Platform with additions.
Mr. 'Armstrong, delegate from Allegheny
' cO6 eiy, Ititi.oductd the following tariff res••
olution : I I •, , • '— ;
•• ~, ' '
Re : solred. That it•ln the true Intwat o' r :the laboring
men of this ccamtry to sustain the policy of national
P rotection to American industry. lf the oft-14peated
sentiment that " the laborer in worthy, onlin hire."
and that •'a fair day:s Work entitle& the won Ler to a
lair day's pay" be nue, it is incombeut upon its,-in
order to plaint:lin that principle, to adhere ti
to the protective policy which alone trinket; labor
contented and capita secure. It renders employment
certain. and places us upon a broad field by which the
pay Rill be satisfactory, wbilet free trade and its -teui
der," Revenue' Reform, means that ice shall work tor
'the lowe , t of low wages, and that our factories and
mine shall cluso thietigli foieigu comp. tition ' deplo.-
Mg the toiling luillione of cur country of employment,
thus reducing tin Itl to the condition of paupers. • '
Great turmoil and confusion, much ex
eitementand sPeeelt-nielfing. 'z Mr. - RDOw-,
ell, of Dauphin, charge* the introduction of
the resolution astui attempt to divide the
party, to disttub the herprty, of ,thri Con
vention, and if the convention should adopt
it,. would stultify its record. The resolu
lion had • been before , the committee, 'and
they had squelched it. The sixth plank of
the. Columbus Platform was all that was ne
cessary in regard to the tariff. ,Mr. Arni
strong pressed the - conSideration - of the res
olution upon the Convention, urging that ho
had the honor of representing the:largest
lat&ing district of any • - reprosentativc on
the door of this Convention. , His .constitu
ents were the first to move, some yearsl,ago,
it the cause of labp i r i t o the State, polling in
its iatteret,' at a regult'n'election, the largest
vole ever cast in fuser of the . labor reform
mevement. The protective policy, howev
er, was e vital principle in his section, and
if not adoptedhy this Convent:ter, the en
tife 'proh-ediegtt wofild lie' repudiated by
them, and instead of rolling up a largexote,
in favor of Labor Reform, they would de
feat its nominees by a majority of at least
ten thousand. Ills Iva -
.bstft, in unison
'with '• kite LAM . - Ref4rtn Movenient; : but
holding views, personally, `totiglitictif with
those of his constituency, he, - in deference
to. their instructions, and, .irti accordance
with ails. own tainvietiohs, egged leave to
press the consideration of this resolutiOn.— ,
He disclaimed any idea of, and wholly re-,
puOiated thpassertions;matlethat this reso
lution was introduced for the purpose of
creating dissensions and divisions on the!
floor of this Convention. , .0n the contrary,' ,
16,w - as prompted - by intro firiitives of fitOe
alike to himself •and his constituents, knoW
ing that it was a cardinal principle to which
the great producing population of his' dis
trict' was closely wedded.
Ile-was in duty bound t to say, in all can-,
'dor, Vet - in : the absence ottime adoption of
. this resolutiOn he - 23Vould be, compelled to
•. u• ..
ntte x his efforts and raise his voi,cc in .e 011•
junction with those of his constittients in
opposition to the action of this Convention.
The proceedings of- this Convention must
meet the approval of the workhkonen of
the west in order - to insure Stietess. ,The
adoption of this resolution would likely ac
complish that end; its rejection would in
sure, and according to prevailing sentiment
u oant certainly knou t - their.. Opposition. rf
their support- was essential to succesa,•thiu
pcn-e -- U'aa - tteetia3zi-,3• l ;aiteti.„ If_. their_smk.
Convention unimportant, then they must
rely only upon the final success of the ticket
here nmninated and the principles here
enunciated, entirely outside of time great
iron-working and bituminous Coal-producing
regions of Allegheny and the entire west.
The-resolution shared the same fate be
fore the Convention as in committee. It
was " squelched."
A dispatch was received from a well
known Labor Reformer of Philadelphia
saying that Davis had withdrawn from the
national ticket, And advising the Convention
to go in for Greeley.
President Slimy, under great excitement,
pronounces the telegram a base fraud—a
firebrand—a forgery. A good deal of spar
ring. Resolution tostick to Davis and Par
ker at all events passes 'with much stamp
ing and clapping of hands. .
Motion to go into an informal vote for
Governor. Opposed. A great deal of
speech-making. Much talking against time.
Motion-Piii-nils through flinch liibtilation.
Informal vote had: Buckalow, 6; Schell,
26; M'Clellan, 1; M'Calmont, 1; J. W. Ry
on, 5; NOyes, 4. •
[Behind the Curtain.— Buckalew had been
telegraphed to send up his agent by' the 'I
o'clock train. j .
Adjourn for supper.lt ( l a e l e 9 t w %gt i l ll atB c : e l l s 4 .
Letters read Euo
the nomination. '-' '' - accept
[Behind The Cartain.F-Agent arrives—ev
erything satisfactory. ; }, - • -
A Things lookiovely: Most of the candi-
Istates withdrawn. Regular' vote taken.—
Terrible smash. Schell, 80; guekelew, 20;
R. 13. Petriken, 1.
Schell men jubilant. Buckalow men look
ing around - to see who,. struck them.' - Pro
nounce the Conventiona failure—Schell the
nominee of a ring.
