Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, February 07, 1872, Image 1

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    ___-- ',". _.,...».._. _.t.
,:iPZ,)' ,
• 0.
6,4 W. ItLY ill ,
• .rtTnytnnEn.r.vrter wr.ntmsnAor DT
r. C. VA': GI:T.DEIt. 1 BARNES.
ta-Trnms :—5 . 2,00 per aunnin nilynnoe..-W...
TES OF' ADVERTIMI:ki) , '.),
Time. t , i ill 2 In. 3 in. 4 id. 7 in. 12 in 25 In.
1 w e e k ; .$ . l 00 $2 00 $3 00 $4 00 $0 00 $9OO $l4 00
3 Wevt.l i 1 CO 3 00 4 00 6 00 70111 11 00 - 113 OD
3 w e d vi 1 200 3 4 41 u 5 GO -6 00 8 00 13 00 IS 00
11101.01 250 , 4 COQ 000 7 001 90015 00 20 'OO -
2 11000110 4'oo 0 001 00010001200 20 00 28 00
3 m 1. on thloo 8 00112 03 13 00 15 0 11.25.00 2540'
0 Mouths 1
sox) 42 00 1.. 00 20 00122 00 35 00 00 00 ,
1 Year. 12 01116 0-3)20 00 23 00135 00,60 00 100 00
xiv,rtisements are calculated by the inch in length
of colarrin, and any less space is rated as a full in
Foreign advertisements must bo paid for bef o in
sertion, except On yearly contracts, wiled' half-yearly
payuisnts in advance will ho required. -
Bret Narr.. 0 - I,PiittßOMltattill COlpiefAtaD
second page, 3,410 , * ata:pftilivltbeiiihts ins i
to inserted for iisa than ,SL
Loci t NoricL. in Local column, 10 cent per line if
more than live 1 nes ; and 50 cents for a
otictt of fl,O
Hues or lo.e.
SPECIAL .:' , :o - ners 50 per cent above re: ater rates.
BCSlsxss CAIIPA S hues or leas, $5, per year.
Basiness C rds.
C. IT. Sey7 four, -----
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tioviya. All business en
trusted to Lis care will receive prompt attention.—
Geo. NV/Merrick,
i -
ATTORNEY AT LAI .—ORIco in Bowen 8: Cone's
block, acres hall rom Agitator Office, 2d finr
Weroboro, Pa.-0, .. 1. 1672.• ~.....3
8: Cameron,
Claim and Insurance Agents.
over Van Order's, liquor store,
Illitel ell
eII'O'ENEYB iitlaNr.
Oirico in Roy/ a block,
We'Moro, Va.—Jan. 1
William A Stone,
ATTORIm i 714401-475x::1s pi,411.1„,
4 ,
Etou,Ar,v,S3leyi,l3Ply. gn.Sret
A74 j
osiali Emery Sz; C. D. Emery,
ORNEYS AT LAW.—Ofriee opposite Coat TrollW
No. !Purdy's Block, Williamsport, Pa. All business
/ promptly atto»cle,l to.—Jan. 1, 1872.
J. C; Strang,
Offlcevitlt 42,11. liil46,:p4.,'WeßsborotTa.-Jan". .74
. ,-. .7 - 7 -, , ~..1 ., 1,-; t •:
, , i J.'P.il , f /ICS, '• * g
Y' •
AT LNW.-Wi li attend promptly
iness entrusted to his Can in the counties of Tioga
and Potter. Mize on the Avenue.—Wellsboro, Pa.,
Jan. 1, IEI2. '..
J no. W. - Adams; .2. vi' •,„
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mar:silo:3, Tog county, Pa
Collections prompty : ttended to.--Tau. 1, 1872.
Jno. w: Guernsey,
ATTORNEY AT LAW2...411 - jouaineaa. , entruated t9 . ttrm
will be promptly attend4ll6.= 2 olficrlst - dciar °oath
of Wickham & Farr's store, Tioga, Tioga county, Pa.
Jan. 1, 1872.
• Armstrong & Linn,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, William port, Pa.
Wm. 11. AT P m:Imo:No
s.orcrt LINN.
E. ,Smith,,
PENSION krTitiTtltrY, 'llolllaV'anllnsurAtick Agant.
CQmmuticatfims to the, above addreea will re
.elve prompt attention., 41"euria- ni 9 atr4e l.7. -Snot
villa, Pa. Jan 1, l 872: " '
Van Gelder ,N,'' Barnes,
JOB PRINTERS.—AII Linda of Job Printing done on
shut noticv, and in the beat manner. Oft Ic . a
en S Cdne'a Tp:ore.Tifki - r;i:- . 7.T,iin. -- 1, 1872 - .71 :-
Terben . & Co.,
WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, add dealers in 'Wall Paper,
Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass,
Oils, tce.--.Corrcing, I, rtsl2-:
D. Bacon, 31. D,,
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Pat door east of Laugh
orlhelte=—Mttin Street.. Will attend proplptly to caL
calls.--WellsbortN, Jan. 1T 2 - - - - - ' - -
• A. 111. Ingham, ICI. D.,
HOIIi:EOP,ATHIST, Wilco at hie rep:Mance on the Ac
enue —Wei.E3horo, Pa., ,Tan. I, 15;2.
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.—Onzo—Opening out of
Hastings 4 Culee'n Drug F;torc.—Wellsboro, Pa., Jan.
" • Seeley; Con y,41 .- -
• 7 4 ; v„ . ... 7
USHERS, Knoxville., Tior:i o.7tii.t.-11eceivo
on deposit, discount notes, and sell drafts on New
York City. Collections promptly made.
lionox.:1 SEELEY. Osceola.. VINF. CRANDALL.
Jan. 1, 1872. -DAvin COATS. KDOSViIIe.
tj4 Parkhurst ct C0., -
gags••,, EUdui 1, Tioga Co., Pa.
C. L. PArnsoN.
Jan. 1, 1872
Sabinsville hotel,
B.IIIII , I9VILLE, PA., D. Churchill, Dropttetoehis
House is In fiend er:maltiout9l.lcommoclate the traTel
tug public in n superior ma ne.r.—Jan. 1, 1672.
WESTFiELD, PA., Geo. CD:rse, Proprietor.—Good aC
commodation for both man and beast. Charges rea
sonable, and good attention given to guests.,
Jan. 1, 1t372.
Farmers' Temperance Hpotel.
BA,TESIAN 310NP.OE, Laving purchased tlhis house,
will conduct in future as in the past, attic ly on tem
pertnce principals: Evory netminino,latio for wan
an. belst. 4-r:_ilialry.r- teslonaige.--Well rO, --- 4,'ser
Jan 1, 187; 2 :7",.. ..e.,, 1,,,. .1... A: 1,
.X... • 4 Ir t
.j..... :5
M.ILI 1 . I 1
, Union Hotel. 1,
Wir. B. VAN - 11011N, -Praprietor, Wensboro•
houseds pleaaantly located, and baa .all •
lencei for iniwnha bpr:sf." Cliargei
1, 1672.
Weillsbo I°o note',
This is a ponds , ffnt , .ll,le.t , ly kepthy 8. - Holiday.
the Proprietor will spare no pains to make it a first
class house. All the stiges at rive and depart from this
Louse. A good hostler in attendance. EV - Livery at
Jan. 1, 1872.
Hotel for Sole.
l'aeri;'an llntl. Nelson, Pa. ' lionse and
bun nearly new half acre- lava. On the 1;4 -
tdc4var.ca q ua--
ing conainenced, 100 :nennt work near by. The
timpetty will be soil at a bargain. A good man can
pay for the Property while the road i 3 being built.
Terms easy, r, 4
V‘ dr r gsifa tit L•A I 4reisl l ig4 k *'
THE Ct.l_4l7}-; •
"PENDisviyou HOUSE"
- .
lILATELY known C. 3 G/ ouse autil
fors time oVißiplod.lly • Ni P ell'
thorciylay orltt ell taftt aA. :or)
who will be hippy, to 4‘,....;oininotlnte the obi friends of
tiitts ouse. at Tory. -pp oppNi3-4teB
: - • -
an 1 m 2
. .
Irti n rtEaineturg ( Pa ;,CopittiaoStVetriiist ,-% 1.
1 Pert4ce priuciplM b) , the subeeriber, w 0 1.11 /
1 1 111 spare pop na to mato this" house a plena.
ant home fcr th traveling public. Being well eupp ed
' 4 , tb house arrl . table room, be will at all timea ett
`l47or,ba pro 1.,.e cUfy. tomfort pr both man and
boast. • ••-"•• - - War.-.0.411VEL. 1 " -
Nov. 15, 1671-il."
Bteholder- &-..Johnson,
_ Wain Street opposite Foundry,
Ira ,z.
