II THE GOOD TIME COMING DT DINVIS olurrrarry Oft-thnei ins hOd ino shoulder galls A carrying mortar on the walls In rain and sun ; But better times aro corms' soon, Whin all tho year will be ILlto Juno And dhrudgoiy bo dont). "Whin victory crowns the feyniale cans°, Whin women shell to means' lay; r, Each wife and maid, Thin every mother‘a son will be cowed to follow faric7.lno • Some faymale trade. Thin purty Girls will ask us out And pay our Ulla anti ribrivo about TIM tender care ; They'll keenly feel for all our woes!, And to the gentlemen propose Who eingle are, 7 No matter If we'veuot a chit, There'll thin do I.llcil a thought as slut, Or things to ate. Oh! that to *ea the blessed day Whin all our troubles pass away May be my fate. The kitchen girl will 'aro lier place, And Teddy followln . wid grace, sad stow ; nom keep the floor both clean and n*e And bare the beaht of things to - ate. And learn to sew. The milliner shops, where purty girls Now smiles so shwete and shako their culla, And look so bendy, By gintletnen wilt be controlled, And in thim goods are sten of gold Tor Pst end Andy. ALL SORTS The Montgomery ilemrteeer and Nail, hai a $lOO,OOO libel suit on its hands. The Prussian police has prohibited the sale of photographs of Napoleon 111. in hii imperial robes. The combination of blonde hair and black eyebrows is considered bb many to be a mark of great beauty in either sex. - A new style of house-shoe is a sort of high slipper of the color of the dress, buttoned on one side with six small buttons. The pictures most frequently copied at the National Gallery in London are the "Gervaeius" portrait by Vandyck, . and Reynolds' "Age and Innocence." The story of Charles Dickens' life is to be told by his son in "All the Year Round," the family not being satisfied with Foster's recently-published version. A Canada editor says be has "a keen rap ier to prickill fools and knaves." His friends, if they are prudent, will take it from him. rre might commit suicide. , , A boy' named Vincent, employed in a shingle Mill at Cape Vincent, recently en deavored to kick away some sawdust ardund a buzz saw. Ho will hereafter walk on one foot and a half. Samuel C. Clemens (Mark Twain) now occupies the residence of Mrs,, Isabella - Beecher Hooker, at Hartford, and Miss A. l i k M. Beecher is the only mena er of the Beecher family now living there. Rochefort is said to be in t e deepest distress at his melancholy fate. President Tillers has notified him, once for all, that as long as he is President of the French Re public, he must remain in prison. Count Von Benst said the other day ,to e Hungarian journalist : "People believe that I have amassed riches while I was Chan cellor of the Austrian Empire. The truth is, I am to-day poorer than when I came to Vienna." - _ _.__ , The late Geoge Peabody, the London banker, once saved - a cord-of wood is Con cord, N. H., to pay for a night's lodging at" the tavern. That was a practical lecture to young men who fail to pay their board , bilk. because they are out of business. , , , A woman applied to a magistrate the oth er clay for a warrant against a neighbor, saying :- "She called me a thief, year Hon or, can I make her prove it f" "Perhaps you can," quietly replied the magistrate, "but if I were you I wouldn't do it." A kind-hearted but illiterate livery stable keeper who