USEFUL AND SUGGESTIVE' , Preservation of Hen Manure We cannot over value the manurial pro d let of the henhouse nor exercise too much care in its preservation. If thrown into tla. , com.mst heap or deposited with the hog mr.- \ time, nearly all its good qualities would be `retained Very likely, but we would advise . i34fferent course.' Nearlreverteme `Wants a little fancy manure for special purposes in i the spring, and instead of buying guano and superphospliates of doubtful quality;luf can numtlfacture his own at a far less cost from the dropping of the hen. • We havelound it a_good plan tosprin,kled dry earth udder the roosts, or peat is tlais- , or as good, r e bad dust or s rapings collected during a dry spell, and put lawny, in boxes or barrels for use in winter and spring. By using this three or four tunes and`; oftener in warmer weather, all bad oder :s prevente4.l and the escape of the fertilizing . ' -properties of the matutrels- art ested., sum would answer as It . cll as edrt.h.'• If shoveled into a pile as the weather grows I warm, it will slowly ferment, and if closely watched mid shoveled over when undue heat is generated, the processwilladd its value for the spring's crop, ash becomes decomposed by fermentation and it,s par ticles separated and mingled with the earth used as a. deodorizer, and its crudeness changed so as to be more readily appropri at ?.(1 by growing plants. lait year I used - about fifteen builds.' of this kind of manure and, found, it to -Ife very active fertilizer. For potatoes, an& corn I applied in the hilt; mlxingWith,that used for potatoes about one fourth its bulk of unleached wood ashes, dropping it in the hill and covering it with the foot as I went along immediately after the ashes were• in corporated with it. By covering immedi ately, the earth absorbs any ammonia set free by the ashes as they act like lime `in. this respect, and should not be mixed with manure. in a state of fermentation; nor is it advisable to do so at any time, unless it is . applied to-the soil - immediately : --On garden Vegetables this manure bad - a very marked effect.l , telly every farmer can save enough of this kind of nianure to give his garden a start.—Con Rural Home. A Simple Remedy for Dandruff. There are doubtless few persons, especially among gentlemen, who do not suffer from the inconvenience Of dandruff. Physicians seem to consider it not of sufficient impor tance to engage their attention, and the poor victims are left either to praetice their vir tue of endurance, or for a cure, to try some of the many nostrums advertised in the public prints. ' The intolerable itching which frequently accompanies the troublesome complaint iv not the only unpleaSant feature, as to per sons of any pretensions to neatness the ap pearance of the white scales on the coat col lar and shoulders is very objectionable. The writer, during a number of years, tried the different alcoholic solutions of castor 'oil and many other preparations with out pepnanent benefit, and as a last resort, was led to adopt the plan of cleansing the scalp kith borax and carbonaty of potassa. This proved effectual, but after a persistent treatment of some months the hair became sensibly thinner,-and perhapii would have soon disappeared altogether. Tho belief that dandruff' arises from• a disease of the although physibians do not seem to agree on this point, and the knowledge that the use of sulphur is frequently attended very happy results in sub diseases, induced me to try it in my owri \ case. '.A.•• preparation of one ounce of flowers \ of sul phur and one quart of water was n3ade.: r i The clear liquid was poured off, after, the, mixture had been repeatedly agitated\ du ring intervals of a few hours, and the h was saturated with this every morning. \ In afew weeks every trace of dandruff had disappeared, the hair became soft and glossy, and now, after a discontinuance of the treatment for eighteen months, there is no indication of the return of the disease. I CO not pretend to explain the molusoperancli of the treatment, for it is well known that sublimed sulphur is almost or wholly inso luble, and the liquid used was destitute of taste, color or - Smell. The effect speaks for itself, Other persons to whom it has been recommended have had the same results, and I communicate the result of my experi ments in the - belief that it may be valuable and acceptable to many who have. suffered in the same manner as myself.--John L. Datil, in the American Journal of Pharmacy. POLL Eva,.