IBehind the Curtain.—" It was a great mis
take that we had not fought off the nomi
nation till•to-morrow morning, and menu
lectured a dozen or' more delegates during
the night; but, then, who dreamed of such
a result? D—n it, the Convention don't
amount to much anyhow. Let -us go and
liquor."] , I
Chief Justice Thompson was unanimously
nominated for the Supreme Judgeship, and
Senator 'Billingfelt for' Auditor General.—
All the other necessary candidates and cont
end the Convention
mittees were nominated,
About half the State was represenled.—
There was a slight sprinkling of men who
might be called, or might once
_have been
called; 'laboring men; but it seemed to me
.that the main leaders were lawyers, doctors
and politicians—not wholly small politic ans,
for some of them seemed intelligently to
understand the relations between capital
and labor, and the needs of the laboring
population of our country. The President
<of the Convention, Mk. Slimy, is an earnest,
intelligent laboring man, and withal a good
presiding officer. The State Secretary also,
who was a delegate, I judge to be a man of
good intentions and some ability; but both
seemed to think that the interest of the la.
boring nian was identical with the interest
of the Democratic party, so far as the nom
ination for Governor was concerned. '
The few laboring mon in the Convention
had little to do. They were generally forced
into back seats, while, ambitious—not very
talented—office-seekers made the neeeessary
noise, and attempted to lead the delibera
tions for their benefit and the benefit -of
their friends.'
This Convention has nut differed much
from the general run 'of conventions. It,
like most others, has been governed by rings,
and all seem but mere machines to manu
-facture public opinion and lead the.people
tovote-as the successful ring dictates. In
one tihing,linwerer, conventions and rings
mire very truthful—they denounce each oth
er as corrupt. J. E.
With ode solitary exception, New York
lever re-elected a United States Senator.
It awns of Mr. Greeley's niftiness.
What was at one time reietollanti altoed,
jiike, the nomination-of
the post tif Presidentof
has, by the recent ea Of, - the Cinclunsilreon
vellum', heetmiti sOber.i. - caritt:pl»'ll" gbiefi a
ecriniii air of lowTeenteitrtolthe eleetkgr
which the emintry,:ik'aliont engage; , :bl4,
litiispite Of that,:litesubjeet:is:of speba.ne- -
tat., and liie:4oliointifrAiit is siO.-deeply:
ci m ee rneil in it, that;iieure• foieed to-treat
itseriously. We therefore put togeth
er reasons thatoecur to us - . why the
nomination or Mr. Greeley is unworthy_of
support. -
fie lacks - tint eourage; - the firmness: and
the- ermaistency which are required- in a
Chief Magistrate of the nation. He show
ed thisin - a 'remarkable nitioner when, at
the oufbreak of the civil war; he:desired to
let the South have its way and dissolve the
:Union of the Stated' -, 'He was frightened,
and feared 10 face , the consequences - of re
•jeetimi the - demand:3'a the Southern "
dans. The4iir hottever went, on, and soon,
though claiming to be a Unionist, he be
, came frightened again. lie \vented to Make
terms with the Rebel Govet [anent at 41th
mond; he 'wanted to neghtiatei-with George
• Situnders -era other agents of the Rebel
Governmenf win) had sought refuge in Can
ada. Ile was for stopping the war and let
the South depart 'with the ebarice of
preserving slavery. lhti whole career dil
-1 ring - the war was irresolute- and cowardly,
and his counsels impolitic and unwise to
I the last degree.
Mr. Greeley's political associatioes and
intimacies arc 80 had that we dim expect,
not hin e- from him in case, hi his own mis
fortune and-ours, lie should be elected,; but
a Corrupt administration of affairs. Every
body is' aware of his close intimacy with
Mr. Fenton •of the Senate. If there is a
corrupt and dishonest politician in the land,
there is no Man who has a better claim to
be -so considered than lleuben E. Teuton.
His character is well known to Mr: Greeley•,
yet is he Mr. Greeley's bosom friend, and
counselor in politics. 'Without a single idea
of what public virtue or principle means,
he is a most shrewd and skillful political
manager. It was probably through his in
trigues more than through any other influ
ence that Mr. Greeley succeeded in obtain
ing his nomination. The same facility for
entering into - close association with 'dishon
est men has - marked the whole of Mr. Gree
ley's career. He began his political- life as
a disciple of Thurlow Weed, and 'only re
belled against his master when he found
that be was not to have any of the• offices
for which political parties were quarreling.
In - aletter which found its way • into print,
he expressly del:lined to hunt any longer in
company with that virtuous
Weed, because there wits no proper division
of the game. Ito -now hunts m company
With Fentitin, who is more generous. If he
should be-elected, it is very likely that Fen
ton would be the principal , member of his
Cabinet, and that the other heads of depart
merits would be little better. :As for the
subordinate offices, they would probably be
tilled by the men whom he makes- his com
anions, 'such as !John V. Gridley, Waldo
HHutchins, IleniaminWood, John Morrissey,
and Hank Smith, the leaser
,lights of. Mr.
Greeley's - social flrmanient.
