USEFUL.AND SUGGESTIVE. What of the Prospects of Dairying. - ',LDuring the lest six or. eight years „htitter and chtersenialdng hare been all the rage. Ttice.i.Y . ,l%itit forth that theAlairytriett were the only farmers who Were making any money. So ey s erybody engaged is agricul ture was inclined to rush into dairying, as just before everybody rushed into hop cul tttrilt., Jheir experience with lippe,loyt.rever,. lirtkierifthat a CHAS must' Sooner of - later' come In - ,dairying; but eackleep.ecl:to get rich before the business got sufficiently Overdone • to make it unprofitable; mul we think every body has been disappeinted . • in' tit' - ,6" -ways : .:.First,:bectiuse wealth bas,been accumulated - -iielillowly liiilairyiiig t and second,-bectinse ~,Alte-crisis has not sooner come. - . , , ' ':•-:0 03t h - ewhole; as regards prices. the • pro- s peeit•of- ilhirybg s thii setiSort. haVe . not' been encouraging. The price' of butter - has drop. -'fied",slT fully 20 per cent., and butter-making has been no r :11,14e ; profitable than cheese :,making, while we do. not considerthe future Ttb 7Oflyilficz= Itrrlarketi . ':any' 'more :prOmi4ing, --.tliiii:thati tifthe cheek tritirliet.,:Stili; -no: ' 'Aiody has Sriffered badly, except 'those who ‘. ligvellutdq such poor butter .or cheeie that - I) . 'uy,era.,' Wc4lil,not: pay - k ; Yelm.fiteridlve price -,;'forit..! Atfeh, onght-t e . suffer till --they leave 7.4lieliviliesS.Orlearitto Make a, beittiarti:ele. ~.ysices, thorigh low_ as c.ompared •With'-the z-zquidatioris of the hist leiv , YearSit_litive -not 4 .bg 7. so much lower, -if :. d'Ornplice'd ' in - -gbld, no _s _so ;1034 , as 4 0 -not pay the:first-class dal iy. m a ► l t - x i:tie hils"the proper, facilities and a - -I 'te4.te-the_business4.lls_well_.as_any _thing els.e.. -put ; we,41413k , they, ,ilave been IoNT elf - Obgli, "Mid Me' onfloek'threatening enough, to drffe:tint of the business those ~..15- h .11We :11P:XigAst:.:. W- PAgafi9. ja._lt:-those livi g in localities aneoccupyirg farms bet ter, uited 'to: other : brariches... of agriculture i l than to diArying. WO belieVe many fact- , ' * l'Siiaiti tliO`WiSt that have ruff this'year,',Will , not open next oßrinc , i and that such will be 'AO 'ease withniost of', the_ unsuccessful f ac ',lootttries in our state,.:_ • • .- : ''-' _ _-„ - : - ' We therefore consider the', l. prospeets' - of legitingtMilallyNg reeve r -better than they 4trer , rio= ti3peeulativo dairying has-had its 17, - 'ita3.' '''W must" now' Settle -down- tozsolid .-r-bti esiv•tirtica lieral4.. -.1.-1. : , ;-; ,- - - :?:-:........ _- L. _ _ Modeottilonagioia Restive Horse. A groom,. mounted on, a high_ Theitled hunter f ' etitord- ilki::lliglri - itreet 7of Cold ,stream, and when opposite Sir John Majori banks monument tlfe' horse began to rear and plunge to a fearful extent, s4rving to the right.endAen to the left, .brit to 'go for ward he would not, nor could all the exer tion of tke groom overcome his obstinacy. -'Theotrpotwas Alled , with people, 'expecting :loilieit.'ilii. AnWirkl. destroy, „liinisalf on - ,the .S #lllfei bit the - iron railing round the :noun mein; when Mr. McDougall, saddler, Wallted up to the price:l_llnd _said : -"I think, ,my man, you are not taking the proper methot to rtiake Eth - e" liini. - 6 7 . ge - ; .--. 011oW :file, - if you pleaio,:ii:KaltoW you a trickW.Orthkriowtiag." - "Well," said the groom . l 4r n you ca ' make him go, it's more than I can ; len Mr. McDougall took a piece of whip, ord, which rt , ) he tied with a firm knot 0,-916 0- end of. the „pritertal's ear, which he be gently down; _Llastening the end of,the?fring to the check I...bucklerof the bridle;9iis,done he patted the c tkorse!s neck once or Vice and said: ~"Now vet ine.tiee'yolitcl ifilietly lioink A like good ' LI (tree." Asto2dling - to relate, the hose moved oil as,gently as if nothing had hap...