Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, March 20, 1872, Image 1

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    'L. lT IX.
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, abet less space is rated as a full inch,
r. , 1-21-112 ,- Imer.ba meet be paid for before in.
on 2 - wirl, - ; contracts. when half-yearly
;:Meant.: will required.
In the Editorial columns, on the
15 ecnta per lme•oach insertion. Noth
est for ices than IZI.
In Local column, 10 cents per line if
n f.. line,; ; ana f,O cents for a notice of five
,:11:11.31n5 of Itf.leer.toza and LozaTue imertcti
ot,'Ana.r7 notaece Will be charged 10 cents
Noitc.Er. EA) por COES t above regular rates
,urs"s Burn or lees, 55,00 per year.
Bitsiness Cards'.
C. IL Seymour,
A'E LAW, Tioga Fa. All bubinass en
)u.care will recetwo prompt attention.—
Geo. "W. Merrick,
CY LAW.—Odlee in Bowen L COne's
across hall4 k frcrn Agitator Oftice, 2d gocr,
ore, . 1. 11:7.1.
Mitchell &I Cameron,
•Ys la LAW, Cairo. rnd lusuranc4) Agents.
Ithy's 1,1,10:„ ovel , N= Order's liquor store,
re, I , e..—Jim. 1, WI
William 1 . Stone,
AT LAW, over C. D. rellny's Dry Good
r‘-i , t Dtilev's Diorit on Maim street.
t. 1. Is J.
all Emery C. D. Emery,
LAW.—Oflce opposite Court nouse,
Wllll3.rps . w.rt, Fa. All business
10.—J:1:i. 1, 1R72.
J. C. Strang,
.!...,, Vi"E•llsberro, pa...jan.
J. D. Niles,
-Wend pro:nptly to bus
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1b•72-t.f. Covington. P.&
21, ISI":3.-1r
Upon his battlements he stancls—
Anci.promily looks along the lands—
Ilia Usanoa and the 6cs.l
all," he said, ~ L bßt Wu survey,
king, my po7er obey—
Own, rortnne Evora me 1"
..Tfith thee the ands their favor share,
And th'v who once tlilne equals were,
In Owe a rnounrclt not; I
Yet one there fires to avenge the rest,
or eau mp lips pronounce_ thee blest, —
While on thco frowns the roe I"
.I.le spoke, luzd from ililetua sent,
Them came a breathless wan. and bent
t Before- the tyrant there.
'•Let incense smoke upon the shrine,
And with the lively laurel twine,
Victor, they godlike hair
-T.ho foe sunk, emitter' by the spear ;
With the glad tidings Benda mo here
Thy faithful Polydere."
Andt:em the griesly bowl he drew
(Grim e!ght they well might'stort to view!)
A head that dripp'd with gore.
The Egyptian king recOird In fear,
''Mold not thy fortune yet too dear—
I Bethink thee yet," he cried,
'Thy fleets are on tho Standees seas ;
They fortune tregibles In the breeze, ,
AL'( Boats upon the tide."
Ere yet the warning word was spoken.-
13elow, tbo choral joy has broken—
phonts ring from street to street!
Home-veering to the crowded shore--
. Their freight of richest booty bore -
The forests of the 'Fleet.
Astounded stood that kingly gucat,
"Thy luck this day must be contest,
Yet trust not the Unsteady! .
The banners of the Cretan foe
Wave war, and bode thine overthrow—.
They near thy ear.ds already!"
Scarce spoke the Ro - ptiati king—before
Hark, "Victory—Victeryl" from the shore,
And from the seas ascended :
"Zecaped the doom that round us lowar'CL
Swift storm the Cretan has devoured,
And war Itself is ended ("
Sliulder'd the guest—"ln sooth," 320 falttall,
"To-illy thy fortune smiles unalter'd,
Yet more thy rate I diced-i
The Gode oft grudge what theyvhave given,
And no'cr uninix'd with grief has heaven
Its joys on Moltels shed
"No lees than thine my rule has thriven,
And o'er each deed the gracious Heaven
tree, favoring, smiled as yet,
Taut ono beloved heir had I--
God took him beheld him die,
•Ilia life paid fortune's dobt.
woulda.cu 'scare the mating 111—
Implore the dread Invisible
Thy sweets themselves to sour
Well ouds his life, believe me, never,
On whom, with hands thus full for ever,
Ths Gds their bounty 5110170 r.
",4111 , 1 If thy prayer the Clods can gain not,
:Th 1 couLael of thy fS:dend disdain not—
, Thina own anotor b3I
.ku3 what cf all thy . roe.ily gear
Thy deepest h‘2art CEACPIII2 most dear.
Caa into yonder sea!"
F•zmissi thrlll'a to hear the 111v—
••:-;,) pshis so rich 02 deck thLe rlr.g
The wealth of 2ara C O.TO .
thls—O may the Fat:4l Thre,,
'My glut of fortune pardon hi :.-1"
lie Lasi It or, thar
.71,1, 1. 111`71.
xi ,a vibes the tsorr4s ,- ,•'s dawn began,
Jcyor,s us-me a V‘nhc•rnmn
Before the firinca.—Quoth
"Behold this P.sh—so fair a spoil
Ne'er yet repaid tho &mama's ton,
I bring nly lest to tiles!"
mf, c& IT. -- "o3 dreza the Leh be t ,^ma- ; -
The cook ran frAt ce cock could run—
"Lech. leol:1--0 r= tie
TLe ring—the ring the sea - tlid win,
I found the eh's mare Avkbin—
Wva like illiue!"
141ror,turna the kingly guezt—
"Then here Y mit not rest,
hx,vet co friond in peel
The :Jade have marked , thee for their prey
To ehare they doom I dare not etayl"
Ile spolm—and put t. 5 e3a.
I'm getting olti; I'm nearly sixty-fire years
old now, and not the man I was. Well,
since I must tell you a story, I'll 'tell you
how a sprig of holly once 'saved my life.
It must he—let me see,—aye, it was nears
ly forty ors ago that I was traveling thro'
a rather wild part of Ireland. Though I'm
well-to-do pow, I was but a pig-jobber then,
as my father had been before rue. learned
a fair living, certainly, but I had to work
for bought pigs at nearly all the fairs
in Irelariii, shipped them for Liverpool, and
made a small profit on each shipment.
It was somewhere about Christmas time,
and unusually severe weather. (We had
quite dieerent winters forty years ago to
what we have now.) I was on my way to
Cork to buy a lot of forty or fifty pigs, and
the snow lay •so thick on the ground that
the crossways were dangerous, and was
compelled to stop for n day and night at a
sort of hostelry, half shebeeu, half inn.—
There wasn't a human habitation about it
for a circle of four or five. miles except the
wretched huts of the peasantry. It had the
strange sign of the Garden of Eden, altho'
it stood in a wilderness, surrounded by mo
rasses filed with dangerous bogs and peat
•oles. The landlord's name- was Patrick
0 - ea, and he was a widower, with one
dau,:hter, who helped him retail his whisky
to suc of the wild " boys" around as could
furnish- ho half-pence for it. .Norah O'Fea
was+ wha cane folks would have called u
" downrig. pretty colleen;" but I - never
fancied her. tike was handsome, certainly
—straight and tall us a poplar, with (as dui
Irishwomen, nearly, have) very beautiful
black hair However, tht•re was a cold,
restless glitter in her eyes that feminded me
sui.ke. I an't know w hetber you ever
saw a viper in a peat-moss, gliding away
„lilt an angry stare at you, when you have
tii.4ured it with a stick. • AVeli; that is ex
actly the look that was in 'Norah O'Fea'::
1 4.7 v.
