Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, May 08, 1872, Image 2

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I Wish to be elected a delegate to the approaching
Coustibitional Convention. I soJicit the support of
my friends. - TIIOMA9 L. 'KANE.
Halle, April. tr. 187'2.
i ) t4
Republican Nominations.
f ,Ifontgantery County.
of Brar(pril Onenlq.
nt IVSren Cuzmly
lIARRY WRIT; , „ os IunTANA ;
conv - RNTION.
WM. M. l'iurAnEr.rinA ;
HARRY WHITE, hintAzin , ;
WILLIAM DAVIS, 111..Nn0r.;
GEO. V. LAWRENCE, WAsariurds ;
DAVID N.. WHITE, Ataxo.l7.NT ; ,
W. H. AINIiY, LEllum ;
JOIN 11. 'WALKER, 1;lur.
Gold•closed last Saturclay in New York at
1113 f.
Vermont held her Republican State Col..
vention last week; and sent delegates to
Philadelphia, instructing them to support
Grant and Colfax. And all this right in the
face and eves of Cincinnati!
The statement of the public debt for the
last month show:, a reduction of $12,538,-
088, tn. The total reduction from March
1, 1869, the month w 1 en Grant came Into
office, to the Ist insltaht is $:327,719,819 01.
These figures need no comment.
The Cincinnati Convention was occupied
Me days last week in manufacturing a
non-committal platform and nominating a
ticket. Horace Greeley,l,l4. D., was nom
inated for President on the sixth ballot, and
Benjamin Gratz Brown, of Missouri, for
Vice President on the second ballot. Carl
Sehur was permanent President of the Con:
rlihere seems to be some strange fatality
attending legislative bodies this year. Our
own Senate lost two members by death; and
in New York each 'Muse has been called to
mourn the loss of a member since the meet
ing of the Legislature" in January. And
now the Clerk of the Assembly of that
State has died. Can anybody explain this
official mortality?
Last week the New York Assembly took
the first public step toward the impeach
ment of .Judge•i .Barnard and Cardoza.—
These are the two 'nen who have, rendered
the American judiciary a hissing and re
proach among all civilized 'nations. They
:11-1- the creatures and the tools of Tammany,
.md are at last involved in the ruin of the
Ring. As their offenses have been conspic
uous, we trust their punishment will be sig
And noii here Collies another national
convention—that of the Workingmen's Un
ion—to lie held in New York on the 23d of
May These '• Workingmen," whoever
they are, propose to nominate candidates for
President and, Vice * President on this plat
form: The reduction of the—national del -,
th'e maintenance of a high tariff, the unf.on
ditional settlement of the Alabama faims
or war to the knife, the enforcement' of the
eight-hour law, a reduction of vie rate of
interest on money by a national law, and
the encouragement of Ameriyim shipbuild
ing. They rap Herr Schurz hjver the knuck
les by declaring that any 111Z14 opposing the
sale of arms to a suffering people is an infa
mous traitor to his country. These Work
ingmen are not much like the Cincinnati
noodles; they know what they want, and are
not afraid to tell all Ihe wotld . their inten
Genuine " Revenue Reforni" made some
substantial progress at Washington last
week. Both houses final y agreed to the
till placing tea and coffee on the free list.—
The country is to be congratUlated on this
reduction of duties for two reasons. It will
cheapen articles which from being luxuries
have become almost universal necessaries to
the whole body of the people, and it will
Rio this without injuring any American in
t ereq or crippling any home industry. In- .
deed, the direct effect of cutting off this
tax is to require the retention of other An
tics which at once produce revenue and in
directly encourage American enterprise and
feed .Irnerican workmen. It IS for this very
reason that the Free Tra.te Lague, inspired
by British interests, lablred to continue this
tax on every cup of tea aid ci6ffee consumed
in the country.. The new lakv is to take ef
fect on the Ist of July next.
There seems to he a perfect reign of ter
ror in ( l ass county, Mo. l A few days since
a party of disguised men stopped a passen
!•er Ind II on the railroad' and brutally mur
der,d tutee citizen , :, one of n hom was the
Conitt,\ .ImlL , t. Since that time the trouble
hay been on the increa , e Leading citizens
,1 the 07111/y }IA% e been ordered •to leave
ithin twenty-four hour. under penalty of
teeing shot. It is reported that there is au
! toed organization of over n thousand des
handed together to protect each
~t tier in their high-handed outragc‘l. The
preci , .e 2?rigin of the trouble we don't idly"
..mleNta'ud, but it seerns to bavol be en thil
•ning of county bonds, and the dispoz,al
thiln by, the men first slain. But there
,n be no provocation to justify such an in
,,treetion of savages who even attempt to
4ourder clergymen for performing funeral
cc at the graves of their vietittv , The
onntry is disgraced by their presence, anti
I IR! sooner they are hunted down like mad
do;I:i the better.
gigantic scheme to bleed the Treasury
for the benefit of the railroad companies
riffle to light last week at Washington. On
Monday, Mr. Negley of this State introduced
in the house and had referred to the Judi
ivy Commitnee a bill to re-open the ne
, mints of the Government with some four-
tern railroad companies for I ransporting
hoops (luring the entire period of the re- ,
ad‘up to August 1, 1867. The bill
proposed to pay the difference between the
4isual passenger rates and the uniform price
of two cents a mile paid by the Govern
ment. Probably this brazen job would take
orer a hundred trillions of dollars out of
the pockets of the taxpayers, Dot if these
fourteen roads named are to receive this ex
tra grab, there is no rule which will shut out
any other, road. The fact_ is that this pre
tended claim hasn't a foot to stand upon.—
The roads were not only fairly paid for all
their services, but the compensation was so
thereby placed on a soliOfinanOild builds for; I
the first time in its histori; Aridx thkinan-`;
ner in which thaYytramsikirted
-. 47 ,, 1
crowding them into dirty freight ears, and
hauling great number 4 of 'them at slow
profitable part of their passenger business.
We are glad to see that the feeling excited
by_ this proposeA big grab luffpromiited 4r.
Negley to Withdraw the bill, lint it is not
t;afti to. cortehide that r# wiU*Att 0-appggilp
some other:Bll4)e.; ,There,ispyideptlyol,lo,
ney in it,"• and a 'good deal' of it,' and 'no.
doubt smite other Ntigleyvill bb fotind to
press the cheat.
.But when any : nlinber
goes into this business again; we advise him
to secure his pay in advance: 'Tt wonitl„'te
very tedious to wait for a share of thebooty,
The Result at finci.nnati.