could not bear to see a horse ill-treated, used to say, with perfect sincer ity, and, as lie believed with accuracy, "My hostibility to them as abuses hosses was born unto me, and comes as natural as breathin'." In Cincinnati; on Sunday, a woman named Charlotte Wesslingwas taken to a police office as insane. Sheiwaa furnished break fast, and half an hour later was found lying on her face in the cell, with the fork which she had used at her meal buried in her bo som. She lies in a precarious situation.' A local doctor of medicine at Bath En• gland, has just had a iegacy of $20,000 and a comfortable house left him by a lady who was only known to him by l his once offering her n seat in his carriage. What a- lucky thing it would be for gentlemen in this country if it suddenly- became the fashion to reward masculine politeness after that style. A Newhaven M. D - . has discovered a successful way of silencing the clamors of his landlord. When that grasping person age calls for the paynient of rent - the doctor quietly shows him a skeleton in an inner room, and tells him "that man came here just two weeks ago with a bill." This is regarded as equivalent to a settlement in full. . The Bishop olf Oxford having sent round to the churchwardens in his diocese a cir cular of inquiries, among which was, "Does your officiating clergyman preach the Gos pel, and are his conversation and carriage consistent therewith ?'' ono church warden replied, "He preaches the Gospel, converses °beautiful, but don't keep any carriage." It is the opinion of the Pall Mall Gazette that the Prince of Wales, moved by the great popular demonstration on Thanks giving Day, will hereafter be a good boy. "We have the utmost confidence," says the Go,xlle, "in the belief that the Prince bas now entered into sur.tii bonds, of affection with the people an he will never weaken or allow to be weakened if he can,help it." The World notes the eliqnges which have been wrought since Maz,zini was born, and adds : "Had the man died twenty years ago he would Iwo been denounced a 9 furious fanatic. Now, in compari,4on with the Commune and the International, which have risen Since hi., rims:, itS a perfectly Ilestot?.iiile and respectable person, ratlior eci:lSCl;VatiVe turn of mind." .\. f . .vho was sympathizing with his neliftli)or .Jones on the death of his soh, .11%i : "You should remember, Mr. •,.Tonea, t 'lore is no less:without some gain. !John, yo.S remember, was always a monstrous ea ter.' "I knew he was," responded the _bereaved , parent ;- "but' to think laid up with the rheumatism all the, -inter and died just in haying time is pretty tough, neighbor - Lorbnzo Brer'tano, the proprietor of the Illinois S(aats Zeitung, lost all Ills 'property by the late fire, and now lives in great des• litution at Zurich. his career lhas been a lemarkable one. Early in lif when the revolutionary suirit was on +many, he made himself (*tutor of Bade , and - When overpowered fled to this countr , where he eqablished a successful paper and was rt).. fined in his old age. • -It is dreadful to think, and impdsiible to imagine, what the new spectacular play "Lalla Rookh" must be. The New York Titne4 says the playwrisht "is certain. ly not fitted to edify a NeNY iork audience." The "Black Crook" ran for years to the ed- ideation of New York audiences, and if the new play is worse