Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, May 08, 1872, Image 4

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    . .
Treatment of-Breeding Sows.
The mode of management of pigs depends, •
of Course, upon the stagesat which they are,.
and the purposes for which they ate-lrept;
our greatest care being naturally. demanded
in the case of the farrowing eow. The sow;
should not be over-fed; while in pig great
loss is often sustained through hiving great,
bulky, over-fed sows; the litter is s \rare,ly - a
successful one; the pigs are not strong; and
it will be odd indeed, if the heavy, lumber
ing animal does not overlie more than one
- of her young . Ones in addition to, hersClf
running the risk of having- sundry conf-,
plaints, one of which may carry her off.--
Neither should the sow be kept'lean, but in
what is called good middling condition. X
short time before she is expected to farrow,
nourishing food must be given her, to en
slim her having a good supply of milk for
her Etter: but this will require to be done
judiciously. It is scarcely necessary to say
that the sow while she goes with pig should
not be worried nor knoCked about ; exercise
is quite a different thing, and should riot be
denied her. A very important point in the
management of breecling sows is the condi
tion of the bowels just before she is expected
to farrow; these should be kept open by
giving her food of a slightly laxative tend
ency, and she will be none the worse, but
much thebetter, if she has a slight dose of
sulphur, nitre, and ginger. A little trouble
On this point will be well repaid. Welnive
known many a sow sacrificed from Ivaiit of
nt tetttion to her bowels at or before ti ei per
bid of her farrowing. After she h e s far
rowed, if site shows"symptoms oruneasine:-s,
or any indications of inflammation about, her
teats, a dose of the above medicine will give
her ease.
We have seen this simple medicine. ad
ministered with great success even in what
might be called critical cases. After the
sow is farrowed attention will have to be
paid to her feeding. Strong food- should
not be given; light mashes, chiefly of milk
and meal, will be the best for her, and they
should be given milk warm. But as milk
has a binding tendency, care should be
taken to see that her bowels are in good
condition. Comparatively little food will
be required by the sow for the
,first seven
or eight days, and this as Just said should
be of a light character. Many valuable
sows are 14st through want of attention
to feeding after the sow has farrowed.—
Her ordinary food, when it is teturne.d to,
should be given moderately at. , first, grad
ually increasing the quantity. The straw
supplied to the sow for bedding when she is
'lamming, and after the litter is out, should
,not he Icing, as the young pigs are apt to get
under the straw and get smothered or over
laid by the sow. Chaff is recommended by
some, but we preNr straw cut-by the straw
cutter into three-quarter inch length. The
young pigs :areapt t eat the d/ft; and this
again to act prejudiLlly on their health.—
We had an instance lately of the caution
necessary to be taken in all details. Our
man used a quantity of flayor hemp refuse.
Of more than one fine litter of pigs several
died through severe constipation, (brought
on without any apparent cause, till it in
. curred to us that it might arise from the
pigs eating their bedding. We had two or
three oPened, when the stuff was found in
them quite concreted into hard lamps. -
COP. 1.011(1011 Field.
Horticultural Hints.
One pound of potatoes carefully' cut will
make one hundred sets. 'These will plant a
hundred hills that should raise from two to
three bushels.
Soak beet and carrot seed from twelve to
twenty-four hours before sowing. This for
wards germination and helps them to come
up as quickly as weeds.
Thin plants ?tad vegetables suilleiently;—
they must have room according to size.
Peas and corn may be forwarded by soak
ing the seed. Keep damp and warm. Do
not plant peas twice on the same ground the
same or the following season.
Weed; should be collected and removed
from th ground; after being pulled or hoed
up, they often root and grow. The best
way is to burn them, root and branch.
Tomato plants when set if over three in
ches tall should be laid down and covered
except a few inches, of top; they will give
better results. Keep the ground rich.
Topdress the ground winch pumpkins and
squash run over.
Spinach should be topdressed with guano
or composted droppings of fowls. Cut above
the crown,it will produce successive crops.
Rhubarb heeds rich soil and plenty of ma
nure about its roots; removed to a dal* cel
lar in autumn, covered with good moist soil,
it produces good stalks of nice flavor.
Squash, cucumber, melon and pumpkin
seed put in hills and covered will be for
warded by carefully pouring on boiling wa
ter and turning over them a box or vessel to
keep the heat in. It is especially good in
late planting. 2
Eternal vigilance is the price of vegeta
i t
The thumb and Bner is the best "squash-.
bug" trap yet known. Dus ften with sul
phur, air-slacked li e or plaster; use on
cabbage and turnip Us prot ct from fleas.
Begin in season to make . our garden, and
be seasonable about all your operations.
Dwarf pop-corn planted in drills eighteen
i i
inches apart, and th in, tv - 1 produce abund
antly. When silking son early purple-top
strop leaf turnip between the rows.
Plants do not eat mantire. They drink
the essence of it.
Drop a few tomato seed with peas, when
the peas are removed thin to four feetlapart;
they will come on rapidly 'and make 'excel-
Tent late tomatoes.
Plant beets rather thickly; those taken
out when thinning make excellent greens.
In cultivating with fork or rake work
backward to avoid showing footprints.
One large, strong eyeleft on potato sets
throws up one strong stalk and gives large
potatoes. Several stalks give many small
Four to six hills of cucumbers will supply
a , Plant for pickles in July. —Ohio.
Gadders and Visitants.
