Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, May 15, 1872, Image 1

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Clic Auitator A
r IMIJBII rvi. - nY winitkanar zer
VAN GELDER -- * - BiumEs -
_ .l I
,' 41' 1.1 i ; , 1 ' „„...„, J.-. - 1
'' 1 . . . 1 . 4 V&K OELDIUt i , A. V, BASE% ) -:`':
,a - ,y-Tr.nars :.----$2,00 per atrmuu in advance. -fit
- q
4 ..------.---.---
Tithq. 1 in - 2 in. ;3 in: lin: 941. 1 - .2 in 25 in. 1
Week i'l 00 $2 00$300 s4l)f! $OOO so'oo ;If 00
' 2 Weetot 450 •••8 iio 400 5fV 7 1 :oo 11 be 10 00
3 We, ka 200 300 500 I; 00 80013 00 18 00
1 Month 250 400 O'QO 700 90D15 OD 2D 00
2 Mouths 400 .0 00 9001000 12 Oil 20 00 .28, 00
3 Months SCM 800 12 00 13 00 15 00 25 00 35 00
n Months 800120018002000 32 00 35 00 60 00
1 Year. 1.1 00 18 00,25 00 28 00 30 00 CO 00 100 00
, .
Ailleltlsements are calculated by the inch in length
et eeloinu, arid any lees space is rate:dna a full inch.
Foreign advertisements must be paid for before in
sertion, except on yearly contracts, when half-yearly
payments in advance trill-be required. . ,
BUSINESS Noricas in the Editorial -colurimis; on thei
second page, 15 cents per Hue each "insertion. Noth
10,T inserted for less than $l. •
Local. Novicits in Local column, 10 cords per Moe if
rota than five hoes ; and 60 cents for antics oftiro
lines or less.
tree; but all obituary notices will ho charged 10 'cents:
per line. ,_ ~ -; - .
tz.rEctAr.NOTICEs 60 percent above regular rates. '
BUSINE6S CARDS 6 lines or lees, $6,00 per year.
.Business Cards.
R. S. Bailey & Son,
choice Butter a specialty. Our hotel and family
, trade enables us to obtain the highest market prices
1,,i• noga and Bradford Dairies. No, 30 Haut), Water
bt., Philadelphia.—April 10, 1872-9m.*
*. •
, ..
A. Redfield, -.,
ions promptly attended to. 011 ice ON er Win. Roberts
Hardware Store.—Wellaboro, Pa., Apr. 1, 1872-Viii.
C. 11. Seymour,
• -
AIT n ORNEY AT LAW, Tioga Pa. A businees en
trusted to hia are will receive pronipt attention.—
Jan. 1, 1872.
Geo. AV. Merriek,
ATTORNRY AT LAW.—Office in Bowen & Corn3'B
block, across ball from Agitator Office, '2B - Wier,
Wellaboro, ra.--Jau. 1. 1872.
Mitchell & Cameron,
AITIAINF.YB AT LAW, Claim and Insurance. Agents.
cilles in ]toy's block, over Von Orilor's 'liquor store,'
V, ellsboro, Pa.--Jan. 1;1872:',14-1
_ -------------
AVillianf A. Stone,
1 ,, r y,... 10 -,y AT 1 AW, over C. B. Kelley's Dry Good ,
st)re, Wright It Bailey's Blockon Main street. -
Wellgboro, J0:n.4,187:- .: ' :
t----- I
> tiosioh Emery &C. D. Emery,
\ ATTOICC.M : §AT LAW.-0111co opposite Court House,
s N. 1 Puzcly kflock, Williamsport, Pa. All business
promptly attehde\c.-Stiang, d to.—Jan. 1, 1872.
J. . -
_.: , ~_ '.,:• 1 ,
Utica th J. B. ;Sties, ksq., Wellsboro, I's. Jan. 1, '72,
J.. 13. Files, . .
ArrOltNEX A LAW.—Will attend promptly to hns-
Incas emulate to his care in the cOunties ut Tioga
and Potter. °Wire on tho Avenue.—Wellsboro, Pa.,
Jan 1, 1872. \
Jno.\W. Adams,
AT'IORNEY AT LAW, \ Mansfield, Tioga county, l'a.
Collections promptylittnded to.--Jan. 1, 1872. '
Jno. AV. Guernsey,
AITORNEY AT 1,. .—All Wetness-entrusted to him -
will be promptly trended to.-1 Ist door south
of Wickham & I'a "en store, Tioga, Tioga county, l's.
Jan. ]. 1872. \ I
Armstrong & Lin,
ATFuIINEYS AT LAW, Wlllialurrn•ri.
SnxtuEt. LINN.
AVM. B. Smith,
PENSION' ATTORNEY, Bounty and lusi
Conanunhatfuna scut to the above act
rp ,, Lor utt ,, nti.al TC•I n).-I to 0.1
Mlle, Pa .tau. 1, 1872
Van Gelder & Bari
JOB Ichtti of doh nignag done on
eLott notice•, fuel in the bcot ncr. Onice in 'Bow
en ti Conu'ri Wolk, 2d tkor. —4ll. 1, 18:2.
W. D. Terbell
wriffixsAi.v. DRUGGIST, and dealers iu Wall Paper,
liaroacm , Lmps, Wlnd, , n• Glass, Perfumery, Paints,
&c.,-Col tang, N. V. Jun 1, 1572.
D. Bacon, M. D.,
AND SURGEON, Ist. dour tast of Laugh
, r Bache—Mum litrct.t. Will attend promptly to all
I. Ils —Wellsb“ro, Jan 1, 1872.
A. M. Ingham, 111. 1).,
It \toi)f , 1 / 4 1:11IST, 0111 Le at him reshletem Sul the A v
uLt, Wcllnburo, Pa , Jut,. 1, 1H72.
W. W. Webb, M. D.,
1•111SICI 1N .1 NI ) SURGEON
liantlligti 1,1 ug St, r 4.,
I, 1)72.
Seeley, Coals .Ls Co.,
1: NI. F.1:8, Tiogn Co., --RecLive money
discount noted, mid hen &nits on NeW
'.ork city, Culleetlong promptly' made.
xAi I, 1572., DAVID COAlti, KIiOXS
J. I'arkLul:tit at Cl).,
42) r is 4 Elklaud, Pi.
Joey PAll.6llUlit , f,
U. L. PA 1,()N.
1„u 1, 1F,72
Sabi nsville Hotel,
11,1 1" , IL Churchill,
. . toacconimiiilule the travel
', ;.• public ui .1 ihanntr. -.Liu. 1, .1b72.
Petrolitim lioiv,e,
for both mau atht beast. Chargeo ru
s .nal;1,•. aml good attvittAtin ItiN ell to guests.
11, 1072
I'a nn r.' Hotel.
BA 101 AN M')N HOE, having purchased this house,
wlt c4.nduct Iu inane as in the past, strictly ou tem
ath e principals. Every aceonutiodation for man
bee.-t Charges reasonable.—Wellsboro,
1:1 I. 1,72
I.Thlion Hotel.
' 1 VAN 11011 N, pi t ,yrwtor, R'ullnLrlkt. Pa.—This
I , kasalitly located, and has al the elnlyeu
., ne,, for nim and beast. Ch.trgell
tVeillsboro Hotel,
mUN ST. 1111: AVENUE,
• „
Wellsboro, Pa,
lttely kept by B. B. llmiday.
NVin:3l , l4rl; .o l pallltt to Make it It lii t.
All the tagtn at rive awl depart from this
A hostler in atteml.tnee. k ii - 71.1very at-
THE 01, 1.)
