Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, February 14, 1872, Image 2

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The publishers of this paper offer for sale
cheap for cash the type (13revier and Minion)
on which the Acarrieron has been printed up
to thisyear. The type has been In use but a
'short time, and is in good order. There is
dienty of it to print an eight-column paper.
Address Van Gelder & Barnes, Wellsboro,
Pa.—Jan 13 Ot
,i-',_Cbc,i.,,,..,4otatixti ,, ,
Et:ll4 z DAS,
.'IE,BRi.TA_Fty--"Iily, 872
, _ '- • 1 :. , t ~
1 Reiniblican ., State .
HaanQuarrrEna Ilmenniach STATE CENTEAL. j
Itil 4..
' resolution
je(IPVANIA,“ f
In pursuanCirtit a 'resolution LI thi, ItEPITALICAN
burg Jan. 18. 1872, a ERPUBLIOAN STATE OONVItti-
VON, composed of Delegates from each senatorial and
Itepreimiattve Dietrich - 111 - the nUmber .to 'which such
District Is entitled in the Legislature; Will Meer In the
1 all of the Rouee of Re_ptiesentatives, at Harrisburg,'
at, 12 o'cliAk. *than: on IV/117DNESDAY, the /OW day of ,
4111,1. D. 1872; to nominate candidates for Governor,
Jpe/c e ofthe Efuprerne tiourt, Auditor General (should
the gleUture pprovide for the choice of one by the
le,) and an Electoral Ticket ; wadable tech:et Sen
atorial and Breaentative „Delegates, to represent thin
State in the REPUBLICAN NATIONAL cov, --- r.twi,
to be held - at Philadelphia June 5, 18711 . •
.AVII.:-EtizoTr. ntmsmil i. Eliltiii,.-
D P: )2100A07:. ' - Chairrean.
rzre.t 11.narza, )
Prica.Aprz.vmA, Feb. 5, 1872.
-Ctold closed it New 'York last Saturday at
110 ; -7- • ••-
• A terrible p.Otvairmaill exp took place
near Xenia,O hio, on thiAlb - killing five
.and startling the neighboring tams* . .
A terrible disaster_ reeently . happened to
the steamer America, plying between South;
American'ports.. ' The vessel; took fire and
was buiziell to itie water's edge, causing the
lose of , crighty:sven. passengers , who.were,
eitherAmin'ed to denth'or drOwned:
Spain has another iscsurreetion to make it
interesting for
,ber. - - ."Dispatehes front • the
Go;teiitiOr General of the%Phillipine Islands
antloun - le a.serious re . volt_there. It is need
less to say that the insurgents Were . at. 'once
suppressed. They always are by Spain—
on paper. - - .
Victor Place, the late French Consul Gen
eral at New York, has been prosecuted by
his Government for helping hims,lf to a fat
commission on ,piircliases of war materiel
during, the late war, gip nvicted,..and. son
tenced:ti two years' iiiiiiiisonment. Even
France can set- nq pn exprwle once in a
while. . - „
"de - ChaMbOrd r 'one , o - 4 - the
genuine Bourbons, has 18312,1(1'a mnn H esto
to the French people wherein he say:, "I
shall never abdicate my claim to the t a rone
of France. * The - happiness of
,France -is- rap - only - atabldEri'." ( I' never
will forsake Mr. Micawber," said that gen
tleman's loving spouse.
Mr. Joseph7Shillington, bookseller and
Dews agent at Washington, has ahig job on
hand. He,proposos, at the instil - nee of the
British Minister, to obtain Copies 'of every
newspaper, periodical, and magazine pub
lished in the United States for exhibit.ion et ,
the International Exposition to take p i .:,co i n
England this year,
A bill was intrfr'auced in the House of
RePresentutirin the other day to abolish the
Freedman'', !tureen. It has the full appro•
Yo of ben. Howard, the bend of that es•
tablisinnent, he believing there is no further
need of its continuance. Ibis refreshing to
find an . offieetwilling tc.) be legislated out of
The towns of Aix, Vichy, and other wat
ering -places' in France, oiler the 'Govern
ment forty Million francs per annum for
1 ,
t 5.... pra.;llCir, .ar tic.,.. ..0 15 ...
t— - s .unug esuin
licaments: his item may give,soyie of the
Flats-an idea of thecost of that absorbing
amusement—fighting the tiger; the Sharps
know , edlAout it already.. - ..., •• _
A telegrain from Madrid tells us the 8,000
re-enforcements havel sailed from Spain for
Cuba: Atid'yet how often have we been
told from the same quarter that the insur
rection was entirely , quelled. ,It seems to .
us hightimii7 - thaf the - civilized nations of
the globe put an end to this hideous night - -
mare Of rapine and bloodshed.
The Union Pacific ilroad ace us to be
suffering a severe snow blockade this win
ter. Some of the trait have been' sixteen
days on the road hod} 1 gden to Cheyenne.
The cuts drift full of IS ow as fast as they
can be cleared. On he other hand the
Northerri . p4cille elalitis:to be entirely frie
of snowy `flat veil winter the 'tables may
be turned. -
Judge 31'Kean, of Utah, refused; a few
days since,.to admit to,,bail_ severatprisoty
ers now is contluemeat Charged with Mat:
der, although prOtiipted tot - that course 'by
the Attorney General. The Judge says that
to release the prisoners would be to incite
mob law, and to seat "Judge Lynch" in
the place he • would have proved unworthy
to fill
. Gen. Haneock has been " interviewed"
in regard'to being :a Candidate for
. Presi;
dent, and is reported - to have said that he
never declined anything before it was offer
ed him. unitutcourse ,he could not have
loclined the Pr(!qtieney . He would, hoW,
't.7.. - er, prefer: to be co!,-4:ktt;% not it e,-trolidate
rather than to appear as the
Yea: juOt sof
The "New Departure" Detuut.rate
been brought tothe test hi '.Cong•rt',li and
did not• stand fire fir:* rate.-7 l t Peter -3, ti
Representative from Maine, offered: I. IT3O'
lution.declarlrig that the Thirteenth, Four,
tomtit-, and Fifteenth Amendments to the
ConstituO'on having been adopted i all politi
ical ptirti.l4 and citizens should cease oppt;-
sition them, and - favor the:. passage' of
proper legislatiOn to carry them into effect.
This was 'passed; but only • eight Democrats
voted,for'it.. Nr. Brooks then offered a res
olution recognizing the amendments above
named-as-valid rrts of the Constitution;-==
This was the ne departure doet i tine pure
uo~d simple s k to it a fair' test of "peino . -
Cratic faith in it. The result was a good'
deal o 4 -dod g in g and-squirming, many seek
ing refuge In the convenient cloak roomat'as
soon as the roll 'deli 'Put twenty-two
of the "unterrified" etodd theirground and
voted square against it; including Mr. Voor
hees,and Mr. Niblatik. 'Among those'irho
voted for the resolution were 3lessra,
Brooks, Randall, co; and'Wood.
- •
One petultarity ,
-of rattei-dgiy,
management is the extreme reticeuee,of the
telegraph when acchlentiecctir; - Generally
the only,UkeaPS .of prompt communication
Frith ttie aerie og disaster arg' the wires of
the compcynitrifiriniby_the accident, and
the first . cap of railroad ;nen to, .Such eases
seems to be to,suptit i css: tiy e y 'An m .
ports 6f titn - occurrence, and the Next to
yenderlstich - acdfiunp SS tiro allowed to pass
over their line as !meager and tiheatisfactory
as possible. ThIG is oridentirdone with
the idea that full reports otsuch• matters
may injure the prospects: of the road; but
the policy is is stupid a. 4 well as a cruel ciao. -
The facts will come out sooner orlafer p ; and ,
the greater their discrepancy wltlithe icom
pany's report the worse for the, coMpat*ln:
the.end. Besides this,
.tbe• cq each'
imperiled passenger are; in an agOnypf donfift ,
and apprehension wbioltone state
meat of - thitni& \milt+ ardniii 4 silittS€ l 7-4-
We have heard of more than One instance
wheie relatives, anxious to hear from:the
ahlestvueg-titVeltadir - VffyliaiAlfriiibitit: .
ele thrown in the way,hy the company's em
ployes. Accidents are sometimes unavoi4-
919111RWFig. a pa,..4144,:pn the :telegraph
Whenever they do s iieelir is simply
. 111 i put :
rage fin the public. .
. 1 1 1-11 P. 04 .14IPSter-
Ailiire has beep: a' . terrible' ierieehintin.
thee-London papers, and not a littleAtt : Pai.
liament during - the past week, over tho - bill
made. out by our Government under the
Treaty of Washington, commonly known
as the Alabama claims. By the terms of
that treaty all those claims are to be refer-ed
te tire Arhitrators, As a -part of them, our
Government proposes to claim that England
shall pay us `4mages for -certain -indirect
losses caused by.the escape of the Alabama,
such as the :cost of chasing her, the loss of
our merchant marine by -transfer to foreign
hinds, the increased rates paid for insurance,
the prokaitration of the war, etc. It is over
-these incidental losses that the British Bra
.has)ieen roaring and lashiniNis sides;,bUV
he iS already'ecoiipgpicaml!secms "it: little
ashamed of-hie paroystn ic4l4.
donee, more especially the leadingconti
nental papers arealready poking flirt at lam.
The whole matter is very simple. ;.The
treaty.crstitea . A 4049 44,,A1:-412itra0gA. : Or
_cpiiit,to.wlaich - it is agreed " that'atf the i3aid.
claims, growing out 'Of acts committediby
the aforesaid vessels, and generally known
as the `Alabama claims,' shall be referred;-'
.and• this is to be done " irrorder to remove,
and adjust all couiplainta and claims on-the•
part of the United States." This is thellan
gunge of the treaty, and it certainly. seems
broad enough .to cover all the claims Made'
by our Government. But suppose it is 'not,-
as England in her fury says it is not: here
is a tribunal created 'expressly to' try that
question. If
_the defendant is so :sure that
his own colistruction'of Alit:. rule is correct,
why can he not quietly-lease it to the court
—a court, top, of his own. choosing.:lto .de
cide between the. parties? - Why.,.fali IritO
such a rage at the size of the bill of partic
ulars, if there is a good 'defense?,
.:We Sus
pect it is because lie . distrust his - 'defense,
and wishes by loud bellowin i g and theatrical
threats, to 'rednee the award against' him.—
And this seems to be the belief in Europe,-
wlfere the leadYng pp:weilit(eiri t t*giand.
as wishing to ho both party and judge in.
the matter.. • ...• • ' •
It should be borne in mind that this i tr:•:74 .
r is one which. England sought, -7 6 ,Ctie
i lof this country'. really, °P:red very little about
..V .. V i r!* felt had been iqjtire oi
England., ' but we thought - of the - Mindy
Pro7erb that it is a long lane that haS_ no
"turn, and we were willing to wait patiently
for the day when we could collect, our own
damages.' attitit'deieft'England Under
bonds to keep the peace.witt.all-lhe world.