If to accoiiiptifil the unexpected Is,-to,
achieve success, th 6 managers of the CM
einnati bolt are surti i ly on the direct road to
power; for it is certhin that no nomination.
ever more astonipj ed men of all parties
than that of Mr. 1 Greeley. The result of
that convention of "revenue reformers" is
indeed " surprising," as the N.Y c ,: World
says, though we imagine that in that quar
ter it, is something
_more than, surprisingcr . ,
In fact, the feeling with which the 'news
was received by the Whole country was a
mixed one. Among the great body of •Re=
publicans who piopose to stand . bythelmit• --
ty and its regular nominees the first emotion
was mingled astonishment, antukement and
satisfaction; among 'Democrats, who had
been looking •anxiously to Cincinnati. fOr
- .
help; t. was astonishment; dismay and
amusement. Mr. Greeley's personal idio
syncrasies are • so" -rtiark - Wand • Vo, ,widely
known; they arc so incompatible with eve
ry popular notion of official propriety, and
so in the way of a successful Canvass for
the Presidency, that tlfe serious mention of
his name in that connection has sufficed to
throw the Whole hind into' a' broad grin. F lt
is reported that BentitOr Trumbull, who had ,
schemed and hoped for the, nomination r -
marked upon hearing the news, "IT
T the ,
country can stand the first burst of niirlit
the nomination 3y i foßth l ii,,uttl,
a strong tielie,o l =a just curl strereriti-
eism of the bolters' , work; • ; •
But when that " burst of mirth" shall
have subsided, and men come to reykew the
situation with the proveibial sober second
thought, we imagine that the feeling of as
tonishment will be as strong -as ever. The,
tools selected to work the ruin intended by
the leaders of this movement, appear so lu
dicrously inadequate to 'The • task,. flint it
seems as though some mischievous sprite
had bewitched the convention, mid prompt
ed the delegates to vote as they would not.
It is indeed true that:Allis nomination may
lead to the defeat of the Republican party,
rote; and he was backed by the money of
Belmont and the influence of the World.—
Even Trumbull had reason to hope for sup
plies and reinforcements from the-Demo
cratic camp. But this " ferocious" protec
tionist! how can Belmont and . - the World
support him? This life-long enemy of Dem
ocratic principles and practices! how can
the " unwashed," who have drawn in with
their Mothers' milk hatred of that name, he
brought to follow the standard of Horace
Greeley? No; the pill istoo bitter; it will
not go down. The convention had hardly
adjourned before there was abundant evi
dence of Democratic disgust and disap
pointment. The New York World of Sat
urday bewails " the surprising result at Cin
cinnati," and couns,els and • predicts the
prompt nomination of a straight Democrat
ic ticket, to which it promises zealous Sup
port. The Philadelphia Age of the same
date says,' " We have not cherished a doubt
that the Democratic Convention would in
due time place a candidate in the field."—
The Washington Patriot speaks in the same
vein, while the Albany Argus is as greatly
surprised by the nomiietation as the''Tlrorld is.
It is evident that the new-fledged Greeley
faction need expect no i lhelp from the bo- -
Whence, then, are to come the vote, to
elect the sage' of Chappaqua? We stilieel
Mr. Greeley himself don't know, as we con
fess we don't. The fact is, as things look
now, he stands no more chance of an elec
tion to the Presidency than does Susan B.
Anthony. At the same time we admit that
if he continues in the field ho will receive a
considerable popular vote, bat not enough
to give -him even a respectable, show in_ the
electoral count. So far as we know, in this
region his Republican supporters may be
counted on the fingcrs6if one hand, and as
for - his Democratic ones, they will have
dwindled to the vanishink point by the
Fourth of July. There is a feeling pervad.
in :: the %% hole country that .Mr, (recley is a
crotchety, fanciful, unreliable, , headstrong
mail His -ficT:nowledged sincerity is only a
ihni.ure, to man of this , charaCter, for it
rendcts his prejudices and Whims invinci
ble, awl leads him to regard every man who
from him as either a fool Or a knave.
This dread of his peculiar, " staternmrship"
; : o deep and so Wide-spread that we be
lie%e it woad be hardly possible to elect him
Pre,ident if he was the regular nominee of
he united party. But as the candidate of
a hulling faction his chances are simply be
neath calculation. As we said above, his
influence may draw off enough votes to de
feat the regular ticket and turn the country
over to the Democrats. That would be a
calamity indeed; but it would be one — for
which Mr. Greeley and his political follow
xvould be entirely responsible, and which
they Would live to regret as bitterly as Mr,
tlrecley did his "Onto Riehmondl'rfrenzy.
But we believe that catastrophe may be and
be averted by the sound common sense
of the Republic= masses, and by the influ
ence of the loyal Republican press. - The
great body of that press cares very little for
men or for offices, but everything for the
'party, the country, and the preservation of
the fruits of the war, and it will take good
care that every Republican who proposes to
cast a vote for the Democratic ticket under
cover of honest Horace's old white coat shall
do so with his eyeiropen and in full view of
the consequences. , •
—Tile Corning Journal has been timing
one tire clergymen of that village - R©v. Dl r„
Stacey—and credits him with fiin•hour
mg five minutes, and those who find the ser
vicci" to. -h x & 1 he •
'-' l, • IL AVAsMiiti •I-* ' 1.
4 , 1 .. ~.,;.ti.,,
14, A ' l B
~ t .„..._ Adift_TO v. 13 s 0
,_, 4 , ., NiAvi.viiv i.O-: -
.Var j ous "tlispatehes receive - 0 1 W twat
parts of the country itidichte Hit e is a
, nP 3 Y- 11 Abel4C I P c13 4-0! ,Y4f4, 1013 -44 1 4.17
stripe are howling as vociferously a 5 yes: l 4.-
I We for their - various prefeitiMes. ,ldost df.
them wear the collar of their owners with . ,
lilitlie - pride'artil - paica ,, de trial is pnssitili!.--
Moneyed men alone. can keep on thesurinee
Of the 4ttia:ol.•Thitut Iliiittalll64:)B the,
very best name that can he applied th the
"office-hunters"eciityelition:';''X'illital-pse'tot ;
niouey,illhe test i pf i eßmulariv e, ttn-l;tt,pi.vr,
ofini•litil'llliptit 4 as 'gods Chance of' g iftin g
'to the • heaven of Cincinnati', nomination
a'r9"4 1 ,44F,FY%c'EP41 4. 3. 1L 1 -I, l l° TM1911."
his to 'ente'r the heaven of ehristianlty.--
rolitiefil And'inbial aphorisms of Deinheii- , 1
cy are'reversed at this Mecca of the sore
heads.- Davis iyitti hiq spondulie!ivil) outbid
Adams with his empty bag of seedy Demo
eracY. 'The4lo,ooo i4en-from the peoPlo'i
1)y Trumbull; if , well distributed in Pious;
Chicago and used freely at Cincinnati, may
raise the Wind for tit, 'feat; -pitisity-breathed ,
huzzas, lint Trumb'ull, while at the busingsll, - ,'
slMitid have peculated more in. the:eauseeof '
,pr:„thrown hp the sponge . 4or, the .