—Polo Evil is a serious mau l er to those who have to deal with it. Last spring one of these ulcers began to make its appearance on one of my mares, and even before the bunch was apparent thd-neck grew stiff, the nose being carried much high er than usual. I could get little information about treatment, and made no opening until abbut the first of August, when it httd been soft for some time. I used injections for - three months, during which time the ulcer wits growing 'worse, and the mare had be come so reduced that there was little left but skin and bones, notwithstanding I was feeding her a pecic of grain per day. I then procured a long, narrow-bladed knife, and guarding it with a stick upon the back in such a Manner as to prevent its cutting any farther than there was an opening sufficient to admit the stick, pathed it into the cavity and to the end of it, 'down the neck toward the body. As the cavity extended up the ,neck toward the ears, I did the same with the other end, when I had an opening at least eight inches (Tong by three deep. Then rubbing the inside thoroughly with powder. ed blue vitriol, loft it for three or four days. -I also began feeding the following condi tion powder, tw,l teaspoonfuls twice per day in meal: One Gum e each of fenugreek, cream tartar, gentian,'` sulphur, saltpeter, rosin, black antimonf. ginger, and halt an ounce"of capsicum ,Nfter two wed:4 the sore began to knit together, and nearly all healed now. I found it necessary, some times, when there were indications of apip e forming, to cut just enough tu destroy it, rubbing occasionally si ith vitriol al at ilmt The powders worked wonders inside. end the mare began gaining flesh rapidly on the same amount of groin She is now in good condition, with a-prospect of being• able to . 1 go to work agar( • I believe the guife to the surer ; and quickest remedy"; and if I had known lit at I first it would have saved months of valuable time and acute suffering of the mare. The - opening should be made as soon as_ the swelling begins to grow soft, and not too near the ear or root of the mane—always lengthwise of the neck. Every corner of the cavity should be examinld, and cut, if necessary, as any hesitation is positive cru city to the'anitnal and a damage to the own er." If some blood flows, there,is -no cause for alarin. Tile powders are invaluable in any case of indigestion or debility.—G. E. T. in Ru ral Yorker. BTratranarr.—lt seems to be conceded that this'trouble is the result of an injury or a strain, and as soon as discovered complete rest is recommended, -with light diet, nau seating medicines, with an occasional light dose of cathartic medicine to clear out the Vowels, and cold water bandages around the body, Chronic case - s, of long standing, are regarded incurable. It is recommended, however, where the horse is debilitated, to rub the spine daily with amixture composed of one pint of linseed oil, two ounces spirits - of harthorn and half an ounce of fine mus- tard, at the same time giving, morning and evening, a dose of one ounce each of pow dered golden seal, powdered gentian, cream of tartar and charcoal, and one-half ounce nsafeetida mixed and divided into eight equal parts. ESE ~1 r • wlciativn & FARR TIOGA, PA t ,a 5 Stock Sec 41 Fall 'and Winter; ,_arc,4;:o.pq4 t , and ate ItUillg them at their llama r_so - vcr 3Ftel,lietts. 1 Just csl *u ace what a good assortment WS //IWO • 44.4 • 1 , - Jan. 1, 1272 \ \ Real Estate Age ncy . 'lO n\ fa ersooit for the tale of the follow g TOWN PaOPERTY 6O V.TiL4GE LOTS, titivate on the Naiadld road and Btate Stmt. Theso tc lots ars 1) . :, ipso central part of 7 Fad gorilla:dent to the ' • - ' • . \ Rail, Road Depot. SE - VERA LLOTB \ Situated on the line of the Rail Road, and suitable for MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. These lots will be sold on reasonable terms Jan. 1. 1871. 'WALTER SHERWOOD. W. R. 13arly..e.i"tes. CHEAP CASH STORE, 1 a full assortment of new goods, snail as , FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Which will be sold Teri cheap. LLIALS' DR= GOODS, c DDTIONS,a ms EINDS) P12414,,_ AND vAasm rusc POPLL - Ns AND WHITE GOODS, Gloves. Hosiery, Snit Goods sad Notions Choice Groceries, Sugar, Soap., Tobsooo, Byarp Rio% -Saimams, Catret, Tea, - Clitc3rar, Balt, Slab, Flow. HATS & OAPS, BOOTS & =OM BIIDDIMS, 1900 M . WAAL V. Crab ipatd for ETTER, or obintd ora Cooroisoion Plass call =A bat oat Stook over. You will id ways Ind et/ wady and willing to show goods. J.& In.— So VANttik Ayer's dtibirlAblorat. Vor Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Qohlii,z-NlThooping.. , : Conan, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Among - the great discoveries of modern science, few are of more, rc..111 ,vniag to - matilliVlß'antkitfef t`ectual r Stri elq: Ai' all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. A. vat trial of its virtues, throughout this and other countries, has shown that it does surely and effectually I , ,etr, - the testimony of our best cid .:e classes, estaTilishes,the ; ,fact, that ‘. PLc Eon.