Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, March 06, 1872, Image 1

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Y nr.i.nr.n. I S. P, ILAItNY.B.
cri-Tznms :--1.2,00 per annum in Etraiine.
, .
11:11: , . T i in 12 tn. 131.11. 41n. Tin. 12 In 25 in.
1.„.- 1 —.....
1 V. - ,21 - . Isl DO =.t2 00 53 C 0 $ lOO $OOO $ 9OO $l4OO
;.! \Vt.( i 9 1 1.50 300 1 40050070011 00 16 00
31 ,- c.cl,q 2OO 300 500 600-800 13 00 18 00
1 Mouth I
^ 50 4 001 6 (10 7'oo 9 00 15 00 -20 00
2.1...Lt.1ia iOO 600 ' 900 10 00 12 00 20 00 28 00
3 31Jlitb.9 I Ci 00 800 12 09 13 00 15 QO 25 00 35'.00
67ttaths 1 8 00 /2 00 18 00 20 00 22 00 95 00 60 00
1 las. 112 00 1 13 00 23 00 28 00 35 00 00 90 100.00
A 'V‘itisenients are calculated by the inch in length
r.d.unn, mitt any less space is rated as a till Inch.
1..rt1,:n advertisements must be paid for before tn:
fyr en, cn:ccz.t on yearly contracts, when hail-yearly
; avm mit: in advance will be required.
br:srst:.l3 NOTICES in the Editorial columns, do the
f e:cind pare, 15 cents per line each insertion. B oth.
insertedfor less than $l.
1.:)ZA.1. NOTICES in Local column, 10 cents per line if
mere thin five lines ; and 60 cents for a notice of five
:.rte Cr less.
.n.NrerScrlirilis of :11.tnhiarits and Dr.diis inserted
free but all obituary notices will be charged 10 cents
per hue.
I.rel.r.i. NOTICES 50 per cent above regular rates.
BusysEss CARDS 6lines or less, $6,00 per year. ^
Business Cards.
C. H. Seymour,
ATT.O,IINET AT LAW, Tioga Pa. All business en
trusted to his caro will receive prompt attention--
Jan. 1, 1d72.
Geo. W. Atrriek,
ATTORNEY AT LAW . —Offl in Bowen &
bloa, across 411 from Agitator Office, 2fl floor,
Wellsboro, Pa.4-Jan. 1. 1872.
_ _ . _
St Cameron,
, Claim and Insurance Agents.
over Van Order's liquor store,
1, 1872.
°Lae in Roy's block,
Wellabor°, Pa.—Jan.
'William A. Stone,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, over C. B. Kelley's Dry Good
Store, Wright .k Bailey's Dloqt on Man street.
Wellabor°, Jan. 1,181'2.•
Josiah Emery 4 C. D. Emery,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW.-01Roe opPoslti Court House,
1 Pardy's 131 Zck. Willt.mnport. Pa. All business
crcraptly attended to.—Jan. 1, 1872. -
J. C. Strang,
flake vitil J. B. Niles, Esq., Wellaboro, Pa.-Jan. 1, '72,
J. B. Niles,
ATTOP.N.T.Y AT ',S.W.—Will attend promptly to bus.
LICE 3 eutrusted to bi 3 care in tho counties of Tioga
rmil Potter. Oltee cu the Avenue.—ZSellaboro, Pa.,
Jan 1, 1972.
,Jno. W. Adams,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa
CAte , :tions pEcanyty attended to.—.lan. 1,1872.
Jno. W. duernien
TIOENEY AT LAW.—A3I linainesa ( entrusted to him
^7lll be promptly attended tO.-01116315t door south
WicUram Fares tyre, TiOf i rft, Tioga county, Pa.
Jan. 1, 102. •
ArmBtrong & Linn,
Ariolr.4Ers AT LAW, Williamsport, fa.
Win. B. Smith,
2E:;610:: ArailINEY, Bounty and Insv.rance Agent.
'!_raltr.u.hicattons L'43Llt to. the above address will re-
L!ve prompt attwntion. Terms moderate....-Snow.
:Tau. 1, 1972.
Van Gelder & Barnes,
Toy IT.INTERS.—AI.I ktnds of Job Printing tious on
th , ei and to the beat marmer. 02leo in P.otc•
en Cone'a 2cifoor.—Jan. 3, 1872.
W. D. Terbell & Co.,
WITOLE:3A.LI: DRUGGIST, and dnalers iu Wall raper,
Wintlaw C11:345, Perfumery, Faints,
—Cyr:lll , 7. - N., Y. Jaz. 1, :372. -
D. J 3 con, M. D.,
rinizicuN AND SURGEON, 14t. door east r 6f Laugh-
Itathe—Malu St.teet. 111 attend promptly ti
—Wellsboro. Jan 1, 1(372.
A. Dr. Ing - Itam, D.,
nOIICLOPATITIS,T, Office at ilia residence on the Av
outio.—Weltaboro, P. 1., Jan. 1, 872.
W. W. Vlrebli, M. D.,
aattiogi & Coles's Inlig/Stor."...—Wellslwro, PA., Jan.
1, Isl 2.
Seek'n/COatS & CO"
Itnervi Tio,3a CO., Pa.—Receive money
on (I , :peett, dizeonat notes, and sell drafts on :New
Yuri:. City. Collections promptly made.
Mono, sra
, t...iy, Osceola. lincr. CRANDALL,-
Jan. 1, 1872: DAVID COATS, K.1.101-Ville.
,J. Parkhurst & Co.,
13 z..,lo3_s_cm-ro El;land, Tioga Co. Pa;
--- - • Jon, .P,Criratuas - r,
'co: 1, 1672. JOHN PARKFILIRST,
- C. L. PAT - riso:r.
Sabinaville Hotel,
S AI3O:BIiTLI,E, PA., D. Churchill, Proprietor.—This
House la in good condition to accommodate the travel
:.g public in a superior manner.—Jan. 1, lEO'2.
.Petrollum House,
WESTMLD, PA., Gen. Cloie, Proprietor.—Good ac-
Commos aloft tor both man and beast. Charges rea
iouable, and good atttuttou g:ven to guests.
jau. 1„1372.
Farmers' Temperance Hotel.
D.I.TEXI3IT arozator, having purchased this house,
will conduct in future an in the rest, strictly on tern-.
, ;:raucc principals. Every accommodation for man
ant beast. Charges reasonable.—Wellalx)ro, . Pa.,
,Ixa. 1, 1872.
Union Hotel.
;TIE. E . VAN HORN, l'rorniethr, Welllboro, Pa.—This
le plezaaurty 'located, awl has all the CODVen
ieLet...3 rvr lait and be:Qt. Chargf , .,g- motterate.--Jan.
I.Vellsboro Hotel,
iii disbar°, Pa.
SQL. BUNNEL, Prop'r.
,0,111.1 7 11,:ie1 lately hapt by B. B. Holiday.
p)i,t , ‘,lll laths to mike it a tirst
1-,sa .:111 the stages arrive and depart from this
:us:: A hi attendance. 44 - -Livery at-
Jcn. 1, H 72
Hotel for Sale,
rrilli ttar.l•l:Ly. 11 - t• 1, NelsOli..Pa., house and .
I tr.zu
Cc neatly r. 7., half acre land. On the 4.
re of ,-, car. , -..?1 , 1 ,Iloy R. R: Work lust be- '
tr.z tit....r.m .7 7,1 01ct.1, 1(9 men
at work near by. The
-':.- v .
1 (
, 1:1 t. - ). told :.1 a lyt gain. A v 4.0.1 man can
1:-Y) , ..: tho rmi.lerty white he road lebeing bjlilt.
..-late 05y. l'or pat tl c.,111.7.r9 111qUirt5 on the prem43ee,
^ cd.itea. C. li. 'WHITED,
`:: , v. S, l=?71-tf. bloeihnrg, l'n
11 - 1 E OLD. -
e . 4 1 - 1 !"5 T0vh1.1.f.1;41 -ama
t.,.: a +',r,.10 by D. D. Hoildny, b?..3 been
lo•rougLty rettted repatoret
"U. IL O't,UNNuiZ,
"•!!!....:1.-1 1 , 1 ,y to accommodate the otd friends of
at very zeze:.n.i'le rato3.
7 n. 1, 1e.72_ cvcd:KNort.
Fla' : T N : , .:J.!.r.ehn• i l £3., cor.c:nettd on strict tem- . /„.r .