‘',L4boro, Fq
7. -, . , ` ,4 ..(,..:2. -
• I had a - rrived at the Garden of Eden ahem
' Fix o'clock In the day, but it might have
Leon two h tl , ; rs wafter when I waS sitting at
a :Ileal of bacon and eggs in theinirlor (they
dignilled it by that name) of the Sun. (/_
I . e/t was nbtent at a v. - itto SCVerfa. Miles ol.!•;
Pad not expected home till the inorrow, yr
the day after that. uo the whole manage
ment of the business fell upon .:.‘lor a h,
The room was really rather a g oo d one,
partiy like an Enghbl; tap-room, and partly
like a kitchtu. 'lt had a sanded floor, an
zieve nd !Ittle wooden tables stood i n c uir o m n t
parts of it, each with a spittoon underneath
Az, and tobacco and pipe, ready on it_i (e .l ,
in fact, as you may ::ea in the tap-room of
av English country public house•
one end of the room was a largo old
fa!Lioncai :ircplace, at which N on a,
carrying on tee culinary business.
(1 at alone at one of the hula
weie three or foar customors
at 11,e other old of the !vont—some drinl:
itt l others like my
sea, an evening luc t il 'hey
ed to be ut the s.upeziur class 'of tenantry,
and one, "fancied, was a drover, as well as
VI ell, E bad finished' my supper—which I
must say I enjoyed heartily—andll"Was ta
king a whin' at my pipe, au Occasional
tip of downright genuine Irish whisky and
v, n ttr—whishy that brought the- tears to
your eyes, and almost took away yotir
oreuth.—when the door opened and in canto
a stout, thick-set young fellow with an enor
mous shitlalab, who immediately made him
self very much at home. He had a bullet
shaped head, and deeply-set eyes, and
there was an extremely overbearing way
with him which reminded one of a swag
gering pi izefighter, for all prizefialtten, yen
know, swagger.
NOrith 0 lea took no notice of the new
comer, who took his seat at one of the ta
bles and helped himself to whisky,tusit the
whole place belonged to him. Presently,
when the young woman had finished ircr
cooking, she advanced toward liar visitor—.
lie was at the next table to mine, and I could
hear all they said—and wished hint good
evening; and indeed it was evident from the
manner of both' that - they avers engaged
' Anything in_eur line?' lie inked her - nt
Nirldslat, petals dear,' she said, castaw
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A Sprig of Holly
Nide glance around. Bore father .told cite
before he went to give ye :
She produced a large, aguarejetter, irrit
ti'n in 'a scrawling hand, on coarse blue pa-
Per, and fastened with a common red wafer.
The young man perused it hasialy, and:n
gleam of-satisfaction lit up his bulldog-like
lace. I felt that he took a stealthy glance
at me, but I feigned to be busily engaged ip
roixiao; tny whisky and water.
At l'e,st, after a few lover-like passages be
tween the pair—such a' pairl—the young
man depavto, awl I, wearied out bythe fa
tiVes of the day, desired to he showed up
at once to where I was to sleep. Much to
my surprise, Noralt OP ea demanded pay
ment for my supper.
' I will pay all together in the morning,'
said I, astonished at the request.
But she insisted, 'and declared it was the
rule of the inn that every customer should
pay at once for all he had. I - felt embar
rassed as I remembered that, except a. few
coppers. I had 'no small change. I had fifty
pounds in my pocketbook - to pay for my
pigs, but I did not care about exhibiting the
bank notes in what I now had a right to
consider questionable company. However,
the young woman persisted in so vixenish
and iletermined a manner that there was no
help for it. I pulled out my pocketbook.
You may see,' said I, 'that I have only
bank notes, so your reckoning Is ,safe.' •,..
She coolly took out one of the notes, ex
amined it, and finding it perfectly genuine,
returned it to me. • ,
' Very well,' she remarked. New , lam
satisfied. Come this way.'
And she led me to the apartntent where I,
was to sleep, and giving me a light left me.
It was a loft rather than" a room, but of
small dimensions. Still it was not tincom
fortable; and what pleased as Well att sur
prised me was to find a good fire burning.
I. scarcely expected that so much regard
would be paid to the comfort of a chance
customer. What did not appear so cora-.
fortable to me was, that in the door of the
room—if room it could be called—there
was a large cleft, as if a piece had been cut
out by a hatchet, and through which I fan-.
clod the cold air must penetrate. '
Lying in my small bed,' which faced this'
door, I could see through the aperture_ on.
the stairs outside, at the head of which
Stood a large old-fashioned clock; which
kept up a perpetual, but nobunplensantlick-,
frig. It seemed, at most, lllie company in
that lonely place; but as I laY in bed I could
distinctly watch the hands of the clock
sloly continuingiheir round, for the glow.
of the peat fire shot a light upon its face.--
I had laid thus about an hour, and bad re
plenished my fire from a basket 'of peat
which stood beside the hearth, 'and crept
back into bed. I had not the least inclina
tion to sleep. I experienced that wakeful
ness which all of you have probably axpe
rleneed when in a strange place.
Whilst thus I lay musing,- and watching
the hands of the clock—it was just eleven
o'clock—l heard a light, stealthy step on
the stairs, but almost immediately a face
presented itself at the aperture in my door,
had the presence of mind to feign-sleep,
but I could see whet was going on with my
sli«htiy-opened eyelids.
The face was the fatic of,lforalt ()Tea.
After she had lookedlin, she applied her
ear to the garin the door and listened
tently, apparently, by my regu
lar I.);eathing- that I was fast asleep, she ad
vanced to the clock and stuck before Its
face a great branch of vew. Then she de
I Sell as if I must be ilfeinning. What
could bring a young woman out oflrer—be.,&
in the night tv , ornaznent a clock? 11.tyroom,
the room below, and the passage itself, were
already garnished for Christmas with an
abundance of evergreces-holly, mistletoe,
hay, ivy, and yew.' Could she be Walking
her sleep? The thing appeared to me to
be strange; and if I bed felt little inclina
tion to sleep prevleusly, I now felt' less BD
than ever.
So I lay on, watching the clock and won
dering what all this might mean, when sud
denly an irresistible impulse came upon me.
You must all know what it is to be seized
occasionally by some strong impulse to do a
thing . apparently trivial in itself---as, - for ex
ample, to touch a particular post in passing
down a street, or to turn over a certain num
ber of leaves in a book, or, it may be, to
turn down P. particular street.not in-your
direct way. If you have not experienced
this, you ate different from myself, and no
words of mine can 'make you understand
my feeling.
Well, the impulse that came over me was
to take out the spray of yew which Norah
OTea had fastened over the clock, and to
replace it by a spray of holly.