I 1 1 % ri...f.Y knoWII 14. , the TOM) MCII4I 11011:it , and
Oa I .r a Ikno oectiptra by D. D. Holiday, has been
IL/i . t'i.ruu t ;Vtly rolitt,a :.1),1 repained by
NI. lt,. O'(.)NN Olt,
1-1. 1 1 0 the old friends of
lh•-• at rrrt.reasonnide rates.
Jin 1, Is 7).
Batolielder- & . Johnson,
NtopmElons OF THE
Walt mice( Fottudry
TAbLE (111 , NTFRS, SC
All other 'Marble work executod neatly, and ut re
11,,1.1. rat, 4 We atm" furnish ordcr, Mailde and
Ntautl.d. Giutcs, kc.
I n „ 1, 167.1, (.tsl
Farm for Sale.
T ur...,thAwriber offers for sale his farm of Gil razes,
mai,tly situated in etltliu h ollow, Charltiinu,
i i",'a amity, PA., Ai Wan about four mile; of V7lllB
--.,.. stud hen ioilt. of Niles Valley depot: Sehto,a
as, , Aliareb, mills, shops, &c., within a mile. Terms
, 36). Inquiry on the premises, of
ilia; l', It'll-U.
1 1 11
, .1
' Now that Torn Dunatan's cold ,
Our chop is duller ;
Seared - rater)? is told I 1
And our chat has lost the old , i
.---, Red Republican el?lbriir -
„..- -- .. , .. , -:houglilitivra ilelyy ant thin • --,''
4-- --- - He glldden'd Tie with hid face—
',i How, warming at rich men's sin,
.. With bang of the flat and chin , :al et% ''..
'• • . Thrust out., ..ho argued the cam)! '
Ile prophesied folleahould be free. -
_ And tho money bags he bled— f •
, c "Stle • O cOMll4g,tho: i ii edming,rair ho ; .. 1 - .
rCouurgoli liglyar alit ailpkt
fie, .1;
~. -. , 0 Frceflonys • ahciiil i'•:: : ,%--. ;ti, !
All day we sat in the heat,
- 'bk.:: spiders spinning, •
' hitching Dill fine and fleet, . •
Witilo the old Jew on Lis seat
Sat greitalkgrinning;
-.. ' - s. AniVilian ttirditaid his say, •
And prophesied Tyranny's death,
And the tellety burnt all day, '
And we stitched and stitched away
In the thick smoke of our breath,
--- .:7; q - ..-., 5 ,xVilitrily. wearily,
rati,:e Agent
lress %lin re
lnto.- Knox
The followling‘ex tract is from irairtliorne's
serial in the Allandie Monthly:
As they sat together on the hill-top they
could look down into Robert thApIIELI'S - closure, and they saw \ him with Ins arm now
relieved from the sling, walking about in a
very erect manner, with ,a middle-aged man
by his side, to whom he seemed to be talk
ing and explaining some matter. Even at
that distance Septimius could see that the
rustic stoop and uncouthness. bad, somehow
fallen away from 'Robert, and thatle now
seemed developed. •
" What has conic.' tO Robeet \ lTagburn?"
said he " Ile looks like another elan tlian
the lout I knew It few weeks ago . "
" Nothing," said Rose Garfield, 0 ex4 - .6f.,
what conics to a good many young Men
now-a-days. Ile has enlisted, and is gOintr
to the war. It is :1 pity for hiS mother,"
" A great pity," said Septimius. " Moth
ers are greatly to lie pitied allover the coun
try just now, and there are some even 1110115\
to be pitied than tile IL others, though many
of them do not know or suspect anything
about their eattsti of grief at present."
" Of whom do you speak?" asked Rose.
" I mean those many good and sweet
young girls," said Septimius, " who would
have been happy wives to the thousands of
young men who now, like Robert llagbiirn,
are going to the war. Those younit men—
many of them, at least—will sie -en and
die ill camp, or be shot down or struck Ult . &
With bayonets on battle fields, and turn to
dust and bones; While the girls that would
Ita‘'e loved them and made haPpx
. liresides
for ; them wilt pine and witheran a tread
along many silent'and '`discontented years,
and at last go out of life without knowing
what life is. So you see, Rose, every shot
that takes effect kills two at least, or kills.
one and worse Than kills the other."
- Opeli:ng out of
M. U. (f coNNOR
0. 0. CATLIN
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With hearts as heavy as lead—
lint 'Patience, she's coming," said he;
"Courage, boys l' wait and heel
Freedom's ahead!'•
And atnight, when we took hero
pause allowed to us,
The paper came with the beer,
And Tom read, sharp and clear,
The news out loud to us;
And then, in his witty way, '
Fre thsew.the jest shout ;
.The cutting thhigs,he's.l say
01 the wealthy and the gay !
How he turn'd them Inside out I
And it made our breath more tree
'To harken to what ho said—
" She's col coming!" says he.,
4 '4'enrage:. WS% I wait and see
Froodom's 41 howl 1"
Ind print - Jack Hart, with a sneer,
Would - mutter, !•Aftteter t
If Ifteedont means to linear,
.1 - HAIM she might step here
- A little-faster I"
Then was fine to see Tom flame,
And argue and prove and prasfh,
Till Jack was silent for shame,
Or a fit of coughing came
0' sudden to spoil Tout's speech,
Alt !..Tofu had the eyes to soo
Whoa Tyranny should be sped :
..Slte's cpn?litg, 6,11411 . 4 cOntingl!!,eald he;
"Courage, boys! wait and see!
Freedom's ahead!"
gut Ten:lves little and weak,
Tho hard hours shook him;
'follower grew his cheek,
And when ho began to speak
The coughing took him.
efiaramong us ceased,
And we made a parse all round,
That ho might not starve - at "lealt ;
Ilia pain was sorry to see,
Yet there on his poor sick bed,
:'She's coping in spit() 0,100
Courage and NC-Ifdt eribit he,
"Freedom's, ahead l"
A little before ho died,
To seo his passion!
"Bring mo a paper," ho cried,
And then to chub - it tried
In his old sharp fashion;
And with eyeballs glittering -
His look on me he bent,
And said that savage thing '
Of the Lords of the Parliament
„Then darkening, smiling on me
"What matter if one bo dead?
She's coming at last!" said he;
"Courage, boys: wait and see!
Freedont's ahead l"
Aye, now Toni'Dienstinn'a -
Thu iihopAelii,duller
Scarce a ntory in told t
Onr talk Las loaf tbo old
Red Hepnli lican color.
gut n 6 aeoa, wre •
And we lo•fi a vo co of death,
Mid the talloiv — Vt a all day,
_kind tvo stitch 11 . ta) • away
lu the 'Welt au he of one breath:
Aye, here is the das • we,
While wearily, wearily.
We he ar hue Bali from the dead—
'.She's corning, she'ii coming," says he
—Coinage, boys; wait and seil
rtPedOIICH ahead l"
MAN . long, 0 Lei d, how long
Doth thy handmaid linger?
She who shall right the wrong?
\ ➢take the oppressed strong?
Sweet morn owl bring her I .
\llastcM - lirro.w the sea,
O Lord, erelropolm tled—
Bring her thmen and to me
0 slave, pray still on thy knee
- -Freedom's ahead!"
Those Whom Rattle Slays , at Home.
Mistaken Identity.
A good story is told in Washington of a
genial young gentleman, unwilling to omit
recognition of an acquaintance, who at a
wedding reception lately. caught sight of a
pray-whiskered and rather stately per.son,
and being satisfied by inquiry of his iden
tity, immediately edged along to his side.