All other Marble work execut-ii
tenable rates. We also furnishcr•clor, ry
sr. an
Cate Cate Mantles. Orates; random , I. C .
I'. A. ,391.1=1011,4;c:
Jan. 1, 1872, Gm
Few - Sale Ch,
F °
polo t or e4.iEßH od 44: . z
Ati?,2. l
„u entirely new. inpaireo at tills Moo
• . ,
, rmit lytlo f or, refidAs Will doubtless .re 7
iitembitr thafi 'Aito"rt , 'thit - . 0 since—last De, -
' comber we b ieve—Mr. Henry W. Long:
fellow publi hed, in the At/antic .3fonthty„% a
poem entit d "The Vision Beautiful" ,whieh:
Was very ,imilar in thought and expNa4n
i.o.the.o e which wepiint beitaw - v•'-'thisitolO,','
the PIA , atlelplilit Press says, was written by
a kiflk_Philadelphia lady, EleanOr p,
Don elly, and was published originally in.
th Continental, a magazine which has siribe .
sq. pendecl. Remarking upon the curious
l likeness of the two poems,: the Press spe4s
s follows -.• "It is scarcely credible that.
rikict of Mr. Longfellow's exalted reputt-:
tion could have directly plagiarized la'
i l l
poem from that by our own townsworaa
Supposing that he Were capable of so d
honorable an act as appropriating as his oufrt
the exa t
ideas, and imagery,. of an obsetlf,
Ivoitalifly l ia : " .. tgbiat Ade . ~. rred by te
certamtY that so
.bcold a plagiarism woUld,
be detected and-exposed. There is a much
more rational explab at ion of the coinciden4 _:
The legend of the_ monk and, the vis it" ,
which forms the warp of both - poems, *V]
into which Miss Donnelly 'haw woven tick
much, fanderness 'and devotional feelini,.
eXpressed in the most felicitous :vOrsiflcation;-,
is evidently hundreds of years old. It bfr
19.Ugli.to medirevrkl,timvs-- 7, toattpld 4gis'
ipel IWilit citllifeFi" ' . I boitt "hoes, the 4,::
probably reeeivd their ideas and inaPir4-::.
tion from the
4 ma y
source, and Longfellow;,
refore, may never have seen the exquit R.
site verses of Miss Donnelly: Indeed, tie,-
think that if he ever had seen theT. Ile :
would never have gliceri io 'Wm' iiiihlle ate-',j'
=other version of the sm." legend,
_..3yhielt. is
inferior -Infielicti6y — of Ikh - thrteni; in richnetta
of imagiry, and
4 4 in•smoo!inittp l ,l„„and .bettnly
of:vfisifidlifiol:l:i ;- 's ,
Tf.;;AUE "il ' f3l6ll 4 "VITE `rox* ABRIEL.
'Tis tile soft twilight. Round the shining fender,
7-' l " Nvir 'at m y feet and one upon my knee,
Dreamy-eyed Elsie, bright-lipped Isabel,
And thou, my goldembeided Raphael,
My fairy, small and slender, .
Liston to, what . oefelt- T '7;
C a f .. 0.11.1 :•
tryflie oictagetiripe vhth4 - 4tert- 3
( lir' flogs, fhcilqgent4ten4eil
A bearded roan, with grave but gentle look—
His silence sweet with sounds
With which the simple-hearted spring abounds;
- Lowing of cattle from the abbey grounds, '
chirping pfineect, and tl,w bpilding rook,
' 'Mingled kite murmurs of a dreaming shell;
Quaint tracery of bird and branch and brook
Flittering across the pages of his book,
Until the very words a freshness took—
_ Jegpn l 4acell. r, •
Irrlds book he read
The words the Master to his dear ones said :
"A little while and ye
Shall see, •
Shall gaze on me;
A little while again,
Ye shall not see me then."
A little -b.-Wet
Jan. 1, 1872
Mating his visage brilliant, liquid-eyed;
"0 Thou, whogreelous art
. • -- Untoilk - liner at heart,
~O reat is the Misery.
Of mine tniqulty;
But would /now might see,
'^'=744144 fettarfallkeir'
- . 4Theidorid,Arrtfriiitelden
Nigh rent his veins apart,-
(0 condescension of the Crunifled 1)
tattle brllliansy -
_"• •-' 01"1114
The Christ stood by his side:
Pure 89 the early Illy was his skin, .
ifis cheek outhlushed the rose,
Ills lipS, the gl..)ws
Of autumn sunset - 1 - 3u eternal snows:.
And Ills deep eyes - Withlu, -- ",
Such natiieleSs:W.autle,S; WonarOtts:glortelilwelt
The SlOnii In speechless adoration knelt;
In each fair hand, in each fair foot, there shone '
„pe cries s_siarartle-took. frcairedvxclr.:_r:
in tenderest lucency, .
The thorn marks lingered, like the flush of dawn; "
And from the-opening in Ills side there rilled
A light, so dazzling that the room was filled •
With heaven; and transfigured in his place,
— The friar zoos before his face,
And heard the angels singing I
'Twas but a moment—then, iipon the 813411 • '
Of this sweet Presence, lo I a something broke: t
A something, trembling, in the belfry woke,
Aaliower of metal music flinging
O'er wold and moat, o'er park and lake and fell.
And, througlt the open windows of the cell, ' .
In silver dame's came ringing. _
It was the bell, 1
Calling Monk Gabriel
z 33
z. ..T.ltito_his daily task,
- To feed the paupers at the abbey gate.
No respite did he nsk,
Nor for a second summons idly wait;
But rose up, saying in his humble way: 1
"Fain would I stay.
0 Lord 1 and feast alway
Upon the honeyed sweetness of Thy beauty—
But 'tis Thewill, net mine, I must obey;
Help me to do my duty!"
The while the Vision smiled,
The Monk went forth, if iflit.hearted•es a child.
An hour theoce, his,il4ty,pqpit doße,
yack to hie
rhaskeaMnsought, Ills reward was won! ;
Rafters: and walls, and floor were yet aflame
:':,••With all the nualckiless glory of that Sun,
And in.the centre stood the Blessed One— .
(Pr/11AM lie Hie Holy Name') • t
Who, for our sakes, cur crosses made His own,
And bore our weight of shame!
Down on the threshold fell
Monk Gabriel.
c_ rnnvPn
His forehead pressed upon the floor (Scilly;
And, uhilc iu drpp,
'rev" rgertirgiitiroirt Oa happy htl - es -
..Whed - CO is this favor, Lord?" he strove to say.
The Vision only card,
Lifting its shining head•
"If thou baclat stayed, CI Ron /must have fled l''.
--Continental ilontAtv, Nara, 28439
The rain had been fulling all day, and,
.11.redlaut.01.o.tt turneilin.to4be(....-sorpntmlit
that rises from the , meadow's at'evening.,--
We had just dine,
y 'hajJ , ad fallen
sleepiac - dr, 4al g i t ne , mii 4d, and" ire
two; - 1. - olinhtf - Al'id - 'l, *ere standing at the,
,NVI.Flpw 'poking ,out at the sky, and
htftnining to ourselves.
Suppas&we leave the ark, Father No
ah?' saktmvlifertb me.
- `t2y 4
6540:ialiliow, my dear.' • •
• So much the more reason for going out
to look for it:
She left me and came back hooded, boot .
; I , 2Ai_ • :With :a:
goorfitrii up to me, ,ns
we had just met after a long separation. •
014qW 04141, gin tp get...out: Don't
iroit feelifibwri.l4.4 air is? I should likb
to go on walking, walking. Let us go ever
So far; it is broad daylight still.' And she
„waking great strides
to keepup with me.
t l -Makik. 1 .1110.tik 4 14`.4.2 1 4 1 4_,M 1 the
left entered the wood. .t.tow:,wo.-ired:tbat
'wood! At that hour it was site ti damp,,
and dripping, like the bed °ill.: sea goq,.,
e w-1.1 ~9 e ,4 41 ,„ . palm foot a sat-,
iitatect • crft - Ms til r ear rain op trent .
bled to its fall on every leaf of the droolt
144 ,branglicsz.ii •
be very wet dearest,' I said
sto utiag as I spoke. -
gitilAt4A -. • I have On my thick boobi r
Do. let its . go on.' '
14,,•54) we went on. I thanked my w4fe
her courage "thrit evening, lot nothing. IS
more beautiful.than-theJorest after - a, rahii
diStia at Snafewhen all is 'silence 41:14
peace. The wind has gone 'down, the wi.etti.
.;;;4 asp
, . .
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vEBRIJARY i ' 187 2
I; ! , , .- .• ~_ ..., 1
: ry rain has crept hack to its cloudsohe Very.
