Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, February 21, 1872, Image 1

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    voL. xix.l
, - *
Atittatitt% :
rcntasnso Evrirr WEDNEITST LY
_ I
l a.Tsparg :-52,00 per annum in advance. del
Ittre. I 1 in 2 in" . 311:k. 4in. 71n. 121 n With.
. .
____-- -- ---.-•
1 w ee k $lOO $2OO 83 00 $4OO 66 ® $9OO $l4 DO
:Weeks I 160 300 400 500 700 11.00 le co
3 w ee ks 200 300 500 GOO 800 13 00 18 00
)lentil? 50 4 00 6 00 7 00 9 00 15 00 20 00
Months 400 600 900 10 00 12 00 20 00 23 OD
3 Stand's 600 800 12 00 13 00 .15 00 25 00 35
6Aiontlis 800120018002000 22 00 35 00 GO 00
I v e x. 12 00 18 00 25 00 28 00 35_00 60 00 100:00
„iyertinmente are calculated by the inch. in length
of column, and any less space is rated as a fall inch.
Foreiau advertisements must ho paid for before in
sertion, except on yearly contracta, when half-yearly
payments in advance will be required.
litsnala NOTICES in the Editorial columns, on the
st ooadtpage, 15 cents per line each innertiOm
leg ineartod for lest than $l.
Lear. Sorrcra in Local column, 20 cents per line ft
more than five lines ; and 50 cents for.s notice of five
Imes or less
Sort:JAL NOTICES 50 per cent above regular rates.
Brat:Ea CARDS 5 lines or less,' $5,00 per year.
Business Cards:
C. H. Seymour,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tiog,a Pa. All bushings 'an
t-rusted to Ilia care will receive prompt- attontion.—'
Jan. 1. 18:2. -
Geo. W. Merrick,
_ -
ATTORNEY AT LAN - V.—Office in Brnren .1p COne's
across hall from Agitator (Alice, 2d 1100 r,
llsboro, 11.—Jan. 1. 1572..
Mitchell & Cameron,
ATIOIIIeTS AT LAG, Claim and Insurance Agents.
Office in Roy's block, over Van Order's liquor store,
SS'ellaboro, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1972.
William A. Stone,
ArTEt AT 7. l ,k'W, over C. B. Kelley's Dry 1320,
Ste - Wright & Bailers Block on Main street. 1 10 D
We ober°, Jan. 1, 1872.
Josiah Emery & C. D. Emery,-
ATTORNEYS AT LAW.—Oilice opposite Court House,
No. 1 Pardy's Block, VlAlitrasport, Pa. All business•
promptly uttomletl to.—.tan. 1, 1872.
J. C. Strang,
Ofßee with J. D. Niles, Esg , Wellsboro, Pa.-,1an.1, '72,
J. B. Niles,
ATTORNEY AT 1207.-17111 attend promptly to bus
ineskentrusted 10 his care in tho con.litiesi of Tioga
and Potter. Office on the Acenue.—WelLsboro, Pa.,
San. 1, IST:.
duo. W. Adams,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa
l'olle,tioaa prompty attollad to.—Jan. 1, 1872.
ern°. W. Guernsey,
ATTORNEY AT LAW.—AII business entrusted to hint
will be promptly aitcmied to.--oflice Ist door south
Li IVickbara s rarr's store', 1 logs, Tioga county, Iht.
Jan. 1, 19;.:
Armstrong & Linn,
A ITORNEYS AT LAW, Williamsport, Pa,
Wm. h. Smith,
PENSION ATTORNEY, Bounty and Insurance Agent.
Comraunicatfons tent to the aboyo address win ro
ceive prompt attention. Terms moderate.—Knox
rdle, Pa. Jim. 1, 1872.
Van Gelder & Barnes,
JOB PRINTERS.—AII kinds of Job Printing done on
short notice, and in the best nianner. Online in Bow
en & Cone's Block, 2d floor.—Jan. 1, 1872,
W. D. Terbell at, Co.,
WROLESAE DRUGGIST, add dealers in Wall Paper,
Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass, Perfumery, Paints.
Otis, Se.--Corning, N. Y. Jan. 1, 1872.
D. Bacon, M. D.,
PHYSICIAILN .talD.suaoroN, Ist. door east of Laugh.
er moils—Main Street. attaucl promptly tOilail
calls.—Wellsboro, Jair- 1, 1372.
A; M. Ingham, M. D.,
HOMOEOPATHIST, Office at fits residence on the Av
cnue.—Wellsbore, Pa., Jan. 1, 11372.
W. W. Webb, M. D.,
AND SURGEON.—qfflce—Opening out of
Fixuatingaleesdes's Drug Store.—Wellsboro, Pa., Jan.
1, 1852.
Seeley, Coats .Sc Co.,
BANKERS, Knoxville, Tioga Co., Pa.—Receive money
on deposit, discount notes, and sell e.rafts on New
York City. Collections promptly made.
3ionoar 18xx.x.EY, Osceola. Vin CRANDALL.
Jan. 1, 1872. DAVID DOATd, Knoxville.
J. Parkhurst & Cow
-13 Etaair._corlui, Elklan& Tioga Co.,' Pa.
Jan. 1. 1872
Sabinsville Motel,
, SABINSVILLE, PA., D. Churchill, Proprictor.—This,
House is in goad condition to accommodate the, travel
ing public In a superior manner.—Jau., 1, 1372. _
1 Petrolium House, -. :
t it.LD, PA., Geo. Close, Proprietor.—Good au
srnoilation for both man and beast. Charges sea
nable, and good attention gi , .•ezyto guests.
dui. 1, 1872.
Farmers' Temperance- Hotel.
B \TEMAN MONROE, baying i>urdinsed ibis house,
Will conduct in future as itt the re.4t, strictly on tem
perance principals. Every acvommodstlon for man
bud beast. Charges reaconable.—WelLsboro, Pa.,
ha. 1, 1872.
Union Hotel.
WM. R. VAN HORN, Proprietor, Wellsboro, Pa.—This
house is pleasantly located, and has all the conven
iences for man and beast. Charges moderate.—Jan.
1, 1872
Mrs. C. P. Smith,
iv.-:iiiuNAIILE MILLINER.Keepsk cn hand, mil
ma .uht,tares to order any artlek desired in Ler.ll do
a sLort notice.. Location Main St., cypoatto M. E.
CLurch, Well.ibvro, Pa.—Jan. 1. 1872.
Wellsboro - Hotel,
317 Wellsboro, Pa.
SOL. RITA - NEL, Prcip'r
This is a popular Hotel lately kept by B. H. Holiday.
The Proprietor will spare no pains to make It a first
,lll23 house. All the stages arrive and depart from this
house. A good hostler is attendance. girriverT
Jai:in, 1672.
Hotel for Sale,
MBE .unerlean 11...t<1, Nelson, Pa., house and
barn nearly new, half acre land. On the 3 .
Ime of Cowanesque Valley R. It. Work Just be- 1 :
one commenced, WO men nt work near by. The
grggerty oil Le aold at a bargain. A good inan can
pay (r the property while the road is being Valli
'terms cagy For particulars ingnlraiuithe prernisesr
Or address, C. it 'WHITED.
Nov. R, 1071-it Bloasburg, Pa.
4LATELY known as the Townsend House and
fora tkie occupied by D. I). Holiday, has been
thoroughly refitted and repaioed by
.ho Will be Lapps to accommodate the old friends of
tho houss at Very reasonaMe-rates.
