USEFUL AND SUGGESTIVE Spotted Fever The March number of the Buffalo !Medical 4nd Surgical Journal, which Is edited by Dr. Julius F. Miner, contains the following ecli toral remarks in relation to a disease now' quite common in northern New York : llrr "Within the past few weeks, cerebro-spi nal meningitis has made its *first appearruic in Buffalo and neai4icinity, but hot at suffi cient frequency tq constitute anything like epidemic form; sporadic cases may have beets observed and recognized, or un der another name. ' Spotted Fever' is a name which seems to us wholly inappropri ate, and which conveys no ratio al idea of ivl the nature or location of the disease; and the reasons assigned for over giving It this name are entirely inadequate. `lntimation of I the membranes of the brain and spinal Cord' may be made to mean something in intelli gent families; but asi there are no `spots,' either before or after death, everyone is ready to inquire, why call it 'spotted fever?' Peteechial spots may often occur in[this, , as in all low forms of disease,' but if present they aro the result of a condition .common 'to all diseases of low typo, and do not de-• serve to give name to such malady. "Some cases commence by a Sudden at tack, the patipnt being noticed, at first, as having some grave malady; in other eases the access is more gradual, the disease not being established and recognizable under three or four day s . Pain, and especially pain in the head, is one of the first and most constant symptoms of an attack. It is in creased by motion, and is generally referred ' to thomeek and head. Pressure does not generally increase the pain referred to in the back and neck, but as most of the cases have been in children, it has 'not been easy ' to determine the amount or location of the pain; pain In other parts of the body is oft ener complained of. Vomiting is often pres ent from the outset of the disease. Delirium comes on early, in severe cases, and partial or complete unconsciousness is often soon ad ded; a peculiar unconscious, frequently-re peated scream, thought by attendants to in dicate pain, has been an unpleasant symp tom in a few instances. _ " Oscillation and turning upwards of the eye-balls is an almost constant symptom; the pupil varying,' at times dilated, again nor mal, or contracted. Tonic contraction of the muscles of the neck has been noticed in moat well-marked cases, and in some instan ces a complete general convulsion Is an early symptom. The urinary and alvino sure %tone are normal, AO far as common obser vation Wends, no special examinations hav ing beg made. The respirations are sometimes increased, but In many cases not obviously changed.— Bronchitis, with hurried respiration and cough, freqpently appears as a complication or is a consequence of the disturbance of nerve action. The pulse varies greatly in the same case at dillerent times. At first ,it may not be changed; it may be some slower than natural, or it may ho very rapid, • 160 per minute,• it is often notic as irregular. The heat of the surface is also liable to the same variations. " The cases thus far observed have either died early, within a few days, or appear to be slowly recovering, no permanent disabil ities, no deafness, or blindness, or paralysis, resulting The proportion of deaths to eases cannot yet be determined accurately, but it scents probably that recovery is the rule, and that nearly all eases which survive the first outset of the disease will recover." Hanging Baskets No floral ornament is more graceful or charming than banging baskets, well-tilled and in a thrifty condition. There is scope 'for a wide range of taste and style in the material of the basket itself, as well as the plants with which it is filled. If one lives within reach of a good green-house, and can aflord the moderate; expense involved, the least troublesome method of obtaining a hanging basket is to order one ready filled and growing. They generally, sell, complete, from a dollar and a half to six or eight dol lars, according to the materials and con tents. All the care that the purchaser need exercise is to see that the plants contained in the basket are such as are adapted to the cation it is destined to occupy, in respect to temperature, sunshine, etc. It is also nee• essary that all the plants contained in the same basket should have similar conditions of growth If a Coleus, Begonia, or Tra• deseantia is planted in the same IJasket with a pansy or Chinese primrose, it would prove a failure, for the first three require a degree of heat which would be speedily fatal to the latter. A judicious florist wOuld, however, avoid such an error. The material of the ready-made baskets is generally wire, terra-cotta, or rustic work.