Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, May 01, 1872, Image 3
MMMI=M ''' - tiCAL _NOTICES, Go to Wickham Farr's 1 1.togit, - Pa. l vau want to see .a splendid stock 'and .buy ro< cheap. - May 1.40. . FOR SALR.-A good building lot on (tam . Street. Also n house and lot. Inguke.,of Match 6, 1872-tf. H. IL. Good gingham for 12 cents at Horteina; . ~ CoIlii): , . S.,- Co.'s (3ast:.,Casi Etteel Pltinii R h- 13;5 each. For information how• to ob ttuct them si'ddross (.501.1. - pqe & Co., .2)2WAter .y —Feb. 28, 3m: :. , t •AN. • • . . Standard A sugar for 12.ie. at tfortons% irieC: cor sate at the kiln opposite the Fair; tirotth(l. Also nine village lots, from two to three littadretl dollars per lot. Inquire of -J. F. 31AnanAtnr.. Wellsboro, April 110-41v0.,:. SQL DI gm BOUNTY. —AII Soldiers; enlisted b e fore July 22, 1861 are entitledio $l6O, who Slave not already received it. tit W. A. Stone's office over .Kelley's April 24-2 w. • I= LAsr NOTICE.-1111 persons indebted to az , either by noto os book 4,ccount,rxtust,set-:, tto at once. lynforts Wells*iro, May 1,--3w 5,110u1d not hesitate to recommend to tuiv frieful of ours, Parsons' Purgative Pills; thev Art{ scientifically prepared, and aro fahipted to all the purposes of a good purge it\ e medicine. The ladies of the Union (Baptist arid Meth- Sabbath School at Cherry Flats pro pee, having a " calico neck-tie party" at the hotße of Walter M. Brown, in that place, F» , hly evening, May 3d, 1872. BverYbody Invited. : (I t idh' sheeting for 12).e. at Horton' I),(itltlity the best remedy that his ever I,oll,h , eovered for rhournatism, swoole» or stiff joint; , , flesh wounds, sprains, bruises, ~,t „ n d burns, is Johnson's Anodyne: Lini .L(,(t We use it, and always recommend it frit•nas. variotios (If goods at liortons' ( c 1 RT. —Tremain Brothers and Pierson give a Concert in Bowen Cone's Hall the tirA week of court, to aid the Odd Fol lows to purchasing an Organ for their Lodge. Tice troupe always gives a good entertain aanit and we trust it may be liberally pat rota.ed. The best, the largest, the simplest, - the to run, and the one doing the greate c it ' ,mg,. of work, is the Domestic Sewing Ma chine. Agents of other machines care not come in competition with it. You chn see it et Dr A. B Eastmans office, No. 13 Main ttreet. to Iliirtons for nice dress goods. P BM(' LE.—The undersigned will sell at the Epit;eepal Rectory on lValnut street in thi vlliage (in Saturday, May 4th, 1872, at pm . his household effects includwg table=, chairs, bedding, 2 ten-day ei.ci“, mirror:, kitchen furniture, &e. Also a good buggy, a cutter and 2 sets of harness. Terms—Cal, ( . J. K. KARCIIER. Wk , liAlmre, ay 1, IW2. Nrye gOOdS at Horton Brothers Lever.—On the ?.Bth ultimo the under igned lust in the road between this village and Pierson's a fish pole of four joints, with !ante-wood tip. It was in n brown drilling care Any person returning the same to the 'tore of Charles Sears or to this office will be liberally rewarded. H' N. BORDEN. Wrlhiboro, Slay I, 18727. Madam J. Schissler, from Corning, will be at the Cone House, in this village, on Wednesday, May Bth, with a largo stock of Human Hair, Switches, and long Water Ca 11... Old hair worked over in the latest sl\ le and neatest manner. Madam J. Sehiss ler ii unsurprssed as an artist in hair. Re member, 'Wednesday, May Bth. Wellsboro, May 8,-2w HERNIA lc SeemY.—Notice is hereby giv ,•z, that the tattutal meeting of Ihn llermaic `octety for the eleotion of a Board of Mann gPr3 will be held on Monday evening, May t;th, at 8 o'clock, at the Society's ball in Bow en's block. Thu Society will also take action at this meeting Unregard to a public library and free reading room. All persons interest ed in these projects are invited to be present. By the Managers. J. 11. BosARD, Sec'y. If '3 , on want to get the use of the latelst and l,ett publications 'of the day at a merely dnical price, just drop in at Hastings & toles, and CX11»11110 the fine collection on the lielves of their Circulating Library. Messrs. H. C. are from time to time adding to (heir stock the freshest and most notable nets books, and ore 'determined to keep it fully op to the demands of the reading corn meinty • have known lain& Iry absorbed by the v,leikmatt game of croquet as to play, not on ly all day, but far into-the evening by moon light, and that failing by lamp light. We t reeommend such exclusive devotion to thu value as this; but at the same.time there sh no doubt it is one of title most.' healthful f , orniN of out door recreation, as it is certainly th, iin,t entertaining. The full af,iplinnees inlaying it, together with the niost up -I.oriA ed ruin 3 or tho game, will be found at A: Coles. Ir has epme at last, and the trout sea already upon us. It becomes every I.,ier of the "gentle art'' of, trapping the I,.!ekled beauties to be fully armed and equiNoed as the angling code directs. And Ws knew no better place to find whatever a 6 -herni , ,a needs than at Hastings avpi have a \ cry !Urge and tine assort went "ttrode, baskets, lines, books, Ries, and o...r.‘rythin g else in the fishing line, which day propi.,e to sell at thejewest prices at 11)0 ' 10 i4k. or retail. l' +l'n THE TPXE- Mists 015' Th , ull , :oriber wonld beg leave to call the Spring stock of merchandise, a•fuch hie now receiving, stnd which he offer,n f, r i'B , ll and ready pay at lowest mar k•tlrt ii , nl,vkoopnrs will do .wOl to examine st•ek of carpcts, oilcloths, tablo linon, a.“l window drain - Ty, which will be found kortl , y uCatu n tion. 11,44 1:1 , 11.• trill find it to their interest to I.,bk thr.ligh hibstock of dressgoods, shawlS, \'"''• 1 % 1 0 gl ,, veq, and hosiery., te, they eon barg,ains * many of which have rml before - offered in this market. The iid)h c aro invitld to call and see for thekn- Titom AS 11... k EN.< p i e Nitatot. WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1872 Tiorne Affairs. Briefs. inevArtrits Oro llliitg Choir stores Q. ail Kinds fin' the spriog f•' tiqlllllt. 