Anxious to get out of her had fix she urged
this treaty upon us, and we accepted it with
inclifferenbe,_ and shall live up to it. , But
'John Bull at sight
, of our bill falls to,bully
ing- and blusteriniand threatening to back
out: . Well; let him; if he wants to..' But Itj
don't want to; he •will beypry etti:etulnotro
do that. ':The .7Vnte.es will ilityider **unit
Punch will gibber and squeak, hut • the.Brit l .
ish Government, having - secured from usza
pledge to arrest all our future " - Alabarnas,"
will faithfully observe the treaty,-if we Only
stand still and
There will ,he no , war- over the Alabama
claims. - Let - John haVe his growl tout, and
he will pay. the bill with the best grace he
Regulating the•DoctorB.
We print below - the text of 'an act which
recently passed the Bono of Representa
tives at Harrisburg, intended to prevent the
practice• of qua& • d,octOrs in 'this county,
whether of the stationary; or revolving type.
The need of.such a law is almost self-evi- -
dent, for it is well known to every person of
the least observatioit. that there is no class
by, whom the pee le 'are " - so persistently
swindled as by- thi4 impudent race of self
named 'Doctors." And there - is no class
to whom the prOtection - of the laws is more'
necessary than to their victims, for they are
altruist always simple, uneducated, credu
ions _people, apt to mistake brass for brains,
and with no spare, money Unit they eau af
ford to fool away on charlatans andlnitn
bugs of any sort—least of all on those who
rob the .ati . once
,04 their easkluid their
healqi. If it is regarded as necessary that
lawYers whom we entrust 'kith the care of
our property :should be rbquired to.qualify
thmselves for their responsibilities by a
spCcial course of studies, hoW much more
'important is it that those ' - 'll3 whom we com
mit the protection Of owl health and lives
should be required to firsti fit themselves for
their greater trust.
We cannot entirely indorse the proviSion .
Of the, second section which requires the
payment of a WO license fee by 'transient
surgeons. -It savors too much of-the dog
inithe-manger.policy of Alaryland and New
Jersey. We are in favor cif •tlie largest lib
erty consistent with safety both for' pyacti-,
tidners.andlatients, S aud we would, strike
nut all that clauSe of the. second 'section
pt lilted below in . italic. ~ , With this excep
tion we heartilyth
second e act., Mr. Mitch-'
ell, our Representative from this county;
cleserVe:i credit for , -4mA:wet:aptness - with
thi bill ,l as been p4slgd , throughthe
Howe. ,") • •:,••
- An Act to Regulate the Practice cif Me4icine,
,'n 7'Av7ti County:. ~. . . ,
" `6
• -. I.T. 1. Be it enacted, That from anti
after the.llist day-Of JiinP,.lB724 it: shall-be
unlawful' for any person -to confluence, or
continue the practice' of medicihe or suige
ry in the county of Tioga, who has not or
Shall not have graduated with the degree of
doctor of medicine and , received ddiplogia.
from a chartered medical college' or other
institution authorized to grant dipicimas'ef- -
fer.due course of- discipline,'snidt," iiii&at
tendarice ,therein._: .PTorided, .Thatithe. po:,
Visions.ofythivsection`shall not,appiy.tn per:
sons who - have ''.or ' shall liave ilea). .e slit:
Sears; in t ontiodUS regular pricticeAhoUgh
they Way not have graduated as aforesaid,
nor to persons who shall have read medicine'
under theinstruetion'nf 'a fevlar Practicing
physician, qualified to pract ce as aforesaid,
for th6,.term: of three .tsars, .and received
from sucirpreceptor fan& twn Other' pineti 2 :
dug physicians of said coup y,
i i i
practicem.eforesaid; a' Certi s ate in Writffig
and signed by them stating t at they •have.
examined him fully . and foun him well read
in the sciences 'otmedidine and surgery;
and qualifie to'practra§4he siiioe„. :,,, ~A,..
" Sec. 2. ,Any person :who shaltattanipt"
to practice medieihe or surgery by opening
a transient office within said county; or *lto
-shall by handbill or other form of wrt •
-of printed advertisements,assign Bush tran
sient - office or other place to meerpersons
seeking medical or surgical advice ,or,pre ,
scriptioli, shall, before _'tieing. allowed:-to,
practice as - aforesaid, appear before , -the.
'Clerk of the Courtof QuarterSeasions-vf
, said county, and _shall furnisli , ;initisfactory.
evidence to Such Clerk that • the provisions
Of section one of ..this act have been ; coin--
Pod t
with and #lioe? fo.-ad4aketakoza47.o
limas for one year, and pay into the (vault/
treasury, for the use of said county, the sum of
too hundred dollars:therefor ; whereupciii it
shall be the duty of. such Clerk to lime tti,
stlch appicantiappipercertifteate of Mensal 1
o parnenvZi fee two dollars for hit
ervibes: TWO - The preisishisia
fht~; lief nOeppliqii,drtiggietti, or7dettts
tistsa Lind ptridectiOrther4.Thok phy
clans:and surgOns havreg thecluallifeatio*
ptetOibedi i ticklit4;ine oy4hiliapt,
cOriitaelieing pr*Ucetti=thestciatity
said - with the Nina fide intentfotkof residing
permanently therein, shall.not lie dibject to
the provisions of - this •section.
provisions of this aetalinll be ileemed &AV'
of a misdemeano r &hilt
pay a fine not exceeding five hundred doL
:Onehalf for the pp- of 14 prosequtor, br
iin default thireekehalne imprisoned in the
„county jail of said cikunty for eterin.not
'exceeding one year.."«=,:
Judge -Wlllhana Abroad.
As . an indication of tire opinion held ol ;
14140:f1V1.11104.94b tha:.neigitherlifinicinnMes.
thti distri'et; 'and •of-ida fit Yeas'
motion to thel3uprerne. Court -of the #tate,
we "
print the:l7ol6 -I .qitk lender frotn the Jour:
. „
izaTof COnderbricirtr ' -7
"One of the most important mattere.to
come before the Republican State Convert.,
tion is th.i . . nomination itiftelciindidateltir I
the seat on the bench of:the Supreme Court
now held by Hpn. James Thompson. . 1 ,
• "As nt,present COnstittad the '-other sec
tions of. the State are repfesented•upon that
bench; but this R4.lblican stronghold—the.
northern tier of countles=-Ilias• not, and, so.
far as we" ftre informed, never has had a
Judge in that court.: - -- '. -': - ' "
" Will it be asking too much if we insist
that the Republicans bf this section, who
have always done thejr m
',best_to'rell up.a a
jority at State electio'hi, - shidr for once have
the privilege .of:Vsging ;fat one ca l ndidatti pa.
, the State _ticket. taken , from. among_ thew
seNest - - ..- ''• -- :..- 11_ s• - . f'
"The Hon. Henry W. William's', of Tic!
ga county, President Judge of this district
has already , been named ,as successor. toy
t_ ; re
Judge Thorn Son. in thig we heditily eon
car. Whils we would be sorry to lase from
Our distric - 'e who so very tweeptably_filla.,
the Vetitrof Sidetit Jtidge,-whit the same
time feel that the emiptelltindleial ability.of.
. Judge Willittnie:wuuld-tinctitUineritn - pprd- -
priate exercise "in the wider sPliere of the
higher court; and we think, in vjew of his
pe.culiarlitneSeforthe office, and as-a tribute
to the loyalty with which the.,.Republicans
*of the Northern Tier have always sustained
the nominations oh.the State ticket,'.we have
a right to ask of the Republieen - State — Con-.
vention the nomination for the vacancy up
on the bench of the Supreitie Court of that
earnest Republican and. able -jurist, Hon.
Henry yir". Williams, of Tioga.' ;
s . , • , -
. The ilaiils urg - Tele.3l4h doptbss our re
cent article on this subject; with the follow-
iti g corme tr ,
" 1 112C' Troga . County: : 4 e.hPatoit presiis
with greet 'earneataissa,',.and, .we aro . tree-to
admit with some show of -julitice,-theddiMS
of the northern tier.pf ~couptie*Ao the. S
upreme Judgeshlir,jand presents Ake tlMew of
Hon. Henry W. WRlialus,.-rmident Judge
of the fourth.judicial: district; for the • cOn
sideration of the Republican' State
don.-yre'dcru.o: • : . trilt - Whattither eirifittent;
jurists 'will' lie thetiosltiote by
other sections, but we. feeL Impelled by I
sense Cif kiiiticete . ,%he Northern TAT,4r., say
that it hElli,teeillrtirlii,and Witt& b' 'sustain- and the Republican came,
and is fairly entitled_to the rP,cognition of
its claims, especially' Whi3tc It - presents the
name of an Anexoeptionabie candidate:—
We subjoin thenrtielp pin, , the Aoritverou;
and ask for'it Trout '7ROhlilleiingetiriefallY,
and especially-those triore";prominent in the
ranks who are likely totgureeirdelegates to ,
the Convention, the cousideration , 7biph
deserves.." - °•• •
A Week in C01igr43613.
• In the Senate, on the sth, Mr. Morton.-in:
troduced a resolution declaring that the
cheap manufacture:of JiesseMer steel is an
object of national import a.nte, and , rsaid he
should call it up' at en early — day. • .Phe c .de:
bate on amnesty and, Oill rights was resu
med. Mr. CarPenter'ssffeteil a substitute for
:air. Suinner'ErahtengAlnt,
l'eferetice to churches: • This•la to 'a .very
spicyossage-at-arms between the two gen
:tlemey,:;`---Mkßutianer.called : the ,auliatitute
".an oinaieulatoq and-complain
ed that lifr.
Witt4911.Y7114%.4.41 clitki . ma-Aua -
white in the church, " a distinctionlioivev . -
'ET in which he was not4?rigiuul, for had
been• anticipated by the:ReVi, Petroleum V.