% L wilt liarlioes relleVe' and - t - tro the afflicting disorders of the Throat and ocy t n, i any Other. medicine. The most ,tailz•rrll= of the Puimonnry Organs -e:A; and cases of Consume= f.7,1A e i ir : ,- this preparation, are public , =^ rot - Mut:able as hardly to be be ti:ey 1:ot proven beyoft4.dispute.. is adequate, on which the public !Y.l - 1 rosy fcr fail protection. By curing Coughs, th... I ernntiet , of more serious disease, it saves tt:a.unil.. - ted fives, and , an amount of suffering n..: t., contiued. It challenges trial, and con cePptiCai. _ Every family should It an hand as a protection against the early 0.1 i uhpcticeiyell, Attach. of Pulmonary-Affeetdons ( tore .easily tact at . first, but Isiftch bectstiox ) ~ften fatal„ if neglected. 'l•en na to-t).-) 1 Oa- Mill it is unwise to Le;rat As a safeguard to children,qimiti the .li-e.v;e4 which beset the Throat g•r CLIIdbV ),f, co EalcY PECTORAL 1- ,),..,,taa`oe. for, by its timely" use, multi rssenen you puncture graves, and so the love and afilsetiun centred on them. It .1-sts s,,celily and surely against ordinary colds, 4e. lithlg ant health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer troublesotne Influenza and pain t:l faro shins, when they ltnow ion; easily w) fie cured. TO - tz \ i"adliv rile produgt of ,long, laborious, and ll , c•issrlil :then - deal investigation, no cost lor toll is 1- in making every bottle in the utmost ;,c; section. it may be confidently -.1p.,t, alkthe virtues it hat ever and capable of producing ciire4 as tiletnorable as the greatrt it has ever effe&ed. [MEI CM lEEE UM Mil En wicErs...m aireart Ell ESEES PRXPA.RED BY - Dr, 1-.. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Prr.., - tical and Analytical Chemists. SaLWItY - A1.7.. PRU64ISTB rmorwarsz. Jan. 1 1872. _j _ & /qt. . Y f, 0 Weßidocicr. Sr earoo TOE Head Quarters , . of FOR Drugs and Medicines, (PatOt,f,or otAterwree)—Also for ona, vpdasna. oLAss, ;ptriTy,; • l'WE':ArAtitirg27'l43 lIRUSW'S'Off' 1021 - GO TO HEAD QUARTERS FORIM Choice Liquors, Cigars, and TOBACCO. Also for 32340 0 001CJEC. Religions, Historical, Medical, Legal, Blank or School N. B. A. tall assortment of the latter. Also, an ez cellent asacittmept oti f. ALBUMS, MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAMES, STATIONERY, CORDS AND TASSELS, &0., &0., ariecoc3eirleet. On Teas, Sugars, Coffee, Sprnp, Molasses, Rice, Spices, Soda, etc., we will not bo beaten, (Skprice or quality.— will sell choice. Teas by the cheat, or auger by, the_ barrel, at, as low Retires as the Rams can be bought at thbl.isiftwat 'Nett/ Yorlt.:• •- • . i• , •• • >• -• ' P. S. 'TRY OUR 4 SHIUTNCi TEA LAMPB, Cp.AND'pLIER§ &c., dce of the newest styles. and lamp' liftneys that will not break. • Fancy and ,:.Toilet Articles. PERFUiLERY, TOILET SO4PB, POSLA.DES, BRUMES, &c.. & MUM= LERY CUT- LliD JEWE c., LRY, WEfIPS AND LASSES. r We hold twenty desirable village lots foxy sale * in the central part of the town ; and will also loan money at reasonable rates. :1. 8. Dr. W. W. Webb has his office in our store, where he may be consulted fbr advice or treatment. - JELLSTIFIGEI -COLES. New Jewelry Store. TilzEenstrnof&dory: w ould vrl:l9tPig, say y htt opette the ctilt; jewelry More In the building recently occupied by O. L. Willcox. His stook comprises a full assortment of Clocks, W atches. Jewelry, Silver \ an,d Plated- Ware. B. D. WARRINEN, one of the best workmen in North ern Pennsylvania, will attend to the Repairing of Watches, Clocks, For the skilful doing of which bis seventeen years practical experience is sufficient guarntee. S. B. WARRINER. Wellsboro, Ang. 21, 11371-tf. Ea49it - for Sale. niErstilstontlntla thelirattnne. offereads farm-for , Bate,located-on-the Wellaboro and tatirrencerrille Railroa in Middlebury township, Tioga Co., Pa., nine miles from Tioga,eiglit from Welleboro, and one-fourth mile from ,Middlebury /Depot and Junction of. the Elk land, Osceola and Nriortilleroads,.oclltandrig L5B amen, well adapted. to =thrtlit' 'hundred bearing apple lieelltif dairyi ng large peach or chard, frame house and barn thereon. For farther in formation, inquire of the subscriber on - the premises. A. B. A. BBIOGIS. Jan. 81, 1811-,tf. Crooked Creek, Tioga Co., Pa. NEW C604:13313 Ten pieces Black Alapaca Just received nt ItARDIOTIL 00 et o Ys. new and desirable styles of Prints Priet ored st ' HARDIN% Brawn and Bleached tilliesthigs in ntl Ividtbs pheap at HAIOW& (oe, arr t g, Delartea, Noinoeir,SatilW/Uncs En& Silk in great tariety, cheap at D 'S Beater Cloths, Caul/notes, DoeS*,, =lea' Ciaaia Furs, for sae cheap at ' I II,4IIDEN'B. • abriwb, G/07811, Sala/. Ladies' and laenca' Undergar manta for sale cheap at HatDM'S. Wellsboro, fan. I& 1872. 