SELECTIONS FOB SEED. Among every lot of vegetables there_ Will usually be a few specinteria possessing-,mer its superior to the general crop, and these should always be reserved for seed. Of , course, there are inew,wlto make the raising' of vegetable seeds a btisiness; but this does no4revent others from saving_,,ennuzli" , for . their own use ; provided, alWays," that the variety grown is the best of the - hind. Be., sides, every individual cultivator of sege- , stables should endeavor • to , intike- improve meats upon the stakin `and thil"can.. _ :only be done by !creful selections of the - very best. For instance, in cidtiVating, the , !purest and most- distinct. variety , of _.lrGets, -we will often find a few- specimenS - ithst 'have - varied something froin the _Original! • tyrie, and if 'this variation is in the right 'di.; Suits ildbetter than the normal - form— , they may . be preserved with some! !assurance that more or less of the next gen.' I.optiC+ zvili posses. , s similar distinctive qual ;ides:, Beets, turnips, carrots, and similar roots 'can be 'greatly - improved; and"hs'*o: •. been •by simply selecting specimens with. 'variations. ; - Tkto time to secure these .improved • cimens is iu the autumn,' -when the- plain crop is gathered. Let any cultivator draw :ft-tnoderof the form he may desire in-any Of, the ordinary root crop's, and then make Se-. leetipuS as near as : --possible 'Out- of-every crop, carefully saving seed from each, znn it will require but •ti few - yerirs - tor - obtairr - a permanent variety of 'the desired form. Every one of the choice vegetables now in cultivation have 'been obtained in this manner, - as there are really.none that can be called the original or noribal type bf the species. Tomatoes, melons, _cucumbers, and squashes can only be kept up to oriel ,,l nal forms, or . be improved, by careful. se lections ; and our advice is to every grower, "Save your own seeds, and endeavor to im prove the : varieties you cultivate."—Rural 7.Yezo Ferber. - "The Key-Nite." We must raise large crops; and to do this \we must raise them, less frequently. This is the key-note of the coming improved sysl teal of American agriculture in all sections where•good land 'is worth less than $lOO per aere. \ln the 'neighborhood of % hut) - .titiCs, and, irlienever kind commands a high price, we must keep our farms in y. high state of fertility by \ The purchase of i manures or cat tle food. I s lkose of us In the interior, where we cannbt buy manure, must raise fewer grain crol and more clover. We must aim to raise forty. bushels of - wheat, fifty bushels of barley, eighty huslsels-.4rif oats, and one hundred \ bushels of shelled corn, and five bushels 'of clover-seed per acre. That'this can be (154 on good, well drained land, from the unshed resources . of the farm, I have no doubt, \lt may. give its no more grain to sell than at, resent, but it will enable' us to -produce much more Mutton, wool, 'beef, cheese, butr, and pork than at present. "But, then, wilNiere . , be demand for the iireal,, -- w9o),Aer present indication are highly favorable. But we must aim to raise good meat. • The \ low-priced beef and mutton sold in our , markets is as the consumer as it is to the producer. We must feed higher, and Ito do this to advantage we Must have improved stock. There is no profit in farm big Without good tillage, large, crops, lin ., proved stock, and highyr feeding. ' - Ways of Making Tea 'the Chinaman puts his tea in a cup, pours hot \rater upon it, and drinks the in fOloll of the leaves; he never dreams of spoiling its flavor with sugar a cream.— The Japanese triturates the leaves before putting them in tho pot. Itt Morocco they put green tea, a little tansy, and a great deal of sugar in a teapot, and fill up with boiling w i - ater. In Bokhara every, man car ries a sniall bag of. tea„ about with him, tv certain quantity of which he hands over to The bOoth-keeper he patronizes, who con cocts the beverage fur him. The Bokhariot finds Was difficult to pass a tea-booth as our ovddram-drinker to go by a ginpalace. His breakfast beverage is Schitschaj, that is tea flavored with milk, cream, or mutton fat, in which bread is soaked. During t* daytime sugarless green tea is drunk, with the accompaniment of cakes of flour and mutton suet. It is considered an inexeusi ble breach of manners to cool the hot cup of tea with the breath; but• the difficulty is overcome bysupporting the right elbow in the left hand, and a circulal: move ment to the cup. How long each kind of tea takes to draw is calculated to the sec. ond; and