- . paned. Ate. McDougall says he has seen in London/korses which no manner of force could, lake go, while this mild treatment wa - - 7 alWays successful. -. V . Watering Horses We think both man ar4l beast are general ly watered too much. lien ' and horses at hard work in warm weather, perspire just in proportion to the quantity of fluids taken ; Into thti.stomach.‘„ Frequently drinking in .hot weather, itcording to oir experience emisculates e instead of refreshing. Some ,years ago, being at Cape Island, •in driving out in One of the stand coaches of the place, on a very hot day, we asked the driver . Itow it was . that hiS horses perspired so little, while the horses of private carriages, going at a slower speed, were covered with foam. He . .replied.that he watered his horses three .titite,irislay only, though he sponged their mouthS frequently, - while the private drivers water 'their horses whenever they stopped; He sax , and it seemed to us very sensible, that tb!, frequent kvattring of horses effect , ed no goOd purpose, while it_ made them very uittcOmfortable and lethargic. Horses, `no*ltter V4iht their work was; did licit need watering oftener than three times a day. Our own experience with horses all our life, la to the same effect.—Copy Hook'. _., _..-.. _ , • !'. 1 A : :• . .. . . - For tho Household. \BAKErrii t AiE.-Here is a simple way of prevetitiokitike from sticking to the tins in which it is bakacl. Grease thq tines thorough ' ly, then pitt in u hamiftii of flour, shake it all over the iniiideof the dish in which you bake; then, after turning- it upside ,down, - Stilkeit . on the edge of your fliaur boNyl; that jwill,free nil, that does not adhere to the Nov• put in the. dough anti your cake Xll "eoine out" nicely. -‘ To VilirrEx LINEN. —Put a handful of theleat9 of the Jatuestolyn weed in the pot nut boil, Keith'. the: Clothes. The, 'fic,qiient used tliiscill whitenizolotheg -very 'much. ; TO:KEEIN-Kmv - ns PROM fl[ BMO.—scour them on a board cros.s*ise, with some dry briek, : later _haying wiped them perfectly _dm - and put them away without wiping off the brick dust. _ • To .11F.Itovr. INK-Sep - v-3.-13m tlu article - etainid'oVer a warm flat-ifOil,'Skretch it well, then sqadgze a few drops of lemon juice on it, and the spot will disappear at once. Wash immediately in cold;dater. `1 s' • I • lianuo.N th;;;l:,yr.zl --Wa-dt in suds made of soap, - . and iron thill3P. Cover the ribbon with a clean cloth. and as the iron over that. If von wish to the ribbon. dip it, (Vying, into guntarabie water. ,C oil, uraz you - ,Coas.- : •Take- ft little o oa - getting UP b the Morning and before re , "t. irmg•atnight;,.tttyl rubilt on the earn( with the tip'of the linger, I : zapping; the corn well pared down. This relieves the friction, which causes corn., and will cure thepi in a short time. . . . -r-r ' t ft. u t. _ Tct s Q - i‘,l AZ; /11C! ' .e li *v il‘. tle liiurratie acid should be put Int, glue when it is dissolved, ready foi use, 'it will retain the glue in the same coi dition for a long time. It willneither . dry up nor fer ment. _Tile tige of-a - stnallfi9rtion.ef 'sugar 1 of lead will alto preyentlerihefitntion. A CANDLR TO I,3eTtV ALL NI liT.—When, as in case of•slekness; . a dull light is wished, or when matches are mislaid,-1 ut powdered salt on the candle till- it reaches the black . part of the wick. In this way a mild and steady light Inv be.kept_through the night li,# 'ti%Mall'Pke.e,Of candle. , - , -; -•-_, , , • - SALVE - P4:511. CLAPPED 'HANDS, ETC. ..---- ,\Take equal, welglits of fresh, unsalted:but ; ter,. - -InhtidluiallOir, s 'beeswax, and stoned icalsins- „Stunner-until-the raisins - are &me' o a crisp but not buTnefl. ,Straln.aild pour to cupalogoal,fllidli qt. oil - the:litinds or lips befor going liih - C'd or going out in the wind. , ' 7 " ‘ . -- _:: - ...L.._ - ..________ Juixe. r4..y0.V4 Poir4t4tvw.