IN MO HAPPY-64.UCKY. Ilappy•tio-Lneky has cheat rosy red. Ten times a Bay he will stand on Ws held ; IlliPPY•oo•Lnelry is brimful of fun, • Vp in the morning as coon se the sun. Sliding on banisters, an the way down, , Haying at anima and bumping his crown. _ Vilieuhe has shoolind All the honso with affright Oil he goes. screaming with roguish delight. ii*M*Zticki onFli tignPsl OP *tree i'. : , 4 AIM° tOC4I - YOUrld ala See whist ha eonll see. 4. .,a c k *eta the bough I Such a terrible fall I - Didn't butt AsPPPlacopaar at alit • • _ Ifikr be the fables, vrlth some potent -: :- Veciusehe'eso cheerful, harekePtliici,fininbarin: MOW= se•wishes tluo he would be v. , ' %`'' '‘ Only for date s; but the rogue lleiefve lt I-' '. ' 7 Itappy4ito.Luck4r runs out in the ta;•:,: , , • ::, Asks into dinner each beggar. ha meelf o';, ! r• ' • ; Itlippy-CloToroky—now, Just think of tittit:- :• ' ' Tied granny's spectacles on the poor esti i " 4 ~ .t - When he knows mother is going to scold. Vp he trots gravely. in, tears.-1 am told i - ', lz .-' Then, ho will kiss her and hag her with joyl'-'• ,-; ' • ,---- Any one got such an cratand.out boy t i'' . --:' • 1 ••••' - ' —Ceovi r4: , per.•: • 1 ALL SORTS. - Tr s . The lifemphis Appeal heads i iis telegraph-f is notes "Mort3els of Morse."' , Mr. and Mrs. Barney Willianis atit in Rome, and have been presented to bis.ll9ll ! ness the Pope. . , , ~ . r., , , Mr. Clemonton, of iNlinnesota, a taTenteil ,, " equine abductor," was prevailed upon-to attend a " ncek-tio sociable" lately..-, - ...., If ever you have a dispute with any One about money, said a seedy fellow to - - a' rieh friend, "Just leave it to me." .. „. ' Zukerhirt is believed to be the best chess player in the world, being engaged: in' that proffia'blo game sixteen boors. out of every twenty-four. Grace Greenwood says : "General Bid well is a distinguished Californian, and one much respected, though he has been a mem ber of Congress." Memory is a patient eatnel, bearing huge burdens over lifo's•sandy desert. Intuition is a bird of paradise, drinking in the aroma of celestial flowers. , womanof Williamson county, Texas, obtained a divorce at the last terraof court„ andisaiextiarrkdagain, , ,to another man, in five minute's afterward. A cautious old bachelor, who knows that the present is Lev :Tear y says;: - !If you meet -a young lady 'Who is not veritilly, you had better be a little -shy yourself.' A printer's devil in an Omaha newspaper office was bitten by a dog seme days ago. After lingering several days death put an end to the sufferings of , the dog.l, Forrest, before his public `appearance, played in private theatricali In Philadelphia as Lady Anne, in the tragedy of-" Douglass." FlaEtltrin Forrest as a piing lady i has the following : "Swell (to Dust man :)-1 say, old fellaw I epee you take all sorts of wubbish inyour cart, don't you ?' Dustman : 'Why, in course I does; jump in, guvinor.'" Cultic knowledge.—" Pat, who is ithis Nilsson we hear so much apeakin' about in the newspapera a" "Don't you know Mike ? Why, it's that ould sea divil Nilsson that tit the battle of the Nile, 'to be sure." • A youllg 'couple, who were lately;' nattr : ,, ried in West. Newbury, Mass-, and get up housekeeping, were obliged to apply, : to the observers of the 'poovnt the end of ewo weeks for a supply of provisions. 