Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, March 27, 1872, Image 1

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ao.--21-ttiemer.ta meet be paid for before in.
on ssarly contracts, whon half-yearly
;Nr2nc.2 rsili be required.
N0:71. , .72.3 In the Editorial columns, on the
15 ocnta per line' each insertion. Noth
est for ices than IZI.
..0rt , :,1 , 41 to Local column, 10 cents per line if
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notaece will be charged 10 cents
Noixts E.O per tout above regular rates
~ .r.rs".llu2n or lees, Z. 5,00 per year.
Business Cards'.
C. IF. Seymour,
A-r LAW, Tioga Fa. 411 bubinass en
, 1:1•J care itiill recerve prompt attention.—
Geo. W. Merrick,
r.Y AT LAW.—Office in Bowen & Cone's
across lial.l4 k fforn Agitator Office, 2d ttocr,
ore, l'a.—J . 1. 11:7.1.
Mitchell Si Cameron,
"i 3 lir LAW, Caim tirvl lusurnneo Agents.
thy Lack, over - V= Order's liquor store,
re, .I , a.—Jim. 1, WI
William 1 . Stone,
.Y AT LAW, over C. D. Rellny's Dry 0031
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1. Is-Tt).
all Emery C. D. Emery,
:I'S AT LlW.—Oflce opposite Court 'louse,
Villll3.r p s . w.rt, Fa. All lmstueSs
:c 1, 1872.
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Upon hl3 battlements he athncls—
Anci.promlily look 3 along the lands—
, Ilia Samos and the Seal
r. 11," he said, "Lbßt Wu survey,
tgyptlan Icing, xa,y po7er obey—
Own, *Fortune Evora me 1"
25 In.
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Ele eroke, luzd from iiiietus sent,
I There, camo a breathless man, arid bent
t Before_ the tyrant there.
'•Let incense smoke upon the shrine.,
And with the lively laurel twine,
Victor, they godlike, hair
-T.he foe sunk, 'smitten by the spear ;
With the glatl tidings Benda mo here
Thy- faithful Polydore."
Andt:cm the griesly bowl he drew
(Grim e!ght they well might'etart to view!)
A head that dripp'd with gore.
lire yet the waning word was spoher.-
13elow, tbo choral joy has broken—
phonts ring from street to street!
Homo-veering to the crowded shore.—
. Their freight of richest booty bore -
The forests of the Fleet-
.71,1, 1. 111`71.
I'm gatting olt.1; I'm nearly sixty T tre years
old now, and not the man I was. Well,
since I must tell you a story, I'll 'tell you
how a sprig of holly once 'saved my life.
It must, be—let me see,—aye, it was nears
ly forty ors ago that I was traveling thro'
a rather wild part of Ireland. Though I'm
well-to-do now, I was but a pig-jobber then,
as my father had been before rue. learned
a fair living, certainly, but I had to work
for it, bought pigs at nearly all the fairs
in Irelarlil, shipped them for Liverpool, and
made a small profit on each shipment.
It was somewhere about Christmas time,
and unusually severe weather. (We had
quite different winters forty years ago to
what we have now.) I was on my way to
Cork to buy a lot of forty or fifty pigs, and
the snow lay•so thick on the ground that
the crossways were dangerous, and 1. was
compelled to stop for n day and night at a
sort of hostelry, half shebeeu, half inn.—
'Fliere wasn't a human habitation about it
for a circle of four or five miles except the
wretched huts of the peasantry. It had the
strange sign of the Garden of Eden, altho'
it stood in a wilderness, surrounded by mo
rasses filen with dangerous bogs and peat
oleo. The landlord's name- was Patrick
0 - ea, and he was a widower, with one
dau:hter, wbo helped him retail his whisky
to sue of the wild " boys" around as could
furnish- be half-pence for it. .Norah O'Fea
wa.si ome folks would have called a
" downrig. pretty colleen;" but I - never
fancied her. tike was handsome, certainly
—straight and tall us a poplar, with (as dui
Irishwomen, nearly, have) very beautiful
black hair lioWever, tht , re was A cold,
restless glitter in her eyes that feminded me
oi a snake. I don't know whether you ever
saw a viper in a peat-moss, gliding away
"lilt an angry stare at you, when you have
disturbed it with a stick. • Vi'eli; that is ex
actly the lovic thut v, as in .Norah O'Pea's
tm trnvi-1-
1 -".7V.
7. -, . , •?..(,.:2. -
• I had arrived at the Garden of Eden about
Fix o'clock in the day, but it might have
Loon two h o , t rs after when I waS sitting at
a meal of bacon and eggs in the 'parlor (they
dignilled it by that name) of the Sun.
I"et was absent at a v. - u!o severed miles oif;
tad not expected home till the inorrow, or
the day after that. the whole manage
ment of the business fell upon :torah,
' The room was really rather a g oo d one,
partiy like on Enghsh top-room, and partly
like a kitchen. 'lt had a sanded fl oor, a „, i
several liitie wooden tables stood i n aff eren t
parts of it, each with U. spittoon un d erneat h
it, anti tobacco and pipc, ready - on it_j o ..t ,
in fact, as you may see in the tap-room of
any English country public house.
NA one end of the room was a largo (Ad
fa!,Lioncti tireplace, at which :N or „h
e, as carrying on tee culinary-
business. Le
sh:es m self (1 sat clone nt o no o f t h e m i l,
- a - etc three or fear eustomors
tt at the other cad of the room—sonie
nhiqiy soul f,mohin, o th ers, lik e m y_
sea', an evening wed). Th e y
ed to be ut the supezior class 'of tenantry,
and one, I fancied, cos a drover, as well as
VI ell, T. had finished' my supper—which I
must say I enjoyed heartilv—andj." - was ta
king a whiff at my pipe, 11 ittz an Occa9ionni
zip of dor,nright genuine Irish whisky an , .l
v,"ter—whishy that brought the. tears to
your eyes, and almost took away yotir
oreath—when the door opened and in canto
a stout, thick-set young fellow with an enor
mous shidalah, who immediately made him
self very much at home. He had a bullet
shaped head, and deeply-set eyes, and
there was an extremely overbearing way
with him which reminded one of a swag
gering pi izefighter, for all prizefialtten, you
know, swagger.
Nora! U lea took no notice of the new
comer, who took his seat at one of the ta
bles and helped himself to whisky,tusik the
whole place belonged to him. Presently,
when the young Woman had finished ht.r
cooking, she advanced toward liar vi tor--
la: was at the next table to mine, and I could
hear all they said—and wished hint good
evening; and indeed it was evident front the
manner of both that they avers engaged
1. ; I.Mc,
' AnstlAing in_cur line?' lie inked iter at
\Vhlsht, Deazds dear,' she said, casting a
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.•Yfith thee the ands their favor share,
and the, who once tblne equals were,
In thee a monarch know I
Yet one there tires to avenge thereat,
or eau ray lips pronounce_ thee blest, —
While on thee frowns the roe I"
The Emtien king recoil% in fear,
'4iela not thy fortune yet too dear—
Bethink thee yet," he cried,
•}Thy .Eleets are on tho thlthiess seas ;
They fortune trepables In the breeze, ,
And floats upon the tide."