I perance.primcipleg Ly the sUbcaribor, who Fla':
rpaze no I.r_inn to make this hor,se a plcss-j11.::3.,,
an: h , ,lne f:r the traveling public. Ming well supplied
. -- '.'ll housz and (-table room, ho will at .01 lime9,..en
d4avor to provide every comfort for both man and
b,..am. Wls. 11. lIALL. -
Nov. 15, IS7I-tf. . .
Batchelder & Johnson,-
. 1
' PROPRIETORS. OF TIIE• —, ••• •• '
\Vain Street el - To:ate Foundry, : - •••••••
wri,LsrAyno.:rickvi. coulaY. -PA.
All other Marble wo r kexecuted neatly, and at rea
sonable rates. We elsfarnlah to order. Marble and
Flzta Mantle:, Grates,eniere, ko. - -- • -
, J. 1, 1872, Mal r. A. JOIDTSTON: •
Hozcse and Lot for Sate:
ThE undersigned offers for sale his Hans° and Lot
oa Msin stroet, in Elkiand, Pa. at a very low oe.
Said lot contain eno-balf sore and Is wider cul.
ovation. For terms, ite. 3l l l * to Um
E1k1134 Ps . ► reb. o. . 2110:3005L
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There are any reasons for a pecUliar in
terest in this h l Inn. It is regarded by 'llll
competent jird as the noblest hymn of all
antiquity e.xeepti4 thoSe of the , Xtible. It
has, moreover, gre* intrinsic• excellence,
judged •by an : absolute standard. -II pre
sents the religious contictions and emotions
of the more Intelligent pagans in a
.very in
teresting and instructive light. - It excites
additional interest in - viev, of the' fact that
it was read by the - Apostle \ Paul, and was
deemed worthy of -being quoted in his ar
gument addressed to the Athenians on Mars'
Hip. In thii argument he sets forth * God,
the Creatorfof 'all things, as a per-orral God,
and thereby expoSes the 'folly of idol ,
ship: Addreasing an' audience of . cheeks,
he appeals to certain of their own poeta'who
had said, "We are his offspring," and rea
sons from the conscious personality of , minr
thg offspring, to the corresponding perdonal-`
ity of God, the . Patter of man ; and thus, con
demns the represelitation and worship of the
Divine Spirit by "images of gold or sitv:er or
stone, graven by art or man's device:" What
argument Can be more_profound -orlurda_
mental P Does not a rational curiosity lead
us to inquire who were Vitae poets ? Does
their language, as they understoodit, sustain
the arrnent .of Paul ? What Is the con
text from which - these words aye taken ?
What light, if 'any, does this quotation
throw on Paul's acquaintance, with' the' .
Greek poets and with classical literature ?
There is no field of thought more intensely
interesting than is opened by an attempt to
answer these questions. 1 ,
[Dr. Edward Iletcher's Version.]
areat•Jove, moat gloriotuf of the immortal gods,
Wide known by many names, Almighty One, • -
King of all nature, ruling all brhissr,
We mortals thee adore, as duty calla;
For thou our Father art, and welhy sous, '
On whom the grief of spetch thou bast bestowed
alone of all that live and move on earth.
Thee, therefore, will I praise; and ceasaleal show
To all thy glory and thy mighty power. •
Thla beauteous system eircling round the earth
Obeys thy will, and, wheresOe'er thou leadeat, • -
. Ereelymuhruits itself to thy Control.. - -
Such Is, in rhino unconquerable hands, - , -
The two-edged, fiery, deathless thunderbolt; _-
Thy minister of power, before whose stroke -
All nature quails, and trembling, stands aghast; '
IV which the common reason thou dost guide,
Pervading all things, filling radiant worlds, '•
The sun, the moon, and all the Lost of stare, •
So great art thou, the universal /UDC. •
Without thee rmuglit la done on earth, 0 God 1 ' e
Nor in the heavens above, nor in the Bea:
Naught save the deeds unwise of sinful xu,
Yet harmony from - discord thou dog bring;
That which is hateful, thou dog render / fair ; _
Evil and good dog so co-ordinate, /
That everlasting reason shall bear sway;
Which sinful men, blinded, forsake' and 'shun;
Deceived end hapless, seeking fancied soot
The law of Ocei they will not ace nor hear;
Which if they would obey, would lead to life.
But they unhappy rush, each in his way.
For glory some iu eager ceMilict strive:
Others are lost inglorious, seeking gain;
To pleasure others turn, and sensual joys, „
' 1 nesting to ruin, whilst they Seek for life. -
But then, 0 Jove l/the giver titan good,
' Darting tho ligb4 , lng from thy homes of clouds,.
Permit no man to perish darkling thus; •±.
From folly eavo.thera; bring them to the light r -
Give thein , to know the everlasting Law
By which in righteousness thou ruleat all;
That thus honored, may return to thee
Meet honor, and with hymns declare thy deeds;
And though we die, hand down thy deathleas praise.
thnce nor to men nor gods la higher meed,
/ plan ever to extol with righteous praise -
The glorious, universalring Divine. -
! —OW and Raw.
Jan. 1, 1572
senil this letter, 0 my sweetl to tell
The old, old story of my heart's deep wealth
Of tenderness; and of ray, body's health; ,
And how , in all things worldly I am well:
Which thou wilt gladly bear. It holds not muck,
Besides, to pleasure thee. It bears no word
Of fond; affection which thou has not heard
Leap froln my living lips. Well—l will touch -
My moutliurirolba
And so wilt thou. Thus; from these lips of mine
My message will go kissingly to thine,
With more than Fancy's lead of luxury,
And prove a true love-letter, warm and sweet
Is ever yet a loving ipolise did greet l
_ i —Harper's Raga:ins
onderful_ Pris Once of Mind.
A terrible affair occurred-in this -city on
the morning of the ilst of February, which
from its exciting surroundings rarely ever
-finds a parallel in this !country: Many of
our citizens are aware that the square boun
ded by Twenty-Second, Nassau, and Bolton
streets is occupied by the, buildings of,ouy
townsman, Adam Forepangh, ,Esq. - , the
winter quarters of his great traveling me
nagerie. During the present winter Mr.
Foyepaugh has secured the services of,Heir
Darious, the celebrated animal trainer ; from
the Zoological Society's Gardens at:Ham
burg, Germany,- and placed in his charge
two magnificent royal Bengal tigers and two
fine lions. They were to be taught
feats of an interesting character, for
the purpose of showing man's power- over
the brute creation than for mere gratifica
tion of a morbid appetite.. '
Herr Derkiu - s, in whose cliarge the ani
mals were placed, is famous throughout Eu'-'
rope for big rt.r , at-success in training wild
animals, and his abiiiVinthis line is
. well
known among naturalists. - For_ ,. this reason
Mr. Forepaugh secured"his services:-.. Arriv
ing here from Europe on Christmas day, he
immediately had a large den erected-in the
south building of , solid White oak, three in
ches thick, with an open front interlaced
with iron bars crossing each other at regular
intervals. At one end there is a door thro
which the den is entered, and in the center
is a swinging partition which ..divides, the
den into two apartments, and which may be
opened or closed at the _trainer's will.. :In
this strong den the lions and tigers were
placed, separated by the partition,' except
when being Arained, when they, were per
mitted to be together.
Every day during the winter Herr Dad-,
ous has entered this den, opened the para.
-thin, and " interviewed" the monarchs of
the glade and forest______On the morning in
dicated, while the trainer - was_among "lds
pets," the tigers, for some unknown - reason,
began to exhibit signs of sudden displea
sure, such as scraping the floor with thilir
claws and brushing-their sides with_their
tails. Darions immediately noticed this,
and• grasping the partition dgor, suddenly
closed itj , with a crash; leaving _him alone
with asi gle tiger. The'closing of-the par
tition, or the separatio4 frOm his mate, en
raged this beao, and seeing the trainees
face turned away, he made one spririi.r,: ut
tered a single terrific growl, and in a second:
*as on Herr Darious's back, ivith his claw's
in his hair. As the latter fell to the floor he
uttered a shout, which brought a ulna - bey of
the employes, Of Abe', establishmetit to the'
scene, but their fear -unmanne& Wantland
preventa them), fromori4ering- the :trainer'
any assistance. - -
During this timeritirlous,, with rare pas
..ence of mind, lay perfectly stilli - knowig
full well that a single movement might re
'sult in his instant death- The other:ani
mals seeing the attack and iiearing the noise,
set up simultaneously a terrible howling,
roaring, and . groaning, and the. scene
came a perfect pandentordinp. , The valua
ble performing horses in the adjoining sta
ble were meted . 4410he t 0errer spis44
• •
Overcome thenii , - - -The :tumult; reached "the
elephants' quarters; andletVas alttatter of
great difficulty to 'keep iheni (Met, &Pedal=
ly - old Romeo, the nonster who kills a keep- 1
er every ;one . 05 two years; the Smaller
phantswire Tiess ; distirbett.•-' In the upper'
story a:cocconn gnu or horned horse;:one'of
Mr. 'Fcirepaugh's recent importations, and
one of the most vicious of all animals, broke
through his cage . and batle . an immediate'
and 7 terrible attack on one of -the. zebra Ca
ges Containing a beautiful And valuable aid-.