341, Watts* Mann, once •. renowned in 11.alennuroo as a lightning compositor, has graduated fronitheleachng Medical college in Philadelphie,,and returned to Michigan to practice her profession. _ - A• new base ball club is forining in "Dan- Inuy,,,,Conn. It will conurfence the season under the most favorable auspices, having already secured twenty-two yards of court plaster and thirteen pairs of crutches. Theodore Tilton% Golden Age, at the end ofn notice of the Rev. B. F. Barrett's book, ."-New Views of Hell," exclaims, "Save us from the God who damns 1" To which the New YOrk Herald says, "What, already V' At the recent town meeting in Moscow, a small town on the Chicago, Rock leland, and Pacific Railroad, about fortymiles west of Davenport, lowa, women were elected by . a large znejority to fill" all , the town omens. Auber composed, just before his death s : two string quartets, said to be quite 'distinct inform from any former works of that class,' and to be full of charm. They are in pos session of his nieces, with whom the Paris Conservatoire' s negotiating for them. - , Frank,Bueklaud, of -England, writes to Seth Green, the New York fish breeder, that he has successfully introduced Amer. lean brook trout into English waters.' -1 From ejggs sent him three years ago by 'Mr. Green he now has trout of two and • three poundslivolght. " • Courbei 'thee - French painter who wild iy rushed into the madness of the Cordniune, has, since his trial, been in a lunatic asylum. Last week he was,told ho was free, but him seltdoubting the completeness of his cure, he i asirea permission too remain where he Wits, . , . ' A'city gent'who longed to hold the plow and go in for nature generally' tried it last summer, but hoe now come back to the city, and says •' ".oh. .yes, I like to hold - the plow ; but I prefer to do it in my own house: sitting in my easy chair, with my faml'y clustered around me." In Philadelphia they have a peculiar local custom of tying black ribbons on the shut ters of homes, is a symbol of mourning. Sines thiJ_ late visitation of , small-pox the prevalence of these emblems has had an alarming , ,effeet on strangers.' The assur ance is, however, , published authority that the pestilence has almost disappeared. It frequently happens that the wife who most tries her - husband's temper in d*.of prosperity, is - ,batremely cunning in the art of consolatiohwhqt affliction overtakes him. In the huoytint atmosphere of bright days, all her whims and caprices find room to ex pand.. It takes the dull ones to bring her perfections 'to the - surface. 43elf-denial sometimes is its own re *aril. .la,:for etunple, here is the Rev. ,Ten kins, tempted to leave Amherst in go on an increased salary to the loveliest church in one of the most beautiful suburbs of Boston, and he declines. In less than twenty-four h-n - irs his Amherst coagreption had4tub eeribed for and presented him with a thou send-dollar Treasury note. 'lr. 7sloWharter, a graduate of Yale, has written an elaborate essay on that deadest of all dead subjects, the 'Cardiff Giant"— Ills opinion is that it is the 'statue of a Pbceniciim god, imported into this country ,fig before the time of Columbus. Re rests hii argnment or the chemical composition of the atone on the type of its face, and on, 'the inscriptions on it in Plicenician charae ters.l • A. lady in Louisville, Ky., ,who is a believ er in spiritualism and at the same time a member' of the Presbyterian Church hes been cited to appear before the church to atmver _the charge of violating the first, second, and third consraandrnents. What ever maybe the absurdities of spiritualism it seems an absurdity of equal dimensions to assume that it teaches a belief in false gods and graven images. We suppose there is no truth in the report thlit one of ortrlarmanufacturers received a a letter the other y which said : -"I un derstand you sell]large quantities of bolts and nuts, and that the latter are of a very superior quality. If you will send me a bushel or two 9f your best nuts in time for spring planting, I will by return mail, tell you what I know about bolts, which is a good deal. Very truly, H. G." On a recent interview of an English letter writer, with the Pope, his holiness remark ed that he remembered corresponding with the American President whiy died meaning Mr;-Lincoln—and he suddehly asked what had become of the President of the South, Mr. Davis. "He was a long time in prison, then I heard of his being in i ) England, and lately I have heard, nothing at all about him. Is be still alive V' A. Boston girl who lately applied for ad mission to Amherst College, and was turned away from its Inhospitable doors, has gone West end been admitted most cordially into the trniveteity of Michigan. Those Wes tern institution!, of learain have an ele ment of shrewdness in the r management, fold are no doubt determin ed to draw off from New England some of the brightest of Its girls for the improvenient of the race on the frontiers. ' Taco misebievous children, each, about eight years old, were recently placed on trial, in England, on the charge of placing pieces of iron on a railroad. It must ..have been a curious spectacle,, %he Judge Sitting in state, arrayed in a lortnidable ,wig and robes trimmed with errnine, and surrounded with all the solemnomp of an English court, with thejuty ernpanntiled l and learned counsel elaborately arguing points of law, while the - heads of the two desperate cid prits weie hardly visible OM the dock VVICKUATII & VAILIFt • . f". _ - Ttock,c tea.. .•• : • ES , I' .• • t I II =ME '.::.. - .l_Seetinil , Stock 1„I ii. =I Pall and Iffintai 1 = gkc), CODES, lad Aft. *IA at ILI?* :71C.aCoW i;~ f .'. I IRE Mil ME MI . . Just asleond gut whit a gQ94 sitsett*kt ISO MIL • N. 4 . \ ; Jan. 1,187`1. • lieat Estate Ageney Ing l l l ol4N fitOtle f9'l. tile e" the 60 VILLAGE LOTS, situate on the ifanadeid road end Btete gitreet.. ?taws lots are In the central part of town, and convenient to the i. Rail Road Depot. i 1,. - 4„Ff.R 1 Mk:;.P9.7?1 5 eittlged on the Um of 0,9 EAU PIO. Ana !nth MANUFACTURING MOREL Mersa Jai 141 bp soli co reason:Ns Won. Jan. I. um I=L. 3E3a,r91/..earPose CHEAP CASH STORE; bas lb tail eliattlivatt a now awls, wadi as kw* am. iv=l742 DRY GOODS, . , W 144 lag be "old cbarpt ' . LOllEfr DRESS Boons, ' MUM • UMW GOODS, w AND Owl. , WEITZ GOODS, moves, Mowry, /Cult Goods sad Nations Choice Groceries. =V So 1140; Tobwoo. Srare icilaticata‘ '7o6* i:Crockare, Salt, Sigh. Flour- HATE k 2 FAIF& 0 )00T94: 1117DDREW, • ;Cass paid for BICTIZEt, or shipped on Commission. Please. oat cuittUok tint Mack cm* • tin 4 ‘ 131 61 ^ Ni7631-ttad to laid wiling to short goods. • - t t • .1131. i. UM J. It. Rasta. _ VIM ,t 2 OT 11111 'S ~.~i~-': t S.t~~ ME ~ t _ . 'r~,.. MEM _wmuwi_ti.y4u2a fiT s n W.A.LTEB arteswoce. Ayer's Cai,bartic ......_., _- ---- - i-wi.oux sicituessinC 4 suffering's prer4t- cd by their, lithely, , . usc,' end every tarsal ;` Shawl, t (mite. theta on baud - for tor their protection . and relict; when itquited. max expprience luis,proV6t them to he the gait est;surestyintd`bett - Orell We PURI On whirl • the market abounds.. Ity their orexsional use, dodUctod4l puridedi the corruptions et the ea ; t • torn expeheu, '4W:ructions -.removed • and whole_ machinery of JIM resto ad toits' h activity, ,Interrutt organs which heeethe clog ealthy and sluggish are cl ea nsed PrAiffsJs_Pals.zuld Stimulated lute ac on- Thus incipient disease • trehanged Into heAlth, thesnlue f.,: vrhirit chute, When reckoned on the vast multitudes who en oy .- 1; can hardly be eompote. Their sugar cos ag makes them pleasturbto take, and preforms their virtues unimpaired fbe any Math of time, so that they are ever-fresh, and pellbctly rellAble. Ahheege searching, th ere rand. and owrate without disturbance to the vonstitutian, or diet, or occupation. - _ - ..,- :" - #uU directions , rue alven ., on therfrap to •ersch hox,how to use them es a, rainfiriP glic, .igid tor dim following . complaints, , inich th ese pato isplry min-- -For Dyspepsia or totlitrestion, Listaelass' nets , Languor and /Goes of Appetite, they -shout' he taken tatxlerate)y to stitonte the atom-• ac and-restore its healthy tone nod. action. ' For haver Consoissics and its various symp toms, Miloas liteadamtaa, Welk Head. ache, Jaundice or Green Sickness, lail, . loos Colic and Bilious Fevers, they should , . be Judiciotisly taken for each ease to correct the' diseased action. or remove the °UT:ructions Which - cause it. For lillyeenteiry or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose Is nuevally reviretl. i For Igheumatisort, Vona tirssrol, Pals' ' pitation of the Mears,' Pain in the aide, Sault and 11-otas, they should by condo, nottply taken, as toquired, to change the diseajled action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Swalllaga, the should be taken to large and fr equent - dol • ed to reduce the effect of a drastic purge. or Suppression, alarge dose Should hrs, taken, as It prodneeS the desired efibct by spat,, As i a Dituser ?W A% one or two Pinta ito 1 = LI promote dige sine ri Med' re Mesta i • • - • hal (multi* 4,0. ittimulatipitta and, restores-shehowels O. " te;a v itt ie rli tbi • system. Heinleit . . i•••• ~ ad Oil' no serious d - • , v. - t salvia. One who treks tolegobly_ o --- ijads_ Plat a dos. of tlimAs , riffs maes, , .. feel aeciaetuy batfty. Avis weir _cleansing anArtmovatitig akotloa-,MapilWre I= pr. X. O. 4.Y.CR t$ CO., /'ractdcai claitniffai:` ZO WETafi Xdfira f , tl 