Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, April 24, 1872, Image 3

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Tell your neighbors to • o get. t te Eetey.
11 . 0 „, iftill
) vent a third or fourth . class
pi ,
li yollheard the E'gtey Drgnri at
Eastman's Office? If you have not, go'
o a h e ar it.
y o a tzxi.F.—A good building lot on Queen
, trot . Also a house and lot. Inquire of
3lareli 6, 1872-IS. . H. H.
s f r . Thomas harden v;ishcs to inform the
1 1, of Tinge county that he has purchased
low , gook , of carpets and oilcloths, iqhieh
ilI be hero in a few days.
Go to ffeney's for. Crock4wr and
4, 0 8 -ware. - , '; (I fri
0 1 I ` .V I ., .A.
Collin 3 & Go, ' s CaSt : - Cast , Stegr p li ,,, vic
tilv i 5 each. For information how to„.ob::
in them address COLLINS & Co., 212 "Titer
1, y. y.—Feb. 28, 3m.
_ _ ,____ v,
Table linens, towels up 4 nolgans,
Me cord, at Z eiftt s 4 4 : v-)
• _
B r ie for stile at the kiln oppo s ite the Fair
Mao .
Mao nine lots, from two to
Rebuildred dollars per lot. Inquire of
J. F.' lkfinolilar.
April 10-4w*.
Bourcry.—All Soldiers enlisted
f ,, r ,„b i ly 22, 1861. are entitleo,to s.loo, : pho
already receivedft.'.
„ t W. A. Stone's office over Kelley's
April 24-2 w.
•••• I•
iinCe hard recently Oi - seVerat cases or
diFease/ cured by Johnson's Anoditne
„, c , i t ; one eme of' a man forty - five years
d.‘ebo had net done ;day's wor44,for fur
s r_. The back shonbi'fitlitU'WitihedAtOn
bIJ with n coane towel. Apply the Lin
ent c ./(1, and rub in well with the hand.
We call the attention, of out teacliso, 3 llAo .
advertisement of kr. C. W. Sears in an
column. It will r+y persuar clear
; ,,nth. The wan who Was sat on thol,Wol s
peilic,ner and drawn the cord of aftlictfOil .
r twenty years, des , erye,stotAopenpicleration
;;tlio hand; of his fdloW-sinnerg, to say the
Forlable cutlery and plated-ware,
go lo Kelley's.
ks[pElth NOP: CONVENTION.—There will
„ 'f,raperanee Convention of the I. 0. of
fi T. al Mansfield, on the 22d and 23d of
172. All temperance organizations,
perions interested in the temperance
dia.e are invited to attend.
11,1fi1. April 24th, 1872. E. T. BENTLEY.
-H or Ao-M on," and others ivhqiietencbill!
kNow, Fay that the following directions had
bdter l observed in using Sheridan's
(briditiun Powders: Give a horse a
p, ulilil every' night fur .a week; the
am i'v'ory other night for 4 or 6 nights ; the
canto for a witch cow, and twice as much for
!tII , IX. The addition of a little fine salt will
nil advantage.
SCHOOL NoTicv..--The Charleston School
Directors will meet at, the Youngs school
house on Saturday, April 27th, 1872, at ton
o'cloe'n n. )n.,10r the purpose of contracting
for wood for the sub-districts; and also for.
the purpose c.ntracting with teachers for
the summer schools. Teachers please be
pre.:eat at one o'clock p. m.
.Ipril 17-2 w. See'y.
Kelley has got the largest line of
house furnishing goods in the coun , ,-
ty, Go and,see •
M. B. Priiie wishes once more to call
:i, attention of the public to his tine stock
plants. He has a very fine stock of Green
.n,,Nse and bedding plants, which ho oilers
, zile at prices that. can but .plettsp:,,,..A.
, rzo 'qoek of Vegetable plants will be read s
the proper time ; Conover's Colossid A -
paragus, and Linnti‘tis Rhubarb. Call and
t waine stock and prices. Greenhouse on
: , tide street. M. B. PRINCE.
Wt , llAboro, April 17-2 w
Wh.,ever wants good, fresh, tender meats
any description can't do better than to
,5H at the market of Yahn Brothers, on
Main street, near the Cone Rouse. The
Yab TV know-how-to bny_the-hestim-•
,1:16 to good advantage, and they certainly
,:n ow how to sell meats to the advantage of
thc.if customers. Besides the ordinltnt TYWIA3,
!hPy are now supplied yegularly with fresh
by express once a. week. Give them a
We have reeeived a now advertisement
Mr. Jameir A. Parsons of Corning. It
tnr..s . too late. for insertion in this. week's
XeITATOR, but will appear in our next issue.
Thr' people of: Tiogaicounty needn't wait
!or that, however, to learn that Mr. Parsons
o,p , a very large and select stock of goods
sellsrd theta cheap. Ile has recently been
, alarging his store materially, and i's" now
! , liter prepared than ever to give I
:aciow customers good bargains
norm , will be a meeting of the Executive
(mrtlittvi , ,of time Tiogn County Agricultural
ty, at the office of J. B. Niles, Esq.,
timirman, on Saturday, May 4th, 1872, at 2
-. - 1 , ,,1; p. 111. The following are the name)
, 1:1, , Committee: J. B. Niles, C. Ham
~..tal. William Campbell, 0" it, 0 • , N , Avv -,
1 p, Prince, Wilimm P. Slipiat •LVI .
Gillet. Every member shottbil hie. intitiq;
3, 11,..1,a.-i»es.3 of the meeting 14 tb inhk6- iliN- '
7, 1. v , hi. nt- 4 for the next Annual Fair.
.1 11, POTTnit, F. P. BUNN Et:,
See y.
"fla• CjlTlllating Library is becoming every
nag , and more a center of interest
.1011r-t,ovnsnult. This is jusCas it should :
- - ..321,1 is just what MIS to be expected. The
appetite for good reading grows by grattfica
t:,n, and when once formed it is the mast
• t%iluring and satisqtqlrTfrig, is tho;t1i10
. .itionaf, of 'all: t Our 3 tastes: ' And Irtlt''''lt
W , lkhoro at least it may be said to be the
titre most easily and cheaply gratified. If
. ; 1. , 11,ve it. ju..4 step into Hastings
“1 , - , .tahe at the well tilled shelves
Library, and note the low rates at
hoot“ are loaned.
ue ~ur pleasant lawns will be vocal with
ties lIIv rry ehatter and laughtqr , 9P - 1150
r-quet parties, and white and green, red
!dap, black and orange, will knock each
ahem the verdant field of battle in
right lively fashion. Alt ! the victories lost
w-n er, that field, whore lustrous eyes
and sensible abort skirts
,le eoncregate! How than a hapless
utll h " - Own' h , .t much more than his
heie Inerry maiden th ore
t urffing—tak eof her life! But we
t set out to sentimentalize, but only to
1 " 11 etees of the entrancing game that
fifil a e;reat variety of croquet
t•t; %;17,:ap. prices at Hastings & Coles, on
lfain street in this village.
!laving happily got through our April
't. ,, w , terel. we e:in probably count on warm ,
t: dies it, a p , rmansmt institution forlsi6
41 " 1):1 ' t" ',.lie, And with the advent of
g,inial weather we can no le.i., certrinly count
~ n trout here in Tiogii County. Soon our
vdrkling stream,: will all be haunted by
li mn y a moaning fe:hermfin bent on luring the
t . 'l , lenizon :i of the flood to their destruction.
Hat to sueeeed is that delicate craft, a, man
''''t not only know how to fish, but he must
L "` . ° the proper appliances for fishing. Ev
,sy man of experience knows that very much
&Tends upon the perfection of those appli
-11001 and their perfect adaptation to the sea
`'''s.t(, the day, and the place. And he wit
Gad that the best place to select what hp
"ants and all he wants in that line is at s
td,,, tX Coles. That firm have now on sale
vi•ry large and well selected assortment of
t;Aing tackle of overy kind, and levers of
`port can procure of them everything
needed at reasonable pricogy
Mr' J. K. Strock, formerly a rezi eat of
11 . 1 enmity, has leased the Hatitamiay Howe
in 'Elmira, anti is now busily engaged in re
pairin it, and thoroughly refitting .'!knd
furnishing it in good style " from '..-OrFt4htjt
fona dation-stone." Stroels At Open his
doors to the traveling public on the iirpt of
May, and will be happy to welcome his old
friends from 'Flogs county to the hospitalities
is situated in the.ebusiness Part of the city di
-rectly opnosito tho Opera ko - tc.- Thnsolpf
, 0414. 4qB(witcdtzr4.4,Nia' i4d w.it4114.