-BlacAne t r. —forthe.oniirig - Work Of 'ulterteollections by Jules Fevre contains the following spit , - ited sketch: * • itj \l ' " \ thouglk verging . on his liath-zepr, Big mare appe4redlo be irt the flithi of his vigor. His high statqie, his grand beak , littO glpmarked face; g.avOIMM, - an .as pect imPosing and severe, teMpeted hoWev \ erby a, n turd freedom 9f,p)Artngs that bor dered on ommOn-OliCe simpileit.t. His ad dress was ourteous and dignified, .absolute ly freer-rrf ffectathih: null:Nl . ..fife:A .- , :;Wiietr the Mit* . flOll Wita;Ondebeguti he asdumeti. a friendly ' s chit 'Manner, , which hq ;lever departed fit, ." ile must have regarded me as a negotiato . .w... %C.v., ..e aa:ta:.: .:-.-.:ci, :it. T '.. •:::, . ....-,.,:. 4 , 110111 i: Illooß 1 ,i-e.-,,,..y, 440.. Lir*VaitiValtiglY Thai!title's ° 0111114 - fl'Alt'DEN'B.~• 2 - - • 2,1 ~♦~.,, /_~. d '!V4 • .1 The coxi" le fot'ttle *inier 0 ' COQ . - - - EOM Boots INIE T V, arktiV, ••i - • ISM 'is The -JOu .4text ' Mil 1.P.- jll.O NO. I sow= a Ell atx'ktrasouis.i opo, WM BE olee 7 , • • . ~ !s!• , • , li A r g eSt lEtab - ZnIEIrLC)3EI DitlT WWI -inlet Brio z• krriT . . ME gul.ator, MEW tf t - N, • Ir.', e. Tlie iilloOmeT4 fa cou►plete in eV St GROCtiIIE INKR and , Shoes, J:r ERIE (21-00ficiss, CIE f' IN {e:w ::ißoiii'..Road, wets whb Wish to make p l - in this Un ''• l• s. Stook Convinced that thin L the place to • • • thus generally, and boy j u s t wha t , NAT brine Mill GOOD: AT on & Brio Ell 'A BLOM, WALLIAgYAO, gill= *ems' 43,1cLocrassi t . • • •,; • - 4 • wpm Paiwy COuelarlii&Rasok ;Weis Mil.' •li ••••• s far.befote.",.We 10110 ram of..- : . ..= . :.: ; - - . ;,..:'l:.-;. -; 4;;,:ti -, -•F '-'-' ''''' ' ' ' •"' g tiOnB 7 J4lootB . 1 818 1Ei 4 4 / 1 248 : 411"C l aPro • .r.:. - • '''' •• ' .. - :, ' 3. Ili t:11 ' i• • : ' : -• . - Childreak Obomitrotruisai to • - - ' • .... Hsu . friii.'e. .;i.ii* iiiimito --- ' • . aks*,frifor... ici.J,lmi,,faillim 0,. 140, , . , .. •:. :. ... ~ ........t.... / .7. 9 I.:Jr/4;a •',1,,,,:r - -1 ' : AT UNPRECEDENTED 'LOW: : - I' thin ?g i rt _ a. Moog_ Frenob - .Gingbams... gi_eortiestrlat- i'00.00e:10;: 'Et BPI - 0,14; OA** t %M aai atttion to =l;il, 9 lrbleb: our Una; to drop itciaktake a k\ol;4 f. 2 ishmeni in No itt..7•77 • ;;• • 4: 4 2 ••• • nVi•-• • ••• 4 4.' ' r`4 4: • FiX.43316519 • 4 '444 SI ; • AND DETAIL. G-IS o quintiles 010904. •• • • Goods aro ° sold at L MrlN :W is ),.. 4 ., ..,.....,...„ .. . . :1i.....:: -,. .....,....,. _. - 1 .4' ~ t rats Tatok_ i __PUtne - ;,.. Jaz,: Ingrtpunez, A,- 7 I ‘t . 'S. 100,, i ei far, Carri 111 - Onatimehlin E!!!!=!! IMMIIIII =I .~. 3 • ' t 4liißF63Uatt 1111 EZEiI IA EMEilll Notions ME 111111 ~.- _. ; • 1.,i , ' '; , '.• 7il to oottiolisui l look st EMMEN OE ESZEiIa lINIM =I !!!S .._,- „„ci , .1,7"•!.; St7;_!..l. . •f tL ... ~, -r. 91:410111p. .1. . 4 . -• IBM to:80 CeZliC ,Comma !tofu... ) 1 **,0.444 t 5 Ine* • -44iongx.iiix).- EIE :-:,~~ ..: ~.:,; MM= t.n.; • •% , .71 A ••• 4,1-a.-1 FENZI =M • - • . . lIIMM ... .. '• ;; 4 .2 idl . • - z. : 1 t:,,,:.-,,,11 d'•`:Al -7 -• -.'; ,; ---"..k . 7 .!‘•;,;-.:, :r. Asp #6lyohlii .t : 11 i , if:. GEE ft- re*Mis . . MI ME .' ( 'Ff. '!...r.ct Mactig4lllllllri 115 4 * * RI Olney, _AtT3EIWICIZJOMEL, SE i , _ • ... /I),IANSFIELD, PA. • - ' --.. ... , .-, , l PS:- constantly-:o n band, ELGIN. 4L t • ALTHAM and , SWISS - WATCHES,, yof- • filtin illarto dt Calendar CLOCKS. , " , :.S,IL ,Eit ,5P0081.4 4 _,,-,, f.'; .. --;- -- _ --- •-- ikeitiqi- Biooifi ' iiil4oiVt.itiltile-.,lltlttor'_itia'i'eult 'Hawse ~_.• cups,' castors-laud cake, Baskets: : Nifigithl Nino; Oteatn,'Etalti Sugar- and-AlUstard Spoona; , rine Gold and 'Agate Illugli: fliold Pena and Patella; 'Solid [ Gold Seta; Pearl, Fancy- tat-Plated Buttons; -Watch Guards and Chains, ke. A large btock of SPECTA 7GLES; GLASSES, and Colored Glasses , all , at ' reduced piece ,i• ' • • • - ' - - •.: - ~.,. • , • -. • .• , . N. B.—Wafehea attd•de elty neatly Repaired. .