iibt;rui4l 3 .resitlency. Ile cannot be liberal op
,$lO,OO, and' hie lib'erality is too ohrrow„to,
4 . farther, or perhaps even so far as to dis
gorge what he has taken Without rentleting
tiny considerable equivalent therefor.. Be t
,sides, -he has paid out so much for theput,
dlitise . of :editorial 'support ,thatl he doronot!
attend the Cincinnati - Convention - , ancl,tliq,
Omudssioris chargeilby his friendelvill ex- h
hatiSt,hisipolilictil exchequer hefere l / 4 :41q380i,
tang begins.,- , Adamt3 is ii' -Befttffilieaus dilly
liecauSelle is so!aristocrhile as, to Thave:mw
drop of Democratic .bloOd'in his veins.- His
Demoer,aey : cotfe,ists in running prr,thhOt-in;
ocratic ticket with , Van- Buren to -defeat
Gen; Taylor.. Ife Vile 'hot,a•suCCess thon,,
and wilthe:noluore so now,- if nomipated.
Sumner:iii'iifleilt'asiDemocratic lii!' ., his na
ture mid‘liabits as. Adains,'• 'and' •he • will io''
for him (Adams) if he will submit to be i -
oculated with African blood; ;tufg have is
.gi•andchildren educated in the public. s tools
among those of -negro slaves of the South,f
sO as to
_hint, more
,deeitl&l outhern
proclivities. But this is, not ely to be
done, because Adai,nejsuhse , i-,'and, unfor
tunately for him, so, aro - his :income of war.
I JOY AMONG DEN 0 'RACY. , ' - '-' .
:Nothing can exceed c quiet satisfaction
panifested by Demo eta here at the num- ,
bet' of Republicans :eported . at the qiheip-•
nati Convehfion: ' They laugh • idwardry all
over, through rid through. -It is almost
impossible fo . them to play out the role of
"Possum." +hey want to scream their ,joy,
to the hi,l ,tops. The. encguragetilerkr(i; ,
cOved'.bY - Repithlicanti on :lentnins...,Ol'_ - .. #ln;
'split i f the Democratic party at C4ariestim,
vas ike the rays Of 'a' rush 'light compared 1
to lie stut,of l .Ate present l) . 9Formiglupt;#3..
b think - Of a llePtiblican party covered
•with prestige and glorious. achievements,
because it cannot give offices to all aspi- 1
rants, dividinzi,litef.olnks ;14W - 0161ring . ..its
enemies to triumph over it in' two detach
ments, is such unexpected joy that the "Pos
sum" can scarcely 'feign sleep tiny longer: , ---
Yee - they Will fief required by their leaders to
keep still until after' the Philadelphia COn4 ,
vention, even to play the character 'of life-',
phistopheles until the next Fourth of July,
when a full Democratic ticket will be put in
the field, and they will lauglijoitheir hearts'
contentat their anxious friends of Cincin-
rutti, Who shall beg them ittiVain for a single
taste of that office iiihfcli ' has turned their,,
brains and hurried them into political sui- '
cider .
This is their present feeljng, based On.thel
number of soreheads .at. Cincinnati. it is
not by any means certain that they will re::
alize their bright anticipations. Suppose a
lucid interval should come to the councils
of the Lihergt i naana 0.54 , 1 cam
jangling discord of opposing leaders should
disagree, or that, agreeingy‘they should fail
to find voters to follow the lead of the ram
pant malcontents. What then? Must they
be disappointed? Thin as is the disguise of
this suicide, they still will hope to commit
their friends so far at wading in their own
blood, that to return were harder than go
ing o'er. • •
The President was called upon yesterday
by members of the Methodist General Con
ference, with many of whom he had a per
sonal acquaintance, and social conversation
was indulged in.
A delegation of Workingmen from New
York also had a full con ference. with the
President on the operation of the eight-hour
law. Be gave them encouragement as to
continuing the eight-hour system wherever
it could be done by the Government under
the law, and referred them to Judge Rich
ardson, acting Secretary of the Treasury,
who also held an interview with them of a
character favorable to their object; viz: to
further the interests of the laboring man.
The President through his tnessages liar
taken giounda , irt favor of the working class,
to whiciihetelonged at the opeiiink-of our
war of rebellion, and with whom he has
never failed to sympathiie in his character
of . Chief Magistrate of a nation of workers.
investigation of the Territorial offi
cial conduct has been concluded, awl the
cost of the investigation is concluded to be
the only money used which ean,. be, shown
to have been improperly emploYed.
The work on the streets .has commenced,
and there is an. air of. busy cheerfulness
throughOht the city Of Washlnecin thiat bits
seldom been observed befoie.
BUilders are gush - ng on hundreds of hou
ses, and the prospect for general improve
ment of the national capital has never been
better than now. ; , C. M.
The Coming Campaign.
The Atlanta Sun, the'organ of the South
ern Democracy, quotes with approbation
the following from the Louisville Later:
`,`-It the , Democracy succeed. in , the corn-.
ing contest they must:have representative
men in the van—men ,of ability, firmness
and daring, in whom the masses have confi
dence. They do not want namby-pamby,
milk-and-water conservatives, but men who
oppose error, fraud, and corruption because
they_ re wrong, and are not afraid to call
things by, their right
,names. , The Demo
cratielnasses want bold, resolute, deteimiii
ed'. readers; men around whom they can
gather with enthusiasm, and who they know
will not go back upon those eternal principles
which deal out equal justice to all." • . -
And the same paper is much pleased with
the following, which it quotes from an Ohio
Democratic paper:
" There must- eno abnegation of Demo-:
cratic doctrine. Neither by express words,
nor by implicatio must it be signified that
the Democracy s tall not assert the sover
eignty of the Stet s, and the reserved power
to Make sovereignty effective. Neither by
words nor by implication must it be admit-,
ted that the war made any valid or obliga
tory elange.in the relations of the States to
the Federal Govermient:: Neither by totdi
nor by implication must any authorityor
binding force be conceded' to the subversive
and degrading usurpations known as amend
ments to the Constitution." 1--
It is becoming more and more apparent
that the Southern Democracy will insist on
a strict party platform` und Latraight-out
Democratic candidate. kis fair to presume
that they will do this on principle, but there
is something in the idea that they. distrust
their Northern allies. The repugnances Of
the Democrats of the Stephens and Toombs
school are about as follows: They dislike
the Southern Republicans intensely. Lan
guago cannot conxey the depth and intensity
of their hatred. to that class of o,uf fellow ,
citizens: Next 'to- them they dislike the
Northern Radicals, - as they call them. Next,
they tolerate whiltithoy,distrnst the so-called
.moderate Republicans, and those Demo
crats North who !tie considered national in
their viewt, and who show -it by profesS
-7 I •• - ' I IV 'r • C O''
7- '' ,t• :: ,-"• • : —: - -, . 4 ;:-. 4 ,,,, -,,,,,,,,,,z,,:t0 t i :
44ejiti'' They are in 014e_ttill , : ," -, :t i sak... '
;the State rights ptirtjetrE. 4- i••:•'. 414-.:
l a c n r ,4% p ieta r y , ,•,:t ii n ti d o s u a g t i r k :: Lt o b;,r z ;eiii i .z i tud i_r% t ' ,
the war, as they term it(tnnidn4riio''•' hi •
obligatory change in the,:relittiiini otthe
Stittes to the Federal Govermitent.