Nasby, who reports his congregation to have
sung-on a certain occiudon,thi i i hynin:
• Shall Niggers black thit . land poetess,
And mix with us up here=-'
Oh, no, my friends, we rather guess
WelLnever stand that 'ere.' "
He thought*, CarPentelt:never tea atiiti? •
equate idea of the Declaration of Indepew
'deuce. The Constitution is -,'machine, to
which the Declaration of Independence is
- fct'supply the principals• and give-characier
and motion. He did not wish- - the Senator
to rail against the Declaration. Mr. Car
:penter replieikthat he .avonlil-agree.to that,
if Mr. Sumner Woul4 agree not to rail against
the ConTititutic:l;_theirthey could Join, hand
In hand:in iupp - ort Of'-'the 'pi•inciPles'Of tit l e
civil : rights bill, which he was in favor of,
except,lhe clauses he : wished:,to .
because-he thought them unconetitgtfenaL
In the,lifouae a' bill was.::passeil removing
disabilities from agreienuiffier of' - the less 7.
.er officials of the - -Bouth•who - engaged in the
A bill was introduced jn the- senate on
-. issue" • -....-..-,..' ,I. ,
.the 6th to prohibit t he of any obliga
tions or promise's to pay intended to be used
as a circulating medium.. Mr. Edmunds of
fered a resolution asking the President tp
.. •
send to the Senate any information in his
poisessionrelativeto the alleged intention of
Great Britain to reVolieihe Treaty of Wash=
and•addressed 'the Senate at. length_
in its favor. Mr: Trumbull and Mr. Came
ron: deprecated the discussion,, and thought
the resolution, found6d only" iipoii . newspa
per reppris;*ii*gp*ikilif the' &nate 'and
an insult 'to Great 'Britain: The'resOlution .
Went over on the call for-the
_regular order:
A debatelii' Ainiteity and. eli'll •
rights fa- -
iqwed, and the Senate aB,l2orned.rjthon ,
action carettlierqtielitlin.: liift47qte trioln.!
ing holF,the}donse . ,spent Alle_day in_ de
bete on - T . ll;e bill '-tb : 'deyeto thsrpteeds.
of the 'putalifs lianikto•the•tidtteittion" tt tilt ,
people,- tim.ltepOli*S'en4W.tiiirJ;iiini
;and 'the Democrats 'Opposing it.
ht the - Senate; on the 7th, the annual pen
siolf bill was pasp o dropprOliatinik3.o,.44 .
$80, 0 09,.90Q: `'.. - 4 hill Waslntiodu:oed •ta".prC;•
vide for' the appoin tpette yf:-.4,...*.., .---,-iiinir.- 4 V l --.n
t on•the subject nf- prohibitory - legislation 10.
- suppreteS iiitO4p4riirice., _The. Amnesty_ bill
was then'tailekojii.a:itd?kfri'carrieltitei`alinb-.
etitote for:Mr.. Suraner'cl ametidnAent Was re. ! :
'PCted, ' The "house , was Mainly 'occupied
4titing the'clai hi' Voting on amendments l
,and.sll3stitutes to.t e' Educati o n . bill. NO
=o:pus amendnie te. wet ? adojifeit 'and l i
without reaching a vote, on the bill thetiouse
• The 136fitik :+r: We . P"Sied
debating and trying to amend Itli..Suitiner's
civil rights attachuAnt Amnesty 1..)41 )
In the House the t Ominitteeon Elections
-made t a. report "tlib : tifse from" this Slate
:that Cessna is not entitled to a seat, and
Byers,that he r aittAig. Swat:L*4'4i IMO
Eduiation bill was taken up, and after the
.rejection of all substitutes, the bill was pass
ed by a vote of 116 to ,98r -16 Republicans
voting against it, and 5 Democrats for it. :1
In the Senate, on the - 9th;' , Mtn:l'l43 l
called up his resolution. rehatloxr
- land's action under the Treaty of Washing;
ton, but no. action was .taken on it.; :The',
fAtunesty bill, with Mr..tiiiiines civil rights.
-amendment, was then, acted upon, -
Cole, oraditornia, made a effort to
so amend it as to exclude Chinameg from
its protection, but le itliput . success,. AA vote
was first tatun on the - civil rithtli f i amend-.
ment, and stood 28 to 28.'
4ifintire a Casting' vote for , it„titita4olli:
The bill as ameinB 4'bil* * **
t'S ‘ - plipaupplernent was thettpitheVig .i *Terk .
by. excepting from turni*44ol*4l,lls,
liike been members of ttittaruktoft "A ; ioo,„‘
watiEthen taken on the filler*
two-thirds not voting
yeas ak naysl.9, In the lie* Mr. Bohm,
of Arkansas, , ficlinitted -to fi f e seat - in
plce. of Air.. wards, the Mug member.-
- s
The New Apportioninent-Bilt:
"The, House : ,of Representatives haying
concurred lathe - Senate's innendikent tathe
bill apporthiiiing Representatives among the •
Kates for-the ensuing ten,years,-it•
doubtedly receiVe theipprOval thoTreZ-
Went' and'OeCirine a law: ' It- was amended
in t .,the aS:Ab pro - 6141 at phould
any'StliWifter the passe of the dt . "lsery
or'abridge xiie right $ any of, Its e
zens at, any election n din the
Fourteenth Ataendnient the Constitution,
except, for payticipation in the Rebellion or
other crime, the number; of Its Represents
.tiyes.eliall be proportionateli reduced.
In the following table the present number
of- Rbpresetittxthres'are. 'placed in the first
column and the number under the new up
portlonidOt in the-second:
• 5 - 51 Taw vies . ....
_ a
New Yerki•
Nov Jersey . 0. 6
: 1r
_Maryland, 5
Virgbila . 8
Nart4l24.l;thisb..-. r T
oeorgla '
MissiesWl.- •
01)10. . ... 204,42 1938
9 10 ( ' •
By this it Will be seen that - New .
shire- uucl V:erukont are the pnly_States that
lose each . a Representatiy.g. .Tll . gains of
States are. as folloWs: Maisaeliuptts one,
New York one, New Jersey two ; Pennsyl
vania two, Mary'laud one, Virginia one, Al
matt- ;ppei ' Georgia tyre, sissippi - one,
Ohio one,: Kentuckyone, Tecneisee one, In
diana one; Illitto4;ilve, Mis so uri falitt
ktuitias one; Michigan iliree, ',Texas trio, IC.
Wa Owl< Wistonsin two, Calii§rnia one,
MinieriCAE‘cille;Naria . a nsas t1.(4?:•245e
'fl is "increase's presenA forty " :
'members' 'whiirlllinols irLiakOi fife largest
pin in representation:T.hß.PVlrbion adop•
ted that no .
State sliallhereaftar.be admitted
that has .. act
. euill9ient, population .for. one
itepreepii4ll3..ie, will . exclude Utah, Colora
.do, and. New Mexico, which Jibes been pct
posed. lately to erect Into Stites. • .
—Caserrrtmoma, Rivomm—WAn FEEL-
• , ...• ..11.A.Untanuna,-Feb„7,- 1072. •
In th tibsence • of youricOisii4fident
give you an . aceolnit:of matters...here.: The
leading elitiSl tepicisthelate special elec
tidti for nateOrt the pgral.district, (Phil-,
adelphi Your readers are aware that Col.
Gray w the regular Republican .candidate.
He was,. my nominated] • and:all Are. other:
candida s' in dui Republican-party - who
-sought t e nomination nupported him atihe
election. - But there yas disaffection, in the
the resnit was known,
charges of corruption and intimidation at,
the caucus were made by wholesale, princi
pally by Petnocists and. the agents of the
'F'Otaitiylvinilt Railroad! :.
_Scarcely. _would
your r eaders believe it, but ; it j iii - jd4ged • tin
good authortty diet* Ulu Reptithicp,pa
pers in Philadelphia ..were'inftugteed SO of
pose, or only jeldr.f 147 'al:Illy/4V- o Cat.-4f-rilv
'mutt even for a lair statement of his aide of
,the case. The consequence inthat a major
ity o/7,00 last fall was reduced to less than
1,000 at this election. , The ' reputation of
Alesinder ArClure as a leader in Republi
can politics, and the wholesale , charges of
rings and
. eorruption brought. to his aid,
with the endorsement of. the. Philadelphia
paper's, several great journals elsewhere;
and these again led on the ,cry which their
readers had beenprepared, to ciedit •by the
late shameful developments in the Demo
cratic city of . New York. _ •
. I.harene doubt. corruption exists-in Phil=
doeirexist in both parties; bit
A. K.. z .l)ltlure has had too much to-do with
political jobs and factions.* Lin own Party
to set himself up especially • as a- reformer.
There is great , need. of refOni but ite is a
poor way to begin by tearing down the only.
party which can bring it about. ,The Dem
ocrats do net -deny here that. one Senatbk
from Philadelphia holds. Ids. • seat liy fraud.
Ndent counting. There is zit) doubk, a great
abuse exist*, and tiomenteellS-Of.trtre 4illotad
b e appNedr. even ' :. piirtieB - gotta e*alL
This lessonslmuld wq leitrn frantlie late of
our enil:tities-,in New YO*.: Hence I.tblnk.
the Senate
.. shouldnet be technical. in the
matter of lascootest, should M'Olure petition
'for that case-is not provided for
by law. The law seems not Ito haie been
made in_view of a spacial election taking
place pending a session of the Legislature.
.His is ortauo 071#91111 - ,.. neve091989 . - Mg, spirit
'of the act. the privilege of pre
seating his petition within ten days after
diay took his seat. It must be remembered
- that the law says the petitioner Man present
his petition withinten days after , :the meet
ing of theme:et:Legislature. The' /Was • and
other papers basalt. -"may," and argue that
it lUaimply directory and not mandatory. In
AO they are : clearly wrong: • Theit.i'is'
provision of law under which 2.l'Clnre me,*
donftßlAl l #4 l .&ff_ali- logics _of right.:2-these
elguld lie , ,but there is not. • Neverthelies
boo hewn). be heard.: Under theLeetistittl'
thelienate r it .seems•to me, hOft,lfitOct
etitt: judge - Lmthis unmet; •tufd if Ittatferwvi
ltitirtniatt-for :want 'of the Lpropleiry
"sEillied Ms; let hit have the la*. '
From all that I can learn, M'Clure's friends
Are quite as much in danger of exposure in
case of a contest as-Qrayre. . M'Clure is as=
peeled here every day. • •
cotimhinds a leadhigposkileti'
at once in the Senate; and his
4iTiplator pecithar . kfits i 4;) be
:of Itieitt iei'vieci - tit the Slate. "Law-Maklni,
-is a science as well as an art, and it requires
"some previous knowledge Of
,law to qualify
a man to 'reinedi , its dOfectt If it were not
for personelearneilln-fhe
lature, there would be no end ot,Confusidn.