• • . Jail. 1,-18,7i-tf • - 7 -j I JEW EL wk L,L;s ES • AIThREVir - FOLEY _ . - has long been established '0 In 'thil Jewelry buelness In - • 1 — .' Wollsboro bee ,slways for sale, Tartans kirsls and prices or: - 4"'S7 'AKERt,CAN: WATC,H.ES,: Gold Or ClOeliti, Jewelry, :Gold Chains, ;Keys; Kings, Pins, Pencils, Cases, Gold and "'; Steel, Pens; ' spoons, Razorit, - : Plated (Fate, IMM :SEWING?- : ?4ACHINF,S, ,: . .~~J." With most all other a tAbUltixn ta; which ar Repairing dohs nwiatly . - - NOTICE. ' Jan. 1.-1872-1 y Wei v Mill .z .IERB. C. P. MITE, - Owldixtiatatt tunto - 4.: . Fancy -Good #4Ol Ali is selling Al o es tit s - Jan- 1,1073-u Th prim( Ittet P is deo-1441y th may -needs a tr goo, wishing to • maims. Aix 1, 1872 E A b !I r VING ret, pared, wit) superior thing in my lint and superior ba out palm Preac Work warranted 11372-tf - V.. .R, ~_ -.-- 0 :,.:.•.,,,,, ~, ti • pl B ~,..: ... w 01 • • TI •- : tr r) ft 7, • - - . I . itS mem lingii Ell liZiEl RAM ‘.2 . July 19. 18 ' FcT AGE • a DIME OF .LONDON LitTi ..111 D.-4. EFIV7iy, the w'ell.inown Journalist. . The, Very Largest m ission sCOms Pai • Tiag hook is it beautiful octavo of 665 pages, ern - Halted with 290 engravings, and duely,execute d ! map f London, designed and executed expressly for this w k bylemlnent arttsti. It 'soutane a :full, amble d truthful statement of the Bights, Secr:ets, , and Sensuei of the:great Metropolis' of the world. Address, 9UFFIFI.I) AAIMEAD, Publishler, • 711sausions Street, Thiladelpkla. , ME ;..r - 'Jan:llB72-4m. - - le 1,, , 103.1.i.1)A:G.:111409113will give tousle ' leissorus at 1 = l i thorCtei to ,as many as May be pleased to yes toldir liar instmetitms:' Terms $8 a i ' " ;•:, Thitrtbuelltfttrathed for , ptaatlea fot $2. .' • ?,440C-4. 4 8P4 , •• .. 4 '-, - ..• : ; _ ..:-:. ,-, 1% • ... • Ed..zal. 4dEIiCHANT TAILORING I MOM 411E0114212 VAGO.TEli.lias just received ii: , euperb ne 14.T . #ortsrient of 41 kinds of , - I- ..;az i oTria - MEM --'' iiii - geiktieioen's -: - • " OARSE &FINRCLOTHING labitiii4elitered to mahnfactnie - iii 'flit) BEST STEM lad On the : shortest 'notice, .Peteona wanting,. Clothing Wilipleounk drop in and 'dee 'ray stock. Good Prra and ~ilid-Jaw betfor Work:guarantied. •:- • ' • • -- • i ' i ' I 1212-2 y; -.. • • - , ,-, BED.BED. wir, mt , • I • .'t.l:l ~::::Evr...-ASi a le or,..nent m ;,. -,: .. . L 1 .000 D (Wry farm in Tioga townshiP,)moila C*7;. -, Pa., about • 91.2 miles west of the . rt9pvigh of gtfabout ISO airrealmyroiried, aka 411 nnimproved:r- A it thOu barns,,threa dmllinchotuges, _tipple orchard, and other fruit treete - Tema eaap. ftaCiscdningfon the meat a 'firm and.' timber lands eir t6.2 larn urel" V esi g vri""reil =L ied' litlW.otel , ag o . ,wired; a 'and apg's -I 01Xid inna r dairytog - 6=o, ••,•, •„ C. H. ips. Att. 1 1872:• - - • .• ~ . ' TiogikiPar . =lll ONE • 0. SEE V STORE,: OR,O, • PA. ME tte„ &e.,"Arc tielen uanally kept In such en.; gold low for and i promrrtly, and on short, MI CIE eery Goods! MIL AINERY, ParasolS, Gloves, WM ;BOX Amovrtftp, Int very loTr - priceq.. Drop. in and Mn. 0. P. SMITH. St IMII beet cashing Aiachlne7 havautea. II to satiety the roost , skeptical. ,Per ! purchase, will address • • LUKE STEVENS, Tioga, Pa. Dentistry. ed from A visit Era, I am now pro' anew stock of goods cud instruments, inducements to thoip in want of any- Artificial teeth inirerted on a new e, at low rates. Teeth extracted with rvation of the natural teeth a speciality. Tcrina reasonable. A. B. EASTSCA.N, Dentist, IVellsboro, Pa. SADALIS E IIiGgEDIENTS THAT C 31POSE ROSADALIS are p • 11311•1;c1 on every package, there it is not a . secret preparation, co seqaently PI YSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT. a cedilla' cure for Scrofula; , • philis in all its forms, Rheumal , Skin Diseases , Liver Conti' pint and all diseases of th , 0 E..tOTT4E OF nOSADALIS 1 1 do more good than ten bottl • f the Syrups of Sarsaparilla, Hf t LIfjOERSIGNp"..O PHYSICIANS re used It esadaliti i n their practice 1r the past threo years and freely 5,.. - 'Bo it as a reliable Alterative Ili . illood Purifier. . • ' ~ 1101 . T. - C. PUGII, - Ot taltlrinio. D ,T.' I. DOVICIY, , - ~I . .. .. D .R. IV. CARR. 1 .. 