Johnson House, in Tioga, in 18e0-I,when Mr.
§trock was running it, need no assurance
om tts , that he knows how , toikeepon. hotel,
.and those who were not will need but one
visit to the Hathaway to ponrinco thorn of
iCitiete...LlV Witr biltAieothilodo4ress
ed as to his qualifications as a first-class hind
lord, and we are sure 110 willreeeir o-a large
custom from this sounty. Really good hotels
are few andiai 166/eon and when found
they are higlilyiappt*ch&d, as we have no
doubt the Hathaway House will
fff VK
x~ .fit
24,- 1872
11.oine" ' A Fairs.
—The Grad is growin g. green.
—The buds are beginning to burst.
—The sound of the peepers is heard. in our
''''.l •-•
ust sudd i ay Was - Verfekit - as itn2Ap
day ever can be.
—Nine barrels of pigeons were shipped
Creoltlastlifolidlay.j •
—The; Tioga folks are praising their band
and growling about their eats!
5?.4. 1 951 0 /60400 1 0kklfp 4 ,4te.iyet
at Mansfield. last Wednesday. '
—Mrs. Lovee, long a teacher at Mansfield,
is to remove to Avoca, N. Y.
of logs on the banks of Mill Creek.
—A literary sociable will be held in the
IliOstatallicthist Vq§,:artseB44SievAlTlg:k.
—ln fact "Ethereal Mildness" has corn©
for good and all, and the croakers are silent.
—Prof. F. A. Allen has been making ex
tensive filichaies 'of real e'itiita fit - MAMA&
• —Part of the roof of Berry's bridge near
Tioga was blown off by the high wind of the
- - _
,—Rev. 0. L. Gibson of Towanda preached
is the Methodist church tlas Sunday morn
—As will be seen by a notice in -another
column, a now walk is to be built to the De
' . .'11--FTieo 18. Carty,f,Sharleo4#l, ha i r
char tbitlickPillitlaritt (1 , 4.11 A MI Lead%of
cabbage. •
—The Elmira_ Advertiser says the new
Railro,viftlief:EiftifVjof'Mlioi•lhqtfllef.! 'So
we A aq ß A Pc i ilt . )is;• ', ':•::,:•! . . : 1:1;{.,::fil • f.. ; ': :.;lo, ' l. 'i c . • .•
- , -.ll,o3Ntr.•3Yirte4a,r.hfct/ftlA 44149/43',4. 4 . 111-
in on ed to Philadelphia last Saturday by news
-of his wife's selitilllndis: l, •' ) lr' 4 `til - i:ti;;'-'
t ~t.) , . tt..l • if- . • $ ~,, 0 I,
--- 5 ;r4, •Lertmni, A. l )- 'of . 1.16 P ITA La.. Rew
engine tiAkdi )filer litiqt:,:b3i,i4l,ess,rs, .p,. ,oc.V.
Payne & Sons of Corning.
' . 1 --*ili ou 4 e ! eit:•` . fitil l tirstTilditici'she that the
*ill i .
~ I , ~ 11 wi st - . • , .`some •
sid-Ovh ... 9 4•F°- , I °T°M ‘- r ?Pw9 a. ?
or them are . regula.V"tctapT4'4Vi ! , : i .• ~;, , ,
—Mrs. Jesse Streeter and family, have
gone Nit.e'st,frorn.T.i4l.:';''Johit,.. RS
parchas'e - a theirsfliria:k .
at:a " t
few day? . s since the.3toongest;sunef.A.
G. Drake of Mansfield cut of the first three
fingers of iiiirefehand Kith th'opping':ina
chine. „i
—The Baptist.Chttich atMansfiold be
improved during the coming summer. The
Entgrp n riso says n i eW ".bap
tismal poet" .
. . _
—What.a..pity tho.wind,d,bl.n'tbrixig down
pheold sheds in, front
. 9f the, stores on
Main street. Perhaps.th4 aro!reselyed. for
fL Fourth of July bonfirC . ::
—We are informed thatßev. Dr. 'l3ilek's
sermon at the dedication of the new M. E.
church at Mansfield, last Thursday, was a
very able and eloquent production: -
--Last Wednesday afternoon the dwelling
of Mrs..Zemery Armstrong; at Canton, Pa.,
was entirely destroyed by fire together with
most of its contents ; fully insured.
—The liecounts ; of R. H. Close, Treasurer
of Fitrthingtmt - tolnlialiP -- h aye been!. settled
by the auditors, who find a balanceof $221.8 . 7
due the township.,.. Last year the hahuwe
at 11 1 '
—Patrick Mooney of Blossburg was recent
ly killed at Sunbury, Pa. He was fireman on
4n engine and was crushed by a Collision in
the engine yard.
—The East Charleston, Charleston, and
Cherry Flats Baptist Churches are disap
bointdd oveirfltA iloii-411Poru'ance of the Rev.
Win. Pike, who had accepted a call to serve
the above ehurches.
—A correspondent nt Elk informs us that
a young man named John Allen, from the
State of Maine, was drowned in Cedar Run
on the 13th instant while attempting to dis
lodge a jam of logs. •
—The Le Roy Courier of a late date con
tains a very interesting account of n prosen
tation made by Olive Branch Lodge, A. F.
& A. M. to Mr. J. 4. Anderson on the eve
of his departure for this place.
engaged, get!in i g ,
ieo.4 put up) LI - e t 4ailrofte fnictpal
uE4iiejoiv the dijytli n fie!
rkri will Iva 4ti• &labor() ittici
first, And he.wil bo enriily welcomed:-
—We are under obligations to our friend
Ben De Pui, of Topeka, Kansas, for news
papers from that thriving Western city. And
we arc under still greater obligations for the
hearty letter which accompanied them. May
the writer's shadow never grow less.
—Several persons in this village have been
arrested recently for illegal liquor selling.—
Some of them were fined, and the others gave
for talrappearaneeMpo t ur The wrttah,
tvtttd of tfrertt,lnperarelrli4ir- • unkritafirP
to be "a vigorous enforcement o he_lawa."
—Be it remembered that, o 4 the morning
of Tuesday, April 16th, 1572, the ground here
in AVellsboro was completely covered by a
few inches of snow, the air was as cold as .10-
cember air shonld be, and `Winter overcoats
were in brisk demand. Wo Make this note
I . sl6k3sfitAtil 0.V. 4 91 . 400 T
--The Tioga News says 1 g• the
high wind of the 13th fire i the
mountain opposite A. 11. W burn
ing at a fearful rate all the L. - In
the evening the side of the mountain was il
luminated with thousands of bright fires, and
at the top great clouds of' smoke, made red
from the fires below, presented a wild but
grand appearance.
Pro,' t
—Lam) au H, Elliott, for thirty years a resr
ident of this county, died at Mansfield on the
12th instant in the seventy-eight year of his
age. Mr. Elliott was a man of more than
ordinary mental endowment and force of
character, and although his early education
was extremely limited he became an unflag
ging student of English literature and science.
11 Euet:u;r; ta.st.9l were,i.oll elativated, and
of9htb i 3learslid foul Weil a echAttint corres
pondent of the newspaper 'press. He left a
widow and two sons—C' V. and S. B. Ell
iott—surviving him.
week Tuesday, Burgett appeared, -with, his.
bondsmen borer° Judge Wilson, and entered
into n recognizance in the sum of ten thous
and dollars for his appearance at the next.,
term of Court. The bond was signed by
dozen gentlemen of this village, - althotikh
but ten. of them appeared before. the Judge
a qh rt e peA t e its extroltipit indoubt
e< ly . goealbFat least 'a qtrartet million dol
lars, as will be seen from the following list
of names on : Johti W.• Bailey, M. M.
Converse, William Bache, James S. COI6,
Hiram S. Hastings, Joseph Riberolle F. D.
: . 1040.0r1rig./46';: - § a:14 1 411 1 1'f
Scheeler. The two gentlemen signing -but
not appetiringbefore.the Judge were Thomas
harden and Andiew Tipple. Of couvA3 - Nir.