We are willing to barter our good tithe
with a friend, who gives us in exchange I is
own. Herein is the distinction between he
genuine guest and the visitant ; This latter
i f
takes your good time, and giVes you his bad
in exchange. The guest is domestic to you
as your good Cat or household bird ; the
visitant is your fly, that flaps in at your
window, and out again, leaving nothing
but a sense I 'of disturbance, and victuals
spoiled. Visitants always show their genius,
1 in knocking the moment you have just sat
il down to a book. They have a peculiar
compassionate sneer, with which they "hope
that they do not interupt your studies."
Though they flutter off the next moment, to
carry their impertinences to the nearest
student that they can call their friend, the
tone of the hook is. spoiled; we shut the
leavCs, and with Dante's lovers, Tend np
more that day. It e well if the effect
Of intrusion were simply coextensive with
its presence ; but it mars all the good hours
afterward. These scratches in appearance
leave an orifice that closes not hastily. "It
is a prostitution of the b avery of friend
ship," says worthy Bish tp Taylor, "to
spend it upon impertinent eople, who arc,
it may be, loads to their families, hut can
never ease my loads." This isthe secret of
and heir gaddings, their visits, morning
calls. They too have homes, which urn--
no homes.
WORDS rots 'run YOUNG.—Young friends,
education is to you what polish and refine
ment is to the rude diamond. In its rude
state, the diamond resembles a stone, or piece
of charcoal; but when cut and manufAct
tired, it comes out a bright and beautiful
diamond, and is sold at a great price do it
is with you. Education calls forth the hid
den treasures and latent brilliancies of your
minds, which previously lie dormant and in
active, or, in other words, asleep. It culti
vates and develops your underst endings, and
fits and prepares you for the duties and le
sponsib ities of coming years, which • , we
trust, ill be years of usefulness—useful to
yours yes, to year associates, and society
al lane.
• Fo MoznEns.—Send your little child
to. bet happy. ,Whatever cares press, give
it alt• rm good night kiss as it goes to its
pill° . The memory of this, fn the stormy
yeartt -- that may be in store for the little one,
will be like Bethlehem's star to the bewild
ered shepherds. "My father, in) , mother,
loved me." Nothingcan take away that
blessed heart-balm. Lips parched with the
world's fever will become dewy again at the
thrill of youthful memories. liss your lit
tle child before it goes to sleep.
EVERARD CONRAD, Of LOndongrovci,
Chester co., has on his lawn a boxwood
hedge, 50 feet long , 16 feet high and 8 feet
side, a htlge wall of verdure. "Some of the
stems of the box are 4 inches in diameter.
This hedge was planted ' l by William Jack
son, one of Chester county's most scientific
men, who had hero at one time the best bo
tanical garden in the State. •
gorzq jragyt a baby,
• 'lttle bitsy sing;
, I Enos could put hint t ,
,Iron my rubber ring. „
he istrlidiigli?; • - 1•
Asa he awful &di? ,
dust cinrio'dOwu from Ile‘avOn,"
Tat'a a fib, I sink.
r'•,+ ~•,.. , '-'•,,„•,
,alfil i ti ~,.!, • - ...„-,..,•„; i . 1„.1
,!(. I k J i •,, i , petor told *mazer ,‘ ,t ~ ;,-; ,„ A flu
Great big awful lie;
Nose met out of joint; Zen, ,:, i , 17
' Tat an't why I cry, ~
Mamma stays up bedroom—
:.,,.-, • , Guessehe makes her Wok; , , it
Prow him in. zo gutter,
,• ,
If I can, right nutek., , ,
\ •, Ciiddle him and love him I
Call him "Brewed Magi" ' ' :' '-
Don't care if lily kite an't
\ '
••_ of a bit of ; string!
Send \ rue off with Biddy
Every single day.
"Be a ghod boy, Charlie;
Run away and play." , •
... ~ .., ..• -
• "Silik I ought to love him I"
(No, I won't ; \ •s) zero I- : r -
.. Luny crying Baby t
• Not got any hair. \ . . , _
- , •
Got all my nice kisie‘4 , , \ •
Got my ptico in bed : \
, .
Milan to tialm•iny cirtiiii-athk, ..:
' And crack him ()nettle lit•l
1 ALL SORTS. , \
. ( .
Unshed tears are never wiped away. \
A Texas bridesmaid officiated barefooted.
A Western burglar wants a patent on an
improved jimmy.
• Louise Kellogg will slug-with Nilsson J 0
England—so they say.
"Not otherwise, than embalmed will. I
quit Madrid." says Amadeus.
Who falls twice on the same spot is weak
in his head as well as in his heels,
Mrs. Joaquin Miller, it is said, is coming
to the Eastern States to lecture.
If, as atheists affirm, creation i came by
chance, what a sublime chalice it wits.
An irreverent Terre haute reporter calls
church "Gospel dress parade."
At night go thod in prayer as a beggar, if
by day thou wilt arry thyself as(a king.
A number of 10les at Hartford are about
starting 4joint stock insurance company.
Mrs. James Fisk, Jr., is aboui:to erect a
$26,000 monument over her late littiloapd's
" „ •
New York lakes prefer to wear - street
costumes with light gloves to the opera to
appearing there ;in full dress. .'"
"Come into the Vardtm, Maud," is the'
way in which musical mammas urge their
daughters to try on their new calico dresses.
Man is an enigma, with God and Hpaven
on one side and the devil • and hell on the
other, continually goading 'him to self•solu-
A. man should no more make his honesty
a boast than a woman should her virtue..