1)1 . F. 0. DANNELLY," DR. 3. S. SPARKS, of Nicholasville, K y. DR. , J: L. I I)IcCARTHA, Colon:ibis; DR.A. B. NOBDE.S;Fdgecomb, N. C. •_.l. • ijaEP :AND BNDOBSED BY ,T.l`,lllE•tickit, SONS,,);`all River, & - , ass. - • • - • P. . &MITlf, Jackson, Mich.. 4 1 .. .NV IIFF.LER, Lima, Ohio.' LL, Unto. 07.i0. I 'EN. ZOGlCE4Pgrdolovilile, Va. • g lits. , / T.t., G. McFAMDEN:,, gurfrees. ' boro,Tatity. .- d, - • • U,' Onace Will not allow of any ex. tended remarks in relation to the slues of Itosadalis. Tothe Medical 111. feasion we guarantee a Fluid R. tra t superior toany ; they . have,ever nat ' in :the tichtment, of, diseased 11l s od; and to theaßlieted weaay try 110 dniis, - and you will' be restored to health. ' - osadalls is sold by 'all Druggists; cc 81.50 per bottle. Address DR; CLUENTO al CO. - • milufaciarifig chemists, - rimernicoar, CIA j_ MI WAYTEP, - : FOR EEJ RAILWAY TIME TABLES: -E - RIERAIL Y AtiStltaororixtriZiota,Aragreo Novaara,lB7l._ BBB? IMPROVED _DRAWING ROOM .and SLREPING COACllRB,copabluln g all litodorn Itnprove ! m anta, tiro inn through on all Trains balloon Buffalo, I'iiagara_ralla Su/pension Brhlgo,Alovhaud.Clnclu . • not' and New 'York. - • Westward. I - EtTATIONEI. NewY'r'kL've Jersey izicy! , 6ueq'hauua'• Groat Bend." Dingheton.‘; •Olrego. Waverly., " Elmira. VOrailig. Painted Poet" Rechester.Ar. Buffalo. • • f 4 211agrarall'" Suep.Dridge" Clifton " Dunkirk " Cleveland 't Cincinnati " Additional Local Trains 'Weatward. 6.00 a. m., except Sundays, from Owegcr. 1- • 6.0.0 a. in., daily, from Snaquebana. . , 0.60 a. m daily, (rem Susquellann. 1.00 p. m. except Sundays, from Suaquebarm. ' • 1.16 p m except Sundays, from Elmira. Stopping at Big Flats 1 39, Corning 200, Painted 'Post 200, and thence, via Avon, to Buffalo, arriving at 885 p m. , 2.8 0 pm except Sundays,from Binghamton, Eastward. STATIONS L'ye 'Cleveland " Dunkirk " Clifton 6 , gusp.Wire " Niagata I'..'• Buffalo ' " Efornells'vle" Rochester " Corning Elmira. • " Waverly Owego I , ignghtneenh Great Bend Busqueban'ac. Port Jervis " fdiddletown" Bonbon : " Newburgh I Paterson Newark " Jersey City " New York A. FOLEI - Additional Local Trains Last war 6.00 a m.,sundays xcopted. from Ifornelivlllo 6.65 a m,, daily from Elornellaville. , ' 7.00 6 m.. oxcept Sundays,Trom Owogo.l 7.60 a m., except Sundays, from Eltn • .1.68 p. m.. except Sundays, from Painted Pcst, 1 2,10 ail p. m., except Sundays, from flornellsville. *D. t Mon y days excepted, - between Ifornellstille and Pert Jervis. L. D: Gon'l Stip% Noithern C,int • Direct Rout° North an South, '.oe and after Sunday. Nov 12th, 18234 Trains wil depart from Troy, Ps., as follows : rd LIMVE SOUTIIWARD.- Mall A. M. Bo Into ExPreip, 10.80 P.M. li!'maport Accom. 7.10: Niagara ExprEps 1.05 P. M • TRAINS LEATH NORTHWARD. Hall, `ll.BO 'Pi Id: Eluilra Aocui.lo 05 A. M Niagara Exprega 4,30 P. M. Buffalo ExprOs'4,27 A. R. FISKE, General Superintendent. J. A. REDFIELD, AWL Gezel Stun.. Welisboro & Lawrenceville H. Time Table• No. 3. TAKES EFFECT TEORSDAY,Nov.I6II4,IB7I. GOING NORTH. STATIOXB. obiNa sons. . 680 pas 11 10 am. Corning 1900 n is t, 7 50p no 425 pm 10 05 am Lawrenceville 10 /7 a m 50 pm 4.14 pm 955 am Dunning 'lO 27a m 59 p m 408 pm 961 am *Lathrop . ' 1032 am - 04 p.m 861 pm • 940 am • *Bear Creek 10 40 a m 010 pm 840 pus 933 am Tioga 'Mao 10 66 am ,0 20 pm 3.81. pm 918 am , - *Hammond 111 1211 m 935 p sn' 819 pm, -907 am - *llllls Oreelcill 25 a m 940 P in 4 818 pm 900 am ' Holliday 'll3la us • 50pin 803 pm 851 am . 