- ":Tlie histiary of 'all piirlialaCliCS that the
modprates.seldotn t eontrol.nondartgng con- ,
eft-tions., gaff:test qiitsititceltient generally
called radicals, no mailer to what. party
theyyclotig, Tire nearly - -always'succetisful in '
shaping the plinforpi, told, the „nominations.
It is more than prtibahle qintt"iiien' of this
iitatntY will control litithtlic!nittlimal-conven
lions to lat'held'thi4 Year—itr'nOrninate:can
dictates for -President 'and Vice • President.
'The , earnesi;..detiirMin'ed 5- State lights-De
itnoeracy .dtiill'ite potent in , , the' Denver:4lft
Coin ention..=7: They will - have liothitteorthe
" nimihy-Patill*c,i..titilk-atta-tvater .order."-- , •
They - -htive , ifinnutteed this ht advance:. ' , l;!J'
, What, then; will become or the moderate
Men? - They will be ground' tieneath the up
per and the' nether millstones - All the nice
little•arraugertients =herb and elsewhere -by
the' " liberals,P having in :view the offiees,
will be dissipated by the coming• tempest.—
The people composing the two greatparties
will not he able to see the wisslom.or fitness
of these arrangettithas;'lliey Will-adhere to
their respective organizations, and thegretit
good fortune of the Countryiwill' be, as i/
,1860,; - 1864, end 1U63, that -the real friends
2 3
:the Governntent , are stronger - at the b lot
'box than those whose polley; if succe sful,
: Would -involve the nation in . serious t übles.
'I, L If- •-thotDemocracy 'should adopt t e policy
foreshadoWed by the Atlanta' ~.9 n of ,
serting thei sovereignty of the tates, 'and
the reserved power to make vereignty of
it will but renew - t '0 contest of 18-
it. 10;• it will Oglit itibuttlelt SO again: :'But
e i
whether it doe this or n in 'so many words,
the people wilt iCriow i t 4 tho4arne tild -De
ocracy, and that al it wants is a Chance to
...n in dminister the- Go eminent- in accordance
wttlt its-Stateir' lets - heroBies. The cara-
...lw i i tin.
chat ni it wants lb
~- n the- Go eminent - in act,.
. its , State' r' :.lits , heresies. The 4,. ~of 1111 4
tnn , ve.-411 b lads of A: •
'paign will - be a rp, and the Issues wellde- !
yi n 13.18.- St g suit ---,Lobar ;; contain-.
lined. The , "eat concerti in tb" -, • - __ ,ifill acme. 75 $0 P iMprOVede,Witi4 two frame
wind its to c'-result 'will, of its , ne ietable .o ut build
out• the i - : es. Public then olio ,. . - ... 3 a)
•ftsilt tress thereon:
- le- -- .eo be sold, I. • Aolobry, , cult of
in platitn as, and address theinselVes rawer John 13. w e White). •
t 43 the- iissionathan-to the reason.OLthe v,o- ALII.O-4 iro*.hounded north
, id in pie:cession of
tars; ill'precititii htitlittle effect. ' , -The Deo- . by linos ,or
l ir c o t t 4 in a r l ar r e 43:aEm ici -11 1 8 6 :'- fra :W ugh n t . o r s s tr e ' e W t: l c,
consequences for good or fair house
evil,-thervill not be content with the stale be '• Henry ' Sherwood,
l improved, with .a
used 8s a judges'
ins -track !heron.-
t P h iti ti i resi i s l uu t ie t ts l i e l. i o n vf a f.i n tsth d e ef . and. west by,leich-
Wellsturo Driving
' stan "u :,:d a :
charges and frothy declamation of the dem- Park- m aw ,* idey and 1 4 . 0. Ben,-
figeguo:--; Waghingtore Chronale. • ' nett.
ALSO-A townshiP; bounded
north by It and- Morris Seeley,
w4at by lia south by lands of
Looter , iiildv and east bylaods of
Levi B. filth 3, 45 acres improved,
with a fran A sheds, out build
ins, apple " trees thereon. -To
.bo sold as tl. ,cure and E. W. .
'dike, suit of
ALSO-Aloe or laneeaakcion townahipi hounded
north by lands of d 0.....
main& Inglehearti •-..west by
lands of Boetwick Be erg, Booth by .lEde Of 'John
Stafford and Sidney treiand west by dot ,PhiliP
1 1 ,
Wheeler Mid Constiee Iti lelicArt: eon owe' liflooil
sores, 12 acres improve , ith a frame house, trance
shed, out buildings, tut apPle lo and and other 'fruit
trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Rufus
M. Chanthailain ant Amy Chantherlain, suit of P. R.
Bryan, for use of ThoMaell'labbOn.
ALSO-A lot of land in , Covioaton borough; 'bound.
ed north by lands of U. 0, Lee, west by the William
son road, sonthby lands containing eroulds, one
:by by of Isesie Berry; abcoit ontAhird of
'an sore, with a frame lionise, frame barn, out'build - -
Jugs, and fruit trees thereon.
azeo-Another lot in )the borough of Covington;
bounded north by lands of David Wells, west by-the
WilliaMson road, son m by lands of George Everette,
and east by lands Of otis G. Goroulde; containing two
scres,.althasproved. 'To be sold as the prone E.
B. Docker and W, 11 . Eeans, salt Thies & Williams.
ALSO-A lot of land in Covington townshipobourid.
ed.; north by the Elk Ran highway, south and vast by
Levi Beckwith, and cast by publics road leading to Cov
ington ; containing about two acres, all Unproved. To
tie sold as the proper of - Jacob .lolanlion and Abrarh
Johnson; snit of E. mercy.
• , r 1 • .