Good evening," said he, extending his
hand with cordiality. `Tin delighted to see
you! I belie\ e we haven't met since we
parted in Mexico."
" I really liar," raid the,gray-whiskei•ed
magnate, " that-Jou hiiVo me:at an advan
Why, you don't recollect! But. then I
was very much younger," said the other,
" when with my father in Mexico."
" And, to tell the truth," said the other
gentleman, "my remembrances of ever
having been in Mexico are very indistinct "
" Exc use the question," said thy young
man, rather desperately, "are you not Sir
Edward Tliorukm?"
"By nit means. lam Judge - Poland, of
" A thousand pardons!" said the dh-com
tited youth, moving away.
But a tee nights afterward, at another re
ception, his eye was similarly caught, and
the edge of his mortification having been
worn ( . ;11; he could smilelat his mistake, and
he accordingly made his way- once more An
the side of a gentlemen with gray mutton
chop whiskers, and after a word or two on
, the weather and the scene, he suddenly said:
"That was an awkward thing of me the
other night when I took you for old Thorn
" And who do, yon take me fox' now, may
I ask?" said his companion.
" Why—why—"said the embarrassed
young man of society, " you told inc you
were Judge Poland, of Vermont."
"On the Contrary, my name - N Thornton,"
' , C
• - I
was the rather annihilating response; and
the young man at this day calls it a case a
;diabolic duality: :d , ,
$E` .'v oi•
Waehington, May I.—As a misappreheq;
sion exists in relation to the case of theUni
jedStiltes before the triltnal ‘ at, Geneva,
luaus the community has been excited on
both Sides of the 'Atlantic With sensational
reports thatßuiGovernment of the United
States has acceded' fo the demand of Great
Britain for the withdrawal of the claim for
indirect damages, pains have been taken to
matte imptiry : ou the suhject in well-Inform
'ett'cireles: It maybe asserted ' ,. withk confi
dence that nothing could be further from
the fact than the-stories which have excited
the publici:,The presentation of the na
tional or so-culled indirect damages has been
made by the United States at every proper
stage of the proceedings. They :stand in
'llte.fomaitease , presentett Gettetta in: De-,
comber. They hare not been withdrawn,i aitd
will not be. They were first presented to the
notice of. Great Britain by INfr. Adams un- ,
der directions from Mr. Seivard. During
the excitement and irritation- caused by the
cendnet of Great'Brierdepreceding the. ra
bellion,,they ZYere \ the. frequent subject of
complaint on'the part of the'"Government of
the United States. When theoTohnson-Cla
rendon treaty failed they were found to be
a prominent topic of the leading speech
against the ratification of the treaty, and at
once fernislied to the press on both
sides of the ocean almost the sole consider
ation in connection with the differences be-,
twcen the two Governments,„.,When the
ComutissiorrtuetjhcVwero, for
mally presented by the American Commit
sinners to their British nssociates ns part of:
the American complaint, and there i au
thority for the assertion that from the me;
ment of their presentation to - the signing'Of
the treaty they were never challenged:or,
excepted to by the British Commissionem
btd_wero;set forth in the. , PrOID4OI, 800
Wiiiiififinir days o 'the thitif '6l'' the treaty,
as they had been presented as part of the
complaint of the American Government: ,
• If any one is at fault for their remaining
in the esac it is t'se British,CottimissliMets,
Who sat for tW-0 muifitha• in 'the .Thint . lllo .
Commission,• with Abe written present flea
of these claims before them,' and'' nevei 'adz.
vanccd,a word against their admissibility ,'•
or the British Ministers, to whom 116, full
proceedings of the - Joint Commissidnera
WO% tulr leleiraP3l4-
- These claims are presented in the " 44sise"
laid before the• Geneva tribunal in Decem
ber last, the part of the United States,
in the same way as they were presented be
core the Joint, Jiigh Commission, not a's
were the chins fOr'property deStroyet4 ac
companied_with a demand for payment, but
as a - part 'of 'the ease which the United
States had the right to lay before the tribu
nal for its equitable consideration. iThe
Government of the• United States isl'of the
opinion that they are properly within 'the
comfieteney of the tribunal, and within the
submission intended by the treaty. Whe
ther, they are of .the class of elainui for
which atnatiotr is ;liable to make pecuniary
compensation to, another, is a question that
has lately elicited the opinion of sow of
the ablest writers on international law in
.L'urppe as well.as in this country. The fact
above alluded to, that in the American 'ease
they arc not accompanied with =a demand
for payment; is evidence that the American
Government has always held them to be of
a different nature, and perhaps of more
questionable admissibility- that' those
which are called " direct"' claims, while
their Aligt‘•-; , --...unc-iation with the At,o4-- - ;
versy tom oat %
acquired imposed the necessity Of •their pre
sentation to the Geneva tribunal in order to
prevent their bejug brought up hereafter to
disturb the harmony of the nations. It is
in the interest of both Governments that
these " claims," which the British Commis
sioners- neglected to eliminate from the pro
tocol or to exclude from the treaty, should
be disposed of in some way.. This is what
the Government of the United States has
been endeavoring to accomplish. The re
cent discussion of these claims by the pub
lic press of this country and the intelligent
public sentiment as ascertain through other
channels of information havc'exhibited an
almost if not, alt, entirely unanimous expres
sion of oPitiiiin that the PeOple of this coun
try attach no importance whatever to any
possible pecuniary award On account of this
class of claims. Nearly eVery leading jour
nal of the country has disclaimed the expec
tation or desire of any Moueyed compensa
tion for the "indirect loSSes," and yet it is
the-apprehension of some enormous mulct
ing in damages, a payment heavier than
'that imposed 'by victorious Germany ou con
quered Prance, which has chiefly ; excited
the British mind.
Ili eminection with- this branch of the
me) icon case, the opinions of the most
eminent continental jurists and publicists
have been expressed, with a large prepon
derance in favor of the competency of the
tribunal of 'arbitration to pass upon! the
question which the United States have pro
poseil to submit. It is due ill candor to State
that these eminent writers do not thereby
express theinkelves in favor of the liability
of a nation for indirect damages. The
claims having been thus presented, the Brit
ish Government, its expressed in the Queen's
sts•eell, acelares itself of opinion that these
e t a inis are not within the province of the
tribunal. 'I be United:States had already
manifested tlwir_ opinion that they 'were
it bin the province of the tribunal by pre
senting I hem in their case, as above shied.
,'Great Britain intimates that :die may not.
Inaa ced with the arbitration unless they are
Wit lid raw n. tioute Americans call upon
their Govcrinm•nt to withdraw, thinking it
to tie magnalihnotls, others thinking it to be
w ise\ ou such, Mr. Disraeli, !in his
speech It Manclieker, with a juster appreci
ation of \ t i lte case, has given the answer:—
" It is in possible for the United States to
withdraw`kheir claim. If the British Gov
ernment maintains.its attitude the two ni
tions ore at s deadlock."
Is the treaty, then, with its hopeful prom
ises and its settlement of various questions
of difference, to be abandoned? The Pres
ident thinks not, at least not without ex
hausting ever,, effort consistent with the
honor and dignity of the Government. 1k
bas:not- tritfalrarrn any pal t of the (use; be
th,es 'not contemplate any such withdrawal.
In the corm-pondence .whiclC his-taken
place with the British Government on the
subject the Secretary of, State has most
strenuously insisted upon the propriety and
mitdit of the Government to present its OWII
ease in its own way, without dictation or
stiggeA ion from the opposite party.