'Middlebury 1/ 11 am ' 11 69 p m 254 pus 848 am Niles Valley ).1 49 am-105 p pa 242 pm 831 am *M arsh Creek 12 02 pm 1 1.8 pia 235 pm 805 am Welleboro' 1 12 09 a m •1022 pm *Flag Stations. A. .GORTON, Sup't. , Illossburg & Corning 10 Tioga R. R. GOING NORTH 1110 am 630 pm 10 66 ara 616 pm 10 42 am • 602 Dm 10 80 am 460 pm 10 26 am • 445 pm 10 15 am 4 35 pm 10 03 am 421 pm 953 air 411 pm 949 am 407 pal 937 am 357 Tm 926 am 847 pm STATIONS .Corning Mulholton • Erwin Cent Cook's • Lindley Lawroneevil Somer'stam Old Station Tioga Mill• Creek )41cCov's Lamb's Croe Mansfield Canoe Camp 846 am 309 pin Covington 826 am 250 pm Blossbtirg 225 p m Somerville 225 pm ' Fell Broot H.OORTON, I L.l Stipt B. R. R. 9l6am 837 pm 906 am s27pm InsuranCe Ins , Hand in H:1 Mutual Life Insurauoe I OFFICE, Ho. 112 S. 4TH, ST., P. INCORPORATED FERRI, Y 23, 1867. Charted Capital $r700,000. Assrps OVER , / $1,000,000,00 • . Stock and Mutual, combining Seclity with Profits ; Suppose you are already loaned in)a first-class corn pany, and tronrany cause whatever, (flay after ten year ly-payments) you do not or cannot pay longer and die— your insurance gone and your money wasted. Not so in the g‘HAND-Nri-IiAND 4" all Policies are NoN-Part- PittzumE. This company which ranks among the most popular and successful Life Insurance Compardes,- -grants imi tates on all desirable plans, both with• and without profits. • _ Traveling Priveleg \ es Vniestrietea.: en policies are incontestiVe after Otte . year from any the ordinary causes. Eook,to your Life Insuranee. 'Please examine the following Comparative Table. It isio di melimes alleged by Agents of other Companies that e Company they represent is safer,;- than others. e we' 'unhesita tingly assert our belife in the soundness and stability of all companies, wo desire to presrnt - the „ following for the inspection of those 'desdring,to insure : Of the following 'companies;*compare the annual pre miudis charged by each for'tn insurance on life at , the age of 80 years, payable at death : Annual premium , for life. Travelers' ' cas 344 ' Etna,— ' 22,73 - Homo - ..... Equitable ....... . . , 22,70 Washington, 22,70 r Hand-in-Hand 10,50 If 'not already insured take a p '- ' , - _ "HAND:HT:HAN the beat Mutual Company in th Jan. 1, 1872. • - - A- 4, ir-LAS now in stock, awl wit hand, at• the lowest mar: ol Twine, 2 & 4 ply cotton •• 8 & 4 strand. Knowl's patent Ste JAM 130REWS, TAO • • CLOTH AND WIRE I ERALLY: E3fER 1 FOR GUISIM4.7 e full assuitineut of Lek ORINDSTONES.,OAV ROWS IN ANY QU VILLA ROPE • INCR 'DO I' No. 1 2, mare engine op. Come in Miil tats iiituct It is yoiuselt anp . oblije Jen. 1 2 1871 - --''. • No. 6. 1 No 34* ' No.l. 11.00' est! 6130 ul 7.00 . i 11.15 i 6.45 el' 7.a0 " 8.16 p :1; , 166 2.364 it 8.37 11 2.17 41 16 • " 2.62 ft , 3.26 " 10.10 11 f 3.40 4 1 4 .11 11,00 • 1.4.27 11 448 " 11.00 " i 0.06 11 ' 5.15 12 30 A u? 6.42- 1 6.01 " 12.!3013: 4 ' 10.20 " 2,05 " 1 7.05 -pm 7.20 Btt 6.20 11 11-20 ,A MI 11.20 A m 7.05 ",1210 . pyi12,10.rai 7'.1.0 12.16 ff , 112.16 of 7.15 " 12.20 " , {.1220 41 7.20. " 12.54 ";112.54 11 0.65 P z 0.65 "11 065 ." 7.00 ran 19, A at 0 30 A )I 13-45 " 4.30 Dln 5.13 P AI 6.63 g , 6.80 " 7.05 , g 7.88 " 11.40 " 8.5313 up 12.00 NV 12.45 ex 12 63 " 1.00 " 2.22 " 7.00 " 6.00 P M No.4' N048.t, i No 2 N0.12* 11 40 am 1000 pm 10 00 pm ... 640 p m_lo.oo 4 ; 440 am 646 ‘ 4, 10 06 446 " 560 64 10 12 "' 4 62 " . • 045 n 40, 41 700 " 10 46 - " 330 am 1005 " 515 " 715 " 946pm' 725 m 126 pm 140 '• .145 4 ' 245 616:Sup 400 pm 785 .” 812 :'' - 847 ' 9 32 10 15 12 20/t m 4 " 1180- ."11 08 4 4 " , J 5,35 ' l4 - 12 08 P M 87 " 008, ". 12 41 p m 219 44 ' 646.'•' 'l. l BPm 305 " -3 -727 41 166 pm 035 4 4 762 " 217 p m 400 ", 826 44 . 247 pm 750''• 1205 pmi 018 Pm 845 ". 12 63 " t 904 " 1103." 252 am 353 a 0 . 16 pim • **** 836 p m 11:00 am 247 'f 840 Tim 205 p,ro 516 " 11 38 am 323.' 9 15_pm 12 00 m 340 925 p 660 '' 700 " OBS " 700 " iVM. It s 13A 1 RR, • Go . 4 ! Poes.Aet GOING 7 5.0979 -9 00 EMI 50 pm 919 am 805 pm 1 983 am 818 pm 046 am 880 pm 9 50 am 836 pm lo 10 15 am 848 pm it 10 27 am 8 59pm 10 87 am 908 pm 10 41 am 912 pm 10 55 LIM 925 pm 11 02 am 932 pm 11 44am 10 15pm 1205 am 10 35pm 12 25 am 12 45am .1311AITITCH, upt Ttoga B. B. Company, I ELPMA. Ten annual I • payments. t 8 3.4 1 42,80 • ,40,07- 46,97- 82,00, dicy with tho trnited States: iNGRAM, Agent. I ' Aidaal 1: keep constantly' on et quotations. jutetwlne. Marlin 2, Ladder, from 8 to Bft. B _ • CE,A," WIRE WHEELS SAWS. thuron and Berea I , yam, EAR ! : - tom OXE complete easortimerit of Meelanics Tools, . HOUSE MILDEW HOLD HAMM "NU 01VHAND., PRIM ON A g HAS, 'IBM AND ROUSE.. CONSTAII-.; BOTTOM ,BICtULTU- - hors, . I . ' •. 