11011E13 of lira. S ' iiynfierui ua , huriad at Tioga recently- (Nu v,ork of itil il ti .l .!tidiary. Lose about $5OO. - -The Financial Statement of the Hermitic SliOW3 a balance in the treasury, alter defraying all expenses, of $59 90. -6:datum Babb, a resident of BabVs U rt( l ‘, sliest very suddenly at. J ers.oy Shoro Tilun , 4lay last. TLc ( ,- 1 - cra\ulling. in front of the Fowl ilrY oh Main (itreet t .l4s disappeared from its lute tqte, and niay now:Vo 09.fui.i.n its appro- Pruib: place in the Watkins now. 4-The Borough Fathers arc .now in thv right direction.. A pound is being ''. , n".!ructed tc» "stray a nirrialS," 'and bridges eroiu IYa)lcs uro bring rapidly The 13th of May is the day fixed for the 11 " - t train ou tbe W. 4: L. tty pet rut) Into l'ilellsboro. — lion. John I. Mitchell, has our thanks for ur laB7 copy of ate £egislutiv,e Hand-Book, 2, ~1 —Court sets the list Monday in Ibis month. kia-" • • , nel !hes ul:operatm at hut livery barn a patent "Clipping Machine," which cuts the huir from a o horse, and leaves the n animal as sleek esa now shaven man. —Rev, N, L. Reynolds and Laugherßacho artt changing their barns into dwelling hens- As - aocommodat6:theo k inereasing •- • , =Prof.'Verrill of Mansteich and. tev. J. 1.,; 'Landis of CondersporkluitAfieen chosen deiegates.to the General , PAstyterian As sembly,to be held in Detioit,ln May. • -=The dwelling beige 'of,: Mr. Edmond Cooloy„ of Covipgtsin township, was des.. troyed by fire carly ! tin Sundtikanerning hist. No insurance. • —Our old friend,. col. Emory, droned in to our sanctum the other dity from -the city of asnali-pox, whopping cough - Sic: " (Will iffmaport), looking hale and hearty. 71f ay the Colonel yet nitiny Bibgek. of pen- Mance, and enjoy life to a good old age. —Mi. 3 - :.13; Hotchkiss and wife, who have for some time been cminected with the Da venport Asylum at Bath, N. Y., have re turned to their former residence at this place. Weweleome-them._,... —Mr. C. B. Kelley, Derby do - Fishier, and also Itastings . 'St Coles; have recently placed their busiriess prominently before the public by way of large and fancy letters painted on their front window glass. ARE NEWSPAPERS DEAR ?—)tarly peo ple think newspapers dear, that three or four cents a week for food for ,the brain is too extravagant ; but a-glass of whiSkey is mantifactured from abdut seventy grains of corn, tlin,yahte of,which is :too, opal te, be estinititdd. A glass of this triiiturii sells' for a dime, and if a good brand is worth more money. - It ftres the brain, deranges and weakens the physical system., On the same . BOoboard on which the deleterious beverage is served lies a newspaper. It is covered with a half million typo; it brings intelli gence from the four quarters of the • globe. The newsPaPer costs the least, yet it is true, there are a large numhe'r 'of people' who think corn juice cheap and newspapers dear. DI It ECI'l NCI IiIIiTTP.ItS. .I.' osim aster Gen oral• Creswell , in a .eirhular jttst issued, states thowing to the rapid.inet;ease in the mails andi l the establishment of new, post-of fices thro ghout ,the .cotintry, the Depart ment fin it necessary , in order to facilitate a i the distri ,ution, and ,to secures.apeedy , trans. mission of the heavy mails now passing, par ticularly over the trttlik lines of railroads, to request of the, public that in all cases the name of the county as well as the post office and state 'be superscribed upon letters, eirdu lars and newijiliptirs, 'and other matter to be forwarded by mail. : . RETICRNMO TO Virmsnond..-- , The Bath thurier of last week says, - "Mr. Ira D. HotAkiss-and,hii estimable wife, who for the past six years have filled,in a most 4Atis fitetoy manner the positions of Superhiten: dent and Matron of Davenp - Ort----Peinale Or phan Asylum in this village, are C o —leave this week for Wellsboro, Pa., near which place Mr. H. has purchased a farm upon which he will reside. They will be greatly missed from Bath, but the good people of Wellsboro will have gained in our loss two , most worthy, welcome citizens." A NEW DEPARTIIRE.—We learn that at the election in Muncy township, on Friday last, Charles Mortimer, cplore'd, was elected Justice of the Peace, And - john Webster, colored, was elected Constable, by the dem ocracy of that township.- A "new depar ture" truly for the democracy of Money township. Dennis MeAttorney, ,an Irish fellow citizen was also elected a Justice of the Peace.—Luminary. We clip the following Item from the Wat kins Express on the 18th instant : "Samuel Kissel, driver of the stage run ning from Jersey Shore to Cedar Run, was brutally beaten bY some. desporadoeS at Ce dar Run, last Frida y morning. Ho was ter ribly bruised, but bid Ourtea are not dan gerous. The men, who - attacked are said to be eight in number,—one of them having been :.hot at Wellsboro a few weeks since.'; W Init this last clause; means we don't know. There has been but one man "shot at Wells boro a few weeks since," and we don't be lieve be was engaged in boating Mr. Kissel "last Friday." If he was, there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in our philosophy. A..NNOTINCENI !MTS.—The follOving tariff of. charges for announcing the names of candi dates for nomination to the respeetive,OTlCoB mentioned, and for printing cards and tick ets, has been agreed upon by the Republican papers of Beav'or 6itinty Congress $2O Commissioner...... Senate 15 Associate Judge • Aasembly Sheriff... Register & Recorder... 10 Auditor Co. Superintendent..., n Cards and Tickets, ber 1000, sb, We publish the above for tho information of our political frionde - who conitemplato running for officelhe present campaign, that they may tee and "know our charges to 'be small compared with those ofadjoining coun ties. While otheXpapers are charging fr9iil $5 to $.2.0 for announcements, and $5 per 'thousand for tickets, we aro charging only $4 for announcements, And s4,per thousand for tickets. For the information ,qf those persons twho "eontemplate fliillouncir?g their names in this paper the present campaign fur office, the :honey must accompany the order to, insure' insertiqn. _ Tfix NEw itiaptown.,--The Elmira Ad re)%tiser says that a number of gentlemen in terested in the contemplated road between that city and, this county met at, the officeuF G. 31.