Astounded stood that kingly guest.,
"Thy luck this day /12118 t be contest,
Yet trust not the Unsteady I .
The banners of the Cretan foe
Wave war, and bode thine overthrow—.
They near thy ear.da already!"
Scarce spoke the Zgyptiari king—before
Hark, .4Tictors—Victoryl" from the shore,
Ana from the seas ascended :
"Zecaped the doom that round ns lower'CL
Swift storm, the Cretan bas devoured,
And war /tacit is ended t"
Shulder'd the guest—"ln soott," 320 faltertl,
"To-t3ay thy fortune smiles unalter'd,
Yet morn thy fete I theod--1
The Gods oft grudge what theyvhace given,
And zio'cr uninix'd with grief has heaven
Its joys on Moltals shed
"No 'ere than thine my role has thriven,
And o'er each deed the gracious Heaven
ITris, favoring, smiled as yet.
Taut ono beloved heir had I
God took him l-1 beheld him die,
• Ilia life paid fortune's debt.
wouldacu 'nape the oomiug 111
Implore the dread Invisible
Thy sweets themselves to sour
Well outs his life, believe me, never,
On whom, with hands thus full for ever,
The Gods their bounty 5110170 r.
'4111 , 1 If thy prayer - thc. Clods can gain not,
Thia cotmaal of thy `.::end disdain not—
, Th . :lm own anotor b3I
.ku3 what cf all thy . roe.dly gear
Thy deep Est h‘art eateema must dear.
Coat into yonder sea!"
Fzmisa ihrlU 1 to hear the 114v—
••:-zo pthis rich 02 dock thin ri.r.g
no wealth of 2aracs' cave .
Iy thlv.—() may the Fat Thre,
I.ly Out of fortune pardon mr-1"
L'zisl. tha
xi,a whet% the toorrew'e down begun,
Jcyons earns a nahc•rtuan
Before the prince.--Quoth
"Behold this P. sh—oe fair a spell
Ne'cr yet repaid the snorer's ton,
I bring nly 'teat to thee!"
TLe coil. -- ta then the Lill be6un.- ; -
The cook ran feet to cock could run—
"Lech. leek:l—Om:Liter
The ring—the ring the so did
I found the roe::: within—
WZ.ra ever like thine!"
hilror,turna the kingly guest—
" Then lon?r. here I niis" not rest,
I'll h.m.vet no friond in peel
The :Jade have marked , thco for their prey
To nhare they doom I dare not etayl"
lie spoke--and put to sea.
A Sprig of Holly
side glance around. Sure father .toltt me
before les went to give ye this..' '
She produced a large, aquarejetter, Writ
tis'n in 'a scrawling hand, on coarse blue pa
per, and fastened with a common red wafer.
The young man perused it basally, and:n
gleam of-satisfaction lit up his bulldog-lflie
face- I felt that he took a stealthy glanee
at me, but I feigned to be busily engaged in
mixin g my_ whisky and water.
At fast, after a few lover-like passages be
tMeell the pair—such a' paint—the young
inAn depavlo, and I. wearied out bythe fa
tigues of the day, desired to he showed up
at once to where I was to sleep. Much to
my surprise, Norali O'Fett demanded pay
ment for my supper.
' I will pay all together in the morning,'
said I, astonished at the request.
But she insisted, 'and declared it was the
rule of the inn that every customer should
pay at once for all he had. I felt embar
rassed as I remembered that, except a. few
coppers. I had 'no small change. Thad fifty,
pounds in my pocketbook' to pay for my
pigs, but I did not care about exhibiting the
bank notes in what I now bad a right to
consider questionable company. However,
the young woman persisted in so vixenish
and iletermined a manner that there was no
help for it. I pulled out my pocketbook.
You may see,' said I, 'that I have only
bank notes, so your reckoning is ,safe.' •
She coolly took out one of the notes, ex
mined It, and finding it perfectly genuine,
returned it to me. • ,
. .
' Very well,' she remarked. New lam
smisßed. Come this way.'
And she led me to the apartntent where I
was to sleep, and giving me a light left me.
It was a loft rather than" a room, but of
small dimensions. Still It was not uncom
fortable; and what pleased as Well ati sur
prised me was to find a good fire burning.
I. scarcely expected that so much regard
would be paid to the comfort of a chance
customer. What did not appear so com
fortable to me was, that in the door of the
room—if room it could be called—there
was a large cleft, as if a piece had been cut
out by a hatchet, and through which I fait-.
sled the cold air must penetrate.
Lying in my small bed,' which Piked this'
door, I could see through the aperture_ on,
the stairs outside, at the bead of Nvlgar
stood a large old-fashioned clock; which
kept up a perpetual, but nobunplensant•tlek-,
irig. It seemed, at most, like compaay, in
that lonely place; but as I laY bed I could
distinctly watch the hands of the clock
of tcontinuing.their round, for the glow.
he peat fire shot a light upon its face.--
I bad laid thus about an hour, and bad re
plenished my fire from a basket 'of peat
which stood beside the hearth, 'and crept
back into bed. I had not the least inclina
tion to sleep. I experienced that wakeful
ness which all of you have probably axpe
rlenced when In a strange place.
Whilst thus I lay musing,- and watching
the hands of the clock—it was just eleven
o'clock—l heard a light, stealthy step on
the stairs, but almost immediately a face
presented itself at the aperture In my door.
1 had the presence of mind to feign-sleep,
but I could see whet was going on with my
sli«htiy-opened eyelids.
The face was the fatic of.,lforah ()Tea.
After she had lookedlin, she applied her
ear to the garin the door and listened in
tenth..9atisfled, apparently, by my regu
lar ineathing that I was fast asleep, she ad
vanced to the clock and stuck before its
fen a great branch of yew. Then site de
. I leh is if I must be 41elmilog. What
could bring a young woman out 'ot r iter--bed
in the night to , ornament a clock? 74.1 y room,
the room below, and the passage itself, were
already garnished for Christmas with an
abundance of evergrectisholly, mistletoe,
hay, ivy, and yew.' Could she be walking
in her sleep? The thing appeared to toe to
be strange; and if I had felt little inclina
tion to sleep previeusly, I now felt less so
than ever.
So I lay on, watching the clock and won
dering wnat ail this might mean, when sud
denly an irresistible impulse came upon me.
You must all know what it Is to be seized
occasionally by some strong impulse to do a
thing apparently trivial in itself—as, - for ex
ample, to touch a particular post in passing
down a street, or to turn over a certain num
ber of lea.. - es in a book, or, it may be, to
turn down P. particular street.not in-your
direct way. If you have not experienced
this, you ate different from myself, and no
words of mine can ' wake you understand
my feeling.
Well, the impulse that came over me was
to take out the spray of yew which Norah
OTea had fastened over the clock, and to
replace it by a spray of holly.
I glanced, by the light . of my,peat fire,
around my room, and saw the very thing
for my purpose.