— The wire baskets, lined with thick, soft moss, are much the prettiest, but require more care in keeping well watered, as there is constant evaporation from the entire surface. But no ono need be deprived of hanging baskets by reason of inability to obtain them ready-fllled from the florist. With no ex penditure except that of a little labor, di reefed by taste and skill, articles have been produced which surpass in elegance of tip pealLance the choicest productions of the green-house. 'Half a cocoanut shell; a su perannuated wire dish cover; a china bowl swung up in a netting of crocheted zephyr; a wooden bowl covered with rustic brandhes; any shallow affair which will hold from a pint to a half peck of soil, and can be con veniently suspended, will answer the pur pose. The steel springs of a discarded hoop skirt furnish the material with which a va riety of baskets may be fabricated. If a dish of any kindle used, always see that ample provision is made for drainage, by means of a hole or holes in the bottom. For contents, the forests, fields and road sick* furnish an inexhaustible variety.— Plants of dwarf, compact habit, are neces sary for filling up the centre, and those of a trailing habit to hang over the sides. For the latter purpose, Moneywort, Nasturtium, Lobelia crlmis, aro all neat and pretty.— There Is a little creeping plant with a square stOn, rounded, kidney-sluiped loaves,, and blue flowers, called Gill, which is regarded as a weed in the country, but which flour i,,ltes nicely in hanging baskets, and is some times Sold by city florists for that purpose. Some of the prettiest baskets we ever, saw were home-made, and filled with forest plants: Trailing Arbutus, 'Wintergreen, Partridge berry, the barren strawberry, and directly in the centre a strong rhizome or "root' of fern. • The latter continues, dur ing the entire season, to uncoil its rich, feathery fronds, in striking yet harmonious contrast with the brightgreen foliage, deli cate bloom and brilliant berries of its trail ing neighbors. This collection had the ad ditional advantage of being able to flourish in tOtool, sunless, north room. Care should be taken to see that hanging backers are not permitted to suffer for want ni 811illeirill With - ring% Wire baskets, lined with moss, should, i» addition to the usual sprinkling, ho- dipped in water every few thip4 Gleaning 9.. At a recent inrinerg' iligeMssion in Sec land, on I lie improvement of stock, olu the speakers gaN e the f.illoxving good ad rice: "As it is a general recognized maxim Ilia( I he exterior form partake 4 more of the confor mation of the sire than the dam, and 1.3 "011 t sire Will to sotto extent. improve the ‘‘ of each year's stock, while a female gig es' but one superior beast,' I would say proeufe 811- perior nudes at NfhatC% er cost; and . hould they be too expel sive for the aim of the farm, let I ISt) or three fartners join in (Ito IMlcilast, and keep of Ono animal." - A correspondent tells us how lie saved a tine peach tree, and gathered bushels of fruit: • Every peach, for years, seemed as if stung by some insect; and though the I ree biota ned well in the spring, the number of peaches was small, I dug a trench around the trunk of the tree and filled it with hard wood ashes, and covered them with the earth removed. Then the tree was loaded with line fruit, much which came to perfection, though we gathered much green to relieve the tree." , •A.t a late meeting of the Rochester Fai nters' Club Mr. Otis said, as reported hi the Rural How, that " ho once plant ed an acre of sorghum, which made a great growth, averaging ten feet in hight. Thu stalks at the buts were nearly as big as his wrists Nina cured and-fed to the cattle, and the animals ate it alk up clean. They would leave any other fodder for the sor ghum,, and chew the bits Until all were gone.' He advised planting it like corn in rows and hills, and leaving It In shocks in the field uhtil wanted for feeding." ' Professor Henry says that the " observa tions of the Smithsonian Institutd, which ex tended over a period of twenty years, have as yet failed to confirm the popular belief that the removal of the forests and the cul tivation of the soil 'tend to diminish the amount of rainfall." It is not claimed