11.' A. '"' FOP, EULLE, DT ALL DRIMGIBIS XIMILIMMiIa 112 " * 7l 'fetid *Kw ituarieis y:t• Drugl and' Medidies, 0 14 0 7 4 1, 0 0 ,44401 5 c PAX -8-1141ROMIC&ISVAIRMitil", 0:4149 1 0 0 0 frAritilig Choice Liquors, Cigar., and TONADCO. Abaft • 33COCOMFAIIIR 1114kqt; i t&tlisda‘ c idA&Iidit c t an a, fillutassazimic asi l i r ' ALE IThU4 ZdiftliOßS. VICTIM!Wp, STAT/ONEInt, 00111:6 LIM 'PA • are.... elhrooerioar. • , • t it , atm, 24pira ; 0 0 0 4 jortrik, Maoism Flfi s Xllo. kids; sta. 141;111 Tess zusesktra Flavor W. will sail °halos by Os mss4 Qs ISOSUeIs lassse3. at as low Aes as Us suns on be if this aids of New Tas. P. s.'TEY its 6 ssztaarte TR& LAMPS, OHAIWELtaRB &e. °taw .1 40 lamp chainiqa Dal Fancy and Toilet Miele& "EnAT, TOW s i . I BRUO9 SI ar • LIMY AND ire 144 treaty dattizabli Ans. iota thr asis to Ulf =al u ct ttietietrn ; sad Ina aiso Imo -mow .1; N. B. Dr. W. W. WO I O has Its calf* la tur .tori, 'dun bit mu be molt* tOr adirtoe at Waltman. 30.13. 1. 38W-U. BATITHOO & 00M. iii=l New Jewelry Store. With= L ao OA 2 woatit =othlstrears . Jewelry Store itootc b a u lt e ""N "Y-. s full=o b rat c 1 " 4" , Clocks, Watches. Jewelry, Bayer and rioted-Ware. S. D. Vliatr, i as of tobitan ?Toth. v : ta g a liepearbait bf Watches, • — Clocks, 4.c., 4c. re to twill eakt Witah ?is oinionnon rots Mottos? alottonot fo onalatat= a. ReDabaro, Ann. 1111, Valuable Real Estate for Sale. Taii==tut . sentsw SEVEN BUILDING LOTS In WeWawa at OM -aaalso 01104104 :9246 in iwcralumel payment& Vas Wale OM lotto Dorn. owner of Pearl Strad and this iheintut. Thies UMW acres of valuable oosl soffl Vane , load Morris and Charleston Townshi Sari of Masai No. UM. Also. Mr aces In Maeda . Townelan, Daft of Warrant Na. eta. AMSOIS. Mara 1 Ulu ' : • For Sale. A DOT 1141 wins of land Miami as the Meta Or= at Mitsbcars Creek Map gek, 4 with three dwelling haws. shim Am NM Urns and otbsr of ths beet ideetbnis tar a inzabering or other Insranteetwing eineblititniobS on the Zags risilraid. Alto, attanlng a lot of Wait IBS seek Omni SO sires in meats. Would nuke 0 good feren.thabge snot& on it for fad. lumber poets do., to psy ,Al3O shoat TOO sores of timber land with some tm. pre mien* about a rolls east of the above described de—veinshle far Ilentilock Bark. thriller and Am. hig lands. Also two lots of Isini of ore 45 4 44=4 EQUI6= I 2{k , the tOWPaldig , 1);, , *hick lila stem him ' These desiring to peaks's_ ___lnceghts of kits. Jaat WOW est UP Pm• at IntabOtri 0. Et. aticseeoMl. Mi. 1. 1872-0, Tiogs, Cards i Cards ! Gold I Gold Wl=ll iirtiMiest slyet I tii; art, and dol. den Ink for Orniunentsr writing melt to anY address tin reorktg li oantce. Cents Itr trout 40 Mt* to Mtn ink superior soy in the market. TS cents per bottle. Ads, P. FORUST , Jen. 17, 1 8714t4'. OPtitltot4 HARNESS SHOP , vr. NAME, voila fay to his itiazgla that HaMeas Shop td cOostestily atccbgllflib Heavy - and' Light Harnes s es ; s made to a sobataiktiai Maw, and oVereei at prices that cannot AM to snit Ma beat tiorketato araPioyoi, sad razipaAmt Um beat , I =4 2 lltiontigatthOttne# 4 ! 6,lo AineibbOt In* Oft. W. UM. 0' /d i - -,vtutlti-s , l merit , ' Alt nit:- .fortt• 1 lititt,,tlt)t 401 , 1`-' , I .Tbeywt t'POC 4 utid Ate , ;' t Iseittg. ptftely , scp , "l _talk, : they:A:out/ll* ' ttottiO.:ll.l.l.*:6ilntne-:‘ rut u-lutts.ver.:-Mtu-ft...“ IItEPABED DT MIERNMPM EOM New MIIIE , ) . ~~.,.a i~bi=. E EdUtod- to ,tm► WMIKik /: CJMAIC)' sat fa'''" ix tttb* t r ~ ESSE laki al g la oat - CIADPET -- stoat WO otadi prices twat 20 lag =do pin taw vikkie to • sa4 sea WA Oar to 011 • MUM ESE 3. The eidielia ~4..14 7 5R WX.ILMA Stoc IMMEEII '.'-I'ti'.- •-i - ; • KEA IMI dal Oho Goo V 11104wo. bh.lo, Ugit OM NE W air Eaeria.lo, ~`~' t~ l'anw 1,00,94; r";:, imam ASX MOO Readyi•Mad Eg o ri tops, , Choi rte?ll. 50 • Portoroli *Gips ,at : Croz motto fa. "filo aoolloit. • - ss". • , . . krirtte (Ka* to3oont of fib:no' aop z • • at. l it s Vmzsq, foo. 2,, , i11ft. - The Largest EOM 3PZIONI. DR IMaVfm wit 'm STONE RHO , prr‘VTl Transfer 4) . aad c- i Jam• 3. le% •P. watutsqx. E=EM El , :44ZKEIrrair,aboo at skii Asutitat Oa ilsr‘lusirs nixegizeisu • • la $2O. ' Inv assin# almost oily eastooporla 0410- . wall sloe„ ;1 4k i i . " 415424 •"" stook ws Alinbasall the atesataii sop • ' Ikea OM watt totembort 'Masi litt Ottitiatialr 111 4 2 00 4131 , 1 4 11 1'.t . ''' •' ' - ''',.- '- '.: -- ;W-; -,-, •1 _ EMI MEE votwwae.uval4uttwatBwam r ao. 1E ~~~ /112tOW El t of MI Ar:11 ce AM 7_20 11461100 E OE iritlia r' MO EMS wia - 9 k; a t gr Pricafr Ge 0 is #B,- 01 1 , witt 6 Mal Nam wisssamo, - • „. . • i~Titnimm a Horton' & E:TI ' MOrellslii ariCr afiii 2 . amili ngigt4t is r ' ' Ws. ' iri l aea Ltanora fr i" 4,ll4k g. ' •- ' I ' , :*:. 'l' '''', " , 12r0#0.440410 4/ 4 48 4 4 44 °Oa* !•••••Mil; 7 '• • t 000414 00,410040110 ► Clothi MAW 910411; .20 oat& e Or • • to 1111" Vl cuilL ostedi. lottaea, sad debt EMZiil chlhaiment in IMo 10 gibs nolaiss salmi G-Gisrr f 1 i.~ ~ , ' =lprosiatquanttiiiiiiireoods 43042 i it • Btlstin,4*-SIT rv,,,• V ;411.1: .1; 11131:r . timents t Strip rushes Itb* Ceirr!age utter Ornanzng. ct,t Goo operistos coAtmittin ket MIERM aux Anolliroglittoolssigan cif -la NM= i . el I' X4O3C)Ms WE or Go 751 MEE E 111=1 lit =I ". ~ ...... g 10. ab 0(17. ries, Et Ma I to WOW* eit°42121151. , • dm in atlib ft look Din 4r M M -,;:,:.,:„iiii,;',.,..:%, : a i .,,-;..,,:. 1 ., rnMitk::::: MIMI +•-•_ =ig =RI MI ~'v::i~ ;;E,~t~ WE MEI =ENE MEE =way EINES ' •,7.;:1 f...i 7":1 - 1 . :',',, ';,,3 ewikii) , i4 - 4 1 ;: . 1,;:ioi: IMII s• -• )':~r ~ ~' =I " i--.(f011 • 1 TI ' =IEEE -• • =I lIMII _, =EMI 1 r . • NMI OIL• ,►;.:.. 11 Th 44114 1 1 11212bSVIUOIL El ndance, 7iiasistelt . • Slit to SO acea. *MO Ika kw to no. • • ••• our stook is wr • •I• PA TON & horn Pa.:! =?1 LIMB ? 00:4114 !sr Pencils rn ta stoaL ;MS it it UN. I=ldEE=l tLitir.. STORES EI3 MEE 1711 01;tiS 80 - 110 ;-:' 'F''A':: to -,. . .., ANDREW:VOLE , it l C eff4l6- , ~. a wtiobaubustueu.otuuu,aba ~./: _.,.;,,,itt. thit • 41 1 1 4`,ehi but o" e. # a C .L ii •;,1 is for italft' Viluselxtrot 14 la ' 6 ' '' -"':: Viltiota Mid/ 'tend priiea oF [ r 1 AItbRICAN- WATCLIES, = GOia 4 suiw. , aitic,, , Jiwoy, writ ch.i4, sgvi; Penedo, .Ciasco, Gold. and ?ens, "Admbleti, SPCOC , aI o , Razor*, • ' . iiWlNg.,;NtAPlilisi.:',.f;:i • • :' ' With moot ill tiiksi articles tuntiLly kept /a etri:li t am . • • ••' - , ' tiblob ate told low fOr . : ;•1 • _ , &a. &a, ac C A 5 , :... • Lftfiiikleitig done uestly. and PromPgir don emit , „ !Roam An, 2,1072-2 y. St hard' -Washing, .Machinei, the be in irlarbit, bevies taken the Premium at tke Wel Co, and other Pairs. ' and le thschladly the best smehtog htschinel invented; It Ws *weds a trial to satisfy, the wet skeptical. Per. SOW ishilliteg to purchase addrue LURE 13TEVENO, 1872, , . ' 71440. .. :-- D I ---- ': 'en4 'ivy. is . . 