--Diciin, in Elmira, last week lifendaY, Enough money had been subscribed arid was paid in to Warrantthe.organizatron of a com pany under the laws 'of this State, and a com pany thereupon' rganized under. the name of the " Elmira State Line Railroad .Cotri=f puny," and the fdllowing named' gentlemen appointed as Directors thereof: G. M. - Diven, Silas Haight; It, Clark, R. T. ! Turner, E. P. Hart, J. - T. f ßathluin,'S,-T. .geynolds, W. Rathbone, Lormore, Wm. R. Jtsik son, S. , T. Arno(' S. H. Wadsworth; arid • Win. M. Gregg. The officers chosen were, S. T. Arnot, President; G. M. Divert, Vice Presit and Treasurer; S.. T. Reynolds, Secretary. An executive committee was elected com posed of the. following named gentlemen: -L-• S. T. Arnot, M. Divers, J. D. Pl A rlv, H. Wadsworth, Wm. R. durisou, arida mr : Rathbone. The executive committee were empowered to complete the organization of the (7 ompany and to employ engineers to make the • neePti nary and prelimidary surveys. will now have the long-talked of road between Elmira and Tioga county. EINEM The 'Managers of the llermuic Society yo speetfully make the following financial state ment of the liermaic becturp Course for 1871-2 • : Aninout rucoived for season tieketo :.;0 Amount reeetved for other tickets For Quilitetk Club " nary A. Livermore " Frederick D0ug1aa%........ • " Panama " "Petroleum y. hasty' Georte valopolotr • • • f;1i.ar! , ..3 "Carleton" t'ottin it Alma .P,, Dial/loon. U. Chapin, • , • Total receipts 1 ~,,,, .18.14 . 01 PAID LECTURE D:3; VIZ: To Quintette Club *2OO GO i " Frederick Deugittso ll9 00 . ~ , " Mary A. Livermore ' 100 00 " William Parsona .109 00 • " "Petroleum Y. 2,lasby" ' 110 CM " George Vaudeuboff 125 00 Clisrlea "Calic,o." f2oflin 25 00 " Alma E. Dickinson........ 159 00 ' " Edwin H. Chapin . .'... .;.. '. 1(16 IR PAID A11.01.T157 PAID ROR SUNDRIES, VIZ , Special trains_ ji'rc.o carriages to divot A. 1 4: I:pi. , pplyting) powen etentf. 01.4 vcng•• • -Incidentals flu ....... ..... Advertising in 8 papers . 13alance, in.Treasosor's bands Tot i al IMI • • $5 .. 5 Clerk 5 Poorhottilo Director a I= ,Sts; co . 90,5.) .. Fie 00 .. 11 2 .. 112 cu EEO Is PO 129 25 10 00 61, RO 2 50 58 25 4 yn 04) 1. 09 fiLOl) - ii LICE 641 M. F. ELLTOTT, - TAR Y 1 BOBAnlv• P. IV - 01 tavon 44. Join; I. I.l.rroara.r.., Board VA:magas. MfMpMEM!IM SHALL WELT:3I3ORO OFIXBRATZ 'THE RAILROAD Nett tut ;AA, Court Rouse last Saturday evening to con ? : sider tho abilve question. After' considerable discussion, a conimittee of thirteen leading citizens wasiiNgii f ttiatii - wii,ifiati:;uid bo done in thO uat er . That , Ilionday er (*Mg; 'kip& nia otinforottt sub-coimilitteeS gooil deal t,f InSiilii maknly in relatiOntothe qtnistinit,vollb", and means." The general impression scent ed to be that the gt444:44lPijilicilAktin, vote the money necessary to carry through a successful and ,creditalAo celebration, . in-, eluding an address ,by,.sen lo :alEMPOl4a: gentleman, a banquet .to the inviteA of the Occasion, music, decorations,. 4ce.. It wits estimated that about. the sum of MO would be needed from'llie korough.authori-. ties for those purp(s64. tit, - The Burgess and Council were to meet the next evening, and the committee finally ad journed to await their action in the premises, Without deciding - upon anything definite So as we go to press it is undecided whethet. Wellsboro will celebrate or not, and the de 'cision of the question seenko to rest with the public'authorities. "'lt.l.lo*.viLLE Prnts. —On Wednesday, April 24th, - James Duncan, who recently joined the LO. Of T. here, hired Will-, tam Thompson's horse and carriage, went to Elltland and got pretty well stenmeb nod , started fee', home, euttning the ho`riie' miles. Finally he got thrown out of the car riage, btealting one of his little fingers is.nd . injuringj,hii ribs. The carriage was pretty' thorouglqistove up, requiring thirty &A- . Lars repairs. —Mr. WI: D. Adams, ottirespeated eit*on: and miller,lldst his beautiful' daughter;' little rese-4nd of the family-, on Friday :. Oa; 2Gth. —A 1 ber Conklin while ; 'driviug.:t2irot bridib:ivith, a load ASIOWV4I, fell off tho load, and - wifs soyohi4: 'y the hind whool passing across' tn. A. 4, the ohnso l Oli the 27th ly injucod 1t abcloui l eighbortug., Countles. I E. litinhtim, Egrt: 4 , recohtly , into ptirtuo:vallip with 13 ? - 1 liorueltsv il le. ;; --NV illit Butt), lily MiS & NCR --Thu to help build , n of Urbana has been bonded to the Beth. an 4. Hernmendepoit. Rai !road to be a special election in Corn elletTone ill the 1677 - 'F. Reglecting to ,qualify. , —There ing on Tit TillAeo to N. 'Drake : rhe ident of th - otiNtr,,Ditniol K. Pratt, Second National Bank of:l.llrni -0,, city qttypliaktevqr on the rte, died in 23d instil?) • • • rundage, one Of the settlers, of Urbana,- Steuben county, N 4 • lite suddenly a few days • since at iglty years,: , • . l ik d d us nn ype„!, ton en , esti4iBrinitiwio,.*ifc 4 1. '04 9 0 n his farm to comeback And • rro, —John of the tow Y., died q the ngeof fa, ,county, g mortgage untGe for ), ,yder of Sweden township, PO:ter Quay had fifty b ugh ols of oats 'itol.! i:4 granary. Thq thieves : ,wore: bound over. )n Ynn..tri*iPBl l f,T'P `!- 1 .. 3. 9 ( 1 11 - 1 ! LI sold to Auburn parties fdr $4,- 1 -` • est iliac is A dna }lt yron is late.o7Yaer aidonntinitci.rnelir. —Mr. S county, re en from 1 ME= er" has bet 500. His. lurite - s for $5 OM e owned and occupied 'by Peteii er, OnZresliiiititon stiiet; inHofu ught firii.buit week.. 6unday: y consumed. • Loss two .thousanti mala thousand .4011ar.5,. —A liou C.; I:lutist:v.; ellscille, c Pas entiro dollari. I LDnrin the severe gale on the 180 Mrs.,Bardra Tierde of- •Oswuya was lifted frova . the round by • the wind and , thrown down with Audi violence as to '6acture her arm and injure her inaferially about tlio 4etta, ---A little (laughter' of ThomasDcan of Cameron while playing - Mbar track a t . .‘kt days since was ‘ struck try Itain, thik)wn down,'and her foot so badly Crushed that it hadlto•be,aniputated. , —The wffe'ofjohn.Wotkina a al.pprP time since started from Penn Yon for - her 'home in -Benton,' and was not heard from. ,for 'sev eral days, when sbe waa.found dead ima ftold by her hthiband Foenrchipg Her di!athiis attribute(Vto• ethi-diseaao: - - - - - —Two men . named John Sp'cllman:_ and: Martin Love weva walking on the. Railroad track last week Monday-,netti the depot in Elmira when, they; were struek by a freight train. Spellman was instantly killed,, and Love lust iiisltift,fpot : begid,es, being coneid erably brUised and hurt. otherwise, • .!• SrtYder..