No one p who :has_ the', opportunity to
knowti;e facti has any ides to whet eatetit,
thethe-itiania to mtatißf-piws
prevails in the breasts' of mati'lietri Wliq
seem to think *titer would 'run up, hilt if
tequired by labr.-`;7f our: statutebookii.an
=ally exhibit a great miiltliqe of laws in ,
operation, the"..foilinat wlll ahevic tay T i t do,,
almost, conceived
'hhainesi of ki law Yet: to ihe'breit.h
and prei;erit'OpUlalauielde by= over-dcise
of 111-coneeived.ausingly bills which, if ell-.
acted, wohld - datrifiy all 410mitt7 and uni
formity, end lend to endless liiigatiOn in the
settlement of their intent and meaning.
—The- :TtiegrciA copies your artAe faiOr
ing, the nomination of Hon. H. W./Wilhatas
for Judge oj the SUpreme Court, ilia
InitithelustiFial4 • the 'claim and : lituesit of
the candidate, I have talked with -quite' a
Okiter of: gentlemen from- different parts
of the §tate, encl . & Propciatti9iriiiioeivad
with evident favor Certain: i Woixtaxia,
8' 9
11 12
14 19 •
. 18
.3. 4
8 9
•1 1
• •
.. 13 4
$ 8
2 8
1 1
I, t s g
I •
-- 13 i f alt
now nem be st o 1 the ,andidetes _ men tioried,' and I hope the Agile , r will putt - our '
' 4le 2 e Peridqes l 3%,
f-14.t.:313toltelllate intro4.l eed a bill legal 4,
illiftYnt(le N.;OontraCts niadti f fer paynient of
Atteffik,tt4initftsto agreed uP4tiotatteeeirf-
gili *veSetattull, - per antlit4i ASpy Of
..thiibill'tvill,WitOrwarded- asm *print:" ',
-*.d . ,.•,-,4,tlkinit,,,inteh a law' weuldt ben:a t -the'
;: 1 0 11 .1iYit . .: doitig_away with the riak which_
lie lende r ' he* . takes where, more than _stir
per centum ie, charged, „..At. , prestm. h l asrle.
'Well known, the interesfiii t *";xcess 9f six per
, 9entum c annot be kioVered s hy t littr . ;44the
lendeilluist trust this honor of ;the borrower
for it- Ten per:c:enturn iiiii4" -- in eieisalve.
rate 01 . interest„ :when _egre,ed Upon by;the
pattlea. _ Money is worth that rate :111-sonte
eeeile; . end Ike leitls -:evaded , every .diii , ;•to ,
86.9)4n i it e .. L ,T,,,,ae ~,"Ret dcw,pat:cliange:-the :le ,
gal rate—jt only.permiti.parties‘to contrast'.
at such refeensikey.see fit; not exceeding
tell_ Per cehthm.' . . . , s .v., , t ..;:.. J. - _ ' ~ , f
.7The :Committee 'on ConstitinionaV Re =
form lilik-rePOTted O.IIM providingfoialeow:-
ventiott,of/delegatei to. aMend:the'ConstituJ
tion. :.: Ns not 'Yet publitlied,:.: Thai great.
danger in4ay_of ,reform is that the Convere
tion will de too much and' he imople refuse
to ratify their action. Many' - radical cbani
gee are discussed,. . I ' - ''
There is a kfitat number , of cases of di
arrhea in this cly. The ali seems fruitful of
die - tse. ' - • .; ~ •
~. ,
...: ~ .
— The 4 116 ' 81 44i', of, a. natihal -OPPropPria
lion to build a post, Office. hero is !exciting
considerable interest at this time. Certain
ly.there is great need of such.. a_building
here: ,' Mir . risbnig is improving greatly. She
OW has over 30,000.inhabitents, and . is in
-creaSing 'rapidly, four to-Sae, thoustunks.
year. . The city now eiii,tede Cleat. out to
the old 'cm') viand, and you- correspond
ent was quite bewildered on a 'ride -in that
direction to find the very place where,, Pew,
nearly eleven . ye' rs ago, he first act Mat. " - 11 , 7
Aterilik."_ ^ \ ' * '
. 1 •.:Z... - of " . readers -will be glad 40
learn fliatlehn .Itnekx, Jr.,10.80 - 16f J udge
Kricci,' is Assist t Attorney (Venetia.: ~
f i re
—Every one h islor taking Camara in
sixty mihutes, 11 Englandl withdraws from
the Geneva Arbitration,
The State - Lei Mature
In the Senate; on the gd, instant, the bill
relative ; to. Übe), allowing' theltruth to .be
kilien in evidenceovas favorably reported
from the committee which it had been.
referred. A sweeping --change wa ` made' in
the-icers of the Senate by the appoint
ment -by resolution- of 'Republicans' for the
rest of the -cession: Tha - -Archetuted Perna.
credo-Officers were allowed tialtPayfer the
session, together 'with - 2 A ,13111
passed - to xegulate'the sale:Of p oisons and
preventtbe adulteration of dings and fined-
icines iii Philadelphia. ;In the 40* a 'bill
Was'intio - Wed "JO ,preteet friiit„an4 pqa*
tie**, 'and one for ,thabitieln; protectlon-ot
Mechanics, miners , and,,laboreis i lLgiving
. employee a preferredlienofcnot -more than
POO 'of, wages due ,on.,insoltreneY of- em
ployers. !: - - •
The Senate met, on the o'th instant, at
eight o'clock P: Randall introduced '
a bill relating to free instruction draWine
in the Publit 2 ichocils.
paseed. - The joint resol4iimirOyliiing for
the payment of the rebel - raid clan! rtiPion
ere Concurred_ in,.andseveral l private
and jecal bills , were. pas4ed, The" House
met the same evening, but no business of
One* . interest was trmisacte - d. : ' ,
In tlte Senate, on the 6th, _a bilL was in
troduced-to regulate studies la the public
richools; - also one 'relating 'to contracts' of .
suretyship or guaranty:-"liri-act was passed
for the better and mertrlMPartliti seleptien
,persOns to serve as Jur*: In tie Ito - die
Mr. White, from the cotritnittee ,COileft ;
tuttonal RefOrtn,"reported'
with amendinente, the t :blit to provide for
•the ealll g;Of a convention for , aniending
_Were or
dezed to be printed for the ,use of the House.
The emert4eptii• provide for the election
on thal4th of May, the convention to meet
on the . second Tuesday of June.' -The nuin
her 9f members is fixed at 99; 66 to be elect
ed as Stat — Senators f are'Clecteil, -two 'for
each Senator, and 89' to be - elected at
'lame; each efettar to vote forlB, - ad - person
.te.,cast more than one vote fOr each person. .
One-third of the members may require, any
amendment to be sibmitted to;' the People
separeteii Pay for the"*ll6l4 feint; $l,OOO,
with mileage.
• ..It9 - tiusiness of general intei:est wee - tran
sacted in either House on the 1 . t11,,-. ): -• 2
In t•h9.Ont4e , on Oie.l4ti,lii:-..petitieti..of
Othello, of fourth:Belk' ttiiitat::distriet,
:eFnpleining of the dub election of Mr.
Gray, Was liretiented; 'tilid 6 .o3nbikeiiif
attapt -referred' -to. the 7tieiitehil**o4,
Cointult* of
the 12ih. - 310sk:e. Strpiia
_altd'l'uimeii were
added ip' . the, the House a
übfaiohible to thititioiotyß Of AO, vicl4,
of the Civil Codegcxu4ll3oqpikra,..wes.tvlopt7
act :Aisiftvis.pee,setiittomblirtiut.
Unite to fife 'metal' itt the cyear,_: .
• .
A CARD... .
Several persons bave , diked 1n I -if crayon,
portraits could do any , b;in& of justice' to
ylking ladies and chihlteti•df light complex-
ion. I shall have my anßWer at-the-store of
E:l3. Young &: Co., .-wkere - , 4vould be
pleased -to have my friends , call erase° it.—
I shall hang the portraits ofene or twoyeung
ladies and of us many ineni..during _the next
few weeis; also the portraikot. Ds,. -Elliott's.
beautiful little boy,
,of . ,,ltlansileld, 3vhc;_ •is ; as
light and fair' as can
,Nyellibe , foloil. k 1 .14 tAete.
-picture's WeloSikattentiop,;you_can
answer. • .•
IpfbrusFy 7th, 1871L2ty.;
' - 'B. Tonwo.. i
L B . .yljungq,dr- gip
. •
4 g 1,
:a ndl4 11011 81 :
4 ,
prat Dealers in
Wall Paper, •
Window Shades. • " '- -
- Window natures, .
Musicai Instruments,
Yankia Notions, " : "
d - • -
' .'l
• Pietitio Cord, - -1-
JOstica Blanks, A 4 - w, - 4 / 4 1484 '
- Newspapers,Magaa4nes e „
- . • - .Wild* Bek* -
• '- ; Artlsta.(kiods,
aesw.Booars, • •
aldedioai Booke r : -..; :
and geli g4R a P9 01 ; 1 4
-article /norm llnatif tidal • • 1 .
—New loribilltesi at • •
—Elmira Daffiest "at 76 Osntatl)lloPtb-'- :
eabsariptitsAf,a Week. czeActtlth. or year, ,
—Orders tor_ gi ooonotinstock rozoptlyattendad - sa.
v, =-1 2 E9rea4olo *k ;from New York elf.-
ar7_4l3' , :7,;- • .., C, . ' • .;j
• —Weare educe in — ottor,Llis and-tnetlubDu
and front
Linent V. &Wall tkiian liteaktiers. Passage tlekets:to
say point in Europa,*
- tkoloWest rate,.
„n Europe at cut ,
rant rates of.krelutnue:„
..142.: 24, 1072,:ty., 1if . .17.QW.J7' VW:MOW CO. •
• . . .r
Lectutti Ciiiiiiir;4lB7lP72;
.. .• - . . , .. ..
.. . , . 1
true following lecturerrkaire bestir ong_ag - 2 for - the'
..11.• 11orniaio_Locturo Cirtrio for tlie.orufratig e wont :..