In less than a moment the front Nvtis
battered down,• and.the Pooizebra- lay a. 4.-
iu g , gored to death. Prodeeding to the den
containing the great eland, the gnu began to'
battle at the wirework here, but his horns
becoming entangled he was captured and
plaCed in • safe 'quarters without doing fur-'
tiler damage. - • ;
'All this occurred'in a very short space of
time, And Herr parlous , still -lay in the
'ger's den quiet sa death, when the'proprie`
ter of the establislunent,'Adtuit Forepaugh,
suddenly -droire , up in „his carriage,' and en-,
tering the building tookin the situatioli at a*
glance.. With.th'e rapidity of thought, and
with a daring rarely -equaled, he rushed di=
reetly to the front of the den where Daricats
lay, put his hand in, grasped one of 1116 'ti
ger's hind legs, drew it through , the bars,'
and bracing his feet.pulled•with- a strength
never exerted before—pulled for human life.
The:tiger. turned .to -nee' istenecrestrid difix
attack iu the rear,- just as Mr. FOrepaugh
had foreseen he *ould turn; then he tliouted
to Da,rious ; and as -the tiger inosened
hold the trainer sprang up, opened' the door
and escaped, uckily with. but_ few scratch
es. The scene was one neVer to be forgot
ten by those who witnessed it, and but for
the coolness and" heroic bravery • of Mr._
Forepaugh would ha} t resulted in 'Herr Da
rious's certain death; With_ the exception
of the dead zebra, .valued at $B,OOO, the
damage done is2ffight.=Philadelphk Age.
The Wit aria ViedOro of Geot'•ge Eliot—
We will/not say' that the writer who:signEi
herself "'George Eliot," 'l4 the' only female
humorist who -has Written , hi T,nglish, for'
ther7ls much. delicate' and siibtle huitior" in
Miss Thackertiy% liti
br, usually of :the , broad ma - indelicate
kind, in Lady Miry Wortley-11 . 4iitague's
tern, and wonderful power of humorous ob
eervation in Miss Austen's - novels; but un
doubtedly George Eliot Id the only:woman
of = our time whose writings - wcfold, be re
membered for their hunt Or alone, or whose
sayings, just now collected into a Volume
by themselves, are at all likely, like Shakes
peare's sayings, to pass into the subitance
of the language. Humor is not - one 'of the
feminine faculties, and fetrat of all humor
like George Eliot's - huniar, which is 'essen-•
tinily an expressipb:of - shrewdness, of keen,
hard sense, rising oecesionally to the level
of true r though usually, earthly wisdom.—
There_ is nothing 4tetly likZ it that WelinOW
of . 1 4 our language; - .'The anther henielf, -to
judge from occasional turns of style,' has
notion that on this side - of her head she has.
some relation' to Thackeray; but Thacke-.
ray. could no more have created'Mrs. Poyser :
-titan George Eliot eciuld have Created Major
-‘l 3 ,erulennis; he could not have made her so:
shrewd and incisive and witty, 'yet 'with so
little of the anatomist about her inner char
acter,. Still.less is. she like Charles Lamb,
whose grotesquely - felicitous - conceits are
foraign to her whole style; or Pharles Dick
ens, with his-keen iiyiltir - the' incongruities'
of the people and minds:that he had known.
No character throughotit George Eliot's long
repertqire iS - 41. the least grotesque. There is.
•a resemblande between lier b - u Mar and that
Of Shakespeare, who - might have written
:the wonderful scene in the - inn- parlor in,
"Silas :Mantes," a- scene which of, itself ,
Would stamp her ratilF. 6 -- as: draiimtist; brit
Shakespeare is leis dependent upon the re
lation of his humor to the- mouth in which
it is placed,' and seldoin' gives such an im=
pression of- mere shrewdness; or . approaches
so close to the Scotch form of wit, the basis
of Which is - This, for in=
stance, is utterlySchteli,a perfect illustra;
'don of the wont ""pawky"-;, "•You're, right
there, Tookeyr there's - allays - two 'pinions;
there's the 'pinion n" man has-of hiniself,
and there's the 'pinion other folks -have ,
him,.There'd - be:two-;'pinions -- about 'a
cracked bell, if the bell could hear - liself:v
And no ofie ignorant of . George Eliot,- but
-familiar with that prince
_of the- novelists
who.teach:by innuendo;.Galt,. the one-great
humorist whom;gnmislitneri have-never rec
ognized or have. speedily forgotten, Would
doubt to 'whom to ascribe this saying of Dol
ly Winthrop herself,' a ; cliaracter.almost or
quite unique in the literature of • fict iOn •
" . •Dol/y.--Yon niult . for it,
because it must hare's name
,giv; it wiferi - it's
christened; mother'inameWas
Hephzibah, and My little sister,was named
after her. Dolly.—Eli! that's 'a hard name:
I partly think -it iCn't- ar - christened name.
&Ina. —lt's a Bible name. .Dolly:1 1 1411:Pre
au.sag to speak again it;, but y9u. : see I'm, up
scholard, and I'M 'slow at catching the
words. My husband says I'm a,s
if I was putting the haft for the bandle- r ,
that's what he says—fer, he'S very Sharp,
God help him! But it; Was - awk'ard calling
your little sister by such a hard-name,when
you'd got nothing big .to say, like—,-wasn't
it, Master Mutter? called - her
Eppie. - it was' noways,
wrong to shorten thli name, it 'ltd be a deal
handier:" - —•-
This gibe, too, atteld age - iiiight have up
'peered in Dean Raulsay's collection; though
there is a touch of !bitterness in-it i , a taste Of ,
xitriol r an-appreciation- of -the- evil side of.
hunian nature; &din arily.absent Irani Seat clr
humor, which, often severe, is Very seldom
cruel: "It seems as If thkm'as'aren't wint--
tedltere are the only folks as aren't wanted
i' the other world." " Annuitants never
die," is the English form of that ppigraM,
and though more direct and intelligible,- is
infinitely less shrewd, covers within its range
inneh less of the, discontent . youth feels
wish age. " I'm not denyin' the women are
foolish; God Almighty-made them to match:
the men," . ls just one of the :sentences one
would expect from those grand,oldWomen,'
the last generation Pf,Seoteltiladies, such as
Scott knew anctworshipped; and iS this'
illustration of the power of habit, an illus
tration curious for . the brevity find force
With which recognition of that -power and
dislike for it are both expressed. "A mag
got must be bent the - rotten cite*tPlike"
it,' rdekotO In many of Mrs: koySees,
best' remarks the humor 'Consists solely-in
the, laughing surprise crested
,by:their, une*-
-pected, shrewdness, in thewentlr , the reader
feels' at 'being compelled . .to glve , idtittring
after - VI, - is . . a "very,
- simile
sou cou,til4ktkellt
ditig,wirthinking p' the batter, 'Cud be . easy
getting dinner.",
,poor eating, wbere
'the flavor o' the meat lies in the . Criiets.=
There's folks as hake bad butter, and -trust
.to-the salt to-hide Or this, --in condem
nation of the habit of perpetually:praising
-the dead: "It's but little good 'you'll do a
-watering the last year's ercop,s' ihiS, !‘`l
-kimiWilie way o' wives; they iilene..ottiO
abuie : ,their husbands,and-them they tOrn
round on ono and praise 'em as it :they
-, • /
• -.
~.., , ~.....17.- - ..77,- - 7-77-7.-,..r:--1-2-7 - 1 , -. ,
ted , t sell !cm."",:. '',.1 1 - old Barry's. a nu`nil
to do ti liit:6 l .;` landnass,,,f or a, holiday, like;;
Who 4 i iOr i
iiiiiiiiiiiii ' 1. , ; f In - si - it w' -‘ • N. - ' n W
y . . . _ g._ •p); , • -...',. -4-.