Over an old•fashioned Worsted-work sam
pler—framed and glazel as some great
work of art—hung a most glorious spray of ,
Dolly. It was literally covered with bright
scarlet berries. , ' •
Taking this sprig, I withdrew the hranch
of yew from the'clock:and placed the holly
in its place.
To this day I cannot tell H hy, but its I
crept hack to my bed, I experienced a
strange thrill or satisfaction, as if I had
done some very wise and clever thing.
Another hour knight have .passed away,
and I was still lying awake, ruminating on
this strange occurrence, when a second time
i hear,d at footstep on the stairs. This time
it was a heavier one than before, -- and4hough
I closed my,eyes and I feigned sleep as previ•
ounly, it u as with ft beating heart and in no
little consternation. !Through my eyelids
I took care to see who this fresh intruder
might be. To my horror, it was the bullet
headed young giant who bad received the
Jotter front :Norah OTea.
My suspense did not last long. Ere glanced
in at me from the - cleft at the door with
s.cu , Al that made my blooil tim cold. Then
he glltiwed up at the clock, and uith a sa y.=
u ,,t; oath of disappointment departed down
tie staireasc its stealthily us he had ascend
ed. What could all this mean?
You may be sure I did not close my eyes
in slcep that night. I resolved, - no matter
,b(e.y sevete the weathci, to leave those
strange 41..;:rteni in the morning.
With the earliest dawn I was astir, anti
tatttursily looked at the old clock with sonic
curiosity. I luul no sooner cpened my door
than tnneye fell upon a letter lying upon
the floor!al my leet. It was the coarse blue
had seen O'Fca hand
to her sT.‘etheiltt the previous evening. I
will leave yea to judge what my feeling
were tvlien 1 perused its contents, which I
do not give in the exact language of the il
literate writer, but which was in substance
'" Dc uttle, tf nay of them cattle-dealing
cadgers come here on their was' to Coil:,
an , l - tvant epiking, tina out, ,^,"s "I
„ n; d oingto Tim 310ot/ell wake. If there's
anything to be done, will put a branch' of
yeo. - in front of the old d o ck ; if not , t h en
a branch cf holly,"
"Dili then wa tiro mystery:-the yew shr ,
that I - svaz• to robbed—probabr
murdered. hudy could be easily hic
awttv in Etty of the bog - tholes that suf.
rtlt- afica the tl:trden of Eden. And who
w•.t.lid ;ita:6 inquiries :trier insignificant
pi.,..3. ) 1,ber? Thus my insiiEvtive impulse
to l epiace the yew by the holly—not by the
bay. the Ivy, or the mistletoe, remember,
aNhough there , WeiV plenty of all these
around—in ell probability saved my life.—
You may he quite certain I lost 110 time in
forwarding my c::pulsion front the Garden
of Eden. I did no: 'scruple to steal away
without pay lug my teck'oain,g. Would you
have scrupled, gentlemen? I could see now
why :Norsk wanted to': ascertain what my
pocketbook. contalried. I never stopped—
although :tree deep in snow—fill I reached
the Le. , trest town, whence I proceeded to -
Cork. I'bought my'pitts cheaply, and sold
them well. prom that timel throve, and I
inn now a man of substance. But that
;Ave rt all, I shall always believe is en
;ialy hig to that sprig of holly,-flopy
A `-`:"T.'4A;i l :3l: .P.EIENOMENON.—Lost liver,
in Orange county, Indiana, is so named from
the fact that it has no outlet, but dioppears
in the ground about seven miles from I.4a
cw,ter. The well of the Louisville,. New
A.llatay and Chic go Railroad at that place,
which is forty feet in depth, having Jailed
to gupply say longer, it was- determined to
dig another well about one-fourth of ,r 1
Soath of the present tank: :Ur. JohaZahn,
master 14eCliallie of bridge construction
and in charge of water tanks, located the
- •
WELLS r";. 420; nook. WEPXESDAIY,, ! ..MARCJI 27, 1872.
well by the superstitions forked 'newel stick,!
and proceed - ea to have it dug. At th depth
of eighteen ' feet the .men, *track !rater,
which came up through !the grave with
such fOrce that furtlyeE„ digging bad to be
abandoned, Font! overe.
The well,:and pumping.; line' been going on
for severeldays, so its to enable the masons
to wall .up the well, bat so for the Work has
not,beea successful. It is belleratl at the
rush of .water is from the bed 'of Lost .riv
er, which:disappears In- the !ground !about
seven:miles from thatlioint--.—DetroX
A Characteristio A fter-Dirtair Sire •eh
- -''Afew. - weeks ago the proptleteas f the
Aldino:l=srese, of New , York, gave a inner
-at Which many of the literary mon'o the_
country were present. After the cloth war;
removed, specch-maklng was indulged in,
and "Mark Twain" spun the fattening
characteristic yarn, Whieli must liave 1 wriul
a decided aid to digestion:
Gentlemen. I would rather addreirsii laittie .
dinner party than any other assemblage in ,
the world, for the . reason that when: you
make a point, those who have -been-listen
ing always
_applaud, and those who! have
been talking-to each other find did not hear
it, applaud louder than anybody - elifte; end if
I only - had a speech prepared for tide `iocna..
sion, I would take genuine...delight in deify`.
ering it. [Lattglater.l,But I got -the notiff 7
eatloriltei bili - Prearat at this dinner tlii eVe
nint'al half-past :eleVen this - morning, or.
pay what. - I. owed to -the- Aldine- establish
ment-,,and I had to leave half 'an *hirer after
that in - order to make the trip, - -he I hierio.
oppounity • of preparing_h apieeh,' tia I
am not one of those , gefaitisee r who can make
a speech impromptu. I have made a [treat
rriany , kappy_impromptn-speeehts;iffiffhad ,
timft, to prepare them: ILAtighter.) ' .j . ,
'lbw it is singular, and 1 suppose that,-but
for taeircumstance vvhich.happe,ned when I - ,
f i e
was fourteen . years of. age, I. mightllava,
rusliedidindly into realimpromptus 11-1
:es, and lajnrednaysttlf. a geoddeal." [. Ugh- .
-ter , ) Thia - ..'*cumetanCe awhich . happened.
Wheal was burteb, Nears otage Inis al- •
WAYSproteeted me ligaintt"tuag"pf 1 that •
kind,-'and#lo.led mOOtlifnk. 4,p:tea-deal
-now I . top mitkka;goOdAeab.aerifilOY
Elanglifeil f /what amay ': , 14 - 9,ahlyz be, the,
-movingaaprintr of b litiintiti.`„nclAnn.;; - Irlibt .
, a thAt• 1 4 n*„ re/YalMat.nef)44;i;ft• igocalitiorailes* •
ten: [Lauthter. i I mean it has red,-tde to
. .tineatiortin thy owtfrriltidMrat fifty:probe,
- lily have bean the - incident» in a mau l- ile
whiclaqfave remained with him longest-,
whether they were important incidents, or
whether they were merely `trivial prick I
have almost come tn. - the conclusion that the
things that stay longest by the man Land
shape his action in after life, ara) illy
things of trivial importance. - '
NOw I call your attention to the fact, in
support pt this argument, that. Newton
when he was—well,Tdon't know what ho
was doingt. I make no insinuations against Newton; I don't know what he was doing
in the apple orchard; [laughterl; 'hut. you
know lie saw the apple fall, and tliittt(sug..