13 s•aa, „ . NloV/NO:returisid twin a 'visit t.ast; sun now re. iSsIA, wins anew stock of gcsStls sal Warm:nen% superior inauosmento to in want of any. Wei !a ilna. - iirtifolal i4Nidh inse rt ed on a new um ; Old In" at low istui. , extracted Wi th . ina onto teeth . a spixasliip. r inarcauted. '' Thntas numb ___ ,__l4. • , • • ,- .. 1... B. PLARTNag. Dentist Zs*. i. ilk/43„ •, . Wollsboro, . - ROSABALIS • THE tistGitEDIPSTS THAT, COMPOSE ROSADALIS Atm pnbilabed on every package, there= fbie it is not a "swot preparation • consequently - r PIITSIOIANS PRESCRIBE IT tt is a certain ewe for Seroftda Syphilis to all Its form _, _ Rheumat Mi n t Skin Diseases, Liver COM• plaint and all diseases of the Blood. ONE sora la jor 1100081,113 will dio mo good than ten bottles of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSiONED PHYSICIANS hatietised Rosadalls la tbitirpresties for the put three rani and freely endow it as a reliable Alto:Aye and B/ood Purifier. DR. 'r e C. PIIGIT, of VAlrizecee.s DR. P. 0. DAN • DN. O. sperms, of Nieholssidll% DR. IifcCA.RTHA, , Columbia, DR. A, A. NOl3l.Rl3,Edgesomb, N. C, no An ENDORSED By. 3. B. FRENCH tr. SONS, Palliiivery Mass. V.VV. r , Seamen, Mich. geu, ,L ..tmg,o le. Ohio. VEN lAtderuoville, Vs. , *L. G. Bie.Vammarr, Paul:reel* born, Teas. Our space will not allow of any ee. tended Tomtits in relation. to the virtues of itotadalls. Toth* Medina Protean= 17 1 =1 1 1; r i g . t e ld I=_ l L Pefzi the treaunentf die say=t and to the aff we t 7 Preadalis, and you 'wlicte illbee reaMed to health. piadslia is sold hy all •• • . • 8/40 per bottle. Ad •• • • DU. OLEUENT3 /0 C.. itfasafecturreg r -.; • , • %mum • I itiN • I AGENTS WARTED FOR - r • , PBASES OF-LONDON LIFE, Ihr P.l. taws*, the well•hitown - .7ournellet. • The [Very Larg'st . Commisslon.i book is a beantlfal octavo of 865 pe, embet. Baba with 200 engravings, and finely executed rasp of Issulom Seeigne4 end executed expreesty tor this wort eneleetti artists. It contains a tall, 'gra= truthful statement of the Sights, Swett, tuka 01' the great ALetropolle D the world . I , l W iAler Ws= Street, Philivlelpilt. • An t ), 1072.4 m. • MERCHANT TAILORING CIEOEGE WAGNER, hei Just received a superb ea• VUC ortment of ail lands of CLOTHS for ginit*moses COARSE & FINE CLOTHING and 1400paron to 'zonnutooture in the BEST 13r174 and on the shortest nOttco. Persons wanting Clotting ICiiis6ll4l too* Good Fite and t at dalitt4 and MT 7 a ' • • J }.18742 . . . FOP Bale or Rent. AI4OOID dairy farm in Tina ta - waship, Una Ow Ba., about gl4 miles mast of tha Borough cif ga,,' about 100 aim improved, mid lt3 nnimprovag.... Nu o nitres barns, three dwelling houses, an apple Ind peach orchard, and other fruit trees, • Terrasian. /am adjobeng on the west, a farm and Umbar lauds eon ID to 251 1 0 MANS am desired, with 80aores Ira mod. with a good barn, a good house and apple Good*: i darling brm. C. U. BBMOITES, 1, UM TkiO4 if owe andZot fir Sale. rUlm%urithiregud.mor. for sale tdo ammo and Lot ou MU shut, In 81ithord.Po.i s/ rrEr7 low lqt O utfit ono-half sore au n t lades . out. Yor Ws%t tbo e bor 111111114 Pa.. Web. 91. 