_nye ~fall,ing asleep and!_dretiming bf
dryness: •To me-there is a tvell4oVed chat *
in feel lug-really alone, when there are - 00Y
two of ps andiVerarc nitiv_in arm; in walk•
under the great gree - nareheS;in
Trig 13c.,!,.,!0‘.if : 'fieienf, # ;the, - st,#,o ci )11
i~kiii ill '.srtek against the 'Massive. "oaki
and h,earing the 'long, -
the'neighboring trees; in'stoPping short at
tint ery of a breaking twig, at the sound of
the drops pattering 'from - leaf . to leaf; in
drawing i n long breaths of the..freah,-,rain
-washed flirt' iii listening eyes
may use' the expression) -to the excinpfte
)tartpOnysof all theite shy anitiubile tenet.,
The, metaphor is so true that-it its become tilte, but Ido not use it for iltE,Salio,ofpnt
ting*Ords together.: ' -
On a fine day, When the'sUn 'is near Set
ting, everything grown rosy and high-color-.
ed, like ihe.faen of a -..itandsotrie girl spin;
ping OVe'r'tiit; tire. ":There,is a Wartnth, and
a vividness of tone, boon' nature is thrilled
.and topched, and 1:1,-„e"feel,:tliat:throttg'4`
47 , giio-lifts:lutd , her Share.of - hive and plea;
forest is
'foliage sparkles .with diamonds- and rubies .
atLemera ' • • lds • - and evert.
,no and then
I 411e31100 . 4r.,,tinnks yen l eateltte SuddeniSt#r,t-..
!zling gleam of igold:- Then Yonluipie
ie1i.04F . 4;•ii1q 1 4! .. ."1tP . ' 635 :b 6 _! . ;
Ihint...parmony i nnexpeeteu sight' of
Cliest:- 7 - - like7 a - .cathedral,
. I ,w.herellieloOd trumpets burst . :out and a
wboie nagtin. Shout -Alleluia!
ui- on *0.42 :: day' it 'iS,,'qpite'anolher
tliiitg;. no briglititeis.then,- no trumpets: and
f!tnls., attire goes tq 'her ~bed- , thaCrililik
31,7ith tearful-'eyps. andwmaryeci.- desire . • to
yawn.. ,'tile viglins, ae, aclein4that,o49l4/ayp:
sleep, pre ittt their lowest Unil.'slowest; -7on:
curl-liardlylear their' to ;;
sic. .It 'IMO :a
sliesta;;,hut . sweet is it
site its harmeny; :that it is not an eas y 'thinF
...for - the loitering lover the .Masie of the
- eye to decide which phase he preferiL-tiie ,
J'ereizit Veiled in,the gra,y,maptlo t,_
or the'forest dazzling in its golden gleams
'& 2 6p:fender. „ :.• , -
We were going along under
,a clump - jof
birches when itt gentle - little Wind' intssetl .
over us, stirring . the tree tops, and,.. they,
with a sudden shake like a-bird from Its .
bath, sent down on us a _shower - of liquid
diainonds. •--• • •
Oh, heavens!'. :cried .:Lonisa, stopping
dead short, ' the horrid Wind! lam entirely
soakcclr ' . • " ' :
tier- skirt guttered in the -wind, and
caught sight of tWo'tiny
ect close together in the grass:. ,
- Perfectly - soaked r she " repeated fi ' my
hood was pushed back, and I have a deluge
doWniny neck ,ft whole river.' -
• •
;'Where; poor dear!' where?'- -
'Where? . just in the middle of my
throat,.. Say-4n the little place—'
She looked at me and we laughed. It
was there I always kissed. her. Habits are
easily forthed even in youth.
I brushed 51,ff the rain, _readjusted 'her
hood, *and, when she was comfortable'again
She said wittri4*lie;.‘-)cou..are very, r nice.;''
I rither , think I kisseq : hei., - And in high
good humor, we dinced over the: tern, shp
leaning on niy: arm; then,
.as.wo came into
thp sonorous _silence of 'the (high groVitht,
- shesuddenly broke out, to-the -tune•of• thp
•!'MarsellaiFie,' into foolish little-song 14
her own invention about a wicked-husband
who did not love his wife at -all,'
all. She looked so mischievous
-as' he lin*
ried on, singing and smiling and. thowlisg.
'her pretty white teetii,• that I twklutiekAlTilit
;;iih her. We behaved like
, childieri; We
knew it, and,we liked is a good thing
2 t•
All at once we 'came to, t' place which
might have been a qUagmire, a dried-up
•marsh,-. or n worked-Out quarry—l don't
'know whiei); but the ground was upturned i
the trees Were - destroved, and the gnarled
, _. •_ . • • ,
Vootslooked'angrily out from the, briers.
Are yOUSpre we sha'nt lose'-our way?'
Said Louisa; l i lopking at me.
' Oli - na e d.caiiit.' • - .".- .1 ,•
"?:41..cictif We:iiie lost, what will- that poor
little!;fieliaw, asleep in his cradle this min
lifte:sa-kid-ttibrrow? Shall we. go back?---:
Pay; spill.l.*e. g 6 back?'
' Ihewa t -are only twenty minutes from
.. .... .. .. ..
hizt:tatfi not Imre- ---
- ..:`._Yes;yes; travelers who are lost i the
if:Ootls.itlway. think. they are only twenty
? ,nteS fromhOtne, .1 don't like tho ug
.11:14-I.Stecl- trees;.ther . e must be . : crow, ,s of
'annnais living in those •rocrts.`. • . , . 1 - 1 i
7 ! WS)lliCht4ied Ana • 4icietiinA . forward ;to
listen, said,".-I'here; . ..ch; pin - hear?. potet
S;oti ti&ai thoseLliee4 . blows? Hush, huslB;
heavy, beau blows:: A.t.. - .tliie boor,
,id the
toxeFf,'*liat . ol4 l A.tiei :the:Stu - kb - .set ing;
~.tristened, and did indeed heafaldnll
'sound, the tanse . O iv es easy-tn.:peas.
_ .
l i tould have her at once; but I likeittbe
cll teleee her as site stook terionsiand bent
AO:listen, her lips iiarted,:anii her eyes. tied
: 4 4if*liC; 4fe u IJ l o l gire:
have her. clinging to . In het fright,' and
in rite 4e0ti414 - ttyr6vered, without moving
a muscle, It is strange, indeed; Ido hear
licWy'ilal.l7-rer-lis` - gii — Salvlitirii s it
Go there?
,Dear George, you_ute
' - §tre - thre...*Atetarfts - teNukidvie, ; tied is
lterselt: my; ear, ahnost whispered,
:frightened"; conic away, please-please
t aWay. •, - • • ; r
;...It...vutfft.l).iittle coward ~ yatt taretvi - pi
3-on recognize the' sound = the..:wood-cu
wbiiting in the clearine,-
Ancl - you expect me to believe tin
wood-cuttersY 'What are they doing, p:
They "are cutting up oak loga-to
staves for- barrelSi ol
quite surer'
Yes,• dear.' - t '
Are,-.1v450- - enPvi t igoo fr d
3 " - -xPattieularly thise; ir,now Vain,
Let Its go and see tletnv;it*on't, take
minutes.' -
She consented in follow me, lagging':
little behind. ..fn Another-minute..or twO
we were In the Most pictureaqUe of Spots:.
tetbre'lis ivere, two or,thrvetcabins like-the
th j e shorts of Lake'Olilariotlet
.criltedjo Cooper's, noVgls, COnsioting of_tt
of boards; and trunks
-o£• trees, Ma*:
en ed, nipss-gr j oWn; tan'a 'dark tekPed
by a white chintney, vaieiiekti_jektif . efoi
'escitped . into - green vault
lIISOVV - tis. - Around"' settlement were
h ea ffi4.4EVY °u4 4flggilk
snits of yellowisnred planks, and, on aline
siT. - 004 ( Nlf°' 31 -41349fI rc a , RAf -, <A l f c ' th r
making believe to dry. The ground neat
the !lifts tins troddpq dot j yrr,. , [tytt:t:olle;
isP " .:( . l 9Vl:gi old NYOFROI naiisOing, coAxtzeil l ,
L:ehicxens_ _
:5 7 t0,09(1 evening, Oirffiett cnyeßlOCidAd-,
1:14)Ailld the old i•oinan.a9lvc 11PPrOadAedl.:
' Won't you come in and- watml:ylatirgelVes
a little! It's "n-eiti'ffekli'ihiStVenireg e ."
7-4)lll,4loNf'aSilsUlang , ..at everything, as she`
would Itive,lsOltecl,*.tt auccessful stage of.
feet. We:.4ivent
was. swrthy of ibt l ijuisl6.—i
- 111 - T -L ifur •venA -of Irretu - slitlps;' - full - V;
chinatitid*Alleiii . ill '*h iI%JAW on thei
bkkgil: A 1/ 1 45111 8 9Alkeetiftfipl
/Ale 4..h6 Eon); ftur~hroii ,?