Bested the idea of theattractithe of ,gratrita
tior.—l call your attention again to that ex
pression. [Laughter.) And -then again, I
one, of the greatest inventors that ever lived
—I ant sorry for your instruction, I cannot
call his name—was led into this matter of
gravitation by havinttowait upon his .i.rio
' ther 4 while sbe was hearing confession, and,
seeing the pendultim moving backward and
forivard—there was nothing else for Win to
contemplate—that set him tato the matter
of: looking at meohanics, and he invented a
reat many things; I-don't kuow what they
were, --- now,--it was trivial, you - know. And
Galileo, loaffiround in the eathedral at 1
Phia, not knowing sat he was therei,for, I
or how he was puttingan his time, saw 1 , and'
took note of the gentle vibration oil the
chandelier to and fro, - and through tha 4 in
vented the pendulum, which is unclersiood
to have made a revolution iiiineeliii ice,
and I suppose it has. I take tile. - ., lee .oeti
things for granted.
All these , are trivial matters, 'tau hey
brought about vast results. Now the t ling
that made - the deepest impression on my
mind, and has lastedamtll this moment, was
a matter In itself essentially' trivial. It oe.
curred when I was a boy, and it has protec
ted me, up to this tithe, against tanking a
speech when I hadn't a speech prepared.—
It was a remark made by a t'siend. He laid:
"I could have ketehed - theui eats if IJit, ad
had on a good ready.'! [Lau, ter.) • INiow,
at first glan9i, that doesn't tanker to eptivey
an Idea, but it does, athl the meat of it is
this: don't do anything' hurriedly, don'talo
anything unless you are prepared: to do' it ;
therefore, until this moment, I never bare
made a speech unless-I had that speech all
set down and ready. - ,
This incident is of no consequence to l you
at all, and yet I never made u speed). inl my
life unless I tried to inculcate a moral, unless
I tried to convey instruction; and if I ;can
make you bitter men than youtire—it lanot
for me to say theraiaroonot,forlto : hough I
suppose the •e is, Ilaughterl-Af l'eali 'Make
you wiser than I,y9a are, or it I- ate- protect
yea in after-life as I - hate' been protected,
'let me do it herd, - aten;,if 'IL:. - Pertsli on Itha
spot, NOWL this pit* Oecttrred in this wise,
Aa trivial'es it,is, it -is a matter to be treas
ured, I think a end remembered:. -,..„ - - -
When I was fourteen, as - I -reniitikedibe
fore, - I `was living with any pareunr, Who
were very poor and. correspondingly hon
est., We bad a youthliving with tia-ty!the
name of Jim Wolfe, lie was'an eatiMent
fellow, seventeen, yeariohl,- and very dint,
dent. He and I - Slept together—viromUsly,
llaughterj—and one very bitter winter night
a cousin Mary of mine—she's niiirritatuow
and gone—gave what they called a candy,
pulling in those days in the West, and they
took' the saucers of hot and outside of 1
the. house into the' snow, under 8._ , 0, t atold.l
hoWer that came out from the eaves—it l ves:,
a sort of an ell, then, all covered,with i viiies
. , ,_
=to edol this hot candY,la-.-the ', linow n
they were all sifting around there, tin ii in•
the mean time we had 'gone to. bed: , llt e:
1 w ere nut invited to ,attend this - ,--aaa ty ; we
were too young. All these young ladies mud
gentlemen assembled there, and Jim end i
I were in bed. There was about four itic ties
rof snow on the roof of this ell,- anti . our
window rooked out on it, and it was fiertii
hard. .-A couple of tom cats—it - is puss ble
1 one might have been'of the opposite sea:—
I were assembled on the chimney in the Mid
dle of this ell, and they-were growling fit t?
_ .
fearful rate, switching.' their tails a),mt
going ott; and we couldn't sleep at all
nally•Jint said, " For two cowl rd go
and snake them cats oil that chimney."
I vain, "Of course you woulL,l ' 1% ed,
said, I would; have 4 qiighty g
notion to do it." ftys 1,.01
have, certainly rou limegreht outiuu
do it!" I honed he ,plight try - it. 'Jut I
afraid he wouldn't.. 14 Wally 1 did get
ambition up, and he raised the m'inajw
Ohnbed out on that icy roor,- -, ,m twt
on but his socks and a ceiypbort shirt.
wentclimbing along
_On all lows va
roof toward t:113 chimney when; the
were, in the mean time those young ht,
mid gentlemen were enjoying tbemte;
doWn under the -.e:tvesi aud .xyhe a „Ina'!
almost to the chimney henna:lc a pasu , at poi 1
cars, and his heels flew up-and i lie':-nt..t tl , . wn' t
and crashed through those vines, lit' in the i
midst- of the ladies andgentlemen, I
and set
down'ln those hot saucers of candy, [laugh-
ter,] and there was a ;general tittutipole, of
course—and he canie"up stairs dropp rig
pieces of chinaware and candy,uli , tbe ye)
up; and when lie got of) there—nosY, a 1-
body it ; the world would have gone m, to
profanity-or something calculated to reit
„-ve -
the taiiid - nador such circumstante , 4:[,;au4h- i
ter,] but he didn't; he scraped the tood,y_ oh
his legs, nursed Ids blisters a little, and :.,1...id,
" 1 could have keteliett them cats , It 1. hatt
had , wilt good ready." . .1 I . --
,:k..;()W 1 teay this, that if .the opportunity
had so fallen out that I could have had am
ple opportunity to get up a speech, I tottld ,
have gotten up ouc that -*void have t... , Li
you all home—happy, orotherwise; 1. co • u
have gotten up a speech that ,w Quid h• vi.
done Knor to this occasionantrto ine; :lint
under the eircutustautes 1 haVe . had a . Op
portunity, and I. could not get up . teh -a..
speech but as long as you live, it.- - ou Ire
tuctuber-the cireueastantki Al all, vu wilt
remember• that if I hadliad - on a 1,6y4 ri A t,
dy, I would have caught these litetaiy...Aub
here present. [Laughter.)
. .
Now I won't bore you any. further ; Lit
simply:say tikatium ghat to be pres&nt
here; glad to help celebrate tilts oce..sie.),
the new era of enlarged prosperity for the
Aldine, and also the calling to the editorial
chair of a gentleman of eultura like Mr.