To speak too much of either renders them
They don't loop any.whiskey for, sale in
Greeley, Colorado, but they have a medicine
for rattlesnake bites, which is quite as good,
and it has a very ready sale; •
• The latest fashion in giving, wedding pres
ents is to have the monogram of -the giver
engraved on it, instead of that pf the person
to whoin it is presented.
An eccentric Connecticut gentleman, re
cently deceased, left to religious institutions
$75,000, to his cook $130,900, and to each
of his five children $4OO apiece.
' • L
"Heaven's crystal bars," says Mrs. Brown
ing "shine faint, between the souls of child
and mother." What a great deal a little
story may mean, may it not ? , , .
Smiggles wants to know if X. Mori, the
Japanese minister at Washington, is a des
cendant to Memento Mori, whose name its
on so many of the tombstones in the ancient
The simplicity nal believes the stars are
the innumeruble ends of God's shining fin
gers piercing the heavens, is infinitely more
blessed than the astute skeptiehan that be
lieves nothing.
"The readiness with which the people
Soutl6isk you to drink is only more re
markable than the readiness with which
the invitation is uslially accepted," writes
home a delighted correspondent ofpe Chi
cago. Times. 1
Abby Sage Richardson is recehlng many
compliments with reference to IT recent
readings and lectures. Her distinguishing
j iie
qualities are a full', clear voice of great
sweetness, and a sympathetic ren ering of
the poets from whose works her s i lections
are made.
Mrs. Lydia Wall Anderson„Who claims to
be the wife of a rebel general, has a suite of
roomsat a New York hotel, and three months
ago hired a private carriage for 1250 a month,
but failing to pay for the same, is now en
tangled in the New York courts, whose
authority she treated with contempt until
placed under arrest.
The Chicago Post says : "in these soft
spring days, when one of the Carbonari
takes his stand under your window and be
gins to claw 'La Marseillaise' out of his harp,
how sweetly does one's mind turn to , that
grand old promise in Scripture : 'All lyres
shall have their part in the lake which burn
eth with fire and brimstone.' "
A newly-made widow at Oshkosh, at the
funeral, stepped up and kissed her dead,
husband's brow as be lay in the coffin, and
then was disgusted beyond measure to see
several other women whom she did not
know step forward and do the same thing.
With the remark. "I thought he was my
husband, but he wasn't," she rose and, left
4 the church.
The latest novelty in the way of escaping
from custody is this : In Philadelphia, a
few days ago, three prisoners were being
conveyed in the Black Maria from the court
house to the gaol. When the van reached
the prison and the officer unlocked the door
of the vehicle no prisoners were to be seen—
only a long aperture in the floor. Through
this opening the three inside had got outside
and into the street.
There occurred recently, in a Western
town, a very strange freak of lightning. It
entered a house at the bottom and made a
total wreck of everything in, it except a
family of six persons, who, strange to say,'
all escaped without injury. Even the
lamp-burners were torn to pieces. The
house was spread apart so that the rafters
fell through, and the very beds in which
the family were sleeping were torn to pieces.
The Cleveland Leader says: `The New
York Sail has recovered from its bombastic
buffoonery, and now modestly charges 'Rob
eson, the Robber of Millions, with having
allowed claims to the amount of 1,93,325,
without authority from Congress. The
man who swore to a hundred black eats and
then gradually fell baA- 1- 1111 he was ,Only
sure there was one, anq wouldn't give that
one up `no how,' was no circumstance to
The `Davenport Democrat has the
: "A beautiful and almost miraculous
incident occurred at the sick bed 'of a child
near Marshall, on Thursday last. The little
ilnughter of John TIOUSC was lying at the
point of death wklen a flash of lightning
pa..zsed through the room, arousing the in
fant ; at the same moment a beautiful white
dove flew into the chamber, and with' out-
Nwend wings hovered over the infant till it
'lied, and then disappeared."
It is supposed that the Herald coqespon
tient sent in search of Dr. Livingston 18 dead.
Au enormous crocodile captured near Un
ranyembe,Central Africa, last month, was
eat open, and the bones of a man, f),- wallet
contitiningi yawn ' tickets, a Geneva watch
and chain; together with several manuscript
letters to the New York Herald, found in
its stomach. The former appeared to have
been easily 'digested, but it is thought the
manuscript had choked the monster, thus
rendering him helpless.
The New York, Times says of Amadeus; "It -
is probable that no better choice could have
been made by General Prim when heave a
King to Spain than the young Italian Prince.
At all events, now that he is the lawful
King of Spain, there is no reason to suppose
that anything cad be gained by his over
throw. The friends of good government
and 'of law and order should, therefore,
wish King Amadeus all success in suppress
ing the turbulent factions who are perpetu
ally fomenting disorder in Spain."
A diffident youth was paying his addresses
to a gay lass of the country, who had long
despaired of bringing things to a crisis. He
calle&one day when she was alone. After
settlin the merits of the weather, the girl
Paid, I eking silly into his face : "I dreamed
of you last night." "Did you 1' Why, now I"
"I es ; I dreamed that you kissed me."
"Why, now I What did you dream your
mother said." "Oh, I dreamed she wasn't
at home." A light dawned on the youth's
intellect, a singular sound broke the stillness,
and in a few weeks they were married.