than that—but this is im possible; as the days of miracles have gone by ! New Orleans merchants have gotten our. and aro industriously circulating business bards so closely in imitation.ef the Federal fractional currency as to readily deceive casual observers. Several of these have been dropped into the ticket boxes of the street cars, and so folded that only the let - ter X, in its ground , of green, could be seen: iThe cheat was not detected until the box was emptied at night. Getting up such cards is a violation of the United States laws. The Cleveland Leader says a gentleman of leisure in that city, who resides on the West side, and prides himself on his per appearance, lately sought to remove a grease spot from his coat tail by the free use of benzine, and then stobd close to the stove that the odor might evaporate more quickly.. lie was quite correct in his theory but unfortunate in practice, for before he could say Jack HoDinson he was turning cart-wheels through the window, and there was not enough coattail loft to make a "weskit" for a - doll baby. He does not ride horieback now, and sleeps ibn all fours like a mule. "Boys l" said a school teacher the . other day, "what is the meaning of all that noise in the school ?" "It is Bill Smith, sir, who is imitating a locomotive." "Corns up here, - madulA eall Ichttlook4„„.ro a...tog m t g. 7°ll 7111 11. William," said the teacher. "If you are w '7' 1114 la alw i r II " "-8 snob*— 'turning into a locomotive it is high time you were .4. witched off 1" WICKHAM - & FARR TIOQA, fix. EOM Second Stock Pall and Winter tIM•C>C:7OXI O leg 7- , and IN gelling them at their uUu ILACENSR7 rt.ELTO fat 6. EUVNI ..~ - -~ sr~^' .. ~. . ~. ~ s: Jinit call and 110 wbat a gOO4 wartnient we have, dat. 1, 1872. - :"-NiTICISIVaI di XABR. Real Lilate Ageiiet4 THE hadirelgtted, ll4gpnt for tit AM of the to tug TOWS PROPY c 60 VILLAGE LOTS, , situate cm the Iflttuttsall rcaCt sail Shit* Stditst. Theft lota are In the mini part of Way sod conatteat to the Rail Road Depot. SEYEIML LOTS Ctuated on tho Una of the Rail Road, and suitable Ite MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. These lots will bs bold on reasertakto tams. Jan. 1.147 L T. 7E1.. 13istia-Is.err'es.: CHEAP CASH STORE,: has s full assortment of new goods, snub V. !-; FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY (31-00DS,- Wblot) id' be sold very cheep • . LADLES' LB SRI GOODS, BIITAXIS, 'ALL - Pisl4lDtl, LMMOD WEIn2 PIQUV . .. CLOTHS LL'IS AND ' CHX/ POP DS, • - • , • Glove!. MUM; knit Goods and Notion& Choice Grooeries. • EkxlD. ToWm, Syurp Rico, Waste% Teei, Czar/cars, Sait. FM, Eloui• HATS at citS4 W4m . sztqW, EIMDZBO, woompti TrAnz, ac. Cash paid, for . )3L AIL'S, or phimed on Conifoliiion: J•p.. 2370, H a • ir_.Vigor9 s g43s,_aia.ck. fresh:oo.7 of youth. Thin hair is thickened, failing hair checked, -andlialdness often, though no always, cured by its u4e. - Nothing can re-store . the hair where the aro. de stroyed, or the gland:; atrrThied ami decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and s'timit lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is pred.nced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use WM prevent the hair frotu PuTing, graY...or f¢iting oif, and consequently I.,reveir: The ' - restoration (A' virility givei to the scalp arrests and prevents the foirnw. - tion of dandruff. t ,-. 