Mr. Greeley has no settled' political prin
ciples, with One-exception. It is a; serious
objection terany candidate for - an Office Of
high political trust that lie hewn° well-de
fined standard of right in his o*n'naind by
which - to try any - tifealiure or Ittif course of
'proceeding that May be - proposed. This is
one, - of Mr. Grueley's great 'deficiencies.—
Any aspect of a public measure whia looks
Plausible natidieit him; and lie &MS 'beak
, Ward and - forward upon -the shifting cur
rents of expediency. has been ! , said of
him as a politician, and we believe with
some truth, that he has been on every side
of every public question that has come up
save one. * *
These are sonic. of the objections which.
will Occur to thoughtful men when they
hear of Mr. Greeley's nomination; and al
lowing tlMse,tlie weight whielrthey fully de
serve, we Must advise our readers -to refuse
the nomination their support. With such
'a head as is on his shoulders the affairs of
the nation could not, under his direction,
be Wisely administered; with such Manners
as his; they could not he adntinistered with
com Mon decorum; with Such associates as
: lie has taken to his they' could not
be administered with comnmilintegrity.—
r !evening Post. ' '
iurari t luedkaar
Qf Tioga County Ar Lli
BLosilyarto. C.'rzas. Tax.
.1. F. Hater, 14 , $7
Heireeb. lily & Co, 14 7
Fuller & Ilartou, 13 10
J. 1.. Belden. 13 10
J. P. Taylor, 14 1
A. R. Unsay. 14 7
Patrick Costello, 14 7
Jacob Redlitb, 19 10
Isaac Smith. 14 7
R. D. Horton, 13 10
William Gilmore,Jr,ll 7
Drake &James, 7 - 411 ,
J. S. Mitchell, 14 7
J. W. Bergin & Co, II 15
Murray & Id'add, 13 10'
James Trayhey, 14 1
L. D. Smith, . 74 7
W. 1.. Keagle, 13 10
Jacob Miller, 9 21
llntley & Hayes, 14 7
7.1 - orris Tack, 12 10
S. E. Cadwoll, 14 7
H. W. 'Holden. 14 7
Alexl• Dunmore, 13 10
Jae. , tturson, b. h., 8 • 6
Drid et Kelly, e. h.. 8 6
M. S Y, 0. h., 8 5
0. IL, Vhited. 2 b'd t., 40
Jail '1
Cox, 14
Willi In Short, 14 '7
Jaate , Kelly. • 13 10
Blom C. &M. Co, 4 80
'Morns Run C. Co, 4 80
S. Bowen Sr Co, IS 10
Wm Hot:konberg,b'y 9 8
Hartman s Everts, 14 7
B. B. Packard, 13 10
J. C. do A. M. Bennet,l2 12};
S. M. Barber, 14 7
E, Dyer, 13 10
Henry Brown, 14 7
Covington Woes Co, 14 7
D. F. Stone, 14 7
H. Morgan, 14 7
I. E. Iturosey. 14 7
W. M, Brown, . 14 7
E. L. Smith. 14 7
Jahn Short,
11 7
14 7
14 7
J. B. Miller,
S. Ciii,
Benn & Rushmore) 14 7
E. R. Stebbins .I. Bresl4 7
Goo. lilts tingo,
34 7
14 7
14 7
M IMM 21
William Horton,
J. B. Yayno,
C. H. Howland,
14 7
14 7
14 7
Jf. V. Purple,
Benj. Darrow°, .1 14 7
J. G. Parkhurst .4 Co, 12 12 , 4
Philman & Bros, 14 - 7
J. I. 'White. 14 7
Philo Baxter, 1 b'a t, 8O
0 P4N1.11.
JOSSO Locke), 114 7
D. K. Marsh, 14 7
S. X. 13111ings, 13 10
JACKE“),N. •
1)...n. Lane, ,
-Ewoxvim.,l,•„ l
:Wood & Scoville.
13 10
13 10
14 7
14 7
13 10
13 10
14 7
14 7
13 10
13 10
Case & Buckley,
J. Stoddard.,
Truman 'Gilbert.
Markham & Hood,
John Goodspeed,
C. Wells,
Justns Dearni MI
Mathias Marla%
Seeley & Co,
Roberts & Co,
A. Dearmmu
W. 11411,'1 b'cl tablo,
Josupit Gile,
George M'Leau, 14 7
C. S. Mather, 10 20
D. J. Murdock, 14 7
C. P. Leonard. il4 7
Phippen ,4P4trliburP.tl4 7
Merchant Bweatland,l4 7
William Pollock. 14. 7
R. Thornton. c. We, 8 6
S. ItartmAn.
14 7
14 7
14 7
14 7
12 12,q
14 7
14 7
12 12,4
14 7
11 7
24 7
J. W. ebilds,
David Messner,
harbor Moore,
G. R. Shaffer.
B. F. \Yarling,
Sebring S Miller,
It Selman,
Valentine Miller,
F. ThoMA%
• 7,1411 Baunn
IL 11. Doud, .13 10
J. M. Clark, 13 10
Aaron Dodge, sal'n, 8 6
14 7
B. Parkhurst, 13 10
Notice is hereby given that an appeal will be ltald at
the COMUliBMOLlerie office in AVellaboro on the 5111 day
~I June, 1872, betwoma bump •of 19 n. m, - $l4 it;
p. at which thne and !dad) all pfiratala aggfievect
11 the foregoing appraisemeut will be heard, and such
abatements or exonomttono will be made as !shall
-eetri proper and just; and all persons thiiing i? up-
Lear at said time and plaoe must expect to p the
:luounteharged in the said appraisoment.