. ANI4. E . D1CK1N50Nv.,; t i..h....!...._.., Blurb 4,1072
BDWIN'11:1111•0711....... ' of., .... 4....11fatch 12, 187
: • assay- WARD 021X711 - 111C - [..-... -°
, _. , .• ~...
ctu4litze , * CA,RLETO.FP/C ITSIN.. -
. _ [ .„ ...
.._......_. ,_• • ~..•,,.. o'er, Pxls'sc_.
1.., -.,.._:,..-_.. „ JOTIN ',I:: NI EUILX, , - •
/117G1/Iro 6' •.• - • - - -
- • - -
• .-
. - ' - •••• • • - ..-3,,L,a7410 . iilso t i:•. - .-,. 2,1 i: "':
J:ilti".l.llll2:4T .' •,,i, ,
_, i , _
„Agosi t ers ‘ ,.. : ,
-- - • .• - t ~:, - - ::::" --• •'! I- •. --,---- -.- •-• • •,..,
limo% 'l:ipat,- 0., s.t.. ~
: - '-
J. H._& J D CampbeH) ,-, i ;-,
NUE mated to Isooktoliciesioltrstmtsio Conti
4-? t- • P al l Man ki l g l i 4.i 4 FOSSW.PP ) P at ir a P i
14 gO4
istiuM., .4 44 0 4 1 1 0 16 144i14; ;We trOiTid, WOW
.. ' ' Po. , prionlakt - typlte gorntiet of Tlolpi
• - rir, , ,, T• i j. ' 4 rs!..c •AtiVe ,1111LUNOIMMIX, A:
12..Arre.ti 0 41447:::‘r 44. , rt. tuultar.t.
. -
Atatritznpstratorr svpttee... •
LET T Elie of :edtatuliliatiou on The , imitate of John
eteuriberlln, late of JieVion, Maga Co. Ng :We'd,
halingteeit-grantail te toe, allveraoue-Aatt
sgaloatllid ialkestate aro berttor ntittllefl
to Aal.t. fog aettletaiept-oultlme Abigail Olutioberlib; at
Uairgitoetrlll6;4l.; or, Ott. uuderatamed at Feat '
Valltbflold:llriallfbrd - Vor, - Pa"."J. W. Off itlicitEßLlN.
Feb. 7, :
. .
For' 'o f r
TICHE SbOb Shop suci 1 L xttii es onon, Street; np ,
J. posit° Wagnerla Tailor Sholo.. Th is - is IV good'
cluince for say one desiring to envie thetusitiess.
For particulars, in,,iutret 'at o."iir. Sears' Shoe . Shop on
Main street, lot iloye esit.of Vart-Ifortili Citbiriet ghop.
::;Netirgt for: ;•-- •
rpm?, übscriber for the drat nine; offers his farm Air
ilid e ,i3lritated: on-the Wellshor° and Lawrenceville
in Middlebury township, Tioga Co,`, Pa. nine
miles from Tia#Celght (roni - Wdlaboxo,and'ene-forUth
mile from Middlebury Depot and junction , of. the Elk
land, csegola andltree roads, }:olitatliiiig lOU sum,
w6ll ' 11141111.44 to Idlar Purposes, —thiiir," hundred
bearing apple trees, lee Varieties Peach or'
chard, frame house and baru thersoo. ,For,lurther
formation. inquire of the subscriber on thepremices.
. - ,„ A. B. A. BMWS.
dan. SI, 1822-tf. )" Crooked Creek, TiogaVo..
- Plaster"
rrui undersigned, Laving purchased .the Plaster
Mill one mils south of rdsinsfleld,. snd started
atiettier.at the month. - of Utit's.Creek, near Holliday's,
is prepared to furnish ground •
Cartga'Plaster - - -
from, either point; it the lowist market prtoo for Cash.
The Mansfield linnitial - Paint,wlll abio be found for
sale both plums. - • - ,JWIN U. PIiTNAM.
Jan. 17, 11312-4 t: . Manefield, Pa.
%ME subscriber offers for Bale his house and lot on
1 Lincoln Street; 'opposite Jacob atickbn, in Wells.
born, on *minable terms. 13618 hoist, is in' good con.
,claim, En a- choice lot of fruit roes on the Impugns.
For guirtinulars inquire" of GU). ZEORWAILT.
Jan. 81. 1872,5 t. _ •'
.„ For Vale.
BOUT 110 acres of land known ea the William R.
lifitchelifirrm at Mitchell!. Cheek, Tico 00., Pa..
- three dwelling lusaStie, a- steam Sew Mill and
Barna and other bdingt•— l one. of the beat /ovations
for alhisibering or other Maiitracturing establishment
on SI/4,7104pr Railroad. - - 1 , . -
Also. adjoining Wou l d about 186' , about ,50
sures in pestane. -make a good ber
anowb fan it far fuel. lumbar poets, ttc•E tOPeY for It
' Also alrout'76o acres of timber laud with 501310 iro
ns:Caen* about a mile east of the above described
liftable forMerirlook Bark, thither' and farm
two_lots of land of one sore each, situated at
Rollidereohn. in the. township of ~ dletitrey...ork
whibb there is saton3,`barn. &a.
Those.desirtng -hi noba,w inguirears. ;sue
Mitchell oh the m•-e '
. M
at Mitchell ' s
l's 1.' , .
, . ' ••• • • • ' a
fan. 1, 1872-tf.
• - .
.. ,• i "'
couNiir." . T. : •
. • • _ _ . •
my ,I g e now ; a
gu ' b ; t/Ll ic W m , ' 4 pIY , IttravtarY, ba . Law i rence•
S' • 7._ . -
;blob possesses the following advantage s over ell other
'mills :
Ji g :rate* rye. oets. - rat Mast, and ttwi aced. and
,C A
;ritj` ~
Btiu4al.l_iitiorsioe .- .404ey:
House and Lot for Sale:
khan; tCk4;ticsailitat7 • -
2. /t deans flax ens& takes out yellow 'feed, anti 'ail
:o,thef iweapi PgrAPPY.,. •
A it cleans tiFopth? seed. .
4. It "A 4 0 #4 - o , ;i4iiitiPtriiiFilreieoi
• Thu
ktirigooladobr?" lanai cheap tor - anal; or pro;
' rr 7 • tor • •
• • I a Visitant, 'sieve, seinratl44 oats *ova
-wheat, to othernalls;on reaSonable terms: •
Lawrenceville. AU+. 1, 1#72, U. *MINX
I.r- 1 4,1Li 4 1'• ifs
Of Or #l2 6 ) (4 .P 7 4•Erperutitares of the .2 , reasury otTio
Da COuIN for the 'rar. 1871
ieeoeived county. tax for 1868.
11 bounty taxfor 1869,
bounty tailor 1870.
. 1 - county tax for 1870,
.. State tax for 1870.
county poor tax for 1970,
township poor for 1870,
bounty tax for 1871,,
county tax fer'lB7l,
*.. State tax tor 1871, • •
• • • county poor tax for 1871.
township poor tax for 1871,
r ••• maitis tax fOr 1871,
of Ocarmienieth coats, paid by•Stairlft, 8.59 fig
•-•-• - on county iOans.of 1871, • 73,010'85
, •
fur produce'aold from County 'farm, 273 83
il L r. I tr". - euu nts lyt r itar t.. 577 6° 61"
costa of 11. Inscho, .• ." 41 81
of J. M. Hall. ' 72 80
of Vrilliana - 13enaon, 00 00
of M. D. Wilhelm, 7 00
" of A. 'Robbins. . 35 Co
of E -;-of-.T..
Id'lnro: C.- Strang, - - 14 8
0 7
y, . 1 0
" " 'on county bond,. 100 00
"on seated lauds 'returned, • 98 68
• _ s.bmmitsionene Wagu
Amount paid M. W. Wetberbee,
• P. V. Tan Ness,
Job Rexford, "
T. o.'llollia,
Continicsionere - Clerk.
Amount paid Thomas Allen, •
• I- • Auditors. •
Aniont4:paid D. P. Burley and al.,
. ' . •f 'H. S. -Archer.
S. D.'Ph-OliPs ' anol al., -
A. F. Packard.
Jurors. -
Amount paid georga IJT.eau and al..
. „
Grand ..rit71717
.o:aotuit.-pald A. lirlutosit atd al.,
- • - • • Crier.
Aniouptpaid T. Y. Wingate,
- . r‘ - 7 - • \ T - .row:tables.
- Antitatutips jd L. s_ -Brewster and al.,
AliMant paid i. C. Strang Arid al.,
433;q4011t14.Yr KID and aL
n . - • -
1:•.7 2 Y'Pri4fi.
litootOipaid.P. 0. Ostler =l4.
Aznolintvald'r. Anil, al-.
• Commonwealth
Amount paid John Bailey and
• • - . • District Attorney. ,
'Amount paid L 31104 i and ii..
Dowtty on Wed Mtn: '
diairoad yeah,. Lovejoy and al,
• - rie r /71 . 13 riagea gnsf RriAga Fit irl7-
Amount pad it. /14ser and al..
Repairing Bridge::
Mama pit4l•ll. W. Westbrook and al.,
• 1 . • New Bridge 4. -
Amou paid Sibutallisla Gaines, ' • ' 9 69 . 68
-•- r Hiram Costley in Knoxville, 'BOO 00
•,,_ .. • Silas Allis in Richmond, - -SOO OW
Eud i
, •., Silas ate in lintland .. •' • 800 50
• - " ' Mirka Baron in d.. • 190 00
'Metcalf and Gilbert i Bracknell, 500 00
Damages to Improwizents. •
Amount paiclii. 8.• '0 sitatk;
Thorns Pri e, .
_ i ~ :, 'William Ste cnie and at;
.. !V„ Neincon op, , .
:•• ' ' - .„ j• ... G. Smith,
.;-; . 'Sj j ' , O. aributspeOli "
i i••• , O. Seamans
ri 1 n' "" jec m h, L t id
t ' •• ; 4- 1 C4Viraiiiktond,L- -:
. i.
.ri , 3l. ; ."-_,.•-- Zelbll9o , lzit
• '-' ...E.: h..f..FißeirY, "--
.., .wIS
J. Brica. •
Willis& iteLiei
• • 124: , W Austell,
William Prick,
" ; /4. West
11..-J41041. , -
- Road Views. .
lnialn4 wig David. Ifolse and all,
• patient*.
tuagat Old Fb: Rut - Via and' al.,
Amount d Viiiiniots,
, PrO.thoMictries
* Rut ; 1 4 10 4 !. v 0 . 12611,1 0 1 4' .
R airin g •Taii
Aliwzat paid J. 4. Butdraid
bAniMit paid F., ¢. Fish spa . at.,
AVastrin Peniteratiltry.
iSsa'odatpald.lohnL Roblitgia.
. 'F.'-'-` . •:. - . • - sherireirkeig . : ;,- --
Akinolint 98. a. Eqt...Fisti;:. •'., ,••;-".:) •
-, , `..:••,; • ; ~ - _4(.9r4,924f1id1.f:
"ApioRIA Vasa W. W. Whiti.uptal. •• ,
- •
. .., . ... • I ... . • •
' P:fitaf
• / , ' - :,... ;
iiiiiilblii 4630;4 atal
eb . - '
Wooda/ta ' 6:4:. :
iliielati M.PAtlitgaPilAU4 Id, -
- • _ • Jury Commisrismmi.
Aix: ioipt paid .Cohn B.; Bailey alid - AL
':— • . - --;•• •• • hadlere - Ittifilsiiir:
1416i4 01 . A . V . .. - Ai tichto'zialii al. •
Inquests, •
'4 ,1 n0wat1.4.4 4....A.1ire11ter1144 r a1.. •
Corr alro.ute and' o,ificer.
3691 r -fit petit! To i F Doiialdiim and
- " ' ro;o4o,4),'"Api;fctis.
Aitioniat paidZot;RelfOrd ank •
incidenfiii :
for aro, &
ted,, 74
it 0 9 3
-- ;- A: 0
tetzezolus. /M.; 40
%I:. 911/14k, -1
. . ..
" ,V. X. Wright. interest on money, ' 200
:- "MI Simard, express charges,
I. . 235
" '.148. Meetings &CV.. oil, ill . , - •60
;s taff" , 0 04arize" , ' ..1 &I
',,, , .....::s , ip:ipsintar:flC 1,4 f iittil, ' , 200
ci'i,:.„' , .:.'4etnea , . Paid elPreoo. l al
.•.4.Z. - - ',o4j D.ltaelcter,AoMipSper„ , . fi 00
.**-.1'.U1pitY.,41...- ' . 260 0
: i ; 6
' -,'"Lir - ill. piglinstiM Int Miry M. Jackeon, 100 00
!'!",'"',;;;l...,(lo2,6lirks•tildhg depoeitione, ' its oo
, -;, -, *'L;->: - William' O. Wells, goods, Am.; "13 35
`•' T. - .4. - . 'Robinson, interest on money, 700
Merrick & Young, insurance. 214 50
T. 0; Hollis, going to Ward, 4 36
D. L. Deane, Beeorder'sfees t he., : 6-10
Joint/NM, wOrk-ItiPretVe - 001 6 0, - -17 5O
11.!0. Cox, interest, mite, he., 529 12
• . .
mmintoners' Coun;el.
amount paid A. . Ryon.
~;:".— . ,*. 0 .'Wc1 0. 9.1-1 1 1 ' 2 ' , .. .- ,1 ":", — .:::;.7`..• , .:
Dishibuttvg.Duplicatet, (V. •
Ammint paid U. W. Wetherbee andel..
. . . ikfer.estoo of MR Actions.
UMW paid 44 M.F. kiwi', •
, . .
. , 1. County - Treasurer.' i ,
dinguut . paid.Robert C. l 'oox; - '-, • - $1,305 10
0 • !Mite' Tie atnirer,, R. W.:Mackey, . 632 40
I o J.Parkhurif and id: co: bonds, 37,142 08
- • ' • o • John lAnk.eVal., int't-oli bande,• 7.875 87
The following is an acoount -otthe eipensee 'at the
County HOl4O and farrir Slid. foriceeplug paupers out.
side the County House, including tbatieat the Perinsyl..
vanitLimatig IldspitalltHerrisburg: . , „..
Fab. 9, '7l. William ßoberts, hardware,' - ' $57 88
, - -W. T. Where, groceries, • 199 35
A. Rusted, for Bless paupers, 84 20
Jane Jonea, • ' --- ' • 8 25,
W. L, Warriner, for Delmar r pauper, .14 98
William C. Kress, drugs; 20 57
J: R. Barker, dry goods, - 94 83
'blathers & Holliday, groceries, • 85 90
Ephraim Hart, dolir,- '0• • . - - . 9 00,
Truman & Bowen, sawing lumber, 107 11
Isaac Plank, planter and sower, . 28 00
Truman Brothers,' proVtieloni, " 117 90
D. 0: Holden, cows, • ' 185 00
John Gray, blackaraithing, 19 06
Job Willcox, butter, • 32 34
India Foley, sewing machine,: . ' 63 00
L. A. Gardner, groceries, - 18 72
G. W. Navel. repairing harmer, 6 40
G. S. Cook, coVri 50 00
D. O. Edwards, aced peae;r , • • - 700
M. W. Wetherbee cow, • -...- 56 00,
Truman - Brothers, provisions, • • - 26 60'
William Roberts, hvdware, , 44 28
R. C. ey, hard Ware, - 26 67
'Th ' Ilardin, blankets, '_ ' 'B5 60
H. S. tinge, drawl, &c.. • 796
O. C. there, Salt, 4 8 46
Matta & Colep, drugs, - •- 620
Dr. W. V. Webb, half of salary, .60 00
E: Strat on, for Delmar pauper., ' 3;00
Janet ea, for Blois pauper, ' 18'50
J. B. Cl eland, for 'Colon pauper, 17.00
C. S. for union pauper.. : .15 00
A. Griswold, removing 'Union pauper, 300
J.. a. S.h for. Middlebury pauPer, .. 21 76 ,
George e, reaming pauper,. 2 94
Nathan Letter, for Charleston Pen Per, 2 30
Asa Morrell, for Rutland pauper, • 10 00
Vi'illiarn .11.dioyer, for Wellsboro patipm,- 6.00
John A. Weir, Pa. Lunatic Hospital, 379 48
H. H. Elliott, for Delmar -pauper, '.. ~..... .6.00 .
S. W. libeixosii, for Rutland pauper, 415
C, C.
Atathers,Ary.goode,- 4B 67
Jane Jones, for' Blass pauper, 3 00
John Harris, for Nelson pauper, ; , _ll 00
Houghton, Orr & Co., Delmar pauper, 19 82
W. L. Warriner, for Delmar pauper, 913
Abel .Warriner, for Delthar pauper, . 675
E. Stratton, for Delmar pauper, 6 76
.'A. H. Elliott. for Delmar pauper, 900
James S. Robb, for Farmington pauper, 3 64
L. H. Brewster, taking pauper to 0. IL, 3 00
. L. B. Shelves, taking pauper t 0. H., '7 60
Ts: Keeney, Justice's costs in Midd'ry, 1 00
-T. Keeney, Justice's costs In Chatham, • 60
Morgan Seeley, tain pauper to C. •H„ 6 88•
J. M. Barden, for Bu t
pauper, 10 03
C. S. Strout, for Rutland pauper,_ 4 69
S. A. Hayes, taking pauper to C . Hornig, 4 19
- Jane Jones, Tor Bless palirler, . 760
J. H. Everett, taking Pauper to s e. lio'e„l3 42
William Densmore, for Bloss pauper, 23 00
Brooks & -Austin, threshing grain, • 32' 38
, " 900
L.A.Gardner, groceries, BO 46,
B. T. Van Horn, cabinetwork, " 84 so'
Houghton,',Orr &Co., wagon,
lala nalC. Ixia tin. 11: & -ke it Corg o ' 111 17 da s; y g , °° grece d: Hes,
, 132 00 1
6 60 ,
41 32
- William Roberts,,hardware, „ , 80 27 '
' J:lt.'llarker; dry goods, , , - 89,65.
John Via Order, whisky; -, '• - ' 925
. Williams°. Kress, drugs,, , '
... 38 71
Th I C. - B 8110 Y: hardware, ,
-.-.. r....., .R. Kimball, groceries, , ' - 4'-87 77
'Lewis 3l'Connell, shingles ,- .. ' 16 to,
H. Young & Co., paper, &c:, • • 236
M. W. Wetherbee; sheep, • 41 00
Joseph Mitchell, coal,. : , . 75 00
Dr. O. K. Thompson, year's sal ary; 25 00
John A. Weir, Pa. L. Hospital, • 338 65
William - Wingate, moving buildings,_ 10 00
Al. W. Wetherbee, cattle, • I • - ' •65 CO
J. R. Barker, dry goods, • ' • 47.78
John Van Order, whisky, , 13 03.
John Gray, blackamithing, • - 25 02
Benjamin Austin, Saab, wl p davro;'4iii., 2 4 " 85
Hastings & Coles, drugs, 16 29
-lathers & Holliday, groceries; 15 17
E. R. Kimball, groceries, ' 191 53
B. 17 Van Horn, Cabinet work, , 9 00
C. C. Slathers, dry goods, ._ . . • 13 39
William Roberts, hardware, 07 19
, DerbyA Fighlerishoemating, = :.• 2 30
L. E. Robkwell, ebb:lslets,3o 00
Willlana C. Kress; drugs,- - •9 72
- L.A. Gardner, groceries, • •40 80
John Harris, for Nelson pauper, 14 Il
H. Simmons, for Delmar pauper, ' 3 00 I
W. L. Warriner, for Delmar pauper, , 004 1
Jane Jones, for Bless pauper, 8 28
C. H. Van Rumen, for Middlebury pelt, 3 66
John H. Shalt for Middlebury pauper, 21 00
S.A.. Hays, taking pauper to c. house., 4 67
K. Stratton; for Dear pauper, 3 00
J. L. Saxton, for Fall Brook pauper, 9 'l9l
Mit - kg - Morrell, for Jackson pauper, I 12 41 ;
Dr. C. K. Thompson, ,f, year's salary, 25 00'
Truman & Bowen, lumber, • - 16 St
H. G. Martin. for Liberty pauper, 14 50
Jane Jones, for Bloespimper.-, , 300 •
T. Keeney, Justice ' s costs , Midery, I'oo
E: Ettiatton, for Delmar Pauper, 3.00
AL D:l9llhelm, removing pauper, •11 no
J.-D.....P.Stopy its-j-wor.KM, • - .. 87 0
John A. Weir, Pa. - L. Hospital,
D. •W• Hubbard, for Sullivan pauper, 2 6
B. C. Bailey, hardware, • , 11 0
William Roberts, hardware, '4O 8
G. Navel, reiring harness, 9
13. T. Van Horn, cabinet work, 21 00
C. 3. Wheeler, repairing, &c., 300
L.A. Gardner; groceries, , ; 37,23
Derby & Fishier. shoes, 17 69
O. 0. Plethora, groceries, • 11 69
Hastings & Coles, drugs, &c., 19 66
0. W. Sears; shoes, .
12 91
E. R. Kimball, groceries, _ •45 48
Benjamin Austin, doors, &c., 19 15,
W.4ll N ton, goods, Arc., • 17 61
„Isaac 46-repairing, &c., I . 6 3611
.Willimil e . Kress, drugs, &c., . 24 58
J. R. Barker, dry +goods, 16 88'
Merrick & Young, Insoranre; 191 63
John Harris, for Nelson pauper, 10 00
E. Stratton, far Delmar pauper, 8 00
M.-D. Wilhelm, removing pauper, •6SO '
T. A. Robinson, bill for help, &c., 1,741 89
T. A. Robinson, Superintendent, 800 00
.T. A. Robinson, daughter's work, 100 00
John Miller, for Charleston pauper, 290
N. Lester, for Charleston pauper, 15 16
E. Stratton, for Delmar pauper, - 300 •
R. Lininabury, blackamithing, • 7 76
John. Weir, Pa. L. Hospital, _ . 472 12 -
- Pritchard & Sales, Stoves, - -46 00
.. John Gray; blacksrnithing, 15 15
W. D. Turbell. drugs, 21 26
--' .- . • ' - .
Total amount of expenditures,
April 18
May ss
tune 19
Sept. 7
Nov. 7,
$173 48
842 22
30 18
8,900 01
0,970 87
SR 62
2,831 02
4,304 99
10,743 15
20,693 16
258 89
1,028 11
1,277 20
53 12
Jen, 2,'72
980,227 49
$862 276 40
268 00
78 20
$l,OOO 00
January 6
$159 64
?Z• 00
-- 24 24
19 44
$2,616 2$
6622 $6
no 00
The folloWing Property was on hand 'at tile-. County
Poor House end farm on the Ist day. of January, 1872,
as per inventory taken at that time: . ,
2 hoiiiei; 4" *l4OO 00 '5O-lbs. tobacco, , 15 00
18 cows, 850 00 10 lbs. sugar, 100'
Icow, ' . - 40 00 20 - gals syrup, 00
9 yearlings; "..108 00 . 1 plough point, , 88
, 7ostelia - 58 OD 3-tonwof ioat,-. - 15 00
.12 shoats, ' • .120 00 leather, 5c0.. 800
10 shoats, 80 00 4 women's skirts, 200
28 chickens; 14 00 . men's Shirts, . 9 00
160 bush. turnips, 66 25 9 pair drawers, ' 150
830 bush: potatoes:. 175 00 11 coats, 50 00
80 bush. beets, .16 00 6 vests, 'l2 00
15 built. onions, 22 60 8 paii pants, 24 00
240 bush. wheat; .380 00 67 pair socks, 33 CO
150 bush, oats,,, ' 75 00 2 boys' shirts, 150
12 bush. beans, 24 00 6 pillow ticks, 1.60
SOO bush. -- corn, 160 00 6 bed ticks, :9 00
40 tons of hay, 800 00 26 shirts, 19 50
12 tons of straw.. 100 00 • 10 pillow caaes, , 2 60
1 barrel pickles,- B'oo 6 women's skirts, 16 00 •
2000 lbs. pork. 250 00 8 pair men's boots, 32 00
,;4 barrel beef; 800 6 p'r men's Shoes, 12 00
176 lbs. lard, 2/ 87, 0 p'r women's do, 12 00
27 lbs. sausages, 462 8 pair misses do, 12 00-
2 tubs of butter, 80 00 17 p'r children's do, a-25
100 lbs. tallow, 10 00 3 men Os hats, -4 00
150 gallons vinegar, 37 50 2 pair itlippors: 200
4 bbls. 8011 r, 40 00' pair suspenders, 80
- 1 bbl. apples, 2 50. . 6 shakers; 1 00
- 200 lbs. grease, 8 00:" 'lO4l-yds. cot'n cloth, 1 30
1 bbl. boiled cider, 20 00; . - .11 .i'-•ydtr. denims - 269
-10 lbs. maple sugar, 2 00. 3 yds. ticking, 84
800 lba. corn meal, 700 3 p'r women's dra's, 150
1 gal. maple syrup, 100 2 women's dresses, 930
-150 lbs. dried apples, 18 75 12 - spools 11'nthreatt, 1 20.
18 cans of fruit, -8 50 1 doz. sh*Ja wadding, 75
8 bush. peas,. .12 00 18 banks lin'.n thread, 90
$$ tiebteo," " 19 00 1 boy's suit clothes, •3 00
.85 gals. keroso'e oil, 10 50 1 box buttons; • .76
' • 28 - lbs. tobacco, - 14 SOyds,mhifs flannel, 650
taedichie"; 50 0 4 Ydg• cotton tiirkl4 l o,
4, bars !sow i a -22 'Aar: shdetittg, •112
- 2 lbs. pepper, BO
- lb. coffee, 30
7 lbs. yarn. 700
The anperintendstkt of the County liqnse; and ram
iiptt the Cotint9 Vomthisaioners make the following
report of the account, of 'Doge county, with the several
townships and boroughs - for keeping paupers at the
County House, including •• beard; - clothing, Medicine,
he., from the let day of January, 1871; to the Let day of
January, 1872 ; also the - following bine of temporary
rellistand.for brintilng.panPers to tha: Corinty House;
and also including the expense at •the Pennsylvania
Lunatic Hospital at Harrisburg and the coat of con
veying paupers there. • • - • .
151.088-15 paupers, females; ages, 70, 61, 20, 31, and
- • •
To paid expense of taking paupers to-C. H, ~ . $l3 42
Temporary relief " 94 70
- Taking paupers to Harrisburg • - • ' 23 76
Paid Pa. L. Hospital ter keelng A . Jories.. 114 87
78 weeks' board at County lit use • 158 04
- - • -
$766 06
32,851 00
$483 00
$660 02
$2,488 88
£490 00
$9 00
SZ3 75
$723 12
26 00
:,'S 00
60 00
200 00
62 00
- SO 00
, - - • 00
••450 GO
. 17 00
' 16 00
80 00
22 60
200 00
VBO 00
40 00
22 00
100 00
51742 65
5270 91
11446 - 70
8/6 SI
• . - • . - i • _ • 5404033
BItOOEPIELT!- 7 .3 paupers; 2 males, 1 leniale; ag . ,
71, 7,:65.—. ' •-, - -
To paid etpenss of pauper*. ;, __ - - Igg
128 84 weeks' board • • 252
- . -- ' •!: , , 8255 0
. OEATILM-14 paupers; 2 males, 2 females; ages, 1,
80, 21, 4.
To paid expense of taking pauper to 0. House. $lO
ung paupers to- Harrisburg 47
.1. Paid Pa. V. Homiltslforkee e Ntwo Paupers,
3 1-2.2lrualiga =CT.' R. er;- • 248.82
1 . 89 8-7 reeks' bOarA at County ouse - 142 12
$555 75
UAW/ 85
$6O 72
.$223 40
$5 40
' - - 4 . , ---- --:' == - - '- - -- - 7 ' - • ,'• $448 97
'vz44l , 4,v,sTON--4 paupers;- 2 mttles..s feuullsl; ages.
- 88, 48;48;5;10..12; 8. ..
l'o extols, of taklutpaulier to Conuty Howie.- •$5 24
Temporary relied., .! • ~. ).7.. 48
.111 : 2-7 Weeks' boar . " 489 II
~ . .. . . .
lb . 60
$2OO 00
Coitt(lTON 113oroOg10— . . _
.Topald Pa. L. 11 ost4tallpr keeping 1:1, Clevekatif;,i47 75
CO I 7TROTON (t 01921611114---3 ,j;iefillifife; - 1 - Male, _ 2 fe
males; ages, 70,, 28,16. . .-.... •.". -. , . . -
To 108 weeks' board ......... :...... ...
01.,Thimit—s paupeii; - I male, iiemaies;. ages, 1, 08,
To Fla Pa. L. Hoar lbsLfor- kesping . l..clun.: 8163 83
OS weeks' board :.. . 211 80.
$162 12
$99 Si
354,3gart—i• • - SPA 49
tojoungp, ' - 1141414 f.elnallm; 4N SO, rr,
To temporary relief
106 14 week's board
A:r 1 1 47
ELKLAND-1 pattper;mate;a,god
To 6i2 weeks• board -
14111111101T011-3 paupsra;
rl, 2, 11.
To 20 6-7 weeks' - board , -
' P-4511005.-1 pauper, male, Aged 72. '
To e
. peiuso,of taking pauper to County Iloilo°, i 8 tr i
6 streaks' board • 105 79
. 5/15 29'
_ .
,7/10103011--4 paupgra ; .2. Males, 2 females; age ß , 0 ,-, ,
,'.•t:--10, will; -- , . - - - .
To tszobrary relief ,
I 183 2-7 weel:s• board.. ~.. .. ' '
$l4 00
&0 .00
E 1 OXVILLV-4 pauper; female, aged G 7::: •
To expo me of taking pauper to . County lialiae, $ll 00
754 .weeks' board - ; ~ , ...
13 To
$212 99
$3O 00
LAIVIOLIIPAVILLF.--43 paupers; 3 males, 3 fernalsj;
agea,.7l, i 3, 10, 6,8, 34.
To expense of taking pauper.to County lions°, Su 0,1
Expense of taking pauper home 1 C 2
63 2-7 weeks', board
103 40
. . ~,
~taimittioE-4 paupers ; pale, 2 femelec ages,.
28.62,.84 - U. - 4 s,. -
To 1616.7 vrepie,Loard-'. 4 $3!"4 05
. ,
LIBERTY-3 paupers 2 Males, , 1 female; agea, 7e,
W,96. -
To temporary relief -
214 ke
Paid Pa. L. Hospital for keeping M. - Farr_ 169 45
1543 weeks% Loard, , 217 40
MORRIS-1 paler; male; aged TB.