Ile insists that the hullreet claims have
not been estimated, and are' properly inclu
ded in the submission to. the Geneva tribu
nal The problem bow presented is to find
a mode of reconciling the antagonistic po
sitions of the two Governments on this in
cidental point, respecting ri class 'of claims
for which the party eomplainant, the people
of the United States, have shownthemselves
indifferent as to therecovery of damages,
but which involve questiens of law of vast
importance to them and other nations which
expect to be neutrals it larger part Of- the
time than belligerents. 'Great Britain, by
her acts during the war, has put herself in a
position to have the-question . tried upon her,
null 'The - United Stateadb fait: think it wise
to abandon the question without either a
01.l'i , ;1/11 or no itgreument whit-h will relieve
tins in the future, and before incurring the
probable liability whitth now rests upon
Great Britain, from the 'presentation of like
complaints in case of anymnission on their
part to ob - serve' 'their ne Obligations in
the event of Great Britt in hieing belligerent
while they are neutral. Should .Great Brit
ain propose to stipulate that in the event
lal4 contemplated she will` make tie com
plaints or claims against the United States
Tor hay indirect, remote, or consequential
injmies or losses resulting from a failure to
observe their neutral 'duties; the United
hate=, by accepting the suggestions, would
gain an importitut concessinp-,- apd in eon•
sideration thereof might very well agree to
refrain from pressing for pecuniary ctnimen-,
sation for the indirect clairns before the • Ge-:
neva tribunal. •-
.; The apprehension of Great Britain Of an
awardln, moneyed damages on account -of
—Ropert Duch ahan
The Claims for Indirect Damogoii.
these claims would-thus be relieved. e
United - States would Luang:for a
,tuoneyed award, Whielt , they.have net ailed.
from the tribunal. •if by. agOetnest;
,14 , two tintibn2s - ,poithin he bkongla itercird
on the subjebt of;sabmission the arbitratioir
could proceed. The United States live
ititide - n o Piejiciattla on_ these,pretnises, but,it
is belitived that an ai ningentent of; the nti::
titre indicated, proposed its Grdatrrlieißsi
• might be'aceeptod by 'the United. i
Tide beyond doubt iythe 'extetit f *hat
the President or any of his ialvi: rs hays .
thought possible or hail in eontenip stion.
t.I , ,
- ...
A German Doeter's Store. . - 1 '
" Ah, doctor, 'I tun glad I met you! 1 We
are gating up a party t. i • attend the; shoot=
ing festival, and we,Witnt you to jOin 14."
. nisi was the manner in which my, friend
Captain Baunigarten'.acCosted me (*morn.
'big a few day,s.tiltice'tis I 'W tia stepping 'tint()
My carriage to make - my aceinnomed Toned,
of visits. I replied thit I had :noe , titn, 49 , 1
thernwcifildprobably'be patientawlio woiddj
needlq,iittention. - i Thenfollowed tt.short, - -1
.persuasive argument, and we partecl%Witte.
the understanding that, I was to try 1 anti' go 1
lip in the coarse, of the day. ''.';',, • ' : ~
After my rinmerotis visits, in whieh every,
One was fortunately doing well, 'I t . l 014 any
Way to the giapd. festival ?of 'ilif.ipetutait
-"friends.. It was six o'clock before I KeitOko
thn'enchanted realm, and nibt- seeing the..
captain I niade.iiirtrifinied to leek
Nothing had_lieen spared to rendert he place
inviting and. pietn resque: • The nini standi
for'lager beer - were !set oil by festbons. of
the guglislt and (lemma flags, ; with here and
there a banner belonging to this . partieisiiir
association. 'ln tinning thetrees which skirt
ed the 'Ailey walls vas 'ti sensage. , , au,nd; or 7,
!lamented by a most ludicrous pieft:re; rep .
resentinglhe man wha-ate sausage and tile
man who ,did not. Toniy mind,. 11 C (Mop
Mous size Of 'the fcirnier 'was as "'pa 4)1 1 , es,
the skeleton proportions of• his com miniee.,,
~"Further on 'were arbors Ter. tsucy• effe'sh-i
i .
~nientli:lls: gaitaiOic4l,-,,c*q;A(;;l',A-,1111i31t41b
pavilions of -flying_ horses ; itivere -,: title ivela
adorned with: flags and. eVergreen. ; ti hilt
Alie:',wheile INFas'tipilteziecl by' merry gwiliii;
and prOmenadeis,..whoSe lit Appi fac B:seem
ed never to havelriown "a tam ,
T I e nien,,
with their neat suits and graceful . luirms,
and the women, in 'gay holidey 'Othe r Trey'
-of great interest to me... , •,, % l , I ,
"'There' were ''AIO pavilions kir tianiers,
and! .a '" Concert','llaed,r:'which
most beautifully in another part. of -thejep 7 '
pious groundtilor the benefit of these *io
were f mid' Of 'Opera: ',. 'ln '
_the ' eenter of the -
I t
park was erected aneneloSed,chilOpy; - u der .
'which were displayed:the various • priz s.-r.
The first was an elegant' goldlinounted Lae,
then gold medal ; sewing `Luaehhae 4 l, Iha
e t
sets, silver services, . clocks,- watch a, 1407,
Meets, &c. , I saw nothing ; there-rshoUld
hive valued tit leate'than - three: „guinet‘s.' 7 ,,,
Presently I saw a txuall.eroWd aPProuelOuP
and upon nearerinsPection found it wet: the
Rieg; in other words, the one who had petit
the most successful' in shooting--ilia Witmer,
of the highest honors. Attendant u onllrini
_was a man carrying an enormous,bet le 2i owe .1
three feet long, which had, once. be lA. filled
with Rhine wine, but was now two-thirds. l ,
empty. Following , this! man 'came ai bey
bearing a goblet that corresponded . la! sae.'
with the bottle. All were in high glee I,he
king's broad, merry face was lighted 14 the
jolliest of smiles, 'and, catching sight or me,
he ordered Some of the wine to be passed to
the stranger. Forthwith, the immelse geb. l ,,
let was held underthe mouth' of the mam
moth bottle. and 'half tilled ' Avitlt tupkior
; 'A• ,
wine. This was presented to nie wkli great
ceremony by the lad, and I ~- -, 4 i l l 1116'
health of the kinZ 9-..'-44 ;draught eturn.
fng the oi^ --. - UlB ' majesty litanicOdi die;''
, ;,th ....Lined it.• , • -
nw!n.is time II I Vet
I last mu suLf ie 1 W etlillicliteirteit'lt
ing , , a L
most dazzling , appearance. Wlu I
turned the grove was ablaze with *Aber
-IC3s lamps and brilliantly-tinted trtu 4paren
cies, with. hero and :here a Hash g, star
formed of torches,, or an etch of r *nlao-w
-colored lights. . .
As I wanOered about.l saw a cro l vd. col
lected ut one extremity of the gro+is; and
directed my course thither to I arn the
t i.
cause. It was presently appment; npon a
tight -rope, stretched sonic sixty tel high;
from tree to tree, was a nun whcl moved
,cautiously yet gracefully forward, risking
life and limb for a certain sum a night. It
was a giddy sight; and as 1 gazed there
flashed across my mind another grc ve,lano
ther tight-rope,. another gay throng gathered,
at a shooting festival, and my hert. ip•ow
sick within me. I' turned away; to sink
weak and trembling upOn the se:u . of a de •
serted arbor. Bowing 'my head tiport my
hands; I passed again through all the !her
rots of that " long ago." i
Five years had not takenone pa l i ng front
the thrilling incident. Again I. saw the il
lumined park, the tight-rope, lie ga• throng.
built, piti ess-look
I noted again a heavily-,
ing man holding by the hand a del eatct gii 1
dressed as a dancer: I saw the gr l eat tears
in the blue eyes, 'and heard the
,piteouS cry
of " Oh, father, 1 canned re.tuoi dance
to-night! My head aches! it is so dizzyl—
Oh, 1 will (lake all day to-tuorroL% ! I will
go without my supper! I - will do anything!
but I am afraid to—" ,
The child was interrupted by al
a rude shake by the brute who be
the hand
"You shall go without your s»-per and
dance too," he growled; "vow do et let me
hear another word from you.. If you fail,.