..figt..;',NihfiC 04,74 Werth, deirotts,q4.tbe.ituttl-
Wye," thelitinor. f ';(l'hir is ,Ihe f :ltrOvtliti4ti,
Of,insight, not tlie - shreytittes.w.bieltrenns•l
of ObSeryntfun, - ,like this !teseriptic, , J , of'l'al•
Seotch gardener,. peril-It's tife very.lie4/ tle.!
spription 'o t f _that kilt ti of volt cejted.- (.4i - tele/I. )
~ . into,
cyever uto tv . ord, ' >',Ydu're/.lttightY.,
fond O' Craig; lint /or my, i)a):1,-1 . ,,think. bi.'.t
welly like aicock
.es i t i 0 :11 , -, I hi. , o t i if:i rue o'.i
purpose to hear hint ;crow."
~,btu • i.t.it titeL.
shredii4..S.s!horri of Igng experie,u.ee of men,:
iikerthat !which giVe§ poinyto ttiiri profottita
saying e , Beeltefon con it I , ill, ill t ts trt it ill 1 (111
the diet: - Of . itthierviettee upon
. titattnc-r:-H
" 47kyvt c.ries y s someti to es dittoppsars in ill6l
eaiiip, Ite,'eT,iii thecOttr!;" or to this °tiler, ---1
Rank hi to meri(What tine„ l'i. t. , ,, ) :\l'ivltr t
AVC:4II4n . ;" Oi t0111 ' 5,:77, iii!llel'el.':llltlrii .11' * ij
distrtist the si#Cerity of otheri4 i wo believaT
them most / to be sliwere whentalking , to
OttrapiVe§; i l i'iror , te this, petit aps,t he!,most: i
itib'tly line !r e . iilark - even A oultefoneould over
maile,;:!-" We' can for . ACT
. .tho: ,, e who, horel
tit 'loil, never thOse'who ore bored- I.— ' ,' '-'l
, -
, , .
Thelinincir here is clearly the result of knocv,
„ .
lAge ; So - Wideithitt all men,who Fettdils. cell- 1 '
'cluSion'recogniie thatlt is aeettrat 0,
thieS not§Pringfroni any • depth of Dictit'id,
power, as that of -georgc,Eliot seems' to do;;
9Ten when s e is , only , silt ew , l, as. in !Mr: 1
Traftv'er'S 'su 'nary of the use of Jarlb:J = "10: 1 1
women; _ ” J.lti'oc .i. .,er- I ,eut , ..i .woman is no bet -1
ter nor it l'oh:iiiiled4lic - ep-slte'll fetch notiet
the bigger. Pr eo fel.' tlia. " "1 ....:' : -.; ' : -..
'Sometimes 'however,: Oeerge . ;,.l";liOl_ rises
above thisleVel, 44'661 ::;iie",:clirioti4fv en- '
ough - suggests, as, PaChefikleattic.l ,iil ways I i
seems to us tb'clo; , nat "any . r6 - allhilinbrWr
but. the Oni . mad *hese_ % . 'riiing:.:,.,‘"vitliout. li
being hurnorons, - liti4liiiii all tilt,: elk I ,D,fd
'humor upon Men's minds, the N'ii:se king ; of k
iariiel. It !is a curion.S; hit:,,,i.if "e,i:ldence fort(
the tradition' that SolonMn wrote utbst - ilfl
the proverbs which bear his mane, 'rind ; did
ileftnerely Coile4 Wein; unit: the 'preverio!
of the fine *French. gentleman are se likelj
thoieOf the, - first king oflsruel'who Wfli-i
-pcirphyrokenitui, the - Atids,le9t., g(lns - ual; lt`iY:`-'
:,iirichis sayer cd,sayingS :%illiell, . ATI.: „their-I
"boUrgeois . shrewdness adaptability , th'
lf e, olit taiied 'apppptatica r ,.l4idir
,111 - all . peoplel
'‘o.'the - wit - of_ Most Women itit.r4,site,ngtlf-, 1
'eiiitheirfolly than their reason," " i - a tilting:
, ,, c
; sentence that iniglit bare'onfe ,
mit' of the
Proverbs, Whose testimony as to woman. isl
r identleal in-spirit, though not, - of e'en vse, in
.form, with Bartle MaiseY'S fatootel diotribc 1
against the sex in "'Adam:Redo": '-:, , , i
'Nonsense! It's the silllt'ltt; :r a . :ie , ll,lhle 1
manlike ytiti ever believed, to soy "ay.pliton 1
inakes , a house comfortable. It'S- t.'ery gof 1
'tip because the Women are theye trail ~ ,, Il1i:-. 1 ,
thing must be fenfid fOr 'cm to :to I 16.111
you there isn't a 'thing= iind'er the '36)1 - 'lh - of;
needs to be done at all but , Wltal - a Man coin
I do better than nwoman, unless" it, hearingi
children and - o'9 tlo that iir lA. y c - in .1.n.;11,7-.4iitin
.2cap;. it:llini.',better r .4' b en-1W! to, the •Jiii:ll,
-it had better ha' been left to the tl;4li . I
tell 'You J 1 woman 'all hake yfol ;11. pie every
week Of, i ,herlife and never, - t outf ~ to lt we i , t- h t 4
'the hotter the overt the shot tilt the C'nue - 1
l e n .Y9u,4 N.YOliiiln 'air 1-tu1f'..14),42-.l>di li•
every clay for.SWenty r years.amr tio ei-, thigk°
oi . ine4 9 o4l`:. 'tlie .1 3 ;0120 1 i iolOietweea the"
meal and the milk-a little niece or 44
she'll think, doeki'i 'sl i gnit3t,'the iinqiiift4:
'urat be . awlea rdrtoiv aid. t hdli.=, - i - f - --' 1 t-' , .--A%. i i r,4g,'.;
it's sunitnat in' the'lneal; or it l, l , Itiltlll l .l' ix
the milk, or it'a suaimat in the *titer,- 1-,' _ .1
Don't telt me about Ova- istsitag ;nude 's, at,-;
creatures to be - companiOns Mi. r•:. 1'(1;)1,'t
say but he might mair`e - -Ve tis tas"rietanpaiii
ion to Adam in Paradise; there was no ;001,.i
ing to be spoilt there, and 'no 'other sviniatt
to cackle with and make ntischieft 11; Coin
you see what mischief she did as soon ai
she'd an opportunity: , But it's 'an itopionii
nnseriptural opinion to say ,is 'Woman's aL .
bleasing to a man note; you 'might as 'Nell Leckie: articles of minor valite,
say.addera and wasps end fi,:sa.s' 'and wild - ' -11 - 1 .. 1 3 1111 i3 §ecul extravagant to same of
beatts are a bleasi hut nevertheless , it is true;
iirr "Avhen 'illey're calu, tl I, •Y -t ' u) " Hier '
evils that belong,to thisstale 'i-i I.4oltioni• •and u hat is more, his faun can be bought
which it's laiwful foi: a rnait t t - IL:t•is as clear f;-11:-1-3'1; 00-1 GO aere , ..-. I (.19 not - give these
A i . e
.. in ~. ~. .• —. . .' ,Qt-... pad (-lin .1 1 1 4 - '"
, 91 as,n can. tms pie, 'loping to ._ L , ( f iat ....--- • , (4 , #‘eill Isitlt figures for the
o"eni forever - in iinother-Itopleg :Jo it, - •' 131-11'llosc of depopulating ys'air coUnty,,cttr•in
guit of 'dui foreVer in anothe-r."_` , :
_titTlng a g - ellet al einigrtit:on to ,this gardin
This from Rochefoucauld i 1
• Solomon al `'' I't
if,IL 77, brit wili - illy there is plenty, of just
• ,- - ,
over, thOugli'the opinion it contaihs is. 11;6 ,'-` - 'oel; bind herSi waiting for settlement
to all *lto are in want- of a good
dpposite of that of the great liine:, - wlu;lq-: ' lt i '' free
. • ' . . . •
ted:fools, plobably for the reason I hat il l atkes
`..`-goOd societY'' h m
ate the:the': - tile;;iti've4• I • 'A' , 1 said in:my last let ter, the onljrthing
seldom amusing. Bray a f 661 itc it - nit); tar ? . ~,0 lock here now is railroad ecrumiunica , .
.4.,1a), : and tlett sse are to have soon, accord
says the King, artdYOtiget 91113 fools hness
r inAto .,. l.,;esent int:tic: l 93°ns. -,. The ".Dakota.