that these conditions diminish the amount of an nual rainfall, but that the equality and dis tributkin thereof is disturbed, there is no question. Waated,—just ono line. LEGAL OPE!TO SPRIP O: Whereas, on certain bonen, and sprays, Now dicers birds are are beard t 9 slug, And sundry flowers their heads upraise; KW to the coming on of Spring ! The 'gouge of those Bald binds arouse ITho memory of those youthful hours, Ake green as thisie Hata sprays and boughs, kus frealt and sweot as Chose said tlowete The.birdm aforesaid—happy Love 'mid the aforesaid bonilu3,enstirives In-freehold nests ; theinsolves,theitheirs; Adroinlstratais owl assigns. , Oh t busiest team of Cupid's CO10; Where tender plaintiffs :lotions Season of frolic and of sport,' - Hail, as afortaid:, coming 48pring ,:.`: - ' —.T, G. 'Z'szt - • ALL SORTS. An Illinois,doetor gave ,a patient opiates, and then eloped With his wife. - The Spectator says that in lovability Mazzini surpassed almost all living men. None of the, girls at the St. Louis normal school wear Waterfalls, and all-wear dresses made of calico. ' Twenty-tivel young • ladies of . Bt. John's;' Mich., have resolved - to prosecute all per sons engaged in the liquor traffic. ,.. "The Felon's Firesideis • the highly 'at tractive head line a Chicago paper gives to an account of the new county jail. A citizen of Albany recently deceased has left ten thousand dollars to be used in trans lating the Bi ' le into the Japanese language. Drury Lan Theater, London, is to have an iron curtain on the stage as a precaution against fire. I It is about the only theater in London wholly uninsured. A man in Missouri recently, by mistake, ran away with his own wife: She was dis guised in a fancy ball-room costume, and he did not recognize her for Bottle time.' - - We read that the unfortunate ox-Empress of the French has been obliged to order a printed blank informing parties that apply to her for pecuniary relief that olio is no longer able to afford it. Somebody is responsible for tho assertion that queen Victoria has an American lady as waiting maid. She is a Bostonian and a general favorite, we are told. Of course she possesses all the requisite qualifications. There is a gentleman in England who has live or six poems of Heine, equal to his very best. They were addressed to him, and ,on that account he keeps them locked in his escritoire and refuses to publish them owing to their personal and intimate tone. The national debt of Franco is $5,500,- 000,000, that of England $3,964,000,000, of the United States $2,350,000,000, of Austria $1,555,000,000, of Russia $1,500,000,000, of Italy $1,425,000,000, of Spain $1,1&5,000,000, of Germany $850,000,000, and of Turkey $520,000,000. When.the neW frontier fortresses of Ger manY are finished, it will, be probably the strongest line of defenses in the world.— The line will run from Cologne through Coblentz, Mayenee, Metz, Bitseh, Strasburg, and New Ilrisaeb, to a now fortress which will be built somewhere in the Black Forest region. Several Oerman princes will Boon visit the United States. Some say the Crown Princes will do so in October. The recep tion of the Prince Alexis in this country has createl the greatest sensation among the monarchists of the OM World. By and by the King of the Cannibal Islands will want to come. The Cleveland Leader says : Investigation evidently lagrees with Secretary Robeson. He makes itt splendid subject to practice on, because the more you investigate him the better you like him. This is not cheerful for his enemies, but they ought to have known better than to make such a spectacle of themselves. The Cincinnati Gmmereial says : "Art old man from the country was victimized by confidence men to the amount of two hundred and ninety dollars yesterday. The innocent old gentleman acknowledges that he deserved what he got, as he had read accounts of the confidence. game on at least a hi/Dared afferent" oceatii one. " The Missouri Democrat is authorized to contradict the statement that the expenses of Miss Nellie Grant's European trip are to be defrayed by a Congressional appropria tion; that she is still drawin c ,f , pay, as an officer in the army, and that the female mem bers of Mr. Boris's family are to be presen ted abroad as her maids-in-waiting, &c. A. telegram from New' York says: "The inauguration of the Shakespearian memorial statue, which was to take place on April 23, is now postponed until June on account of the non-arrival of the statue." There is an air of