1 will bent you until you are black and blue!"
The child's head sunk upon lutr breast,
and she was led passively forward. :21 had
been really stunned by the terrible! bruthlity
1 had overheard, but pressed thi j ough the
crowd in time to see the'ebild b l e p upon the
rope, holding her balance pole The rope
was softie twenty-five or thitty f , et above
the ground; she stepped upon it timidly,
advancing slowly to the center, iM bile the
band played a lively march. She seemed
to gain confidence as she proceed td, and 1
hoped all would be well. The pe iple w ere
loud in their applause, as one attar another
of the daring feats were accomplq.bed upon
the trapezeovhich was suspeiftlet from the
center. .At length She child stoo again up
oni the rope, this time without hr balance
pole; she walked quickly forwart , with the
evident intention of again execu .ing some
risky gymnast. When a few p. ces front
,the center she raised her hand to Mier head,.
swayed an instant, uttered a shriek, , and
fell. The second she had remained upon
the rope gave some of the inote pret•ent
minded opportunity of springin * forward
to save her. I had been on the alert, and
was the first to start. I was in tinte—,--she
fell in in arms, and both sof us, i i )y the con
cussion, were brought to the ground. In It
moment I was upon my feet, but she lay ia-
Sensible on the grass. My meet cal know
ledge was now called into rent isition. 1
had the child conveyed to the nearest house
and laid upon a sofa; then I ivtllrlied over
her for hull an hour, while the filther, in a
rage, paced the floor, Muttering to Wiesen.
When others were in the room!, however,.
he counterfeited deep anxiety, land forced a
few tears through his hypocritic I lids.
I conld have hung him with 2 good, rel
ish, and more than once turned ound with
the intention of knocking him 'clown, hut
desisted for little Gretchen's saki, That is
1 what I bad heard him call her.
At last she revived, and, °Merl
riage, I accompanied her to t
house in which they lived. It pi
only a square from my own rel
which 1
,kept bachelor's hall.
but one small room nil a bed
chairs. gretileit's' m her can
to greet me, as 1 comic her chit
roo,. t 9) two flights o rickety
laid her oath() hard b i c
w oufan was ver slender 2
fi b.
The and pale,
with many gray hairs n the .1 ght tremes
that tire neatly brushe and.tw stud in the
back of her head. She turned Illltil paler
as she saw my burden, ,but het husbands
look scaled the bloodless lips that tad framed
a cry of agony. 1 did all I
cook ;and Nvitelk
at last I tthned to giS I said 1 (..'ilil,' rend
some broth for the child, and come again ni
the morning. The mother look d the gnat.
itude she dared nut utter, ' will e the mini
gTowled "nut, "I don't thiplc t icie is arty
Olid forypu to come again.' ss'l passed
out, I Spoke to a kind-looking - ontit who
,was at the door, and asked her to look out
for the child, also to come .for me if she
grew %%orse, backing my reques , 4s 3,h some
Money. I was perfectly Ida,' ated with
1A.,, IYEDNESDA Y; MAY 15 ; 1872.
~2 • -
the,' little invalid. and her mother, besides.
having a most intense desire to', sheet the
MAL' • •, o: .
ball, Oat twelve matettitairar-110'
upon u loutign my study and fell to
th , h2king,. intending to go to. bed in a short
time; but, the Lours rolled on, and I W 144
cdukined by ldoilribeus to the , realm of t;lti
tnerieel pliantoins. Suddenly I was aroused
by a4forious rich at, Gide door bell. , Spring
ing - Jo my feet, I rushed out., The. eurvant
had already 'opened , the door,, and het, r.•
tine stood the woman T had requested to 144,
we know how tlilnga went on. - Gretchen
had been my drat thought upon wakin c. , ••
and I was prepared to hoar the words, , "011:
.sir, Gretchen in—" -
, I ,wafted for nu more. listless, contless,
an I in lay Slippers, I hastened out, telling
air boy to bring my portable box ,of medi
ru advance of the woman, entered the
ikkase of - poverty. „It, was about seven o'•
Up, up I sped, passing Into the room
of, my prodigy without any prelude. The
.wait was not there; but the mother sat up
indesd,• with wild eyes and loeseued hair,
Mir night robe still on, while beside her lay
-Gretchen, very 'I pressed 44 the bed
'Ado•tind took the litde sufferer's hand 'ex
'pecting to nod it burning with fever. I no
sooner touched it than I started back With
horror. It was cold anti stilt in death. 'I
could not mistake that icy pressure; and yet
threw aside the scant covering that partly
,concealed the face, and placed my ear td
the heart in,t he vague hope that I was mitt.
taken. But not she had passed fret& this
world, beyond Tale, beyond recall. Con
,gestion of the bridal !I had not been pre
;pared for this; and 'strong, physically and
mentally as I was, I watt obliged I to take a
01W,, and Lew my head, qn uiy bands for
several moments to regain tny selflisses
stmt. . ,
Then, for the firStrtinte, unither spoke.
Iraised My head . and watched her as she
,Smoothed ,the from ,her e_bild's,brow
And _looked down smilluglyintn her face, ,
`.:Boor little IPro.tchen! bow long
eite:slecps. , She, is tired„ ycry tired. 'l3he
t t ki,,,,i_eood ; night; mamma,' and then she
-went.4,eleep l on lily arm, and,has
Wee ever My poor sleepy, tired little
Gretchen 1" • •,
Then, after a pause, she soid in,,a tender
voice,. ',`Gretcben, Agar, father will come
,soon and, beat you if y,ett ain't up. , Gretch-
Ol.Uretchenr. Then, with a , shriek of
frenzied agony, she threw vii her artus,,cry
ing, " She's dead! she's dead t Olt, Gretch
en, Gretchen •
1 And then sho took thq lifeless clay, prose
it,sloso to her, find covered the old,' still
Ittce,witit frantic kisses, in the frantic hOpo
hat,she could wake her-child to life. •
wern - an Was erazed . by this , hew' sop
w, and required my. most votive attention
.or,the next hour:
,I had her removed to
snity own house, and after giving directions
:fov,.ber comfort, Went,iigain to the house
Ivliereiny the corpse, watched by my boy.
The father had dot yet, returned. With the
assistance— of the landlady: I got the child
into a pretty, coffin, whicl was also convey
ed to, my house and set in;the parlor.
I saw plainly tho child had been dead for
.aoine hours; in fact, she must have died
About oneolclocic that" .morning, and the
Poor mother had slept since that time with
'the prelqoua clay upon her: heart, not once
dreaming but that the pulse beat as regular
' ly:as in the days past. :
: - ,-Lavuided an inquest, and had the child
buried quietly in the churchyard. -The fath
er had been dumb with awe and anger, and
when he stood beside the bier of his' Mai
- -
daughter he raved like a madu3a4 becaust
she could no longer be a source of profit to
him. Then I turned and told hint that if
he did not leave tho house and city imule
,diately I would deliver him to the authori
ties as the murderer of the child. He Ninth
!)iich:Ovitliout a ir0vr,"4:114.1 never,saw him
'rhe mother lived for threedays,never
once having a lucid moment; then, with
the name of Gretchen upon her lips,_sho
'ied, and we laid her beside her child.
I lifted toy head, and saw that part of the
ground in which 1 :ail was nearly duetted.
A full hoar had passed amid these terrible
scenes of memory. The scene had lost its
charm. shuddered as I passed the cod of
rope that had so recently supported a hu
man being, 'and as soon as possible left the
park with a heart made heavy by the sutler.
logs of others. ‘,.‘
Giving Away Her Hneband
Airs. Stenhouke, in her revelations respeet
ag Mormonism, thus speaks' of the elleet
•roduced upon her by bet Jaii,hand taking
into himself a second wife:
"The time at length arrived for us to go
up to the Endowment Hodge,' and there
at the altar the first wife is expected to give
proof of her faith in the religion by placing
the hand of the new wife in that of her hus
band. She is asked the question by Bri4-
ham Young, 'Are You willing to give this
woman to your husband, to be, his lawful
and wedded.wife for time and eternity?—
If yOu are, yoti will manifest it by placing,
her right hand Within the right hand,of your
husband.' did so. • But what words can
deseribe my„feelings? The anguish of a
whole lifetime was'erowded into that' one
single moment, * * I remem
ber well that when I returned ; - home—that
home' which was now, to become hateful
to me, for his young wife was to live there
—my husband said to me, ' You have been
very bravc\; but it is not so hard to do ; after
-all, is it?' Ile had seen me bear it.so well
that he even supposed I was indifferent: So
much for.the4enetralion of men! ,During
11w remainder of, that day how I watched
tlwirhaska and noted theirevery word! , To
me their tender tones: were tike daggers
pien•ing um to the beam- One 1110111011. I
yearned for my hushaiars love;
114• next moment 1 hated even the sight of
and vowed !hat he.never again should
have a place in my -heart. Then I would
feel that there Wu: , 110 justice in Reavon, or
tLis groat sorrow would not have coma up
-03 Me."
oath am
I 11 er I 1)
Lotto. MicAlll.Av'a ANECiOOTH OP TOUR
LOW. remember his (Lord Macaulay)
(Ace describitiz to us the character and.say
legs of Lord Thurlow; and • he told a story
o! Brit large-eyebrowed personage which
neNti,heard before, and each of you ought
to give,nte half a crown, at least, if I agree
Ole' you. Are the half clowns forthcom
ing? We nodded assent.] Well, , those
acre the days what we had not the` inflic
tion Of railways and when barristers, even
nn Abe northern circuit, traveled in post
?liaises. It fell to the lot of a very saintly,
good man, to have to travel with ThUrlow,
tato %vas then Attorney General. A jour
au to the north 3ras , a serious thing in those
times, and my saintly friend dreaded the
long journey with the blustering Attorney
ileneral, who he was sure would utter many
naughty words before they arrived at York.
'file)" had hardly left London before the
pod man remarked, "We shall have a
ling journey, Mr. A ttorrey, and sal. Ahn't
1 would bring some books to smure us. I
titre say it is a long time since you have
raid Milton's Paradise Lost. Shall I read
spas of it to ittt? It will remind us of our
punger days." [ln those days men read
gvat works, for 11101 . 0 were not so many
looks of ruhbishing fiction, to which the
loading energies of the present day are. di
ricted.] "Oh, by all means!" said Thur.
y\ " I have not read a word of Milton for
The good man began to read out
his Milton; presently he came to-the pass
age where Satan exclaims, " Better to reign
in hell than serve in Heaven." Upon which
" A hue fellow,
mid I hope he may Win." My saintly trivial
ilt borlW OM tip his Paradise Lost, and felt
that, it would Ile no good reading to the At-
Goperal if he l ass to be itmq mimed
ilty smelt wicked expreSshar of sentiment:
11 ton itto :1/4y.taite.
ug thy cur
-ILe humble
.oved to be
lhey had
and a few
I front (Ito
Mrs., Stowe, in Old fool iVeip slays: " Theie
is n chilly, disagripafile kinl of article call
'ed common :.ense,, ef, tall thit u
,ntost repulsive' and anti-pathetical to An pet
tea cleatuicS whose litc has cotc,istt.ii
nattery. r o ly,is the I:4lMltf tall; nhich shi
fty) qv ;Try apt to Itene frOin brother4 i and
Flaughters front fathers and mothers, when
futhers and nttitherSrdh their duty by them;
which sets the world before them /IS it is,
unl ant as it is painted by thittercis. Those
tvomen mho prefer 'the society of gentle.
yten, and - who have the faculty of bewitch
gig their 'senses, never are in the way of
tearing front Ala cohl,, matter:4:4-feet Pe-
Erton; for th,cut it really does not exist,
Ley . plirOd that m e ets their ear hi polished
' it &traded, intirded and dellnitiity- turn
ell, till thero4s • not a particle of .Itoruely
truth left in it. They pass their Simi in a
( World of illusions; they demand tircee Allu
sions of all who approach thorn, as the solo
emalithin of peace and favor. All gentle
wen, by u sort of instinct, recognize the
woman who lives by flattery, and give her
her portion of meat in dueseason; and thus
Soule poor women are-hopelessly burled, us
htichicii . used to be in ficotiand, under a
mountain of rubbish, to which each passer
by adds one biotal. •It is only by KOMC e.x.•
traordinary power of •circumstances that a
man eau be found to invade the sovereignty
of a pretty woman with anything disagree
able, or, tis Junius sap:, •to instruCt the
throne in the language of truth.'"
• •
Foreign And Doniest!c, Liquor's
Agent for Fine 0111 AVhiekies,
4E61,1872. 1111EINTNO, N. V
.71dnlints trators' .7trotice.
TT trralis 1.4 Admluititadfor i ou tin (state of Sally
aJ 1504sca,- into of fiulfivou,. Tioila county, dootated,
hhhnnntintgg boon grouted to the undurelgued, till pnrcumg
itulobked tumid eotato and tlionellaVilig ulAituki oiNithat
it will bottle, with .HIRAIf HODGE%
HulUvan, Aprit IQ, 1674-:6w Adia're
Lath, Lath .
WILL belound on Lana Aran blues the preautit
80413011 Cot the MUSS of U. ILMMTON,
,Ja4 , non, Apdt 1„, ISTS-tf.
fl ing'? Juol,aou Centre.
'Houghton, Orr & ,Co.,
• ‘,, •• STONY FURL
Ilii)lukoturors of
a -
Buggies, Sulkies
, PLAp'ORM SWIM% mum( Axt?
We are prepared to do anything In our line on short
'Mica and lb the beet manner.tiattatiolion
teed. rTO.
HO ORR ,C 1 37
HASTINGS 11 [MSS. Agents Wallaborn.
Stony Fork, Jan. 1, , 1872. , •
, 41k-Eg y
ETAS' now iu stock. Ana will keop ounstantlY on
1 - 1. band, at the lowest market quotations.
Wool Twine, 7& 4 ply torten kjttotwine. Marlin 2,
3 & 4 strand. Knowl'a Wont Step y front 3 to 81t.
()LUTE: Ala) wircE GOODE
A Pull aseurtineut of Lake Huron acid Bu ea
Ho. 1 2, extra ertgiue oil. A cauplele aaeortnieut of
lieelokitiCSl Tools,
Como iu and take a look, got the figures anti ace how
It la, yourself, and oblige .1.- tifilaFFRIAl4, Jr.
Jen. 1. 1672.