To 62 weeks' board:... 510,5 sy
VIDJ)L.EI3ITRY--5 paUpro; 2 Males, 'S ferules; agea,
68,-9T73;14: - 9tr
To,expense of taking pauper to County House, .S 9 62 ,1
Temporary relief. ~,,. CO3
83 64 weeks' board 129 63
-paupers; 2 males, 1 female; ages, 64, -
T 6, 6V • •
To temporary relief $35 11
Expense : cif taking pauper to County abuse, 2GU
—69 0-7.weilie r loard - 140 SE
0.110E0LA. , --1.-Paulter• male, /Wed 3 3..
exPenso of taking 112,14 . per to Colitity Hot's, so €
9 6-7 wean' boatt... 19 r G
. .
ZUCHIJOND-7,4 paupers; 1 male, 8 females; ages,
' 11, 30, 4, 2. •
Torecrpente Of taking pauper ,M,COunti tionse 4 Co
Paid As.t. Hospital for keeping T:8. Want, 10 GO
21 weeks' board ' • 43 14
i • al• , _ - $2ll Li
RUTLAND-4 paupers; 2 male, 3 ffraflei: ages, 11,
2.5,-4, 2.
To temporary relief,
+52 week.' board
SULLIVAN-2 paupers; 2 rnalgis,
_I - female; aged, 7d,
To temporary relief..
80 1-7 weeks' board
$194 21
TIOGA (township}--2 paupers, males; ages, 9, 14.•
-To 19 6-7 weeks' board $4O 40
TIOGA (borougb)—l pauper, male, aged 14.
To paid Pa. L. hospital keeping H. Hotebliss, $164 43
62 weeks' board. 105 79
PaUPen; 1 Male, 1 female; ages, 29, 21.
To temporary relief • $95 00
Paid Pa. L. Hospital for keeping J. - 31.*Dally, 209. Lc
101 weeks' board ' '
211 CO
WELLEIBORO-9 psipers; 7 males, 2 females; ages,
80, 71, 63, 9, 39, 67, 36; 74. not kno9m.
To expense-of taking pattperii home ... i9 25
Temporary selief , 6 CR)
Paid Pa. L; hospital for keeping E. Fellows. 156 es
99 2.7 weeks' board.... 201 99
- .
- .
.Total amount expended, as per bills given
ahore,.._ te0,62 li,
Derincteasti received by Superintendent for
produce aold off the farm, and paid to coun
ty Treasurer.; 9273 l 3
Improvements, new- buildings, &0., -
during the. year . 995 4.3
By expense of keeping palipers at ti.
House and charged to townships. ,400 74
By temporary relief to paupers on -
side of County House, and removal, GO6 83
By expense at Pa. L. Hospital 1.488 23
By keeping of Margaret Burke... •., • 101 45 f
By insurance on C. HoUse buildings. 191 C 3-
i ..--- iti,7•33 KI
Amount of inventory of personal property lst
of January, 1871• • $3,916 V/
Dadnet differenee in vs i te, of same. t
kind ofprcipertybetwe '7l and'l'2, $6OO 00
Lees the rise in wane of' ay , 400 00
f 1 • , • --, 2Uu 01
, .
Balance of old inventory $3,716 9i
Inventory of 1872 of property at farm . 81,876 r
Deduct balance of inventory after taking out
' difference in value
Hslance in favorof inventory of 1872 - - 169 18
The Commissioners conclude that as the improve
ments during the year 1872 amount to over eleven hue.
dred dollars, and principally in buildings. it would not
be tight to charge it to the townships. but should be
deducted from the account ($995 43) to be paid by the
county poor.
The price charged the townsliip3, &c., for board
41213 ceuntir House. anon toe ewomate - or urc—
week for each pauper, is a small fraction over two o -
lam and three cents per week. This includes eve y•
thing expended upon the paupers—food, clothing,
medicine, schooling, &c. There have been at the
County House during the year B 4 paupers, and an av
erage orbver 43 during the whole year. 26 of them
are.over 70 years of age, and 10 of these over 80 years
of age. Nearlyel of them are sickly and need a great
deal of waiting upon. The balance are nearly all idi
otic and insane. The Commissioners were compelled
this year to build an extra building in which to keep
the insane, so they could be kept from doing injury t 7
themselves, to others, and to property. The Superin
tendent is compelled to hire all the help to carry on
the farm and to do the work in the house,• not getting
but little help from the pauper°. The coat of doctor.
ing and keeping the insane at the Lunatic Hospital'at
Harrisbung is $3 per week. This does not include
clothing or any other expenses. 'The )Cornmisicioners
in allowing temporary relief outside the County $Olll3O,
have generally consulted with .the township Super:l: -
sore before granting it, and would urge the pasesge of
a law authorizing a county poor tax instead of a town
ship tax. The Superintendent, Mr.- Robinson, still
meets the approbation of the Commissioners and the
inmates of thounty House, and he deserves much
credit for his Management. The county is fortunate
in having sue a man to manage the county property.
And his humanity to the paupera is worthy of praise.
P. V. VAN NESS. Coaxmissioner, - in account with
Tioga county for the, yea 1871: - -
DR. To county orders $353 io
CR. Sy 103 days' azlrvice at $3 per day,
.$927 Co
By 440 miles' travel .•• 26 46-$363 40
- JOB REXFORD, Commissioner, in account with Ti.
. oga cottrity for the year 1871: 0
DR. To county orders e r•
CR. By 109 days' service
By COO miles' travel
. . .
11. w. WETHERBEE, Commissioner, In account
• • with 'Dogs coratty for the year 1871:
DR. To county orders. - 1276 12
CR. By 90 days' service' $270 00
. - By 102 =llea' travel - ` 012-s2`u 12
T. O.cHOLLIS, Commissioner, in account with Tic:•
ga county for the year 1871: .1
DR. To county orders
CR. By 22 days' service.
By 120 miles' travel
_Tioga County, sz: We the Commissionars of Tioga
county, do certify that the foregoing is a correct state
ment of the receipts and expenditures therein set
forth. In testimony whereof, We have hereunto act
Our hands and seals of office this 20th day of Januar),
1912. P. V. VAN lit„Si,
T. O. HoLus,
Attest: Tats. ALtru, Clerk
Robert V. Co.r, Tredfurer. Ticita County,' in
• lvitA said County from. Jan. 19, 1871, to Jan. 19, 1° 72
Sea'd laud tax ret'cl, i9B C 9 County tax, 1893, ei3i,
Onta'g co. tax 1858, • 209 89 County, 1861
1669, 465 79 Bounty, 1869, lui u , 3
BoUnty tax. 1859. 131 ES County poor; 1899, 54u
__lB7o, 10,467 46 Tpwnaldp do, 1859, C. 4k.
County,..lB7o, 10,676 68 Bounty, 187 , 235 71
State, -1870, 1,322 99 County, 187 _ 1,893 6.
County poor, 1870, 3,741 46 State, 1370, 123 01
Township p'r, 1870,5.963 03 County p , 2670, 977 51
Bounty, 1871, 23,138 33 Township , 1870, 575
County, 1871, 34,719 44r,Confn on b 'ty, ';O , 1 - 4i,1
State, 1871, - 1.895 89!County, 197 ,
County poor, 1671, 5,780 61 State, 1870, 99 0
'Township do, 1871, 8,844 13 Coutity,poo,lll7o. f:3": c.
1871. 1,520 00 Township d 1870, 400) 10
Commoulth Cost°, 353 B.slAbai'ts itoti'ty, 2.838.4 e
I County loans ' '71, - 21340 8 . 81 counts , , 0 • :793
Produce sold, • 273 83 , do Stato, 1 i'9 IC
Rent of C. House, 50 001 do co, ppar, • 310 55
H. C. Bailey's note, 57781 do t0...5'p dc. 233 76 ,
H. Inscho, cotte , t, 41 81 Bounty tax, 1871, 11,664 69
T. 31. Haliycoste, 72 80 County, 1871; 73,621 41
WZO. BelnOtl;'•tp1E1, 60 00 State, 1871. • r 1,644 51
3.1. b. Wilhelm, costs, 7 00 County poor, 1871, 6,695 30
A.- Itobbing4cMg, ls 00 Township do, 1571 ,' 1,406 5)
Strangi costs, •14 37 Militia, 1871, - - -- 1,381 50
E:ll.'lnroy, costs, 100 Coin'n on bo',y; '7l, 22 6.5
Per)ent. onbonds, 100 00 - do on cOunty; 274 89
do on State , '2i 73 ,
do co. poor', " 41 5°
do tow'p poor, 69
do militia, ,• -5 2
ale on bounty 678 64
• do county, 124 97
do State, 14 69
do co. poor, •• 17'10
do tow'ppoor, .4 SO 83
do militia; " 8 0 60
Co. bonds rette'd, .87,142 08'
Int't on co. loans, 7,876 87 4
Expense of tallitls, 400 80
Co. orders rede'd, 23,895 64
Poor do redeem'd,. 9,19.5 93
COMnoribondsp'd, 381 97
Com'n on Int'st p'd, Cd € 5
Com'n militia paid, 12 00
Com'n on co. orders, 7 16 87
Com'n on poor do, 187 94
$3,876 . 17
I -
818%638 17
WO, the luoptaignad, Auditors of Tioga county, hav
-ingauditedratktustedrand settled-thereecozmts - of R.
C. Cox, Treasurer of said county, from January 11,
1871, to January 19, 1872, do find as above. Witten
!oar - bands thif lEth days! January, 1872.
A. F. PACR.ARI?, -
Amount of ceUrity bounti loans, as per statement of
County Auditors published January, • 18 7/, 92 .P 8
Amount loaned by Commissioners In 1871, 22.010 88
844 87
Beside redeemed end said
Due-by county Jan. 16,1872.- : ' $.77.682 48
Interest paid on county bontitin 1871.. ..' $7,875 37
The undersigned, Auditors ef.Tioga county. hosing
audited and-adiutted the above; do hereby cortitY the
same ,to be a correct statement of the indebtedness Of
said cbnnty for bounty Muds. 'Witness onr - tands this
day o January, 1877. •
• • Ifinarr. STOIC 6. Tkßtieei
$182,685 17
929 . 2,90 18
Bal. due county, 444 99
• • $lll r 9.
215 95
*165 19
"etuttles . ; age 3,
SID() cri
819 41
Alb 4j3
s`33 r I
$129 49
$5Ol 2,1
$l9B, '2)
$l7B 07
9'26 04
.'. $23 71
~...,.-105 79
1134 0.1
P.l iC
163 0:1
$270 27
$449 15
$.73 21
1,269 2Z
.fd,79 9,1
3,716 9
$963 N
$327 00
36 00-S3C3 CO
SEE 00
7 24-5'73 21
$114.724 66
37.142 Da