411 mums Isdebtml to likoss. /Urdu' an rimpotord °maze tweltasto Minot Wino gods. 2. N. :17;..% II Fr-1. eguiatO t~~~ Xs now fttlrof goolls,suitabA for the winter Trade. The assortment is complet e DRY GOODS, GROCE li -, ;0.4? :;:l ',ll ,;7. Crockery, Boots' and Shoes, Mil W 131,32,C37" 43Vcac•cle,s, NUMMEOE , '' (, L; . 'Aria The New Rail ROA and invite ALL the people of 71loge Counly . who wish to make purchases In - - and coniparevicee. The closest buyaza will be convinced-that this to tbe 044. Came one and all; haie'a nice ride, a good time generally, and buy just Jam 1, 1879, N.F.dW Jut -'laptop - & Br masittieksav =breams c 34. Paredes, Mohair., Platila, French anal Irish FOLUTIF, Japan. 8/2314 VBXIOZ fa, all at prices midi less than ha,. sen. 9 for before. Ws ..,Fancy Goods, Yank4e Notions, Boots, Sl° ...I{l to to cants. . F 12,60 to $5,50. ..11,25 to $5.50. . • $ l , OO to SIM. Hosiery from Soots from Mons' Sho66 Soya' Shoes from ALL SEASONABLE GOODS AT Ready-Made Clothing in a Yard wido Factory for =as for ea for Choice Groceries l Etc. ' Teas from 50 cents Coffees from' 25 to 30 cents. . A Swam 123-g cents. %Aces, all kinds. Porterea sew _ w,Soa at 13,4 cents. gl IdVs. Our dicao Is, "ha dealing, low Prices, and strict attention to bis Melli," which Is always the key to sue- COSS. We invite erect one in:want of anything in our line, to drop In smd.take a hltok through our stock, as we i are always pleased to sh4w our Goods. I Wellaboro, Jan. 1, AU The Largest , Establishment in Northern Pa. • _ cro 212E.PILM/131S, EMI DRTIG-G-IS'TS • AVM& facilities Per buying and hatuiltha_ large quaallalea s if Goods enables them to offer them at the Pries locTrt4ltal st ni t igoes. to our ratan deporffnaot Goods SCEs sold at a small advance over wholesale STONE; MDR ISLIND AND Winn LM, GLA/111, iaLI7.2:IS c 6 3B I:INGLE AND DOI3IILE TEMIS ...PAWN. ALL =De AND COLORS, V AND van= taltsids, A' MA. STOOK. Transfer Ornaments; Striping Pencils ME . and Brugheti for Carriage and a fa mai of all slum of Goat appertaiotni to oar bispoto kas ix. atooh. AIL 1, 1872, CORNING,' • IL -,Y., ISO We ire now easy awe-est , I Our S-toc 43. t Licrocr IPries Otoo JUST BEOBrTED AT No. 1 BOWEN lc CONE'S =CZ, WEEL9I3OBO. 10 meta. 19 cents. 20 cents. waousaLt AND RETAIL Cutter Ornamenting. :. o I ffil I closed aull Black DrossUlul 'op a full Una of _ es, Hats 4; Caps • - Children' Shoes from 80 crate tO Bats from 75 ccUta to ,SQ. Caps from ' 80 cads to 145. LOW PRICE 9 French Queen• Own E=!lf3Eia W. J. GORTON & CO, IM = ER I in every dwatineut IgS, , Notions, 01 lino to come and look at to pay out money ecouotu hat you want, 0 NEWELL as OWENS. S! IEI they, ocle 2 undancer MEI 1. u ~„ r. R. E Ohicy, armwmr.offi, :tfANSPIEj.D, PA , . . . .. -1 , K EEPS constantly, o n hand, 1 .1.11,01 N. ' le WALTIIASI .aild. SWISS \VA,TCJIES. 4 j . .Marine, Ahirin A: Calendat:CLOCKS. ... ' . _ SILVER. SPOONS # •• 1 -.: Plated Spoons, and Forks; Table,' Batik. told 'Fruit Knives ,'• Caps, Castor» and Cake Baskets; 1 Napkin Rings; .Creion, Salt, Agar tool Mustard ilptions ; • Eine Gold and Agate Rings: Gold Pens amt. l'eitell ;I= ilolla Gold Seta; Year), Fancy and Plated Buttons Watch Guards and Chains, tte. A large stock ofPECTA t. OLE 3, GLASSES, and Colored Glasses, all at re:Weed prices. .. I • N. D.—Watehea anti luwelty neatly Repaired. ' Jan. 1, /872-ti. , 1 _ 1_ JEWELRV STOltiEt WELLSBOEW, PI - A ...I. , ,2 --_„,, ..,, who hits long Urn' earl i E 0,,* lu the Jewelry hue! tt. v ... . c yl ..-,.: Wallsboro, bait alwaya ; • --.-___ ,- .. _:.•, 7, ,-. vitriolic lluds and pri.: AMERICAN IVA'Ci lE, Gold or Silver,. Clocks, Jewelry, c Gold C Keys, Rings, Plus, Pencil's, Gases, Gold Steel Pens, Thimbles, Spoons, Rao. Plated Ware, • SEWING DIACiIINE Arc., &c., Sc With most all other articles usually kept,Lo tablishmenta, which are soldsow for CASH. Repotting done neatly, and promptly, and NOTIOZ. - Jan. 1, 1872-ly e Stannar ' , trashing Illachl Is pronounced the beat lu Market, having taken the drat Premium at the Tinge Co., and other Fairs, and is decidedly the best washing Machinel Invented. It only needs a trial to satisfy the moat skeptical. Per• sons wishing to purchase, will address LUKE STEVENS, Tioga, Pa. Jan. 1, 1871 Dinah - dr 14.414••• ItAIMIG returned from a visit East, I am pared, with a new stock of goods and ins to o er superior inducements to those in ws thing