'place. There v : 4 in .the roof, as-in,
the imPluclum_ot.ti;ointui "Mtise, and thc,
flames soared-high, eyontr , the.: opening,:
through a yaWitinglehiinnei :Which let in
the daylight.andlet out:the-ain.iike, we saiv,
pranclies and : gray sky Tit thejembers wits
a pot set : l*.mil; . and.lit- : thecoiners of the, :
Onfuslork.T.ot,:toOlii, materinfs;
and refuse ; three•men4one, a little ..ohl,fc1;:.
low with "'olio* cheetatilacthitel,;-dust porn
Piexion — were ,ehappirigiWaf With all their
might and ;The :three ,were father;'
son, and
..soft-iii4aW;''.tli.li:.47o . !their work , .
slit:valid their -hOme, - - , end:) here ' they livdd
and labored' Year year 'winter and
summer through. -pas! tt:•,,iveek the son.
Went to "the and tin
Sunday the Whole.latallY :played boWls un
der the : great _Tries:„: ;
A.9.3ve:Ofterect. t i.l)63 - ':' - fitOPtieti_ work, and :
each . initnOutring's,poyen , 44s
,us { put dou'y
rrlibtftihyeaVl7ll:i not:, unlike soie,
guillotine axe—an- apOrniolis !Acid'
blade,*with a sliOrtit'andle;atbuirably aclavZ,
ted4oitbeitnirderiof, a oaks,"bu sinister of
drew somewhat closer toi
ii~e on the littiU:teneb had seated . -
Ourselves:J- -' 1
, ••
Doret lateritipt - yMii Work r I asked
the Old znan
Tltruik,-Yeti .slri2we . are Just
going to sUpper . ;7:„ .
The- two young -inea , -...!prqied-'lown their
sleeves, ark4 , , r tbeYAllgiiblered.biti?" - und a large":
table of primitive: made of
tioards, with fouileis; still fri the -
While tbeY i Were a4ting"'"dui:ilttle plates of
thick, blue ~ s toriew,are7 , :: •Ohl
brought a' giciit pan - ,,,Audltbie*',lnto the Inc_
an armful - of- cblry,s::'
-„:•In this atringe,
Otrrefinq&antl.delipatv,;•*l"*agliei dainty
appointineiitsjklong, undresledlid gloveS,,,
Jituatf - liodtiaad liippect 7 tip, - - pat ticpat.,-+-
While I talked tcribewotakeutters she shici-1
Tied. her : her. hands:
and kept - her . fyip::,On,ztlietyl4ltq,begiuning to'
sing in tlie - ,p101;:::"."!.c, - , , • ,
. .
_a . nd; titk,ing the pail
hindle from the -Old;woman, sa n d, 1` Let me
help . you nvare the 'milk will - You?'
• 'The good woman'-let go with a Brune, and
Louisa found,herself:alone, in , the, attitude
- ts# a dalterman-whO• has just had • a ,nibble:
'Blse stood in light' of the",fth.o; her
eyes fixed—On the melted butter, .het Op*
tense yiiii . C:ffsirt.;' She Wasi bitingliCr lips;
probably:to increase her _strength.'
* - `lKalittliet litird on Madame's little liai#ds,'
eflid the,oldhuw bAtl it'sthe" brat time
:You eVer . ritade nn otnisiethi aWoca:Cutter'a
itilt—isn't it; .iris young lady
Louisa Vodiled,, yea . turning her,
eyes from :the,omelet. The ,ggs, 11/o:eggsr
she suddenly. Czelainie4, With -‘arteli A look
of uneasitteislhatiwe all burst out laughing.
' Hurry. with'the eggs! • the buttO is
fing up! *pia, or can't answer for the
conaequelleps.! - - "..
The'old woman beat. ;the eggs' energeti,,
Tile , herbar',eried the
lard,aud _the cried the . young
And th'9s‘iitit wo'ilechuppi4„6ltting,'
- piling.iil4:whilellpuisaz stamping• yith, ex,
qt000;',. 1 q 1 0 out, -: `.Bltiio,)ll44tei PiOze
TiOnAlioio was a tiamendonal-bubhling m y
13, - egary.l, ,Wei
. were' dZ.
"aionuthe fire, gaiing-with ani
interest= lispired by c4r • 4tl! 2.l4Aing i f
had a' finger in the pie:-
The old. wornan her knee 'beside
.Igrge dish, slipped a, knife undet the edge of
the olfieTecATTClll%ll.ii„Litriiiiiter ttlifielorown:
Now , madame you've only get to turn it
` 2 jCIRt sukieste - d
the Old num.
M .
usn't be violent,' couonlP ..
d Y9Png
All At once,' tip*ith
If •
_ .
• ''Make baste; . 2.naclaute!:: • •
'lf you * all talk at once I never shall man
tagelt. It's too awful heavy.!,
One tpilek,' Hide
But I can't ; its going uVef' Ok,gru
eiougr " : I
the heat of 'action her hood had fallen
Her clieeks'oweteliktriVioehAii,:tiVye4
shop?, 410. - t4PVIglk !he - ,..iall.le.ht<Pc her !ate;
sho burst , :otit Of r itittglitel:: Al
last, liSr intOineri'ittiii,the.:.panimoved.
and the'orneletliNd'aiiei:l646,liyai.lleavL
ilk' confess,' into the large dish which the
• t i
am -snit the younkiplegtViiti.iflAtiat be;
firedr said the 'Old Maki, ifilldliejan Cuitiogl
a'Riund loaf into enormous slices:
Oh no, not so, vergefrnxlLlyite" : "oscii7§f,
with a ld!
." -
We -seated ourselveS• -around 'lffiiti - hieL,
'•had" tifdri and distil iili~thq
'good .souls, we arose and made . ready .
:home. -The sun had set;atidilie'WhOre famtl
113t — canic out of the cabin to see us off tone
say good night , t
• you want my son to,
' , the Old woman called after
Trlt•was growing dark - and eliiNy under lln
trees, and we gradnayvii#cifertaii9nnnee.;
[ sing
- r. ‘:Those are hiiPPY-PeOple,' : said 'Loh ia:a-. 2 --,
-. 4 -.We.wilrconfefsOme monlitifitia irriilitlast
;with then!, sha'nt we? fie (eau Mit the till-:
by into one.of.theAlorkiwy.panniers, mar in
the, other alarge pasty-and "a'bottlC . ,'O'f:h'e:,
_You' are not afraid . a losing your way,
'George?' . . .
.'- 1- 104 - ai, inoleiii Effilult.' 7 J .: -,:
• :' A pa.sty. and a . _bottle of , _Witie. ; :,-:Wittit is
ilat ?) • ' " '•' " . .
- - .Notbing-Lthe stump of a tree.'
• ` The ,stump .otii: tree, I - ;P!6';kttliifilY ofll
Mier stuAinitteieit -" Doki't:Yloty'geft4Um'e-
Aiiing'bellind' Usi i ' ' '
1 " ''it's only the wind in ;be letlyel l ,or .l he
breaking of - il t diadll* -- cf0: 1 ‘'.' .i;• ~-.',.:.':,
:11e-isfortutatit ttilho:ut right' inc',4llV,lie'lift
'44 fa pl•ept; . fols it's.biiiM l as at,hls , ow - n 'fire-, 1
side, Yon do not tremble, but you feel the;
t • Silelice. Imtolunta Sl y, i tou .1994 1:91.;-,eyes..' '
peering ont of the rkriess, and'you .tty, to,
Iliettle the- confuse - ftifmti:tippearkiCtadi
- 4;hfiniginieiierir thin ti.'"o9Mbiliiii-Aire:iii. ';.
and sounds keneatlt your I:ect 1 ir yrik4 tit . i
'5'9,4 heat likiiiiett i tirindaiidtetfilkowirof ~
1 1
watch dog, the scream of an owl, and otherit
- ti6fas, far or near , not so 9apli t y; embtitle,d•ji
A j seuse of -StranieWaitilifiminds.:yan...andl
.7e l ight . u9tk 4 qw„rte ; ; X i ygiu_scro_mlzp_iczyod i
walk f e a „ st i e i r Li1 i 9i5.44,11.1 7. tili,9,' 3 qty'At i liSoltil r
;;litive 01 1 .)o 1:o . sour.. - comparloArcit:My•Wife,
'clung to-my tt i rn ,• •• • ...„ • , .17 , 7.. , .A. 'ilt...; . - .7 - ;-' ,..1
-',; Aleet us turn wood-cutters. WC. eouldi
: yr
Antildn pretty lit - tit
gApp gl!. Tyi 0 a lia.v.e.cuitnlusto
`46wEl,' ithif nvittfieti ''''''' 1 3 #`,i 4iy, - ;;ltatd- in'
'Slfe spoke very . 12,7 4 , ,~c j cnelgtttlly, I i
felt her„bund,terniile t • con rani. yr.