Stoddard; and lam glad to be able to alt
with !qt. t)rlght a,eompany as We, and hope
j-oit excuse further remarks from yours
truly. ---2V. Y. Herald, -
respondent writing from Henry Lake, in
Montana:describes the locality as a ;•eene
of 'wonderful grandeur. The lake i. ;;Inla
ted in the Rocky Mountains, at an altitude
of-5,000 feet. atiove the level of the sea.—
Looking from a high peak hear body of
water, he saw the panOrama of the moo;
wonderful region known to nian. For with
in scope of the eve from that point—having
their origin in Henry Lake—are the sources
of five of the grandest rivers on the face of
the globe—born; as it were, in the same lit,
tie lake, and all drinking from the same
small spring. Here the Yellowstone, Snake
and Green rivers, as well as Clark's Fork,
Wind river, Madison and Gallatin, start to
'gather, leaping and bounding In great cata
racts, - and rushing in every_ direction tp
(gum themselves Into the _Pacific - end At
lantic "oeciin4. Beyond a low (mountain at
the southeast, the eye falls upon the specta
cle of the steam ascending from the 'soape
pipes of purgatory, (sometimes called gey
sers) to mingle with the clouds. " This,"
exclaims the correspondent, in a burst of en
thusiastic wonderment, "this Is 'the real
611:1 of the
YOutto Hvoin lowa
E. B. Young & Co.,
Hugh loans ft Co )
Booksellers and Stationers,
and Dealers in
Wall Paper ,
Modena shavoidowf
Yankee Notions.
kicture awes and Glass.
Pictures. all aorta.
plank Boas. all AM.
Newspapera, Ilagaztrom
i` Writing Peaks,
Lae? Etooks /0.4 4 4 141t4 ' 3991141 .
21011 a al Botateta it
Its mai summ..
2 222. 1 , • r •
SPA cveyy =tete tia or& Mtn al troll%
—1 Lew York Defiles at Ono Dollar a month :
_Elmira Dallies at 76 Cents a auCallia.
, -Ilabsarlptlons for a week, trr mai Pritli, or year
,Orders Car Books not M stork prowayttyr temledto.
Itßrese package malted nom New Yorker.
ery flay
—We are Aosta of the !meln Lbw and the Onion
Line of C. Nail Ocean Steamers. Passage ttoketa to
and front any point in Rump° at the lowest rattle
—Sight Draft sold on any Beak to Rl:trope at cur.
rent rates of Baal tinge.
Jan 24 4 16151-17 E =Re R QQ
-T - order Of th e Orphans' Conti Of the county of M
J) ga, the adminletz eters of the estate of D. golden,
asccased, will pell at patio voodoo on Cato vendee%
user 'Mansfield. an the Tosnasidp of ItleAmond,' County
of Vega, Pe.., on, Tuesday the 2d day of April 1872, the
f , lloWiniLibeserlbcd Leal Estate, to wit; . One lot 01
laud, bf.gtotang in the venter of the Wblpplo Road,
and the northwest onruer of the lands of Lorriti Batts.
Thett:e along the lands of said .)3utts. south 9 7 1'i_ des
..arArs east, 201 440 rods to the .east bank of the Winga
Thence along tho game, north 11X degrees COSI
Ad 2.1 U cords. ThlgO-V Slang another lot her:;:lnatter des:
atilrod,.north BUS degree* .west 2tXt 8.111 reds to said
• road. _Thence along same, slOntli duress west
lo rode tv the Voce of begliming. Contutruzi4i tautly
e..4ee end vac quarter cf an acre more or less. ;
ziiso anothsr piece of Mad In SW '44'1 7 4 1 0. begat ,
uft.“ at tho n , trtpwgst corner of the let above deearlhed.
Thence along the same, smith 87x degrees east 197 9.12
rove to that...enter or the Volga rivar, ibenee MAYO Use
41r!AC.111 S *ll :%rtherlY di 3 10 101 4, MI 940 rods. I tkon2oo
along the Mud of the Tioga Iran UP. north Kg degreell
west go rorAs, tin nee ley the saille. north .1135 demos
Wort $4 thenes by the wets of -- maw,
elna• UAL Illingerlatal and 1. I'. ?dors%
T•orth degrees weal, US 84.0 rods, thence rung
Witt.? of Tinx.• Hutchinson. nixtba Gray &Ad the =RI
WhiNde t 9-4 acuirb, 274 dogmas west 1101.1,9 rods to
tilt I h*le. of ba2fßolug,rientstinnit Itl3t anreaffoore_vr
Also another lot of lAnd. In said township, boon
av-i 014 tD...) uvula r d south by the eststy of, Dengel
1.401 b, deceaiwil„ east by the Win nm e soxi egad; and or;
t..ne r•eet, ty the Tioca River, Containing ,three.quArtors
C.: all sore 'nor; or ioz s, is An frame howls), frame barn,
and a for( fruit trees thineou, and being tnown as the
Silas Aids lot, of Lamb's Creek. , The bast tole Moo,
gon.ealots belauj on the went side of the 'Tiogo Meer.
about• ons-fourth of a toile froze and a part
of the D. C. I.tolden farm; and vary yoloctiele for the
!iboa qnslitY of tho bud, &boot 100 tierce cf which is in
and for the Eieudeck sad other Tolualde
bor' , M Ake I.minute of said land.
Ti=is t—rifty dull.2:a down at the time of sale, and
eneugh more .courbethettva. thereof, and exe.mtiort
of a deed for the pmantises pUrchased, to tattle ono-
Laic ~fu purehtse motley ; and the balance thereof in
(tut yy r e ar from the date sett with ink-rest. *legated
'on the doliver# of the decd. by Wind an& mortgage la
furor. , ' -
Ndzat 10, /$72-4 A-
TO 'AiNTIETriIFBI3 —Ail peraoap wio 03 *, inPlato
anaiiing continCta neovapapers tor tne insertion or
Advirtiaements almuld, sand to.
- I
006. P. Rowell.- &., Co.
' .....
DA a clrgider, nr_ lila/oil. 25 waits tor their a.. Hrs.
Intro Pad,: Pasty - lI:LEW, tkontaining Lists ,ot 5 Hs Newts,
PsPees .174VVAVOnvea.- i shroslng.the mist of . vertiatug.'
also mankruitil hints to aolvertise3t; ! end SOPA) itOt
ObOnt Or CIVSKId22I4II of MCA Vito arelninvrias, gnus.
ctiuttnl Viirtieere. Wide firm are. proptletorit vitili •
Arnee.ean lielvapoper Advertising rigettay. i ,
___ s _ '
.., 41' Row,' N.. Y. '
Park l f
arid are I.tieteaskdot iittequaled ihndities tip it&tantidne
tits ipsertion VT AdvortWeDl4lA4 In dt ItlstinPerk alakt
Purt , ktlealv at toWest miss., .latn. 10. 18'72-Bna •
rrifE orAciii-thrzitßs of the Cowaneaqtte
.1 _llan Wyatt wilt please take malice, that an assess
isle..t of ten le: •tt.xtt hes been wade on each 'share of
theltoek of the C.owttneartve Valley Ran flour, to be
Jac Ott the t.art,h, (4) day vf appi next, and payable at
the Lltlice 1.. f the L'eaSUl'(r%
, C. L. Pall DION, fteo'y. kllYeas.