in my line. Artificial teeth inserted and superior base, at low rates. Teeth extra qut pain. preservation of the natural teeth a Work warranted. / Terms reasonable. A. B. EASTAI Jan. I, 1872-tf ROSADA THE INGREDIENTS THAT poMPOSE ROSADAI IS are published on eery package, there fore it is not a secret preparation, Consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It is gs certain cure for . crofula, Syphilis in all its forms'heuma tism, Skin Diseases, L iver Corn. Orilla and all diseasesl i of the Blood. •qT.I ntriurrn AEA 15 A/ I A."' 1 S A D ONE BOTTLE or BOSADALIO will do more good than te e n bottles of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rosadalis in theirpractlce for the past three years and freely endorse 1.1 as a. reliable Alterative and Mood ,Pdrifier. DR. T. C. PIIGII of Baltimore. DR. T. 3. BOYKIN, " , DR. R. W. CARR. " • DR, F. C. DANNELLY, " DR. J. S. SPARKS, of Nicholanille, K y. DR. T. L. McCARTHA, Ziumbia, 4 S. C. DR. A. B. NOBLES, Edgeco bp N. C. I USED AND ENDORSED-BY J. B. FRENCH/ SONS, Fall River, Mass. F. W. SMITH, ackson, A. F. WHEELER, Lima, Ohio, HALL, Lima, Otto. CRAVEN &,CQ Gordpnsville Va. • SAM'L. a., t.taf rees . boro, Tenn. , Our space Will not allow of any ex• tended remarks in relation to the virtuoso( Itosadalls. Totho Medical Profession we guarantee a Fluid EX• tract superior to - any they 411ve • ever psed in the treatment of I diseased Mood; and to the afflicted we say try Itosadaila,-,arikyou will bo restored to health. \ - f :- i 5 - r Rosadalls Is sold b y all ihmalltsi prim $11..50 per bott le. Address DR. =MONTS do CO. - Manufacturing Cheinists, - Itch, EMI July 19, 187 AGENTS WANTED POR . FV11104; off: PHASES OF_ LONDON IT Es BY D. J. StawAtt, the well-known Jounialist. The Very Largest Commission's Paid. This book is a beautiful octavo of 085 pag4s, embel lished with 200 engrarings, and finely executed map of London, designed and executed expressly for this work by eminent artists. It contains a full, graphic , and truthful statement of the Si9hts, San*. and I;S'eniatioris of the great Metropolis of tho Addre s, DUPFIELD ASe maD;Publishler, 711 Sausbm Street, Philrelphia. Jim. 1,1872-4 m. • FOR SALE. a 4 • 7yTSubscriber offers for sale at hiss relidence in lielmar, one span of Horses, Harness, 'Wagon, and osum cows. All of the above will be sold, at prlvato sale. Inquire of, HENRY 0 FORD. Delmar, Feb. 21,1873-St. MERCHANT TAILO EORGE WAGNER, has just received a LA sortmant of all kinds of GIJIO7 I 7S for gentle= 's • COARSE &-FINE CLOTTING and is prepared to manufacture in tho BEST STYLE, and on the shortest notice. Persona wanting Clothing will please drop in and see my stock. Good Pas and tho best of work guaranteed. Jan. 1,11 M-17. GEO. WAGNER. For Sale or Rent A. GOOD dairy farm in Tioga township, (Tioga Pa., about 21-2 miles west of the borough of oga, about 100 acres improved, and 48 nulmproved.— gas on it three barns, three dwelling hone* an apple sod peach orchard, and other fruit toms. Terms eallY. Also adjoining on the west, a farm and tirtiber lands from 40 to 200 acres as desired, with Silures Im proved, with a good barn, a good house and apple orchard.-. Good for a dairying farm. C. H. S EY3IOI7II, Jan. 1, 1872. T i loga, Pa. • For Sale. • A BOUT 110 acres of land known as the illiam .11.2. Mitchell farm at Mitchell's Creak, Tiogti Co., Pa., with three dwelling houses, a steam BaMill and Barns and other traudings--one of the be at la:atiosui for a lumbering or other manufacturing es blishrnant on the Ti oga Railroad. Also, adjoining a lot of about 185 lames about 30 acres in prottite. Would -make a goal II timber enough on it,for !hal, lumbetpoSta, &c., to pay for it. also atant,76o acres of timber laud with I some im orhiorfunts, about a mile east of the above described valuable for Hemlock Bark. timber and farm thilso tw . o lots of laud of. one=el .001, Situated at siffli d = n l; a in sto the re, t4IvrCP Mid ebu'n Those slesiricuto_petrchase inquire of . Juno Mitchell =Vas premises! at Td:itehell's Jan. - 4.21 1 / 4 7. LEY, I Lashed ANDREW F uul Jr Gale, d~l7~ ~nnd uch es- stiost EM DIE now pre• trurnents, nt of any a new cted with. speciality. lAN, 1 1 ells entist, boro, Pa. [EI ISM lEIM ING uperb as °. g.wrifork, RAiLIW,AY- TIM TABLES. • e ERIE RAILWAY. A lISTRACI OP TINE Tmnr.,ADCIPTEI I Nov. 13tit, 1871 NEW and IMPROVED , :DRAWINU : IC00:4 and SLEEPING COA . CllES,conAlninp al 1 Modern Improve manta, are ran through on lilt'l'ra Inq between Niagara Falls,' Enapenalon Bridge, Cleveland, Clneln• nati and Neve Yerk. • Westward. STATIONS CM • • 11.00 Alt 5:: s 1 pN: 7.00 P 1110 " 8.45 " 7.20 " 815 1. m 155 A $ 2.35 A. .51 837 " 217 -" 018. 