ALSO-A lot of.lim in Liberty township; bounded
north by lands of O. L. Veil, west by lands of the es
tete of Leonard &ha backer and the'publio Isighwa),
i n
east by lands of Joh Young , and south by lamb
Knifiln and -John backer; containing 237 acne,
more or less, 150 acre improved, with a frame house,
log house, frame wag n house, frame barn, out build
ige, three apple orch rde and other, fruit trees there
.3s.so-Another lot pf land iu Liberty township;
bounded north by the Williamson road, west by public
alley and B. F. Werte, south by public alloy and L.
Edwarde, andeast by Ferdinand Thomas; containing
62 feet front, and 208 feet deep, with a frame three
a ;
story hotel with b went, ontboildiugs, and halt
trees thereon. ;
. emso-One other ot iu said township; bounded
north by public alley d Albert Sligo, west by lands
of William Narber , 31 uth by the public highway and
William Narber, and alit by public alley; containing
one-fourth of an a rei, with a frame horse barn
thereon. '• TO be sold( as the property of 0. D.
Perry, suit of (harden k'elter for me of E. Pomeroy.
ALSO-ei lot of land in Clymer township; bounded
on the north and went by lands of Elizabeth Eastman,
south by lauds of S. . Goodell, and east by the pub
tic highway; being 6 e rods deep anti oir rods and 14
inches front, with a frame house, frame blacksmith
shop; and a few fruit trees thereon. TO be sold as the
property of William R. Perry, Hutt of P. A. Le Franco
Whom Who...v.
( 93.1114 1 r -a tot or lau dna ntehmondtownahip; bound..
ed north by lands of Rhoda M'Connell and 1113nry Al
len, west by lands of Juliette' Guile, south by lands of
Timothy Smith, and east by the public highway and
;William Shaw; containing 125 sores, 80 acres improved,
I with a log house, frame, house, frame barn, frame gra
nary, out buildings, anappie orchard and other fruit
trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Eliada
Watkins, suit of D. P. Shaw.,
ALSO-A lot of land in Charleston township; bound.
ed north and east by lands of Martin Bennett, south
by lands of .1. 0, Duet, and west by lands of Ass Wil
kinson; containing 00 e, 20 acres improved, with
a frame house, out b ga and fruit trees thereon.
To be sold as the prciperty of Hiram Mattison, suit of
L. 0. Bennett.
ALSO-A lot of teed n the borough of Mansfield;
bounded north by Weilithoro street, west by lands of
Lyman Beach, south; by lands of A. Hunt, and east by
Lanai of Lutz and Kehler; being 29 feet front and 70
feet deep, containing 7k rode, With re two Story frame
store and dwellingouse and out buildings the reon .
To be sold as the property of G. B. Hill;suit of J. S.
& M. Peckham for nurse of J. W. Adams. -
ALSO -A lot of I4ndl in Tioga township; beginning
on the road, thence as far back as Maria Lucas's lands
rail, tharceo parallel with the public road to B. C.
Wickham 's land, then along the said Wickham land
to the Bald road, thence along said road to the place of
beginning; containing ' bout 60 sores, unimproved...
To be sold,sa the prop rey of Simeon Benson and Au
rello rated, (suit ofil: th Alford; Administratrix of S.
C. Alford deceased.
ALSO-A lot of It:in Liberty township; bounded
north by lands of este,' Childs , west by the William
zon-road,,south by &act Sheffer, and east by John
- Kohler' containing one-fourth of an acre with a frame
house, frame barn, Out buildings and fruit trees. there
on. To be sold as the property of Solomon BlanX,
milt of idary,lllanlt.l
ALSO-A lot of bend lin Liberty township; bounded
north by John Messner, west by-lands of John James,
south by the publici highway, and west by lands of
- Charles Roop and dace') Itausher; containing 20 acres,
all partly improved; with a frame house, frame stable,
and fruit trees thereon; To be sold as the property
of Solomon Blank, Suit of David Messner. . '
. ALSO-A lot of land in Ward township; hounded
north by lands of A. J. Tester, east by 'lands of Abra
hamltnifiln, south by lands of Alfred Furman and
D. Fillon, and west by,A. J. Tester and Ambrose Gray;
containing 108 sores, four.astres improved, with Sugar
eabinjeud stable thereon. Tel be sold as the property
of Darius Kniftth, sultiof Abraham Eastizan.
ALSO-A lot of land in Clymer township; bounded
on the north, west, south and east by lands of Chris
topher Schoonover; containing about half an acre, all
improved, with two frame houses, a frame blacksmith
shop, frame barn, out buildings, and fruit trees there
on. To be sold as the i property of Frank Buck, suit
of ci.. P. Bristol for use of Caleb Trowbrtiet.
ALSO-A lot of land, in Clymer towns p; bounded
north by lands,of A. Sehoonover, west by lands claim
ed by --Fox, south by hunts of R. Pier, and east
by lands of 'Stephen , 3tiles; containing 25 acres, to
acres improved, with frame house, outbuildings, an
apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon, To be
sold as the property of siVillicou Schoonover, suit of
Aaron Schoonover for use of A. P. Cone. .
ALSO-A lot of land inßutland township; bounded
north by lands of • ' Starks and Alpheus Kinney,
west by lands of Julius Tremain e south by lands of
Wickham & Aiken,l, andwest by lands of Alpheus Kin
ney; containing - 44 a, four acres improved, with a
log house and log bar thereon. To be sold as the
propertY of A. .Ito nacelle and 0. H. Rounsville,
suit of John B nt. •,-i i,
ALSO-A lo of an in CharlestOn township; boun
ded north by di of Robert Adams, west by Robert
Illebardson, and a u and oast by lands of Dia
ler; containing 73. ac es, all improved, with a frame
house, frame barn, o t buildings, an apple orchard
and other trait trees taereou. To be sold as the prop
erty of Charles Brown, suit of Hobart Adams.
ALSO-A lot of land in the township of Richmond;
bounded north, west and south by blade of Sarah L.
Keens, and cast bye public highway; containing .
about three-fourths o an acre, with a frame house,
out buildings, an app o orchard and other fruit trees
thereon. To be sold 4s the property of Vincent llo
boom, E. W. llogabocon, W. B. Sturdevant and D. f.
AV Intyro, suit of W.F. Wentz for use of J. C. Seelcy.
ALSO-A lot of land in the borough of Blossburg ;
bounded north by Hannibal street, cast by lauds Of
DennisarCarty, south by Joseph Murray, and wee:
by Morris street; containing about one-fourth of an
acre, with a frame house and out buildiugs thereon.-
To be sold as the property of Lewis Lewis, suit of 0.