'&You would • soon get - einntill "Cif ihnt,i
is&X-Sai to•say no.-.!;;-•
M1llt40• 81. 1v FAlt - )01 1 :•, , thing, I ,doo'ti
.iovd you,log And!outCW3-
Yes, yes, yes. 'Tile nipp!nel
thittito s every . day can't be . c , xpr,qsq.d,
roar bread,who.tbinks'bf d;Al id ° yeC 3t ,
islife itself,. isn't stit= I;dien Sou; ,
•ihnthinkini of yourself, when you p'
1 I
. . ~ ~ ~ -• .
licaljApw4 rod really tyin4; up91,.:0u sak i ,
k lam ungrateful for lam happy -,st I 1 etc.
00,thanks-fer it.? ,Or when • we.2te . alone ,
19gether ansl walking: 4trui. in , . arm; now, at
tbis...very, - 741otnent- - --not that l' , Meitlt - olily
thisitniunenti , ---I love Yon, dear lo.cii, ~ 1- Ike
y0tt..7...0he • • put - -her head - down oh Imy - qui.
- undfiressed . it
-earnestly. ' Oh," aim snid;")l
1.-Wereo l lmo - your • She spdke very - low, as
if- afield: What : - had ' frightened . liery the
7 itrirkiies:4 and thelorest; or her oWn ;VcirdSY
431te`AVerit 'on: ' '1 : hitve '' often 'and often
Areliined - tbat 1 was saying good-bye, fO - on.
•X-4.M.hoth - cried,. and- I:pressed -you-so-dose'
to inY.;:i.Y 3 .4!it, qukt, there , was only one of?
•; It: : ft. nightmare, You, know, bnt tdon't
mind it, for•itshowed the that my life wlii
heyour IWes, dear, What is- tliat creakini:
itOi i te?' Didn't yeu. s e: - something just in
fro t of us?' ,
'''f j'answered by Lakin her in .my 'duns and
toOing her to thy. spat.' , ' _ _ •
,4e walked
. on, but.' it was ' impossible to.
go on talking. Ern - '-',noiAr anti then site.
Would stop and say l .-t itusb!:harkt -1'.70, ?t
19„niabing.' .-- —: 1 -,
',, .„ . ,'.: ' 3 .
:=4.V.lttSt we-saw•ahetif . Of us - te,little
iii)*'visible i no*: hidden by a tree. It was
the lanip set for us in - eitr,parlOr window.- 7 ,
We crossed the_ stile and *erect hoMe. It.
i as high time, forwei*rervet through.
I brqught huge Jog) ! . and'. when the fire
4iazed up we sat down hithegre4 chimney
place. The pQorgirl vrasiffilieritig. Ito
oft het boots ap& held her feet' to the lir
V.CrOrp,ingthem with my hands.
Thanks, dear George, thanks!' she sai ,
leaning on my.glidttldef and looking at fib
so tend rly that Ilelt'alurst ready to cry
.!• • t were yott.ijiYingrfO that'ho
rid w ,my darling?', 1.•-• asked her wh. ,
She w better. . I ,
are 'thirildni: abont,that?„, I Iv
frightened, that : is and when you a e
frightened you see ghosts.',
;...• We will be wood-cutters, sha'nt wet' ;
.And kissing . me, ' Witlr` a' laugh, she re
plied, 'lt is bedtime,lman of the woods.'
lisell remeMberAliai Walk, fOrlt'Weiour
last, Often and,Often since, at sunset ort
'dark day; I have 1344 over the same groundj
often and often I have :stopped where the
stood, and stooped' land pulled the ferni
'seeking to find, Poerfool that I anil the tra•
ces of the vknishell,foOisteps. And I .Ixave
often halted in the clearing under the birchl
cs which rained down'. on us, 'and there - 4A
the shadow I have fancied I saw the flutte4
•of , her dress,' I•taVel'thiitight heard herj
AO startled, but eotof fright. And on my',
WAY home at :iiight, at every step
. 1 have
found a recollection of her in 'the-distant
barking and
; the l'irairitig branches, as in
the trembling' of, her hand on arm and
the kiss which I gave her, ; „
Once -I went into -the wood-hut. I saw it
all as before—the - family, the `smoky interi
or, the little beneli - OnWhich we mat-:--and I
:Liked for something to drink, that I might
see the glass her lips had touched. •
The little lady who WARS such good
omelets, she isn't sick, for sure?' asked the
old.woman. •
Probably:she stiiV the tears in my eyes,`,
for she said no morel and I came away,„
:. And so it is thaT- ,. - -. occepi in - ttifheart,
Where she lives and is—all that - was my:dar-'.
.li4 grows faint and! dark and dim.,.. •
.1t is*the law'of life, but it is a cruel law. ,
; Ev en my pcior child ',is - learning to forget,
and when I say to him,-tnost tthwillingl3,:
motherßaby, dear, da yoU remetuber, how you -•m
. did this .'or 'that?! lie answers yes;
'taut I-see, ulasi that lie, rto .a,. ' l',l ceasing to,
rerariaber- •: , 1.: ,;,..,....,,,,.-.: 1.-- --
Gus l ave Dare:
, •
'The Philadelph4n,t'.altetin translates from,
n Lite Paris paper the following concerning
the works on width the great FrOnekartist,'
Ottsfave Dore, is tan* engaged: ' ' •'
.31'e are promised4l,the year 11. : 7?,are-:,
sumption of the annual, e.tcitiOtio - i of pant
ings, and by good luck I have seen,. before
its completion, 'it Work Whietwir - certainly
Ve r t he great one of the.COMing itilOn - Witte
inthe Champs ETiseet4.4l:itn. old gYinnasi
uin turned into 'a. studio, Gusts e Dore 14
:purtingthefnitibinglouched:te• l is gigantic
picture. 'llle:4u/4e:ft caving the
Prelotium and deSeent:ililethe i stairs,_atthe,
toot of Which the cross da ,
4 ..
This canvas, whiehi..cerininly i is, one of 'the ,
; iargest ever painted; e think;; heti
revelation even tom= these ho have rated
['Dore's talent thp hi lies • - ..:The f eehitioSition. -
has the•magisterial atuPlittide •91. the .great '
v.- •
Masters, and...espe tally Veronese."
„ , With a surtoun ing:. of
lecture, the seene-iskdeveloped with a verity)
•,that is majesitic;;;•reiti-the ; tit-o Sideg the •
Mob, kept back bys#lers ; are eagerly tr7-:i,
ing' to see the 14pt i ldFint;ted . •pasi :While they
hitn ~unp,recatiOns:;:cliisters a
,humanity hang from , the . cling to
the , porticns;. andswarnt 'on' the stepa! -
sus Christ descends. erthitly`; his long' white
robe shows lulo-Idle-re.flectiiin's; •Id% hind 'is
tlinrAet!Witliipliitni;lielin'Teoks above
The TI) color as
Uf:conceptiol the plc..
Iti'rc is tip
• ,.i }~i~eptionirtile' One, with WhiCh :
• there cala7heino comparison•untde. - Think,
tOO, that ." - iii- - 'fite:'•fiiCe: ; 'o.f : suilt;,tremendous
work -pore contrlygg,it#'iiitreage twenty,
ihrngs, In this very
studio ten other cauvae,k'COnteit for the use,
;Of Iris btushz: - - '
But-tit'W TS ',net ')11,1:
• takes up his
„ledgittgslii:che r -litie.,,Dominhitte, where,.
desiOffr_ - ,Ao: 7 ,VreferS . to work. There
he has.advatteed .far tOW#d'cOmpleting
- ; - tvOrk'WhidliNalOini4Valifshe enough for the
:iiiet iMe 'of one--man, It is-London Com
plqiy, with its strange sceneaAtS Unsounda
me miseries, its swarming 'terrors. An En
v-U.4i publh , l4.hp • ,'ds:itt.d-0111titt pAbliew
the trine. Pf, six , ) hundred* thousand
[Pam's., and I assure you ii‘‘ willtget Mor
i ney'4 worth. Ifjour-curiosity is not satis
2tiett„Jook on the table where there are - eight
or .ninci,huntired_dritiVings:tdready sliettited.
it'ito;the Second ',room. On
:411. th.q.easple are scenes. • front ;lb 'siege,' of'
•Itelr i e we see•iityiSipled'ini)yinkt j teint''a born-
Zhlitiletrhoin4ejvitit •flie lnil3y•fisl4vering in
on `its httle.tivaggn_and ; t}n,,o_td:Parit7}tic; carried;
oft• the backs:of -Int hefsl •?There Is' a street
J- •
' :OlZ.Yillejuif,,lyiajiie, - ,i)ei44eiaie , raaiising fora`.