2.82 " 3.25 " 10.10 " 398 " 4.11 "" 11,00 " 4.27 ", 498 " 11.80 " 8.05 " 8.`:5 12 35 A li G 42 0.01 " 12.1 V " Now t'r i kL'vo Jernoy Bunq'hauual• deem, Bend." Dingha'ton. < ' Oweg). Waverly. .4 " corning. - , " PaintedPost<• Eocheetes•AZ• Born'llsVille" puffAlo. "" NisgraVall , !< Stisp.Dridge o Clifton " Dunkirk 4 . Clelleland " Cincinnati " 830 A d 945 •' 4 30 Din 6.13 Pla 6.63 " 6 , 110 sl 7.05 " 4.83 " 1140 8.83 Sup 1230 Nitt 12.48 & -S5 I - 2 100 " 2.22 " I 7 CO ' 1 I:00 r w Additional Local Traiins Westws.rd. 6.00 a. m., except Sundays, froin °trap, 6.009. M., daily, from Eu9quehance. 6.60 a. In daily, frcm Emsqu. boon. 1.00 p. to. except Su ndays, from &moat: r. 3 1.16 p m'except Sundays, froth Elmira. Stopping at Big Fiats . ). SO, Gornto g 200, Paint6,l Post 20C, and thenee,ita Avon, to Buffalo, arriving at 8 86 r , m. 2 30 p To except Sundaye,from BtugLamten. • Eastward. N0.12* STATIONS I Cincl'ati Vve Cleveland " Dunkirk Clifton " Buep.B'iro " Niagara P. '• Buffalo " Rochester cc Corning •r Elmira " Waverly '• Owego " Bingharn s t'n" ' Great Bend cc Buegnehan'a'• Port Jerifla " IliddletoWn" Peahen " Newburgh " Paterson " Newark Jersey City cc New York " 9 45p m 925 am 126 pm 140 " 145-" 162 " 2 46 " 616 Sup 400 pm 7 85 " 812 " 8 47 " 932 4 , 10 15 " 1000 p m -640pm 1000 " , 440 am 645 " 1006 •' i 445 " 560 10 12 " 462 " 645 " 1140 " 7-00 " 10 45 • 4 330 a m 1005 615 " 7-15 " 12 20a m* 455 " 11 30 4 " 12 58 " 635 " 12 08 p m " 008 " 12 41 p m 1"19 " 643 " 115 p.m 305 " 727 " ,155 pm 336 '• ; 752 "": 217 p m 400 • " i 825 " .; 247 p m 760 " ; 12 05 p al"? 018 p m 845 " :12 63 " 904 " 11 03 " 2 62 a ni 363 " 1210 pm' 886 pm 11 00 am: 4/7 " 840 p m 205 p tn. 515 " 11 88 am, 823 " 915 pm 12 00 m'3 40 " 925 p ro 6 60 " 700 " 633 " 700 " Additional Local Trains Eastward. 5.00 a m., oundays xcepted, from ifornelsrllle. 6,55 a m,, daily from nornellerille. 7.00 a M..•except Sundays, from Otreito. 7.50, R m., except Sundays from Elmira. 1.58 p. incept Sundays:from Painted Post, 2,10 p y e m., except Sundays, from Lfornella rine. - f *Dail. Holidays excepted, I?etreen.. tfornellaville and Port Jorvl3. - L. 11). RUCKER, Gang Supt, Northern Central. Direct Bout° North and eolith, Ou sad after fiunday„l i Nov 12th, 1621, Trains will depart from Troy, Pa., aelollowe - 0 _ 'LEAVE, Han i 662 A. Expreas,lo.3o P.M. Wmaport Accom. 7.10. Niagara Expreaa 1.65 P. .ILI TRAINS LEAVE NORTIIWARD. Mail, 9,30 P. M. Elmira Aertn.lo OS A. M Niagara Express 4,33 P. M. Buffalo Express 4,27 A M A. R. FISKE, General Superintendent. J. A. REDFIr.LII, A6,'t Gong Sup't Wellsboro4 Lawtenceville R. R. Time Table No. 8. TAXES EFFECT TEMEEIDAT, 2v GC. 1G Tn,lBll GOINQ NORM ' 6iaTIOK9. 001 , :t0 corm sBOpm• 11 10 am. Corning 900 a m 7 50p m 425 pm 10 05 am Lawrenceville 10 17 a m BLO pm 414 pm 956 am DunTring 10 27 a m 869 pm 408 pin" 951 am *Lathrop 10 32 am9ol p m 854 pm 940 cm *Nu' Cieck 10 40 a m 916 pm 349 pm 933 am Tioga Village 10 E 5 am 920 pm 881 pm 918 am *Hammond 11 12 a m 935 pa 819 pm 907 am *Hillis Creek 11 25 am 9 46 p 818 pm 9 00am Holliday 11 Oa am 950 pm 8 03 . pm 861 am Middlebury 11 11 am 959 p 264 pm 848 am Nilea Valley 1.1. 49 amloos p m 242 pm 831 am *Mar eh Creek 12 02 pm 10 10 pm 285 pm. 806 ara Wallibaro' 12 09 Rra 2022 pm *Flag Stallone. A. H.GORTON, Sup't. I lossbnrg & Corning & Tioga R. P. 001S0 FT, rio:s nano [OO2O 1110 am 680 pm Corning. 2 rti an, 760 pa, 10 66 am 616 um Mulholion 919 am 05 pm 10 42 am 602 Lan Erivin Centro 983 am 18 pin 'LOBO am 400 pin Cook's 945 am 80 pm 10 25 am 445 pm Lindley 9 60am 36 pm 10 15 am 4as pm Lawrenceville 1016 am 49 pm 10 03 am 421 pm Somer's Lane 10 27 am G9pm 953 am 411 pm Mitebell's .10 87 am 08 pm 949 ata `407 pm 01.1 Station 10 41 um 12 pm 937 am 557 pm Tloga 10 55 am 25 pm 926 am' 847. pm Mill Creek 11 02 am 902 pm ivicCov's 916 am 887 pm Lamb's Creek /1 12am 943 pia 905 am 827 pm Mansoeld . 11 24am 9 56pro Canoe Camp 845 ' am .• 809 pm' Covington 1141 am 10 15 pm 825 am 260 pm Blossburg 12 05 am 10 35pin 226 p m Somervilio 12 26 flit 2 25 pm Fall Brook 12 46 am A. a. GORTON, Rot Es. a. 0. R. R buittraneel Insurance! Hand in Hand Mutual Life Insurance Company, OFFICE, No. 112 8. 