Jan. 1, 1e72- ly; - M. 11. O'CoNNOR.iI
I X 3 fabasburg Pa., conducted on strict tem
perance principles by the subscriber, who ii
will sparo no pains to make this house a plesS: "
sat limo for the traveling public. 'king well suppled
x l 9lltonse and stable room, he will at all times etv
decor to P303/to every comfort for both man Caul
Wm, 13. HALL.
Nov. 15, 1871-tt
Bateholtier & Johnson,
IYalia Street opposite Foundry,
XONITAUENTS, TogasTosza, TABLE 20PS, Cptinkra, cw•
All other %ruble work executed neatly, and at
ratea. Sl W
Mant We also furnish to Order,- tisrbler end ate les, cermey; renlerarike: -
-" ^ •
JlB.l, 1872,15 m BA.OHELDER.
When on my ear your loss was knelled,
And tender sympathy upburst,
A little spring from memory welled• -
Whic,l4 once had'querehed my bitter tOrst,
Audit was fain to bear to you: ,- :
A portion of its mild relief,
That it 'Wait bo as coollog dew,
- 'To steal some fe : licr from your grief.
After our child's untroubled breath
Up to the Father took ibilcay,
And on our Immo the aside of death
Like a long tr4light haunting tar,
And friends came round with ns to weep
The littlespirit's swift remove—
This story of the Alpine sheep
Was told to na by one we lose.
They in the valley'e sheltering care -
Soon Crop the meadow's tender prime,
Awl when the sods grow brown and bare;
The shepherd- strives to make them climb
• ,
. . --
To r airy shelves a pasture grpen
That hang along the mountain aide,
)Vhere grass and flowers together lean.
, 1 - And down through Irdsts the sunbeams-glide
But nought can lure the timid things
The steep and rugged path to try,
Though sweet the shepherd calls and sings,
And seared below the pastures lie: , •
Tlll In his arms their hitaios lis takes,
Along the 4lzzy t'eige . to'go„ •
When, heedless of tho rifts and breaks,
They folletK on o'er iiicka and snow.
Ana in ihose pastures lifted fair,
More de* soft than lOiviand mead.
The shepherd drops his tender ears,
And sheep and lambs together feed,
This parable, by nature breathed, -
_Blew on me as the south wind free,
O'er frozen brooks that float unsheallifit‘
From icy thralldom to the sea. "6'
A *blissful vision through, the night
Would all my happy senses away,
Of the good shepherd on' the hight,
Or climhteg up the starry way,
HoMing our little lambs
Ana. like the burden of the sea
Sounded that yoke along the deep,
Saying, and follow me." "
When St. StePlien*Green . , Wis;:ti.k fash
ionable promenade in Dublin, not long after
'pretty Mrs. Delany and tuneful Mrs. Don
ellan walked three times round it, and three
times passed the brass stand of . George the
Second every fine day, in order to recruit
their constitutions and complexions for the
Bishop of pork and Ross's hohiitalities, two
girls, in the poplins and mantuas of the gen
teel life of the period, wiilked in the dusk
of the evening in the direction leading from
Leeson street to Fishamble street. They
were panting with the speed they were mak
ing, while they occasionally talked with
much eagerness.
I wonder. if we shall get them, Sally?'
'lf We do, they will be the top of the
mode, Peg, for she never has anything be
hind the fashion.'
I wonder if we shall charm her lady
ship?' •
Jan. 1, 1872
Sure, - 7A‘e can try t., Silly; if we do, it
Rill be the malting or -
Clearly,: - it was a mission of great impor
tance in the girls' eyes, enough to engross
them so completely that they neither looked
to the right nor to the left as they pursued
their ) way, thougli*ore than, one passenger
in the dim light looked after. them: Maria
Edgeworth tells us that at the Dublin Ran
elagh her young sister 'Honor wa&-mobbed
anda cb.mpelled -to >retire .? - froixt thiciceno-73,- .
Strange didtinetion of royalty and beauty;
sccolt of her_ personal attractions;
but these gi Is in'the sprigged poplin; they
not only charmed Dublin, they "turned the
dOgied John ill bend Of the - oity,ind the
court of London. ' They Were not altogeth
er safe from notice and annoyance itt this
hOur and-in these streets, but; Irishmen are
gallant and IrishwomeU fearless.
_..However, as the girls approached the
door of_a house in Fishamble street, one of
them hung back.
,` I cannot do it, Peg, she will be angry.'
Angry, child! she is the best-natured
woman iii the world) •
,' She will grudge her luto-strings and la
ces.' _
Grudge, Sallyl she is so free handed she
scatters silver coin every night. among the
boys and girls that run after-lief :chair.'
- And:they cry; `_We' don't want -yollr
poor money; we want one of your smiles,
you SeNiel; for they are-.like .the dawn -Of
day. But now, Peg, don't ysfiti-• think - it it
low in us to push ourselves into a plaYeei
Irouse and borrow her bravery?'
• - Q,
' My dear creature we cannot help it, : it is
our only hope. Su4h a dance as I hayerun
to get the 'card to the Lady Lieutenant's,
anal it is Vain we cannot go without fine
clothes and father finds he cannot Itirnish
them. Bless you, we will pay them back
like queens when ire are ladies.of qtatity
with rich lords at our backs.' _ . , •
- Pay them. back, indeed! When. did:rton•
pant selfishness remember a benefit, worldly
or unworldly'? _The tradition .lingers of the
loan, bnt- who records the repayment? What
Mention j 3. there made of the two loveliest
and stateliest peeresses in his A.Eajegt,,,P.l
realm supporting and consoling poor . pea:
tent regWofpngton? -
0 Peg, Peg Gunning! I don't thiidc„ii
is becoming:' - *.
• Yon .silly, changeable chit, we ha - ve_'.o." and Mallow iq..ite ? ke r .- t.l* white
time tblosei'-seolded the bolder advezith: th e f or of fhW e ' rm ThO e
ress. 'l'll tell yon what, Sally, will you go
Peg Woffington drew adong,brenth.
in with me it I.fetch out Sally "Fortescuc;l'm afeared..to• more
who is tnintroduce us to her ladyship, .and - I Pr g va , l '
looks,' She declared in cot consterna
if she consents to bear us coinpany?'
floe: pufslie was not frightened Pi:vexed;
'lt wonld not be so bad, Peg,' grunted
she . was delighted—poor ardent :Peg; and
Sally, like all cowardly, credulous persons
"s . he fairly clapped her - hands ;when,
inclined to snatch at the defense of canine- -
gloated - Over the other Gunning, she - finally
ELT ; you know you often say the more the
_ iunhoodecl Sally Portescue=a face at that
merrier.' .
Moment as crimson as a stock- gillyflower,
• I never need folks to lead me by the''
half . shy, half vexed, yet so open; so pure,
nose.' grumbled Peg; " but Sally *Forteseue- !74h such cool, calm wells ,eyes, such a
is good - natured when you speak her-fair.;: ~ 1
acid mouth. .