• May lb, 1872. 4w . 0. L i ATIEWITON, Ap 'r.
.., , •
sigatnitn:l4rraiPo7 . 15' XOtteoj
Johu N: Mead late of Chatham, /Yoga county/141..
deceased -having boon granted to the undersigned all
let eons having claims against eald estate are hiteby
itottdott to all for settlement on, and thc.me owing the
roans to make Immediate payments to
Otiathaln, May 1,-6w
To the Friends o the 81 . 0 le Cause
t v ,':dty N np . pt i .TT."4:1.14",,,,„" ° (1 1.° ' F r d a " ast%
Agent serthe Thies Conn* Vitae teoetety, be sip e ly
the dolditnts vrtitt the wot'il °Gana. and . l of
fund* f0e..4130 rupee's. ey pad to hintAidtit
odolFo4tolloria, or by intilvi tett morsel*, may boOrse-
Stea iniek oho:WI* re nay tio tiosittnoted Ity,the
tentriboters.- ,
Frieraitt blto Bible tioei Ilkrouitnist the dowdy
lire some** solicited to 00-epenttitig - the noetlittl on
.63l"Pd.efa D. D. MICK, Free% '
N. T. 02IANDLIllt, Vteo Presq.
H. \V WILLIAMS, Hee'y.
Washer°, Pa., -Meg 1. 1. 9-air.
' Afiptic . atioi or .Chttiler .
I ,,, T oTioE IS HEREBY 0 , EN that Richard Keeney,
IN Solomon Day, Elijah .intes, A. E. Rawly, Amoy
Colegrove and °theta h: filed their application to ba
incorporated under f tho nalno, style an 4 title of " Thu
Loses- Creek Cemetery Association" in acaorilauco with
the act of Assembly, andt at lho Court has axed upon
Monday.. the 27th day of ay next,st two o'clock in ths
afternoon as the Unto of c mildewing said application.
A D7vIINI3TItATOIt'S *TlCE.—Letters of Admit
-XI istratioft having bee graitted on the estitte f
Laugher Butler, ~ late of Delmar toweshlk,
all persona Indebted to or having claims:against the
canto will settle with usitTroup slYn,4l,
Delmar, May 8, 1872. 6 v
Sheriff s Sales.
lejiY VIRTUE OP sou& write of Fieri Encino, Lova.
_D r i Pacias, and liendit out Expouas, issued out of
the Court of Common Plc of Them county, and to ins
directed, I will expose to public sale, to the highest
and beet bidder, at the Churt Rouse in wolloboro, on
Monday the 27/11'day o May, 1872, at ono o'clock
P. M., the following (lope abed property, viz :
A. lot of laud In Chalk township; bounded on the
north'by lands of R. ILylor and Delos Garner, east
by lands of Alfred short Josiah S. Miller, and Bing
ham lands, south by Din bun lands and David Wass,
and west by hinds of As oy Guild, Alfred Short anti
i 'a
1. W. Burrill; containing Macros; 100 acres improved,
with a frame house, thro frame barns, an orb or
chard and other fruit trees thereon.
Afeio—A lot of land 1 1 Clymer township; ,boinuloil
north - by lands of —l3 ity and lauds of Morey lioyd
pan, east by lands of L yell Short 'and Ashley Guild,
south by lands of Whin Weeks, and west by - the pub
lic highway; coutainin GO acres, more or less, 25
acres improved, with a train° house, two log barns,
out buildings,
au apple orchard and other fruit :trees
thereon. To be sold as the property of D. C. Church
ill and William Churchill, suit of J. Parkhurst 4: 'Co.
ALSO—A lot of land iii Westfield township; bOund
ed north by lands of Daniel Sherwood and Jam is Li,
bar, west by lands of Berton Runt and Robert Mor
ton, south by lands of A, D. Ashcroft and ItobertMor
ton, and east by D. B. Strang and Labor; contalu
ing about 80 acres, 75 acres improved, with two frame
houses, ono frame boriallotie frame stable, out build
ings, two apple orchard/3 and other fruit trees thereon.
To be sold as the propoirty of A. A. Amsbry, suit of
John 11. White for use of James 13. White.
ALSO—A lot of land In Wellsboro; bounded north
by lands of John Dicson and land in possession of
Hiram Willard, east )y lands of Henry Sherivood,
south by the Wellsborci Cemetery, and rweat by ,Nich
ols street; containing 04 acres, all improved, with a
fair house building, ono building need as a judges'
stand, and part of a h mile trotting track theren
,To be Hold aa tho prop rty of the Wellsboro Driving
park Association, anti f 11. IL holiday and L. 003 e
n - •
ALSO--A lotof land n Jackson township; boneded
north by lauds of Jac b Shivos and Morris Seeley,
west by lands of Jurdon Shives, south by lands of
Louisa Shires sad Jordon Shires, and east by lands of
Levi B. Raves; oonta f i r ling 81 acres, 45 scree implored,
with a frame houso, me barn and sheds, out build
ings, apple orchard au other fruit trees thereon. To
be sold as the property of J.l'. lilocuin and, E. W. Cp
dike, suit of Albert Ju cn. ,
ALSO—A. lot of land in 'Jackson township; bounded
north,. by landto of
:i onstluo Ingleheart, west by
Janda of Boatwick 13oi ent, south by lands of John
Stafford and Sidney White, and west by land of Philip
Wheeler and Constind Ingisheart; containing. fifteen
ticres„l2 acres improved, with a frame house, Aims
shed, out buildings, au apple orchard and other fruit
trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Rufus
M.' Chamberlain add Amy Chamberlain; suit of I', R.