1 7- theewibote J. B EIFFEL rar. Ohi ,how my heart aloha for my own native hum, ,Where potatoes Wilerde'hei eood weieomo are alwaye at hand, And cfritios plea smoke in a row ; R here ( ho rmddin? the 11E40 of himger oft screens, And, wiutt lathe tlecrer=ii pet of-baked Vents. Let Maryland paast of I.ter dalntics iiroftise, Her largn =katermsionii and eattelenes fine, Par Miles and oysters, and terrapin steWe, • .And soft era 4 blgb zetiteamith brandy and peitber rry heart front, foy , ,patlFe land weans, s Wlten'sntoisea OnliLetable a s pot M 64cd I;eang, Tsni Co pot of baked beans 1 with pleasure I saw it, Well seasoned, well ported, by some iosy.faced (Janie, And when from the gloving hot oven she drew it, Well crisped iiti(l to olvied tope table it came; Oh I Rlti C nie my country, tbodaMlnf my i tem , Of the dark Whitt piuldilly and Pot of bated !wafts, Tlicit,of Naked bowl ab, the muse is too Bail ;Its taste to tteseauf on—lts vii flea to tell; But look at the sons of New Eng and so hale, And liei'ilaught'ers eo 'rev .Iwill tenet: thee ru3 welt : • ' 1 1 :. • ' ,Like me It ylll tench thee to sigh for the Infat 3 Of health anti oil rapture-110 pot of baked beans, , I . , —X„. y. A'smat. , The Bt. Lan IS 'Aties has a bon $100,1.10u Worth of libel suits pending against it. '.The pair merchants have ;exhausted - - Eu• rope, and are now canvassing Iceland fur chignon inatcriaL , An 'escaped - leopard i§ ° traversing -.N ew Jersey.' He does not tarry long' in One place, but changes his spots Continually. The loss - -of :too 'vessels,' the Urchin, of Carnaryon, and the Mary - 8., 'of ijanelly,' with all ou board, - is repOrted; from Lon- ATice bridge was formed across the St. Lawrence of Ogdensburg, which has Lap pened,but twice. during the premst.century Theodore Pnrker once•said he wished that ministefs•and letureis -WOW 43c a little more generonsi)ragpiAtin4 more. stingy of words. ' , The new Boston Journal which is to tip pear about the Brat of next March, is to be called the Globe, and is to be of the sltpe and ,appearance of the New York Tima Mr. J., T. Trowbridge, the popular wr tet for juvenile readers, at-great - personal risk has just saved the life of a lad -who fell through the ice on Spy pond;) near BostOu. Out on the Wabash a Hoo.4ier is haunted by two ghosts, one of which is a white-robed female who glides silently before his eyes with a second-hand coffin under: Tier arm. Arany cases oi diphtheria in NpitbaraNew England are fatal this - winter. ~"I.fiL one New Hampshire town the schools are 'now sus pended on account of the dread disease. The schooner R Bullwinkle, from Rock land for New York, waiburned at sea on the 10th. The, captain and crew; Were saved and brought to New - York by the' schooner Portland. A - Newburypott woman lately became the happy mother of triplets, one of which . has black hair, one red, and' the othet white. She won't have to tie pieces' of ribbon on them to know them apar. • The House of the /Kansas Legislature passed a resolution to appoint a joint com mittee to investigate the alleged frauds in the election of Uniied States Senator last winter, without a disvnting vote." It is said Stokes add young Bennett had a dispute at Delmonieo's last year, when Stokes insulted Bennett, and the Commo dore seized him by the throat. • Stakes then. drew his revolVer and flred, - ; - but missed Bennett. The affair was - afterward hushed. up. 511 The - Louisville Courier,r6urnaZ has the following: - A Janesville . .Mis.j paper says the girls of that town "sleep With their eel.