--Elklanti, Ps., Moth. 20, iB:4 lit
• I
.•. k •
eOT.Tt.T-Ni )7111';
INleodo o i i fOli - TIC COV ItiT •
•••• Thu Atulitor appoint.. 4 by the court to distritatte - th •
I rands Witte hands of 9. B. I'Vaeriner, Admin;st.at r of
the (Aida:t e tt the ashi Theederus Lesrlsouilate of said
ecentY, voAed, Wilt meet the parties interenteil, Co•
tt.o purposes t‘f W i t appointutent, on MONDAY the I.sth
oay ..t Lil 2. at 2 o'ctock P. M., at his (nee
Nu. U. bower, (111.A . 6 illook. - Stain Street, Wellehoro,
Pa. -- OW. W; I.IERRICE. A
3f Lei N, its„, Auditor.
----- Pro,,..e.mts of siwriff's Sitio.
The ii - Z , Etsg_42POlutta bY tilt Court to &I')
LOOLIeY6 In the E- Fla 4, Ea:Jana
( . cUttilt 4 ), angling' a jircUelat. sale a thaf
or R. SI ay.tt i 1t
3CILL.9, ju41,7 . ..1et-.41t 131
meat pat Lai Interested. .for the pnrpr
April 3 Btb,
'at fiebelz P. t ll ,at h,a (act N. 13, }3.01.1
EAAHIk, tliaul Strett,
"..e, le:2 ,Itc. CiLp. tC
liLE CL1).7,P.1 of CO-UNti.). P)
C0(. 7 1%; ri. - •
ot-tillexcirs Sale ;
fitc .I.a,l4o:appoiatouby C ; g4
Cs MI6 t- , t 1 tO 'or e La:
. tr‘n,u. s•Lie !..z•
0 0 1 , ,LOALI, IV.ei t -.4i •
in Baal Court, w . ,
la.u•voses of , I
DAY, 2..ptil if.:l4 at c:•:•‘Ls-k
V,. _
' ioaghto -,
Oft. & CO.,
:Aga; ste..tur.s . rs sit
Buggies t Sulldee,:
tTI Ont EPRltit)...7ati;CiL
We , Br ! prxpated to do tprlixig its nut 11.t:o 4441
I:tA:C{ , aaA tht I:est e..- 5id!a44,115;4 gearaz
t,zod. 110IIGH 11'TON, 04 S CO.
..STP.43S COLES.. 3 a:mtieSstocrro:
St. •ny Foric,.Juu. 1, :572.,
W. NA - VIA; o:Oritt:ll.2.y: to latrioudi that
Liartaers Shop is pottgautlyittocked with
Heairy, - 114:1, Light. Harnesses )
riAlitiS4tiii.ral at - p.q,ocs
thgt tG
berit wcwkinen evaployed, atla nave but the bt.st
lueeicriaJ usuel.
Itopti:rlng tloue ou shurt uoiuu, and lu :he Left tura.
Del% OM and sae.
.-Jau. 1, 1872-4
Valuable farm for Sale,
SUBSCRII3.4II, owing to ill-heatt.t4 etTere his
I, &tin for role, eltnstr.d in Charleston on the Mani
item mod, recta one info from the old Fellows' betel,
Said P.xm ceo T a dtvido4.l into Jarmo et, din t public reM
puede through the center, lwridg tnro orchards on
°Vier Mite. contenting about chi acr,ea, 80 mires itnprov
e3,-a name house and two fin barna thereon. .IWd.
farm is to u geed state et cnltivittion, dull will 1).3
saint Ixtrtiou of th.o putt: 4eo money can
main against the farm. For AI her infottnation,
ittqu.no of the subs.:rther ka.. the omisee.
Foreign and . Doinesti Liquo
BCIHT for cash, and to be sold for cash, at cash
T igie. Credit system played out. •
_ PO as you go," is a trite old maxim: and. when
Una up to, the tree doctrine:ear both seller and buyer
Intend to sail goods at small profits, for cash, and
y triad from old patrons, and front
ritr ali ters mho wish to buy groceries and staplegood
at oboe Brims. W. P
January it, b 312. tf
Asia .bgtsmetie BO in fitrirs. Plehttt;
and Plain Colors., Tbe best Ittal
INT We hits ever offend. Mew a new stock of
. •
' *d§dmistlitrotors
r tuid
. I 'Sal)
t' itri, will
, zed-- id - Iclo_
.i a.. 1.). 3.41,
t eu S',Cvwe's
. .
. E.4,..1 LICK.
AS '''
t '
S FO4 Ti045,..1.
t to Alatat , ut4 Arw
ivair vi:J. J. ;:iti,ckta.„,
A 1 tuct-t
* apiglitteSitl't 014
;:. tt.a tat::: No, 3,,
q.v.Q, W. NA.VI.E.
CYlotas D. SUL
Altil IS
write, 61.4.... U.:
Agent - for Fine Old Whiskies.
onramio. N. Y .
3au. "
Change of nn
Stock of Goode;
Early Spring Drug Goods,
• desire", penes. Also
New Spring Prints,
felsetasoa *4 Premien ba, groM velqty,
I)Omastics xl4ll kinds, at lowest triartat rates.
Ftrb. 2b, Fria.-sr.
Vitb.DERBY &Fig=
4 tt a wlll sell their entire stock of .
SALE 170'01*
ccosvirror cleakasz{:4
. • -2,..1;p:. ft few
Hats atid Caps.
law ie your time to buy your
BATS AND CAM cheap for a few Sale,
Those indebted to Derby & Vinbler will call • • •
%Is their accounts before April 1., Mt 'without f
notes, as we want the money to buy new g• •
28 1872. DERBY & F z•
- New _Year Goo •
. • -
cay wlllk * Ana
n, WIC Mtn brine d, .low
'whigh are tenolne
Chromos i
and a great varlet?
• / •
1, • !trsti/e. and tt the . vory Piiveat prtoes. Ha is pre.
rcd to male
es of New &Ties,
Choice Fra
Traln'ut Gloods,
First-Class PortraitS,
in ell the hest styles, of Cite day, fromre ,
• tthiphed -negatives,.
It is always s pkaiere tO show goods ; so don't be
backward or. ba‘krol ; but call early and ofton.
-- Mansfield, Pa.. Jan. 10, 2672,-am
, •
Mrs,' '
I S =O7 recciliblg taw and elegant ,designs Ls
.IVEILIII/I.ea . 3r
I •
:17421.2 1 0Cnir Q . C 2l C)3ltitaily,
1.0 invites the publia to call and est.wiine g t ioda
price:. I'
P. S —.No trvuoie its?calli
Feb 2: 1 .;157./ Mrs C. P. SMITH.
JVITERS Ttatarrientary fin the cetate et ; linnet R.
Ir/laan, lute llacluo.ind Tiv;;J. Co..
deas.a.t.ell, having been graut,ki to the underalgeed, ail
I.,rseu.s -baying Wallas agaiest fn.,;(l estate and those
owiu,g the game, are bet eby waned to call tar lento.
=eat on thu erocutrix at her residence ticutehmond
tovreabl,p taore:a.e. MAIIaaRET O. 'WILSON,
:Itiohniolitl, Feb. 21, I€l2-45w.- Foseetttria.