I glanced, by the light •of my,peat fire,
around my room, and saw the very thing
for my purpose.
Over an old.fashioned Worsted-work sam
pler—framed and glazed, as some great
work of art—hung a most glorious spray q! ,
holly. It was literally covered with bright
scarlet berries. , ' •
Taking this sprig, I withdrew the branch
of yew from the'elock'and placed the holly
in its place.
To this day I cannot tell why, but its I
crept back to my bed, I experienced a
strange thrill or satisfaction, as if I had
done some very wise and clever thing.
Another hour knight have .passed away,
and I was still lying awake, ruminating on
this strange occurrence, when a second time
hear,d at footstep on the stairs. This time
it was a !levier ode than before, -- and4ltough
I closed my„eyes and I felgned sleep as previ.
ously, it N% as with it beating heart and in no
little consternation. !Through my eyelids
I took care to see Who this fresh intruder
might be. To my horror, it was the bullet
headed young giant who bad received the
Jotter front ot'alt °Tea.
—,S , ati/Ltr
My suspense did not last long. Efe glanced
in at me from the - cleft at the door with
5 .c0 , .0 that made my blood - flirt cold. Then
he glitheed up at the clock, and A-I,lth a Say
ugt: oath of disappointment depatted down
the staircase its stealthily as he had ascend
ed. 'What could all this mean?
You may be sure I did not close my eyes
in steep that night. I resolved, - no matter
sevete weathet, to leave those
strange 41..;:rteni in the morning.
With the earliest dawn I was astir, and
tnaturaily looked at the old clock with some
curiosity. I had no sooner (Tenet' my door
than tny l eye fell upon a letter lying upon
the iloor;rt my leet. It was the coarse blue
v.hlitfh I had seen "'Torah Corea hand
to lei: sT.‘ethetttt the previous evening.
wilt leave yea to judge what my feefinfff
weat when 1. perused its contents, which I
do not give in the exact language of the Il
literate ‘a - riter, but which was in substance
'"Denals, if any of them cattle-dealing
cadgers come here on their was' to Coil:,
an , l -ant tina out, tfs -- I
fr,oing. to Tim Malenelei wake. If there's
anvih!ng to be done, will put a branch' of
in ircan of the old clock; if not, then
a branch cf holly,"
'Dili then wa tlto mystery:Abe yew Slur
nilfc!; that I v• - nz• to be robbed—l:rebel
murdered. hardy conld be easily hi
awtte in city of the bog - tholes that stn.-
afica the t::trden of Eden. And who
:r.: ••:c inquirl - es after ail insignifleant
pi„,.3. ) l.l J ecr Thus my institivtive impulse
to le pl ace the yew by the holly—not by the
bay, the ivy, or the mistletoe, remember,
*hough there Wei•e plenty of all these
around—in all probability saved my life.—
Tun may be quite. certain I lost 110 time in
forwarding, my e::pnision from the Garden
of Eden. I did no: 'scruple to steal away
without pay leg my leck'onin,g. Would you
have :Trollied, gentlemen? could see noW
why Norah wanted to - ascertain what my
pocketbook contained. I never stopped—
although .tree deep in snow—fill I reached
the Le' rest town, whence I proceeded to -
Cork. I'boualit my'phts cheaply, and sold
them well. Prom that timel throve, and I
inn now a man of substance. But that
tit 'Ave :11; all, I shall always believe is en
;ircly owiag 10 that spriz, of holly.
A ST;IA;SGE. PnzsomticoN.—Lost giver,
in Orange county, Indiana, is so named from
the fact that it has no outlet, but disappears
in the ground about seven miles from Lan
ca*ter. The well of the Louisville,. New
.tutors and Chic go Railroad at that place,
which is forty feet in depth, having Jailed
to Supply nay longer, it was- determined to
dig another well about one-fourth of ,
Oath of the present tank: Mr. John Zahn,
Master mechanic of bridge construction
and in charge of water taulis, located the
: IVELLS . ! I;WO. ; TIOGA - i. 60‘.::' - -: i i- 1 3 . - ii - , - ,::: WEPXESDAIYs, MARCH '2'i, 1872.
well the superstitions forked 'newel stack,
and proceeded to have it dug. At th depth
of eighteen ' feet • the .men, *truck irater,
which mama up through 'the grays with
such fOrce that further„ digging - iradto be
abandoned. Fonr patitiwi pis f ed iu
The well,:and pumping ; has' been going on
for stweraldays, so as to enable the Masons
to wall .up the well, but so for the Work' has
notheen successful. It is bellevetttl at the
lush of .water is from the bed 'of test liv
er, which:disappears In- the 'ground about
seven.miles from thatlioint-.—Detria:r Tra:
A Charaateristio A fter-Dinair Sae • eit. i
- :'A few. - weeks ago the prom latars f the 1
Aldina:Pren, of New York, gave a inner
at which many of the literary mon'o the_
country were present. Aftei the cloth was'
removed, speech-making was indulged in,
and "Mark Twain" 'pun the folloaing
characteristic yarn, *bleb must.have 1 'Orild
a decided aid to digestion:
Gentlemen. 'would rather address ti rittie
dinner party than any other assemblage in ,
the world, for the reason that whezz you
make a point, those who have been listen.
lag always
_applaud, and those who have
been talking-to each other find did not heat
it, applaud louder than anybody eltie; and if
- I only - had a speeeh prepared for this';oena.
sloe, I would take gentfinesielight indeliV-
ering it. [Laughter.l, I3ut I got the notiff,.
catlortto be preaceat at this dinner tlii eVe•
ningnt hilf-past :eleven this morning, or,
pay what, - I. owed to the- Aldine- establish
ment-,..and I had to leave half 'fart libur. after
that in - order to make th 6 trip; se Ihid'UO.
.. ..
opportunity of preparing_ a speech, tad', L
am not one of thosegenitisee who can make
a speech impromptu,. I have made it great
Manyliappy_impromptn-speechts; - Ififfrhad
timer to prepare them: [Laughter.) '. j ,
'lbw it is singular, and I suppose that, but
for a-circumstance which happe,ned when l
was fourteen years of. age, I. might have
rushidblindly into real imprOMptu st ha
:es, and injured-myself a grmfdeal. ' [.._ tigh
ter.) Thia - ,,lrcumata4cl.,,ttatich . happ'oned:
*hen /, - A'as - Anirteen Nears ot age hes a1 , ..i
waYiproteeted me tigainat"tufythin'ofltliat
kind, end;W haft led mi. tO th.f4k: it. goOd deal
-how I dep., 3 k tratok . a4oOd. Aeal,.nentie.tallY,
Niiisllierl - i avlutt-q7lo' 15r9,01nrbe" the ,
moving.- apringr oflatirnitn. - ,nej..t0.,, Irliht -
~thAt. 1 4 nl , e„ re.. /.S;3APPItO At4i;ep waktita9iles* .•
1)51); [Laughter.) I mean it hai Ted: oce tq
..questiortirt my own. tatritt*hat, May probe).