. But it would"' tUkte * veltune to de-1
I Scribe the seeltda; •
• But afto4,thititiit:Ainisi4Sen : ,,heaped up a'
•MitSS of work enotigletoi-weaticiut ten lives,
theEmost confoniiiiigilltintigllzis to look
:titAlte artist at4JiddjittnAiutitafresh; rosy,
,Itelfrty, and edger, 4wito , Seeths not only to
;mistrust thelwodigieslte.,has:trekomplished,
‘lntis t wilen you yg,utpEe:iti°,.*itigilitlilate- him,
you shorein,ibe4ntiliit Acif . ,your speech
.by playing
zipiiir-on,4l4',litolinrir by per
forming tt,featitiVilnu4Stiess,r'," '
. _
31. Ferry, say Vazette was
,offered -the Pre,n4loli,tiffiteßititi..at Wash-.
inglon 1.,y,-.)liZrinerst , AV , lten Piesident
Alie:, - lipPoltittife . ne was. un
ps'lltilgrjivAiiSle'AytrtkifotA.4,lC 'erty for.
Mozem,3 l. eig4ll:ibiii4a.vaim • Since thou
ItenteflsitdeigNrink:baye2,yeticitted- nitetnate,
!I j ' f:IT O ) TY:;TKOqttIk , !'::WYJYt6 is not
..the fstil ec t
clepurtufe:•ilf;'iit;V:t•ff'ftit'-t r iistitiaton op ,
OW" . WitZre isott
f.l4n bentimpim:;sactlfici,fitt himself
back'lligraiAtol4o4o. i ;lease Le
.J .
Zfr f • 21-
- New; Year Goods 1 1
- Las i r eturned fron•the • ,
(qty. win; a El a assortment - of goody in his
Uue, e:er brops t luto Tioes 4oriuty, amo Fi g
wlifeb ate 4...bbice -
- .
Choice Frames of New Styles,
Carve.d , -ITl.alnitt Goods,
‘301 6 131XL1X1133.fg
One In style. and at tin) very loareet - yrleti
pared to wake
Fi7:st-Class Portrai
in sil ' tlia best itylke of Om day, from ololfallY re-
alwayslt'li a plowsnie it, show goodi so don't' be
bar.kword or boal/Nd, but colt early and often.]
74ansli91d, Pa., Jan. 100872.73 m. ,
INTe.w Stor
.... •
‘i .
~. . ,
. 1
. BAITS & SON, having just cvmpli
ur Srick Store on Mari street, varlet
arranged and most inxiting stores in
OW offering to thefrold ottstomers an
rally alcetter selected stock of ,
s' II
tho b - :
tY. aMk .
lio gen .1
tharievei t.Ofore presented in thO borough'
of Ttoge.—
Ladies'j ware of Burt's make, conittmatly on ban&.
so, Mason & Haralin's Hrwme, and a variety of styles
to oeleot from. All are invited to call and eianiini
prices and quality. H. E. SMITH & SON.
'toga' Jan. I, 1872.-Iy. . - „
. I .
, .
HARDWARE, IRON', b.c.t:i.../.:, HALLS.
•• .IXPLE3IEiTS, 1
iage and Harness Trimmings,
I g, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1872
. .
hie., offers
. tor' use for bi-e 414 g * .tiurpos
. '
1 !
Chester TT liite { l3oar, :
purchased at Smithville, Cheturatro Co., It, Y. He esti
be found on the rcad.trotu Welisbero to Babb's Creek, ,
about 21.4 mitre ty..ui W s ellsborp. CluirgeS $l. '
Jan. 1!.)-3w. \ °•,/4" 81.0 NE.
- A Corsiiptg. tore - in Ellitand
, N
We cau,afford to ,do, this, as we•ahal
rents to pay eit,tra frelghts:! 'Mtshall
to the stOA duriug the. season, such g l
of the cbuitunuity seem to_iletuand.
from all who are fn.waßt of anything
• :
Nall be kept and i4 . l.iliew . rork wbolesoie wk ee
Elklind,•DPc. 13;1811:-!f
V_ a V 01: foil. •Sa.le.
.4), .00PDT , ISTOOR--,ANV , 0 3 1A1.24 , FARM—Situato in
,104...Aliddlebtiry township, Tioga county, ,Pa , on Qrook
cd,creek; about fonrUud a - half miles froth' the ,village,
of:Tiogswand turthelfue Of the railroad' hi Wellsboro, ,
known a* the Clark ;Cole ism;- containing 800 acres,!
With about 9.00 acres_ improved and, 100 scree of iralua-1
t i .
i;. crtiiratkr land . - 11staroatuts depot la - located on the
eltdsee. ' To tie sold all' tegether,' oF,lti penis: , • Three,
. arnsi three teisitut hpuses,qbesider, the mansiOn house,
Whfehie.one, of. the best in the township.) wit,h"pleuty
Of - good 'Milt nit thit prginitisd, Terms .will be 'mad® tatistitetery. • roi Articular s', inquire on the lireinitses,
or of J. B. Polar, *,ir.ollshciro,sor of D. L.-Aiken, Tioga.
L-,January , 1872 - .kvi - . I
~':,. -- To ,' , .Payers4, i . '
. -Tax
.. . , ,
NOTICE 1; - iiireti givelidasl die Connideit nets 'of
)Tisoodonnt. rill Ifold earatihhl for all th e who
1 0
JalaY Pe. aggrie•Yril:Wha.asseaarfiatit PC th e year 1872.
&the Colniiasion=s' °Mae ou,Thur day the 15th day
of 'February 'ii'ea.r, ISetw_en WE , : lion 'of 9 A.' XL and 9
V.-3,0 tin Mit ds* , . •.,‘.:-", P.• V.: Vt•iN N,EB9. - •
. )
..,- • ;
~.;,1 , 1, ~- - .Jt915.11g." IfP: Cninere.
- 4 '. l .t* 1 7 . / F -19 2 ?- 3 " - e:f -: . X, , c 4..4WL1F1.
4arili. far . - Sale.
z4E-Htmain 41:liES*11111 eighty scree improved,
nitrated uearthe State Road, smith of Mains
burg. • This anti coutalues a comfortable house, two
gOod bares and ninety fruit trees. It JA well adapted
hy.daiVyhig and:agriculture, Tema easy:, Inquire of
thUsubseribtiratillidnetatra; pa. -
_ _l
Julie 14 x IS7i.t
>l~llLt''~is:tlu'g Culls, plain oF ; pinamental,
I V ,oeol.lted•tu the highest style 6f the Mt; aud 0M
c14,, fqt - ,eratcledeutat , voting seat! to l olly-address
on'reU:pt orprice. . Cards per doz., from 40 Ceuta 10
430. lufsuperior ,tg ;ay La Me mullet, 75
cants per bettlo. Adthess, , • P. FOEMEIT,,'
Jett: 17, 1C72-11 • • • ' Covington,
'''' -altia -- blelitimlor. S a l e:
i .iii. - kolibunir,..up:owiL4 to. SS-health, • offers ilk
n„ . firth rti, eate, aituated,ln 'Charlcaton on the Mana
ehl road; about hiliS tulle' !tun the old Fellows' hotel.
Said faith cau be'dividthrinto farina all - the public road
passes ilalpugl4 tbe, .' centar,, 'eating two.otehataa ton
either elde.,c9ntaining about :10 awe. 80 slates impfov
cd, afrauieloUhi..; and two' franie „barna thereoit. Said
thruria in • a good 'state Or cultivatibii; 81331' Win ,be
sold e.heap. ; &Totten of the putchaae =obey can re
main against , the farm. . Xor, • ftittlini, .infortnatiOil,
inquire - of the subecxtber; en ilic, ifft-t01a6a.:.-
:. lam 1.7, 'lBll2--tf.' -- - ' " , "1“).A.11 - 11.0.1thli:AID.
.t.:- I : • i• ,' : ' , 7 )'• ~ - ;.:'.'l ' 4- ~-,','
-1.4.'`. 'l[4lll
Old " :Whiskies t:
Jimi„ : g lA*
• AT
. ,
'Cirori • •
sad a trot varlety. of
$1 !ducked • neptives
and $3l 031112'0 new Stock of
To FOrmers.
Ft / . ugh of
Lave opened In the bo
1 I
20Lp A 9 LOW
te.they . ean be bought
, _Z;;;; t i c , o - ;
`~+ ~.
OT the
wiirra• won
• .