Burgett was pleased to bid good-bye to Sher
ill Fish's hospitable mansion.. He is now
rctp4l4ol tit% vulytirsvgll#o Gtfajit Mary in
May. — Since hiS release. e has leen quietly
engaged about his legitimate business..
The new Methodist Episcopal Church at
- 4. avirga; - -- - ,, itfiraawkoz,-. - lief - 34E4411e Win
Usages of the litiPoi ciIVOI I I4VII ThArßli
i t 0 ► y.l
Apra 8. The itifeßolbil dY del) . 'wail rts it
tat 4Mnultitud.escanto together to v l i s tuess
the interesting BOTAupt < 5 The holuniwtatAlled
to its utmost capacity, „many chairs being
used wherever'placesi could be found •to set I
them; and at about-half pait 'eleven the ded- 1
ittatory services, Kifetols.fintkadlibilit, by Dr.
Huntington, the Presiding Elder.
After the usu4l in%iiiaitiarS , iserviees, - Av;
Mr. Ives, the fehionlektlichldedielifdr:tirs..:"' ''
to deliver the tirst - dlskeursk at preehiely ,fi - .
o'clock, and edntinueid to iiitknatindpo
hourimpress 'the audience for about one
hour and a quarter. , 1 411141thlittet wo, Mk!
Glorious Gospel of tlirtst."` His sermon
was characteristically clear, pungent, prae
-,.tica/ and, in some liditiohs, trtily'i t tlopet4..
After the dise4urse, Mr. give' 04.4e'-'
thent of the cost of the building andd*thr4s,
;and stated that it would require six thotisand
dollars more than bad been paid and proyi-,
410 for r to free the church fican dettifs -, V (
• LTI4 ‘prhpbsiion was to raise the whole
amount in responsible pledges,
church , could' be dedicated. In ' his 'own
masterly and every„ where . suocessfok ,map-,
i iher . , he indort ok the apparentiy hopeless
_task of securing the pledges.. the atiffience'
!was detained4ntil nearly f el. o'ejgck, ,bpd
by that tirno tile amount pleAted was nearly
puff:tient to oyer the. indebtednfr, .1? 1 .- k
ttiti ikpart of that unusually 'long time of
masterly begging the enterpriaedragged dis
couragingly ; 43r sui lio'pledge was binding
until the whoe amount was secured, the
'vilioi r a effort s 1
erred liacely to prove a-tlieas
trous failure. and for gild. Ili lififilaiihte4et-'
'oran dedieator!was about to give up in dos
pai,s,Ad p said T om e very severe things to t ij,
fieoplef''''And `4, so the matter closed, after
about fi ve honks, eontinuout session.
The afterno4n was very storpy,and as th!
rain coating's the prospect ifk4tie'evcikirik,
Was' etilttliffit; ut eneouragink.:— .:Man
came from a istance fetutAibilliOgairl.....,,,N.w4
the prospect or the evening/ 4,1i: - . , : : .r.';' - '4,
was rather ditoureging, /. 44:44,,W • a ;
~,, -„'" %.
fNiends of the entipllristr7w§Prqt!ry,itter'
•disheartened. :: -.1.4. "'; i,14.,.:- )t'''' - `' . '
. 3!
Contrary to the 7littrietalliiiP.'itcEW"i In
, houSe , was--wel filled,intltkly - eiknik.An Beds
it seemed that all iiiliiiiikkilkhttiii t 34 . o Wti:
occupied. T 1 evening dTheetirseiVar deliV4:
ored by our tol, nafflaik.RE,.l.lll32h4-4,4 4 1fhe-41a1;
4 1 ,
ing during th discourse was
,eretillent e'l l ttili
the right ethic *4'#,.l6,ittiwy, , pigt.i6,4 , ,
After the &min; .4dr:, —lves' itateti the .
amount that vias Ittekinroftlompl geemiatz!
to be raised, and proceeded to Talmo it. To
the pleasure Of alt s 'the fiisponses came read
ily and rapidly, so that sometimes two or
tlitte were reported at i lintgel„suiditerßed#
itorverybody {vas reads , to help. Even after
the several Tiropesitioul.'were filled, ptUot
pledges were 1 . defere i, ll,-`atilaseiejal 31undret
dollars more ill fallrerolstoi tiewita ilfatifid.
A Vetter nattictl'itildivt.t tet-lilafittlf avull-#
once has sehhiriitiCa ireen. 4 ,::;_. ~.;,:,.:::‘
After mono i matters , Wete4finished nip the
church was dedieated'ln h - due form. The
music by
,the choir excellent. The
church is uniigtio h ip _play, substantial attd ,
beautiful, and 1444beeri ...k•uilli wia. reelark t - f
able economy, to itdlt: ; ,"' :' -.V.../gyr ~
it' .
A NEW JO'CIRNAL.---- he `` Potter aunty
Item," Volume 14,,Auti berl. l 4i,eopyls,-to_us !
froni Couder'sport. Chia, new,L,aspirnnt.. to,
journalistic honors i 414 four, paged sh,eet.Fit,h
five columns to the,page; ,and is a littlo less
than half"the size of the AGITATOR.: il l , is.
published nt onell t ollartn - yentPY
ilton, proprietor.. '4lie /tentis * a look
ing paper, and Nte . :Odg•ind. to say, i to its'orpd
it, it is not printed Indent, ,otitsoO. ll ..
Tho editor kart.% off with a'sensible n'adreini,
"to the public," saying that the new paper
is establishecl,not.foY ; tho.benefit of
,the dear,
public, but bOcatnie.it_is
He proposes to make it mainlym local paper
the . best sefisci,of ;10. be,
p•Olitical.jdatrial,, but its influenco,yrill be
thrown on this si,dy OtinOraliiy; religion, . Cl-•
itcation, and lomperance.....;
This is an Oxcellent platform, and cif Oar+,
oughly lived 'np fo, no doubt thojottenabwill,
prove a profitable Itemtclite prcpriotbr . ,;:atid,
an interesting and -beecticiatjtens te.the.peo-.
plo of Potter -conn6 4 .' Wntive it s a befirty -
welcome to our exchange list.: ...• .•'
A TEA GEDY POSTPONED —The seukaticins
of ilfirdit'sratr OfAilfif &Mined to ' thtimirea
cities. liumtm ittitiire-ii found very itiitteli
the same whe!thor yotrAtudy Won the 404-
e m
d raveinen of soe bnoy :e.irtet•-: . c.f.:Ct9t:--
merce, or inhe *haded,lattek" Of f sOrite,4oit 7 -,.
try hamlet t h at -nevtoellealirthesbiliky'of tlltr'
locomotive, ttio'ttery r oua,ticko(fitele"tkiih ! ,
or the rumblp orNitiOwiiiiiiiis.i..; A.ltioltbaill":
may change 4 no't .; #4lTA ifil - ! . kie,i, , tttt :1n era
and his outiarg, :colid. ) 'ti(:)N 1 Kkil Yet: tetPaig
ea‘entially tile 4tjtp:t t lito . hAppi'' 8011 .. .time* ; in•
appetites anil 131iW9tPi.%:,WitOOttilti - 110414:
true of what;thd French call the Gram/4 ) 60
sign. 11 it ral 44 , rpaw?;:of Ebiat ory; !tiered -ori
profane, but ttestMtWfipV;goerind;-iahle
climihished reor—hardly IV nervAPathnoliut
bear 3 witnes tqly,Wel:tiffitlifecits in tfiiii age
of sordid atitrir) tlld'''tifi'O'rsal god is the
'dimpled, rosy, winged boy with the flower.'
tipped arrovis. ! •
Of course t:
but they are`
for we are c
Ile last Fad
disdain and
only regret
is not at inn
plain—alas 1
this fashion
In quiet, *anguil, sober 151ainsburgAtbare
lives a yo h,; whom we'-'Will'bvill,•lt Yon'
please, Dantr;unnd..a.. Mail4lf 4
q 9 34 1°14: w,P I
will give th oldlifstrlV.; - 'Nisiti-Ifor short/. '+3(
course, ova -i,gentle.,eeades,taops beforo Wef t
tell her tliatlh(ifollln I.o4nerid,i(Xer,dlaW,V-i,:, '
Whether, like'thOti . litlfinilhe old...storY;•4the ,
preferred sotneb6dY , e' L lasi, Itittloponont sifith
not, for he don't knoy • hut certain it it that
.141,Aibtsrloid.P6.),64.00;'1:iwti. i
' d
tilf . ' P'l l O
491t-iltfro-tuotiglit of it the more. he, lun't
want to exclise her., ho always. did- hink
that she wai the only " female woinant !that' i
could prope).ly sew On hts htgpopttAili c m ET, d
his unmentilmithles, antr•krflrieiath,t l rm*.'
comb his h ir, and ro forth, Tirld"gd'Ori,' and
now that sh N 4,- 0 11 1 1 0t?Iiroihrilirysil e thl "
• tr ) r -...t. /:,. .. .' : .WI
dition be w s sure(a - 1t,..