lily have beaii the "incidents in a man' life
which - ''h'ave remained with him longesv,
whethef they were important incidents, or
whether they were merely trivial ones. I
have almost come t 9
-,the conclusion that the
things that stay longest by the man and
shape his action in after life, are' rattily
things of trivial importance. • - '
N. Ow. I call your attention to the fact, in
support of this argument, that. Newton
when be was—well, - 1, don't know whet ho I
was doing.. I make no insinuations ag,afnst
Newton; I don't know what he was doing
in the applo orchard; paughterl; tuti you
know he saw the apple fall, and Ullajeug•
gestod the idea of the attractiOn of graVlta
tior.—l callyour attention again to that e.a
pression. [Laughter.) And -then skein,
one, of the greatest inventors that ever lived
—I am sorry for your instruction, I cannot
call his name--was led into this matt ;r of
gravitation by havingio' wait upon his mu
that., while she was hearing confession, and,
seeing the pendulum moving backward and
forivard--there was nothing else for hiin to
contemplate—that set him iato the mattar
ofz looking at meohanics, and he invented a
reat many, things; I-don't know what they
were,____-it was trivial, you - know. And
Galileo, loaiiiiiontul in the cathedrkl at
Pisa, not knowing yehat he was there{for,
or bow he was puttingin Ida time, saw and
took note of the gentle vibration oil the
chandelier to and fro, and through taut 4 in
vented the pendulum, which is undersiood
to have made a revolution iiitneelm , les,
and I suppose it has. I take tlit.. - ; lee .red
things for granted.
All these -are trivial matters, Let hey
brought about vast results. Now the t ring
that made - the deepest impression on my
mind, and has lastedamtil this moment, was
a matter in itself essentially' trivial. It oc
curred when I was a boy, and it has plotec
ted me, up to this tithe, against raa*g a
speech when I hadn't a speech prepare
It was a remark made by a t'yiend. He slaiti:
"I could have ketchedrthem eats if I Jitad
had on a good ready.'! [Laughter.) • :vow,
at first glan9i, that doesn't tiptiear to for vey
an Idea, but it does, alai the meat of it is
this: don't do anything - hurriedly, don't _do
anything unless you are prepared: to do' It;
therefore, until this moment, I never have
made a speech unless:l had that speech all
set down and ready. - ,
This incident is of no consequence to l you
at all, andyet I never made a speed). ini my
life unless I tried to ineukate a moral, unless
I tried to convey instruction; and if I can
make you bitter men than youare—it iSnot
for me to say therels_rootu4or Ito : hough I
suppose the •e la; liaughteri.,--if , I' - calt 'Make
you wiser than iyou are, or if. I- -9/1a- •protect
3tclu in after-life as I - hate' beep protected,
- .let me do it herd, -atel,i'
9•,1f 'l,,°. - perish on !tau
spot. NAIV tiiii W 0
IN lirrnd in this w4O.
Aa triviallis it,is, it is a matter to he trees-
nred, remertthered.i
Whet &I 'as fourteCil, as - I •roMailted
fore, - I was 'living witlx.ruy pareuttr, '-
were very poor and. correspondingly
est., We had a youthliving with us-'[,y
name of Jim Wolfe, He was'an 01
fellow, seventeen, years - old,- and very •
dent. He and I - Slept together—virtnon,
[laughter)-rand one very bitter winter n
a cousin Mary of mine—she's niiirried_!
and gone—gave what they 'called a ea
pulling in those days in the West, and t
rook the saucers of hot and outbid
the. Louse into the - snow, under a.sui t of
hoWer that came out from the waves—it
a sort of an ell, then, all covered,‘‘lthy .
=to olio' this hot candy;',.14...41/e' , ,
they were all sifting around there, all
the wean time we had 'gone to. ,
w ere not invited to ,attend thipetty;
Nyere too young. All these young ladies
gentlemen assembled there, and Jim a
were in bed. There was about four ih
of snow on the roof of this ell,- anti
window lboked out on it, and it was fri
hard. ...A. couple qf torn cats—it - is puss
one might have been'of.the opposite se
were assembled on the chimney in the i
die of this ell, and they-were giowling.
fearful rate, switching their tails at i
going on; and we'couldit't sleep at all ,
nally•Jim said, " For two centi I'd gv
and snake them cats oil that chimney."
I. said, "Of course you would ' 1% ell, lie
said, - Well I would; I have •4
Mighty - good
notion to do it." ftys I, " . Or cour,e youhave,
have, certainly vou have ti great za.. , tivti,ev
do it!" I hopea liemight try it. imi I vas
afraid he wouldn't., I'molly 1. did get h 6
ambition up, and he raised the Witial.kw i inti
climbed out on that icy roof,-: , ,t% nit th , thing
on but his socks and. a very short shirt— lie
went climbing along On s all lows vn the
roof toward this chimney where the puts
were, in the mean time those young ladies
and gentlemen were enjoying theinse;st-3
down under the-.eaves; and .when dna - gtit
ahnost to the chimney he made a pusu , ut the
cars, and his heels flew up - anOe':-IlLt tl , ,wn .
and crashed through those vines, lit: in lie:
midst- of the ladies and gentlemen, and set
down in those hot saucers of candy, [laugh.
ter,] and there was st-lenerid stampede, 4.)f
course—and he came' up stairs divvy rig
pieces of Chinaware and candx_uli , tbe 1 •a)
up; and when be got op there—now, a 1-
body 111 ; the world would have gum.- i, to
profanity-or something calculated to rellye
the tniud - isatier such circumstances,' Llau,th
ter,j but he didn't; he scraped the totp.V oil
his legs nursed his blisters a little, and said,
I could have h-etched thein eats , it I. hail
had-on-a good ready."
__ _ -
OY say this, that if the opportunity
had so fallen out that I could have had Um.-
pie opportunity to:int up a speech, eottld
have gotten up ouc that -'Wvuld have IL
ou all home—happy, orothurwise; co • u
have gotten up a speech that ,w Quid h• vt,
done Kuor to this occasioniiMrto we; : l AA
under the eircuiustwitcs 1 liaVe had Op
portunity, and I could not get up • see a.
speculi4 but as long tits you live, vu
inember_tho eireutastaneUfi tq, t4l, vu
remember-that if 1 had..had - 0 a 1,6y,,i
dy, I would have caught these litetuty, club
here prese - ytt. [Laughter,)
:Now I: , won't bore you any fort) wr ;
will simply:say tikat_turi glad to be pre.si..llt
here; glad to help celebrate tilts oce.,siO.),
the new era of enlarged prosperity for the
Aldine, and also the calling to the editorial
chair of a gentleman of culture like Mr.