X-Xe•Ezr, '3EK.ealee3'!
Inow receiyfug direct from the Importers a full
and well selected stook of
'with a iil)Ja tuBtl,lltale:llt
Table cutlery Sr. Plated ;W are;
At o
Table Lirten,,Napkins, Tow
elin_g, 4'c.
My atock of
Dry Goods, Clothing, eccb,.,
will Kell at greatly redurod prices to inako rouni for
a fult and eompleto clock o ,
Table and House Furnisl►ing Goods,
of %vide!' I propo,.o harintliar to ko•rp a full and eout
I):ute ab,wriniont
Aprit 3. 1812.-t(
► ipHr. undersigue,) is propitroil Mr fltrrllsb efirriague.
I. Wagons, Sulkies. he., 011 short nutlas, and on rou
ronablo tame. H. 11. {lonian of Ttoka, mid 11.
Whealer or Lawreuteville. insults. (Sill at Ulu
Omni iainexe. of n 7 situp Lu and totaullna
teurk bertuo purobe.slug W0,3%41(.40.
Jaw.. 1. lirfE. c. .1. ivtismtit
I The Thorough Bred Jack,
X) c) ia. a' vi a. Jrs..
111118 ouittbr.itod •Jerk wllt stand for limit - Qs tllB ail
midug geqta4.ll. attics ken' at the eeb+itei•iber. iii
about two tulles tiorith 11.1144t0wn, 'flows Co.
PittotOltltit —1)14/ /filail tr; tJ )1 IWO Ohl and 14 ban&
high. flia mho Nan Imported Gout Munn, lataihr, to
houtitely. front thoro t t Dileautul, at au urnenue of
tatt)ilthlittl drilinas • and Rai; 'brought from .114 a.
sualt.i to Pmistuylvaulit by Wm. 11. Smith. UM dititelft
thoromat Leda &mutt. both of the AliatrONV Jitokacm
at:a:k, am% he is It sure foal-getter._ Ile weights 'ollbit.
Ownora inareii wisiiittn; the turners ut a unpuricir
auirnal 141 0 1141 to 041 to venni the survicta of Don
Juan Htl4 Z,1•44 e4lll to fh:ell at the Mein of the Hub
fUnAltar• Wilkins coining from a it•alanco can be uo
oimouodutett vkith kerttig, for mares ut motto/table
Tuns.—f 10 )th• a intigle mat:: by the ueaa.n.i ;
I t‘s by the hap. ii
Any pereini bitting a mare itlitti,eit,llll3l parting tritit
berbotorti file taste huittlig Will be lo Id acconuta
ble,tor the maurituu , 11111,3 y 81 it la ;nowt! that
'the Inure was 11,4 With !. nl lo+lll eel nt:irra 11104, 1,0
returned rowile.tly tri 01 the tiwute a will but
charged the ittOOIII4,II,X, mqut y. 111Q1111111...0 tummy duo
Morel' let, ,
• JAMEn 11. BROWI4,
2Aktiill.lutyy, April 24, 1872-41 w. Propnotor.
MEMO Fortes and Organs!
P4aBows wAsrrera PIANOS Olt ouam4s wilt
End HI grainy to &dr [tautest to buy of
I. G. HOYT t e. c o .
Wo on gur b s e e i g
i tt v e o b ra m i l e lt t i e b rri tru i ruts at luwoal prleta,
A tirst-elms .Plalio possesses an tho following essen
tials, viz t the tone >e directed of all impurities, a per
feet equality of power throughout the entire stale, with
rofsonaaca and durritton of tone.
The touch M elastic, equal, (guty and ve-....voneive to
every demand of tho llnttet a.
A defeat in any one of these points, will eaue a COM
plate failure of the lush-mat:sit:.
SVelvarrtint , :very I'isav for 11i.• tot la !lye
. 111'011101y t, - 41
~I • y n ‘l,O
rialducod Piano s.
Iliatriti,oo4 - Isui)to (At Fin for
he PiAnil and ()roan ••, , untalirty, 01,
L. 1111billAlt, I. 6 114.)VT,
Nklutti, Pa: o,reolo, P.
Leo. 13, 1971.-ti -, i
'WE LABOR° • i
Door Sash , Blind Factory.
13RNJA3IIN AUSTIN, is pivpru , Al to furuhli /trai
t:l9as work &ow tint Lest lumber, at iris new tar
ry which is uow in lull opewaion. '
77 Ski , floors,
constantly on baud, or manufueturedito order
o ;
Planing and Matti'ling (
done promptly, and in • fl, best teamll r.. The beat
worimieu employed, and none but the bast seasoned
lumber used. fteourage home industry.
Factory near the foot of Main Street.
Jan. 1272,tt,
Deerfield liiriroolen Mills!
11 , 1011A24 BROTHERS, Proprietors or the abovF,
„I. will manufacture as usual to order, to suit ens re.
arc warranted ha every respect. Particular attention
given to
Roll Carding & Cloth Dressing
we bars a largo stoek of CasaLutores. &0.. 2.5 per
eutit !nog than any oonipatitor, and n l arranted as repro-
Ranted. .
Wn inaunfsetnre to order. and do all kinds of non.
Carding and Cloth Daesatog, and deify competition.
We Lave as good an ansortment of
Pull Cloths, Cassimeres,
and gtvo more for Wool in exelumige than any other
estabent. . 1 2'17 them and Betray yourselves.
Wo wholesale and retail at the Corran4que mills. 2
miles below Knoxville.
Jan. 1. 1872.
J. H. Griswold's Water Wheel.
nuclorsigned, are agents for the above Water
Wheel, and can cheerfully recommend it as supe
rior to all others in use. Persona wishing to pur
chase should see this wheel in operation before buy
ing other wheels. INGHAM BROS.
Deerfield, May 15, 18i2.
Read the following
WESITILLD. Arlin, 24, 1872.
We the undersigned, purchased one of J. 111, Gris
wold's 30 inch Water Wheels using, 68 inches of water
to run three ruziof stone under a 20 footltead, and are
at plullSea with the wheel.- We hay° ground sixty
bushels per hour with the three run and can average
that amount per hour all day. -
14XXJX_IX1V131=L - sr
Ladies' Furnishing 0°6118!
INRS. A. 14. (11i.11'1,1‘1'i liMP, ,1.11 i.; '.I 1.)i• i - AsitlON
zu. iu thu Cone 1ikee,..,,... A iarw... :st 0.1. ...! <: • ... ji
just received and will heal elway.
Illrti. E R. liIIEDAI,I, ..., di 1,,c,,, , 1,nt,1. , I 1i.1,. ,',1i11!,,-
in y I.l,•paitnnsid, aud Lill. 14., e - r.1::,1 1., ~.•k • 1„ , i• old 1,, , :,.,,1
L. .
anal new ow - sat kill tit.. i. his
in aid i.e, , 111. ii , ,
Dec , I ,ti-ly. • MIT? .1. ll GI: AVT-1
_ _
uud an eutircu,w of
800 TS ~4X.D ~.)IH- OE
jil4L ck",n.pietett their
HLOW ps StOLV, tll+ :lt iu n ircut, milleti is one of
the beAt mzangrd end M - .et inviting store:, in the coun
ty, are nownilering to their old customers and the pub
ito generally a hotter eel. stud stock of
Jima avar bett . .vo proauthett In the boron It of Tioga.— ,
Ladtaa' waro /Wes trake,.lnconittottly n Lana. AV
so, Irma* at. Ovum, and a N'ilriCtY of U€SVS
to salaat from. All aro utvitn4l, to call and etouutne
place and quality. ii. L. SMITII l is )N.