"I have tried George of 'Delimallt solspi,:'
1 :4 , 11t [het I," i‘• airptttl in promi-Of eon.strUC
said Charles 11., himself &goy( rof as i:-.;- , 1,
, • Ilion, to he complitteditom Sioux city 1
" 'and I have tried him * (Vrtinis, :1,,a ,li,a a.. 0, ; , owo,,
sober there is nothing in - him:" ''• iri' , m vi • 1 to -I ankttaty, die capital of the 'POrritory, by
~, i , :,....r e 0 ,,, b ,, / . 0 11 1 the fir,t 01 t!eptemiler next, within thirty
•Cuie i a, . fool of his folly,"
cauld,' who hated not folly, lifir p.,1 10 . 1 1 1 Hines ot
,onr..ttitt ti ' We already have a tel
"but there i.s . 'tio cure for It -sa':,.-'l.),c-3')..,„. 1 , ":-L 4111 runniug:througit lic , i•e; with nu office
Man." -George g4Ol, ci.o`ls utile' v, ph f•tor4 I ,'' U 'O u I P it ' t ' e, ' c°n ' te: ''' intr-6 w iih • 'the - outer
-her orit'Y prove - ill; about I laf,'ll, 1•.,1 -- t7,?:11. I-A °ll(si J: t . ' ~ -•'' - *. -1 . -1 • i I '
et tit,: \Vitt - d o•the nectssarioa of• life were
that'"-An ass may binv a ~ :1, f '.1 \Ore 1)1" - ` 1%
i.sliity ail jou:oiled into this county,' while
fore he shakes the stars cloWi s l Th '‘l!,i li k u(C i i
half as good as the old oat- aboto .(•ttiio l • 'F it tilv 4- " : " Clit time 11 1111 ge 'itlrPhis of "(iur.
the Thames on fire, and, qi, f,,,..„1.4
v:, ,
rt l - i cm n - pio,lo(tiono? Is hellng furnished to the
Gull ;Ivor. I ountry ail& the different govern- 1
member,'has not been at thsitroi•blf% to o In 1 ,
for ushoth Bede, though .4 ;1141, is , ii) 1 me.lt posts throughout the Territory. The i
i lulu ic! It lII' vre long- -onto upon this country
fool; but she often rises to fltiiks 61 wilt i t
-rich in all Ilia makes a natigngreat• and
dom based on shrewdness, E i \I iSe El She ..I,ly ,
tyy9-314 , 1 011Q happy and contented-:-with
".4 feeling of retenge iTnet won. It itte.ch i s
Cutts t i.g towns and . % illage s, all -around, and
that you shOuld care- to keep it ' •• :,...ar .
log is
as it
seems.berorehatia „
H. iit l: 1 . 1:nrell .pitt 4 and •i%•Itool Ittaw.es•ilottitm ex.
•Two seri ions ' of public land
variation on "Vanitas V.iiiiit.ttuttl,"., qua ill1 1 : 1 : Ihtialet
1 tiro it::•,-t , i Veil in 4.. , V113` county for school pup
then( sentences ti, l olomoti and_Ritt isefotte titl4
alike-would hare
ii . h t
.. II
~I I , Q•A ',;,, An_kl. when they ant - -thrown-into Mar
the. laughter of 'folly wiscisiii‘ 'hears 1, Oi '''' t w i t i, C2l s'.'tv' , % fund that _Vill - do MUL'If to
tw:utif the edoeati,atal interests of ail classes
jts.applause ;" " Women think se.tds Are' 11l I t I '
of tit. people in the ereatioh and support of
together,with honey." ", To trainnee ,ill; 1 .
!'t oe .t,chools and other institutions of learn.
one quahtip have a sharp mu ii Itre sat as; t
wonituesiot 6
itaide 1031_10_1 , 1
. 0r,... .. 1 ..i 1114...A4 . 0k safeguards thrown around
by the 1:9,,te she, accepts." '.'/1 th-Ilte sor.-0' , ... i 1 P.:" 1 , 9 •.''lk • l'' 1 . 111 1 11 e . 11 .1quil'i at, ottr _ diqposal,
of 'wo..thoP•wouldite averteil-jt„ finis 1 ott"f4l I 1 i•illi-:.1 )( 1,r2.Ahi 1 1 1 .Y 1,‘ . .111 the greatrirideUl it ace'
repress the speech• they know to ;bp 1 .,.. e 10, •., I 11 ‘2 41 " 1 t " 1 " . "' 11. therd- V• . -- I '. •
nay, the speech they
_had resolver not tot, 1 \ttoth..l itto,s es eat that opetati4: favora.
ter." 1 ` Reduced ttoa• Anal), oite's tro•hiti 1 i I ' l.
,1, 1 1" w. !iv . mind. (4 the people, here, is'
seems insignificaut"-a curiOus lot 111; tit the [ th , t l/ /141nu ' l . 4 "1"h ( "I 1 - ) .Y the k-tithinist l ;atiOn
Ilebrow - saying about, " ecaullas',lstf'llte,e,..! hl " i t''''' ', f ,'' g"S ( lill,'• No ";li i i r r ; '; l ot the •
•-selves with themselves-2 1 , '' Ytan• tiiatht , .c , / ,! 1 ,`"'`..1 sr l Y il , li •' itiuelH r' i cCelit..l re . sia,ent 'A
I i 1 livEt ?tr ~ I r i - ',n'l' it. r ie. il.inizing,- the !Vinci
easy borne When everybody give : it .:a lilt it 1
i r t i ll e .7lf local intellitzenCe and lit nelS for pub
you. " 1 . 1, A, neighborly man an; Li ti t• t t i
i l k ? i t t . t i •- i t:
.1 1
il 1in111:41 i i , 7, ,k 1.144 . 111..0 „.,, „- 11 .,, , i . e i iv, ve a fro .
be* cheated t little." - ,--" To the
hour is regal when he comes on ..,artrct.' ---, -lir) ibtoiert ,i 3 'our loe:S. / 1 :11 '2 d . tio n tnCtit v iC l(3 l/I" tilL : e ,
'' Wisn hoelta fbr half the Until, : . litet- ho It 1 !) 111 :', l-0 - I '.', l et lo ,.‘', ll - 131 .v, for 111 4= ipolli :44. ' 1- prof
11W - honored t o m b s. " :::London s'.g;',/•'.17'.;•...; , i it','.'' °l-.',','°,- - .
~, ,
1.02 ,
... _ ; 2
i . b
~ %V . (' is fi 1.• Litt Dwell obliged to toil if: 'lli - ro'
the vai•nril . of your paper,,you will' agitate
, A- Tuovoirr.F----Wiltentite,-day.. ILINV3S'' I'l 11 1,1)1(1 liNe thv 1,.1.;4 tivc of ;lie soldiers' land
Nye arise to find - the sky'elear - awl tht . r.ri*l 0 I inii int I. Placed hi l'onostms by Hon. 1, l)..
hours all before us, how loth N‘ e ~i, 10 ,i, , , I Jime.tunker, of . AVtqui4:sl'htals.. !Sliodhl It
doWn'upcirt_OurPillowitg,ein.: .f.rtief• - c ; ;-i e , „Lir_colyej. a j i.o.„many;.of.,4;ur- worthy3Junt
I .
gs .
._ , _ ____, .
.„ . 1 , ,
.lueilitylott-4,11.41.1fers wolild.tityqt,hcir,w) -- te-
.0 a rne.,,0 1 . -T ii6.6 7 0 01.1 1 7 - file s: i c i . l : „ P are 'ea: ( n l ' i t t : l l l :: , l l - `.. -t . aiili anti q)411 - 6.- t . 'e'..lt
. tn‘locaite tt e hd beeinne•
1 _ 6. af inn! settlers on i'li - e• publie abiliailitio 'All
we are going te. vigit - them; thifo 1- ,-, wall. I pr.ii• eisJltmtn ti(e...honarable . unaiiller - v;110
. or a thive or ,0 little •feast in pf(l.. - pt.Lt ,-ir lnt l,, 1 , 1 - , I the bill, and )•e, pay our just
- .;_,_..
_seems sopleasant to be aivtlii": ,".. ~‘ trihutillc,.. rv - pect to, the Pnnsylvania] ,
iii 4 tlll'e 1 . 01 1 1 1 ' ‘ 1 'lnn r n
• c ' oni Ehrt e ftTh itgv e rt h: / tr o ' it Al r tly e.a lt e ri f3 S T, - ,to tti ti;;; a f it e - l t ,l; i i . i , i . is"-iii f. .i ‘ f n aLtite l i t 'r i t i tit t iltue ' S ci 1.11 1 ,e 1 ltac t r i ll - eseVin-dieetd
• - 7! 1., , - :).T 1-m - t3.
e tire; at•best . ,- - iltEd iii:fli . tilir'fr i s ' '' - 1- * - '-' oa '-^, --:'- tiPt•-•.'"•- -. ' • '
oit crcut i • k_..._, ,
~' _4 ; ..,, , ~' ,i , ' .., ; ' %:, - .ti-t 1 -'
ZiliettgUlV,' -To" iditunei - .4.4ii.e `di,-:f.v6lfzi•i, ( ~••'-,.. - 0 •' -- • 4160.51.7)-.--- Ihe city _ctittor , of
I 1 -- tite 4 t)v3 Mointf,' rie) , 6l ilk 'fillie .- diel
in §brn etbitig. -- Eft , iiiiirttle; liopleaqa,..t.o'a i. I te.0pi1m0c4 ,7 ,. 0 ;0..t :;11 1- .4 d':11 '.: ' ( IT °I In
dent hus marred the-brightest_ltor,r - ''!:n ne I nnuncett it; tI ve /,':. f,...t , r:- e ' t • 1 - I :
" ..: t ,.-` lth g n
- 8 1teletbreht"s'taken itsioat - ' at the fea ) 1. 0 ,, 1 :. .; ... t 'T,,.,,:," 4 7, t 1., . sY ‘o . r,s M4e.li Psi:ember
Ipeeped out of 'a 'secret closet. It 1. -,, l e . i eapi,i,.l),:a ~ r it-ds.tas?..! . .; 4,47,9,1j u , ill i ttn r9 ?9th y s e u a P r e o r i
lighttul to thug off' the finery it re:, , ice I us 4 c! .:: ' : ', A L L ' I , t i r i u . (3 st ° 414 it r i • cd`t-ir l u i f th r eißq l . o " -
SO to put on=t6 put out the ii,ght and lie ithP -- 7 . h: is: : , (VVI.V.II . 14 oe - n e s ' ig i n ° l - lit i l l re l l ili s e! th ° ,ll
tit:Atli, courting slumber, . I thog wh , i marl in the PoisJs •which saps
So, Though in the heydayof llf , , op.: soot as $l,O as..life, anti fur. The infamy
,e v:o .0-t .1 , • . ,•
that 14nsi, last, guke ' sleep, no do - 10A Ili l ' ''''
, l't '. ti/Ine Of Ille pal t ot*.....sss.ss;slN, will see
tilt° lirolo'be old'hal). it as their best frie 1 3 - , ;i ll s tl i i‘' e ' ; 1 ti t
° 'cl ie'7 fi tel7l'6lll( init l " °ln%
..TherloVes'and hdPes of eikrly "We h 1 .1 ' - I ` -1 -n1 - -) -.) . . 1, L -3 : t ...irkt--111,P4-.9::,.ttiF W9,rk....t1f
a y e „..., mtude e, ...,.., ... ...1„ „.. _.
~., ~. _ A ....). ..., ,
ell 9 1 saPP 0111 t 1 D,e41 Plnq / 1 4ve
lefe / tliein ibe t that SeelAt'd SO
Mt / eer 1i m elintided to bitternesq, an i a:1 the
Wif h death. Just us Ntie
elitob the Wit-roOni ?Wi 9 l' dku. tir`ed
c:;) ci - 111 climb lifeAlcir st4s. We
(laacer.l rind - toiled alt4rilifely; Nee. are
th•ed of oar 'our "sonirkr. stnl
,m,e will hail repose - eternal; (t 8 re-
Tose of the ltlght. whew lifezwas, all bet (,re
i 872.
The Third month .of winter, is
,upon us,'
with ilie q
ame clear' lc * V above ilAtrtbe•selne
thr'ongh the f ,cliy,.stalks, of
ht,,t year's prairi grass. - the 'San I:4:getting
11:ir[6t r north, anti the (kit's' lehiticenes time
is iwv..44 his flight. . Ere long the spring' birds
I will: warble, lath thew , ii thing Carol and
.01evouna • vegetation make,green the broad
?and untrodden •landscape....,The 'bleak end
I,winds of whiter ure alreadylempered
' with the first breath of; spring; and.llie
,dent icicles are. dropping- . frcto the: . rhof;
T,lie layiner,guards, inore,careftillyil is ..ateek
anti fits up his farmin , r implemehts -for the
campaign. . -,. • • •
Such is the never.varying round.of the
endless cycle ' of years' until we
.shuillp off
the 'mortal (still anti forgetfultiesi 'draWs the
veil of oblivion over the:annals of the Past.
Weird forind'of:The long 'bygone `flit ground
;us-as we gather beside ihe lidine fire, and we
drop a tear over their lifinnoryi'andlningle
aeajn, with the busy thrOngi
i I of late.our minter has been asevere
:G i ne . for this section of the cowly, although
we lave had but little - snow, n&the oldest
settlers claim this ,to. have ,exceeded tiny-
Iliffig heretofore known; andif we:can
lire"in anticipation of . not hairing epeat
'o' The ice hi the MiSiehri Will average
'two . feet in thickness, and mOtit,.9f Its have
taken : advantage of 'it se.eliitrig l a, good
'supply for the . liot days of snitarter.:
Since I rime into the Territory; in Sep
rieitiber last, Ni'elutV6 had one'reirrstorm and
orio sabw stornv and It Vs `-clattneti -that the'
ground. is suffiCiently soliketrtoFiristiretood
crops the coining season. It lias•Tonebeen
.:,guard.itt my mind why rains •are
note unt
_versal and uniform „over, thh :surface of the
earth. We see certain sectionswhere ; ains•
lire abundant, with ; a. sort
,of iperiOdicity
itbdtit hem, w bile OtherS, in the same I lett
'tinle are hardly bress . ed NVl,clCa'gozic,lrein du
and Yet there:seems to
be an - adaptability in' tlingoil - Wheeielitcely,
tiny raiimoreur to retain 'mottlire for au
alnioPt indefinite period, as is the ease with
,e,rtain pottions.of this country:l , ntit
informed that back.froultthe river, on'
tl.o higher table, hinds, ';11 good snow storm
early spring. rain preparesitha .soll. to
X\ i )1 , 4 muid an, entire summer's.drouth.
Fite he.r“ is a lciato,Land fdr
1.1 tlepth,, antl fqr, ease. of tillaze, -Is
nO fiNt•t:le t tl _ The
! ,{)r 1:‘:Isily done *id, .olts good
( 4 1 - rno-•t of the farmers,
(1W,i. , . in l'ing'a (itinty; pnt-acca,g(ipepli '
f•tr =',-Olits Of oxen air.' ie.. - tpifi-'Y,ey.,
th6t.g.tounti ijni 4 e brokeii the
: .easf,l, , auct t :may - IA? cropped soil.' itit ex; year
krilt.hc . ntt• tuiy : rt..eitt It ile•-• • tU
quality,or „gnantitycof *btirveAr;' , .nts2lr till
ittYi.p, ? wilhoutilhe_ application:for , aiirfortilP.
r' l '4 NV: QJlAVe.tbido•rin.l.Peinic
,sett ter:itr Itils county..(l.lon lierels.e,YßP-17eus,
the ire.,broke
tit-sr _eat )z'farkr- b .updrek
:".1911111 -tin ^1.1.N-1k tlast.-=.943iiiop,
;16(.1 that e , tirnatiliti a cheap niarket,,,too,
lig:111.6-11011 sh6w;'
bu- C.11(5 . 1.4 . [lnn. per built
I_,Afttoes - • Ely
I, ' ,VA "..; • - do
per lona
)Jup)pl>l); , ;. 7.3. , do
ARC Elti, • 87-21;'-'
spk:Ner.it has just rrturuod rrou;tLe
_U at.e als•attsutut, Jf tfuods: 111 lxis
choice Frames of New Styles,
trrimina.liaEr. at,
fine In style. and at' the very lowest prices: Fro is pre
_pared to tneke.
in ail the best , styles of the day,..trOm ildllfully re
• • ," t ) - touched negatives. ,
.. -
.. .
It ts always' a pleasure to show goads ; so don't he
backward or bashful, but call early and often, 1
Mansßeid, Pa., Jan. 10, 1.8742.-Sin
I .
HE. SMITH az SON, haVing just completed their
o, new Brick Store on Main street; which Wend of
the best arranged and most inviting stores in the coun
ty, are:novf offering tothelr oki customers and the pub
he generally a better selectedetof -. . •
-- ' BOOTS , AND 'SHOES, • '-• '
than ever before presented in the boiough of Voss.—
Ladies' waresof Burt'a utalic'constantly on hand. Ai
so, Masai ir Ifartilin's Organs, and a variety of styPs
to selectltxim. All are invited to call and examine
-prices and quality- - H. E. SMITH e4 -sax. ,
-Mop, Jan. 1, 1872.,-ly. ' ' - .
i w
Zarriage,and Harness Trimmings,
Corning. N. Y.. Jan. 1. 1812,
AL Coral* tore - iii
• -‘ • ; - • _
-„... , We Tinve crated In thel/orough of
- :•'-er0:0100
••• 75
• • 56
I.- 20
• -50
e can afford to do thls..as we, shall save enough in
yenta to pay extrafreights. • Weshall etxrdinue' tO .add
to the sto2k dewing the season, auehloottO an the manta
-of the community seem to geniaxid. We invite a call
fpm. el who ate in want'of anythiniritt our ling..