Bryan. for use of Thomas Dl'llibbon.
ALSO—A lot of land in eoviugton borough; bound
ed north by lands of M. G, Lee, west by the William
son road, pouth by lan la -of G. G. , Goroulda, - and east
by lands of Isaac Berry; containing about oneethird of
an Imre, with a frame house, frame barn, out build
ings and fruit trees thereon.
Arlo—Another lot In the borough of CoVlugton;
bounded north bylando of David Wells, went by the
Nilliennion road, tfouth by lauds of. George r,veretts,
and cast by lands of Otis (li Clormildiii containing two
acres, all improved.Q be sold as the property of E.
13. Decker andW, J. an
s suit of Ross SWilliams.
AIRO—A. lot of Itua in dovingtou township; bound
ed north by the 111 k Pan highway, south aud west by
Levi Beckwith, and eSottry public 'road leading to Coy
hagton ; containing about two acres, all improved: To
bo sold as the propory a i n af Jacob Johnson and Abrant
Johnson,s suit of R. P oroy.
....... . . - . ,
-- --
»c►s► a TnrauULTILIM
Year 1872. as
_Cass, Zia
:.luil.u . f>
Job Doane,
Wru. Blackwell,
Wesley Pitts, : 14 7
J. D. Webster, 13 10
Ripley eudwith, 12 12)4
R. N. Bolden, 13 10
N. Ringsley, , 14 7
J. W. Jaquiltb 13 10
Willlani .Adams, 12 123
111. M. Baker, .13 10
R. P.. Oluey, 14 7
J. W. Wilhelm, 12 123‘
Pitts Brothers, 11 15
C. V. Elliott, : 13 10
0. V. Elliott, , 14 7
Lutz & Kohler, 12 123
E. W. Phelps, 3 b'd t. 60
R. M. Kooney, , 14 7
$. Staple, & 80n, 14 7
H. O. Potter, ' 14 7
A. W. Potter, 14 7
111. G. Wbite, 14 7
John Starkey, 14 7
13ennet, Dimon & Co, 18 10
John Purvis, 13 10
Seeley & Crandall, 13 10
A. J. li O WOll, . 14 7
J. H. .134xtcir, 14 ,7
Parka Brothers, 13 10
U. Merrill k Co. 13 10
E. 13. Carupb4.ll, 18 10
Q. &F. 31. Crandall, 13 10
Crandall. Bro's • Co, 13 10
Martin & Boswitb, 19 10
Tay/or k Seeley, 13 10
N. Strait, 19 10
1. P. Vauille, 14 7
Clark Kimball, 14 7
Frank Croft, 14 7
Albert Richmond, 14 7
TIOOA ToNyuante.
P. 1. Mitchell. 14 7
Rainy & Kohler, 14 7
71004 BOROUGH.
11. H. Borden & fk.a.l4 7
Van Osted & Smith, 14 7
C. W. Bweatland, 14 7
8. Wile. i 14 7
Wickham & Farr, 9 90
P. B. Tuttle, 11 16
T. L. Baldwin, 9 25
H. E. Smith & Bolt, 14 7
J. Seheittelln, Jr. 13 10
Philo Tullor, 14 7
C. r: Miller, 13 10
C. L.rBtralt,
R I Baker,
0. Burlen,
M. Mills,
18 10
13 10
14 7
14 7
C. J. Ripley,
Flower & Co,
T. J. Jrlitit
Nall Brook Coal Cot 4 80
W: O. Bristol, ' 13 10
Martin Boawitli, . i 14 7
An Clime, ;14 7
S. C. Murdock, 13 10
E. ICrusen, 125 i
8. Plank. la 10
8. 1). Shill - 18 10
_Bliss Plank, 14 7
D. M'Naughtou, 14 7
11. Rimier, 14 7
°shunt &Christy, b'ts, 40
IL K. Skinner, 13 10
I. M. Edgcoinb, pit 7
R. C. Bailey, 13 10
E. B. Young & Co, 14
Pierce & Kress, 12 1234
W. J. Horton, 11 15
Moldings & Coles, 12 12,v
Derby & Fishier, 14
C. B. Kelley, 12 12!
E. R. Kimball, - 13 10
M. M. Scare, 'l4 7
William Roberts, ; 1212;/,
Stewart & Dumah4 13 10
E. 11. Bastinge, • , 13 10
M. Writhing, 14 7
I.o.lVheeler A: Co,. 18 10
C. W. Sears, 14 7
Vsnhorn & Chandlet,l3 10
C. C. Matlnirs, 10 20
8. G. Anderson, 10 10
A. Foley, 14 7
L. A. Gardner, ,J 8 10
blathers & Rids); 1:1 10
S. B. NWtrriner, 14 7
A. Ilarrisou, j 13 10
Willcox & Truman 12 123;
Converse & Osgood;12 12i4
Converse & Osgood; 13 10
J. ft. Barker, 12 1234
1 4. W, Vilr o l l ,
IVanYalken ll burg Br'sll 7
J, R. Bose, 13 10
Thomas Barden, 10 20
.Joseph Redow„ sant 8 3
J. 11. Elliott 2 bird t , . 40
John Bergen, ruirn, ' 8 5
O. Bcbafft;r, beer IL, 8 6
IVellabriro, May RylBl2-
in ',warty _tip;
. Neil, west by lands of tbo es
obacker and the public highway,
n Vung, and south by Jacob
uhatler; containing 237 acres,'
improved, with a frame house,
on home, frame barn, out build
hards and other fruit trees there-
ALSO—A lot of lani
north by lands of 0.