Tioge,;Jm. 1, 1b12.-I,y
Cairiage and Harness Trinrnlngs,
Conking, N. Y., Tau. T, 11472
lly inform tka publio that they
hay° entablielted
Livery for' Hire,
At their Stable on l'earl Et. .opposito Wheeler's wagon
shop. Single or double rigs furnished to order. Th
aim to keep good horse and it one, and intend to
please. Priecs reasonnb e. WAT INB & KETCHAM.
.Ten. 1, 1872.
A 3.1 now building at my insunfavtory, in Lawrence
., Nine, a superior
which pbsseases the following a4Prantages over all other
mills :
L , It separates rye, oats, rat litter, and foul seed, and
dices, and Cookie, from; NI heat,
2. It cleans flax Seed, takes out yellow seed, and - ,41
other coeds, perfectly.
:1. It elv , ans timothy seed.
4. It does all other separating required of a mill.
This mill is built of the beat and inoet durablt: Um.
bar, In good style, and ie sold cheap for eash, or pro
I will fit a patent , sieve, for separating oats from
wheat, to other mills, on reasonable terms.. `I
.I.,awroneeyille. Jim. 1, 1872. J. 11. MATT El J
- Now • Ofewc-"lii-y r4ttvr,..
Uuttersll.tut•tl would to , poctfully rt.ty to tho vit
t Wittig of Wcllshoro ,o , ,ll.leinay. (hut 1., lin, k.P.'nedEl,
JOUTO . YAV 3 ' . ;;*
in timi ni 01,,
1 , 10 st.,ok C9IIIKIAL , tlii t• il. 1:1 •.1
Silver an d a led 'a re
B. D. IVAIIIIINER, or of 1,, ~
uru Penunylvauia, Win +. t. , I W.:
1 . - 1',6 1 7.1C1477:11 , ..ci Of lf c S,
For the skilfull clohai; sq . which ids savuntceln years
praglicalexpario ce is buffichait gimmick , .
Well6boro, Au d. 23,
18111tf t IVAltilIA:11.
IT' S :(3(1.%,
SAWS, 01,11.101 Y, wATER
Liam AcuusArmuitAt
HAAN Iif)SEJ - 3, NAM/ .ES, Sze
11.00 A COII*TY. _
11 aldies. ewe( py,
Clocks", L.-r
Furniture Anil Undertaking.
Van Horn kthandler,
(13neeesmors to H. T. Van Theo)
la AVE now on olithit:on a»/1 ante at the ()tit phz: , s,
II the largeet awl nio,t cor,tplet4 - 8t. , .:!,
to be tenni in 1..:01
REOR, NI) (`II.13II•l ft L
WAS, COUN: T. 11„ ,f,
ILAILL',I.I! _IN() Ti - J f) T),- - „11
iIAT P.M J.-, re , .`... 1 . i . :1" *.11!11'.01:1,
(WA), A:\ 1.) SQI:2_I:C. 1 1 it.s•
111, : .).
73.C*A :AAT
,Mtl a null 1)111lt-ai 1.1
4 :0.0,11. hvi••tt. 11:2 ab , , I , 4•CY 13r4c,
auteed Lott, 1,'13.•41.
11 1 oveib
the most vt,pitler bprtha bed sold; also tiro 'litio)o2,c
Jpriug B•itt that teas Lout. (ni trial t,a. I”; i P.,4)(1 04-
e1i . 11111 , / , :rtal bit tidtuetivit.
la sutivliNl with all Ai 7.V11 of the Exatlalor , A1;.,3t,
and beautiful utyle 01 Inuiai car , a, toualluir tt ti ottiar
kinds of foreign and hz•ine Inatrufadnre, with -
wings to - Yu:nob. niby will inalut urularlitittng a rlire
tlily iu business, and any neodina tanks cervtrpa
"ii9lllLit attruflod to pivninttly, air/ at tt.ttinfW..43 , arin•••
ges. Odd pi,:ceti of guru:lure r
311 kinds iloue with neztzah.:. and ICAtitodi,
Tan. I<*k iZ
To C% itp‘t 1•7?77. - ; I —ll , , hp • ,•, ,1 t
I atn tnitAlt .11,, a laLto al6/: n. airy 10
applitiatthlt to bw.ineui. .1,“•0" : tt rpe.
ture bunit..o3 to "itto a I
mutt, iii! t.ll, this xit9tliott 1. - r
Hanle lilt, r.rl 1,1l1 , 11:110:1.3
lay 1,0"1. 3 ho) I.P, I,libtl at th,- - ,,),1
Jan. 10, 154;.! t; ;i.}l'
tDMISMUDI R ettiIft . O , II:) , IIj ,,
*ars, WALL P .44 W.
LY1133 & DRY DO I : ,
Bold #t wholesale Pelops. Buyers axe mugged
ern sad get quotottorie before gdTuglbfthar Vitt
Jan. 1, 1871,
no C. Bailey.
(Successor to
kit CY VV.', 1 1
1110:;, Z- 7 '.! I '!
Crii i
A (SCI . . 1
1115TH, 1.:71;7 . (:
PATTIZ .11.1 , 11,1..
it;•-j- - Terms CaAlt. and ~;
~.~~,.~~~..Frb-V I:l 3 i~ ^ . fi r ~.. °i:`. ..
111"AVLN(i ‘.14.11. • •
j_ !Wit oppm.it , ,
qiirentfull), iirvilc their IPi,h.lA 111.. i Clle p. 113111
tA , i to thcnt x ndl, Tito* ruhritt.o , 7 I.m
ill all u,nre. Their stook commit, of
and a genntal of Goods, socond to none In th
count*. nt Una lovient 01/811 prima.
ThoY agra o 3 6 , o f the HIMY
_401911. ITU
ANOLD 1101111 V FO RL AN I
W. G. Kurz, j
FRANK Houma. j
liannnold, Jan. 1;11872
.1 - -
Lite; : Fire, and Accidental.
ASS. Eh; OVER $24,000,000.
' I
his. Co., of North Amoifra, Pa .$2,060,065 60
Franklin Ftre Ins. Co. of PLtln, Pr 2,C81,4119 25
Republio Ins. Co. of N. Y., Capitai,... T - $730,000
Andes Ina. Co. of (3noinuatl. " $1,000,100
Ittleorollro Ins. Co. of N. Y 1 00Q,Me
Farmers Ifni Flro Ins. co. York I n........600,R87 16
Phomix Mot. TAN Ins. O. of liikiftord 4.1 .5.0A151 , 70
Penn . & Cititle DID. Co. of l'ottsvilte f 0,006 CIO
InerLiTailc . ..• p oznptly Lik,',... : 1 I, ," i l.t.i
on DJ/ Licto, , tu• Prop, Ili. ~. . •
and paid. 1.110 )t, 41 ; An . •• ,: •.: ,0 .
I :Oa ELL, I ~,, . 1 ,1,1 r k ~.t• 1
Cilitthtnill 0 01; i la . '. I - n.e. .
Mai ... , il.. r!. ,I. ,• 1,. , , , ,
: , I
CI 43 ti)1.00 ,
w „ ki , 1 „ f,
thin k ; usuany 1.0111,1 al a
n;il.l I:cnt on hand and , sold low for rah. The
tco. and titbbs strning n.aolitune for sale. um?. to
Jun. 1, 1872, :VBS.:L. J. 01.1111,D.
' NO. 20.
( 0 - 1217 b ;_ll 001 lb
\'2l:( .17f
1 .1~
Fancy Store,
,_ I
7 I;