111PF7 . ; Warm for •Sale. ; 1 ;
rutuß Subscriber o ff eritfor,tude htS farm, situated in
.1.: the town of Delmar, some eight miles from Wells
bOro. Said farm contains Isi axes, sumo 3O of 'which
Is Improved ; good framo-barn 30 x 42, and a good log
hones, and Born fruit trees thereon. Said farm A nu ,
• u . sed for fe fifty of soil In this section.' For par
• • . tie f the subscriber at the office of G. W.
lAfe:rriek, Psq.i ellaboro, Pa. • - - 1
i A. unDrituk
April 10, 1871- i f f. ,
L.‘e -
_ Alma to views young nun Dr business.
graduates °MN College are 14 ~. : command.
and hiondive positions in nearly every city in the
thilon. 1
Nor circulars, containing Nil par re . Specimens
of Writing; College Bann Bills, Pen liri Nyi ng &c., en.
alone ten cents; and address ' 1
1 A. J. WARNER; Principal,
August t 23. 1871-Cm., .
Piano }Fortes and IZ?
INA it greatly to their interest to buy
• • • Z.' 6. HOYT
We are atillhig the beet Instruments atl
and on the Moot favorable terms. '
A' first-class PIANO possesses - all the following man.
viz i the !tows is divested of all impurities .a
feet equality of power throughout the entire scale, with
resonance, and durationpf tone,. 2;-.
Tlie totialt'io elastic. equal, egrf and etspenate to
every demand of the [lnsert. -
A defect in any one of these points, will cruise a com
plete failure of the instrument.
We warrant every Piano for the term of five years.
.401 - Tuning Promptly- attended to by the most expo:
Hawed Tun ers.
Instruction Books of the moat approved methods for
the Plano and Organ constantly on hand;
D. DUNBAR. --- I. G. non. ,_
• • 1•• Itikland, Pa. -••— - Osoeols/Pa.
Dee. is, 1871.-tf
Door, Sash & Blind Factory,
- -
Eauvimi AUSTIN, Is prepared to furnish first
class work from the best lumber, at his new fao
tory which is now in full oPoration, •
Sash, Doors
11.1LITRItto 731011.11111%6 •
, c , liattu4ly on hand,.or manufactured to order.
Pia ing 'and /latching
done promp v, and iu the best manner. The best
workmen played, and none but the beat seasoned
lumber natl. Encourage home Industry.
Factory near - Whot of Alain 'Street
Jan. 1, 18721tf. BENJ. AUSTIN.
Deerfield Woolen Mills
; -
rt UAM
1 3 11 manuTte C a l r l e ,as S lYsz P i z iXerr et rer t tb su e it b° eu 7o lini mer e s:
are warranted in every respect. Particular attention
given to "
' 1 .
Roll Carding & Cloth Dressing
We have a l largo stock of Cazeinlres, .c., 23 per
cent lees than any competitor, and warranted as repre
Wo manufictUre to order, and dO all kinds of Roll-
Carding and Cloth Dressing, and defy competition.
We save as, good an assortment of
czoth,._cass' 7neres„.4o.,
and give more foi Wool in exchange . than any other
establishment.; Try th em and'satisify yourselves.
' We wholesale and retail at the Cowanesque mills, 2
miles below Knoiville. •
ted their
is one of
the cone
the pub-
Noitee in Ban,kruptcy.
IN tbc , Distt:ict Con of the United Stated for the Wes
tern District of ylvaula.i In the matter of JUS
TUS Ef. WILES, Bankrupt. I
,To whom It may concern t. The undersilined hereby
gives notice of his appointment ad assignee of Justus
$l. Bailey, of Mansfield, Tioga County, Pa., within said
District s who hss been adjudged a bankrupt on his own
petition, by the District Court of the said District.
- CEO. W.
Dec. 20, 18 ' 71,-3w. , Assignee.
Ladies' F
11JL in the Cone flousl
just received and will
ery department, and -w
'and new ones at nil tin
Dec. 33,
[ save enough In
ontlnue to add
..ds as the wants
Ve invite a van
our lino.
pins °nice to well st3eke with Typo, Promo', he.,
and Las every advaltag for doing
• - -JOB N . "I ' •
. .
, I- .
id s snyrrwi manner, Min or is Colorer Isom II wed
ding curd tei n eluet - posinr. Any kind or style ut work
done at 'Lai: aka. an follows; ' - • -
Law Dool ‘ s.,PAtapitlcts, ncit4tion CnidA.
Handl , rinzratlitnes, Chucks, Drafts, Dub('ls,
Bill Hand*„ Circulars, • Ordets, Shipplog Card..,
tin"lne”" EAvds, Envelope', tinted Plate Printing,
Visiting Cards, S 1 edding Cur(l4, &c.
ADCI all ether blanks constantly ou baud anti for sale
Deeds, Warrantee, I
Deeds, quit• Maim,
Statement antitonfestiou,
Amicable Action, '
floods, Constable's Sale,
Collector's :Isle,
And any other blanks not enumerated above will be
printed to,order on short notice.
4i-Persons sending orders fur JOB WORK will get
their wurk promptly done and returned. We shall
&Taro uo pains to please our customers in this depart
meta. Those sending work, please state the size of
Job, kind of ink and paper desired
Jan. 1572
fp HE subscriber offers for sale ids farm oi 60 acres,
pleasantly situated in Catlin Hollow, Charleston,
'Logs county,, Pa.; within about "four miles of Wells
boro awl two mike of Niles Valley depot! School
house, church, mills, shops. &c., within a mi e. Terms
easy. Inquire on the premises, of
May 17, 1871-tf. • -' ' , C. (1. A.T.LIN.
, •
frilly inform the public that they,
have established a_
•% " '.Li4ery Ibr
'M. their Stable on Peal./ St. ,opposito Wheeler's wagon
shop:: Single or double rigs furnished to order. They
farts to keep good horses. and wagons, and intend to
please. Prices ressenahle. WATKINS .t RETCHA'SI.
Jan.ll, iti72. • • ' - •
tiehiiar ScoO.l Directors will meet' on the tenth
4:.• day of reb: tint. at the Graded School ifoneo (at
Stony Fork) at 10 o'clock a. m., far the parpose of con
tracting for' wood for th(i tont winters school, and will
attend to anysabor innilneaa which may crime before
the board of Directors. , •
,40.11ERT et4trIELL.
`Delmar, 'chnar, :an. 2;,187 ^.,. Sec'y.
Fatm:,fot`Snle' l
rrwo 'hundred end elglity.ttfo acres of land in the
• .1.1 township of Unton,-Tioga , Co.; Pa. • The place is
Drell ; watered, three , hundred, ,courrig - apple trees, three
frame barns, and comfortable 'louse ' thereon. The
•atove Property villiaa sold for 21,0iXtleiii than the as.
seasekcium Tame.„ -
Also. thitColinirn Preston %rim near Troy, Arian:int
Co., ChbitAibittg 46 Oral; 'withsix acres An timber.—
These Arras are well adapted to dairying rind, ogrioul•
final 'purpcsios.i',' Tn.:pike-tor terms on the farm in
tinion,or address. PIIESTC.I7,
ral4. 24; 187272 in. 'Canton, Pa.
I itelF/dr
'ess Col
X7333E1L"5" . :
I fsbing Goods!
•• EmPicutrum or FASHION
Store. A large stock of GooUs
= soBI cheap.
willeco charge of the 31.1llin
be /ad to see bet old friends
,es. Drop in and see our new
School Contract,
' School
Wet rattle; ExeetWons,
indemnifying Bonds,
Attachments, Judgment
Notes Petition and Bond
'for App'meti t of Guardian
Farm for Sale.
t rlgin a 'Ca r ggg ea ' ' llL: s twl iorbe rta g a Er4lll 4
French Bbrr Stones attseboo, era prepared to fill
demin their business at pat. Chariestou,
The'above propert prison if ciod• riunting' order,
will be sold at a fair and on reasotutbla time.
For partieulauf, inquire of Geo. W. Merrick, W
boro, or
Jan; 1. 1812: — • nn tterprernises.
I " ff
isarpees , 'agazint,
, ' Thore'a 0 few intelligent[ oricart foundie - iiii whteh
11.4nsta' 3.lxoeziwn wood not be an sizeolated and
highly '9 come guest. •re is nO.nton y ~anus
an bate ent reading fatal can leas afford to be wfth•
out. • y Magazines. are accumulated. 1 Raven is
e . There is not a magazine that is printed which
shows more intelligent pains expended' on its art:tole&
and rue•hanical execution. There is not 4 (teepee,
rpagaziti, published. There is not, - confessedly, a
mord po ulnr 1113W121110 in the world.—Non Zap
A rep . eito27 of biography and_ hintory, liters
science . # d art, unequalled by any other Am
publicat on. * * The volumes are so valuable a
mere w• , k of 'reference as any cyclopedia Afa QUI
in our li mice. Haman ~ w ho. -1 2. it 19 .a record Is
travel o rywhore since the hour of establish= -r•
Livi# :atone and Gordon Cumming in Afri
ong the Auden, and Rosa B wine irith st, peke
On the Nile, and Maogregor o the - .7 on—indss all
recent travelers. of note lave dean their morn blot
tent discoveries reproduced these pages 4! MA of
our younger and many of au older writers Dud hers
their literary biography. On artists see the best Mi
di:own of their genius and- thenzaost enduring=
mans of their work in the 1:17091119....W. Y. St
It Le one of tho wonders Of ournalism—the edltOrial
management of ilanvzn'lL-= c ilthtfolt -
• .