4TH ST., PECELADh,II3IL INCORPORATED FF_BRirARY 23, 1867 Chatit 7 d Capital StSoo;000. ASSETS oVtil Stock and l!dutual, combining Security with Profits. Supposo )-ou are already insued in a first-class com pany, and from any cause whatever, (say after ten year ly payments) you do not or cannot pay longer and die-- your insurance gone and yoiir money wasted. Not 'so in the "HAND-IN-HAND ;," all Policies are Nort-Fon- FESTABLE. This company which ranks among the most popular and successful Life Insurance Companies, grants poi. icier on all desirable plans, both with and without profits; Traveling Priveleg t es 'Unrestricted. .', __ All policies are inconteatibl after one year from any of the ordinary causes. Look: to your-Life Insurance. Pleasc, examine the following Comparative able. It is sometimes alleged by Agents of other Companies that the Company they repro ent is safer than others. While we unhesita tingly assert our belife in the eoundnees and stability of all companies, wo desire to present the following for the inspection of those desiring to Insure : 'Of the following companies, compare tie annual pre miums charged by each for an insurance on life at ; the age of 30 years, payable at death : 7, , Annual premium r fTen annual for life. 1 1 payments. Travelers' ...$16,84 4 '83,21 ,Etna,... • ~r).,73 42.80 Home .. 23,30 I 50,00 Equitable, 22,70 ~. 48,97 ' Washington 22,70 40,97 Ilaud-in-Hand, 10150 32,01 If not already insured take a policy with the "HAM-Di-HAND." the best Mutual Compdiiy in tho United States. I Jan. 1, 1872, I A. M. ECGIIA'ST, Agent. 1 }IAS now in stock, and will keep constantly on hand, at the lowest market quotations. oot Twine, 2& 4 ply cotton & Jutetwine. Marlin 2; S & 4 strand. Iltiowl'a patent Step Ladder, from 3 to 8 ft. JACK SCREWS, TACKLE K t ocKg, WIRE CLOTH AND WIRE GOODS GEN ERALLY. EMERY WEIFTT FOR GIIMMINQ SAWS. A !till assortment of /aka Huron and Boma GRINDSTONES. 011+.ZA.L WI EEL net, DOWS X ANY QUANTITY, ISA. MLA ROPE FROM on INCH DOWN. So. Iti 2, extra amine oil. A complete esiortment of Mechanics' Tools, HOUSE BYELD Ext s AND HOUSE -' giQLD HARDWARE NSTAN TLY ON MM. £OITO3I - MIMS ON AGRICULTV RAL Vann:MITS. COM Lzkaa4 take a look, get tileal a an qua how Li yameSittl • .~ No. 7,f No 3.* No. 4 .. . 10,20 " 10.20 •• 2.05 " ' 7.05 lift 720 Bit 13.25 "1120 -A 11,20 A3l 7.05 " •12 1.0 P 12,10* - p .11 7.10 " 12.15 " 12.15 7.15 " 12 20 " 12 20 ", 7.20 1" 12 54 " 12.54 I , 6.C5 r z 0.55 " 056, " 700 ASi 7:0 A N 0.4 N0.`,84 No 2 11 40 am IQOO p m Wit. R. DARR, Gen'l Page .A g't L. 11. SHATTUCK, Bapt.Tioga B. H. si,oca,coo,oo AUNT TABrbiA. 111 OLIVYR IVENI/r.LL lIQVAL:3 {Venturer I do alit{ whatever I nay, Aunt Tahiti= telln me that Isn't the way; When she was n girl (forty summers av,„ Aunt Tubitha.tells me they never did se. Dear cunt 1 If I only'vonlil take her ; But 1:111:o my own Way, awl I And It no Mar, And I.?caidea I forget the thingn I nrn tol.l;' t • But they come back to me—when 4, Ira youth lir:sane by, It may happen. no ctol Li, • .The tnny ehnnce to look in fin I chance to 10t.4 13. e 'would never endure nn linpeitinent %tam— It ic nye, and I xnustn't tit there, wo n ( I n qv" bas pleat:Atte, But it 12u'ticiniti.: safe to be walking - So I tie a lad's arm just for nartty, yen Th.t.t Auut Tnbithr. teill me they (10 liont wicked • - xe aro, and how goad they ;7cta They kept at rtrrn'a length these detestable inn What r.n era etS virtue ahe lived in t--But v. 117 Were the men all such regue,s in /bunt f'; If the men were no nicked, I'll :131.: pr.l •' ho dared to provize to nay &lilts Waihe like, the teat oflthexa? 600kLueas: And wlizt naylf a wret.:'2l Floula ca: 11:t: _ng If Aunt I.n:ivr co lit to cf What a wetitler Mint Tabithit'a runt nut4t Lave And her grand,aubt—lt scares Ino—he That •so Vrls cY tc•CaY are so Injlitcully bad A "martyr wUI tacc us and nothing else can, Let Inc paria-h—to rcreue some wrctcl4l r. Though when to thC altar a Victim I go, Aunt Tatitha'll tell Inn aho r.c.ver d!:1 so: AL SQ / FIT • . ' ri i A Italian has_ invented a udder 13 44.):: Etel le r it an eloquent tlssa ou Joan flAr : osburg,. Vermont, has a bride vze : welve Boston Corbeti, the man who once (.1, toyed notoriety ads the killer of Boo'.h, I dead. A young man in Syracuse lately eici4,l with his step-mother, who is about his cll.:. age. • "The Very. Last Days of Pompeii' i 3 Reece'' next burlesque at the Yauderii! , 2 London. Strasliurg University, where Gcet4e rook his doctor's degree one hundred yeirs ago, is reopened. A couple of chairS belonging tr.i Benedict Arnold were recently - eold at St. ;John, N 8., for $1,275 each.. Silerovitch is the Most recent tenor dii covered. - Ho-was a Russian „Street mendi cant when Pauline Lucca picked him up a fewmonths ago. - Lady Yarmouth asked Garrick one da:: why love was always represented as a ,chiki He replied, ` Because rote never reaches the age of wisdom and experience." The National Council, of the Chercki nation has passed an act for the establi:L ment of an orphan asylum. The . institutk-, will go into operation on the Ist of Mad. The empreo dowager of Brazil has frec -140 slaves upbn her plmlttedon of 1119 c recenty sold' ? and 'has provided for th•.