18ak 0. P. amooK. Mrs. 0, P. SMITH, reoeretse new pa elegant &Aqui to ZIELUIELerwr - !aid MI aa.izociapas, ail incites tho public! to cattl mut oxszolus goods sad P. 11...-No trOubto to ohm goods. • Zob. 118. P 372., Mrs. 0. P. SMITIL etneral Insurance ' Agency, , . NuiCon now Co..PA. . . .1.. J. H. &J. D. Campbell, awl w— to Inc rollolie la tint dui Oclair vowel on all Watts of Isuntrable ma=Lighbaliv at remoriatlis rata. r We l Zi l e= ail data perscatal37 •331 the ixnuttes 'BELLot s Tulsa r•POW. O. OA lau. •b. I, )419.-27, t ' - % T. P. QAMIPAZGL.. Worms' I Tioga Marble Works,' l'4ofabstion't,initred to t.°V(*titT.,' Itliiictiz, or Itutla ri d: Marble ,onitaisteststAe AO mewed Airknlanal4 and wfl 94 7 -latipa constantly an band bath blade Of MA and mill be able to salt all Who Inay norm Zara I ttrl= l , 211 . 1 09 7 in*e striPsfis sin , ol ca? NAWIC MIE 1871 L . ,„ , A • - I - ;._,mart) :,~:, Ito imbiternxis twit, attention to noir 29EW SECIOE of ' •• . - _ • , • • Table Linen s ,' Toweif„Argpkins,roeifngs,' Toast Quilt s , :mote COMP goo, _ Alt innds in thli line Inn be 1001/ Mvsact i t e : reesAr A. FOLEY .4;ntr 434 of itioe peas L 3 Lugo, 3134'336m0 setting th Sew PrixttsgunA tiVe ate SiSoioilßas oat the jigsaws at our Winton. %gook a kitgs37 totioali Woes, so that any one is owl at socaz bccubsg. tob. Wet WEED SEWII . . • t - • • %wont. at. Bloasinuir. Pe , I % l N riCr lLlti.Tr. Agent,Titee. Ise rum &it at goads sattelde tar the winter Trade Crockery, Boots OFX). WAGNER. ilit4 UMW Atige th. PODI/41 ccllogatiounti wbo sleh , I . _ 1 pa pact %mare pawn. ThqApsest trolaTs will be tan goon ono and mrro s. sae ride. a good time ha. 2, 22412, •-• ~ ~-,-„, i di conii*di N, -14 ift - iniv inovf44 ? • ~, 'N'll3 l l7%?` Ave , cocrix::ini - . =I =PM • tot THE ABLY SPRING Polack Alpacas, Black Pure NM Boots Shoes THE BEST AGAI ass mattAy bean isinsvals 402 is a Does every kind of Work Nova gets vat al order, and 11171 Dan'i nurtlniaa a :Sawing :Lachine of szvir VIEPROV ackundossed ebaandm% The I,te CORNING DRY GOODS, 1 I i mmetixte3r Via The New Our dslit Lac:~ MET 00u es trade opens, susl early buyers will do rtneei.:l2loOlin runs Rud WtOolona, at .do yogi .to t ont tUt beforb buying. - r; 4aD i Y=~ ~~~ii a de924 tha Tow WM .‘CHINE f th the Itorld tor s lifetime withest i maim. y kind aril you lan seem Um) IMte at the wand. , Cenral Aim* as me street maim N. 1' ulator, N... ,Y., [ . - e senortmerit is C to every department GROHRIES, ~ ,{. ~', Shoes I, cps.s I ebo. _ 1 , ' l l - W VII CV* of access. Rail Road, slake pututut i aft tilts lizo to coma itte look at t•3' ok that Ws hi the place to pay out money ecouomt otp, an* buy 3tut wtot, Iva_virat, 3Pricte.m, NEI TBADE. °hairs. Black) Silks, _ I at LEW Mtn tho mosent Afarkot Rates &sonic Snook. ory Cheap. J. A. PARSONS & CO =NM IM ROVEIVI MACITIKE UM , th the least Trouble, ‘ , 7llOEn v P , Notions MM= k OWE Jen. 1, 1872