A 081111.0% or titmirrAn9,Aporeiteaayp Alp
• • , r
' • NEW P It(tittg - 70 . 14W sad;
SLIMING COAClMHAstablilttikall atm $419y0,1
men es, ire tun o'oolll oa,all TtaiPlith*44ll , UittbflOt ,
Niaftr a Fdl i tt ' Bl/ V 64110 0, A 2 :060. 0 /0Y 1 4 1 07 01140 k 1- :
" I .T C
yr estwarti.t
STA. rlOl,l-13-0
tJoiraey ‘r,
Great Bend...
Bin edi t ion. .;
0 wag al,
Curate - it
Pahlt4dPOSi l
; Buffalo.. if
aufip.llrldge "
'Cleveland_ •
Additional Local Tiitins,
5.00 a'. la, ax o 9Pi SuildAYN, Oliffigo t
• 5.00 a. 05., daily, fromBnsquabibui:
0.50 a. al (billy, from Sunqi”.be ,
1.00 OEOOO. Oats OukuObaus. ~
.135 p except Sundays; from iltopphig
Big Flats IL 38, Coro lag 2 00,; Poet 7 Obi and
thaw's, via A von, to Ho Palo, araviay at 8 so p m.
2 80 p w excopignstgays,froia ativigliandos. :
Oinct's \L'ye
Cleveland \"
:13turp.B'g'e "
Buffelo • - "
%Rochester "
:Elmira -"
Waverly "
:Owego "
Great Bend "
'Port Jervis "
Goshen "
'Newburgh "
'Paterson "
-.Newark .4
Jersey City
Now York ,"
Additional Local Tritini Bailtward:
"5.00 a xi., enndttye xceptet, ?rota Iloixillarlllo.
8.65 a m„ daily from
7.00 a.m.. except /Sendai/4 tr o L o : ol n2l . o..
T. 50 a m., exeeptennd aye. from Atlottra.. , ,
1.58 m.. except Bundape, from Painted Pad,
2,10 p. tn., except Beadrtys, treat ttorxellittlle.
$ Mondays excepted,' between tiortteasidlle.axd
port Jeryti.
r Clung Sup%
• -
Dircet Route North end Botak,
• On and alter Bani►y, liotAlelsoB:ll,,Trilsi .
doh tfrom Troy, Pi., as follows :
Mail 11,1531.A.11. Butlalio,Vmproso, 86-11. M.
W'rosport A ccom. 7.10. Moors asP 7 suri • ' P.M
.... Pi M. .111m1ra At:m.10.4 A. .
Pliag b ar a Expresa4,3B P. M. Buflklo await 4,11 T AM A
• ihoneral Superintendent:
• Aeß't Gong Suet.
Wellsboro & Lawrenceville IL B.
'rime Table Na. S. - ••
GOING NOIITII: erartaxa. '• aorga soma. .
530 pax ' -11 10 am. Corning 900 a m 760 pm
425 pm 10 05 am LaVrrenoev Hie 10 11 a m BSO pat
4 14pm 955 ant Dunning 10 21 a m 849 pat
408 pm 951 am *Lathrop 1052 am 904 p m
54 pm 940 am *Dear Creek 10 48 a m 9lepm
349 pm 938 am l'ioga Village 10 56 acu 920 pm
331 pm 918 am *Hammond 11 12a m 935 p sn:
319 pm `9Ol am *HMI Creek 112 b am-9 48 p m
319 pm 900 am Holliday 11 81 am O BOp co
803 pm 851 am Middlebury 11 11 am 969 pa
264 pm 843 am Niles Valley it 49 amloo6 p m
242 p at agr• am *Harsh Creek 12 02 pm 1018 pm
235 pm SOS um We'llabore 12 OD a m 10 22 pm
*Flag Stations. A. EL iSKIITON, Sap%
Blossburg & Corning & Tioga B. B.
00180 NOUTII 824210i1a aotBo sorra
11 10 am 680 pm Corning . 900am7 60 pm
10 66 am 616 pm Mulhollon 919 am 806 pm
10 42 am 602 pm Erwin Conics 933 sm 818 pm
10 30 - am 460 pm Cook's 945am8 80 pm
10,25 am *4 45 pm ',lndio) , 9 60am 886 ran
1016 am 485 pm Lawman/3,1110'10 15 am 848 pm
1005 am 4 21 pm Samar's Lane 10 27 am. 8 59pm
58 ate 411 pm Mitchell's 1037 am 008 pm
.949 am 407 pm Old Station 10 41 am 912 pm
937 am 357 pm Tioga 10155 am 925 pm
925 am 847 pm iiillOraelt 1102 am 989 pm
916 am 337 pm Lamb's Creek 1112 am 8 43 pm
905 am 8 27pm hfanstiald 11 24 am 9 56pm
•Canoe Camp
846 am 809 pm Covington 11 44am 10-15 pm
825 am 260 pin Blosaturg 1205 am 10 86 pin.
..... 2 26 p zn Somerville 12 26 am
226 pm rail Brook ,12 4bana •
L.ll. suenvcric,_ -
Bug!, Ttota ;. B.
A . R. ()ORTON,
&IN B. .4. O. R. B
Catawissa Hallroade
Depot, Foot of Pine Street, 'Williamsport, Pa.
Mail doP.Williamsport. 9.00 a. ma.
Accommodation dap: Wi11iam5p0rt,........6.00 p. m.
Mail arrivo at Williamsport, ' 6 20 p.. m.
Accommodation ,arrive at WilliamapOrt,% :..9.26 a in.
An additional train leaves Depot et Berth) Bowe,
Wlnsport, at 7.40 a. in.—for Milton, Philadelphia, 'N.