tato of ',canard Sam
east by lands of Jol
Kultiln and John Sc
more or leas, 160 acre
leg hone°, frame wet;
hge. three apple oral
of land in Liberty townglii.P;
t winionwon romi, westby public
, 0, ilintlh by, public alloy and L.
Ferdinand - Mamas; couttilnind
I feet 'Zieep. with a !rattle fbre3
i enneut, ..nutbuildings', and fruit
ALSO—Anal/CT lot
bounded north by th
alley and B. F. Wert!
EtlwardEl, an ( ivaiii ,
62 feet frypt, and 2013 1
story hotel with tya.
trees thereon. .
m'", --. ^e„ei p other [of in and townelstp; b °mle A
north "Y P" ''' " - lA/0 Albert Kt lee. west by lands
of Willihollgarber, {
NoVniellifamourNtharboefr,aanad c 6cr as e, ti) m y - i - t p n . ll9 , 2 2 i r b lafa lic h t iS e. l . : l o ;a nta it r i ag i
Perry - , - sun , TA' ..1V25..391. 0 . . ' 3 ..._. i 'l9 P 9 Fe e i, , Y.- ‘,,.„. e.
ALSO-A lot of lo id in 'Clymer township; bounded
on the north and west by lands of Elizabeth Eastman,
smith by lauds of 8. B. Goodell, and cast by the pub
lic ' highway; being I rods deep and six rode and 11
inches front, with a 'frame house, frame blackemit
shop, and a few frui trees thereon: To be sold as tb
property of Vlilliam, R.,Perry, suit of P. A. Lc France
for use of Nelson Whituly.
ALSO-A lot of Id in Richmond township; tiolun'-
ed north by lands o Rhoda 31'Connell and Heury Ai
len, west by lands of Juliette GAUD. south by lands et
Timothy Smith., and east by the public highway ani.
Willem Shaw; containing 125 acres, 80 tierce improved,
with a log house, frames house; frame barn, frame gre.
nary, out builtlinge, an apple orchard and other fruit
trees thereon. To e sold as the property td EMMA
Watkins, suit of D.. Shaw. I
ALSO-A lot of la din Charleston toweiabip; bound.
ed north and cast b lands of Martin Bennett, south
by lauds of J. 0. D rtt, and wentby lands of Asa Wil
kitison; contain/WO tierce, 20 acres improved, with
a frame honse, out buildings and fruit trees thereon.
To be sold as the pro l porty of Hiram Mattison, suit of
L. C. Bennett. .
ALSO-A lot of laid In the, borough of Mansfield:
bounded north by Welleboro street, west by lands of
Lyman Beach, south by lands of A. Hunt, and east by
lauds of Lutz and Mohler; being 29 feet front rind 70
feet deep, containing 7 , Se rods, with a two story frame
store and dwelling Aortae and out buildings thereon.
To be sold as the pro, perky of G. B. Riff, suit of J. S.
A; M,peekhom for info of J, W. Adams. r ,
' ALSO-4 lot of laud in l'ioga township; beginning
on the road, thencoaa far back aS Maria Lucas's lands
run, thence parall6l with the public read to B. O.
Wickham'e land, thence along the said Wickham land
to the said road, thIMO along said road to.the place of
heganlng; con taint
og about 50 acres, unimproved.-
To be sold as the p oper4y of Simeon Benson and Au
roll° Patrick, suit of Ruth Alford, Administratrix of B.
0. Alford deccased i l im
ALSO-A lot of in Liberty township; bounded
north by lands of Wesley Childs. west by the William
son road, south by Michael Sheffer, and east by John
Kohler; containing one-fourth of an acre, with a frame
house. frame barn,'out buildinge and fruit twice there.
on. To be sold ni tips propetty of Solomoo Blank,
suit of Mary Blank
ALSO-A est,.of land in Liberty township; Lunded
north by John Mee nor, west by lands of Jolt James,
south by the publl highway, and west n by lauds of
Charles Roop and scot) Rougher; containing 20 acres,
all partly Improved, with a frame house, frame stable,
and fruit trees thereon. To be sold as tho property
of Solomon Blank, suit of David Messner. .
ALSO-A lot of nd in Ward township; bounded
north by lands of A. J. Teeter, east by lands of Abra
ham Kniilln, south by lauds of Alfred Furman and
D. Fitton, and weeby A. .1, Weider and Ambrose Gray;
containing 106 au a four acres improved, with sugar
oabinand stable th room To be sold as the property
of Darius linifiln, nit of Abraham Eastman.