and she wants sorely, for her own ends, to -gentle,:pl
he sure, to be off with her 'ladyship, while " You three bate Bansgher,' cried peg, :
we want as michtily-to . be on with her; 50 making of her ohlbrogue; you are a
for the present we suit each other like curds line set of beggars, you - darlings.: What
and-cream. Just wait a bit in the entrance, can Ido for you? Shall I claim every lord
Sally„and see that you don't let any of the from-the green-room?-: , _Stiall order
men look under your hood .J ' to haven ridotto in your; hoini 9 l
Away dashed the proud, sharp sehetn - er - Oh, no! oh, no! .Idrs. •Wolllngton, we
and leader, who bole down and dragged ; Nqould nit be unreasonable; bat ;we - ' haW'
ter 4ir the more fretful but more scrupulotta receiyed an in vitationio'the to-night,
companion. In a few minutes she returned and we - fissure you we jkaie not - a - stitch •of
-with' a girl blushing under her hood tine :decent clothes for our bac:ks. -.Webelievtrl
phieking, nervously at her apron. - - ypd have a lellowdeeling ,forpoor 'young
afraid it is not right,.Peg; you ',May. women who have their
' Tortdie4
have -anything you like of 'mine,
.and and" we would lie your del;tCors for life if,y - pg,
_cetne; . _ I'd rather stay at hothe rays:elf." Would lint lend us for this - Orfe.-iiTgti a pair
'Heyday! and who would present us to of youp : yorst gowns,r' l „. l , •
ladyship? Besides, you know:yoliritiiel 3fy worst! It ii-the - begf-in -iny poSses
lett yon, and yon kayo stbnr-You-shal?sport : tilly.eu arc - tired.''`li
suit:nd;" Why, you are three. jachthl.,*C - t. ., a black.shame that's'btrahould :be_ in
here,tliough . they'docouPle you of tifeniiit is a pileasiiik
.. all-you the ' sweet Sallies." being seisell filled. :-The sparks'- heartswill
•-` What Fill your father say?' = t bt clean broken•-tanighti
*Old swear like ,'a ~troopel-41 : i4'4, 4 0r myself ; the best tople 1r iii `be tit tb~
k - new it tonight; but heililanghtillhiisidea , :: castle; _and if auyto rgtuark .
split when he hears it to-morrow; jtattlainlana not:sofine as she should
token; ft Wl:Mike hii." --- rn tell'yon give them half 'a
- dozen mare courte•
Pally; Fortescue, i cannot dawdle IFOrl,c l ",pre4
- site ebil nightfall, and have some Of' fh'ci'se" outi and
:,foitlicVfi:(s2 St. Ps rick to keep off you Peettained * *Onluit of' those
silfySaMa :t-'OIIT - delf, It is king
already. What to hinder us comilatiliir lovely " 'bent --biows'over . glancing' ey ei all-
. .
, '-_
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"'' .., ' - l c , - . - - t;1- ', , tir Ittl-..-.- ...-- ' •:..•„( -...••.` , - 11 —• •
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. . • t
a piece of
.follY•like 'Mir; betteti4:inefelY
calling, in a 'frolic; on the ei6St::,
woman in Irelkihtler.the'werld,'_and asking
her if will ..obusent ) to. succor .two , disc ,
tressed wretches in:their
do not eoule , With us this
will.jUdge!yanUreitet - I` . eittniiitsintirepO=
sing to us to take our Place' grid trniel With,
her ladYship -to deliver her from -the iraq
p or e , ; " •,f • - • •
-‘ Oh, it. Will be such 'a, disappointment
we are not ailosiedi'to' meet her * 49 and
Make (Mr fortunes,' broke in the , other Sal r .
ly, Pe9.usbri . . - if, -1 4tfr;a11,--wo-haVe4Qtatfei•
at home and darn frills and ery;auise mit
to-night' - - ' ' " '
' I wish i l k L tfas. darning At m9...:01t
DeanSion,' exclaimed. Sally Portescue, al
most crying herself; `but I have a great de'-'
sire ,to help you; since yea are net, Drell oft
here and could fill my place without any loss
to yourselves. I saw Mrs. Woffington tit
the Bishop's last night: ' Pil go with
The, three. hurried 9n a few paces and
stopped before adoor. .The mistress of the
party knocked' without a Moment's pelts;
A slatternlylodging house bervani.,,slatterat
ly but stilt pleasant as only Irislra 7- oniiii . ein
look pleasarifilitiegkehil arid 'lair all
datigling: , abour -their ears, atiswereethek
sun:throne:, ..was al home;:
but, could - see bo U.O4any; - she • Was - 'ateirt., -
to iet rand forthe theater. • • I
What was to thea?
Tell Mrs. 'Wellington it is
,three rival
'beauties in treahl;', who - LaveveritUred
_seek her•counsel and ask her charitY.- - '
• . 'Send theta up, eallednrich voice
over the filthy banisters. Pet Wuffingion"
don't refuSe a favor when she can grant
and sorry 'a rival does she fear either,',.' l - I .
They m9unted the littered staircase, , where
cabbage stalks and withered nosegays_ trips "
ped the fept of. thagreat actress, and entered
a parlor inireliing vilely - oflebiteeie"2sniolre;
"idziYas - llsefras sitting4o*
ti as rim aver witlibeterermeouti
clothes; ;parity `books; 'anti play 1301 . 0',.,;g*
crowns and nun's beads and card's of
fnere WWI a -- ..aeared.,corner .of the
table, on 4lliehley 'Of l bid and
cheese, at which tliP t cietublitirofthe .. rioni
itlvas not tog'
untidy or unsay.oty a snuggeryftir Peg *olf
fington, who was picked np by Argus-eye
Madame riolanie humbly washing_ cloth,
at the side current of the LiffeY.
In the middle of the mess stood the peU--
ple's beauty tapping her fingers on the table,-
and meeting with vivacity the faltering gaze
- of the new comers. She was dressed in the
universal poplin, with no ruffles- but cam
bric frills round her arms and, a fly cap on'
the back of her head. Uer fabe was some
what broad, but with the perfection of eyes'
and teeth to which some faces owe'o4s inuch,
and ;,•itli that constant succession 0_1414
; fl
and shadicker and flash, which belongs
to a mobileeXPression and invests it with a
fascination - Which is, like that of - flesh
S and
blood over wood and stone. She wee. bu -
om, brilliant, kindly; but woe is me!' there
were lines of self-indulgence -already: writ- i
ten around the flexible Month, with Abe
milk-white glitteraliteeth; andin the warm
hazel eye there litict gleamed - ere '.now evil
.spirits of. wantonness and passion. '
I run Peg Wolilrigton„ at year pleasure.
I What do you Dublin belles want - with me ?
II wet mere,plagtied with Dublin beau s ;
bnt,:perhiipsfer that, ;very reason.l. can read
your orfetchandcarryyblllet dour.'
h and carr3f
• Mrs. Wofflngton, you cius,corifer on
tibia bilge obligation; but I'M' '44l4ra - ed.
'Speak - of it,' sighed thefliat intruder. . •
' . pho! out with 'it, girls; .we are
ecinali when you come to see - .me,: and no
one-can say I ever turned my back: 9n an
alls.hough Many an ally has played a
scurry trlek on me. Only don't keep me
waiting; I'm his Majesty: and the country's
servant, remember-that;'-end peg :laughed
her gay somewhat boiterOus laitgti , reflect
ing to bow many her service was slavery.
"Weare the' Gunning4,' 'declared' the pe
titioner? . audacious enough '.after she 114_
once tieiun,• `and this! is i4aily Forte scne
horn the south; and after yourself-"we are
the three top beauties. of I)ublinlithis sea
- . .
" I know, I. know,' - cried Peg, , delighted
with her: visitor's franknesi; one Of yonli
balled Peg after myself. ,We ure:calledAlie
pretty Pegs,' as the others. are styled 'the
sweet:Sallies.' Which is inyfifauiestrke?' 2 .-c
is I, Mrs. 'Woffington,' - , _ _
'Let ds see you, lass, at :.close quarteise
:and. Peg laid friendly but determined hande r
on the hood. Hum—not-bad;: I'm no Whit
ashamed of - my fellow.' - ' • ' it
- Ashamed, Peg ?
,If you liad uot held lho
dregs of a noble heart, full, of free admire-:
t ion of All that was beautiful, you ivonld
have been furiou3 with, Jeglottsy„ You had.,
'oii - your own boards'. but yOUrs were
.olebeian hoards after all; hers was to .4_ a
'patrician footstool tO a patricit:kii throne. b
_iv hole --century . has echoed: the renOwn 2 at
the ,Gunnings' faCes and their bornraristoc 7
racy of beauty; their ivdry brows, the • Curl.