York, Boston and intermediate. points. Returning,
direct connecti on la made at Williamsport with trains
for the West. : . •
No change of 'airs between Philadelphia, New York
and Williamsport. GEO. W= 1 :11. Stojel.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
suffering is prevent
ed by - , their timely
use; and every family should have them on hand
for their protection and relief, when required.
Long experience hug proved them to be the saf
est, surest, and best of all the Pol* with which
the market abounds. - By their occasional use,
the blood is purified, the corruptions of the sys
tem expelled, obstructions removed and - -t•
whole machinery of life restored to i ts healthy
Activity. Internal organs which become clogged
and sluggish are cleansed by Ayer's Piled, and
stimulated into action. This incipient ; disease
is changed into health, the value of which char ,
when reckoned on tho vast multitudes who c oy
it, can hardly be computed. Their sugar cos
makes them [demand to take, amt preserved the r
virtues unimpaired tbr any leukth of time, so
that they are ever fresh, and perfectly tellable.
Although searching, they ,are mild and operate
without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or
Pull directions are given Op the wrapper to
each box, how to use them as a Family Physic,
and for the following complaints, Which these
Piled zapidly cote:—
For Dyspepsia or Ifsdiireation, Lletliess.
ness. ILanguote and low or. Ap i tetitte, they
e !lOU Icl be taken moderately to stint% ate the stom
ach, and restore its healthy tone an action.
For Ltver Consplalski and its various ayes
tams, Dillon* 1111miliactike, Sick. H
oche, Jaundice ar Green illicknose, Mb
lons Colic and 111111oiss Revere, they should
he Judiciously taken for each case, to correct tho;
diseased action or remove the obstruetionsvddialtf
cause it.
- For Iltrionitery or Dtarglasels, but one
mild dose iv ge»erally reiolred.
For lationteautbsen g a ralVel,
M e
"Motion of sh ilteart, its the
Side. Hook nuit Lollave t tha69:kgad bti oetlthi
uonply taken, as required, to the
actable of the syetotn. With , trucitCdlittni i e
complaints disappear. - - M
Icor Dropsy and hero' 411Weilliaqpi,
they should be taken in Mistreat t doses
to produce the effect of a:drastic p
For Suppression a large dbao should bo
taken, as itiupduces tote desired:ofeet by twin
pa thy. (
As a Dinner Pitt, take otto or two Pills to
promote f eligestion fwd relieve the stoluach; • ,
An occasional dose stimulmeb the stoteacii and .
bowels, restates the cpetite,and invigoratea the
system. Hence it &tau advantageous where
no serious derauFe t exists, One who feels
tolerably well, o finds that a dime of these
Pitts makes him' eel decidedly better, from their .
cleansing and renovating effect on We digestive
Dr. J. C. AYRI et CO., Pratitica I Chemists,
ZOIEELIA, m.Ass, V. S. d.
Jan. 1, 1272. MIME
,ag ilitymost
rivivo first class Billiard Tables nearly (late
I style) Havnagb it Docker's mare. Will be sold
very low as I have Ito farther nse for them. Tithe
given on pp
notes. C. B. WELTED,
April fif th , 1872, Rrook,es.
y El'i&!iB Testamentary on the estate of Bomb E.
1: . .J Everett, late of Blosabnrg, Tiogs - county, Pa. ae
ceased, having , been granted to the undoinifinefi
persona having claims 'against aelyt estate ' and t pee:
indebted to it will settle with
Blossborg, April 17, 1872-6 n
.. . •
Ito •
7,f N. 3: 1
• • • It
114)9 A X 6•XX i i '. 7sOti '
'LI lb ; 5.45 - T. 24; it
'Bl6 I sev:iit t.p
881 '.:.t Ili 4 i
9.80 5 'IS
946 "
490 DI6
915 " 2.62 , "
10.10 " 1145
6.13 r
4.63 4 4
B.SO 4,
4.06 .9
:1.58 44
11 "
8.58 aup
12.00 N 61
12.48 a
IsB9 *4.
1 00 "
2 . 22
7.00 •'
6.00 P II
i 4.27 ,
r 5116
123 b A . /11 - 642 * "
2.0 b • " 7.08 IUI
0.26 " 11•20 A 74
7.08 , “ 1210 P
LID -.“1.14.36 "
715 " " :1240 fa
1.20 , 112 . 64 !Lem ‘. •
6.55 P 3.0 6.55 "j 965 4 .
1;171 ,7 11 41° A '.Svc .
240.4 'l , No.P.t
9 46 p 131
726 am
126 p m
140 "
\), 46 u
• 0
2 47., "
0 16 fkup
4 00 p
786 \
Slt "
847 "
p 4 ,
10 16 "
" :11000 DM
6 46 - 44 ' 1005
.688 "itol2 1 4'
646 44 ' mgr."
I's POsm
,•616 as
w 1 8 : 6
'lB7 44 '1 808' 41-
5119 / o'46' ""
ob\ ,, 1927 "
8' .4 a isr-4
1 i m s
64. 6 , 9 +q
t 2
46 - 8" 12 68 11
1210 pmt.".. . 4 1•••
17s84in 'a sr as
1200.. m 840
11 As “
264 it so
868 4.
650 "
700 4 .
038 ••
It 00 "
, . .
.W.M. BAB E,
Gong Paim.Airt
Fur the relief and
cure of all derange
ments in the atom
nett, liver, and bow
els. They are a mild
aperient, and , an
excellent purgative.