- suppott of thai infirm and aged among theil Theimanufacture of Etruscan jewelry lone of the loft arts. Jewelers say there 1, no method known to modern science whic;l will enable thei to reproduce antique s. cimens. • A Mr. Fuss, ‘f Minosha, ITis., died r. centl,y, and his riends made ready ler burial, when trL unexpected fuss, tl.t coffin drew theif attention to the fact the man was Still alive, anti fnrtlsir ceedings r.ere sitspended. It is announced that Miss Ger. rull' c El'- logq, of Broolilyn, has just been Edwin Forest to support Lint clulins-±: tour through 1 , 7e - .v York an.,l States. She will play Julie do Mortimer. Ophelia; Cordelia, Desdemona, 3iaii mite The cultivation of the poppy in 1. - , ranct steadily increasing, and it now' ccel - .13;'. about 60,000 acres, of the value of 4,CC0.0 franca, yielding. opium to .the value of f.,c: 000 francs per yeftr, Different sampl?s cf opium raised in various parts cf Eurc!t yielded , from 8 to 18 per cent. of morphine The other Sunday Mr. Spurgeon, in course of his sermon; "cam© down" on fashionable congregations who take no pan In the praise of God, but leave it all- to done by a few - voices, or by paid choir "It is wretched, it is horrible," said Afr Spurgeon, •"to sit in h , church where_suell custom is observed." • A clerk in Lexins - ,ton, Ey., traced a train of cars on a frosty _plate•glass window re cently, and though the window was sever:: tunes washed afterward, the next -time a:: frost came it traced the train as clearly ai it was first drawn. Lexingtonians - refialt l the phenomenon ea - e:first-class cont=lrun' and ask for a solution. A St. Petersburg correspondent wit chat the defences of Mociiin, the. "neW; astopol," are already assuming formidatF proportions. So zealously are they g-uarthl that no outsider is allowed to approach diet:. on any pretext whatever, and fEe RUES:MI6 are already beginning to boast of the ae77 . stronghold as their greatest fortress r,nd ti real masterpiece of General Toclieber:3 skill. At a masquerade hell recently given ir. Glasgow, Scotland, an officer of inland rc.7 enue managed to obtain admission, disguises as one of the waiters, and took a list oft: names of all who appeared in powdered wigs. He has since assessed them for dori le tax for wearing powder Without a licensc, there being a tax of Vi p.:l- annum for tht privilege of Wearing powder on' the head in Great Britain. The total annual circulation of no:A:3 1 pers printee in the State of ITew York is 492,770,88 cppies, being more than tw!ce the number r ilsued in any other Stao Ti , next greateirt umber Of issues is in Derr 'sylvania, vplpre 233,380,02 coPies ate nually printed. Massachusetts prints 1(27 001,953 copies ; Illinois, 102,C8e,f.'01 ; Cu;. 0, n 2,4 4 13. Next - comes Calif , .:`rn; 9, with 45,80,408 newspaper sheets per finn , . , .rr. A man at Turner, Me., has a contract ftsr the manufacture pf 150,00 `wooden' !,roc . heels for a Boston firm. These heels arr attached to the boot or shoe in this v.i4. A piece of leather, about a quarter cf rn inch thick, is fitted to the bottom of the heel and a screw passes through the leatln:7 and wood into a metallic plate, which ii nailed to the other solo. In this way a nar.a_ can - change his boot heels in a moment. A. New England engineer lately dr:aired that one of the forward trucks of his engine was cracked. When he awoke ihe had 3 premonition lest his dream might pro true, and thought he Iyould go, down to sec that eveutbing was right. On examining, the engine at the engine house he found the truck: preciSel,y in the same condition as Jr:. had seen it qn his dream,, and another c::• gino had to be substituted in its stead. Mr. Nash of Plymouth,alnd., is the ineb: grateful being we ever heard of. rfe tends his thanks to his noble fcilow•citi:cr,• "for their kindness in pitching his house hold goods out of doors on the occasioncf the [burning of a small barn 'near his hotiEc on last Friday." , The goods were badly and unnecessarily smashed, and were in 110 'danger Nvlifttever in the house, brit he is vei7 thankful to the good-people for their gene rous assistance. . The Bor.lon Journal seems to think that it knows the sentiment of the Republican PQr ty itt New England, and that "is is wholly and heartily for Grant. Practically, to ge an old political phrase, 'New England is solid for Grant,' and we are unable to roe anY ground for hii exceptional popularity here. Among the Republican presses and gather ings in the Middle States, the West, and the South, we note the evidences of the fauna 1641444141." , II At; .;.,,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers