in 11111 LOCAL NOTICES. Collins Co.'s Cast: 'Cast Steel Aliws only each.. For iriforroation how. to ob tain them address coLtaita Afkr, Co., 22 Water St., Ist. Y.—Feb. 28, 3m. We understand that 'the - whooping-cough quite prevalent tows around us; hut that no_ cases have proved fatal. Some families use nothing but Johnson's :Anodyne Liiiiment. Our Doctor, however says, a little ipicac, to produce vomiting,'would be an ad- Vantage.. .• - • There are more one thousand differ- , clit kindt3 of pills jn the United Statris. Some' of them are worthless and injurioui, othei.s rse good and benelletal. Old pr. 'Parsons inventeciAhe best anti-billious pill :we eyer sz%v , : of heardof." Th'Orare now soli): under the name of Parsons' . Purgative Pills. • BINDINCL—We will send our usual box. of unbound magazines to New York, *arch 4. Per ions having magazines, books, Yiewspa per. or other periodicals to be bound or re bound, will pleAse bring them in. Speci mens and prices may be seen at our book ,tore, No. 3 Bowen's Block; Wellsboro. 20, 187244. , E. E.B. Yot*o iSz, Co. TIE F EL IRA EYE AND 11-61 INS' I TUTE We made a visit to Dr. THAD. I I S. UP .11 - e- OR iFF on Saturday, and in.:1)0011 his e.,,tab li-limeat. We . saw many , tiiinge and cu rlew; things.. We were not aware that it r, a po.qsible for the human frame to get .so badly 4 o it of repacr,, until we had madt• en invent y of the nppliences necessary for correcting all so*, of cleforMities. The doctor occupies eight handsomely fur in-lied apartinentq, in which he -conducts his business. At the head Otte stairs 'we were , hor.n into the Ladies' and Gentlemen's waiting rooms, two spacious parlors on either -ide of the hall. Here, the patients who at tend upon th,e morning and,;evening clinics, await their turns, until summond to the op erating room by he ringing of a bell. At the time of o t , e all this patients were re ceiving trgatmet , for diseases of the eye.-- We notiepd that every vpatient was known by a nuniber. which corresponded to ,a cup and brushlon a large cabinet, kept for the purpose; from this he received his applica tion to the eye and then departed, at the ringing, of the bell, to make room for oth ers. In this manner from forty to' fifty pa tients, afflicted with eye difficulties, are treat ed daily. Later in the day a surgical 'clinic is held, nt which_ operations are performed for the cure of blindness, cross eye, crooked limbs, and for the removal of tumors etc.— The operating room is a wonderful place, fitted up With all manner of contrivances for the relief of injuries, and the cure of defor mities and 4isease. The large instrument case, occupying one end of the room filled with beautiful surgical instruments of the most perfect workmanship—instruments so ingenious in construction and design that cne is almost persuaded to Submit to a sur gical operation for the pleasure (?) of seeing the brilliant little things de; their work Operating chairs, eomfortablein upholstery and canons of machinery and shape, are ahe to be seen in this room, inviting the suffbrer to an easy position under - "the sur geon's knife. Fracture beds,- that can be ‘oni erted into chairs or traveling carriages, bracc.3 for curved - spines, shoes for club toot. contrivances for contracted limbs; in short, all sort., of appliances for the cure of those suffering from accidents or deformity. 'We were also shown the new process for removing highly vascular tumor=, by means of the paltano-cautcry. A plantinum wire 1, placed about the tumor to be removed, hastened to an instrument called an ecrascar, and then connected by means of wires to nn immense battery.; the wire surrounding the tumor is brought to an incandescent heat, when the,)oop is gradually shortened, until the tumor is burned and lifted from its rest ing piaci. We saw a young man at the In stitute w to had three tumors removed from his neck in this manner, and who declares the operations to be almost painless The exainination room is perfectly dark, and fitted up with an opthalmoscopf, by means of which the interior of the eye is il luminated and examined, enabling the ob server to detect any disease of the humors of, or of its retina or nerve: AK) the ,t ri.insso scope for examining the throat, speak ing apparatus, etc. But what astonished us most, was an electrical instrument fur Maud-, tutting the interior of the abdomen, render-,' mg the interior of the body so transparent Ili, to enable the physician to detect the presence of abdominal turnoi4. enlargement of the liver, eto, Indeed. nis nurrvelons to see the Mg - el/jou , ' contrivances with which the intell •urent surgeon is equipped now-a-days, for discbvering diseases of the human bqdy Dr. UP DE GRAFF has thousands of dollars invested in these curious and interesting de vices, and it 15 a rare treat for any person who is fortunate enough to be allowed to ex amine them. We spent a short time in the Dcdtor's pri vate stUdy, looking 01;4 his hanthome li ibrar,y and beautiful pictures. This is the cosiest room in the establishment, eldrantly larryished and open only to the Doctor and his intimate friends. The laboratory is a neat little room ar ranged and furnished purposely for com pounding and dispensing medicines for the patients of the Institute, and is under the .care of a competent pharmacist. The ,734toury, the neat little magazine of which-the Doctor is editor, and which has secured so widespread a circulation, also has a room for its accommodation, in which it is mailed, and other bossiness of its publicn t'on attended to. .4. neat littie.printing press is kept in this room, and t 1 =s printing envelopes, blanks, notices of subscription due, &c., for the use of the magazine. Dr. rr Dn Gnal• has practiced surgery m our city for the'past ten years, and is per haps ns widely known as any surgeon in the `..;tate. Patients pre found in his Institution from nil parts ofthe United States, which is sufficient evidence of his popularity and sue ,eec;.—Elmira Acta rter. ti) e Agitator. IVEDNESEJ.A.Y, FEBRUARY 28;: Wellsboro Post. 'Office On and atter January' 1, 18 , 72, trials will open and close at this office' at the "following .Itouris : Orr's. 1 Lep, (Pally) 12,30 P. Comfrspt, Mon. Th., • 1 " . Troy, 0,00 I Cedar nun, Tu.. Fr ; 2 P. Ar Stony Fork. Ttzevlays and Fridays ... 12 M tpaily) 1,3 U P. M. Mc. Th. 1,45 p. " 7143 A. M. j c'dr tun, Mn. Th . . S.lO A. M :.ny Fork, rucsdays and FrillYb 2,45 P. M 0, W. 'MERRICK, P. M. WeistEro, Jan. 1, 132-Iy. Home .Affairs. Briefs. --13.ehuld, the day a fresh tristple ~.sugar xplyroneheth. —We are indebts_d to Hon.' Henry Sher wood for Congressionid documents: —Washington's [ 'birthday passed 'Without Lily public recognition in this village. --The Republicans have a majority in the Chording county Board of Supervisors—a - 4 c rinkle in that region. —Prof ; - Charles H. .V errill tO - lecture On Recreation and Amusements at Ticga' id a short time —Rev. Ivir. Reynolds tenders his think.; t 6 Lis friends for their very generous donation '?f 07er $lO. have aphotogrnphernamed Singhi inWaverly. - Wouldn't 1 e 3o I:etter ir,-the musical line? - -Elmira has been selected •as one of the three }daces in Nell York where the State, Fair i to be regularly 'held. —Tlie editor of the Waverly A4ocate ran for SUpervisor the other day, but tot - her man came out just eleven votes-ahead. M. Scott, AtflirOpt ottownr*, is to be statton agent here after the 9f April 4ti son is to be teletrajAL 0p9P40.T. --.`Outrages" seem ,to be epidemic at liert f , n~llsril2e .;.The lategt:ijit' by a black - rattn named Green on a -`:low=down white" WO- T i mm = • f —The act to regulate the practice - of 'med icine -in this county, .which lite published t.we weeks ago, passed the Senate on the 19th instant. • —Wehave just filled - an Order for ' fine Job work ream Silver City, New Mexico. e'er-- ily, the AyrAnon, seems known unto the ends of the earth. . .. .: ! .. .- ! • I „ , —The Jortritikl esysthe. Rerrnnie - Sociely is to establish a Reference Library here in the spring. 'Well, spring in only two days off; hurry up that library. —'ire-Bath and Hamtnondsportiailroad is claimed to ben sure thing; thi!T 'kear. Bath is to bond for $30,000 and - •Urbana . for $40,000 to lielp build it. - —The new Board of Supervisors. of Steu ben county i 4 Dettioc - fittie by 18 to 14—n re versal of last year's figures, Local iqsfies and personal p - rejudiees4 did it,- —A Post of the-Grand Artily of the Re uublie been established here.' The aims of the society an purely Aoeitil and he ne,volent, and not at all-political. —A new burglar-proof safe - weighing three and one-half tons was receiVed by the First National Bank of this village last Monday.. It mannfactured in Boston. The combi nation lock upon it cost $4OO. —Don't forget Anna E. Dickinpon'g lecture in this village nextXonclay,evening, March 4th. A special train will be run , froixt Law reneeville to bring all who wish to hear about "Demagogues and Working Men." —Houses to rent _are very - scarce in this village. A gentleman from a neighboring town Wag here looking l for one 4, few days since, and could find very few eligible_. ones at any price. Here is a line opening for our capitalists. —The many friends of Mr. A. E. %Vermil yea, who for the la4t three yetirs has resided at Rochester N. Y., will be glad ,to learn that he has lately received the appoihtment us first bookkeeper and - Cashier of the Con solidated Fruit Jar Co., located at 66 - War ren street New. York. brilliant correspondent of the Muney Luminary quotes Bishoi -Berkeley's cele brated lines beginning 'Westward thecourse of empire takes its way," and attributes them to Bishop liebtr. Wonder if this isn't the same gentleman who wanted to knowreeent : - ly where in the Bible to find the passage ''Goa tempers the wind to the shorn lamb." OUR BEST BOW.—Since the beginning of the year the AGITATOR has receiyed-ii large number of handsome - compliinents from its exchanges. We know it has become a sort. of fashion now-a-days-to carefully preserve_ and print all such agreeable notices ; but to our mind it is a custom more honored in the. breach, than the observance. ,Bot we would net have our journalistic friends infer from this that we hold their good opinion iu light esteem, or do-not duly appreciate their f`ayera,. The fact is, we have very great respeckfor' editorial criticism, for it seems to us if any body knows what a good journal is, it is the man who makes journalism his life's work, and so we are always glad to receive com mendations from that quarter. But we do 'not print these, compliments, partly because we think we•can fill our,epace with matter of snore general importance and_ interest to our - readers, and partly because we-think they have already a Pretty good • opinion of the merits of the AGITATOR With out any extra blowing of our own horn, even in an indirect way. At any rate we judge they have from the constant growth of our 'subscription list; and from the words of hear ty commendation and the very substantiirl: tokens of good •will and snpport which v'e receive from far and near.: We July& been most strongly tempted to print some of those brief business letters that come to us saying that the visits of the AGITATOR are as wel come as those of some old friend; and speak ing of the paper in terms of almost personal endearment. We thank you, friends, one and all, at home and afar, for your favors and good will, and we assure you the Aar:. TATOR will try from week to week to deserve more and more- your support and kind re gards. A NE w JOURNAL AT Tioga.—" The Tioga News," Vol. 1, No. 1, made its appearance on our table last week. It is a neatly prin ted little =beet of four columns to the page,' about 'one-third larger than the He; nartiq Journal. Mr. S. J. McCulloch is the editor and proprietor, and he announces that he will issue the News every Thursday. We wish the new journal good-speed, and as for its proprietor, may he live long and pros per,' as Rip Van Winkle payi. We clip the following pasliage from the salutatory of the Nev-: : "In "ye olden time,"—within the remem brance of some—our honored, sires, and stately dames, intent upon the civility, if not the etiquetie that marked the well-bred, and the well '' brought up," taught to our brothers strong, and sisters fair, the yielding to the passer-by, to stranger, and to friend alike, 'the manners" of the day, for gentle men the grave salute, for gentlewomen the graceful courtesy—so we emulating the teachings of the days gone by, (in precept and in practice) to our friends and patrons, the strong and fair, make - our best obeisance: Whig done, our greeting to you is one of the kindest feeling, and enthusiastic salutation, which you, so promptly. and liberallyrespon- - sive, to our call upon you, has awakened.— And right here,, we thank you heartily, and our best endeavors, with yourcharitY, augurs well for the future, of." The News"—that is to b the enterprise, in which heart and soul, and and in hand, our citizens unanimously engr ge." • 4 LICTED INDEED.-Mr. David Colegrove, a fir er residing about a couple of miles frotn this village, lost two children by the prevalent "spotted fever" last Thursday. Two or three weeks ago Mr. Colgrove was similarly afflicted by the death of another child. We are also informed that Mr. Wil liam Archer of Marsh Creek, has within a short time lost his wife and two of his chil dren, and is now sick_ himself with the in flammatory rheumatism. ,I . _ Ntw CORPORATIONS.—The charter of the "Wellsboro Water Company"l was, filed in the office of the Recorder last week. The object of the company is to supplyWellsboro with pure water, and it has the...usuar.p'owers for that purpose.'_ to $50,0D0 to be divided ito fen thousand sharet: of•ltvi each.- - The annitat election 'Of 'officers i 4 to take place on the first Monday _of Sep tember-ofeach year. • • The charter- of flip "Farmers' Insurance Company of MidMebury"• was also filed. The company insure farm property and live .4tock, the:mutual-plan;igainst loss or damage by fire 02' lightning. It lis pro bib ited frOrri insuring village risks or hazardous property wherever situated. Th.e. l following named persons are the directors and .otricr $; of the company . : J. F. Donaldson,' dent ; I. C. Price, Secretary ; J.' T.,: Robin son, Treasiarer; 0. D. Bly, 3. R. We'ek4, _Nathan T. West, Lucian Smith, Victor Close. Nelson Whitney. Meisrs.• Elliott 6r, Bosard, of This villave. are the attorneys for the company. REAL ESTATE MOVEMENTS.--The follow ing transfers of real estate were filed for ru ord in the office of D. L. Deane, Re - corder Of Tiogn county, last week: , Frederick D. Runnel and wife to 41-,tio nett-R. Horton ; village lot in boro gsV, e ll 4-: boro,' crcr-S7OO , •• • :•,- AlbertE. one and wife to f - iCanipaign. r _ ••• f,.._,E; Ir IMMO . , . WUJI&Iii ii;U1011 MACHINE! Jan. 1, /OM t ' t .r ,9* maagtal ISE .'' , twig HEE ME J % t • MINI J. -A, Pay =4O- I ,•. Li 1460; Tozvels. .7teapkin,s, Toweling's, Toilet Quills, Table Covers, 4.e. rab • ignads in this line will bo largely advanced in price as *eon as trade 9ans, dad qtly buyers w il l do - the best. r 1 131ac' It Alpacas, Black Pure_Mohairs, Black Sibs, oiaF stook cf these goods it large, and we are ssliing them at 1.698 than the present 3jarket Bates Now PviaitesmA Ihiaideanze . e Wears aLso telling out the balance or oil. Winter Stock4f.sbawls, Don t (UMda, Flail and Wooline, at laassLy reduced pleas. so that any one in need of such *owls will do well to sill on us loofa* Duping. VOliniat,F4r. Cle, 1071 Ili o,6lrgazig Finindry •& NtaitshliCie Shop. =I kiiITABLISTIED /840. .", I ' ' Idanufacturera of Stationary and Portable Engines and Boilers. (oaring, Shafting and Brown riqiirsd for Saw AMU, Grist Xi and Tanneries, Ovens and Grates, for barning flan. Screws ear mingtilted lad leached Beek, Castings. Bolts, JtaLlroctei Frogs, Chairs, and Repairing done at short notice. We ta a la c:Galati/at shij9princt7 Conal,or Railroads to all points, and can Machinery cheaper Guist East or Western builders of the best quality. Jan. 1, 11172-Iy. CORNING, STRUBEN GOVNIT, -N. Ti CUTTERS► CUTTERS, /tve nunaber of Critic's. and Platforxii Spring and ether smut far sale. ,Ll.ll. Varden .oLTioga. and .bf Eityrenceville, • sotto. Call at the aware places. or my shop is vitushoro, d examitia work before pant/ming elambirre. Jan: 1, 18:2. • C. 3. WHEELER. BALDWIN'S, SHANTY- BIM 1 .. , FALL AND WP4Tilt 60014, • • • 411 BALDWIN'S SIIMITY, 111;*0 Up= wat.t Dress Goo 4 1 1 vi all kinds, eau at B.i.LDWLY'IIi 9A4ztl7, Y foci sraat 1317 L (1141 fog the Grazul Dutatas, et BALDWIN'S MAU! rr ron,. vrarl all Ottoman fazava. Urcs want ito 4 A" 4 Fare . sumo, II gm Want notiona4sni trimmings. call at BALDWMI3 Shanty. If you want Furs, If pm wont knit G00d..., It you watt, NALts airy Caps. If you want i tioctlJ Aud 412046, caV. at DaDWIN'S Shauty. /t you want a set of Dishes ern wau*gosA 1 • . ; Gro.tes cemb. , ; st,r.t), Itycitt want a rasp scuds suit of clotbea, • • call at 23ALDW/N'S Shanty AricialW aOD q eltitAtis at ass-pWrici smanti, "mit at /ikikvill's riPi.IN4SB.-au a L B .4,pia t i , s Shanty BEI If ou'tggnt piece that cast be best, call ettlaaLDWlN'AEllwity. I 1 r liatter, ES = Wo an atiiiol.o to *elf thesevo4 bafora We lean WI% T. Th, ILUZMIN CO, MEM O£ GOI 4I 4G,It- V., AUL 21EwEtwolvING WEIVir CloC)C10213 EARLY SPRING TRADE. The subeerlbeza invite attentiOU to lipV:1110C14 Boots and; Shoes ' - rery Cheap. , J. ♦. itAItSOMS dc CO St you 'Nutt n sacol tuutortzuont of IMI 71.0(i3, PA call at EM.,I.J;)WDI'S SW:zty call at BALDWT•S Sltar.t) cal at BALD WIN'S Shanty calf at IidLDWIN'S Shanty call otIMLDWO'S Shanty ;'_ ; : :.•~ :~ : , =CI 45Z; Co .1 FOB UM Mil irr - F4 11A-LES ► no VEGETABLE SICILIAN rrA T . R r..... : ery - year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair `P,reparation; which is due to merit alone. We can assure: our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring-GRAY oa PADSP HAIR to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken, The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It retnoves all eruptions and dandruff,' and; by its tonic properties, prevents the' hair from filling out,,. as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and; wilt create a new growth, except in eitreme old age. It is the most economical 11.4.1 R. DRESSING ever used l us it requires fewer applications, and giv_es the hair a splendid,_ Mossy ap pearance. A. A.- Hayes, AI.D., S tate Assayer of ;Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are 'pure, and carefelli selected for excellent quality; and consider it the p d EST PREPAIIATiON for its intended' purposes." Sold bg all Druggists, and ' eaters in areduin44. Price One X.ever. Buckingham , s Dye POE TIES WHISIMER. As our lienewei in . I many oases re quires too long a time, and, too much care, to restore gray or fadedWid+4 ers, We hare prepared this die, in dfie preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It i easily ftpplied, and produces a color ••lrich will neither nib nor . wash off: Sold by all Druggists. Prise Fifty c ents. Manufactured i 4 y . R. P. HALL & CO., Erct E Ja4. 1, 1871.. WONDERS W LL NEVER CEASE, Artivu. trUarthe latest and greatest mai col dis• jai aviary of tho age ? DR. U. L. DILCCIN'S IlagrlC 'RIM =DWI. It curse colds, diphtheria, crazdqi Pahl th the ;stanza, inalgastion, diarrhea, Wry, itunimer i iacznplaints, cholera ;luau, cholera ,u b* magic. I !as an ertarral application for trot bitee t cin , l. as, sprains, Imalses, WOES, 221 . 12 r45ting4 CON hUdaabe, ,toothaas, neuridgia, pains in the Ride s back akg leak in a ptactio• of six years, it has boa Sand to be sea ong to no preparation ever °Arad to the Public- Tee rioter of this medicine feels earrantal in it to be the beat maned: for the abase Wan in a ambit. Manufactnred and pat up only by Dr. M. L. Bacon; 13Tosiburg, P. . Wholesale agents—Hallett, Soarer -4 Parbati,l4sl, Chamber street, New York ; W. D. Terbsll k Go.. oni -40.14.-Zi. Y. Jiln. ' li. /672. Haug ton, Orr & Co., STONY roux,- PA. PLATFORM SPRING, TRITOR 42,1,D LIMBER WAGONS, SLEIGHS AND 808 SLEDS. Wo az% piomed to do snytbing in oar Una on short noticp pad to belt suru f ac jc i Otrw o g zwifisas 4Lentil We • .Stony Fork. Ja2. 1. 1812. . - BEEri; 3101 1 31, in . the GoONTY. -.THE UUNET HOUSE.' . r I . Bo Onui /Aro cad willlil433ltts d; " I A a co loOticsui art inttpitocktiyAßT ant alutt ixt NorthertLTlQV pat ao /Ago that stsecandiald 01F4, rft Lowitios, mew d' Wain atvl Win ctteittWoZibolo. • Agood tAbIA, good Ilcoots,ja±pier,azid ti rod has g ot, An 8. 1673-ty FEJUSEIDO737P, W I.r. HA►RNES SHOP W. .Ittl - ViE, would say tsF;learis *a his ik.A 'irsrisets Shop is 4iaTikust47 stioßked al* i Heavy, ana , 'Light . Harnesses s ixtudgeki, a sOstailVal inimisex, an 3 offered at Watt Mai Pipasjtaiito sum . , .1 r RENEWER. IlannAr.turers at Buggies, Sulkies, CUTTB2I3, CI