Stoddard; and lam gild to be able to aft
with tol.hrlght a,company as this, and hope
j-on will excuse further remarks from yours
trnly.—N. P. - Herald, -
iespondent writing from Henry' Lake, in
Montana,"describes the locality as a ;•ttene
of wendeiful grandeur. The lake ;;Inla
ted in the Rocky 'Mountains, at an altitude
of-5,000 feet. ab - ove the level of the sett.—
Looking from a high peak ne,ar this body t)f
water, he saw the panOrama of the mo=t
wonderful region known to than. For with
in scope of the eve from that point—having
their origin in Henry Lake—are the sources
of five of the grandest rivers on the face of
the globe—born; as it were, in the same lit-
tie lake, and all drinking from the same
small spring. Here the Yellowstone, Snake
and Green rivers. as' well as Clark's Fork,
Wind river, Madison and Gallatin, start to
gether, leaping and bounding in great cata
racts, - and rushing' in every_ direction tp
empty themselves into the _Pa r tite - and Af
hank "oce#ll4. 'Beyond a low (mountain at
the southeast, the eye falls upon the speeta
.ele of the steam ascending from the scope
pipes of purgatory, (sometimes called
sers), to mingle with the clouds. " This,"
ex:Amp the correspondent, in a burst of en
thusiastic wonderment, "this is Abe mai
ehd of the World." -
Tamick. • HVGII YOUNG.
E. 'B.:Young& Co.'
. • i s lilughlfoung Co.j
.; • •
-Booksellers - an d S tat i oners,
and Dealers in -
Wall Paper,
. ,
Window Shades • - ! •
Ve4ll(l°l7 llll• llzt Viusi -
Notions. •
, . _Dieter° Branum and . Glum.
'`• • -
Pictures. all aorta."
7 7 • . Pietax*Dord.
taw /31anks.
Jostleti iftukt '
{stank Boas. all &sop
NewspapFra, klagaitm.
•(' Wilting Peas; •
umf voomi,•- 44 1 45!iieF..x4.1 .
. noose .
. ;434: f J. , • . ,
:0443,CytrY : hatteta tn.firi AZIA trade. ;
• „ . „ ' •,
• .- 4 Lew York Davies at One; Dollar a rettmth } l
- -.Zlmlrit Dallies et 76 Cents a mum*.
-.2•subsartrrhons for, a Week, Ur month. or year •
..Orders for Books not M stoapromptly tettendedto.
" —lin .Itßrette pe o reetrad nosh New TOXIC iff:
—Wo are lgants of the Anshur Lbw and the Ottlott
Line of C. B. Meth Ocean Steamers. Passage ,tioksta to
and from any point in Bumps at the lowest rattle.
• —Sight Draft sold on any Soak to Europe at car.
rent rates of lbthange. . •
161143. „ E. B. YOUR° R GNI
ddministrators' Sc t 4,.
order CI the CtrpNvas' Court Of the county of Ttce
„VIP ga, the adminletz store of the estate of D.C. KoLaert„
noel:seed, will !tell at publio rondo° on OM greetnialite
tiakr uaaald, Su the Township of Iterkenouti, County
of Tioga, re-, on Tuesday the 2d day of Apr 1111372, thy
7, liovriniLilescrilicd Leal Eetateh to wit ; . One lot 01
ittl, b r e - A:oat/ in the venter of the Whdpplo Road,
and the northwest *tamer of the lands of Lorriti Butte,
'rhen:se along the lands of said .)3utto. south 874_ des
11 - r,as east, 201 ;WO rods to the east beak of the' ttoga
rv.ter. Thence along the value north 11,1‘ degrees east
2.1.0/4244. TILIALM , along ottottaor lot heri.lneltor dee,
oribed„north 8131 i degree* .west 202 sblirrods to said
• road. , .Thehoo along same, sent .2N degrees west
10 rode to the Veee of beginning. Containing Vacuity
aia as and one quarter of co Ciro more or Lase. ;
ate , ' another Voce of hind in Said tenimeldPi begin"
uft,“ et - tho )14 Irtosivst corner orate lot above described.
-thalicie along the same, south 8T y, de,grees east 3.97 9.10
riics to th l st.unter or the :Ooze river, tlionca. aowr, abs
td. Call a uarther.ly direction e:s *4O rods,lthanoe
along the land of th e Thaga loan Co. north Kg degree*
west co robe, thstioe 'by the eat*. =nth Wi ileStftss
trox t 4 514 A talls; thence by the bade of -- wag,
cua- osi-obv atm glingeclautl and J. I'. Barrie,
1%ort1: b*:?,i degrees vest. /23 8.10 rods, %ones along
Lunn , of Win: Ettitolitneon. Martha Gray and the said
Wiliblde 41 4 0, *froth 2,14 degrees west 3181.19 rods to
tb:: I l.,te ot,becf ß olug, wo,:,tatal..n.g 12131 roves Itooreror
.11ao /mother lot of land in said township, loomxt.
av-i 014 teo uvula slid south by ;tie entity of, Darnel
dace:Lisa, east by the Wininruson rid; and an
tue west by the Tiota River, Ow/tab/tug ,th.retKplArters
:113 %cure /nor ; or Roe, With Froxits honk°, frame ham,
auR, a ler( Raft trees thinean, and being tnown as tho
Stine Able lot, of Lamb's Creak. , The bast two Men,
tlen.edlots being on the wont side of the Tiogo, River .
about• one-foorta of a. tulle from Mansfield, and a part
of the Fluidal/ farm; and vary valuable for the
loud qualitY of the bud, abvva 100 cures of wilful; fa In
nastute, Elba for Oa Flaunack find other valuable tine=
or' the tisileute of said land.
dolia:a down at the time of sale, and
unOugh /aura an courienultive. theaeof, and exeotttion
of a deed for the Fiztandses fonreltasta, to make ono
1,./.11-,tite plata/sae money ; and the balance thereof in
u,ut yy tar iroin the data ef sato with interest. sect/red
'on tee fief/veil of the deed, by bond and mortgage Fla
thi,r.sual forte. • . -
Ndzat 10, /$724 vt-
---_- --- -,- -
TO './LAVIIIITIEIF2,O —4ll Wats* wk. eordecvuto
azakilig cotitrikia 'w , nt.wllPsPors tor 'is insertion of
Atirsrtisenunts atinni4., seat to. ' - ._ I
Geo. P. &well., &-. CO,"
. .
tbk• a cirgiiisr, ai•_. islalose 25 was for their a. F . Hog.
iiirso 'Pant: PlatO7LESC,cputainbas Lists ,a if 1 i i Ems ,
SW* lll74:vstrantss.- ; shtivrinOise poet of , verthilog.'
also man useful biota to adveitisesst;_•ond sago so.
Wont or experhazot. re man Who arsinsolvsum sw
eet/an/ vartiserp. Wrila firm Ore- tcopristOni arils •
r Arnerlean lii nspoper Advertising /bonny. i , 7 .
41'Park Row, N. ___ s _ '
. .1;4
and are - ptimesandof unequaled thallties ltio Ong
tits nwerttou oZ Advertise/40MS In dt InssrliPers Wad
Purf , glThals at lowest Taos, .inn. MUM-8m •
rrifE orAciabrzitßs of the Cowaneeque
I _Lail React will please take moth*, that an assess
pls.:A of ten je: •tt.ht leas besu wads on each ehare of
theltuck of the C.owtutetigee Valley hall Road; to be
Jut: Ott 1-11:794 (4) clay vf Appluort, and payable at
the ()dice it the Treasurer.