when the tea-pot is emptied, it- is . passed round among the company for each lea-drinker to-take up as many leaves as San be hold between the thumb and finger— the leaves being esteemed and especial damn .: v. Keep Your-Mouth Shut A few years ago, George Catlin wrote a pamphlet, which was published in England, and is now being translated in most other European-languages, on the importance of breathing tVough the nose, in order to pre serve health. lie had made observations on this subject, liNt among civilized nations, timling that individuals who habitually keep their mouths open are never liettlth3' or long lived. Afterward, he observed the same thing during a sojourn of many years among the Indians of North and South America: and lie has comqo the co:10114cm that there exists a definite Iftw for breathing and sleep ing, obedience to ‘shich must exercise the most beneficial inftuenee - on the well being of the Imir-an race, and which can not be • too strongly insisted upon Mothers, and all others who have children to educate, should be persuaded of its great importance, that they may inculcate upon their children and pupils the golden lesson contained in these four woe-1 I , your moutlt :‘, l lu,r Hitherto this ad \ ire h Clll),idered only-as a moral injum ti(.o, tr. -!!,,;11 ihiilren (from talking too much, I,at Catlin pre--erilte-t it literally, and - in:4st:- :,hould pass in or out of the lung -, by the nose, uxcept in the act of speaking cr k so ...Hilo! siastie coneernin - 4.7. the gren i t value of the sim ple hygienic rece i ipe that hp chases the hook, with the following remarl:s: :"If I had million dollars ti) spend frli a chat italic put - - pose surpassiqg all others ill value, I would spend it to prik four millions of my books, and distribute'' hem at nne,-' four mot t hers, rich 119 . well as !poor. I w4hl not obtain therefor any monument or decora tion of nobility; but , T would—which is much better—have obtitined the peculiarly joyful satisfaction that II had left posterity a legacy of much higher value titan money ever can hare," There iso doubt that the advice is good: The air, by being inhaled throtlgh the nose, is more perfectly freed from dust, and in winter reaches the dings in a warmer con dition than when inhaled by the month.A clergyman at Council Bluffs charge§ by weight in marrying couples, the rate being four cents a pound for the groom and two for the bride. Why this distinction on ac- count of sex? 4 English servant maid said to her pas tor: " I know I have really got religion, be cause I always sweep under the mat now." - An enterprising Detroit man is taking or• ders for the delivery of hot buckwheat cakes to families fa i r breakfast, A druggist is not! inappropriately termed the chief pill-er of society. Many plain young ladle§ live; to be pretty —old ones. More bo,yB run away to sea: froin Vermont than from any other .New England State. The hills of &offend were covered with snow on the 30th of September. WICKBAIII~ iii FARR INe TIOGA. PA, 4 „ Second Stock ''' 4 U .l t Fall and liVintew Il4a-c•crx)is, 11111 u, and are offing ' „ .;„ • • r rac k w ii.a't®es. „ - • • Just call and eels what a g assortment wa base Jan. 1, 1872 Real Estate Agency \ undersigned is Agent for Oho aide of the follow. lug TOWN PROPERTY 60 VILLAGE LOTS situate en the Matildeid road and State Street. l'hase lots aro in the central part of town, and convenient to the ex Rail Road Depot. SEVTRAL LOTS Situated on the line of the Rail Road, and suitable foi MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. Ileae lots will be gold on reasonable terms Jan. 3. 1871. - WALTER SHERWOOD a - . R. .IBEtaris.err7ses. CHEAP CASH'` STORE, a full suortibent of !lew _o44s, ru h u FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Which will be sold very cheap LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BUTTONS, ALL IL nips. LINEN GOODS, VortLials PIQUE, CLOT//8 AND C POPLINS AND IN GOODS. Gloves. lioslery; Snit Goods and Notions. Choice Groceries. Sugar, Soap, Tobacco, 'Elyarp Rice, tialarattia, Coffee, Tea, Crnckers„Salt; Flab, Flour. HATS & CAPS. BOOTS & SHOES, RIIDDERS, WOODEN WARE, ao. Cash paid for BUTTE:ft, or shipped oa Cozazoissieur Please call and look oar Stock over. Yon wt at ways tindus ready and wi2lp3g to show goods. Jan. 1, 1872, . * I . '• 1 • lEEE 111 M &t theft TRW I wiossion & rAm / I J. B. BJLItIgU. WS' CMHOU& ••,., t .a For the relief and sure of all derange• meats la the stom ach, liver, sad boo els. they Me 4 , tali ; ' aperient, and rail ' • excellent purgatite; • lleingi purely vegtatt— table,- they toutairk..:' no Inez catty or mine-, Nal uhatever. Itinclri s,•thilas sickness and s _ suffering is preveuti . t 1 by their timely; , Asti; and every family udiutitil lave daemon luau& - for their protection - aunt tv lief,when icquited.i, Long expert mcc has proved them to be the Rif.; est, surest, est of oil the .Plit ' i irlaildli , surest, Alm m e re ab , tads. Ili err oceh ant use, ; , .I.h: L pi Cie 'PM illeal,the _ ittpticipal I e-sys-i • le . ireited,Abbstrillti vs taro it thet - ' whole machinery of lite aci toted to its health'? activity. Internal organs •: - .ltich become clogged ~ and staiggilh are vleansed by 411r ,- 's I'lll6'lW stimulated Into action. 