Doing purely vege.
table, they contain
no mercury or mine.
ral whatever. Muth
For Sale.
Nei Sprin
.eninspl3, siwoff-
Sottod to tha IiPSIIII3 'MADE, and additions
-in want of D
{#l(, , 000141 of
w - tr 1t
, 1.0 tav
e •
9.46 ," .
4.11 44
9:01 ,
CII-aC,`l s iaigii (SO
20 Olt
1.1.20 A , Id
12,10 . Si 11
12.16 •g.
and in both or either of these departments, vo tete not tactile( to thlt tootion. Our
order If desired by the Most
4 4.•%•.. e • 4 , , ~44,4•
. .
i ' •
We take pride In Our CARPET DBPAIMMANT so one at the LaMantia's of lite town, and so it comprises
1 44
abibut 100 nods of eAt pcloes team 13 omits to use ant welt skaost ee y OtistooaeL tig: owl prim
sad nuns used pus °virility* to dad a . Akatail ilito oaths stogiona the Sdiranoe,
sad we dew son ea ttsFto old prices as . !Una smibd wait to by, cittiZtraTtbey Ks odoUttP l l4
• f,'- lit. 1 , „ P. , Ft'; a:, '-;„ ~' -.i.1 CI " ' , snout in imam. I . ,
- - , - .
, i t 1
, . .
No 2
11.40 a ni
440 go
4 0:4
7 4 62 if
00 .
X 714
1 14
12 011,p au
12 419 in
1 16 p m
1 40;srta
217 p m,
247 pra
618 pm
Tim citizens of Titaga Oots4y
Oardrii. Man*. Ifin
.1, • 3:3- .:‘
886 pm
840 pm
.916 pm
024 i pm
N \
t~~ t j.
o her Goods will bi
Wellabono, Jan. 27. 1872.
• New Sp
The earnest„ Estabjiiihment in No
:71 • t
Trailslcr Orna
+CD• 148721
We .stait tuft Sal
,Staple and Fa
ei •
z ,
took of
A 2 1 7 COST,
Wa 41 : Pl i tOn 42 Bra
. 1
- i.ng C4'.
and waitt
that thy have
t ' i
1 i ,
gad Hum
MI tialrofilidoooto Of
4 ,, Dry: Goods',
i, ,
Illamket WY. iovrtalah,ive (prate the munition as,
a (*.variety. We zombi a *oda* a
: - -
1 -- -
; .--.
curatArinitted. to call tUad Bea us.
inter Good
Ilioom ram A
sold\at 'pea
C 88,2
g on enetolners,
't time to write a ne
81301t0, PA.
large griontltiss of Goods enables
t Goods si.e s4dd at a ..
►,::hex. .
euts, Stripi
es Apr - 'earring"
• • aPPOltalatOg to 01221zWitOOU
i •
ning I
1 ,
'4 '.2.-1 , E't VI/
. ,
' • - . .
. .
--'..7't - WELIESBOrit 0; '•P.A.,' - ' ' -
- -
~-. .- 2 'AN-batvw ircii,,,EY A
,t .', -: -: ')4 4c',..hti5i04p4,6,21 'stimiiipo •
(0 41-3 "
i• • ' , '. 0 . I ll ', lite, .)wili.r . y; 1 biMilless , In'
~ - - \ ' , L ,-. 2Wollsbori4 bar alwa'ys foiwils,
kA lb,: '_,......- ,' -A :traiidits*ds and Prices of
f i
',.,., _ - .!, .., _ ' ;• - .
~k . Gold or Silver; Gecko, Jewelry, Gold Chains,
' Keys, Binge, *lns,:Poliells; Oases, Gold and -
Steel Pena, -Thiliablas;. Spoous, Itazdra, , ,
- - 0- Plidod Wire, • , , "
. ,
. ,
&c., tio., &C.
. With mo - all other articles usually kept in such ea
tabllshmants, . tilch are sold low for
S.. 6 ,
Repairing done mall ' and promptly, and on short
sartak. ,
dam 1, 187240.
°the will be made to
; UMW lb MAUS.
horn Pa. !
them to otter them at the
advance. over wholtedo
1111 t. LIMB,
I , ' 41 AND COLORS.
7 PenZ
TV,la Mir
SE It i r itm e I. now pred to ateot eoe. Roney ci of wnants ar
Italian or _Rutland ,Marble,
at Ma latest atola and immoral wallananabip and with
ni rltap a coma tenor on banal both kinds of Ida/
=Flu be Ole an
a t: snit al aa lro sear aa ftwor be hri baga
In Ms oanzatty.
MUGS e Zilla I ilia. 1,11179. .
la •tod%
i 44 a sh • a . Dentistry.
ItrirMa returned from s Ilan East, lam now pro
tlibfig"r44l:llloPedwiliEttda-nArtifile:CMl4°QkCiAleatteloil:dBth"irmorted4aindil LuMrumwan on t u s f-e:u nct
F i s.
atural TeetF t racted a
81.3eit litli ty:
. Preservation i tion w of ra ttre xi
Cr warratite& Terms reasonable,
A. B. EASTMAN, Dentist,
Jan. 1, 1872-tt rtVellsboro. Pa.
published on every package; there
foie it is not a secret preparation,
It is a certain care for Scrofula, .1
Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma
tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Com
plaint and all di eases of the
will do more good than ten bottles
of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla.
have used Rosadalis In their practice
for the past three years and freely
endorpo it as a reliable Alterative
and Blood PUrifietr.