C. L. PAT'I WON, Etect'y. Tr.etut.
--Elkland: Pa., 81aft. 4 .1 20, l8:2 -ht
_ •
•k I) -• N 4 al ` , F4‘ . •
Estats. ut Theodora, lorrisob deed
••• Thu Auditor appollite4 by the court to thattitatte •
rands Witte /lauds of 9. it. Ws: riser, Admin;st, at kr of
the estata c tf the saki Thendorus la.rristay late of said
ecoutY, voted, will meet the parties interested, Cu'
ti.s purposes of his appoint.inent, on AIONDAY the I,lth
oay D. L-!12. at 2 cectock P. M., at bla
Nu. J. ECATtati Strut, We2.labbro,
aw. Auditor,
I V"
---- Prot,omts of Sheriff's Sale.
'for AT. - ..,LtoLappelutett by the Court to a:2v
1.0088)%; In the bah , ts-.1..1' E- A. Fish. hhertft
6.ttoti, analog .L...za 8 38dir.48 1 gale of the,
'of JA defersdatlL - at elthol It
ju4l7 . em-lat
meet .the pat Lai Interested. for the porpr
111.pothtimx , t. T.1U8.,,DA Y. Aptil. 36th,
t ll at the Whet+ No. ti, 8.01.1
aiAt Street, tVelliboto,l.-.1.
"40, 11:2 •tv
Va - I CULT,BI o C 0.11,40.2
- •
ot-tillexcirs Sale ;
fi•tc , t - C;gi
t 1 Um. E. A,
tranit 4 je.e..1 , ,C - a/ aet. ;
1V., - .101.t. •
saustinenzs iii sand I, ;*
1.,.,,.-..t....C`f....013...5turp05es of
L.l V,. -
".-s , lel?
. at:Altar
T 4 , , iOaghto
57. C.
ldiitin S~ttu:«ty Vl
r tTrOnt
Still :$8 AND 808 SLEDS
‘Vc , ar^ pvpated. to' do tp7 4 ll:kizl6 14 out 11144 - 411 fd4Ort
I:tA:C{ , alvd tht Lest e..- '&NE1444;4 goaraz
t,zod. I,IOI7GEWN, 0411 •!,. CO. '
1 -Z2..ST/143; r.; COLES. oonci :lt'orstogro: -
St.•ny rolic,.Jau. 1, 1572.,
i f - 1 W. NAVLE, wOriptt;'llay: to tatriotuti that
13% Liaruesis Shop is pohstontlyittoaked with
:• _ •
Heavy : and • Light. Harnesses,
uffered at i4ccs
thgt o.onat.aJJ tG Kitt.
betit wcwkinen etla itaue but the best
tuaieria.l usud.
Itopti:rlng e‘oue ou shurt nu i,, and lu ate Lest tura.
Del% OM and sae.
-Jou. 1, 1872-4
5.11R1al HOLDEN, •
:•ii trOtOrS
f ;laid
. 1 g/Z - i t i)
i.' urt, will
, zeo-irthis_
/ a.. I). 3.41,
x eu S',Cvtle's
. .
. Zvi - LI CE.
AS "'
..ft. W ,11,,tay.5.? Art.
31....turg. 1
vt,l. ;:iti4kta,.,
1 - wort
dpigliLto2tut I±tl-
P. 1,-,1 tat::: No, 3,,
Oft. &' 001,
EOM:, Pi_
agQ, W. )MVLE
Valtiable farm for Sale.
11111 E SUBSCRIaItit, owing to ill-health!, °Libra bte
I tats o for role, attested lu Charleston on the MaeA.
geld r.ad, abset one mile from the old Follows' hotel.
Said P.dtm Ma I,e divided isto 2411/18 as din t public road
I,sse,:s through the center, lerviog two orchards On
Oilier side, eel:Attu - dug shout 96 &Tea, 80 mires itnproc
e3-a name house and two footle I.4us thereon. lWa.
Jaw. good state of celtiviltien, :Ind will he
said 0.4,4 i): .1 ,•.>ortiou of rho pule -leo motley can ski
resin against the tarns. For fr. her leferteatioh,
itigtilro Gf Ittie subseriLer 4.A. the erases.
et. 17 14172-1.. t. 1.1.C4.110N11.1
Giliotas D. SUL
?orelgai and DoinestN . 'Alto
:YLY~P.d, sc., ~~
Agent - for Fine Old Whislties,
001I3CIN.'0. N. Y
Change of Mt
Stook of Goods
BrßTfor crush, and to be sold for cash, at cash
iftego. Credit system played out.
_ PO as you go," is a trite old maxim: and, when
Una tip to, the true doctrintsfor both seller and buyer
Intend to sell woods at amen profits, for cash, end
y solicit a trial from old patrons, and born
= l ' M a as l who wish to buy grocerlea and staple nods
at Obi* Batmen. A. W. P ,
Anus* }Bl2. tf I
2 000 istillattr' Saks •in St
u rin Plsldtt,
ast tncA.'
op'we hits ewe offend. Also sew stock of
... • ,
Early Spring Drew Goods,
deitrarte, 'Wes. !4.150
New Spring Prints,
gisfhatoa *4 Premien ha groM
Ptnocastics at Oa kinds, at lowest market rates..
Ftrb. 2b, Pria..-tt.
. .
40 e vn Bell their entire steak of .
- 4. 1 ,T
4 1 - .34oS r ifkOr 4 0.1aLISISLa
4 •
7.,STIL ANSEL 1872.
„ I ft few
fiats mid Caps.
- J. ”- Sow is your time to buy your
11 T/3 AND CAPS, cheap for a few &lays,
Those lralebtod to Derby & Mahler will call • . • set.
%Is their mooonts before April 1. 1814. Without f .er
notice, as we want the money to buy n.aw g. • with.
ratio. 28 4 , 1812. DEBBI' & P ts EA.
- New _Year Goo 1 •
. ..„. , r..
„i... -,•.,. .- ,...c.. . ,-
--....4.:.. 5...,, ,... ---
~ AT
-----.----,---__. -
110:031312-lop . 1
-wh e bolDe brovalat, Into Joy'
igh ore
r 21 I
Cer,roj i
. „
, .
Chromos i
, .
and a girot yarlety of
/ '.
.. .
~ . .
1 . - !trstile. and at the.vory lowe,sf prises. H s is pre.
: --- --ircli to mal.e ,
.of New kles,
Choice Fra,
Traln;ut Gloods,
Pirst-Class Portratt,
in ell the beat etylek of tite 4*, from re ,
tthiehed -negatives.
It is always s picaitare tO show goods ; so don't be
backward or.ba‘krul, but call early arid obton.
- "Mansfield, Pa.. Jan. 10, 1672,-3m
, •
Mrs,' '
r . 0 7 rt...ceivlng not cool elegant designs
WEILIII2:I.4ea . 3r
TIP Al..ZetiCnir
1.0 invites the publin to esh snd est-wine 0 t ;...3,13
P. S trouble el.o"••• els?eds
Pet. 26; 1... r,/
Mrs C. P. SMITH.
Exe6ution ,dleotice.
JLITERS Ttataraeotery un the ce.tate et ; lantee.
A Wilson, late of '.ciaclua...ind lawneltip, Tivg.i. Co.. Va.,
des.*.ated, having been grauttd to the underalgr_ed, sit
1., eseato eon st ea d estatte and those
owing the woe, are hot eby uottaed to call for aside.