`of, loft hr'home Fm M(iffaky 86L ;; iltet .the Il subject to fi ts of ip'.4ii!iity soinetiplea, 'and as, iihe has not returuCd,Amr friende are anxious for ber welfare. Any information given to I D.,,,Cogswell concerning her will be grateful ly received by I;er. frAgndri. young nilin'alione we y y earn of age, named,Burt, in the employ of the Erie Rail ' way C ; oulpaPy at Corning, lost a leg last week Monday. He was engaged-la coupling gars,: and was in some manner thrown down. The car wli j eell ran oversmeyofAiis legs;?ertOirlilf; it so badly that amputation became necessary. , - , —An adroit burglary vas perpetrated in the store of Cadogan & Nich4sop p„ few nights duce. The store was. cot:Pica by 4. set of small jock-screws by which the lock wiu pgslq.4 pff,, • The lock, of the attfe , :door was en'tered by drilling a' hole in' the tippor part of the lock', through which powder was inserted, and the result Of the eiploShin 'Was that the door was, thrown wide open, and - the lime'. part of the safe exposed to view. Tile inner, part pm lap of the safe wtts,oprt-; cd, and the ddritent4; s4irie s4do or 46D0 id ,goocl. fur Ifornellsz idle. , s , lowa, Nebraska, iitaaiaa,Valliatirbia:i.;,• Advertising, alone does not ` prt4tiC9 pi Sci p, Tp., 41ifiag %Ode& „tif ktauoave;iniritudi nytyi( i oar else largo advertising wilt eventually go it more harm Wan:good. If you hive anything Which* Yoif *now td be good, advertise it tharevphly, und you will :be sure to succeed ; it it is poor, don't praise It, 'tor people mlll soon_diecover yd , u ':iro lying. Sttchis the policy of the Buiturieron Ii t OUTE, 'Pibleb Tuna three grpal reg:ouP fUe wept", st; To CiAiP,":_. ha, counet.;p.pg 4vith the great PaCidg /1.0F014, , Llueolu, tine capital of liebraskka, tilla all that , batlUtifril region south of the Platte, illled with R E. lands nut hornebtralF. ail, Co St. Joseph; fraiisits City,'aird all' Himbas points, These reads aro splendidly built, have the bast brld 'es.. ears, the Miller, platform and coupler, and the 111140 - '4r break (to prevent the loss of life thit every ;Where else happectingi. Pullman's sleepers,: Putlinln dining 4413, large and powerfnl engines kto tii,al4, %Mick time and go4d Fditacctipab)), grod Itie qtr p word tee Ilea equipped roads te, Gap bleat., ; So Watt; you desire to go safely, sorely, 'lluickly and 'comfort :4.ply to any point ht Rontli ern Town, Nehrtisliti,' trona*. of 01) lice Plire 31:1P go "ily'prAibr, Burlington., - All who wish part , icidar intormattor, apil a largo. map, .810N - tog correctly The ft , At Wet, -bid skid( railroiti, connections, can obtaln`theni,- and any other knowledge, by addrisidrig' General TrulUonger Agent; D. & Mo. R. R. It., 13orlimis.leo. ?""P". EME=E=l=l:l!!!3 far OF LETTERS remaining in. the Poatoffice at lebero. l t , 27, 1872. Harriaim :colgiv;,,pipare4r egmption. Jor.l }Wrote, Jacob Hack, Charlee geenty, Itfaiery 2, Flora Wileon,‘ Lydia WllaOu. ; t In eullltig for any of the aboyo, "dean say advortiseq, and give date of advertisement. G. W. biznartnr; ' ,MARMAGES:; WEBB—KNAPP-04 tlict 28th ultimo, jn pyivana 14.441,44 JexiitMvoat. rim, ntaftliTaf.t4tc , :y 3/4,1". - DLM B —PROW I4- - - In 11 3 4 e 01 4, on We of April. 1972, 1.1 the Her. Jain Cwrnn, Mk: acorns Vt. MU slid , Sling Viol? Bro'cvn, liotli-of 'Woodhull EVeroben ATI AW--ROW—iiiht Puy. J. V. Candrt, on the 20th a April 1879.. Mr. Thomas A. Sttaw anti Bfir s i Inn.% M. Bow. tottt of Wellaboro, Pa. NOBLES—ENGIJS/iLo3kibe after: F.; Calklug' axid"pilufa Janis' Ettglitflat both`ff honr. ! . , • , the 'lceiclenee I,ride fatticri ou the Oh Snst., byY,the,fter, O. P. ; V•Tttaln „ s, ashistkd LY the Rev 8, Thfillshl '1,31/31 , 0p, 5h1+4.“04, of npaistant Geologist' in New Stun , Surrey, and Mix Jeanie KnapP, 4 fAett-euraiille, ,1 • '11)1:0'COOLVI . 2 1 ,d ' CA icrlT of' Villtithspoyf,',atftl"lttlifit I •_•uucoll: clalthriter ItiAritied, Ffyi!,%ft.farr;eeti; coligzajAge, ywr,hrolher of the gull/. rehp, 104. h,„. Williaumpoit Standard iu his choice c • noo .7Puity She is a capilfij teacher, ttp!'l, jvo believe now improve Me Ituae In doing 6 po. Mica mindonary work. 113ZITIRWM=111 EM 80W2.1 7 -In Vartaingtort. March 29th, WM. Grant eon of George W. and Amanda M. Bowen, wed stn months. and twenty saran days. ,""Ill' I GGELL-i-In Tiogs, the ilith Umlaut, of he • • -e. after along and fistula] Mures, Ada WO, out f hire. Dp le s D. Mitchell of ilatb, w. Y , aged 1 ..1'014.0 3 • 0.0 fades the lovely blooming &MINI , * ,) , ,Fretitt srutiling soltwe of au hour. t „ j BO adore our transient ci4ofoitai sly, ' .17 d Pleasures only bloom to die. `` • *o- • 4 please copy;. C1'611,1..114. April at. 1819. Ada 'aide. daughter of Calvin L. ebd fiobefir pars,ett i um mouth , its daps. d 4 ) Another precious gem iu kaaveu— liowitranaleut tae bur Way— A fe* brief years to tot was given. 'lied thou wee relied away. ELLA A. llowarrsox. EMil WEIiLSBORO a.. 4 uudEusevaill) WEIMMIX Ulf • 1 1 1='E.' R. guaBALL, Retwil grocer WII " Au f k .WKWON",•, DEALERS Flour, Pdr ih) ageio 50 Buckwheat flour, Der 040 00 Wheat, whits, tee buiduid Wheat, " Wheat. swing; ." Buolorheak,' 'Corn, shoAe4. " Oster, " Barlet„ • 1110, Cloves seed, Timothy seedy .. Bestaso . , .. Corn Iona), per owt Peed, per owt Potatoes. per bush; 'L li ples, green,' per bush Onions, per U.ft Turnips,' Per 1 1 1 1 11 1 Pork, per lb. J.... ; ;., ,'.' name, per lb. 1...:' .::::: Shoulders, per il l, . • Sutter. per 1b.... I': ..-::: !Cheese, par 14) klerd. per lb., Tellow, per is Hooey, per 1b Beeswax, perlb Tilleffer• ;Per lea ... Sas, per dozen -,:.: ~ ..-: ir.e,tot. ......) sia ,Pletied apples, por lb 12) 16 Mlpoaches, par lb - 15 eberrios, per lb 40 Willgekb•#-ries, peal)? ti li ! 'Dried raspberries, blab); p0r1ir.;:f...;=. ,- ., 25 28 11rie'd raspberries. red, per lb 20 to Orsiiberriee , Per qt VD 'Hay, per; ton ------ ------' -- -- --.;-.6....— , 15 , 00 Mood. 18 Isobel), per coed 2 00 Wood, 8 lost, per cord .... • --,.. • Coal, hard, per toti ..... f 6' — ' l 3 Firl -705 , . 4 _..., - ~ ,,Ar 4 Coal, 094 6 Ortaapd, tee. per ton _ 860 Sugar. url odlree, per lb ~., Sugar. 101lOw, per tb • 411414 NUM). per lb . Teas, cl A er , ) : .per lb Team, . per lb Buroesati. pst gel aleph) auger . : ,_%;piacial N o t Wi) '-.1 • " DOCTOR, WHAT IS IT: . . /a ' a q ou frequently asked by a patient, wl) ; ''. 4l - il ,Iliougb..i4tps not sick enough to be confined to li room or bed, nevertheless feels himself physically na -1 ablo to attend to his usual avocations. .4"" 1 -- 1 - '..Th.MM a flans or general breaking dorm of the I system, but no symptoms aufticionUy marked to he ' clitaltiid.rilt dlsease, yet peculiarly trying to the auff-. ork . , feelings cannot he expresaod—Doctoirs ‘l ll x 1 :'.doit`t..un. rstand it; they may prescribe hopefully. i - f - yetlilt - , and without result. 