1 hast incipient disease is changed into health, the vitiate of which char a, f p 1 wheal reckoued on the vast multitudes nho en oy - it, can hardly b? ctimputed. Their sugar con g • r mak,es titenv A plei‘saill, to talte. and preserves their. - — villuce ditimptat•eit fah' any length of time, CO! that they are ever fresh, and perfectly relipb/04 Although searchinir: they ale mild. and operate! without distarbaniie to the coast itatiiiiii, ordiet, or i occupation. Full directions are given on the wrapper tot each box, how to Ilse them es a Family Physic,' aulaA,,f9liniving limp i si which thee P . l soe tate a- , -.1,-, - „I m ili . thissia.l clin"/ n,Ztstlesa.: nets, law:razor and Latin a Appetite, they.:, snonitibe taken moderately to stianujate the stom ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For Lh'er Complaint and its various symp• • toms, Bilious 114.adacito, Sick Mead.— ache, Januailce or Green Sickness, 3311. lows Colic and Bilious Fevers', they shotild, be judiciously taken for each case, to correctahe' diseased action or remove •! , e obstructions which, M it,,. ; A v,,Aiv . ,ll3lfarrhcea, but one' l tygenertilly required. For Ifiltpunattbi.m Gout, Gravel - , Pala - •pitation dr int% ilcart, Pain in the! tilde, Buck and Coliro. they should bp contln. nously taken, ata regaiteal l to change the Ws action of the system. NN all such change a e st complaints disappear. I For 7111roploy _untl . X?roptile!aoll Syrolllngs,i - -.•411111 V' ' they should tie 6 taken in largC and frequent toiroduce the effect of a drastic urge.p attil th ateiseppli wa jarnt dine should be L en, as produces e ,deslred effect by firm. pathy. As a Dinner Pill, take ono or two Me to; promote digestion and relieve the stomach. • An oceaeitynal dose ettrnulates.the stouter-banal bowels, restores the4ippetite, and Lnr*.orates the• ••+ syliteml..}Tettee.itststern advantat(eows where. no serious derangem e nt exists. One who *Will tolerably well, often 13nds that a dose of these ' ~ : Pills makes tura feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive, apparatus. k. rnaranitilsr• Dr. J. C. AYERS . CO,,,..proctiefaSheni lets, „ :247— LOVELL; -J -oan.l, 1872. PIERCE et KRESS, • wellebbro. Dead 'Quarters FOR Drugs and Medicines, (Patent or otherwise)—Also for ---. PAINTS, 0114, - VABNISHICS, GLASS. PUTTY, LIKE. AND ALL 13TYLF41 OF BRUS3:ES, HEA 4 4TARTITS4SRIiSi C iquo rs , Cigars, and TOBACCO. Also for , 33 C:O f C:olra. SI is 1 Ileliglons, Historical, Medical, Legal, Blank or School.) N. B. A. full assortment of the latter. Also, an el eellent assortment of ALBUMS, MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAMES, STATIONERY, CORDS AND TASSELS, • .F 44.819., - ; ' .2.4 4.. s 4, ^r,Vl Tvr 15We (ZI T ete rteter "4 1414 , 4 417..: On Teas, Snikin:e_, Coffee, Sprup,Mohilaseet,Rioe idea • 'Soda; . , ' ote.we Rill nothe beaten in price or _quality.— We3,41: • -sell.ehoteiVetthe chescsprzintmgislulitse "Wirrel, at asloW figures as the earns elEbe oug at this site of Ney-Y00r., , ,.. • - ) P. S. TRY OUR 4 SHILLING TEA. LAMPS, CAELiNDEpERS4kopc. of the newest, etzles k and lamp , ery t will .not break.ocr' • • ..Articles. • ;,• ARFUMEBY; TOILET SWAPS, POMADES, BEUSAP% An., 4c. LmunsE COT LEox AND ',IEirELRY,%, W.,141PS ' P A ! , :L LE I.7 , Uiwept _des atile'vfilealets'Yor sales ~ : tafftritinlitrirairtir Oat reasons le rates. N. B. Dr. W. W. Webb l6,ll4. )4 Wilco bo, our„.jacto, riberOhe mey be conseltett for aavice or trait:oat—. 