DU. T. 0. PUG 11, or paltimote.•
DR. T.. 1. , s
put. W, onto_ "
D. DA& NELLY . ,_I‘
DA. J. S. ii,PAUKS, of moholaaville,
DR. J. 1.. hfcCARTRA, Columbia:
S. C:.
DR. A. II: NOBLES, Edgecomb, N. C.
J. B. FRENCH & SONS, Fall Blysy,'
F. W. SAITT'_H, Jackson, -
F. IV gEELER, Lima, Ohio.
h LL
f 3.
TA, 01 io.
11 , V
SZK'L. 0. McflA P N ns , v hiu l r e fret;
Our space will not allow of any ex
tended remarks in relation to the'
virtues of Rosadalis. Totbo Medical
Profession we guarantee a Finid
tract superior to any they ha ,e ever
wed In the treatment of diseased
Blood; and to the afflicted wo say tr
BoSadatis, and you will be restore
to health.
Resadalis Is sold by all Druipilis;
pripe $1.50 per bottle. Address
Manufactifrkg Mona.,
Bairrxmosa, Dina
July 29,
. Change Of Base.
_...... ,
Stock of Goods
. :
cirr A r :M eas lD:L:B a iT to ß il lo ,
cash, Pd.
at .
cash 1
kt p eta. - Oredit system played out.
li i\
"Pay se you go.': is'a trite old maxim, and, when
lived up tn \ the true doctrine for both seller and buyer
I intend to coil goods at email pronto, for cash, and
respectfully solicit a trial from old patrons, and from
all others who wish to buy groceries and staple goods
at 010se figures. A. W, POTTER.
. January 8, 1872. tf \
C_IIIORGE WAGNER, has t received a superb as
%X aortment of all kinds o ,
for gentlemen's
and li prepared to manufacture in the BM, STYLE,
and on the shortest notice. Persona wanting Clothing
Will please drop in and see my stock. I Good Erre and
the best of work guaranteed.
Jan. 1, 1811-/Y.
For Sale or bent.
&GOOD dairy farm in Tiog a township, Tioga Co.,
Pa., about 21-2 mlloa went of the Borough of
about 100 scree improved, and 46 unimproved.—
Etas on it three barns, throe dwelling houses, an apple
and pewit' orchard, and other fruit hues. Terms easy.
Also adjoining on the weak a farm and timber lands
from 40 to 200 gorse as desired, with 80 emcee tro roved.,
with a good barn, a • ... house and apple .
Good fOr a dairying , ... O. H. 81111.101311.
Jan. 1, 1872. . T lO B 6 . Pa.
House anfi Lot for Sale.
El.lundersigned o ff ers for sale his Houpo and Lot
on Main street, In Elkland, Pa., at a vory low pries.
d lot contains ono-balf sore, and is uador good, cab
Msation. For tonne, apnly to the enbearibor.
Mikland, Pa., Feb. 21, 1872 , U. O. P. BABCOOE.
Mrs. C. P. SMITH )
J 8 now receivin g new and ele g ant desi g ns In
rialk.l,TCllE" GrC)4:=07:::119,
mil invites the public to call and examine g oods and
B.—rzo trouble to show goods.
Feb. 28, 1812. WS. O. Y. 81dITH..
General Insurance' Age / ne.,
_ NILLRON, 1 4 100 A• CO., PA.
J. H. & J. D. Camp ) ell, 37/
i,.. 111! prepared to Issue Polloies bt first claim Cora.
puttee cm an kinds of Inenrabte Property against
and Ligbtalns at reasonable ;idea. We travel and
exaratno all rialto personally in(the counties of Tioga
and Potter , . - / J. IL OMAPIIIII.L.
' • eon, ireP. 7. 1872-Iy. ' Jr. D. OdlinaiLL.
Corning Foundry . & Diaoldne Shop.
Manufacturers of Stationaby and Yortable Bughtea and Boilers. Eleur. Shafting and Machinery required
for Saw MUla, grist ➢fills and Tannerios, Ovens and Grates, for burnbig Tan. Screws for moving us/leached
and leached bark, Casting., Bolta, Railroad Frogs, Chairs, and itapairilfg done at 'dart uotieo. We have %
fie• far shijeping le,y Canal or Railroads to all points, and - can furnish Machinery cheaper than Restore or,
Waste= builders of the beat quality.
. Jan. l, 18711--ly. , CORNING, OTEUREN COUNTY, N. Y.
All hail I creation far and near ;
Of Mathers's Store'you soon shall hear;
Let pealing Drums and Cannons' roar
Proclaim the news from shore to shore:
Mathers's stock is ndw complete ;
He has good goods and sells them cheap.
He trusts no one; but sells for cash; . ,
, • And sell so cheap some think him rash.
, \ I
Some said he would break iri a short time,
•, Butrif he does then this don't rhyme; -
• For-lie sells heaps and sells them right,
And has his cash for all at night. •
_ -
• I cannot stop to enumekate—
I have bargains both good and great.
My stock is plentiful, cheap and fine, - ',
Especially in the e Dry Goods line. ,
%lathers's Boot & 131100,1 TM & CI ; DrY - ods & Grocery Store is the cheapest place in Tioga county to lay
goods. Give it a trial and you will o coXiced.
„ Charley" has just returned from NewiTork with a large stock of Spring Goods, which he will, on aefool.l
of his immense trade, sell at less ppllt than before, and which he has bought much cheaper than ev , ,r.