111,411.zWit /I )104yiniakit ; the but Remedy for these namelessi l oi - ders:'''YllY IT AND BE CONVINCED I I Sold by I Drugglata. , • g/rice ono dollar per bottle. l' il - 1 •i 453121m. i .l , 4 •-',., " . . ' i'47- • 4,,,, , - , ,-, iv- torD - Qttaittit ...,-,,,,A , itatitil r , iIV of early indiscretion, causing *emus a, biiitq,promatntodecay, &a., having tried in min em u ! reniedy, has dieroorared a simple means i o skike . nsithteh ha Neill loathe. to his teliole.a .i.! . *DMZ, 18 Nissan it.. New York. A.iCl4 It Sansnmt.— American Chent'ufs and it Protticlien a reciatect by the Professors a the crteb a tettquersite3 in Sweden. I,lr. Macho. Blr.—At y ur rug ' , I have tested Hall's. Veitetablts Sicilian ll if fletai ist:, in my practice at the,"Suramittistt liesplts ." t an ay, twill nailer*/ 'BM rif 4 0 1 I, ti%er .. „., all color. UM entirely harmless, an ill 4 v 1014014 r I. - .64Y1,41111144tuch cases. , , P. H. ItIALMSTEN, , 1 .:::::, - .01:: LI , Professor of Chemistry and meitivise ifioCatte• m. pay, 1868. A. , Trod' t hwheet medical authority in Sweden, --A I !Aye h , oc4slon to aen 'length e rtions. who. ur ikane e„ vaidierffial ii Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renetkr. - Su know that it has restored the original color of the iitt„.gelkjaAtelticelilArpt ; timemoft , ! the Itching d' ndruCtfutf iiecomlianfesliferflilli itig - ' 0ff,151; hat „ I consider It my duty to acknowledge tha', eto Mr. Whs. azsitura to orr 4- - 3 ) VIN i.„ - — t, Sysician-in.ohief to ar Itriny e gni, Psy.,l er t:,7,11 , e! f of his we. firooknotx, !July. 1868, OuirodeVit cottspe of living begtta a condition . the b 44 thirequireft eecaSteaslrOlPt Tittl inlity' i heco est OM lim NI ns& alogg(4l, upiS laimtil t tits 3Th mind sympathizes with It mad both I. Warrlites.M'eitted-togather. Threatoro the vital e e gies, ,purget th;ti system--eleause the blood-_ Ayer's Pills:I (Gissgiow (Ky.) Free Press. i.,,.17-.7, Ttfri -.,;:..-:•.; 1 Pictures, Clivorus)4oil Niritiop i , Wholesile and,l l Aol:i s tler in t h e , G it li ? ic li,.. t 1 eFit, Ap r atif i dgQ, ~ toowli B 4 ~, !,;,, ---;;;.;::‘,. fioods of 1130-Dp 194ttetie ) ty: ;,' ii.,, . ---- - l'"'- ' r : 4l ' 11.'2 M. 9143 8 o ‘ 33dopee, MlitNA & GLASSWARE , . . Nev4lla Styleo ant* )I,lewd in Dcair, Bronze, Pden and Lava Groups, Statues e ,A - Brists, Vases, &c. Bohemian, Berlin • Vienna, and 'Molica Vases, • • 9ologne Sets, Puff Boxes, Card Receivers, . ' &c. Flrclih Wes Shades and Standq rip vork and Ferneries, ike'? , 'a • Fine WWow! Goothi for Wax, Musa nod Bhcii , ,A lul► assortment of Waxwork Hfateriata. iNto China Tea Seto of f 6 ylecoß s7,oti t ch Avery large and choice assortment al whaVa. OIIENAsitALL, No. 8 Lake St., ELMIRA May, 1.1:872-Ct. . ...,. 0,- ,- . 1, !,4X 4 4.: . 4iitdito7'S - JV OUtee. fAlt ' RE 'Undersigned _having been appoi, ted a» Audi to melte (Retribution of the fund% arising tr JIB t i 'as iof ill teal eFtate pc Nvift Ifutriap• pr tate Ch e. township, deceaped, in the hiuula on M. T. EltlO I, fP.A .. Trustee, will attend to the duties tbf said t app tin tin t Bud hear the parties Intereated, u hie of. 110 tit li.ogn Bora ou Wednesday, the 22d day f Muy neXt;ta/ l'eloelt p. in. All persons interested re tg. quirefete rceptutlheir elsil before tilts A t (.4 ot ~, be d 'ev ar rqd from coming hi r othrre x p ititia, -- , , -- ~ .. -- ~,, 3 ' e s ' it -"'% I zi < tf . 1 .- , • Tiega, Itiay 1,1872-4 w. , 6 ,. C,,,.4 uir. 4 p. :7, ..,:•-• kf - •‘1 V. i • REGISTER'S NOTIt7E. v-orresig hereby given that the s, 1,74 Inlnis , tnstors and 'Guardians nsim..d bele, have Wed then-accounts in the Register's Office fdr 'nage County, Atm% fenittliat the ittlittAleroUngt. l lll4l,oo vrf,afigted g io the thiphttipt' Conti Or qgft:otit ao# ll 4sl ol Aatrihilirt la ho arll'ansildt2o, - Au dS pit day, the 21th day of May' 1872, at 2 o'clock p. +(a., fur allimatich eonarmati , on. FinaA aunt of Zylpba Scott, Adrniniatottri. of the estate of 1;3-sander Secti, :I.r i E nt leT a ide; M. 44 Final account of nutlet .0 „ Ott of ' ciliate of James DoatiAlfe of • Oust actount of 13. Innuaux. Guardian of . t .gelin t l Poftir et lal., minor children of Able Porter, late of Charlestoh, deorasel ; GeneraL account o ; . N. wittisms, o ust tan Charlotte iE. Lunn .et al., minor ehthlryn ,vt Wil I,•rn l.tp.tpl li4r4 iliernedb, do:OWL , . .• .-, ttl• • Tug iteontrof it: IL - Wffutrois. Giukaiih , 'lAAJ, folkwr..4,lion, minor chilli of 'Wilder realm, 1 peva , ' Virog 0. uut Of R. N . Williams Mardian of Al Lunn f lini or . kid of Wilder . pain, denesseri. 4 4 g.V i flr isqll ß r ie %lo l Fl co . •am : e ley; A Isaac W. Bentley, deceased. Partial /mount of Levi D. Shelve, adminiat ator or 'the estat of 'Waterman Mclntyre, late 44 Jac kson Mu rt eh ip, deceased. , Itf (A fA lit 14 "VI: i . I .t o rMdliVi '' ' 141.4i4 r,a4sAii k n ti A , illi of io,h t iVili.9P , stt J • wit A # o b i ir t i r, u w iati m 0.4 6 tors ° to o ti* r mire Etpl, , lirre o . • . • f .. 1.. .. • ii ' 1,61 64 • o risa . ti!) . .. Loving , debeased. - • -, :4eaopn of Ember Bowen, administrator of the tl.- tli eas te s ot wJo n Dowland, late of Deerfield to ~- .6,4tta% CilfTtilo '811.4/ ',) cqd. Ana tuteount of Muni Allen, adminishato of be i 4,,... t klei T lFTl MP ° . 4 11 0 of ttiOttildM otOliiiii mmiC . va ono, or Jeremiah Whitney, Eset u rof 4h_q listN*4lPa d testament of Ben):•titoolpepsf , 1:;!) , Kflf:: "fildhtirfit Frnship, decently!. • ' " • ' Final a .' ut of Itobed,tamnbell, stingoo ritpr 4 e t ou ditiVitat of azttniMAAlN 91 Met •t 117domageti, 'Ar >9.1!.. D E. Wellaboro, Ma 11672.4 Tgaffl/0 Ell FE V ira . to•s . sitr 00 . 40 60 . 60 • 880 LO 1 60 - 11116 1 00 1 21$ 1 50 / 58 20 'IQ A eX ; t.A . Lovelipt 12 18 litat • 13 - to tftssu Dexter, M. DE); 'ln I 4 I r taa 05..u;"1 lath altitiiB,' - Waal Slostroor firgitiog4o24loo,o.loo4oo4 .„4„ • „.„•:, •tet.s 17:4 IIL • : a. • C> el:7Dt IipINANTB ,1 . 1 5 ,4 butteriet ' 4 ifets'and , otkuir email vbaum. ' ' - /ano AWAi. I • 1p VIA) Ai (1; 1 A 10, 9 00 40 Paper 4 :Shadee I :71,:::4111 5 VS) rif • 7,F• c! • : t ttlttl) 1„ i I :10 itt:t 14 , 41 troz64o puitatat ZII oeuts4mou.. iiiatlev..s 4.0..04 14: $ I 1.. P.. •,i tie:, 1,444 r 1 -- s , o'll_ 4 lst 1s41:- • - 14,j, I,,AAS Cloth Shades Plata or PantedJallt sad Besotifullilitilalidet' from $,51) to $30,00 s pair. arciir ; Brown', Hollande , Buff Hollande, White Hollende, Green liollanda, 8 koic • Green Painted Cloth for °urbane of say desired length. I :vii L: a.Ltx_ t 1. 