sweet simplicity about it that reminds us vividly of a'sweet couplet by an early En glish poet: Row can he cut It without o'er a kutfo? Roar can ho marry without Weir a wifur The Queen's stables are exhibited to the London sightseers certain days every week. There is not much so see, save a dozen or' so, of carriages and an equal number of hor ses and pompous grboms. l Having Paid for the permit requisite to gain admission, and compensated the illiterate guide, one finds that the sum of money expended would al most purchase a decent horse In New York. • Two large cotton mills have lately been established in Now Orleans, which, it is said, will compare favorably with the best of our Northern cottonjmills. Good. The more the better.' By-arid-by the South; con trasting her doctrine and practice of indus trial civilization with her former destruc tive Calhounism, will have the grace to be heartily ashamed of herself for not outgrow ing the savagery sooner. A few days ago Mrs. John Bird, of For estville, Ct., had a fit, and apparently died. The funeral was to have been held last Mon day, but as the body was vrarm• and the limbs pliabla, the exercises were postponed. Up to this time the body has remained in the same state, no. signs of decomposition appearing. Mrs. Bird was a trance medium, and it is thought by many that she is now only in tt trance. The Orientials still carry on the trade in Circassian beauties to a largo extent. The Levant Herald speaks of aparty which lately arrived at Trebizond, among which was a young houri of fifteen years, of suchunuedal beauty of form and face that she was read ily bought for ono hundred thousand' pies tern by a rich merchant. The young beauty was entirely resigned to her lot, and cheer fully embarked to find.a borne at Constanti nople. Wisconsin papers contain accounts of an ox which some time ago was buried alive under a haystack that toppled over on him. Nobody knew wpm had become of the creature until after his mysterious disappear= ance had lasted over three weeks, - when he put out an appearance from the haystack, having eaten his way from center to "ejr einnferenee. There was snow on the grot(nd n hick afforded moisture enough to prevent his dying from thirst. .1 little story comes from Detroit t-hieh has a severe moral for those parents who wont to disregard the fears of their chil dren. A father and mother went away in the evening and left their little four-year Tiny alone, although he begged piteously to be taken because he was :afraid of the wolves and bears. They came back and found the child had become insane from fright, and is likely to ise a moping idiot fot the rest of his days. The orchestra of the Boston musical fes tival will be composed of 250 first' violins, 900 second violins, 150 violas, 100 violin cellos, 100 contrabasses. 100 first flutes, 12 second flutes, 12 first clarionets; 12 second claLionets, 10 first oboes, 10 second oboes, gassoons (Ist, 2d, 3d, and 4th,) 20 French horns, 24 trumpets, 12 alto trombones, 12 tenor trombones, 8 bass trombones, 6 bass tubas, 6 pair tympani, 10 small; rutni„ 4 bass drums, 4 pair cymbals, 1 great drum, 1 great triangle, Total, 1,000. ' Thu other day, in an open lot of the Rue do Vanvres, Paris, the body of a colored gentlenian, dressed with 'remarkable taste, was found pierced with three wounds, ap parently inflicted with a dagger. There was clearly #s;:t attempt at robbery, for in his pockets were found 1,200 francs and the following cu loos note: "To-night at 8 o'clock threo ftsassins are waiting for Me in the 'Clos Villonel.' Still. I am going there. Let no attempt be made to discover them if they kill me. I wilL not utter a single cry, and I pardon them.' Florence Nightingale is Bald Ito be aplain, simple woman, 'quite destitute of romance; poetry, or sentiment—no "Evangelical" in belief or habit, no "professor," least of sae devotee—yet when she is thinking how she can help the sick and wounded, how she can improve the administration of hospitalS, her face takes on an expression of pure, spiritual beauty, her oyes kindle with en thusiastic', title is transported out of herself. The soldiers in the hospitals at Scutari adored her as an angel, were happy if they could not touch the hem of her garment, and seat implorlPg looks after her shadow. RAILWAY TIME TABU S. HUE HAIL - % Al. .A.BISTILIPAr 0/ rIX.ETMILE,ADOPTIIe Nor I.Bra 1971 NNW tad 311?it0 VED DNA W 1140 110011 stud 4341301. LNG OG AOUES,aou tugalllludeta t taprere• Well ie. are run through ou all Tralur feetween Marais, Niagara Fella, Sawa/duo Bridge OlaveLiud, (Nociu nail-and New fork. - . l .l it, 4 ;'/ / Westwird No.l ST.VCIONIS 11.00 ex 6.80 t . * 7.00 t' * 11 16 "Q. 16 " 720 " 815 6444 166 • ig( 136 •ac 897 " 217 016 " 262 " 32b •' 10.10 845 " .1 411 " 1400 " 421 :4 48 44 11.30 " 606 " 1 676 •• 1286 A 4 4 .6 42 '. 601 12.38 .4, 4 . 11/26 .- 2.05 7.05 1111 720 Ott 614' Xll2o' AY 11.`201 lil 7.03 " 112 10 r at, /2,10 6444 7.10 " :12.16 " :12.15 7.15 h 2.20 +.19 20 7.20 112.64 "112.64 .• 6.65 r 6.56 , " 666 4 . ..... 1.00 A at] rOO A 9'o s la 944 •' 480 Mn New InekL'r, Jersoy lineq'hanual Great 80nd.. , Dlngbaqini •• Ativeg •• War rrly. 4 4 Zutaing . 44 'PdliqtedPost•• Roctoster.t. llortell;q11 ". BOWL, " Nlagrafallf" Susp.liride"- " nunklik" •• Ctgcolagd. t• CllntimAtt: 6.19 - r -r 69 " 67.0 " 7.06' " 7.88 " 11 40 •' 8.611 Sop 12 00 Nat 1 . 248 A 12 62 .1.00 222 7.00 •• 6.00 P M lA:Malarial Lam Trains. Westward. 6.00 s. m., ascopt Sundays, 140111 Owaso 6.00 a. tu., deity, from Suxquehnutt, 0.60 11. in dully, from duequatmett. 1.00 p. w. except kittudays, frotu Surquohsasa. 1.16 pin oxcrpt Su wisp!, hum innalra. Stoppiug at Big Vista 1 30, Coming 200, Paluted Poet lob, mad thanca,•la A Yob, to Buffalo, striving p tn. 2.30 p to except Bundaye , from llitaghain toe Eastward. STATIONS. N0.12* N 0.4 1 N 048.1 Nu 2 • ----- C4nel'ati L've 0 46p m .....—.........5 1 ......".... 11 40 a ill Oltorelaild " 726 a m ....... ... ! 10 00 p m Dunkirk' " 186 pat ~ L. ' ... ............. .-- • I Clifton " 140 '- 6 40 pwslo 00 N 440 am flutp.ll'os " 146 • " 1146 « 10 06 1. , ggg si Nuniara,Y. '• 1 651. " 666 " 1018 . 492 is Buffalo ' " 446 " 644 "11 g 3 .. I T 00 44 liornolte'vto" 316 Sup 1014 •1 ggo sly 1006 " Boolmater " 400 p m 613 18 ...., 116 a °arming " 186 " 12 10a m 666 " 11 50 "' Elmira " 814 •' 3248 0 636 h is 06 4 , in N r.,,,), .. 8K " 137 "1 . 608- - ^. _ . ItAlp la Owego N 491 le 219 " 11411. , - ".. -, .1 14 , 0 m BingbamTna 10 16 •' 406 " ' -.TIN ..", '.1,411.114n Great Bond " .... an •• y 62 '• 2 17 pni Busquehan's" 1101 . . 4 406. tit 826 w 841 Wirt Port Jervis" 262 am 180 " 1206 pin ..Pl9 is in Middletown" 969 " 846 4 ' II i r ,llll . ', ' 4l rti tl 4 , Ouehou " • '' 904 " sai .... iiii7NsO. - i,;,,, , ' Newburgh " ...... ....:... 1210 pnt : .:::"'" .' 880 ii ia paieraon c " 680 " 11 00 aus - . 114i1:- ' ;7 0 .: .:11 40 pat Newark "1 00 "- 206 p ni 6 11:1APy ... t . "' ..`--., Jersey Citty " 044 " ' 11 48 41101 8 2iti:”l ' ,- 91.4' Sow Now York " 100 " TOO ~, to g.eo ~... v- ^ l(c . l is got., - - " " , , . Addithinal LootqTraiOtaistwiad. - 6.00 a NU, inindayi ackot6d. frobilgalliabAtif• - 0.65 a m, dafty from itorDoflarif i,S. T.OO a m..oxoapt fluuttaii t 'Orpaylellwpirp T .60 a ca.. uxrapt Samlart, ‘ 1.68 R. m.. except Hamlayeitbizis Painted 2,10 110 p.m., nuept 6am6thys, from ituraellevitib. • ; t Mondays us•upted, le t a Wort JOitia. L. D. fIUONSIIi t Get.olBup't, Norther"; ,Centraic, T Direct Horde I Noiih and South. On and after BundaY, Nov 12th, 1021, Train's wll4 depart from Troy, Pr., as follows r =I LRAVII SOUTHWARD. Mail 6,62 L. M. Buffalo lixpreiss, 10.86 P.M. W'miiport• A °cum. 1.10. Niagara ilxpress 1.06 P. /4 TRAINS LEAVE NORTIIVIARD. D4G P.; IL '-"ElzulrA'Act4.6,lA.A . Ai Niagara Ex prose 4,33 P. M. If:press 4,27 A lit A. R. FISKE, Genurel Euperhitendont. J. A. It SOFIELD, Amil Gong Sup't WeHamra & Lawrenceville It. It. Tim© Table No. 3. ° . TUC& EFFECT TUORSDAT, NOV. /0 Tittlo/1 I= == 630 pm 11 10 am. Oorutug 900 a m OOP' .‘ 426 pm 10'06 am LawroBoeeillo , lo 17 amfB6oj1 m 414 pin 966 am DU nulug 10 27 In 860 pm 408 pm 061 am *Lathrop, 10 32 aruoo4 p m 364 pm 940 am *near OKA 1048 aLa 018 p va 349 inn 938 am 'flogs Village 10 66 am 920 pm 331 ptu 918 am *Hammond 11 12 ara 936 p m 310 pm 901' am •111118 Creek U 26 In 948 m 313 pm 900 am Holliday 11 31 a 63 0 !SO p m 03 pm 861 am Middlebury 11 $1 am 959 pm pm 843 am Nlleu Valluy 11 49a m 10 05 pin 2 421 831 a pi 4 •3lartaa Oreok 12 02 pm 10 104 pm 236 put : M.1181,01 - 0' 1.09 am 10 22 pm •Flug Stallone A. 11.tiORTON, Bup't. Illossburg tt , Corning & Tiogli R. R. 001110 NOUTU 1110 am. 680 pm 10 60 am 515 FLE 10 42 am 602 pm 1080 am 4 50,pth. 10 25 am 446 pm 1015 am 485 pm 10 08 am 421 pm 968 am 411 pm 949 am 407 pm 9 211 - 9 8 57 pm 9 25 am 7 pan 916 pm 905 am 827 pm 845 am 809 pm 826 am 260 pin 25 p m ESTATIONO GOING BOOM Corn lag 900 um T6O pm Mulhollon - 919 am 806 pm Erwin Centro 9 33 am ) 8 18 pm Col.ik'si • 9411 am e.BlO Lindley 9 60 am ti 86 pm Lawrenceville 1016 MD 8 48 pm Soma's Lone 10 2T am 8 Mipm blitelioll's 10 81 am 908 pm Old Station 10 41 am 912 pm Tioga 10 66 am 9 26 pm Mill Creek 1102 am 9&2 pm • aIoOO.VNI Lamb's Creek /112 ant 949 pm Mansfield 11 24am 9 65pm Canoe Camp Covington 11 44 am 1016 pm illeseburg 1206 am 1036 pm Somerville ,12 26 am 286 pa; Wall Brook 'll2 46 am ' A. H. warm, L. H. HATTUCK Supt. B. .1. C. B. B. Sup* Toga R. B. Ayer's 1 Cherry Pectoral For Diseases aZ- the:Tbroat 'and i• such no Coughs, Oolda, Whooping - Cough, Bronohitie, Asthma. and Consumption. , Among the great disooveriea of .modern science, few are of more eel value .to mankind than this ef &etas] remedy for all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. A vast trial ;of Its, virtues, 'throughoutthht - and other countries, has shown that it does surely rind effectually control thorn. The testimony of our beet citi zens, of all elassos, establishes the fact, that CHERRY I",ROTORAL will and does relieve and cure the rifflieting disorders of the Throat. and Lungs beyOnCatr other medicine. The most dangerous affections of the Pulmonary Organs yield to its power; and oases of Consuntp. don, cured by, this preparation, are publio ly known, so • remarkable as hardly to be be lieved, were they not, proven beyond dispute. As a remedy It Is fulminate, on which the Albite may rely for full protection. fly exiting Coughs, the forerunners of more serious dittereto,AtltaVes unnumbered lives, and an amount of suffering not to be computed. It challenges trial / and con vinces the mast sceptical. Every family should keep It on hantras a protection against the early. and unperceived attack of PnimonaryAffectienit, which are easily met at first, but which become ineunible„ and too often fatal, if neglected. Ten der lungs need this defence• and It entries to he without IL As a safeg uard to children' amid the distressing diseases which beset thuThroat and Chest of childhood, CHERRY PECTORAL is Invaluable; for, by its timely use, multi tudes are rescued from premature graves,' and snved to the love and affection centred on them. It :Lets speedily and surely against ordinary'colilk revitthig sound and health-restoring sleep. I No one w ill quirer troublesome Intlaenzg and pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily they c.tit he cured. , Originnlly :the product of long, laborious; and sin:et:l,4u) chemical investion, no ctiet or tell is spared in task lug every bottle In the ,utmost pessitdu pot ft-ction. It may be confidently re lied alien SLY, posqes. , Ang all the virtues'it has over exhitnted, mid capable of producing cures as memorable as the greatest it has ever effected. - • ay' %,,, - Dr. J. C. AYER & CD' biviell Mass .• • Practical and AnalyticalChMMl6 • BOLD BY ALL DDITOOI.B1 4 8 EVERY - 50 B* Jan. 1, 1872. 7 • HERM! & RRESBOt c ; We• Music! elPitisie;i _ .o to in. the late ma'am:we of Lust Baotte. °melte Von fforn'd Hotel. Biel/ewe; and other t, XnEatil:COSS &I ease very ;thew Aliso. MASON & _____ • CABINET ' - ORGANS. IOLD DISTRUIEEINTS TARNSm EXESAZIGIL A lisrgo stook of NEW *ll6 Just received. LESSONS given on the Reno, Organ. and in t p lot. Aa y =tatty for vodka oil M oo Jan. I. 18ir2-11. No 6;',, , Na 7,1 . No 3.* W/i..11. 11Ahlt, Goon Pass. Aiet GOING !MOTU =ME MI n , ';:tc; New Sluing Goods in Cori in IE Staplo and: Fancy I)ri Goods, Suited to the 5eiii244...141.4iDE.,' and itiMioha snide almost daily, to whiob we itivita the intent of Dip( GOODS of gdy kind of variety. Wo,roake & ipottlJty of t4IO and in both or eitaar of dare MEI BICILLO'D WOREME,NI We toko pride in our {USW .DEPAIITKRBIT ea one Of the tatitgutione of tbe town, atoll about lOU tolls olpAl priows Amin 2s, coati .0 Um. we can Mat 41 1 4 0 0 14 ant' customer lu ua bud uuae umulr inn. village to tlnd Almost the entire stock was purchlied • • •d we abet/ las Jaw to old paces . Nausea knit to buy cheaper, they, • . val.44ssllloarket. • The citizens of Tiogn County are ceidtall,y invited to 411 and so Goalie& Mooch. MM. A7viit;IXAL.I.II6ItE • ;,• Wok : o:Winter Goi).4 • • . t. .« -- L' . . ME , lIEAVT ,spitintra siva • •i l WM .411 other ,Goods will be sdid at greatly 're Wallsboro, Jan. 24;1842 NTW ur. 3. liciwirtma a Broths Ire C;4•0c) audOolored SVGirla Mad J Pia/Ag. leas tiaii 1 13111*, Woo= 9 ' 1 6 4, mai II WM!. mach ke w e keep a ftin I. Faneb Goods, rankoo NotionB, Book, A9h008,, Ha from ' 10io 60 • • • to • •• mou•km• - • Eteit•aum to '7i, e tO :I^ 1.: 1 . u~: 1 .~~ Ready-Made Clothing in abund 1 r .I..witio Facia:, far to WELPII roe Choice Groceries, Etc. Test . _ ,.. from ISO *Dalt t0p1,58. &Mao Lare;r64;ar . 6X ow* Audio be. "Ms aealispr. low plum, and skid stieastiag 110 we invite mai ono rafarrat et rayirdng In out Hz" t 4; drop la andpko a look %mesh' ft==o t abow oar &Mo. ' The Largest Establis 3PINIVILCOU left MILIMaII DRUGGISTS =I 3=pa t° ll l 7 l 2 o gi grat ia = l /b a° S t ie g i ll ert ! ". . lug setoot at , -',ITONK, RION ISLANI itill WITRR (11". AIL "Malt*ME TataTAMAN _ . ransitiir"striping ME and 'Brushes Mir, Carriage and A you /law " all 4100311 of Good aPPeatakoing to ontbusinosa kept In 4se. ],187?, MI - .i #1 IMO fi :~• -< W e vtiw two t t, tun ...(rd yin =Olds stook of 1 +I i .. r , ,C:14263R.1F1E8 11.nento o , we sro =at ovcialoll In this section. 'Oar Cloths order it deshOd by the most • . : • • I I=lE= 1 1 Snail " Tl*oi:Q • .: AT (X)MT, TO MAHE BOOM FOl3 A ' prates. GOODS suer BEORMID AT ria. i xiowszt 4 wawa Mom. =upon°. PA. io conlo. 10 Wets. 90 beats. hmont In Northe }/:e ?ji rtW r Cutter .Ornamenting. j4l' L SEE li =I I= tildlmme atom from DO cpi Amu fig LOW vazca3. 41:= 4 0=. 'JEW 'RY STORE! .. , , LA ,:iWKIL;(.4 80R0, ,, :PA: - . , ..- .. . , \ .• • - - -r f " ODREW FOLEY, : - :" , - 1, , , ,. lii who bad \ irtig ' been otth+Lehed '' : : ) 1 ( to Ltd Jewelry bustnoes in ti t Wellaboro, it always for sale, '6. s' • •'''' '' C h„..... ~- • , :•, t various kinds a d prices of , . . . :. AMERICAN W.ATCI \ S, T : ' • .. Gold or Silver, Clocks, Jewelry, Oold Oh ti, 1 Keys, Binge, Pins, Pencils, Owes, Gold an \ . Steel I Pens, Thimbles, 'Spoons, Razors, • ' Plated Ware, ~. : , . . , ' 'SEWING - MACHINES, , .. tui.,..k0.. tr:c. With ntoat an other articles usually kept in such ea tabllstunente,, which aro sold low for -' ' C ; A • 8 H • Repairing done neatly, and promptly, and on short , t . , , A. FOLEY. li T lill in. t i,' 1872-Iy. , . 11 EMI ention of all Eli ho mads to it colsysiseal ty, and pxlce, • • the advanon. late nont.InUALT & WAITS. 21 ti Dentistry. : - lElAVTlOrretnriani from s visit East I am now pre pared, we with a, Welt of goods sue Instal:monis. ear superior inducements to thoso in want of any in tny 11ao. Artificial teeth inserted on a new and superior base. at low rates. Teeth extracted with- Permutation of the natural teeth* spatiality. ert a tirranted.' Terms reasonable. A. B. EASTMAN, DenUA, Jan. l, lata-tf Wellaboro; Pa. • ROSAPALIS • S D uced ! . ~ S. sit these BUM, 644. caps% Change of Base. BIitAND.I4W Stook of, Goods; AT NIDDLPBURrUBNITIR. PA. • BOUGHT for rash, and to be sold for cash, at cash ohne. Oredtt Breton plarad out. Pay M you IP." is a trite old nutihn, and, when krod to to, thosa dootritts lot both solles and buyer I Intend to Sell godly at mat profits, for allaN. ant =Ursolicit a trial from old patrons, and front i who wish to buy at szOooties and i pi ta i toode stem denies. A. W. I January 11, 1812. U ro, E.l noe. ffiEl MERCHANT • T/40RING I . , GEmu, wAnN., baaiuet received a superb &H -sortnient of all kinds of CLOTHS for gentionen's COARSE & FINE CLOTHING and Is ritnaftit to manufacture in the BEST and on the aborteat notice. Persons wanting Clothing cifllplease drop an and see lop stock. Good Irrre and the beet at work guaranteed. ran. 1. 1015-17. GEO. WAGNER. 1 46 to 30 oast& ' 101 CO. . Por Sale or. Rent. 443001) dairy 11,rm in Tioga township, Tioga Co.. ' Pa., about 21-2 milee west of tie Borough of , OOP 100 scree improved, and 46 unimproved.— Iles on it tuxes barns, three dwelling houses, an apple and poach orchard, and other *nil trees. Terme= Also adjoining on the west, a farm and thither from 40 to 260 acresas desired, with 80 acres improved, with a good barn, a good house and apple orchard.-4 Good for a dairying farm. 0. H. BEITIIOIIB, • Jan. 1: 11177. I Tioga, re. rn Pa. I .House and Lot for Sale. undersigned oilers for sale Lis House and Lo on Hain street, in Elidand,l% - :, - at.e very low Flee Said lot contains one•half acre, and is wider good our tlystien. For twins, &0., apial,y to the subscriber. Jilkland, Pa., Feb. 21, 1872. W. O. P. BABOOOK. Tars. C. P. SMITH I /3\ now receteln,g new and elegant dealgne In 11L1.1.11.131.e.rwr and 31Peft.M1T41DrIr CA-0020419, - and Invitee the public to call and esandue goods an pricea • - 13.-:-170 trouble to Dhow goods. Feb. 28, 1872.. Mrs. O. P. 13112113 E. =2 , U= • over 11111, Aza r° t dim Cont end won i tning a/ rantonable ratee. Celt= estarnine all risks pereonelly in the counties of Tics& end Potter: L S. Nap Mann. Veb. 1979-Iy. J. D. 01. :,•1 melts . Tioga Marble Wake. .T M rindandinall la now prepared to amnia all dere theft/rob Bon am Monnroeuta clanks , 5 , Italian, or Rutland Narb - . te a hest ato , le and approved werkosanahlp and , Ira". .0 oro tly alen on . band both klub - at NI win be Oki to Ault all who may favor Nei akai. fear cutler% on as reasonable teems as ao ba Us the country, al XREM Jan.% 1872. THE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE ROSA DAUS are published ,on very package, there fore it is not a secret preparation, ikeueNuently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT it kr a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Com plaint and all diseases' of the Blood. 'ONE BOTTLE OF BOSADALIS will do more good than ten bottles of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Itosadalis In their practice for the past three years and freely endow it as a reliable Alterntlye and Blood Puriao r R. T. 0. PUGH of Iytßnere,) II I. iiv'Talic . . • it t tiPpil - tats: trikilOkolativille ; Ky. • DR. J.. 44.. hIoCAILTHA, Columba; S. 1 I DR. A. 11 : NOBLES, Sclgocomb, N. 0 ; USED AND ENDORSED BY, 3. B. FRENCH & EONS, tall River,, a hr t F. W. eon Ohio. LL P 7 1 I.lnia A. . IPLA LL Mo. VEN i!., Qgennaville v 1 1.. G. c ets79DZN i , hlurfroor.. bore, Tenn. 4 Our epee* will not allow of any eg tendod remarks In Walks to the virtues of RossalleLte. Tothe liedll lirefaaelon we guarantee a Fluid ~.• trratintparter to any they have ever the treatment of sileeesed i and to the afflinje—d we r = and you will be to • I .. orreale sold by all DruggLigq lla ill4P par boUle. - Addrees . a t tl. OM INTO 4 00. " ilklolefhtl4 l llol9 Chan4ata. _ Bestsnieam p liDsj July la, 16 General Insurance Ag NaLSON, TIOGA. 00., PA. J. H. a J. D. Campbell, J. Asa Pa ble Linens, Towels goodikln this line will be largely ads Black \ Alpacas, Bl: Our sic* of these goods Is Issas. and I \ New Prints.. \ • \ o aro also selling out j tho halaneo of o ly reduced prices. so OIM any • Othrzab*, Feb. 28, 1872. Fcannot stop t' •I , have bargain My stock is p 1 Especially in t lathers's Boot &loe, Hat & Cap, 1) goods. Give it a trial and you will be "Chancy" hap just returned from N of his Immense frade, bell at leas profit Wellaboro, Aprll 10, 1872. Is now full of g Crocker 0,12 d invite ALL , noy• .ftzr e .'=Ne:a PRANIE dual, 3972, oa ooartnro. EARLY The subscribers invi BootB an C. C., Math! r All hail I creati. Of Mathera's St Letpealing D Proclaim the ne Mathore's stock He has good : I He trusts no on: And sell so eho Some said he w, .But if he does For he sells hel And has his c. • I Of Boots and 13' I'll take a mom Delighted too 1 7 lth prices an; lie does his b " That is, he do , lEie says at one , And what he : suitable7o 4 r G y B EitXl. Via The Now Rail ROad, people of Ti (kounty who whe, to make purchased in this Une`to oomo and look M 1 r Stock okiseat• alk hate • 01174 3Prloetfiliv At sons eSz ,'. Y., ARE-BEV !MIMING rgrcror:bis FOB TIE 'PRING TRADE. attention to their NEW STOOK . of r e p ti o n, vo %Torlinis:, Toilot Quilts, 'need In prime as Boon as trade opens, and early buyers will do the beet. ek Pure Mohairs. Black Silks. lwe are selling them at LEW than !Lo preaerit, Marko! Bates I ASHandsonie Stocks in H Vitiator fitook of Elhawl4 Wage Gooda k run and Wootam, at ead of etaM Goods will do well to Gad on au belbre buylUg.l Shoes Very Cheew. ' Cheap Cas n far and near ; re you soon shall hear and Cannons' roar frost shore to shore: Its now complete ; I s s and sells them cheap. , but sells for cash, p some think him rash. uld break in a short time, , en this don't rhyme; :pa and sells them right, for all at night. le oes so very cheap, tuts time to speak; l ou can't but be, i s the quality. tiness on the square; (- it rig ht and fair. I - just what he'll do, ys is right and true. enumerate— both good and. great. tiful, cheap and fine, e Dry Goods line. nvin GoOda dr Grocery littora l is the Ilea w York with a large stock of Boring r before, and which ho bas bought Regulator, ORNINEit, N. Y., • .1 e winter Trade. The assortment le cOmplete in every department GROCERIES, ODS, ots and Sho, S, We are now easy of 6000611, I 1 • ets WW be efelvincad c tbAt this la tha l placa to pqy out money ocououd ree, II good limo gottorslly, and buyjnat wind ,ybn want, CO. II =I ' i J. A. pensoxe &CO Store. t Disco in M;vit county to tuy •, which he will, en secotmt much cheaper than ever. O. 0.114T11.2116. ■ ■ s, fiotions idbe. NEWELL & OWL