Matters \ CiliLestic . P ll 7 . o4, 4 6 ', fo'i:',kiiiiiiiiiiiii'
wil' to thri cdilleation of.thestrlcrstwoWhut.,-:
man natureint 11,ainhhurg o ,..FiratIllnlelbili''
son drew mine. when, an- ono of the znisltrical
chaps says., P'A youIIAANIIMM. ftPfe3r,,\l,iqttlx,
turns 1,, 10,,k, ,, and as another remarks; 'All
nature nowiteels th.oliiiklirli 4: hoi . .*Ocilsr.. -1 `
and ,if courfe - o
,felttlie tingling f 4 - his ,
blood, and
,t-(t'W'ineri r ,!-folidf-11 . ,9-#:P74 6 ri. :1 3 4 4 4
it seems a yotlng!wornan's fancy isn't so ens:-
ily turned try tho aPprbach Of 'olitly, graphs - .:'
Even "all : natore'4. , conidn't cause!...Nisa'ii.
blood to tingle. - l'ldt, -- much I Except with
scorn at silly Damon.- . ' - .
'l' ' '''n 't.l' ' i t, ' '' o r ' '
At last that Isrve- orn swat ioug 1 a
trump card—a `regular
,right-bower, as.'hir
au p pose d---lind he proceeded to,play it. .I>roN
curing a lottded i pigtOl,, i lio, marched ..bravely ? '
to the abodof tho'citlm isnd cruel maiden.
We regret o say that Blip had,Tetired—Actu
ally gone t, bed befeOri it ivi'nfloo lA° td ext . ;
poet beaux.l But the youth ,expressed, such
great anxie ty to see her at once,. that she
was called up, dressedlmrsolt-- 7 -,,wbat a .litp6? .
flii must ha S, -e waited! 2 -and appeared before
him. He sallied her it' she would - agree to
workfny him althea:life for .her hoard-. ar&m
clothes. He,:didn',,t
,word,tbp question,
in that wit?, but that is thesubstunce ofwhai .
he asked her. § ., lit, siti , si f•he,'wouldn't.' 'lle',
\then ;aid if l sbe, woiifdift,ll'O' would then a.nd I
. ...
there - Moll.
put his own ignAlllki gAit . hc)
shOwed hey th6' idstOT.' Tlid` - tebtlir • itdy" •
didn't try io prevent hitr'doitig'thist' .- 'shy)
didp.'t\vezi object toLldsonnillifit APOlf -
• room in thitiwrit.si,,,Purlu i ttie.,rdteAhought-.lla
hadn't 111 1 3, f 1 ; k4iii;d5, - .,itt . l4'''sym:' . ,cv,t)in.lv i tieib'
the result. - Btrt 116...an.Qaffectionati 'clil4:-
she. wanted her 444.1:t64
. '0 lee tisexpe,ritnlnt
trod, .tl&tt : rid ijsjueie - d b'er'' adorer ' ti; 'waft,
untoli rd .- - Tri lam. In — min ut e - sire `
s cc, I Ca ,
returned w rli the o Witco , Wt., i „ UAW.:
' te? . ' t ell
youth had 10, ,„1, !. .k. , ,t q l e, !l q,..offt, lyfl i g
.% ., e rft;
outside, a d they, eonoltyledirtlitit of eta •
ever was
surely out
the broinle
step till
Dedication at Mansfield.
t.nt_• . fit' .!
, 4 .. 1' . .1} et
3esenre alfliel'f-evil ail trutarttiq'
entirely pertinent to our theme,
ilfed upon to-day to 7.1 - ronicle
ialo of hopeless loye ,: . 14,.c01d
Ihnot quite tragic ending. We
at emi t of
4 4 , 11rcriume,retis pocla,,
0 tOdo justiee'to the 'kfoi•y. 'le
' I too plainn-prose. it KW;., u 4017,1
y hrakins i hak case , v they. were
(144. (1 1.)i1W tt 1 .44 . 1 14)
quickly lighted, and the whole family pre
,teeiled to remove the remains. Long anti
Wat unfit/L1T:417. zurfeom
iiipc t ikat TA opqonful of brains could any
maefebe ibffitd. At liptgatal kavti
, en retired to net, -moth glitUate..
adr,-..ictutteluding that tho 'young man had
missed his mark, because it yea so very
&nail 1
Now t this ease should serve as a warning
td.ptiter young dainseis. Whin your; D A ...
nitivptills out his pistol, fair reader ' and
,proktositto blow ow his slily head, don't
*al ‘olll,l your talbor »nd niothar Ito *t*b'
it po .4uit tell bin) be can't do IV*
V - !iis 4 o:o - .ti• Ho probably Won't do " It
a ;Aiitii-his should, tlloro wfiribe two
VOdlelffgair4-,-theie will be OPijat i ki
fee d s In Vorld, and the nowspipors will,
have a first-rate loeal ittun.
`'A Vtlki CO4IISITTIqiW.A'rBII.—The pros- 1
' ' ii "'n'' ' iikl . betMl' ',l''
ent outbreaking .of re sp. ur ~.. .
... e.. ,., 1
againrerninds*e of a project it have long i
ad in vie*, a 4 a means of preventing the
dsoles Burnin.of property by running fire.
Let the peop le of evfmv,auhrtilatiloS:Witi.t•-:
themselves into a thiPhrefioit . ''fftni.7 l Bleat
three or more toersons es a Ore discretiOnary
.cominittee,•;w*se business will be, when in,
thojui)gonntlof n- majority of the mime th e I
weather bo to dry,todiet t fire to:4tyttips, &0,, ,1
toforbid theme until a -shower. of rain
; Many faithful and innocent boy, in. th e
absence of his lather and employer, seta out
fire, thinking himself doing good surviee,
),ylsewinlaiirt e better ludgemeut of hista's) ,
perior,.itho_Br a present, would -- guide him
, :liiretantly. Is neighbor, looking • •on in
" .elplisse discoMfort, has no means •of•cheek
lrig this youth'ul-i ß discreftlyankthste . l'the•l
14rIc goes 0n)50,40104.04iii.:1414444
I ... a groat amount valuable,property- -, •; • --•-
qi t
tharleson, ielpril 182
, 7 -
. t•-•,..-i C 024.
• 1.------
! ../...V.-
1 ';. , ,..:WH Tnov3 B IN :Eta. TOlN73.slllP.—Ed
r,ll#fr-Agitator . Allevpmein a few words to
';'• ;"iitOneth about. thtteinteoilfikaiikies.lblt•
• ;•;f• . .%4itnahip. A certain landholder , having
4-14 -4-....; .
• 4 ...40.0anti yof timber which he wanted
: ; c1.,, ,,. ..,mar t i irsortr 10iirx.rou4_ to. it
A . loleti in engfli, got up a petition •to
- !th*l7.9Bgt, wit eh was signed by the jabbers.
( 4 41441thorers i ' 't t 1 guiaiii, iciiy
tprairthe.Bl ors being aplyal- eitimut alkilt
roost of them eying mAtlianikit-Ae-•••&v--tit:
nencia:l t9ittte s at all.
q"'Attehotivas the citizens found out what
-•Wategoingo which was nut tin atter the
! - , 4 ;rtOWekeythiti eppeinted—they . proceeded at
oboe to remonkrate, and finally succeeded:in
'ili iiiii the' lane of the non-residents.