Wellsboro, April 10, 1872. 0. C. MATHEI 8,
Horn's Hotel. -Steinway and othor
for sal° very cheap., Aisrw,. MASON Sz HAMLIN
A large stock of NEW 31119r0 just received.
LESSONS given on the Piano, Organ, and in Sing
ing. An opportunity fur piactice uffortlutl l trope
wbo may tlealre It. D. W. TODD.
Jan. 1. 1812-tt.
Every year increases the popularity
of this valuable Hair Preparation;
which is due to merit, alone. We can
assure our old patrons that it ia kept
fully up to its high standard; and it
is the only reliable aid perfected prep
aration for restoring GRAY OR FADED
HAIR to its youthful-colon making it
soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp,
by its use, becomes white and dean.
It removes all eruptions and dandruff,
and, by its tonic properties, prevents
the hair from falling out, as it stimu
lates and, nourishes the hair-glands.
By its use, the hair grows thicker and
stronger. In
.baldness,,lt restores the
capillary glands to their normal vigor,
and will create, a new growth; except
in extreme oldage. It is the most
econ Miler! HAIR DRESSING ever used,
as it requires fewer appliCations, and
gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap
pearance.l A. A. Hayes, M.D., State
Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The
constituents aro pure, and carefully
selected for excellent mality; and I
consider it the BEST YRE.PARATION
for its intended'purposes."
Bold by all Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines
Pride One Dollar.
. .
Buckirigham.'s Dye
As our Renewer in many oases re
quires toe long a time, and too much
care,-to restore gray or faded Whisk
ers, we have preisared this dye, in one
preparation; which will quickly and
effectually acconiplish this result. It
is easily applied, and produces a color
which will neither rub nor wash off:
Sold by all Druggists:, Price Fifty
Manufactured by R. P. , HALL & 00.,
Jun. 1. 1872.
The I TTIT No thing but the
ix th .
.1 1
rytHE beat Patent in tuxe is ;Nat ontfor sav ing rneney.,
Spool _ Thread Rack and
Bobbin TT index;
holding Ton Spools of Thread and Threading the Bob
bie, all c4'which can bo attached under the Sewing I
Machine. There were but lour brought to Wellaboro
fox' samples, which was bought immediately_by
ANDREW FOLEY, Jeweler. •
M. BULLARD, Assessor.
JAMES STALL, Conirr W. & L. R.
GRAS. ClTAPitiall„ Engineer, ,"
- Those wishing the above 'patent will find them at
Andrew Foley'a. The county will bo thoroughly can
Ivassett by r . E. J. JONES,
.I General Agent , Bloasburg, Fa.
April 10, 18724 w.
: WAVLE, would say to his friends that
. Ham- • :holkitotuittuatly stodked with
Heavy and Light Harnesses,
made in a substantial manner. and offered at prices
that cannot fail to suit.
The beat workmen emp.loyod, and none but the beat
material end.
_bona on short notice, and in the beat Inni
1, 1111irly.
GZO. W, XteVia
S. W. 3P Etym.° sib SS coxiss,
Mathers's Cheap Cash Store.
C. -C.
Of Boots and Shoes so very cheap,
I'll take a Moments time to speak;
Delighted too you.can't but be, -
With prices and the quality.
He does his business on the square;
That is, he does it right and fair.
He says at once just what he'll do,
And what he says is right and true.
.Illusic ! ibllusie
rivre. Trogo4
o to
If you want Dices Good of an fr.inga,
call at BALDWIN'S Shanty
If pan want Bl'k Alpaca, call for the Grand Dutcheea,
at BALDWIN'S Shanty
If you want an Ottoman 'amyl,
call at BM4DWIN'S Shanty
If you want raudies ti: (}outs' nuder wxg,
call at iiiiMWIN'S Shauts,
If you want lotions and trimmings,
cal at BALDWIN'S Shanft.
If you taut 'Furs
If you want knit Goo&
If you want Hats and Caps,
IX you want Boots and Shoes
Lf you want a set of Dishes,
If you want flood Teas and OroceriA' s fresh,
call a BALDWIN'S Shanty
If you want a ready made watt of elothea,
call at BALDWIN'S Sbai tp
yoti want a st it of Clothes iCalre your measure.
• ! at BALDWIN'S Shanty
If you N} - ant Over Coats,
If you want Buffalo Robes,
If you want prices that cant be beat,
call at BALDWIN'S 814tI
That i s whats the Matter.
We are anxious to sell the
ROv. 1, 3871.
- 1..,
Pianos! 0 b Organs 1
it, ii
iu Want n' first-class
lark° or Organ,
mil LL B. F.-40 NYD nt Dr. A. B. Eastman'a pgcc.—
Ho has the .
4 7 stey Organ, Webber 6'.
Haines Bros, Pianos,
Sheet Music., Initruction Books, Piano and Organ
Spreads, and anything in the line of first-class musical
Goods. 3, F. Stratton fe Co's Band Instrunionts.
Also the Domestio Sewing Machine. Call in and sea
me. . B. F. DOWIX
WeUsborQe APTUI944 1073.-tt
Ify-ou want a nioo assortment of
cull n{ BALI WIN'S Shanty
call at BALI:Mt:4'g Shanik
call at BALDWIN'S Shanty
call at BAIDNVIN'B43ILatitr
call at DAI,DIVIN'S Shanty
cull at BALDWIN'S Shanty
call at BALDWIN'S Sliatity
e goods before we leave the
1 '