F. Taylor. . /
ALSO-A. lot of Itutt is Westfield township; bound
ed north by lot No. 49 of the allotment of Bingham
lands in Westfield and lot No. 44 contracted to Barton
Hunt, east by lot No. (44, south by lot No. 267 convey
ed to Thomas Stone and lota No. 171 and 79 conveyed
to Caleb Trowbridge, hand on the west by lot No. 262
conveyed to John GO°, dspeed; containing 69.8 acres,
with the usual allowance of sir per cent. for roads,
he., be the same mo or less, it being lot No, 77- of
the allotment of Bingham lands in Westfield and CV
trier torn:shim andart of warrants Nos. "1230 and
1231, about 18 acres improved, with a log bonne- and
an apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property
of Isaac. Hunt, suit o William Bingham Trustees.
' ALSO-A lot of land in Richmond township; boun
ded north by lands of Lewis Crittenden , east by lands
Of Samuel Waters, south by lands of e--• Underhill,
and west by lands in Posse on of Lewis and Abijah
Lent; containing 60 acres, 2 acres improved, with a
frame house, log bowie, e barn, out ibiiildings, an
apple orchard and other t trees thereon. To be
asla as the props A t Odostroland, met of E. R.
Haight, for use ofd my rwood.
ALSO-A lot of land in Jackson township; bounded
north by lands of L. W. Morrell, West by lanai of Se'
Baker and A. O. Jewell, south by lands of Edward -
traits, and east by lands of Mary Jewell; con
98 acres , 80 acres improved, with a frame house a
barn, frame hog house; out buildings, an ap le or
chard and other fruit trees thereon. • To beaeld as the
property of James G. V/oodford, suit are Lane.
ALSO- lot of land in - Liberty town p: bounded
north by bends of CI. les BYWaters, w t sby lands of
=Ward Oatrom, sou by lands of erdinand Thom,
as, and east by lands f Joseph amna containing
107 acre s, 00 acres improved, wi two (frame houses.
one-frame barn, oat blia 4 47i t 7 1,3 plc crchudi
and 'other fruit trees th'ereo o be sold as the prop
erty' of Charles fleutor. Old of Benjamin Brion.
ALSO- , -A. lot of land id/the borough Of Wellaboro;
bounded south by Stet Street or Rest avenue, west•by
Meliin Gray, north la ails formerly Owned by A. P.
1 ,
Corm, and east by I chi of H. W. Williams; being lot
NO, 43 of the an vaim of lands of A, P. Cone in
the said borough, andbeing 60 feet op Siete street or
East avenue, an'd 200 feet deep, all improved. To be
sold as the property fA. D. Elliott, suit of P. R. Wile
,--There' was a very' destructive Are 'in
,TennYanlast week Tuesday involving , the
`hiss of teio,n#W.block.s, On. JabOb stiOnt,'ill'e
conya h Ouse, the.
Brigdonls Carriage .b'aelo,ry, il'azaid!s ,Liv
ery Stable and some thirteen dwellings.—
=About thirty buildings wore consumed, and
the loss was about sBo,ooo' of - `which there
was some insurance. A steAm engine sent
from CanandaiguNfinally succeeded in check
( fag the finales. '
RF.lpO~i.'l! ~i
iptlis, of Wcpoorpiisb , Ali., 4t4W4000,er ,tituti'.
flees, April 19; ,1872, • `'.. • , k,; ( "- .
--. 11Bil0D110,ka. ,
Leong and Discoutifs; ~.. ~ A q39,150, 00
`U.'l3on3B to Bemire diradidtion ' ' 00,000 00
U. I& 510nds,and Securities on hand' " .20,000 , 00
Other,Stocks, Donda r and Idortgagea....j, . 5.000 00
Dna from redeeming and Ileeerro Agents. 19,117 fr 4
Duo ttian oth6r Nitlotail' Banks --.4, 1,123 16
Due from other Sankt% and 8anker5.......; 288 13
Piitures,... ~,.. t ',..,... , • 2,185 42
Currant Espouses , .... 242 42
Thies Paid . 891 14
Cash' /tams, (ineluding Bey. Stamps) • • 2,840 84
Bills of other National. Banks .... . 483 00
Fractional Currency (including Nickels).. 983 00
Legal Tenders ~, 12,041 00
. "
alpttal Stock paid, In ' ' , .
'- - , $lOO,OOO 00
&aphis Fund' 60,684 67
Dlacctunt, 'lnterest and Exchange . .-8.742 08
Undivided profits • ' ' ' 4,818 73
National Bank Circulation toututanding).. 89,109 00
Individual Deposits 90,089 18
Due to National Banks.... 1,802 29
Due to other Banks and Bankers . . 604 52
Jno. L. Rubinson, President of the First National
Bank of Wellatiorough, Pa., do solemnly swear that the
above statement la true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. JNO. L. 11013INSON, Preeident.
Subscribed and sworn to before rue this 4th day of
May, 1812. Itontnr C. SuarsON,
Corset. A ttost—Cli ester Rohinson..N. W. Williams
S. IL lienven. Direotors. . _ •
01W. 0. DERBY
HAVE Just returned from the city with the largest
etock of
ever brought into Welleboro,
consisting of
Ladies' Kid and Cloth; Bai
morals and Gaiters„,
Ladies; .71fiss4s, Childi.en
and Baby's Shoes.•
Gentp' qloth Boots Shoes,
Prance filbert Calf Boots,
ißoys' .Calf kip Boots
Youths' Boots. •
In fact, all kinds' of Mena' and Women's wear kept
in a drat-class Shoe Store. The beat sowed Womon'a
Shoes ever offered in this market. Nye defy the world:
on .
If you don't bellavfm3, try no. We buy only the beet
stock, end have ea good Cordwalners ea money oun
REPAIRING done neatly, and with dispatch.
Leather and . Findings
of all kinds constantly on hand.
Casli paid for 'Rides, Dqicon Skins,
!- • Pelts'. and Furs: •
Having just filled up our shelves with a choice stook,
personally selected for this market, we reispectfully
solicit a fair share faired°. "Smail , profita and (inick
returns," we believe to be a goad business maxim :
and we hold the,beat goods, to , bo the cheapest We.
keep no shoddy. Out 'assortment is sufficient to meet
all sizes and tastes. We Invite oar patrons and the
public generally to call and examine onr stock. No
doable to show goods. Always tolbelowed, 'one door
north of 0. B. Holley's Store, Mat Street . WeDebero,
May 1, 1873 . D BY & 1/1131ILZR.
The High Bred Hambletonian
Will-stand", for a Limited, number
.ilpproeed Mares at the Barns
• of the subscriber at •“t- • •
4 fif TIOWANDA," sire Ah-sua-ga Chief, by Ityadyk's
Jfgnthletonian, by Old Abdallah, ho by Alantbrino
by imported Messenger. Hambletonian dam was by the,
charieg Heat mare, by' imported Bellfounder. Grand
dam by Old One Eye, by old Hambietonian, and be by
imported Messenger, and the dam of 0/t1 One. Eye was
by imported Messenger. " TOWANDA," dam, Ver
mont Blaclehawk, he by Hill's Vermont Mad - hawk,
foaled in 1833, and he by Sherman's Morgan; bja dam
raised In New Brunswick. and represented ns •E 1 half
bred English mare, ay Wingate Twombly H.,
and sold to Benj. Th 183811 bid to
David Hill, Bridgeport, Vt., 1854, in his possession ac
quired great favor. This horse got more high priced
colts than any 'horse of his day. Ho died Nov., 1856.