:of brown'eyelashe's, the4iniples ,
in their checks at.velvet,_ brushed it.it}i the
bloom - of the ,peach; tbeir - 'Ape •tuiseii and'
Idits,- their delicate, litiggloy : riaijrilp; their
th'roals,, , Where the, bleak 'Velvet bands forni
ixvictia-ContinitS- Wlth: - •the . *llO,
yet soft flesh and blOod; : ticeilling not
cofdlike : snow, but iciiim[;:ig ; :a.. : littie 'bird";
. • .
: - • = • '." •• ' • • ;7 j • 77 7 , , , ;`. - - 17
S 130110 - TIOGA :CO - WEDNVBDAir - 1113RUARY 1,, 187
lauglied.thgether. ''Alf; Peg, if YOtillitd on-,
ly knOWn the worth of-your sillies! ) ' •": • !
'• , -Iftsw.good 'lirs,"-Woiiinglon Wail ) , iTileYl
-were ‘herhourrden Serv:lttts--till the kintV
!newt was forgotten. -In the mean tiinel , d ,,l
;'')*its serbaming for her servant, , itnittosiitigi
' over the contents other• great' nitres; ;Mid,
casting- before them •an ample , choice.'—,
' Which shall it-be, ; girls? -The plain .pitik.l
rtaduasoy, or the blue. flowered silk t ' , You;
. should know your• OWIt mind. Youlvc heard !
,what.the, Beefsteak Club prete;ul was utyl
eorenteitt.: on women's conversatien="-'•all
L:Silkaand scandal.' But what shall I Otter
Yau,, my dear? tinning to• tiallYti l ortesette-,
`,for I spy as plain -as paint -iitzlotir little
face that you read; the . old pects--Sbakes
pearci and Spenser and the Bible—Land' talk
'Of them,- and the poor, %till your i-o;rk, and
your blessed father and mother. • What can
I - have the•honoriof givine; you' ; ' my dear
- Miss Sally?' •- • ' -• ' .
She - does not need :Llano,' eNelaitati the
,Gehnings;- 'she has her-own hi:tic:id - 6'as newt
,as ittgOld;guinea;htit-slie does' not want to,
shine; •she's - Wild to bre•ak. with lteiladiship,i
*h6 caught heidoWn in the'l:4`tiviAeei," an&
is otrrying her:ttivaY'fo &anion: tlYmitke her'=
fortune right on entl—niarly her Off-littaillo
a rich-English squirb ni':gt aka4:Ks-Am:di' it,
is rptite thrt4Wii away on Sally ..Forteseite . ;:'
_:she-Would prefer to runhack to -'Detinston,l
Work in the'-garden; ride Dennls'O'ltonrhe,,
help heerliother and her father, And 'ell' lie,
folks! if shaOitlti only contrlYe t:c4ive Iter-,1
Adnli the genteel'ellp.:" • .'' • • I • ' i
yt i
'; 1 tallies eoine oYer yen, child?' dernan- 1 1
-4:led eg in tuneke,- arrested in her vigorous
'opekations,. and.reinitinlne Stock-still on hel
knees; snriounaed by costly stuffs of -all the
dyes Of =the raltiboW.
Sally blushed a- more vivid red—nearer ff
street-'william this time-but looking all the
P i rettierinthe =high 'dolor in Cornpeny with
her eln * itetitig•ehestnitt-brown hair and mod'
_4ative'ey'es: . "' ' ' i
:c : -I'd Ileferstak, Sliii. Weifingtcin; perbapS'
it is vanity,"lltit":l -think: they. miss me at
homif- Miitither Ankiliother gliiv4' Me up
withieluetilifeei.liinVof Usatherb-, I might.
as iMikbeth bittaiiiiliere, and'P i ll not c0n.01411 iiiiiterflYiegraeSincf Biflif,"geVtialiii.f .
lc iiim7nOt lit for iti',.l 4itis torn to lit' a . sct.i
'her, working girl,'.' mid fli:Y father promised
me - that I shoild: ;mite' his - letters this 'Yetit,
and my mother was to Intrust me with the
heintehold linen; d.na, - ail I Ni'ng teaching
Jetamy, the erow'boy, to read; and he was
coming on'so flnelk! ' It is'not do bad here
in Dublin; for I have my old, aunt to look
after"me, and she wearies fon me in the evel ,
ring to 'play her garite of cribbage with her;
1 but I'll be of no use at all at ail to her ladyl
' ship, Who:has her own you l ng woman, and
wiill not even allow the to sit up for her and
sew at her. embroidery, frame. I'll . pine
-away, or'-I'll- get into Mischief and forget
my duty andlose my petit. , Indeed, I mus
travel home pgairt.' '.: l • '
' tpu:goo# child,'"yoiedl'eg," With mo •
ejriah - I'll - tell , ' patc,, , o44' rie read - pat to
I your pitipOse hi' io*e *of tny foolish play
beoks.. An Italian saint left his estates to
11ErbrOther,,and' Mitred into the Cloister:
4'l#4,itier - fideiptid - OLe, gift, but remark
ea," Serio.,tiffull t tf,' ; ',' Ahl',ltrothel, you'vetalten
heaven, 0 4 Y94* P*. tjri r ef ; I le -eart h . ' — i
I twiStt I had
. 'that' 00 - e,ti to : . i4 - ..e tO. iiiiit i
rif,d . ause.sonn,filag 16, titigke, althol
the_ _stupid - ilea, ,ittlrt women 7110'9*-ned.,
them, starting tad,-- . Atirigg, , pale ; and ,disor
_would not bcnble to ; tell what - ailed
them. I'm iorty,. I'm. *arta sorry, t: , , ,. . , a t i_
rte -nottang ilt"4l:Trp idr-s. - ""es--eptance, .
you'll give me your h an d before «e part.'
' You are:
„o•ker-Itifid, Mrs ‘Voffingtonil
responded_ the young girl, till aflame 'with
answering modesty and. gratitude; `y au are
so charitable to the . poor, net. so m ach.4
asking them- when - they've washes tiler
hinds. Yen' are the first.player that hare
Owit; bat- I,4olre,y(aia;"lfr. , . Si oil; Gaon;
i t
love you aii:inucii a gay , s weet soul Ili of
my own dear. home;' _ and: Sally,. in a ilt. o
entleasiasnii sioaped , deivn ' and Itiitsed Pe
W.O# l 6ito - 0-i '' '2'''''' '•
• '' ' •.c
Peg 'wok much iniored; she drew back and,
covered her.face with hen-bands -for a mo
ment, Cna'skoOke hilstilY;-'iii . abidfsrnetheled
vOine.:_ 1 34-"glenT ) ,' .., - 1 , 134. ,nbt . aniqyi but ; you
-444-q-.;i9i, 0. - ;-ivA__Ed . iftSA's.o.4. 9 Fie; -YollA 6 illt ,
kaioW how-yatirtigra feel - toond). i a -wimma
~.of the. World as ii - itm lairldh-girlsi It r
'sj, is`: ...
wielied: , *-Orld,ciiithioi-,iira•:ii'ofi.hel 4 .
ycjii , .itaii-it; tinetheie tania)ulre:iibie'the
. 4;l4a:wise little ioneo mkPin ; .glad -She, hisse 1.
- izei11*44:44,4t2i-tAlPui4: o 34e'firi.V:it fle / i f,: ;
-:ntemlirlineenaay busiwrio to the - hone. ::, 1
tiVedfifktitiiSiPede ' dided:,iic . et Vents of
Ihfi- 4 _ , 1 4; iv0: l i‘4:. 1 0_44 11 4i 4: vat, n ifii 6 := ,14 „ . - '
tie eattle'illebotittlyto plumes ofsPeg:Wor4
'fingtori.,:. and literallY•dittzled 'the- "assemblk
"Ji4)4, the fitliti‘ei.4, 6fiiiiii Etei: ':_Their Su::
(xis Ailstlifffi t pt;i4o.ii44teq't)ithii; . hit, - it.,fa _
.i . illet - j;,444.wid -3it. 6 4 6 ati0 1 1 4 11 ,liie 1 ) 00 . 1 fi!
of ' Court heanties,,,..lt: is, rather .lOfty and
JoYous elatloit Joinedto the greed of a thief
for praise•andpoiver - The •siSters•tonk by
AtOrin'the l listleja'ithtiginittion of iter lady
ship, who liked 'to be roused, and 4tesired to
convey with her, across: the,Channel an frith ,
gein,or genii to:.adorn ker ;Working . closet
'endheiibacidritiying• c room. • Sally Polies
cue 'sy'ii §liiiiked tV"Aciiqq' LO's6lf • inini.hiL
ing 1/0 ...... „,._ii04; t :0ik i46i4;,--404" setting, 44, • •
thq *1 t't.-utre , .."l:giAliglitgi,)i. Withl.allnliie l it.
heatts, - to, 4 netlpy.the gaping yawner. ,- .1 he
-fitmousbeautiaii oairivd'nut suit i t a-Nil tit' ,
, Wie'dfr'; 34 tl''ii'.o o6ll ;.:*..4 l o,4o#ii i b€o l ,
haii %lila i4 - ithlVitefittiy,.,wi§iti4:4Aar
eloso,isa•,.4 likiit_torkilt2 ,They ,reao4ll
ihaf'topPlini stein nit of :their anibitiou;Anitil
the blood-royal alone ii.efled-the Witchery tf
I their' :iaistY4 - tit'e".--"itra.iclikiiq)eavfis, banbi t _ s
neAt-Wi l ittotiOyer: "Were , again it qd ' itgatit,
.laid tit Pieu , 4l, niigeing to-fmniltleit:::\tir
ji.Y; ;lie plilWwho:claimed the -wide Moors .
and parks of Clydesdale and the proin.l pets
of ;Gotttfell, • and' great Alticalluunnore;t to
Lord 'of the,lsles;,' stibinltted to N'rear the
satneltaiY,•chitifii,, The Gl.4nong:a wcfl'e
the true q u eens of 'society: ,To them both
—t - ,
wealth.; ano rilak_ went., tt-begging In er rtl
time,- as they:ihphi,s_elye4litiageneatiegging .
' to 'Peg :,* oflingion.,;: #ol,l l ' sfaten 'hee:aihe
`. /41 4 10 11''..t"P E A' Pf:o4o. :;.0111 sister',
twice : ft-jkliiolAqi i.:Llicki3O; -uses, hilQlcy s.
the Word-me:play apon4)tickief. lasses never
,apieradr'llondda -Witliohtl : edifyy
a1L1A0C.4.e.4f4:4 44 f?;41tik l hob ie :'. l
'Zf D'g -t04,€81 3 1,0uw. 1 144 . -', n.Tile Squire
4plii.itot.resist.ahtaitalvot:glee, -thbnghLte
affeeted*Slitikittd e 4l l hlf4lheiiiljuilatlituity, -
lrh PUl i :e vi tt 4 0*-‘4/0:0u!* , tie'
,s t _hci kid.f_it,e 09-44px ,lksoni, oolxr, fix,
- ...t.pfitpiquk - I.4 , trquouncedA. e speatac,les
whlarah.elidelatelyl=aleutaWriikcil whleh
bestoited'soitirlyi . --2
~ 4 riii4tc'd4il i ii9'
nn air 04 . tkef co!1 , 1 6:' ' l / 4 1 40 13 :0t .SIII.Y
.1 -acio'riieft! "0# El-li - ), • eil t i: . !i gi.44001.- . Ami:a,dozi
tievF l ietlialA nail. mumithe:.onl y shy' of
~ her gannts.o[-iThere,tvaiShilietol3 o oyer, ono
of iliel — viniis.- 1 1 6tilf OciiiiiAinin'. farmers,
who'lailefnW. vi to Silly . ,
but lie'vie 6 o4_, imlltliii*fori?cio(solue
'Ai 11.1 No 13 ttip; ft f faiproprietor....l In ono of l i tho i j
tixsi,-Errigtions ;:OfilhilFtebellion.-b is' stac;k- , ,
yaid4ol*rtit; l lo24ktlk. b3ofed, hid heflge f
broken_, do*lr 1i44 1 41:t laid. Open to the •
jwill i 004 . #F - tf l iice-ii. - : lirkim_tei:iic;iii:t'ieil ibe i
in.)POlAgralle.:lllis not:ira ;rnati -ofi edttili:ted 1
fa4rttids antlAdisciplint•cl , resonrces,'lint'Only-1
uptighiad ogiuw-figiii: iiid' I killit,'•lLO 'i [
-mighty hunter. • The match was not tgi 1p
of 1"--
_Aqu a v i , i 1 , ' - 40. . ) .
y• N o l•—, ...tfrai ,-, f, 3 , r - , ,
4 r 1
• 4 `.
, 4t4. t 'r te t r
- ` l4 ' "
-A ! .
li t
- 4.4 r..... i Air-i____;. - ,,. 4 .., z• ~ ,:-.-__ -„v A ) 4 1 ;„ - I
.. , .
dreanted*;tlien,,,thOugh.Sally wti4 4i gen- ;
"tie:a girl -and young &Dyer so tomily andi
'frond,!4itid possibly the brightest yotmOntin i
'inthese quarters, 4 wtiS'belleyed: tt4. gill 'i
~ toOkthk,lOsS to bee:lt - although net so much 1
11411011a..' Indeed the poor yulitig homer; i t
Juined now beyond rederaptloni rode alittle , :
theredesperritely than before; swung from ,
'side to side' in hie Saddle with tvealtne:is;- Sat':
shlyerlng in his [vet ,Clothee. in hiS torah e• i
- doWnli.lMse,. began to7hUtn and Melt a v:iy ,
- With leper, crept. as 'kitten •as he could to _tbe
-hillock which commanded a view of the big
house of Delliston, and died - one • flne day !
in lilS prime. There was • nothing seen on
-SallY,' - except,,that her,- bloom. went, off- at .
cinee,atiti altogether; she who had been ,so
stvceVa woman in her blnshps was ever kir- 1
terWards a ;sweet, white faehd woman, who i
liactilild, up her brocade in lavender, and
fo l nlYwOre'Sprigged peplins and unislins on
Aundays and Saturdays. ! ' ....
i Japanese Rom nee;
~_ 1 • ,
Once-ripotraihnether w as in Japin a
- Ppor stonecutter, a sitithle:wcTikmali in 'the
,'tiu ttrii 5... His life Was rude, he worked
Mu-I, i gitlned but little,:andwas , net at a l•
'eontentbd :with his fate. •
~, . ,
! 'Olt; If I could only' be riehenough to
rest, to - sleep on thick [matting; wrapped up
'in'n Itirtnon of soft silk!", Such was the sigh
'lle,brailied to heaven. 44. - f angel intercept
ed.tliiiiigh. • - - • ' itoi
. /
' : ' If Shhli be according to thy ileilke,', said
'the angel to - him. _ And he at Once became
rich, and lie rested, slept upcin thick_ mat
ting, unit wrapped himself,' lit a kirmon 'of
very ,soft Silk. ' ' /: ' '
It 'happened that the .V,inperor passed by.
'Be -ryas preceded by heralds on foot and.
horietiack, fellowedi(y a brillianteseort of
cavalierS,•ratd siirrm ded by persons who
held 'oier,rhis heat an immense parasol re
splendent with gold. - ' • ,
' . •What. 'good ,does it do me . to be rich?'
Murinured thp'„man, 'lts long as I have not
the - right td -go out With an escort and have
ink head protected by 4 01( . 91 pitr4sol!—
:%,V s juil I not the Emperor?' , • 1.-,
' Thou shalt be t ' l aid the . arigel. .„.
end - I . l' the Emperor.
. : indeed.he leamp,, ''ke
intitineScort - of ca.kmliersbefoie and . behind
him, find, peoplevt o .held above his .Mead
.4,lmb:tense paraso reiplendenOwith gold.
goWeTer, the with his aidint beams
dried uPithe country; and the dusty road,
quivering With his brightness, fatigued the
byes : ' ' .
qt is a great advantage to be Emperor,'
cried the man, ' when the heat of the day
exhaust 4 you and the sun never ceases to
make yOu feel his powei . ! But if one could
be the sun!' -
`.BchOld.! aie you satistiedt , ' the angel
.aske4.l., iFor he had become the sun, and he
daited his beams up and down, right and
left; and all around him. And he scorched
the herbage of the earth and the faCes of
the princes upon the earth.
But a cloud thrust itself between the earth
and hint; it held back the rays pf the sun
and prevented them from falling upon the
earth's surface.
- `There is strength,' cried the sun; `a
cloud capable of resisting my power! It
Iv'ould better if I -were a cloud.'
• Veiy well,' said the angel
*:And the transformation was -at once. ae
cOMP*Ared.' The new cloud placed itself
haughtily between the sun and the earth,
At{ld so thoroaghly. intercepted the rays of
,tbe sun-that it searin saw the earth covered
vithits 3haticom: --- "Plien ' lt caused big drops
of rain and poured .shoWers .and }hater -
spontsito Ado'on the land; so that - the tor
rents burst their bounds and the rivers run
over and devastated the fields,
;/"Stoiiiing:resisted the force of the.inunda
littui only a rock defied it, perfectly motion
. 1:-ain the bellowing waters beat it
in their fury, the rock yielded not; but , thb
foanlihg 'waves di4 at its feet.
''.A, rock, th - en, is by superior,' ,said
'.l.would rather be in its place.'
You shall be,' said the angel,
. And Leas transformed into a steep, un
tiliaken rock, insensible to the rays of the
Rift, iValarellt to the totrents rain 11LIt2
lle•sloock,pf'. the tumultuous waves
e> ertb less he distinguished' at his feet
a 'man ofrphor aPpearimee, ',hardly . clothed,
, biit armedwith a chisel and a hammer ;:and
tlie•jnatt i with_ the help of theae instruments,
Struck : oft 'pieces of 'rock, which lie • dressed
into stones.properfor •, •"- • _:
What-is that?' 'do l led the: rock; -`hais• &-
Mari tlie,power, of rending' pieces of stone.
fLOm pry: breast? Shall I ho weaker than
'be?, Then it is absolutely necessary that
shouhl:beilitit man!' •
.• Have your said the angel, and he
becatne .agaiii . What- lie had been—a poor.
stonecutter, a simple workman in the quar
ries. II His rude,• he worked much
and gained littll4, but he wasLcontent with
his kit. •
An initeresting diseot-ery has been made
in the S'ontlt. of Prance.' A distingteshed
gcologhn has found in the Pyrenees, only a •
,sligludistauce'belo i the soil, the remains •
- .o' pre-historic . title:. . :The discoveries are ,
: Very, numerous, and 'will help" lni pushing the -,
i ii
thanttiroOf ,111 story still,farther back intathe ,
Tsai& titan it .14/9 'ever gone before:. - Previims
:to - tit).,4:w.e had, no idea of-latustrind habits; -
tip . ,
s, but in that year the whiter .-was parr
. erisp• and eold, in Switzerland,. and
the level ~ of: the - . waters was lurveieti - in 'all
the lakes. c The- inhabitants.' of -Mellen had
pilititedby.the lOw water to raise a little
41ie i on the borders of lake Zurich.- Driv.,
'big down some piles, they encountered oh
:stades, and found thatpiles, and enormous
thief ()nit planks hod ; already been driven
dOiv.a. • Oetween
.. the pieces of wood they
disco'vered stone- and bone instruments, pot
tery, 41 - t;:e.. These utensils bore such a resem
blance. to tbpsein use by the primitive Pep : ,
Phi, -tilt:lt3l was conclude I that , the Mellen
tli#iveries- were r ot the greate4 antiquity.
The. '-` firt men',of that country : wep t sup
tibied to lave built . their habitations :ahove
tlti water and if, the hypothesis. Were just,
thq game,'estigda . of
.tinother age would
. be
feuriti at he bottom of • the. :prinbtpal 'l4lceil.
el,Theie 6 njeCtitieS : A vigte : .:4,s9n cottflrined.
The fishers remembered that 'l4in:former oe-
I.AlionS their nets • had' beet( datight Upon
piles driven 'in tie'litkiiotionia;'*4 'pottery
had Also bep#'foliciA, hat had:lieen,tiClibed
•-• i• - r: It , •!! ;
Ili it'lateße.lite. ', &t last dyetv . - One Went„to
liutiiiiV, ii - Allei Ails; ifiut but of the_ dePtha
, - ,
of-the lielvetian lake& they-drew up to the
light-of ; rqoActnAny : aximiligatibufAerbtofore
Unknown. -In Switzerland- morethan two
iiimdred -` rfittiolw, - ,jr,iig the- diSeelecters. call
ed it hem,. orrelies of l'primitivo,Villages. were
found..: But they_ did Ai th 'L all helOtiti: I o this
'ePoch.- , Some; tra tiassiti ea as hatingi been:
builtrin the sttinVitgei:others io - the - bronze
'age, and - still Otilte.iii:iin: the irollikte. !:The
discoveries hi: the Pyritecs:•tlfseloie liiibita
l-tions%A -the- sanit kinemi'cliaifieterl-nethose
'nailer -the SwiSs'lnk-p..5.: =.7n all the' 'Western
'pLr trot; the-Pyreneen>thaintldSe habitations
are very nutherod4;:and belong linAlfe Stone',
tige. .Tlie: ArthieillOgical , SOCiktylt.if -that
! district-is ,inaking3lffints ; DaVttrbat: expense,
eti I.lojelorititesse:ditenikries into it speties'of
' hiStOfy _oft_ the - ...piiiple . Aida inluthiled ;- . the'
houses. . _
Burled Cities
New Year Goods
- SPENCER has _wet returned from the.
oily with . a fine am:ln:cat of gooda hla •
line, over btouatt Into Tioga county, among
which aro chc.ice
Ohaiee Frames of New Styles,
• -
• /
Carved/ Trabliti Goods,
I - • - " Chroinos,
una a great ,variety of
70 1 rk 1101.ilil I ig" ilEi
I ; •- • - -
line in Style, aud at tlae re4y loireat prr , :ea. • lie is prd
I•nredo more
First-Class:Portraits, ,
in all the beet styles of., the -day, from skillfully re
- toucherfL negatives.
II is always a pleasure t r o above Sodds ; so don't be
backward or bashful, but call early and often.
blauseteld, Pa., Jan. 10, 11372.-Sul
New - More
and an entire new Stock of
UE SMITH & 13014 having Just'completad their
. new Brick Store on Main 'street, which is one of
the best arranged and most WI stores in. the comi
ty, are now ofrezing to their old cnatomera and the pub
lic generldlyn bOtter Wetted stock - of
_. . .
than ever before presented In ,:tie &erode& of 'Dogs—
LOdleir vnue of Burt's make,: constantly on Lao& Al.
so; Mason * Haralin's Organs, and a variety of styles
to select from. Ali ere Invite to oali :and examine
prices and quality. H. E. Sift= &
Carriage and Harness Trimmings,
DL.EB, &lc
Coming, IC 1., Jan. 1, 1872
To Farmers.
THE undersigned oilers for nee for breeding triuvos
es his
Chester 'White Boar d
purchased at Smlthvillo, Malang° Co., H. V. He •ca,h
be found on the road from. Wellsboro to Babb's- Creek;
,about 234 miles from Wellaboro. Charges n.
10-3 w. 0. B. STONE.
A Corning Store in Elkiand
We have opened L► the borough or
l!restb stOinic of
. ,
ih - 11 be
as they can bd bought in
•-•.- • .
We eau - stilinittO l dtrtlde, as we Abair' gave enough in
Tents tc. haY . ail*fteighta: ,7:Wetihali_contintie to add
to the atozk during the season, atiolk geode 14:the:wans
'Of the enrnneuviity 64&&1 to dediaitid. .SVIe invite - A 'tall
linm aJI who are in Wald et a n ything in ou r lino.
~- • ~..
. ,
• - 1 -
of the
dll be kept and sold at Ne I York wholesale prieee
Elkleat 1, Dec. 1S; IS'ii.:tf
'Road Notice.
Stoekholaere of 'the COSNAIIPACIIIO Valhi hail.
1 road trill please take notice, that an aseesarnent of
ten per 'cent: hae he triade' On each ahem' of the stock
tif the 4:lowalicaqii,t Valley .RaLtroitdi totie,duqpu tfm unit
(5)1114 of March neit, and payabld at the office` of the
Treasurer::.. ~ ' • . - C. L. PATT/SONt
E4rland:}:o?. 14; '72,-2Jv
Citidst Cods Gold!
, viravrriai Vlalttutg ci .b
w . plain or. Ofhainental,
executed in - the lalgteet etyle of thesatind Gol
den Irk l'orprtianientel viitipexinat- Address
on recitipt or price, Caret per tjar„ from cents to
$6,00: Golden Ink suporior:ta :any la the =shot, 76
eants per bottle: address, S. 'D. FORREST.
Jan: 11; 1.87d-t4. • • Covington, Pa.
- 7"
Valuable farm for Sale.
11111 E, Si3BSCIO:B.EII, owik to ill-health, offers Ids
- j_ farm for sale, i3ittaited in Charleston on the Mans:
field road, about one mile from the old Fellows' hotel.
Said farm can•be divided into farms as the public road
pasaes through the center, - leaving two orchards on
either's:de, containing about 90 acres, 80 acres iniprov ,
ed, afrarne house and two frame barns thereon. Said
farm is in a good, state •of cultivation, and will be
sold chimp. "A portion Of the purchase money can re
main against the farm. j For further information,
iriquire "Of the subscriber on the premises.
Jan; 17, 1872-tf.' NOAH HAIIMOND.
Cyrus D. Sill,
Foreign and Domestic Liquors
,ke., 3c.
. Agent*,. for Fine Old Whiskies,
Jan. 1. 1R72. orinNTNe. N
Change of Base.
pRAND-. ! YE
Stdelk -
far 'llO °ads
tiOtlClfit for. Cash; and to be sold 'for cash, at oast,
LP Flue.. 'Credit systeuiplapotl out. •
" Pal*P‘'you g° ' "
a trite
il t 2axi ejfi l er and b
IIN ad up - tq l timiTuo trito fort ob
Atktettd to sell go - de sir Small profits, for'easli, and
tespeiSfully:solle/S a trial from old lettrottii,Qattd - IVOm
otbtrAltbylxiiptz?,tolmay grxicilm ana'.ggootia
arcloso figures. rt. W. PO :F.,
• lanuary.3; 1872. tf
Piano Fortes and Organs '
find it greatly to their interest to buy of
' We arc selling the beat histrumeuts at lowest prhips,
and °nib° moat favorable terms.
ilrst-olass PIANO possesses all the following casart.
this, viz : the tone is divested of all impurities, a par
ka equality of power throughout the entire scale, With
resonance and duration of tone.
The tench is elastic, equal, easy and responsive to
every deinand of the lingers.
A defect in any one of these points, will cause a com
plete failure of the instrument. j
We warrant every Piano for the term of five years. •
,Q 4 Tuning promptly attended to'by the moat ex
.deuced Tuners.
Inpiruction Books of the most apyroved methods for
the Piano anti Organ constantly on hanfl.
D. DIINBA.I3, I. G. 1101 T,
Elkland, Pa. Osceola, Pa.'
1 1 Dec. 10,1871.-tf
Door, Sash & . Blind Factory.
DiEiZJA.I3II4 NUBTLNI, i prvaroa, to furnish ant
• claalt work Zresa the blast lumber, at his ram .fao
t9ry which to now in full operation.
done promptly, and to the hest manner The best
Workmen employed, and none but the be
limber used. Encourage home industry.
Factory near the foot of Main Street.
Jan. 1, 1872-ti
VIGHA3I STROTtills, Proprietors of the &halt, Mills,
X will maaufactors usual to order, to suit customers.
Are warranted in every respect. Particular attention
even to
I. G. HOYT & Co.
Sash, :Doors,
3 E2n4341 , : 2201E1rap
couatantly on band, or naanutitcture.d to order.
Planing: and Mate 13r1
Deerfield Woolen 111fils
Roll Carding* Cloth Dressing
iWe have a largo Mock of Xassimerea, ,tc., 25 per
cent less than any competitor, and warranted as repre
stinted. t
manufacture to order, and do all kinds of Roll•
Carding and Cloth Dreesing, and defy competition.
.We have as good an assortment of
Full Cloth., Cass meres,
arifrgive more for Wool - in can e than any other
getabllabinent. Try them and sa s youreelves.
'Wo wholesale and retail at the " owanesque Mille, 2
miles below Knoxville.
Jan. 1, 1672.
Ladies' Furnishing Goods
1.1 , 1 in ths (lone Rouse Store. ' A large atocl: of Goods
just received at will be Sold cheap.
atra. E r E. KLIIPALL trill Lawn obarigo of tt&p.'Volitt
ery department, and will be glad to see her old friends
and new outs at all times. prop in and see our new
, Dec. 18, ' .11-1 y
PleMboto Aoitator.
T ,
lIIS office is well sloe& with Type . , Tresses,
and has every advantage for doing
in u superior marmot., Plain or in Colors, from a wed
ding curl to a sheet poster. Any kind or sty - le of work
done at this Office, as follows:
Law Books, Pamphlets, Invitation Cards,
Hand Bills, Programmes, Checks, Drafts, rtuldlls,
BM Dead% Circulars, Orders, Sbipplug Cards,
Business Cards,'Envelopes, Tinted Plate Printing,.
:Visiting Cards, Wedding Cards,
Justice Blanks, ,
And all usher blinks constantly on band and fur sale
Ueedd, Wtattifitee, ;.i(hc , ..l Ountru,l,
peedfi. quit-claim 'eutuutons, Subkurnal,
Statemeet and Confession, 1 1 Warntnts, Executions,
'Aralcahle Actiun, 1 lcoletnnif) hag Bonds,
Rohde, CuMttabla's Salu,l Attachments, Judgment
Collectoi 'a Sale, - I Notea' Potitiou and Bund
'Slarriageeettifleate / 'fur Apr/mem : of Guardian
And any other blanks t t enume rated unGVII Will be
Printed to order on abor not Ire. ,F ‘ -•
,` • .
' ' sir Periona aendini dere fur 'JOB WORK will get
their. Work •prouiptly d ne and returned. W6' aball
spare no_paina to please ur customer+ In tide depart".
meat. Those trending ark, plaza° state thesis° of
fob; kind of ink and par desired.
pi si
P t ugrleitora .
Jan. 1b72.
Farm for sile.
MIRE subscriber offers for Bale his farm of La acres.
pleasantly situated In Catlin Hollow, Charleston,
Tioga county, Pa.; within about four miles of Wells 4
boro and two n.iles of Niles Valley depot. Schaaf
house, church, mills, shops, &e., within a wile. Terms
easy. Inquire on the premises, of
3lay 17, IH7I-tf. C. C.: cAn_ni.
... ' ~-
, le -el tr • _ . il fully inform the public that they
^ ' -,...'"`;' have established a
Livery to • [ lire, .
At their Stable en Pearl St. ,n posits 'Wheeler's wagon
shop. Single or double rigs wished to order, They
aim to keep good horses and &prin, and intend to
please. Plicekriasonable. Ny KLNB & RETCHA.M.'
Jan. 1, 1872. .
• ,
. Tioga Marti Works. [ •
',HE indersigned is now prepared to oxecute or
- ,dete for Tomb Stones• and .11onumeuts of eith er
Ita,lian, o' Rutland Marl? le,
of thohite.44tylonnd approved workmanship,and with
dispatch. . - - .•
p C 913 tautly on hand both kinds of
, Marble
an 1 1 1.4 4 able tosnit all who may tavor htm .with
their Mere, on as reasonable ternni r na r :a .m r AD Ool ti tain s. ect
in th country% 1
, jam, 1,. 1872. - .. -.,...,- _ •
./. . .
_ • .
- DRUG - STORE t -- •
- • r,
l'llialsubscribailaisiss•abiastaitly on. band
Puro Diliga and Medioissa :bremkals,
- and Oils. Ilintret, StiOsineiy, Nan
kes Notions & - c.. • • - - ,
Tipp ! lan. 1.187 k, 14. El. ISCraDEN
Furniture and Undertaking.
HAVE norr on exlaiblitlan and, sale at the old plsCe,
11 the largest and most complete stock of
to be found in Northern Penney rani*, coneisting of
TRASSES, n , -
and it full stock (inn common goods usually found In
a firstolass establistunent:
,The above goads are //Wel
EY of thau own manulhoturo, and satisfaction is etiar 7
=teed both as to quality and price T h q sell the
Woven M 74 Mattrass
the moat popular spring bed sold; also the Tooker
Spring Bed that has been on trial Per 17 yeare and giv
en universal satisfaction. Our
r Coffin. Room
atiPplitd with all sizea of the Excelsior Wks!, snow
and, eautiful style • of burial oaae, *OW othar
kintin'of ibreign axi home numutioadre,- with trim
ming" to matc.b. 'Xlifty, will make
• il%eo-,
itilityin their lewdness, and any nWing their 'finites
itlll be attended to Promptly, and at satsbeWay
ges.' Odd o
with satn of Furnit u eas re and dispatch. made, and Taming of
all kie y ; • .„
Tail. 10, 1572. VAN HORN'S; CIiANDLEA
To wawa rye MAY CONOLTIN.-11thvingAonaludadthat
I am entitled to a little rest after nearly O years aloss
applleidien to business, I hare weed over the furstl
tare business to "the Boys" as pier agree adriettut
=ant, and take this method of asking for thank the
sante liberal patronage ad has been extended to 40.-
313 r hooka may be found at the old platsltAir il=tt.
Zan. le, 'B. T.' YEN
Digs law DELD u •:i' : AND OILS =AD
: ic tsi =4 I' AZ '01 , 41/ :
s w , -
TUNG . 4 .
NIZRY AND mevauset •=-
DOW GLASS, warrEwe.au
Sold at wholesale Priam, Aluyers firs red to
call and got quotations berore going ftrther Wt.
Jan. 1, 1872,
IL R. 10. Bailey.
(iiuwessor to D. P. ROBERTS) ' DELDER
Stoves, Tin, and Hardware
A, general stock of Builders Materislo. r Ma
BUT -- LATCHES, BVOI9, dm; Ales. 0
PAPER; at manufacturers Feces.
AQ'Terms cash, and prices Ilicsolisiblt.
above Cone House.
Jan. 1, 1872
HARDWA3a36 - I
•T_TavrsQ opened a first-class lialiaware spare in
la. Mansfield, opposite Pitta Bros., on Mein Strut,
respectfully invite their friends and the publio in gen
eral to give them a call. They guarantee sation
in all cases. Their stook consists of
and a general lino of Wall, second to ni
connt7, at the lowest on h prices.
• . /
% D
Ero Y rtsY. ° Fo'
. ,
W. (1. s , 1.1.17 Z
Faa.as Kom.r.a. ,
liana&Li, Jan. 1, 1572.
Ins. Co., of North America, Pa ' L $6,0411,636 00
Franklin Fire Ins. Co. of Philo, Pa.— ....... .2,067 462 26
Republic Ins. Co. of N. Y., Capital,... 060,090
Andes Ina. Co. of Cincinnati. ~ ... ...... ...... 2/.000,000
Niagara Fire Ins. Co. of N,Y „..1,000,000
Farmers nut. Fire Ins. . York Pa........ 900,829 16
Phoenix Mut. Life Ins. Co.-of Harfford Ct.... ti,M*7o 60
Penn'a Cattle kiln. Co. of Pottsville 600,000 00
Insurance promptly effected by mall or otherwise,
on all kinds of Property. All Tosses promptly sdNated
and paid. Live stock insured against deeth, fire or
theft. 1
I am also agent for the Andea Ml* Insurances Co. ot
Cincinnati. C•atittal,ll,Bol),9oo.
All commuzdzeitiorut promptlrattanded to-afflre on
Mill Street 2d door from Main et., Eno±llll - 0-ft.
- WSi. B. &113,211 - --
Jtu:i. 1. i973•tr.
TS now receiving from New 7irork, a tine eslortu*t
L of
which she offers to *a , at. low rates. &M IN
thing usually farad in a
• - Fai , 43y Store,
will be kept on band and sold.low for cub. the Wil
cox sad Gibbs sawing inaohines for sale, and to rent.
Jan. 1.1873. • , 3atl3. A. 3. SOFIELD..
TWO hundred and eighty-two amie - Of -larld in the
township of Union, Tioga The phtee tat
well watmedro ImUdred yountrnitpidlines o ttiree.
triune Isattul, d a coinfortabie lisesse' e rreon., The
above propel will be sold f0i57 , ,001 'therithe as.
sassed cash , .
Aiso,Colbtan Preston Wei near Trciy; Bradford
Co, containing) 75 soros, . - adtkr.slit soma , in, timber.—
These farms are.well adaptod to dairying and agricul
tUral purpoliei. "Inquire tor terms on the farm
Union, or address • DAlneri ParSTON.
Jan. 24, 1878 -stn, . clattagto Ya,
NO. 8.
Van Horn & Chandler,
(Suocessore to B. 2'. Van Horn)
~ 1
Lie, Fire, and Accidental.
, ASSETS OVER 1524,00D,000...
- i
Farm for Sate;
,e In the
, M -
: , AND
r 232
$24,W030 Gi