1 .4,1 - • W 74 t. 4 VAL ioto 41 , 4 • Jill Cloth. Shades for Stores any desired length and width made to order. .0 `.'‘‘.,.;,,, ‘,,..‘ ‘....V.-.. • ',:.li <. ~ :~5~, - CURTAIN FIXTU g2.&xii vii..,:4:,a .1. ,-- !::t , Ornament Your Homes! 111151111111111=1 Colored Prints, StereoSeopie Views, a new stock in large variety Eir. }t,: `t wo-!lioture Frames, _Rustics,. Ovals, Square, in nOlaWOOll, Gilt. Black Walnut, Velvet & Coßralle ..1,, if..;:ii VT 4 , -- 'I i , i 1 ' l , - `' 'l'; ,0.10W1.1,,,i , .2'1• Curtail!, .Cord,l Tassels, ro t,,ir ",: rioture Croquet gets, ,'"-N- 94414 a.. 9 o.?ad 1004 T Parlor Games, " Pif o. 4 1 t-94' kt.ei !i --- elkli' gl If 711 o bei l `, O. IdavgTl yi .LPv,3 .. il. ( oier t : $.1•1..rj6 , 1 • J,L);1": _`.l.' 144; 3.' 1- • - TI„ ':, tlflA.'.sMltUzltriND 'a qi‘,.-.lkg.t: ); - E. B. YOUNG & Co 114414704 t. - it MI MIME S. .:t EOM - Inoltidllig Jf:': 1 111111 1 a' • .' ' - D . „.• „.. ~ , t. 'A 4_, : _ ‘ l 4fr-417 , i t qA, r Rots. D. vr. NASA ' ''' • ' IMA114" - 3140 . - - Wift, /3/.1 464 S i am% • •010 • • 1... tog, ots, camases ana ... :. .- 4 4 , J.: 4 ' 4460 pared to do MIAs • • ••• ‘ ••• ..-• • b. And In thilalest AI • . - 179 . 4t1uip . • fitting op. :on abort 131.1t0e. wad , •• MI itig146 1 046 4 •4411.664166.$ ate Ind 114"iktr „1-I,,,,metti.-Arar.%blegtv, liaborta„ 1, ....,suyg.kasilLta,44olimu.,,"llo4-44 • •f• r • er t r teX, 4.041 t • • .11driftrats , pa,.,qesi or AD te ISTRATltAtippihp_pllt=l Mad l i a l trof ObathstontdOt trithelf, Ps detested having beeti (ranted to the undersigned., all persons having claims Flatbed said estate are hereby notified to OA tier settirtficuicrili iiid Moto taring , the •e to make luau is a payments to ' Jortai N. itRA ik j a ,, 'Chatham. Arty . 1..-13 . pilot. . Adminz 4 f lirhatti of etkuittletrettoil pn the estates otErving Bostwick, Aatw of) Lawrence bavnallip.. liege Co.. Ys., having beau glutted to tire underaiguwt , a ll pe •as havitia claims ifkgaitist said Estatoare hem* no tified to call . ,tur sdlitainenton, uteMo :Demount miring the sour, to uoiko jnotieeklote paymout to • , ! • - aus j acp, nom Adin,',r. Pfo, lisp I, 161.-est. • , To the F04)14'617 the:Bible Cause , la 111011. V. GEO. bi. _TECKEE.. of. Welists re). 'Pa.. • has 1:16, beau duly appOhtted a Scilleitiug ale titorotteditg agent Ws the Tioge o fountyablo• Books • tai supply the destitute with' t e `word of God. to' collect hutch' roe that pury ,a. Money paid to htto, either by congregations. oy bYjhuthrldosi persons, may be cre,t ited to such churctiss as Intiy net :designated, by EA. contributore. I - Vsteods ol the Bib ire Wilestip tiaticitt terprAe. Society iiirthiql!oill 1 to co.apeiaiefiritho il e edtul mi l). D. iftielt:Preel. - '• • I . IIV.DITAADVEIi; Vide rtee't.' H. W.,IYELLI.4IIBI " titian YOUti;G, •1, 181:21.9Ne. •'" ' ' • '' ' Welleboro, Pa.. Id, 101714(1 1 BE Alti) during known Stock forme wilk Mind' for Nava' during the season at the subscribers %table in Welisboro. His stock is so well known there is no no. ceseity of rentifts. 11l by sufhefent to may, for rood , stars %ey siirinnseek or for power of...endiar• ante. 'llls Hideo fa n ypal bhiph, weighs lksAlboi, is sbund, and 4i)04 his • i tutraisn, We. prOvo,thellicsi sert!iseablei (T Any Istrso.in this Bastion for all purpo ses. At the raqueet, f tounerous patrons, I have de • tertnined sbindlhn Wits° be found at all tiuita by th oll 9 ,4 ** l # 4 t . °l :l 34llbe t vic t - „ ~ tk ,ll Tellsboro,.!b47 ;‘ ,. ,5 .13- S'l • • ' • . ....... lifF,tLAX HORS:E. - 2 -.--:, Ims ealsteated; lutaulCided stained kept 1n 1 this vicinity wilt stands this season . 2 enly. at the stable of MS ()Wink& sti.... n ' ' ~ : 1717'410n#1 — "16104 , 1=a, le i lea,,:, , . , . This horse is not kept for profit, but 'to Ituprore gm breed of korsesAn 'Myra county. - Bet stook combines speed. strength i and endurance. He Is half brother to Patehin," was raised in the Mats of New Jersey, Is Id 1.4 . hands high, dark bitlo weighs! I . ll ,X l Puubrili. and lretioa wbea 4, yeatcoltlis Mile 'lu 340. . , His term* heretofore uniformly have beep $3O ; foe by the mesono, mod kW to *mum Th is season hla sondes will be VG:tieb.-amirei cash in advance - or approved uota. x. . . ~. D,....my will 7 ttandat by, Pe pOiXo 111 4 ki7 1 tlemardy civil-engineer latownk pguFgaelnetaly se "nut bunker,",allas : April At, 1872.-801. 1 ~ : , OIpittLES,iMITON. 1 The Thorough 'Bred Jack, Mumma. TIHIS oelsbrateitlenit S&P Mind for moron the en suing 11411111 on, stthe farm 0f . .. the .intbaosibtmlin 41Ere44 ) , - 4 about two miles north of Holidaykno, 'nog& Co. Patroamt —Dos s k B.7ears oltl,And lE bands high. Ms sire AL itOLDOrteld liinh Matta. - Olean. to Ecataohl. Bien' there to Ifirsoort; at Cu expense of three thousand dollars ; and was brought from 161 W sour! to Pennsylvania by Wm. B, Smith, His dam is • thorough.bred Jeimet. bath. ot, i4e Andrew Jfekeen stook, awl ho Is a sere foal-getter.. He weighs' sOOlims. Owners Of :Mired veiling the serriceli of a stiperior , animal should not till to entre the serviese of Bon Juan. His stock can scan at the farm of the sub scriber. Persons comity frdni , 'distaried Deft be Sc. oonunoastpel keep ng for •rosses at reasonable rates. Taitus.-410 for a mareo $8 by tho season ; $5 by the !top.; a . • Any person havLugcs, maxi Insured. and parting with her before the time of foaling, will be heart accounts. ble for the naurunce , i money Weiss it is proved that the mare visa not with toast Inintred - morass matte returned *War% tothe ;lack, or thp owners will be charged the titturelien insinksia,:Monity des March Ist, JAMIIS li. suovrtri" istuatabofi, Apritic . Zsopriator, = • .. •~ I .1 :,. I= - • C 4►, p4fd Blotfif mut Elgu i 14 4P :ti d F i~µ~ BEN 'Tuiothy Bowl, fgt. Otftt fit x_+ 37c J ; Cloviar and ■ MI 1 ' ' . 4-...44r431 I GC DO Now it; Shoe, Leather usIDINQ STORE, D , ~ , r (25 ,W.,,, lE3eags ; 1:N 114 E. FPitp Aci,p.xx, i,; I 1 —4-1. New Oiei),,,NeW '8,t'c 1 ?(..1 4 , and. Brat= I Plass. Work 1 . . Arn.lo7,!lNG.frHl la Mind flick Ws Rid 43411er. Et* Z!ffaoti ! Piel and Cloth .Bal ' / i, - i!TtPefas'and Gaiters, _ • - Pitt° .Children's ' , -•‘; and Misses, . • • Genic' 616th; *Oil(Aos9o, ftna • aatirOfiitOPS; Oixford 1044 Plitnee 41berp rief9.