0 un cleanly r.:1:1 0ffe.114;•.-ethose -deleterious. make , some prepirtz!uni diniprAias awl inju rious to the the V!gor can only benc,-fit but no-. - alum _it. trantPd merely for a R DRESSING, nothing else can be toured so'desirable. Containing neirlt.u. oil , nor dye, it does not cambric. and yet lasts long on the, hair, giving it a rich, gio`ssy lustre, amt a grateful perfume. i , L ., ~,,, EWEN 'C FEE Mil II !I - I=ll NA15131 SHESMOOD; - sautes. Ayer's to Gray Hair ita and Color::,- Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co n _ Praeticul &tad Anairt!cal Cheiniats, ' . LOWELL,' MA San, 3. 3676. „Ara. o 24?-4, Head 4lnarters , z 2721 Drugs,. and Medicines, for P="M%iltlkiE4W.., • hoice Liquors, Cigars, 4 16:112=0:* Also ft Es 470 cklar-114-: sti 4201. • If• W. A. to easoctoteut of *lib oz one:at 04001103004 . %%=UMW NEM COBNI C WIZO L &a., &a, 411SikrOcterl: ."- ~ :174 1 TN 'LI. I FOO. 81140M14 1 012.2101 1 . /UMW ZUM VT*. sta., ens will oat be amen to wise ca. quatrer.—. will Nal show Teas by ilk* dunk of =gar 111 lia/ banal, e 3 u tow Aram ft, the mine ow be meant at this aide of Near-ark: P. S. TBY OUB 4 lOLIIIINO TE.A. I.Ar'Et t 0114.11 Dr. dticr; . of the Unita 'Mak and way 'gamma's that will not break. and.. %lid Articles. PERFIIitMIX, tot=§•___aLlek____POSLADES. 1311EVEMAG., LMIIMIS CIFT• LEBI AND JEW 9 I, was We bold tavoly deeireble'illlsee lots far sale fit the central pert et the tinne ; and 'Di also loan mow at reasonanie rates. ,N. B. ray. W. -Webb kete' Me rem fa oar dors, ahem rboseceuraltel for ! a d vice treatment. Jan. 1, 1E79-ti GB 3 00=9. Wow Or sviiary -- Store.; vo r i l .aut T E21 4 2 9 4 gPr9 , au4V 4 2 I 3" II AM . Z:11 9 42: ,::= 1 glreurobab3r Store f i t,,t o t t .mmmipadix er e. L. wm... Clocks, FT , atchts. , Jowelry l vOlifer eilid - PlittiWTPVird;. S. D. Weltantifft, one of 04 best workman to nartb. ern Pemaylvenla, will attend to the Itepet,fring ''of -4Plito hos, Clocks, 40., eta Fur the skilful llotoi . cif *Web Ida atrontoeu yews praotioal capoitonoo to atialoient Alv ipurboe. Realaboio - ; itti 2.3,1871-tt _ • fl.m.u- Valuable Real Estate for Sale. Intal72.7.:Bnatray tonowbni • SEVEN BUIL ING LOTS FrasbOzo IS WO mob. • onto bslano9 in two amoral payments. O n/S hint/10ml iotin Was, box% cortuit liarliltriiiVitot , tite. Memo. Throe bonding 'urea of valnabla *oil and tisnloor UM in Voisin oroi altnrloaton Township!. tart of Warta% No. mt. Also. Fifty sows in Monis Township, post IV warrant No, 410. 'Minis/4 J. or IV. V. =EBY. 114 Bas, litfX) V1144 , 411 TR 1 P, 111 ! 0.. For Sal.. ABOUT 110 soma oflan,d known a tie WiSlieSa E. 3Ltbahsiil! arm at =cher* Creek, Wein Cia, Pa. s at with three dwelling howtee, a lawn haw NI.II Rams and othecinkildinolie Ot - the bat location* for a lumbastodor othafautztufg ,establiahnient On the Tioga Railroad. Also, adjoining a lot of about 185 aim, about $0 urea in pasture. Would make a good thruk—tizaber enough on it for fuel, lumber posts. &0.. to pay for it. Malt about 750 acres of timber /mid with e c rrem i a s n i ts, about ut a for gnoeaut ook k t : lta ar r a s iool th Lrsm is° two lots of land of au sore eac.h, sitaatal at 1 1 :pilidal ere lowl. in the bar towns& of I,lhriabgr7.:ol 11Z7risalAri 5 a l. to ,Muhiuse ingtiLts of ira. /Ski 11 thd mumbea at Ilitabelre Creek. C. H. mo m irs. :an. 1, lirra-g. Cards! Cads! Gold! Gold! `'.7lltlng diepb4 dr W i eV X ted in the highest sty ot the art,tuTA. den Ink for Ornamental -writing sent to any address on receipt of prioe. Cards par du., from . 