Will be:kepfolidsold it-14w York wliOltgolif atees
Elklaud Dec.,l3. 1871-te-
Cardsl 7 oEirdi l :Gold'l Gold - 1
- Cara's, plain or; Ornamental,.
executed in.the highest,etyle or the art, =4.oW
:den i luk. for Ornamental writing; sent• to any addrkse
.un rece,ipt of price. ()arils per doz., from 40 cents to
•5.3,00. • 'Golden Ink superior to any to the market, 75
cents per lbottle., , ,Achlre!?.l, , D. FORIOST;
'.tau.17,142-tr2, Covington, Pa.
.. .
VaJtiable firth for'Sale,,;:
r,1 1 .11E , SIII3 ? SCRIBEIt. owing to ill-health r offers Ws
_L: farm for sale, altuatedlo Cliarlenton on the Nana.
nerd-goad; shoot A - Joe-Mile - *mid the old Tidlowa*,boteL
9alZl'farmcau he'clivided-into faring as the public rcia'd
pa.saes through the center, leaving iwoloreltaids ,ou
either a:de, ;containing about Obiterea. 430' area, improv.
ed, aflame house and two frame barns t ereon. Said
tarot is lug good state .of ,cultivation , and„will be
gold cheat. A portlod ot* . the purchase otbiley , tan re
main,-/against the farm. I'_or further 'ljnformation.
1114111 re or Che subscriber on the prem
i efi.
!.. ,t4 JI . ; rillST.4.3tt';,- -,; ' , - . - -NQ...111; 13. 1 451014 b, 1
„ •, . ~ . , _
For4W;unii — . Liquors
•wrszEs,. Sc. Sr .
'gent- ',for: Flab - Old Whiskies,'
- • cintNiNo.
i©c of Goods
IoppUOIIT (or pall, and to
.ba • sold for cash, at cash
-Lill Pay ay you go,:' ia a trite, old ,truchn,. and,- when
lived up to, the true doctrine for both seller and buyer.
I ifitptiLl to sett v:42 at r aipall profits, for_caair. RIK
i•esp - ectinfly a trial train old patruna,l and from
ell - others - Who wibli to buy, grocerlea4atid atapla'gooda
ut slaw 11.4nre.4. A. W. POTTER.
..4dmin,istrator's Notice.
T. 1,171.1R5., of altmlnisiration, on the estate of John
Chita&lin; lute of Jaolcaoit,-Tiogs, CO: - Pi., "Idee'd,
'aying be . art granted. to mo,-all perseria,.bnstrw (datum
'Against and those owing said estate aroperehy =Attest
to call M a ettienient onrflia. Abigail Chamberlin, at
Losvrencovflie..Pa., or ,on the undersigned, at • Wit
9mithfied, 'Bradford Co.; Pa.' J. W. .
Feb. 4 , 1572-Bw.. - • , Adra'r.
RP. let.tet - 4 testamental }• to 'AB estate, of
f 1 av4(.l Hirt, late of _Charleston; deceased.' bare •
been g!'auted to the. enheerlbere sll persona Indebted
to tilt ;Reid 'estate aro - requeetei to =she !immediate
museht; and thflee I,utrie,:s•eletuit at demands Vane,the
the relate of the etill ierFAret t, wlli make kuoten. the
name to the.subettibere or leive them at the °Mee' 'of
pno• mivrricli.
gym e 4 '
18 . 724v7.- • - ''B=011A; 8
New Year Goodsl
-".'~fp~~ .
.3 ~ '+,~''. ~
Carved Walnut Goods,
01 : : r0 lit 93,
and a groat varitty of-
First-ClasS Portraits,
New Store
and an entire new Sto:Ji of '
HARDWARE, IRON, Alp ir b r iAlLS,
- SA.Wl3.'.ClalaatßY, - ATER
I .
X trash stock Of
si . llllto
1•: ' - ;•-.- •
as they can be bauglat ,
r ~~h~
of the
C kittoge Of IS:lstt.
Avrtle. •
underßigze'd,- oirnere of it" Portable Engine,
with a Carding Machine, twto,Latbas and' a ron el
Proneh Burr Stones attache& are prepared to All or
dent in thek bosinteas at East Clualestom Pa.,
I The above'property Is in good running order,, and,
will be sold at a fair price, and reasonable time
For pm ticalars. Inquire of Geo. W. Merrick ,
'boro, or - ' 'Ar.oxzo WHITNE Y.
Jarr o l, , on the premises.
Piano Fortes and Organs
I find it greatly to thett Satereot to bny of
We are gelling the heat lii truinents et Ipigeet prices,
and on the pace& farorgble tems. .
A first , class pOsseseest all OA facisVing eseen;
tittle, Viz : the , tone Ls divested of all impurities, a par.
feet equality of po:sver throughout the state scale, with
resonance and nukatlon of tone. •
' ;The touch is elastic, equal, easy ód reigponsive to
every demand of the pagers.
.a defect In any ope of these.pointe, will cantle a cam
pieta failure of the Matruh:tent;
We ,warrant (ired. Piatio Dar the term of live Yoaia
air Tuning promptly atteudea to by the most expe
danced Tuners. '
Instruction Boob of the moot approved methods for
the Piano and Organ constantly on hand.. .
B. Dlt lß7 = l.-tf „1 - '': :'I. G. HOYT.
- Dee. It
d; Pa. Osceola, Pa.
• '
Door, - Sash- & Blind Fnotory,
13L 11 "-UW AUST.t3.Je Premed •to furnish trot
class work from the best lumber, at his vow fag
tory which is now in full 9Peratiori•
constantly on , band, ortra,knufactured to order
Planing and' katching
done promptly, and in the- hest marines. The best
workman employed, end none but the best seasoned
lumber used., Encourage home industry.
• •
Factory near the foot of Main Street.
Jan. 1; 1872-ti. ' BENJ. AIISTLY.
Deerfield Woolen Mills!
TNOFLAAI BROTHERS, Proprietors of the above 741 Pie,
1 will manufacture as usual to order, to suit clastomera,
are warranted in every reaped. Particular attention
givan to '
Roll Cardino Cloth Dressing
We have a large - stock• of Casslmeres, tkc., 25 per
cent less than any competitor, and warranted as repre
We manufacture to order, and - do all kinds of Roll-
Carding and Cloth Dressing, and defy ecippetition.
We have as good an assortment of .
Full Cloths, b`assinteres,
and give more for Wool in enlis t * than any other
establishment. Tr Y them and ga yourselves.
We wholesale and retail at the COSSLISqIIe 1111W8.1
zones below Knoxville. .
Jana 1,1872
' AND •
Ladies' 'Thirnishing Goods I
in the cone Howie Store, A large stock of Goode
snit recetvedand will be sold claw*.
Sirs. E. g. KISIBALL will bate aerie oftin 'Alsitn
err department. and wilibti'efad to see her old friends
stew.ones at all times. Drop La and see - Mir new
. MM. A. B.• GRA:MO:
Agtiloboro Mitator.
1111 IS office Is Well etooked with Type,- Presses, &e
and bee every advantage for doing
In a superior manner,-Plain or In Colors; from a wed
ding card to s sheet poster-. Any kind or style of work
done at this °eh-), as folloWs:
Lair Books, Pamphlets,. Invitation Cards,.
Unild Bills, Programmes, Checks, Drafts, Dubills,
IMF Heads, Circulars,., Orders,Shipping Cards,
Business Cards, Envelopes, Tinted Plate Printing,
Visiting Cards. • Wedding Cards, Bo'.
Aod,all otherblankoconstaitly on band and for- gala
Deeds, Warrantee . ,
Deal, Ott -claim.
Statatue at and Confession,
Amicable Action,
Builds, Coriitable's Salo,
Collector's Qale, -
Marriage Cet t I (kat a,
Anditoy tither blanks not enntneratidibove Will -b.
printed to order on abort notice.' •
. .