Thai! neat tan Was to beat - us intyrr- Weep Lion,
don,. *and got( all the principal 44)(;) R ,
thuir'itiWt,A:nd bow did they fry to do
- ttrilstatightsamo way they got up their per
A . lifp 711clir'company of voters were noth
curg = fi.*ore ;ass, in my estimation, than a
rilittlotili t '' at 4 on rabble.. But what hurts
..us incisiaofiaW. s that a few of nor hitherto
•retectalOp 'zone joined.the rabble against
us. lint; as i happened, we beat them at
thetgiollstf•an then the next step was to
••break up - the election. The rcrsul ti s probably
1 knowrlthocit further comment.
I•.;'' Billings Billings has a large real estate
;414cst0Ceiiisliip and pays a largo amount by
1441.y . "cii tOte , y, kherefore we don't blame him
..so much `for Wanting help on his roads
'he needa,to get out his . lumber; but we dO
blamehifcTlot taking suels,tlpfBlo3.olM
to ii . itrry 44 . points. W. 0,3144 1 1.41 iti o t i ii: 3(A
. would get,'enough of his lands settled to
carr.iiiiiii3latts by the votes of real settlers,
for tbetwould be honest and just, and any
of iftkifo felt dispOsed, could join them
finif - ethis true to our township. Motto join
such eralilple; of - foreigners, ins we fatal them,.
'itolitd.heirrortg if not traitbrous.- B.
' KNoxviu.r ITzsis.—Nuthing of interest
has ocpprrod of late in this , vioinity„eseept
the #au . titbleisings Aid otiiiiThisk Alia Icoirle'
to.reTy . Waco.
he ottitt blessings is a genuine curiosity
in thellutp, of a Cornet Band. coinposed on
tirttly-Of mperance men. This band will
be. trep : dto play during th e coming polit
icaTami. ig,ii. They mid'e'tirtsfr first appear
fincoinliitbliif before Gilbert's Drug Store
the other eveisint, - where-Shoyndiseiiumfdvit
few; pieces'inlgood style. Mr. Gilbert after
ward& 'presented them 'with five dollars.--
Their kisondappearanee iliasitinulkift:tek
ticie.ro4, Gibson's Hots), wlwrl Di ere•
lfeartfy iffiSered.
Thalt-t; 6 party was a wiser able success,
*lb vitt esb tents, lemonade, warm suga
?awl daigtingl The proceeds..wao for. tki '
;lithl a eflt thq Baptist chuiait'-' l *Wie - 'aftb• - '
• - rotifthit:istt.h4 place took it upon themselve
to create. quitoa disturbance with the land
lord * W 4 feltng open his closed b 6: an '
:MT's ' g his°Wes and pictures generally
Li A. ‘ oodb ry severely injured one of hi
,iayee n ay s in the woods with his team th
kl r4
tothe. .n• stooping over he stuck a stu
in bigipfi eye, laceratijig_it (earfullyi i but,...i
is rtrw_49 ng•Swel I. .4 ktl..k. - ."117, 3i ..*,
~;,..- ...,,..: ,
ria'a§§rnam Fisk's team ran away the oth
or 1 3'0*id.R9.PV9Pfk i1gij11r1;:......,-..1 -.:.•.: t
Tilt; col winds is tho ragiutif. th e,seaion
an moving s the general order of busbies
I.lnikb;64fttiiipitti p)o
edge to be ont d here.
ii:..dtiil Nifta.N.smin..Elf.Bkc .
Knoxville4Aprif,-11•Ft ';1 ara F ,
.2.,, * 0 •
•• 1.. , 1 c. . , . . , .1— I
•• -Applioati
iQr4ift O. F
• '
A Care, el
'-i[ddth Cava
few days sil
thiti/44VY 1
-Bwyros„ ans
Mr. Eiwyreo,
Ilium for
ho commons
rtielft;bl.. —mill:king lime tofirmersand other
Id,loll,..ntithe quarry ho 'discovered ti
. 4 9 ,x,1 1 ,
,A t t ill, .11 i tsthe. mquth, . sufhoientil .
t large tri,a'cl it ty' rklP idited—zonnl.pWli , .ri
once in, i t p esents . to the explorer sights t o
lirk4gyttlitgol cent and delightfully boantift I.
ttettlairhi. Ede artments aro prettertod44l the
,ey_,e filled th the rarest specifls&i& sill ,I,>•
~. Who 'lv aro numerous and largo, but is
sPlit'partt ra cannot bo given. Direct y
. under this ve hOtitidthel.r;e sit ppi)seLi t r
ouch large and richer in its queur-W •••
dittn-like s es i iip op ti e ,. 4 A u Icii, l ,, i4lbj:, l l:l_4l
work will o able the (141'0r/fro to tiill - the e -
qo ow. c.; .4% iaeleerfrounctp.l ' 1
(seotlibt sk °tons bayo,o_yq pew foun t ?
Arattplahlytt ecim'itts'orTffdttint' variety fl d
. .fitthition`.ll vo been taken out by sevel 1
uzpittoftwhicie:watinbemattea- tr.
.thts °flee, at the Curtin . house, in t.,e -
tral . ..City— s this is so near the place wh re
ttho "Bald 9E1.53.1764" haf ti eg toed .
tho historia ,tviopord fiwi
homtbat i tl 8 cave, or ra or t os a v 1,1
aedesitainifun. reds of Indian skeletons, tto
iligntos.oilhose noble red men who were so
liighrly'hoSicired as toltave "Bald Bugle" or
gkelr';cliihr i
‘r...• •, tip. . el t
" I - ' '' ' `fitighborinClMMKlF . 4.- . V_
''' ..• fil l '' " ill - -• -
reported - - . a ,
• 1 ...---. 0 ISM -pox_ . !La as api La i
to an alarming extenttd:Scranton.
'- Illitte.Notth Branch canalfrinn—Pittstc»
.tdElmirs la about being abandoned. ----- ----
. - ti11......f. /. i
I.l7wAritit en aro ongaged on the fountat
'dim of Trin ty church at Williamsport.
•/.• • • ,:•„:
..—The Bo rd of Education of Elmira. aik
for $56,567 Il.to run the scybork 04eVtiittit I ,
—There l o i been ten cases of Sinai-14)
'at Dri ft we , three of which roved fatal.
,--A. yoanc man had his leg broken ii I
I w , 1 •
-restling match at Williamsrott the ut le
day. i
_rt I
.. . '
1 ,.. ~, •,., o „At • ~,,.: a . , ...)
---,14. Rev.lAitr. •ti- war .taas ,tte u,•pratterto I
to the lurntiermen at Lock Haven from the
i -4--T . hr4e ciolored map diFon t if . I
.petitjury fur the M . f t 13
ton COLIIIty 4 . fi .
~. Joe Jefferson is to appear as Rip at
Winkle at kN, 'illiamsport on the 29th and oth
J€ this month.
.t(,;..... z, . ) (ii:/, c , 4. gt. j,.
>; "4c burned in Vitillriiii-rt ( 15 ra'
•few — liitiYst. i co In 'which was atonal $l6 OCA)
*.09 1 44 1 .1it ' f ar k AA 1 Stri k 4s atL, f , e ,
i '.l—LA•ii4n t‘' itrm. :vp6teas . i 4 savusittitiAt t t
7/ by 9 Inc es around, containing a pet ec ,
jpHof med;um size inside.
' _ L•-• Vic 3y Iliamsport policettritfillAre4ti 1h&1 1
L 'ciiglitgit *. #. zzled dogs. §austtge is le ite
led xery t Fl my in that city. ;
t -ta:lllt't l . 3 ffie ^dinand Allen, long a situ .1.
;•.,I,ty.scAirtpradford county, is about tullov
to ViictiMaito engage in farming,
rte , ^-,;:},, .....
ent of the Bellefeattietutt44-,
that paper with tho following :
:al if not superior to the Maim
'f Kentucky; . WllB . discovezod la
e in the borough of Mileiburc,
on tho pro .erti,r of Mr. John
know ~, ), , , lit j o u.
had . I) A:P o '. ) l' filliting
mbor 0 years; iut or n Li o
d operations. A fow weeks a o
ed work spin, with the into -
thi- • lb - fi
-Ak. little boy of Lock Haven, Ottorge
t Ibsen by limo, Irate rescued from a watery
VflirMirrittlusliqrglisriketweek- -- -
1 The 'Republican State otinvention of
1 .. w Vatiktil i valtlit ..de ltilad 1-
tajo i
I ! •. le 611111111111118 KW * , '.
4. -The" Hot ptist ladies of Towanda tuade
bOut one hundred and fifty dollars out of
..t l irm auger andytt cream the other day.
.F.G, - it, Jlialteldee has boon appointed
I' a sitmmeter CO C reek , and E. •M. Dor
ic et Smithfield untroit, Bradford county.
to .• iliffeist4ele..ol Xt.. Ilettnege, an old
' b k! yof Lock Haven, fell down at flight of
•" ' • kitfai;ainylititi.. She LevreoserAns.
i e t 4 , oers
, iOgit entAirthe A ',g
at f3tatiben ty,l.and • brother of the late
J. hn Magee of Watkins,, died at Hornells.
vi le recently; . .
I The "mad, dog" exolteMent still cootin- .
ii.A fWl242t;t:R *roil' ;tiff :0)4.44 lti
th Luminary of" now eases of dogs biting
peopl e pie and animals.
1.-powell & Co., of Towanda, have k *Akan.
41r 'f. -- : Xpble aajunl29ltismtr., Mr. 4 l , i.thio
V s teeu with Abe house 'fOr` years nd trse
gt • wn up with the business. '
C. D. Barnortre steath saw ill Emir
.ruing was burned recently, invo log ma
lo vetoVerfaUr,thoustatid•ddliaris. Mr. &F
-ri rd Wi l li rithiaild traniisatately.`
—Judge Mayor of the Court 'of Common
Pleas of Clinton County has refined to grant
an injunction to restrain the County Coin
\ntislAtettifOrn &O . fairing-theAsi
—Ducing the ole on.tho 113th, a freightee
no on tho Itoohoster branoh of the Erie
ilway did considerable.damags by setting
o,,, ,, prosiox ! tr'NMed. Ti o r dp.4
iiiiiielishrock, a little miss of
e x summers, fell from thb third story of bar
tailor' a resilience at Lock Amu alew days
sin co, and got oftiwittoint a broken bona co.
—Tho Board oftfialth of Corning assure
t e public - that . thorn la no small-pox In that
illage, thoug there was a ease about - three•
gooks ago. 'We are glad to bear that our
- - ghborivar~ofthat-loatlasorne Mamie.--
--„Wayprly has a big h h-nainded Lora itiLxt
AAA roostiaitaf.o tel to ai Aria toil ;
tul Las now gone to:laying eggs in that el-
JimetAid eposltiun.ti.Shektowner is watohing
with interest to lam bow biddy intends to
hatch those egg's.
—The WlBlamspor4 Sten says an alarm of
re was raised in an uptown house, last weak,
e k
I F e
0 , ama wit() . down in a air -where his
wiff , . ~ i , pg: ,',. pc)! a' knute./Blnee
then '`e ; slio:C il vor reft i6 l eiit to sits
own,and, indeed,. he does not sit down
mob, anyhow. ~
.11r. Robert Belford, o • Co gan House town
hip. Lycoming count ~ was drowned on
ho 'Jth instant, in Littlo Me Croak, _about
OilleirtsitiVoi)e glifigt Centre. Ho was
engaged in rafting in lo ge, hen he slipped
and fell in, and wee blatantly drowned.—
Mr. Belford was aged : übout Bi 6 years, and
loaves a wifo and ono ebild.
7 Tho cel4)3,Spqrt/tem says than Mr,
James Pearsoll ( 1 )t tbit place mot with a so_
yore accident while:cleaning a double bar
reled shot-gun a :few dalys sinee.. Ho had
loaded one barrel aid was loading the other,
wO t tloW444l disokftifFe#, . 4 00,00
fr . # passitig titrotigh-L-141
left hand, lacerating the fingers and breaking
.the thumb.
—A troupe of showmen at. Look Haven
have been-gisting exhibitions of Ii frig stat
uary, the performer being dressed in tights,
like a circus rider. Among other leces ex
hibited was Washington reading hi farewell
addrt;es. Justthink ofitt The "Fa her of his
Country" in cirrus tights readingl issolemn
add relit:l . ,Wh tdAwOuitl.tlie siatelys llamas - of
the Revolution have said to that?
BLISII- 7 -13 0 b ON—ln Charleaton. at the res.
Idenee of and by Rev. 0. W. gouddexc Aprll 15. 1572,
Ifr. Dwight Blies, of Cbarleetou, and Wee f3arah J.
Broughton, of Delnutr.
BOSAILD—ORANK—In ar clean on the 11th 'natant,
Ing.on, Pa.. and . Ines Jennie Crane Of Addison. N. Y%
sPiuNo ` o:vine, i , trohrriser .11 1 411._
White, eldoat son of 0, W. and Martha Spring, >u Ina
thtrtafinth year °Shia ago.
ink; Da tt i ts • ,kigl out ttourdy latuteted youth had
prayed that their bright eyed Willie, under Christ,
might In bla life be it guide to the lost and wandering
sonsgtonAdtafillx, gut Alm thaw tioau. , aur intotit.
altriMpas 6.W1.10440.15"
Our eyes have soon the rosy light
On youth's soft cheek decay.
, The glom Oman is as the flower of th e field. after
k 'waterer IMMO Of libettribrioi-eight hours, our favorite
Willie was called to the sweet paradise of rest; but
not till after the fervent prayer* of Ma pious parents
were anewered. He ~e mbraced religion some three
montbutgliou,g,k) hla death, during which time ho
was an ',ranee cot BRAY. • Ho was faithful, and was
also a etriking example of-the early and harinonions
unfolding of the mend and intellectual mauve; His
to hill), anis gain.
E. R. KIMBALL, Rotail ,(1-roce,r.
6 \ ` , k: l S-A , j'AniiLitiii3, l laritiiikZavliti4. ~!..01;, . , 0y)
Dlialdißß , . . • ' PAY rOB SELL AT
,nopr, per.bbl.. ..... ;•... rz '"
, .., pp 00 . eqsl . ? 4xj,
varboat nom Per 0wt •... - ,•1„yrz:...-77" . ...• • .. " '.." •
. t, rtutto, per buiEdsel w q.," ; ,,, ri ..,..,a; ra
eat, red .•••14-1••• •ig•t& , -- 7..,
: • A , •'- " •T ,V) . • -....-.
Wheat, wring, ' " - :
Buckwheat „ • 70
rklaAelleili 1 i';•, ,‘,',•,:...,•.„•••, '4 ' , :i )`4-.•,- 4 VO 1
I ~. ,6
Rye. ," ---__
----___ 80
. - • - --
Clover Hood, i. --- -.... . 850
Timothy nerd. :.• ----__ 450
Beans, 4. 1-50 -------_,—,_
i -
cola meal, 'Val • • • v 10A
eflrt:' : * _•43lj:
•pl ,• - "It, por owl ,
Oniono, per bush - 1 Ca 1
Turnip!, per bush
Pork, per lb
Hauls, per lb
Bhouldore, per 113
;Vper 1b....
.p, lioir 1b...
, par lb
Tallow, per 1b...
Honey, per 1b....
i ;s r it ;llo.. ii .i..t ! j
= li ver dozer, • .
Dried apples, per lb 4 194. e 10
Wed poaebee. per l_b,,i vi y:4 *:" p •
)3 4 RA vherri. per 111 , . , : , ....:•..,. , !?c , -, . 40•
iIA bler.kboriivii, '111 2 .4 1 . 0. .• • 8 •• . -1.54.5 i
1114.: -. • - • 95. •• • " , 80 . •
7 . .arogz,y 4l I: . •
..... ;,-, . T . st i..., .".1..,52
. . . • • 20
OrNiburrifi PoKrat: •• •( ;•;•- (,• ;• • •••.. I '7 j ,••,,
tiry,li`ot' foto, P...P.1 .11 . r0.. , -..f14.•.' ~ -r-- , ... . •15 90 . .
Wood, 18 illative. per eerd.... z•l'... , ?:''' -.) , -.). 1 !:::-• ?St 00- 2 .:
Wood, 3 (tot. per Cold -- 19.4, t -tB' l o6 -
Coal, hard, per ton -- 6 7561'15
a 00
..c oroil .3 l A , T4l.44 uty7 w-4„,, ro ff x i n • • !.. , ...' , ..),_A-,;- ) .. ),•.. , : •.i. , ..•_1- , ,1_ :,,,,,••••...., • r te 2
Bilar. "A" 1)0a',43, per lb —187 E
Auger. yellow, per lb • —. 12%
• , 110151
mu gar brown, ltr lit)a. • *.IC ' • '9ll • tamale-0a
' ISKOMI..II - .Rltil ' y i d 11019
'' T .
Korceelie', per gal •' •_ i— ' 40
Maple sugar 15 18ig;.10
Special o tices.
A*o.) I FAI I VI-J;Veliii4 Er-
victita of early itultectetlon, causing vertoptde
Witty. premature decay, !&e., haviufttried to vain,evary
f f4vPili s q l r O / 11
,o}' , /ma .dlafpve!..d a a:mpiu meatus
Li to Me' fellow-suffer
.l. H. 11.81i..141 , 51, Iti 11toteeo xt., lives York.
jojut: vit.onl . 4r. PULPIT. -
k PA' " t ts‘uvii
x Alb 2 V- - 1 ta.:*
t 44:. ht4lhau y
Junta from Chrotito blarrhasa and Collo; Wyoming no
moat tt,dtwod.t.Lut I wets nt-ttlooo uuttible to attood to
, my inn:Mite-44 duties. I bud boon treated by severe.'
pbyobians. bulb - Alforgalim and Holomoiitldc, but
1,ii1,1VM1Y041V: t .9 e ! 4 !3%, N , Z'Of on a vide t q't11;14"
' 4 "vv , Plo l4l, Ki`ektOOPlckif -Nofi: , 4cW 6.1) 4. 1 _ * A.
by tbo 10Ivice of mono of my feiendo proolllllNi a.bottle
of MUIILILIOS AMU "BlrTkEitil. The effttr ' dtoo in o
duced give piondne (4 ad . ultunato cure. and on my
' arso ° o Ertl c l italMirg r i: A/ i ' ' .1
( I /N • IN
rill ' ) 1 9441
~,, a
~ 1 . ,I,;- #
,1 - , i, ~. .1 1 e •• ..
i tl i cititt tstilll9t7l6 "
Piano or Organ,
goni,VMAPAP#Ori . ; 1 4... "1 '
A. simab s.) e
:t Hu line tlio
i 'SVA 9: l ;griii§1 1 1 , 4 Pr
~.names ros PiagOs,
Shut Moak, LLettuctitiu Itoo Piutto aLd ()colt
Sprtutts, awl suytlitud to the line of 1 , 11,4-atlas utuel,:sl
I g itt il i kelt l l t tlittAtt il lt t a u l o u . 4 t ill ' l e : t au s. d aco
toe. , . B. F. DOWD.
Wellsboro, April 24, 11311.-if ' '
V,gsti pafti ttir Butter aria - Eggs; at
glover nid Thaqthy Seed for sale at
Ava - il 8, 1818.:17
411 ° /,
~,.. ,,, ,* ..ri,.'.;
- , ..443160" , 4 . ~:. -- ?,.. , • .-.,
13 .4 1A #F,. /4 ..
Parlor, Cook-and Office
'rabic and Pocket Cutlepy,
C ALltOtt‘i*
(the best
11X 15
Boy's IM
••• • •
.5.,v1•11 3, 13 3.• • -J. It. n1•91 . 4.1tg0N. A.Clklit.
..,.rT.„WT SCHOOL 4- --- . ~- • ••••,•- 7 7. t ,* t • — l -- v - ` •
~ ( Yik,9k f ' •` , • .
I '''' I TIOGA , COUNTY. ~ , •,
4 V`VIP3 illit • I I .
~,, I, 'clNetagen c—vil ' piulAwitifk of.the' forty. tOrd esetiou
i f
of the set of ay BM. Ifilsl."Ycaa am bereby notified to'
meet in Ofan ceidon. at the "(Mutt Rouge, in Wellabbro,
VII thorn:it etulay In 110;1k. .DI.I / being the'lth
day or the ontb,. at 1 b*Blook .in...th . afternoon. and
select v iva e by a majority , of the oho aintuber. of
directors ant. one tuaraon_of lite , y and solontlflo
ac'ffr •
sod of Bull and tape woe in the art
of . County Eitipotilitendo t; for the three
au ' elite; determine theamount of oompon
Batton for smut; igid.fertify the snit to the State
nuperintendlmt at liattisburg • ae. lateen by the
thirty-ninth +and fortieth sections of sot.
' P. gottros, in. ••
ah,aupt. ot Ttoga Conuty.
Knoxville; April 1igh.,.1117.1-4w. . ,
i tll
Cow °era Valley Bail-Road.
The a olden!' of the Cowaneagno Valley Ball
Bowl w ill tileaso take notice that au assessment of
tee per has been made ou each share *Me stair
of the Co esqub VaDey Rail Road, to be Zino on the
fourth (4 ) Gay of May totixtd and 'payable at the Mike
of the Tr mar. ,-: .rom, PAMOIIIIIST. President.
1 . C. L. Penmen', lioe. dc Treas.
England, Pa., April. , . liltil. 3,11072-41 w.
.• • •
.ddritinisty'ators! Xotice.
L'Edlig l 2,l,p,AV47:4l): n
4 5 1'n thrt"lo` 4 ".l.
Laving beets gstauted to the tutclo c ritme4l 4l ,
)( till pereotte
indebted to Intel estate and theatthaving dahlia trgaluat
it will BeMit with , HIRAM 'lowa,
"MIRY .13. 0A113).
Sullivan, April nd 38f2-aIY
r Lath s - L ath
WILL ba tauxia OD Laud at all Mums
f aciutou at Ilta blUla of 0: 11.
Jaaksoit, 4Pril L .1 nous
, .
AllAitili4ETol4:4 B t#WEs6l . roUit YEiit 04).
CULT. t 'T4=3:ll i 0
, 41., , Jugulte -
Apra 1172-4c.*: ;.,
-", •
-- liAttlinii SHOP!
l itii of;
r i w. NjVL, aotild' ear- id 'ids ftleikas twat, ' :
G. Etas Shop is constantly ttookad why' . '.
Heav . and Light .Harneske; -
made to a a batsistitkiatainuor. • atisCatsred at:pfices
that catuaot to suit. •
This best ork - smen einetn fif,sl4uue tiUtprl , P±t44
mates tut u .
Bupaariug 9 0b5 . . h0irtifit...19 . 3 . 0 , 411 the - I>s . 51 au - st:
nor. Call 3 sad: ' '- -
Jan. 1, 18 13r. . 0.8.6., W.. Nl's:l'LN....
) ; l t 1.
Fi'!" - •;
tk tt
} ":,~ :f
of all hinds,
for wood or coif,
of"au .:s, t
reliant -.Fluid,
I t In thearorld) arul every article eigtpecti4
ardiare,; grade.
, south etdo or Idatn,etreet, nest door to
O. O. Mothers
Corning Pound 7 & Machine Shop.
4 .
ai S D 1 It
i fi
, ,
Atanufaolurers of Stationary and Portable Un;pee and toallera, Cleaving, Rhaetian; and fdaohinary require 4
tor'Saw 111111 s: Griot Mills and Tanuerias,. Qvana And Grates, for bullian. Swears Isr twang ulikaatind
and kaabett bark, Castings, Haat', naroad Frogs; Chairs, and ROW dons at shed notion. We have fa
rini tor l ui =4l rand or Sallrnadil to an potato, and can hirnla Idadtharg cheaper than Inetern or
est= of t beat tinality.
Jan.' 2,, 11M-Iy. . I CORNING, WITIMIN COUNTY, N. Y.
gyop mast &Woo Assortm'ent of • •
, BUDWIN'S qnNT'lr,
If you *ant Dress Goo/ft . )! all kltuaja.,. I.
. ' '' ' ' I call at BALDWIN'S shantyy
It you want .1311 Mpata, call for Nth el 13 tah.dast.
. ,- : • . . ut
k/ S Shan
. . . . , I 1 •
It you want ate Ottoman Shawl. I ' '
Mil at BALDWIN'S Shanty
if you wout Ladle° & Gout& Attd• - -
c an at : itt' , • s Shanty
111 ton want notions and trinnaln
can a wa,i's shanitt
If you mini Fittra,
4( you want knit Goofid,
yna want Sate and Caps,
call at BALDWIN'S iituuitg
LI you itrant Boots and Libuea,
call at SittI.DIVIN'EI Bharat}
ktyau want a But of llinhes,
cat Lat BALDIVIWEI Stantr.
kt you want good 'read and Clcotariss treitA,
If you vfaut a 'readY made sulCdf eloilarj l -
call at BALD IN'S Sbanty,
. .
If you tiania eta of Clothes leave your
at BALD'
U you want Ow= Coat%
II you want Buffalo Bo bba. •
, call at.l3
if yptt volt& prices that cant be UV&
cal at Tokt i DWEN'El iikuus.ty
that'e whate the Natter.
c4e to sell these gooile beft?re tve . leaVo the
We aro
.19n. /'
3ETistarellwetare. I
OLD 41AND on Mean Streot, oorner .47rafton,
rtO.OnElifiTONED Uf•IDERbTONED ' IIBB no* cuipatul a full kook
of . : • •
of ill Aorta, Including i
__ , 1 • •
- nrrr.sTocits, I , ,
. , • CHISELS,
ATollE46. SHONTEI.9,,SI , ADEti, looltits, BENOIT
f 102) eurrEits,
and all other artlulea usually i ltouud fu a completo as
sorlzafaut of bardwaro•
I invite tho public to call ,aud °null nil for them.
aches. - ,
Job Woisk
oiltiale to orClet e r promptly Mill well.
a present
64)41 11.
2 1 • •
wanted:to Nib subscribers on tba oatato of Web-
Childs, late clAortiti deceased, all per.
song indebted to
estate and those bap claims
agaisiqltyill bum° lately settle with
JOHN H. curr.b4
'72;41i. Adtcers, at Nin;voo
xec,* .so z ( ce.
• t` •
Li , -)8 1 1"TER9 Ttietathetitary onlbelostdte of. gar_ Eth
Everetti late of illosebttrg, cOuitt9.lll.. do,
ceased, having •helen grettted to the slitsterstatted, all
ersous lia4n(VolAtins titt StOttt - S'e,l4, estate 'sod those
hedehttll to l t will tjettle with • • '
• • H
JON ORDER, kxoer.
.M 91,41141114 Agri! yt s . ltfl2-4w I ' •
.r.±,‘SrllAtilaLl'Sl-{EID I 840;
- )
call at lIALbWIN'S Shanty
I 1 i
) I
011 BALIMpIS Slumlt,
I 1
wiwa muulty
cal] at DAL
WIN'S Shaaty
T. L. BA.I..DIVIN do 00
WILLtA3f nonnivra.
A r • A 7-4, TER..
4 c . Tl'‘ VCO4 ItAIR
w9: O
• •
,',;••• , v
. _
Every year increasesthe popnlarity
of this valuable Hair Preparation;
which is due to Merit alone. We on
asst re our old patrons that it is kapt
fully up to its high standard; and it
is the only 'reliable and perfected prep
aration for restoring GRAIP On MIMED
tq its ;tout color, making .it
soft, lustrous, and, e nkeu, Thc, map,
by its use, becomes white and elem.
It'removes all eruptions and dandruff,
and, by its tonic properties, 'prevents
the hair from falling out., as' it stimu
lates .and', l nourishes the hair-,glands.
By its use, the hair grows thicker and
stronger. In baldness, it restores the
• capillary glands to their normal vigor,
and will create a new,,growth, except -
in extreme old a. It is the most
economical HAIR T)itr.ssiao ever used,
as it requires fewer applications, and
gives the hair a a_plendid„ glossy ap
pearance. A. A Hayes, State
Assayer of Mass' ehusetts, says, "The
constituents aro pure, and. carefully
seleoted for ex llent quality; and I
consider -it time BifiT
for its intended Purposes."
Sad by ialDruggists, and Dealers in Jfedicines.
IPrice One Dollar.
puckmgha,m.'s Dye
As our Renewer in many cases re
quires too limg a time, and too much
carq to restore gray or faded Whisk
ers, we have prepared this dye, in one
prepctratio4; which will quickly and
effectually accomplish this result. It
is easily applied, and produces a color
which will neither rub nor wash off.
Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty
ManUfactured by R: P. HALL &
TA antrA., N.H.
J4.lt. 1, 1872. f ,
IT Ay o E ve y r r o t r x i t i cl a ll g t e e . ;at6st and greatest m etticanils-
It cures colds, diphtheria, cramps suit pains in the
stomanh, indigestion, diarrhea, • dysentery, summer
complaints; cholera ince - hue, cholera &c., as by magic.
As an external application for frost bites, chilblains,
sprains, bruises, felons, rheumatism, sick headache,
toothache, neuralgia, pains in the side, back and loins,
in a practice of six years, it has been Lund to be sec
ond to no preparation ever (dared to the public.
Too proprieter of this medicine feels warranted in
guaranteeing it to 'be the best remedy for the above
diseases in the market.
Manufactured and . put up only by Dr. Id. L. Bacon,
Blasiburg, ro. • -
v-hoteeak, 4 enta-141.1telt, Smear & Burbank, 14.9
Obarnbe.r knot, Now York.; W. D. Terboll & Co., Cor
ning, N. Y. . Jan. 1. Mg.
Examination of Teaohers.
PECLSL Eximint.tiou for titbits who desire to teach
during the opining summer, and have not cern:t
estes, will be hold at
Lavireneaville, Tuesday, April 10, 1872
Roseville, Thursday, 18, #,
Mansfield, , Saturday, 20, ••
Liberty, • Monday, "
Vi'ellsboro, Weduesday," 24,
Knoxville, ', Pride i ty, .. 20. ~ :
Examinations will commence at9K,..0.. Ir. Applianas
will bring pan; ink arid paper. Bohool Direotore are
earnestly invited to attend. E. ROBTON,
April 9, 1872. . ' 1 Co. pup'i.
• I k
Jr ,
. .
.The sulascrlber lApos no / pg 2 isniti9 on
`Pnro • Anjgs sun Me net, Chem
Phinte anti Oils, Lamps, BtittionerY,
• kes Notions lc.
- •
Jun. I. 1872. Y H. 11. BORDEN.
E. . Y 01.14), .
E )13 II Young & Co.,
.. , .
• . (Einceessnrs of Hugh Young & Co.)
Booksellera and . 'Stationers,
• an - Dealers In
Wall Papnr,
Window' Shade .
WilltIONV Fixtures,.
Musical InatrUments,
Yankee Notions,
Picture Frames and Glass, -
Pict Urea, all sorts,
Picture Cord,
Law Blanks,
Justice ltianks, I -
iiistik Books.lall sizes, •
Nowapapers, Magazines, ' •
Writing Desks,
. . Artists Goods,
LaW Books, 1 ,
Atedical Books,
.Religious Books,
and 6 - Very article In our IWO of trade
—Now York Daniell at Ono Dollar a month.
—Elmira Dailies at 75 Ceuta a month.
—tlubseriptiona for a week, or inOntli, or year.
—Orders fur Books not in at4ek promptly attended to.
—An 44x.prefia paUngo reeelv4:,d from Now York ov
ary_ day.
Iwo Agenla I of tho Aughor
Lino of , ll. S. Mall Ocean Stunners.
awl froth any point in Europeat t
—Sight Drone gold on any 13an
rent milli of Exchaugb.
Jan. 24, 1872-Iy. E.
The Truth, & got ing but the
I R beet Patent in useipnt CII. fok• saving money:
It ig D 1 MERESTk CO'S. •
spool fiharel d R ack and
Bobbin Tr bider; .
holding Tan Spook of Thread and Threading the Bob
bin, all of which can be attached under -the Sowing
Machine: There woo but four broUght to.Wellabort)
for samples, which was bought immGellately by
BULLARD, As•Jesmcir,! •
JAMES' STALL, , Coud'r W. lt,
Logo wishing - the above patent. Wilt find titan) at
Andrew 'Foley's. • The couuty urtll..be thoroughly can-
'Teased by JONES, •
General Agent, Brosaburg, Pa.
g 1 .
1 § Si
124 g
Ei tik
U C.) 1
l i
• •,..
-• , a: •
0Z i 1
r P 4 S
i a l •
~ . ~~
too null tbo Onion
Paßsago tickets to
O lowoot rate&
in Europa at our.
YOUNG & 00