49 cents to UP. Golden Ink superior to any in the market, 7$ cents per bottle. Address, 8, D. FOREGT, Jan. 17. 1972-tf. ' 9 0714 8tp.P.1. BARNIESS' SHOP - UrR. NAVLE, would say to ttlit Cicada that . Ilarnass Shop is constantly stocked with Heavy r andPgl4lfarliesses, made in a anbit e againannei, 'find ‘4llreriter-itt nrices that cannot to nit. Ong ilmte ork short nottOo, =4 In quo but razz. Iti d see. lii. 1, 101ay. ozo. w. /LOLL A diesiiag which i at ce en.l n a effectual' A -f=or n!!!,: 1- t I 'lir. It *kofyi , v;* . f I Baer tEI itS origivai coloi., with ..: r Stock ' of Winter Goo 13MAVY SWRIB,IO , ST All othei Goods will be_ told cit great Wo4,sbozp, ha. 47, 7479. C. Mather. r :17,*6 - Goods L lEZMIIMSE inoosnaums, sink C4lll, wows ACED exam loam Rua to as swum varlsty. Wcdisbaro, Is.. Jam 1, UM NEW Goo t S I UT, illEotrion, Droither, rbrOSSEI CA•CPCO42,6II I Eat. nz a r 420; ea d outAt Dit&glltsverltaltii. Pa I" 1 4 1 .1 15 A i 0 4 I I a aD4 tZ ki ftTr Massy I lab* , &u at lieges tatir,h legui 1 Amoy Goode, Y. aniese Notions, Boots, atm, Hats # Ccips. maws*. gams emu 90 cents to gra,aucc ovg 1......t0 14 "Te lt: 0 4 . 3„00 to • AU. EgaSiONABLE 040143 arc LIXEMLOIDERAZO LO PBIQES. Ready-Made Clothing in abundande. I Els restosi tin - Ibr wows. . oats. Qua(2lW lats " :ooca, Viroalltp n to 1 . 1 % 20 MUM Choice z Groc,ries, EteJs Tau from. -" 60 oeV a tsii" - J "" sirthsts. 25 to 80 oestia. A emus m ... ants. Rarteres Auger al.. .. . oil omits. f EV l iu ktuaii.' r Ow motto b. liar &Wing. i iiiii Wk.. saa swot atbAtico to too .04 1 ...." ithicb is 'kings ttko kW to 11 / 34) ' SW - - We Myth story cats inZliatit of said** in oar has, 14 illva? to 6124ihkee 11, /oak thricab ow sfoook. all In so li v az oto. pleas j o a tto i. show our floods. • - . W. J : 11ORTON It 00. • • Tired, Largest Establishment In No pRUGGIeT . . . beime.=Hatnicrs - Ivo thew.% alma_ • ilioNo, RIIOJU ISLAND Hit WIT ,1,,,_ • All au &SOL-6l:auVrA V- 4. ' . ...,:. :... , A . °ie." . .•• Transfer Ornaments, stripe and Brushes for cOrriage of all clues pood appestanyzito . attr busbies. kept in stock alal• Id" a MIR lINLTPO lON =DMA 4‘T CC Ts iVo MASS 399 M SOS A IMEM • r pnCeSe Sas as anew. vadat/ of earythalS to tom, I ' - r.a _; MIT 11160,ZIPED AT MOM i COXP:I3 m 04114 WIZIABOBO, PA; viviausesa Asx am= Cutter Ornamenting. CPW, MI OKs I reduced • maxim nuiox. 1•3 ne. lattiO, 47/114 v • ; " horn Pa. ! II LIMB, AND COLON, g Penal]ls 1 VIM A ICUS. JITAWELRY STORES! 112VELLSBORO, PA. " • r i r ANDREW FOLEY, z. 7 .14 who bas long been established ,* Il;I f r .132 U.lO • Jewelry =lssas Sa Wellsboro. has al% Ya for Bale. . =ions klada and rim of • . , MERICAN WATCHES, . _ dor 611 , rer. Cloaks, Jewelry, Cold. Chains. eye, = e, Pine. Youclle, Cases, Uohl end 6t6el rens; Thimbles, Fipoons, Razors, Plated Ware, SEWING. MACHINES, &c., &c., Lc th most all (Alta articles Usually kapt ILL such et. :stoments, which are sold low for C A S H• g dome neatly, and promptly, and on film* 1,, 1.812-ly The Stannard Washing Machine; oged the but ,in Market, having . taken the ete et lite Tioga 00., wad othex Fairs, and Is Clectighift the beet washing Mealdnei , invented. It gay swift a trial to *eta* , the wont skeptics/. Per sons tvieldag to Intrchase : will ad&ag, LUKE ErillrfENS, Ting. P ha. 2.3672. . ---''''.".. Dentistry's. 