1,1872-tf. HASTINGS be COLDS. *Music ASTEINWAY * and other 1 :2 125tri CO fi3 for sale very cheap. AIsO„MASON & MALLEN CABINET ORGANS: OLD INSTRUMENTS TAKEN EN EXCHANGE. A large Mock of NEW ItIUSIC just received. LESSONS given on tho Piano, Organ, anitin /Zit:w ing. An opportunity for praeqee afforded to thou who may desire it. H. W. TODD. Jan. I. 1872-tf. BOOT AND SHOE. STORE SSiB FIBLEB E k. . eD , banl a 4 lar ge" s ' cif 6 B .l is env ell ob. Nag Shoes, and . propose continuing the manufacture of Ito same. at the shop lately cx;cupled by Fishlar & Randolph. They also purpose reducing prices on all goods and selling strictly FOR CASH. We keep a good assortment pt Hats and Caps,,_ BOOTS, BALMORALS, GAITERS BOOTEES,. BROGANS-AND warrauted.tntt any foot frotri,Nn6,llo,*,to Our stbtk of .g.l3EliCir-CALF,• FRENCH RIP, UPPER, SOLE, COMMON CA_LF, LIN. T.NO9, BINDING, MO ROCCO, ,57. c., will be kept up ae heretofore, On Findlnge We sliaU be foubd at horn* alwava, and we aball endeavor to Bell at prices. eatinfactbsy to ; trade. • -We - won't be - udder/sold: •. _ ' " 1! I M CASH' PAID. FORS HIDES 'CUSTOM• WORK! Done promptly and well. Repairing done on short notice. Drop In and be convinced. Jam 1, 1872. DERBY dr, Fiji:MßA. ,NEW GO e ST: - • • Ten pleees Black 10 - npacajnio W Feeted at • &tapRN'S. 4000 yds. new and desirable etyles Print; calved at - ELARMsa -e.• . - - OM Biowit awk Bleached Bheettswa .1.2 el!, widths tog Sale cheap itt • ZIARDLTS. OLogbame, Delano, Meritioea, Satin., Mx= Black Silk in great variety; cheap at ar Hearer Cloths, CaaaLmerea, 7:7oiaktn,ladier Auld einia' Pura, for salacheap at HARDEN'S. Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, Ladies' and Gents' tirderar. meats for sale cheap at IifARDINGII. We.'labor*, Jan. IS, 1872. • Thos. garde& ars regents tk At sad Iwo costs. T. 11. Ell . • t t Lis waw tuft atgoodititt fp, -161 RE Crockery, I- -1 NM and compare prlcei. The desist Ipayems will ha couviacea 'catty. Curve okie an 4 a a;akricia, a pod isms . US JO tic = Parades. Nottslra, HIM, Frti.nch send j all slt. Nicsa numb less thou :as 81kL 71!zu, ; 1 7._ ..,c9larsd Sad Mask Tams liras, to before. woiesp a l'u line of - .. .1 . . :Etanoy 6loals, rankee Notions,- oots, 'Shoes, iato,st Caps: ="1.1' .. ., • w,"iteat: • , cukula Mom - from ' Xl ' wag . AIM: Hai Ea& ' . - 111 outs la rso. Mao' Shoes nom • 13 5 1 2 tit. Cos frdOS '-' •le SAO" ST XL Dols' Slam Avis - ALL WASONABTX 01)All AT MCP NNTSp:LOA pnimg. • • .._._ . . \ . \ . . Ready : -Made Clothing in abtr t w s . \ . \-.• : . • \ • Yard ido rectory sol• Prin far _.. Delsturs for ... ~ . , Cho - E tc Choice , Groceriesi i ... „ i , \- - : i Teas from ... ~.. coats trinfO. Cof feps -tom 4. Stows - lax cents. =-1,1u: Porton:a Sugar sr. .. ' 1.2 cants. Our motto is, "fair issitoi, low prices. sari strict attention to4:1111" litlicilt is cols \1 __:. , . We invite every OII e ihiwant of suyttithe to °Or Me, to dray in ikotleP _,__ ri !I faus are always pikassil to shout our Goods. WelLboro, Jul. 1, 1872. \ I ~. \ 7 •••.,,,,......., The I.argest Establishment in No ern Pa. ! vbritiviqiyia (A 3 . , , . 13ratVENG !ilitias kw bottom soitthoodU=lstititiottoodo oriel to saw ow= " 4 L- Lowest oWrioto. 'hi me rwmtl goods too oola otar w wt. ..; - - / ' ' STONB,,40011: ISLAND AND IVITIit.LIVI, =II "A* 4 4 ' /.° 9s4lsV.Woruilit l ArArfAtesTWlr, °,p4 Transfer - Ornaments, Striping Pencils MEI! 6LL.' "Jan. 1, 1672, z Thé e MEE MIME " • _(._,- , z L . _._:` ,, ',l' _...:;• ,::. ,:,6 - 1.1 , i 5 7 - 42: - '1,'.1/1. :: ,: :„.;:t •,to o 1 , : , t.--..•i.i.z_.' , , , : - ::.•-• If :..I.r , - .. v...i:., e: -.'..;. 4- -- :..-t , tas'2, ~1,1.::.r - • iA ::::::::•:11 . (i ,I;_:,I, ME illii (101)S, ,f • Boots an ME vitaxiov 43. i' Via The New and knits ALlEklis psivisrpt:ll.o44 . Colllktr *4O *Lott to r. 4.1 re* ;0 __J is tit S ! .• 4i3L.t 1.44:;nm- Jan. 1. 2872, NEW W. J. Horton 219. 1 ISOWNti is ccorw a 81.0081 Lamalea' =Ore . • •, ' " ; • i ssusawz ,024 D, arrezi:f . I DR-u-GEGIsT and' iiriieliee for. Carriage /cutter . Ornamenting. A Ml lino of ail obtuse of Good Apportaiotag to max bustattetts EIN ME! IV OEM coRNOIOI BEM 15211 We us slow easy • INIE BM IMO na RiniflVlD ll= 10 mats to courta. , .20 cants =1 ME i I NE Wet() t• i . i , , Li: _, ~:.~,.: ~ ;,:i, U 1 MEM MENEM BEE =I aecariaissikis gawk% isk_ ii ' • .. ~..~ .. ~ . - r::.,t 1... GROCERI ~. ..., - 1111 -Shoes, =MI • , . cI3 wtf 4 hi. El 4oall, Mil , ' ynro~u~s ~atLlE EN oak 41, 4' *Ammo*, to 7. maitry *it ' ricoesi, 1 ' OD Bra WM gs CZI-Go Fratat G0R2di11.... QW•1111' 0411/ 23411 y" =CI El Olirtey, • • 311 2 1 -11 M MiLa 1:46 c. " 00": „ • r- • ' PA. - E ik i s constantly oit band, — IVLABN; 7 ,0 . ArAliTLlAl•l;'and ' SWISS '-WATCHPO, 0 1 M 44 1 P 1 ! 1 PidePOr- °MOM - SILVER- SPOONS , Pigott .SpoOpe null - Porker-Table. , _Batter and .Fruit 1tu0.60 ; Cups, Castors , and ; Cal ls Baskets; IlapUtn Pane; Stearn; Salt, Sugar and Diu,tard Spoons; - ,Phie, Ocad said:MVO, Binge ; tiold:Peun and . .Penolle ; Sad ao:4d Seta.; - Plear.l. Foncy, and Plated Buttons; Watch atiairds -argue; &c A largo gook of BPPOTA• ca4s,-coattisEB ; andllotored phases, all at reduced _ . - : - .W.8.: - -Watelien and Jewelry neatly Repaired. _ Jan. ; "! - •- - I . ...ft. ENE 01111 t': i~~_, tE: a d • - 1= ME !~ VISM i ils%al*l;;OPCl , : • ”ft , :tit.l i.•:*, -at 'l' JEWELIIII STORE: - '''''l7o - Et;I:St30110, A. :.., . . b , . g a t,,, — ; '. , . :, : ,ANDREW FOLEY, ..• ;,- Ts- .- ,I 4 who Mitt:long beep established is . " ,) -- 0 - ' - in: the 'Jewelry business : In ( A t - . . , ? w:%'S. ; • . • - - - jo -,, 7 1 . Wellsboro, has always for sale,. 41-W_ .-,..--:'" - V,..-, various kinds and prices of , - - ! 1 ''''''AgERICAN•VATCI-1ES f - • ' ' 0014 or Silver. Clocks, Jewelry, Gold Chains, leyti,..Rings, Pins, Pencils, .Crises, Gold and . - Steel Pens; Thimbles, Spoons, Razors, Plated Ware, : - „:: . ' : -SEWIII.G.,:MACHINES 3 • i 1--,-•''•, - - • ' • ' &a., Arc., - &e. ' ~..; .11 • • With most all oilier article' usually kept itt such I 'Ol- tablifhpahla, which Are sold low for 1L •'• - ' ' C A S - H. . :Repairing done neatly, and promptly, and on short itosztoz. ' " - - A. POLICY. Jan. 1, 1872-Iy. ~ , EIS KI IEIIIR ,j?" MED Notions, 'Neu, Millinery Goods! W af t:oll W e Mil o; lies Justreceived a large and ftIILLINERY, Fancy,GOods, Parasols, Gloves, FANS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, kc., .firhich'elie is selling at very low prices. Drop in and gee the new geode. lin. 1, 1 . 137-Itf. 1 -., The ":.St, 10.004* andt bolt at MIME Ell MOM cam onv • Washing MachtFte. I. pronounced the bat' in Market, having taken the Ant Premium at the Tioga Co., and other Pairs, and deoldedly the best washing Machine, invented. It only needs a trial to satiety the most skeptical. Per sons wishing to purchase, will address LUKE STEVENS. Tioga, Pa. ELL • OWilla Deritistry. ( : 14 Assam , i 11. APING returned from a ilisit East, I am now, pre pared, with a new stock . of 'goods and instruments, superior inducements to those in want of any tiling in iny line. Artificial teeth inserted on a new and superior base, at low ratel Teeth extracted with out pain. Preservation of the atural teeth a speciality. Work warranted. Terms rea l noble. A. B.'EASTMAN, Dentist, • Jan.,l, 07:1-U " Wellsboro, Pa. Or, WELLSBORO Door, Sash & Blind Faotory, )3 MAIM AUSTLN, Is prepared to furniah first. work from the beat lumber, at his new fee- ry;isuo r sxilioverai; Sash, Doors, 312E I ZAD IPZOMIlantl ... 1 - I AND MbULD!NGS, constantly on band, or manufactured to order. Pial4l ng and Matching dons promptly, and in the best manner. The beat soslonen ui reoLt. and ge ni: t rne o br n t an the tr beet seasoned . Factory near the foot of Main Street. I.v Jan. 1, 1872-tf. BENJ. AUSTIN, :. ; clan t ranee. r . w ßßOTEEßPrilrletcrgofth4bozlMs, . ea9Luatooraer,tos:enm t c o a r OUR CASSIMERES are warranted In every respest. Particular attention given to .tr • Roll Carding & Cloth Dressing 916 to SO coma We have a large stock ...‘f Cassimeres, &e., 25 per cent less than any competitor, and warrarded as repre sented. sarrytthabsy-to nu- ..ughour stock. se WI We manufacture to order, and do all kinds of Roll- Carding and Cloth Dressing, and defy competition. We have as good an assortment, of : .Full Cloths, Cassiineres / (le r ,. 4land giVe more for Fool in exchange than any other es ialunent. Try them and satisfy yourselves. e wholesale and retail at the Cowanesque mills, 2 .hakftv Knoxville.. .. Jrin. 1, 1872. - INGHAM BROTHERS. " Ba B a.ool a co Wag Am 0001 ) dairy farm in Tioga township, Tioga Co.. Pa., about 21-2 miles west of the Borough of about 100 sores improved, and ilft,tinimproired. Boa on it three barns, three dwelling hones, an apple and peach orchard, and other fruit trees. Terms easy. Alpo adjoining on the west, a farm and Umber lands AUDI 40 to 200 Bores as (Wilted, with 80aorea iropro_vad, lifith a good barn, a good' house and apple or:Mardi 000d tor spaying farm Ti H. SETISIC; 11 178, - - - Pllgta. IMO, Js.. 1, 1372 Deerfield oolcn Mills FIELD, PA EIRIE For Sale or Rent. RA;L:WAY 114 E TA. ,IitItRAOT OF TI str'reoL*, 4 1.ptioninNoi. 18rn, 1871. • NEW- and IMPROVED ER AVA ROOM and [lb/OWING cO4IOIIES, 4070101)1g [417088m Improve. manta, are run 1 b rough on nil Trititar lrbtwren Buffalo, Maga - sit Fall! 'Ens - penolop 13ridgo, - ClOvSland,Olot In 13M.1"nd Nnv4orlc. -; • . . , - Westward. - I STAT/O:cS, NeirVekTivo Jersey City." Sunq'hatina." , 126*st Bend." :Owego. Waverly. " Coveing.. • " Painted Post" yßochester•Ar. " 'Susp.Driditea : Dunkirk " Cleveland " Cincinnati " Additional Local Trains Westward. ; 6.00 a. m., except Sundays, from Owego. 6.00 a. m., daily, from Suequebana. I 0.60 a. m daily, from Sunqu slms, - 1;00 p.m. except Sundays, from Susonebana. 1.16 p m except Sundays, from Eluilra. Stopping at Big Flati 1 89, Corning 2 00, Painted Post 200, and thence, via 'Avon, to Buffalo, arriving nt 8 36 p tn. 2.30 p m except Sundnys,from Biugli Luton.' . Eastward. STATIONS bincrati L'v'• Cleveland " Dunkirk " Clifton 9 Blasp.•ll'o3 " Niagara " Buffalo " liornelle'vlell Rochester " Corning Elmira " Waverly, Owego Ringham'ents Great Bend " Bdsquehan'aL Port JerVis Middletown" Goshen • " Newburgh 4. Patersort Newark, . Jersey City " New York Additional Local Trains Eastward. 6,00 a m., sundays xcepted, from Itornelsvl Ile. i 6.5,5 a to., daily from If ornellsvillo. - ' 7:0? a m- except Sundays, from Owego. . 7a m., except Sundays, from Elmira. i -1, (68 . p. m., except Sundays, from Painted Pcet, k) 2. 0 p. m., except Sundays, from Ilornellsville. *Daily. , t Mondays excepted, between Ilornelleville and Pat Jervis. L. D. DUCKER, , . Gang Stipl, Mita. C. P. 83.EITH Direct Ronto North and dOn and after Sunday. Nov 12th, 1821, Trains will epart from Troy, Pa., as follows : rn . .1,1341'1 SOUTMVA D. Mail 62 Ahi Buffalo express, 10.90 W'oalplirt Accorn: 7.10. - Niagara Express 1.06 P. M - TRAINS LEAVE N . ORTHWARb. Mall, 0:30 P. M. Elmira Acem.lo 06 A. Id Niagara Express 4,53 P. 31: -Buffalo Express 4,27 A M A. It. FISKE, General Superintendent. J. A. REDFIEIM, Mel Ven'l Stip't Wellsboro & Lawrenceville B. B. GOINQ NOBTII• STATIONS. GOING SOUTH. 580 pm 11 10 am. Corning 900 a m 7 50p la 425 pm 10 05 am Lawrenceville 110 17 a m 850 pm 414 pm 965 am Dunning • 1.0 '27 a m 869 p m 408 pm 951 am *Lathrop 10 82 am 904 pm 854 pm 9 40-am *Dear Creek 10 46 a m 916 p m 349 pm 933 am Tloga Village 10 55 am 9.20 pm 331 pm 918 am *Dammond 11 1,2 a m 935 pru - 319 pm 907 am *Hills Creek 1125 am 946 p m 818 pm 900 am llolliday 11 31 a m 960 pm 308 pm 851 am Middlebury 11 11 tun 959 pm 254 pm 843 am 'Niles Valley 11 40 amlo 05 p.m 242 pm 831 am *Marsh Creek 12 02 pm 10 16 pm 235 pm 806 am Wellaborie 12 09 a m /0 22 pm *Flag Stallone. A. IL GORTON, Sup't. Blossburg &Corning tt,Tiogaß.B. GOING ISOBTII STATIONS I e aorna BOUTS 'll 10 am 030 `pm Corning co am 760 pm -10 66 am 615 pm Muihollon 919 am 805 pm 10.42 am 502 pm Erwin Centre 933 am 818 pm 10 80 am 460 pm Cook's 945am8 30 pm 10 25 am 445 pm Lindley Ii 50am 836 pm 11) 16 am 485 put Lawrenceyillo 1015 am 848 pm 10 08 am 421 pm Somer's Lane 10 27 am 8 59pm ,9 53 am 411 prn Mitchell's , 1087 am 908 pm 949 am 407 pm Old Station 10 41 am 12 pm '9 37 am 357 pm Tioga 10 55 am 925 pm 925 am 847 pm 31111 Creek 11 02 am 932 pm MoCov's 916 am 337 pm Lamb's Creek 11 12 am 943 Pm 9 Or) am 1127 pm Mansfield 11 24am 955 pm Canoe Camp a 45 am 309 pm Covington 11 44am 10 15 pax 825 UM 260 pm Blossburg 12 05 nm 10 35 pm 2 25 p m Somerville 12 25 as 2 26 pm Fall Brook 12 45 am A. H. GORTON, L. lI...SHATTUCK, Snpt B. t. C. It. R. ' Supt Tioga B. R. Insurance I Insurance Hand in Hand Mutual Life Insuranoe Company, OFFICE, No.. 112 S. 4TH ST., PHILADELPHIA 1 INCORPORATED FEBRUARY 28, 1807. Charni Capital $500,000. ASSETS OVER Stock and Mutual, combining Security with Profits. Suppose you are already insued tu a first-class com pany, and from any cause whatever, (say after ton year ly payments) you do not or cannot pay longer and die— lour insurance gone and your money wasted. Not so in the "HAND-IN-HAND ;," all Policies aro NON-FOR- ItEITADLE. This company which ranks among the most popular and successful Life Insurance Companies, grants pol deies on all desirable plang,.'botli with aLd without (profits. Traveling Priveleges Unrestricted. All policies are incoutestible after oue year from any of the ordinary causes. Look to your Life Insurance. Please examine the following Comparative Table. It is sometimes alleged by Agents of other Companies that the Company they represent is safer than others. While we unhesita tingly assert our belife in the soundness and stability of all companies, we desire to present the following for the inspection of those desiring to insure : Of the following compani,es, compare the annual pre miums charged by each for an insurance on life at the age of 30 years, payable at death I TIAS now in stock, and will keep constantly on hand, at the lowest market' quotations. 001,Twine, 2di 4 ply cotton At Jutetwine. Marlin 2. 8 & 4 strand. Knowl's patent Step Ladder, from 3 to 8 ft. I , No. 1& 2, extra engine oil. A completo aasortmont of Come in and tako a leok, get' the figures and soo how it la yourselt, and obligo ' J. BREIITELDT, Jr. Ja.1,184 • ERIE RAILWAY. EMI B.* 11.00 AM 'O.OO PDc 7.00 PM 11.15 " 6.46 7.20 " 0./6. P u 165 AM 2.35 AM 8.57,' " 2.17 - " 9.15 " 2.52 ." 326 " 10.10 " 34r, " 4.11, 11,00 -" 4.27 " 4A3 • " 11.80 " 5.05 '" 0.26 " 12 35 ,A M 542 " 0.01 " 12.38 6 • 10,20 ' 4 10.20 " 2.05 : " 7.06 Bft 7.20 Bft 0.25 11 , 20 A 11 11,20 A U 7.05 -1, 121,0 Pat 12,101 0 7.10 " 12.15 12.15 " 7.16 " 12.20 " 12.20 " 7.20 " 12.64 " 12.541 " 0.66 P H 0.65 065 " 7.00 km 700 Aif 9 30 41 At 9.45 •' 11 .30 Diu 5.18 P 211 5.53 1 .. 0.80 11 7.05 1, 7.88 11 1110" 8.63 Sup 12.00 Ng 1248 AVM 12 63 .. 1.00 . 6 2.22 7.00 .. 6.00 P N 0.4, No.lB.t No 2 N 0.1 21 945pml 7 2 5 am' 126 pm,' /40 " 146 162 " 245 " 816 Sup 4 00 pm 735 " 812 " 847 " 932 " 10 16 " 11 40 am ....... ..... .. 1000 pm 1000 pm( 540 pm 1000 " 440 am 640 " 10 06 4 445 " 66 " 101 2 " 452 " 646 " 11 40 4.. I 700 " 10 45 . 6 ' 830 am 10 05 " .616. ' 7 15 12 20a m 465 "I'll 30 "‘ 12 58 "" ! 12 08 p 187 ' 4 6 08 35 "1 12 41 p m 210 " 045 ". 115 pm 305 " 727 '" 155 pm 335 '• 762 " 17 p m 400 " 826 " g. 47 p m 750 " 1205 pm, 618 pm 846 " 12 63 " ' 9.04 ' • 1103 232 am 863 " 1210, p m 8 36 p m 11 00 a m 241 " 840 p m 205 p m 516 " 11 88 am 328 " 915 pm 1200 m 340 " 926 p m 5 60 " 700 " 638 " 700 " Northern Central. Time Table No. 3. TIMES 'EFFECT TIIUR6DAY,NOT.I6:IIbIB7I Annual premium . Ten annual for life. . payments. Travelers' ..$16,84 $83,21 Etna,— 22,73 42,80 Home , ' 23,30 50,00 Equitable, , 22,70 , • • 46,97 Washington , 22,70 46,97 Hand-in-Hand, 16,50 If not already insured take a policy with the - "HAND-*-EIAITD'." • . ' the best Mutual Company in the United States. Jan. 1, 1872. 'A. M. INGHAM', Agent. / .40/ Arri Ar: JACK SCREWS, TACKLE EiTiOCIU., WINE CLOTH. AND WIRE GOODS GEN ERALLY. AVREKLS - FOR GUNINIMG SAWS. A full assortment of Lako Enron und Berea ORINDSTONES, CANAL WHEEL BAR ROWS DI ANY QUANTITY, MA NILLA ROPE FROM ONE rica DOWN. Mechanics' Tools, • HOUSE MMUS ND HOUSE HOLD HARDW CONSTAN TLY ON HAND. I BOTTOM PRICES ON AGRICULTU RAL IMPLEIENTS. , nyux. E. SWEET- Tliero ha's been 110 awful doings In our village ' churCh to-day, • • And nets; That all is er, I will speak of the array : It has thrilled the . po . sldation like a_ sudden cry of ri m And showti how, earl piety sometimes affects kehelr. There's Ilasen Squid has led the choir so4ie L. or . fifteen years; And everything went smoothly until Miss Eny g . ml4 - Spears , Oct married ton butcher living in another town, And they got a new soprano, bliss Janata Ellen Brown. lertishawas a sdiasher when it came to singing air, And the way she sung a solo part made everybody stare; ; And Jason thought that he had now seciireA a won. 2E13 - • - • • Brous prize, And Jason Arasn't married, and Jorusha tooklhis eyes However, as It uow appears, a fellow by the name tifJedediali Webster played a very pretty game, - By which be: got invited, through the courtesy of Fiqifid, To teko a pat in singing onco, and bet your boots ire Now Jason sang the tenor part, and NS:ebster sang it too; 1, And Webster eyed Jerusba, and Jason Squid got blue; And jones,,the basso,' Up and said that jededlah's voice Was good to keep among them there, were he allowed - a choice. So Webster stayed, and stayed, and stayed, and Jason grew - so vexed Ile lost his tact for picking tunes, and always missed the text; • And Sunday after Sunday Webstor sang the !evilest share, Nor took the hint oi - Jason that he wasn't wanted there, Month aft& month a Jealous flame grew fierce in Ja. son's breast, Alid_fixed his brain from morn till eve, and robbed, hisinights of - rest; And Webster the contagion caught, and nursed the Reeds of iro, For ho had a'wild ambition in his heart to lead the choir. At last the thing so serious grew they wouldn't oven speak, /Cot oven nod At passing, so extensive grew the pique; But they talked about each other in a way that did in. dine To be a violation of commandment number nine.' Affairs now got to such a pitch, one Sunday Webster - took - And sat upon and hid from Squid - the sole remaining book: But growing somewhat careless in the trick he was about, Ile moved and left tho tnne•book with a corner at:ck. le g out: - - 2;,0w Jason saw the knavishness a ' once of thit;; affair, And though the parson had coin enced his long and breezy prayer, He, scowled at Jl.dedlah cross. a r jerked the book ao 'I quick, The seat might r,- Lave e lit If ft hadn't been so Forgetting all about the place, t- 01 . solemn time, and all, Jed threw, the book at Jason's head—it banged against the wall; And people turned their beads itt time to see the queerest sight They ever saw in-church before—a rough-and-tumble fight. W.ll. R. DARR, ' Gon'l Raes.Ag't They scratched and kicked, and tumbled around, and broke the organ keys, And split the bellows, so the thing did ever after 11 wheeze; They cursed and swore, and raved and tore, and pulled each other's hair, And broke the seats, and scattered hymn and tune- books hi the air. Jerusha squalled; and Jones ran out—the alto fainted sheer, And very Iledltuu was unloosed, and things were out _ of gear; Till, finally, the deacons came and ended the affair, In time to hear the preacher end the ending of his —The Folio. The American Charitable Society of Park is to be reorganized: Human hair occupies the third place iu the list of largest importations into this country. The indictment against Stokes charges him with' "willful murder, with malice aforethought." 'A society for the prevention of swearing has been organized in one of the New York churches., An" Illinois somnambulist was rescued just as she was about to walk oft from a sleeping-car platforin in full motion. • The New Orleans Times thinks Alexis should not be allowed to leave America without beilg shown the touisana Legisla ture. 1 1 The Arkansas Gazetle,l gives statistics showing that one-third of the voting popula tion of that Statt . : were disfranchised in 1870. ". A month at home, and then a wedding t ur, is to be the rule hereafter. This cer t tinly is the most sensible bridal arrange ment yet agreed upon. The defense. that Stokes will make for Fisk's murder, it is said, will be justifiable homicide, because Fisk kept hired assassins dogging Stokes' footsteps., • An exchange says: "To are proud of the impressively solemn appearancd of our undertakers. A smiling undertaker is a hideous incubus on the growth of a place." •London, With a population of 3,000,000, has only nine daily newspapers—five morn ing and four evening—while Paris has twen ty, and New York twenty-four. On being askecl by an antediluvian wheth er Mr. Fernand WoOd was still in the House, Mr. Da* ''s is reported to have re plied,6lately, c `II 'ood is n the House, but not still." • , • 9. The follo*in notice is prominently pos ted in the Astor Hotise restaurant New York: "Oy tors chloroformed and opened a Ikt Society =-. or the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals." ii' Some wag , \ says that the first week of the 'Year must bee cheerful one to proof-read ers, who are paid for reading Mayor.s' in augurals, Governors' messageS, reports of hospitals and insane as,) , ,luniS. , ' I - - The Indianapolis Journal announces that "Miss Nilsson, a young woman who sings al most as wellas Kellogg, and kicks a (piano stool clear across tU stage apparently with little effort, is coming." A grand choral festivhl is being arranged In Vienna for the xhibition of 1872. It seems to take the Yinnese longer to do that sort of thing than th Americans, but per it haps they haven't a ihnore. William Cullen B ant, his daughter and his brother, Hon. J.H. Bryant, of Prince ton, 111., within afe days are to start on an extensive tour to the West Indies, New Orleans, and the Southern States. A man in Danbury, Conn., heard that powder fried in lard was good for boils. He tried to cook the mixture, and his bolts' are effectually cured, and the house has been re paired so that it is almost as good s n01 . ,s -. An inebriated youth of Albany, ;110 had been making New Year's calls, visit , d a per formance of "Richayd III" at the (hem House, but soon left . I.n disgust, remarking that "it ) Was to 611 of, quotations to• suit him." $1,000,000,00 The Chicago Post says: "Ninety-twb wives in different sections-of the city aro prearing to lie in wait for saloonkeepers after the i . law goes into effect. They declare it ill be as good as a pension 'for the chilthren.'" After a protracted' struggle of s veral months the Jesuits hake been expelled Fon' Guatemala. The exiled fathers, eigh y in number, will probably go to Ecuadq, , as none tA the other States in the country will receive them. A Bait as paper's vow-obituary says:— "There is not a farm-Wagon in, the country that 'she has not stolen i something out of; not a gate in file town that she has 'not OpOiled; and the stones that bast been thrown at her would make five milei of turn ike." The Ne lw York Commircial idreraer "The fight of -the Nev Orle, ns feti has Cost to tate of touisiant $25 00 is exo itant • dear NV ten we .efice th 1 , one undreth part of hat sun wold respectably buried e cry in thee so them." , I A . ROW I RIB g] thick. prayer ALL SORTS I,nys: nists It It • t i he have of