- seta on." When those Wisconsin girls take a notion to be squeezed they are going to be even if they have to haVe it done by ma chinery.... • After a , duel in Russia, which resiilted in the death, of one of the combatants, and du rinithe funeral 2ervices, the survivor en tered the church, advanced through the crowd of ,nioniner,s,-knelt beside the coffin, and prayetl to the soul of the' departed for forgiveness. • On the 19 h ultimo, in .tew Orleans, while the circus of James Robinson NV*3 parading the streets o a dray collided with a car on top of which was a royal tiger. The animal Fen -ly frightened by 'the accident that he rep tecl a blood vessel and died in a • few mintite.. • 11 12am 943 pm 11 24am 9 55pm John - fusrn is unable to subscribe to - the fund for th restoration of Warwick Castle, at least unii he has filled up his list . for the relief of tTV • married couples ; a Ifoman and her daughte , and a young man - and his sis ter, who all sleep and live in one London room sixteen feet square. A couple of weeks ago, a 'than in Jeffer son 'county,- lowa, named Sens, committed suicide by hanging. He was found in a. barn with a written confession of a mysteri ous Murder of aGerMan, which , occurred two years ago, pinned 'upon. the breast of his coat. Robbery was .the Object of the murder, - and conscience was the motivepower, of the suicide. • •71 = HOckVille now boasts of zi ,man who got, married,' became . happy_ father ) , buried both wife and. child, married again, and buried the Second wife, all inside of eleven. months. He remarked, with great emotion as well as origiAnlity, when handing in for publication the notice of his last -Wife's de cease : ~•`There's no rosé withcint itstliorn "' He ought to know. This is from Punch ; "Muic• at hone-- Mrs. Lyons Chacer; 'How cruel of you to get up so suddenly, dear Mr. gumblettun ski ! ls anything wrong. With the piano' Herr Rumbletumski, (with pardonable se • verity.) ''No, 3latam, but rN . 'Os avraid dat I , inderrupted de -general , gonversatiOn r Mrs. Lyons Chacer; tOh l dear!-. Not -at .all ! Play go on:'" - . - • •-• ' -- , • I . . . , The following notice Was .scrved- upon, a -northern school-teacher; in Texas ,r -cently, signed ,by some eight:or • ten of- th - larger boys, three of them - between se'vent ell% and twenty'years Of age: "We, the Uri&. signed, i t , require you to treat-to a lnilliel — c4."' ecans,, five pounds of raisini, and three of :Candy. ryou refuse, We will putyciu in the deipest. tole of. water - within one mile of. the school hrse." , ./ ! - , - i Anna Dicki / nson; in s yeplyi to Alexander Troup, whO challengedl her . to diseliss < the labor question with him - in 'public; hays :• ."The question is An open one; flue Means of information concerning it_ ample; -and. 0.16 truth to be reached thiongh: a. thousand Avenues., I trust that every one ,interested will - seek for. thii truth as dilligently ,as I have striven 'after . if, . and finding it, will - abide by its decree." - -' : - - 7 ' ' - I ' . '. ] IEI _ -The NeW York Coni — nterciat- Adrerilw . says: "Another election row hi the city, of BrOtherly Love. yesterday, and one man killed—an unusually modest' result. There: is no eitylin the Union which offers superior inducoments for - gentlemen trained in the._ noble art of taking human' life-at election.' New : York can not deny that in this respect Philadelphia is opal to, if na_more than tnach for it.” • . There is flow a 1ar..6 pep . ..shaped !spot - on that side of the sun that zs torued towards u - It Is - about. forty thousand milesin diameter, which is equal to thiet:quaiters . Of a min ute of-tin arc—.-equal,to:an angle . subtended by:o3linches at a: distance of one lane from these. -,lt is ‘tt'vety good test of.the'vlsion thr i pVg . h:f44l,(94 gl4s, icquitingiticyc i sigbt of a little more. Ahoy. -.the average ,peaptra tion seelif Withouf . i,nuOtifei; ' i niCfoPo t is a llttie to the;;left t ,A4 siln e AiStatiee . belOw the apparent' qetiffir. of iho .solar diejA - • := ' THE -YANKEE'S, LAMENT. ALL. SORTS.