'g a a* -- *se Ir ." litte returned from a visit East. lam now pro posed, with a new stook of goods and instruments, Stip:dor Inducements to those in want of any. 614 In so Jim. Artificial teeth inserted on a new and bass, at low rates. Teeth oxtnteted with. Ot tion of the natural teeth a speciality. W 'maimed. Teruel resacmahla. A.. B. EASTMAN Detist. lan. I. uriv4 Walslxi n ro. Pa. ROSADALIS THE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE ROSADALIS are published on every package, there• fore it is not a secret preparation, eol.2seßueptly S PRESCRIBE IT It le a certain cm for - Scrofula, Syphilis inall its forme, Rheuma tism. Skin pieeases Liver Com plaint and all di seases of the Blood. ONE .BOTTLE OP ' 11,0SAI)ALIS will do more good than ten bottles of the Syrups of Sarsapanlla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rand/Ilia in their patella, for the put threeyears and freely endow it as a reliable Alterative I and Blood Purifier. A 1 12 R. T. C. PIJOII of Baltimore. 'IL T. J. BOY K IN, " R. W. CARR, " . ANNELL, " ' of Y kllcholasviUs, DR; KY' DR. 3. L. McCARTHA, CNumi S. S.C. DR. A. /I: NOBLES, Edgecomb; N. C. USED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH Er SONS, Fall liivey, Mass. F. W. SMlTlldockson hitch. tV. iviaEr.L.rat Ohio. A /110, rep vino vs. m 4: L. G. la c , Alukrees. born, Tenn. Our apace will not allow of any en. tended remarks in4relation to - the t4rtues of liosadalis. To tho 'Medical ofession we guarantee a Fluid Ex. tract superior to any they have aver pled In the treatment of diseased Blood; and to the aillieted we say try Rosadalis, and you will be restored tChealth. L /Woodall, is sold by all /ingests; price 91.00 per bottle. Address DR, CLBECNTS 14 CO. • Manufectoring Chaoirtt, DALT:Uni t *34 L , 0 duly 19, 1921-17 40.ENTS WANTED OR 11V . W%cma PHASES OF LONDON LIFE. ItT D. 3. ItutNvil.4, the Iva-known .7eurnalLet. The Very Largest Commissions Paid. Ude book is a beautiful octavo of ON pages, =bele debed with 200 en/ mein" and finely executed map of Landon, destined anttsseauted exproisly for this work by eminent ardent. It contains a WI, graphio and traded atatierlent of the Sleds. am*, and Reendiens of the gnat NeWoL!stt the world. , datum= Street, Pn Plailado/plat‘ lan. I, iftril4= . . MERCHANT T A iri4ORING I kb.. 0 r ' Ind a superb aa• G'?"1.741r. p a s CLOT 4 3 - . ize. for gentltamexes COARSE &FINE CLOTHING sad is prepared to manufacturo in the MT STYLE, mad on the shortest notice. Persons wanting Clothing N9lll Mame drop in and see my ateoh. Good Frre and the boat 1812Irak puu-suateco. lan. 1.,-Iy. 080. WACINEII. For Sale or .Rent. g a... Qom dairy Oulu in Tioga township. Tioga Co.. Pa. about. 2 1-2 miles west' of the Borough of dant 100 .area improved, and 46 unimproved,— on it three barns, three dwelling house' an apple peach orchard, and other fruit tram Terms off. also adjoining on the weak a - farm and timber lands from 40 to 200 acres as desire!, with 80 sores =ed, with a good barn, a good house and apple o Goad tor a dairyinfg km. 0: B. 05)731012B, Jan. I, IBM- - Ti o ga. Pa. House and Lot for Sale. undersigned offers for sale b 1 House and Lot giut Main street. in Elkland,Pa., at a very lo® lot contains one-half taro and Is wader ord. Midi= Port &c., noto the subs . =and. Ps.. Web . 