=eat on the ex - matrix at her re9idetin4. itk /web:mond
:Itiohtooul, Feb. 21, I€l2-4w.- roseoutri.
General Insurance Agency,
Nar..scx. Vow. Co., 7?..+.
J.R. & i; D. Campbell,
= prepared to Issue roliWeis in Bret Class Com
r.sinlve on all lriska of Ineurable Pror.eity egainet
e and Lightning at reaavnable rates. 'We travel ath
etare.the all risks psreonally in the counties oi flogs
ind Pottsr.'J. F. CANTIUILLL.
;loom?, Feb. 7, 1872-11: J.l). CAMPBELL.
aPplieation for Charter.
rHyrzcs I 8 ngtEtty GIVEN th at the following
IN applications for cbartirs of Incorporation have
teen riled in my office. 110 will be preeentoal to tbo
(-Mut of Common Pleil of Tioar. county, .!ttonflay.
May 27. 1872:
Application of Joel Pad:burst C, C. Ward, .7.1 n
Itobbins, 'Winfield Scott. 'et. al.. under the name of
Tbe First Ifttliodtst Epiewobal Cinitc)i." of Elidand
March G. 1872.3 w I , Proth'y
. •
• Administrators' .70;4 - ice.
Z=VERB 'of Administration on the Eataht c i Dekvtd
~4 Faure/Ho Dite Neleob. Ilona 0., rd., haring bean
muted t" the nulterinturke.l, all persons having claims
agirdhet seta estate 44 , 1 those ovnu,g the same, are hare
by watAffl (QX tAtitWebt C 4 -1
avaopt sae.%
NM 404, Mar .b 0, 1,f07.43w,
J. A. PARSONS & cu.
31 Mimed from the 4
slant of goofs in h
irmila empty, among
► ale.
/EIRE nralersignki, owners of a Portable Engine,
LI with a Carding Machine, two Lathes and a run of
French Burr Stones attached, are prepared to MI ' Or
dera In their brininess at East Charleston, Pa.
The above property la in good rttnnlng order, and
will be sold at a fair price, and on Yeasotutble time.
For yzrtculam, inquire of Geo, W. 3ferrlek Wells
bore, or Ar,olgzo wurrAY.
Jan, I. ISM - 4 on the promize.
PtioPOiitiesa - nd Orga4s 1
find it greetly to their interoat to buy of
I. G. HOYT -ce Co.
'e; aro selling t 1 13.. - .4 InstrumeuM at lowest
mid ou tbo most favoiablo Mims.
A flist•clnes PIANO 9029eefieS all the following eons. ,
tizia, viz : the• tone is divested of all impurities, a Par
feet equality of power throughout the entire acalo, 'with
usouance and duration of tone.
The touch la elastic, equal, ess7 and responalrii to
every demand a the lingers. '
.4 defect in any one of thesepolnta, will cause a com
plete failure of the instrument.
We warrant every. Piano for the term of five years.
srarTuning promptly attended to by the moat exper
rleneed Tuners.
Instruction /looks of the moat - approyeCi methods-for
the Piano and Organ constantly on hand.
D lCa n d
Dec, 3,8;11371.-te
Door, Sash & Blind Factory,
- 11124JANIIM Aterti, le pm. ea to farialeh Inst •
ji claim work from the beatil..• bar, et We now fran
tory which le pow In full operetion.
Sash, Doors,
natsum, nintspn.
canstu►tl7 on hind, or Innnutnoto.rett to ardor.
Planing and 'Matching
dam gmunpfly, 'and to no beet manner. The GRIM
workmen employed, and none but the beet Reasoned
lumber used.. Accurege home industry.
Factory near tilt 'fOot of MailL-Slreey
Jan. 18r.1-tt BMW. AUfhliq
Deerfield Woolen Mills !
MT). PA.
- MEAN IsItoTECHRS, Proprietors cif too Bove Mills,
I will niannfactnre as usual to order, to 5 F custorcosro.
OUR. l
are wanteuted to every respect - masa attest:lo2l. -
0U to
Roll Cardi ng &Cl h Dressing
We have a large stock of simforas, &0., 23 per
cent less then' any competitor, Id warranted as repre
Wo ntantithoture to order, and du aM kinds of Roll:
Oarding and Cloth Drees , and defy competition.
Wo have as good an nail rtniettt of
Full Cloths, Casi(imeres, Oa,
and gli'd mare fur "Is - of 1.2 exchange ill.trt any other
eate.bltehment_ 'Pr theta and salary yburaelves.
We wholesale . total/ at the Cowanes4ue mills, g
Wits bellow : .. e x & ,
. ~
Ult. L 1872. Thtoll,Ald MOTEIERS.
• A -4 3.47-aXIV.IELVI.* ,1
r .
La es' trunziphilig.aoods I
MA. B. G8.A.1 , 74' Mina= OD DAMIIICa
the Cone Horan S9:v. A large stook of Oooda
lus refttved. and will be Bola abec.p.
a. E. E. KIMBALL will biro abaro td' tli t p Wilin.
depainent and will be glad to seen" , old Biondi
:d naw ones at all times. Drop in and ;sea our new
Dec. 13, 1:31i-2y,
Tyl'env, store
mit an entire A Stock of
,I ..
Zr E. SMITH & BON, tvi ii n t g , t4t
i i oontoteted theft
DIL I new Brick Store on whkh is one of
the beat arranged and mostinvittng Ora in the soon•
ty, aro now, odering to their old anatomers and the pnb.
tic generally a better selected stook of ' •
than ever before presented in too borough of Ttoga.*
Ladles' ware of Burt's mak., constantly on hand. Al
so, Mason & itatoun's Organ', and a ivariety of styles
to select from. An are invited to call and examine
roe and quality . -SMITH dic
Wogs, Jan.. 1,1811.4 y,
74.47.nn 4 IM
Carriage and Harness Trimmings,-
iIAteNESSEs. eADDite.
Coming.:. Y., Jan. 1, 3819.
Parini for Sale.
ITECF. subscriber itfle.rs far salt his firm of 66 soma,
pkinsantly situated in Catlin Hollow CtiarllWOL.
ina Ll:surey, Pa.; within about four miles of Whits
hos° and two miles of Niles Valloy depot. School
house, church, mills, shops, & - c., within a ratio. Terms
easy. inquire on the premises; of
May 17. 141-U. C. 0. CATLEN.
W fully Init I Hrm En tA pablic
T o E that they
S•-• - •
g • lutce astablishacl
- Liivery for Afire,
et their Stable ,
on Peat St. ,opposite Wheeler's Frajorn
li sliop. atr...tae. or double rigs furuiStled to order. Mir
'...airn to I;tn, good itotac.S and mktow, an„d inton to
• lA:Asti:- Priors rv.esuLt. o. ITKENS .t.-. E.E7OIIA
1 ' -La WA'
Jan. 1, 1gt . ...T --- .