Bans !
AGANS will
• '
The model nottraDaPor of Our-cot&ttrx•Cour—
all the departments of an American family pa am
ma's .W,gFKLY has earned for itself a right to it* title.
" A /animal of Civilization."—N. T. Etc Ate
The beat publication of Ste clam in America, and Be
tar ahead of all other weekly journals an not to permit
of any cowl:4lobn between it and any of their number,
Its columns contain the finest coitections of realigns
matter that aro printed. **, Its illustrations are un
meretis and beautiful, being furnished by the dad
artiste of the country.—Roston Traveler.
]3a amut's Wasszy is the best and at interesting
illustrated newspaper, 'ler does it value dyad on
its illustration" alone. Se reading matter Is Or
t a g &
order of literary meri , instruotire, en -
lag and nnercelnab Y. Sun.
lit is really the o . illustrated ehropieler of fashion
in the coti. , Its upplements alone are worth the
enbactiption pr y.
ice of the paper. While rally maintain
ing its position as a mirror off fashion, it also contains
stories, poems, brilliant essays, besides pima and
personal gossip.—Bosion Gazette.
There never was any paper published that so de
lighted the heart of woman. Never mind if it dotal
coat you a now-borknet; it will two" yon 'tea limes the
price in the household economy : it teselss.
Journal. 1. •
The young lady who buys a single number of Hart-
PEE'S naval la Made a subscriber for life, 1V P. Zee.•
The Bazars is- ozcollint. Like all the Parted/Mai/
which the Harpers publish, it is almost ideally well
edited, and the class of readers for whom it is intended
—the mothers and daughters in average taraillea—ean
not but profit by its good sense and good taste t Which
we have no dcruht are to-day making vary many homes
happier than they may have been before the women
began taking lessens in personal and household and
social management from this good natured mentor.—
The Nation.
HARPER'S MAGAzurn, one .year, $4,00.
11Ln - inn's Blain, one year.
An extra copy of either the 31ActiiiiN8, iVnuisis, or
BelAn, will be supplied gratis for every club of fere
subscribers at $4 each, in ono remittance; or six cope
for $2O, without extra copy,
Subscriptions to HAIIPZIeS 3.li.coarsz * Wummx and
r3AzAu, to one' address for one year ; $10; or two of
Harper's periodicals, to one address for one year. $7.
' Back numbers can be supplied at may time.
The four Volumes of the BAZAIt, for the years 1888.
,T,9, '7O, '7l, elegantly botind in green morocco' chith.
_will be sent by express, freight prepaid, for $7 mob.
The postage on the BAmin, is cents a year,: which'
must be paid at the subscriber's post °flee.' Mama
NOTICE hi hereby given, that the Eme'cutore, Admltt
iatrators and Ousrakuis named below have tiled
their accounts in the Ilegister'a Ofllce for Tioga"Cotuaty,,
VA,, and that said accounts will he presented t 0 the Or
hnn'a Court for said county, eta se;:sion of said Court,
to be hold at3Wellsborol on'3l - anday the 29th day of Jan.
1872, at 2 o'clock P. M. for allowance and confirmation.
Final Account of Jeremiah Docketader and liohnan
Morgan, Executers of the last will of 11. P. Doclattader,
kite of Charleston township, deceased.
Final Account of Sugnonali E. Soulo, Guardian of
Clarendon J. Soule, fiarah F. Soule, Solinrt F. Sonia,
Mary A. Soule and Win. L. Soule, minor children of
Wm. L. Soule, late of Farial• ngton township, deoessod.
Final Account of E. R. Maine, Guardian 'of Adella
ITILIMck. Latour child of Goo. Whitlock, late of 'tin.
mansburg, N. Y., deceased.
Final Account of atO. W:fitiLlson, (+Oa-ratan of Chas._
Sat4rly, minor child of Ohms. latterly, late of Jackson
tox ship, deawasotl.
Final Account of W. V. Bailey, Guardian of Martine.
Marvin, minor child of Geo:C. Marvin, late of Charles.
tou township, deceased.
Fival account of Noah Corwin, and Isaao C. Price,
Executor s of the last will of Jonathan Stokes, late of
Farmington tun•uship, deceased. k
Final account of If. C.'Boaworth, guardian, of Amass
Dailey, Vincent Dailey, anti Anu Dailey, Minor dal
dren of Vincent Dailey, late of Osceola township de
ceased, stated and flied by Edward E. Bosworth, Ad
miastrator of the eztat6 of said 11. C. Bosworth, now
Final account of Hollister Palter, and Anna `D. Dot- ,
ler, Administrators of the esta.to of Alvin Butler, late of ;
Westfield township, deceased.
Final account of Erastus ROGO, AdMinfstrator of the
-- iitafe - Of - Herman Soper, late of Rutland t , orrnship, do
ceased./ 1
Final accounts of J. F. Donaldson, and 8. F. Wilson.'
Executors of the last will al James 'Kimball, late 011
Welleboro, deceased. D. L. DEAIiE.
Wellsbore Pa., Jan. 3.1, 1872. Register.,
. _.
• Tioga Marble Works,
ir ir. undersigned is, prepared 6 execute all or-, 1
1., ders for Tomb Stones and Monuments of either
Italian, or„ d
ld ii - V rbli I,
lan i /
of the latest style an approved workmanshi and with
lie keeps constantly ,on hand both kinds of Elarbla
antkowill be able to suit all Who may favor 'him with
their orders, on es reasonable terms na call be obtained
in the country, ...
dan. 1, 1872 _
Agents to eanyas and receive application for mem
bership in the 'Milton Benefit Company. Active men
of Intelligence and relkible bushicas qualifiestions,:
who arc to give their time and attention to the
hualness, will be liberally dealt with. -• As to territory
and cemmission,,apply in person, or by letter to,- -‘
. Wellsboro, Ps,
/ The same parties will execute fire Insurances IA
sound companiesdat" standard rates.. Insure =trees
and Cattle, also, againsli theft, death by disease,. Are, 1 ,
accident, and llghtuing. ask no one to distrust
provident , 'rat to 4ii.vcat a aniall,surn vary. , profitably.
Office A. Stone. Nov. %),, 1671-41.
Furniture and Undertaking.
(Succssors to B. 7.. Van Horn)
nor (n in
ti anti
Bai s ent k th o o f 013 plito*,
lar:'st),o i e ci bt
moat complete
to be found in Xortheria Pennsylvania, consisting of
ETS, P ME. No. 1 HAIR mAnniss-
and a full stock of the common goods usually found in ,
a first-c Lass establishment. The above goods aro large.'
ly of their own manufacture, and
,satisfaation is guar
anteed both as to quality and priO. They sell the
Trioven TV ire Afaltrass
the most popular spring bed sold; also the Tucker
Spring Bed that has boon en trial for 17 'years and giV.
en universal satisfaotion. Our
- ,
-Conzn, .z,
~, • Roo?
. . . .
is supplied with ell Wren of tho Ereolator Oinked, anew '
and beautiful style of. halal case, together with other
kinds of forelgn . and home rannufwiture, with ten:l
inings tolnateh: They wlll mate undertaktng a spao
iality in their builnpss, and any Hooding their. GOtYitoS,
Aill be att:uded,to promptly, and at hatisfactory -ohar-'
ges. Odd placer] of Furniture !male; and Turning of. .
all kinds done with neatuonn and dispatch.
__ Jan. 10, 1072. . I'AN-110,11.:4 & CHANDLER.
To llama IT MAY CONOMN.—/Diviii{ 7 concluded
lam entitled to a little rest after neatly lo years CI
apPllcation to business. I have pe.istil , over tho fur
ture,bublnesa to "the Boys" as. per above advortia ,
ment, and tako this method of-asking 'for - them th ,
same llboralpattbnage o ke -has been cectoladed to mot-j ;
My books may be found atthe old placefor settletneuf
San. 10,1801 B. T. VAI4 HOAX.
frlIE copartnership heretofore existing - under Mb
-I firm name of SIR & Squires is this dny dl.9Bolyill by
mutual consent. Cyrus D. SRI bating purchased the
interest of Gordon N. Squires In the business will con
tinuo it at the same pace.: (ATVS D. SILL. -
Coming,R J
.161 an. 16, 111111.-Sw. 1 . ,
. ,
E Ul :I:IN a I!14 t~?i1t~ t-YY,~~ M 9t a ~t c J
Register's Notice.
Van Horn & Cliandler,
Dissolution Notice.