91. . co. P. E. Mrs. O. P. SMITH, te5411414; 120 W ual elegant 4eaigne in ' and WEILIVCITir C4C9CIO.IDIES, and Wilts the radio to all and flaming good' andP. St ri—no troutao to show goods. PO. 29,1871. Mra, Q. P. MEL General Insurance Agency, NiusoN, TrO & 00., PA. J. R. & J. D. Campbell, Ar an = to t i t t l Rd= &it Wall cora, nil =I Llihtnlng at reasonable mtee. ertravel sad Minim 11elot perm,y in the =Ales of Tingn MOO,. J. H. CAMPBELL. Ziolson. Feb. 7. 11372,4. .1. D. OAUE'BELL. . A EIDIMWEI NOTICER,Tha unebuilgted baring been ap9olnte4 Rn antlit;:w to "tlistribute the rand wising from the Sheriff's sale of the real °stabs of 'Val entine Lon, will attend to the Males of his appoint. mint at ea office of Elliott & Bossed on Tuesday the 10th day of April neat. at 1 o'clock POIL • hitu/0 'Met J. EL BOBARD. Agana. AUDITOR'S NOTICE...Mu,: touu t riload baying .heen ambits& au nutlike? to audit. settle, atliunt. newt =ftibutlon of the fund tlealavett to in the hauls of John L Mitahall, Rumliar of the will of EiteeE Iffitehen. lieneneety 1111.1 eked to the duties of Wimpalatment - at the °Sue of Elliott & Dowd au WMaitic a n s l7th tW7 of re dent, at J. A.. Par Table Linen's, Towels„Nap Table All goals In tabs lime will be largely advance Black Alpatas, Black A. FOLEY Onr stcclt of than goo Is large, and wo are a Molar PrizatemmiL gandsonie Stook. We are also sel/Ing out the tkahanee of onr Winter took of Shawls, Dregs Gocds,, nara and Woolens, a largely minced Vrtoss, so tkat any °se, In need otnueh goods will do wall to tall on na Wort buying C • I - Very Cheap. , 1 eqrsjaa. rob. 28,1@72. =ll4 ' n ;"' D WEED SNIN Does every kind of Work NEW 'IMPitOVI 4- L. BODINE, agent, Wallaboro, J. 8 . . BIIBTED, agent, Blcesborg, ; . . : 9 ;a ••, KnoMile, Pa. zo: :it. 3i I Jr,. agent, Tiogn, Pa. la ROW tWI os goods MUM." for th 4 wintni Tinle. T 413 ans9.itinAnt °ample!'" in sTartlePartma Crockery, Boots alnd S vad invite 414 tho iocriale QVZioga QowAtp VLD Vitt to =AR pni arta 101111kpare plot* Vic cloasst !wars wirt be couvitt that this is the place to pay w art,ortey cc 7• Conio one Sig d have a eke rid*, a good time gtiatnally, an d buy just radtt you 4Dak le 38'4 OP OORNENG. N. T., re. - 1 4 m. EARL SP Tho subscribers invite at • Bads and Shoes THE BEST AGAIN! . . • I \ 1 ' flu recently beat improsigl is nevr i altberit a Clonbtqo Viny best . .., ! 11 03F4W*INT4:31- Never gate out of order, and will run a Deal purchase a Sewing Machine Of any The nelmowledged ctusespion Berinsw Thy Regu CORNING, N. DRY GOODS,. EGEES IEI 4 3Panxi,.037" CA-Coicoates s , d3c. Via The New IRail Otir Sto 111 OEM 4Lt i.movlr Pr & Co., N . mluimmuct C)O3=OS him , 1 ' ING TRADE. don to thet ' t 14A9 STOCK of ToweUlt.'s, Toilet Quin I Ovens; roe I. trade Oats, and early buyers 7:111 ure Mohair% Black Silks, them at ES9 than the present market Rates , , ~ , MA.C.IIINI' .1 'VI 4.CD Eir. /IN " 3F4 -1 in the for gglaprg ue. \ I th the least Trouble, othno nithout reptillv a until yott bane seen the J. E. TZL.LOTSON, tae _Oral Agent, 53 Lakeietreet, N D O. I ' 11 I We are now on , of oecelo, I T. 41.. PABZONS t Co, MPROVED 1 itivirEED,PP of the wor/CL Jan. 1, 187 lator, . s hoes, Notio oad, tt4 Ua to octmo ao I ME oes, Sflinttli & 0