` ' I A gtxl line at 0WFA5H. , .. 4,,, 414 a l tuUpaa of „ .4 FINE BOOTS, Xiii:461.111..:/1 1 0 . 1;k SA,OO 37. 0 0 r Pkig ,3 4l 41.. I A 4 Vtio l l• QIJFiToW*6 O . I 'S,. I.6 t uit tpcw.,i4 iv , d.won,4 tb..mowlovoy time Leather mid 1'1;1(1441i al the Unreel 10011 at! ur rgi.' • • The omit twenty yeas of bta ill Wollsboto—intioli of the time on Abe' stool or ofnikonceistiriovnittlie cord ettlietbaulfF the Wm* solo% tellov.is nassilikwthaS! Miliemriaii; tie will only remark htir ciuitomerS curl as inutoy, key! . oneit .ehoom, him' a Celt 14t praybe fauna at Me nen! &bop, next floor 10,8, T. Van troru'e wen rooms, with the best and theato eet stock ti Tiorin county. C. W. mos, wewboto. mara • , • ~.,1 --,. %.,.., . . , 1 A ti,..,„, v s - .. 1 ~ . :., i ... MEM ISM •• =a HARDEN'S NUE RE ME , Yovigh Iltrav TorMu .1 ' E. B. ,* Young„qo,„ . , tr. !•• nu: .. ..g . •1"..t. ll'ilitilir:;* lkii.:l' ' okseilers ;aft --Stathigirs,' tit" and Desists JAL , # , '.( Wiak SI.. I ZYlcdow Siudos— ME VATkei4Yftlia r an. . , r . Tt . claim ilmaaas mut Glaiar Picturaa, all aorta. ; • • ' Piaaarropos4,,' UZINI CM! . Wank liuulua, sll riser. • Nowspspors, )lagasinea. Writhog Dooki, ; A4thiti Uepda, CM Medical Books. Reny/Lou* Book., Teri ardote in our hue of trade ,i, ---, "Taw Yuri Dailies at Ono D olla r a niontb. ' —Mania Dailies at 76 Canto a aim*. ;- . Hubsociptions for a week, or radrith, or year. • • -.-04era.ror Docks not in stock propiptly_attandalt to. , . whoa reoelverf :teem Naw Xork ev• laY - rpm's . i '' • .:.,. e are'Aipatita et the iftushor XII ie.& and the Onion Llini:Of11.111. Mail Ocean titeatners. Dimino tickets to and front any point In Duropa at tha lowest ratan. —*Ott Drafts wail on any Dank' n Ilurope at our rant. rating or it:change. t ' ' asii:',44, 1872,1 y. • - E. D. YOUNG a co. 1 NOTICE: PPLICAT/Oli Will he made at I the nest Court of 211. Quarter Session by the _Board of School D dors °T IM, Borough of Blosaburg for a decree to e power them to borrow Money in accordanee and for e tine _sot forth in an act of Assembly approved the 2 at day of April. }Ali. M. ELY Bloaatiurg, April VI, 18/2. 'Patel of B rd ftioci - vcreta-e• ^-4 40.14 D STAND blklttoriu Atrook ?oivnei, of Oration, VVIELIASBOttp, PA. cal v ITI4AERSIGNED has now caLikand a fall stock Ir HARDWARE of all auto to I, I 1.165. CI3OIY.BABS, bIiaBI3 , CITT; IarALI HAND 'AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, Wrft/P RTNOES, CARPENTBIII3 TOOLS, PUMPS, AX.P.B, AL4IIHRB, RI7).`..BTOCRA; 0111131i1J3, ATOM/if PLUOV.Lii SPADES, FORK% BRHOH • SCRE BM:INDOOR RUMP.% PRILD CU /EBBS . . 1 • . and a other artlelea umrally found li r a comploto no seetarasui of hardware. ' I " t 1 r 1 , .14.1 4 , the public to °all and owamilie tor , them'. iiikvep. 1 i , 1' 1 • . i Job .1 I ' lliiirork.'1 Iiiirork.' . • il .: ::•,,,, : a,.... to order promptly oud wall. Saab, Doors and,Blin,ds I= at Uotary,Patoaa, A ll It. *E2 J. R. ,ANDERSON, AGENT, Dialer iu H`ARDW of all'ktude. ME TIN: AN l COPPER Parlor Cook and • Stov I= for wood or coal, Table and Pooket I= I TRI FARMLNG T 1 of j GUNi L AND ON, Petrofina" Fluid, (the best 114t4ka thu wcitid) i a t tgeo i ery article connected Hardware Israde. Boy's Btoate,'lviutti fiuto of street, lit ( I .9Qt• to , „ ; o:satatborii, 44411!.127% J. B. AlirriLßBON. =MEM W1LL14 , 14 ROBE TB. RE Wiat is Office '~ MEM *miNiAs, OLEI 111 foam WOYDERS WILL NEVER CEASE .tirg you tric.4 sp Inti../ and ratfAt'inildfttit ail- I' I • ....rely' 4,1 CIA' - rls;)1 1.. sal ( plus - gt o moka l tudloplappi. / I t 1.. tljAit Moo, Aitiuniq oomplfaitio, cUixlers, ;nor , cholera be.. re by mastic. affilottiOtt ice - fr ost obilbierss, lifoutec itournstiszEvitick neurli/gio, p4toJ in t110,1140‘ .tenknloi IQlitl, , • - in s'praOtteii of six vivo; it bits boon founcl to teo,...soc ond t 4 ne propoution ever offered to the • , l'imelnoMetor , of Nilo n 1,016104 feels. Warrantedit tole, Ow, best: remedy • for tho above =lll the market. • - t~otjred sets yal up dl ?!. ,!kabbala sieuje—ltsliett, Eleatize A: Burbank, 1.110 61m:taw street. New York W. D.,Trobell & Co., Ger. . plug, K. Y. 47413. 1, 1072, , Acinvinisirato - r's Sale. - XI °TICE IS lIEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of an 'II order issued out of tho Orphan'a Gond of ' the county of Tioga, April 5, 1872, the undersigned, admin 'istaritor of the eatato of Eliza Kress, deceased, will on the Bth day of May next, at 10 "o'clock a. in., at the Court Gouge, in Welltiboro, expose to sale by piddle outcry, the following desoribod real estate, to wit: All that lot of laud situated in Wellsbcrough, is said county, beginning at, a post on the Booth Side of East Avenue, on the line between Anna Morrie, and James S. llryden'e estate, thence south .S dogma west 355 feet to a post; thence north 7 , 5 S degrees west 174 ji, feet to a post; thence mirth 9 degrees cut 255 feet to a post on said East Avenue; thence by said Avenue soutb.lsijdogrecs east 317434 feet to the place of begin imiug--containing one acre worei less. land Also, anotber lot of in Well oro, beginning in the centre of Put Avenue at the , northwest corner of lot belonging to the estate of James S. Dryden de ceased; thence north by lauds„belonging to the estate of the late Samuel W. 21orria 11.6 porches; thence East by lauds late of James I. Jackson 22 larches; thence by land late of George McLeod south 19.3 perches to the center of, the road; thence along the centre of the road to the place of beginning—centain ing two acres and allowance. „ Also, a lot of hand ha the township of Delmar in said county—beginning ate post on the State Road, which post is able a corner of land•cOnveyed by Samuel W. Morris, to Edwin Eellbwik; thence by the road. north S degrees west 34 perches; thence north 15 degrees east 32 perchea to a post: thence by land' Of Daniel Ilelaey, eaat.32 perches to a post; thence south 10.3 perches to a post; thence by laud of Edwin Fellows, iLcat 31 perches to the place of beginning ;- containing 2 acros and 68 perches, and allowance, be the Berne ore or less, being part of a tract of land surveyed in ursunca of warrant 303 to Peter January, ~ Also another lot adjoining the altave described piece id land-conveyed. by the Executors of Isaac W. Morris, to Israel Greenleaf—beginning at, a post corner of `Daniel liebutyli lot, and by