ALSO-A lot of land in Clymer township; bounded
on the north, wort; south and east by lands of Chris.
topher Schoonover; containing about half an acre, all
improved, with two frame houses, a frame blacksmith
shop, frame barn, out buildings, and fruit trees there.
on. To he sold as the property of Frank 'Buck, suit
of C. P. Bristol for use of Caleb Trowbridge,
ALSO-A lot of land in Clymer township; bounded
north by lends of A, Schoonover, west by lands claim.
ed by Fox, south by lands of Pier, and east
by lands of Stephen Stiles; containing 15 acres, lo
acres improved, with a frame house, outbuildings, an
apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon: To bo
'sold as the property of William Schoonover, suit of
Aaron Schoorioverlfor use of A. P. Cone.
ALSO-A lot of land h i:Aland township; 'bounded
north by lands of F--- rite and Alpheus Kinney,
west by lands of Julius main, south by lands of
Wickham 6; Aiken; And west by glide of Alpheus Kin.
licY ; containing 44 a,crea, four acres improved. with a
log house and log barn thereon. To ho sold as the
property of A. W. ltomisville and 0. H. Itounsville,
suit of John Beneon.
ALSO-A lot of laud lu Charleston township; boun
ded north by landi of Robert Adams, west by Robert
Richardson, and eolith and east by lands of But
ler; containing 734 acres, all improved, with a frame
house, frame barn, out buildings, an apple orchard
and other fruit trees thereon. To be sold us the prop.
arty of Charles lirnwn, suit of 'Robert Adams.
. ALSO-A lot oflind in the township of Richmond;
bounded north, w t and south by lands of Sarah L.
il l
Keene, and east h the public highway; containing
about tbree-fourt of au acre, with a frame house,
out buildings, an aPple orchard and other fr tit treks
thereon. To be said as the property of Vince t Hoga
boom, E. W. Hogaboom, W. B. Sturdevant all D. H.
51' Intyre, suit of ,F. Wentz for use of J. C Seeley,
ALSO-A lot of laud in the borough of Blossburg;
bounded north by Hannibal street, east by lands of
Dennis M'Carty, sOuth by Joseph Murray., and welt
by Morris eireet; Containing about orre.liatirtb of au
acre, with a frame houae and out buildings thereon.-
To be sold as tho p porty of Lewis Lewis, suit of 0.
F. 'Taylor.
' ALSO-A lot of I nd In Westiluld township; bound
ed north by lot No. 43 of the allotment of Bingham
lands in Westfield i nd lot No. 44 contracted to Barton
Hunt; east by lot o. 44, south by lot No. 267 convey
ed to Thomas Ston and lots No. 171 and 79 conveys,
to Caleb Trowbri e, and' on the west by lot No. 26S
conveyed to',Tohn' oodspccd; containing 69.8 acres,
with the usual ad once of six per cent. for roads,
Ac., be the same mere or less,' it being lot No, 77 Cif
the allotment, of I,l* gpap3 lands in IVouttiold and Cly
tour Wwnahipa, an part of warrants Nos. 1230 and
1231, about 18 acre Improved, with a log house and
an apple orohardereOn. To be sold as the property ,
il l;
of Isaac Hunt, suit of William Bingham Trustees.
ALSO-A lot of MI in Richmond township; boun
ded north by lands of Lewis Crittenden, east by lands
of Samuel Waters, truth by lands of -- Underhill,
and west by lands i possession of Lewis and Alfijab
Lent; containing 5 acres, 42 acres improved, with a
frame house, log h use, frame barn, out ,buildiugm, en
apple orchard and Cher fruit trpeg therecut, To tie
gold gg the properly Of A. B. Clooveland, suit of E. It
Haight, for use of Henry Sherwood.
ALSO-A lot of hind in Libe,rty township; bounded
north by lands Of Charles Bywaters. west by lands of
Edward Ostrom, south by lands of Ferdinand Thom
as. and east by lands of Joseph Landnees; containing
107 acres, CO acres improved, with two frame houses,
one frame ham, out buildings, two apple orchards
and other fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as the prop
erty of Charles Renter, suit of Benjamin Brion.
ALSO-A lot of laud in the hose:nigh of WellehßTAi
!Wunder! eolith to ytato stroet or F i lat, evenne, west by
Meliitn Gig:. north by laude formerly owned liy A. P.
(Tons! told emit by lands of H. W. Williams; being lot
No. 43 of the suletlivlelon of lands of A. P. Cone in
the said borough, andbeing 60 feet on State street or
East avenue, and 200 feet deep, all improved. To be.
sold as the property of A. D. Elliott, suit of P. R. Wil
liams for use of H. W. Williams.
May 8, 1871. E. A. FISH, Sheriff.
WIC Kia m U
t I .
Have received and aro now offering for sale all the
latest styles of
Zwri eels fates,
Including Black, Japanese and fancy Silks, Silk Pop.
Silk Veloures, Pure - Mohair% Grenadines,
Tamiso and nenrietia Cloths, Alpacas, Lyon
Suitings. Strived and plaits.
Poplins, Japanesp
Striped and plaids. Wash Poplins, fit:smut:Lets. Crc
tonnes. Paris Cambric, Crape l'iforetz, Organ
dies, 11,1.wns, Suttauna Sultiks, Mus•
liu Rube Patterns. Percales,
Mines, Striped nud
Chbvre Cliambray,
French 4 Scotch Gilgshas,.
Clotho and Cassinatres,
Yankee iVotions, llosi
and Domestics.