SpirPersons sending. ordereferJoo WOlat YEt I gel
their stlirk proinptly lotto and returned.' - .'We shall
'spare nu ;;:tine to please oar customers. 1u... this depart
ment. Tbu s sa 'sending work, please (anti the size of
job,i4t.ti .ttok tuttit viper desired:-
- ;- • • GELDER 4 ItARNES
, Jai:1.. 1 1672 Proprietors
- 2 •
Arm for Sale.
Tsubscriber offers fdr sale Ida farm of LO acres,
I pleasantly situated in Cellist Hollow, Cearleator4
Tiogitoouuty„ Ps.•, within about four 'miles of Welle
boro and, two miles of Niles Valley depot.' School
honge,"bhurch, Mills, shops, &c., within a mile. Terms
; easy. Tutplire,ota the promises; of -
May 101- tf. C. G. CATLIN.-
. .
V "tidy inform the public that they
have established a ,
LiVeryf,rjfilire, -
At their Stable on Pearl St. oppOsite Wheele.*9 wagon
shop. Single or double rigs furnished to order,. , They
aim to keep good horses and wagons, and intend 'to
please. Prices reasonable. WATKINS & KETCHAM.
Jan. 1, 157.2. .
- -
, _
Tioga Marble Works.
'IIIIE undersigned is now prepared to execute all or
ders for Tomb Stories and lionntuents of either
Italikin, or Rutland,Marble,
of the latest style and approved workmanship and with
dispatch., _ .
/le keeps constantly on hand Will hinds of Marble
and will be able to suit all who may favor him with
their orders, on as reasonable terms as ran be obtained
in the country:
Jeri. 1, 1879.
• -
, pur tne
e tkut r o u nt o t a ber it i: n e n epl e c zti on c at iti a se nti , y oh o e n ude nan ni .
Paints and.ollq, Lamps, Stationery, (nu
• - keb NOtIOD,II &c.
Tiogik,Jan.l.l672.. • ' ' - 11. H. SODEN.
T liawiriiildintat'm7 qulttui:aotori s pri Lawrence
aipqriPs" "1 • •
Naito/ possesses the following rell y sdages n•rer other
mitts : ,
1. It iiiiparates - ryeiioata4.rat utter, !Lind fool seed, and
Cbcsi, still cockle, from 'wheat:
2. It clam flex seektakes out jalloir- seed, and all
other seeds. Perfectls,
8. It Weans timothy seed:
' 4, ti dee* all'other eeptiratini'required'ot a mill.
• Thle 101111$ built of tho.tistt *aid most; durable Abu
- Ver. ta:43oo o Pittie 3 ;. gull Is 00aP for" 0", or .I?c 4-
s,Ti *Ws tigTeriiftrltttintlaii:olitc.)tom
*hoot, to emu wale, on ream:a= term.
7atfiell9Blll% Jalel 1. 1872. J. IL SWIM
-Sash, Doors,
ecbool Contract,
dmmons r Subpoenas,
Warrant.; Executions,
Indemnifying Bonds,-
Attachtnon to,ludgment-
Notea: Petition and Bond
for ApP l inent of Guardian
TO TileFAll
i t y lißS OF
Furniture and
Van. Horn . &C andler,
(Successors to B. T. - 'an Horn)
IQ - AVE now on inhibition and sale at the old place,
1„11. the largest &await oressidate stock of
to be found in Northern Penuslvania, coneleting of
, •
11AP.BLE AND 'WOOD 24:0 A 16W%
OVAL AND WARR • lal uora. lllAll -
ETA, PURE No: 1 •
and a MR stook of th&common g oda usually found in
a &It-class establishment. The same gOOda WO large
ly Of their oWn Manufacture. and satishiction Ist Fp
antedd both as to quality sod Par 'Thor fell the
Woven Terre hfattraas.
the Incelyt a ular . spring bed Mad; 5150 4 the Tucker
t but bean on trial for 17 years and ell , -
en 9Pl i u ftsi rerealsatiefaction. Our
Coffin Room
supplied with all sixes of the Ettoelsior Casket, anew
and beautiful style of burial C 8844 with Other
kinds of m
fttren and hone srian'trit
ing h trim
Wags to atr. They will make tuulartd a
tent, totheir brutinest, and an: a l ai:s eeding their servkes
will be attended to promptly, and at sitesZotory char
ges. Odd pieces of Furniture .
and Turning of
all kinds dons with neatness and dispatch.
Jan. 10, IV% VAN HORN & •
To mum rr max Cosconer.— ; Ting concludad that
b r
lam entitled to 4 =trod after wilily W yeerctiose
applicatkum to business, I have over the Matt
isiabilsb2444 to ~t he Bo . as above attratabte
meat, and take this method - of atikna fee'. theft the
same liberal patronage Is Us 13 'W I I4 to g i e• —
hty books may be found at the old place fbr petflert.
. ... .
Zan. lA, ma. .1 0: 1 1': VAN no .' •
Dimas *HD um , 1! P • =Mgt
DEMI DAVIDB. t.• .4Z, .4.4411/:
BiEDjegUS 91 4.4 DLLS
VarD. =Mgr%
4 SITIMEIT:I3 coeakalig, voIUNG z-
Mom I_
• I
. •
PATENT =DIMES R • mt 1 ;1111111111103TER P ER
'A 114:Y Jaw *Avow:NG - Ex-
.WVW , •
1 o 8; GO'SRMI , •
Bold at wholesale Prices, Buyers are reseted to
call and get quasi:lone before going further Ad'.
Pro C Bailey.
(E,ltecenor tc? D. I' , ROBERTS) DEALER N
Stoves, Tin, and, Hardware
fitstsrlsls. LOCUM
-4 11ALATCEIX-8, wa rs, &e.; ounnie
P at rriati prices.
490-Terins Ca h, and prices reasonable. Vint ,door
aUbve coneAnnee. a O. BAILSY.
Jan. 1. 1872
Avula opened. a Aret;ciass
_ltarlvni:e &ere in
Mansfield, opposite Pitts Bros., .on Main Street.
cttally invite.thei triends.and the public IA gen
to give them a call. They guarantee saUsacUon
in 'eases. ThedfstOck consists of .1. • .
i _ -
maw POWELI3' ,'Ara: • ;
and a general line of Goods, second to none 2n the
country, et the !owlet es i gi prices.-
They ar ti aomelge for the UM MOWED. na
da W` !, ARNOLD MUD rem AND
Far= )
Mansfield, Jan. 1, 1872.
Life, Fire, and Aeoldental,
ASSETS OVER .524,000,000. _
Atsmrs or Cows.m:es
Ins. Co., of North America, Pa 0.00,11.15 60
Franklin Fire Ina. Co. of•Phila, Pa. l 2,061462 26_
Republic Ins. Co• - of N. Y., .•• . • . ..... $700,000
Andes Ins. Co. of Cincinnati. , ......
Niagara Fire Ins. Co. of N. YOOO
Farmers /tut. Fire Inc. 'Co. York Pa.
884 1E
Phceials. ]tut Life Ina. Co. of If ariford ct.. 6,0811010 60
Penu'a Cattle In;. Co. of pottasille ..... ...c —600,000'00
594,i29,647 ca
low:trance promptly etreked by mall or . otltorwtia ,
on all kinds of Property. 1 /1.1l loasoo promptly adjusted
thand paid. Lica atock Wound against doll!, fire of
I sin alsoent for the Andes Fire Inatuaeoe Co. of
Cincinnati. Capital, 51,600.000.
All oonamunlcations promptly attended to—ollico on
Mill Street 2d door from Main et., Knoxville Fa.
Jan. 1, 1972-tf.
87w ucelving ercim Ne.ly, York, a tine assort:neat'
Mill rr
which eta offers to public at jot: sate*. . Every'
tlttag tunny &toad a : • --
Fa cy Iltprie 2 "
vcr ooz ul e va l t s lret ati tt il te rs tb loi sa ti it 4 111 .
Jan. 1. /87 2 , - BOW SO
. Farm for Salo
rPWO hundred and elebtPtwo sates 44' land In the
townstdp ntUnton, Twee•co, The plsoe i
well watered, • three hundra young apple tram three"
dente barns, and a oonatbrtable hose . ducion.
above pmett:, will be schli $l.OOO thentlikse•
seised ash 'slue. • _
4156, the Oolburti Pretitoni Arai bier 'WM BtiAkrd
tontababe tom, vat et lams - ig Umber,.
sae Suva are well ads tpli to' dell7h)d lul4 .11 10 0 : 31, ,
ptnUesTalsel terms l i tgo oph liem la
tVaiyi, of ; taDa no,
CM% ,
NO; 10.
i }
i-:. ".