the saute out 93 perches to a beech corner, thence partly by lot annoyed. for Es'asUis May, south 10.3 perches to a pbst, also thu northeast corner of a lot surveyed for Jonathan Mis tin, and by, tho same West 93 porches to a post, and by d iri name of Peter,January. north 70.3 perches to e place of beginning_--containing ,38.34 'acres, being art of a tract of land surveyed Ili pursuance of Lottery arrant No. 83 granted to James Stewart. Also another lot of land in the township of Delmar, inning at a sugar tree the northeast corner hereof, d a corner of land of. Jacob 'ints; thence north 1 degales west, 132.8 perches to a pos the southwest rues of said Duryea's land , suit in • e line of land longing to John Fellows; thence y land of the heirs of,John Fellows and by lend of 'uroliuo Hurd, south 2 degrees west 60t( perch , ato a oat, the south west corner hereof; thence by land of lierford Butler, south 88 degrees oast 1318. porches to • a post; thence by land belonging to the heirs of Israel Merrick, north 2 degrees East 60% porahea to the place of beginnthg--:- containing 50 acres be the same more or less. Terms, .34: at time of sale; ii, annually thereafter.—, Payment of the same to be secured by bond and mort gage.W. O. KRESS, April 17, 1872,14w.Administrator. —OO zoo 'Read '.quarters roit -- - Drugs and ]Med icines, (Patont or othorideo)—Also for AIK PtV gP MP.ANT/ ALL A TYLES OF ITiY I ,@ 4O TO rt - EAi) QUARTERS FOR-&11 Choice Liquors, ' Cigars, and • TOBACCO. Aloolor 3311=0C)32r..5. Religious, Historical, fklotlical, Legal; Mani( or N. B. A. full - assortment of the latter. Also, an 6:- sellout assortment of ALUMS. MIRRORS, FICTIIBB /Tr. STATIONERY; CORDS AND TAg 43, &C. - , & c., Grr c•c3 e rick sis. On Teas, Sugars, Ootree, Sprup, Molnar:ea, gpioes, Boda;etc., wo will not be beaten in price or quAity.— We will sell choice Toes by tLie oboat, or augur by the barrel, at as low figureo,tu3 the same um bo bought at this sip° of New York. P. 8. TRY OUR 4 SUILLIING TEA LAMPS, CAANDEILIBUS &0., Sze of the liewebt fityleti, eud lamp 011uitioyu That will 11(.4 break. Fancy and Toilet Articles. PEItEMERY, TOILET SOWS, POMADE% Ace., LIKEWISE Ql7T ' LETIY AND JEWI3LIIY, ‘l , fol'S AND LAMB. We hold twenty desirable village lots for sale lu the central part of the town ; and niU also loan 111011 U at reasonable rates. N. D. Dr. W. W. Webb has hie Wilco in. our store, where he may be consulted for advice or treatment. Jan. 1. 1872-tf. 11A5TINGS & TIM DRUG STORE I auliscrabar bow. oguAtantly on bluati ?""' Puro Druri and ' fifoclioillab ?sluts and Oile, Lamps, Eitationexy, :fall ' hoe Notiono PRESCIMPTIONS CARP_FULLY COMPOUtUM'D Tioqa, 3.'an.'l, 1872 ddirbilistratore lITTN.IIB oI'ADAIINISTILATION basing bogie: granted to the - atibsoribers on the estate of Rich :A Childs, late of Morris township, deekused, all per sons indebted to said estate and those having claims against it will immediately Settle with JOHN H. CHILD 6. I • A. O. BEAMAN, April IT, 'TI-Ow Afters, at Ifauvoo. TO TEE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF TIOt 4 COUNTY. Gentlemen: -fn purtmence.of the forty-third section of.ttio set of MaY;t3th, 181.1. you are .hareby nolaned 104 Meat In Convention. at the Court House, hi Wollebozo, on the fret Tueiday in May, A. D. 1872. being the 7th dor of the month, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and afoot vim wax by a majority of the whole number of flareotors preeent, one portion of literary awl; soiontifio acquirements, and of akUl and ()nodal:leo in the art atm& g, as County Superintendent, ter„ the three ' aneeneding ware: determine the amount of coinPan notion Leila same; and oortity the result to the State Superintendent at Harrisburg ea required by the thirty-ninth and fortieth Bectiotut of Bald aat, ' li. llosToN. _On. Stip*. of Tioga County. littoivl/10, April 1879-4 w. Insurance t Insurance: • Hand in Hand Mutual Life Insurance Company, opnoE, No. 112 B. 4TH ST., PHILADMIIIIA. INOORPOIIATED t.EBRUARY 23, 1867 Clun'l'd Capital $500,000. ASSETS OVER. Stock and Mutual, combining Security with Profits. Suppone you are already insued in a drat elasa com pany, and from any cause whatever, (say after teat year ly PaYmental you do not or cannot pay longer and die— your inanranco gone and your money wasted. Not so In the "HAND-IN-lIAND ;,° all Policies are No.-Pon- WRITABLE. This company whieh nulls among the Most ,populat and successful Life Insurance Companies grants pot: ides on all desirable plans, both with and withelit profits. Traveling Priveleges Unra trieted. All policies are incontestible after one ) from any of the ordinary causes. j 'Look to your Life Inguralice. Please examine the follping Comparative Table. It is sometimes alleged by wits of other Companies that the Company they represent to safer than others.. While wo unhesita tingly assert our battle in the soundness and stability of ail companies, we desire to present tbo following for the inspectien of those desiring tO insure : Of the following cempauies, compuro the annunl pro , miums charged by each for to insurance off life at tht. age of tlf years,,payable at death : I Annual premium Ton annual fur• life. va) motifs. ,$16,84 • —T1,73 4 .2,ut) ~s6tAil 60.uit 22.70 4e;,;17 2'2,70 r 0,97 Tivelera' ....... Flgtuu '/4,iiitat.))/3 16.& 32,6 e, Ii not tarcady inaurea itika a linlicy with the. "11ANI)-IN.HANI)." the beat Alutual CoNAny in the Mato, fitslos• Jan. 1. 1872. A. Itl.'lN(lltA3l,, Azont For "Sale. A MAST 110 tierce of laud known 'Ail the William iR .114/ iditchall farm at nlteholra Creek. Tioga with three dwelling housee, a aiamn taw Atilt Ana Varna awl other buildings—one fof the lit local:loan for a lumbering or other tou.nufacturlug cataiMatuneut on the Tioga Railroad. I • Mao: adjoining a lot ' of uhOut area, about "t 0 ISAVetI in pasture. Would rlaie a. good farm--tinibqr eriouth on it for fuel, Itnabor isasts. So.. to pay for about 710 sarec.t.t timber Lind with mono int,. Provemonta, utout a mile wet oft the above deueibts.t, banderr-Ni l JUltble for Hemlock Ilakk, timber a':l tarn: bag lends. ALTO two lota of laud of one acre Nola, situated at 110111:laytowu, in the towneliii) Ulthlishary—on ibh thero is a sieve. barn, Time dealrin to introhao incituro of Mrs. Jand Alitehell on the ft n:Tust at Mitchell's Creak. 0. H. SVCIIOUIt, Jan. 3 0 , IM-tr. Tioa‘ PA, II E!EIII 'IfOTIDEN. 1 ,1,1,000,000;00