Our stook of Ladles' Shawls and Scarfs cannot bo ez
coiled either as regards quality or prict!.
Hats and Gars
Boots and
tho finest and coarsest, the cheapest and must stylish,
the best and most serviceable to bo found iu the
If anybody wants a stilt of clothes, their most im
portant duty is to look through our stock of
Ready-.)Plade Clothing,
Carpets, Oil Cloths and
On hand to be sold at the moat reasonable prices
next cornea a full liue of
,„ ,
Groceries,, rocieePy, nd
at rates to Suit oven the most particular pu chaser.-
Juat colon and ace huw much, you can 133V0 by buyirl
Where goods are sold right.
• Tioge, May 15, 1872.
wurrE GOODS.
Sugar, Soap, Tobacco, Syurp Skce, Salstatus
Coffee, Tea , Crackers, San. Mh. Bleu,
Cush paid for BUTTER, or shipped on Commission
Please call and look our Stook over. You will •al
ways Awl us ready and willing to allow goods.
Jan, 1, 1872.
HAVE just returned from the city with the Largos
otock of
k '
evor brongbt into Walhboro,
Ladies' Kid and Cloth Bal
morals and Gaiter
Ladies, Hisses, el - Waren,
and Baby's - Shoes
Gents' Cloth Boots 4. ahoes,
Prince dilbert Calf .BOots,
Boys' Cali e'Kip Boots
Youth,s' Boots.
In fact, all kinds of Mena' and Woreeu's weal kept
asst.:bag Moe Store. The best sewed Womon's
Shoos ever offered iu this market. We defy the world
If you don't believe no, try us. We buy only the beat
stock, and have as good Cordwainera as money eau
REPAIRING done neatly, and with dispatch
Cash paid for Hides; Deacon Skins,
Pelts and• furs.
Havinginst filled up our stu3lyes with a choice stock,
peraorffilly actlacted fur this market, we respectfully
4fillelt ft fair share of trade. ..Small profits and quick
returns." we believe to be a good business maxim :
and we hold the best goods, to be the cheapest. We
keep no shoddy. Our assortment is sufficient to meet
all sires and tastes. We invite our patrons and the
public general to call and examine our stock. No
trouble to show goods. Always to bo found, one dour
north of O. B. Kelleyta Store, Maly Street, WVililbOxCit
May 1, 1872, • P.M'?
~. ~_
to gctlior with a duo assortment of -1
fix endlefie viaiety,
buy ail outfit and stivu their mutAmy
Wooden, Ware
has a full assortment of now' goods, *such as
Which will be gold very cheap
0/OVeD, Hosiery, Knit Goods and Notions
Choice Groceries.
consititiug of
Leather and Findings
of all kinds constantly on band
-: , „MviErVcr arcaPC:p3c•si
14, $1 $lB, $2O, $l2, $24, $25, $2O. $2B. •
New S ring Shawls
at total lower prices than last season: wo have full pieces at 11,1234, $1,25, $1,50, $1,75, $l,OO,
$2,25, $2,60, $2,75 per yard.
We shall keep a still larger Stock this year than ever before, as-we bow have ample room to show
their Now Goods in this dOartrnent received al oat daily,
Cloths and Cassinzeress.
We shall koop in our now tittles Room a very flue stook of Woolens for mon and boys' snits, a mull
larger stook than wo bavo over kept.
Vie liavo also moved our Hoop Skirt stock up into our now saleli room, and sball'keep a very use
stock of new styles at low prices.
, I
An entice new stock of spring colors. This Glove is NVarranted to be equal to any Glove- in the United
States either as to fit or quality. ' Our stock is very large indeed.
Black Pure lilohair,
• .
our regular make, equal iu Gofer and quality to any in market, and still sold by us without auy ad
vanes iu prices, making them the cheapest g - oods iu market.
One of the main advantages to us in opening the NEW SALES ROOM, is the increased room it gives as
for our Boot a a r . Shoe stock. We are now situated so that we can keep a still LARGER ATOM in this:line,
and we shall d new linen of floods in moat desirable snakes as our trade calls for them. We shall sell al
work VERY C BAP and give every one that calls on us good pay for their time iu looking at our goods.
corwing.lklay 1, 1842-tr. J. A. PARgONS A
The closest, l?uyers will, be convinced that this is the place to pay
out Money economically.
Corning, April, 18
1 ,
The subscribers have now to stock in their
New 'Room,
In all the neat desirable styles at the lowest coot and 'prices. Also
Japanese Silks
in great variety. Plaids:, Stripes, and Solid Colors, to extra qnalitles
Spring Dross Goods.
'31190p Skirts,.
Nottingham Laco Curtains in great varloty, 2)j to 4 yards long, at from $2,25 to $8 per pair.
Nottingham Lace
New Prints, New Ginghamsy
Boots and Shoes
The li6gulator,
The assoriment Is complete'ln evory department
oohs &, Shoes,
Notions, Fancy Goods, &c., &c.
ARM) people in 'noon County who wish to wake purchasoa,in this lino aro invited to lonao and
Look at my Stock
Au entire now Stook of
Blaoit. Silks
Lacs Curtains.
by the yard at 373 q, 440, 60c; 5230. 76c
Kid Gloves.
choice (styles
is now
41111 compare prtcee
t ight -
AM • ..11. • •
I .