He was the sire of " Ethan Allen," slid grand sire of
the dam of "TOWANDA." One white pastern behind,
black points, dark bay, 15 hands 3 inches high, five
years old in July. lie is one of the most remarkable
animals this country has produced. Ile is beautiful,
blood-like, of great strength, and action perfect. He
is in close proximity to two of the most notable stall
lons in this Nation ; Hanibietonian and Ethos Allen;
and as the sire of trotters, these two great horses stand
far above 'all competition in this or any past generation.
1 better infusion of blood is not in the American horse
than in "TOWANDA." He isa fortunate, cross., 'lie
bids fair for a brilliant future in all respects. He is a
success, and true merit will be appreciated by candid,
judicious mod. We have arrived at a period when
'mere stilted gabble about the horse is of but little an
count; and anything of value in hie history or breed
ing, cost, labor, long research, thought and money.—
'"The American Trotting Register," which contains all
that is known of the pedigree of Trotting Horses, their
ancestors and descendants. with a record , of all pub
lished performances in which a mile was trotted or
paced in 2:40 or Ida, from the earliest dates till the
Moira of 1868, and full record of the performances of
1669 and 1870, giving complete summaries of, over Mx
thousand contests, with en introductory eitsay on the
true origin oftbe American Trotter. This is a' good
thing. ndse pedigrees are quite too common. This
work shirts out impooltion in a great degree. J. H.
Wallace, the compiler of the "American Stud Book and
Trotting Register,". gives a better intelligent history of
the gorse than any other.
TOWANDA" will bo shown in harness to those
that think of patronizing him between the hours of
rive and eight o'clock. a. m., on pleasant week days.—
Ills style and tine trotting action when trained, will
surely mete his own character. The closest. acrutiny
brings the man toldri - ,true name : so it la With. all Ming'
, '
earth. '
- ,TEItlil/3—One hundred dollars to intitire• twenty -Ave
dollars attime of service, which will not Le refunded
in any event, and seventy-Ave dollars when proven in
foal. Ileattire taken of mares on reasonable terms.
All itctidente'ssid escapes at owner's risk. All mares
must be left or brought to the stable: when deslred. , -.
Mares not proven In foal can be returned next season,
.free of charge.
Sca,,oN.—First of April to July Brat. Fall Season—
First orseptember to December first.
.0..),4:1!e1f-.09 , -,6lllffaKe.olll,llllll~ll
, „ •
'44 * * Pt 4 t oi ft bi t t
*-4 9 ilar 1 _4414;140 Ai:
WOW sea otherlhave
Miley frrifelfUffieteiy Ass
the set of Assembly, rad t
319. 11 4f31. e, 27 , 30AX.91.14 2
aftetnoon is the time of eon;
-1- 7 —_,
_ .
iiopbsas will bo c• 1
, 'until, ilip ,ilill ipn t.
• 2
344, cON ,
s i (Or: ,
'on landfill= ourtriiiiiiery.l
WcliWo'ri; 'May, s7;iiii--11
-- 7 - :" -- l ----7-- .. --- 7 --
A'tiAl*liii`RATOit''S * CE.:::-Leitern Of 'Adinin=
istratian tiiiiig . eery granted . bir the 'estato ' , of '
Laugher Driller, d -need I. late ,of Delmar township,
all persons WWI) .toor . ving elainia against the
same will settlo nth - AII'EFORD 11WLE11.
Delmar: M a y_ , 1611. f.N Admr,
'. Sheriff' Sales. - . • ~
. _ . •
B y v ' OE' sundr vrite of Merl le:toles:Lova- .
• rot acias. and Venditi I Expouas, issued 'ad of
the C rt of Common Ple of Tioga county, aid to me
di 04. ,Idmill expose ti üblic sale, to the highest
;. beat Wider, at the e l House in Welisboro, on
ortdaY the 'kith day of lay, 1874, at oub o'clock
P. It, the following des d property : viz': ; ;
A. lot of land in Chatha timostrip; bounded on the
north by, lands of R: If, ylor and Delos Oarner, east,
by lands of'Alfred Short, oskth S. Miller, and Ding:.
hanv leads, Seuth'hy Din am lands' and David Wass,
and west by lauds of Ash )Ouild, Alfred Short and
L W. Burrill; containing 46,acros, 100 acres improved.
'with a frame house, three frame barns, an apple or.
chard and other fruit tre d thereon. '-; ' ' '
asito—A lot of; land in Clymer township; botutded
north by lands 'of ---t- ts o and lauds of Illercy Boyd
man, unit hy lands of Lot, 61113hort and Ashley ; Guild,
south'by lands of Either Weeks, and West by thdpub
lie highway t‘ containing 60 acres, more or less. 23
acres improved, With a fn4ue .bonito , two, log barns,
out,huiblinge, an apple o chard and other fruit trees
thereon., Tube sold as t proporty.ot IX C. Church
ill Mad William Churchill nit of Y. Parkhurst do Co: '
ALSO—A. lot of land idWestfield township; bound
ed north bylapds of Daniel Sherwood and James UV
bar, waist by lands of Thit t ton UP* Mid ROliort'Edor
...*-44. `svlanda of 41•1" -, : Aslietait'and BobertMori-'
$543,507 435
.1E:145.607 66
WORK: , 'f-
! P OP C 14140,
ttz )14 item
that ,
A. Y. 7 Plf.)ruee
ti their tiPPliatiUdu to be
style and title of . The
I. Non" in acoordano tritb
the Court has Used upon
yiextat,tWO CNOCIO I I.OI
Affirm said appltentt •
N F. '99NALI:ItIer.iN,
) • .
,IlalibrollOy',,s, 187:
, •
l ed by deralgued,
r Reeli ng • • • ,
e °G k.
to le ' , 1 - ;•.4 - -- ...4. , ,,, - -.,',.`• -. , -,.. - ...
\''t-A li C 4111141ritli .' it -, -,. EA MK '-•,
• 5,', ~•-
~,..: ~-
, !-.1 y,
-, •
,„Ai:;.•-:, ::,.:•••,! : j•--' 'Z•2-• '• - -• ',',•; ' •
Zr;•.:‘'' , • - • ' ''',;,t V' A s• ' .•;'l , ,' '--=;.' --••.' • -
• .- .
. .