General Insurance Agency,
Muscat. Twat. co, PA
& i; D. Campbel,
Z= prepared to Issue roliwes in Brat 'class Com
iLfrantes on all kinds of bukurabla Potty against
and Lightning at reaavnable titre. 'We travel ar.H
etainhag r.ll risks rs.lfr. ,- ZSAY in the counties of Tioea
and Pottsr, J. }tC? MrZLLL.
!gam?, Feb. 7, 1872-11: J.l). CAMPBELL.
application for Charter.
rHyrzet 18 ngtErly GIVEN that the follos,ing
applications for cbartirs of incorporation haw
teen tiled In my (Ake. ca 4 will be pro/mm.4 to Om
tiirirt of Common Ples.s of T.iogr. county, ltlonalty,
51 y 27. 1871:
Application of Joel Pa: kintrat. C, C. Ward, .Jahn
nobbhis, Winfield Scott. 'et. HI.. under the name of
Tbe First Ifttbodist Episcopal Church." of Elkland
March G. 187.1.3tv I , Proth'y
• Admin.istPatons )
ErrEllEi 'of Administration on the Estata Dikvid
81 "orou , Dde Neba o :3, Ting 0., Pa., haying been
muted t' the nudersitursd, w 1 parsons having claims
airldnet said eatdto and those ounug the same, are hare
by w-TtAffl 41 or I.ltrtvebt c 4.1
Nl4leoo, Mar 4 0, 4704:00N
J. dl. PARSONS & co.
Bt xleturned from WA .
aunt at gnakg in h
ioirei minty, amOng
► ale.
riIRE nridersigekl, owners of a Portable Engine,
LI with a Carding 'Machine, two Lathes and a run of
French Burr Stones attached, are prepared to fill or
dere in their business atiEast Charleston, Pa.
The above property is in good rtumjpg order, and
will be sold at a fair price, and on ressotutbie time.
For prticuistu, izquirb of Geo, W. 3lcrrlek, WeUr
bore, or ALONZO wErmny.
Jan, 1, 113 . 72. - 4 on the premises.
Pitio Fortes and Orga4s!
DERsorts WANTING PIANOS OR °mots will
flnd It greatly to their Intereat to buy of
I. G. HOYX -ce Co.
'e; aro sellitur, t 1 best, Inatrumebts at igrreat
and ou tbo moat iavoiablo texma.
A ilist-olaes possesses ail the following cozen.
tiale, viz : the• tone is divested of all impurities, a par
feet equality of power tluunghott the entire Ileale, Irith
usonanne and duration of tone.
The touch is elastic, equal, easy and respouciver to
every demand of the lingers. '
defeot in any one of thesepoints, will cause a corn.
plata fallUre of the instrument.
We warrant every-Piano for the term of dye years.
ArarTnning promptly attended to by the moat ezper
danced Tuners.
heart:lotion Books of the ruoet - approved methods-for
the Plano and Onranoonstantly on handd.
D. DlEnt
Dec, Is,
Door, Sash & Blind Factory,
101i2iJatIrl AVSTL4, le el to furl:doh first.
ji Plus work from the beitil bor, at bls 120 W ism+
tory which Is pow In full operittion.
Sash, Doors,
natsum, mintsma,
constantly on hind, or Innnuttioto.rett to ardor.
Planing and 'Matching
dam gromptly, ' and to the best manna. The WA
workmen employed, and none but the beet Rearmed
lumber used.. Accrurege borne industry.
Factory near thlt 'fbot of MailL-Streey
Jim. 7, 18711-tt. BMW. AUlthili
Deerfield Woolen Mills
- MD. PA.
'MILAN BIK7TECHRS, Proprietors dt tho • bove Wills,
3. atn toanntectnre es usual to order, to e F costoroere.
are wacratited to every retive4. • 'enter attention
PIM to
Roll Caiding &CI h Dressing
We have a Ririe stock of , • simeres, &0., 23 per
cent less than any competitor, • ed warranted as repro
Wo manufacture to order, and du all kinds of Rolle
Oardixig and Cloth Drees • ; and defy competition.
We have as good an ats•rtnitint of
Full Cloth's, Casi(imeres, Oa,
and give mare fur W.DI in exchange ilyte any other
establtahment. Tr , them and Daddy yburaelves.
We wholesale retell at the Cowanes4tte mile, 2
Vales bedew T x & ,
1.1121.. I.IBU. nicolot noncElts.
* . A -4 3a7-a CIV.IMI.VI.* It
A.:..ND _
r .
La es' ! Fun:llo)h*
_Nods !
MA. B. ORAVE.V Intpount co riathaw
thi Cons Hones Sky. A large stook of Goods
Ins refttved. and will be solE ebscp.
s. E. E. EIMEALL will ha d abaro crf tip Wain
depaltment, and will be glad to soe - am al adendit
:d naw ones at all tirosa. Drop in and ;coo our new
Dec. 13, 1:311,-ly,
New store
AT vocia. PA.,
mil an entire new Stock of
H .•l ..
E. SMITH SE BON, tiz;f i g iw ::
4 u
, f
i t eenepleted Oafs
a new Brick, Store on wbkh is One of
the beat ariatiged and mostinviting st e reo in the soma•
t,r, are now, offering to their old elastomers and the pub..
tic generally a better selected steak of ' •
than ever beforo presented in too borough of T10ga....
Ladles' ware of Burt's males, constantly on hand. Al
so, Mason & liamlin'a Organs, and a ivariety of styles
to select from. All are invited to call and examine
!rices and quality. IL X -81dITI1 & 20N.
'flogs, Jan. 1,1874.4 y,
DlO4 I , VIM rs
TEsa• -
Carriage and Harness Trimmings,-
Coming. :C. Y., Jan. 1, /1319'
Fluid - for Sale.
THE aubecribei . offexa for sale his farm of 66 acres,
pionsontly eituatad in Catlin Etillow,i- Charllo4,toL,
a munry, Pa.; within about four minks of WElla
boro and two miles of Nik.s Valloy &pot. School
house, oburcb, mills, shops, it - c., within a ratio. Terms
may. inquire on the plyaliPCF.; of
May 17, 1871-tf. C. 0. CATLIN.
4 -4 ; l e W fully Sl rza iln ato public that.Ag they
S-• •
444 ' ),) have astablished
- 14116'ery for
At th,eit Stable t
in Peat St. .opposite WheelEt's wasvn
vr double rigs tu.ruiSlaed to order. Mir?
Talzu to 4 , 4.411.7:x14 h iJG3 and wagolts, a3Ji 1 11 top 1 to
lA:irie Prtces rvasuvaliio. WA:I:RENS KkaollA
Jan. 1, 1472.
Tiogaltlarble Tor
wider.,„4.l is Low prep . arc-.1 to execute all or.
dor,i for Total" 2ito.er. awl of either
Italian, or Ratlaizcl Marble,
of the latest style and approrod v. - ortittasel:ll3 and Ttith
disrad<h. •••.,
nonmentiy on Lead both Lintb; of Marti°
and win be ale to 'Ault all who may favor bitri with
ilia: orders un as reasonable tarots Re Ldnbeobtained
In tbeVoutity ffII
.Jan. 1. WO UUI
*,.i" The nabserilyer keans constantly en han4
- Pure Drugs and Oheinirrkls;
...r Pateda and Oils, Lamm , Ztatoneen Yva=
Won, J6n. L 1672. 11. 11,. BORDEN.