Tiogaltlarble Tor s,
undersign4.l is Low prep . are4 to execute ail or.
dm: d for Telab : 1 1wLer. awl 'Sio.Lunienia of either
Italian, or Ratlaizcl Marble,
of the latest style and approvul wocti v an4ip = 4 v i t t,
ileke,„?pa onnmantiy (41/ Laud both Lint% of llarbto
and will be ale to suit ell 'Mau may favor bin with
ilia: orders, on Et 3 tcasonable terms as ...Aube obtained
In the Vount-y fI
1„ 1b717. UUU
*,.i" The nntrilexilyer keew cgastantly en hang
Pure Drugs and - .lleAteinen, Otremirrds;
Paiute and Nis, Btatonery, Ye.n=
Ttcwa, J&n L 1672. BORDEN.
T/023A COrls"TV
lAm now building at my manufactory, in Lawrence.
I ville, s superior
Lwhich . peasessei the following advantages over all other
mitlr :
. 1. It separates rye, oats, rat litter, bud foul seed, and
'chess, and cockle, from wheat. ,
2. It claims ELI seed. takes out yellow seed. and all
other seeds, perflictly.
1, 8. It elms timothy seed.
4. It does all other separating required of C a mill
This mill 14 111111M1 the brat and most durable tim
ber, is good style, and Is sold cheap for cosh, or pro.
duce. .
/ will dt a latent slave. for Wanting oat* from
wheat, to other mills, on reasonable tertnti-
Lasnancvilla Jim I. -. -JAL =NMI.
evE ttow on exhibition and gale et tbn Sete,
111,1 the larceat and most standeta steak of
to be ieund in 2Tortbern Pontyylvanis, conaating of
and a ,fhil stock of the ocrancon goods 138MUT Rana ta
a drat-doss establlibmant. Thu above goods are'large
of their own manufacture„ and esti. (Mr.
=tan bet& R 5 to quality and prim They p fthe
Woven Wire Ofattr ss
the most popular spring bed sold; the Tticker
Spring Bad that has been - on trial for. 17 and
en unlyorsal satinfastion. Our
Coffin RO
is supplied with all aces of the lii or Wart. a nen
and beautiful style of burial:7; together with other
kinds of foreign and home nut nAdare, with trim
mings to match. They will a undertaking a spoo
l/dirt in their business, end needing their garottes
will be attended to promptly, d sae iketory char
ges. Odd places of Sarni made, and Taming of
all kinds done with instinct and dispatch.
Jan. 10, 1872. _ YA, nonzr & caarms.n,
Osceola, Pa.
To %moat fir MAY cuns.--.Threlng eatichtded that
I am entitled to a llttle'reet after nearly 40 Tears close -
application to business, I hay. passed over the furni
ture business to. ~ t heß oys" as per above advertise- -
meet, and take ttilf method of asking for them the
same liberal patronage as has bean extended to me.—
M 9 books may ballituail at the old place for settlement.
Jan. 10, 282./ , R. T. VLN HORN.
DUMB 1:•=n AND OrLS.
DWEir r tila rfIEDZILL'S =T .&O
9014 at wbolcsolc. Price-m, 14.4w11 Pru reqzjeated to
call and get quotations beore aulpg ftergacr Rant. .
ates. d B OBAYip.
rnitnre and Undertaking.
I: E
Alan Horn & Chandler,
(Sao/mama to B. T. Van UQXD)
aos9, covoura, TETE347/Tra '
Mucks, BRAC E ' /
DOW &LAN& WACasivegill
lc DRY C.01.02)3,1
001 WWI) OIL
Jan. /, 1872,
Re an 24 agergra
( 1 9ttooe,tiot to D. P. PollltEtT) DP.A.Lrat Lit
, ,
Stoves, Tin, and Ita,rdwa,re .
kgemaral stack at /10 0 /Atite Material /
Dtria /ATOMS' , ITING.I4 &ti.; Also. ORAPPMG
PAP= at m3ntenturers preca
_ 1
JOBBIII4 - P1:0.1 A-11 M= T 6
AW.Tezius Cagy and prices reason.shle. ring door
above Cone Roue. R. C. 13 AULT.
Jan. 1. 18721
v -it •
101AVING • • t•epened a flrat-elass lionlortre Stott in
Mansfield. opposite Pitta Bros., on Main Street,
respectfully invite their friends and the public in 612-
=1 to give them a call. They 'peronista rstiafaction
in all oesut. Their stock consists of
UtON, HEAT WORK, arorme,
and a genenil line of Goods, aecond to no in the
country, at tha Lowest cash Prices.
They are o_f_tge,o_te for tho DICHDY • DIOIVY,E, ITH
w. a. nurz.
Fn .NR; How r.
Mansfield, Jan. 1, 3.872
KNOXVILLE, Tzoo.k. co., PA.
Life, Fire, and Accidental.
ASSETS OVER $%,000,001)
Ins. Co.. of North America,. Pa $3,000.53.3 GO
Franklin Fire Ins.'Co. of Phila, Pa. 2,087.15.2 24
Republic '11%4. Co. of N. Y., Cepttal $750.000
Andes Inc Co. of Cluolunat. ~ .. ..... $1,000.000
Ntatr...ru Fire his. Co. of N. Y...... 1,000,000
Farmers Mitt. Fire Ins. Co. York Pa . .- ... . —9(0,889 15
that. Life Ins. Co. of BarZteria Ct..:6,0511,70 50
.ns. Cp. cf Pottsville ' 600,000 00
........,_________...,03.7 GS
Insurtuce promptly cfect . ..3.l by twill ctr oik. --- 0. ---- r tart. , .
on r.ll 'Amos or Property. All. louvres protnptl7 tuljusted
awl I .. .std lase sto.ck , Insured egrinst ' ,1.4t1i. rtra or
I am slim agent for the .t.ti:11.43 rtro Ineussmee Co. of
Aliconuntmlcellone 111(.4aptly atoll:Pad to--Oexe. on
Pall Strr...,A la door from Mam at., Enox - rllle
Jazz. 1. /672-tf.
I s i rt receiving from New York, a flto tesprtMent
•"- TNlEll6_llla.eizzr
- AND. •
which iiho qty to t,no Fablfc et low Wei. Erary-_
thing ticenty fonncl n.
Fancy Store,
will bits% on ban 4 anxl sold 707 Ws each. Tho 117il
igri and Cflbbn sewing MachlW ar r a. er, a n t tr o to rent :
S an. 1,1879,
. A UDITOn'S NOTIOE..:The ttnderskrood baying
been appointed Cm auditor to distribute the Ansa
arising from the Sheriff's sale of the real estate of Val.
entine Love, wlll attend I to the duttea of We appoint
-merit at the Mike of Boaard on Tuesday the
16th day of April next, at l o'clock P. 141.
!arm It - .1. ii. 130SAliD, Auditor.
A trEtTpft'S- 7 , 702"/ CE.--The undersigned Laving
/I been appointed on auditor to audit, settle, adjust.
eaut report distribution of fund declared to bo in
the hands of Johu I, hilt f, Executor of the will or
Edsell 'Mitchell, deceased, will attend to the ditties of
oppantruant at the °Moe of Elliott dr Dowd on
'Wednesday the 17th 4132" oP April next, at 1 o'olock
v *'tl,'22. at j f 3 B. *ouzo); 1'=1614717
NO. la
W. B. rizzaars..a. & co
LUTZ k Rom rn