• - -,
- TIOOA, PA. •
•t• : •„,/ # : •;„: 'ti ,
'. •', f., •- - 1 :.. . 1. : " t V .
. i
. • •
. . . ~.
. " •
II •"..; I , I:.. '.' ••' ,I ' • I ; ••••• I I '•'''' . I '
: c '
; I`.:•,i-c-li - ,' -..'! • '
*, t''.''''''' l '• - I
'"•''''-'" ''''
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. •
.. :' :• '.• I ' • I —•* • 111 • •''
' . •
I •
- I
. I I
. •
•. _ . . 'e. •
Second Stock
~ , •
. ,
. .
• ,
, .
s •- ,
( or , , 1
" .
. , .
, . .
. .
. .
, •
• . •
~ - •
„ ... , . . . . . .
Fes. ' and- tar' izi. er
~ .• •••, , ‘ ,
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- ,
• ,- , .
... . -
. .
• . Gr. 11:5 COX) Nal
. .
, --
• .
. , .
: , • - " I
. . 4
I . • t • *l* I'
4 *" " ' " * .
I • ,
and are selling them at iltelr us
. •
. . .
• -', .. _
. ,
X.SCOV I V lEL/Ett j el law
, .
. I
_ .
I .
. I
Ju t call and see what a good assortn Mit we have.
i .
I •
Jan. 1, 1872.
1 .
al". El.. 13 Etrbls:l or' Es - .
has a full assortment of new goods; such as
, -
• . •
? ,
. .
••- • DRY GOODS,
I •
Which will b e e sold very cheap.,
. .
LAMES' amass 000 pt i , , ii, Abfa WM,
LINEN GOODS, wmpiz ..r. ft..
AND CAREW PO ii i fiW ill
400125, •
1 - •
Gloves, Watery, Knit Goode ind Notions. .
. , .
* * 1.
Choice Grooenes. )
Baer. geelh Tame. Syurp • OD. Sideratus,
0011 ea, Tea, °makers, Bali. Fhb, I Plour.
. ,
. ( .
Nish paid for BUTTER. or shipped on Commission.
. w
Flew sell and look oar Stock over. Ton will al
ways find us ready and willing to show goods.
Jan. 1. 1872. J. R. BARBER.
• 1
ALL kinds, styles and sizes of pictures taken and
executed in artistic manner at D. N. Narantoro's
Gallery, opposite Cone House, Wellsboro.
Portraits on Porcelain Plates.,
Nothing finer can be offered than these beautiful r": 11-
(Alain Pictures in a velvet case or frame. Thelr,soft
nets and delicacy are superior to anything produced
on iron or paper. If you want a
Good Picture /.
of yourself, go to Naramors's. : I / '
If you want the very boat that. ,can be had, go tr.
Narantore's. ,• / .
If you want something that looks like you, go to Nar
If you want an old‘guerreetype,
ArabrotYPe, or other PfctOres copied and enlarged, he
can do that as reasonable as any other man. They
will be finished in India's*, Oil or Water colon; when
desired •
Parsons wisliithictnres of lineups . and children,
will receive cap attention. 1
A large assertatant of Primes and Framing Material
constantlyn band. All kinds of
Pte res Framed to Order
D.—Don't mistake the place, over A. • D. Eastman's
April 241. 1872.-U.
)24/ta/ o
I •
, .
Executor's Arotice.
k,RTITIEU3 Testamentary on the estate of William
Barna. late of lacluion township, 'Slop oountY.
thieetissd, baring been itran*l to the undorsigooll t
all portions having claime agaMet said estate an
those owing the same, are hereby notified to call for
*adamant on the executor at hie residence in Jae/c
-on township aforesaid. 40/IN B. BARNS,
Jackson, Pa., April 17, 1872-4w* - • r Ewer.
I i
L01(00L NOTICE.—The boarder School Directors
will meet atthe school hoilaa near the Delmar
teetorynn the 180 i gt April, Institut. at 10 A.
IL. for the POrPOiS of, fxratraeting with teacher* for
the Marna' ael.cais. A slimmer echoed will be provi=
dad at each school house where:i two-thirds majority
Of the paeans manifest such to ha their desire. In
ease of no summer eohool , th such neighborhood
will be entitled to tbematent mot saved to ew a,ppltall
New Sales' Room,
alas Silks L -
over prices than last Beason : we ha v full pieced at $1,123‘, $1,50, 31,75, $9,00,
$2,25, 32,50, $2,75 per yard.
keep a still larger Stock this year than ever before, its wo now. have ample room to ehow
their Now Goods in this department received almost daily,
Clatizsi and' Cassiineresp
/es Boom a very line stock of Woolens for men and boys' sults, a much
larger stock than ,wo have ever kept.
, <
HOOl3 Skirts - ll .
11 r. u 'Hoop . Skirt stock , iup into our new sales room, and shall keep a very fine
stock of n w styles at low prices.
Lace Curtains •
, 1
t lace Curtains in great variety, 2% to 4 yards long, at from $2,25 to $8 per pair.
We shell keep in our new
We have also moved,
Noftbaghanz Lace
by the yard at 37;4c, 440, 50c, 523 c,
Josephine Kid
entice new stock of spring colors. Its Glove is warranted to be equal to any Glove in the United
States either as to ft or quality. Our stock is very largo indeed.
New Prints, New Ginglianisy,
our regular make, equal in color and quality to any in market, and still Bold by us without any ad
vance in prices, making them the cheapest goods in market.
One of the main advantages to US in opening the NEW SALES ROOIL is the increased room it glvea ne
for our Boot and Shoo stock. We are now situated so that wo cap keep a still LARGER WOOS. In this line,
and we shall add new lines of Goods in most desirable makes as our trade calls for them. Wo shall soil all
work VBRY OBBAr and give every one that calls on us good pay for their time in looking at our goods.
Corilag, May 1,1872-4 f.
r r
BOots & Shoes,
Notions, Fancy Goods, &c.,
.1141 the pee* IA Ounty who wleh to make ruralises in this lino aro invited to.corno and
The olpsost buyers will be convinced that this is the place to pay
but money economically.
ii c:tk.cliocm)si
The trabeeribere hoe now in stotkitt their
Au euttro new Stock of
$lO, $ll. $l2, 24, $l6, $lB, $2O, • $22, $24, $25, $28.. $2B
New Spring Shawls f '
In all4ho neat desirable styles at flo s lowest cost and prices. Also
Japanese Silks
in great varioty. Plaids, Stripes, and Solid 'Colors, fn extraßualltiea
Spring Dress Goodsi
Black Pure Mohair,
Boots 'and 1 Shoes
The Itegula,tp - r,
The assortment is complete in every department,
Look at my Stock
• -‘
choice (styles
is now
and 'conipere prices
M l 2