11 Am now im.thita,g at ray manufactory, in Lawrence.
I %lite, a superior
Lwhich . pciascasei the following advantages over all other
millr :
. 1. It se Grates rye, oats, rat litter, and font seed, and
'chess, and cockle, from wheat. ,
2. It dealS EU seed. take* out yellow seed. and all
other seeds, perfectly.
1, 8. It clans timothy seed.
4. It does all other separating required of C a mill.
This mill Ip ImilfW the best and most durable Um
bar, In good style, and Is sold cheap for ecti. or pro*
darn.. s•
I itt a patent slave. fcc aellaratia2 oat* from
wheat, to other mills, on reasonable terms.
Lawancert.lls, Jan. 1. 1679. .
lay AVE now an exhibition and sate et tho OIEL piece,
111.1 the lucent and ravel complete nimk of
to be fennel in 2Torthern Ponttylranis, catuketing of
and a fail stook of the octoroon goods usually Rama in
a drat-elms establishment. This above goods arelargs•
ly of their own manufacture. and. yetis i
anted both , as to quality inn. pipe. Th fi er,/th i f r a2"
Woven Wire Ofattrass
the most popular spring bed void; the Teckor
Spring Bed that has bean on trial tbs. 17 and gil
en univorsal satisfaction. Our
Coffin, Re
is supplied with all sine of the libinolator egallet a new
and beautiful style of burial ciao; together with other
Made of foreign and home manuLw3an, wins trim-
Wings to match. They win make undertaking a spec
iality in their business, and !loading their services
will be attended to promptly, dat stabs iketorsr char
ges. Odd picots of Fund made, and Turning of
all kinds done with oestnasi and dispatch.
Jan. 10, 1872. _ Ve,ii nowt ar asaimmt,
Osceola, Pa.
To trecot fir SalteCO 17713.-4fafing eatioinded that
I am entitled to a llttle'reet after nearly 40 Tears close -
application to business, I hare passed over the furni
ture business to. Boys" as per above advertise- -
moot, and take WS method of asking for there the
same liberal patronage as bas bean extended to me.-
49 books may belental at the old place for settlement.
Jan. 10, 18112./ , B. T. VAS HOWL
Dmßwmp=7seNto Mts. MtD
MUS DAV WS e =VI, CON s ciwillATED
9014 at wbolosalo Pace-m,. 131.4..1.11 Inv revigated to
call and get quotations bollore golpg ftergacr Rant. .
nes. A. B °BANTA.
rnttnre and Undertakiiii
I: E
i Van Horn & Chandlor,
(am... to B. T. Van UQXD)
soc 9, col:roux:a, TZTEeLVIZTEEL '
v ra, ram No. 1 DAM M.A.7.`TRASS
TP Agßi
PATENT/111010111111w te, INXIEZIM PEEPt
lc DRY C0L02)3,1
001 NEry k igro OIL 1
Jan. /, 1872,
R. irt.. 24agertr.
( 1 9 1 U-0 2 ,110t to IN P. 110111tEtT) DEALIZt Di
Stoves, Tin, and Ita,rdware
A...geaand Stack of Domere tiectertal /
Btr:fB, LASS, IfINCI4 at.; 06. O! APP
PAP= at al9lll4l:Wren trees,
_ _ 1
.W•Tercus raid prices reason.shle- First door
abo%o Ckuko Hansa. 7 -- R. C. DAILEY.
Jan. 1872.11
F r inrwAY - 111'.,13041
. 4 , • •r.
101AVING. • • -sinned a firat-efass Hardware Stott in
Manst3elet. opposite Pitts Bros., on Main Eitreet,
reepectfully invite their friends and the public in en
=l to give them a call. They licensable:4 rstiafaction
in all asses. Their stock oonsists of
UtON, BEST WORK, arolui
POWERS, /ie.
and a general line of Goods, second to nonct in the
eatuatry, at tha linrest cub Prices•
They two
r ele , o agents ter tho MAW DIOWZR, ITH
ACA VTH YitYtiCiLD =wax roil% AND
w. a. Nurz,
FluNrz; How r.
Mansfield, Jan. 1, 1872
Life, Fire, and Accidental.
ASSETS OVER $%,000,001)
Ins. Co.. of North /pkorlea,. Pa $3,0G0,53.3 GO
Franklin FLre Ir.s.'Co. of Phila., Pa. 2,087.15.22,:,'
Republic Ink. Co. of N. Y., Cktpttal $750.000`
Akers Ins. Co. of Cluolunat. " .. ..... $1,000.000
NtaFro..ru Firo Ills. Cu. of N. Y....- 1,000,000
Farmers Mitt. Fire Ins. Co. York Pa . .- ... . ...ece ,839 15
Taut. L ife Ins. Co. of IlarZoria Ct..:6,0511‘370 50
. _us. Cp. cf Pottsville ' 600,000 00
........,_______...5.24220,147 CA
loins - sues promptly efecta,i by rtes. , l Ur oth.e.
on r.ll anal of Prururtv. All louvres protnptl7 stljusted.
awl raid. line stock. Insured agrinst • d,r.tli. fire or
lam also agort for the Iflr Insulin"lee Co. of
A.llcorrnmaellona iii(Aaptly attomlad to—OMee. on
Pall Strr'd,;i Icl door from Maui at., Ent:a-4110 Pa.
Jazz. 1. /672-tf.
I fi cr w revolving from New York, a Ilto neem:tnoent
AND. •
which idle qem , to t l be Fablfc et low Wei. Erery-_
tblog formil ;n
Fancy Store,
wlli belpept on bond and sold low' Ws oath, The 1 1 711-
bas and Cabo sowing ronchlne.p m r s. T T alr o to rent ;
S an. 1, 1872,
. A un w N
rros OTIQE...The Undersigned having
1 - 1. been appointed fur auditor to distribute the Pula
arising from the Sheriff's sale of the real estate of Val.
entine Love, ‘41.11 attend I to the duties of lea appoint
-merit et the Mike of Eiliott & Boaard on Tuesday the
16th day of April next, et I o'clock
118x2.0 '72. St - J. If. 130SAED, Auditor.
A trnrrpirs- NOTTCE.--The um/enigma Laving
I - 1 been appointed an auditor to audit, cattle, adjust.
taut report distribution of fund declared to bo in
the handa of John 1, Mitchell, Executor of the will of
Edeell 11tchell, &mead, will attend to the &Ale* of
oppointniont at the °Mee of Elliott ar Domed on
'Wednesday the /7th tle,y l 4llApril next, at 1 o'olock p.m.
Slaiel.C‘ htFL 3;IOitAJM 4 `' 1 4 1 ":^7
NO. lg.
w. B. TERars..a. & co
LUTZ k Korn rn